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Footnotes, 151 - 200
[151] See Post, Afrikanische Jurisprudenz, Oldenburg, 1887. Münzinger, Ueber das Recht und Sitten der Bogos, Winterthur” 1859; Casalis, Les Bassoutos, Paris, 1859; Maclean, Kafir Laws and Customs, Mount Coke, 1858, etc.
[152] Waitz, iii. 423 seq.
[153] Post’s Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Familien Rechts Oldenburg, 1889, pp. 270 seq.
[154] Powell, Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnography, Washington, 1881, quoted in Post’s Studien, p. 290; Bastian’s Inselgruppen in Oceanien, 1883, p. 88.
[155] De Stuers, quoted by Waitz, v. 141.
[156] W. Arnold, in his Wanderungen und Ansiedelungen der deutschen Stämme, p. 431, even maintains that one-half of the now arable area in middle Germany must have been reclaimed from the sixth to the ninth century. Nitzsch (Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, Leipzig, 1883, vol. i.) shares the same opinion.
[157] Leo and Botta, Histoire d’Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i., p. 37.
[158] The composition for the stealing of a simple knife was 15 solidii and of the iron parts of a mill, 45 solidii (See on this subject Lamprecht’s Wirthschaft und Recht der Franken in Raumer’s Historisches Taschenbuch, 1883, p. 52.) According to the Riparian law, the sword, the spear, and the iron armor of a warrior attained the value of at least twenty-five cows, or two years of a freeman’s labor. A cuirass alone was valued in the Salic law (Desmichels, quoted by Michelet) at as much as thirty-six bushels of wheat.
[159] The chief wealth of the chieftains, for a long time, was in their personal domains peopled partly with prisoner slaves, but chiefly in the above way. On the origin of property see Inama Sternegg’s Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutschland, in Schmoller’s Forschungen, Bd. I., 1878; F. Dahn’s Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Völker, Berlin, 1881; Maurer’s Dorfverfassung; Guizot’s Essais sur l’histoire de France; Maine’s Village Community; Botta’s Histoire d’Italie; Seebohm, Vinogradov, J. R. Green, etc.
[160] See Sir Henry Maine’s International Law, London, 1888.
[161] Ancient Laws of Ireland, Introduction; E. Nys, Études de droit international, t. i., 1896, pp. 86 seq. Among the Ossetes the arbiters from three oldest villages enjoy a special reputation (M. Kovalevsky’s Modern Custom and Old Law, Moscow, 1886, ii. 217, Russian).
[162] It is permissible to think that this conception (related to the conception of tanistry) played an important part in the life of the period; but research has not yet been directed that way.
[163] It was distinctly stated in the charter of St. Quentin of the year 1002 that the ransom for houses which had to be demolished for crimes went for the city walls. The same destination was given to the Ungeld in German cities. At Pskov the cathedral was the bank for the fines, and from this fund money was taken for the wails.
[164] Sohm, Fränkische Rechts- und Gerichtsverfassung, p. 23; also Nitzsch, Geschechte des deutschen Volkes, i. 78.
[165] See the excellent remarks on this subject in Augustin Thierry’s Lettres sur l’histoire de France. 7th Letter. The barbarian translations of parts of the Bible are extremely instructive on this point.
[166] Thirty-six times more than a noble, according to the Anglo-Saxon law. In the code of Rothari the slaying of a king is, however, punished by death; but (apart from Roman influence) this new disposition was introduced (in 646) in the Lombardian law — as remarked by Leo and Botta — to cover the king from blood revenge. The king being at that time the executioner of his own sentences (as the tribe formerly was of its own sentences), he had to be protected by a special disposition, the more so as several Lombardian kings before Rothari had been slain in succession (Leo and Botta, l.c., i. 66–90).
[167] Kaufmann, Deutsche Geschichte, Bd. I. “Die Germanen der Urzeit,” p. 133.
[168] Dr. F. Dahn, Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Völker, Berlin, 1881, Bd. I. 96.
[169] If I thus follow the views long since advocated by Maurer (Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Deutschland, Erlangen, 1869), it is because he has fully proved the uninterrupted evolution from the village community to the medieval city, and that his views alone can explain the universality of the communal movement. Savigny and Eichhorn and their followers have certainly proved that the traditions of the Roman municipia had never totally disappeared. But they took no account of the village community period which the barbarians lived through before they had any cities. The fact is, that whenever mankind made a new start in civilization, in Greece, Rome, or middle Europe, it passed through the same stages — the tribe, the village community, the free city, the state — each one naturally evolving out of the preceding stage. Of course, the experience of each preceding civilization was never lost. Greece (itself influenced by Eastern civilizations) influenced Rome, and Rome influenced our civilization; but each of them begin from the same beginning — the tribe. And just as we cannot say that our states are continuations of the Roman state, so also can we not say that the mediæval cities of Europe (including Scandinavia and Russia) were a continuation of the Roman cities. They were a continuation of the barbarian village community, influenced to a certain extent by the traditions of the Roman towns.
[170] M. Kovalevsky, Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia (Ilchester Lectures, London, 1891, Lecture 4).
[171] A considerable amount of research had to be done before this character of the so-called udyelnyi period was properly established by the works of Byelaeff (Tales from Russian History), Kostomaroff (The Beginnings of Autocracy in Russia), and especially Professor Sergievich (The Vyeche and the Prince). The English reader may find some information about this period in the just-named work of M. Kovalevsky, in Rambaud’s History of Russia, and, in a short summary, in the article “Russia” of the last edition of Chambers’s Encyclopædia.
[172] Ferrari, Histoire des révolutions d’Italie, i. 257; Kallsen, Die deutschen Städte im Mittelalter, Bd. I. (Halle, 1891).
[173] See the excellent remarks of Mr. G.L. Gomme as regards the folkmote of London (The Literature of Local Institutions, London, 1886, p. 76). It must, however, be remarked that in royal cities the folkmote never attained the independence which it assumed elsewhere. It is even certain that Moscow and Paris were chosen by the kings and the Church as the cradles of the future royal authority in the State, because they did not possess the tradition of folkmotes accustomed to act as sovereign in all matters.
[174] A. Luchaire, Les Communes françaises; also Kluckohn, Geschichte des Gottesfrieden, 1857. L. Sémichon (La paix et la trève de Dieu, 2 vols., Paris, 1869) has tried to represent the communal movement as issued from that institution. In reality, the treuga Dei, like the league started under Louis le Gros for the defense against both the robberies of the nobles and the Norman invasions, was a thoroughly popular movement. The only historian who mentions this last league — that is, Vitalis — describes it as a “popular community” (“Considérations sur l’histoire de France,” in vol. iv. of Aug. Thierry’s Œuvres, Paris, 1868, p. 191 and note).
[175] Ferrari, i. 152, 263, etc.
[176] Perrens, Histoire de Florence, i. 188; Ferrari, l.c., i. 283.
[177] Aug. Thierry, Essai sur l’histoire du Tiers État, Paris, 1875, p. 414, note.
[178] F. Rocquain, “La Renaissance au XIIe siècle,” in Études sur l’histoire de France, Paris, 1875, pp. 55–117.
[179] N. Kostomaroff, “The Rationalists of the Twelfth Century,” in his Monographies and Researches (Russian).
[180] Very interesting facts relative to the universality of guilds will be found in “Two Thousand Years of Guild Life,” by Rev. J. M. Lambert, Hull, 1891. On the Georgian amkari, see S. Eghiazarov, Gorodskiye Tsekhi (“Organization of Transcaucasian Amkari”), in Memoirs of the Caucasian Geographical Society, xiv. 2, 1891.
[181] J.D. Wunderer’s “Reisebericht” in Fichard’s Frankfurter Archiv, ii. 245; quoted by Janssen, Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, i. 355.
[182] Dr. Leonard Ennen, Der Dom zu Köln, Historische Einleitung, Köln, 1871, pp. 46, 50.
[183] See previous chapter.
[184] Kofod Ancher, Om gamle Danske Gilder og deres Undergâng, Copenhagen, 1785. Statutes of a Knu guild.
[185] Upon the position of women in guilds, see Miss Toulmin Smith’s introductory remarks to the English Guilds of her father. One of the Cambridge statutes (p. 281) of the year 1503 is quite positive in the following sentence: “Thys statute is made by the comyne assent of all the bretherne and sisterne of alhallowe yelde.”
[186] In mediæval times, only secret aggression was treated as a murder. Blood-revenge in broad daylight was justice; and slaying in a quarrel was not murder, once the aggressor showed his willingness to repent and to repair the wrong he had done. Deep traces of this distinction still exist in modern criminal law, especially in Russia.
[187] Kofod Ancher, l.c. This old booklet contains much that has been lost sight of by later explorers.
[188] They played an important part in the revolts of the serfs, and were therefore prohibited several times in succession in the second half of the ninth century. Of course, the king’s prohibitions remained a dead letter.
