#barty's closet au
birlwrites · 1 year
No because everyone's reactions to him appearing would be so chaotic
There would be Walburga and Orion's reaction to Dumbledore letter who in turn would try to hold a meeting I feel or something to meet with him, Sirius just straight up yelling once he first sees him, the entirety of pureblood society and those they pestered in complete shock and then there's just Regulus there answering questions in the most cryptic way possible and Barty pretending he doesn't know anything And this all happening in a short time span because of how quickly news travels. Heck there was probably an issue in the prophet on his disappearance, and now a reappearance? Reporters are going to make the wildest stories.
there was absolutely a story in the prophet - regulus is from an important family and he just vanished without a trace, and walburga would have wanted that as close to front page news as possible to force the dmle's hand into helping to look for him. so like. EVERYONE KNOWS HE'S MISSING.
sirius wordlessly screams and runs across the great hall in the middle of the sorting. mcgonagall is like 'WHAT are you doing' and sirius just blows past her to shake regulus by the shoulders and demand to know where the FUCK he's been. it takes 20 minutes of chaos and dumbledore restoring order before they're able to proceed with the sorting
immediately after the feast regulus gets pulled aside to go to the headmaster's office Right Now Please, he manages to grab barty's sleeve so whoop barty's coming too, partly for the chaos and partly because regulus has spent at least a full month IN BARTY'S ROOM and he is INTENSELY overstimulated and freaked out by all these people looking at him and knowing where he is so BARTY IS COMING TOO.
oh my god and if regulus waited until he had gotten his hogwarts letter to leave, that means he also got his PREFECT BADGE, and slughorn was going back and forth on whether to give it to someone else and decided on pulling either barty or evan aside right before the sorting (he couldn't decide which of them would be Less Bad as a prefect), and then he goes up to the slytherin table to find the fifth-years and rEGULUS IS RIGHT THERE. WEARING HIS BADGE. WHAT THE FUCK
dumbledore: your parents will naturally want to know where you have been
regulus: traveling
dumbledore: without telling them, as a minor?
regulus: sometimes the urge just strikes and what can you do
dumbledore: and where did you travel to
regulus, looking Deeply unhappy about it: the world of literature
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wistfulenchantress · 4 months
best tropes for each of my fav marauders ships
rosekiller: honestly i just love pining barty and annoyed regulus. like a barty who is somehow convinced evan doesn't like him even though evan has been in love with him for YEARS and then regulus and pandora just lock them in a closet.
wolfstar: sirius asks remus on a date and remus doesn't realise it was a date until a month later. this trope can not be messed up, every version is perfect.
dorlene: knight marlene x princess dorcas. the fanart and writing both impeccable. or coffee shop aus. all of those as well.
pandalily: all of them. every single one. you can not go wrong
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cressthebest · 3 months
What other jegulily head canons do you have
bbg it’s a miracle i had that many to begin with. 😞 but i’m posting this ask eons after receiving it cause i finally have enough (this ass is going to uni for creative writing)
• in school, jily was really pronounced about their love, but both of them were quiet about dating reg. reg wanted something more quiet, and it saved them a shit ton of questions if nobody knew all three of them were dating
• lily and reg got caught in the broom closet once cause neither of them wanted to sneak the other into their dorms
• lily told remus first about her crush on regulus, and broke down in tears, worried that james would break up with her, even tho he chased her for years
• james told lily about his crush on reg first, and she was so freaking relieved. he went to her all nervous, and said that he wanted to be truthful with her cause he loved her so much. but was worried she’d reject him. instead, she grabbed his hand, hugged him hard, and said she felt the same.
• after telling lily, james told marlene next.
• she would make fun of him after games against slytherin, saying that someone was always eying his ass. he’d always retort that dorcas wasn’t exactly giving her the purest looks either
• peter and marlene were lily and james’ wingman. sirius said it would be too weird to help lily and james flirt with reg. and remus, my beloved, has negative rizz and has no idea how to help.
• meanwhile, barty and evan are giving regulus shit advice.
• like, barty’s advice is to seduce lily and james by inviting them to an orgy with evan and barty. reg smacks the back of his head, saying “absolutely the fuck not”
• evan suggests poisoning them so he can go comfort them in the hospital wing. and they’ll be forced to talk to reg, because they’ll be stuck in a hospital bed.
• reg says no to this as well. he ends up going to pandora and dorcas.
• (not really my headcanon, but what if i suggested a t4t reg and lily with a super supportive james au 👀)
• they have a really big hammock that sometimes two of them will fall asleep cuddling in. mostly reg and james
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luvly-writer · 10 months
Ch. 2: She is as beautiful as she is poisonous
Tim Drake x reader
Fic + Social Media Au
Warnings: Blackmail, she’s a bitch a first, get to know her
Series: Ongoing
Author’s note: Enjoy! Feel free to leave feedback! It is always appreciated <3
Taglist: Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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How difficult Christmas time must be for all of those on the Upper East Side?
"Honestly, Tini, what do you get a woman who practically owns everything? I swear I have no idea what to get my mother for Christmas!" Y/n spoke on the phone as she carried quite a few bags in her arms. Dior, Channel, Yves Saint Laurent, if it's expensive and you can name it, it's there. "And to be even more honestly, I regret going Christmas shopping the same day Bartie is doing groceries. Seriously, I should learn to coordinate with my butler better, balancing all of this is getting preeetty difficult" she complained as she rearranged her bags again. "I didn't take the limo because I wanted some fresh air, you know how I get when it gets too stuffy" she laughed as she began to search for her purse. Because of so, she wasn't able to see the tired young man walking directly towards her. "It's silly, I know but- HEY!" and down she went with all her bags.
Tim had had a rough day. Between waking up to Dick and Jason singing Baby its cold Outside highly off-key just to piss off Bruce for making them patrol on one of the coldest nights of the year without their thermal suits; his secretary forgetting to send him a copy of the agenda for today's meeting causing him to practically have to improvise most of his points; Damian appearing on his office and refusing to leave his chair trying to establish dominance for "his future empire" to which if Tim had a say, he would absolutely not get if he kept on acting like this; and finally, with Steph who insisted they went Christmas shopping today only to ditch him and leave him stranded in the middle of the street with all of their presents with the excuse of having to repaint her closet which only translates to "I'm getting your present so bye bye". He was completely exhausted and the stitches on his shoulder were getting more painful by the hour with the cold. He had decided to get some coffee at a cafe down by Wellington Street and had been too caught on his thoughts to see where he was going.
Tim's and Y/n's bags, both shopping and personal, simultaneously fell, getting mixed up in the way. Both reached down to catch their stuff as fast as they could.
"Sorry, I was-"
" not paying attention, yes I figured. S, I'll call you later, I have a little situation here. "
Tim was taken aback by the attitude he received from this random stranger...this totally absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous stranger who just so happens to not be a stranger at all. If all of his years being lectured about the hierarchy of the Upper East Side had served correctly, he was standing in front of one of the heiress of the city, Y/n Vanderbilt and she was the most dazzling woman he had ever seen...and just as bothered as she was gorgeous.
"Yeah" he said breathlessly, "that" Could he sound any dumber.
"Yes, That. Ugh! The ONE time I get out without Bartie and this happens. How many of these are yours?" said Y/n without looking up. She hadn't recognized him yet and he wasn't sure how to feel about that. Finally, their eyes met and she raised her delicate eyebrow at him and he swore his heart stopped for a second. "Have we met before?" she asked after taking a good look at him. He sure was handsome as hell. Pale skin, dark hair which was a little bit messy but it suited him, sharp suit and even sharper blue eyes who she swore she had seen before.
"Timothy, Timothy Drake Wayne" he replyed cooly.
"Hmm, a Wayne adoptee and a Drake socialite, Gotham Academy?"
"Yes, but I-"
"-Dropped out, yes. Yes, you did, I remember reading the news. Dropped out to become the CEO of Wayne Enterprises."
"Funny" he laughs out getting up after making sure that all of his stuff was there and then looking up at her. "Can't recognize me but seems to know all my business, miss Vanderbilt." he said snarkly.
"Important enough to know, yet simultaneously not enough to get to actually know" she said with a wolfish smile. Touche.
Y/n checked all her bags and smiled to herself. "Well then, mister Drake Wayne, lovely to meet you. Watch your step next time." She said as she looked at him dead in the eye. "Have a nice day, Timothy."
And she walked away, leaving him dumbfounded watching her go.
"Tim Tim Tim! You will not believe the boots i just got! They are sooooo comfortable and warm for night patrol. My toes were freezing last night....Tim? Hey, what's wrong? You have a dazed look in your eyes?
"I think I just met the love of my life...and shes kind of a bitch." said Tim, making Stephanie laugh and link her arms with his.
"Let's go hide these and you can tell me all about the supposed love of your life."
Y/n paced around her room trying to see where she would hide her presents. Shopping had helped distract her mind from the matter that had been plaguing her mind these last few days. Most of the bags had been cleared by now and she only had three left. As she cleared her final bag, she noticed something strange. Two files. She takes them out curious to see what these are. "Can't be part of my gifts...hmm...let's see"
She opens the first one and sees it is directed to Red Robin?
"What...?" she whispered to herself. "Ivy's exploits on the newest power plant close to Gotham Central Park make a solid case worth observation. Following up on her latest attacks with the reports of Red Hood and Black Bat, we begin suspecting where her next attack will play out....holy shit" Y/n whispered in amazement. She then looked at the rest of the file. Some red yarn here and there. A mixture of scribbles and computer manuscripts. Folded papers and a lot of red ink.
