#& i thought of spencer seeing negan in the cell
crazylilad · 2 years
I'll do anything for you even if you won't love me back -Daryl Dixon X Y/N
Hey guys! So this is actually an idea I had when cleaning my room a couple nights ago and just now got to write it. I never really thought I would write one shots but I have a few in mind that might start coming out these next couple weeks!
Please make sure to reblog if you enjoy this little idea I had! It helps a ton!
This is set in early season 7 during Negan's first visit to Alexandria!
Word count: 1448
Daryl Dixon had spent days in that tiny cell with no way to tell how long it had been. He spent most of his time in his own, dark thoughts; most of the time he thought of Glenn and Abraham, how if he had killed Dwight -who was now in charge of feeding and taking care of Daryl- none of them would be in this mess.
When Dwight suddenly took Daryl out of his cage of cement and shoved him in the back of a truck, Daryl worried this would be the last time he would see anyone ever again.
His mind wandered to Y/N, the way she had begged Negan to take her instead of him, how she had pleaded in front of everyone for him. Y/N had never begged before, had never stooped to such a low standard, but for Daryl it seemed she would do anything.
They had spent many nights in the same bed, away from the rest of their family and enjoying early mornings in one another’s arms. Although Daryl didn’t actually live with Y/N, who decided to share a home with Enid that way the teen wasn’t having to live on her own, he was over there more often than not.
Y/N was nice like that, always sacrificing what she had for others. All those moments spent together, that time on the road when he had pushed her away after Beth… The hours she spent patching him up and kissing his worries away. She never left his side, always checking up on him and making sure he was okay even when he couldn’t do the same for him.
Those were only a few of the thousand reasons why Daryl loved her. 
He closed his eyes, tears brimming at the edges while he hoped Y/N was okay, that the nasty bruise one of the saviors had left her when she went to kill Negan was gone. 
His fists clenched when he realized where they were, the color from his face draining when Spencer opened Alexandria’s gate for Negan. Rick had tried to speak to Daryl but was quickly shut down, Negan threatening to cut off parts of Daryl. 
But Daryl didn’t care anymore.
“Where’s that chick with the badass pocket knife? Her face all screwed after Mark hit her?” Negan turned around, a smirk on his face when he saw Daryl’s deadly glare. “She’s your girl, yeah? What was her name- Y/N right? Now she was beautiful! In fact,” He paused. “I wouldn’t mind makin’ her one of my wives.”
Daryl wanted nothing more than to choke the devil in front of him. But, the more he thought about it, the more he realized… Where was Y/N?
He followed quietly as Negan and Rick took a stroll around Alexandria, Negan continuing to speak about Y/N in front of Daryl like he wouldn’t lash out any second. 
Soon enough they had reached Y/N’s place. Rick didn’t meet Daryl’s gaze when he walked in the small townhouse, Enid passing by with some balloons in her hands and a pale face.
Negan chuckled. “Did you decorate this shit show?” He pointed to the white love seat with shoe stains and blood on it. “Now I know you didn’t think this was some nice pansy little chair!” Daryl didn’t give him a reaction.
That chair was something Y/N had forced him to keep, saying something about how even with the stains it was a gorgeous piece of furniture. He had to keep himself from snorting when he remembered the multiple dinners Enid and he had spent trying to convince her to get rid of it.
“Where’s her room?” Negan asked, whistling a tune as he raced up the stairs. Daryl’s heart nearly stopped.
“Neg-” Rick tried to stop him.
Dwight shoved Daryl up the stairs when he hesitated. Negan and Rick were already standing in the master bedroom, some saviors in Enid’s room taking whatever they wanted. 
“Where is she?” Negan asked Rick, who was too busy looking at the clean room. Daryl noticed there was a lack of weapons on their dresser and the bathroom was clean instead of having toiletries strewn on the counter.
Rick sighed, eyes glistening like he was holding in tears. “She- she didn’t make it back.”
Daryl’s heart stopped as he tried to think of what could’ve happened, why they could be hiding her away. Where are you, Y/N?
Negan whistled lowly. “Damn, the widow and her as well… how’d she die?”
A tear fell down Rick’s cheek. “She… she couldn’t take it all. Took her knife and-”
“Okay.” Negan stopped him. “I mean shit… in front of you all? With that stunt she pulled, I thought she would’ve greeted me with another knife, but instead she goes and offs herself? Now that sucks.”
Negan tossed one of the boxes that sat on their dresser to the floor and chuckled when pictures flew out, decorating the floor. 
Daryl swallowed when Negan bent and picked up the picture of Y/N and Daryl standing in their bathroom. Aaron had given Y/N a polaroid the night they had come to Alexandria and she had spent a lot of her time taking pictures of the group.
In this picture Y/N was in the deep green dress she had worn to Deanna’s welcoming party, the daisy Daryl had picked from someone’s garden in her hair. Daryl stood next to her, smiling down at her like she was the only thing that mattered in the world while she drunkenly leaned against his chest.
Negan whistled. “Damn. I- I see why you like her. Or, I’m sorry, liked her. I mean- Damn! She’s fine.” 
Negan dropped the picture on the floor before pulling out one of the dresser Drawers. There sat all of Daryl and Y/N’s undergarments. They were all neatly folded, much different from the mess the two always kept it in, each promising to take care of it one day but neither ever got to it.
Y/N preferred her clothes mused instead of folded neatly. “It’s easier to find what I want that way,” she would tell Daryl. 
Daryl’s eyes wandered the room, his eyes falling to the floor when he noticed a stray picture. This one was of their room, the piles of clothes that sat in the corner were there, the bathroom door was opened, showing their organized mess. Y/N’s jacket she rarely ever wore was hung up on a hanger on their closet door where Daryl had put it the day before Denise had died. And, if that wasn’t enough, in bright red sharpie, HERE was written across the picture.
This was just taken, Daryl realized. She’s still in the house.
His foot moved to cover the picture as carefully as he could, freezing when he saw something under the bed move. A small hand moved near his bare foot, and he pushed the picture toward it, grateful no one was paying attention to him. 
Negan continued to throw drawers onto the floor, making a mess. It wasn’t long after that saviors entered the room and began taking what they wanted. 
Daryl was tossed around, always moving about and helping the saviors load things into their trucks. When he came back in, a savior was Shoving Y/N’s jewelry box into Daryl’s hands. 
Daryl paused when one of the saviors cursed as he dropped something and moved to look under the bed for it.
Daryl’s heart raced and he hardly had time to think before he choked out a cough and fell toward the savior, making the man focus on keeping his balance. The savior pushed Daryl to the ground, cursing.
The jewlery box broke into multiple fragments next to him.
“Damn fool!” The savior yelled as he landed a swift kick to Daryl’s ribs. 
Daryl gasped as the kicks kept coming, now on his back as well. He could’ve sworn his gunshot wound reopened. His eyes fluttered and he noticed Y/N pull her gun out, already planning on blowing her cover. He made eye contact with her, noticing the fear in her eyes. For him.
Daryl knew, then and there, no matter what happened to them, even if he was nothing more than someone to warm her bed at night, he would do anything for you even if you won't love him back.
And while he didn’t know it, Y/N thought the same thing, silently vowing to protect Daryl even if she lost her own life. Because, whether he returned her feelings or not, Daryl Dixon was the man she loved more than anything else.
Prompt: I'll do anything for you even if you won't love me back
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@d1am0ndw0lfxd @eatinpeachs
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gutspilt · 6 years
@barbavior​  ♡.
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psyche  complies  with  one  war - mongered  &  ferality  ,  every  ounce  of  credulity  that  remained  he  had  since  lost  betwixt  the  wilderness  .  to  the  wolves  .  spencer  had  32  candles  to  ignite  in  the  forth - coming  months  ;  he  had  collected  27  (almost  28)  the  night  of  his  murder  .  time  was  pertinent  to  a  speculum  :  spencer’s  physiognomy  aged  --  if  only  a  little  --  in  moments  passed  .  whiskey - dark  tresses  did  once  fall  before  same - shade  oculars  habitually  ,  locks  were  tidier  now  ;  ashen  at  temple  roots  ,  his  pallid  complexion  more  weathered  than  one  recognised  --  a  little  blemished  in  blank  spaces  .  the  disfigurements  enacted  the  hardship  of  a  dystopian  life  .  ministrations  of  lithe  fingertips  tug  an  empty  wooden  box  to  oppose  the  metal  gate  that  withheld  a  foe  who  sported  bat  &  leather  .  spencer  took  the  opportunity  to  sit  --  elbows  rest  ‘pon  knees  ,  fingertips  press  against  one  another  .  silence  is  key  ,  it  gives  him  the  opportune  moment  to  author  the  possibilities  of  a  conversation  .
the  big  bad  wolf  didn’t  seem  so  scary  whens’t  caged  ,  whose  fiendish  oculars  spencer  once  dwelled  upon  in  slumber  /  one  could  smile  at  you  &  in  the  same  breath  lodge  a  blade  ‘neath  your  ribcage  .  when  drifting  ,  he  could  be  mistakenly  human  ;  bourbon  shades  shut  away  ,  brims  parted  .  if  negan  had  taught  anything  to  him  ;  he  taught  him  betrayal  .  it  was  a  scar  in  which  roots  lodged  deep  into  skeletal  matter  ,  but  perhaps  --  spencer  mused  --  the  confrontation  that  arose  was  quintessential  to  soothe  such  a  festered  wound  .  spencer  no  longer  perceived  whether  the  steady  rise  &  fall  of  his  opponent’s  rib - cage  insinuated  a  slumber  .  he  spoke  up  with  the  hopes  of  awakening  the  beast  .
                    ❝  wake  up  . ❞
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 27 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: A traitor in Alexandria is found when they attack one of their own. The reader holds an interrogation and with a new kind of resolve, makes their move against the enemy.
Word Count: 3973
Warning: Swearing, Graphic Description of Violence
Song I Wrote To: “Who Are You, Really?” by Mikky Ekko
Note: This one is a bit of a filler, but I had to touch on this particular storyline. I really wanted to show some development here with the MC and I really like it. Much more Negan in the next part!
The sickness wasn’t going away and you were getting nervous.
Along with the sudden illness that seemed to infect your friends and family, Alpha’s Walkers were still making their way towards the communities. Due to this, Gabriel had assigned more watch shifts as well.
With Michonne still at Oceanside, you were taking on more duties when it came to protecting the community. Aaron was still talking to Gamma, Daryl and Carol were still on edge, and you were just so damn tired of it all.
It took a lot of convincing to get you to stay inside the walls during the day, but so far, your search was turning up nothing. You couldn’t even figure out which direction Negan was travelling it, let alone if he was even travelling at all. He could be held up two miles away and you would never know. If there was one thing you knew about your man was that he was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for.
If he wanted to stay hidden he was going to do it.
You ran your thumb over the casing that hung around your neck as you thought about him. There had been moments during the war that you had watched him in your scope. While he had seen you before that fateful day in his cell, you had been watching him as well.
The first time you saw him after the clearing had been when he had strolled up to Alexandria with the caravan. You were sitting on the roof of Rick’s house, liking being up high when Spencer had opened the gate. While your rifle hadn’t been with you, you had a spare scope in the bag that was next to you.
Peering through it, you watched as Negan handed Lucille to Rick and sauntered through your home. When you had seen Daryl being led around like a dog, you had slipped around to the other side of the roof and slid down the drainpipe. As soon as your boots hit the ground, you followed the Saviors around, keeping one eye on Negan and the other on a very nervous Rick.
When Carl drew his gun in the infirmary, that was when you had headed up to the watchpoint. His men had checked you for weapons as you approached the platform but after a few well-placed glares, they let you up into your main roost.
You stayed there until the Saviors left. You had kept your back to them as they filed out, but you could feel their eyes on you, especially Negan’s. You didn’t want to speak to him or even acknowledge him, but you wanted them to see that someone was always going to be watching and protecting Alexandria.
You proved this point later in the war when you would take out Negan’s own men from your hiding places. Your job had been to instil fear and you were good at it. However, now, it seemed that Alpha was turning the tables on you and you were not happy about it.
It was well into the night when you were heading home as Scott took over your shift. Walking towards your house, you noticed a figure moving around Rosita’s. Considering nobody should have been going inside with Rosita being under the weather, you got suspicious.
Ducking into the shadows of the house, you watched as Dante slipped into the house through the back door. Your brow furrowed at this. Dante was Siddiq’s second, he didn’t need to slip inside, he was always invited.
Your instincts kicked in then. Dante was a great doctor, but something had always bothered you about him. He was apparently found wandering around and in need of help. While you and the others were always looking for new doctors, he seemed almost too willing to be helpful. Even more so than Siddiq had been when Carl had found him.
“What are you up to?” you whispered as you found the South watchpoint and climbed up the rickety ladder. Nobody used it that much besides you and Rosita. It was also freshly repaired from when the tree had come down the year before. Pulling yourself up onto the narrow platform, you pulled your handy scope from your pocket and angled it at the house.
You weren’t what you were looking for, but you needed to settle your suspicions. While you didn’t have your rifle anymore, the scope still never let you down. Scanning the house, you watched as a light turned on in the upper window. Turning towards it, you saw Siddiq standing in what you knew to be one of the storage rooms of the house and where he kept some of his medical supplies.
Siddiq was just standing at the window and as you peered at him, he seemed to be incredibly nervous. Suddenly, his eyes locked onto yours through the scope. His kind eyes widened in fear and then you jumped as two hands grabbed him from behind and pulled him back into the room.
You didn’t hesitate to slide down the ladder and pull your weapon. Bursting into the house, Rosita, who was sleeping on the couch woke up in a jolt. Coco was next to her in her small carrier. “(Y/N)?” Rosita asked.
“Stay here with Coco!” you ordered as you ran up the stairs. You didn’t know if Rosita was actually listening to you, you just had to get to Siddiq.
Taking the steps two at a time, you finally made it to the second floor. Sprinting down the hall, you shoved your shoulder into the final door and broke it down.
Dante was on the ground with Siddiq in a headlock and he was fading fast. Dante looked at you in alarm as you ran towards them and aimed a kick at his jaw.
Dante moved just before your boot could make contact, letting Siddiq go. You went to strike Dante again, but he threw himself at you, slamming you into the wall. Catching your breath, you grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed your head against his, disorienting him.
Grabbing his arm you twisted it behind his back, trying to dislocate his shoulder, but Dante swung his leg out, sending you to the ground. He straddled you, placing his hands around your throat.
Your throat burned as the pressure increased, but then Dante screamed in pain as Siddiq slashed at his leg with a scalpel. You took the opening to knee him in the groin. Rolling to your knees, you grabbed him by the neck and slammed his head into a nearby table. He went down again, but then grabbed your ankle, slamming his palm into your knee.
As pain exploded in your leg, Dante got to his feet. He went to grab you again when you remembered a move that Jesus had taught you years ago. Using his own momentum against him, you pulled him forward into your space. As he fell into you, you ducked underneath him and pushed him over your shoulders. Dante crashed into the wooden desk, splitting it in half.
Picking up your fallen blade, you moved and levelled it at his throat as blood trickled down your neck from the superficial head wound you had sustained.
“Don’t. Move,” you spat through a split lip.
“It was him,” Siddiq choked. “He...made...me watch.” It took less than a second for you to realize what Siddiq meant. Dante had been the one to hold open Siddiq’s eyes and then Enid’s as Alpha murdered your family. Dante chuckled from his spot on the ground. “He...poisoned the water, too,” Siddiq said, coughing.
“You son of a bitch,” you swore as you brought your pommel down on his temple and knocked him out.
Rosita arrived soon after the commotion had settled. 
Pausing in the doorway of the adjoining room, her daughter was in her arms as she peered into the room. You were tying up an unconscious Dante as she glared down at him. 
“He’s out cold,” you told her and that’s when she rushed forward to Siddiq who was finally breathing a bit better. He reached for his daughter immediately and pressed a kiss to her head, holding her close. Rosita pressed her forehead against his as the two parents had a family moment with their child. 
Daryl arrived a moment later. You figured that Rosita would have called for him. “Help me get him up,” you said to Daryl who grabbed the man by his shoulders as you took his legs. 
“You’re bleeding,” Siddiq said from the ground. 
“I’ll be fine,” you said through gritted teeth as you carried Dante from the room and back down the stairs. 
“(Y/N),” Daryl said, “how did you know?” 
“I had a bad feelin’ and I followed it,” you said as Daryl kicked open the door. “He’s a fucking Whisperer, D.” Daryl looked down at the man in his arms with disgust. “He helped murder Tara, Henry, and the others. Alpha did this, she sent a wolf into Alexandria.” 
“She ain’t gonna get away with this,” he said.  You agreed which is why you were more than happy to throw Dante’s traitorous ass into the cell. However, first, you needed to clean it out. 
Negan’s things, the things you had given to him were still on his bunk and in the corner. You quickly packed everything into a blanket and dragged it from the cell. Then, Daryl shoved Dante into the cell and locked the door. 
Needing a moment, you hauled everything in your arms back to your house. You stumbled a bit from the headache that was forming behind your eyes, but you pushed on. Pushing open your front door, you dragged yourself towards the bedroom on the ground floor.
As soon as you made it to the guest room, you fell to the floor as the lightheadedness took its toll. Reaching around the back of your head, you were glad to see that the bleeding had stopped, but it was still tender. 
You didn’t know how long you sat on the floor. It could have been minutes or hours before footsteps came down the hall. Looking up from the stained carpet, you saw Siddiq walking towards you. “You need to be resting,” you said, wiping at the dried blood on your neck. 
“And you need to get that wound looked at,” he said hoarsely.
“You were just attacked, Siddiq,” you reminded him. 
“And you just saved my life so shut up and let me help you,” he said as he helped you to your feet. You both leaned on each other as you made your way into the kitchen. You made him sit down first so you could grab the first aid kit a bowl of water that you poured from an uncontaminated canteen. He obliged but then got to work as soon as his tools were in front of him. 
“How did you know it was Dante?” you asked as Siddiq used a wet cloth to wipe the blood off your skin. 
“He did this...clicking thing with his tongue in the barn. I heard him doing it earlier tonight,” Siddiq explained softly. “I put the rest together.”
“I should have realized something was wrong,” you said. “That’s my job.”
“Nobody has been in the right mind for a while, (Y/N)” he reminded you. 
“I’ve been too distracted,” you said, that guilt coming back, but now it was accompanied by pure anger. 
“You have to stop blaming yourself for everything,” he whispered as he grabbed a needle and thread. “This is going to sting.”
“I’m used to it,” you said, tightening your hands into fists. 
“You seem to be used to a lot,” he said. 
“I’m not going to let him get away with any of this,” you promised. “Dante is going to tell me exactly what I want to know, no matter what I have to do to get it out of him.” 
Siddiq snipped the final thread on the small wound and wiped it once more before bracing his hands on your shoulders. He leaned his head on your back and you could feel a slight tremor as he let himself feel his fear again. 
Reaching back, you gripped his arms and let yourself cry with him. Everyone had a breaking point and for so long you and Siddiq had been pretending that you were okay. Neither of you could do that anymore. Turning around, you grabbed him into your arms and he held you back, resting his head in the crook of your neck. 
“Thank you,” he whispered and at that moment all you could do was nod and grip your friend tighter. In the back of your mind, Carl’s face was a shining light as you saved the one he had sacrificed to save and that only made you cry harder.
It was the next morning when Daryl came to find you.
Dante had been under watch all night in the cell. Eventually coming too, Gabriel had made sure he was still breathing before letting him rot alone in the concrete box.
Now, it was time for answers.
“I need you to talk to him,” Daryl said as he leaned in the doorway of your bedroom. You were tying up your boots as he spoke.
“I figured as much,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “I am way ahead of you, Daryl.”
“I was ready to start breakin’ bones, but Gabriel doesn’t think it would be helpful,” he explained.
“Not with someone like him,” you said. “Alpha’s broken him in ways that we’ll never understand. No kind of pain is gonna make him talk.” Getting to your feet, you grabbed your blade and hooked it on your belt.
“Which is why I need that brain of yours,” he said. Thinking back to when you and he had been interrogating Lydia, you smirked.
“You want my psychological warfare, huh?” you asked, sitting into your hip. Daryl nodded.
“You up for it?” he asked.
“If it gets me to his leaders, I’ll do anything,” you said, passing by him in the doorway.
As you walked towards the cell, you noticed Carol sitting on the stoop of Michonne’s house. She looked livid and you understood why. You also figured she was trying to keep her distance so she didn’t end up slaughtering the monster in the cell below.
Dismissing the guards out front, you headed into the jail and a sense of deja vu cascaded over you. This was not how you wanted any of this to go. The jail cell had become less negative over the past year, but now a true enemy sat behind the bars and it only fueled your rage.
“I need to do this alone,” you said to Daryl who was waiting in the doorway.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Positive,” you responded. He nodded and then left the room, shutting the door behind him.
“You got a mean kick,” Dante said as soon as it was quiet.
“Too bad your head wasn’t harder,” you said, stopping in front of the bars as you crossed your arms. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t cut your throat from ear to ear.”
“I don’t have one,” Dante said. “I don’t care what happens to me, you people have already lost everything.”
“I don’t agree,” you said simply. “You and your...people, don’t know the first thing about me and mine.”
“You have won many battles and many fights,” Dante said. “You think you’re some sort of gods, right?” Shaking your head, you sneered at him.
“If divinity was real, there is no place for it in this hell hole of a world. Stop trying to flatter me and tell me where Alpha is.”
“I don’t know,” Dante said as he sat up straighter on the ground. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”
“What deal?” you asked.
“My Alpha asked me to do a job and I didn’t question it. That’s how it works in the pack.”
“Your pack is a bunch of soulless monsters that need to be put down,” you sneered.
“What’s wrong with monsters?” Dante asked, grinning in the low light of the cell. There was still blood on his teeth and it made your stomach turn. “I thought you liked monsters? Aren’t you in love with one?”
“You don’t get to speak about him,” you ordered.
“He left you,” Dante said. “Siddiq told me all about the man called Negan. He told me who he was and why he was dangerous.” Dante moved closer to the cell door, nearly crawling on his knees. “What makes him so damn different from me? From Alpha or Beta?”
“You listen to me, you sick son of a bitch, Negan is nothing like you. He is a good man and if you don’t start telling me some fucking truth, you are going to be a dead one.”
“I just know that Alpha would love you,” Dante said and red began to shimmer around the rims of your eyes. “Tell me, (Y/N), do you thirst for blood? Do you crave to feel Beta’s life leave his body?” You were silent, but he could see it, the truth in your eyes. “Ah, you do,” he whispered.
“Don’t act as if you know me,” you said. “We are nothing alike and I will kill Beta but it will not because I’ll enjoy it, but because he deserves it.”
“And what do you deserve?” he taunted, getting to his feet. His hands wrapped around the bars, shoving his face in the space between the iron. “What are you afraid of, (Y/N)? Are you scared of me?” he asked and then something occurred to him. “No, no, that’s not it. You’re not scared of anyone, but you are scared of yourself.”
You lashed out, grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him against the bars. He went down hard and you pulled the key from your belt. You didn’t hesitate to unlock the cell door and rush inside. Dante was spitting up blood from the impact as you kicked out at him.
“You know nothing about me,” you growled at him as you pulled your sword and slammed it into his chest. Dante’s eyes went wide as your blade entered his heart, but you didn’t stop. “You will die miserably and you will never walk with your Guardians,” you spat at him. “I will find Alpha, I will find Beta, and I will kill them. Nobody will remember you and nobody will care that you’re gone.”
Pulling your sword, you let the warm blood drip on his dying body. “I’ll send Alpha your regards,” you finished as you shoved the tip of your sword through his eye, killing his brain instantly.
Everything around you felt as if it were slowing down at that moment as you withdrew your sword from the dead body. Blood was streaked down the blade and it was flecked on your clothes from the arterial spray. Looking down at Dante, you could barely feel anything as you turned away from him and left the cell.
Your body moved on autopilot as you pulled the main door open and walked out into the bright sunshine. Swinging your sword up onto your shoulder, the red blood glinted off the blade. Ignoring everyone who had come running down the road, you pushed past them as you moved into the meeting hall
Daryl watched as you moved through the streets of Alexandria and just as he saw you on the beach with your sword, the way you walked with the blade on your shoulder was all too familiar.
“I have an idea,” you said once the leaders convened in the meeting hall. Lydia had joined you, sitting next to you. She seemed almost concerned as she looked at you, but you soon reached out and smoothed a hand over her hair, calming her. She relaxed soon enough.
“Does this one involve killing another hostage?” Aaron argued, but you just narrowed your eyes at him.
“Aaron,” Daryl said cautiously.
“He needed to die,” you said simply. “He poisoned our water, lied to us, and tried to kill Siddiq. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't been there. He could have gone after Rosita or her child.”
“We know, (Y/N),” Daryl said, but you were shaking your head.
“I don’t think you do,” you said. “Alpha has been playing dirty since day one. It’s time for us to send a message back to her and her people.”
“What did you have in mind?” Gabriel asked. Looking at all the faces in the room, your eyes landed on Carol’s who was trying to figure out what was going on inside your head. However, you weren’t even sure if you knew yourself.
“It’s something I have to do alone,” you said. “And I’m going to need Dante’s body.”
You had now grown accustomed to the smell of blood and decaying flesh.
Living in the new world, it was a constant in life, but even more so now, the scent followed you around. However, right now you welcomed it.
Moving through the dark, you dragged a makeshift sleigh behind you. On it, lay Dante’s decapitated body.