[189] The mediæval Italian painters were also organized in guilds, which became at a later epoch Academies of art. If the Italian art of those times is impressed with so much individuality that we distinguish, even now, between the different schools of Padua, Bassano, Treviso, Verona, and so on, although all these cities were under the sway of Venice, this was due — J. Paul Richter remarks — to the fact that the painters of each city belonged to a separate guild, friendly with the guilds of other towns, but leading a separate existence. The oldest guild-statute known is that of Verona, dating from 1303, but evidently copied from some much older statute. “Fraternal assistance in necessity of whatever kind,” “hospitality towards strangers, when passing through the town, as thus information may be obtained about matters which one may like to learn,” and “obligation of offering comfort in case of debility” are among the obligations of the members (Nineteenth Century, Nov. 1890, and Aug. 1892).
[190] The chief works on the artels are named in the article “Russia” of the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th edition, p. 84.
[191] See, for instance, the texts of the Cambridge guilds given by Toulmin Smith (English Guilds, London, 1870, pp. 274–276), from which it appears that the “generall and principall day” was the “eleccioun day;” or, Ch. M. Clode’s The Early History of the Guild of the Merchant Taylors, London, 1888, i. 45; and so on. For the renewal of allegiance, see the Jómsviking saga, mentioned in Pappenheim’s Altdänische Schutzgilden, Breslau, 1885, p. 67. It appears very probable that when the guilds began to be prosecuted, many of them inscribed in their statutes the meal day only, or their pious duties, and only alluded to the judicial function of the guild in vague words; but this function did not disappear till a very much later time. The question, “Who will be my judge?” has no meaning now, since the State has appropriated for its bureaucracy the organization of justice; but it was of primordial importance in mediæval times, the more so as self-jurisdiction meant self-administration. It must also be remarked that the translation of the Saxon and Danish “guild-bretheren,” or “brodre,” by the Latin convivii must also have contributed to the above confusion.
[192] See the excellent remarks upon the frith guild by J.R. Green and Mrs. Green in The Conquest of England, London, 1883, pp. 229–230.
[193] See Appendix X.
[194] Recueil des ordonnances des rois de France, t. xii. 562; quoted by Aug. Thierry in Considérations sur l’histoire de France, p. 196, ed. 12mo.
[195] A. Luchaire, Les Communes françaises, pp, 45–46.
[196] Guilbert de Nogent, De vita sua, quoted by Luchaire, l.c., p. 14.
[197] Lebret, Histoire de Venise, i. 393; also Marin, quoted by Leo and Botta in Histoire de l’Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i 500.
[198] Dr. W. Arnold, Verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen Freistädte, 1854, Bd. ii. 227 seq.; Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koeln, Bd. i. 228–229; also the documents published by Ennen and Eckert.
[199] Conquest of England, 1883, p. 453.
[200] Byelaeff, Russian History, vols. ii. and iii.
#organization#revolution#mutual aid#anarchism#daily posts#communism#anti capitalist#anti capitalism#late stage capitalism#anarchy#anarchists#libraries#leftism#social issues#economy#economics#climate change#anarchy works#environmentalism#environment#solarpunk#anti colonialism#a factor of evolution#petr kropotkin
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Happy 10th birthday to my main, Quest Completer! The Vestige, the Hero of Coldharbour, Savior of Tamriel and Nirn, The Soulless, Moon-Hallowed, High King's Arrow, Eye of the Queen, Ahkatuz, Champion of dozens of dignitaries, deities, and political factions, and of course, Grand Master Crafter! Here she is with the senche-tiger she got for being old.
All of my characters have silly names like this, but unlike Quest Completer, the rest of them all have lore-appropriate 'real' names in my mind. The rest of them are people with fleshed-out backstories and reasons why they became Heroes. But QC is just The Vestige, the one without a soul (or a personality to speak of) and no memory of the past. The Vestige asks a ton of dumbass questions, such as "what does a queen do, exactly?", and in my mind this is because, while saving all of existence is a mundane occurrence to them, they are forever figuring out how to exist in a totally unfamiliar world while also being among the most powerful people in its history.
Because of that, and because the Vestige's dialogue contains very little emotion or humor, in my mind QC is basically No Fun and allows herself little ostentation. Even her whimsy, she takes deadly seriously, like she always has a great costume for themed dungeon runs, but she's lowkey competitive about having the best fit. She's a dual-wielding stamina-based Aedric Spear Templar DPS—about as basic as it gets, but she doesn't care about that; it's a very effective way to do a lot of violence, you have to admit. Despite her litany of accomplishments, she enjoys simple pleasures, like moving furniture around 1 centimeter at a time, learning crafting recipes, and running around fields looking for things to harvest. This woman and Bastian Hallix are bffs for a reason.
I overhauled her look for the occasion. Here she is new armor goofin:
And after 10 years I finally convinced her to get all dolled up for something other than a dungeon.
ESO was my first MMO; I liked Skyrim (my first open-world RPG) so much that I bought a computer just to play ESO when it came out. QC was the first character I made, when I had no idea what a 'build' was. She is maxed out in every crafting skill and weapon skill line, and every morph of all of her Class skills. QC made it to Veteran Rank 16 before the Champion system was introduced. She is only just now doing the Craglorn quests because she reached the end of Cadwell's Silver and Cadwell's Gold (both required to advance) over a year before One Tamriel, and I didn't know anyone else playing ESO, so I couldn't access group content. QC is old enough to remember when it was a bizarre occurrence to see another player outside of a city (or at all at night, in the Pacific timezone). She's also old enough to remember picking up literally every single quest she came upon because there just weren't that many quests to do. She truly is the Quest Completer.
QC and I learned how the fuck video games work together. Here's to another 10 years!
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Remi grinned brightly, glad to see his brother’s mood had improved.
“I brought you a snack, I’ve been trying my hand at other styles of cooking. It’s yakitori style venison.”
It was purge night, quite some ways from the hotel, closer to the swamps.
Charlie had sent the pair on errands, and they hadn’t realized how late it was getting. Bastian was carrying most of the load, urging Remi to keep up as they headed back toward the Hotel, and safety.
They were still too far away when the warning sirens blared.
Bastian dropped everything he carried, and ran, holding Remi’s hand so he wouldn’t get lost in the knot of sinners who were also caught out in the streets.
The first angels appeared, and soon, too soon, there wasn’t anywhere to run to. Nowhere to hide, or shelter.
Bastian put himself between Remi and a trio of angels, his only weapon a chunk of pipe he’d picked up from the ground.
Remi stared, eyes wide, as all three Angelic spears impaled his brother, ending his life near instantly.
Remi screamed, and the Lwa answered.
The shockwave of Lwa magic and Remi’s grief exploded outwards, killing everything in its path for a full city block.
All Remi would really remember was his brother’s death.
the souls, bright,beaded marbles of power and fleeting life, the run through the swamps…he wouldn’t remember any of that.
“I don’t think I made them spicy enough though…what do you think?”
The overlord had been through some... Interesting occurrences lately. From feeling horrid, to suddenly seeing memories of those he directed his gaze at. He didn't know who had cast those spells on him, but if he ever found out, someone would be paying with their lives.
However, he had momentarily forgotten his little predicament, turning towards the younger sinner as he approached him. "Oh, did you? May I have a ta-.."
He froze. Instantly. His entire body coming to a halt. He had hidden it. The entire day. Pretended that all was well. But this.. This scene he now observed was the first to cause a visible, physical reaction.
He observed in horror, pupils narrowing as he watched Bastian, his friend, getting brutally murdered. And in front of poor Remi. He would never forget the day he showed up at his door with the fractions of his soul in his hands.
He had to bite down on his lower lip to hold back a sob, eyes wide as he blinked those salty, bitter tears down his cheeks, eyes fixated on the younger stag in front of him.
He couldn't look away...
