Welcome to my blog! I’ll be sharing some of my writing for constructive feedback. Current WIP: The Mirror Effect.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Editing is so hard🫠
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I can’t wait to try it out later I’ve been looking for a new platform to write on!
@axl-ul if you haven’t already you should check this out! I believe we were talking about finding a new place to write
Since the whole thing with NaNoWriMo has gone down, I've noticed that one of their former sponsors, Ellipsus, has cut contact with NaNoWriMo because they do not support their stance on AI; I didn't know what Ellipsus was, but upon further research I've found that they are a writing platform that works a lot like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, only with a heavier leaning on the story-writing aspect and connecting with other writers - and they also completely denounce any use of AI, both in the writing process itself and in the use of their platform. I really appreciate that.
Since this is the case (and since I've noticed Google has begun implementing more AI into their software), I've decided to give Ellipsus a try to see if it's a good alternative to Google Docs (my main writing platform). It's completely free and so far, I've found it simple to use (although it is pretty minimal in its features), and I really like the look of it.
I figured I'd spread the word about this platform in case any of you writers would want to give it a try, and if you do, let me know how you like it!
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Big Announcement!

The first draft is completed I’m so happy and excited to start editing soon!
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Three more chapters left!
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Major Update (Just Life Things)
Hello hello!
First I just wanted to come on here and tell you guys that my house was struck by lightning caught on fire and is unsafe to live in. No injuries and all pets are safe, my family and I are staying at a hotel for an indefinite period of time until their insurance can get a rental.
And lastly, I’m working on chapter 16 of The Mirror Effect and I’m planning on finishing it hopefully before leaving the hotel.
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Attention: Creatives, Witches, and Readers of All Sorts!
For over five years, I have been hosting a Discord server dedicated to fostering a community of creatives (poets, artists, writers, etc), witches, readers, and all sorts of people! Ours is a place of creativity and safety, as we have various channels for practically everyone! We are looking for people who would be interested in joining us! If that's you, use the link here to join!
https://discord.gg/SdUQjG6b Can't wait to see you there!
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The Mirror Effect Update
This update is long overdue, I decided to cut my word count down quite a bit. The story has come to an end a lot faster than I expected so instead of 150k the word count is 50k. And the best news is that I’m currently on 43k! My first draft of my first novel is almost finished! I’m so excited! Thanks to all who have helped me and stuck with me through this journey and while there’s still a long ways to go, I’m happy I’ll be able to share this story with you all sooner.
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Why do I always have to think of new book ideas when I haven’t finished the one I’m working on…
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It’s my birthday and my partner @narutofandude took me to see this beautiful mini waterfall at my favorite place.

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Dear Past Self
Dear young me,
the vulnerable, broken self.
This is a message from your future self.
It was not your fault
If the adults couldn’t save her,
there was no way you could.
So many adults tried to save mom
but it was too late.
She was gone.
No one has the power of resurrection,
you, yourself certainly never did.
I know the pain is unbearable.
It hurt us so much.
You will meet amazing people in your future,
Do amazing things.
Some I don’t even know yet either.
The best I can do now,
Is to let you know.
It’s not our fault.
That moving on is okay.
Mom wouldn’t want us to dwell or blame ourselves for her death.
She wants us to grow and be the strong woman we are.
Moving on isn’t forgetting.
It’s healing.
And this message is to all those who have lost their most precious people.
We love them so much.
But we can’t blame ourselves for their passing.
They don’t want us hurting forever.
Moving on isn’t forgetting.
It’s healing.
We have healed.
I have healed now.
Thanks to all the amazing people I have met.
Thank you all so much.
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It’s been awhile… A Few Announcements
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here sorry about that. Classes were a lot this year along with a few health issues, but I’m okay now.
Getting to the announcements:
I changed my name on here, I don’t mind if people still call me Ruby though! I decided I wanted to rebrand myself and use this name as my official author pen name.
While I may not be actively posting on here, I have gotten back into writing The Mirror Effect and I’ll be finishing the first draft this year! I’ll occasionally post some short stories on here, I’m planning on finishing Otherworldly as well.
I’m probably not going to be able to do tag games, but feel free to keep tagging me! I love reading your posts! I’m also still keeping my ask box closed also for a bit longer.
Honestly I think that’s it for now, I’ll post another update on my progress soon, I hope everyone has a great day/night!