When you had told Daryl what you planned to do, he was worried about you, but you were done with the kid gloves. If Alpha wanted to play dirty, that is exactly what you were going to do.
Arriving at the Southern border, you scanned the area for any Whisperers, but so far it remained quiet. Dropping the reins on the sleigh, you took the other bag you carried and removed your other prize.
Dante’s head stared up at you with vacant eyes. You frowned at the rotting flesh as you took it and placed it on one of the pikes that made up the barrier. Blood and gore trickled down the wood, but it did the job.
Going back to the sleigh, you pulled Dante’s body off and lay it at the base of the pike, letting the body crumple to the ground. Finally, from the sleigh, you took the torches Daryl had made for you and hammered them into the hard ground.
Lighting them with a flick of a match, they lit up the boundary like a bloody beacon. Staring at the statement you made, you felt a swell of power in your gut. Looking past the boundary and towards wherever Alpha was held up, you let the fire illuminate your eyes.
“You’re not the only ones who can play with fire,” you said to the darkness before turning and walking away from the border, letting the flames speak for themselves.
When you arrived home, you didn’t speak to anyone.
Daryl was watching you from the doorway of Michonne’s home, but you ignored him. Still covered in blood, you made it to your house and into the garage. Dropping your sword on a workbench, you grabbed a cardboard tube from behind a stack of old chairs.
“What are you doing?” Lydia asked as she entered the garage. You just popped the top on the tube and pulled out three large sheets of paper. The maps of the area were something you had found in Deanna’s house before the Saviours attacked. You were very grateful for them now.
Lydia joined you as you spread the maps out on another bench. She looked down at them with a furrowed brow. You looked up at her and with determination in your eyes, you said, “We’re going to find Negan,” you said. “Then, we’re going to find your mother and her attack dog.”
Lydia was quiet for a moment before pushing up her sleeves and nodding. “Where do we start?”
TAGS: @lucillethings @cameronsails @stark-dreams @amaroho @thanossexual @yes-sir-hotchner @boom-bunny @delusionalteenagewhispers @scootankle @ritajammer21 @writteriguess @tea-atfive @jennydehavilland @waspyyy @yespleasejayhalstead @hoemadegrace @writingdeadangel @huffledor-able541 @pulplorrd @felicisimor
83 notes · View notes
onlydarylnormanfic · 5 years
OnlyDarylNormanFic’s Grand Master List:
Updated: 6/29/2020
Most Contain Smut. | * = Edited & Revised Stories
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ALL OF YOU (Series):
All of You (I Want All of You)*
Summary: This was a request, hope I get it right. :) My first post-Negan era piece. Daryl is in the Sanctuary still and is approached by Negan’s daughter (Reader), she takes a liking to him and smut ensues. I didn’t get to the ‘Negan doesn’t approve’ part of the request, may have to make a second part if people like it.
All of You - Part 2 (Dad, This is Daryl)*
Summary: As requested, here is part 2. Post-Negan era smut piece. The reader (Negan’s Daughter) convinces Negan to allow Daryl to be her bodyguard while he is away in Alexandria for a few days. Smut and romance ensue. When Negan returns, he finds out that they are sleeping together and loses his shit.
All of You - Part 3 (So You Fucking Love Me, Huh?)
Summary: The reader and Daryl fall hard for one another at the sanctuary, as Negan struggles to get used to Daryl and his daughter together. Daryl x Reader smutty action, they are so in love yo! :) This got so smutty.. your welcome. ;)
All of You Part 4 (I Love Her, Rick)
Summary: Y/N convinces Daryl to let her come to Alexandria with him, after fighting with him. Makeup Smut ensues as she convinces him to take her along. They drive to Alexandria and meet Rosita and Rick, Rosita is pissed at Daryl and Rick contemplates how to deal with the new situation. Smut AF. Post-Negan AU.
All of You Part 5 (All Mine Now - A Proposal)
Summary: The Reader gets taken to the cell in Alexandria for questioning by Rick and Michonne. Daryl doesn’t leave her side. He spends the night in the cell with her and asks her to marry him. Meanwhile, Rick and the group need assurances from the reader to stay in Alexandria, regarding Negan, that she might not be able to pull off.
All of You Part 6 (To Us)
Summary: The reader and Daryl go back to the sanctuary to try and convince Negan to set Alexandria free. Daryl and the reader stop off for some fun before they go to the Sanctuary as Daryl tries to calm her nerves. The reader and Daryl tell Negan about the engagement. Lots and lots of loving, hot, smut between the reader and Daryl.
[NEW!] All of You Part 7 (I Do - The Wedding)
Summary: Daryl and the Reader get married with help from Negan and Daryl’s group of friends. Pure lovey-dovey.
[NEW!] All of You Part 8 (The Honeymoon)
Summary: Pure Honeymoon loving smut goodness as the newlyweds enjoy their carefree days together in their new home, Alexandria.
HOME (Series):
Summary: You have been dating Daryl for months before settling in Alexandria together. Daryl goes out on a run and you await his return impatiently and think about him as you await his return. Pre-Negan Era.
Chapter 1: Missing You
You anxiously await Daryl’s return and think about how much you miss him when he is away. (Smut)
Chapter 2: Promise
You and Michonne go out to hunt walkers and you think back to your very first walker kill and the first time you met Daryl. (Violence, Walker Death, Family Death)
Chapter 3: I’ll Watch Over You.
Michonne gives you a lesson in walker killing and you think back to your very first night with Daryl Dixon. (Walker Killing, Grief, Family Death, Fluff)
Chapter 4: No One’s Gonna Hurt You. I Promise.
The Reader reminisces about her first day in Alexandria and her first kiss with Daryl.
Chapter 5: My Mystery Man
The Reader reminisces about her first night in Alexandria; meeting Rick and Michonne, having dinner and drinks with Carol, and Her and Daryl’s first time together. (Smut)
Chapter 6: The Love Word
The reader thinks back to falling in love with Daryl, as she awaits his return. The reader reminisces about the day Daryl told her he must leave for a while and their last night together.
[NEW!] The Caged Animal - Part 1
Summary: The reader is curious about the man in the cage named Daryl. So, one night she sneaks out to meet the man everyone in the Sanctuary calls a monster. The two start talking and she convinces Negan to let him contribute at the Sanctuary. The two begin a friendship. Era Season 7. Sanctuary.
[NEW!] The Caged Animal - Part 2
Summary: Daryl and the Reader get to know each other as they work together at the Sanctuary. The Reader spends her days in the garden with Daryl. Daryl is offered a surprise offering from the ever surly Negan and the Reader takes a chance on what she has been feeling for Daryl.
[NEW!] Always In My Way
Summary: Daryl has a thing for the reader but won’t admit it. He is always putting her down and calling her ‘kid’ even though the reader is only a year younger than him. They can’t seem to escape each other and are always assigned night duty together. One night during night duty Daryl finally makes his move and shows the reader just how much he wants her.
[NEW!] Be Safe - Part 1
Summary: The reader is following Rick’s group, hoping to find scraps of food from them along the way. Daryl immediately realizes she is following him and starts dropping food for her. One night, he shows up at her campfire and they talk, slowly getting to know each other night by night when Daryl slips away from the group to see her. One night the reader makes her move and they sleep together. After that their relationship is hot and heavy every time, they are able to sneak away with each other. The reader tells Daryl she is scared of being in a relationship again after losing the man she loved. Daryl tells her she needs to figure out what she really wants from him. Season 3 Era – before they found the prison.
[NEW!] Be Safe - Part 2
Summary: The reader continues to follow Rick’s group, despite having a falling out of sorts with Daryl. Daryl still makes sure she doesn’t go hungry and allows her to follow them because he still loves her and wants to make sure she is safe. One night the reader is camped outside a house the group had found abandoned and when it starts pouring Daryl appears out of the shadows. He convinces her to sleep inside the house with them. She agrees and she finally admits her true love for him. She awakes the next morning to two men who have taken the group hostage. She saves them from the men, saving everyone’s lives. Happy, smutty ending…
Dirty Thoughts*
Summary: The Reader lives with Abraham and Rosita and has been in Alexandria for only a few weeks. Reader has a major crush on Daryl and Abe invites him to dinner one night. Daryl and Reader finally get what they want from each other. Smutty Smut. Daryl x Reader. Enjoy!
Don’t Touch Her
Summary: Daryl runs into the reader after her boyfriend has hit her. Daryl loses it and confront the guy. He comforts the reader and they become close. Smut ending, of course.
First Time
Summary: Hope I do these requests justice! :) Set season 3 in the prison. Pre-Governor era. The reader is new to the group and finds herself unusually attracted to the man they call Daryl. The reader is shy and unsure about all things that come along with the sex, as she is a virgin. Daryl and her get to talking one night and she asks him to take her virginity.  Reader is around 20 years old. Prepare for cute Daryl fluff in this one, I think he would be so sweet taking someone’s virginity. :)
Happy Birthday, Daryl
Summary: So I started this as a request, but it turned into just pure Daryl birthday smut. Daryl x Reader had been dating for a few months, in secret, when his birthday comes up. Reader surprises Daryl with morning sex. Smutty. Alexandria, Pre-Negan Era.
He Doesn’t Deserve to Own You
Summary: The reader is attracted to Spencer, until one night he tells her off and Daryl steps in and tells him to fuck off. The Daryl leads you to his house, where he tells you he his feelings for you and smut occurs.
He Doesn’t Deserve to Own You - Part 2
Summary: Started out as a one shot, but I ended up writing a second part to it. Takes place a week after yours and Daryl’s confrontation with Spencer. Spencer now won’t leave reader alone and Daryl has to tell him to back the fuck off, Y/N is his now.
I Can’t Lose You - Part 1
Summary: I hope I do this request justice. Season 6 Era. The reader wants to prove herself to the group and go with the group on a scouting mission to stake out Negan’s compound. Daryl is furious. He doesn’t want her anywhere near Negan or his men. But, the reader sneaks away with the group anyway. You are caught by one of Negan’s men and nearly captured when Daryl shows up and saves you. Ends in an argument about you running off, Daryl telling you he can’t lose you, and smutty make up love making.
I Can’t Lose You - Part 2
Summary: I hope I do this request justice. Season 6 Era. The reader wants to prove herself to the group and go with the group on a scouting mission to stake out Negan’s compound. Daryl is furious. He doesn’t want her anywhere near Negan or his men. But, the reader sneaks away with the group anyway. You are caught by one of Negan’s men and nearly captured when Daryl shows up and saves you. Ends in an argument about you running off, Daryl telling you he can’t lose you, and smutty make up love making.
I Can Treat You Better*
Summary: Another request, hope I do it justice. :) Daryl has feelings for the reader and has had to watch the reader be treated badly by her boyfriend for months. When the reader’s boyfriend is out on a run, Daryl makes his feelings known. Pre-Negan Era. Set in Alexandria. Smut AF.
I Can Treat You Better - Part 2*
Summary: I got a request to write a second part of this, so here it is! Daryl and the reader enjoy each other’s company after being intimate the night before. Luke comes home to find you have moved out and to find that Daryl has told you about him and Rosita.
I Couldn’t Protect You - Part 1
Summary: The reader and Daryl are taken prisoner by the governor and his men when they are caught on a scouting mission. Daryl has to watch helplessly while the reader is tortured by the governor. Daryl finds a way to escape and brings the reader home to the prison where they prepare to fight against the governor and his men. Meanwhile, the reader slowly heals from her wounds and helps the others get ready for the governor’s impending attack.
I Couldn’t Protect You - Part 2
Summary: The group fights the governor inside the prison walls and hunts the governor back to Woodbury. Only to find that the governor is nowhere to be seen and he has killed all his men. Rick and the group take the men, women, and children left in Woodbury to the prison for safe keeping. Meanwhile, the reader continues to heal from her capture by the governor. Daryl and the reader drift apart and the reader thinks Daryl doesn’t love her anymore. She tells Daryl it’s over and Daryl breaks down finally explaining the shame that he feels about not being able to protect her from the governor and what happened to her. The reader comforts him and they make up. Makeup smut ending.
I Fell For You 
Summary: The reader and Daryl have close friends since her and her girlfriend had found the group and the prison. The reader breaks up with her girlfriend and Daryl offers to talk her through it. One thing leads to another and the reader admits to her feelings about Daryl and they collide together, finally after months of wanting, finally letting each other know how much they have wanted one another for so long.
[NEW!] I’ll Show You
Summary: The reader and Daryl have been secretly in love with each other since she stumbled onto the farm. One day the reader catches Daryl looking at her and notices him checking her out. It dawns on her that he is into her too and they begin a long game of pretending like they are not into one another. One day the reader decides to be brave and tell him how much she wants him. Daryl forces himself to go to her tent and admits he isn’t very experienced with being intimate with a woman. Daryl and the reader take it real slow and she shows him just what she likes. Ending in hot smut and sweet loving declarations.
I Love My Redneck
Summary: Early Season 4. Prison Era. Daryl and the Reader have been dating for a while, they go out on a run to scavenge for supplies and the Reader turns Daryl on. Smut ensues. Reader finds a radio with some tapes including Daryl’s favorite band, Led Zeppelin. Reader takes it intending to treat Daryl with a lap dance later. Later that night they are around the campfire at the prison when to younger men ask the Reader why she is with an old redneck. The reader responds and later finds out Daryl is upset by it. The reader comforts Daryl and treats him to a lap dance. They make love afterwards, salty and sweetly.
Imagine Giving Daryl His First Blow Job
Summary: Reader gives Daryl his first blowjob, while out on a run, and it leads to rough sex.
I’m Here
Summary: Daryl and the reader are out on a run for supplies when they encounter a herd and have to hide in a near by cabin. The reader has a panic attack and Daryl comforts her and tells her it’s all going to be okay. Lovey Dovey Smutty ending. Season 4 Era, after the prison…
I’m Her Man
Summary: Daryl and the Reader have been dating since before the world ended and they, along with Merle have recently settled in with the group at the quarry. Daryl is a virgin and very inexperienced sexually. The Reader tries to get Daryl to open up and start to explore her and their sexual relationship. She overexcites him one night and Daryl walks out ashamed only to find Merle had seen and heard everything. They fight and Merle convinces Daryl to be a man and claim the Reader once and for all. Slow, sweet, first time for Daryl smut. Season 1 Era. (I really love how this one turned out. I hope you all enjoy it! :)
I Only Want You - Part 1
Summary: This one will be two parts. Part one we follow the reader as she awaits Daryl’s return from a run and reminisces about their last night together. Lovey-Dovey Smut. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn return with a woman who has been hurt who seems to have intentions towards Daryl.
I Only Want You - Part 2
Summary: Daryl begins to train Nina and she makes advances at him. The Reader becomes extremely jealous. Daryl proves to the Reader he only wants her. Ends in smutty loud love making.
It’s About Time
Summary: The reader is Rick’s younger sister and is saved by Shane after the outbreak. The reader and Shane shared a night together after the world ended. But, the reader isn’t in love with Shane. The reader and Daryl both have had a thang for each other since Daryl arrived to the group. Shane gets jealous of the reader paying attention to Daryl. Daryl protects her from Shane and the end up spending the night together. The next day the group travels to the CDC, where Rick talks to her about her choice in men. The reader sticks up for Daryl and they publicly make it known they are together. Shane just drunk and jealous at dinner and ends up trying to get back with the reader, only to be too harsh with her. Daryl walks in and punches him out, declaring she is his and he isn’t allowed to touch her. He brings her back to their room and lovey dovey end game smut happens.
It’s About Time Part 2
It’s About Time Part 3
Summary: Someone requested Part 2 of this. The prompt was what if Shane tried to convince Daryl he was cheating on her. It got a lot bigger than that. So, this after the CDC escape and right after finding Hershel’s farm. Daryl and the reader settle into life after being on the run for so long. They enjoy the new life they have found together. Shane apologizes to the reader and they try to be on better terms. I really wanted to redeem Shane a little bit after the last part. So, you see a softer side to him in this one.Shane tries to plant doubt into the reader’s mind about Daryl’s loyalties. Daryl shows her just who he belongs to.
[NEW!] It’s Over
Summary: Daryl and the group bring Negan back to Alexandria to lock him up after they capture him. The Reader and Daryl were very close before he was captured by Negan and before the war with Negan started. The Reader and Daryl finally reunite after capturing Negan. The Reader helps Daryl deal with what happened to him and then they finally admit their love for each other. Loving smut ending.
I’ll Be Back for You*
Summary: Daryl leave the reader to go on a run. The reader is sad and depressed about it. Daryl comes back from the run with a stray horse he found. The reader takes the horse in and loves her gift. Later that day Daryl and the reader reunite after days apart. Loving smut ensues.
I’ll Give You What You Want, Girl*
Summary: Uh, pure Daryl smut and AU/Pre-Apocalypse… The reader has crushed on Mr. Dixon for a long time, but he is her teacher. One the last day of class the reader seduces him and he teaches her how a real man does it.
I’ll Take Care of Ya*
Summary: I needed to write some Daryl and this is what came out after this prompt. Reader gets hurt and almost gets killed by a walker, going outside the walls of Alexandria on a run, against Daryl’s wishes. Daryl is furious with her and ends up fighting with her, only to expose the fact that he has a thing for the reader. Smut ensues.
I’m Not Jealous*
Summary: Daryl sees the reader talking to another man and gets jealous. The reader goes to bring him lunch and a fight ensues. Jealous, make-up, smut ensues. Season 3. Right after they find the prison. Prison Era.
I Thought You Were Gone*
Summary: Prison Era. The reader and Daryl get separated when the outbreak happens. One night while the reader is tucked away in a cave by the river, she hears a man being attacked by walkers. Seeing as he is without a weapon she assists him and kills the walkers attacking him, only to be met with Daryl - her long lost love. Daryl brings her back to the prison and sweet reunion smut happens.
Just Do It, Daryl*
Summary: Season 3 Prison Era. Daryl and the reader don’t get along and haven’t since she joined the group. Daryl thinks she wants Rick and he has a crush on her. Little does he know she feels the same way about him, she just doesn’t want to let him push her around. After yet another epic throw down fight, Rick has had enough and sends you two out on a run alone to figure your shit out. On the run Daryl finally decides to show you how he feels and angry, lovey-dovey smut occurs.
Just For You*
Summary: Daryl and Reader have been together for awhile. Reader goes on a run with Maggie and Rick and finds sexy lingerie. She takes it home to surprise Daryl. Pre-Negan. Season 5/6. Alexandria. Hope I got this one right! :) Smut Alert.
Just Friends - Part 1*
Summary: Daryl and the reader share a few drinks one night and the reader let’s her intentions be known. They get it on and Daryl tells her that it can only be sex between them; to him, love is illogical in this end-of-days world. The reader and Daryl carry on for a few weeks and start to get closer and more intimate with one another. Daryl wrestles with falling for the reader as he begins to realize he has deeper feelings for her. Beginning of Season 4. The Prison.
Just Friends - Part 2*
Summary: Second part to the request above. Reader becomes friends with the man Rick and Glenn saved, trying to help him get used to the group and his new surroundings. Daryl notices her spending more and more time with him and gets really jealous and angry. He claims her and finally admits he loves her. Beginning of Season 4. The Prison.
Just Shut Up*
Summary: This one sort of wrote itself. Angry smut alert! Daryl and the reader are off on a run, after finding the farm. The reader is wreckless and Daryl lays down the law with her, once and for all. He shows her what she needs. Smut ensues. ;)
Let Me Show You*
Summary: Daryl liked the reader, who is very new to Alexandria. One day Daryl sees the reader heading outside of the walls and decides to go with her to keep an eye on her. The two spend a nice day together and Daryl tries to show her in every way possible how into her he is. When she still doesn’t get it after a nice night out he tells her how he feels and lovey dovey smut ensues. Protective and Caring Daryl Smut Alert! Enjoy! :)
Let’s Play*
Summary: Season 6 Era. Rick has just taken over Alexandria. The reader is bored during one of the many town meetings that is being hosted at her and Daryl’s house. The reader seduces him, despite their house being full of the townspeople. Pure Smutty Smut.
Make Me Yours
Summary: Set in season 2, on Hershel’s farm. Rick’s group is just starting to settle into an easier life on the farm when Daryl and Glenn come across a woman in the woods (reader) and bring her to the farm. They hit it off. Smut ensues… of course. The rest of the request will be in there too! I hope you like it! (I did not get to the daddy issues, but I did give her major man issues… ;) )
[NEW!] Merry Christmas, Daryl
Summary: The reader makes sure Daryl has the best Christmas ever. Alexandria. Rough Smut Alert.
My Dirty Secret
Summary: The reader is Rick’s younger sister and has a thing for Daryl. Daryl has a thing for her too. But, he doesn’t want to betray Rick’s friendship. One day, they get stuck in a house after spotting a herd and have to spend the night there. The reader catches Daryl pleasuring himself to the thought of her and realizes he does want her. She finds a teddy and a vibrator in the dresser and decides to show him just how much she wants him too. Major smut ensues.
 My Name’s Daryl - Part 1
 My Name’s Daryl - Part 2
Summary: Daryl rescues the reader after her group has been attacked by Negan and his men. Daryl takes the reader back to Alexandria. The reader forms a quick attachment to Daryl and they end up spending every minute together. They slowly fall for one another, until one night Daryl admits how he feels to the reader and sweet smutty ending. Season 7 Era.
Quickie on a Run
Summary: I had to do this because I have been thinking about it and needed some quick, dirty, smut. Totally a creation of this dirty mind haha. Enjoy! Daryl and Reader are on a run with Rick, Glenn, and Maggie, and Reader seduces Daryl into quick, rough sex. Season 6. Pre-Negan.
Ready or Not
Summary: The Reader and Daryl have had an attraction to each other since the reader has joined the group at the prison. But, Daryl doesn’t think it is wise to act on it, even though he can’t stop thinking about her. One night the reader sneaks in to see Daryl pleasuring himself and smut ensues. After the Reader and Daryl struggle with what they will become afterward. Pure, hot, smut alert! End of Season 3 Prison Era.
[NEW!] Relax
Summary: The reader has a rough run and comes home exhausted and sore. Daryl comes home and decides to pamper her to make her feel better. ;)
Summary: Set in S.3 at the prison. Reader gets all hot and bothered watching Daryl chop wood and slips away to their cell for a release. Daryl finds you and smut ensues.
Summary: The reader gets hit with the fever that hits the prison. Daryl has to go find her some medicine to save her life. Once the fever breaks and she wakes up she doesn’t remember Daryl or anything since right before she met him months ago. Hershel instructs Daryl to take care of her and fill in the blanks as her memory slowly returns. Daryl’s deep love for the reader is very evident and as her memory slowly comes back she falls in love with him all over again. Ends in loving, sweet, smut.
Right Like That
Summary: I had to write this out. Early Season 2 era, at the farm, with Daryl’s old badass self. The reader constantly flirts with Daryl throughout the entire time they are together in the group, once they settle in to the farm, they are finally able to have a night they both have fantasized about, for so long. Smut AF. I needed a fic where Daryl takes a girl roughly in the barn. Enjoy! This turned out smuttier than expected.
Summary: Daryl rescues the reader from walkers and he ends up taking her in, in Alexandria. They become very close, but remain just friends. Until, one day Daryl makes his intentions known for her. The start dating, but she has never seen his scars. Because of this, it keeps him from being fully intimate with her. One day he decides to open up to her and show her. Daryl tells her how he got them and they both break down. Daryl comforts her and she comforts him. Ends in them finally making love at the end. Lovey-Dovey Smut and pretty damn fluffy for my stuff.  Alexandra. Season 6 Era.
She’s Mine
Summary: Season 1 Era. Before the pilot and before Merle is left on the roof. Daryl and his brother Merle keep to the outskirts of the camp, Reader is interested in Daryl and starts to try and act friendly toward him, only to end up dealing with Merle constantly hitting on her and trying to grab on her. Daryl finally has enough and tells Merle off. Smut ensues. Daryl claims her.
Summary: I just needed some pure Daryl smut. It is shorter than my usual pieces. 100% smut. Daryl and the Reader are scavenging a house with Rick and Michonne when Daryl pulls the reader away from some afternoon fun. ;)
So, You Want Me?
Summary: Daryl overhears the reader gushing to Maggie about her crush on Daryl. He overhears how much you want to know what fucking him would be like and what him going down on you would be like. The reader goes home to find Daryl waiting there for her, ready and willing to show her just what he’s made of. The reader is very submissive to Daryl and not very experienced. He takes care of her, in more ways than one. Dom!Daryl Smut. Season 6 Era.
Summary: The reader takes Daryl home and tells her that she wants him. Daryl is wary. But, finally asks her to stay over. Smutty Smut. Lots of Smut. With a touch of jealous anger when Daryl wakes up and thinks the reader has left him. Daryl questions the readers motives for sleeping with him. The fight. Make up smut ensues in the kitchen.
[NEW!] Sweet Thing
Summary: The Reader has a thing for Daryl. Daryl is the very reluctant leader of the Sanctuary and has a thing for her too. He catches the Reader in the showers pleasuring herself to the thought of him one day. He just can’t help himself and brings her to his trailer on the edge of the property. He makes her pleasure herself in front of him, needing her to get used to being loud and uninhibited with him. Daryl admits he would love to have her around more and naughty, loving, smut ensues…
Take Care of Her - Pt 1
Summary: Rick asks Daryl to take care of his younger sister, the reader, while he is away on a run for Negan and the Saviors. Both the reader and Daryl are shy about their feelings about each other. Slowly but surely you warm up to one another as you spend the days and nights together. One day Negan crashes into Daryl’s house after finding out you are Rick’s sister. You deal with him and at the end of it tell Daryl you love him. Then slow, sweet, first time smut between Daryl and the reader.
