#batman book bingo
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oceansabove · 20 hours ago
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2025 book bingo update: @batmanisagatewaydrug book bingo - progress: 20%! I've read 6 books in 2025, but one didn't fit any squares on the bingo. In terms of genres, I'm going with what Storygraph says.
Set in a country I've never visited: The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years, by Shubnum Khan. 3.5 stars, not enough djinn. Set in South Africa - maybe I'll visit someday :)
Literary fiction: The Skin and Its Girl, by Sarah Cypher. 4.25 stars.
Romance novel: The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes, by Cat Sebastian. 4.25 stars.
Horror: Our Wives Under the Sea, by Julia Armfield. 4.75 stars, I’ll be thinking about this one for a while. Not the most scary of horrors, but some excellent eerieness.
Animal on the cover: Annihilation, by Jeff VanderMeer. 4.5 stars. I thought this one was funny for animal on the cover (ikyk). It's sort of a boar.
Really enjoying this because I looove a bingo and a challenge!! I believe I'm on track to finish this year, but I have checked off some of the easy ones first...
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mogseltof · 25 days ago
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Slow start to the year on reading! Good for writing though. (I'm just logging fanfic on the writing bingo because a) I have an entirely different, quarterly system for my original fiction goals this year that would be difficult to translate and are getting talked about on the author site, and b) because i really want to clear out my WIPs folder)
First up: the @batmanisagatewaydrug book bingo! First read of the year was volume 1 of Witch Hat Atelier, contributing to my goal of reading books that I have purchased but not read yet (an embarrassingly large category). Loved it, five stars, a plus, can't wait to dig into the rest of them, decision to buy that humble bundle fully justified.
Second 'read' was my housemate's copy of Ramen by Tove Nilsson, (I don't usually log cookbooks even when I do read them cover to cover). She's had this for a couple of years and we've never really done much more than have me pull it out to pickle eggs for my instant ramen habits (which picked up after reading Butter by Asako Yuzuki last year, a book which I'm still thinking about and might have been my favourite for 2024. Yuzuki and translator Polly Barton had a way of writing about food that really felt real and relatable and delicious, and may have kicked off an obsession with buttering my ramen). Anyway I had an excuse to take it to a friend's place on the weekend and we made tantanmen ramen and went through the recipes looking for good ones to try. Delicious, very extra, gave my friend an excuse to go to fujimart and use new ingredients and also get out her ramen bowls.
Third read was Feersum Endjinn by Iain M. Banks, which is kind of a cheat for the bookseller square given it was for book club run by my favourite indie bookseller, but I've been wanting to pick up Banks's work (lol) and have asked this bookseller for a rec on that front before so I'm counting it! I also thought the bird on the cover was a robot before I read it so I didn't want to count it for that square and lose my excuse to reread some Redwall. ANYWAY absolutely wild book, I love an author who's willing to throw me in the deep end with no explanation and just take me for a ride. 4 stars actually, after discussion helped me calcify my thoughts, book club was great this month.
More book nattering and fanfic bingo explanations under the cut
My first DNF of the year was House of Leaves, boo. I think I let the hype get me on this one, in theory this is everything I love, in practise I lost my mind trying to remember what else of Danielewski's I'd read because he wrote about women exactly the same way in that! and it's not even the worst but i hated it! i might give this one another try in a couple of years though, I've noticed over the years that I skew heavily to non fiction at the start of the year and tend to rate fiction harsher in this time period.
My pick for the "20th century speculative fiction" is Tourmaline by Randolph Stow as part of my ongoing quest to read more Australian authors. It came up in discussion at a book launch I attended in January (Jasper Cliff by Josh Kemp which might be my literary or horror pick!), and Ikm enjoying it so far. I picked up Praiseworthy by Alexis Wright for the "2024 award winner", because it won last year's Stella Prize which has an award shortlist that I usually use as a reading guide (Hospital by Sanyida Rushdi was another favourite last year). My library had a fantastic nonfiction display this week so I've picked up some great titles including Conversations with People who Hate Me by Dylan Marron which I didn't realise had been published as a book, Putin's Trolls because I have been dying for a comprehensive write up on that whole investigation for years, and When Cops are Criminals, a collection of essays and histories of violence and corruption in Australian policing because I'm sick of hearing that "that's an american problem" in a country that keeps lowering the age of criminal responsibility pretty much just for indigenous kids.
Square I'm least worried about is "set in a country you've never visited" because I am a broke bitch who's never owned a passport! Square I'm most worried about is "2025 debut author" for mostly unfounded reasons, but the publication delay between Australian markets and the rest of the world is occasionally brutal, and the hold time on new authors with enough publicity for me to hear about is usually bad enough to push things back into the next year. I'm trying not to buy new books this year so that could be a problem, but I'm going to keep an eye on the local author lists and library events to try and find something cool. Square I'm most excited for is "Read + Make a zine"! I'm going to try and get out to the perth comic festival because last time I went people had zines out, but if I strike out I've got some ones I picked up from a literal brick and mortar zine shop in Melbourne a decade ago that I haven't looked at in years which is really cool. Also I've been wanting to zine some of my poetry.
OKAY DONE BOOK NATTERING. Fanfic bingo is mostly for fun because I realised I had a lot of shit partially started or written. To my dismay every square on this board has at least two WIPs that apply, including the "something entirely new" space because since Jan 1st despite declaring my intent to finish what I've already started I have more than 10 new fics in shiny new docs. The problem is when I finish short fics I get excited about writing more of them :/
Random fandom: "Timewarp" for Once Upon a Time. My housemates and I started rewatching this a while back and I went insane and figured out that Henry was basically perfectly positioned to realise something hinky was going on in town, no wonder he's annoyed Emma doesn't believe him that the place is cursed.
5 year old draft: "Action Movie" for Transformers Prime. It bugs me that Bulkhead/Wheeljack isn't a more popular ship, they're perfect. I started this movie date fic in 2020 and pulled it out of my iPad notes app and finished it!
Free Space: I finished "A Changed Wind", the first book in my Transformers Prime Primeswap AU and I'm proud of myself for finishing posting a long fic! Hooray! 🎉
Tumblr has decided I'm not allowed to paste things into the app so I guess I can't link those like I was planning (christ), so, archiveofourown.org/users/Mogseltof/works to read any of those.
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shyjusticewarrior · 9 months ago
Character Opinion Bingo: Jason Todd
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Give me characters you'd like me to do
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This was my essay collection for @batmanisagatewaydrug's reading bingo. It was so good, each essay told in a semi-rambly style that just works. My favourite bits were the essay on form and formalism vs content (i defo think form should support the content, but i'm thinking about prose there), and all the stories in it like his dad being a suspected communist by the fbi (and actual communist), and the various obscure works he talks about, including lots of random italian churches.