Then she looked at the next folder, a meeting agenda filled with notes directed to one Tim Drake Wayne..."wait a minute.."
These are directed to the same IP address..with the same handwriting, including the signatures...
"Tim Drake Wayne is Red Robin"Y/n smirked, "I believe I found a solution to my little problem"
Y/N went to get her cellphone quick and marked her driver's number. "Donnie, get the car ready, we have a little visit to make"
"Where is it?" Tim searched frantically throughout his apartment. In his work bag, there were two very important files. The first being the final agenda of the meeting he had today with all of the notes he took which he needed right now in order to send it back to his secretary. If she wasn't so busy making googly eyes at him, he wouldn't have to waste time on the job and focus on the case. Speaking off, Tim decided to search for that file and found that it was also missing. "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, if Bruce doesn't kill me, Batman will for loosing those two things. Where are those fucking THINGS?" If his apartment was a mess before, it was even worse now.
Thankfully, fate is such a humorous thing.
//kmock, knock, knock//
Close to a breakdown out of frustration, Tim walks towards the door only to be pleasantly surprised by a face that had not left his mind.
"Miss Vanderbilt, what a lovely surprise" said Tim as he opened the door, letting the young girl walk in.
"Yes, just as lovely as this apartment. Are you always this well kept?" She responded with sass. Making Tim chuckle, "No, but i made sure to decorate it like this just in case there was a posibility of a pretty Vanderbilt showing up."
"Funny, that won't last long." She said with a tight smile. "I'm here for business."
"What ever business could you have with a Wayne? Our parents are business partners, so there is not related to networking. You have much more money than all of my family combined, so it isn't that. Status won't be either, you are practically modern day royalty. So, what could it be? What..could..it..be?" he said aproaching her. He may be lacking 48 hours worth of sleep, but the detective in him was up and on high alert. You were picking the skin around your nails and your nose had this adorable twitch that could only mean nervousnes and the look in your eye was cunning with a tinge of desesperation. What could Y/n Vanderbilt want from him?
"I need you to be my fake boyfriend."
Tim had always been proud of being observant and with that, came the ability to not be surprised yet, never in his 22 years of life did he think that he'd have Y/n Vanderbilt, THE Y/n Vanderbilt, asking him to fake date her in HIS apartment.
"What's in it for me?" he asked skeptical of the situation.
"My silence, Robin Boy" she said as she got the two files he had been frantically searching for this entire time and showed them to him. "And don't try to deny it, the handwriting is the same, I had the pleasure of taking DNA samples and they match, and have seen enough videos to be well aware that you have the same body type. Oh and worry not, only i’m aware of this information. Unlike Miss Vale, I do have various PI's on speed dial, and the weight of the Vanderbilt name, so any information out of me will be credible." She said with a pretty smile.
"Pretty, cunning, and poisounus. Who would have throught." He said, not confirming nor denying anything.
"And I am sure Daddy Brucie dearest, would just love finding out one of his little birdlings let the family secret out, wouldn’t he?" she said looking at him dead in the eye.
Tim felt his heart stop. She knew about all of them.
"You have until monday, lover boy. My phone number is written in there. Call me when you have made up your mind and if you accept, make sure you clear up your schedule cause that meeting will take a long time. Kisses" She ended as she handed the files to Tim and saw herself out.
"This is officially THE worst and simultaneously best day ever" He said as he threw himself on the couch.
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bloodbruise · 6 months
do you think any of the marauders characters smoke?
remus and sirius are both regular cig smokers and they both smoke weed often. james smokes once in a blue moon when he's really stressed and its not even for the nicotine, its more for the comfort the smell brings bc of sirius and remus. this might be an unpopular opinion, but i think reg is a closet stoner. he tried it with barty one summer when things were real bad at home. he's normally quiet and can function pretty well while high so no one really notices. its how him and remus first bond. barty, well duh cigs and weed. evan depends on the au-- if its backalley surgeon evan though, absolutely not.
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deathnguts · 1 month
I know the hunger games AU is owned by Jegulus or whatever because of crimson rivers but I’m gonna different and make it about Bartylus because no one can stop me so here’s a detailed summary/play by play of major events of the AU please give it a chance it’s eaten my brain
No trigger warnings under the cut besides yknow mentions of murder but it’s not graphic, there’s only a cut because it’s long as shit
(not inspired by crimson rivers really at all because I never read it) ((also implied trans regulus at the end because eveyrone that isn’t Sirius or Barty doesn’t know regulus is a man because transphobia and closets and stuff and you can pry trans regulus out of my cold dead hands))
Ok so I imagine that the pure blooded families would be from career districts, like district one (luxury goods) I imagine. And Regulus, per the rules of the game, has never been allowed to participate because Sirius already competed and won when he was sixteen and regulus was eleven. This leads to regulus becoming disillusioned to the glory of the games early on since his beloved brother did come home with the honor but he was completely changed and traumatized and claimed he only came home with his life. Regulus sees the games for the horrific blood bath they are as he grows older due to taking on being his brother’s caretaker since no one else would and Sirius completely let himself go in the throes of depression, making regulus see what the games do to even their winners first hand.
Barty, on the other hand, does not see the games for what they are and he wants nothing more than to go and to win. He’s always believed in the ideology that winning the hunger games is the ultimate honor and playing them is the ultimate rush. I imagine, in the context of this universe, his father would probably be influential enough to be involved in the inner workings of the games. And unlike any other parent involved in the planning of the games, he doesn’t rig it so his son won’t be a participant, he rigs it so he will. Knowing this, every moment that isn’t spent with regulus at Sirius’ winners home or somewhere more comfortable like in town or something, Barty is training for when he’s selected for the games (since the careers have it rigged and all.)
Regulus tries to live in denial about the fact Barty will certainly go and may not come back or maybe come back like Sirius did up until the reaping day that changes everything. Him and Barty are sixteen, just like Sirius was, when they both hear his full name get called. Barty is beaming with pride as he’s pushed up the steps and regulus can barely contain a sob. (He only does because he knows it would be out of place for a career district civilian like himself to mourn such a thing, and he doesn’t want his family thinking he’s a rebel or something.)
Regulus rushes to see Barty before he’s taken away immediately. He’s crying in Barty’s arms and holding him like there’s no tomorrow because there truly might not be. Barty is less brash and loud with his pride obviously, the love of his life is crying in his arms, but he’s not swayed enough to truly be nervous. He simply holds regulus tight and tips his chin up, smiles and tells him he shouldn’t worry because if he’s not just coming home for honor, he’s coming home to marry regulus. They’ll be together forever when Barty gets back, it’ll all be ok. Regulus tries to believe that and gives Barty his favorite of his rings off his finger as Barty’s token from home. Barty puts it on the chain he always wears as a necklace since he knows he’ll be using his hands a lot in the arena.
Once Barty’s on the quick train ride to the capitol (since district one is so close) his smile fades to an even determination and he holds the ring in his clenched fist to his lips the whole way. The other careers will poke fun at it later, seeing as how there’s no way a simple silver ring on an even simpler chain can be weaponized, but what they think doesn’t matter because Barty’s going to kill them.
Barty optimizes on his wild card persona for his training, fashion statements, and marketing himself since he knows the crowd loves a winner who gets their hands dirty. And during his interview, he speaks of how he’s going home to the love of his life and shows off his ring to get real about his near proposal to get the crowd to love him even more. Everyone loves a romance. Regulus watches from home, alone since Sirius would rather die than watch anything to do with the games. He’s shaking from his fetal position on the ground and he can only pray Barty will be right in the end.
Before anyone really knows it, the games begin. Barty gets exactly what he wanted from the blood bath (sadistic violence and securing of the cornucopia. He even takes out his ‘partner’ from district one while the other careers are busy. Because he only has one partner from district one, and he’s not in the arena.) and regulus watches with his heart beating out of his chest.
The games go on swimmingly at first. Regulus is itching to help, to send any gift Barty may need at a moments notice, but Barty truly doesn’t need anything from him since he’s monopolized all the materials. He feel useless and he’s so terrified every second of the day he curses the editors of the broadcast every time his love isn’t on the screen because what’s happening when they pan to anyone else?! Barty’s doing mostly fine for himself since the lower districts are keeping to themselves and the other careers aren’t down to the wire enough to start back stabbing yet. Until they are.
Barty sees it as luck that he’s the youngest career here, halfway naive to the extent of the rigging the games have in favor of his idealization of them. The others single him out in their heads immediately due to his age and his whole ‘lover boy’ show at the interviews. They all agreed without having to discuss that he’s the first to go the second it’s convenient.
The next week or so is spent with the careers staking out the arena and then doing organized hunts for other tributes. They all go off well, the careers always win though not without any fighting back obviously. They lose the girl from four and the guy from three, girl from three gets injured but not enough to sit out and ugh Barty’s annoyed that he has to care about any of them. The guy from two is always sending him off on his own, claiming it’s because Barty’s a ‘crazy fucker’ and it’s like sending a rabid dog to some sheep and he’s certain Barty will come back panting like one with the blood of his win on him (secretly hoping he fails and doesn’t come back at all soon.) But he does, every single time. Barty thinks it’s because he was judged right, everyone else slowly gets more wary of him when they realize he’s not the easy pickings they imagined and he may actually be a problem down the road.