Take Care of Her - Pt 2
Summary: Rick asks Daryl to take care of his younger sister, the reader, while he is away on a run for Negan and the Saviors. Both the reader and Daryl are shy about their feelings about each other. Slowly but surely you warm up to one another as you spend the days and nights together. One day Negan crashes into Daryl��s house after finding out you are Rick’s sister. You deal with him and at the end of it tell Daryl you love him. Then slow, sweet, first time smut between Daryl and the reader.
Teach Me
Summary: The reader almost gets bit on a run and Daryl is furious with her. They get back to the prison and she asks him to teach her a thing or two about self-defense against walkers and people. Sweaty training ends in rough smut, Daryl style. ;)
Thank You
Summary: This was a request, hope I get it right! :) Daryl breaks free from the Sanctuary, only to run into Jesus on his way out. Jesus helps him escape and the two return to the hilltop where Daryl meets the reader. The reader helps nurse him back to health and eventually smut ensues. This one is really long, but I had to nurse Daryl back to health, figured it would be some time before he’d be up for any rough smut.
The Big Bad Wolf*
Summary: The reader convinces Michonne to have a costume party when they run into a costume store on a run. She asks Daryl to be her big bad wolf. He lives up to the challenge and shows the reader just how bad he wants her and just how bad he can be. Hot Halloween Smut. Season 6 Era. Pre-Negan.
The Bowman*
Summary: I don’t know this is just a random thought I needed to write out. Daryl is the bow instructor at the Hilltop and Reader has a crush on him. Daryl notices and puts the moves on her. Pure Daryl Smut. Enjoy. Post Season 7 Era.
The Game*
Summary: The reader and Daryl both secretly have had a thing for each other since Daryl’s group moved into Alexandria, but neither of them knows the other also feels the same way. After a while, Carol and Rick decide to take it upon themselves to make something happen between the two. So that they realize they both feel the same way. Rosita and Abe wander by and end up betting against Rick and Carol that they can get the reader and Daryl together. The two teams make a bet on who wins this game and the plotting begins. Eventually, it works and the reader and Daryl finally realize how each other feels the same and needy, passionate, smut to end. Season 5 Era.
The Night Before
Summary: Daryl and the reader sleep together the night before the group clears the prison, while everyone else is asleep. The reader worries for him when he goes off to help Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog clear. When he returns more smut and end game lovey dovey smut when Daryl asks the reader to stay with him
They Can Wait
Summary: The reader plans a smutty night for her and Daryl, only to be interrupted by yet more Alexandria business when Daryl brings Rick and Glenn home for a meeting. The reader and Daryl haven’t had anytime alone since reaching Alexandria and the reader is desperate to reconnect with him. Daryl walks into the house to find the reader scantily clad in his favorite teddy. He quickly covers you up and the meeting happens. The reader teases Daryl with company in the house and smut ensues when they leave. Daryl pleases her in more ways than one, making up for lost time.
Welcome Home
Summary: Daryl Dixon and the reader enjoy their new house, once settling into Alexandria. Daryl and the reader are gifted their own house when the group moves to Alexandria. After being out there for so long with little to no privacy, the two enjoy their new found privacy and have a marathon day of smut throughout the house. (This was fun to right, hope it is just as fun to read).
What Do I Have To Do?
Summary: Daryl is very hot for the reader and can’t stop thinking about her, but he thinks she is into Spencer because Spencer is always hanging around her. The reader is in love with Daryl and tries to always initiate contact and find excuses to be around him. But Daryl is an asshole to her because he overhears her one night talking about a man she wants, and Daryl assumes it is Spencer. The reader decides to be more aggressive about spending time with Daryl, hoping he will understand that she is into him. But this just makes Daryl angrier because he thinks she isn’t into him and it kills him how bad he wants her but can’t have her. One day Daryl is particularly an ass to her, and she finally asks him why he is being such an asshole to her. Daryl lets his anger get the best of him and amid their fight, Daryl finally shows her how he feels. Angry and Loving Smut ending all in one… Season 6 Era. Alexandria.
What’s That About - Part 1
What’s That About - Part 2
Summary: The reader has had a major crush on Daryl since he has moved to Alexandria. But, she has never told him. One day, Daryl comes back from a run hurt. The reader falls apart and Maggie comforts her. Daryl sees her crying and asks Maggie about. The reader takes it upon herself to help Daryl heal from his injuries. Which leads to the two spending a lot of time together. When Daryl is finally healed he plans a surprise for the reader. They fall in love over this time and at the end, end game smut and happy ending.
[NEW!] You Alright?
Summary: The reader gets abruptly dumped by her long-time boyfriend, Robert. She is completely blindsided by this, especially when Robert starts making out with his new girlfriend in front of everyone at the camp and right in front of her. Daryl, who has always watched over her ever since she had come to the camp, saw the whole thing go down and asks the reader if she would like to stay with him for a while. The reader obliges and she ends up moving to Daryl’s camp. They slowly get to know each other and then one night Daryl tells her how he really feels about her. Slow burn, loving smut ending. Season 2. Hershel’s Farm Era.
You Could Stay - Pt 1
Summary: Daryl and Aaron are out scouting for people when they find the reader fighting off a group of walkers. They take them down and escort her back to Alexandria. Daryl takes ownership over watching over her for a while and things get heated between the two. Definitely turned into dominant Daryl smut. Enjoy!
You Could Stay - Pt 2
Summary: Some wanted a second part for this and these two were fun to write. So here is part two! Daryl and the Reader enjoy a smutty morning together and he asks her to go with him to guard duty. The Reader starts trying to adjust to Alexandria, still unsure that she belongs there. Daryl asks her to talk with Rick and Michonne, hoping she will decide to stay. Season 9 (after the first jump) Era.
[NEW!] You Could Stay - Pt 3
Summary: The Reader and Daryl talk with Rick and Michonne, trying to calm the Reader’s fears about staying in Alexandria. The reader makes friends with Michonne and they all have a nice dinner together, getting to know her. Afterward her and Daryl spend an amazing night together and the reader tells him where she stands on staying with him. Loving, smut.
You Want Better?
Summary: Daryl taunts the reader about her feelings for married Rick. She finds out it is because Daryl has feelings for her. They confront each other and smut/romance ensues. Season 2 / Hershel’s Farm Era.
You Want Better? – Part 2
Summary: I made a second part to this because I wanted to. Sort of felt like resolving the Rick-ness of it all. Daryl and the reader begin to sneak around and see each other, they go on a run with the group and Rick confronts the reader about his feelings and the reader has to decide between Rick or Daryl. I really love jealous Daryl. Smutty Daryl x Reader Goodness.
You Gotta Be Shittin’ Me, Right?
Summary: Reader goes on watch duty with Daryl (Season 3, Prison) and learns Daryl is a virgin. Things progress from there… Smut.
You Let Him Touch You?
Summary: Daryl decides to leave the prison with his brother, Merle. Daryl and the reader have been dating awhile and the reader is heartbroken. Daryl tells her to move on. The reader meets Axel and the two end up having a friends with benefits type of relationship. Daryl comes back to the prison over a month later. Daryl sees what you have with Axel and becomes possessive. He claims you. Smut and endgame ending.
Your Safe Here
Summary: The Reader is saved in the woods by Daryl. He brings her to Alexandria and helps her heal. She is accepted into the town. But, really only feels safe with Daryl. She witnesses Daryl having a dream about her (ahem) and she decides to make her move.
You’re the Reason
Summary: The reader thinks Daryl is gay. Daryl in fact can’t keep his mind off of her, which is why he doesn’t ever look at anyone else. One day the reader asks for his help going through some storage in the prison. The reader says too bad he is, because the women would love a chance at him. He gets awkward and quiet, tells the reader he isn’t and then confesses she is all he thinks about when he relieves himself. Passionate, smutty goodness ensues when he shows her just how much he wants her. This one wrote itself…
You Saved Me*
Summary: Daryl finds the reader in the woods after she has just shot her best friend who had been bitten and was turning. He helps her bury her friend and takes her back to the camp with him. They quickly become friends as Daryl helps her heal from her trauma. They both develop feelings for each other and one night, on the reader’s birthday, Daryl tells her how much he wants her. Endgame lovey-dovey smut ending. Season 1 Era.
You Should Be With Me - Part 1
Summary: Season 1 Era. After the outbreak. Daryl is with the group as is the reader. The reader has had a crush on him since the group joined together. One night the group is drinking late at a campfire and the reader and Daryl have a great night of smutty goodness. The morning after he tells her is was only a one-night thing, despite desperately wanting her. But, he thinks it is better for you both if you don’t get attached, ending up breaking the reader’s heart.
You Should Be With Me - Part 2
Summary: Season 1 Era. After the outbreak. Daryl is with the group as is the reader. The reader has had a crush on him since the group joined together. One night the group is drinking late at a campfire and the reader and Daryl have a great night of smutty goodness. The morning after he tells her is was only a one-night thing, despite really wanting her. The reader is heartbroken, but she agrees. She soon strikes up a friendship with another man, Not Daryl, but nice enough. One day, on a run alone, Daryl can’t take anymore, and he claims what he wants – her.
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Sorry. He’s Busy Right Now
Summary: Reader meets Norman at a con and things get heated. The reader comes face to face with someone who has been seen with, who the reader thinks is a horrible person, after their encounter. Norman calls her into the shower.
Sorry, He’s Busy Right Now - Part 2
Summary: After the reader and Norman sleep together, Norman leaves for filming and the reader is forced to go back to reality. Norman keeps trying to contact her, but the reader thinks he has gone back to Brianna so she stops contacting him. She is forced to work a con with him a few months later and Norman confronts her, telling her she is the only one he wants.
Sorry, He’s Busy Right Now - Part 3
Summary: The story I can’t stop writing rn. Norman and the reader settle into this new life together, despite Brianna’s presence. The reader reaches out to a friend who might be able to help them out. Norman tells the reader for the first time he loves her. This one get pretty lovey-dovey at the end. But plenty of smut as well.
Summary: Norman has a crush on the reader and the reader digs him too. They work together on the show, the reader is Daryl’s love interest. When they are asked to film their first love scene things get heated. One night Norman invites her over and smut ensues.
Admit It
Summary: The reader gets mad at Norman when she sees him flirting with another woman. Norman shows the reader that she is all he wants. He loves her down and then they play out one of his fantasies. Makeup sex is the best…
Summary: Norman is jealous of the reader’s ex who is still in her life because he is best friends with her sister’s boyfriend. Her ex always talks to Norman about the two of you when you used to date and still has a thing for you. Norman gets angry as hell and the reader calms him down. The ex shows up and Norman laws down the law. Hungry, needy, smut ensues and Norman shows the reader just why she would never want another… And the reader shows him that he is the only one she ever wants…
Can I Come In?*
Summary: Pure smut. The Reader meets her new neighbor, Norman. They both like each other and flirt as time goes by. Norman is pretty shy about putting the moves on her, even though he wants to. One night the reader overhears him pleasuring himself and calling out her name, through her bedroom wall. The reader decides to take charge and show Norman just what she wants from him.
Guilty Pleasure - Part 1
Guilty Pleasure - Part 2
Guilty Pleasure - Part 3
Summary: Norman and the reader have been fuck buddies for a year or so. Norman goes off to film in GA and comes back to the city after months away to find that the reader has started dating someone else. The reader expects Norman to back off and go after someone else. But, instead Norman gets very territorial and ends up showing up more and more at the reader’s door. The reader tries to push him away. But, she can’t deny how much she wants him. Norman can’t take it anymore and tells the reader he is the one she should be with. Hot! Hot! Smut! With a sweet smutty ending.
Happy Birthday Norman
Summary: Norman and the reader enjoy some birthday smut.
I Just Can’t Help It
Summary: Norman and the reader have been friends for years and he asks her to go to Steven’s wedding with him. The reader agrees. When the reader spends most the night dancing with another guy, Norman gets jealous and decides he needs to have her all to himself. Rough smut ensues, followed by Norman confessing he wants her to himself.
I’m Home, Baby
Summary: So I’ve had this thing kicking around in my head for a while, needed to write it. Norman wakes the reader up in the middle of the night, for some loving smut, after being gone for weeks filming a movie. (My first Norman smut, let me know if you like it, constructive feedback welcome!) P.S. Pretty sure I could imagine Norman smut all day long every day… The man is pure love. This was super fun to write and I was nervous to write a Norman smut haha expect way more! ;) Enjoy!
I Need You, Now
Summary: I will say it again this man makes me trash. This is just a little fantasy I had that I needed to write out. Norman and his girlfriend (the reader) reunite at a con, after being apart for weeks. Norman has to have her now, so they race off to the basement to find a place where they can be alone. Smutty Smut ensues. Enjoy!
Summary: I had this brain child while writing my other Dom!Norman piece. This one just hammered itself out, no pun intended. lol! Norman is jealous of the reader and her co-worker. He lays down the law. Ends lovey-dovey.
Let Me Help
Summary: Pure Smut Alert. This one shot just sort of, happened. Reader sees Norman is upset and takes it into her hands to make sure he feels better. Marathon smut session does the trick. ;)
 My Sweet Girl
Summary: Norman asks the reader to pose for a photo shoot. The reader reluctantly agrees and finds herself in a sticky, smutty, situation… This is 100% pure smut.
Nobody’s but Mine*
Summary: Norman and the reader have been friends for over a year. Norman always hits on her but, she always turns him down because they have such a close friendship. One night she slips and they end up sleeping together. They become friends with benefits, until one night Norman gets jealous and tell the reader he only wants her. Setting is NYC.
Summary: So I had this idea where Norman and the reader have been dating for over a year now and the reader really loves Daryl’s character. She has asked Norman to roleplay Daryl in the bedroom before, but Norman always turns her down. It’s the reader’s birthday and Norman lures her onto the set of Alexandria one night and has a surprise for her. He roleplays Daryl and rough smut, that turns into some lovey dovey Norman smut happens. Sounded so fucking hot! So I had to write it!
[NEW!] The Right Guy
Summary: Norman lives next door to the reader and her boyfriend. Norman frequently hears the reader and her boyfriend in bed, who is definitely not fulfilling her sexual needs. One night after work, Norman is at a bar close to home when the reader comes in after having a fight with her boyfriend. Norman and her get to talking, one thing leads to another and ends with Norman taking her to his place to show her exactly how good the right guy, him, can give it to her. Hot Smut.
Treat You Right
Summary: Norman has had a long, hard week of filming and his girlfriend (the reader) loves him down right, making him forget about all his troubles. Pure smut.
We’ve Got Time
Summary: Norman comes home to the Reader and their 5 year old daughter after a couple weeks of being gone filming. They spend a relaxing night together as a family and Norman and the Reader reunite for some lovey dovey smutty time.
[NEW!] What Changed?
Summary: This was an idea that came to me. The Reader and Norman are fuck buddies with a casual relationship. One night he comes over and stays over. The next day he is acting very strange toward her until he finally tells her that he wants her and only her. A mix of rough smut and sweet, loving smut.
You Don’t See it Do You?
Summary: I needed some lovey-dovey smut between Norman and the reader, where the reader tells him how much she loves him just the way he is. So, this fic was born. The reader and Norman spend the day at a con and come home to be interrupted by work matters. Norman thinks the reader will grow tired of his busy lifestyle, between work and fans. The reader puts his mind at ease and loving smut ensues.
Your Pussycat*
Summary: The reader surprises Norman with a night of costume filled fun for Halloween… Nothing but pure smut goodness…
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All Mine Now
Summary: The reader catches Murphy’s eye at a bar and her friend Stacey picks up a liking to Connor. The two get friendly with the guys when someone at the bar makes a move on the reader. Murphy and Connor teach them a lesson and smutty smuttiness ensues. I didn’t get around to him asking her on a date at the end, but sort of implies they will be together. End game Murphy smut turned out a lot longer than intended,but I doubt I’ll hear complaints ;)
I’m Only Yours
Summary: Murphy and the reader are on their honeymoon in Ireland. Murphy is a virgin and the two haven’t done much sexual play at all, much less sex. The reader helps Murphy gain confidence on their first night together. He finally loses his virginity to his new wife. Smut. Happy Ending.
I Risked it All - Part 1
Summary: The reader is called on for her, “favor,” from Agent Smecker. It is to break Connor and Murphy Macmanus out of a high security prison. The reader breaks them out and leads them to a safe house. There is obvious tension and chemistry between the reader and Murphy. Smut ensues.
I Risked it All - Part 2
Summary: Picks up where Part 1 left off. The reader bonds with the brothers during their two day stint in the safe house. Lots and lots of Murphy x Reader smut. Basically, a chapter on these two falling for each other, hardcore. Murphy asks the reader to come with them when they relocate. And more clues about the reader’s past surface.
Summary: The reader is working late one night at a church in the city. The Macmanus Brothers show up late, wanting to pray. She locks them in and gives them a few minutes inside the church while she goes about cleaning up for the night. The boys meet the reader in the confessional and threesome smut ensues.
[NEW!] Smoldering
Summary: The Reader is a bartender at McGinty’s and has had a crush on Murphy since she started but she doesn’t want to risk losing her job. Murphy has liked the Reader from day one too. One night, a couple of men start harassing you and Murphy and Connor come to her rescue. Murphy escorts the Reader home and they finally admit to their feelings for each other. Loving, smutty, ending.
The Other Brother*
Summary: The reader and Murphy are home alone one night while the reader waits for Connor to come home. Murphy knows Connor screws around on her and the reader has suspicions too. Murphy has a secret thing for the reader and stays with her to keep her company. They end up drinking together as they wait for Connor to come home and Murphy’s feelings for the reader come out. The reader is shocked but loves Murphy for all the times he has been there for her when Connor was out. They sleep together and fall for each other. Connor comes home and Murphy berates him for how he treats the reader. You end up clearing the air when Connor and Murphy get into a fight over you, telling Connor that you are no longer his; you are Murphy’s now. Hot endgame smut where Murphy fucks the reader so hard, with Connor in the next room, branding you as his now.
The Power of Three
Summary: The reader and the Macmanus brothers have been a couple since high school. This piece is a day in the life of the reader and the brothers. Pure hot Murphy, Connor, and threesome smut smut smut!
You and Your Stupid, Fucking Rope
Summary: Murphy is propositioned by a female bartender (the reader) at McGinty’s one night. Connor intervenes and kinky rope smut ensues. This is more of a Murphy x Reader smut, but Connor also gets to use his stupid rope. ;) My first BDS Smut piece, hope you all like it! This honestly may be the longest pure smut piece I have ever written, rivaled only by All of You Part 2.
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 16 - An End or A Beginning
~Hey Guys! This is Chapter 16 of ‘Save Me’ ❤️ Molly confides in Sherry about her relationship with Negan which progresses to new heights 😉 I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, it’s pretty long! Chapter 17 will be out on Sunday🤟🏻~
Molly has built up walls around her ever since her sisters died. She thought Negan would be the man to break them, but would he break her instead? Tonight would be the night that changed Molly's life forever, for better or for worse. From here on out, whether or not she had fully accepted it, she was Negan's.
Walking out of the armoury, I felt deflated. I went from belonging at to two places to feeling like I didn't belong anywhere. I couldn't trust anyone and my family meant nothing to him.
Eugene seemed to be adjusting better than me. I guess it's true what they say about getting too close to power.
As I was in my own thoughts, walking down the hallway, just as I passed the doors to the main hall, the doors swung open to reveal him.
I looked at him briefly with no emotion as I carried on walking to my room.
'Molly' he said softly.
I stopped suddenly, still not facing him.
'We need to talk' he said exhaustedly.
I turned around slowly.
He looked tired, like he hadn't slept after yesterday.
'I think I'll skip the excuses thanks, you'll probably just give me more of the same bullshit you spouted yesterday' I said sternly before I spun back around and carried on walking.
'I did what I had to do' he said softly.
'The hell did you just say?! You promised me one. One person and you lied to me, never mind the fact that you actually enjoyed it' I yelled as my eyes started to well up again.
'It would have just been your boy Spencer, but that girl tried to kill me! Or have you forgotten about that?! I told you, every time they resist, there has to punishment. They brought it on themselves' he shouted back.
'Why the hell do you think they resist?! You acted like a complete asshole at Alexandria' I yelled back.
'Alright, fine darlin, we're doing this. Yeah, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed every goddamn minute. What do want me to say? Seeing the people who killed an absolute assload of my people squirm makes me happy. But what about you doll? You don't think I noticed you step in front of that girl? She your little girlfriend?' he said sternly as he walked slowly towards me.
I broke eye contact with him when me mentioned Tara.
'Oh, darlin. Looks like I've touched a nerve' he whispered mockingly. 'You can pretend that I'm the bad guy if that's what will help you sleep at night, but you know the truth, just like me' he whispered edging closer to me.
I scoffed. 'You're right. I lied. But that girl I protected is my sister, Tara. So if you or any of your 'Saviours' ever threaten her again, I won't hesitate to kill you' I whispered in his ear.
I shot him a scowl as I walked away. He just stood there in awe as I walked away.
Once I got back to my room, I shut it behind me and leant back against it with my eyes closed.
I hated him but I wanted him.
I heard footsteps outside my door which was followed by a hasty knock. When I opened the door slowly and saw Sherry standing there, her eyes filled with hurt and anger. 'Are you and Dwight together?' she asked breathlessly.
I looked at her wide eyed. 'What?' I said almost chuckling.
'I'm serious. Frankie told me you kissed him and you've been going out on 'runs' together so cut the crap', she said now scowling.
I sighed, 'Sherry, you better come in' I said as I opened the door wider.
She hesitated before stepping in. A saviour who was her guard stood outside.
'Sherry, there is nothing going on between me and Dwight. To be honest he's not my type. But he's been a surprisingly good friend to me and he gets what I'm going through. I kissed him because I wanted to make Negan jealous and I've asked him to come with me on a couple runs but we just sit in silence in the sun. We both just needed space from this place' I said calmly.
She took a moment before sighing in relief. 'Thank god' she said smiling.
'You honestly think I could do that to you?!' I said smirking.
'Oh god I'm sorry!' she said pulling me into a hug.
'Wait wait wait, you wanted to make Negan jealous?!' she said frowning.
I looked down before looking back at her. 'Ah, yeah. Trust me, as far as I'm concerned that is completely over' I said sorrowfully.
'Are you sure he knows that?' she asked.
'What do you mean?' I asked anxiously.
'Well, Negan hasn't visited any of us for months now, I kinda assumed it was because you guys had a thing. But don't worry, none of the girls know, it's just me. They just think he's been busy' she said nonchalantly.
I looked at her, my jaw dropped almost to the floor.
She rubbed my arm, bringing me back to the present situation. 'Are you okay?' she asked softly.
'Oh my god. So wait, he hasn't slept with his wives since-' I said softly, stopping myself as the realisation hit. He hadn't been with his wives since our kiss.
Sherry's gaze still focussed on me, she was nervous now. 'Since?' she asked slowly.
I looked down before looking back up at her 'since we kissed' I whispered, in utter disbelief at myself.
Her eyebrows rose, 'you kissed him?' she asked calmly.
I just slowly nodded. After everything that had just happened, I was full to the brim with confusion.
She started to stroke my back in comfort, 'and now?' she asked softly.
I shook my head. 'I have no clue. I mean what am I doing?! I mean who am I right now?!' I shouted.
She sighed looking up at me as I paced around the room agitatedly.
'Do you love him?' she asked hesitantly.
I spun around immediately in shock at her question. I glared at her for a second, 'I-I, well, I' is what came out of my mouth.
She nodded slowly, clearly knowing what my answer was without even saying it.
'Just be careful, he's not-' she said strained, she sighed at finding it difficult to gather her words.
'He's not what, Sherry?' I asked folding my arms.
'What i'm trying to say is that...if he hasn't hurt you yet, he will soon. That's just who he is, and there's no changing him' she said in a hushed tone so no one outside could hear.
I avoided her gaze and turned slightly to the side. She knew exactly what I was avoiding.
She tried to meet my gaze by walking over to me and holding me by the shoulders, 'has he hurt you?' she asked worriedly.
I sighed, 'yeah' was all I could manage to respond.
She didn't pressure me to talk about it anymore but all that I could think about were Olivia, Rosita and the brutality of Spencer's death.
She looked at me, her eyes heavy with pity. 'I know what you're thinking' I said frustratedly.
'I don't wanna say I told you so but...' she said softly.
I smirked, 'yeah, thanks for that. I'll be fine' I said reassuringly.
Sherry smiled for a second before it disappeared. She needed to tell me something.
'Molly...I have to tell you somethin-' , the door swung open and the guard interrupted Sherry.
'Time's up' he said scowling at her.
He ushered Sherry out as she looked back at me apologetically. I frowned confused by the whole situation.
The way he had just acted right now, they way all of the Saviours did, Negan must have been hiding something from me and I wouldn't rest until I found out.
Sherry's POV//
As soon as that asshole had ushered me back to the room, I shot him a scowl as I went to sit back down.
He checked the room before leaving to go on a break. I made my escape.
I walked back out and took the back stairs down to the basement where the cells were.
I wanted to tell Molly about Daryl but Negan would kill me. So I had to take matters into my own hands.
I found his cell and whispered to him, standing outside the door, 'Daryl? It's Sherry'.
