#bart and rose giggling about damian
shademarbleclaws · 7 months
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the thunderclouds broke up
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: your relationship with Damian isn’t what is seems like.
♡ pairing: damian wayne (robin), bart allen (impulse) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “it’s just a little too late, you say you dream about me but you don’t like me, you just like the chase so be real, it doesn’t matter anyway.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes 
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you were blasting music into your headphones as you were trying to finish everything you needed to get done for the week. graduation was coming in just a few weeks and you had been neck deep in homework with essays and exams coming in from left and right. 
you had even been putting off even hanging out or going on dates with Damian because your lack of time. he kept telling you that it was okay but in the back of your head, you felt wrong for denying him every time he asked you out. 
Jon and Billy had been in the lair’s living room, lazying around until Nightwing or even Batman came in to give all of you times and coordinates for your patrolling tonight. you hadn’t even been hearing their conversation since your music was drowning out their conversations. 
when you realized that your coffee had ran out and everything that you needed in order to make a new cup was in the kitchen, you took off your headphones and grabbed your cup, walking slowly to living room. 
“where’s Damian?” Billy asked, kicking his shoes off, “oh, he’s training. ever since graduation for Gotham Academy came closer, ( your name ) has been putting him off to study so he’s been training to kill time.” 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion, not knowing if what Jon was saying was rude or not. “I have to give Damian props though,” Jon continued, “he’s been with her for two months now! we even had a small bet going to see how long he would be able to date her and he’s clearly won since he’s been with her longer than the month we bet on. even a few of the titans had placed bets that it wouldn’t last as long as it did. Raven put in a measly two weeks,” Jon laughed. 
your eyes stared down at the ground, completely watery and stinging, “hey, that just shows Damian can commit to things that aren’t training although it’s like you said, it’s surprising they’re even together if she keeps putting him off,” Billy added on. 
not realizing that your cup had slipped your grasp, the metal collided with the ground, making Jon and Billy turn around. they could see the hurt in your eyes as you remained frozen in place. 
“hey ( your name ),” Jon murmured, “did you hear what we were talking about?” Billy asked, afraid at the answer. 
your eyes turned into rage as you picked up your cup off the floor, “tell Damian that since our month is over, we’re done,” Jon immediately sprang up, “hey! please, don’t say that! you’re completely not understanding what we’re saying!” Jon said frantically. 
Damian walked out of the solo training room, seeing Jon and Billy’s expressions as the tears ran down your face, “what’s going on?” Damian asked. you laughed, not wanting to even look at him, “great! you’re here! since our relationship was based on a bet that you had money on that would only last a month, you can count it as we’re over now!” you exclaimed.
you slammed your laptop and grabbed your backpack as Damian ran towards you. in a fit of complete rage, you turned around and punched him square in the stomach, making him fall onto Jon. 
“go fuck yourself! as a matter of fact, you can find another member for the Titans! I quit!” you screamed, slamming your mask down onto the table and leaving the lair, “wait! please, this isn’t how you think it went down, please!” Damian begged. 
you gave him the finger, “I hope you, right along with Jon and Billy, enjoy sitting on the shame that is playing with people’s emotions,” you said as Nightwing walked into the hallway, clearly lost on what was happening, “the next time you, Jon, Billy, hell! even the Titan’s decide to play with people’s emotion for the sake of getting money, make sure it’s someone who’s not on the same team as you,” you whispered. 
“don’t leave, please don’t leave. Nightwing, stop her!” Damian said in panic as you got onto your bike, “Nightwing, since the Titan’s are now down a member, you can tell whoever was fighting a place that my spot is now vacant,” you managed to say before revving your bike and riding onto the street. 
“what is going on?” Nightwing asked the three. he had never saw Damian so hurt, meanwhile Billy and Jon were left speechless, “my girlfriend just broke up with me!” Damian murmured, a feeling in his heart that he had never felt before, “she overheard a conversation Billy and I were having but I think she only heard a piece of it,” Jon tried to rationalize. 
Damian looked at the two, pure rage coming over his body, “it’s both your fault?” he screamed, charging them with his sword. Nightwing quickly grabbed his brother, taking the sword away from his grasp, “she only heard some of the conversation! we never meant for her to actually get upset.” 
Nightwing stood in between the three, “listen, whatever happened, all of you need to apologize. now, I can’t promise that she’ll rejoin the team,” he warned Damian, “if she decides to come back, that’ll be her decision....AND HER DECISION only,” Nightwing said, “but if she decides not too, I can’t force her to overturn her decision,” he added on, “no matter who you’re related too.”
Damian knew he was hinting at Bruce when he added in the last part. there was no way any of them could actually convince you to come back if you didn’t want too. they could try and persuade you but it was ultimately your decision if you wanted to rejoin the team. 
once you got back home, you felt as though your heart hadn’t completely accepted what happened. a part of you felt like it was some sort of sick joke and you needed to wake up from it. 
alas, it wasn’t and you knew that what Damian and you had was something that wasn’t going to happen again. it stung knowing that Jon, the one who seemed so innocent all the time, was actually in on the joke and was sitting there and laughing at you. 
you hadn’t known Billy for that long. the two of you became acquainted not long after you got with Damian and while you thought of him as a friend, it still hurt that he too was in on the joke. 
your mom was working late as she was helping Gotham Academy with situating for graduation planning. your mom didn’t know about you and Damian thankfully so even though you were completely heartbroken, it’s not like she knew about what you were going through. 
you flopped onto your bed, trying to control your breathing when the doorbell rang. tiptoeing to the front door, hoping it wasn’t any of the three idiots, you were stricken with relief when you saw that it was Bart of all people.
“hey Allen, what are you up too? wait a minute, what you doing here in Gotham?” you asked, welcoming him inside. Bart chuckled softly, “I’m here for some stuff on the behalf of my family. don’t worry about it,” he murmured, “I went to the lair looking for you and you were gone.” 
you hummed, not knowing if you were willing to tell him the actual story of why you weren’t there, “you okay? you look like you were crying!” he exclaimed, seeing the puffyness under your eye and the redness around it. you sighed shakily, “truthfully? I’m not but it’s nothing to worry about,” you tried to say calmly. 
Bart gave you a look, not fully convinced, “seriously? I can’t talk to you about the real reason on why I’m here if you’re upset. tell me!” he restated, looking at you dead in the eye. you dragged him inside, not wanting anyone to heart, especially if Damian was on his bullshit and spying on you.
you got Bart up to your room, locking the door and leaning up against the door. your back against it as you tried to contain your tears and running your hands through your hair, “I broke up with my boyfriend recently and I’ve been having a lot of issues with it since I found out,” you finally confessed. 
Bart’s eyes twitched in annoyance, “you were dating someone?” he asked, a bit hurt that the girl he had been crushing on not only had a boyfriend but you were now heartbroken over it. you nodded, “not that my identity was ever a secret but I was dating Robin,” your eye twitched this time, annoyed at mentioning Damian.
Bart stood in disbelief, not believing that Robin, the one everyone thought was perfect, had broken up with you. a part of him wanted to strangle the boy but he knew that Robin was a lot more stronger than he was.
“if you don’t mind me asking, can I ask what happened?” Bart played with his fingers nervously. you stared at the ground, scared if you looked at Bart, you would bawl your eyes out, “he started dating me as a joke. he had made a bet with a few other sidekicks about being able to date me for a month and the longer he dated me, the more money he made,” your tears fell almost immediately at the confession. 
Bart’s anger immediately rose as he tried to not say anything irrational, “are you kidding?” he asked. you shook your head no, not knowing what to say, “can I kick his ass?” he asked again, making you laugh for the first time in a while. 
“sorry Allen but you know I won’t let you...especially because you and I both know how that would end,” you giggled, making Bart agree. you sat down on the bed next to him, “now why are you here? although I think I might know why,” you murmured. 
The Flash family, especially Bart and Barry had taken an interest in you when you first joined the Titans. your powers had given you the ability to be as fast as the Flashes were. you weren’t exactly as speedy as Flash but your powers did let you have competition with Bart’s speed. 
“you know Central city has been calling your name,” Bart whispered, looking at you. “you know you’d have a position with us and you wouldn’t be around Robin if you weren’t comfortable being around him,” Bart added in the last part. 
you bit your lip, “come on, you know better than anyone that Gotham has nothing for you,” he tried to rationalize, “yeah, you have potential with the Bats but you know that joining us would make you an even bigger hero than you are here,” he said. 
“Bart, is this really the reason why you want me to join all of you?” you asked. Bart nodded, hoping that you were actually considering it, “of course! you can join us out for patrol tonight and if you like it, you can join us over in Central City when you graduate,” he exclaimed. 
“tonight? with who?” you asked. Bart pointed to himself with confidence, “with the one and only, Bart Allen!” he boasted. you laughed, “just tonight and if I don’t like it, I get to stay here!” you said, pointing your finger at his chest. 
“SERIOUSLY?” he asked surprised. you nodded as you saw the time, “sure but remember what I said!” you yelled as he ran around your room in excitement. 
the time you had ever went to Central City was when you went with Damian and Bruce on the behalf of Bat business so the feeling that you were now no longer going there with them felt a bit out of place. you looked at the time as Bart had told you that it wouldn’t take to long to get there with both your speeds. 
you grabbed you uniform out of your closet and looked at the time, sensing that both you and Bart should get to Central City before both of your patrol times started. you could see the excitement coming from Bart as he was basically talking your ear off the entire way back to Central City. 
through the following few days, you had actively ignored Jon, Damian, and Billy. it was harder for you to ignore Jon and Damian as they had known your home address but every time Raven had informed you on one of the boys coming and paying you a visit, Bart always seemed to come over and get you out of the house before they could. 
this time was no different but today, you couldn’t ignore Damian even if you wanted too. today was Gotham’s graduation and with both you and Damian graduating at the top of the class, you both had to sat on the stage, right next to each other. 
you had worn a plain neutral yellow dress with black shoes as you tried to follow Gotham’s school colors. the actual cap and gowns were not as cute as they had the tacky yellow cap and gown with black lining that made all of you look like bee’s. 
up until this moment, you still hadn’t decided on what your plans were for after graduation. you had a bunch of unanswered acceptance letters from different University’s around the U.S. and one of them was from Central City State University. 
they had personally reached out to you in order to attend their school. you had been thinking about actually accepting their letter for a while now and with Bart now offering to be your partner, you didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. you hadn’t told anyone besides your mother about the move to Central City and while she was upset to see you leave, she knew it was best to let you finally be on your own. 
you had gotten to Gotham Academy, a bit early and tired as you had stayed up late with being on Face Time with Bart. the two of you had gotten closer over the course of the last few weeks and while you were still extremely heartbroken over Damian’s actions, a part of your heart was starting to fix itself with Bart now mending that piece. 
you, on a very sporadic thought, had invited Bart and Barry to your graduation as you didn’t want to run into the chance of actually having to be alone with Damian. you wanted to make sure that you were either around your mom or Bart when everything was finished. 
the stage had been set by the time you got to the Auditorium as you had saw your mom along with Bart and Barry in the front. since you were moving to Central City, partially for college and partially to continue doing hero work there, your mom had to introduce and get familiar with the family that was soon taking you in. 
everyone knew that everyone who were connected to the Flash family had this flamboyant personality to them so when Barry and Bart introduced themselves to your mom, she was quite taken back. nevertheless, she did end up getting along well with them and felt safe with you moving there. 
Damian had saw you sitting in the chair, on your phone as everyone sat in their seats. what he hadn’t realized was that Bart and Barry were right next to your mom. he had heard about your endeavors with going over to Central City to ‘intern’ with the Flash family and while he didn’t want to believe it, a part of him felt as though that might’ve been actually true now. 
Damian looked at you with guilt crossing his face. you hadn’t been face to face with him since that fateful night and although it took every ounce of power to not scream at him, for the sake of his identity and the fact that all of you had to be professional, you gave him the side eye and turned to your headmaster who was approaching the stand. 
Gotham Academy’s graduation had felt like centuries before it finally came to your turn to speak on the behalf of your class. you smiled at the crowd, waving at your family and the Allen’s before looking down at your paper. you gulped in nervousness as you began your speech. 
