#Hws Australia
christopherballot · 2 days
More Jost content just for meeee. still don’t know the ship name but i’ve not seen anything else of it so??? i coin the name Jost for them. you’re welcome
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ego-meliorem-esse · 11 months
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Am i normal about nations being depicted in old photographs? Unquestionably not, good Lord...
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umahumahumah · 4 months
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This is old news but I still can't get over the fact that the hetalia world stars Twitter account did Sweden (and Netherlands) so dirty a few years back by making australia taller than both of them
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askcardsuits · 2 months
I want to see more Australia pretty please 🥺🥺🥺
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Here’s some single dad Australia
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thirdlotusprince3 · 6 months
Britain: We call that a traumatic event.
Britain, turning to Canada: Not a "typical tuesday."
Britain, to New Zealand: Not "it is what it is."
Britain, to Sealand: Not a "bruh moment"
Britain, turning to America: Not a "major L."
Britain, turning to Australia: And definitely not an "oof lmao."
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temnayajija · 6 months
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russiantapo4ek · 8 months
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According to Moscow statistics for 2022-2023 24% of Australians often visit Russia
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lieutkenny · 8 months
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Bluey has been influencing a lot of my stuff lately-
I’m so excited to be contributing to @hws-anthology Check it out and go support the artists and writers who were apart of it. It was an mammoth of a project to be apart of!
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ifindus · 2 months
After Norway stole all the muffins, Australia screams
"Nor Way!!" (aka, 'no way' in his accent)
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goldenstarprincesses · 9 months
Arthur is the proud owner of an elderly decrepit King Charles Spaniel dog. No one knows how old it is. There is a debate between his children and Francis about if its immortal or if Arthur just keeps adopting the exact same type of dog. Everyone is kinda scared to ask as this point.
The dog is fucking mean. Will snarl, bite, and pee on anyone who try's to pet or even worse, move it. It tolerates the Kirkland children most of the time, but is known to hate Francis. Francis has done nothing but try to pamper and win over that dog. Still has chewed up multiple designer bags. Known dog lover and super power the United States will turn right around and try again later if he walks in his fathers house and he realizes he's alone with the dog. One time the dog crawled onto his lap and along side being scare to move for the next 5 hours, Alfred was actually positive it was a sign he was dying.
But the worst thing about this, is that Arthur treats that dog better then he ever treated any of his children in their babyhood and youth. Alfred once witness Arthur crawl under the dining room table to spoon feed it homemade dog food. Matt once had to help put the dogs hand-sewn winter jacket and booties on. They all have heard him talk the most sweet musical baby talk to it.
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christopherballot · 4 months
i know this dude is from Florida but it gave me the vibes of something Australia would do, so here you go. Original video is from Fishingarrett’s YouTube page
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 2 months
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During these Olympics, I learned that Australia has one-sided beef with the United States especially over swimming. I find this beef weird cause lol Aussies are just American different font & idk most Americans love Aussies 😭.
Anyways, I imagine Kyle/ Australia (I’m using my friend Mel’s interpretation) & Alfred did bring that competitive spirit to the Olympics these games. Also just to note, these two are 1000% friends, and whenever they’re together they get into stupid levels of trouble together.
My Alfred grew up in Massachusetts (he once represented Plymouth colony) so he def knows how to swim. He’s a New England boy at heart even if he now lives in DC.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 7 months
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I have so many prompts to draw yet I am here, sitting in my chair, iPad in hand, drawing my comfort babies: ANZAC.
If something's wrong with the anatomy don't tell me ill cry I've been drawing and looking at this for the past 3 h its warping and bending and im gonna puke
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hetalia-club · 2 months
Hetalia Olympics Drama
because it's very important that someone is documenting it.
England- was instructed by the British Olympic committee NOT to eat the meat at the Village.
Everyone- collectively hates the food and have said so in interviews and online DAILY. They have all been going out to do their own shopping and buying grills and flat tops to cook for themselves, because teh food is so retched. It has been given a 0/10 most days and on rare days a 2/10 by the Americans.