I slipped out the key from my dress that I'd hidden ever since I stole it from the guard when he was sleeping last week.
I opened the door slowly as Daryl stood up sharply.
'Follow me down the hall, once we get to the back doors, take a motorbike and drive home. I'll cover you' I whispered.
He hesitated before he followed me out. He was in a yellow jumpsuit they had given him, he looked terrible. But he had helped us before so I had to do this, whatever it cost me.
When we got to the back doors, I looked outside. It was clear, Daryl ran out, grabbed a motorbike and drove away.
Two Saviours yelled as they saw him from the top window.
I snuck back to the room, just in time for a guy to come round and check on us. I should have gone too, but I couldn't leave Dwight.
At least I protected one of Molly's family members.
Kingdom - Carol's POV//
He called himself the King. King Ezekiel, he had a tiger on a chain as Morgan wheeled me into the auditorium.
He said she was called Shiva but I had no idea what was happening anyway.
It was like a fairytale town. An actual Kingdom. Everyone was working away, planting crops, making weapons, training with each other.
People called the Saviours came to the Kingdom every week to take half of the supplies. Ezekiel was okay with that. He seemed like a reasonable enough man.
All I wanted in the beginning was to go back to Alexandria, but Ezekiel wouldn't let me leave.
He came to a compromise, I would live in the small house outside of the main area of the Kingdom but still within the walls.
Every morning he would come and bring me fruit and sometimes he would bring Shiva. She loved me.
Morgan had stayed for a little while at the Kingdom to make sure I was okay, then he left. He wanted to be alone.
I understood, I wanted that too initially.
One morning, I got a knock at the door. Thinking it was Ezekiel, I opened the door smirking. It was Morgan, he had came back.
'Do you really wanna know what happened in Alexandria?' he said hastily.
'What happened to you?' I asked.
Morgan paused with hesitation, pondering over his killing of a member of the Kingdom before he spoke.
'I killed Richard. Strangled him with my bare hands. Negan killed Glenn and Abraham' he said looking down.
I froze, processing what he just said. Tears began to roll down my face. I didn't want to fight anymore. I had come here because of that.
But I know knew that no matter what happened, I always would have to. Ezekiel had to resist them. We would no longer comply. This was our fight.
The next day...
Molly’s POV//
I could sense it. Negan was keeping something from me and what made it worse was the fact that Sherry knew.
But, I had to be smart, I had to play the long game.
I wanted to just trust him, but after Spencer and Olivia, I just couldn't, no matter how much it killed me inside.
I had plans for today, I was gonna check on the crops, talk to some of the families, help out in the kitchen but I was frozen in place.
My mind was reeling, thinking about what else he could be keeping from me. But surely it couldn't be that bad since Sherry also knew and kept the secret? If it was bad, she would tell me because I know her.
I spent hours pondering endlessly, looking out of my window to see people outside talking and transporting stuff.
I could just ask Sherry to tell me, or even Negan but it was safer for them not to know that I knew.
I threw myself back onto my bed, sighing as my head hit the pillow. What could it be?
There was a sudden knock at the door which made me jump up agitatedly.
When I opened the door, a Saviour was stood there with a vase full of wild flowers which held a single note card in between them.
I looked at him confused just as he said 'delivery from Negan' and put them into my hands and walked away.
I stood there for a moment, stunned. He gave me flowers.
I nudged the door shut with my hip as I went to place the flowers by the window. They were lavender with some tulips mixed in and smelled sickly sweet.
I picked up the card and unfolded it gently, it read:
                       Forgive me - N
Was he serious?! He expected me to forgive him immediately after he killed two of my friends?! I asked him to kill Spencer, but still! And with flowers, does he really think that I'm that type of girl?
The slight smile on my face vanished as I crumpled them up in frustration and chucked them into the bin outside my room.
I'm not a girly girl, I don't wear dresses, I'm not like his wives nor will I ever be and if that's the type of girl he wants, then he definitely doesn't want me.
I'm so conflicted. I want him, I want to be with him and I know how crazy I sound because of what he's done and what he's capable of, but theres a part of me that believes in him. But I can't take that leap if he's not serious, because if I'm betraying my family, it should be for a damn good reason.
I couldn't stay cooped up in here any longer. If I was left alone with my thoughts anymore, I'd go insane. I sighed, put on my jacket and combat boots and was ready to head out the door. 
I swung the door open, to find Negan standing there just about to knock on my door with Lucille like he usually does.
'What do you want?' I said tiredly.
'You didn't like the flowers huh?' he said with annoyance.
'Of course not. What kind of girl do you think I am? I'm not one of your wives, alright I don't want pretty things and I'm not gonna fucking forgive you just because you decide to buy me a gift' I said sternly.
His frown turned into a smirk slowly as his eyes lingered over mine. 'You're a goddamn angel you know that' he said smiling.
I frowned in confusion and asked 'what?'.
'I knew you wouldn't want the flowers, I just wanted to make sure I was right about you darlin' he said smirking.
'Right about me?' I asked now intrigued.
'Uh huh, figured you'd like this more' he said smirking as he pulled it from behind his back and handed it to me.
My eyes widened. 'My gun?' I said in astonishment.
'Yup. I got your buddy Dr Smartypants to revamp it a little. I have no fucking idea what the hell he did but I tested it and it sure as shit is cool' he said proudly.
I checked over the gun, it now had my initials engraved and a little button on the side which released a mini bayonet. It was fucking awesome, but I couldn't let Negan off easy. 'Thanks' I said cooly, putting it back into my holster and squeezing beside him to walk down the hallway.
'Wha? Thats it? I change my schedule to make things up to you and all you got is 'thanks'' he said charging after me.
'You lied to me' I said calmly.
'You lied to me! Let's not forget that you, alongside Rick and his merry band of pricks, took out over thirty of my men! You can't be mad at me for killing two, one of which you chose! Oh and your sister, you told me she was dead!' he yelled.
I hated when he was right. I yelled back 'I was protecting my her!'.
He scoffed, 'so you don't trust me?'.
I threw my arms in the air and said 'would you trust me if the roles were reversed?!'.
'Darlin...' he whispered as he put Lucille down and reached his arms out to me which calmed me.
'I'm not mad at you. I am angry, at myself. Because as much as I want to blame you, for everything, it's all on me. And every minute of every day that we spend together, is another where I feel guilty because the people that I love are suffering because of you, but I lov-' I stopped myself, but he knew what I was about to say.
His eyes looked as though they were on fire, amber highlights swirling through dark space.
He lingered on every word and as soon as I stopped myself from saying too much he didn't smirk or shoot me a mocking or pitying gaze, he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and pulled me into a gentle kiss.
This time it was meaningful. It wasn't about lust or longing, it was about two people that cared so incredibly deeply for each other and just wanted to comfort each other in that moment and feel so connected that they felt like one.
I pulled away and whispered 'this doesn't mean I forgive you'.
He nodded and said sweetly 'I know. I know that I hurt you, but I promise I'll make it right'.
He placed one last kiss on my lips before he pulled away. Looking up at me, he smiled as his hands traced the curve of my back.
'I have to go, but meet me tonight at 7:00pm, my room' he whispered smirking as his lips were centimetres away from mine.
I sighed but nodded.
He smirked at me before picking up Lucille and sauntered off, whistling happily with a hop in his step, every once in a while turning round to look back at me.
I smiled back at him before I carried on down the stairs to go outside.
Little did I know then that Simon had been watching us the entire time, and had been doing so for weeks now.
Ever since I had made suggestions in the last meeting, he saw me as a threat. He wouldn't have minded if I was one of Negan's wives or a regular Saviour, but I represented the unknown for him.
Negan couldn't place me, so neither could he and therefore I threatened his position as Negan's second in command which was already made precarious by his public challenge of Negan in the meeting.
He hated me and would all the while be predicting my demise.
Several hours went by after Negan and I had somewhat reconciled. I had helped to plant some new crops, taken the food inventory and now was moving boxes of meals into the canteen.
I was just minding my own business when a couple of Saviours were sitting talking at a table as I walked by.
They spoke in hushed tones as I walked past but I could still hear what they were saying.
'I know, how could he do that to us? We needed that food. We better get some from Hilltop or that asshole Gregory's gonna get it' he whispered while he sharpened his knife.
They were talking about Alexandria, about Rick. Had Negan been going easy on them after our argument? I smirked slightly while I unloaded the boxes.
The Saviours all looked at me as I walked out, each of them nodding to me as I went past. That was weird, like they actually had respect for me or something.
I looked up at the clock in the corridor. Ah shit it was 7:05pm.
I hurried back to my room and changed into less dusty and worn clothing, choosing tight black jeans and a black tank top with my leather jacket. I took my hair down and fluffed it up a little, I looked like a damn badass in my all black ensemble.
Negan hated when people were late so I jogged down the hall to his room, catching my breath at the door before knocking.
He swung the door open, he looked relaxed and fairly happy despite what the Saviours must have been saying about him.
'Began to think you weren't coming doll' he said smirking.
'Well, you would have waited for me anyway' I said smirking back and waltzing into his room.
'Can I ask you something?' I said hesitantly as I shrugged off my jacket.
'Sure darlin' he said as he went over to sit down.
'Did something happen with my group?' I asked softly.
'What?' he said, almost panicked.
'It's just that people have been talking about the food situation' I said worriedly.
He relaxed now. 'Oh, that shit. Well, I thought I'd lay off Rick for a few weeks, give em time to get us some really good shit' he said while he fixed us some drinks.
I was so happy that he did that for me. I couldn't help it, I bounded over to him and turned him round to face me before I wrapped my arms around his neck.
'Did you do that, for me?' I asked sweetly.
'What do you think doll?' he replied sarcastically.
'Thank you' I whispered against his lips as he smiled.
'You're welcome darlin' he said smiling.
I just smiled wider as I pressed my lips against his.
He growled softly as I pressed my lips further into his, his hand wrapped gently around my neck as he attempted to dominate the kiss.
His other hand wandered down my ribcage before landing on my hip bone which he pressed against firmly as my hands stroked his torso playfully.
As soon as my fingers caressed the hem of his t shirt I lifted it slowly over his head and pressed my body closer to his, he groaned at the amount of layers still covering us, mainly me.
His fingers traced down my arms, skimming lightly over my breasts as he did so. A wave of electricity flowed through me just at the lightest of his touch.
He kissed me gently as he fingered the hem of my shirt, drawing circles with his thumb on my skin underneath.
His hands drifted under my shirt stroking gently up my naked torso, stopping just below my bra line.
I moaned softly at his touch making him chuckle slightly. 'You want more doll?' he whispered, I just responded with a whimper.
At seeing the effect he was having on me, he smirked and kissed gently across my cheek to my ear, nibbling and sucking my lobe as his hand grazed teasingly around the edges of my bra.
A wetness was starting to pool inside of me just as his hand finally grasped my breast, rubbing his thumb over my nipple over the cup.
I couldn't take it anymore. I yanked my shirt over my head and started to kiss him much more needfully now.
He smirked as I deepened the kiss, but seeing it as a strive for dominance, he spun me around and wrapped his arms around my waist as he started to kiss along my shoulders.
He delicately moved my hair aside as he kissed along my neck. Even though he couldn't see my facial expressions, he knew exactly what he was doing to me, knowing exactly where my sweet spot was.
As he did this, his hands trickled up my back once more and undid the clasp on my bra and pushed it down over my shoulders.
The cool air which touched my now exposed nipples mixed with his warm breath on my neck in between gentle kisses was enough to send a ripple of heat to course through my veins.
His warm hands now moved over my shoulders, massaging them gently as he did so, and travelled down to my breasts.
He lightly skimmed over them, brushing against my nipple teasingly before he cupped my breasts with both hands and pulled me backwards into him until I could feel his warm torso against my back.
My eyes closed lightly and I bit down lightly on my bottom lip as he massaged me gently.
He chuckled softly as his hands drifted down over my stomach, stopping at the waistband of my jeans.
'Uh uh' I mumbled. It was his turn now.
I pulled myself off of him and turned around to face him as his face started to form a frown. He was about to say something before I rendered him speechless by touching lightly against the buttons of my jeans.
I turned back around and undid the zip, pulling them down excruciatingly slowly, revealing my black laced underwear underneath.
He was speechless and I heard a low growl escape from his lips as my ass was now in full view.
I turned back around sweetly and glided over to him, running my hands over his chest.
Just as he started to lower his head to kiss me, I lowered myself to my knees and kissed down to his naval as I did so.
As I undid his belt buckle, his eyes darkened as a smirk sprung across his face.
He moaned softly as I felt against the bulge in his jeans, lightly touching my lips against the area as I undid his zipper.
His eyes were fixed on me as he stroked my arm while I pulled down his pants slowly.
As soon as I got them down around his ankles, his impressive member sprung up and rested against his torso. He was hard already.
My eyes widened as I saw the length of him, and just to tease him more I left light kisses up his thighs, each time edging closer to his shaft.
His smirk had now disappeared and his mouth was parted slightly as he breathed heavily in anticipation.
I smirked at the effect I was having on him, feeling satisfied that now I had the upper hand...literally.
I wrapped one hand around his length and began to pump back and forth slowly as I kissed him gently on the tip.
Swirling my tongue around the tip as I pumped him and licking along the length of him made him tilt back his head and let out a less controlled moan than before.
'Fuck', escaped his mouth as I started to take the full length of him in my mouth. His eyes were tightly shut and his mouth parted slightly as he was in my full control.
His eyes were tightly shut and his mouth parted slightly as he was in my full control. Just as a smile grew across my face, he looked back down at me and pulled me back up towards him.
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist as he lustfully pushed his lips against mine.
He walked over to the bed and rested me down gently as he hovered over me. Leaning down, he left kisses along my body, nibbling and sucking against my nipples teasingly before moving down towards my navel.
His hands rubbed against my inner thighs as his kisses got closer and closer.
Suddenly, one hand rested on my mound as his other grazed over my folds.
I grasped at the sheets in reaction and my head flung back onto the mattress at the touch of him.
He smirked as his fingers danced over my entrance.
I was glistening already. 'God you're so fucking wet already darlin' he growled.
At this he readied two fingers at my entrance while his other hand glided downward over my clit.
I let out a soft gasp as he massaged circles with his thumb over my clit and plunged his fingers inside of me.
'Mmm' escaped my lips as my body riled and contorted with his every touch. Heat rose to my face as a rush of warmth and electricity flooded my body.
He chuckled against my thigh at my reaction and he knew then that I wanted more. I needed more.
He released his hands from me and edged his mouth closer to my entrance. Just the feel of his hot breath against me sent tingles up my spine.
'Tell me what you want darlin' he said softly, as his beard grazed my skin.
My head rocked to the side as my eyes opened to look at his dark orbs, 'I wanna feel your tongue inside of me' I whispered seductively.
He edged closer, his lips over my clit, 'you want me or you need me?' he whispered teasingly.
'Fuck, I need you Negan! I need you!' I expressed breathlessly.
At this his lips came crashing down to my clit as his tongue swirled and flicked around it, rolling his tongue back and forth along my folds.
I moaned loudly as he picked up the pace. Negan sensed that I was coming close and straddled me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him down into a passionate kiss.
I felt his length against my entrance which made me dampen with anticipation.
He pushed slowly inside of me and at the size of him I gasped audibly and wrapped my arms around him tighter.
He picked up the pace as my walls began to accommodate his size.
His eyes remained fixed upon mine as waves of pleasure rolled through both of us, and his hands rested either side of my head, gently caressing my hair with every movement.
I wrapped my legs around his hips tighter to bring him further into me which made us both quiver with satisfaction.
I could tell Negan was coming close as his eyes shut tightly and he pressed his forehead against mine so we were connected as one.
'Fuck i'm gonna cum' he growled.
This sent me over the edge as a final wave of pleasure rushed through my veins.
'Me too' I said breathlessly.
Negan moaned and grunted loudly as he came inside of me.
My eyes slowly opened as he pressed a deep kiss against my lips and stroked my hair.
My eyes locked on his, I couldn't help but smile at him. He was still serious like a thousand thoughts were running through his mind. He hesitated for a moment before he looked at me with that rare meaningful look where it was like he was nervous but also never more certain of anything in his life.
'I love you Molly' he said softly as he wrapped his arms around me.
I looked at him for a moment, almost in disbelief and shock. He loves me. HE LOVES ME. HE. LOVES. ME.
I ran my fingers through his hair before cupping his cheek and rubbing it gently.
'I love you too' I whispered against his lips before I pressed a gentle kiss against them.
He smiled down at me before he rolled over and opened his arms to cuddle me.
I smiled back as I nestled into his warm comforting arms and he pulled up the covers over us.
Our bodies intertwined, my head buried in his chest as he held me against him, everything was perfect. He was perfect.
At that we drifted off to sleep in each others arms and for the first time in my life, I felt safe.
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The Marks of Running Ink pt.59
The Walking Dead [Soulmate AU]
Pairing: Negan x Tory Miller (ofc)
Summary: History had never been wrong about the lengths human beings would go for survival, for pride, for love… Tory Miller never thought she would see it unfold with her own eyes, not after the end of an era, but she could understand. Now, their war was being fought in all fronts. Negan’s was for pride, Rick’s was for survival, both of them were unstoppable forces. And her war? Tory’s war was for love.  
Warnings: SLOW BURN, angst, swearing, death, violence, fluff, hurt/comfort, child endangerment, general trauma, drama, mentions of infidelity and polygamy, general lack or morals, mentions of nudity, graphic sexual scenes (nsfw), mentions of blood, apocalyptic world. As always, I don’t want to give the story away in the tags, read at your own risk.
Author’s note: I know this is SOOOO LATE! I’m sorry. I’m still into the weekly deadline thing, though. I wanted to give you this update sooner, but my silly head wouldn’t cooperate. As I promised, this is a double update, so at the end of this chapter you’ll find a link to the next! Please tell me what you think of the chapter and be on the lookout for the next installment soon! (tag list is open)  
Part 58 • Masterlist
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• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •   • • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
The Sanctuary
Tory rediscovered her capacity for gratefulness.
She didn’t know how long it took; cells didn’t come with clocks, unfortunately, but if felt like the longest time of her life.
It turned out to be time enough to make her think about her whole life, with no distraction from the outside world whatsoever. A cup of water and something barely edible being delivered twice a day wasn’t enough to get her out of the hole she had dug herself in.
“You sure know how to set a good mood, T.”
Tory blinked in the dark, unable to distinguish any form.
She was alone.
It was awful, having to remind herself of that tidbit of information.
“You’re dead, Spencer.” She muttered.
“Sure, I’m dead, and whose fault is that?” he asked.
“Yours.” Tory snapped. The voice she had identified as Spencer’s chuckled.
“Yeah. I put myself there. Henry is better at this.” He admitted.
“At what?” Tory asked, humoring the voice inside her cell.  Did crazy people know they were crazy? She had never thought about asking anyone that and now she felt insecure about it.
“Guilt tripping you.” Spencer’s voice vanished and Tory smiled.
The silence could have stretched for hours or a few minutes, Tory wasn’t sure, before she heard another voice in the dark.
“If you think he’s mad at you, you’re right.”
Tears came unbidden to her eyes and Tory bit hard on her lip to strangle the sobs in her throat. She hadn’t heard that voice in years.
Ten long years.
“Crying can only take you so far, baby.”
“I’m so sorry, mom.” The brunette sobbed.
“I know, baby. I would hug you…”
Tory shook her head, letting the tears flow, hiccupping sobs as she hugged herself instead.
“I know you were expecting Henry to talk to you, but I guess he’s had it with you. Mentioned something about missing chances.” Her mother’s voice was warm and comforting, and she didn’t seem to be that worried about her situation. “He loved you so much. We all do.”
Tory opened her mouth to tell Erin how much she loved her, but only sobs came out.
“Now, I’ve seen you do the silliest things for years, Victoria Jones.” Erin said, sounding admonishing as she spoke. “Ten years I’ve seen you stumble and fall, and you have fallen so many times.”
Tory nodded in the dark, closing her eyes.
“But I didn’t come to remind you of that, baby. You’re strong and if you’re sorry, you have to make up for it, okay?” Erin’s voice was starting to fade. “Make sure you mean it, Victoria.”
Tory opened her mouth to protest when the door was opened with a bang and the light blinded her.
Time was up.
• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
Vera was looking down and shaking her head.
“Tory will hate it.” She murmured. Vivienne stayed in silence, weighing the younger women. “She won’t accept it.”
“Yeah, she might hate it, but it’s a way to keep her safe, and I’m not being impulsive about this, Vera.” Martha countered. “I’ve given it some good thought.”
With a long, suffering sigh, Vera passed a hand through her hair.
“Okay, so, I guess you have a plan?”
Martha nodded.
“This is what we’ll do.”
• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
The records of the infirmary inventory felt heavy in Vera’s hands.
She didn’t feel comfortable about any of this. It was a whole different thing pushing Tory and Lucas to be together, after all she thought that they had chemistry. Their looks and disposition were similar, and their personalities, compatible.
However, pushing Negan to protect Tory was going to be another thing.
A completely different thing.
Vera knew her friend had some modicum of respect for the leader of their community, in the sense that he kept so many people alive for such a long time all the while staying in power at the same time. But Tory’s knowledge about Negan’s most distant past was something that played to her advantage and detriment at the same time. 
Tory knew too much.
Martha’s plan was easy enough. They were going to play Negan’s pride and goad him into action.
It was the reason why Vera convinced Harlan to let her deliver the infirmary records of the day to Negan.
“He is in a foul mood.” Arat’s voice distracted Vera as the woman gave her a dubious once over before explaining: “You tend to get on his nerves.”
Vera sighed and gave Arat a little nod.
“He is no sweet pie either.” Vera commented, feeling very uncompromising about the situation. Arat raised her eyebrows and opened the door for Vera, while she thought up a silent prayer to stay calm and collected.
The click of the door as Arat closed it behind her unnerved Vera and made her shiver.
“I was expecting the good doctor to come and glare at me for all of his stay.” Negan grumbled without looking at her. “This is both better and worse.”
“I need to talk to you, Negan.” Vera started, ignoring his correct assumption, as she was definitely glaring at his turned-down head.
The community leader simply gestured at the chair in front of him.
Vera pulled it and sat before giving him the record book.
“Is it true? Did you lock Tory in a cell for killing Tyler?” the slight tremble in her voice bothered the young woman, but she preferred to ignore it.
“I did. Better that then the fence, don’t you think?” Negan answered, pinching the bridge of his nose and finally lifting his face to find Vera’s stern expression.
“You better be freaking joking.” She hissed. “Don’t you have any respect for who she is?”
Something lit in Negan’s eyes and Vera had to suppress a satisfied grin.
“If she had any fucking respect for her own life, she wouldn’t have killed that stupid-dicking-shit!” he hissed back.
“Did you ask her why?” exasperation was clearly rising in Vera’s voice and she noticed Negan’s neck turning red.
“Of course I fucking asked!”
Vera sat back, one of her eyebrows rising with disdain. “If you asked her like this, I don’t think you got any answers.”
“Her damn knife was in Tyler’s eye socket.” Negan informed Vera, sitting back as well.
“Tyler deserved what he got. He actually deserved worse, and I’m glad Tory killed him.” Vera declared, her voice icy with determination and righteousness. “In fact, I think she was too soft, letting him die so fast.”
There was a long silence while Negan looked at Vera as if she had sprouted another head or a third eye.
“I just want Tory to be okay. We both know she won’t be for long.” The young woman deflated, looking down with such sadness it made Negan’s chest hurt with guilt.
“I can’t help her.” He said helplessly.
Vera scoffed as she stood up.
“Yes, you can, you just have to be creative!”
• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
Negan was walking through the courtyard of the Sanctuary watching everyone work, though his mind was inside the factory, down in the cells. 
He never noticed Vivienne approach him.
“You look like someone kicked your puppy.” The former-Doveporter said, almost making him jump out of his skin.
“No puppies to kick, Viv.” Negan groused, shifting Lucille from one hand to the other as he turned to his head-gardener.
“Yeah, just soulmates to get rid of.” Viv’s eyebrows and deadpan expression told Negan all he needed to know. She was angry at him.
“How did you even find out about that?” he asked, trying not to make it sound like he was whining.
“I’m not stupid, Negan.” Vivienne said, not looking at him as she took off her gloves and put them in her pocket carefully. “Victoria is an intelligent girl, but she can’t keep the secret alone.”
Negan rolled his eyes.
“Now she can.” It was a cruel thing to say, but with her in a cell, neither of them had to care for whatever he said and if that showed on her skin or not. Tory wasn’t talking to anyone, so he was not at risk.
“Oh, you didn’t just say that.” Vivienne turned her pale eyes on him and then shook her head in disappointment.
They walked in silence, making people wonder what they were actually doing. Vivienne waited until they were out of earshot to attack.
“Elle wouldn’t have done this, you know?” Viv started, a bit of gentleness coming back to her voice as she remembered the young leader of Doveport.
Negan was speechless.
“Elle would have tried to understand what Tory did and why she did. It did happen to her as well.”
And then Elle left and it had been hell.
“Well, she is not fucking here, Viv.” Negan said harshly, uncaring if he hurt Vivienne. “She’s dead.”
“You don’t have to remind me, Negan.” Viv whispered. She stopped and sighed, as if the world had been put on her shoulders suddenly. “I remember every day.”
They looked into each other’s eyes, the shared loss and unresolved anger mirrored in them.