“and although I have been keeping my college acceptance a secret, within the last few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of being scouted by a few schools and finally came down to the decision last week on which university I would attend. it is my honor and with grace to finally announce that I will be attending Central City State University in the fall! go Falcons!” you told the crowd as you opened up your gown to show off the school sweater. 
you saw Bart’s face light up with excitement as he realized that you had accepted the Flash’s invitation to work with them. Damian had also realized that the rumors surrounding you actually leaving the Titan’s to work with the Flash was actually true and he felt his heart break realizing that you were no longer a part of his life. 
you sat back down in your seat with a smirk playing on your face as you could basically feel Damian’s stare coming down on you. it wasn’t until after graduation when all of you got the chance to join your families again when you saw Bart and everyone else. 
“are you really joining us in Central City?” he asked excitedly. you nodded, giving Bart a hug. the hug didn’t feel friendly. not in the slightest. it felt almost romantic as the two of you remained in an embrace longer than you had realized, “than I’m so glad our plan actually worked out!” Barry said in relief. 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion but he told you it was a surprise that you wouldn’t see until you got to Central City tonight. you nodded as all you had decided to take pictures before heading to eat. you had noticed Damian approaching you, a determined stare on his face but Bart quickly realized it and grabbed you by the wrist, making you join Barry and your mom again. 
the night finally entered as you had made your way to Central City in order to get settled into your new apartment by signing the final papers over to the apartment. Barry and Bart had offered to show you around your new home, as if you hadn’t already recognized Central City already but nevertheless, you complied and let them show you. 
you got into the core of the city, the lights twinkling and the noises of cars making you feel as though you were in a movie. Bart had covered your eyes with his hands as he told you your secret was coming up. a nervous feeling crept up to your stomach as you had no idea what was going on. 
finally, all of you stopped and that was when Bart took his hands off your eyes. you stared at the large billboard that was high up in the sky as you felt tears spring your eyes. 
“welcoming Central City’s newest superhero.” 
the billboard read as it had a picture of you right next to the lettering. you looked to Barry and Bart before engulfing them into a hug as you thanked them profusely. Barry shrugged you off, “we should be thanking you. you’re going to help us so much! it’s the least we could do,” he said as Bart agreed. 
Barry had mentioned that all of you were going to catch dinner at a restaurant and your reservation should be coming up soon. he had gotten the head start, whispering to Bart that he’d leave the two of you alone for a moment. 
“seriously, thank you so much Bart,” you whispered, giving him another hug. he chuckled nervously, trying to wave you off, “you have no idea how much this means to me,” you added on. 
you looked to Bart and got on your toes, hoping that your next action wasn’t a mistake. you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making Bart go red in the face. it hadn’t fully set in that you kissed him until he realized that he hadn’t said anything back yet. 
Bart grabbed your hand, giving it a soft kiss before doing the same to your cheek. you smiled at him shyly, grabbing his hand before telling him that you were going to be late for the reservation with Barry. 
months had passed since you had started your new life in Central City. you hadn’t spared anyone in Gotham a second thought unless you were visiting your mom so you hadn’t contacted Damian or any of the Titan’s since then. 
however, you had to go with Bart to the Titan’s tower today. you had to meet up with Nightwing there to get information Barry needed for a case. you were hoping that you didn’t run into any of the idiots while you were there with Bart but luck was not on your side that day and upon reaching the Titan’s tower, you were met with not only Damian but with Jon and Billy. 
“where’s Nightwing?” you asked them. Jon gave you a sheepish smile, “he’ll be here soon,” he responded. you nodded, grabbing Bart’s hand and heading to the couch to say hello to Raven and Beast Boy. 
the four of you got into conversation until Damian walked in, basically dragging you into the kitchen as Bart immediately stood up, running to where you were. 
“what the fuck is your issue?” you yelled, snatching your hand back. Bart knew you could hold your own but he still wanted to make sure you were okay, “we need to talk,” he stated, looking to Bart. you laughed, “yeah, whatever you have to say you can say right now. I refuse to talk to you alone,” you said back. 
Damian growled as Jon and Billy stood up, “that night when everything went down, we want to say that it was all a mistake. you had only heard a portion of what we were saying. we never intentionally made a bet on the two of you. we had made a bet that was basically us telling Da-Robin that he couldn’t do anything besides train and fight. Robin had actual feelings for you and the bet was never intentionally set on you. we swear,” Jon explained. 
you looked to Damian and Billy as they both agreed. you rolled your eyes annoyed, “you think I’d actually believe that?” you looked to Bart and laughed before taking his hand, “the next time you actually want to make up lies, make sure they’re actually fucking believable!” you exclaimed laughing. 
Bart laughed along with you, “you think we’re lying?” Damian yelled, “yeah because why should I ever believe what any of you three have to say. all of you are a bunch of pricks that are so far up your own asses that no one with an actual working brain would believe that lie.” 
Bart’s mouth, along with everyone else, hung in disbelief and surprise. “seriously, the next time we see each other, make up a better lie and for the record, working with and in Central City has been actually been so refreshing! no offense,” you said looking over to the rest of the Titan’s, “especially since he’s been making it a lot easier,” you gave Bart a wink as he blushed slightly. 
“so unless we actually have to speak to each other on professional terms, don’t bank on me ever contacting any of you again.” 
you grabbed Bart’s hand as Nightwing had walked into the tower and the three of you walked into a solo conference room to actually do what Barry had sent you two for. 
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
“Why is it always the most obscure holidays that villains like to cause trouble on?” he questioned, placing his hands on his hips as he looked over the screen. “I mean, come on, who picks fights on National Pizza Day? It’s sacrilege!” he whined.
“Dick, first off, National Pizza Day isn’t a holiday. Secondly, sacrilege is a violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred.” Tim glared at him. “Neither of those things are correlated.”
His eldest brother hummed, propping an elbow on his head. “Do you ever get tired of being the know-it-all? I mean, would it kill you to not burst anyone’s bubble?”
“I don’t burst bubbles and I probably get as tired as you do being the golden child,” Tim retorted and turned his attention to Bruce. “Do you want me to call in Bart or Conner? Extra hands are always good to have along.”
His father merely grunted. “No.”
“Then what do you want us to do, old man? We’ve got like all the Gotham supervillains out tonight. That’s a lot, even for us,” Jason advised, and Damian snorted.
“Losing your hope in the ability to save the city, Todd? Unsurprising.”
“Why you little shithe—”
“Did somebody say losing hope? Good thing you’ve got me then.”
They spun around at the intruding voice, faces lighting up at the sight of the woman in the sky blue and black leotard, blue cape billowing around her as she walked down the steps.
“(Y/N)!” Dick shouted, running to her; he took her into his arms, lifted her and spun her around. “What are you doing here?”
She giggled as he set her down. “What can I say? I missed the gloom of Gotham.”
He laughed and turned, waving her towards the Batcomputer. “Well since you’re here, let’s get to work.”
“God, I missed you too,” she swooned, and he tossed an amused look over his shoulder.
“Are you talking about my butt?”
(Y/N) nodded with a smirk. “It’s so perky you could bounce a nickel off it!” she caught his eye. “Gonna let me touch it?”
“Only if you’re a good girl,” he flirted, and she hummed.
“Dickie, I’m offended. You know I’m always a good girl for you.” She wiggled the hand that wore her blue ring. “That’s why I’ve got this.” Smirking, she pressed herself into his side dragging her fingers up his torso, feeling his muscles twitch. “But I’d be more than happy to show you another reason why I’ve got the ring if you want. I really think you’d enjoy it.”
“Oh my god, get a fucking room and stay there,” Jason griped, then gagged. “I think I’m gonna lose my fucking dinner.”
(Y/N) laughed and pulled away from Dick to wrap her arms around him. “You know you missed me, Jason. I’m your favorite girl.”
He rolled his eyes but pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You are my favorite Blue Lantern, (Y/N).”
She gave him a cheeky wink. “I know.” Turning her attention to Tim, she smiled wholeheartedly. “Hi Timmy.”
His cheeks tinted red, and he looked down at his hands. “H-hi, (Y/N). It’s, uh, it’s good to see you.”
(Y/N) bent and kissed his cheekbone. “It’s good to see you too, Timmy. I’ve heard a lot about you in the past year while I’ve been gone.” Her eyes twinkled. “We’d still love to have you join us in the Blue Lantern Corps. Your hope for life and your friends is boundless. You would make a wonderful Blue Lantern.”
Tim’s face felt hot, and he reached behind him, scratching his neck as he whispered, “I’ll—I’ll give it some thought.”
She giggled at the flustered teen then patted Damian’s head, merely smiling when he swatted at her; she rested an arm over the back of Bruce’s chair. “Good evening, Mister Wayne. How’s it going so far?”
“What are you doing out of your sector?”
(Y/N) sighed, though it was humorous. “Why can’t I come visit my best friend and his family, hmm? Don’t you like my help?”
“Doesn’t Sayd have work for you? I’m sure Saint Walker needs you as well.”
She tsked at him. “I forgot how anal retentive you get when it comes to the Lantern Corps.” Propping her chin on his shoulder, she murmured, “I was allowed an extended stay on earth to be around Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan. You know our rings work best within range of one another.”
“Kyle is not in Gotham. And neither is Jordan,” he retorted, though she could tell he wasn’t really angry, very possibly mildly annoyed, but not angry.
“No, but Dickie is here and as much as you dislike Lantern Corps in Gotham, you enjoy seeing your kids having fun.” (Y/N) twisted her head to drill her eyes into the side of his head. “Pretty please let me hang around for the night? I promise I won’t cause problems or monetary issues for you.”
Bruce was quiet, then he sighed through his nose. “…Fine.”
She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, sir.”
“Don’t call me sir,” he bit out.
“Okay dad,” (Y/N) replied as she rose from him, offering a mock salute.
The others cackled while Bruce turned to glare at her, and he pointed to the exit of the cave. “Go patrol.”
She looped her arm through Dick’s and smiled at him. “Vámanos mi amigo mejor.”
He matched her grin, letting her carry him up. “Si! Pero podemos comer pizza mas tarde?”
“No, la pizza engorda.”
“Me estás llamando gorda?”
“Tú lo dijiste,” she shrugged, giggling when he cried.
“You know,” she started, simply watching as he frowned down at the supervillains fighting with one another. “Why do you care about these guys duking it out? Isn’t it like…redundant to stop criminals from killing each other? I feel like infighting takes care of the problem without our intervention.”
Dick sighed and leveled her with a tired expression. “Come on, (Y/N), you know as well as I do that criminals are still people, and we can’t let them kill each other.”
Her eyes shifted to the giant green crocodile that was growling at the humans around him. “I think Croc down there isn’t just going to kill them. I think he’s going to eat them too. Which is slightly disturbing because he might be a crocodile now, but he was once human and I’m pretty sure this still counts as cannibalism.”
“(Y/N), I can’t take all of them alone. Will you please help me?”
She hummed and tapped her chin with her finger, giving it some mock thought. “I dunno…what’s in it for me?”
“You get to be my best friend forever.”
“I already am.”
Dick stared at her for a long moment, then he let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine, you can touch my butt.”
“Keep going, I’m getting interested,” she offered, and he rolled his eyes, but couldn’t fight the smile coming over his expression.
“You can give my butt a squeeze with both hands. For ten full seconds.”
“Can we be chest to chest for it?”
“Is that what you want?”
“More than anything.”
“Yeah, sure.”
A pearly white grin spread across her face and she hopped over the metal railing. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
She hit the ground with a thud and a blue aura enveloped her as she stepped into the middle of the criminals.
“Now, now, let’s settle this like civil adults, yes?” Someone yelled and started running at her, and Croc swung his giant, clawed hand. (Y/N)’s eyes flashed blue, and she smiled. “Or not.”
In a matter of moments, the group of villains were laying around, sound asleep and she pointed up at Dick who was watching her with a grin.
“Nightwing! Bring that ass here boy!”
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Fandom/Character List
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(Updated March 8, 2024)
this is a list of all the fandoms and characters I write for, if you don’t see a character you’re looking for on here, feel free to ask about them! (some i forget, some are too obscure to add, but not too obscure to write for, and some i actually don’t write for. i’ll let you know!)