With only a few stragglers from lower districts left, the other careers decide to put him down before they run out of numbers. They go for him when they think he’s asleep, but he’s not an idiot and he knows they have it out for him and he wouldn’t dare to trust them enough to sleep around them. He actually hasn’t slept in days because of it. (Regulus hasn’t either, desperately afraid that he’ll miss even a single second of what’s happening to Barty.) He’s loopy, deranged from all the sadistic heavy lifting he’s been doing. He feels like a rabid dog now more than ever as he’s literally clawing and biting his former teammates when they manage to disarm him after he fatally wounds the girl from two and she fades away without him even looking twice. He takes out the injured girl from four, no was it two? No he just killed girl from two, it had to be… one? Yeah, one. She’s easy pickings and guy from… four, seems mad about it. It’s him and two guys, four and two, and they seem pissed. It’s funny, Barty can’t stop laughing. They really think they can beat him. Hilarious.
Regulus watches in horror and Sirius jolts from his sleep four rooms down when he hears his brother scream because in Barty’s insomnia and shock induced delusions, he gets snuck up on from a boy from five that’d been with them, one Barty hadn’t even noticed. He’s stabbed literally in the back, low and a few inches from his spine with the knife they’d taken away from him earlier.
Barty freezes, but not for long before he feels the knife twist and get pulled out. He practically howls at the pain when he whips around and kicks the guy down. God damn ghost, didn’t he kill him already? He takes his knife back and some other guys come in for the kill but they’re stupid because they’re getting close to Barty and he has his knife back. Barty doesn’t clearly remember what happened next, just that three bodies fell, he got cut again in his thigh and in both his arms, and then he passed out in the pool of blood he’d created.
Drones come ti pick up three bodies, Barty isn’t one of them. He wakes up to the movement around him and he feels like hell. He’s bleeding out, fuck why hadn’t he wrapped himself up before laying down? He did lay down, right? There’s an another drone that comes in and it’s medical supplies. A lot of them. Surely from a very concerned and very wealthy donor. He uses them graciously and waits out a day, maybe two, or was it three actually? for the hurt to subside enough to hunt again. It doesn’t.
He’s drifting in and out of consciousness and he’s not even fully functioning when he’s awake. He keeps getting drones with more medical supplies and he realizes with barely half a mind they’re coming from regulus. He can barely stay awake long enough to use them and keep himself alive with the little control he has and he realizes in this lethargic time that regulus was right. He feels awful, on so many levels. What he had to do, what he did for fun, what got him here, wasn’t worth it. He wants to go home. He hopes his mind will stop being foggy and loud when he gets home.
There someone standing by him, they don’t even have a weapon. They’re looking at him with fear in their eyes, but they’re stepping closer. They’re going to kill him. Barty spits, they’re going to try. His mind is loud and his blood is louder when he’s in another scuffle with whatever stupid fucking lower district tribute the old group missed while policing the arena. Theyre rolling on the ground for any hint of an upper hand. But the tribute’s weak, clearly malnourished and too scared to be calculated because Barty gets on top easy. He has his hands around their neck for just a moment before their long ass nails are digging into his fingers- no, they’re gloves, with razors at the tips. Fuck. He involuntarily pulls back with a hiss and they’re on top of him again. He’s not going out like this.
He kicks them on their back with his good leg and they gasp from the air knocking out of them on impact. He doesn’t have time to get their gloves off before they get their breath back, but he does have time to yank his necklace over his head and over theirs. They struggle and he flips them over to get his thighs on their upper arms to stop their death hands. Their razor fingers are digging into every inch of him they can and he barely feels the pain. Their movements slow and their eyes tear up as silver wrings out their last breath. Barty’s declared the winner. Was that really the last tribute?
It must have been, because he’s hauled out of the arena and into the capitol. Or at least, tried to, because he distantly remembers the terror and adrenaline in him not subsiding soon enough for him to trust the capital people come to retrieve him and he has to be put to sleep because he lunges at one of them. He wakes up and they’ve healed him completely with their capital tech and he wants to go home. There’s the after game interview he can’t hear over the buzzing in his ears and he tells them he wants to go home. He sees his father shortly after since he oversees things like the interviews and Barty tells him he wants to go home.
When he finally does, he could cry from just the sight of his regulus waiting for him right when the train doors open. And he does when he finally has him in his arms again. The two sob together on the ground and they hold each other like lifelines. It takes hours for them to calm down enough to even walk to the car to go home, and they do so pressed close with their hands intertwined. They huddle together in the car, and then they huddle together in bed the second their home. Regulus tells Barty he was right, Barty tells regulus he was right.
They’re both beyond shaken and traumatized from the games, Barty on behalf of eveyrthing he did and what was done to him and regulus because he had to watch. But they’re together now, and there’s never a moment in the future the public will ever them not. They’re shaken and attached at the hip at all times, agoraphobic and terrified of other people in case theyre a threat.
But the capital waits for none and they want a wedding. There was a buzz about it ever since Barty was in the top two for four days. And then when the crowd saw the psycho lover boy choking the last tribute in his way with his ‘wedding’ ring? Oh, now they can’t be stopped. The pair are rushed to the capital again and they cling to each other for dear life. Their wedding is completely planned already when they arrive, surely by game orchestrators and excited producers like their marriage is just an after party for the games. The overly eager crowd of make up artists and designers try to rush them apart for dressing and Barty nearly bites them, so they forgo the tradition of making the groom wait to see the bride in ‘her’ gown.
The crowd isn’t too upset because the display is a testaments to the capital’s newest favorite couples’ unconditional, inseparable love that defied every odd. And that’s the theme of the night. Hundreds of guests neither of the lovers know swarming them with praises and questions about how sad it was to watch their lover almost die and how sweet it was he didn’t and are they going to have children soon and wow double immunity for the baby when it does come with the Black and Crouch winners as uncle and father and-
It takes a near breaking point, luck, and a distraction from Sirius (who’s been itching to fuck with the crowd all night after being forced to be here) for the couple to get away for just a moment to breathe. It’s all so jarring, Barty was dying just two days ago and he got regulus back only a little after that and it’s all so much, too much and it’s so loud. But they’re married now, which he wanted; he’s alive, which he wanted; he’s home in regulus’ presence, which he desperately wanted.
Regulus looks beautiful in the sparkling white dress Barty’s games designer made for him, Barty apologizes that he has to be seen by so many people in it. Regulus says it was inevitable, Barty says it’s still not right. Regulus asks what is. Barty doesn’t answer for a moment. They sigh and hug each other close like they’d been doing non stop every chance they could for the past twenty eight hours. Barty murmurs that in everything that’s happened, in everything he’s done, the only thing that’s remained right since the start is regulus, his love for him more specifically. Regulus snorts a little and teases that he sounds like he’s going to propose. Barty doesnt respond for a moment. Then he’s pulling away from the embrace and regulus almost jumps but Barty doesn’t go far when he gets on one knee and pulls his token necklace from under his suit and over his head and smiles up at Regulus’s dumbfounded face.
Regulus Black, love of my life, my only light in the dark, would you do me the honor-
He’s crying, they’re both crying. But it’s better. Everything’s better. Barty’s home, he made it home. They’ll be safe and sound at home.
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sixlane · 3 months
hi lane i’m here to ask for more of your thoughts and hcs about the rosier twins
the rosier twins. my little guys. i would love to tell you about them thank you for asking renny <3
they are always touching. like they wanna crawl inside each other and live there. they are each others safe space and they will always be calmed by each others scents
also in the same vein they wear each others clothes a lot. i think they probably live with each other for almost their whole lives (sorry i’m talking modern au. i do not dabble in canon very often) so they just kinda share a closet and they both pick from whatever’s in there.
their house is so cluttered but like in a cool eclectic way. shelves and shelves of stuff they’ve collected over the years and it looks like an antique shop and every single thing has a story. it’s very cosy and homey. but you will step on some fucking artifact if you’re not careful
they are loser loners their whole life because they have each other. and they’re so weird no one even wants to be friends with them. like at recess evan is taking his apple core outside and watching as bugs pick it apart bit by bit and pandora is picking poison ivy with her winter gloves on and no one wants to get in the middle of that.
i think they get jealous when the other starts dating. like they are so possessive over each other but in the way you’re possessive over yourself. like they think their bodily autonomy extends to their sibling. (pandora doesn’t like barty at first!! at all!! i said it!!) because she would never date him. so why would evan? you know what i mean?
this does subside tho. after a while they get used to sharing each other. because they truly do just want the best for each other.
i think they have intimate little rituals with each other. like evan washes pandoras hair and she cuts his nails. stuff you’d usually do for yourself but they’ve just always done it for each other.
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constellationgrayson · 6 months
Just saw on Twitter that someone said their fav marauders fics were a tie between Art Heist, Baby! and Dog Days of the Upper West Side.
Here are my fic links if anyone else wants to give them a shot:
Dog Days of the Upper West Side - Wolfstar, Jily, Dorlene (slice of life modern au)
The Pirate Princes - Wolfstar (enemies to allies to lovers, a stolen crown, and just a hint of jegulus)
Driftwood on Waves - James and Barty aka Darksun (James is dragged along by Sirius to bring Regulus and his brooding roommate groceries every week)
I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Jegulus (Regulus comes to live with the Potters over the summer)
The Very First Night - Rosekiller (Ex con turned detective Barty falls for thief Evan)
Neckties & Closets - Wolfstar (Someone breaks into the house on Marauders movie night and Remus and Sirius find themselves trapped in the same closet)
I have a few others but those are my more popular ones!