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Otherworldly Part 2
Tw: swearing and mentions of blood
taglist: @axl-ul, @narutofandude
After four hours of nonstop, painful testing, Gwen was finally released from the hospital. As Gwen already suspected, the doctors had no answers for her condition.
"What do you want for lunch?" Her aunt asked her as she started up the car.
"Um, I don't know."
"What do you like to eat?" She asked once they were safely on the road.
"I'm not really hungry."
She saw her aunt shake her head and glance at her.
"I'll make you soup when we get to the house, you need some more food in your system. Doctors orders."
Gwen didn't argue, she just stared out the window.
"I want you to at least drink some of the broth, I'll make your favorite chicken noodle."
Gwen had to admit that did sound really good right now. "Okay." Gwen said.
After ten more minutes of driving, they arrived at a small yellow house with white shingles and a porch large enough to have white wicker chairs and a glass table to complete the sitting area. The door had a wooden heart sign that said "welcome home" and a welcome mat sat in front of it. Gwen could vaguely remember visiting here when she was younger.
"Don't worry about taking off your shoes right now." Her aunt said while opening the door.
Gwen noticed another sign on the wall to the right of the door, remove your shoes out the door.
"I'm more worried about getting food in your stomach."
Gwen hesitated at the door even when her aunt had opened it.
“Make yourself comfortable, you haven’t been here in a while. Come with me I’ll show you where the kitchen is.”
“Okay.” Gwen said, following her down the hallway.
There were small entryways, two on the left side and one on the right. The first archway on the left was the closest to the door.
“Okay, so this first entryway is the kitchen and the one in the middle to the right is the living room. The last one is my little office space for when I’m working at home.” She turned around to look at Gwen.
“I’ll start the food now. You can go lay on the couch and watch tv if you want.”
Gwen thought about it for a minute. She didn’t want to get blood on the couch and she didn’t know what was on tv anymore.
“Um, if it’s alright with you, I think I’m just going to sit in the kitchen.”
“Of course you can sweetie. I just want you to be as comfortable as possible.”
Gwen followed her into the kitchen and took a seat at the wooden circle table.
“Nathan should be home soon by the way.” Her aunt said while adding the soup's ingredients into a large pot.
“Nathan?” Gwen asked. “Did you forget you have a cousin? He’s two years older than you.”
“I didn’t mean to…” Gwen trailed off.
“You remember me though?”
Gwen nodded slowly. “It’s just fuzzy.”
“Wait here.” Gwen watched as she left the room.
“Well well, what do we have here?”
Gwen didn’t even feel scared anymore. She was more annoyed that he didn't do anything to help her. “And what the hell have you been doing?”
“Demon hibernation. What’s going on here? I thought we were going to avoid people.”
Gwen ignored him. “What does that even mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. Now answer my question. Why are we at your aunt's house?” He asked in an irritated tone.
“She’s taking care of me.”
“Awww how sweet.”
“Shut up, it’s not like you’ve been helping me.”
“I had to replenish, demons need beauty sleep too.”
Gwen scoffed at that. “Lucky you, I barely got any beauty sleep.”
Gwen jumped and turned in her chair. Her aunt stood there with what looked like a photo album in her hand.
“Um, I’m just tired.”
Her aunt nodded. “I understand, but let’s eat a little first.”
Gwen smiled awkwardly.
“Here’s some pictures I found in the attic. We’re all in there, and there’s some embarrassing pictures of your mom in there I found too.”
“Oh nice, so she doesn’t know your mom tried to murder you? How are you going to tell her? Does she even know her sister's dead?”
Gwen continued to ignore him and opened the photo album. She saw a few family photos that she remembered seeing at her house. While turning a few pages she saw a picture of her mom and her aunt as kids hugging each other, they were outside standing in front of a tree with backpacks on. Written on the bottom of the picture was “Natalia and Natasha’s First Day of Middle School.” Gwen stared at her moms face. She looked so happy, so how could she turn into something like that?
“Do I really need to answer that for you?”
Gwen shut the photo album and pushed it away from her.
“Here’s your soup, and you're done already?” Gwen nodded.
“I’ll put it away then.”
“Um, I’ll probably look at it more later.”
“I’ll put it in the living room then. Eat up.” Her aunt left the room.
“Okay look, I don’t know about you but I can’t live with you in my head forever.” Gwen whispered.
“There isn’t much we can do about it.”
“There has to be some way to reverse this.”
“Nothing I can think of. I already tried, remember?”
“Then can you at least be quiet for now?”