*note that i write for almost any character platonic/familial, even some unlisted characters!
*strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom!
check out my status page to see how far i am in a requestable fandom!
check out my watchlist for my in progress and in line shows/movies!
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American Horror Story
Murder House, Asylum, Coven
Batfamily (based on comics, fanon, and animated movies)
Barbara Gordon/Oracle, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Cassandra Cain/Black Bat, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Tim Drake/Red Robin
*i currently do not write for Damian Wayne/Robin romantically
Harley Quinn (Show)
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Young Justice
Artemis Crock/Tigress, Bart Allen/Impulse, Conner Kent/Superboy, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Jade Nguyen/Cheshire, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Kaldur’ahm/Aqualad, M’gann M’orzz/Miss Martian, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Violet Harper/Halo, Wally West/Kid Flash, Will Harper/Red Arrow, Zatanna Zatara
Cobra Kai/Karate Kid
Aisha Robinson, Ali Mills, Amanda LaRusso, Carmen Diaz, Daniel LaRusso, Demetri Alexopoulos, Devon Lee, Eli Moskowitz/Hawk, Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, Moon, Piper Elswith, Robby Keene, Tory Nichols
DC Extended Universe
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Adrian Chase/Vigilante, Arthur Curry/Aquaman, Barbara Minerva/Cheetah, Barry Allen/Flash, Billy Batson/Shazam, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Cassandra Cain, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Emilia Harcourt, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/Huntress, June Moon/Enchantress, Leota Adebayo, Max Lord, Renee Montoya, Rick Flag, Robert DuBois/Bloodsport, Steve Trevor, Victor Stone/Cyborg
Barbara Kean, Edward Nygma/Riddler, Ivy Pepper/Poison Ivy, Jerome Valeska/Joker, Jim Gordon, Leslie Thompkins, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Tabitha Galavan, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin
Conner Kent/Superboy, Dawn Granger/Dove, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Hank Hall/Hawk, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Jericho Wilson, Komand’r/Blackfire, Kory Anders/Starfire, Rachel Roth/Raven, Rose Wilson/Ravager, Tim Drake/Robin
DC Movies (Non-DCEU/Animation)
Batman (Keaton) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Vicki Vale
Batman (Kilmer) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dick Grayson/Robin, Edward Nygma/Riddler, Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Batman (Clooney) - Barbara Wilson/Batgirl, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dick Grayson/Robin, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy, Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze
Batman (Bale) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Harvey Dent/Two-Face, Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow
Batman (Pattinson) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Edward Nashton/Riddler, Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Joker - Arthur Fleck/Joker*
*I will not write for Arthur Fleck/Joker romantically!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley
Disney Animation
Aladdin, Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, Brave, Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Moana, Peter Pan, Princess and the Frog, Tangled
*this list is organized by movie as of right now, but I can write for most of the main characters. If you have a question, please ask!
Disney Channel Original Movies
Descendants (might make a comeback pending new content)
Audrey Rose, Ben Florian, Carlos De Vil, Evie Grimhilde, Harry Hook, Jay Max, Mal Bertha, Uma
Teen Beach Movie
Brady Derulo, Butchy Dean, Giggles, Lela Dean, Mckenzie Fox/Mack, Seacat, Tanner Lewis
Cassie Howard, Chris McKay, Elliot, Fezco, Jules Vaughn, Kat Hernandez, Lexi Howard, Maddy Perez, Rue Bennett
Fear Street
Cindy Berman, Christine Berman/Ziggy, Deena Johnson, Josh Johnson, Kate Schmidt, Samantha Fraser, Simon Kalivoda
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Rachel Green
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Bellatrix Lestrange, Bunty Broadacre, Cedric Diggory, Credence Barebone, Eulalie Hicks, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Jacob Kowalski, Leta Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Newt Scamander, Porpentina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Ron Weasley, Theseus Scamander
*If the character you are looking for is barely in the movies, I don’t write for them. I haven’t read the books so beyond the movies, I have no way of knowing what they’re like.
I Am Not Okay with This
Stanley Barber, Sydney Novak
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones, Marion Ravenwood, Mutt Williams, Willie Scott
Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris
*Please specify older or younger characters
*I do not write for Bower’s Gang romatically
*IT kids will not be written for romantically, crushes are acceptable
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Movies
Adam Warlock, Ajak, Alexei Shostakov/Red Guardian, Bruce Banner/Hulk, Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela Odinsdottir, Helmut Zemo, Hope Van Dyne/Wasp, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy Chen, Kingo, Liz Allan, Loki Laufeyson, Makkari, Maria Rambeau, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina Vostokoff/Black Widow, Michelle Jones, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts/Rescue, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star Lord, Phastos, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/Falcon, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Xu Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter/Agent 13, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark/Iron Man, Valkyrie, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Xu Xialing, Yelena Belova/Black Widow*
*I currently don’t write for Yelena Belova romantically!
Disney+ Originals*
Agatha Harkness/Agnes, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Karli Morganthau/Flag Smasher, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Kazi Kazimierczak/Clown, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Marc Spector/Moon Knight, Maya Lopez/Echo, Steven Grant/Mr. Knight, Sylvie Laufeydottir
*listed in this section is any character who has not shown up in movies yet! but other characters like wanda maximoff and sam wilson are still technically in this category depending on the fic!
Defenders - PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST PROMPTS FOR: Iron Fist S2, Punisher S2, Jessica Jones S3 as I have not watched them yet
Claire Temple, Colleen Wing, Danny Rand/Iron Fist, Elektra Nachios, Foggy Nelson, Frank Castle/Punisher, Jessica Jones, Joy Meachum, Karen Page, Luke Cage, Malcolm Ducasse, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Misty Knight, Patricia Walker, Ward Meachum
Marvel (Non-MCU/XMCU/Games)
Amazing Spider-Man
Curt Conners/Lizard, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn/Green Goblin, May Parker, Max Dillon/Electro, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miguel O’Hara/2099, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Spider-Man (2002)
Flint Marko/Sandman, Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Eddie Brock/Venom
10 Things I Hate About You
The Devil All the Time
Free Guy
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Jurassic World
The Office
Top Gun
*i currently haven’t specified which characters i do/do not write for in the section above right now, but i won’t mind if you ask!
Musicals + Movies Counterparts
Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Jason Dean, Veronica Sawyer
Crutchie, Davey Jacobs, Jack Kelly, Katherine Plumber, Romeo
New Girl
Aly Nelson, Cece Parekh, Ernie Tagliaboo/Coach, Jessica Day, Nick Miller, Reagan Lucas, Winston Bishop, Winston Schmidt/Schmidt
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Esme Lee, John Shelby, Lizzie Stark, Michael Gray, Polly Gray, Thomas Shelby
Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Cheryl Blossom, Fangs Fogarty, Jason Blossom, Josie McCoy, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweet Pea, Toni Topaz, Veronica Lodge
Shameless (US)
Carl Gallagher, Debbie Gallagher, Fiona Gallagher, Kevin Ball, Ian Gallagher, Lip Gallagher, Svetlana Yevgenivna, Veronica Fisher
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Boba Fett, Cal Kestis, Cara Dune, Cassian Andor, Din Djarin/Mando, Ezra Bridger, Fennec Shand, Finn, Han Solo, Haja Estree, Hera Syndulla, Jyn Erso, Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Nightsister Merrin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Poe Dameron, Qi’ra, Rey, Rose Tico, Sabine Wren, Trilla Suduri
*I will not write Master x Padawan romantically
*I do not write for Kylo Ren romantically
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*Stranger Kids will not be written romantically, crushes are acceptable
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove romantically
That 70’s Show
Donna Pinciotti, Jackie Burkhart, Michael Kelso, Steven Hyde
The 100
Bellamy Blake, Charmaine Diyoza, Clarke Griffin, Echo kom Azgedakru, Emori kom Spacekru, Finn Collins, Hope Diyoza, Jasper Jordan, John Murphy, Jordan Green, Lexa kom Trikru, Monty Green, Nathan Miller, Octavia Blake, Raven Reyes
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves**, Viktor Hargreeves (Number 7)***, Lila Pitts
*I will not write number 8!reader x Hargreeves romantically
**I will not write for Five romantically
***Because Viktor (Number 7) is canonically trans now, writing for him is more tricky. Fics written pre-S3 remain unedited. Future fics will follow the timeline and may still address Viktor pre-transition depending on when the fic takes place.
Video Games
Batman: Arkham Series
Gotham Knights
Marvel’s Avengers
Marvel’s Spider-Man
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
*I write for most characters in these games, I don’t mind if you ask!
Alex Summers/Havok, Charles Xavier/Professor X, Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Hank McCoy/Beast, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Jubilation Lee/Jubilee, Ororo Munroe/Storm, Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Raven Darkholme/Mystique, Scott Summers/Cyclops, Sean Cassidy/Banshee, Warren Worthington III/Angel
Modern Day
Danielle Moonstar/Mirage, Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Illyana Rasputin/Magik, Laura Kinney/X-23, Logan Howlett/Wolverine, Neena Thurman/Domino, Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane, Roberto da Costa/Sunspot, Sam Guthrie/Cannonball, Wade Wilson/Deadpool
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ohmy7hearts · 7 years
Being the daughter of Barry Allen and Jason Todd’s significant other includes; part 2:
A/N: One more installation to this - wedding and moving in and some other stuff - before it’s done! I know that in rebirth, with Wally being stuck in the speed force as mentioned previously, Barry is not even together with Iris but just imagine this as another thing on its own. I love my Bart Allen, not Bar Torr, and my Wally II. Now that I think about it, it’s kinda weird to have Bart be in the same timeline as Don & Dawn lololol.
Requested by/Credits to: @riastudyblr
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When Barry got that photo, Iris was not kidding when she said he zoomed to where the two of you were just so he could stop you two from going further
He practically lifted you away from his grasp while he speed shouted to Jason about not taking a step closer and to stay away from you
Of course, Jason did not understand a single word and seeing the situation plummeting, Dick had to step in to calm Barry down. On the other hand, Tim and Damian were having a blast watching their older brother being reprimanded by the normally joyful speedster
Bruce caught wind of what happened and had to, begrudgingly, stop the chaos from worsening. When he did arrive, Barry turned to him and lectured him about keeping his children in check to which Bruce only understood one word every 5 sentences
Your cheeks were aflame with embarrassment so you had to go back home and carry your mother all the way to Gotham so she could stop it from escalating any further
Now it was Barry’s turn to get scolded and when he tried to defend himself, he was shot down mercilessly. After all, you were a grown woman and could take care of herself and make decisions accordingly
Don and Dawn, the adorable curious children, followed you when you came running in for your mother before running off again. They were trying their best to hold in their laughter watching their father pouting while their mother was prattling on
In the midst of the chaos, you tugged Jason’s sleeves to which he rose an eyebrow at you. Then, without warning, you carried him away to a nearby restaurant
Without warning indeed because when you reached his favourite restaurant, you both were tumbling to the ground and you were panting and exhausted
Jason snorted at you because he knew that he was not that light. After all, his muscles had to amount to something right?