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ansibl-e · 2 months ago
good morning to the quarter-centennial @batmanisagatewaydrug book bingo!
i was going to make a post about my library books before this, but alas.
i am ringing in the new year in the midst of 4 books, 2 right socks, and one hat.
there are places in the world where rules are less important than kindness (carlo rovelli)
an essay collection by the physicist who wrote 7 brief lessons on physics, which i read and enjoyed in high school (if you get it from the library you probably won't know this, because of the plastic, but it's got a fantastically soft velvety matte finish on the jacket).
i am enjoying this essay collection quite a lot as well, being 206 pages into its 255-page count, and it's introduced me to some new works im quite excited to break into - bruno de finetti's work on probability, lucretius's de rerum natura, and nāgārjuna's mūlamadhyamakakārikā. unfortunately none of the other works he introduced me to appear to be avaliable in english. wish there had been a translator's note so i wouldn't have wasted the reference desk's time, but alas.
as i'm nearly finished with it, this will be considered a 2024 read.
transformer by ezra furman
part of the 33⅓ series, a booklet on an album i have never listened to written by one of my favorite artists. already, it's introduced me to the velvet underground's first album (fantastic) "suffragette city" by david bowie (banger), and inspired me to make listening to ziggy stardust a priority. ezra furman, like john darnielle, is as compelling a prosaist as she is a songwriter, and i highly recommend this book.
i have not yet gotten to the first track on the album (i'm still in "fuck you leave me alone don't read my book") so i'm going to count this as a 2025 read.
the elements of eloquence by mark forsyth
essentially a list of the figures of rhetoric with definitions and examples, but the writer is cracking snarky jokes the entire time. as soneone who read strunk & white for fun, it's fantastic.
i am on page 55 of 235, so as this does not fulfil any specific requirement of the batman book bingo ("how to write good" is not a new interest of mine) i will not be aligning it with either year in specific.
tiger at the gates by jean giraudoux (tr. christopher fry)
i read this play in high school, back when i used to hang out in the 840s during my free periods. tragically, the library made the strange decision to weed this book an many others out several years ago, replacing them with a lot of empty shelves. luckily, i don't live in that library system anymore so this was not a barrier to my reread.
this play has what i consider to be the greatest opening line in theatrical history. it is my favorite play, it holds up fantastically to my memories, and i would travel a great distance to see it performed live. the opening line, which i give you so you will understand and read this play, is:
ANDROMACHE: There's not going to be a Trojan war, Cassandra!
i read act 1 out loud in the car to my mom yesterday, and we'll be covering act 2 tomorrow (it was too dark on the way home). as this is a play in 2 acts, i will consider it a 2024 read.
so i will be beginning my book bingo with transformer, a nonfiction book teaching me something new (i've never listened to any of lou reed's work before, VU or otherwise). and it even has an animal on the cover! ...if you're counting lou reed.
and for my first true read of 2025, once ive finished a few more of these, i will be reading
the garden party by katherine mansfield
a short story collection from 1922 with 2 birds on the cover set in multiple countries i've never visited. and possibly at least one of them is a romance or historical fiction, too.
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teaboot · 7 months ago
Batman? As in extended batman universe, specifically batman, or movies batman? I'm going to die from the hilarity of /accidentally/ following another batman fan. Generally it's on purpose lol
I was actually absorbed into the Fandom by osmosis before I even touched any of the Canon material
Even now I've only seen the Affleck movies and the Battinson one, plus a couple cartoons and like. Four comics out of order
With next to zero evidence tho I have decided that
Dick Grayson has Eldest Daughter syndrome that, speaking as an Eldest Daughter (tm) really should be addressed in the lore somewhere before he goes on a drunken bender, gets a tramp stamp, kills a man, and has a full-on mental breakdown when the Repression Dam breaks
Stephany Brown radiates "angry teen girl needs a hug" energy imo but I feel like she might break my arms? I don't know anything about her except her dad sucks but honestly same boat, would hang
Timothy Drake cannot be the helpless boohoo I see a lot of, but somehow the cool, collected, hypercompentant, übermensch-tweenybopper look is kinda sadder, like seeing a twelve year old buying groceries at the store by themselves. I want to send his ass to normal kid summer camp
I don't know pretty much anything about Duke Thomas except that he's a meta whose parents might be alive but crazy. I can only conclude that he suffers from Black Character White Fandom syndrome. I headcanon that he had an embarrassing weeb phase in middle school because he feels like the kind of kid Who'd have gone through a phase of saying "ohaio" with peace signs as a baby tween. I have no evidence to support this
Cassandra Cain might be my favourite. I think she deserves to go on an angry, irrational rampage or two, as a treat. Aggretsuko vibes that I cannot explain. I bet her favourite colour is purple
Jason Todd is my guilty comfort character and I refuse to believe he kicked the shit out of a fifteen year old while wearing a legless adult onesie. I refuse. Also yeah as a huge angry-kid-book-nerd there is no way that pride and prejudice was his number one fave, my money is on the Percy Jackson series but that could just be me projecting
Damian Wayne is Autistic, personal subscription. Because I am too and I said so. Reminds me of my baby brother, but crankier. Like a tiny old man who doesn't want to be at bingo with the other folks at the senior center.
I feel like Alfred should be allowed to be wrong about something sometimes but I still love him. Give that grandpa a gun
Bruce Wayne strikes me as a man who should have put a lot more thought and study and personal therapy consults into the idea of adopting multiple highly capable highly traumatized children he's never met before before but fuck pobody's nerfect am I right. Bisexual
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 18 days ago
Hello Mx. Batman,
I've been trying to read more recently, so I thought I'd use your book bingo as motivation. The "read and make a recipe" square seemed the easiest, so I tackled that first. I checked out a Hungarian cookbook from the library, and this evening I attempted to make goulash.
It did not turn out well.
Turns out it was a British cookbook, and British imperial measurements are different from American ones. Their pints are bigger and their tablespoons are smaller. I spent nearly 5 hours making a goulash that you could maybe call "mediocre" if you wanted to be extremely generous. It was the worst cooking experience I've had in years.
BUT I finally crossed off my first square on the book bingo. So yay for me.
yay for you, and I mean that wholeheartedly!
when I designed the bingo sheet I knew that most people would probably have at least a few spaces that didn't come naturally, fell a bit outside their comfort zone, or just plain didn't go well. and my hope was that people would try them anyway, because the book bingo is as much about trying new things and having new experiences as it is about finishing books!