Norway- has gained the nickname 'muffin man' for commandeering the ONLY edible thing in the village, which may or may not be a hate crime, the beloved chocolate muffins. which they have all been fighting over. He was spotted the other day eating jelly toast, disgracing his name. Duolingo called it blasphemy. His team posted his shame for the world to see on tiktok. Scandalous
Australia, America, Canada, Greece, Italy, Denmark and England - Threw a fit until they were allowed to bring their own personal AC units to the village because the village has NONE, it is '79 degrease' in the rooms, how miserable. Australian and America made this possible by threatening not to come if they can’t have AC. I do not blame them at all. Could you imagine being outside playing tennis all day in 80 degree heat and then going back to your room to relax where it is STILL 80 degrees.
America- has brought his own mattress because the mattress is a thin piece of foam and everyone has been complaining of lack of sleep and back pain.
Canada- was caught cheating by using a drone to spy on New Zealand's soccer practice.
Hong Kong & Italy- Italy accused Hong Kong of fixing the fencing competition by paying off reffs (This is untrue and the fencing coaches are being sore losers, the athlete himself agrees with teh decision). Hong Kong has been taunting Italy with pictures of pineapple on pizza. Pizza Hut Hong Kong is offering FREE pineapple on any pizza for the next 2 days. Tragic. We don't know what this will do for his mental health I will try and keep you all posted.
England- Whilst mountain biking got a flat tire, had to carry his bike to get fixed and somehow still managed to get first after passing a French biker going around a tree in the forest. French spectators threw water bottles at him!? The fuck.
America- though not really drama but America has built their own “Team America” house for all their many athletes to come hang out in, it has AC and also it’s decorated like a frat house and looks like a frat house. They have ice cream, video games, iced coffee (extremely important!!) and clothing stores for merch, a big room like a movie theater where everyone can go to to both eat and watch the games together. If you’re not an American athlete it’s 300 bucks to go to for the day. This has angered other athletes who just want to go inside to see. Just import to note.
Belgium - Belgium got a gastrointestinal infection after swimming in the Seine river. Several atletes were seen vomiting after swimming in the water.
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stirringwinds · 9 months
Your thoughts on Alfreds similarity to Arthur, their dynamic and their father-son relationshio is incredible and so very enjoyable! The way Arthur sees Alfred; his hyperindependent son who rejects his fathers ideas and uplifts his own ambitions, not understanding that while his own ambition and view of the world is not completely identical to his fathers, it's a mirror image in scale and vigour. It is the same old tale of the prince beheading the king, taking the crown and vowing to never become his father, only to come full circle and have his enemies tell him "you're just like him."
Alfred may be the "black sheep" of the family, but not even Arthur can hide his favoritism for the lad. His firstborn is more like him than anyone of his children, and that bears pride, yet fear as well.
Im just trying to say that if you had a million fans, I am one of them, if you had one fan, its me, if you had zero fans im dead. <3
thank you so much! (: in return, i have to say how much i love your art, especially of the pacific siblings + the old man. you bring them to life really beautifully.
and yes! i just love the excellent contradictions that come out when digging into arthur and alfred as a father-and-son dynamic. i enjoy putting a twist on the usual tropes of the 'black sheep' and 'golden boy/crown prince', where it's often two different siblings. here, out of the 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿 siblings, alfred is the black sheep and the crown prince. he is the estranged eldest brother who seemingly does whatever the hell he wants. he overshadows them all even in his absence. like, for Jack and Zee especially, it's not a flattering picture of Alfred they get from Arthur. Ungrateful wretch, fool of a lad, hotheaded and arrogant, a flash in the pan...etc etc. but even quite young, before WWI or WWII, they realise that Alfred is the only one of them Arthur truly sees as anything close to an equal. that contrast is sharpened by how Arthur treats Matt—who was the 'older brother' they actually knew: the otherwise competent shocktroop of empire and first dominion shouldering various responsibilities. to defy Arthur is to earn his enmity, but also the only way to earn his respect.
like most other nations who become empires—Arthur doesn't truly believe in heirs: the sun never sets on the british empire, no? and when you are an eldritch being given life by the power of human ideas, immortality is a possibility they can't help aspiring to, no matter how much history is littered with the rise and fall of nations once arrogant enough to believe themselves invincible. and Arthur, at the height of British power, allows himself to believe that. for all his shrewdness and study of history, he's not immune to being seduced by that possibility. why shouldn't his empire be different? driven by the power of industrial civilisation that Rome could never dream of. Arthur never wanted Alfred to be his heir because he would never relinquish power willingly (just as the British Empire did not give itself up until the combined weight of world war two, anti-colonial movements and bankruptcy broke its back), but with his defiance, Alfred is the only kind of heir he would respect.