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ess-presso · 2 years
OKAY how about seven, illicit affairs, & right where you left me! (ty for the fic rec too🫶)
we’re best friends now. how r u my new best friend . (also give me fic recs if u have any i trust u because ur song choices are PRIME.)
seven - PRONGSFOOT (platonic) - alright i think we knew this , but this song SCREAMS james to sirius , like the entire verse ‘And I've been meaning to tell you ,I think your house is haunted, Your dad is always mad and that must be why,And I think you should come live with , Me and we can be pirates ,Then you won't have to cry, Or hide in the closet’ - it’s so james to sirius ‘come live with me’ ‘your house is haunted’ about grimmauld place , i mean you literally can’t think of anyone else . (except maybe ron to harry. but that is the only exception.)
illicit affairs - JEGULUS - ‘you showed me colours you know i can’t see with anyone else’ ,’clandestine meetings and stolen stares’ THEM. THEM. YOUR HONOUR I REST MY CASE. because regulus is a BLACK. and technically black is not a colour & james was all of his colours and when he left all he was was black :,(
right where you left me - JEGULUS (post-break up) - i think it works in canon - ‘wife out there , kids and christmas’ = lily & harry - and reg is just stuck in the past in his ‘fantasy’ and he’s ‘frozen’ and stuff & i’m so gone for them. i think it’d be even more angsty if it was for a jegulus in modern au in which james just fell… out of love and into love with lily ?? like that would be ten times worse (someone should write a oneshot. maybe me one day. maybe.)
also also fic (drabble? oneshot?) rec for right where you left me - ‘right where you left me by otrtbs’ - it’s an unrequited bartylus where james is the ‘wife’ and barty is the one reg left behind.
(anon leave me more if u wish . taylor swift and marauders is my anthem. i shall keep doing this until i run out of songs. atp we’re just having a conversation. <3333)
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stonedregulus · 2 years
evan rosier headcanons, please please please
Okay, I'm more excited to do this than Barty's. I'm also pretty nervous because I've already been told by several people that they don't like my Evan 😅 Whatever, he's my baby and I'm excited to talk about him.
His birthday is September 19th. He's a Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Taurus Rising, and yes I am about to give you all the traits for those because I'm slightly ob-fucking-sessed: -Virgo sun: needs to feel useful, a clean freak with an attention to detail, intelligent, introverted, has trouble expressing himself, needs to be constantly doing shit to avoid anxiety, humble, practical, frequently stressed -Scorpio moon: suffer in silence type, emotionally intense and tries to hide his emotions, extremely passionate, values honesty -Taurus rising: stubborn, diligent, pretty easy going, reserved, resourceful, dependable
This boy is GAY. He is gay gay gay gay gay.
His parents are also super conservative fuckheads so he's closeted and has a TONNNNN of internalized homophobia which adds to his anxiety
Barty is his first love in any universe
He has an absolutely terrible sense of fashion. Like he will walk out in two different plaids and Barty and Regulus want to pull their own eyeballs out before eventually they set fire to the clothes and force him into something somewhat acceptable. And he lets them because he loves them and will do whatever they want
He has undiagnosed OCD and anxiety because his parents are the type who don't believe in therapists or medication.
His parents are also anti-vaxxers and when he gets to college one of the first things he does is set up a Doctors appointment to get vaxxed. Barty goes with him and holds his hand even though they're brand new roommates and don't really know each other yet, and then Barty takes him to get ice cream afterward.
He’s extremely smart and super competitive about it. Definitely a gifted kid.
In magical AUs he's the kid who learns how to do nonverbal spells early and can do wandless magic by 5th year. Like this kid is fucking ridiculously talented.
He’s a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team, and he and James get into fistfights more often than not.
He's super protective of Barty. Even before he realizes he likes him, Barty is like everything to him. He gets suuuuuper jealous over Regulus and Barty's friendship.
He's really bad about bottling up his emotions because he feels like if he talks about them they will just get worse.
In modern non-magical AUs, this boy is country. He is a farm boy. He has a pet pig named Wilbur. He rides tractors. He likes to camp and hunt and fish. He's the midwestern boy who takes pictures wearing nothing but blue jeans and a beat-up baseball cap with bent beer bottle caps around the rim, holding a giant fish he caught for his profile picture. He drives a pickup truck with a lift kit. (But he fucking hates Trump don't get it twisted.)
He likes beer and weed and laying in the bed of the pickup looking up at the stars while listening to Luke Bryan.
Oh shit I almost forgot this so I’m editing to add: he’s a strawberry blonde baby but don’t call him a ginger because he’s fucking NOT. Barty likes to trace patterns in his freckles.
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This or That Part 5
Harry Potter AU Marauders ERA
Link to Part 4
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader. Sirius Black x Reader 
Rating: T
2 months…
It had been two months since you had officially begun dating Regulus. As you expected, there was a lot of talking when word of your relationship officially got out. A few stupid boys from your own house decided to make teasing comments about you dating a Slytherin and ended up getting hexed by Regulus. No one was about to mess with Regulus and his reputation.
The only complaint was the lack of physical intimacy in your relationship. When Regulus said that he was taking things slow, he wasn’t kidding. You wondered if Regulus thought you were a slut because you had been hinting about the next level of your relationship for some time.
What if he thinks I’m a whore? Am I whore for wanting to be with him?
The thoughts plagued you almost non-stop! Regulus had been trying to prove to you that he could change but not everything was perfect.
“Christmas is coming up.”
Lily said casually one morning over breakfast. You looked up from the book that Regulus had put down in front of you. Lily’s comment didn’t seem to register with your boyfriend. You knew that Regulus still wasn’t 100% on Lily. He had finally stopped trying to call her a mudblood (after a lot of nasty arguments between the two of you) and was now calling her by her name.
“Yeah, it is. What are your plans?”
You asked. Lily took a sip of her juice giving you a wink. She was partially trying to help get information out of Regulus. You had been hoping that he would take up your offer of going home with you for the holiday. Your parents were over the moon happy with the fact that you finally got a boyfriend. Regulus, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure about the idea of meeting parents so fast was a good idea.
“I’m going home. Maybe we can all get together and do something before we come back to school. What are your plans, Y/n?”
Your eyes flickered to Regulus’ hopefully. His grey eyes didn’t move from the book.
“I’m going home too. James had mentioned that his parents were having a party.”
James nodded as he and Sirius sat down. You noted how Sirius and Regulus still acted as though the other didn’t exist. It didn’t matter how much you begged either boy to give the other brother a chance either.
“Yep, it's going to be lit...well as it can be with one’s parents hovering.”
“We can still have a good time. Y/n, are you coming?”
Sirius asked, with a smirk. If he could just get you alone without your little shadow maybe he could win you over? He still didn’t understand what you saw in Regulus. The two of you seemed like such an awkward couple. Regulus wouldn’t kiss you in public. He acted as if you holding his hand was going to kill him. All that Regulus seemed to be comfortable with was to pull you into a broom closet whenever the mood suited him. Sirius had quit looking at the map when you were on a date with Regulus. All that Sirius saw was your names in broom closets or on top of the astronomy tower for long periods of time.
Some romance.
Sirius thought bitterly as you turned in his direction.
“Remus and I will be there.”
That got Regulus’ attention. His eyes were on you. On your last date, you had mentioned the party but you only were thinking about going. Now that you were going and Sirius was going...Regulus was concerned. He didn’t like the fact that you were still friendly with Sirius. Regulus was jealous and he didn't know why. Maybe it was the worry that he would end up losing you to Sirius in the end.
Why wouldn’t she want Sirius? He isn’t uncomfortable with kissing her in public or touching her for that matter…
Regulus thought gloomily before sliding his hand on top of yours. You scooted closer to him practically begging him for any kind of physical affection that he would give. Regulus still wasn’t for sure how to tell you that he wasn’t completely comfortable with snogging you in front of other people. Should that be saved for private?
James had picked up on the mood between Regulus and Sirius right away.
“Regulus, I know that you don’t have much to say about anything but if you can get away from your crazy parents you can come with Y/n.”
“Thanks but I have plans.”
Regulus replied. You quickly turned to him.
“What plans? I thought that we were going to do something.”
Regulus didn’t turn in your direction.
“Something came up.”
“When were you going to tell me?”
You asked, ignoring your friends who were now focused on the brewing spat between the two of you.
Regulus replied, finally meeting your gaze. He knew that you were put out.
“I have to get going anyway. I need to see Professor Slughorn about an essay.”
You said as you gently let go of Regulus’ hand.
“I’ll come with you.”
He said, calmly.
As soon as the two of you were out of the great hall, Regulus stopped walking and tugged you into an empty classroom.
“What was that back there?”
You said. Regulus put his books down before tilting your face to his. Even though you were a tad annoyed with him, Regulus could still win you over with one little smile.
“I’m going to miss you too.”
Regulus leaned down and snuggled his face into your hair. He had to get in control of the situation...fast! Over the past few months, Regulus was trying to be less of a control freak and more spontaneous. This was proving to be difficult for him.
“We better go. We’ll be late.”