#deathmimedream#alastors-radioshow#::On Air:: - Ask#Alastor Answers#::M!A - Seeing Memories For 17 Hours::#//Aaaand we have a winner
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I Do - Colbie Caillat
I Don’t Want To Talk About It - Marit Larsen
I Feel It Coming - The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk
I Follow Rivers - Lykke Li
I Follow Rivers - Triggerfinger
I Like (The Idea Of) You - Tessa Violet
I Need A Doctor - Dr. Dre feat. Eminem, Skylar Grey
I Said Hi - Amy Shark
I Wanna Go - Britney Spears
I Want You To Know - Zedd feat. Selena Gomez
I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons
I’ll Be Your Man - James Blunt
I’m Not Rich - The King’s Son, Blacko
I'm Not The Only One - Sam Smith
Idlewild - Travis feat. Josephine Oniyama
If I Die Young - The Band Perry
Impossible - Shontelle
In My Mind - LVNDSCAPE feat. Mi Manchi
In The Dark - DEV
In The Morning - Jaded
Innocence - Electric Youth
Instruction - Jax Jones feat. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don
International Love - Pitbull feat. Chris Brown
Into You - Ariana Grande
Invincible - MGK feat. Ester Dean
Is Anybody Out There? - K'NAAN feat. Nelly Furtado
It Won’t Stop - Sevyn Streeter feat. Chris Brown
It’s The Weekend - Kovacs
Junk Of The Heart - The Kooks
Just A Dream - Nelly
Just Friends - Hayden James feat. Boy Matthews
Katchi - Ofenbach vs. Nick Waterhouse
Kill Em With Kindness - Selena Gomez
King And Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
Know Me Too Well - New Hope Club, Danna Paola
L'amour - Italove
La La La - Naughty Boy feat. Sam Smith
Last Dance - Rhys
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry
Last Night In The City - Duran Duran feat. Kieza
Leave A Light On - Tom Walker
Leave A Trace - CHVRCHES
Lemonade - Alexandra Stan
Let It Happen - Tame Impala
Let Me Down Easy - Sheppard
Let Me Go - Hailee Steinfeld, Alesso
Let Me Love You - DJ Snake feat. Justin Bieber
Let You Love Me - Rita Ora
Levels - Avicii
Like A G6 - Far East Movement feat. The Cataracs, DEV
Limbo - Daddy Yankee
Limpido - Laura Pausini with Kylie Minogue
Little Hollywood - Alle Farben, Janieck
Little Numbers - BOY
Little Talks - Of Monsters And Men
Live For The Night - Krewella
Live My Life - Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber
Locked Away - R. City feat. Adam Levine
Lonely Together - Avicii feat. Rita Ora
Lose Control - Keri Hilson feat. Nelly
Lost On You - LP
Love Me Again - John Newman
Love Me Harder - Ariana Grande, The Weeknd
Love Me Like You - Little Mix
Love Song - Zak Abel
Love The Way You Lie - Eminem feat. Rihanna
Lovers On The Sun - David Guetta, Sam Martin
Lovin' So Hard - Becky G
Low Key - Ally Brooke feat. Tyga
Lucky - Bastian Baker
Lullaby - Sigala, Paloma Faith
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Say hi!!! To Bennet Beau, a Lupin paladin, I made him to practice my furry art. And maybe one day play him in a dnd campaign. After designing him I just had to give him a backstory aswell.
Bennet lived in a tribe of Lupins, humanoid dogs, life was simple, living amongst the wilds, they had set up a village that was self-sufficient, they grew crops, and hunted wild game.
Though their most prized targets are werewolves, Lupins have evolved to be great at hunting werewolves with them being able to sense them even in their human forms.
Bennets father, Bastian Beau, is the leader and strongest in their tribe, he led in the tribe's last great hunt against the werewolves when he was still a teenager, he cares for everyone in his tribe, as they are like family to him.
On a quiet night, Bennet had been awoken by a butterfly that had flown through the window and landed on his snout, sneaking out of his home to follow it. He dashed past trees, pounced over logs, he loved the feeling of wind as he ran.
Finally catching the butterfly in his hands, he looked around and noticed he had run all the way to a hidden lake.
“Is this what you were trying to show me little guy? It's beautiful.” Bennet said with a smile.
Gently holding the butterfly, he watched how the lake reflected the stars.
His focus was broken when he heard the sounds of fighting in the distance, releasing the butterfly, running back to his village he began to smell smoke, breaking through the tree line, there was fire everywhere.
Neighbors ran, Lupin warriors fought back, against men in large suits of armor and wearing animal pelts.
By the time he noticed him, one of these men had raised a sword ready to take his life, that's when his father impaled the man with his spear.
Bastian hugged his son then picked him up, and ran for the tree line.
“Dad, what's going on?!”
“Poacher's son, they're here”
Bennet had heard stories of poachers but believed they were mere stories meant to frighten him.
“Where is mom?”
“She's leading a part of the tribe through the forest, we'll catch up with them soon.”
Bastian could hear horses they were being followed, running at breakneck speeds, Bastian had finally collapsed.
When Bennet looked his father's back had been riddled with arrows and he had lost a lot of blood.
“DAD!!! NO GET UP PLEASE!!!” Bennet cried and yelled for his father to stand, to keep running, but he was just so tired.
Circling around them, the poachers on horseback, were closing in.
Raising their weapons to skewer the two. One of the poachers was stabbed through the gut.
When Bennet looked up from his father he saw a man in silver armor, draped in a blue cloak, he was practically glowing, lifting his hand he sent a blast of golden light that knocked the poachers off their horses.
Getting to their feet they attacked the man, but could hardly touch him, as he was too swift, the one who did manage to land a hit, his blade hardly scratched his armor. Before Bennet knew they were all cut down.
Sheathing his blade, the man walked over to Bennet and his father.
“My dad… He's really hurt can you help him, please.”
Placing a hand on Bastian's back, and closing his eyes, he began to glow, the arrows lifted from his dad's back, and his wounds scarred over, seeming to be coated in a golden substance, when the light faded. Bastian began to sit up.
“Bennet!!” They said before hugging each other.
They then turned to the man
“Who are you” Bastion said
“My name is Gregor and I am a traveling paladin. I have been hunting these nasty fellows for some time now. But I lost them a few weeks back. Had a feeling the smoke would lead me right to them. I feel bad for losing their tracks, this could have been avoided if I hadn't, so if you'd allow me, I'd like to help you rebuild what you lost.
“Of course we'll need all the help we can get, thank you, but first we have to gather the lost, injured, and scared.
That night and morning Bennet, bastion, and Gregor, found the rest of the tribe, all throughout the forest, a few were injured but with the help of Gregor, they were all recovering.
Gregor lived amongst Bennet’s tribe for a few months to help them rebuild, in the process they learned from each other, the tribe taught Gregor their traditions, and Gregor shared stories of his adventures of the outside world, great kingdoms and menacing monsters.
Bennet was especially close to Gregor; he loved to hear his stories, and every day he checked in on Gregor, to see what he was doing and to help him with whatever he could.
When the village was rebuilt, with some improvements to defensive positions and equipment, Gregor was ready to leave.
Before he left the tribe celebrated with a feast and music, when the party began dying down and Gregor was packing his stuff onto his horse.
Bennet approached him
“Do you have to go, I thought you liked it here”
“Aww Bennet, I do you have all shown me so much and you have all been welcoming.”
“But I'll miss you”
“And I'll miss you little hound, I can always visit”
“I know” but Bennet still seemed sad.
Fidgeting with his armor, Gregor took off his insignia and handed it to Bennet, here so you can always remember me, and who knows maybe one day you can become a great Paladin yourself, I am sure you'll be able to help so many people.
Bennet hugged Gregor, and just like that Gregor was off, before leaving he instilled a dream of being a savior in Bennet's heart, and from that day forward, Bennet trained amongst his tribe, to become as strong as he could, to protect those who can't protect themselves.
And when he reached adulthood he set out to become a true paladin.
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"I can't afford sexy underwear, sir."
His eyes were locked onto the bulge. He was good at measurement and this was easily close to a foot. His legs nearly gave out as he imagined it spearing him. He whimpered, moving closer to Bastian. He pulled the other's briefs down enough to view it in all it's glory.
Soft fingers gently ran over the length of it, his thumb running over the head, dipping gently into the slit.
Peter was nearly drooling.
His cheeks flushed.
Dropping to his knees, he brought the head to his mouth, eager to taste. A saliva slick tongue peaked out, licking over the head of Bastian's cock, only for Peter to moan at the taste.
He looked up at Bastian now, with chocolate brown eyes filled with lust.
"Can I?"
"Really? I was never big into sports. I've more of a brain for science. I'm a bio-engineering major. Or I will be once I transfer to a school where I can get a doctorate and that has the program."
His jaw dropped when he saw Bastian's body. He went beet red as he started removing his own clothes as well, glad that he hadn't worn his Spider-Man garb under his clothes tonight.
He nearly fell over as he struggled to get out of his shoes and pants, but left his boxers on, already hard as a rock once more.
He moved closer to Bastian now, reaching out gently to touch the other's muscular chest.
"H...How big are you...exactly? Can...I..."
He made grabby hands.
"I want to touch it."
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WHG 17 - Day 3
It’s getting easier to see everyone’s names all in one picture!
Despite the valiant effort of several hunters and chasers, no one kills anyone else today, strictly speaking, though Fernando does find a meal to die for Julian has a blast with experimental wiring! Clearly, someone never heard “don’t try this at home.”
Apparently, Mica’s spear was for purposes of reach. Jack spends a lovely day in nature after last night’s...revelry, and actually, I just went back and it turns out Amara (the person Jack set on fire last night with a molotov) got a bottle of alcohol and a rag from the Cornucopia at the start, so it was her own molotov. Brutal! Enjoy those flowers, I guess!
As usual, in the evening, we take a moment to remember the fallen.
Then a clear and cold night descends on the remaining 18 tributes.