“Victoria deserves better than what she’s been dealt with.” Negan didn’t notice the calculated look Vivienne gave him as she delivered her next phrase, her voice becoming cold and hard as she spoke. “It’s your responsibility to look after her. Having a soulmate is like making a promise. You have to be better for them.”
“Viv, I-” 
Vivienne interrupted him with a firm voice, that was almost like a warning. “Life rarely gives second chances, Negan. Let alone thirds.”
Negan stormed away without answering, and Vivienne smirked.
She knew that Elle would forgive her for manipulating Negan using her memory. She was a sweetheart like that. Feeling her mission was accomplished, she set to return to her greenhouse, but not without visiting the kitchens on her way back.
• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
Martha was reading -or pretending to read- an old magazine while Frankie and Tanya braided Amber’s hair in different styles while Cecelia played with one of the better decks of cards they had at their disposal.
The night had been calm so far, until Martha had received a note from Vera.
Vivienne and Vera had talked to Negan already, and apparently, he had been riled up enough to skip lunch and dinner altogether.
The wife hoped her plan had been successful, but she couldn’t be sure.
One magazine became two and time dragged slowly.
Now, everyone was playing poker with Cecelia, trading nail polish and lip gloss as currency while drinking one of the best bottles of wine from their wet bar. Giggles filled the parlor, with the eventual whistle or bragging. At some point, Tanya suggested they take off their clothes.
This was absurd in Martha’s opinion as they all wore dresses, except for Amber, who wore a top and skirt. The wives were going to wind up naked sooner rather than later. With a feeling that the night was going to be settled that way, Martha started to dose off on the couch. It seemed that she had been asleep for hours when the door of the parlor was thrown open, making Amber shriek in terror.
“Zip it, Amber.” Negan’s voice was low and menacing. He was angry, and his furious honey-colored eyes fell on Martha, making her shiver for the wrong set of reasons. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse me, I need Martha.”
Martha’s mouth fell open, but no sound was emitted and she nodded quite dumbly in her own opinion, but she lifted herself from the couch and walked to Negan as fast as she could.
“We got business to attend, don’t wait up.” Negan ordered.
“Yes, Negan.” A chorus answered as they left the opulent room.
Martha followed Negan to his room, watching him carefully and wishing she could read his mind and know what he was thinking. Once they were in his room, Negan sat on his coffee table, supporting his elbows on his knees and fixing his eyes in some undetermined spot on the carpet. Meanwhile, Martha waited awkwardly for him to tell her to sit.
“You put Vivienne and Mrs. Gelato up to making my day miserable, wife?” Negan asked, suddenly turning his eyes up to her, with an expression of self-assurance that made Martha’s temper flare.
So, she improvised.
“What? What are you talking about?” Martha asked, sounding indignant and vexed by his inquiring.
Negan’s incredulity shone through in his expression.
“Oh, so you mean to tell me you didn’t recruit them to talk to me, so I would be lenient to Victoria Miller?” he asked, sounding more arrogant by the second.
“I talked to Vera today because I wanted her to make some poppy seed gelato, so yes I went to the kitchen.” Martha lied. “Vivienne manages the gardens, where do you think we would get the flowers?”
To say Negan looked completely taken aback by her apparent shallow request was an understatement. Martha gave herself an imaginary pat on the back at how convincing she was.
“Bullshit.” He said, not smiling, and looking displeased with how easily his theory had fallen apart.
“Well, if you don’t believe me, you can ask them, husband.” Martha said indignantly, calling him by his ‘title’ as it would rattle him how distant she was behaving. “We both know I don’t lie to you.”
Negan narrowed his eyes and then looked away from Martha with a sigh. Passing a hand through his hair, he dropped his shoulders and then squared himself up again as he got to his feet.
“I believe you, angel-face.” He whispered, getting close to her and reaching to caress her face. “Come with me?” Negan asked, giving her his best ‘puppy-eyes’.
Damn, he was so handsome.
“Yes or no question, Martha.”
“Lead the way.”
Negan took her hand and once they left the room, one of Negan’s men followed them close.
Martha thought he was going to take her out of the Sanctuary, as they went all the way down to the workers floor, but Negan lead them to the commissary.
Once they were at the door, Negan left Martha with his guard and went in.
The awkward wait set Martha’s nerves on fire and she was about to knock on the door when Negan came out with a bag in his hand.
“Missed me?” he asked with a smirk.
“Not nearly as much as you think, handsome.” Martha giggled, feeling relieved. She wasn’t expecting gifts or apologies, she just wanted to know what he was planning.
Negan took the lead again and when they walked in the cell area, Martha felt her knees go slightly weak.
Had her plan worked?
• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
Negan left Martha in the entrance of the cell area.
He tried to ignore the hopeful expression in her face as she watched him walk away.
Whatever had been Martha’s intention, Negan didn’t think she was trying to undermine him. It seemed to him that his wife was trying to help him understand something.
Taking a deep breath, Negan walked with determined steps to the cell, hoping his argument would be heard. He really had an offer that would be difficult to reject.
He opened the door to find a startled, balled up Tory Miller.
She had fresh tear tracks on her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot as if she hadn’t slept in days.
She probably hadn’t.
“Surprised to see me?” Negan asked, trying to sound clever.
Tory blinked up at him. “Not really. If I’m honest.” She told him. Her voice sounded raspy, but he wasn’t surprised. The guard that had been minding her said she wouldn’t make a peep all day.
“Well, then, this is a business meeting, Gorgeous.” Negan started, trying to sound as gentle as he could.
“What business could we possibly have together?” Tory’s confusion was evident in her voice.
“Well, I want you to tell me why you killed Tyler.” 
She stiffened visibly at his words and Negan put his hand up in a peace gesture. “And we’ll make a deal to get you out of here. Think of it as bail.”
“Bail means I have to give something else…doesn’t it?”
Negan nodded and then sighed.
Tory turned her gaze away from him, her expression became pensive as she twirled with the idea in her mind.
“Why did you kill Tyler?” Negan asked.
“I didn’t plan to kill him, I just wanted to escape.” Tory stated. “He had me, I couldn’t fight him.” She lifted one of her hands to her neck, a little frown appeared in her brow. “I was going to let him do whatever he wanted.”
A wave of disgust rolled down Negan’s throat and his stomach became knots as the reality of that night dawned on him.
“Then he said he’d kill Lucas, like he’d killed Dad and I…I just saw red.”
“Stop, I get it.” The leader of the Saviors sighed and ran his hand over his graying beard. “I can’t get you out free, Victoria.”
“What does that mean?” she was looking at him, the frown still present, he hadn’t noticed Tory’s shivering, but he did now.
“I can’t get you back to Alexandria, unfortunately.” Negan informed her, not that she didn’t know. “And I can’t let you out in the Sanctuary as you were, because my people like to get even.”
Tory blinked, confused as she processed his words. Negan saw the exact moment in which she realized, her eyebrows shot up in surprise and a gasp left her throat.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Tory snapped, incredulity colored her tone as she shook her head slowly, watching the bag in his hand. “No. No, I can’t do it.”
“Do you want to stay in here for the foreseeable future?” Negan asked, feeling indignant at her second negative. “Simon can’t touch you that way.”
“What does he have to do with anything?” Tory hissed.
“I know my people, Gorgeous. The moment you got out of here to go live amongst the workers, he’ll have you gone under my fucking nose.” He paused a moment, as a new idea blossomed in his mind. “Even here, you’re not safe.”
His soulmate scoffed.
“So? I have always been an obstacle for you, why do you care now?” the young woman demanded.
“I made a promise about you. I’m not breaking it.” Negan confessed. “I gave my word.”
Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks as she understood.
Tory swallowed the sobs that wanted to get out.
She was trapped between a rock and a hard place, either she gave up her sanity in her tiny, dark cell, or she accepted Negan’s half-baked liberty bargain. It would be an insult to wonder if his word was worth something out loud. Negan seemed to think it did. Tory would be going from one cage to another.
But she would live.
And she wanted to live.
Tory was a survivor.
She had come back from death.
She had escaped it at fourteen, then at sixteen.
Tory had faced it up front at eighteen, and won.
Then again, many times in the short year since Rick Grimes’ group arrived to Alexandria.
Tory thought she had no reasons to live, but she did.
For her friends, for her family, for everyone who had protected her…even for Negan, who was offering her an olive branch.
And who was she to reject it?
Sniffling, Tory wiped her tears away and shut her eyes hard, offering a silent apology to her Grandfather as she did.
“What do you say, then?” Negan asked. Tory turned her eyes on him, he had stepped closer and was offering her his free hand.
Tory reached for his hand with hers. When his fingers closed around hers, an unfamiliar warmth surged through her marked arm.
“I’ll go with you.”
• • •    • • •     • • •     • • •    • • •    • • •     • • •     • • •
*Part 60*
• • •    • • •     • • •    
tag list: @i-am-negan-trash • @genevievedarcygranger • @acataiespy • @starbabysparkle • @dusty-cookie • @lilymdonaldson• @badsongwinchester • @rachel2494 • @beingsad-is-kindofrad • @jdmfanfiction • @alyisdead • @xagateophobiax • @naughtybellax • @disturbthepearls • @delaney-lol • @neganslittlebird • @christynjay • @overbaes • @sodanova • @ivanna6026 • @musicistobeheard-blog • @moveiwatcher20 • @pizzaisrelationshipgoals • @nycktmcginn •  @kawaiidemondesuchan • @collette04 • @negansbestgirl •  @slutforshane • @neganisking • @the-nuup • @moonypetyr • @rasax45 • @dolamrothianlady • @adreamemporium • @allymefp • @originalwinchestervamp • @fngrl-2187 • @jessiellong1987• @adayinmymeadow • @thewalkingkylo• @clementine-thx • @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked • @maliadestiny • @daisysouthmoore • @reneeisnotsane • @xrosegoldwolfx • @divadinag • @jellybean557-blog • @haleyea • @jdm-is-dad • @scifi-bi • @all-by-myself98 • @negansdirtygirl22 • @bibailey • @leninjamus • @negans-network • • •
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jodiereedus22 · 7 years
A/N: When you get Daryl back from Negan but make a big mistake, you have to suffer the consequences.
Daryl x Reader
Words: 2650
Trigger Warning: Angst, Torture.
The reign of Negan was the worst time that we have ever seen, more so than the Governor, Terminus, The Wolves. All those threats we handled, but Negan, Negan was something else.
We were, in a sense, defeated. We had lost so many people to this one man. Abraham, Glenn, Denise, Olivia, Spencer, Sasha and more. The only consolation that I had was Daryl, but he had taken him away from me too. Without Daryl by my side, I felt like I had nothing. Like I was a ghost, floating around with no meaning or purpose.
Ever since the threat of hurting Daryl if we didn’t do our jobs, I had done everything I could to keep him safe from my end. Going on runs, finding whatever they needed, being as accommodating as I could.
Negan had always like that about me, I get shit done. But I was only doing it for Daryl.
One morning Negan and his men arrived in Alexandria to collect their stuff and as always, he brought Daryl to taunt all of us. Knowing he was there but not being about to look at him nor speak to him. Depending on his mood Negan would either address Rick or me. And this day he wanted to do business with me.
“Well hello darlin’,” Negan said in his loud booming voice. “I hope you’ve got a lot of shit for me”
And with that, he pointed Lucille towards the direction he knew the stock room was, and I led to it. Looking in my peripheral vision I could see Daryl without Negan knowing.
As we walked into the stock room Negan’s voice pulled me out of my trance.
“Holy shit,” he said looking back at me, “this is a lot of stuff. You know, I knew you’d come through for me [Y/N].” he said as he leaned in a put a hand on my shoulder.
“Come [Y/N], we’ve got some more business to attend.”
He gestured for me to go first as I lead the way into the main square. Confused as to what was going on, there wasn’t any more business, other than Negan collecting his stuff, that I was aware of.
“Now you’re all probably wondering, what other business could I possibly have?”
Although he has his loud speech voice on, he was directing this speech at me, he just wanted everyone else to hear.
“Well you see, thanks to [Y/N] here, I am very happy with how our partnership is going. You’re getting good shit for me and no one has had to die. And for that I want to reward you, well really reward [Y/N]. I know she’s been the one to keep everyone on track and that kind of loyalty always gets rewarded. So, with that said, here…”
He stepped out of the way as I followed his line of sight and it was on Daryl. Both Daryl and I looked confused not really knowing what Negan meant.
“Your reward [Y/N], is Daryl. I am allowing him to stay, might I add at a big personal loss to me, but, you have earned it.”
With that he leaned into my face, so close I feel his breath on my ear as he whispered to me.
“Don’t make me regret this [Y/N] because I can take him back anytime I choose”
His words sending shivers down my spine. I jumped when he put his loud speaking voice back on.
“Well then boys, load up my shit.”
As Negan and his men spread out around Alexandria to collect their things and demanding that the people of Alexandria help, I was left standing 100 yards from Daryl, staring at each other, not knowing what to do.
It suddenly went deathly quiet, the only sound I could hear was my heartbeat and the sound of my breathing. We didn’t know if this was a trick, something to catch us out. Maybe Negan was watching, seeing what we would do. We didn’t want to put each other at risk. But with everything that has already happened we needed each other.
I started to walk towards Daryl, as soon as he saw me move, he started to walk too. As we got closer to each other, we froze. We hadn’t been this close to each other in what felt like a lifetime. Both thinking the same thing we wrapped our arms around each other, remembering how the other felt, the warmth, the comfort, the love. We stayed like that for what felt like an eternity and I didn’t want it to end.
We pulled away from each other to look into each other’s eyes. There was so much hurt I Daryl’s eyes, so much guilt and it killed me to see him like that. Still desiring to be close to him we rested our foreheads on each other’s and closed our eyes. Never needing to say a word to each other.
The world seemed to come back into the view then, the sounds of hustle and bustle around started to get louder, and I was back into reality. Negan’s men were loading up the trucks. When one decided to pay me and Daryl a visit.
“You’re lucky,” he said to no one in particular.
“If it was me I would have left you in that in that cell to rot” now knowing he was referring to Daryl.
I couldn’t help what I did, I had just got Daryl back, I didn’t know the extent in which they tortured him. All I know was that he was here now, and I was going to defend him. Without thought, before Daryl could do anything, I lunged myself forward and punched the man straight in the face, surely breaking his nose. The loud shouts of him echoed through Alexandria. A crowd had formed, and out of the crowd, Negan appeared with a terrifying look on his face.
Negan looked at me with a look that could freeze the blood in my veins. As he started to walk towards both me and Daryl he gave a slight nod to some of his men who then apprehended Daryl. I hadn’t thought about the consequences of what I had done, now I was terrified that Daryl would pay the price.
Standing in front of me he said something to me, which made me think that this was the end.
“Kneel,” he said in a calm but authoritative tone.
I did as he said, not wanting to make the situation any worse than it already was. I lowered myself onto the floor in front of him ready to take my punishment. I could hear the people around me whisper to each other, I could hear Daryl struggling against the men that were one him. The only thing I could think about was how I messed this up so much. I had just got Daryl back, now not only am I going to lose him, he’s going to lose me.
“This is so disappointing,” he said in a monotone voice.
As he raised Lucille, and people started to gasp and cry. Negan stopped mid-swing. He let out a massive yell and started pacing.
“Now you have seen what you’ve done?” Negan shouted at me, although I had no idea what he was talking about.
“If I kill you, I am gonna lose a lot more than your life. You’re too good to die. So, I’m not going to kill you… but, you will be punished and severely.
This was new territory for everyone, the first time someone steps out of line and he doesn’t kill them, although it was a good thing I wasn’t going to die, I knew the punishment will he horrific.
“Set up two posts” he ordered his men.
They grabbed two long posts and started putting them in the ground. On each one, they tied some rope with some hanging down.
Negan grabbed me by the back of my shirt and dragged me over to the two posts where two men proceeded to tie my hands with the rope on either wrist.
As they are doing this Negan is giving another one of his speeches.
“Now, don’t for a second think, that because I am not killing [Y/N] that you are all safe, I will kill anyone of you. But when you become as indispensable as [Y/N] death isn’t an option. You still work for me. The first two I killed was a lesson to all of you, a demonstration of what I could do. If I killed [Y/N], who would take her place huh? Looking around at all you sorry pricks, none of you have the balls to go all out. This situation is a one-time thing, no one else will have mercy. [Y/N] should feel lucky.”
With that, he looked at me although I couldn’t see him, as my back was to him and all of my people. But I could hear him.
Negan then walked towards me and stood in front of me, so no one else could see him other than me.
“This is such a shame [Y/N]. I thought you would be better than this, now I have to punish you and believe me I don’t want to. But you knew the rules and you broke them.”
I just stared at him, I knew Negan, I didn’t believe this bullshit of not wanting to punish me, its how he gets off, using his power to subdue people.
“Dwighty boy, bring it to me!” Negan yelled to his lackey.
Dwight walked over with something in his hand that nobody could see, and when he placed in Negan’s hand I saw what it was, as it sent shivers down my spine. It was a whip.
As he walked around so he was behind me, that’s when I knew everyone knew what was about to happen by all of their gasping.
“Don’t!” Daryl yelled, “punish me, I can take it, just not her!”
“Sorry Daryl, she committed the crime it has to be her punishment and hers alone, but don’t worry you can watch”
Those words, Negan’s always managed to make a punishment for one person into someone else’s punishment too.
“Dwighty boy?” he called Dwight over and handed him a knife. Without saying a word Negan nodded to me and Dwight knew what he had to do.
I suddenly felt a cool breeze on my back as Dwight had cut my shirt, so my bare back was exposed.
“I think five lashes will do it” Negan announced so everyone could hear.
I braced myself for what I knew would be the most painful experience of my life. But I would not scream, I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of that.
It proved harder than I imagined, not screaming. The pain, it was like you had a band-aid made of your own flesh and someone ripped it off, exposing the sensitive flesh and nerves underneath.
“1” Negan counted.
I thought maybe the pain would be lessened with each strike, but I was very wrong. Each time he strikes, it hit a wound he had already inflicted, make the wound even deeper.
Every lash, I could hear people gasping and crying. I could hear shuffling, I could only assume it was Daryl trying to break free.
The last strike, I broke the promise to myself, the pain was unbearable that my body betrayed me and let out a spine-tingling scream of pain. My vision started to go blurry. My legs were weak. I could barely stand, the only thing keeping me up was the rope my wrists were tied to.
“5” Negan said in an almost relieved tone.
As Dwight went to walk over to me to cut me down Negan interjected very quickly.
“Nope! Leave her there for an hour. No-one goes near her!” he said purposely at Daryl.
My punishment wasn’t over yet. Not that I mattered now anyway, I was barely conscious, the only thing I could feel was the pain.
During the hour I drifted in and out of consciousness. I didn’t really know what was going on around me, all I could see was the ground under my feet and the blood that was now dripping onto the floor. I could feel the top of my trousers were soaked with my blood. If an infection didn’t get me, the blood loss will.
The hour was clearly up, two men walked up and simultaneously cut the ropes holding me up, causing me to fall straight to the floor, letting out a groan of pain. As my body moved I could feel each slash on my back.
Daryl tried to make a run for me, but Negan stood in his path, stopping him.
“Right, I’ll be back in a weeks’ time! And I want the same amount of shit as I had today. With [Y/N] out of action,” he said looking my way, at my hunched-up bleeding body.
“I expect you all to stand up and, make an effort. Because if I don’t have the same amount of shit, someone is going to die!”
Before he walked out of Daryl's way Negan stared him down, almost daring him to do something. But Daryl was smarter than that.
Negan drove off with his men and his stuff, and it seemed like the whole community froze. Except for Daryl who ran to my side. He sat on the floor by my head and lent down, not knowing what to do with me. I knew that moving was going to be as painful as the lashes themselves, but it had to be done.
I nodded to Daryl knowing he was scared to move me.
“You sure?” he asked, not wanting to hurt me.
But I was slipping into darkness and I couldn’t find words and as my eyes started to close I could feel the pain of Daryl lifting me up and carrying me to the infirmary.
On the way there, I managed to open my eyes to look at Daryl as he laid me on my front on the bed.
“I have to clean her back,” the doctor said as he reached for some saline solution.
“This is going to sting.”
He poured a little of the solution on my back and all I could do was scream, tears falling down my cheeks, writhing trying to get away, I didn’t want to feel that pain again.
“Daryl, hold her shoulders, Rick, hold her legs, we need to keep her steady.”
As everyone got into their positions, Daryl knelt down, so he was eye level with me. Looking deep into my eyes.
“Just look at me [Y/N], you’re going to be okay!”
Just as he said this more of the liquid was poured on my back.
“Make it stop, please, make him stop” I begged Daryl.
I could see the pain in his eyes, at the same time I knew the doctor couldn’t stop what he was doing. the more liquid that got poured on the heavier my eyes felt. With another dose, I fell into blackness.
I didn’t know how long I was out for, but when I eventually woke up, the pain had slightly subsided, my back was bandaged up, and Daryl was by my side.
“I’m sorry,” Daryl said feeling guilt for what had happened.
“It's not on you, Daryl, I would do it again for you!”
I knew he would never want me to go through that again for him, but I would, because he was my home, my safe place and I would do anything for him.
I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it as he put his hand on top of mine. He kept my hand in his, as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep, as I knew he would be there when I woke up.
If anyone wants to me tagged let me know, and if anyone wants to request anything i’ll try and give it a go. xxxx
Tags; @dragongirl420 @addiction-survivor25 @bluesfortheredj @viraloutbreakcontrol @shutupimtryin2write @crossbowking @nothingevertrulyends
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The New World - Part 14 The Final Chapter
A/N: This is it! The final part of this series. Thank you to everyone who has gone along this journey. It’s honestly the biggest project I’ve ever tried and while it wasn’t perfect, I loved writing it and I am genuinely sad to see it end.
Daryl Dixon x Reader, Maggie Rhee x reader, Rick Grimes x Reader
Warnings: Language, Canon-divergence, Fluff
Words: 4570
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
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“Deep breaths, ok?” Maggie smiled and smoothed the back of your dress while you turned your hips trying to see it from all angles.
“Are you sure, Mags? I feel like this is too much,” you whined, running your hands down the lacy bodice of the dress. The generous v-neck bust line offered enough view of your ample cleavage that you knew Daryl would like it just fine. But as your fingers ran down towards the flowing silk of the skirt, you felt self-conscious at the thought of wearing something so formal.
“No! It’s perfect. I am the damn maid-of-honor so shut it and listen to me now,” she reprimanded as she knelt down to fidget with the hem.
Standing with a groan as her knees cracked, she rested her hands on her swollen belly and sighed. “A large maid-of-honor, but still… I’m in charge of this here weddin’ and you’re going to look beautiful, in this dress.”
“Alright, alright, I give! I am not going to argue with my very pregnant best friend. I will wear this dress tomorrow and everything will be perfect,” you laughed, backing away from Maggie in feigned fear.
“Good girl, now turn around so I can get it off before one of the little monsters run in and spills somethin’ on it. Or worse, before he gets home and sees you in it.” Maggie motion for you to spin around and you did as commanded.
“Mags, Glenn is going to make sure he—”
“He’s got it under control hun, I promise. Glenn’s gonna make sure he’s got somethin’ nice to wear and that he shows up without any squirrel guts splattered on his shirt.”
“Shut up,” you laughed but were secretly grateful for Glenn’s handling of Daryl throughout the entire planning process for the wedding. “Where are the kids anyway? It’s far too quiet….”
“Carol took ‘em over to the lake, Shel and Hershel wanted to go fishin’,” Maggie said as she slipped the cream-colored dress from your shoulders and helped you shimmy out of it.
“Oh good, so I have time to run a quick errand,” you mumbled to yourself. Lost in thought you didn’t see the look Maggie was giving you at first. When you finally caught her gaze, you felt your cheeks tinge pink and suddenly felt self-conscious. “What?”
“What errand?” she asked with a raised brow. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna go see her.”
“Maggie, I have too.”
“No, Y/N, you don’t,” she said gently taking your hand in hers. “For the last six months, anytime you’ve seen her you haven’t handled it well. Just let it be. She’s gonna be—”
Squeezing her hand lightly before taking yours from hers, you smiled. “I know, that’s why I need to see her.”
“I think you’re crazy,” she said shaking her head while carefully putting the dress back in the garment bag. “But, I guess I get it. Just be careful, okay? Daryl would kill me if I let any drama unfold the day before you guys finally get married.”
“I promise, in and out. I just have to see her before I can finally and completely move on.”
“Alright, well, go do what you gotta. Carol’s got the kids for another hour or so,” Maggie smiled, but you could see the worry behind it.
After giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, you headed for the door with a spring in your step.
Approaching the cell gate, a mixed feeling of nerves and excitement began to swirl in your stomach. With each passing week since it happened, the knowledge that Rosita sat in the cell, while slowly growing the spawn of Negan continued to unsettle you. Even though he was dead, you and several others, couldn’t shake the feeling that she would be the one to cause more trouble.
The debate on what to do with Rosita had been a frequent topic of discussion over the past six months, with everyone having a different idea of what to do with her and the baby. Finally, a conclusion was reached between the community leaders and their councils. Today was the day you were going to tell her.
Just as you were about to unlock the door, the presence of someone behind you caused you to jump. Rick was standing behind you, hands on his hips, head slightly tilted to the side.
“And what do you think you’re doin’?” he asked, his eyes narrowed at you, yet a smile played on his lips.
“Just paying the prisoner a little visit,” you said and returned his smile.
“Y/N, we talked about this. Given the circumstances and all, I don’t think you goin’ to see her is a great idea.”