It is the same old tale of the prince beheading the king, taking the crown and vowing to never become his father, only to come full circle and have his enemies tell him "you're just like him."
indeed! i always see a real Titanomachy theme between Arthur and Alfred for that reason; the British and American empires certainly loved to perceive themselves as heirs to classical antiquity after all. the Greek story of the war between the younger generation of Olympian gods and Titans to determine who would have dominion over the universe. Zeus, with his siblings, overthrows his father Cronus— in a manner of speaking, that is what happens with WWII. Alfred is both Arthur's deliverance (lend lease, d-day...) and the one who usurps him: America replacing Britain's prime role in the Pacific, reshaping and redefining alliances with Australia, New Zealand and Canada. in the eyes of many of the Old World nations, Alfred is his father's heir. to end off, here's a short snippet from a WIP i'm working on set during the American Civil War:
Arthur laughs. “Do I make you do anything anymore, Alfred? Didn't you throw away my name almost a century ago? Did you not loudly announce yourself as a maritime power? That huge uproar you created in the Far East? Bragging to me how you’d done what I failed, dragging another Old World nation out of isolation to rejoin the international community on the threat of war and glories of foreign commerce?” Alfred opens his mouth—to say something self-righteous and hypocritical, Arthur is certain—but then he lifts his chin coolly. “As opposed to the actual war you started in China? If anything, with the Treaty of Kanagawa, I proved how one could secure foreign trading interests with both firmness but far more civilisation. You and I," Alfred sneers, “are not the same.” “An unequal treaty is an unequal treaty— that I will not deny even if I will not give up its benefits. This world is not for soft men or women, and the old warlord that Yao is—he knows that well.” Arthur smiles sharply. “Do you hate the fact that when the other Old World nations look at you, they see my blood running in your veins?"
Arthur imo, is definitely that father who plays favourites. Alfred is his greatest disappointment but also the one he loves the most—in the dysfunctional way that a man who is an empire comes closest to loving the son who mirrors him the most in his pitiless ambition and cunning. Alfred sees himself as a genuine idealist, as someone struggling to be free of his father and all his bad traits, but when Alfred rises to power, Arthur believes he's the only one who truly understands him the most. It's almost the possessive element of 'I gave you life, I named you and made you what you are, and no matter how much you scorn my name, my influence will define you forever.' Father and son, king and crown prince, regicide and patricide—but also creator and his creation made in his image.
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95jezzica · 2 months
"Spoiled" Kids
We in the fandom have talked some about how Sweden spoils the kids in the past, but honestly, he's not the only one. Micronations, for better or worse, is the closest the nations come to a human family. Most of the time micronations are the nations' rare chance at CHILDREN.
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So yes, Sweden might spoil his kids a bit, but you bet your ass Denmark will also gift them entire sets of new lego to build and play with. Norway would absolutely hand them some cash to let them decide for themselves what they want to buy or save for with it. You bet Estonia helps Finland figure out new and better computer parts to keep Ladonia's equipment updated.
You can be sure England eventually caves in to buy Sealand that gift he wanted, and of course Australia is giving Wy that art-set she's staring longingly at through the window. Seborga mentions wanting to impress a girl he likes and Veneziano and Romano basically drags him to a shop with fancy clothes for an update to his closet.
And yeah, Austria might not understand Kugelmugel the best of times, but why wouldn't he give Kugel that weird thing he thinks is art-related but can't be entirely sure?
You get the idea.
They're children, and while the nations stumble at times I'd like to believe the nations still try their best to give them a childhood. Because they never got one.
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