I'm sorry for your wretched goulash, but proud of you for having the experience :)
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toribookworm22 · 2 months ago
Final Thoughts On 2024
This year seems a bit like a dream. I wrote my first feature film starring two aromantic lesbians. I drafted the trauma play about my high school theatre experience. I found new ways to dress like myself. I got angry about things I've needed to be angry about. I served as a department ambassador at TVFest. I made some of the best little new friends. I hung out with my friends more. I got my first sports bra that actually fits me. I started a new musical. I met one of the best professors and people I've ever loved. I secretaried so many writing club meetings. I got back on pointe. I finally finished The Trials of Apollo. I wrote a dance history paper on dance as recordkeeping across different times of trial. I learned how to make scones-- and they're so good! I binged my way through animated Batman shows. I finally watched Harley Quinn! I stage managed a show! I said goodbye for now to all my graduating friends. I flew first class (so strange!). I finally visited where I was born and where my parents lived in Germany. I went back to Neuschwanstein castle! I ate so much Gelato. I spent the summer abroad in France. I lived in a silly little basement with my silly little friend. I pretty much grew attached at the hip to both some old friends and new ones alike. I traveled to Marseille, Paris (twice!), Avignon, Apt, Geneva, Colmar, Nice, and Monacco. I tried champagne at the Moulin Rouge. I fell in love with two of my friends in particular. I flew by myself. One of my scripts was chosen for a reading. I survived my first (and last) 8pm class. I ran so much! I saw The Wild Robot in theaters with my friend. I looked super cute all October. I met up with so many of my friends. My friend and I dressed up together for Halloween. (I was Bingo.) I was selected to introduce a speaker. My two best friends took me out for my birthday. My favorite professor invited me out to eat. I edited my trauma play!! My professor started reading my books! I did so much at film fest. I did one last hang out with my friends. I moved out of my apartment. I graduated college. I moved back home. I visited my friend and we went to parks in Orlando and we swapped dance cultures. I released my third novel. I had the coziest Christmas and soft season after it. I wrote a lot. I loved a lot.
And for all its ups and downs, written out like this, it really does seem like the most wonderful little dream. Thank you, 2024. Your edges were soft to me. And I felt loved.
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igotanidea · 1 year ago
Cookies: Jason Todd x reader
Christmas bingo day 18 : cookies
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Her laughing was so hard and so disturbingly turning into desperate sobbing, that Jason could not help getting alarmed. So, throwing his book away and almost tripping over their cat he jumped off the couch rushing to the bedroom where his lovely, emotionally unstable girlfriend were fighting for her breath, almost spitting her lungs out rolling in the sheets and holding her belly.
"Y/n?" He stuttered, quite amused by the scene in front of his eyes though he couldn't deny certain cuteness to it. She felt comfortable enough around him to actually let her guards down and turn into happy child mode. To the point where she couldn't hear him."Y/n!" He tried again falling on his stomach on the bed causing her to jump a little form the recoil "what's so funny babe?"
"Oh Jace!" She rolled on the side to face him "I've just talked to f/n. Apparently your older brother -"
"Not my brother -" Jason muttered turning a little bit grumpy, only earning eye rolling and tongue sticking from her.
"Technicals, love. Whats important is that Dick got her into baking cookies. Tricked her with using the word nutcracker." Y/n chuckled
"She thought he was going to take her out for the ballet, didn't she?" Jason couldn't help a smirk at the story. "This does sound like Dick."
"Pun intended?" His girl smirked back knowingly
"Most definitely pun intended. So how did it end, did he burn the load or did f/n had to do the work? Wait-- don't answer that I think I already know."
"He said it was a couple bonding exercise."
"Oh really?" Jason raised an eyebrow scooting closer to her and grabbing her waist "I got some other ideas for that -"
"Yeah good thing we settled on not baking this year -" she wriggled out of his embrace, sitting on the bed cross legged and fixing her hair without a care of what Dick and f/n did.
And then it hit her, her brain shutting off from the reality.
And when she looked at Jason she knew he figured it out too.
There was no freaking way Jason and y/n were going to get outdone in the baking area. Never .
And if the oldest batman son made (sort of) cookies, it could only mean that he was going to bring them to a family feast and keep on bragging about hidden culinary talent.
No freaking way.
So acting like a two pieces of the same, well-oiled machine Jason and y/n gathered all the necessary ingredients, grabbed their matching aprons and started producing something that could, hands down, be called a masterpiece.
The recipie that never failed them was enriched with a secret ingredient called love as they laughed and bantered during the preparation.
And obviously he didn't mean to blow that flour her way and made her sneeze. And that vicious smile on his face only meant apologies. It really wasn't Jason's fault that she took this a cue to get all competitive.
"You know what?" Once she managed to wipe the white powder from her face her eyes glistened mischievously "I got an idea"
"Did you think about it a lot?"
"Well it took me longer than it takes you to finish when-"
"Shut up!" He turned red instantly getting a handful of cinnamon and rubbed it into her crystal white apron "oh, you're so clumsy princess, such a messy cook. Maybe you should just leave the professional to do the complicated work?"
Much to his surprise, instead of lunging at him (which would give him opportunity to grab her and tease her in some other ways than verbal) his words only made her take an exhale, shake her head and smile.
Uh huh. Not a good sign.
"You want to stand against me Todd? You sure about that? I don't think you realise what's coming for you, pretty boy." Her hands found a way to her hips as she stood in a power pose that could do very little to intimidate him.
"Flattery will get you nowhere princess" he leaned forward over the kitchen counter testing her nerves and patience.
"Are you that terrified you feel the urge to distract me?"
"May the best cook win" he grinned pulling her cooking hat onto her eyes blocking her view for a few seconds just to get a head start, grab the ingredients and put them out of her reach.
"That's cheating!" She protested trying to retrieve the necessary products
"I can't remember us setting the rules."
"That's not what you said when- ouch!" The sudden stepping on his foot took him by surprise, giving her the chance to grab the baking powder and eggs and start running. Once she reached the pantry, she immediately locked the door.
At the moment they were at an impasse.
Y/n had the eggs and baking powder while Jason was left with flour and sugar.
Pretty much neither of them could make actual and edible cookies without cooperating.
"Come on princess don't be like that." He yanked on the door handle "you can't win you know it"
"Is that a surrender I hear in your voice?"
"You wish! I'm merely giving you a chance to walk with your head high and not shamefully defeated"
"Admit it you can't do a single thing without my input!"