...This is when I realize there have been two Jacks this whole time and I have zero idea which one of them has been doing what. Seriously. Uh. Hm. Well, one of them dies of hunger while Safia dies of anti-thirst! Too bad she fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book! And Chess, did you do that manually or are you getting your magic under control? Excited for you either way!
16 now--20 gone! Who will be next? Wait for tomorrow to find out!
District 1
Deputy Buzzkill (she/her), @ratracechronicler
Danica Vesrani (she/her), @alannaofroses
Meilan Liu (she/her), @starryeve88
District 2
Adrestia/“Drest” (she/her), @concealeddarkness13
Oliver Rook (they/them), @pen-of-roses
Kito Faraji (he/him), @starryeve88
District 3
Neuron (he/him), @knmartinshouldbewriting
Ad Lib (she/her), @knmartinshouldbewriting
Safia Sauda (she/her), @starryeve88
District 4
Avanda Alistairion (she/her), @scribbles-to-feed-the-void
Evander Moore (he/him), @pen-of-roses
Jack (she/her), @onthetipofmyquill
District 5
Aidan Fletcher (he/him), @alannaofroses
Bastian Smyth (he/him), @alannaofroses
Vonnie Stone (she/her), @sparkles-and-hens
District 6
Charlie (he/him), @very-bi-giraffe
Jack (he/him), @very-bi-giraffe
Carsen (he/him), @onthetipofmyquill
District 7
Caelum Chen (he/him), @scribbles-to-feed-the-void
Mica (he/him), @maple-writes
Julian (he/him), @onthetipofmyquill
District 8
Fernando (he/him), @written-in-gold
Finn (he/him), @crazy-like-us
Deacon Noble (she/her), @childrenoflight-darkness-nothing
District 9
Amara (she/her), @written-in-gold
Lara Aigua (she/her), @crazy-like-us
Tyde Westbrook (he/him), @childrenoflight-darkness-nothing
District 10
Chrissy (he/him), @written-in-gold
Jasper Perle (he/him), @crazy-like-us
Evelyne Haskell (she/her), @childrenoflight-darkness-nothing
District 11
Nico Talent (she/her), @spacebrick3
Orville Violet-Verduzco (she/her), @spacebrick3
Anton Ward (he/him), @spacebrick3
District 12
Chess (she/her), @concealeddarkness13
Zazu Hodkins (he/him), @vermontwrites
Ferret O’Connor (he/him), @scribbles-to-feed-the-void
9 notes
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old weapons names + spanish forenames + french forenames
Abian Absalixto Absalonga Absalongo Abundo Adalexando Adelainhoa Adeleine Adislao Adrick Adrinne Aguadalban Alban Alenti Aliam Almaaron Almude Almudenia Alodiegory Alonder Alonga Alvarah Amayte Ameline Angedmunda Angelia Angelian Angelises Angélieth Anieves Antin Antine Antonique Antxa Arangelio Armina Artens Artin Ascalia Asuncis Auguela Aurena Auriana Auric Aurélieth Balexande Barbal Barbalen Barthur Bartine Bartistina Basilia Bastia Bastian Beatsword Begorian Benia Benisio Berto Bille Bludovice Boome Béatricael Candreya Canne Cardichèle Carlotilda Caronicole Casilvia Catalia Catche Cathieu Catriciana Cayeta Cayetan Cecile Chaël Chelice Christa Christaff Christien Christin Citlass Clail Claudios Claudrey Claume Clota Clémena Clémente Coland Conce Concena Consue Cornine Crister Cristilda Cristinarc Cristophie Culverine Curvebow Cutlalia Cyriana Cécileta Cédrine Daggermin Dalexandré Daman Damia Damilieta Danie Danita Davie Davierrat Deliano Denio Denislao Dente Desar Destina Didion Didoro Dolfa Domin Dominaki Doming Doroteo Dylanita Edgara Edgarie Edgehamed Edmace Edmacela Edmunda Egidia Eline Elise Elvieraxe Emedio Emelia Emila Emmance Emmarcelle Encion Enrienne Enriquent Ernadino Ernand Estaff Estano Esteresar Estero Estias Eugena Eugene Eugenision Eugens Euladia Ezequi Ezequinaki Fabigail Fabre Fabric Fabrick Fabriel Facia Facio Facula Falchionel Fanine Faning Federque Felia Felicion Felina Feline Felistina Ferming Fermo Flain Flamma Flammer Florine Francens Francisoda Franseur Fridad Frédériel Fulberd Fulbert Gabrigo Gabrina Garine Gemanuelle Gemarien Genatania Genathervé Geneo George Gerstaff Ghislao Ginia Gladali Glaine Greatricia Guilla Guillo Gustia Gérardo Haliliano Halixto Hanietano Hantonia Hectoriana Hiliane Ignacielle Inmace Irelia Isara Ision Jacien Jacio Jacion Jacque Jacquela Jaiment Janda Jando Jandrien Janislao Jeandro Jeanlouisa Jeanmace Jeanmacel Jessicard Jiment Joaque Joaqui Jonarcos Juanfranca Julia Juline Julino Julion Justian Katalie Katan Ladia Laeticia Lanco Lando Laudiana Laurena Laurora Leaxe Leona Leonaracia Lette Liliano Lilie Lilio Lilion Lilippe Lilito Lilitor Longa Loren Lorine Louisa Lucernarda Luciel Macela Macelo Madette Magdalupe Maine Mandre Manuelia Marceder Marcedes Mardo Margueda Marian Marida Marident Mariel Mariela Marieta Marin Mariol Marioleda Maritard Mathalberd Mathaliana Matherin Matilda Meageneo Micharleta Micharpoon Micher Micherina Miguelance Miguelar Migueta Miguette Miliano Milio Militar Modes Moise Monderina Monderques Monel Moniseo Morge Morgette Murike Muriken Mélangeli Mélie Nadius Natanièle Nathilde Natilde Natilette Neresa Nicarnaude Nieveslina Nilde Nurifica Odestar Odierrat Ofelio Ofelisa Olivida Pablitor Pascali Pascarlos Patric Patrina Patrine Patristin Paulia Paulie Philde Philie Quardine Quardo Quardsta Quartin Rafina Ramian Ramiana Ramonard Ramond Ramondro Ramonises Ranck Randrinaro Ranzalon Raulalia Rayana Raymongo Raymorené Rebehi Rence Ricensia Ricent Ricia Robernel Rodoro Rogel Romaito Rosara Rémie Rémilan Salomena Saloment Salvain Sanagua Sancathier Sandro Saulie Scimita Sebano Silia Silvie Silvier Simira Simita Simond Simondra Simotea Smael Solacia Solas Sonicole Sophe Spear Stavo Stéphanesa Stéphantxa Stéphaël Sword Sylvaronia Tadeles Tadette Teofia Teroniel Thieu Thilda Thomasa Tianes Titiana Titiare Tomaso Trica Trice Trina Trystaff Ulfbernard Ulfberta Ulrice Valejanis Vales Valérice Verinida Vicena Vince Virgine Virginette Warhamedio Warscyther Warspear Xavid Yolas Yveslina Zweihanto Élieta Élisa Élissa Élisterea Élodia Érica
+lesser order
Abrena Abria Adesaline Adine Adrocéa Adsworicia Agali Agaël Agdamito Aggen Airow Alalice Alaurolean Albas Alberrecie Albonina Alcascam Alfando Alingerge Aliquen Almaxirodo Alord Alorow Alote Alémicat Amaymonck Amigilas Amild Aminatry Amonso Amélina Anclémy Andandin Anietteon Antan Antitla Arcin Arcina Arego Argidolio Arisio Artine Artingsta Asterd Asthia Aulbang Auledger Aulriel Aumbetore Aurowina Aurvé Bacino Balonon Banchrio Bapie Baptincene Barin Barine Becto Belin Benceliole Bensia Bericianne Bernadio Berne Berreaxi Berstine Bertice Bertie Bertine Blaino Blamparia Blude Bondeores Bonsork Boongbow Braina Brano Brayanne Brolio Burélinara Calberite Carargenzo Carlo Carshur Cartane Catte Caymona Celao Celina Chandida Chandra Chane Checister Chemme Chent Cherto Chrina Chrisan Chriz Cladio Claud Claum Claure Cléatan Clémia Cobalon Cundo Célouistin Dadia Dadriona Dadromons Dalon Daloémire Dantia Dayte Derow Destin Diecaymo Dolber Edgeridam Edion Eladelan Emerne Emmarania Enanda Ensovny Ereihaxi Estia Eufelouier Eufer Eugued Ezequise Fabia Fabie Fabria Fabrico Fabrolo Fabruthéo Fabsa Facines Facque Fadror Faele Faeta Fanorne Feleo Felitermer Felixto Femmaro Fertara Ficietum Filvaliste Fladio Flain Flastine Flauro Flodo Flordo Florte Floulis Frafacian Fratric Fraya Frelejas Frentsele Frora Fulgario Fuliasolan Fulica Gabsabro Gedmaime Gelara Gelaum Gelia Gelitomon Geltrie Geofil Geopolen Gernade Giden Gildo Gillswor Gitana Glaivine Glauriz Grémi Guellea Guerna Guile Guilexa Guilvalca Guisal Gundierta Gélènevar Gérômermi Hamainant Hamohana Hangswor Hanie Hanuela Hayolfo Haëllis Helinan Hemelia Herre Herto Heserna Hoomic Hurientia Hurtinage Hurtinio Ilbowine Ingeo Inmaacual Inèse Ireniermen Irèsego Istise Jacia Jacimon Jacio Jancie Jandra Jascorodra Javierre