After having fun on his side laughing at your misery and you trying to glare at him to which he howled and the process repeated itself, he carried you in
He set you in a booth and took a seat next to you. You both ordered your favourites while you almost asked for the entire menu
Unbeknownst to you two, it was your unofficial first date and it consisted of you two joking around, sharing stories and him watching you eat so much in amusement
Being the gentleman he was raised by Alfred to be, he paid for the dinner while you tried to argue. However, deep down, you were ecstatic he was paying cause you knew you were using up your whole week’s pay just for your portion if you were to pay
However, it was not his money entirely per se. He was using Bruce’s credit card but Jason reasoned with himself that he would not even notice it being gone
You forced yourself to excuse yourself for the night so he could return to patrol. On the other hand, Jason was debating with you about how his brothers the other Robins could handle it
You pecked him on the cheek with the promise of going on a date with him tomorrow before zooming off
Left in your dust, a soft smile was plastered on his face while his fingers touch where your lips brushed his skin
Damian was mocking him from across the street which initiated Red Hood chasing the little Robin around Gotham while flinging his guns in a poor attempt at threatening him
When you reached home, Barry’s lecture started pouring out at speedster pace which left Iris sighing to herself and walking away but your siblings giggling at their father worrying
To stop him, you kissed him on the cheek and reassure him that you still love him and will not do anything stupid. You may or may not remind him that you are an adult and fully capable of making your own choices which prompted him to tear up because you were growing up too fast
When you were out of your father’s clutches, you instantly called Wally to fill him in and fangirl to him all night long. Wally may or may not zoned you out after an hour and fell asleep on you moments later
Movie dates were a common occurrence for you and Jason considering you were raised by a Sci-Fi nerd. If you both were not at the cinema, it would be at home having a lazy day and a movie marathon
The first time you went to a play was with Jason and you both tried to go more often but there were not many good plays that could capture your short attention span
Jason loves literature so to surprise him, you detained yourself to the library for a whole day to read all his favourites and the popular ones. He was impressed but you may or may not cheated by using your speed
Whenever he was reading, you would snatch his book up when he was not looking to speed read it and spoiled the ending for him
That initiated a tickle fight with him pinning you down and making you promise that you would not do that again
You did not keep that promise. It may or may not be because you just wanted to get a kick out of Jason’s baffled reaction
After many times experiencing that, Jason learnt that the only way to deal with that was to shut you up with a kiss or two or ten
During lazy days, you both would cuddle up together and he would read books out loud for the both of you. It was common for you to nap halfway in; not because it was boring but his voice was so melodious you were lulled to sleep
Jason was an excellent cook and he loves experimenting recipes so you were always the tester. Although the food sometimes turned out to be horrible, you still ate them. I mean come on; you had a big appetite!
He would rope you into cooking with him too and when you both were waiting for the food to be cooked, he would lead you into a makeout session or a dance session, depending on his mood
Intense dance off meant that the food was forgotten and takeouts had to be ordered instead
Whenever there were holidays, the Wayne family were now seen with the Allen family. You, Jason, Wally and Dick never complained. (Of course, Wally was invited, he’s family!)
Tim was never too thrilled and tried to find a way out and even asking Conner to hang out with him so he could be pardoned but nothing worked. It’s not that he hates Bart, it’s just that Bart could be a little too much to handle with his excessive talking and moving
Damian was in the same boat, he had to see Wally II and the twins too. Wally II did not bother him so much considering he loved sticking by your side but the twins were trouble. They love disturbing Damian and his threats never work on them
The first time it happened, Barry and Bruce were awkward around each other as the thought of their families actually merging never crossed their mind till then
Barry tried faking sick the second time the reunion was held but Iris could see right through him
On the other hand, Bruce was brooding the whole day before the reunion and Alfred was just sighing. He’s exhausted taking care of this man-child that adopted way too many uncontrollable kids
Cassandra and Stephanie loved you and looked up to you as a sister figure. Sure they had Barbara but she was not as approachable as you
Barbara and you got along great and there were days when you two would go on a double date. Jason and Dick didn’t know whether you two were the ones dating and they were just accessory or were they really bad boyfriends
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Cut the Death Jokes
For Day 6- Death of the Batfam Halloween Content War! Tim isn’t a big fan of the obligatory October death jokes. Special Guests Conner Kent/Kon-el, Bart Allen, Garfield Logan, Raven, and Rose Wilson! Rating: PG Gen Words: 2,202 AO3
Life was tough. Living as all the people you’re close to die? Even tougher. So when Halloween rolls around and the inevitable zombie jokes start rolling out from those who have came back Tim gets rather uncomfortable. It’s not that he begrudges them the ability to joke, if anything it’s a healthier-than-what-most-of-his-family-does coping mechanism.
It starts October first and Tim is glad that it’s at least Jason, who’s jokes about dying and being undead are a regular occurrence over Tim’s comms. He’s laying on his back on a couch in the manor’s living room when the older boy walks in. Jason takes one look at Tim and the bruise like circles under his eyes and grimaces. “Wow Replacement. You look about as good as me, which is to say corpselike.”
Tim frowns up at him as Jason smiles and continues to tease him. “I know you’re still trying to fill my pixie boots but being dead inside is enough, you don’t have to look the part too.”
Glaring Tim sat up, skootching back towards the armrest as Jason flops down by his feet. “Must you?” Tim asked acidly.
“Uh, duh? It’s my month man! October is prime time for the undead like me! I get to crack as many jokes as I want and no one can stop me.”
Tim frowned and turned to half watch the crappy horror movie that Jason had flipped on.
A couple days later Tim was nursing a large mug of coffee at the kitchen table while Dick argued with Damian over breakfast. Alfred had begrudgingly agreed to let Dick cook with his supervision and Damian was now staunchly refusing to eat it. Which Tim didn’t exactly blame him for; Dick’s pancakes were infamous.
“Grayson, I have died once and believe me I don’t need to do it again!” the younger boy yelled, brandishing a butter knife.
Dick just narrowed his eyes. “Rude.”
“Do you have to?” Tim muttered.
“What are you mumbling, Drake?” Damian spat.
“I said, do you have to? Make jokes like that?” Tim looked at his brothers wearily. He’d had a rough night breaking up a turf war in the East End and really didn’t need any emotional strain on top of the physical exhaustion.
“-tt- Drake it was only the truth. Grayson’s cooking is deadly and I do not wish to be subjected to it,” Damian said with a weird look.
From the stove Dick also raised an eyebrow at Tim. Taking a sip of his coffee Tim shook his head. “Whatever. Just ignore me,” he mumbled into his mug.
Titans weekend rolled around and instead of training they had all agreed to do some team bonding and in the spirit of Halloween Garfield had pulled out his and Victor’s combined horror movie library for the day. Tucked into a blanket burrito and squeezed between Bart and Rose on the couch Tim had started to doze off. The movies not holding his attention and the sounds of Cassie and Kon making dinner in the other room similar enough to home that it was becoming increasingly difficult for Tim to stay even remotely awake.
“That is disgustingly inaccurate,” Raven observed of the ‘demonic symbols’ on the screen. Tim cracked an eye open and had to agree. “Not to mention,” Raven continued. “That resurrection scene was beyond unrealistic.”
Tim made a face from his blanket cocoon. “Raven…” He half chided, half whined.
“Yeah Rae! It’s a movie! Just enjoy it!” Gar said, sticking his tongue out at her.
“As much I hate to say it, but I’m with Raven. This movie sucks,” Bart chimed in from beside Tim. “I think we could make a better one. I mean, some of us at least know what it’s like to actually die.”
Without a second thought Tim shot out his elbow, directly into Bart’s side. The speedster yelped and glared at Tim.
“Dude! What was that?!” Bart pouted, rubbing a spot just below his ribs.
Tim just glared back at Bart while on his other side Rose laughed. “That was the most aggressive passive aggressive thing I’ve ever seen the bird boy scout do and I am proud,” she said with a wicked grin.
Tim just snuggled deeper into his blankets while the others all gave him questioning looks.
Tim was having an average, boring Wednesday at work when he got a text from Cass. All it had was the house emoji and the ambulance emoji which meant that he was to come home right now because there was an emergency. Phone in hand Tim grabbed his keys and the suit jacket from the back of his office chair. He rushed past his secretary, mentioning that his sister needed him for some emergency before half sprinting to the elevator. On the ride down to the parking garage he texted Cass asking her for more details and just got the house emoji again.
He had barely parked his sports car in front of the manor before he was hurtling out of it and up the steps through the front doors. “Cass! Cass! Where are you? Cass!” Tim yelled, his dress shoes losing traction on the foyer’s marble floor causing him to skid to a haphazard stop at the base of the grand staircase.
His sister appeared at the top of the steps, a mischievous smile twisting her lips and her short hair sticking out at odd angles. She waved him up before disappearing back down the halls towards the little used west wing of the manor. Kicking off the cursed shoes Tim followed. She led him further up the manor’s numerous floors to a hall that dead-ended with a window overlooking the patio, pool, and sprawling grounds at the back of the house. Said window had been propped open and what appeared to be a zipline was stretched from the window to a tree at the edge of the property’s small forest.
Cass turned to him and her eyes sparkled. “Need a lookout,” she confessed, confirming Tim’s suspicions that Alfred had no knowledge nor approval of this particular adventure.
Tim’s shoulders slumped and his head dipped as he looked at Cass with a frown. He knew that she was getting every bit of annoyance, disbelief, and brotherly concern that his body was practically screaming at her.
Cass just giggled and shrugged. “You only live twice little brother.”
Tim let out a groan so dramatic it required him to fling his head back and go half limp. “Cass! Really? You’ve been hanging around Jason way too much. You should be better than this!”
“I know. I’m sorry. Just… couldn’t resist,” she admitted and patted his head in a half-hearted attempt to soothe him.
“You owe me.”
“I do. Love you brother,” she held out her arms for a hug and begrudgingly Tim accepted it. “Tis the season,” Cass whispered in his ear as they embraced.
“Don’t tell me about it,” Tim grumbled.
The jokes became increasingly worse and more frequent as the month progressed, Tim had taken to muting certain friends and family members on his comms when he needed to. Although he hadn’t figured out a way to mute people in person.
He was working with Steph on taking out Riddler and a group of his thugs on night. The quips and batarangs were both flying and Tim had to admit that he was having fun riffing off of Steph. Although that ended rather abruptly.
Steph was dodging punches and knocking guns away with her staff as she laughed. “Oh c’mon boys, you’ve gotta do better than that! I mean, the enthusiasm is appreciated but really? Death is very been there done that for me and you guys are just so uninspired with your attempts at killing me!”
“Batgirl!” Tim scolded as he punched a goon in the nose.
“What?” she asked genuinely confused.
“Do you have to? Like really?”
“Double R I have absolutely zero clue about what you’re talking about. So how about we work out whatever it is after the fight and not during? Kay? Kay.”
Tim just growled and started taking the thugs down faster and fiercer. Soon enough they had Riddler cuffed too and the GCPD was on its way.
“What was that about?” Steph asked as they stood on the roof of the neighboring warehouse, watching the cops stream into the building.
“Just, the death jokes. I dunno. They’re not exactly good taste?” Tim muttered, not wanting to meet Steph’s gaze.
“Dude. Seriously? Dead Robins Club bro. If we can’t make fun of it what can we do? S’not like we can go to therapy or something.”
Tim grimaced, he knew that but that didn’t mean it made him any less uncomfortable. “Just… Never mind. Forget I brought it up. I’m sorry.”
Steph gave him a weird look but her comms beeped and she put a hand to her cowl. “What’s up O?” She turned and began running toward the edge of the rooftop, off to whatever emergency Gotham was offering up now. At least it ended that awkward conversation.
It was the weekend before Halloween and Tim found himself in Smallville. Kon had been asked to take Jon trick-or-treating before going to Titans Tower and he had invited Tim to come with them. Which Tim soon learned meant that Kon needed his help in throwing together a last-minute costume to go out with Jon in.
Tim was laying on top of the worn quilt on Kon’s bed, staring up at the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling while his friend googled quick costume ideas and raided his closet.
“Why don’t you just go as Superboy? It’s not like anyone is gonna be able to know whether you’re really Superboy or not,” Tim suggested.
“Trust me, I pitched that idea. Both Ma and Lois vetoed it faster than Bart eats pizza.”
Tim hummed noncommittally and continued to stare at the ceiling. That was until he got a balled-up Superboy t-shirt to the face. “Ow,��� he said, sitting up.
“Use that giant brain of yours and help,” Kon said, gesturing around the small room. “What’re you being anyway?”
Tim held up the t-shirt that had just pelted him. “If you won’t be Superboy than I will.”
“Hardy har har. You wouldn’t let me wear your Red Robin suit?” Kon ventured.
Tim raised a single eyebrow. “A) you already know the answer to that. B) you’re a good four inches taller than me! You’d never fit and you know it.”
“Worth a shot.” Kon shrugged. “What about a zombie? I can rip up some clothes and put some fake blood on and I really am already a zombie so I could just walk around in my normal clothes… Tim? You ok?”
