#basically a death sentence in that era
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
if given the choice, an Ordo Xenos-sanctioned Penal Dalek Killer will pick T’ros Taros as their target planet, because it means they can run for the nearest T’au assault force trying to retake it from the Death Unreasoning and maybe, just maybe, not get killed
naturally, Taros isn’t one the Ordo Xenos lets you pick (officially)
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dracalix · 2 months
I’m sorry but slaying Rhaenyra once was Daemon’s dearest wish, thank you Alys
And he’s a creep for liking a woman he knew as a newborn freshly out of the puss, thank you Alys again
Foreshadowing really goes crazy with this season (Alicent dropping a figurine just like how Viserys did years ago)
Her trying to lie in Larys’ face like « oh i’m feeling nauseous » and the moontea bottle is still on the table like BITCH improve yourself
Well it’s not implied in the book but Alyn (and maybe Addam) seems to be Corlys’ bastard? Why would you cheat on Rhaenys bro, shame 🔔 shame 🔔 shame 🔔
Jace is always like « PICK ME MOTHER » when Rhaenyra only wants to protect him like SHUT UP YOU LOST 2 SIBLINGS IN 2 WEEKS
Aemond humiliating his brother, we FELT it was itching him to do it
Him being fluent in valyrian and Aegon being barely able to make a sentence is so accurate ⚰️
Aegon tries his best 💔 he tries so hard and Alicent just acts like Otto when SHE is the one who chose to believe what she believed and placed him on a throne he DIDN’T WANT
HIS MOMENT WITH SUNNY 😞💗 that was overly cute
Rook’s Rest battle went HARD
Vhagar vs Sunfyre vs Meleys was LIT
Idk but i feel like Aemond didn’t show up on purpose and BURNED Aegon on purpose (still unclear, we’ll see but we know this guy has serious anger issues)
Rhaenys’ death 💔 Meleys was 46 yo and she was 55 yo, they basically grew up together *suicide*
She had no choice but dying with her beloved dragon, that was heartbreaking
Next ep will be Aemond’s prince regent era lessgo
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calisources · 1 year
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CW'S   SUPERNATURAL   SENTENCE   QUOTES.   all   sentences   have   been   taken   from   mostly   the   kripke   era   (season   1   to   season   5)   of   erik   kripke's   supernatural,   mainly   season   four   and   five.   change   names/pronouns/locations   as   you   see   fit.
If you're going to shoot, shoot! Don't talk!
Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of Hell but no one can do that.
So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something, and the X-Files are real?
It was beauty that killed the beast.
Anna may have sent the angels to the outfield, but sooner or later, they're gonna be back.
I suppose some dumb bastard stood here, felt a jolt of his holy juice and thought 'I'm going to build me a nun factory.' Well, it was the right idea... wrong angel.
Tell me something. Where's God in all this?
I'm not sure if he's my brother any more. If he ever was.
Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family.
If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back.
You don't know me. You never did, and you never will.
Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the Apocalypse.
I serve Heaven, I don't serve man. And I certainly don't serve you.
Forever. The demons will never stop. You can never be with your family. So, you either get as far away from them as possible. Or you put a bullet in your head, And that's how you keep your family safe.
You know I finally get why you and dad butted heads so much. You two are practically the same person. 
I mean I worshipped the guy, y'know: I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listened to the same music. But you are more like him than I will ever be. I see that now.
Okay, so basically you're saying that every movie monster, every nightmare that I've ever had, that's all real.
He's a Winchester. He's already cursed.
It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant! I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night level douchiness.
Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone.
 I'm not a hero, I'm not strong enough.
 I know our fate rests with you.
I couldn't break him, pulled out all the stops, but John, he was made of something unique. The stuff of heroes. 
You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap.
Tell me something, geniuses. Even if you do break into the Veil and you find the Reaper. how are you going to save it?
The only thing you're going to see out there is Michael killing your brother.
I'm gonna rip you apart from the inside out. Do you understand me?
No doubt - endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it?
You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. 
Dean, even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid.
Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite.
Well, I got to ask. How old are you?
As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless - at the end, I'll reap him, too.
That's the beauty about improv, Sammy. You never know what's gonna come out of your mouth.
You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be.
World's gonna end, seems silly to get all precious over one little soul.
Why? Because Crowley said so? Because we trust him now?
You think you own the planet? What gives you the right?!?
No one gives us the right. We take it.
You're not my father. And you ain't in my shoes. 
I mean, whatever happened to personal loyalty? How long have I worked for these guys. Five millennia? Six?
 It's funnier in Enochian.
 This creature has the power to take a human's form, read minds. 
And you think you know better than my father? The one unimportant little man. What makes you think you get to choose?
 It's a plan that is playing itself out perfectly. Free will's an illusion, Dean. That's why you're going to say yes.
Think of the million random choices that you make--and yet how each and everyone of them brings you closer to your destiny.
As it is in Heaven, so it must be on Earth. One brother has to kill the other.
Well, call it personal experience. Nobody gets that angry unless they're talking about their own family.
You know why God cast me down? Because I loved him. More than anything.
Now, tell me... does the punishment fit the crime? Especially when I was right? 
 Look at what six billion of you have done to this thing, and how many of you blame me for it?
Honestly, people don't need a reason to kill each other. I mean, you seen the Irish? They're all Irish.
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More Ghost pirate AU !
So, I already rambled about my ideas for era 5 Ghost pirate AU, and I'm back for more, era 3 this time ! (including Meliora and Popestar ghouls, they should all be here but if I missed one I apologize. Also Dew, Aether and Mountain aren't here because I decided they're part of Copia's crew in this AU, though they used to be part of Terzo's.)
Terzo is captain of the Meliora ship (again, not very original but well).
Omega and Alpha are his seconds in command.
Zephyr has an impressive and slightly concerning collection of guns, always impeccably cleaned and polished. And a hidden sword in their cane.
Mist can usually be found precariously crouched on the figurehead, feeling the water splashing on her skin (yes even during storms. She's a water ghoul after all.)
Alpha carves sea monsters in his pegleg when he's bored (his right leg got crushed under a mast during a very nasty storm).
Air wields a spear. It's rarer than other kind of weapons, like swords and knives, but with how tall he is, it gives him a lot of reach.
Pebble with knives is basically a death sentence. Especially throwing knives. (He kisses the blades before throwing them).
Ifrit never visibly carries any weapon, but the second shit starts to go down, he'll have several in hands like he pulled them from thin air. ("Where did you get that axe from", "I swear you shove those up your ass it's the only way" and other things frequently heard when he pulls that trick).