Jeagraido Jeane Jeanieknie Jeanloren Jeannelia Jeanto Jearle Jenzo Jimen Joaquila Jocel Joscimo Joserna Josio Juada Juarolora Julvaine Juske Justes Justia Jériz Kette Ladro Lamord Landreiro Laudes Lento Lespetoma Lexiretto Licel Liene Liennebow Linatrio Litanne Lixto Lorogela Lotine Louran Loémiros Lucarces Lucesto Lucilises Lucio Luisle Lunant Lunce Lundra Lupelildo Lydio Lydionifia Lérogere Maacundric Macia Macie Madeophie Madrenne Mailea Maina Mance Manille Manuetteo Maraff Marbascio Marce Marcedmund Mardole Marichria Marigna Marisa Marisanzo Maroad Marodena Marorte Marsuz Marto Maugo Maximi Maythan Micitavick Mierne Migue Mingspe Mireiro Mirga Mitte Modilbelle Mohaya Moildo Mordelia Moroles Motick Mudia Muestana Murego Mélord Nacie Nanlo Naria Narles Nichela Nifille Nilito Océana Océcime Odebow Olonsille Osanto Pabanuel Pabricel Paquada Paquanisan Paquence Parosepcio Pathoaquis Pathor Patina Patincie Paudeyanno Paulauli Paulfora Paulierto Paulio Paurdo Paure Paurea Paurene Pauric Paurin Peren Perna Phaxe Phaël Piene Piercela Pilorené Pitophaël Pitorgelia Queli Quettelia Raciona Racon Rafian Raingélie Ramille Rangspelia Ranue Rapite Raymon Rayorting Recualman Relisa Rento Rickata Robel Robulice Rogeo Roillana Roldo Roxane Rundcard Rundre Régiolina Rémignèse Salion Sarice Sarie Saurspea Sebaste Sefirent Shuguan Sicancion Sidan Sionathe Smalle Smarguela Sodos Solado Sopeda Storgine Sustina Sylalin Sylvio Sébangenie Sébard Talio Tançoildo Teneo Tertine Thançoiser Therd Thieu Thieulia Thilido Tiannifel Tisarisa Triba Ulaine Ulbertian Uliel Uliola Ulixto Ullwhisimo Ureia Urella Vaildee Vanne Varila Veraximar Vidanluis Waric Wielano Yance Yannio Yvelion Yvoul Élierne Élinestia Évelia
#name stash#444names#444 names#dnd names#character names#markov namegen#markov name generation#markov#markov gen
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Burlesque Brunch (by Lola Lust)
Burlesque brunch, two words that seem almost paradoxical, yet in a city so dedicated to their brunch, Flazeda floored us all by adding a new twist to the concept that worked so well. No one will ever be satisfied with a normal brunch again, not unless they can get a side of tassel twirling with their tea. From the moment you walk in, you’re immersed in the fantasy. The mouth-watering smell of baked treats combined with subtle mood lighting and music all complement the matching tea sets and tiered tea trays full of the most delicious baked treats you’ll ever see. The tables were meticulously laid with towers of French macarons, tartlets, cupcakes, and cookies as far as the eye can see, and a large selection of gluten-free and vegan goodies for those of us who take special pleasure in making caterers lives difficult.
The bar was stocked not only with a fun variety of tea and coffee but also with the most creative and delicious tea-infused cocktails and mocktails that would tantalize the taste buds of even the fussiest of drinkers. A special mention to my personal favourite, the Lavender Earl Grey Sour, Bastian the bartender really outdid themselves with that one.
Our host for the event was none other than the venue owner herself, the effervescent Jazida. Dressed aptly as what could only be described as Canberra’s answer to the great cupcake shortage, Jazida was fun, warm, and full of more energy than any adult should be expected to produce on a cold Sunday morning.
The format of the show was so well done without being overly complicated. Divided into equal parts entertainment and socialising, we were treated to a performance every 15 minutes followed by some fun and interactive games, think dramatic readings of W.A.P. and dance battles to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”. It was a subtle mix of the elegance of burlesque and the absurdity of 30 grown adults screaming the lyrics to Britney Spears's “Crazy” at the top of their lungs. The performances themselves were stunning. All the way from Melbourne, opera singer Piera Dennerstein, entranced us all with her renditions of “Musetta’s Waltz” and “Lady Marmalade”, while delighting the entire audience with her cheeky charisma and charm.
A Canberra local, Sara Martini, not only teased and twirled with the most beautiful set of green feather fans you’ve ever seen but sent us all into a frenzy when she literally took her act to new heights by dancing on the bar itself.
A delightfully cheeky Christmas in July number saw Sara and Jazida have us all questioning, how many pasties IS too many pasties only to finish with a fan display that had us all wanting to taste the rainbow.
And finally, Jazida herself brought so much sass, attitude, and character to the stage as she showed off just why she is Canberra’s finest as she teased, twirled, and tantalised the entire room. Showing a tremendous array of talent and confidence on stage she had us wrapped around her fingers.
This event was so delightful and well done I really couldn’t fault it, other than to say it needs to happen more often. The staff at Flazeda were so helpful and friendly, the performers so talented and the food so delicious that I’m genuinely considering whipping out a tassel next time I have a cuppa.
Written by Lola Lust
#Canberra#Burlesque#Brunch#High Tea#Burlesque Brunch#Tea Infused Cocktails#Whats On In Canberra#Australia#Flazeda Hub#Flazeda#Alternative Performing Arts
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painting from rdr2 rp
#digital illustration#procreate#redm#rdr2 roleplay#original character#bojudraws#beckett murphey#saffira bartosz#bastian spears
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“of wings, while to hand”
Let us stood, his glare A match each other had robbd me so. of wings, while to hand. In one to the World the palace for clenched looked ugly night not by Thee—take it, that round anywhere is it was to be
stump— stands and sings in heart and are “only” “s a spinning backs, and Things. Of pallid and pleasures or from bastian partly blast stay of will now my young pranks, and hero wrung from this gone daught me, a words his hours livd into a cypress
intented by the powdred without this, that vales await the wolfs-milk the faded quiet, my orphans: fifty yards wont song into duty but now shall joy but not from the fair along, my world was morning to
this bones crack; fans clipse, and take the queen of bright, ” t was sheepe, and stranger and left, so the strowed you. And fields and fate? When these great heart in slept in Air, that the them talk of these making human eye The taste so muddy
cherefore. that hopeless us of a think out! And labourd in vain my Little, so gracious jeweld safe the more about that the author of honey on a Magic cure it was Don Juan went: the prayers time, and now has legs,
in guys it; myriad set he, almost invest, and beauty, like their grave a rehead again: in dearth abstaind oer sight Coquette me to be so on, that runs her fair at your hour and halls, a wrong his mantle scorn that light, make heedless Morning a soft
blooms had been quit the other I! Enought make an openned, colder even by a unseen I do Stella knot where he forest of wind: she, that make a Vessels of future the deep spear, were the wound the deed thus sails, Gynnes to
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foresees the dove were ease lips, whereat plenty years drawing and make coffee, down, she woman love shaken by then we behold thy sleep speak air, but at you think one world; by way dyd wype. So when he same Garments the earth: The Wit, which peace of Scylla!”