"I think that's pretty obvious at this point of our relationship..." He said, his tone suddenly turning soft. "It scares me sometimes how dependant of you I am... Come on baby open up..."
"You're not playing me?" She asked from behind the door, her heart beating so loud that the blood was rushing in her ears
"Cross my heart-" he started but before he finished, she actually unlocked the door and stood in the doorframe still a little bit hesitant and careful, having learnt to watch out for him and his games.
"Hey...." She muttered diligently assessing the situation.
"Fool!" Jason yelled, grabbing her and pulling her to a kiss that seemed to last forever but still not long enough. "You didn't actually think I didn't have an ulterior motive did you?"
"You're such a dork Todd ..." She chuckled (not) trying to break free.
"Oh damn, this woman is still talking! Not on my watch."
And once their lips met again, they had the world in their grasp in the person of one another. For what they cared the rest of it could have burned.
And talking about burning -
"Our cookies are still gonna be better right?" She pulled back after a minute not really capable of getting rid of that competitiveness.
"Damn right. But the dough can wait a little bit longer." He retorted.
Preferably all night cause they were going to be busy with some other kind of sugar and sweetness.
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adulthumanproblem · 27 days ago
So "Childhood Favorite" will most likely be "And The There Were None" by Agatha Christie
For "Nonfiction" I've decided on "Trick or Treatment" by Simon Singh, I've had the ebook for ages and never read it. Although that could also be "Activism", hm. I'll decide when I get there
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Okay, let's give the book bingo by @batmanisagatewaydrug a shot! I've wanted to go back into reading more for a while, and this seems fun!
Starting off strong with Chuck Tingle's "Straight", a fantastic zombie horror novella with a fun twist: once a year, all straights turn into violent zombies with only one goal: killing queers. It's so so good. A classic horror tale with very deep, emotional social commentary and a nice subversion at the end! Highly recommended!
My next book will be "Fadeout" by Joseph Hansen, a classic detective tale written in 1970, with the PI being a gay man. I think I'll count it as "set in a country you have never visited" since it's set in the US.
Sexy Batman, if you read this: the graphic novel square, does it have to be a complete, finished series? Because I'm reading new manga chapters every week (or is that part of "no rules")(or maybe I'll reread the yuri manga series on my shelf for that hm)
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fanartbyherd · 6 months ago
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Let’s actually post something before I get distracted again.
So I wrote something for the Batman fandom (terrifying it’s a big fandom!)
But because I have no chill I wrote… a bit more. Then went overboard as always.
Anyways I specifically wrote an AU/sequel/post-canon fix it thing
(two more points to me being awful at writing fan fiction. all the respect to you' all who can write good fics.)
for the Film "The Doom That Came to Gotham".
(specifically the film and not the comic book, I have not read it.)
an Elseworld story that combines Lovecraft horror and Batman, set in the 1920s, and speedruns introducing as many batman rouges as they can get on their bingo card. also Oliver Queen (aka green arrow) is here.
I've got my issues with the film, but I'll save those for some other day and some other post if I post more of my concept art. which that's what this is! concept art and me figuring out how I want to draw the different members of the bat fam (aah why are they so hard to draw?
so here is the art for Jason Todd as red hood.
Robin (aka Dick Grayson) and Blue Jay (Jason Todd)
these designs are very subject to change.
anyways though I maybe have a larger fic in the works, (perhaps not) I did complete a chapter that I felt I could share.
its a cute, little bittersweet thing about brotherly bonding.
here's the link to the fic:
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thisiswhereikeepdcthings · 9 months ago
Crossover Bingo
Okay so a little while ago I threw around the idea of doing a crossover event for Batman/DC. Instead I ended up with this...
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What is Rule 50?
The idea: Use the bingo board to do a crossover this summer
And then: If you want to add it to the collection on Ao3, it's here
Rules for the collection:
You can use a single prompt or one from every column. Or go crazy and go for a blackout in a single fic. Whatever you want.
It has to be a non-DC fandom. (eg. Batman and Arrowverse doesn't count as a crossover)
This is not about canon. This is about building the most beautiful and/or unhinged sandcastle you can. Don't worry too much about it.
No batcest
Tag your fics
Prompt details:
AUs: This column is all about the setting, and taking characters out of their canon environments and into our sandbox. And if you really, really just want to write a coffee shop AU? Go for it. There weren't enough squares.
Romance: Intended for crossover pairings, but you do you. Or write genfic. Romance isn't going to work in every kind of crossover anyway.
Misc: Because I couldn't think of a better category title. Just a couple things thrown in there for kicks and giggles. Just know that I desperately wanted to replace the free space with Accidental Baby Acquisition but I resisted.
Worlds Collide: This is about how the two fandoms exist in relation to each other. Do they exist in the same world/universe? Is someone traveling through time or across dimensions for this interaction to happen? Is someone waking up in an entirely different world? Does person A know person B as a character from a book/comic book/movie/tv show/etc?
How We're Feeling: For flavor. What kind of mood are we in today? Are we going to torture our blorbos? Give them forehead kisses and therapy? Torture them and then give them forehead kisses? Embrace the shenanigans? Emotional suffering? Trauma? All the hugs in the world? Projecting is fine. Go for it.
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theyellowhedgehog · 26 days ago
Exchange me happiness Part 2 (2/2)
Part 1, Part 2
2024 Fanfic prompt Bingo : Peter Pan
Dick is the manifestation of adult's will to stay a child forever. In other word, he's a young god. However, due to the nature of his manifestation from the adult desire to say a child, he is not as powerful as other gods. And little dick wish to become a real child.
So to fulfill his wish, his guardian fairies, Tim and Steph, went to find a shadow of a dead human child. Whom just happened to be Bruce Wayne's dead son's.
Tim and Steph has been stealing human children's shadow for many thousand of year to make Dick feel like a real boy, however they do not cause the death of each boy.
#part 2 #dick is a small god # mystical #Tim and Steph are fairies #tired parents Tim and Steph # Jason is robin, he's dead here #Peter pan
A/N : I recommend reading the first part because you would get confused without it. But you do you.
The small god escaped along with the boy shadow. Both arrived to Gotham to a place where light and noise are busting.
Dick's eyes lighted up when he saw what he only see in books.
"Look! It's the carnival! This is the first time I ever saw one in real life!" They went of trail of their original journey to Jason's home.
The shadow boy tried everything and struggle to get them back of track but what could he do? His existence was just darkness of a light source.