Delta uses echolocation underwater, like killer whales, mainly to make sure the waters are safe for the ship or to spy on other ships.
Omega's arms, shoulders, collarbones, and shoulder blades are tattooed with constellations and legendary sea creatures. Oh, and there's a little "III" on his heart, wonder what that could mean... Also he can sail without a compass, using the stars' position instead.
Ivy can fix pretty much everything, they'd all be in deep shit without him. He usually has several tools hanging from his belt (and yes his hammer also ended up in some people's face once or twice.)
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mariacallous · 7 months
As Shadi prepares to become a mother for the first time, the Iranian 30-year-old is so concerned about her unborn daughter’s future that she is considering leaving her homeland.
“The challenges and inequality we face as women start from birth,” said Shadi, a housewife in Tehran, who did not give her full name for fear of persecution. “The hijab is imposed on girls from a young age, restricting their freedom in society and affecting how they grow up as well as their opportunities in life,” she added.
Iran has imposed a strict dress code on women since a revolution swept the ruling Islamic regime into power 45 years ago, obliging them to cover their hair and wear loose-fitting clothes. Authorities have stepped up enforcement of the rules since the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody in September 2022 triggered major protests across the country, during which women openly flouted the code. Last year, Iran’s parliament approved a bill to strengthen punishments for such violations.
Although the protests have subsided, the hijab has been a prominent issue ahead of the elections that will occur on the first day of March for Iran’s parliament and the executive council that appoints the country’s supreme leader. Turnout is expected to be low, with young voters particularly disillusioned with the political process—a trend that contributed to the 2022 protests. A recent poll found that only 30 percent of Iranians intend to vote, according to the semiofficial Iranian Students’ News Agency. Many are also voting with their feet and migrating to other countries.
Shadi said that she worried about her daughter growing up in an “environment that denies her her most basic rights,” adding, “I want to move as soon as possible to a country where basic freedoms are more readily available.”
Such freedoms are increasingly under threat for Iran’s female citizens, according to women’s rights advocates and United Nations experts, who say the hijab crackdown is creating a chilling effect on women’s rights activism and legitimizing broader gender discrimination.
According to several women interviewed by the Fuller Project, this means that Iranian women now cannot drive, do their jobs, or even have a coffee without worrying about having their cars impounded, being fired, or getting hit with fines if the hijab is not worn—or worn too loosely. “This crackdown on women’s dress code will further degrade women’s rights to work, study, drive, and participate fully in public life,” said Rothna Begum, a senior women’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch.
The hijab bill was passed in September and is still awaiting its expected approval by the Guardian Council—Iran’s hard-line watchdog body—before it can become law. It would increase fines, introduce jail sentences of up to 10 years for women who defy dress rules, and widen gender segregation in places ranging from universities and hospitals to parks. U.N. experts have said it could amount to “gender apartheid.”
“The Iranian authorities have been doubling down their oppressive methods of policing and are punishing women and girls to quell widespread defiance of degrading and discriminatory compulsory veiling laws since the popular ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ uprising,” said Mansoureh Mills, an Iran researcher for Amnesty International.
Amini’s death, which occured under police custody after she was arrested for allegedly wearing her hijab too loosely, triggered some of the worst political unrest seen in Iran in decades. While the protests have ebbed, women continue to defy the dress code by posting photos online of themselves unveiled or going out in public without the headscarf.
Anahid, a 21-year-old performing arts student, said she was pulled over in December by police in Tehran while driving and told that her car was being impounded because she had violated the dress regulations. Anahid—whose name has been changed for her protection—said she spent five days dealing with various government offices over the issue and had to pay fines totaling more than $110 to reclaim her vehicle.
“Driving in the streets of the capital has become perilous … but I will not allow such intimidation to alter my driving or clothing,” Anahid said, recounting how some of her female friends had experienced similar incidents.
Whether women do not wear the hijab properly while behind the wheel, at the workplace or simply sitting at a cafe, penalties for noncompliance can be severe. Women convicted of violating veiling laws have been subjected to “degrading punishments,” including being forced to wash dead bodies for Islamic burials and clean government buildings, according to a report published in August 2023 by Javaid Rehman, the U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in Iran.
But it’s not just women who are falling foul of the dress code and being penalized. Ali, a 40-year-old man who owns a cafe on Tehran’s Keshavarz Boulevard, said his business had been shut down twice by authorities because his female customers were not wearing the hijab properly. Authorities have temporarily closed thousands of businesses, from shops to offices, since Amini’s death—because either female employees or customers were seen without the hijab, according to various media reports.
Under the Hijab and Chastity Bill, businesses that flout the law could be fined up to three months of their income. But Ali—who asked that his real name be withheld for security concerns—said he supported the protest movement and that he would not ask women visiting his cafe to cover their hair. “I won’t do it, no matter the losses,” said Ali, who said he expected more raids on his business and further closures over dress code violations. “It’s a normal price to be paid for change to happen in the country.”
Hard-line clerics, top judges, and President Ebrahim Raisi have repeatedly issued warnings in recent months to women who violate the dress code, according to Iran International, a London-based television station that is critical of the Iranian government. At a public event in August, Raisi said, “I am telling you that the removal of the hijab will definitely come to an end.”
Iran is regularly ranked as one of the worst countries to be a woman in terms of gender parity for economic opportunities, education, health concerns, and political leadership, according to research by the World Bank and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Although more women graduate from university than men, Iran has one of the lowest rates of female employment and biggest gender pay gaps worldwide, the WEF’s latest Gender Gap Report shows.
Masoumeh Bagheri, a member of a state-appointed team to empower women who are heads of households in Tehran province, said there is still an entrenched belief in Iran that women belong in the home, and added that their role in society is widely seen as “secondary, complementary, and sometimes unnecessary.”
Such attitudes have left Samira Akbari, a jobless, 25-year-old computer science graduate in Tehran, pessimistic about her career prospects. Akbari—who also asked that her real name be withheld—said she was delighted when she landed her first permanent job for an online store in July 2023 after years of taking short-term contracts to build up her resume. But she was fired after just three weeks and replaced by a male intern.
Akbari said she did not know if hijab regulations played a part in her dismissal, but that her boss had explained that her male colleagues were uncomfortable with her presence.
“I would’ve understood if I was performing poorly, but instead, it’s my teammates not being comfortable around women that got me sacked,” said Akbari, who has since been unemployed.
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eway · 8 months
I had a dream that Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney was close friends with Barry Allen from DC Comics. And knew he was The Flash. Like, Barry is a forensic scientist so he worked with Edgey who just figured it out. The two became as close as brothers. I think they met during Bratworth era but I'm not sure the dream did not let me know, only that they were as close as Phoenix is to Edgey (and I headcanon them being as close as brothers so...)