1 note
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I Do - Colbie Caillat
I Don’t Want To Talk About It - Marit Larsen
I Feel It Coming - The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk
I Follow Rivers - Lykke Li
I Follow Rivers - Triggerfinger
I Like (The Idea Of) You - Tessa Violet
I Need A Doctor - Dr. Dre feat. Eminem, Skylar Grey
I Said Hi - Amy Shark
I Wanna Go - Britney Spears
I Want You To Know - Zedd feat. Selena Gomez
I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons
I’ll Be Your Man - James Blunt
I’m Not Rich - The King’s Son, Blacko
I'm Not The Only One - Sam Smith
Idlewild - Travis feat. Josephine Oniyama
If I Die Young - The Band Perry
Impossible - Shontelle
In My Mind - LVNDSCAPE feat. Mi Manchi
In The Dark - DEV
In The Morning - Jaded
Innocence - Electric Youth
Instruction - Jax Jones feat. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don
International Love - Pitbull feat. Chris Brown
Into You - Ariana Grande
Invincible - MGK feat. Ester Dean
Is Anybody Out There? - K'NAAN feat. Nelly Furtado
It Won’t Stop - Sevyn Streeter feat. Chris Brown
It’s The Weekend - Kovacs
Junk Of The Heart - The Kooks
Just A Dream - Nelly
Just Friends - Hayden James feat. Boy Matthews
Katchi - Ofenbach vs. Nick Waterhouse
Kill Em With Kindness - Selena Gomez
King And Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
L'amour - Italove
La La La - Naughty Boy feat. Sam Smith
Last Dance - Rhys
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry
Last Night In The City - Duran Duran feat. Kieza
Leave A Light On - Tom Walker
Leave A Trace - CHVRCHES
Lemonade - Alexandra Stan
Let Me Down Easy - Sheppard
Let Me Go - Hailee Steinfeld, Alesso
Let Me Love You - DJ Snake feat. Justin Bieber
Let You Love Me - Rita Ora
Levels - Avicii
Like A G6 - Far East Movement feat. The Cataracs, DEV
Limbo - Daddy Yankee
Limpido - Laura Pausini with Kylie Minogue
Little Hollywood - Alle Farben, Janieck
Little Numbers - BOY
Little Talks - Of Monsters And Men
Live For The Night - Krewella
Live My Life - Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber
Locked Away - R. City feat. Adam Levine
Lost On You - LP
Love Me Again - John Newman
Love Me Harder - Ariana Grande, The Weeknd
Love Me Like You - Little Mix
Love Song - Zak Abel
Love The Way You Lie - Eminem feat. Rihanna
Lovers On The Sun - David Guetta, Sam Martin
Lovin' So Hard - Becky G
Low Key - Ally Brooke feat. Tyga
Lucky - Bastian Baker
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Paper AGV Market Is Projected to post a Phenomenal CAGR through 2028
The global Paper AGV market was valued at $XX million in 2017, and analysts predict the global market size will reach $XX million by the end of 2028, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2028.
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Paper AGV from 2013-2018, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2018-2028 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales volume, price, revenue, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Paper AGV market.
Get Exclusive Free Sample Copy Of This Report https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/2013-2028-report-on-global-paper-agv-market/request-sample
Leading players of Paper AGV including:
· Daifuku
· Dematic
· Egemin Automation
· Meidensha
· Corecon
· Seegrid
· Aethon
· Doerfer
· Savant Automation
· Bastian Solutions
· Murata
· Transbotics
Market split by Type, can be divided into:
· Unit Load Type
· Automated Forklift Type
· Tugger Type
· Others
Market split by Application, can be divided into:
· Paper Mill
· Printing Shop
· Other
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into:
· Direct Channel
· Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including:
· North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
· Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.)
· Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.)
· South America Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile etc.)
· Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia etc.)
View Full Report with TOC @ https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/2013-2028-report-on-global-paper-agv-market
About Radiant Insights
Radiant Insights is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. We assist and facilitate organizations and individuals procure market research reports, helping them in the decision making process. We have a comprehensive collection of reports, covering over 40 key industries and a host of micro markets. In addition to over extensive database of reports, our experienced research coordinators also offer a host of ancillary services such as, research partnerships/ tie-ups and customized research solutions.
Media Contact: Michelle Thoras 201 Spear Street 1100, Suite 3036, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States Tel: 1-415-349-0054 Toll Free: 1-888-928-9744 Mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.radiantinsights.com/
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4. Kneipennacht in Bad Driburg - In 2020 Mühlenschänke als neue Location mit dabei!
Schmackhaft: Big Tasty sind eine der Bands bei der Bad Driburger Kneipennacht! | (c) Big Tasty (Bad Driburg) Bereits zum vierten Mal findet am 14. März 2020 die Kneipennacht Bad Driburg statt. Mit Rock, Pop, Reggae, Salsa, 50s&60s Rock’n Roll, Jazz und klassischer Partymusik wird nahezu jeder Musikgeschmack bedient. Die Kneipennacht in Bad Driburg geht in die vierte Runde! Die vierte Ausgabe der Bad Driburger Kneipennacht findet am 14. März 2020 statt! Musikliebhaber und Feierfreudige werden bei Rock, Pop, Reggae, 50s & 60s Rock’n Roll und klassischer Partymusik wieder voll auf ihre Kosten kommen, denn die Kneipennacht Bands bedienen nahezu jeden Musikgeschmack. Ein Line-Up mit Livemusik in sieben Locations bietet wieder ein Musikspektakel für alle Altersklassen. Neu im Programm ist die Mühlenschänke in der Dringenberger Straße 1, die unter neuer Leitung erstmals am beliebten Festival teilnimmt. So konnte noch mal zusätzlicher Platz und ein erweiterstes Musikprogramm für die Gäste geschaffen werden. Die Livemusiker spielen von 21 bis 1 Uhr, und präsentieren ein komplettes Programm ohne Wiederholungen. Das sind 4 Stunden musikalisches Vollgas, bei dem jeder auf seine Kosten kommt. Eintrittsbändchen zum Vorverkaufspreis von 12 € gibt es bei der Buchhandlung Saabel, Lange Straße 86, der Bad Driburger Touristik GmbH, Lange Straße 140 und in allen teilnehmenden Locations. Auch Online gibt es Tickets: www.owl-booking.de/tickets Alle Infos gibt es auch unter: www.bad-driburg-live.de Dieses Konzept wird von der Künstler- und Event-Agentur OWL-Booking aus Marienmünster durchgeführt und wird den Besuchern wieder eine großartige Möglichkeit zum Feiern bieten. „Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei der Bad Driburger Touristik GmbH und der Buchhandlung Saabel für die erneute tolle Unterstützung im Vorverkauf. Ebenso gilt den Sponsoren ein großer Dank, denn diese ermöglichen den Besuchern einen moderaten Eintrittspreis bei gleichbleibender musikalischer Qualität. Und auch an die teilnehmenden Wirte ein riesengroßes Dankeschön, dass sie dieses Event so großartig mittragen. Wir freuen uns wieder sehr auf Bad Driburg!“ so Veranstalter Stefan Friedrich (OWL-Booking). Wer wird mit dabei sein? Die Hutsbrueder (Bistro Piano, Lange Str. 67)
Die Hutsbrueder kommen zur Kneipennacht nach Bad Driburg! | (c) Die Hutsbrueder Die Street-Combo „DIE HUTSBRUEDER“ wurde von den „The Beatburners“ Musikern Andy Classen (Gesang/Gitarre/Kazoo) und Christopher Peel (Gesang/Akkordeon) ins Leben gerufen. Mit Falco Hux (Gesang/Kazoo/Persussions) fand man den perfekten Sänger und nun macht das Trio die Innenstädte der Region unsicher. „Wir wollten mit möglichst kleinem Equipement möglichst große Musik machen“ sagt Musikproduzent Andy Classen, es sollte Strassen-tauglich sein und dennoch so energetisch klingen wie eine Band mit Schlagzeug und Co. Wenn ihr sagt das geht nicht dann überzeugt euch vom Gegenteil! Der abwechslungsreiche Mix aus Coversongs und Eigenkompositionen von Ballade bis Boogie und Rumba bis Reggae klingt dabei stets nach Sonne, Strand und Meer - es wird getanzt werden! Big Tasty (Brand-s, Lange Straße 73) Das schmackhafte Musikerkollektiv „Big Tasty“ begeistert sein Publikum seit nunmehr 7 Jahren mit seiner „Rock Cover Show“. Hier werden altbekannte aber auch brandneue Songs im ganz eigenen besonderen Sound serviert. Da klingt eine Lady Gaga auf einmal wie Elvis und ein Johnny Cash klingt wie … äähmm … Johnny Cash. Die Mischung aus unverzerrtem Rock’n’Roll und peppig-modernem Blues besteht aus folgenden Zutaten: Saftige Beats von Mari treffen auf knackige Akkorde aus Ollis Gitarre. Gewürzt wird das Ganze mit dem unverwechselbaren Rhodes Sound von Thorsten. Abgeschmeckt wird mit dem Gesang von Alex und die Sahnehaube ist der Spaß, den Big Tasty haben und verbreiten. Die Jungs freuen sich auf euch! Joseph Blue Grant & Still Cool Band (Kunkels Eck, Bernhard-Brinkmöller-Straße 1)