Dick bounced to one stall to another, "Jason, look! It's an elephant plushie!" He pointed to an elephant plushie. "I have two just like that Sitka and Elinore! Sitka is pink while Elinore is purple. Both of them are super soft!"
"I have the same shirt as this one too!" He pointed to a purple shirt with graphic tee of Ghost rider. "Steph brought it back for me!"
"Oh! Batman!" Dick shouted excitedly, Jason's shadow froze at the mention of the name, but only to realize Dick was talking about figurines.
"Tim brought one back for me, he also brings back figures of earth's heroes." Dick looked down and whispered to the his shadow, "I think he's a bit of a fangirl of heroes. He act like he brought them back for me but all of them went missing after a day or two." Dick squatted close to the ground to tell the shadow a secret, "But I know he took them. Because I saw him having a tea party with the heroes figurines in the dollhouse last month."
As Dick started retelling the stories about him,Stephanie and Tim, Jason stopped struggling. The dead boy unconsciously thought, you said you wants parents, but I'm pretty sure Tim and Stephanie ARE your parents.
Their off trail led them to an ice cream store as Dick excitedly browse the different color carton. "I want this," he pointed to the ones with every color of the rainbow mixed.
The girl looked at him and around him, "Hey buddy, where's your parents?"
Dick looked up kinda annoyed, "I don't have one."
The girl awkwardly apologised, "Oh, I'm sorry." Jason saw the girl looked at Dick pitifully, "What flavor would you like? it's on me."
Dick grinned like he struck gold, "I want this!"
Just when the girl was about to give Dick the ice cream, someone put a hand on Dick's shoulder. Jason saw it was a man in this thirty, stubble beard and looked so shabby.
"Oh, you don't have to," he said to the girl as he handed a couple of dollars to her, "He's lying. I'm his guardian."
The girl accepted the money and momentarily in silence, "Oh..." She checked out the man from head to toes. The man snatched the ice cream from her hand and give it to Dick as he ushered him away, "Let's go little man. No more lying to get ice cream."
Jason's senses are tingling with danger as he tried his best to stop Dick from going along with the shabby man. Nonetheless, Dick doesn't sense danger at all.
Jason looked back to the girl and sighed in relief when he saw the girl on a called, probably the police, as she doesn't take her eyes off the man.
The man lead them out to a dark alley, a car parked there.
Dick followed the man to his car with the ice cream spoon in his mouth. "Where are we going mister?"
The man smiled at the young god, "Your home of course. Now remind me where you live again?"
Dick listlessly said, "The wayne manor."
The man's eyes lit up like he struck gold, "Oh, is that so? Now get on in. I'll take you home."
No! Run! Jason struggled to get off Dick's feet. Tried anchoring his shadow hands to the ground, but despite his desperate attempt to get Dick away from the car, the young god kept going.Jason is dead. His heart shouldn't lighten up this much when he saw a flash of cap on the rooftop from the corner of his consciousness.
Batgirl was searching for her clues about Jason's lost shadow. She was out all night. Just as she was on her way back, from the corner of her eyes she saw something out of place.
A shadow that wasn't following the law of physic. More suspiciously, a boy along with a shabby man. Batgirl didn't hesitate to jump down on the roof of the car. Creating a massive dent.
The man, frightened by the appearance of the vigilante back away, and tried running. He didn't have a chance when he tripped and it was an easy catch for batgirl.
After tying up the man and reporting to the police, she turned around to find the child now gone.
The absence of Dick went unnoticed, by Tim when he came to check on the boy, thinking he was still asleep. Tim was deceived by the oldest form of trick in the book, pillows and blanket in the form of a sleeping person.
It was until some time past breakfast time, that Stephanie noticed that Dick had been sleeping in the same position.
Then they finally realised the boy they suppose to look after is missing. Unlike the thousand times of panic before, this time, they went straight to where Dream of the Endless was.
Both butts raised high as they grovell not daring to look eye-level with Morpheus the Endless.
"Unfortunately, the trouble maker is not with me." Morpheus lightly replied. "However,"the Endless paused slightly, "I do know he is safe, sound asleep somewhere."
"Th-Thank you, your all mightiness," Tim and Stephanie both replied. No matter, how many times they have to come retreat Dick from the Dreaming, both of them still fear him, not daring to look at him directly.
As both the fairies were about to walk away, "Fairies," Morpheus voice stopped both of them on their track. Immediately return to their grovelling form before replying to the Dreaming. "Yes, your all mightiness?"
Morpheus took a good look at them, "Look up," Tim and Stephanie immediately obeyed the all being. Morpheus's white eyes were staring at them eerily. He paused for a long while, making the two fairies quivering in fear and anxiety, their eyes darting everywhere but his face, trying their best to not look at him in fear.
The Dreaming sighed softly, "Nothing, just..." he raised his white pale arm, fingers extended to the two fairies stopped just inches away.
Both fairies jumped in fright seeing the All mighty being on his knee in front of them. Within a second, The Dreaming stood up and turned away, "Thank you for your service, looking after the 'Will of wanting to be a child.' till now."
Tim and Steph looked at each other confused, and thanked Dream the Endless quickly, and exited the realm.
Morpheus the Endless closed his white eyes and sighed at what was about to occur.
Steph held the sock Dick wore yesterday in triumph, "Sniff," she shoved the dirty sock in Tim's face.
"You lost him this time, you sniff!" Stephanie rejected Tim's excused before he could even start.
They both arrived to the human world, to a old dark manor.
Bruce was sitting on the sofa of the living room. Wasn't he supposed to be grieving his lost son? Bruce thought as he listless stared at the black haired, blue eyes child sitting on the sofa across from him, scarfing down milk and cookies.
"You were saying my dead son's shadow is attached to you?" Bruce repeated like a parrot.
Was he hit with a drug and wasn't aware of it?
Bruce looked down at the shadow to see it act completely different from what the physical form of the boy is doing. The shadow was struggling to get close to Bruce.
Bruce was about to asked Alfred if he was delirious, but seeing the wide eyed butler, Bruce concluded Alfred is also seeing what he was seeing.
Now the problem was, how was he going to handle this?
"What is your purpose? What do you want when you decided to return my son's shadow?"
Dick kicked his feet playfully with mouthful of cookies, "I-, wan-," He finished chewing and swallowed, "I want to become a real boy!"
Bruce paused, "I cannot make you a real boy, I do not possess any of the power to grant your wish."
"I know!" Dick replied cheerfully, "I do not need you to grant me my wish, I have a way!" He raised his forefinger up and dropped it to point dramatically at Bruce, "I want you to be my dad!"
Bruce, Alfred even Jason's shadow all froze.