As Kon was talking Tim’s lips had smooshed togethering into an increasingly straightening line as his brows inched closer to each other. He was only half processing Kon’s words and was just staring at his friend without realizing that the other boy had stopped speaking. Kon waved his hand in front of Tim’s face and with that Tim exploded.
“Do you have to joke about that? I mean, ok you died and it sucked but like you’re not the only one and guess what. You came back! Which is a heck of a lot more than some people can say. And while you were dead how do you think everyone else was taking it? Cause let me tell you it sucks. Sucks! When your best friend dies and then your other best friend dies and then your ex-girlfriend and your mom and dad and step-mom and then your adoptive dad and your crabass little brother and the only reason you’re a part of the family in the first place is cause your older brother was brutally murdered but y’know he’s better now. Oh! And your sister at one point died and was resurrected and didn’t really see the point in bringing it up until like a year later? So yeah. It sucks. It’s a ‘coping mechanism’ or whatever but for the rest of us it’s just not funny.”
Tim had been pacing the room, arms flailing as he spoke. But now he collapsed back on Kon’s bed, breathing heavy as he tried to calm down.
Kon had flattened himself against the wall as he let Tim rant, eyes wide the entire time. “That- that was a lot man. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Tim let out a stuttering breath. “I think I’m good now.”
“That was a lot of pent up rage… How long has this been bothering you?”
“A while now? Just, all month it’s been really bad,” Tim shrugged. He looked down at his hands and felt Kon sit on the bed next to him before looping an arm over his shoulders.
“Well I promise to make a conscious effort to not crack undead jokes from now on and I’ll mention something to Bart. Deal?” Kon asked.
“Good. Now help me with a costume or I am wearing your suit.” Kon grinned.
“Absolutely not!” Tim told him before holding up a flannel shirt. “Here, be a hipster.” That earned him another t-shirt to the face.
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Mother Knows Best
Author’s notes: Another SpeedDemon fic? Say it ain’t so. I’m kidding. Can’t remember why I decided to write this aside from causing my bestie @girlwonder123x some pain (love you!). I also reference a few stories on @dctinytitans so you should totally check them out! (next Fic is gonna be a Lian Harper fic)
Rating: M for swearing and violence.
Words: 4606
         “Ok, lightning bug,” Irey reaches into her daughter’s crib,” Mama’s here. I gotcha.”
         Irey speaks softly, mostly about nothing, as she changes the five-month-old. Asha looks up at her mother, looking every bit like her father except for those dazzling green eyes, babbling and gurgling to herself. Irey smiles. She tickles the little girl, filling the room with giggles,” Someone’s in a good mood. You wanna see if Baba’s up? Huh? You wanna talk to Baba?”
         Asha snuggles up to her mother as they go to the living room. Irey makes a list of things she needs to do as she settles on the couch, pulling her nursing bra to the side. Asha latches on easily, long lashes fluttering shut. Irey looks down at her daughter with so much love. Breastfeeding is one of the things she’s loved most about being a mom. The health benefits and science behind it she loves, but being able to hold her baby, bonding with her this way is something she will never take for granted. After all, It’s something she never thought she would get.
         When Irey and her twin brother, Jai, were 13, they’d been told that they have a very low chance of ever having kids. This was due to the stress their powers put on their bodies, as they had to produce more ATP and there had been more science babble that Irey heard but didn’t process. At 13, she knew at some point she wanted a family, but not now. It didn’t really hit her until she was 17 and she had been dating Damian a while. They’d been cuddling on her bed, talking about nothing in particular. It just hit her how much she wanted to grow old and have a family with him. And how that might not happen.
         When Irey found out she was pregnant, she straight up called her doctor a liar. He did three different pregnancy tests, two in front of her face. She still couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t until that first ultrasound, where she heard Asha’s heartbeat for the first time, that it hit her. She was having a baby. The baby now nestled in her arms, contently nursing.
         Irey takes another minute to just be with her daughter before grabbing her communicator. She can’t exactly call Damian’s cell phone, but the process of getting in touch with him on the communicators is a pain in the ass. She has to request it, hope to whatever is out there that he’s available to talk and has service, and, even then, it’s not like they can really talk because it’s being recorded. Irey rolls her eyes as she selects Robin V (His brothers and Steph don’t even use the damn names anymore) and waits, her eyes drifting around the room. She smiles at a picture on the mantle. Damian and Irey are maybe 11 and curled up together in an oversized armchair. They were in the Wayne Manor library. Damian’s arm had found its way around her, holding her loosely. Irey, on the other hand, had both arms around his waist and her face practically buried in his neck, cuddling him like he was a teddy bear. You’d never know two seconds later he was punching Dick in the face.
         That had been the day they met. Her dad needed to talk to Dick (who she has long since stopped calling Uncle Dick because it was too weird) about something, and Damian was saddled with her. Damian had been an asshole towards her. He’s the first to admit it, but things got better as the day went on. He’d gotten her a rose from the garden after finding her crying there. He ended up reading Hamlet to her. Irey, to this day, still has no idea how they ended up cuddling in the photo. She just remembers feeling warm and Damian’s smooth voice reading the words she doesn’t quite understand.
         “Hello, my beautiful flower,” Irey looks at her communicator’s screen. Her heart soars at the sight of Damian. He looks like hell. Dark hair messy, dirt and sweat cover his face, showing her where his mask had been, a bruise starting to form on his cheek up towards his forehead. Irey beams, thinking he’s never looked more handsome.
         “Hey, babe,” Irey adjusts herself as Asha finishes feeding,” We miss you.”
         “Miss you too. I don’t like being away from my girls,” Damian smiles,” How are you?”
         “Well, not tracking a drug cartel in Guatemala, but I can’t complain,” Irey points the camera at Asha. The baby squeals at her father’s image, stretching her little fists out for him,” I think Asha misses her baba.”
         “Hi, Hayati,” Damian coos to his daughter,” I miss you so much. Baba loves you and can’t wait to see you tonight.”
         “Tonight?” Irey points the communicator back at her,” You all finished already?”
         “It’s been a week, Nuri,” he points out.
         “You’re working with Lian, Gar, and Bart. Forgive me for thinking the mission would last longer,” She teases. Damian smirks.
         “Why do you think I’m leading the team?” Irey snorts at this,” No, we finished yesterday. Father said to stick around til tonight, see if any more news comes our way. Then they’ll zeta us home.
         “I can’t wait to see you,” Irey gives him a smirk that sends a jolt of electricity down his spine,” I miss my fiancé. The bed is too big and cold without you.”
         “I’m sure we can warm it up,” Damian assures her with a wink,” Honestly, as much as I love you, Irey, it’s taken everything for me to not murder Bart. I can’t believe he’s related to you.”
         “I usually chalk it up to a future thing and leave it at that. Besides, your family isn’t much better.” Irey stands up, getting Asha a bottle of formula. Poor baby has her mother’s overactive metabolism. Irey sets the communicator on the counter, so she can still talk to him.
         “Fair enough,” Damian chuckles,” What do you two have planned for today?”
         Irey looks down at Asha, speaking in her baby voice,” Well, when it’s not 2:34 in the morning, Mama and Asha are going to get breakfast with Uncle Jai-Jai. Then we have to go to the doctor to get weighed. And if we’re still in a good mood, we’re gonna go grocery shopping and get yummy things to try; like bananas and strawberries and-“
         “You know,” A cool voice behind her interrupts,” If you speak to her like that, your daughter will grow up to be dimwitted.”
         Irey drops the bottle in her hand, whipping around. A woman looks at her. Dark brown hair, green eyes, caramel skin. Irey adjusts her grip on Asha, holding her as close to her chest as she can,” Talia.”
         “Irey?” Damian’s voice calls out. Irey uses a very tiny portion of her speed to grab the communicator so Damian can see her. She doesn’t dare use anymore or got too far, in fear of hurting Asha. Irey gasps when a dart hits her arm, barely missing her baby,” IREY?!”
         “Hello, my son,” Talia says coolly. Irey isn’t sure who recoils more at the words- her or Damian.
         “Damian,” Irey’s voice is firm,” I need you to hang up- “
         “N- “
         “Hang up and call the league.” Irey barks, not taking her eyes off of Talia. She feels different, slower. Whatever was in that dart must be neutralizing her powers. She growls,” What do you want?”
         “Can’t a grandmother come to see her granddaughter?” Talia moves towards her. Irey steps back, keeping her grip on Asha tight.
         “Stay. The. Hell. Away. From. My. Baby.” Irey spits. Talia smirks and it takes everything for Irey not to think of how much it looks like Damian’s.
         “You don’t scare me, speedster.”
         “I might not be scary, but I can be pretty fucking ruthless when it comes to my daughter’s safety.” Damian’s still watching, unable to move.
         “Who said it’s her safety you need to worry about?” Irey doesn’t have time to react as Talia pulls out a gun and fires at her. Just before Damian’s feed cuts out, he hears a crash and Asha crying…
         Dick, Jason, Cass, and Tim are silent as they enter their little brother’s apartment. Normally, they would stop to look at some of the pictures on the wall, as Irey likes to switch them out. Now they stop because of the blood splatter on the wall and the trail on the floor. Jason kneels beside a streak and mouths fresh. While Cass and Tim clear the living room and kitchen, Jason and Dick check down the hall. They open doors along the way, waiting for someone to jump out at them. Nothing. They check the master bedroom, finding nothing but an unmade bed and a pile of laundry. The men jump at the sharp cry that comes from the only room yet to be cleared.
         Cass and Tim meet them outside Asha’s room. Cass mouths Home clear. They nod. Dick throws the door open. Asha wails from her crib, holding onto the railing. While the other three check the room, Dick picks up his niece,” Hey, hey, hey. You’re ok. I got you, pretty girl, I got you.”
         “Dick.” Tim flips on the light. The front of Asha’s purple pajamas is covered in blood. Tears cut trails in the splatters on her cheeks.
         “Jesus fucking Christ,” Jason picks up a note in her crib. SAVE MY MOMMY in crisp feminine letters. The siblings exchange a knowing glance. This wasn’t good. Dick bounces Asha, trying to calm her, as Jason grumbles,” Wally’s gonna blow a gasket. Damian’s gonna blow a gasket.”
         “Baby,” Cass holds her arms out to Dick,” Give me baby.”
         Dick gently passes Asha to Cass. The dancer moves around the room in quick, sharp steps. The same pattern over and over. Most babies would hate the movement. Most babies don’t have Irey West for a mother. Asha’s cries fade to hiccups as she rests in her aunt’s arms, looking around for her mother or father.
         “We need to get her somewhere safe,” Tim says. Dick nods, already grabbing the prepacked diaper bag that Irey kept on the rocking chair. He opens her drawers, looking for something warm for the baby to wear in the cold December night.
         “So…who wants to tell Damian his fiancée and the mother of his child has been kidnapped by his mother?” Jason asks. No one answers him. No one wants to answer.
         After making sure Asha is secured to Jason’s chest with three separate straps and bundled up as warm as possible, the group heads towards the Batcave. It takes almost an hour to get there as Jason avoids any rough roads. Asha sleeps the whole way. They head Damian screaming the minute they ride into the cave.
         “WHERE ARE THEY?!” He roars at Bruce, Clark, and Diana,” WHERE’S MY FAMILY?!”
         “Damian, you need to calm down,” Bruce’s voice is firm and even.
         Asha wakes up at the sounds of her father’s shouts. She wriggles against her uncle, not wanting him anymore. Jason quickly unhooks her.
         “Damian-“Dick begins.
         “WHAT?!” Damian whips around. Everyone, everyone, watches his shoulders relax and his eyes soften. They hear the breath he releases at the sight of his daughter. Asha holds her arms out to him, babbling and cooing. Damian runs to Jason, cape flying up behind him, and taking her from him. He holds her tight, kissing her dark curls over and over and over,” I’m here. Daddy’s here. You’re safe. I got you. Daddy’s got you. I got you.”
         He holds her tight, just reminding himself that she’s here and alive and safe. But then he takes a closer look. Little bits of blood still fleck her cheeks and neck. His heart stops,” Where’s Irey?”