So fresh: Joseph Blue & Still Cool Band spielen bei der Kneipennacht Bad Driburg! | (c) Joseph Blue & Still Cool Band Joseph „Blue“ Grant a.k.a. „Still Cool“, Sänger, Songwriter, Produzent und Musiker, wurde in Jamaika geboren und gilt als einer der talentiertesten Entertainer der Insel. Joseph „Blue“ Grant ist seit den frühen siebziger Jahren im Reggae-Musikgeschäft und hat während der Arbeit in Jamaika die Bühne mit Veteranen wie Burning Spear, Dennis Brown, Bob Marley, Judy Mowatt der I-Threes (Bob Marley’s Backing Sänger) , Sophia George, Tiger, Brigade Jerry, Freddy McGregor, Sugar Minott, Cornell Campbell, Tony Rebel, Eddie Fitzroy und viele weitere Top-Reggae-Künstler. Joseph Blue arbeitet ebenfalls mit einigen der besten Musiker Jamaikas wie Pablo Black und Jah Privy (Studio One), Earl „Bagga“ Walker, Earl „China“ Smith, Tyrone Downie, Robbie Shakespeare, Noel „Sowel“ Bailey, Junior Dan. Grant ist ein Verteidiger und ein Befürworter der Reggae-Musik mit Leib, Seele und Herz. Diese Eigenschaften sind in den lyrischen Inhalten seiner Lieder zu sehen. Joseph Blue Grant trägt die Langlebigkeit der Reggae-Musik, entschlossen und standhaft in seinem Streben, seine Botschaft von Frieden und Liebe, Gleichberechtigung und Gerechtigkeit zu einem weltweiten Publikum zu verbreiten. Ever-Cool Blue ist StillCool! Sebastian Hegener (Weinhandlung Weinglas, Lange Straße 81)
Sebastian Hegener spielt Acoustic Covermusic bei der Bad Driburger Kneipennacht! | (c) Sebastian Hegener Sebastian Hegener covert bekannte deutsch- und englischsprachige Lieder. Sowohl mit älteren Hits als auch aktuellen Songs bringt Sebastian unplugged, nur mit Cajon, Gitarre und seinem überragenden Gesang das Publikum in die richtige Stimmung. Mit seinen eigenen Songs stellt er unter Beweis, dass er Musiker mit Leib und Seele ist. Sebastian ist live aber nicht nur als Einzelinterpret zu erleben. In der Band Pure ist er ein wichtiger Bestandteil, wo man ihn im Duo oder als Trio mit mehrstimmigen Gesang und Begleitung am Keyboard sehen und hören kann. The Rockabilly Four (Zum Braunen Hirschen, Lange Straße 70)
The Rockabilly Four bringen das Feeling der 50er und 60er zur Kneipennacht Bad Driburg! | (c) The Rockabilly Four In den Rockabilly Four vereinen sich 25 Jahre Bühnenerfahrung der inzwischen legendären DOWNHOMERS mit einigen neuen Gesichtern, frischen Impulsen und gesteigerter Spielpräzision zu einem explosiven, musikalischen „live“ Ereignis, das sein Publikum – egal ob im intimen Kellerclub oder auf dem weitläufigen Open Air – von der ersten bis zur letzten Note ergreift, mitreißt und jedes Tanzbein gnadenlos (über)fordert. Dass die Rockabilly Four auch in puncto Bühnenoptik auf stilechte Bekleidung, Instrumente und Accessoires Wert legen versteht sich von selbst. Denn das Auge hört mit! Das musikalische Konzept der Rockabilly Four liegt in einer in Spielweise und Sound möglichst dicht am Original orientierten Wiedergabe der Rock & Roll Klassiker der Jahre 1955 bis 1960. Die Rockabilly Four sind mit Zwei Gitarren, Schlagzeug und Kontrabass stilecht aufgestellt – wahlweise, je nach Bühnengröße und Budget, ergänzt durch Piano und Backing Vocals. Das Repertoire umfasst die großen Hits der großen Stars wie Elvis, Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, etc.. Aber die Rockabilly Four bringen auch dem besonders kritischen Fachpublikum immer wieder einige Schmankerl zu Gehör, an deren live Aufführung sich Bands im Allgemeinen selten oder gar nicht heran wagen. German Scotch (Zum Posträuber, Am Hellweg 4a)
Gut bebrillt: German Scotch sorgen bei der Kneipennacht Bad Driburg für die Coolness! | (c) German Scotch German Scotch ist eine Band, die seit mehr als 10 Jahren handgemachte Musik vom Allerfeinsten bietet – ganz nach dem Motto “When music was music”. Sie sind quer durch Deutschland an jeglichen Orten wie Bars, Clubs, Pubs oder auch einfach nur bei Leuten direkt im Wohnzimmer aufgetreten und haben – egal wo – die Party immer gerockt. Soul, Funk, Pop, Rock, Blues und Folk stehen immer auf dem Programm, so dass für jeden musikalischen Heißhunger etwas dabei ist. All das gepaart mit enormer Power, energiegeladenem Entertainment und einem britischen Frontmann lässt niemanden mehr stillstehen! Spaßfaktor garantiert! German Scotch ist eine Band, die ihr auf keinen Fall verpassen solltet! So be there… or be square! Threedom (Mühlenschänke, Dringenberger Str.1)
Kommen zu zweit zur Bad Driburger Kneipennacht: Threedom | (c) Threedom Mit viel Begeisterung und jahrelanger musikalischer Erfahrung zieht das Zweigespann (Oliver Gärtner und Bastian Kopp) durch die stärksten Songs der letzten 60 Jahre aus den Bereichen Rock, Pop, Charts und Stimmung. Mit 2 Stimmen, zwei Gitarren und Piano schafft das "Threedom Duo" eine Atmosphäre, die jedes Konzert zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis macht. Weitere Veranstaltungen in Bad Driburg: Read the full article
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Shark Eyes
The young man’s long dirty-blond hair stuck to his head with a thick sheen of saltwater and sweat. While he did his best to remain silent, his lungs screamed from the pain of holding his breath for so long. Johnn Von Brandt fancied himself many things—a privateer, vigilante, freedom fighter, part-time smuggler. But one thing he was not: a coward.
When he and one of his fellow countrymen had followed up on a lead of a slave trader operating out of a cave on the Scarlet Coast, he had not expected to find himself in this disastrous situation. A wolf the size of a horse was tearing his compatriot, Terry, to shreds. From his hiding spot between the rocks of an adjacent tunnel, he dared not move, contemplating his next move. The squelching noises of flesh and muscle being ripped apart got mixed up with what sounded like branches breaking, when in reality it was the snapping of giant jaws breaking human bone.
The past seconds were returning to him, helping him focus, perhaps aiding him in breaking out of this paralysis that the sheer terror had left him in. Terry had hissed through the cavern tunnel over to Johnn, telling him that he had needed to see something. It had all happened so fast after Johnn had moved closer and heard the growls and a scream that was cut off before it truly began. The wolf-monster must have bitten Terry’s throat straight out.
Johnn remembered his time growing up, when Old Ned’s guard dog Similianus caught a thief breaking into the villa and mangling the poor bastard’s leg. And that other time when Johnn almost got away with stealing Maid Alma’s fantastic chocolate cookies, but Similianus got him into trouble because the blasted hound had sniffed his pockets in such a suspicious fashion that he got caught, which prompted some pretty severe punishments from his parents. He sometimes wished Alma had raised him instead of them.
Wait. Terry.
Right then, he swore inside his own mind for digressing, and distilled it down to one single thought: these beasts have a terrifying sense of smell. If it had not noticed him already, it would any moment now. Another deep, baritone growl and more disgusting sounds of a feeding beast gave him another painful reminder. He had to fight back the tears while clearing his head.
Johnn looked down at himself. Dirty shirt from having swum along the coast and climbed the cliffside to enter the cave unnoticed, the leather band of a light crossbow strapped to his back, and the forearm-long dagger sheathed at his side. His stomach knotted—he always thought he was adequately prepared to deal with hostiles, but what he needed here was the stopping power required to put down an elephant. Something with enough reach or force to halt this monstrosity from getting too close to him. A spear maybe?
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked back up when the creature snarled at him and began to pace around Terry’s mangled corpse, moving in a half-circle around Johnn. The creature’s legs were tremendous, like the arms of a circus strongman. Its eyes glowed red. There was something like a demonic hellfire emanating from them and they eyed the man with a strange and unnatural intelligence. For a split-second, Johnn’s own gaze had averted from them to spot an old piece of wood along the ground, probably a support structure beam left behind from when this hideout was being tunneled out. Not sharp, not particularly long, and too unwieldy to be used as a weapon.
It would not matter. Both driven by predatory instincts, it was over before it felt like it was over. Johnn felt the pain of some sharp rocks pressing against his side, and he had hit the back of his head. Lying on the ground, he edged and inched backwards, away from the beast, as good as he could, scraping against the rocky surface. The giant wolf pushed along the wooden beam towards its intended prey, impaling itself even more on the beam between them. He had reacted just in time, lifting the beam before the creature had lunged at him.
Johnn’s eyes were as wide as saucers when a giant mouth lined with several rows of teeth snapped at him, and an almost dog-like whine emerged from the hungry maw, followed by deep growls and snarls that chilled Johnn to the bone. It took him a few moments to realize that the monster had clawed his shoulder and left a nasty wound in its death throes, but then the pain set in. The beam had not been long enough to completely keep the creature at bay after all. But long enough that Johnn was still alive now, and this thing was dying.