You said with a sigh. Why you were so moody was a mixture of things. You had been hoping to have someone on one time with Regulus that you couldn’t have at school. You were tired of hiding in a dark abandoned classroom to get any kind of physical contact with your boyfriend. Sure, these make-out sessions were heated and often left you panting but you wanted more. You loved the way Regulus’ hands were beginning to get braver with each day but he wasn’t being as brave as you wanted.
Maybe he was just trying to be a gentleman and not push you into something that you weren't ready for? You were trying to give him some credit there. Regulus would probably be a perfectionist when it came to your first time. There was also the knowledge of his own disastrous “first time” with his ex Ambrosia Parkinson that was making him take things slow with you?
Ambrosia was another delicate subject that Regulus didn’t discuss often. His ex was a bratty nightmare on two legs. In your mind, she used Regulus. She used him to say that she was dating a member of the Black family then discarded him when she didn’t get way on everything. Regulus, no matter who the woman was, was not going to be easily walked over. You thanked his “control freak” nature for that one.
Ambrosia hated you too. She and Evan Rosier were on the same page that Regulus was wasting his time on you. Whenever either Ambrosia or Evan saw the two of you together they would automatically try to pull Regulus away.
Your own dislike of Evan Rosier came flooding in. You were already thinking negative things of parts of Regulus’ life before you so why not let Evan join in. Regulus knew that you didn't’ like Evan but he wasn’t about to drop his best friend since childhood (and you didn’t expect him to) but he could tell Evan to shut his gigantic trap from time to time.
Regulus kissing your forehead pulled you from your thoughts.
“You look so unhappy.”
You shook your head.
“Can we just drop it and go to potions?”
Regulus sighed and held out his arm.
As usual, once in Slughorn’s room, Regulus went off to join Evan and his other friends. Snape gave you a nod when the two of you locked gazes. He and, sometimes, Barty was okay. You could deal with Snape better because of his friendship with Lily. That was probably the only reason that he found you so acceptable when it came to Regulus.
“You look all hot and bothered.”
Lily said with a smile. She had come into help with that particular day’s lesson and plopped down beside you.
“I’m just annoyed. Regulus is confusing.”
Lily lightly laughed.
“What boy isn’t? What is he doing?”
You glanced over your shoulder and met Regulus’ gaze. It was as if he knew that you were talking about him.
“Lily, how long did it take for James and yourself to get past second base?”
Lily really laughed on that one.
“That depends if you are asking James or myself. I will say a fair amount of time. James would try to convince you it was years. Have you and Regulus…”
You shook your head.
“No, it isn’t for my lack of not wanting to. I keep telling him that I am ready but he stops when it gets too far. This may be childish but I am wondering if he still cares for...her.”
Lily knew automatically who you were talking about. She glared in Ambrosia’s direction. The girl was still looking at Regulus hopefully.
“I don’t think that you have anything to worry about. If Regulus didn’t care for you I don’t think that he would have stepped outside of his comfort zone the way that he has. Besides, you aren’t named after a fruit salad. What were her parents thinking?”
Lily was relieved when you smiled at that. She understood your moody feelings. You wanted to spend time with Regulus over the holiday break; she didn’t put it past you to have something special already planned. Lily’s heart hurt knowing that those special plans had been crushed by whatever better opportunity came up for Regulus.
“Thanks, Lily.”
You said with a smile as Slughorn stepped in to begin his lesson.
After the lesson was over Slughorn gave out his reminder for his “Slug club” members that his Christmas party was the next evening. Regulus has asked you to go with him right after the two of you began dating. This was one thing that you were at least thankful for. Even if Regulus hadn’t asked you, you would have gone. Slughorn was over the moon for you as a student. When he found out that you were dating Regulus, the old man seemed thrilled.
You stood up to go to the door and wait for Regulus. The moment that you turned in his direction, you wished that you hadn’t. Ambrosia had her arms around Regulus’ shoulders and was kissing him like the world was about to end. Your mouth fell open in shock as Regulus pushed her away furiously.
“What are you thinking?”
Regulus snapped before noticing Evan’s silent giggling.
“Turn around, mate.”
Evan said with a smile. He was enjoying the devastated expression on your face. He didn’t want you with Regulus to begin with. Evan hated the fact that his best friend was dating some filthy half-blood from Gryffindor.
Regulus immediately spun around and felt immediately guilty when he saw your face. There was nothing but hurt and sadness written all over you.
You shook your head and left the room without another word.
As you ran down the hall, you ran into something hard and fell backward. After smacking your head on the stone floor, you looked up as James popped out from underneath his invisibility cloak.
“Y/n, precious!”
He squealed delighted to see you but stopped the moment he realized that you were crying.
“Hurry, jump in here.”
The moment that you were under the cloak, you were squished between James and Sirius. Sniffing back some more tears, you took in your current situation.
“What are you two doing?”
Sirius grinned.
“Playing a prank on Snivelly. Hey, are you crying?”
“Forget it.
You said, softly. About that time Regulus came running around the corner. He looked as devastated as you felt.
“Y/n? Darling, where are you?”
Regulus looked around pathetically. He didn’t realize that you were standing just a bit from him.
“Reg, can you slow down?”
Evan and Barty rounded the corner breathing heavily. Barty almost looked like he could pass out.
“Did you find her?”
Regulus shook his head.
“It's like she disappeared. I have to find her.”
Evan shook his head.
“She’ll turn up when she wants to chat. Come on, let's go back to the common room. I have some things to go talk to you about our plans for the holiday.”
Regulus waited a moment before turning and following his friends back down the corridor and out of sight.
James and Sirius waited until the coast was clear before pulling the cloak off. Right as they did, Remus turned the corner and stopped at the sight of you pressed against Sirius and James behind you. Remus mentally compared the three of you looking like three gummy bears stuck together on a summer day.
“I normally don’t ask questions but what the hell is going on? Is Regulus and Lily okay with this? I’m not sure that I am…”
James, Sirius, and yourself immediately pulled apart. Sirius and yourself were scowling at Remus while James howled with laughter. This was the funniest damn thing that had happened to him all day.
“Hush, you. It wasn’t what it looked like.”
Sirius snapped as James got a grip on himself.
“Sirius and I were under the cloak about to pull a grand prank when Y/n came running around the corner and into us. She was….”
“Wait, why were you crying?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
You replied. Sirius rolled his eyes as things were starting to click.
“Well, I do. What did my brother do?”
You resisted the urge to return the awkward hug that Sirius was giving you.
“I’m not telling you because I don’t want you to do anything stupid about it!”
You quickly turned and left your two confused best friends and older brother scratching their heads. It wasn’t until Lily walked up did they turn away.
“I can tell you what happened.”
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birlwrites · 1 year
okay but Barty and Regulus are already pretty codependent—not as bad as 1st year but they're still practically tied at the hip. but how are they like after a month of basically living in each others' pockets? a few hours apart here and there when Barty had to attend dinner or spend time with his mom is Nothing. they can anticipate each other like never before. they finish each others' sentences (it's really annoying).
after the initial shock of Regulus' reappearance wears off, the other 5th year slytherins start an informal study of Barty&Regulus. Evan gives insider knowledge because he's forced to share a dorm room with them. Maeve reports back every instance of their weird new psychic bond being used in ancient runes. charlotte says she doesn't care but she keeps an updated copy of their list of all their observations, because she can always do with more things to study and this is an interesting case
neither of them can really shake this constant fear for regulus's safety - whenever they're out of sight of each other, they both get antsy really fast. 1 week into the term barty starts getting up early for quidditch practice because he tried to sleep through it like he normally does and the result was that both he and regulus were just OVERRIDDEN with anxiety by the time that regulus and evan returned to the dorm. regulus straight-up joins runes club because barty is there. neither of them can focus during the one (1) class they don't have together. they have constant silent facial-expression-based conversations during potions since it's their only shared class where they can't sit next to each other but they're at least in the same ROW so they just have to kind of lean in awkward directions to look past maeve who's considering simply suggesting to regulus that they switch seats but also she's not sure this is healthy so maybe she shouldn't encourage it
they can't do anything about prefect rounds and evan learns very quickly that HE will not be able to sleep when regulus has late rounds because BARTY is not able to sleep when regulus has late rounds and his pacing and overall negative vibes just make it impossible to relax
barty did not have to fake his relief at regulus's reappearance when regulus arrived at hogwarts after his solo public transit adventure, nor did regulus have to hide his relief at being back with barty again
evan's insider knowledge includes regulus newly gravitating to barty's side of the room All The Time instead of his own - the first time evan sees him doing class readings sitting on barty's bed instead of at his own desk, evan is positive he needs to get his vision checked. regulus also seems to be kind of unconsciously tidying up everything barty leaves on the floor, and more surprisingly, barty tOLERATES IT. and even more surprisingly, REGULUS UNDERSTANDS BARTY'S SYSTEM OF ORGANIZING HIS STACKS OF PARCHMENT THAT EVAN THOUGHT WAS FULLY RANDOM AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE
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alj4890 · 5 years
Love/Fluff Prompt
(Maxwell x Riley) with the prompt "Yes I'm taking care of them. They're coming home with me." As requested by @krsnlove .
Tumblr media
(Maxwell x MC) A Choices: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir Fan Fiction drabble
A/N An AU where Riley chose to marry Maxwell. I have Liam in love and happy with Addison from RCD so there is no heir drama. But puppy drama...well, there might be.