Taking a step closer to Rick, you gave a cursory glance around to see if you were alone. “It’s been six months Rick, and we’ve never talked about it. Tomorrow, we start the next phase of our lives here, right? If you think I am going to do that without some sort of resolution to this…”
“Look, I get it, alright? I just don’t think laying it out for her right now—”
“Rick. Please. I’m going in there.”
“What are you going to tell her?” he asked not without a bit of concern.
You just shrugged and gave him a knowing look. Rick snorted a nervous laugh and sighed.
“Do what you gotta,” the Sheriff said before starting to turn away. “Just… be careful.”
“Always,” you smiled and left him standing alone outside while you ventured in to deal with Rosita.
Despite the bright sunny skies outside, the one lone cell window only offered enough natural light to be able to see the immediate surroundings. It was cool and dark beyond the cell bars, and a very solemn Rosita was stood in the same corner that Negan used to favor.
Her dark eyes flickered up to your face and an audible groan escaped her lips.
“Fuck,” she whispered upon seeing the smile that was spread across your lips. “What do you want?”
“I am here to deliver the news of your fate,” you said, feeling the smile grow bigger on your lips.
“Oh, really? And where do you idiots think I am going with him? He’s barely a week old,” she said motioning towards the bassinet in the corner.
“You? Oh, you are getting exiled from the communities. There’s no way you can live here with us and we certainly don’t want to waste resources on you. Besides, it’s not like you wanted to be here anyway, right? Isn’t that why you took his side? As for the baby, he can stay here for now. I’d never send an innocent child into the world the way it is. He won’t live here mind you, but both Hilltop or the Kingdom has plenty of childless families willing to raise him,” you replied as your hands began to wrap around the bars.
“However, if you think we are going to let you stay here and raise him, you are sadly mistaken. If you think I could continue to raise my family here with you around, knowing what you are capable of…”
“Fuck you! You aren’t taking my baby away,” she hissed, storming the bars and coming within an inch of your face. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
A burning desire to knock the bitch on her ass swelled, but you knew you couldn’t do that if you expected everything to work on the way you wanted. Licking your lips, you allowed yourself a moment to find some willpower and take a small step back from the bars.
“Me? Oh, I’m no one, Rosita. I’m just the messenger. Did I push for this? Sure, I did… but ultimately this wasn’t my decision…”
“It was all of ours,” Rick’s voice spoke up behind you. “Rosita, you’ll be taken out tomorrow morning, given supplies and released. If you fight us, we will just execute you.”
“What happened to you? To you both?” she asked, a look of horror written on her face.
“Just following your lead darlin’,” you said with a sigh. “You, Spencer, Negan… you all started this. Me, Rick and the others… we’re just finishing it.”
With a slight shrug, you turned to leave and caught Rick’s gaze. You knew he was silently warning you to stay the course, and not take it any further, but the urge to turn and tell her the rest of it was overwhelming.
“Tomorrow,” he whispered, “we finish it tomorrow.” The slight nod of his head stamped down the desire to further wreck Rosita’s day.
“Fine,” you sighed and turned back to her. “Enjoy your last night here, Rosita.”
You were finally ready to leave, but the woman couldn’t keep her mouth shut. A string of expletives in Spanish poured from her mouth making you pause in the entryway. You could hear a groan from Rick when you spun back around to face her, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose knowing you weren’t going to be able to hold back now.
“Call me all the names you want you little bitch. In fact, let me add one more on there, alright? Murderer…”
Her eyes grew wide and a confused expression screwed up her face. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means, the night that Daryl beat Negan nearly to death? It wasn’t the blows that killed him. In fact, when I went to see Denise that night, Negan was coming around. Now that I think about it, I believe he was nearly fully conscious when I told him to enjoy Hell and slipped the blade into his temple, isn’t that right Rick?”
You could hear the Sheriff sigh behind you and mumble in agreement.
“You… you did it? You killed him?!” Rosita’s face contorted into something you’d never seen before, giving you an immense feeling of satisfaction.
“I did. It was so easy too. That knife just slid right in… like cutting a piece of warm butter,” you purred, your eyes scanning over the devastation written on her face. “Did you really think Daryl did it? C’mon, I mean, he could have beat him to death, sure. But he didn’t. Unconscious, sure, but to death… for all he’s capable of, he’s not capable of that. Me, however, I am definitely capable.”
“Y/N, I think maybe that’s enough,” Rick said, laying a handle gently on your shoulder.
“Just a minute, Rick,” you said and offered him a kind smile. Turning back to Rosita, you saw that she’d taken a few steps back from the bar, her eyes still fixed on you.
“Remember back at Hilltop, when you accused me of not having lost anything? Hmmm? You were angry with me because you said I’d not suffered like you? You couldn't have been more wrong. I killed my first husband, Rosita. After I watched both of my little boys die in front of me. I had to put them both down while he was passed out drunk in the chair. I took a shotgun and I killed him while he slept. If you think for a second that I felt one bit of remorse for what I did to Negan, I sorta feel sorry for you. And, if you think I will feel one ounce of it for knowing you’re out there without your child, well, once again, that’s just fucking sad.”
Finally deciding you were done with her, you turned to leave the cell. Without looking back, you left her with a few more parting words, while flipping her off over your shoulder.
“Welcome to the new world, sweetheart.”
The next day dawned without a cloud in the sky. Your eyes opened, and you rolled over to feel the empty space where Daryl should have been. Disappointed, you sat up in bed only to see a bouquet of daisies and a note on the table beside you.
          “took the kids fishing… see you at the thing
                                  xo – D”
“Fishing, today? Really?” you snorted a laugh and grabbed the bouquet of flowers he left you, lightly brushing your fingers along the white silky petals.
In just a few hours, you would be standing out at the gazebo with Daryl as Gabriel officially made you husband and wife. Even though you had lived for so many years thinking of yourself as his wife, the ceremony and party planned caused a wave of excitement to rush through you.
Once you were up and showered, you went downstairs to see your very pregnant best friend moving around the kitchen, along with Carol, Tara, and Michonne.
“What are you all doing here so early?” you asked, stopping to hug each one of them.
“You’re getting married today, did you think we wouldn’t come and spoil you with baked goods?” Carol answered, giving your cheek a pinch.
“It’s not that early hun, as a matter of fact, it is almost time to get you ready!” Maggie chimed in, brushing the crumbs from her hands and from shirt covering her belly, as she placed the freshly baked muffins Carol had brought over on the counter.
“But the kids are with Daryl out fishing. I need to get them cleaned up and I am sure Shelby’s hair is a tangled mess!”
“Sweetheart, do you really believe I’d let him take them fishing the morning of your wedding?” Carol laughed and patted your shoulder, “You have such little faith in me!”
Laughing, and a bit relieved, you sat down at the counter and grabbed a muffin. “Where are they then?”
“Working on a surprise for you,” Tara said cryptically and winked before taking a muffin of her own. “However, they should be about done, and I am going to go home and get ready. Hopefully, Denise left me some hot water.”
“I should go too. I have to make sure Judith is dressed and not covered in whatever art project she deemed necessary to start this morning. I’m so happy for you both, and excited to be able to celebrate something good today,” Michonne smiled as she lightly grabbed both your shoulders and leaving a kiss on your cheek. “It’s going to be perfect.”
“See you guys there?” Tara asked as she and Michonne headed towards the door.
“Absolutely,” you smiled and suddenly felt your stomach twist with nerves.
Turning to Maggie and Carol, you bit down on your lip and considered asking the question you wanted to ask. Not wanting to ruin the day, but unable to hide your growing curiosity, you decided to chance it.
“Is it done?”
They both froze at your question and shared a knowing look.
“Yes,” Carol finally answered, “she’s gone.”
“And the baby?”
Maggie sighed and swallowed hard. “Aaron took him to The Kingdom. There’s a couple there that recently lost a child and were more than happy to take him in.”
“Good… That’s good…” you felt a nervous breath escape your lips and suddenly had the urge to sit.
With that last piece of business taken care of, you felt as though you could finally move on from all that had happened in the past six months. It was a new day that dawned bright with hope and one that would end with you and your husband ready to start the next chapter of your lives.
“Alright Shel, I think it’s ready,” Daryl said, picking Abe up and holding out his hand for his daughter.
She jumped up and giggled at the efforts of their work. “It’s so pretty daddy!” she squealed as her little hand was engulfed by his. “Mama is gonna love it!”
“I think so too munchkin,” he cooed looking down at her angelic face as his heart filled with love for both of them.
Walking away from the gazebo towards Carol’s house, Daryl was suddenly hit by the weight of all that was happening. His entire life, all the traumas, and heartaches, had led him to meet her and creating the kind of family he’d always dreamed of having. Overwhelmed by it, he tried to focus on getting through the afternoon without being consumed by how it all made him feel.
He wanted to be strong for her, always. He needed to be the best version of himself for her and for the kids. But he couldn’t do that if he let himself be swarmed by the depth of love that lived in him now. All the past hurt and anger had slowly been evaporating, leaving him lighter, and more like the version of himself he always imagined lived inside.
“Daddy, this party is gonna be fun!” Shelby sang as she skipped alongside him.
“Mhm, it is. You ‘n Abe, Hershel too, y’all are gonna have a great time,” Daryl smiled down at her as they reached Carol’s porch. “But first we gotta have the ceremony part, ‘lright? Remember I told ya about that?”
“Yes, daddy. That’s the part we gotta be real quiet ‘cause you and momma are gonna say stuff.”
Daryl snorted a laugh, “Right, somethin’ like that. But Aunt Maggie will be with ya, ‘n it shouldn’t take too long.”
“What are you gonna say?” Shelby asked taking the last few steps up onto Carol’s porch.
“That’s a good question munch, guess I should figure that out, huh?”
“Um, yeah,” she giggled and ran up to Carol’s door where she was greeted with open arms.
“Good timing!” Carol said sweeping the little girl up in the air, “I just got home and am ready to get you guys all cleaned up for mommy and daddy’s special day!” Carol looked up and saw Daryl still wearing his usual ripped pants and sleeveless black shirt.
Raising a brow at him, he placed Abe down on the porch. “I’m goin’ now, stop naggin’ me.”
“I said nothing,” she quipped, a smirk on her lips. “However, if I was going to say something, it would be to get your unkempt ass to Glenn’s and get ready. It’s time to go make an honest woman out of Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled as he bounded down the porch, an unmistakable spring in his step.
Smiling to herself, Carol ushered the kids into the house and got them ready for the wedding.
“Ready?” Maggie asked before she pulled the door open.
“Yes,” you replied, your stomach twisting into a bundle of nerves.
Before Maggie could open it, there was a soft knock at the door. Passing you a curious look, she pulled it open and smiled at Rick as he stood before you both.
“Mind if I have a word with the bride before this shindig gets started?” he asked Maggie before stepping in.
“Sure, just don’t make her late. I’ll wait for you on the porch,” she said and stepped out, closing the door behind her.
“Wow,” Rick said, giving you a once over. “You look beautiful. Daryl is a very lucky man.”
“Thanks,” you said, your cheeks tinging pink, “what brings you by?”
“Well, two things actually. One. I wanted you to know that she’s gone. Rosita left quietly at the release point. I honestly don’t think she’ll be back.”
You nodded and released the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
“What we did…” Rick started and paused, drawing in a deep breath before exhaling slowly, “to him—”
“What I did to him, Rick. You didn’t do anything.”
“I saw you do it and I didn’t try to stop you.”
“Maybe. But you knew it had to happen. You, me and Denise… no one else ever has to know.”
You tried to sound firm in your assertion, but Rick couldn’t help but notice the hesitancy in your voice.
“Besides,” you continued, “it’s over now. Negan is dead. Rosita is gone, and that poor child will never have to live in a world where those two had any influence over him. It’s what was best.”
“You sure about that?” Rick asked.
“Yes. I am. If I’m wrong, then I’ll have to live with that. But I’ll be damned if I will let the people in this community or any of the others, continue on living in fear that she’ll betray us again.”
A silence passed briefly between you and when you caught Rick’s gaze again, he seemed ready to move past the ugly business of Negan and Rosita.
“So what was the second thing?” you asked.
“Well, Maggie said you might need someone to walk ya down the aisle,” Rick smiled and pushed out his elbow so you could link your arm with his. “If I’ll do, that is.”
Tears stabbed at the corner of your eyes at his offer. “That would be amazing, Rick… thank you.”
“Then, let’s get you hitched before Maggie comes in here and yells at me for makin’ ya late,” the Sheriff chuckled and opened the door to escort you towards the groom waiting in the gazebo.
Approaching the gazebo on Rick’s arm, you heard the music playing from the speakers before you saw the actual adornments that Daryl and the kids had spent the morning adding to the structure. A variety of pink and purple flowers were woven through the lattice while streams of lace and burlap tied together bouquets of wildflowers attached to the entryway.
Gabriel stood in the middle of the gazebo, with Daryl on his right. Maggie was standing right on the steps with Abe and Shelby on either side of her. The rest of your friends and family were standing on the grass to either side of the narrow path leading to the makeshift altar.
On both sides of the gravel walkway, were narrow lengths of ivory satin, held down with two dozen candles that were lightly flickering in the summer breeze. You felt Rick squeeze your arm just as you approached the beautifully lit trail that would lead you to your husband.
“You alright?” Rick whispered.
“Mhm,” you said, swallowing hard and trying your best not to cry.
“Alright then, here we go,” the Sheriff said and started walking you to the rest of your life.
Stepping into the shade of the gazebo which was also flickering with a dozen candles, Daryl’s eyes were transfixed on you. A goofy smile spread out across his face as he his tongue inadvertently ran across his lips.
“You look beautiful,” he said loud enough for only you and Gabriel able to hear his compliment. He reached out and gently took your hand, lightly brushing his thumb across the back of it.
“You clean up pretty good yourself, Dixon,” you winked, causing him to shift uncomfortably.
“Friends,” Gabriel started, looking at you and Daryl, “we are gathered today to bless the union of Daryl and Y/N. It is a rare and glorious sight in today’s new age, to see a joining of souls such as these two. When one finds their other half, it is important to take that and foster it into a coupling built with a foundation of love and respect, loyalty, and communication.
“Daryl and Y/N have asked you all here today to witness their promise and to help bind them to it, should dark skies every plague their family. As a participant in this ceremony, I ask that you all take the hand of your own loved one or family member closest, and spread the promise of what these two special people share. They asked this of you to not only bond you individually but us, together, as a community and a larger family unit.”
A small murmur of excitement ran through the small crowd as they did as asked, then turning their attention back to Gabriel.
“Daryl and Y/N have elected to forgo the traditional vows for something more akin to their special bond. Daryl,” Gabriel said and motioned for him to go ahead.
Clearing his throat, Daryl gave a small nod to Gabriel.
“Shelby asked me what I was gonna say before. Made me realize I hadn’t figured that out yet. Honestly, I still don’t really know what to say, ’cept that when I was a kid, the idea of havin’ my own family wasn’t realistic. Never thought anyone would put up with the likes of me. Hell, still sorta shocked you do. But, when I saw ya at the prison, way back when, I knew that if there was ever a chance to be happy, it’d be with you.”
Daryl reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silver band that matched the sapphire ring he gave you months before. Gently, he slipped in on your finger and laced his hand into yours.
“I love you,” he said quietly, “there is nothing I want more than to keep doin’ this with ya.”
“Y/N,” Gabriel prodded when Daryl was done, letting you know it was your turn.
Suddenly you couldn’t find your voice. You opened your mouth but the words you had so carefully been planning for the last two months wouldn’t cooperate. Swallowing hard again, you tried to force something, but nothing came to mind.
Daryl’s lips twitched into a smile, and you knew he was sort of delighting in the fact that you were speechless. You’d been pestering him for weeks to write something for the ceremony, always flaunting the fact that you’d done your vows. Every time he blew you off and you would feign annoyance. But now that it was time, you were at a complete loss for words and was loving it.
It took Daryl’s smirk turning into a full-fledged chuckle for you to think of something to say.
“You know something Dixon, you’re an ass,” you said louder than you’d planned, eliciting a laugh from the people outside the gazebo.
“Nice,” he said shaking his head.
“You are… but you’re mine,” you laughed and took both his hands in yours. “You have changed everything about me and what I thought life should be. You took what should have been a life of darkness and despair and filled it with love and laughter. Despite the trying times we’ve had since that very first hunting trip, I wouldn’t change a damn thing…”
Daryl blushed at the reference and you could tell he was holding back his own emotions as not to well up in front of everyone they knew.
“I love you, Daryl. I love our life, our kids, our friends. Nothing could or will ever change that.” You turned to Maggie who placed a thick silver banded ring in your hand and gave you a wink.
Turning back to your husband, you took his left hand and effortlessly slipped the ring on his finger. Catching his gaze, you knew that everything leading you both to that place was a necessary part of your story.
You waved the kids up into the gazebo, Abe going for you right away, while Shelby latched onto Daryl. Looking at them all you, you were firm in the knowledge that everything, from meeting at the prison up until the ugliness of the Negan, was meant to lead you right to where you stood, making these promises with Daryl and the kids, in front of all the people you loved.
“Well then,” Gabriel started, his hands thrown wide in celebration, “Shelby, Abraham, beloved friends, and family… please welcome me in officially proclaiming Daryl and Y/N Dixon, as husband and wife. Please, kiss that beautiful bride of yours!”
Daryl didn’t hesitate and pulled you into his arms. His kiss was soft, yet wanting. It was full of everything he wanted and everything he planned on giving. Wrapping your arms around his neck, a feeling of blissful relief washed over you. Everything you could have ever hoped for was right there, just waiting for you to grab it and despite the current state of things beyond the walls, make it the best life worth living.
Tags: @kazosa @soythedemonqueen @jodiereedus22 @his-paradox @rhyatt-deauxtreve @zombeeemomeee @tiquismiquis @sorenmarie87 @redm81 @kingdixonreedus @reedusteinrambles @aquivercactus @buckyscrystalqueen @see-you-then-winchester @hyphymanatee @adixon13 @rawr-bitchess @kgbrenner @fictionaldemon @thewalkingbucky @bikerdaryldixon @lefthologramdeer   @youandyourstupidrope  @addiction-survivor25  
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Future Serial Killer [ongoing]
Chapter 21
‘He won’t leave until you talk to him, you know that.’
‘Then shoot him until he goes away.’ Carl grumbled into the crook of Negan’s neck, still lying comfortably on his chest.
It was the morning after Rick had shown up at the door and shot at the older man, ending up with a bullet in his own arm and a broken nose for his troubles, and Carl had been dragging his feet on seeing him all night and through the morning, reaching ten o’clock without leaving the bedroom.
Negan had woken early at eight to find hands wrapped around his throat and the angry little shit riding him like his life depended on it, taking out his frustration with sex once again. He wasn’t complaining per se, because the kid did have a nice little ass that fit his dick perfectly, but regardless of how much stamina he had, Carl would be lucky to get three erections out of his man on an average day.
This fact didn’t seem to have much impact on Carl’s desperation though, as he still used Negan as a method of letting out his anger whenever he was pissed off, erection or not. It would be flattering if it weren’t also scary, the dark look in his young lover’s eyes giving him a new kind of fear that he hadn’t experienced before.
Carl was dangerous, likely more dangerous than himself, and that made Negan both terrified and so fucking in love all at once.
He ran a hand through the kid’s hair, tugging out the knots gently as the teen’s nose pressed up against the pulse point of his neck, letting out deep breaths of warm air onto his skin.
He knew Rick was a danger to the Sanctuary, always had been, and that he’d killed more than sixty of his people – but he was still Carl’s dad, and he wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea of letting the kid kill his own father, no matter how bad he was.
‘We’re not shooting anybody, Carl. You have to talk to him, it’s the only way the alliance will work.’ He insisted, petting his cheek to keep the boy calm, but
Carl slapped him away, sitting up and getting off the bed so he couldn’t pull him back into his arms.
‘I don’t want an alliance, I don’t want a treaty, I don’t want him fucking here!’ The teen snapped as he pulled on the denim shorts he’d picked out from the new clothing haul, tugging Negan’s old green hoodie over his head viciously.
‘Carl, calm down-’
‘-no! He’ll ruin it, Negan! I have peace here, I don’t have to sleep half-awake because the security’s shit or it’s an open camp, I’m not in danger five floors above ground in a warm bed! But I will be if you let him in-’
‘-Killer, he isn’t going to ruin that. I won’t let him.’ Negan reassured but it did nothing to quell the tears starting to well in the teen’s eye.
‘He won’t let me stay with you.’ Was all Carl said, his usually grumpy exterior breaking down at the thought of losing his life with the man.
Negan watched him lose his cool with a heavy heart, sitting up and going over to the boy. He lifted him up into his arms, legs around his waist, and stroked his beloved’s cheek as he stared back at him with his one watery blue eye.
‘I wouldn’t let anyone, no matter who the fuck they think they are, take you away from me. You’re mine, and you belong here. You are old enough to make your own decisions.’
That made Carl go quiet for a moment. Negan watched him think about his words before his soft fingers were rubbing on his beard, running through the fine grey and black hairs. The teen looked so focused on stroking his face and beard that it made him chuckle, and he moved his arm further up on Carl’s back to keep him steady.
‘I appreciate the beard massage, little lamb. Are you okay now?’ He purred, running his hand across one of the smooth thighs wrapped around him.
The young man’s face flushed red when he touched his thigh, and he nodded barely, the movement imperceptible to anyone further away than a foot. Negan kept stroking back and forth on his thigh as he replied.
‘I’m okay. I’ll talk to him, but you can’t come because I want to know what he really thinks without being threatened. Then I’ll know whether I can trust him.’
Negan nodded with a sigh.
‘Okay, darling. But you’ll take Lucille to keep you safe.’ He told him in a firm tone of voice, narrowing his eyes at the teen until he pressed a kiss to his cheek, dainty hands cupping his jaw.
‘Okay, daddy.’ He murmured, licking Negan’s upper lip to elicit a groan from him.
‘You know just how to tease me, don’t you, little lamb?’
Carl nodded, his cheeks blotched with the red blush because of his damaged skin, and he kissed Negan again, this time on the lips.
‘I know. Can I wear your jacket? To show my allegiance to your cause…’ The teen replied in a breathy whisper, lulling the older man into a sense of security while he nodded, entranced by his gaze until he was being kissed rough and needy, his lamb’s thighs clenching tighter around his hips.
They kissed like that for at least thirty seconds before the younger pulled away, pecking his cheek.
‘I’m going to see my dad now.’
‘No, just kiss me again, leave him down there to rot. Don’t ever stop kissing me…’ Negan held him tighter, leaning forward to kiss him again and groaning when his lips moved further away.
Carl just grinned at him, jumping down from his waist, and changing into a shirt and the jacket. Then he tossed a sultry glare over his shoulder, eyeing Negan up.
‘I think you should give me another bruise, Neeg, the one on my throat is fading.’ He murmured, letting out a giggle when the man moved faster than the speed of sound to attach his lips to his neck.
His already marked thighs shook at the sound of his slurping wet tongue on his skin, the scratch of his beard making Carl weak at the knees. Once the hickey was dark enough, Negan let him go, kissing his forehead.
‘Your dad’s in the prison, I had him moved before he woke up.’
‘Okay…’ Carl purred softly, pecking his cheek once more before picking up Lucille.
‘Bye, daddy!’
Carl wandered down the basement hallway with light footsteps, walking made easier and more comfortable with the lighter shoes Negan had gotten him. He kept Lucille on his shoulder, glad she was with him in case his dad did something psychotic and tried to hurt him, and kept a firm grip on her handle.
‘You’re not supposed to be down here, princess.’
He glared at the man leaning against the wall to his right, observing him standing there with a glower on his disgusting face. The teen still hated all of his boyfriend’s men. All of them were rough and greasy, with no manners and a tendency to sneer at him whenever he passed by. Now one of them had the bravery to use one of Negan’s personal nicknames for him. He didn’t fucking like that.
‘Excuse me? Call me that again and I’ll cut your nut-sack off.’ Carl snarled at him, baring his teeth and tucking his hair back away from his socket to look more threatening.
The guy just smirked at him, leaning forward off the wall and approaching him.
‘Yeah? You’re a feisty little thing. I’ve heard you’re a real whore for the boss’s cock. Maybe you’re desperate enough to take mine too.’ The teen gulped as he was pinned up against the edge of the nearest cell, blinking at the man and trying to figure out where he could cut him deep enough to kill him.
He tilted his head before giving the fucker a little smirk, running his finger down his cheek, and grimacing at the way he didn’t have facial hair like Negan’s to scrape through.
‘I don’t think you could handle me, sir.’ He murmured, slipping the knife in his belt into his stomach and slicing across his torso as Negan had once done to Spencer, spitting onto his face.
‘I fucking despise people like you.’ Carl hissed, dropping his body to the ground, and letting him bleed out as he wandered up the hallway to find his dad’s cell, smirking at the sound of wolf whistles from the other prisoners.
It took him a few minutes, lost in the number of cells there were in the basement, until he finally found Rick’s cell, seeing the man sitting up and awake, staring at the wall across from his cell.
‘Hey, dad.’
‘Carl… oh hell no.’ Rick shook his head, looking away from him when he saw what he was wearing.
Carl frowned.
Rick let out a laugh that made Carl’s shoulders sag.
‘You look like Negan’s little bitch. It’s disgusting. After what he did to Glenn and Abraham? And you carry around the bat he used to do it?’