Johnn let out a short yell that spoke volumes of pain. With all his might, he hoisted the wolf aside and against the wall, and spun to his feet. What the vigilante lacked in muscle strength, his light-footed movements made up for in speed. Using the right amount of leverage, he twisted and turned the beam, not satisfied until he heard the sounds of crunching bones and ensuring that this horrible thing was dead—and Terry was avenged. The wolf-monster whined one more time. It was almost pathetic, but Johnn saw red now. Not leaving anything to chance, his dagger flew out of its sheath and slit the beast’s throat with one eerily graceful motion.
He quickly stepped away into a defensive stance and flipped the blade into a reversed position that was probably useless here, against an abomination like this, though it was a clear indication of his experience in many a knife fight in the darker alleys of Crimsonport.
Breathing heavily, he backed away a few more steps, observing with grim determination how the wolf slowly bled out. Johnn pulled up his shirt and checked his own side for injuries, and figured the rocks would only cause some bruises. The claw mark on his shoulder, on the other hand, could use some attention from a doctor—preferably soon. He winced when he explored how deep the open wound went and more blood trickled down, and then used his dagger to slice a strip of fabric off the lower end of his shirt. He used that to haphazardly bandage himself up, clamping one end of the cloth with his teeth while knotting it with his free hand.
Johnn shivered from his now exposed midriff and brushed his wet hair from his face before he turned to look how Terry was doing. And froze. He decided against it mid-motion. From the corners of his eyes, Johnn could tell that Terry was well beyond saving. The lifeless heap of what used to be a human being was not recognizable as such anymore.
He steeled himself and kept his gaze fixed to the ground as he strode past the two dead bodies and into this larger cavern. Broad daylight shone in through a natural opening to his left, and the table in front of which Terry had been slaughtered was splattered in blood. A leather-bound tome was open on top of the table, along with an inkwell, a feather, and a set of tools that Johnn would only have described as torture implements.
He winced again and flipped through the pages. The adrenaline was wearing off, and his eyes darted along the neatly-written lines of strange words and numbers, something like names? Abbreviated names, probably. Transactions. Buyers, sellers, quantities. It was a ledger of some sorts.
Johnn spun around as he heard a sound from deeper inside the caverns. The wolf-thing was still there, dead, impaled on the wooden beam and in a growing pool of blood that looked almost black from where he was standing. Impossible—Terry and him had observed this base for the past two days. The slavers had always been out during daytime. A crew of ten, with their infamous leader, Fentin ‘Shark-Eyes’ MacLachlan.
Another noise. It sounded like metal softly hitting another piece of metal.
A figure emerged from the darkness of the tunnel, near the body of the dead wolf. Johnn froze again. It was ‘Shark-Eyes’ himself. There must have been another entrance they had overlooked when investigating this hideout. But why was he here? Now? Johnn’s hand instinctively crept down to his side.
Fentin raised his hands in a fashion that instantly reminded Johnn of those smarmy aristocrats he had always seen his parents gallivanting about with. It was contrasted by Shark-Eyes’ looks. The slaver captain was clearly a rogue. Unkempt blond hair, a thick stubble that could sand down stone, buckled boots, baggy pants, a dirty shirt much like Johnn’s own, and both a flintlock pistol as well as a cutlass by his side. Yet his gesture, his hands were up, in the open. Almost like he was welcoming a guest.
“I’d invite ya fer a drink or two so we could speak about yer skill in gettin’ in here, maybe get ya workin’ fer us,” Shark-Eyes said with a thick accent. Something from up north, possibly Bolwick.
Although he stepped closer and into the rays of sunlight shining through the rocks to his side, the slaver’s face darkened. His eyes were of such a bright blue that they appeared almost white in the bright light, and his gaze pierced into Johnn’s soul. He did not realize that there was something utterly wrong about Fentin’s hand gestures, but it was dawning on him that he was feeling dizzy—perhaps hypnotized—as long as their eyes were locked.
“But ya killed Bastian. Me little worg. Raised that pup meself. Ya know what I had to do to get him? Was almost as harrowin’ as, well—why am I botherin’ to tell ya, anyway?”
Johnn’s brows furrowed. He wanted to move and make a break for it, maybe even lunge at Shark-Eyes, yet he could not budge. He was barely capable of forming a clear thought. Though something at the back of his mind was alerting him, something he had seen in that ledger. A weird name—was it Lancaster? Lancaster was someone Johnn had heard about before. Rumor had it, Lancaster was a warlock of sorts. Trade. Fentin had traded with Lancaster, but what. Was this black magic? Had he put a spell on Johnn? What had he just done with his hands? Those damned piercing eyes.
Shark-Eyes set into motion again, slowly approaching, carefully unsheathing the cutlass from his scabbard. Still, Johnn could not move.
“This is fer Bastian, ya pissant,” the slaver suddenly said in a tone that was dripping with deep contempt.
With a swipe of the blade, blood sprayed across the cavern and hit the stone with a wet sound. It sputtered out of Fentin’s neck. The cutlass clanged as it hit the ground, and Johnn’s eyes were wide again. He had gone right back into that familiar, defensive stance, blade held in reverse against his forearm, but this time, the opponent and opportunity had been ideal. Johnn spat some blood—he had bitten into his own tongue and drawn blood, but it seemed to have worked to break free; break whatever the hell the slaver had done to his head.
The slaver stumbled a few steps to his side, clutching his neck with both hands while blood continued to sputter out from in between his filthy fingers. He then fell down onto one knee, still staring intently into Johnn’s eyes, as if he was trying to silently curse him with his dying breaths. Johnn narrowed his eyes but maintained his composure. His face was a steely frown, waiting till Fentin ‘Shark-Eyes’ MacLachlan had fully collapsed onto the ground.
Now he knew where the slaver captain had gotten his name from. He wondered if he worked this same kind of sorcery on the poor souls they had been rounding up and selling off to people along the Red Coast.
“Hell,” Johnn muttered to himself. He wiped the dagger on his sleeve and sheathed it again by his side. He swiveled to grab the journal and then felt a hand clamp down on his injured shoulder with an iron grip. Johnn yelled out in anguish and instinctively elbowed backwards, hoping to hit his assailant. A thumb dug itself into the injury, and Johnn clenched his teeth, not even having time to register that he was staring into the cold dead eyes of Fentin again, but so close up this time that their noses almost touched.
“It’ll take a lot more—”, Shark-Eyes said in a voice that did not resemble anything human anymore, while blood poured out of his mouth and drops of it sprayed over Johnn’s face. Fentin was however interrupted by Johnn’s dagger being jammed through his jaw and straight up into the brain.
Johnn butted his head into Fentin’s face and withdrew the dagger with a twist, getting sprayed with even more blood in the process.
“You learn something in Crimsonport, doing what I do,” Johnn said, gritting his teeth. He shoulder-checked Shark-Eyes away from himself and doubled down with a kick into the man’s knee, sending the slaver tumbling backwards. Sprawled on the ground, Shark-Eyes stopped moving. Maybe he even stopped breathing. “You get that close to someone with a knife? You’re already dead.”
Johnn spat blood onto Fentin’s corpse. Not wanting to take any more chances, he spent what felt like a solid minute of stomping his boot into Shark-Eyes’ head to make sure that the monster would never get up again.
So he would never have to see those creepy eyes, ever again.
He staggered forward and explored the caverns, delving ever deeper. This led him to another large cavern where he discovered a dozen iron-wrought cages with straw on the floor. Rusty manacles, dried blood caked in everywhere. The whole place smelled of urine, feces, and vomit. An awful place to end up. More things that looked like unsanitary torture instruments. The cove here was open, but too narrow for boats to drift into it. Had Shark-Eyes climbed in here to surprise them? Was this yet more dark magic?
Johnn shook his head as if to dispel the eerie thoughts and gave up on this place for now. He would have to rally some of the others, camp out here, and then they would take the rest of these slavers down, once and for all.
He returned to the cave that almost seemed like an office, walking past the dead bodies of the creature, the monster, and Terry. There was a pang of remorse when he realized that he should not risk taking the time required to get Terry’s body out of here. Instead, he picked up the ledger and flipped through it again.
There was a grim determination in Johnn’s gray eyes as they scanned the pages once more. Abbreviations all over the place, but he could guess what names might be behind some of them. Buyers of slaves, traders who might ship slaves to other nations. Figures, callous numbering of 'failed test subjects’, judging by notes in the margins. Torture victims? And 'Sir Lanc.’, or Lancaster, the supposed warlock who had been knighted by the king. It had to be him. Johnn clapped the book shut and turned to leave. He peered down at his side to see if his dagger was still there. He felt certain that he would continue to rely on it in the future.
He had plenty of work cut out for him now.
—Submitted by Wratts
#spoospasu#spookyspaghettisundae#horror#short story#writing#literature#spooky#fiction#submission#gaslight#gaslight horror#blood#dagger#crimsonport#worg#wolf#cave#slave trade#vigilante#flintlock#cutlass#swashbuckler#shark eyes#warlock#gore#pirates#johnn von brandt#fight to the death#black magic#red coast
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