They're Ours!
"How did this happen?" Riley asked, staring at the doctor.
Maxwell grinned at her and took her hand. "When two corgis love each other very much--"
She started laughing. "I understand the mechanics of how. It was more a rhetorical question."
Dr. Carson placed Lady Luck in Riley's arms. "In about another month, you two will be grandparents to a litter of puppies."
Maxwell noticed his wife's normally cheerful expression dim and he knew why. Riley had recently seen her own doctor. After a year of trying to have a baby, nothing had come of it.
She had always excelled at whatever she put her mind to. Like Hana, she was very hard on herself when she failed. She viewed their lack of positive pregnancy tests as a personal failure.
Now it was almost a slap in the face that their dogs were pregnant before them. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked out of the cheery veterinarian office and continued down the streets of Valtoria.
"Talk to me." He said softly.
Her beautiful spring green eyes were filled with unshed tears. "You already know."
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "The doctor said it will happen when it is supposed to. Look at all the fun we have had trying." He waggled his eyebrows, drawing another laugh from her.
"True." Her shoulders slumped as she tried to find the words. "Sometimes I don't know if I keep trying to prove to myself and everyone that I can have a baby or because I really want one. I know having a little mixture of me and you would be amazing, but then I think how happy I am it being just us two."
"We have only been married a little over a year." Maxwell pointed out. "A lot of people wait years before trying. I personally am having the best time of my life with you, our fur family, and being the super fun aunt and uncle to Bartie."
She squeezed him in a side hug. "You always know what to say."
"It's a gift." He bragged, smiling when she slapped his butt. "Come on beautiful, let's plan how we are going to break the news to Chance. His carefree bachelor days have come to a screeching halt."
A couple of weeks later...
"What is in the air?" Riley collapsed next to Maxwell on the sofa.
He sniffed. "Lysol and...are those snickerdoodles I smell?"
"Yes, but guess who else is pregnant?" Riley flipped the TV on.
They saw Liam and Addison giving a press conference. The royal couple were beaming as they announced that in six months they would be parents of twins.
Maxwell's eyes widened. "Whoa. Cutting it pretty close. They have barely been married four months."
Riley shook her head. "Everyone is pregnant."
"Drake's pregnant too?!" He teased.
She snorted. "Fine, not everyone."
He pulled her closer and held her. She rested her head on his shoulder and tried not to be sad. She had everything. She had married her best friend, lived in a beautiful country, and had been given a life that she had never known was possible. She was happy. From now on, she would focus only on what she had been blessed with.
Two weeks later...
"MAXWELL! I THINK THIS IS IT!" Riley stared down at Lady Luck panting in the closet. The little tubby corgi had burrowed her head under one of Maxwell's favorite t-shirts as she panted and whined.
He ran in. "Hey! Is that--"
"Hush! You know how much she adores you. Your smell gives her comfort." Riley waved her hand to make him be quiet.
"Yeah, but how did she get a hold of it?" He whispered.
"I was doing laundry the other day and she grabbed it out of the basket and waddled away. I thought it was sweet she chose your shirt." She kissed his cheek. "You always comfort me."
He grinned and gave her a quick kiss. "Good save." He looked back down at Lady Luck. "Should we call the vet?"
"I already did and Zeke is on his way to help." Riley knelt down and talked soothingly to the expectant mother.
The birth began before Zeke made it. Riley and Maxwell were both in awe and a little queasy watching the puppies be born. Once Zeke arrived, they breathed a little easier and backed up some. They felt honor bound to remain and see the rest be born.
Seven healthy puppies were safely delivered.
"She really is Lady Luck!" Maxwell exclaimed. He knelt down and looked at the tiny fluff balls as they blindly remained close to the new mother.
Zeke washed his hands and smiled down at her. "In six weeks, we can find homes for them. You could probably go ahead and start lining up who gets which one. Then--"
He noticed the couple staring at him as if he were a monster.
"We are taking care of them!" Riley wagged a finger at Zeke. "They are remaining here in their home. They're ours!"
A grin formed on Zeke's face. "I forgot who I was talking to." He packed his supplies and began to leave. "I will come by later this week and check up on the puppies."
Six weeks later...
"Ready? Riley yelled.
"Ready! Release the corgis!" Maxwell hit record on his phone and smiled as the puppies came around the corner.
"First time in this part of the house. What do you guys think?" He knelt down and chuckled as Chance and Lady Luck tried to herd their pups.
Riley came up next to him and laid down in the floor, giggling when the puppies and parents climbed all over her.
"Night of the living puppies." Maxwell said in a sinster tone. "We thought we were safe, but no. They turned on us the night of the full--"
A puppy waddled up to him and tried to climb in his lap. He turned his phone off and cuddled the wiggling ball of fluff. "I love our family."
Riley sat up and leaned against him. "We really do have the best."
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purplebenjy · 4 years
Barlights || AU 2018
“Amycus. Come on. You’ve got to let me in.”
Benjy’s arms cross over his mesh shirt, partially in agitation partially to try to warm himself up. 
“It’s fucking cold out here, man.” 
Amycus for his part, genuinely looks the part when he sighs and shakes his head. 
“Can’t do it, Benj. I know you’re not eighteen.”
Benjy scoffs, his breath turns into a poof of smoke in the air that lights up pink from the Lagoon’s neon sign. It was a seedy, shithole gay bar-and thus the best place for rich closeted men to frequent. If people recognized them, they were either in the same boat or too blitzed to care. And even recognition was difficult inside the club with it’s nearly pitch dark lighting and constant color changing and flashing lights. 
Benjy has been going pretty consistently over the past two years, that was, until last week, when someone snitched on him to Oscar. A lot of the other men he worked with were jealous of Benjy’s ability to both appeal to and woo the higher end clients. It was a side effect of growing up in the Black’s various mansions-even if he was just their Show and Tell only foster child. When there were big events, chances for Mr. Black to look good and devoted, they rolled Benjy out, droning on and on about how full he made their lives-their only son.  As soon as the cameras left, they went back to ignoring him save for a weekly chore list he had to work on-nevermind the girls never had to lift a finger. Still, even being basically a servant, Benjy had picked up on a thing or two-including a decently posh accent. He had a client tell him one time that paying him for sex didn’t seem as dirty because Benjy didn’t seem as dirty. He still isn’t sure if it was a compliment or not, but it definitely stuck with him. If anything, Benjy has ramped up the poshness, embodying the dutiful doting nature of too many of the women he had witnessed in his foster mother’s inner circle. And it worked.The men ate it up and he was making more money than he ever had before in his life-clearly someone had tipped Amycus off in an effort to try to move in on his business.
“You don’t know I’m not eighteen.” He says easily as he steps into Amycus’s personal space. He’s not ugly-not that that matters anymore- with big broad shoulders and dark almost perfect skin. He’s got some sort of scar that looks like a burn mark on his neck-Benjy bets it’d be sensitive if he kissed it. Amycus’s brown eyes watch him warily as Benjy produces an ID.
“See? Eighteen.”
“According to that, you’re twenty.”
“Yeah.” Benjy says easily, not missing a beat. Lying is so easy at this point it’s basically his second language. 
“Benjy, this is an even worse fake than last week’s.”
Benjy sighs, takes a step closer.
“Maybe we can work something out?” His voice is low, his touch soft as he traces the outside of Amycus’s thumb around his fake ID. For his part, Amycus’s breath hitches just slightly.
“I don’t sleep with little boys.”
“Who’s little? I’m twenty-one.”
Benjy laughs. “Sure.”
He leans forward and carefully kisses the spot on his neck, smiling when he feels Amycus melt under his lips. That never got old-regardless of who it was or how much he was making. After a few more kisses, Amycus’s strong hands pull Benjy away, resting on the outside of his arms. He’s trying and failing not to smile as he speaks, holding Benjy in place.
“You’re something else.”
“So I’ve been told.”
Amycus’s smile wins out and Benjy smiles back. He is pretty cute. A small part of him wonders if he could push this further-get Amycus to claim him permanently, but he pushes that pipe dream away as soon as it crosses his mind.
“Go ahead.” Amycus says, nodding to the three older men who have materialized out of the shadows. After they enter the club, Amycus turns back to him, still holding him at arm’s length.
“How the hell’d you end up here anyway, Benjy?”
Benjy shrugs as best he can.
“How does anyone?”
He remembers briefly. Andy popping up in his room at 2 in the morning, whisper yelling at him in a hushed voice  that Narcissa had seen him kissing his friend Ollie before Benjy got out of his car. How she just told The Blacks-how her father was planning on sending him to some sort of camp in the morning. She’d helped him pack and given him one hundred quid she’d stolen. That first couple of months spent bouncing between shelters and motels and the street, texting Andy when he could find Wifi, trying to survive. He’d found a job cleaning office buildings until his coworker and eventual room mate Gideon showed him just how much he could make on the street. Gideon introduced him to Barty who, for 40% of what he earned, let Benjy stay in the run down apartment building his family owned. Barty, who was expecting a big amount of money from him tonight and would do lord knows what if he didn’t bring it to him.
“Come on, Amy. Please?” 
Amycus knew Barty-that was how they ended up at this club in the first place. Amycus sighs, Benjy tries again, speaking quickly.
“It’s not like anyone is gonna call about me being in there-there's too many risks and too much loss for everyone if the Lagoon shuts down. Come on. I won’t even drink. I promise.”