This is obviously after Investigations 2 because Edgey took in Sebastian Debeste. And yeah Barry basically became friends with him to, and Sebby became friends with Wally West but that isn't relevant.
Anyway, so Barry takes his two friends to the Justice League Watch Tower. There's only Green Lanterns. Then everyone passes out and a Lantern from another planet is DEAD and all evidence seems to point to Sebby.
So naturally everyone is warped to another planet. Edgeworth tries to contact Phoenix but this is taking place during the Professor Layton crossover so he's baking bread with Maya. So Hal Jordan, a Green Lantern, decides to defend Sebby but this guy is not a lawyer. Edgeworth acts as assistant to him, and Barry is forced to be the detective.
Hal messes up a bit by asking for the sentence to be reduced because his client is a minor. This makes people upset, but the prosecutor laughs. The judge reveals that the punishment is more severe if the person is a minor, and it was already execution so it's just like, painful execution so he thanks the defense and the Prosecutor laughs very hard.
I don't remember many details of the case but it was ridiculous, emotional, 3 days long, and gave final case of a game vibes
He says he has a backup plan in case the trial was lost, but then PHOENIX CALLS EDGEWORTH. Edgeworth tells him not now but Wright stays on the line. Reverse Flash reveals he placed bombs all over this planet that will explode in one minute and as the Lanterns deal with that alongside Flash he kidnaps the two regular humans to make Flash do a "You can only save one thing"
Edgy drops the phone as he is taken and now Hal has to explain to Phoenix what the heck is happening while also diffusing bombs and then I woke up!
Also Phoenix apparently doesn't think superheros exist
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mxshifter · 1 month
🏹 — the walking dead dr
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⤷ ❝ important info ❞
when i shift, i’ll wake up in dale’s van on hershel’s farm which in canon will be in season two! before i shift and for the most part after, everything will basically follow the canon storyline but just include me in it!
— the plot is basically the same but a lot of character deaths were scripted out such as glenn, sophia, carl, etc.
— all modern songs exist in my DR
— i scripted exactly how the wildfire virus works (which i will get into later on)
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⤷ ❝ about me ❞
— name: aspen [redacted]
— nickname(s): hawkeye
— age: 28 circa s1
— language(s): english, spanish, taíno, ASL
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⤷ ❝ lore ❞
before the apocalypse, i was a lawyer from new york who came to atlanta to see my brother who was having trouble with his wife. i was in my hotel room when the outbreak happened which is when i met glenn and we escaped together. on the way out of the city, i was bit. i convinced glenn to keep going through the woods until we found the survivor's camp. we decided to hide it from the group until we could figure out what to do. eventually, i got over the sickness by having a fever and being fine after. we found out from the other survivors that being bit was basically a death sentence so we assumed i was immune and continued to hide it. afterwards, the plot continues like in the show and i shift during the farm era (s2).
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⤷ ❝ relationship❞
significant other:
— name: daryl dixon
— nickname(s): pookie
— age: 30 circa s1
— how we met: in the survivor's camp outside of atlanta when he almost shot me because i covered myself in walker guts to escape the city
— more about him: in my dr, he's demisexual and unlabled, he taught me how to make arrows, he taught me how to track and hunt
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⤷ ❝ extra❞
greyish star divider + brown star divider
forest divider link
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arewecoolio · 3 months
The Angie brainrot is baaaack! (It never really went away)
I have a question about the time travel fic. If Reader hadn't travel before Barnabas but post Barnabas, like Angelique full on rage and heartbreak what could have happened? Specially if she found out Reader was a collins?
Hope you have a lovely day! And thanks!
OHHHH now that's something I hadn't considered. I think it would've gone down far differently for the entire timeline tbh. Like as soon as Barnabas is in the ground we see Angelique in the same generation starts up Angel Bay so this is her at full revenge and at full power grab.
I think it would've been messier in a way. One because Y/N would basically be entering into Angelique's "my boyfriend is six feet under rn but I'll dig him up later 🥰🔪" era and in walks her wife like "hey funny story, I kind of need you to send me back to the future." But also because it'd be a bit more difficult to get close to Angelique when she's making all these literal business moves and such? Even when Angelique realizes what her relationship is to Y/N I see her being hot and cold with it, she'll take it as the confidence boost it is and simultaneously hate herself for being like Barnabas in that way.
All in all it would still go down mostly the same route of romance and Y/N eventually telling Angelique she's a Collins. Would it be a death sentence? In a way yeah, Angelique would realize that the curse she's put in place is going to fuck over her wife in so many ways she can't anticipate.
The best part--or the most dramatic part is that Angelique wouldn't and couldn't be certain that her future self isn't married to Y/N out of some long master plot to get back with or at Barnabas. It's what she'd tell herself anyway, but there'd be no end to convincing Y/N to stay. Since she's so busy with founding Angel Bay and settling them somewhere comfortable it's easier and easier to put Y/N's return home off. And since this is Angelique at her lowest and most vengeful I don't think it would take much for Angelique to add another curse to the mix.
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Some Dark Forest members that either are put there in the rewrite or little OCs (that aren't really important too often but the Dark Forest needs more than 10 cats come onnn)
Version 1.1: Lizardstripe is now a pretty different kitty and is no longer on this list, her ex Mudstep is here however, and Leopardstar's morality has finally been cemented.
Version 1.2: Clarified Batear and Fenneldust's crimes, as well as recreated Clear Sky's role as no longer self inflicted, but rather a punishment from his first victim.
Spiderclaw - Spottedleaf's killer instead of Clawface, Brokenstar's lackey.
Thornclaw - Supports the Dark Forest, dies during the Great Battle and banished upon death.
Mudstep (Lizardstripe's mate) - Though he had an okay relationship with Runningnose, and was proud to raise a Medicine Cat son, he was a terrible mate and poor excuse for a father, the cherry on top being his physical abuse of Brokenkit. Abuse of kittens and mates is not tolerated by Starclan.
Rabbitswoop - Riverclan Dark Forest Trainee, he takes one of Mistystar's lives before Hawkfrost kills him.
Milktail - Born during the Brokenstar era and hates her non-clan born adopted brother. She supports Tigerstar, Blackstar makes her deputy after her "I'm sooo sorry' act that actually is convincing. She and Mistfang (Tigerstar's surviving sister) try to kill Blackstar only to get stopped by her adoptive brother. She is a piece of the Blood Will Spill Blood Prophecy (which you can imagine drove her mad), along with Hawkfrost killing Mistfang.