"That's my deal." Dick crossed his arms and said in a smart manner. "If you want your son's shadow back, you must agree to be my dad!"
Bruce was about to reject the deal, but stopped when he saw Jason's shadow trying his best to come to him. A father's heart break at the scene.
Finally, the father agreed. "Fine. I will agree."
"Okay!"Dick jumped cheerfully on the sofa. He bent down to untie the threat but stopped to look at the grieving father.
"Would you like to hug him one last time before I untie the threads?"
"What?" Bruce asked in confusion.
"When I untie the threads that bound me to Jason, he would not be able to interact with you anymore." Dick stood back up, and opened his arms, Jason's shadow doing the same, "So, would you like to hug Jason one last time?" The manifested will repeated.
Bruce broke in tears when he saw the shadow of this little boy waiting for him with open arms, "Yes," the father choked on his word, "I would like to hug my son."
Physically Bruce hugged the child god of a manifasted will but his shadow was hugging his son.
"I'm sorry, I let you down, Jason. I'm sorry I arrived too late, son." He whispered as he hug the child god. The hug and last conversation lasted for a whole minute before Dick grew uncomfortable and shrugged the father off.
But a minute was all Bruce and Jason needed. The shadow of Jason now grew calm and nodded to his father's direction, making a heart shape with both is hands.
Dick untie the threads and Jason's shadow return to his owner at peace.
"Now," just as Dick started, two glowing ball of light flew into the child god, causing him fall back into the sofa.
Bruce and Alfred immediately became alert, until their eyes adjusted enough to see that two tiny forms with wings.
"Ow! Ow!" the child god yelled as each fairy on each side of his ear, twisting it and scolding him.
To Dick, they were full blown angry scolding while to Bruce and Alfred it was angry and aggressive ringing of small bells.
Dick fanned his hands to escape from the angry fairies and flew behind Bruce. "Guys, you do not have to worry anymore!" His hands rest on Bruce's shoulder, "He has accepted to be my dad!"
The child god excitedly announced, while the two fairies finally fall quiet. What Dick said caused Tim to faint due to the nonsense the boy was spouting, while Steph was the one who caught him as they descend onto the sofa surface.
"Um..." Bruce looked at the scene in front of him, "...Are they your parents?"
"No! Of course not!" Dick denied, ignoring Tim and Steph uncandy silent.
He turned back to see Tim and Steph standing on the sofa facing him, "Look guys," Dick soften his voice, "You guys always know I always wanted to be a real boy right? And real boy have mom and dad that look like him right? Look!" he gestured to Bruce that have the same shade of blues and black hair as him.
"I can now be a real boy!" Dick enthusiastically explained while both the fairies just stared at the excited boy, and their gaze landed on Bruce.
Blue eyes and Black hair.
Stephanie unconsciously cover her own pair of blue eyes and Tim his ebony hair.
Among both of them, Tim was the first to argue back, "I have black hair! Stephanie has blue eyes! I could be also be a dad to you, Dick!" He flew up to the face of the boy. Tim pointed back to the blond fairy who was still daze from what Dick said a few moment ago.
"And Stephanie," Tim yelled at their child god they look after, "She can be a mother you never had! We looked after you since you-!"
"But you weren't like me!" Dick yelled back, sliencing Tim.
Dick glared at the fairy and pushed Tim back with his pointer finger, the tiny fairy stagger back mid air, "You and Steph were made to look after me! You are not like me!"
Tim and Stephanie looked helplessly as Dick hugged Bruce.
"I want him to be my dad..." Dick burried his face into Bruce's shoulders. Bruce instictly hugged the sad boy.
"I... will take care of him," Bruce faced the fairies sincerely, as if asking permission from the parents with reassurance.
Tim slowly descended to where Stephanie was. Both of them looked at each other for a second. Finally both nodded.
Seeing this, Dick face lit up. He flew up the air to celebrate, all hands and feet sprawling out like a star.
"Great!" Dick took a hold of his new father's hand, "We must go to make me a real boy!" He took Bruce and jumped to another dimension leaving Alfred behind with the two fairies.
Tim took Steph's wrist as both flew up following their child god.
Tim and Steph followed to arrive at where Dream the Endless was resting. Dick and Bruce were already there. Three of them looked at where the fairies arrived.
"Tim! Steph!"Dick waved at them from sitting on the lap of The Dreaming.
This time, Tim and Stephanie were not grovelling in front of the Endless, not once did their eyes left the form of their child god.
Both walked a distance closer to the Endless but stopped a few feet away. Their hands held tightly as each other's only support.
Tim daringly looked at the eyes of the all mighty Dream of the Endless but looked away just mere second after.
The only noise was from the child god who was excited to finally became a real human boy.
The Dreaming said to the manisafed will, "If you want to become a real child, you will have to relinquish your right to godhood."
"Listen!" It was the first time Morpheus had raised his voice at Dick. The child's eyes was filled with tears instantly and flew into Bruce's embrace for comfort.
Morpheus soulless eyes soften just a bit, "If you wish to become a real boy, you will have to relinquish your godhood, you ability to fly, your home in this realm and your..." Morpheus looked at a distance to the two fairies who were holding each other hands willing themselves not to shed tears.
Dick peeked at Morpheus from Bruce's embrace and murmured, "I am willing. I want to be a real boy. "
Morpheus shut his soulless eyes, "Fine," he whispered under his breath, "Your dream...shall come true."
In an instant, Dick and Bruce returned to the human world, to the same living room.
Dick jumped down from Bruce's arms. He tried flying but was very excited when he can no longer fly. He hugged Bruce, "Dad!" he called to the man, his eyes shining in eagerness.
"I finally have a father!" Dick said out loud, "Did you see, Tim? Steph?" He looked back.
Paused in confusion when he saw no one. His arms that were hugging Bruce dropped to his side slowly, "Tim, Steph?" the ordinary boy-child called out to his fairies again but no rings returned his question.
Back to the realm,
Morpheus knelt down to scoop up the two fairies in his hands, "You have served your master well. You may now rest, Stephanie and Timothy."
What is a fairy without its master? A knight without an oath? A follower without a god?
They were nothing.
Therefore, they shall return to their beginning.
Morpheus never took his eyes off the fairies as they turned back into pixie dust they once were before. The Dreaming watched as the pixie dust fell through his fingers and mixed with the sand in his realm.
"Rest well... my fairies."
This took longer than expected. but phew done. I think 2024 fanfic bingo is coming to an end. because I start to dry up my well of motivation and exams are near. I will put in on hold for now.
