#basically in this au Alfred matt jack and zee (eleanor) had their parents killed by the spy agency that Arthur and Ivan work at
the-heaminator · 1 year
“Dammit please don’t start crying” for the na bros 🙏🏽
I dont write enough of these two, let's change that, context of au in the tags
Nothing was going to plan right now, absolutely nothing, they had burned the cake to smithereens, it tasted fine, at least that's what Arthur said, but his taste buds were not to be taken seriously, and besides it looked quite like a cowpat.
He had gone off to stall Ivan somewhere, he was a good liar so they believed that he would be able to, Jack and Eleanor had been taken care of via an afterschool club that ran till 6, most ran till 4:30, but the science club was having its awards ceremony today so they were dealt with through an almost uncanny twist of fate.
Now it was up to those two to keep everything together, and both were failing miserably, Arthur had told them just to, in his words "Don't set the house on fire, flood it or find another way to destroy it." Those were his exact words, at least he wasn't expecting very much, though for Matthew at least that made it worse, not entirely sure why himself, but it made it worse.
Alfred knew Matthew tended to get volatile when under this kind of pressure, easily the most rational of all 6 of them, but even he had his moments, and by how anxious and fidgety he was now, this seemed like it was getting to be one of those moments, it was best to avoid him in such situations, Alfred knew this, off by heart nearly, it had happened enough times before that he knew what he was doing.
Matt was rushing about at almost a dizzying speed, pacing in the way Alfred usually did when excited, though more fevered, and of course, far less joyous, even sitting his leg was bouncing up and down irritatingly fast, Father had always been harder on Matthew than he had been on him, Alfred may have been the oldest, but he needed the spare to be even better, that was years ago, Father was dead now, but the remnants of that were still present, Arthur and Ivan's standards were odd, likely because they hadn't interacted with children for decades before them, their whole thing was that they could be really good at what they liked to do and be good enough to get decent grades at.
Matt had loosened up a lot under this system, because even under the agency, the teachers there were teachers of adults, they expected more of him than he was comfortable to provide, Alfred could usually keep up, and Jack wasn't expected to just yet, and he was stuck in the middle.
Matthew had gone pale.
This was not good, he stilled too, deep breath, that failed, he started to pace again, went up to his room, and closed the door behind him. Fuck.
Alfred rushed upstairs, Matthew had barricaded the door, he spoke through it, he was loud enough "Dammit, Mattie please don't start crying, let me in?"
Matthew didn't want to, he was being foolish, stupid, a fucking idiot, but he did anyways, Alfred immediately grabbed him and didn't let him go for a while, he may have not had the most tact when it came to...just about everything, but sure as hell could he try, Matthew was taller than him already, lanky bastard he was, Matthew stilled, either to do with comfort or because Alfred was stronger than he looked and his ribs were being abused.
A wet cough "Alfred...!"
He let go, "Are you good bro?"
"Yes, yes, I'll be fine."
He could hear Jack coming into the driveway, this was not good "Mattie, calm down dude."
"I am calm now, you are the one panicking Alfred?"
"Right, right." The door opened, Alfred and Matthew snuck down, Matthew's eyes were still a little red, Arthur caught the slightly wet look Matt had going on, but had absolutely no idea why that was the case, had he hurt himself?
The house was still in one piece and a twice over showed nothing, Ivan was occupied by Jack and Eleanor excitedly telling him something about snakes, Arthur caught their eyes and tried to question, Matthew shook his head and looked up the stairs, this was to be discussed later, but for now, the planning had to commence.
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