Mistfang - Speaking of. Tigerclaw's dickhead sister. Her attitude stemmed not from 'being spoiled' or anything like that. But the fact that her brother was praised for his strength non-stop, which made this once sweetheart begin to act more like her brother, on a very dangerous path. She thinks her brother is perfect, and idolized him. She followed him to the Dark Forest after being killed by her own nephew.
Nestfur - Another Brokenstar lackey, killed by Mudclaw during the Battle Of Bloodclan.
Parsnipfang - Shinecloud's brother. Oakstar's brother-in-law, Birchface and Frecklewish's uncle. Tried to kill the leader and abused his mate to gain power, Oaksnap (Oakstar) killed him before he could kill the leader, becoming deputy after his death, but something feels... Familiar, about that scenario.
Ratscar - Dark Forest Trainee who kills (yes, KILLS) Blackstar with Redwillow's help (not that he'll let Redwillow have any credit), before Ferncloud beats him into paste.
Rotflower - Rainflower.
Leopardstar - Genuine Tiger Law supporter who tried to instill the mentality into Hawkfrost, and allowed Tigerclan to get out of control/endorsing it.
Onestar - Prison Sentence, but not for too long. Roughly 1 and a half moons.
Sol - After his death, he is banished here and he is PISSED about it, everyone picks on him, guy basically has a kick-me sign on his butt.
Frecklewish - HANG ON! Let me explain. She CHOSE to be in the Dark Forest, because she realizes what Thunderclan has done, and no one but Mapleshade was punishes for trying to give them justice. She can travel the border at will, but spends most of her time in the Dark Forest.
Batear - Fenneldust's boyfriend who helped cover up the murder and supplied the 'weapon', a Boar.
Fenneldust - Thunderclan cat who killed the Medicine cat that gave an omen that she would make a bad deputy. Gee, I wonder why?
Quick Water - Apologizing as you bleed out is not enough. She is one of the OLDEST spirits there, and is mostly uninvolved in things.
Oakstar - Only punished after a huge uproar Frecklewish started. But he seems to be missing. How odd...
One Eye - The OG Dark Forest King.
Star Flower - A genuine force of evil, like she should have always been. Dark Magic practices and trying to destroy the Clans leads to her getting trapped in the Dark Forest.
Clear Sky - Due to not being leader, his toxic influence is now seen by the spirits of Starclan. Bright Storm had the most perfect punishment for him. You wanna make borders? You can be one. To protect the cats of Starclan from the ones in the Dark Forest, Bright Storm and the other cats of Starclan sacrificed his spirit to become the fog border around the area, the fog choking and thick, just like his thick white fur. Now only appears as blue eyes in the shadows and a disembodied voice. His spirit has whittled away, now gaining holes in it. Not to mention the... things... rumored to be laying within the fog.
Gray Wing - The OG Curse Layer. His horrid enabling behavior has damned him, but he'll never see it that way. He technically still roams the earth, but he SHOULD be here. His hatred is toxic, and he plans to destroy the Stars of the Clans, starting with Riverclan....
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cursedvibes · 10 months
what's your current thoughts on the new chapter?
Hm, it's okay I guess. Some stuff I like, some stuff I don't. It's mostly just set-up for later stuff. It was nice to see Noritoshi again, even if it was only to announce he's leaving the story. I would've liked to see his reunion with his mother and how they corrected all their misunderstandings and communication issues. Also to just see him being welcomed into a new family and getting his identity outside of the Kamo Clan reaffirmed. Him finding out her intentions behind his name and what she originally intended for him to do. Also an apology would've been nice for just leaving him in such a toxic environment and not reaching out earlier, instead hoping that he would come find her at some point (which thankfully he did end up doing but not thanks to her). But we might see him and his new family again in the epilogue. Holding out for that.
The plan to bring Sukuna in for Yuuji's trial is good and I'm proud of Yuuji for coming up with it. I hope this will take up a few chapters because seeing Sukuna handle a situation where he can't use violence or his CT(s) is infinitely more interesting than seeing him throw hands again. Especially because it's against Yuuji and after Takaba vs Kenjaku I want more creative and unconventional battles.
Have to say, I think this long discussion about what they should put Sukuna on trial for could've been cut down. Why go for MimiNana's death, when his massacre with Malevolent Shrine is so much worse and a guaranteed death sentence unless he manages to turn the tables on Yuuji (which I'm kinda hoping for). Also no shit his actions in the Heian era can't be brought up. Besides the statue of limitations, you'd also need evidence and besides Angel's word there's nothing. She would also not be the best person to bring up because she did pretty much the same thing he did. You'd have to look at if what he did was considered a crime at the time and just killing people definitely doesn't fall under that. From what we've found out recently, a lot of what he did was basically no different from clan disputes. The Fujiwara also worshipped him, which would give him some immunity in Heian court. I mean, Yorozu slaughtered people too and that got her a job under the Fujiwara. A similar thing seems to have happened with Sukuna, except with a different power balance. So no chance to prosecute him there. Yuuji's plan was really the best and most obvious solution.
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likeadog · 6 months
any followers of this blog for a bit know about ghds (or at least, characters from it, like Lacramioara) and probably about another project of mine, ESCHATON ACADEMY. I've decided to merge the two, so Sister Virtue is here to stay!
What I'm dumping here right now is a variety of assorted thoughts and a basic plot outline for the beginning,. It's by no means all-comprehensive, but I hope it'll help lay things out and make it a little less confusing now that I'm not jugging both.
note: this project is very much intended to be 18+ in subject matter and tone. topics like violence, suicide, and abuse are going to be present.
open with the remaining six archangels reacting to the Archangel Gabriel's untimely demise at the business end of God's Revolver by his own doing. this is quite the pickle they're in. someone has to be the annunciator and furthermore, as god's unspoken-but-well-known favorite, he gets the biggest payout of love out of all of them.
michael and raphael have been responsible for making "born-again's" to pad out michael's legion, because sacrificing born angels especially in the era of humanity pushing back against angel infestations has become a contentious issue.
born-again's are when michael and raphael reshape an existing human soul and grant them angelhood. all so far have been exousiai (soldiers), but theoretically making an archangel should be possible, especially because they still have gabriel's essence.
welcome to the world the new angel gabriel, formerly Rubén Erendirani Cuini Dominguez. [existing character brought over from ea]. it is gradually made clear that he is here out of necessity, and the others aren't too keen on their new "youngest brother", especially because of the privileges offered by status of Annunciator. Michael, as the eldest, is especially bothered™️ about this, but michael's demeanor remains placid and unperturbed.