         None of his siblings answer him. Dick is the only one to meet his eyes. Instead of answering, he hands his little brother the evidence bag with the note inside. As quickly as his demeanor had changed when he saw Asha, it changes again. All the light fades from his eyes and his face grow tight. Asha gurgles in her father’s arms, typically something that would make him smile at her. This time he doesn’t react. He doesn’t look at his daughter, instead handing her to Dick. Asha’s confused as her father walks away. She starts crying. Damian doesn’t react.
         “Where are you going?” Dick asks, trying to calm Asha. The baby cries harder, stretching her arms out for Damian.
         “To find Irey,” Damian, without a second thought, hops onto his old motorcycle. He rides away before anyone can say anything to him.  
         Irey grits her teeth as the pain courses through her body. She won’t scream. Talia doesn’t get to hear her scream. Instead, Irey pulls on her chains. Why the fuck a church has a dungeon she’s not sure. Talia nods at her henchman, who cuts the electricity off. Irey releases a sharp breath.
         “I’m impressed,” Talia says, looking at Irey like a piece of meat,” I didn’t think you’d last this long.”
         “Fuck. You.” Irey growls. Her hair falls over her shoulders and into her eyes.
         Talia ignores this,” I suppose my son wouldn’t be attracted to someone weak. Though I still don’t see why he would choose you.”
         “Because I actually love him,” Irey doesn’t care if Talia knows it,” I love him and I love who he is- “
         “You stupid girl, you don’t know who he is- “
         “I know who you tried to turn him into. A cold-blooded killer who would never love anyone. Never let anyone in. And guess what, bitch? That isn’t Damian.” Irey can’t stop the cry of pain as Talia turns the electricity on again. Irey can tolerate more than a normal human, thank you speed force, but her muscles tighten until it feels like they’re ripping. She’s breathing heavily as the power cuts off.
         “I know my son better than some whore.” Talia’s words sting, but Irey meets her eyes.
         “I’m not a whore. I’m the love of his life, the mother of his child-“
         “A bastard-“
         “Just like her father.” Irey hates saying it, but technically it’s true,” But until her father, Asha will have a mother who loves her. Who will protect her. Who won’t ever use her like she’s just a pawn in a bigger game.”
         Talia slaps her across the face. Irey looks back at the older woman’s eyes, refusing to back down,” You think you scare me, bitch? I’m Irey West. I’ve been doing this shit since I was 10. There’s nothing you can do to me that I haven’t already been through.”
         “Maybe not you,” Talia’s fingernails dig into Irey’s cheeks,” But there’s a little girl I can still hurt.”
         Irey doesn’t recognize her voice through the anger and venom,” If you touch my daughter, I’ll shove my hand through your heart.”
         “My dear, there isn’t anything you can do to stop me-“
         “But there’s plenty I can do.” Both women look up. Damian stands in the doorway, blood on his uniform and his unsheathed katana. Irey relaxes at the sight of him,” Get away from her.”
         “Get him!” Talia shouts at the henchmen. Irey watches in horror as they attack Damian. But then she sees the cold look in his eyes. No.
         Damian doesn’t hesitate to kill the men, slicing them down as if they are inconveniences. No mercy, no pausing. Just killing. It’s just her, Talia, and Damian a minute later. Talia seems shocked,” I thought you weren’t supposed to kill.”
         “Doesn’t mean I can’t. I will say this one more time. Get. Away. From. Irey.” He snarls. Talia looks between Irey and Damian. Reaching into her pocket, she holds up a switch.
         “Unless I walk out of here, Asha will never see her mother again.” Damian looks between his mother and Irey. Irey can see some light come back into his eyes, see her Damian returning.
         “I won’t hurt you,” Damian sheathes his katana. He slowly moves towards them. Talia backs away towards another door. Just as Damian reaches Irey, Talia flips the switch. Irey screams at the top of her lungs, her back arching and every nerve flaring in pain.
         She sees snippets of her life pass before her eyes. She’s helping her mom make pancakes. Her dad is reading Lord of the Rings to her and Jai. She’s learning to throw lightning. She’s jumping around her room. She’s dancing in her underwear. She’s kissing Damian for the first time, his hands on her waist, the rain hitting their skin. Lian is shouting in her ear as something explodes. Mar’i’s teaching her how to make a Tamaranian dish. Jon’s telling her about an article he’s working on. Damian’s pressing kisses to her skin, telling her how beautiful she is. She’s holding Asha for the first time. Damian is down on one knee, asking her to be his forever.
         The pain cuts off and Irey slumps forward. Everything hurts. Her lungs feel like they’ve been fried. Her vision is blurry. Damian is at her chains. He picks the locks with ease and grabs her before she can fall to the ground. She can hear his heart beating. She can feel his arms shaking.
         “Irey…” She nearly sobs at the gentle way he says her name. She looks up at him.
         “Let’s go home.” She whispers. He nods. Damian removes his cape, wrapping it around her. She doesn’t bother reminding him that she doesn’t get cold. Irey lets him pick her up, breathing in his scent. Underneath the sweat and dirt, she picks up the traces of his cinnamon cologne. This is her Damian. He’s hers. She just has to remind him of that.
         Irey winces as Alfred dresses her shoulder. Whatever the dart had in it has yet to wear off. At least she has a cool new scar to show off.
         “I’m sorry, Miss Irey. Shouldn’t be much longer,” He assures her. Irey gives him a pained smile.
         “Would you believe me if I said giving birth to Asha with no painkillers hurt less than tonight?”
         “Miss Irey, you’ve sparred with Miss Mar’i before. I don’t doubt that you’ve faced worse pain in your life.” Irey laughs at this, then grabs her ribs,” Master Damian seems to be in a better mood.”
         “I saw him, Alfred. He went back to who he was before. Jason told me…He told me Asha was crying and Damian walked away from her.” Alfred finishes wrapping her shoulder.
         “Miss Irey, there are very few things in this world that we can change. Who Master Damian was before coming here is one of them.” Irey looks down,” However, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him act like that.”
         “Yes. I believe the last time he gave into the darkness was about 5 years ago. After Miss Mar’i was nearly killed by her aunt.” For some reason this makes her feel a little better,” Miss Irey, if I may, Master Damian will never be free of those demons. No matter how much you might want to believe he could be, they are still there.”
         “I don’t know how to help him, Alfred.” She looks at the old butler,” I’m going to be his wife-“
         “Which means you, more than anyone else, have the privilege of knocking sense into his thick skull. Not an easy task as I’m sure you are aware of.”
         Irey laughs at this, ignoring the pain it causes her,” What would this family have done without you, Alfred Pennyworth?”
         “I do not believe the family would be as whole as they are. And a few of them would be missing limbs.” Irey laughs again. There’s a soft knock on the door,” It’s open.”
         Damian enters, holding a now sleeping Asha. He smiles at Irey. Irey sees his family at the doorway. She looks Alfred,” Can we have the room for a minute?”
         “Of course.” Alfred gathers his things and shoos the other’s away from the door. Damian sits on the bed with her.
         “How much trouble am I in?” He asks in Arabic. Both of them knew his family was probably listening right outside the door, but none of them spoke Arabic. Irey had learned it after they were dating.
         “Do you want me to answer honestly or sugar coat it?”
         “Damian, you shut down. They told me Asha was crying, crying for you, and you ignored her. Not once, in her entire life, have you done that.” Irey looks down at their sleeping daughter. Asha’s curls are damp from her usual night sweats. She sucks on a baby bottle top. She’s content in her father’s arms,” I know what happened scared you. It scared me too. But things like this will happen in the future.”
         “You don’t know that-“
         “I know we both agreed that we would continue to be heroes. To set an example for Asha. To make the world a better, safer place for her to grow up in.”
         “How could it be a better place for her to grow up in if her mother isn’t there? How can I look our beautiful little girl in the eyes and promise I will never let anything bad happen to her when I couldn’t protect you? How can I possibly look her in the eyes if I have to tell her she will never hear you sing her to sleep or hold her or tell her you love her?”
         “Baby, I know you are scared. I don’t know what I would do if you died and I had to raise Asha by myself. But that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried you will take all that hurt and anger and sadness and you’ll shut her out. You can’t do that. Not to Asha.”
         “Irey- “
         “I mean it, Damian. You cannot ignore Asha. No matter how much you are hurting. No matter how much you miss me. Asha needs you. She needs her father. She needs you to be there to wipe her tears away, patch up her skinned knees, fix her broken heart. She needs you to tell her stories about our old missions and how we fell in love. About the song you sang to me when you told me you had a crush on me. About our first kiss in the rain and the horrible head colds we had afterward. She needs you to chase the monsters away. She needs her daddy, especially if Mommy can’t be there.”
         Damian gives her a sad look,” I hate that my mother hurt you.”
         “Babe.” Irey kisses him. It’s soft and sad and longing,” What happened is not your fault. It’s hers. Only hers. You are not like her.”
         Damian tucks a strand of her fiery hair behind her ear,” I love you, Irey West. You are half my heart.”
         “I wonder who the other half is,” Irey presses a kiss to Asha’s forehead.
         “HAVE YOU TWO MADE UP YET?!” Jason yells. Irey laughs and Damian rolls his eyes.
         “Come on in, you guys,” Irey calls out. His family piles into the room. Damian scoots on the bed so he’s sitting beside her.
         “So the wedding still on?” Jason asks.
         “Todd, I swear to god-“
         “Actually,” Irey turns to Damian,” Can I see your ring?”
         Damian frowns, but hands over the obsidian engagement ring she’d given him two months ago. Irey’s own ring was at home. Irey turns to face him, holding one of his hands. Her eyes meet his, filled with love and awe,” Damian Wayne-Al Ghul, you are an impulsive man. You can be short tempered, bitter, broody-“
         “Have I mentioned how much I love this girl?” Jason asks. Dick shushes him.
         “There are a million things about you that I should hate. But I don’t. I don’t hate them, even though everyone keeps telling me I should.” Irey’s green eyes sparkle,” I meant what I said the first time I proposed. I’ve loved you since the day we met. You are my best friend, my rock, my confidant, my lightning rod. You have made me feel so beautiful and powerful and strong. Even though your mom is literally the worst mother-in-law ever, I still want to be your wife.”
         Damian beams at her. Irey holds up the ring and asks,” So, Damian Wayne-Al Ghul, do you still want to be my husband?”
         “Of course,” Damian laughs,” I have backed out yet.”
         Irey laughs and slips his ring back on,” Good because it would have been really awkward if you told me no in front of your family.”
         “We would have had to kick your ass,” Tim informs his little brother.
         “I think you mean try,” Irey says.
         “You have to take his side- “
         “Actually,” Irey turns to face the Batfam,” I decided to calculate who wins more often in a fight by reviewing old footage. Damian wins his fights against Tim 68% of the time, Jason 54%, Dick 77% of the time, and Cass 49.5% of the time. This means his odds of kicking your asses is about 62.125%”
         Damian grins at his brothers’ and sister’s stunned expressions,” She’s as smart as she is beautiful.”
         “I like you a lot less now,” Jason grunts.
         “What about Damian and Bruce?”
         “Insufficient information to draw a conclusion.” Irey grins,” You want to hear how likely he is to beat me in a fight?”
         The others roar with laughter, waking Asha. Irey gently takes the baby from Damian, shushing her. Asha looks up at her parents, specifically Damian. Then, clear as day, she exclaims,” Baba!”
         The other adults laugh while Damian and Irey look at each other stunned.
         “Bottle would be her first word,” Dick laughs.
         “She’s not saying bottle,” Damian’s trying very hard not to cry.
         “She said ‘baba’ that’s like universal baby talk for bottle,” Tim points out.
         “Baba,” Irey smiles at them,” means Daddy in Arabic. That’s what we call Damian at home. He’s Asha’s baba.”
         “Baba!” Asha smiles up at Damian,” Baba, baba, baba, baba…”
         “You know most infants aren’t actually talking around this time,” Tim informs them,” They just babble and we try to make sense of the gibberish-“
         Damian throws one of his hidden knives at Tim’s head. He misses, intentionally, but it shuts the older man up. The family decides to leave the young couple alone. Irey lays back, watching Damian as he coos to Asha in Arabic. His hands carefully caressing her curls and wiping drool from her chin. Irey smiles. This is her future.