Amycus chuckles slightly.
“You promise, huh?”
Benjy nods really enthusiastically. 
“Yep. Hate drinking when I do this anyway. I really need the money, mate. Can you help me out?”
Amycus’s eyes meet his and Benjy knows he’s won.
“When’s your birthday?”
“November. November 23rd.”
Amycus drags his fingers slowly down Benjy’s arms, making him shiver.
“If I let you in-and you don’t drink-and you’re still on the scene by your birthday...maybe I’ll let you pay me back.”
Benjy grins.
“Does that mean I get to go in?”
Amycus rolls his eyes good naturedly. 
“Fine. But if you drink-”
“I won’t.”
Benjy closes the distance between them and gives Amycus a sweet kiss on the lips. He tastes like cough drops and cigarettes.
“A taste of what’s to come in November. There’s no way I’ll be anywhere else.”
But Benjy had no idea how wrong he was.
It’s been a relatively good night, and Benjy’s only been inside for an hour. Someone had pulled him into the alley and paid him for a blowjob that had lasted maybe three minutes-easiest fifty bucks he’d made. The man left without looking at him and that had stopped hurting a long time ago. Benjy stands, counting the money again as he put it in his pocket, and heads towards the side door, sneaking back in. A few people leer at him as he makes his way through the crowd, but he’s expecting it. He’s in what he calls his uniform-or one of the versions of it. Black mesh shirt so he can show off the tattoos on his chest-face shaved, his long dark back in a small ponytail with a few pieces springing out to frame his face. He’s got on tight faux leather pants-glorified leggings really-with nothing on underneath to allow the easiest access to his body as possible. Most of his clients liked to fuck him in the alley behind the bar, or, if they were really feeling fancy, the backseats of their luxury cars. He’d learned early on that underwear just got in the way. He has on his old beaten up Doc Martens that were a size too big-easy to slip on and off and also good for a well placed kick if he needed to get away. He’d been lucky in that aspect, though Benjy suspected that had largely to do with Barty and his nearly constant stream of blackmail threats if clients didn’t pay or got too aggressive.
He smiles at the bartender and one of the owners-Alecto-who sort of smiles back. She always gives him shit but she also looks out for all the boys who come through there, kicking out and banning the particularly nasty older men.
“Diet Coke please, Lecto.” 
Benjy smiles at her. “Ice cubes.”
She rolls her eyes and starts making his drink. Benjy turns around from the counter, his back pressed against the bar as he surveys the crowd.
“Kept your promise, I see.” 
The sound of someone else startles him, but Benjy recovers quickly, glancing to his left at the sound of the voice.
And his heart stops.
He’s looking at the most beautiful man he’s ever seen. He’s got green blue eyes that sparkle when they meet Benjy’s, perfectly coiffed dirty blonde hair. He’s got the perfect amount of stubble on his strong jawline and the only thing that takes Benjy’s eyes away from that is his perfect, white smile. It feels like the swallows tattooed on Benjy’s collarbone are swooping in his stomach when this stranger licks his lips.
“Uh…” Benjy says, turning himself to fully face this man. “What are you talking about?”
The stranger jerks his head to the front door.
“Your promise. To Amycus. Not to drink. I heard you two talking on my way in.”
Benjy’s eyes must grow wide cause the Stranger’s smile grows.
“Your secret is safe with me, Benjy.”
Oh the way he says his name makes him want to sink to the ground right there, but he resists-he doesn't really get a choice as to when he does that these days. He smiles, still not taking his eyes off of this stranger.
“I appreciate that.”
“Is it short for anything? Benjy?”
Why does it feel like he’s looking through him when he talks? And why is Benjy desperate to know what he sees? 
“Uh, yeah. Benjamin.”
The stranger hums, finally looking away when Alecto puts a drink down beside Benjy’s still untouched Diet Coke.
“I like that.”
“Then you can call me it.”
The stranger smiles as he takes a drink of his gin. 
“You’re pretty adorable, you know that?”
“I’ve been told.” 
Benjy grins when the stranger laughs. 
“God, you’re a touch cheeky too? It’s almost unfair.”
Benjy takes a sip of diet coke to wash the taste of his last client out of his mouth.
“What’s unfair, handsome?”
“That I have to go through a few hoops before I get to have you.”
Benjy smiles, looking over at him as he slowly creeps his hands towards the stranger’s, not speaking until Benjy’s fingers dance along the back of his palm.
“It’s probably not as many hoops as you think.”
The stranger chuckles.
“How much?”
Benjy shrugs one shoulder. “Depends on what you want, honey.”
“To take you home.”
Benjy stills and he knows the stranger can sense his hesitation.
“I uh, don’t think you could afford it. If I go home with you...I lose a whole night of work.”
“How much?”
Benjy laughs at that.
“I’m serious.”
Benjy looks in his eyes and his blood runs cold with excitement. He is serious.
“Um…” He chuckles. “Well, if I was having a good night...”
“I’d say you are.”
“...then I’d make about two grand.”
The stranger nods.
“So we’ll call it three?”
Benjy laughs, not believing him. The stranger opens his wallet  and pulls out the biggest stack of hundred pound notes Benjy has ever seen. He counts out three thousand worth and puts it gently on the counter in front of him. 
“Believe me yet?” 
Benjy stares at the money, dazed.
“You’re not forgetting about my commission, right Benjy?”
Barty appears out of nowhere, sliding up behind Benjy and draping his arm over his shoulder.  Benjy stiffens.
“Hello, Crouch.” Forest says easily, and Barty quickly removes his arm to stand up straight.
“Everly. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?”
“A few.”
The stranger, Everly, says coolly.
“Look, you’re interrupting something here. What’s your commission?”
Barty’s hand appears on the small of Benjy’s back, gripping his skin so hard that it  stings. Benjy gets the message-shut the hell up.
“Fifty Percent.”
With a shrug, Forest counts off fifteen hundreds and pushes them into Barty’s chest, sweeping Benjy off his school and collecting the money on the bar in one movement as he stands.
“Fine. Now sod off.”
Benjy is shocked when Barty doesn’t argue, disappearing into the  crowd. Everly’s hand moves off of Benjy’s back for a moment and hands him the money.
“What do you say?”
Benjy is stunned beyond words, something that never happens. Carefully, he takes the money, folding it as much as he can to put it into his back pocket. It’s so much money, money he can’t even imagine-even if he did make two grand tonight, Barty would’ve taken a chunk of it. And it was handed to him by a man who he’d easily go home with of his own accord if he had any left. Everly smiles at him softly as he keeps ushering Benjy out of the bar. Benjy doesn’t speak until they’re past Amycus.
“Um-as excited as I am, there’s a lot of men back there who wouldn't have cost you four thousand five hundred pounds.”
“But they aren’t you.”
Benjy laughs.
“What’s so special about me?”
Forest beeps the unlock button on his Jaguar and then opens the passenger side door for him. Like a gentleman. Who the hell was this guy? That scared Barty enough into silence, that threw money around like it was nothing and opened doors for him? Benjy’s instincts tell him Everly is powerful-but he’s not quite sure if he’s safe. But Benjy decides three grand is worth the risk. Maybe he likes to choke and hit during sex-not Benjy’s thing at all for for three thousand pounds? He’d do about anything. 
“Do you always question your...suitors like this?”
“Most of my clients don’t even want to look at me in the face or tell me their names, so no. Can’t say I do.”
Benjy settles into the seat in silence as Everly gets in and starts the car. Benjy can’t even begin to fathom what it cost.
Benjy likes his smile even more in profile if that’s possible. He watches him as he speaks.
“My name’s Forest. Do you really have no idea who I am?”
Benjy doesn’t say anything for a second, worried he’s offended Forest, but then Forest snorts.
“Bloody hell that sounded pretentious. Sorry. I just figured with Crouch saying my last name you’d uh, you know, put it together.”
Benjy blinks slowly as it dawns on him.
“Everly like….like the deputy Minister?”
“Exactly. That’s my father. I’m sure you understand now why I have to be discrete.”
Benjy doesn’t keep up with politics, but as Forest drives in an easy silence, his mind races, piecing it together. The Everly family has been involved with the government practically since it started. A Dynasty. The Blacks were always excited whenever a member of the Everly family was slated to be at one of their events. There’d been a son, he remembers. Older and handsome. And Benjy was now sitting in his car. 
“You still didn’t really answer my question though.” Benjy says softly, breathing in slightly when Forest’s hand moves from the gear shift to his knee. 
“What’s your question, Benjamin?”
“Why me? You could get anyone and I’m…”
He doesn’t even know how to finish that sentence. Next to nothing is the phrase that comes to mind. Trash is another.
Forest looks over at him as he takes a turn.
“I like people who keep their promises.”
Benjy tries to keep his cool when he follow Forest into the elevator, but he knows he’s fighting a losing battle when he pushes the lift button for the penthouse.
“It’s so posh.” He mumbles, shifting between his feet, suddenly feeling a tad out of place. He relaxes the second  Forest holds his hand.
“Nothing to worry about, love. It’s just gonna be me.”
Benjy nods, smiling despite his nerves at how good Forest’s hand feels in his.The doors open into a beautiful, clean, white apartment. Decorated minimally but still somehow inviting. Forest, still holding his hand, leads Benjy across the hardwood floors towards an all white conversation pit.
“Get comfortable. Do you want something to eat?”