Gabriel is partnered with an elder cherub (Theophania), because they carry all the necessary knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of the job. advisor-esque position. previously, Theophania had been on the panel of cherubim that ruled appellate judgements on contested verdicts.
Gabriel slowly begins to endear both himself and humanity to Theophania. aha no aha dont go against your god-designed plan ahahaaa
God's been . quiet. since the gabriel incident. they're still receiving their Love in exchange for Passion, but the other archangels are none too happy about this, especially because, again, their newest baby brother is getting the most favorable payout. a decision is proposed to "downsize" gabriel's domain by reducing the amount of passion he's able to reap with a …mini-rapture. of sorts.
gabriel is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. he confides in Theophania, distraught that an existence he never asked to have may be responsible for so much death.
Theophania, a being of ultimate Reason and Logic, decides to do the only reasonable and logical thing. They steal the cherubim's relic, the Eye of God (not literal, may change name to avoid confusion), which contains the summation of all knowledge. They slam dunk that shit into their skull. Angels are like little computers that run on Love and Passion for the Father. this one just hooked itself up to the energy equivalent of a nuclear power plant. needless to say, things get messy. michael loses quite a few of his soldiers in the resulting kerfuffle, as well as a handful of angels from other choirs. fearing the compromising of their brood and Viable Spawning Population, the archangels call a truce. but there's going to be some changes for starters, they're withdrawing all unnecessary human assistance. sinners will still be punished, passion will be reaped, but if gabriel and theophania like them so much, they can handle their issues.
theophania will be Felled and trapped within a mortal body, but the condition is added that they cannot die. Dying offers too many loopholes to get out of the main point of the contract, which is: the moment theophania and gabriel decide to give up on humanity, the archangels will proceed with the initial plan.
theophania is to act as gabriel's agent on earth, and gabriel as their patron: aka, his ass is on the platter if they fuck up. theophania is armed with god's revolver and the eye of god, before being unceremoniously tossed down to earth in a new, achier form. welcome to the world, Sister Virtue
from here i think there should be some brief exploration more into the state of the world as it is. im going for a more soul eater/devils candy/etc esque situation where mythological creatures and beings mingle among humans and are more broadly recognized as like, organisms.
then a scene plays out where virtue gets caught up in the high-energy antics of Lacramioara, Leopold, Johnny, and Cross. Johnny Strings is the human contractor of Cross DeVille, a crossroads demon. she has a golden flame-spewing guitar that she rides like a witches broom. I haven't quite worked out cross' abilities yet, but something having to do with lines and intersections for sure.
Lacramioara Strigoi and Leopold Lupei are two of Michael's exousiai. they are also the oldest still-living ones. Lacramioara's weapon of choice is a shepherd's staff, with support from the shadowy tendrils tattooed over his body. Leopold wields a scythe, but his mass and beastly body plan serve as weapons just as well.
While they are not allies of Virtue by any means, they are also not enemies, and she regards them largely as annoying, out of control youngsters, since physically they're about half her age, and spiritually even more so. they think she's pretty cool, but lacramioara can't help herself when it comes to provoking auntie virtue regardless.
virtue gets the situation under control as far as collateral damage, but the two thieves (johnny and cross) get away, frustrating the two mercenaries. thats all i got as far as story/plot is concerned naturally im sure youre curious about the mentions of angel broods. and "born angels" . this is still being tinkered with naturally but brother we are about to get buggy with it. pulls out my whiteboard
by and large with the exception of those directly born of God (the archangels, christ also i guess(?) whatever this isnt about him rn) , angels are a species parasitic to humankind. they feed on Passion, and some of it is always saved and regurgitated back up for heaven-bound angels like the higher choirs and of course, God. in exchange, God gives them Love, which is directly necessary for stimulating things like joy, maintains the cooperative nature of the "hive", and a variety of other functions. they can live without it, but it sucks ass. severely. some efforts are being made on the dl to synthesize it, but these are only successful to varying degrees.
anyways, a large amount of the mythos around angels stems from their rather unusual reproductive cycle. two (or sometimes more) angels will inoculate a human host with their genetic material, forming the putto, a juvenile angel. these angels feed off of the passion for goodness of a virtuous person, and so will encourage their host towards these things when they're old enough to do so, something that has historically been understood as the classic "shoulder angel" or "conscience" or "holy spirit".
furthermore, in areas where angelic choirs are less secure in their territory, adult angels may occasionally keep watch over the new young and protect it, which has been interpreted as "guardian angels" across time. when the host dies, the putto then gorges itself on the lingering Passion and completes itself with dna material copies from the host, allowing them to emerge as a fully formed Angel. for those of the lower choirs, they often resemble the prior host, which is what has historically led to the misconception that human souls become angels when they die. they do not. that is simply an angel that has copied your loved one's face. it is entirely different from the Born Again's for higher choirs, they will continue to collect and harvest Passion before they cocoon themselves and metamorphize into their new form, which is standardized according to their function. this change is induced seemingly by the needs of their current community, and not decided by the choir of the angels that contributed to their initial genetic code continuing with the insect metaphor, you could say heaven serves as the "mother hive", but angels will form smaller outposts in various areas, usually with a seraph or two to serve as an intermediary with heaven. this position is the Bishop
naturally, upon the revelation that angels are just weird parasites, the christian world has been thrown into turmoil. the entire nature of the process isn't known still, and there's been a range of responses from some seeing being chosen for inoculation as the highest honor a believer can receive, to others looking for ways to potentially protect themselves from it. this opportunity has been capitalized upon by demons, since the best way to ensure you won't be a heavenly host is to be lacking in virtue.
angels view this as a betrayal of what they saw as a symbiotic relationship with mankind and the communities that worshipped them and their God, hence the general bitterness towards humanity expressed above. some angels even blame this change for why God went quiet, but no one knows for sure Michael plays a pretty big role, so as for what I have on him and the exousiai: Michael is the eldest archangel, as well as the head of its "army". He is responsible for protecting Eden, and handling the unpleasant jobs involving violence and viscera that angels frequently condemn in mankind, but are necessary for maintaining the grip on believers that allows them to harvest passion so efficiently.
Despite this, he doesn't really come across on a first glance as the military type; he's clean-cut, dresses fairly simply, and has a placid, almost demure manner. even when you're aware he may have less-than-upstanding intentions, it's hard to confront him on anything, because he maintains an air of plausible deniability and respectability that dissuades argument.