         “I promise,” Damian says a little while later, Asha sleeping with her head on his shoulder. Irey looks at him, confused.
         “You promise what?”
         “I promise to not shut Asha out. If anything happens to you, I promise I won’t shut down. Or I’ll try at least.” Irey looks up at him, tears blurring her eyes.
         “Promise.” Damian pulls Irey close to him. She wraps her arms around his waist, nuzzling her face into his shirt. Damian listens as her breathing evens out and all the muscles in her body relax. This, this right here is heaven. His daughter sleeping on his chest and the love of his life at his side, both of them safe and loved and alive and with him.
         What more could he ask for?
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vermillionkitsune · 7 years
Teen Titans: Judas Contract
Alright well first off, I just finished watching Judas Contract. I wanted to wait to get it on DVD instead of watching it online but then I procrastinated when I bought it on Tuesday and only just got around to it. I also bought the deluxe edition that came with a cute little Blue Beetle figurine
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With that out of the way, wow. Just wow. I never read the original comic for Judas Contract but I know the base storyline - Terra joins the TT, works for Slade as a double agent??, betrays team but then feels salty about it and tries to fix the situation? - something like that. I assumed that Cyborg was going to be in this movie before they released the trailer since at the end of TT v JL he said that he was gonna stay with the team instead of the JL but I don’t know.
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First off, I must say that I loved seeing Kid Flash (I’m always a sucker for Wally and Bart) and it was really fun getting to hear Jason Spisak and Crispin Freeman reprise their roles as KF and Speedy; whom they played in the Young Justice cartoon.
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So from seeing (almost) the original Titans in action through a flashback to Raven showing a pouting Damian a black lab puppy, I was thoroughly amused throughout the movie.
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What surprised me though, was seeing someone that at first I thought looked like Jericho. For those of you not familiar with the name, he is Slade’s son and for those of you thinking ‘Deathstroke has a kid??’. Yes, he does. 3 actually; Grant, Joseph (Jericho), and Rose. Back to what I was saying, I was like ‘Oh my god that’s Jericho? That’s so cool that they would put him in here.’ - but then he got shot in the forehead and seemingly died……and I thought that maybe it was just an extra with an uncanny resemblance to the character? I was a little sad because I got really excited that they were going to somehow add Jericho to the Titans roster.
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Moving on, there were two moments in the movie that had me laughing my ass off. The first was when Dick and Kori were sparring and Starfire knocked Nightwing down and she proceeded to tell him that he “lasted far longer this time” then Beast Boy and Terra giggled and Kori had to explain that she meant about their training session and was going to make clear that he was quite proficient during sex when Dick cut her off. 
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The second one kind of ties in later but it was when Damian had been captured by Slade and Terra and the mercenary got up close and personal in Damian’s face when he started to mouth off and told him that “inside a month he’d have him bringing him a pipe and calling him papa.” This popped up later when, during the final battle, Damian charged at Slade with a  pipe and said “Hey papa, here’s your pipe.” Like I honestly can’t help but love Damian’s snarky attitude even when he’s being a complete dick or asshole.
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As I said earlier, I never read the original Judas Contract comic so I have no idea if Terra died in that as well as in this movie (though they didn’t state that she really did?? She just kinda passed out maybe but then again she did get caved in under tons of boulders so) but they could also be doing a thing kinda like in the Teen Titans cartoon where Terra didn’t die in the cave in and lived but oh well.
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I was extremely happy that they introduced Donna to the team at the end! It looked like she was having trouble flying so maybe she’s not used to her powers or maybe it was just a stumble on her part. Nonetheless, it was a great way to end the movie-NOT. The best ending for the movie was actually after the credits, if you watched that far (I learned from Marvel movies to always watch after the credits for extra bits).
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It shows the seemingly dead Jericho look alike open his eyes and loe and behold they glow. What’s so special about this, you ask? Well if you don’t know, Jericho’s ability is that he can possess a person after making eye contact with them. His eyes glow and his astral form? leaves his body and possess another. This allows him to access the host’s powers, be it physical, mental, or magical, as well as their memories. The host is conscious throughout this time but unable to do anything as they are not in control of their actions.
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ragingbookdragon · 5 years
I Have Too Many Children
Batmom x Batfamily!
A/N: Please ignore the first half of this fic. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, but I can’t bring myself to change it. So enjoy! -Thorne <3
She felt the sun shine through the window, and she groaned lowly. Her arm rose and softly pat around the bed until it encountered him. She rolled over and pressed her backside into his side. His body shifted as he caged around her, one arm under her head, the other around her waist, pulling her up against him. His chin settled on top of her head and she felt his breathing continue evenly, as it had been. After a few moments, she realized she wasn’t going back to sleep and opened her eyes, staring around their bedroom. Their gala outfits lie strewn out over the floor, and the memories of the events that occurred after the bedroom door closed made her body flush. Her eyes moved to the window and she could see the sun in the sky, meaning that it was around eight or nine. She sighed deeply and the arm around her waist tightened; she felt his head move and then his lips brushed the nape of her neck. He spoke lowly, voice still laced with sleep. “Sleep well, Mrs. Wayne?” (Y/N) giggled and shifted her neck.
           “That tickles, Mr. Wayne.” She could feel him grin against her skin and after leaving a few lingering kisses, his head moved again, and he buried his face in her hair, inhaling. (Y/N) ran her fingers up the arm around her waist. “You feel alright?” He hummed.
           “It’s been a while since we slept in like we have.” She grinned.
           “Are you saying you want to start sleeping in more?” He chuckled, and she felt it reverberate through her back.
           “I’d like too. But our sons would have other plans.” (Y/N) snorted and nodded.
           “We’d sleep in the first morning and they’d bust in all suited up thinking we were dying or something.” They started laughing and then fell silent. His arm around her waist pulled back, and he rested it atop her thigh, his thumb rubbing circles in it.
           “How do you feel?” She grinned and turned around, wiggling a hand in his face.
           “With my fingers.” He stared at her and deadpanned,
           “Really (Y/N)?” She giggled and the sight of it made him chuckle. “In all seriousness though, do you feel alright?” She rolled her eyes and nodded.
           “Bruce, rest assured that last night was not my first rodeo.” He snorted and wound his arm around her backside, pulling her flush against him. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and looked up at him; he smirked down at her and spoke huskily.
           “Well, want to ride this rodeo again?” She huffed a laugh and spoke sultrily.
           “I don’t know…can this cowboy keep up?” He leaned down towards her.
           “I think I can.” His lips almost brushed hers when their bedroom door slammed open, hitting the wall. They both jumped and separated at the noise, their heads turning to face their ‘intruder’.
           “Umi! Father! I have a request!” They watched as Damian marched across their room and stood at the foot of their bed. (Y/N) looked at Bruce, then back to Damian.
           “And that request is?”
           “I wish to have a sleepover.” (Y/N) was expecting something big, and she relaxed when it wasn’t.
           “Sure. Are you going over? Or are they coming here?”
           “He is coming here.”
           “He? Is it Jon?” Damian sighed and spoke exasperatedly.
           “Well, I do not have any other friends to invite.” Her heart clenched at his carefree comment and she looked to Bruce.
           “I don’t have a problem with it. You?” Bruce looked at him.
           “Have you asked Clark if he could come over?” Damian nodded and held up his phone, the two of them peered at it.
           “Jon said, he said yes.” Bruce nodded.
           “Then I don’t see any problem with it.” Damian nodded.
           “Thank you, Father.” He turned to (Y/N). “Thank you, Umi.” She smiled and nodded, then he turned around and headed for the door; Bruce called out to him.
           “Damian.” He stopped and turned.
           “Yes?” Bruce’s face morphed stern, and he spoke austerely.
           “I don’t know if I’ll be home tonight. So, if I’m not, you be on your best behavior for your mother. If I get a phone call that you and Jon were acting up, you’ll be grounded for three months. Understood?” Damian peered at him for a moment before nodding.
           “I understand Father.” Bruce nodded and they watched Damian close the door behind him. Bruce flopped back down onto the bed, one arm moving to cover his eyes, and he groaned. (Y/N) giggled.
           “What’s the matter Bruce?” He was quiet for a moment.
           “I just got indirectly cockblocked by our son.” At his confession, (Y/N) threw her head back on her pillow and cackled. Bruce pulled his arm down and glared at her, only serving to make her cackle louder. Bruce caved and laughed with her, and after a few minutes, they went silent. He turned his head and looked at his clock. “I guess we should go ahead and get up.” He moved to crawl out of the bed when a leg flung over his waist, followed by (Y/N) pulling herself into his lap. He looked up at a grinning (Y/N) and his hands automatically went to her knees before running up her thighs and to her hips where they rested and squeezed firmly.
           “You know Bruce, they say life’s a rodeo and all you have to do is stay in the saddle.” She flexed her thighs around his hips, and he inhaled sharply; her grin turning wicked as she spoke tauntingly. “C’mon Cowboy. This cowgirl’s in the saddle.” She placed her hands on his chest and felt his muscles, and rolled her hips, watching as his eyes shut and his hands tightened around her waist; she leaned down until her mouth was next to his ear and whispered haughtily, “Giddy-up.”
A Few Hours Later:
           By the time Bruce and (Y/N) made it out of bed, the clock read twelve-thirty. They made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Alfred making lunch. He spoke to them as they moved to the table. “Ah, Master Bruce, Ms. (Y/N). I’m glad the two of you have finally decided to join the land of the living.” (Y/N) snorted as she sat in her seat, Bruce taking his.
           “Sorry Alfred.” Alfred laid plates in front of them.
           “Worry not Ms. (Y/N). I am just glad the two of you are finally up and moving.” They nodded and began eating. “Well, I am going to clean the bedrooms. Place your dishes in the sink when you are finished.” They nodded and watched Alfred leave the kitchen before breaking into laughter.
           “Woo, I haven’t heard Alfred be that sassy about us sleeping in, in a long time.” Bruce nodded.
           “I’d forgotten what it sounded like.” She agreed and they began eating. After a few minutes, they heard someone coming down the hall, and Tim walked in, laptop in one hand, an empty coffee cup in the other. He placed his coffee cup down and picked up the coffee pot, then, he noticed them.
           “Hey mom, dad.” They smiled at him.
           “What cup are you on right now Timmy?” He shrugged his shoulders.
           “Uh…I don’t know…I lost count.” (Y/N) sighed and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
           “Sorry mom.” She shook her head.
           “It’s alright Timmy. Just try and cut back tonight.” He nodded and turned to leave, then twisted back around.
           “Would you guys object to Connor and Bart coming over?”
           “…Later…” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.
           “Later tonight? Or later sometime this week?” Tim shrugged.
           “We haven’t decided yet.” She sighed.
           “I guess you can.” He raised an eyebrow.
           “You aren’t going to tell me not to get into trouble?” (Y/N) looked at him.
           “Of all my boys, Tim, you are the least likely to get into trouble.” Tim grinned at her comment and walked out of the kitchen with a pep. She huffed a laugh and looked over at Bruce. “You alright?” He nodded.
           “I just remembered that Lucius needed me to sign some documents today. I’m going to need to leave here soon.” She nodded and watched him rise from the table and place his dishes in the sink; he left the kitchen and returned a few minutes later dressed in a suit. He walked over and kissed her, and she watched as he stepped out of the kitchen and to the garage. (Y/N) finished her lunch and washed the dishes for Alfred before leaving to her room to get dressed.
           When she finished dressing, (Y/N) made her way around the house, cleaning up where the boys had left their morning messes. She mumbled to herself as she picked up Dick and Tim’s jackets. “I swear I live with slobs.” She heard a chuckle behind her.
           “Hey, I keep my room tidy. Thank you very much.” (Y/N) stood up straight and faced the owner of the voice.
           “Jay. What are you doing here so early?” He shrugged and moved beside her, pulling her into a hug and placing a kiss on the side of her head.
           “I can’t come see my Ma early?” (Y/N) snorted and whacked his arm, pulling away to face him.
           “You know what I meant Jay. Usually you’re only at the manor for patrol or if you don’t feel like going back to your apartment.” She paused and tipped her head. “Honestly, last night was a bit of a blur. So, I really don’t remember if you were here when Bruce and I got home.” Jason’s face morphed into disgust and he let go of her.