Carl’s heart hurt from that comment, but he disregarded it in favour of fighting about the insult. He didn’t see the point in dwelling on past mistakes.
‘I’m not his fucking bitch. He loves me, he protects me, I’m safe here.’
‘You were safe with me!’
‘You were going to let him kill me! He told you he was going to kill me, and you didn’t do anything, you didn’t even acknowledge it-’
‘-I was trying to act like a leader!’
‘While failing as a fucking father!’ Carl snapped back, his fist shaking by his side as he gripped Lucille tighter in his other hand.
Crystal tears were dripping from his lashes, staining the concrete floor under his feet as he tried to hold back his upset. He listened to his father’s breath stutter and stepped back when he heard footsteps approach him.
‘No. He protects me, he cares about me, I don’t feel unsafe around him. I feel good for the first time in my life and I’m happy.’ The teen insisted, still shaking and gripping Lucille tighter for some support.
‘So, you’re a whore for a paedophile?’
Carl saw red when those words left Rick’s lips and used the prison keys at the guard desk to open the cell, hitting him square in the face.
‘He’s not a paedophile!’ He hissed, wrestling his dad to the ground, and hitting him harder with every punch.
‘I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!’ He cried as he just kept hitting him, tears streaming down his face.
He beat his face until he couldn’t breathe anymore, his vision so blurred from tears that he couldn’t tell if the man was still alive. He just had to get out of there, to get away from his dad’s bleeding face, and he stumbled as he stood, escaping the cell.
Carl ran in what he thought was the direction of his bedroom until he found himself back at the door, his heart racing. He walked into the room, covered in blood from punching Rick and heard a faint version of Negan’s voice speaking to him.
‘What have you done, little lamb?’
The teen hesitated, his grazed hands twitching before he replied in a quiet voice.
‘I think I killed him.’
0 notes
Preference: You Steal Their Clothes
Warnings: Cursing and allusions to sex
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Rick Grimes
“Y/n, is that my shirt?” Asked Rick as you walked into your shared cell in the prison block. You looked down, realizing that is actually was his shirt. Not thinking about it earlier that morning, you had put it on before going out to the fence for walker control.
“Uh, yes. It is.” You reply awkwardly as Rick raked his eyes across your body. “You can have it back if you want,” you say, reaching to pull it off.
“No, it’s fine. You can keep it. It looks good on you.” Then Rick smirks. “On second thought, you’re right. Take it off. It would look better on the floor.”
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Negan had gone to Alexandria for a few days to gather supplies and try to shut down any rebellious behavior, leaving you all alone in the large room the two of you usually shared. For once, he had forgotten to grab his signature leather jacket, leaving it laying on the back of a chair just begging for you to try it on.
You put on the jacket although it was much too big for you, enjoying as Negan’s scent surrounded you and invaded your nose. You sighed, a wave of longing rushing over you as you thought of Negan. It had only been a couple of days, but after being used to seeing him every day you missed him. Real bad.
As if answering your thoughts, the door to the room swung open, revealing the love of your life standing there with Lucille on his broad shoulder.
“Honey, I’m home,” said Negan sarcastically, scanning the room before his eyes landed on you. He smiled immediately at how adorable you were. The sleeves of his jacket went plenty past your hands, and you must not have known how to properly zip the thing because somehow it had become crooked.
“So,” you said slowly. “You’re home early.”
“Well, I wanted to come home and surprise you. And damn, it looks like you’ve been missing me anyway.” Said Negan with a smirk.
“Yea, I did.” You replied, not even bothering to deny or beat around the bush.
“You look fucking fuckable in my clothes. You should wear them more often.” Said Negan as he held you in his arms, pressing you against his firm chest.
“Well then I guess I will.”
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Daryl Dixon
When Daryl got into the shower, leaving his sleeveless leather jacket in his bedroom, you couldn’t help but put it on. After being friends for years, you had developed a crush on the man and no way in hell were you going to deny yourself the one chance you had to wear his clothes without him knowing.
You put on the jacket although it was a bit large, turning around in the mirror to admire the wings on the back. So absorbed in the rush of putting on the garment, you didn’t hear the water stop. You also didn’t hear a certain someone’s feet padding back to their bedroom. You did, however, hear somebody slam into the doorframe.
“Shit Y/n, what are ya doin’ in here?” Asked Daryl, using one hand to rub his shoulder, and the other to hold up the towel wrapped around his waist. You blushed deeply and turned around, shielding your eyes with your hand although you were tempted to turn back around to face him.
“I, uh, just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on that three-day run with me. If you come, I don’t have to bring Spencer.” You said awkwardly, embarrassed that he had caught you. Hopefully, this wasn’t enough for him to catch on to your feelings for him.
“Of course, that guys an ass. But first, is that my jacket?” He asked intrigued, although he obviously already knew the answer.
“Yea. I’m sorry, it was just sitting there and I-”
“Don’t apologize.” He said. “It looks cute on you.” You froze. Did Daryl just flirt with me? The Daryl Dixon? “And Y/n, you can turn back around now.”
You turned to see that he had put a pair of jeans on, but his chest he had left bare. This wasn’t the first time you had seen Daryl shirtless, but it still made your face blush profusely. Quickly shrugging off the jacket and handing it to him, you walked out of the room.
Is there any chance he likes me back?
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Glenn Rhee
Rummaging through your closet in Alexandria that you shared with your husband for a pair of clean shoes, you found an old treasure. Holding it up you smiled, memories of how you met Glenn leaving Atlanta flooding your mind. He was wearing this hat then, and for months you were almost certain that he slept in it too. You didn’t know why he quit wearing it; but if he wasn’t going to, it might as well get some use.
“Glenn!” You yelled at your husband happily after searching the town. He excused himself politely from his conversation with Eugene, rushing over to you.
“Y/n, you found my hat!” He said with a smile. 
“Yes, I did.” You said, returning the smile. “Is there any reason it was hidden at the bottom of our closet?”
“No, it just ended up there after I quit wearing it I guess. That thing hasn’t gotten to see the light of day in a while.” Glenn bent down to kiss you, but only succeeded in bumping his face against the bill of the cap. “Y/n, don’t get me wrong. You look absolutely adorable right now. But if I can’t kiss you, you can’t get to comfortable with this hat.”
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Abraham Ford
Sitting in the train car at Terminus, there wasn’t a whole lot to protect you from the outside temperatures. Through the drilled-in airholes, both hot and cold air seeped in. As the weather got colder, the train car followed suit. As someone that got cold rather easily, this was a problem for you. However, being in such a confined space meant that you could not hide the fact that you were cold very easily.
“Darlin’, I know you want to be tough and all. But you look like you are fucking freezing.” Said Abraham. You huffed, looking down at your feet . No point in denying the obvious.
“Yes, Abe. I’m cold. But what do you want me to do about it? I’m sorry, but we haven’t exactly got many options in here.” You say snappily, rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm up.
“Well, I actually have a jacket with my if you want it.” He said, rather soft compared to his normal tone which was quite out of character for him.
“But Abraham, I didn’t even know you before we got trapped in here together. Isn’t that a it forward?” You say teasingly.
“Well baby, I’m all about being forward with pretty women.” He said in reply, making you blush.
“Then don’t take this the wrong way, but could I borrow it? I don’t usually do this but it doesn’t seem like a bad offer.” You say quietly.
“Well sure baby. If you don’t usually do this, then I guess I’m the luckiest guy in the world.” He says with a smirk, ending a great start to a beautiful friendship and relationship.
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Carl Grimes
“Y/n, have you seen my-” Said Carl, walking into the room. “Nevermind.” he said as he found what he was looking for, right there on your head. His sheriff’s hat his dad had given him at the farm.
“Looking for something, Grimes?” You ask teasingly,smiling up at your boyfriend.
“Well I was, but you look way cuter than I do in it. Keep the hat for a while L/n, it suits you.” And with a smirk, Carl was back out the door again.
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King Ezekiel
“Y/n,” said your husband Ezekiel as he entered your shared bedroom. “Is that my coat that you are wearing?”
You laughed in return, smiling and nodding your head. He giggled back, smiling wide. Although a bit childish, his reaction made your heart melt at how cute he was.
“Well my dear, you look absolutely stunning as always.” He said, smiling and wrapping his arms around your frame. “But I need our help in the garden. We don’t know what to do with the onions, they weren’t planted deep enough and we can see small ones popping through the dirt.”
“Well, we can’t have any tiny onions popping through, can we?” You respond with a giggle.
“Y/n, my queen, I adore you.”
“I adore you too my king.”
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Paul “Jesus” Rovia
“How could you do this?” Said Jesus, feigning sadness. 
“I’m so sorry boo. But I had to.” You say in return, also feigning solemnity.
“How could you steal my beanie, Y/n?” He says, trying hard to not break and crack a smile.
“Because it just looks so cute on me. See?” You say, smiling and pointing at yourself. At this, Paul couldn’t help but mile at how adorable you were.
“Well, I can’t argue with that logic.”
“Damn right you can’t.”
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“Dwight-y boy, I saw that girl of yours today.” Said Negan, walking up to Dwight in the hallway.
“Oh?” Said Dwight, confused as to why Negan was bringing you up. 
“Yea. So did you guys fuck last night?” Asked Negan, not bothering who heard what he was saying. Dwight nearly choked.
“What!?” He asked, stunned and confused.
“She was wearing one of your fucking shirts. I assume she stayed the night at your place then, so logically you guys ‘did the dirty’,” said Negan, making lewd gestures with his hands.
“Woah, no way Negan. Nothing like that. We were watching a movie and she crashed on the couch.” Replied Dwight.
“Well that’s a shame, she’s hot as shit.” Said Negan, reminding Dwight of what happened with Sherry and making his blood boil. Looking past Negan’s words, Dwight calmed himself down.
“Was she really wearing my shirt?” Asked Dwight, as you had left before he woke up this morning.
“Hell yes, Dwight. So you better make a fucking move, or I will.” Said Negan, raising his eyebrows.
“You can fucking count on it boss.”
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“Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?” Asked Simon, eyeing you as you walked out of the bathroom.
“Oh, what ever could you mean?” You teased playfully, playing with the hem of his button-up that you had layered over your t-shirt.
“I think you’ve got an idea.” He said, smirking. “You look real hot though, so you’d better wear that thing all day.” Simon pulled you towards him, grabbing your ass and getting close to your ear, whispering, “this way everybody knows that you belong to me.”
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Merle Dixon
“Well shit girl, you’re lookin’ damn fine today.” Said Merle as he looked you up and down, taking in how sexy all of your curves looked today. “Say, where’d you get that shirt?”
“Your drawer.” You said nonchalantly, knowing that the sight of you in his t-shirt and panties in the morning was making him excited.
“Well, I might just have to tell the governor that I’m going to be a bit late today so that I can teach you a lesson about stealing my stuff.” Said Merle, pressing up behind you, making your breath hitch. You felt how excited he was, exciting yourself even more.
“Well then, I guess you’ll just have to show me how bad I’ve been then.”
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 years
Reveling in Richonne
#49: The Reflection (7x8)
It's funny how before 6x10 fully opened my eyes to the greatness that is Richonne, I was not overtly aware of how often R&M seemed to look at, be near, and think about each other. I knew they were together a lot and I was here for it but I didn’t realize just how much they took note of each other. 
However, once I was aboard this five star cruise of a ship, this was me every episode as I looked for any and every Richonne moment I could get...
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Lol so now if R&M so much as mention the other’s name it's noted and mentally stored in my brain, cuz it really does provide some further insight into their relationship. (I also just like any time they say each other’s name so there’s that too 😋 ) Thus this scene right here. Rick is with Aaron getting stuff for the jerks. I know I’ve said it already but I am in full support of the Rick/Aaron friendship. Like especially after this episode, I just feel like he’s a man that Rick can really talk to. Cuz Daryl, of course, is Rick’s brother but Daryl’s also not one to talk too much lol, especially about feelings, so I like that Rick has Aaron as a guy friend as well. 
So as Rick and Aaron load stuff up, after wading through the swamp of horrors, Rick lets Aaron know that his earlier comment, about Aaron not having to go on the boat if he didn’t want to, wasn’t because he thought he couldn’t do it. I appreciate this because it’s Rick being mindful of Aaron’s feelings. Like Rick could have just brushed off the unintentional offensiveness of his comment but he addresses it, even though it happened a while back, which is really sweet.
Part of me feels like Michonne’s “bring you into the family” leadership approach rubbed off on Rick. Cuz Rick has always deeply cared to keep people protected and alive, but what this moment shows us is that he also cares about their feelings on seemingly small issues too. Real one. 👌🏽🙌 
So Rick then explains further where he was coming from when he tells him, “It’s just going this far, risking this much, to get stuff for them. People don’t agree with it.” and he tells Aaron he wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t either. Now, y’all, the second Rick said “people”, I knew Homeboy was thinking about Michonne lol. 
Like he was trying to be slick Rick and act like he was just casually mentioning “people” but I know the person specifically on his mind in that moment was the Queen. And I love that we get confirmation that he was in fact thinking of her in this moment, thus making this a Richonne scene lol. 
But just before that, Aaron reminds Rick that he was there for the worst day on earth and for that lineup so he understands that this is the way things have to be right now in order to keep people living. And then Rick says what’s been on his mind since 7x4 when he tells Aaron, “Michonne doesn’t think this is living.”
I love that this is yet another reminder of how much R&M really let their words soak in. Rick mentioning this is him reflecting and calling back to 7x4 when Michonne expressed feeling like this “Submit to Negan” life really isn't any kind of a life. The minute she said those words “What kind of a life?”, you knew Rick would never forget them and they would replay in his mind until he figured out how to give her a better life. 
It’s funny how quickly Rick says this. Like it feels like this was the main thing he wants to talk about and I just love that this gives us insight into how he really does reflect on her words and take them fully into consideration. 
I appreciate the way he says this line cuz it doesn’t even remotely sound like he’s frustrated with her for not thinking this is living. Instead, it sounds like her words have pushed him to really assess if this subservient way is really the right way. He’s, again, acknowledging the validity of her point of view. Real One. 👌🏽🙌
Another big reason why I like this scene is because it's Rick talking about Michonne with someone other than Michonne, and sort of giving someone else insight into the relationship. It's such a husband moment. Like he's with his guy friend and reflecting on his wife's words with him. 😋
You can tell Aaron understands the significance of Rick opening up to him in this moment, especially about the love of Rick’s life. Like Aaron sort of takes a moment cuz he’s like “Oh so Rick’s getting all the way personal rn.” And it’s cute cuz Rick tries to bring up Michonne's words casually but he's not that slick lol and it's clear those words weigh on him. 
It’s always so interesting to me because I know that probably most people in the community see Rick and Michonne as like these Apocalyptic All-Stars and their Warrior Leaders and so I love when characters get to see not just their “superhuman” side but their super human side. 
And Rick opening up to Aaron about Michonne is big cuz it makes R&M just people. It just reminds us and other characters that R&M are a couple who have talks and disagreements and share feelings just like other couples (except even better lol).  It's also funny cuz Aaron started off by talking about how he was there for the lineup so he gets that they have to just play along to survive but then when Rick says Michonne doesn't feel like that's living, Aaron switches the style up just a little bit and starts listing all the reasons why she’s right. 
Like Aaron wants to make it clear that he gets where Michonne’s coming from and that she’s definitely not wrong. Aaron knows not to disagree with Rick's queen lol. 😋
And then, Aaron does give a good point to Rick about how what matters most right now is that they and their loved one’s hearts are still beating. I appreciate him saying “loved ones” cuz it’s him taking note that when Rick talks about Michonne he’s talking about his loved one. Aaron just keeps climbing the ranks in my book. 😋  I also felt for Rick in this whole sequence of scenes, cuz he's out here trying to row through walker infested waters and struggling just to get something to appease Negan, meanwhile literally everyone else back home is trying to find a way to fight back. 
Like Rick's just out here trying to keep people safe and make fetch happen, while Carl is shooting machine guns at the Sanctuary, Rosita's forcing Eugene to make a single bullet, and even Michonne, who’s cause is the more thought out and justified of the three, is in a car with a Savior. And then you have Spencer and his snakery as he’s trying to dethrone Rick. And to top it off, Negan is in his house shaving in front of his children.  I was like “Rick, buddy, pal, I really do appreciate what you're doing for TF rn, but I think it's time to stop trying to make fetch happen. Cuz ain't nobody else on board with fetching for Negan anymore” lol. 
Seeing so many people enact their own plan to take down Negan just goes to show that TF, but especially Grimes 2.0, have the fighter spirit so engrained in their DNA that they just can’t continue to take this oppression laying down. 
Rick gave the “Submit to Negan” approach a shot but you know that deep down he’s been wanting to fight back too. And all it takes is a superbly excellent moment in a cell with a superbly excellent woman to really seal the deal for Rick on fighting back. 👌🏽🙌
Also I really appreciate the later moment when Rick waits for Aaron when they return to ASZ and the Saviors start beating Aaron up (over the pettiest thing in the world). Like they tell Rick to run along and, especially knowing that Negan is in his house, Rick could have had a lot of reason to want to get to his home, but I like that he stays and he’s there for his newfound friend. And then he further supports Aaron by helping him walk off. So one more time for good measure lol; Real One. 👌🏽👌🏽🙌
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Side Note: This look right here tho!! 
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This look from Judith was everything and that baby is too cute for words! If we hadn't had that beautiful, awe-inspiring, Richonne gold moment that comes towards the end of the episode this would have been my favorite moment. (this, and Michonne telling the Red Head Savior “But you don’t know me.”) I adore that Judith is looking at Negan like "Try something. I dare you." 😂 
Judith is so unimpressed and #overit. And since this post is called “The Reflection” can we talk about how much Judith reflects Michonne here? This baby is giving Negan that signature Michonne "Homie, you don't faze me" face. Like look at this parallel.  
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Lol I love it! Judith is definitely Rick and Michonne's daughter. 👌🏽😋 
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 28 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: Negan is slowly getting on good terms with the Alpha, the reader is slowly becoming desperate, and Alpha has a plan in motion. 
Word Count: 4243
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “Little Black Submarines” by The Black Keys
Note: I am trying to finish this before the 28th when TWD returns. Remember, this will not go past the 10B finale. Some of these chapters are getting shorter, but that is mainly because Chapter 30, which is the hilltop battle, will be quite long! ALL OFFICIAL DIALOG IS PROPERTY OF AMC.
"Well, that's...creative,” Negan said as he was looking at the disassembled body that sat at the Southern border. Negan thought the tiki torches were a nice touch even if they were a tad dramatic and that was coming from him.
It was early that morning when Alpha approached him and told him to follow her. Knowing his history with her enemy, she had asked for his counsel on an issue. Considering they hadn’t known each other long, Negan was confused but went along with it anyways. However as soon as he saw what was at the border, he knew what was going on. The other side had finally made their move. 
"They are declaring war," Alpha said, tilting her head to the side. Negan noticed that she did that a lot and it made him both uncomfortable and intrigued. 
"Isn't that what you did when you put nine of their people on pikes?" Negan asked. Alpha looked at him with a neutral expression. Negan shrugged, the bat on his back shifting on his leather jacket. Alpha had returned his weapon shortly after they had met. She said that if he had even attempted to try to swing it without her permission Beta would gut him within seconds. Negan didn't doubt that. The giant man was even more psychotic than Simon was and that was saying something. Negan was always wishing for a gun whenever Beta was around and he could bet that you were too. 
"The archer?" Alpha asked, her voice quiet but still very calm and emotionless. Negan took a few steps towards the dead man and kneeled to look at the body and then up at the decapitated head.
Seeing as there were no penetrating wounds that Daryl’s bow would have caused, Negan didn't think this was his handy work. Also, if it had been Daryl, he probably wouldn’t have taken the head off. Daryl was ruthless when he needed to be, but removing the head like this was too personal and if Negan knew Daryl even a little bit, he would have done something more simple. No, this was someone else. 
"No," Negan said, moving the body onto its back. The headless body reminded him too much of Glenn and Abraham, especially with the amount of blood. It was never a good moment when he thought about his victims, especially when he was portraying a persona who was supposed to enjoy the kill rather than shying away from it. Shutting away those memories, Negan examined the other wounds carefully. 
Looking at the clean cut at the neck and then the two hits to the chest and eye, Negan realized something. It was a clean kill with a sharp blade. There wasn't any type of torture or prolonging of death. With the depth and width of the strikes, he finally recognized the blade.
Jesus' broadsword. Your sword.
"Dammit," he muttered under his breath.
"Do you know who did this?" Alpha asked. Negan shut his eyes for a second before turning to her with his own neutral expression, not letting her see how affected he was by his discovery. 
"Couldn't say for sure, most of those assholes handle blades."
"Shame, he was a good soldier," said Alpha. Negan furrowed his brow.
"He was one of your men?"
"Sent him in to...gain information," she said. "Didn't think he'd be this foolish to be caught."
"Can't all be winners," Negan said, turning his attention back to the body. He had seen a lot of dead bodies since the world ended, but there was something about this one that was bothering him. You were not this...cold. At least not since he had gotten to know you. There was something off about the way you had done this. Anyone else, besides maybe Daryl, wouldn’t have noticed, but he did. 
Negan had only seen this deadly side of you a few times and it made him do a double-take every time. The first time had been that first night in the clearing. You were nearly out of it, blood trickling down your collar. 
He had just threatened Rick and was laying down the rules when his eyes had fallen on you. Dwight had to keep his hands on you in order for you to stay upright, but you were still hanging on. Your arm was reaching out to Daryl next to you, not quite touching him, but enough for the archer to know you were there. 
Your eyes, however, were switching from staring at the ground to staring at him. Negan wasn’t sure if you could actually see him at that point. Throughout his speech, his eyes kept flickering back to you as you fought to stay upright and awake.
When he killed Abraham, your eyes never left Lucille and the blood that dripped off her wooded form. It was only after he had Daryl pinned to the ground and Glenn’s blood was splashed against your face that you locked eyes with him and in those irises, he saw pure fury. It wasn’t long after that first look when you fell over from the head trauma. 
However, that one look was enough for him to remember you. The second time he saw that look was when he had brought Carl home from the Sanctuary. You didn’t seem to care about Spencer and while you were pissed about Olivia, nothing bothered you as much as seeing him parading Carl around Alexandria. While he didn’t speak to you, seeing your glare from the top of the Gazebo as he walked in had made him remember your face from the clearing. 
It was from then on that he found himself always looking for you when his people met yours. Little did he know that your talents with a rifle had you always watching him rather than the other way around. You were always so precise with your shots so he shouldn’t have been surprised to see how clinical you had been with Dante’s body. However, the idea of you removing his head and doing this made him a bit sick. Though, he didn’t let Alpha see a second of that. 
“How are you going to retaliate?” Negan asked. 
“I have something in motion,” Alpha simply said. 
“Can I get a hint?” Negan asked with a sly grin. Alpha just looked at him with her signature look and Negan raised his hand in surrender. “No worries. Gotta win the boss’ respect, I get it. 
“You talk too much,” she observed as she turned away from the border. 
“So I’ve been told,” he said, catching up to her. “Force of habit, I’m afraid.” 
“Tell me more about these people who held you captive,” Alpha said. 
“Not much more to say,” Negan said. “Their old leader is dead and their new ones don’t really know what the hell they’re doing. Got some good fighters, but they don’t have a central person. They don’t have an alpha,” he said. 
“Then they have weak spots,” Alpha realized. 
“More than one, I bet,” Negan said. 
“Have you seen my daughter with them?” she asked and Negan forced himself not to hesitate. 
“Lydia, right?” he asked and Alpha nodded once. “She’s around, seems to be alright.” Negan tried to get a line on Alpha’s reaction to hearing about her daughter, but like with everything, the woman remained stoic. He also then noticed some discoloration on her arms. It didn’t take long for him to realize they were the same wounds that adorned Lydia’s arms. Negan fought to keep relaxed as he remembered what Alpha had done to her child. You had told him about the abuse, it was one night when he had been able to spend the night with you…
Months earlier…
The cold air from the winter weather outside seemed to be seeping through the walls as if they were made of paper.
Negan lay next to you in your bed, his arms securely around your waist. He had only woken up a few moments ago and couldn’t help but watch as you slept peacefully next to him. These nights when Michonne and Gabriel found that they still had a heart and would let him spend the night indoors rather than freezing in his cell were his favourite.
Whatever the reason was, he was just happy to be there with you. With a deep breath, you turned towards him, slowly waking up. Your eyes opened just a bit to see him and when you did, a tired smile spread across your face. “Why are you awake?” you whispered. 
“Why are you?” he countered, leaning down to kiss your forehead. Being able to kiss you or hold your hand whenever he could, was the greatest gift anyone could have given him. Negan was desperate for your touch and whenever you gave it to him, he relished in it.
Reaching up, you caressed his face as he leaned into your palm. Even with the cold weather, he had stripped off his shirt, using his own body heat to keep you as warm as possible. Dancing your fingers across the tattoos on his chest, he shivered under your touch. Just as he was about to pull you on top of him, a noise broke the tension.
Confused, you both looked at each other before sitting up in bed. A second later and the noise happened again and Negan finally realized where it was coming from. Nudging you, he pointed over the side of the bed. Crawling to the edge, you looked down to see Lydia fast asleep on your floor, a blanket thrown over her as she softly snored. 
You and Negan shared a look then that said everything you both were thinking: the teenager was scared. Lydia must have snuck into your bedroom just as you both had fallen asleep. She had been staying in the guest room downstairs, but you now figured that she wasn’t used to sleeping alone. 