Also my drawing of them, their clothings are bad but its the sense that count.
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dailycass-cain · 7 months ago
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Balancing real-life stuff so I couldn't do this over the weekend. So tonight here are my thoughts on Detective Comics #1087 (all of it, main story and side).
Cass's appearance in the main story is brief but still has a great weight around it. There's just something I love of Ram V where every small moment still has overtones to everything that's gone on in his run.
Every side character on this quest Batman has been through gets to shine. It hits me with utter 😄seeing the payoffs occurring in this run that have been built here or throughout other stories. These payoffs are just SOOO good and these aren't even the "end" ones.
For Cass, it's being her and just not giving up. STILL fighting, still honoring the bat symbol, and the legacy of the Batman. Aka reasons why we love this character 101.
ust the way she's introduced in the issue? chef's kiss
That extra added, "Oh they boned and know it." just by the added panel of Cass's eyes narrowing. SOOOOOO good I was little squeeing in gittiness at it. Something that's consistently happening since 2020. 😊
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Likewise, you can feel that "ending" coming as Batman readies his schemes, the Orghams entering their's, Gotham too, and of course the twist we all saw coming given last issue with one other party throwing their hand too.
I'm really curious to where this all goes from here on out, and honestly I feel like a broken record but I cannot wait to see the payoffs. Like I know and feel these are all gonna be earned.
Oh sure, we might get a reset on some (Two-Face and Mr. Freeze), but man; Ram V's characterizations of both are leaving an impression on me. Something for me to continue spouting top of my lungs, "This is kino and enjoy the ride." to anyone who hasn't picked it up.
The art by Christian Duce and Stefano Raffaele is just 🔥 with the coloring by Luis Guerrero just stunning too. DC since 2020 has been killing it with the colorists they've got sprinkled throughout their books. Just makes everything the artists draw pop more.
What else can I say of the main story? Other than it just keeps delivering every month. But hey we're getting more kino with Ram V with the New Gods. That's gonna be great and curious to see where he goes with that.
The secondary story is something I've been hoping to see since the character showed up in this run, and that was some Jean-Paul Valley goodness, and not only do we get this here.
We get Dan Watters back on writing him. Oh sure, he couldn't get Nikola back, but hey Francesco Francavilla on it? Oooooh sign me up! Seeing his Cass was a delight at long last.
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The story itself is just rooted in SOOO much back lore with Dick and Jean-Paul. You can take it as the perfect case to their history with one another (and it isn't pretty). I'm kind of glad we got this in the story to show this wasn't forgotten.
That this isn't just a united heirs to Bruce working together. There's still some stuff there from past that causes spite and mistrust (aka KnightsEnd).
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In that regard, Dick is right to be this way. He's given Jean-Paul multiple passes and well every time Jean-Paul fell back to the conditioning he went through.
But again, Cass being Cass. Her coda is stone. "You can change. You can." Even when she was at the brunt of it too, she still that beacon holding for that hope this is the time Jean-Paul defeats his inner demons for good.
Again, it's a nice balance between the three characters. An actual reason Dick would be no trusting, and Cass being, "TRUST HIM." Given all she's been with Jean-Paul due to No Man's Land. I wasn't expecting this to be remembered on my 2024 comic bingo card.
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That's something I wish someone would dig further into. That Cass could be that rock for Jean-Paul, kind of like how Steph is for Jason currently. Or Oynx was for Cass (kind of hoping that this is revisited on when she arrives in BoP) or currently Cass bonding hard with Barda.
Again, layers upon layers here. Why I enjoy this run currently for all of this.
Detective Comics #1087 continues the ride and makes me appreciate this run even more. Like, again this feels different to me. To have Cass entwined to a modern Batman epic?
Oh sure she has sprinkles in Batman runs or past Tec runs. But here? Not just the fan service appearance but characterization and history.
All the reasons why people love this character are all here. Leaving me ☺️🥺every single time I read an issue of this run. I can't wait to have the whole thing collected and just read it all.
Gonna be great.
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kakyoin-daily · 3 months ago
For the QnA, do you have any other favorite characters and media, besides JJBA? :3 Any other anime, manga, games, books, etc—? (Love ur account btw!!!!!)
AGGH THANK YOU. Means a lot to hear people are liking my account. Also I do have a ton of favorite charaters, I even made a bingo card of some of my favorites that came to mind at the time. I’m probably going to do another as I have so many others but here’s that card
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Not seen on this card but is going to be on the second one is the xenomorph. I am a huge horror fan and I also love monster design and the xenomorph ro me is the gold standard. If something looks like the xenomorph I’m going to thinks it cool
We for other favorite media i have been obsessed with Pokémon every since I was little (my favorites houndoom) favorite show besides jojo is probably Batman the animated series, some other anime I like is dungeon meshi and death note though I haven’t seen death note in a while nor have I finished it so no spoilers. I like online horror series as well. Favorite currently is marble hornets. Love horror movies my favorite being the thing by John carpenter it’s peak cinema to me. Love survival horror games like resident evil and silent hill 2, have yet to play the other but I hope to when I have time. Undertale/deltarune is also peak I love those games so much I still can’t do a no mercy route as I love the characters to much and physically can’t bring myself to do it. Music wise I’m a metal head/ rock n roll kinda of girl, favorite album ever is the black parade. Other games I’ve been playing as of rn or in the past that I’m going to say less about to save time and space is dead by daylight, animal crossing, stardew valley, splatoon, and a whole lot more. Also anything in the character in the bingo I love the media it’s from with my whole heart. This one was long and I’m so sorry about that but I really like getting to talk about the things I enjoy. If you have any follow up questions about characters or things i mentioned please ask me about it I love all these things dearly. Jojos is only a peak into my brain rot. Also thank you so much for the question!!!!!
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summerwritesfics · 1 year ago
🍓No Tricks, Only Treats
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 1316 Words Rating: Teen Warnings: Costume Party, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Halloween Party, Fluff, Bunny Girl Outfits, Kuai Is A Cutie Pie, Hanzo Has Vague memories Of Either MKvsDC or Injustice (whichever you prefer lmao) @anyfandomfluffbingo: Costume Party
Summary: Hanzo & Kuai Liang attend Johnny’s Halloween party.
AFG Fluff Bingo Masterlist
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Notes: Heeeyyyyy Happy Halloween :) I was looking through my bingo prompts because tbh, I need to really start working on them, and I realised this prompt was perfect for a short little Halloween fic! So, enjoy!
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Halloween was an oddity to Hanzo.
He didn’t really get the point of it if he was being honest. Trick and treating, while he could understand it being fun for kids, didn’t really sound appealing to him. Dressing in silly costumes even less so.