“Weren’t you mad at me for not helping you before?”
“Well you’re still not helping me here, you might as well go back to your ‘demon hibernation’ or whatever you called it.”
“Ouch that totally hurt my nonexistent feelings.”
Gwen was about to say something else when she heard the front door open and close. Her cousin was home now, she heard Aunt Natalia and him talking softly in the hallway.
“Aren’t you supposed to eat or something?”
Gwen looked at her bowl a little unsure.
“I’ll force feed you if I have to, just eat so we can get out of here.”
“Okay, I just need a minute.” She whispered as she ate.
Gwen finished her food quickly, still a bit hungry but made no moves to get more.
“Would you like more?” Her aunt asked when she walked in to check on her.
“Sure, thanks.”
“Of course.” She picked up Gwen's bowl and poured more soup in it.
Gwen finished her second bowl and placed it down, she felt slightly better.
“Thank you for the food.”
Her aunt smiled gently at her. “Of course, I think you should get some rest, I’ll set up your room for you.”
“How long are you gonna wait until you tell her that your mom’s dead anyway?”
“I can’t. How do you expect me to even tell her something like that?”
“By using your words?”
Gwen frowned, she knew her aunt would eventually find out. The police would come knocking in a few weeks.
“Maybe I’ll tell her tomorrow.”
“Whatever you say.”
Gwen sat in silence until her aunt came back to bring her into her new room. Knowing full well it wouldn’t last long. She lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling letting the memories of everything happened to her overwhelm her. Soon the room turned pitch black. Gwen made no move to get up, she felt nothing, numbed to the feeling.
“You know what Gwen?”
“Hm?” Gwen asked quietly.
“Laying here isn’t going to help us.”
Gwen could’ve sworn she saw a silhouette of someone standing next to her bed in the corner of her eye. She couldn’t tell really since the room was still pitch black.
“I don’t know what you want me to do. You don’t even know what we should do yourself.”
The demon stayed silent, she could feel him thinking of what to do.
“I think I should stay here for a bit at least. We’ll have a place to stay and food to eat, while coming up with a plan.” She said after a while.
“Alright then, we’ll stay. But you can’t tell them about me.”
“I doubt they’d believe me even if I did.”
“I don’t know, let’s just say, your aunt looks very familiar to me.”
Gwen flinched and sat up quickly and finally looked at the figure, but when she did it vanished, along with the eerie darkness.
“Why hide yourself from me when I know what you are already?”
“Trust me when I tell you, you’re not prepared to see what I look like.”
Gwen involuntarily shivered.
“Why the long face all of a sudden? Scared of me already?”
Gwen shook her head. “I just felt a breeze.”
“Seriously? You’re going with that?”
“... Yeah.”
“Well, I got to say, you have been acting like this is a normal Tuesday for you. I’m impressed with how calm you’ve been so far.”
“Freaking out won’t do any good.” Gwen laid back down and put her arm over her eye.
“Good point, but still. Anyone else would.”
He did have a point, why did she feel so calm? She should but she isn’t feeling much, except for the pain that constantly shoots through body every few minutes.
“Relax, will you? I didn't say have a mental breakdown.”
“I’m not, I’m just thinking.”
“Well stop it, it’s getting too noisy.”
Gwen sighed and tried to quiet her racing thoughts. She was startled by a knock at her door.
“Uh who is it?”
“It’s Nathan, mom wanted me to check up on you.”
“Oh yeah I'm good.”
There was a pause. “Can I come in?”
“Um no! I’m fine, I was just going to bed actually.”
“Okay then… night.”
She heard him walk away from her door and layed back down on the bed. Sleep came quicker than she expected given everything that has happened. She didn’t even know she had fallen asleep until she awoke to a bright light shining in her face.
“Geez, how long was I out for?”
“Want the truth?”
“Ten days.”
“Kidding! You just slept through the night. Like a log I should add. Your aunt came in a lot to check on you and stuff, and you barely moved.”
“Oh.. you know there’s something that’s been bothering me.”
“And what could that possibly be other than our situation right now?”
“Well that too I guess… But I don’t know your name.”
“Who says I have a name?”
“I mean I know you’re a demon and all, but there’s no way you don’t have a name. You do have people sacrificing others in your name.”
“And what makes you think they actually know my name?”
“Oh come on, be serious.”
“Okay fine. I don’t care honestly if you want to give me a name.. It just better not suck.”