The nature of his work is inherently difficult. Driving out the initial dissenters, protecting the most vital parts of the "hive", and overseeing the culling of sinners or otherwise diabolical beings is one that is contradictory to the concept of all-encompassing love and mercy and forgiveness. for this reason, Michael suspects that God has been intentionally withholding Love, and that he, the eldest, is being robbed of what he's owed, but no matter how many times he asks, he never gets a response.
The Born-Again's is Michael's solution to the violent nature of the job and loss of angel life that resulted from it. Angels, by function of only emerging once their human host dies, but needing the host to be alive long enough to feed them enough Passion to properly develop, are very much a "slow-burn". Their lifespans are much longer, but when a legion can be picked off by a rampaging cherub, that sorta becomes irrelevant. And by nature of the job, constantly moving around and constantly in conflict, born exousiai themselves aren't particularly able to reproduce in a way that would help replenish those numbers. It wastes valuable time and energy and leaves them with an obvious point of weakness.
Remaking human souls, while it does take some time and effort, has been much more efficient, and allows him to experiment with different ways of improving that efficiency. The process is done in conjunction with Raphael, the archangel who rules over healing and doctors, because he is better at weaving the physical form.
What he's also found is that the human component also bypasses an issue angels face with such a job: Angels, by nature, are not particularly violent. God's Love induces ecstacy and fuels their passion, but it encourages a placid, communal temperment. While born exousiai would naturally have a stronger impulse towards such activities, they're more reactive to threats or large-scale sins than they are proactive in seeking it out. And all born angels have a natural tether to God that allows them to receive His Love.
Born - Again's, however, are entirely dependent on Michael distributing it to them, and human souls are much easier to train into efficient hunters, especially when they view him as a holy figure. Instead of a traditional army, they work more in function as bounty hunters, with each reaping earning a certain amount of Love, proportional to the worth of the sin. they're typically put into pairs, and those pairs are all incentivized to compete with one another.
And with further testing, Michael has found ways to encourage the lifestyle required for the job by remaking them in certain ways, hence the monstrous appearances of exousiai like leopold and lacramioara. they need to feed on flesh or blood, and ergo, are more likely to choose to go after sinful beings since the idea of eating innocents is inherently upsetting to such pious individuals Sin, by the way, is simply a different form of Passion; focused inward, instead of outward. It needs to be processed before it can be useful to angels, and so Sinful Souls are sent to Hell, where demons will eventually produce Passion as a byproduct. While they often butt heads, the two do come from the same initial place, and they are ultimately integral to the other's existence.
The way Michael selects viable souls to be Born Again often is similar to how Saints are beatified; they must show enough fervor towards God to be more easily persuaded into agreeing to it. Much like the Conception, Michael cannot act on a soul without explicit consent because of the extreme nature of the action. An unconsenting soul will reject the process too violently to produce anything.
In Lacramioara's case, it was the intensity of her love; in Leopold's, it was his devotion to justice. Once agreed upon, the soul is tethered to Michael so they can receive their payout (he will often offer them a symbolic representation of this covenant, such as a collar, or marking, or ring), and then violently reshaped in the image of his design.
Their original, human bodies become Incorruptible (and thus often become pilgrimage sites). After that, they're sorta thrown into the deep end with Michael's oversight, since he finds a good scare followed by positive feedback is the best way to handle the human mind. They'll need less and less oversight as they become more experienced.
Born - Again's are still very human in nature, even if their forms have changed. Vices, obsessions, fears, conditions both mental and physical; all of those remain, because all of those things are what push humans to seek God's Love in the first place. While they'll never technically be declared "sinners" by the functional immunity of their job, the dissatisfaction brought on by the human condition is what Michael relies on to keep them coming back for the next payday. It could be considered cruel, but he sees it as "If they never felt pain, they'd never know what joy feels like".
A lack of God's Love wont kill them, it's just an unbearable misery on top of the small miseries they accumulate every day of every year of every century. That's why he needs to include conditions like the need to eat human flesh: because otherwise, an ascetic like Leopold may just choose to put down his weapon and live a life of miserable peace. Monks love doing that shit.
He needs to make sure walking away isn't an option, and then reward them with something they could never get otherwise. Violence is an art, and he has it down to a science. Especially in a world like the one they live in now, where believers and forces both diabolic and celestial mingle, where the nature of belief is constantly changing, and where the idea of "blasphemy" is no longer enough to provide the passion needed to feed the hive.
It's for reasons like this he does nothing to curb the curse Lacramioara unwittingly left behind after her death: it really bumped those church attendance numbers up
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littleliterarylesbian · 10 months
the fact that the suicide squad playlist encapsulates the marauders era slytherins so much and yet there's no ss au???? hmmm idk it's crazy.
Like several death eaters are captured and sent to Azkaban and they get the chance to redeem themselves and be free if they agree to search for the horcruxes and survive (which could have harder and more deadly shielding and whatever) and Dorcas, who while is a member of the Order is added to the team due to her relation to multiple of the death eaters added to the team as a way to reign them in. Sirius is obviously against the idea, first because it's relying on DEATH EATERS to help save the wizarding world and then it's because they're going to send HIS BROTHER on basically a death sentence. Evan and Barty saw each other out of Azkaban and immediately went at it and it's a very awkward three minutes for everyone else in the room they reunited in. They did not wait for privacy. and ofc there would be others included
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noxxha · 2 years
Uchiha Madara Personality analysis (Ch. 622 - 623) Part 1
Uchiha Madara is a product of the era he grew up in. The constant bloodshed and wars shaped him into a talented and ruthless, yet loving and kind youth - who got swallowed up by despair.
I will do my best at being as objective as possible (while also overanalyzing something so simple as the speech bubbles during a specific part) and highlighting everything Madara says that is a piece - tiny as it is - to piece together his personality from Hashirama’s eyes.
*Note: the following scans are fan translated, not the official ones as I only own the german version in physical format.
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While this page offers some vague humour, it also gives the first hint of Madara’s character: sensitive. (As described by himself, mind you)
His sensitivity is probably innate since birth, but amplified and taken to extreme heights from the lives they live. It is actually quite heartbreaking that he cannot relax for even one second.
He also mentions that he has a “bad habit” of making excuses when he…what exactly? Loses his temper? Feels embarrassed?
(The german version simply has him say that “he is sorry and that it was just an excuse”)
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Madara then reveals his name to Hashirama, and that he is well aware of the shinobi code (being one himself, after all).
According to Hashirama, he and Madara were like day and night.
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As described by Madara he tries to be understanding of Hashirama’s plight (who has yet to reveal that his sadness has to do with Itama’s death). The way Madara looks in the second to last panel reveals quite a lot of turmoil. He probably remembered his siblings in that moment.
