#basically i am *yearning*
bartholomew-junior · 8 months
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wooooo revived!clover! i have so many thoughts abt this au and they cannot all fit here so take some doodles
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hashileio · 9 months
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new year new yearning
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b-yyearns · 8 months
when you cant stop fucking smiling>>>>>>
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ineedmorepronouns · 2 months
"You're not a human?? What are you??" "Um, no... I'm a rock..."
(cw: vent in tags)
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littlest-bugz · 2 months
Currently googling 'where do I meet new people that isn't a dating app'
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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candyn-gutz · 8 months
i still have the fucking. screen recordings from when i was going for saeran's good ending. i was not well in the slightest
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byanyan · 14 days
scenes for you to imagine: byan sitting on the counter while your muse is cooking or baking, them occasionally interrupting to share funny memes or tiktoks they find while scrolling.
alternatively, they interrupt to share all the pictures (read: selfies) that they took today.
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janokenmun · 1 year
whenever i have a moment without doing anything my brain is immediately like. girls girls girls kissing girls holding girls cuddling girls falling asleep with girls i love girls
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hum--hallelujah · 1 year
built this life and now it's mine - Fab Four fluff + jetpoison* (platonic or romantic, up to interpretation) (for @caffeineecold)
Kobra got the jukebox in the corner working two days ago and Jet's just returned from a run that nearly killed him but also scored them a crate of real booze — not the shitty moonshine brewed in the Zones that everyone pretends they like even though it tastes like the inside of the boot that gave bootlegging its name, real stuff.
Party's already sloppy drunk, sitting at the counter, and Jet doesn't usually let himself get this tipsy. Kobra and Ghoul sit in the corner next to the jukebox, picking out tunes and passing back and forth a bottle of champagne, of all things. For being a sandpup, Ghoul has expensive tastes.
Something bass-heavy is playing when Party slips from the stool and nearly topples over. Jet's reflexes are sluggish, but he manages to slide from his own seat and catch Poison. Party's pissed at him for nearly dying, again, and Jet expects a shove and dark look, but that's not what he gets. Instead, Poison leans into him, fitting them so naturally together that it's almost frightening.
"Y'okay?" Jet asks quietly into Party's hair.
"Dance with me, Star?"
Jet blinks, shocked. This is the last thing he expected. But he's just drunk enough, inhibitions just low enough, and he always crumbles when Pois calls him Star. Nobody else really ever does. "Sure," he finds himself saying, and Pois curls even more against him, their hands finding their places without even looking. It's too easy to sway back and forth together, in some facsimile of dance that's really just more an excuse for the comfort of touch that they both need, to the lilting gravelly guitars playing through the jukebox speakers.
The track skips and Kobra thumps the side of the box to get it playing again, a rising guitar interlude without words. Poison's head is nested against Jet's jaw, red hair filling his entire field of vision. On an impulse he doesn't resist for once, probably due to how tipsy he is, he presses his lips to Poison's temple.
"I'm sorry, sunshine," he whispers. "Fuck, Poison, I love you. Not the way... you want me to, probably, but I do. I love you so much." His eye is wide and staring, a little bit desperate. There's no other way he can say it.
"Don't leave me," mumbles Poison softly into the skin of his neck. The song is different now, something softer. "My Star..."
Jet closes his eye. "I'm not trying to," he says.
Poison sniffs, still swaying to the new tempo of this song. "Try harder."
Pois probably won't remember this in the morning. Kobra and Ghoul will give them weird looks, like they've completely lost it, and Jet will know why. Heck, they're giving them weird looks now, over the top of a champagne bottle and between smirking giggling asides to each otherm But Party is too drunk to retain much. They won't ever talk about it, except maybe when it comes up in an argument they force everyone to hear. You said you wouldn't leave me, you said you love me. I don't care how it is I just want you to love me whatever way you can.
The future is unfolding in front of them in so many ways. But right now it's just two friends, irresponsibly drunk and folded into each other.
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p4nishers · 1 year
bisexual bobby. i'm right.
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indigo--montoya · 1 year
I need a title for a thing
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alterouslyinlove · 1 year
craving the physical touch of another person that isn’t just my mom rn
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I'm not quite in the same boat as the other two asks. But I'm close. I've thought that I was ambiamorous for a while, but looking at this poll has made me realise I have a way bigger preference towards polyamory than I thought. I'm still happy to be in a monogamous relationship (I am currently in one, and my partner means so much to me that there is no way I'd choose polyamory over her), but I think there's a definite preference there that I hadn't acknowledged before.
since we're all sharing... i knew since i was a teen that i was open to polyamory, i think whenever i first learned about it smth just clicked and it seemed right? idk.
and yet i myself havent dated more than one person at the same time lmao i was part of a polycule, i had a girlfriend who had a girlfriend, and while we're not together anymore i rlly care about both of them still, so i'm glad we can be friends
and im not rlly looking for a relationship rn but what this poll made me realize and by this poll i mean non-fantasy's liphiyo propaganda is that i want 2 partners (or more who knows!!) who love me and want to spoil me and basically i want to be hiyori and im looking for my aizo and my yujiro.
maybe ill watch the anime next week....
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givemaycoffee · 2 years
5, 19, and 20.
😌❤️ Incredibly concise. My ADHD caboose could never. I appreciate you.
5. Favorite form of potato
Savoury Squirrel Bakes - a recipe from the official Redwall cookbook, which I received when I was like 8. It involves potatoes, cheese, and chives all rolled in egg and then breadcrumbs and then baked. Ridiculously delicious.
19. The veggie you dislike the most
PEAS. They’re wretched. They have no place in my kitchen.
20. Favorite Disney princess movie
So, putting my burning hatred for Disney as a company aside - how could you ask me to make this choice??? There are so many different feelings pulling me toward different ones. FINE. I guess I’ll say Beauty and the Beast. But I want you to know that I almost added a read more so I could explain why Pocahontas and Frozen 2 were very strong contenders and it’s going into my tags anyway.
Ask me more weirdly specific and unrelated questions!
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how unbearably soft it is to stay behind with someone after the party is over simply cleaning up the bottles when the early rays of the sun peers through the windows
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