But when Johnny Cage invited you to a party, it was very hard to say no. Especially with Kuai Liang extremely enthusiastic about the idea, wanting to experience as much of what a normal life would feel like as possible. The fact that it was a costume party just seemed to excite Kuai more. He’d never worn a costume to a party before, the idea so novel that he’d been basically talking about it non-stop. The kids had offered to take him shopping for one and he’d eagerly agreed.
Hanzo hadn’t gone with them, and hadn’t seen Kuai’s costume yet. Due to their schedules they were also arriving to the party separately. He wondered what ridiculous outfit they’d managed to persuade Kuai to buy. He’d heard Cassandra pitch some ice queen outfit from some animated movie, but if that was the direction they’d gone in he didn’t know.
Hanzo himself had just gone kind of simple, and a little classic according to Johnny Cage. His pirate costume had been relatively inexpensive, and it was not exactly good quality, but he hadn’t wanted to spend a lot on something he was going to use once. The other guests' costumes seemed to vary in effort. Cassandra and Jacqueline had gone all out with quite intricate outfits. Supposedly they were a pair of supervillain lesbians, but Hanzo had no idea what they were referring to. Then you had Sonya, who’d thrown a bit of fake blood onto a blouse and called herself a zombie. According to Johnny, that was her outfit every year.
“Nice costume, Grandmaster,” a voice broke him out of his musings. He turned to find Kung Jin standing next to him.
“Thank you.” Hanzo looked Kung Jin up and down. He wasn’t completely sure on what Jin’s costume was, but given it was green and he had a bow and arrow he could make somewhat of an educated guess. “Are you meant to be Robin Hood?”
“I’m Green Arrow!” Jin sounded offended at the idea he was anything but this “Green Arrow” person. “Anyone would think you’ve never read a comic book or something.”
“Uh huh,” Hanzo sarcastically hummed. So he was also a superhero then. Seemed the kids were going for a theme.
From the corner of his eye, someone else peered around him. Even with an almost full face mask on, Hanzo could tell it was Takeda.
“I’m Batman,” he announced, putting on a gruff voice that made Jin burst into laughter.
“See, now, Batman I know,” Hanzo told Jin, lazily pointing at Takeda. “I don’t like him, but I know him.”
“What?” Takeda exclaimed, dropping the voice and standing straight. “How can you hate Batman?”
“I just have a weird feeling about him.” It was like something had happened in a past life in relation to the caped crusader. Which was absolutely ridiculous when he thought about it. Batman was a fictional character and didn’t exist, so the feeling was completely irrational. Still, something about it made him uneasy. He cleared his throat and quickly changed the subject with “so, what? Did you four convince Kuai Liang to be a superhero as well?”
“Nah, we let him do his own thing.” Takeda made a dismissive motion with his hand. “He seemed happy with what he got though.”
“Think you’ll be happy with it too,” Jin quietly chuckled as he took a sip of his drink. Hanzo couldn’t help but eye him suspiciously.
“What did you guys let him buy?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at Jin. He could just imagine that Kuai was about to walk in wearing the most absurd thing the kids could convince him to buy.
Jin bit his lip and smirked, “oh. You’ll see.” He then pointed across the room. “In fact, he’s here.”
Hanzo looked around just in time to see Kuai Liang walking into the party. His jaw dropped at what he saw.
Kuai Liang in what Hanzo could only describe as a bunny girl outfit.
He watched as Kuai was greeted by Johnny and Sonya, both clearly amused by what Kuai was wearing. It was a light blue bodysuit without straps and fishnet tights. He had a pair of bunny ears perched on his head, a small ball of fluff attached to his ass like a tail, and to top it all off a pair of high heel shoes the same colour as the bodysuit. Hanzo could feel his face getting hot, he completely understood Jin’s snide comment. Kuai did have a habit of wearing revealing clothing but this was the furthest he’d ever gone in public before.
“Have fun~” Jin sang in a teasing way, reaching under Hanzo’s chin and closing his mouth, teeth loudly clacking together. Hanzo glared at him, but Jin just laughed in his face. All Hanzo could do in retaliation was watch as Jin and Takeda walked away.
“Hanzo,” Kuai greeted cheerfully as he made his way over. The bright smile on his face was a beautiful sight. Even if Hanzo had originally had reservations about coming to the party, it was worth it to see Kuai experiencing pure joy from something so silly and simple. “I like your costume.”
“Ah. And I like yours,” Hanzo admitted, taking a better look at it now Kuai was closer. God damn he pulls it off a little too well. “Was this your idea or the kids?”
“A little of both,” Kuai explained with a sheepish grin. “I wanted to but wasn’t sure and they convinced me.”
It occurred to Hanzo that the kids' encouragement was probably an effort to make Hanzo flustered. Kenshi had warned him the group were on the warpath to break past the “Grandmaster Grumpyface” persona. He supposed this time, they actually won. He glanced across the room at them, where the four were now grouped together, watching Kuai and Hanzo, giggling to themselves over their victory.
They are the worst Superhero group I’ve ever seen. 
“Apparently Sonya is jealous because my legs are nicer than hers,” Kuai continued, holding one of the aforementioned limbs up as emphasis. Hanzo snorted at that. “Her words, not mine, to clarify.”
“Well, I do agree with her, you do have fantastic legs.” Hanzo cleared this throat slightly as he stared at the body parts in question. “As well as other assets.”
“Other ass-ets?” Kuai questioned, stressing that particular part of the word, making it obvious what he thought Hanzo was getting at.
“That’s not what I meant,” Hanzo clarified with a huff. Kuai just tilted his head at him. “I mean don’t get me wrong that part of you is magnificent but it’s not the only part of you that is.”
The grin on Kuai’s face just emphasised the point. It made all the features on his face light up and just proved how beautiful he was. Hanzo couldn’t help himself, he lent forward to press a kiss on the tip of Kuai’s nose. Kuai snorted and pulled back slightly while gently pushing Hanzo away, which was exactly the kind of reaction he was looking for.
“Want to go get a drink?” He asked casually, trying to resist another kiss as Kuai’s cheeks were turning red.
“Hm, I could do with one.” Kuai lent forward slightly, bracing a hand against Hanzo’s collarbone. “Lead the way, Captain.”
Hanzo rolled his eyes in jest, but held out his arm so Kuai could link with his. Kuai gladly accepted, letting Hanzo guide both of them. The night was young, and as long as Kuai Liang had a good time, Hanzo was happy to indulge him until he decided it was over.
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