The picture below is that very panel, and it actually made me pause the video the first time I saw this episode to take in the expression captured in the moment.
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He looks so somber. His expression almost suggests that he lost his other three brothers a while back (maybe even years prior to Hashirama losing Itama?). He can clearly empathize with Hashirama here as he is an older brother himself (left with only Izuna at this point).
“Or rather, had four brothers…”
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It is in this panel that we get a lot of information about Madara’s hopes and wishes (and that he is an idealist who has yet to get his heart broken completely - he still has Izuna, after all)
It’s a bit ironic that he mentions being “vulnerable”, and that is basically a taboo amongst shinobi (weakness = death), and yet that is what he is with Hashirama in that moment; he reveals his hopes and wishes to a stranger. He is vulnerable by revealing what is in his heart.
Madara mentions that “maybe they don’t hate you as much as you think” - that implies that he has a habit of assuming things about people (negative most likely). He might be sensitive to the way people perceive him (perhaps because of his status as son of the leader, and therefore future leader)? It is interesting the way this sentence foreshadows his later life; Madara probably assumed that everyone feared/hated him, and this became a self fulfilling prophecy in the end.
(The german version does not really paint a picture about Madara the same way the above english scan does, he just mentions “that maybe the person is actually burning with rage” when they talk about the possibility of “looking into peoples hearts”/understanding one another)
This is one hell of a stretch, but it could imply how Hashirama (later in life) never really took notice of Madara’s TRUE feelings about a lot of things, because he did not understand who Madara was at that point (he changed after Izuna’s death, as mentioned by Hashirama)
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I had to highlight both points made by Madara and Hashirama here. Madara reveals here how power basically means everything in their era (but the type of strength he is thinking about is probably physical strength, no?) and that they need to be strong so that people will follow them (does this philosophy come from Tajima, Madara’s father, perhaps?)
The “permanent and lasting change” from Hashirama reveals a lot about HIS character here to be honest.
Hashirama mentions that their strength will reach a point where “even the adults won’t be able to ignore us anymore…” (Butsuma’s wonderful parenting at work here I would say…)
Madara is being all boastful about him having no weaknesses to work on…except his sensitivity to his surroundings… (and having people behind him distracting him)
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“Heh…modesty doesn’t suit you…” says Hashirama, which implies indeed that Madara is (rightfully so) proud of his talents (and the Uchiha clan’s Sharingan…that he was close to reveal to Hashirama) and likes to boast about it (or why else would Izuna be in disbelief that there is someone stronger than his nii-san?)
This scan also indicates that Madara probably is very harsh towards himself whenever he experiences failure (such as being unable to protect his siblings). The look in his eyes during his “what good is the…” monologue is the gaze of someone remembering failure (death of his brothers most likely).
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He showcases his resolve to protect his last remaining brother (Izuna).
An interesting detail that is different between the manga and anime version is Hashirama’s response to Madara’s oath of keeping Izuna safe. Here he is silent, listening to what Madara says and…screams on top of his lungs about their village.
In the anime version Madara looks over to Hashirama and asks him “so what about you?” and Hashirama replies “I have one younger brother left too and I also intend to protect him no matter what.” to which Madara nods in understanding and then Hashirama declares his vision for the village that becomes Konoha.
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An interesting thing about this panel is the fact that Madara is not even sure about his definition of peace (note the speech bubble). Here he, more or less, decides to “tag along” in the hopes that this village of theirs will keep Izuna safe.
(And that grin is too darn precious)
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“That rock was born to be skipped…you hold onto it until the next time we meet!”
Little did they know…
Separating this post in further parts because of Tumblr’s *10 pictures on mobile limit*.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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doctor-orbagels · 1 year
Like i said in a previous post, it’s basically everything that you can watch on a screen from 0079 up to IBO. A few manga here and there and one light novel.
NOTE: Don’t take this too seriously, most of these are meme answers. Most of my strong negativity is said in jest. (My positivity is genuine tho)
Starting with UC:
Absolute classic but i prefer The Origin manga
Well done dark tone but kinda boring at times
Fuck you, the goofball stuff was great and a welcome change of pace
•08th MS Team
Probably the best down-to-earth mecha war story ever
•0080: War in the Pocket
*weeps profusely*
Really compelling with a great cast, plus the idea of “other ways to emulate being a newtype” is still kinda unexplored both at the time this was written and to this day
•0083: Stardust Memory
Pretty damn good all things considered
Zudah was a cool idea, too bad the tallgeese did it first and everything else about the show is boring af
•IgLoo Apocalypse
The best of the IgLoo trilogy but still around a 6.5/10
•IgLoo 2
Shinigami are canon to the universal century, 0/10
Amazing in almost every way, plus the most effective usage of a sociopathic fed vs a well meaning zeon
•Twilight Axis
•Char’s Counterattack
The Resurrection F of UC
Best anime i’ve ever watched
I just like that Unicorn got a direct sequel goddamn it
I so badly wish this was a series and not a movie
Completely validates my opinion on F91
Phenomenal use of character death, and I remember nothing else
•Reconguista in G
My favorite anime that i cannot recommend to anyone else on earth
Now for pre-2000’s au timelines:
•G Fighter
You cannot get more funny-bad in the entire Gundam franchise, it’s awesome
I didn’t get the hype, but i still had a great time at points
•Endless Waltz
Much better mecha, slightly cooler plot
I’m so sad this was rushed bc it’s by far my fave 90’s Gundam
Post 2000’s au timelines:
Very cool pseudo-shounen remake of 0079
•SEED Destiny
Something good almost could have happened here, but no
•SEED Astray/R
Love all these goobers, really good
•Astray X
Worst official localization for any manga i’ve ever read, but there was still some cool stuff
•SEED Stargazer
*weeps profusely, but in the Cosmic Era this time*
Behind the fujoshi bait is one of the smartest and well done mecha stories this side of Code Geass
•00 Awakening of the Trailblazer
… why aliens?
I know that it’s my fault but I couldn’t even bring myself to get past the first generation
•Iron Blooded Orphans
I have never cried this many times or this hard over anime characters dying
•Build Fighters
Legit a 5Ds tier Toy Battle anime
•Build Fighters Try
A bit generic but still palatable
•Build Divers
Didn’t go far enough
•Build Divers: Re;Rise
Went way too far in the best way possible
And if it wasn’t clear already, Unicorn is by far my favorite Gundam and favorite anime overall, while IgLoo 2 is both my least favorite Gundam and my least favorite anime i’ve ever seen.
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explaininghellaverse · 3 months
Angel Dust time!