Forest looks about as in his element as he could be, while Benjy’s black outfit makes him quite the contrast. Benjy pauses as he gets settled on the couch.
“Um...no, I’m okay. I don’t like to eat before uh, I do my job.”
He blushes and he’s not sure why. Nor why he’s being coy-Benjy’s been on the streets for almost two years-why is he acting like a fucking virgin? 
“I’m not going to have sex with you, Benjamin. What do you want to eat?”
Benjy stares at him, eyes wide as his brain races, blurting it out before he can stop himself.
“Why not?”
Forest laughs, moving something around the kitchen. Benjy watches as he pulls out and pours one glass of wine.
“Clearly you don’t know me well. And I intend to fix that. You’re underage, Benjy. And I can’t be with you that way in good faith while that’s the case.”
“So you don’t want to have sex with me.” Benjy says, not even failing to hide his disappointment. Forest chuckles, bringing over a cheese plate and a glass of wine for himself.
“Oh, quite the opposite. But not while you’re still seventeen. Come on. Eat something? You look hungry.”
He was starving, he’d skipped lunch, but Benjy still doesn’t move towards the plate.
“So what are you going to do to me?”
Forest looks at him, his face softer but his eyes almost dangerous.
“Well I was hoping you’d talk with me.”
“And what else?”
Forest laughs.
“Eat maybe?”
“But what’s the catch? What happens after?”
Forest shrugs. “You can sleep here if you’d like. Though I’m afraid we’d have to share a bed. There’s no catch, Benjamin. I just want to get to know you. You’re beautiful and you’re interesting and I just...have a feeling about you.”
“You shelled out 4500 pounds because you have a feeling?”
Forest smiles, taking his hand again.
“It’s a really, really good feeling.”
They talk for hours, learning so much about each other. Benjy realizes he’s never told anyone the full story about what happened to him, but he tells Forest. He listens. When he gets choked up, Forest takes him in his arms and pulls Benjy so he’s sitting sideways on his lap. Nothing sexual, just close. He holds him and he lets him be sad. Benjy can never remember ever feeling as safe as he does then. He listens to-about how hard Forest struggled, how when he told his dad he might be gay he beat him until he almost died. And how after Forest had left the hospital-the papers had reported it as a motorcycle accident-he was sent to the camp that Benjy had been supposed to go to. Changed, tortured and broken, Forest had done everything he was supposed to, and the second he got the chance, pretended to be ‘cured.’
“I’ve made a big enough name for myself now.” Forest says, handing Benjy another slice of the massive pizza they’d ordered once Benjy finally agreed to eating something. “That I’m able to have some fun again. And when I saw you tonight I just….knew.”
Benjy blushes, warmth spreading up from his chest and coloring his cheeks.
“You’re going to have fun with me?”
Forest nods.
“Not the kind of fun you’re thinking, not yet at least,  I just...you’re easy to talk to Benjy. Maybe, uh, and you can say no of course, but maybe every time I need someone to talk to, I come to you?”
Benjy grins, still on Forest’s lap as he pushes his face into his shoulder.
“You wanna see me again?”
Forest puts his slice of pizza down and takes Benjy’s face in his hands, they’re greasy but Benjy doesn’t care when Forest smiles at him.
“I need to see you again.”
Benjy leans into the feeling of Forest’s thumb caressing his cheek, savoring the moment before speaking.
“You can call Barty anytime. He always knows where I am.”
Forest scoffs.
“Barty. Please. Benjamin…”
He pulls away.
“I know this is crazy, and I know it’s too fast-but, well, I was thinking if tonight went as well as it did-you could move in here. I don’t-I can’t be here all the time. I have to keep up appearances with my wife, but during the work week I stay here. I can get you your own bed if you want but…”
He plays with Benjy’s fingers.
“I like the idea of you being here. Keeping me company. Telling me about yourself. And I just can’t stand the thought of you being out there-other people touching you...hurting you. I want to help you, Benjy. I want you to stay safe. I can keep you safe. And you can keep me company.”
Benjy’s head is swimming but he feels like he’s floating, not actually believing what he’s hearing.
“You want me to live with you?”
Forest chuckles.
“It’s too fast. I know.”
“You want me to live...here?”
Benjy looks over Forest’s shoulder into the rest of the apartment.
“Do you want to?”
Benjy grins. 
“I mean, I don’t know-I haven’t even seen the bedroom-”
Forest laughs and Benjy feels like he’s won something.
“Are you saying yes?”
“There’s really no catch?”
Forest shrugs.
“Well I mean...when you’re eighteen, I would like to explore a physical relationship with you. So I guess that could be the catch.”
“So the catch is something I want anyway?”
Forest laughs.
“You’re supposed to want whoever pays you though, isn’t that your deal?”
Benjy shrugs.
“I would’ve come home with you for nothing if Barty wasn’t around. Here.”
He shifts, digging the money Forest had given him out of his pocket and holding it against his chest.
“I don’t want it.”
Forest shakes his head, pushing Benjy’s hand down.
“It’s yours. Keep it no matter what.”
They sit for a while, quiet, feeling how the fit together. Benjy breaks the silence first.
“If I live here...would I be your boyfriend?”
Forest nods. “Something like that.”
Benjy’s face hurts from smiling. 
“I’ve never had one of those before.”
Forest smiles back at him.
“So you’ll move in?”
Benjy nods.
“One condition?”
Forest traces Benjy’s lower lip.
“Anything you need.”
“I wanna-can I kiss you?”
Forest groans.
“When’s your birthday?”
“November. Two months. That’s it but...I can wait on everything else, Forest. I promise. But I can’t wait for this.”
There’s something about his eyes that makes Benjy want to fall in.
“Please?” Benjy asks, surprised at how quickly he’s become desperate. Forest smiles softly at him, somehow wanting and wicked all at once.
“Okay. Once. Then we have to wait.”
Benjy nods as he sits up straighter. Tomorrow, when he wakes up in the big white bed in Forest’s arms, he’s still not going to believe it. He’s going to spend his first day getting used to his new life, take Forest to his apartment building and watch as he covers all the debt he supposedly owes Barty. He’s going to load the meager possessions he has into Forest’s trunk and come back here to start anew.
And he’s going to spend tomorrow, and every day after, ignoring the creeping feeling that he, Benjy, has become a possession in his own right.
But for now, he closes his eyes and seals his future with a kiss, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life.
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Could you tell us more about the unpublished Regulus AUs you're working on? I love your Regulus Black fic so much!!!!!
sure!! (and thank you
so in terms of “stuff i’m actively working on”, there are two AUs featuring Regulus (and a couple featuring other characters): the time travel AU and the Regulus survives AU (so, no, unfortunately, the science olympiad au does not feature regulus but now i kind of wish it did)
the time travel au basically has the premise of regulus going to the cave, killing himself, etc. – and then waking up twenty years later (and having to adjust to the fact that everyone he knows is dead / married / in azkaban, and also that cissa’s unborn baby is older than him????). it’s not totally compliant with the sharpest lives, and instead takes the stance that regulus, rather than secretly dating barty, was deeply closeted to literally everyone, including barty (for reasons that will be explained in the fic - it is divergent from the sharpest lives up through chapter five)
and the regulus survives AU has regulus surviving the cave and dealing with that – that one is compliant with the sharpest lives through the end. it’s a little heavier than i usually like (apparently i only am capable of sustaining angst when it’s based in internalised homophobia), so it’s been slow going, but it’s going!
(and you didn’t ask, but yes, max and isaac do appear in both - though not necessarily as people regulus likes, or who like him)
besides that, i’ve also written easily like half a dozen random one-off canon divergent AUs that are usually shippy (or sometimes just angsty) because sometimes i just feel like regulus needs a hug, so i write it out. those i’ll probably post at some point in one collected work in the future.
(and besides that, i have got a few ravenclaw-au-divergent AUs - those will be posted in a collected work after the series is complete)
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birlwrites · 1 year
barty's closet, to me, is whatever the opposite of "#crack treated seriosly" is. serious treated like crack
Regulus turns his running away into a sort of keep-away game with very high stakes, but the thing he's keeping away is himself from his family's bad ideas. Sirius argued and argued and argued until his lips turned blue and it Really Didn't Work so Reg decides to take the passive-aggressive route. kind of like,,: oh you want an heir? then you better Smarten Up or Face The Consequences . he returns to Hogwarts every year, gets good grades, is ace at quidditch… and then just up an vanishes every summer. dissappears into thin air.
but the real question is: would he keep writing to his parents during the school year like like nothing happened?
for the summers i like the idea of regulus getting a post office box so owl post automatically goes there - i'm sure this is a thing that exists for people who live in muggle neighborhoods and can't be seen getting newspapers from owls every day (for example)
(it's also very very unhelpful re: getting the DMLE to track him down, because crouch sr just points at regulus's most recent hogwarts transcript (regulus helpfully sends it to him every term) and goes 'he's not missing??? he's not even truant???')
(crouch sr has absolutely no idea what is going on in this family but he knows he does not want to be involved. at least now that regulus is semi-MIA barty has stopped kicking up such a fuss about not seeing him over the summers)
i think maybe when he's at school he does respond to their letters but in the Most unhelpful way possible. trying to convince him to join the death eaters is like talking to a brick wall. once he flat-out just sent a letter back with 'NO THANKS' written really big over walburga's carefully reasoned argument for why taking the mark over the winter holidays was a good idea
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