           “I know what that means.” She rolled her eyes and dropped the jackets into his arm.
           “You’re grown. Take it in stride Jay.” She began walking to the study. “Go put their jackets in their rooms please, baby.” (Y/N) was about to exit the room when he called out to her.
           “Hey Ma.” She paused at the door and turned.
           “Yes baby?”
           “Can Roy come hang-out?” (Y/N) pointed at the floor.
           “At the manor?” He nodded and she shrugged. “I guess. Just don’t empty our liquor cabinets.”
           “But Ma, that’s the fun part.” She glared and deadpanned,
           “You know what isn’t fun? Replacing thousands of dollars’ worth of liquor because my son and his best friend got bent.” Jason started snickering and she rolled her eyes. “He can stay. But I’m not joking when I tell you, do not empty our liquor cabinet Jason Peter.” He placed a hand across his heart.
           “On my honor Ma. We won’t.”
           “Uh huh. Sure.” He chuckled as she exited the room.
           An hour later, she’d been tidying the boys’ bedrooms, placing clothes in the hampers and making the beds when the door opened. “Hey mom. What’re you doing?” She tossed a pair of jeans behind her head, towards the hamper.
           “I am cleaning your room Dickie. Since you seem to be incapable of it.” She heard him snort and he moved beside her, picking up his dirty clothes.
           “Sorry mom.” (Y/N) sighed and smiled at him, reaching a hand up and patting his cheek.
           “That’s okay baby. I’d rather you be here and have a room to help clean than you be out somewhere else and not be able to help.” Dick dropped the clothes in his hands and pulled her into a hug.
           “I love you mom.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around him and patted his back.
           “I love you too baby.” After a few moments, they pulled away and he picked up the clothes he had dropped and walked over to his hamper. (Y/N) finished pulling the sheets tight on his bed and stood up straight. “Well, I think that other than the clothes, your room is done.” He raised an eyebrow.
           “You didn’t go through my stuff, did you?” (Y/N) placed a hand to her chest.
           “Richard John. The very thought of you thinking that I would go through your things without permission is hurtful. I’ll have you know, I only cleaned what I could see. Meaning, the floor and your bed.” Dick snorted.
           “Mom, I was kidding.” She grinned.
           “Oh, I know you were. I just thought that maybe you’d feel bad for ‘accusing’ me.” They shared a laugh and she paused. “Well, I’m going to see if Alfred needs help with anything else.” She turned around and spoke as she walked away. “Do not mess up this room that I just cleaned Dick.” He chuckled and called out to stop her.
           “Hey mom?” She glanced over her shoulder.
           “Yeah Dickie?”
           “Can Wally come over?” She glared at him and pointed a finger.
           “If that speedster empties my refrigerator again, I’ll bust both your asses, you hear?” Dick laughed and nodded.
           “I’ll tell him you said that. So…that’s a yes?” She nodded.
           “Sure. I haven’t seen Wally in a while either.”
           “Cool.” She smiled once more at him before leaving his room.
A Few Hours Later:
           (Y/N) sat at the dinner table across from her youngest and his best friend. “So, Jon, how’s school going?” He looked up from the pizza he was eating and swallowed.
           “Oh, its going good Mrs. Wayne. I’m struggling in math a bit though.” She smiled.
           “Jon, honey, Mrs. Wayne was my husband’s mother. I am Mrs. (Y/N) or Mama-Wayne to my son’s friends.” Jon thought for a moment.
           “I see. Sorry Mrs. (Y/N).” She waved it off.
           “No worries sweetheart.” She paused. “Your dad did say it was okay for you to stay tonight, right?” Jon nodded.
           “Yes ma’am. I asked mom first, then dad. They both said yes.” (Y/N) nodded and turned her attention to them both.
“You guys are free to do whatever around the manor. If you want to leave, you ask me or Alfred.” She leaned forward, her voice low and commanding. “But you do not leave this manor without telling someone first. Am I understood?” They both nodded and she smiled at them. “Good then yo-” She was cut off by laughter and they all turned to the door to see Connor, Bart, and Tim coming into the kitchen. Damian jumped up and pointed at them.
           “What are you three doing?!” Tim glared at him.
           “What’s it to you demon-spawn?” Damian glared at him and directed his finger at Connor then Bart.
           “Why are you here clone? And you too speedster?” (Y/N) cut Tim off before he could retort.
           “Damian Wayne.” Damian’s shoulders went up as if he got caught with a hand in the cookie jar and turned to face her.
           “Yes, Umi?” She glowered at him.
           “Do you remember what your father said this morning?” He nodded apprehensively and she continued. “I can dial his number right now, if you’d like me to.” He shook his head and she tipped hers to Connor and Bart. Damian looked at him.
           “I…apologize for my insults Connor, Bart.” They nodded and (Y/N) spoke.
           “I guess you guys chose tonight instead of next week?” Tim rubbed the back of his neck and spoke apologetically.
           “Sorry mom.”
           “Don’t worry about its baby.” She faced Connor and Bart. “You’re always welcome here boys.” They smiled and she motioned to the table. “Help yourselves.” They sat down and began eating, cracking jokes nonstop.
After a lull in the conversation, the kitchen went silent and the next thing they heard was bottle shatter followed by, ‘The fuck Roy?’. (Y/N) sighed and told the boys to plug their ears.
           “Jason Peter Todd! Roy William Harper Jr.! Get in here! Now!” The others uncovered their ears and watched the two young men shuffle into the kitchen with their heads down. (Y/N) glared at them. “Jason Peter. I told you that if Roy was coming over, you were not to get into the liquor cabinets.” Jason pointed to Roy.
           “It was all Roy’s fault.” Roy jerked his head up.
           “The hell it was! You were the one who wanted to drink too!” The two of them started bickering and (Y/N) cleared her throat, silencing them.
           “Both of you go get the mop and the broom and dustpan and clean the mess up. Then come in here for dinner.” They nodded their heads and did as they were told. A few moments later, they returned and sat down; (Y/N) spoke.
           “Roy, sweetie, hand me that phone right there beside you.”
           “Yes ma’am.” He handed her the phone and the group watched as she placed an order for thirty pizzas. (Y/N) hung up the phone and continued eating, and Tim spoke up.
           “Mom…that’s a lot of pizza.” (Y/N) didn’t even look at him as she responded.
           “Yeah well…I’m seeing a pattern of my children bringing their best friends over, so that tells me that at some point tonight, Wallace Rudolph West is going to come into my manor and empty my fridge. I need to be prepared for that speedster too.” She glanced over at Bart who flushed and shoved a piece of pizza in his mouth. Connor snorted and spoke.
           “Ten bucks he’s here within the next fifteen.” Damian spoke up.
           “I raise your ten to fifty and say he is here in five.” Tim followed with Connor.
           “One hundred on fifteen.” Eventually, the bet got as high as ‘six-hundred on fifteen and six-fifty on five’ (Y/N) going with her own, saying he’d be here at exactly six P.M. To the boy’s misfortune, at six P.M. on the dot, a flash of bluish-white lighting appeared in the Wayne kitchen. (Y/N) looked at the boys.
           “I do believe all seven of you owe me…one-thousand-two-hundred-and-fifty dollars.” They put their heads in their hands and groaned, Jon yelling, ‘I only have fifteen bucks in my piggy bank though!’. (Y/N) turned to Wally. “Wallace Rudolph West, you listen here. I ordered thirty extra pizzas for you all. Do not empty my fridge again.” Wally grinned.
           “C’mon Mama-Wayne. You love me.” (Y/N) tried to stay mad, but couldn’t, and grinned as she spoke.
           “Yes, I love you all. I do not however, love paying an outrageous shopping bill because my boys have bottomless pits for stomachs, and empty our fridge, cupboards, and pantries.” All the boys in the kitchen flushed and chuckled, and Dick walked into the kitchen, pulling Wally into a hug.
           “Wally! Good to see you bud.” Wally hugged him back and they sat at the table.
           “Good to see you too Dick.” Everyone flipped open the pizza boxes, and (Y/N) suddenly remembered what it felt like to have a lively kitchen.
           After an hour, everyone had migrated to the living room and were watching a movie when (Y/N)’s phone rang. She paused the movie, to the dismay of the others; she rebuked them quickly.
           “Boys! Hush!” They went silent and she answered the phone. “Hello?...Hey babe…yeah, everyone’s here…don’t worry, the kitchen’s still intact…is it serious?...yeah…I can go with them to make sure…Bruce, they wont make a mess while you’re gone, I promise…okay, will do…I love you too Bruce…Bye.” (Y/N) hung up the phone and turned to the boys. “Alright, here’s the deal. The JL got called in for a job, so that mean that Bruce won’t be here to patrol. All of you are to patrol a quadrant tonight. Understand?” The boys groaned and she glared at them. “Is there something you boys want to express?” They shook their heads and (Y/N) opened her mouth to speak when Connor cut her off, standing up.
           “The light just switched on.” Immediately, the group rose and moved to the cave. (Y/N) started giving instructions.
           “Jason, Roy, you boys take South. Dick, Wally, you boys are on West. Damian, Jon, you two are in East. And Tim, Connor, and Bart, you three take North.”
           “You did that on purpose didn’t you Mama-Wayne? Wally…West? Oh, I crack myself up.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes at Bart’s joke while the others laughed, well, beside Damian, and she spoke.
           “Get suited up.  I’m going to change.” Jason spoke up confused.
           “You’re coming with us Ma?” She nodded as she pulled the curtain and began changing into her suit.
           “Your dad wanted me to go around just in case something happens. I’ll go to GCPD and talk to Gordon, then relay info to you guys.” The boys nodded and began suiting up. (Y/N) began mumbling to herself. “Jeez. Did I gain this much weight since I last put this on? My pants are super tight…so is my top.” A few moments later, she came around the curtain, pulling at her collar and stretching out her legs. The boys watched as she moved in front of the mirror and looked at her reflection. “I can’t believe my suit got this tight. Look at me. I can barely move, let alone breath it’s too tight.” Roy stared at her and couldn’t help blurting out.
           “Yeah, I’ll say.” (Y/N) turned around to face him, an eyebrow raised, and each of her boys reacted.
           “Excuse me?!”
           “The fuck did you just say about our Ma, Roy?” Roy realized everyone was staring at him and he raised his hands, stammering out an apology with red cheeks.
           “I-I’m sorry Mrs. (Y/N). I-I did not mean that.” She snorted.
           “Don’t worry about it Roy.” She thought Jason’s head was going to explode.
           “Uh, yes worry about it! He just hit on you Ma!” She rolled her eyes and turned to Jason.
           “And? It’s not like I’m going to sleep with him.” Their faces turned disgusted save Roy’s, whose face twisted in offense.
           “And why not?” (Y/N) smirked and crossed the floor, standing in front of him.
           “Roy, I’m a happily married woman who is thoroughly satisfied with her husband.” He peered at her before smirking.
           “And if you weren’t happily married nor satisfied with your partner?” Her boys groaned.
           “I can’t believe you’re actually having this conversation Roy.” He waved Dick off.
           “Answer the question Mrs. Wayne. If you weren’t, what then?” (Y/N) patted his cheek before moving to her bike and mounting it. She turned the key and it revved to life.
           “Assuming that I was single and looking for a lover, and on the off chance that a certain Kryptonian was too. I’d find myself sleeping with Clark and not you.” She waved at the boys who were currently trying not to be sick. “Get to your quadrants boys. We have a long night.” And she sped off.
           The boys turned to Roy who was pouting. Jason shook his head.
           “I can’t believe you just hit on our mom.” Roy eyed him and shrugged his shoulders.
           “I’m a hot-blooded man, and your mom is hot. What do you expect?”
           “Oh, I expect you’re about to get punched in the mouth if you talk about her like that again.” Roy raised his hands in surrender.
           “Got it. Shutting up now.”
Somewhere in the middle of a fight:
           Bruce looked over at a hysterical Clark. “What are you laughing at?” Clark looked at him and laughed harder before shaking his head.
           “It’s nothing.” Bruce narrowed his eyes at him.
           “What did you hear in the cave?”
           The only response he got was a cackle of laughter.
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