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Spider man, but ya know not that Spider-man.
So there have been several controversies with Angel and I’ll talk about the ones I’ve seen. Most of them boil down to being pretty nonsensical if you think for 10 seconds in all honesty.
And a general warning that this will get into triggering topics because Angel’s character revolves around some heavy stuff.
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Trans Angel Dust Controversy
So first things first Angel is not trans as far anything been stated. If you want headcannon him as such go for it! And second if he was trans I don’t really see a problem with it. People’s biggest issue that I’ve seen is because of his chest fluff making him look busty, and it’s really a non-issue. No matter if you where the ‘Angel is a trans man’ or ‘Angel is a trans woman’ side of this argument.
Trans people are allowed to not look visibly cis, to say Angel is transphobic while thinking he’s trans because he’s got a ‘bust’ is more transphobic than anything else. People don’t need to pass or they can just be happy with that feature. Looking Cis shouldn’t be everyone’s goals.
He’s Feminine so he’a a gay stereotype.
Yes/no, if anything I see him as more androgynous personally. the most feminine thing about him is that he wears pink, but also being a feminine man isn’t a bad thing. It’s not bad to shine light on the more feminine men in our community, femme men exist.
I also think him being pink and more femme leaning has directly to do with his story don’t forget he died in the 1940s an era not to long ago where simply being gay could instantly be a death sentence. On top of that he’s the child of the Mafia who are also notoriously homophobic.
I think him being more femme in hell, and physically being pink is for to reasons. It’s A something he was probably deeply insecure about when he was alive and B in hell most people don’t care about that so he’s now gotten a chance to embrace his queerness.
I think that will end up tying into why the deal with Valentino even happened in the first place, the tough guy mafia kid embrace his sexuality he’s always had to suppress and thinks he can handle anything since he was mafia when alive. But I think he was fresh in in hell when it happened he didn’t understand yet how binding demon deals are.
The Poison controversy
So this one is complicated and people’s very varied response to it speaks volume. There is a bit where it’s just people not understanding how this sort of thing develops and other are just victims reactions to the same thing can be very different.
So I’m speaking on this in a weird tone I am not a direct victim of SA however my dad is a rapist and mother was his victim so I have trauma relating to SA and have seen an SA victim at her worst and getting better. Just to explain that I am not just pulling stuff out of my ass here. I have different but complex related trauma.
So do I think poison is bad SA rep, no I don’t. Do I think the song can be triggering absolutely, but the episode does come with a warning which is all someone should have to ask for when dealing with these topics.
The scenes actually showing SA in the song are very brief and they all cutoff before you can really see much happening and then switch to Angel dancing in his stage. The song itself despite the pop sound is very depressing if you really listen to it. Kind of in a way similar to “pumped up kicks” which if you don’t know is a popular very cheery sounding song about school shootings.
How I see the song the song and I think is the intended way for the song to be interrupted is that Angel is both spiraling and dissociating. Remember that night Valentino was being extra hard on Angel more than usual and I think that broke him. Dissociating is something the brain does to try and protect itself. Where your brain basically goes hey you’re in a bad situation let’s completely ignore that at any cost. I also think it’s directly referencing Angels mask because he does pretend to enjoy it all as for himself to not get hurt more than he already is. Which is a very realistic depiction.
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There is also another disturbing way to interpret it, that I think is horrific and that is up until the end of the song where we see Angel really break down, what if the song isn’t just a song for the audience but one actually physically being performed as a in universe music video. What if Valentino as punishment to Angel is making him sing this song about how much this is hurting Angel to sell to his hungry fans. I wouldn’t put it past Valentino.
That also another thing at the end of the song Angel is going into a panic attack and you can hear his voice breaking and the music becoming more somber. The dissociation is broken the mask is falling and Angel is breaking down. Angel is honestly one of the best depictions of an SA victim I’ve ever seen. And yes some scenes with him made me uncomfortable, but that’s the point, that’s the horror of his situation that he can’t escape. And that’s also why he’s become such a comfort to so many people.
Which leads me to the next part.
Angel Dust’s flirty comment problem
A lot of people think Angel is bad rep because of his constant flirty comments, sex jokes, and literally throwing himself at people like Husk, but again this is a realistic depiction of how some people react to being SA’d especially in a long term situation.
Angel is Hypersexual his brain has been rewired where to protect itself it now has normalized that behavior. Does that mean it’s alright when he pushes peoples buttons in that way, absolutely not but it does make sense.
And it’s shown in show how uncomfortable it makes Husk, but Husk also recognizes that it is a mask something Angel is to afraid to admit. It also makes sense how Angel throws himself at people it’s a mix of trying to take back his power his sexuality and that ‘If he consents no matter what he can’t be hurt again’ mindset. He is a very realistic depiction of an SA victim.
Why do people think Angel is bad rep?
So for one everyone’s situation in what trauma does to the brain is different, someepeople become hypersexual, some people shut down, some people become violent to scare people off, some people become so scared that can’t leave there house. Trauma varies and I think part of why some victims see him as being bad rep is simply because that’s not how their trauma manifested, but I think he’s important we rarely see a victim shown like this and so many people who responded to their trauma in a similar way to him now have a character that they take comfort in.
There is also this thing in media that’s called ‘the perfect victim’ where in a lot of writing victims are written in a very specific very structured way that anything outside of that is considered a bad victim. This directly parallels real life where if you aren’t in tears every second, if you wore something that could be seen as provocative people will say you aren’t a real victim. And I’ve seen people say that exact thing with Angel, I’ve seen people say he’s not a victim because he signed the contract. It’s a mirror on how victims are treated.
There is also something to be said about Angel being a male victim. Male victims are rarely represented and rarely taken seriously. I think that’s also reflecting in how people are viewing Angel. I do think if Angel’s character was a woman he would be treated differently by people that are both fans and haters of the show.
What do I want to see from Angel in the future
This section is just stuff I really want to see from Angel in the future.
-I want more screen time of Angel and his pet pig, we barely see his pet until the end of the series and I think that’s a little weird.
-Now that Angels mask is falling a bit with Husk I want to see Angel open up more in a calmer less sexualized way
-I want to see Angels trauma get in the way of his relationship with Husk. I think a great way they could take this with Angel being scared of hurting Husk the same way he has been hurt. That’s personally something I struggle with and I think that would be amazing to see. Trauma does weird stuff to peoples brain.
-I want to a flashback where we get to see a human Angel and how he interacts with his mob family due to his sexuality being rejected.
In conclusion, does Angel’s representation make you feel uncomfortable does it make you feel gross? Good. That’s the point.
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