gutspilt · 6 years
@barbavior​  ♡.
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psyche  complies  with  one  war - mongered  &  ferality  ,  every  ounce  of  credulity  that  remained  he  had  since  lost  betwixt  the  wilderness  .  to  the  wolves  .  spencer  had  32  candles  to  ignite  in  the  forth - coming  months  ;  he  had  collected  27  (almost  28)  the  night  of  his  murder  .  time  was  pertinent  to  a  speculum  :  spencer’s  physiognomy  aged  --  if  only  a  little  --  in  moments  passed  .  whiskey - dark  tresses  did  once  fall  before  same - shade  oculars  habitually  ,  locks  were  tidier  now  ;  ashen  at  temple  roots  ,  his  pallid  complexion  more  weathered  than  one  recognised  --  a  little  blemished  in  blank  spaces  .  the  disfigurements  enacted  the  hardship  of  a  dystopian  life  .  ministrations  of  lithe  fingertips  tug  an  empty  wooden  box  to  oppose  the  metal  gate  that  withheld  a  foe  who  sported  bat  &  leather  .  spencer  took  the  opportunity  to  sit  --  elbows  rest  ‘pon  knees  ,  fingertips  press  against  one  another  .  silence  is  key  ,  it  gives  him  the  opportune  moment  to  author  the  possibilities  of  a  conversation  .
the  big  bad  wolf  didn’t  seem  so  scary  whens’t  caged  ,  whose  fiendish  oculars  spencer  once  dwelled  upon  in  slumber  /  one  could  smile  at  you  &  in  the  same  breath  lodge  a  blade  ‘neath  your  ribcage  .  when  drifting  ,  he  could  be  mistakenly  human  ;  bourbon  shades  shut  away  ,  brims  parted  .  if  negan  had  taught  anything  to  him  ;  he  taught  him  betrayal  .  it  was  a  scar  in  which  roots  lodged  deep  into  skeletal  matter  ,  but  perhaps  --  spencer  mused  --  the  confrontation  that  arose  was  quintessential  to  soothe  such  a  festered  wound  .  spencer  no  longer  perceived  whether  the  steady  rise  &  fall  of  his  opponent’s  rib - cage  insinuated  a  slumber  .  he  spoke  up  with  the  hopes  of  awakening  the  beast  .
                    ❝  wake  up  . ❞
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cluefound-blog · 7 years
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❝         ------------         hey   .    ❞       her  voice  is  soft   ,   a  gentle  breeze  within  this  charybdis  she  finds  herself  in   .     she  is  something  sweet  in  a  sour  world   ,   sugar  overcoming  a  bitter  tooth   .     this  saccharine  soul  reaches  forwards   ,   fingers  outstretched   .         ❝     hey   ,   can  i  see  that    ?     looks  interesting   .    ❞
&   //   @barbavior
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naturetorn · 8 years
barbavior replied to your post: i have this oc that has jun//o temp//le as a fc...
i literally just said she’s my soulmate, get another one
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sainthumored-a-blog · 8 years
❛ cake? or DEATHHHHHHHH !!!!!! ❜
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         ❛ uh               ❜
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          ❛               cake please ! ❜
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negans-network · 7 years
leadsavior is a negan roleplay blog they used to be barbavior. THEY'RE AMAZING
Thanks for the heads up! We have a new roleplay blog, y’all :) ~Ash
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reavered-blog · 7 years
@barbavior likes 2 fuck horses :/
proof !  ;))
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naturetorn · 8 years
barbavior replied to your post: poison ‘don’t fucking touch sel/ina kyle’ ivy
*touches* what u gonna do sunflower
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sainthumored-a-blog · 8 years
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when u and @earhumored have beautiful matching themes thanks to @barbavior / @reidnius and ur in love
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reavered-blog · 7 years
@barbavior is canceled thx
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nobodiesgovernor-ar · 8 years
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                      ❛  ------  shit’s at the gate  .  ❜   no matter the amount of confidence that laces his speech, instinct tells him materials are lacking  &  that his performance, in negan’s eyes, would no doubt be unacceptable  .   ❛   six boxes  .  ❜
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tetramother-blog · 8 years
▒╳ ; @barbavior
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     Ever since the END, everything seemed to change for the relic, everything but her habit of traveling. From one state to the next of midgard, all the way from the city of new york, to what she can only guess was within the woods of georgia. A place yet to be ventured by her, one that would be left until MORNING. Darkness was arriving, & too swiftly for comfort, forcing the relic to attempt to find some sort of shelter within. 
     She’s like a lioness in the wilderness, cerulean gaze a near dim glow in darkness when twig SNAPS under foreign weight, too close to simply ignore, form tensing as relic stays silent rather than dare to let herself be known ( less, he already discovered her )
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bcstshotarchv-blog1 · 8 years
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hhaha :) my name is dory & i am trash u were all fooled when you followed me i am actually a trash meme lizard haha :) pls unfollow & block me i am deleting :)  also unfollow the other trash l0sers bc they suk : /  @deadwclking @hclywcrs @dreadwalking @barbavior
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blackironed · 8 years
barbavior replied to your post:       i wanna follow more people ??? but i dont...
i follow 79 people so i understand this
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bitchculebra-a-blog · 8 years
barbavior replied to your post: …. do i really want to risk my laptop breaking...
are they for eiza?
ya and she’s probably worth a broken laptop tbh  
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