“I’ll try my best. Ummm Jax?”
“Are you serious?”
“Okay… Arthur?”
“... I should’ve let you die…”
“There’s nothing wrong with that name.”
“You don’t know my backstory.”
Gwen shook her head. “Okay fine. You’re dramatic, you know that?”
“Sorry I have taste…”
“It’s like you’re not even trying.”
“I’m not even… You’re the one who said he didn’t care!”
“I said I didn’t care if you gave me a name, not that you can just call me anything. I have to like it too.”
“I didn’t think you’d be so damn picky about it though.”
“It’s what happens when you have standards.”
Gwen felt her eye twitch. “Fine Cole or something. After that I give up and I’ll start calling you an asshole.”
“That’s fine with me.”
“Wait seriously?”
“Yeah I like Cole.”
“Okay good. Wait, what time is it?”
“No idea, but I’m pretty sure like three or something.”
“Stop messing with me already will you?”
Gwen got out of bed and opened the door, starting to walk out into the kitchen. Cole wasn’t entirely wrong, the clock on the stove read 12:36, still afternoon, but not so late. The rest of the day could be spent relaxing and waiting for her aunt to come home from work.
“Hey kiddo, how are you feeling today?”
Gwen jumped with a yelp.
“Oh I’m sorry for scaring you.” Aunt Natalia said.
“What are you doing here?”
“I live here?” Aunt Natalia laughed.
“Nice one Gwennie, can you sound any more suspicious?”
“Shut up Cole…” Gwen thought.
“Oh right. Ha ha…” Gwen rubbed the back of her head.
“I’m glad you're up, Nathan’s been asking how you were doing. You should go talk to him.”
“But…” Gwen placed her hand on her face.
“... He already knows, I told him. Don’t worry, he’s seen worse honey.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“It’s nothing… I’ll heat up breakfast for you okay? He’s waiting in the living room for you.”
Gwen gave her a small smile and began walking towards the living room.
“You really didn’t find that suspicious?”
“I don’t want to hear it Cole, I’m finally at a safe place okay?”
“Fine, be that way. Call me when you need me, because trust me, you’re gonna very soon.”
Gwen rolled her eye and stopped before going into the living room. She decided to knock before going in to ease into it. She didn’t know how her cousin would react when he saw her.
“Uh yeah?” Nathan called awkwardly.
“Um it’s me, Gwen.”
“Okay? Why are you knocking you weirdo?”
“I just didn’t want to scare you.”
“Mom told me you were in... rough shape already. Just come in, I promise I won’t scream.”
Gwen took a deep breath in and out, and slowly stepped into the living room. Nathan flinched, with wide eyes but then he looked mad.
“Who the fuck did this to you?” He demanded.
“Um… I don’t. I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Please not right now.”
She saw his jaw clench. “Fine, but mom was going to have a sit down with you soon.”
“That’s fine… It’s just that I just woke up, you know.” Gwen rubbed her right arm nervously.
“I know. Want to watch tv?”
“Anything you want to watch?”
“Ummm… you pick.”
Nathan shrugged. “Alright then.”
They ended up flipping through a few channels before Nathan gave up and looked for a movie for them to watch.
“Here Gwen, you like pancakes right? Or was it waffles?”
“Mom, they're basically the same thing.” Nathan said.
“I’m fine with either… thanks Aunt Natalia.”
“After the movie, I wanted to talk to you about… things.”
Gwen swallowed her mouthful, nodding.
Natalia stared at her in concern.
“What’s wrong?” Gwen asked.
“It’s nothing… well, nothing for you to worry about right now anyways. Enjoy the movie.”
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This blog turns three today! I’m not really sure what to do for it though, maybe a little sneak peek of some of the things I’ve been writing.
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Hi everyone, I’m sorry for not being active on here. I’m going on hiatus for a bit, health stuff and other issues have come up mixed with classes. I turned my ask box off too. I don’t know when I’ll be posting again but it could be whenever I have spring break.
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A little project I’m working on…

Rain photo by Vlad Chețan on pexels
Coffee photo by Chevanon Photography on pexels
Holding hands photo by Min An on pexels
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School has started for me and I already have homework assignments, I will be able to get to my tag games and asks soon though!
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Happy WBW! What are meals like in your world? Are they celebrations? Individual tasks? Is there a meal to rule them all?
Hi happy WBW!
That's the one thing I haven't considered actually, but you gave me an idea for a feast in my DnD story so thank you for that!
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