“Do we wake her?” you asked him. Negan shook his head, grabbing you again and pulling you back into bed. He slid his arms around you and tucked your head under his chin. 
“Let her sleep,” he said in your ear. “The girl has been through enough.”
“And yet she feels safe enough to sleep in here? She barely knows me, knows us,” you argued.
“She trusts you,” he said. “She needs you.”
“She needs someone who can protect her from her mother,” you said. “I won’t let Alpha lay another hand on her. She is never going to be hurt by someone she loves again.” 
“Her mother is abusive?” Negan asked and you just nodded.
“Shit,” he swore, pressing his nose into the back of your neck. 
“I have to protect her, Negan,” you said as you rolled over and lay your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. 
“You will,” he promised. “We will.” Looking up at him, he leaned in and kissed you firmly before tugging the blanket up further onto your shoulders. 
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you, too,” Negan said. “Forever.”
Negan was pulled out of the memory as he and Alpha arrived back at the Whisperer’s main camp. An ache had opened up in his chest as he thought about you, but he kept it suppressed. He had come too far to mess up now. Especially since Alpha had taken an interest in him. 
As Alpha went off to do whatever she did during the day, Negan began scouting the camp. He checked out how many people were in her little army and the kind of weaponry they had. There was no way that she would have everything out on display for some newcomer, but he was getting a decent idea of who these Whisperers were and he hated them more by the second. 
It was a little while later when he ran into one of Alpha’s scouts. The man looked worried, but angry as well. “What’s got you all freaked out?” he asked the man. 
“Enemy near border,” was all the man said. 
“Did ya tell the boss?” 
“Can’t find the Alpha,” the scout said. 
“Big man went that way,” Negan said, pointing towards where he saw Beta disappear earlier. The scout nodded to him and went on his way. While Negan knew he should be doing more to be seen as a “team player”, curiosity got the best of him and he headed towards the border from which the scout was coming from. 
It wasn’t far, and he figured it was probably Carol trying to figure out a weakness in Alpha’s defenses. However, it could have been another body drop, which would only light Alpha’s fury even more. Then again, Negan wasn’t sure if she really cared if a few of her men and women were sacrificed for her greater good. Just another thing Negan hated about the woman. 
Continuing through the thick trees, it took him a bit longer to reach the ridge that looked over the specific border he was looking for. As soon as he made it to the tree line, he was struck by what he saw. It wasn’t Carol at all or even Daryl. 
It was you. 
You, and the young woman he knew as Enid, were walking along the invisible line that separated your territory from Alpha’s. Walkers were following you as you and Enid took them out with quick and fast strikes of your sword and her knife. 
His heart jumped in his chest at the sight of you. He couldn’t hear what you were saying, but there was something about your body language that made him worried. 
There was a hardness to you that he hadn’t seen in a while. There was no doubt in his mind now that you had been the one to put the Whisperer’s head on the pike. Watching as you killed the Walkers, all he wanted to do was reveal himself, to tell you that he was still there, but he couldn’t. Still, he didn’t move as you continued to cut down the undead enemy, whether it was risky or not.
The weather was heating up and you didn’t like it at all.
Kicking out at another Walker, you kept walking, ignoring Enid’s looks that she had been sending you since you had met up with her earlier in the day. “You know, if you want to say something, just say it,” you finally said. 
“I’m not sure you want to hear it,” Enid said. 
“Try me,” you said. Enid sighed but finally said her piece. 
"Antagonizing her wasn’t the best idea, (Y/N)," Enid said as she pulled her blade out of another Walker.
"What else was I supposed to do? I am sick of playing offense," you said, slashing down another Walker who came at you. Flicking away the blood off your sword you continued forward. It had been a long day and a long night. Siddiq was finally resting with Coco not far from him. Rosita was feeling better and everything back home was finally getting back to normal. It was only the external force that threatened your family now.
"You need a strategy," Enid said and even with your back turned to her, you knew that she was giving you one of her "doctor looks".
"I have one," you argued.
"Is that why Lydia is out there by herself?" Enid asked. Looking over your shoulder, you narrowed your eyes.
"I didn't tell you that for you to judge me," you said. After reviewing the maps, Lydia noticed a few landmarks that you had circled in red. She was sure that she knew where she could start looking. According to Lydia if Negan was your family, he was hers as well. Lydia had left early that morning with the promise that she would be back within a day or so.
"I can't believe you let her out there alone," Enid said.
"She knows what she's doing," you argued.
"She's a child!"
"So were you when you fought against the Saviors," you reminded her.
"That was different," Enid said.
"No it wasn't," you said. "Lydia was raised in this world. She knows what needs to be done and so do I."
"You're losing yourself in this vendetta against Beta and this drive to find Negan."
“Weren’t you just telling me that it was okay that I was still doing that?” you asked her. 
“I didn’t mean for you to go all slasher film on Dante,” she accused. 
“I had to send a message,” you said, ducking under another Walker’s arms and shoving your blade into the back of its skull, sending it to the ground to join the others. 
“To Alpha or to Negan?” she asked. 
“Does it matter?” you snapped back. 
“You still think he’s around, don’t you?” she asked. Pausing, you took a moment to collect yourself. When you had invited Enid out to join you, you hadn’t expected a full-blown interrogation. You figured that she would still be rather reserved from the trauma she had sustained, but clearly, she was doing better than you thought. 
“Yes,” you said with a sigh. “I don’t know what he’s doing, but I don’t believe that he’s completely gone.”
“What if…” Enid began. “What if you’re wrong?”
“I’m not,” you said defiantly. “I can feel it. He’s not lost and I will find him.”
“Just prepare yourself, okay?” she offered, landing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You let the weight of her touch soothe you as you got your thoughts together. It hadn’t been that long since you had last seen him, but it had been long enough. Waking up in the middle of the night, you found yourself reaching for him next to you only to find the spot empty. That coldness that echoed in your blankets mimicked itself in your heart and it was only a matter of time before your entire body froze over. 
You needed him home and you needed him now. 
A chill ran up your spine just then, that feeling of being watched returning. Turning towards the tree line, you narrowed your eyes. You knew it was a risk to be this close to the border, but you were willing to risk it. However, if the Whisperers were watching you this closely, it wasn’t for regular observation. 
“What’s wrong?” Enid asked, noticing the change in your behavior. 
“We need to go,” you said, gripping your sword tighter. You began to move back towards the main road when your radio lit up. 
“(Y/N), come in,” Carol’s voice crackled over the line. 
“I’m here,” you responded. 
“I need you back home,” she said simply and that was all you needed. 
“On my way,” you said before hooking the radio back onto your belt. “Come on, I gotta get back,” you said to Enid who began to follow you to the point where you both would turn off to go home to your respective communities. Just as you were about to leave the clearing, you glanced back over at the tree line and you swore you saw someone watching you. 
Negan watched as you disappeared again and was frozen in that spot for a while before deciding to head back. 
It was dark when he finally returned to the camp. If anyone asked, Negan would say he got lost. He didn’t want to be around people and he didn’t want to be around Beta especially. He needed a moment to clear his head, though that did turn into several hours. 
Arriving back into the fold, Negan was glad to see that he wasn’t met with spears or blades. In fact, it seemed as if nobody noticed that he was actually gone. Negan figured that nobody would really care if he had left. Then again, as he approached the fire, he did happen to see one person who looked up as soon as he was in view. Alpha had returned from wherever she had been.
The woman looked incredibly determined and actually quite smug. It made Negan a bit nervous. Still, he sauntered over to her, leaning into his hips with that sly grin on his face. “Just the Alpha I was looking for,” he said. 
“What do you want?” she asked. 
“I wanted to talk,” he said. 
“Well, I hear we're supposed to be keeping our eyes peeled for a spy lurkin' in the woods. I have an alternate theory to run by you,” Negan offered. Alpha gestured for him to sit down and he did. 
“Go on,” she said. 
“The spy you're looking for? Right here in your camp,” Negan said, enacting the next part of his plan. Divide and conquer. 
“My people know the enemy have nothing to offer except lies,” Alpha said. 
“Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. Believe it or not, I have been where you are right now. And if you don't want to end up where I am right now, I suggest you zig where I zagged,” said Negan. Alpha narrowed her eyes. 
“You and I, very different,” Alpha said with a dismissive look, but Negan didn’t back down. 
“I had people. I had a system. I thought they believed in it, just like you,” a flash of Simon’s traitorous face echoed in his mind and Negan pushed it down. “See, the thing is, you stay king or queen long enough, with people telling you all day, every day that your shit don't stink, eventually, you start to believe it. The thing is it still stinks.”
“Who?” Alpha asked, getting impatient.
“Well, based on my own personal experience, I'd say look closer to home. And, no, I am not talkin' about Frankenstein's Hemorrhoid. That big dude is clearly a goose stepper. But the little one?” Negan said, referencing Gamma. “You see, she is close enough to you that she knows exactly where that horde is. But she guards the border, which means she's close enough to the enemy that they could've gotten to her.” 
Negan had overheard Gamma a day ago telling Alpha about a man with a metal arm. Negan wasn’t surprised to hear that Aaron was trying to be a hero. He was the type. However, this news did offer him an advantage. He didn’t think Alpha would care much about Aaron, which was good because his death was the last thing Negan wanted. He actually quite liked the man. Gamma, however, Negan didn’t care at all what happened to her.
Alpha didn’t like his tone all that much after his suggestion. “I will not have you sowing paranoia,” she said and then drew her knife, levelling it at his groin. “If you breathe a word of this to anyone, I will take these,” she said, pressing the blade to his jeans. 
“Fair enough,” Negan breathed as the blade bit into his inner thigh. When Alpha withdrew the blade, she returned to staring into the fire with a proud look on her face. While he didn’t plan on sowing any further paranoia, he had planted that small seed in her brain which was exactly what he wanted to do. After a moment longer, curiosity got the best of him.
“You look rather thrilled,” he said, breaking the silence. “Did I miss something while I was out taking my evening stroll?” he asked. Alpha looked back at him as she cleaned her nails with her knife. 
“Our problem won’t be lasting much longer,” she said and a coldness fell over Negan. He had a sudden image of your head on a spike and it made him feel rather sick. Like always, he pushed it down. 
“What did you do?” he asked in a teasing tone, leaning closer to her. Alpha looked at him and there was mischief in her eyes. It was the kind that made Gotham villains so special and the kind that Negan really didn’t like.
“Carol wanted the horde,” Alpha said slowly, “and so I gave it to her.” Negan didn’t know what that meant, but he didn’t like the sound of it. He knew that Carol was out for blood when it came to Alpha and that she had been quite reckless with her vendetta. He remembered the day he went home and found out that she had taken a shot at the leader of the Whisperers. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had tried again. However, based on how elated Alpha looked at the moment, it seemed that Carol had lost this round. 
Looking back at her, Alpha was watching him with a fire in her eyes that wasn’t solely mischief. If the circumstances were different and he wasn’t in love with you, he may have taken her up on the question that was so clearly written in her irises. Yet, he knew he wouldn’t. If there was any chance that he would get back to you, he didn’t need something that big weighing on him. You could forgive a lot, but him taking a tumble with the enemy would not be something you could turn the other cheek with. 
Negan distracted himself then, looking around the camp at the masked soldiers. However, one in particular was still missing.
Where was Beta? 
In the dark of a cave, survivors struggled to find the light. 
Then as night settled on Alexandria, a grave was no longer empty as a large shape, armed with knives, emerged into enemy territory.
TAGS: @lucillethings @cameronsails @stark-dreams @amaroho @thanossexual @yes-sir-hotchner @boom-bunny @delusionalteenagewhispers @scootankle @ritajammer21 @writteriguess @tea-atfive @jennydehavilland @waspyyy @yespleasejayhalstead @hoemadegrace @writingdeadangel @huffledor-able541 @pulplorrd @felicisimor
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
2017 Re-Watch: 7x07 - Sing Me a Song
So we start out with Michonne whistling the farmer in the Dell and trying to attack attract walkers. Remember the Whistling Theory. Three things about this:
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1) The only farm we've ever really seen is Herschel's so this feels like a call back to Herschel and the Greene farm.
2) The walkers come up on either side of her. It's a call back to when she had pet walkers in season three. The difference is that she's much stronger now. She doesn't become haunted by the walkers or hide behind them. On the contrary, she way kills them and use them to her advantage. Just shows how much she's grown since S3.
 3) I also notice she’s wearing red. When she goes on the offensive against Negan. Hmm. 
Next we go to Rick and Erin sleeping in a truck. They're on a run, looking for supplies for Negan. Rick says it's just past 530 in the morning. As a clock, that would suggest 5x06, but just past it might suggest 5x07 or 5x08 which would be Coda.
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Rick is having bad dreams, it seems. Probably about Glenn. But it's still a call back to 5x16 when he was asleep in Alexandria and said he thought he was still at Terminus. Interesting that were still seeing echoes of that.
Then we see two saviors talking about reading the herdway with explosives. 
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This is important because Jesus and Carl are in the back of the truck and hear them. I remember being unsure when I first watched this what all this talk was about. It's referring to the highway which later TF takes the explosives from.
Of course there's the grandfather clock in the truck which people made a lot of.
The two saviors driving the truck stopped because they said the redirect was a mess. We have to put this kind of together. Somebody was supposed to do redirect duty for the walkers on the highway. And didn't. These guys had to wait for the walkers to go by before they could continue.
Later, when they get to the sanctuary, we hear them talking to Negan. One of them says, "Negan, I want to talk to you about redirect. It's a mess." Negan then replies, "Whose job was that?" We don't get the answer until later.
When Negan takes Carl into his harem, he talks to Sherry and says, "I understand Mark skipped out on redirect duty to be with Amber." So that's what the highway thing was about.
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On the subject of Sherry, I think it's super interesting that Negan seems to care what she thinks. This is another way we see Negan is impressed by strong women. Obviously, Sherry isn't nearly as strong as most of the women in TF, but she's also a leader among the wives and sort of mothers all of them. Negan goes out of his way to impress Sherry and really seems to care what she thinks. As twisted as it sounds, it's almost like a child trying to impress his mother.
I've said this before, but I also think it's super intriguing to watch Daryl watch Sherry. I think him seeing what's going on between Dwight and Sherry, that there are obviously still feelings there, and the torment they have because she's with Negan, is really important to Daryl's emotional development. He needed to witness that and understand what it means before going into season 8, and before Beth can return.
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Back to when Carl gets to the sanctuary. At one point, Negan says, "You're lucky you still have a hand." That pulls in the Luck Theory and the missing arm theme, which we've seen a lot of.
Many people on TD hoped this Carl arc would go to Beth. Obviously it didn't but because it was him singing, it made sense that it might. We were wrong about that, but I think that Carl foreshadows Beth here. After all, Beth was shot in the head in Coda, and in 5x10 the music box woke up singing again. In this case, Carl was shot in the head some time ago. After some healing, he sings for Negan.
Negan tells Carl that Lucille loves to be sung to. It's about the only thing she loves aside from bashing in brains. So I can see this foreshadowing Negan asking Beth to sing for him.
I totally have this random little head canon about Negan wanting Beth to sing for him, but she refuses because it's something she can control and therefore refuses to sing for him.
Of course, the song Carl sings is You are My Sunshine, which feels like a Beth symbol as well.
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This is the episode where Daryl gets a mop and start using it, just like Beth did. We saw the mops in The Cell. This is where he actually started using them. So we have a foreshadow fulfilled there.
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Sherry even comforts Amber in the same way that she did Tina. In a way, Tina is a foreshadow of Amber and they're both blonde, so they're probably a foreshadow of Beth.
Let's talk about Eugene. Some of his dialogue early in the episode caught my ear. He and Rosita are going out to scavenge, but really planning to go make a bullet. She says that he's only looking at sites that strike him as having a B+ or higher rating when it comes to potential for supplies. After X-ing out any place they've already combed, he thinks he's bull's-eyed a few options.
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So the B+ could relate to the ABCD Theory. The X = X Theory, and even the bull's-eye could suggest really good aim or even darts. And we had Eugene fixing the music box in an earlier episode. With him being sanctuary, most of us are starting to see that he's going to have a lot of entanglement with Beth's arc at some point.
Later in the bullet factory, Eugene refuses to make the bullet at first.
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Rosita: "You said yes."
Eugene: "Your right, I said yes."
 That struck me because an episode later in the season is called, Say Yes. That episode is all about Richonne, not Eugene, but the parallel stuck out to me.
Eugene tells Rosita she won't be the one to pay the price. 
1) He's right. Olivia pays the price. So that was a dialogue foreshadow. 
2) It correlates very closely with what Joan told Beth at Grady. "It's easy to make a deal with the devil when you're not the one paying the price." So were still seeing dialogue parallels between Beth/Grady and S7. Just saying.
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We have Spencer finding the walker with the crossbow. This has always confused me a bit because it seems so minor. Maybe it'll come back and play next season. A couple of observations to point out. 
1) The Latin parallels. We saw Latin with Deanna in S6. She could read it, so make sense that her son could read it. But what's the point of putting these things in Latin? The writers could just as easily have put them in English and didn't. I'm not sure what that points to but many religious manuscripts are written in Latin, so it could be that.
2) Pretty sure the walker Spencer finds out in the woods and pretty sure it's male but it's blonde and has a crossbow so many ways that screams Beth. 
3) I'll talk about this more tomorrow, but also occurred to me that this walker he finds might be the guy who had the houseboat Aaron and Rick find next episode.
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We have the three names that they find on the sign: Leslie William Starton. There was Crighton Dallas Wilson in Eastman’s ep, who had 3 names. Also T. Brooks Ellis, who Eugene mentioned in 5x05.  And now this one.
So whether this detail comes back into play next season or not, I feel like there's some symbolism here were supposed to pick up on and I don't think we've entirely figured out what it is yet. The one other similarity is that none of these people are actually characters in the show. They’re just talked about by characters in the show.
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We had Jesus on the roof of the truck which was a direct call back to 6x10 when Rickyl met Jesus. Kind of a fun call back, especially bc they had Daryl looking up at him, knowing he was there.
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On a personal final note, I just want to say that Negan says, "just saying" in the final scene. I only add that because I had a somewhat nasty Ask come into my inbox, telling me I use the expression just saying too much. Now guys, I know I use it too much. I just don't care. I know it's a crutch for me, but it's how I write. I just want to point out that Aaron also used it back in S6, to Maggie. If the TWD writers are okay using a crutch phrase like "just saying," I make no apologies for it. (Hehe.) 
That's it for this episode. Thoughts?
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onlydarylnormanfic · 6 years
Grand Masterlist
Updated: 7/1/2018
All contain smut.
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ALL OF YOU (Series):
All of You (I Want All of You)
Summary: This was a request, hope I get it right. :) My first post-Negan era piece. Daryl is in the Sanctuary still and is approached by Negan’s daughter (Reader), she takes a liking to him and smut ensues. I didn’t get to the ‘Negan doesn’t approve’ part of the request, may have to make a second part if people like it.
All of You - Part 2 (Dad, This is Daryl)
Summary: As requested, here is part 2. Post-Negan era smut piece. The reader (Negan’s Daughter) convinces Negan to allow Daryl to be her bodyguard while he is away in Alexandria for a few days. Smut and romance ensue. When Negan returns, he finds out that they are sleeping together and loses his shit.
All of You - Part 3 (So You Fucking Love Me, Huh?)
Summary: The reader and Daryl fall hard for one another at the sanctuary, as Negan struggles to get used to Daryl and his daughter together. Daryl x Reader smutty action, they are so in love yo! :) This got so smutty.. your welcome. ;)
All of You Part 4 (I Love Her, Rick)
Summary: Y/N convinces Daryl to let her come to Alexandria with him, after fighting with him. Makeup Smut ensues as she convinces him to take her along. They drive to Alexandria and meet Rosita and Rick, Rosita is pissed at Daryl and Rick contemplates how to deal with the new situation. Smut AF. Post-Negan AU.
 All of You Part 5 (All Mine Now - A Proposal)
Summary: The Reader gets taken to the cell in Alexandria for questioning by Rick and Michonne. Daryl doesn’t leave her side. He spends the night in the cell with her and asks her to marry him. Meanwhile, Rick and the group need assurances from the reader to stay in Alexandria, regarding Negan, that she might not be able to pull off.
HOME (Series):
Summary: You have been dating Daryl for months before settling in Alexandria together. Daryl goes out on a run and you await his return impatiently and think about him as you await his return. Pre-Negan Era.
Chapter 1: Missing You
You anxiously await Daryl’s return and think about how much you miss him when he is away. (Smut)
Chapter 2: Promise
You and Michonne go out to hunt walkers and you think back to your very first walker kill and the first time you met Daryl. (Violence, Walker Death, Family Death)
Chapter 3: I’ll Watch Over You.
Michonne gives you a lesson in walker killing and you think back to your very first night with Daryl Dixon. (Walker Killing, Grief, Family Death, Fluff)
Chapter 4: No One’s Gonna Hurt You. I Promise.
The Reader reminisces about her first day in Alexandria and her first kiss with Daryl.
Chapter 5: My Mystery Man
The Reader reminisces about her first night in Alexandria; meeting Rick and Michonne, having dinner and drinks with Carol, and Her and Daryl’s first time together. (Smut)
Chapter 6: The Love Word
The reader thinks back to falling in love with Daryl, as she awaits his return. The reader reminisces about the day Daryl told her he must leave for a while and their last night together.
Dirty Thoughts
Summary: The Reader lives with Abraham and Rosita and has been in Alexandria for only a few weeks. Reader has a major crush on Daryl and Abe invites him to dinner one night. Daryl and Reader finally get what they want from each other. Smutty Smut. Daryl x Reader. Enjoy!
Don’t Touch Her
Summary: Daryl runs into the reader after her boyfriend has hit her. Daryl loses it and confront the guy. He comforts the reader and they become close. Smut ending, of course.
First Time
Summary: Hope I do these requests justice! :) Set season 3 in the prison. Pre-Governor era. The reader is new to the group and finds herself unusually attracted to the man they call Daryl. The reader is shy and unsure about all things that come along with the sex, as she is a virgin. Daryl and her get to talking one night and she asks him to take her virginity.  Reader is around 20 years old. Prepare for cute Daryl fluff in this one, I think he would be so sweet taking someone’s virginity. :)
Happy Birthday, Daryl
Summary: So I started this as a request, but it turned into just pure Daryl birthday smut. Daryl x Reader had been dating for a few months, in secret, when his birthday comes up. Reader surprises Daryl with morning sex. Smutty. Alexandria, Pre-Negan Era.
He Doesn’t Deserve to Own You
Summary: The reader is attracted to Spencer, until one night he tells her off and Daryl steps in and tells him to fuck off. The Daryl leads you to his house, where he tells you he his feelings for you and smut occurs.
He Doesn’t Deserve to Own You - Part 2
Summary: Started out as a one shot, but I ended up writing a second part to it. Takes place a week after yours and Daryl’s confrontation with Spencer. Spencer now won’t leave reader alone and Daryl has to tell him to back the fuck off, Y/N is his now.
I Can’t Lose You - Part 1
Summary: I hope I do this request justice. Season 6 Era. The reader wants to prove herself to the group and go with the group on a scouting mission to stake out Negan’s compound. Daryl is furious. He doesn’t want her anywhere near Negan or his men. But, the reader sneaks away with the group anyway. You are caught by one of Negan’s men and nearly captured when Daryl shows up and saves you. Ends in an argument about you running off, Daryl telling you he can’t lose you, and smutty make up love making.
I Can’t Lose You - Part 2
Summary: I hope I do this request justice. Season 6 Era. The reader wants to prove herself to the group and go with the group on a scouting mission to stake out Negan’s compound. Daryl is furious. He doesn’t want her anywhere near Negan or his men. But, the reader sneaks away with the group anyway. You are caught by one of Negan’s men and nearly captured when Daryl shows up and saves you. Ends in an argument about you running off, Daryl telling you he can’t lose you, and smutty make up love making.
I Can Treat You Better
Summary: Another request, hope I do it justice. :) Daryl has feelings for the reader and has had to watch the reader be treated badly by her boyfriend for months. When the reader’s boyfriend is out on a run, Daryl makes his feelings known. Pre-Negan Era. Set in Alexandria. Smut AF.
I Can Treat You Better - Part 2
Summary: I got a request to write a second part of this, so here it is! Daryl and the reader enjoy each other’s company after being intimate the night before. Luke comes home to find you have moved out and to find that Daryl has told you about him and Rosita.
I Love My Redneck
Summary: Early Season 4. Prison Era. Daryl and the Reader have been dating for a while, they go out on a run to scavenge for supplies and the Reader turns Daryl on. Smut ensues. Reader finds a radio with some tapes including Daryl’s favorite band, Led Zeppelin. Reader takes it intending to treat Daryl with a lap dance later. Later that night they are around the campfire at the prison when to younger men ask the Reader why she is with an old redneck. The reader responds and later finds out Daryl is upset by it. The reader comforts Daryl and treats him to a lap dance. They make love afterwards, salty and sweetly.
Imagine Giving Daryl His First Blow Job
Summary: Reader gives Daryl his first blowjob, while out on a run, and it leads to rough sex.
I Only Want You - Part 1
Summary: This one will be two parts. Part one we follow the reader as she awaits Daryl’s return from a run and reminisces about their last night together. Lovey-Dovey Smut. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn return with a woman who has been hurt who seems to have intentions towards Daryl.
I Only Want You - Part 2
Summary: Daryl begins to train Nina and she makes advances at him. The Reader becomes extremely jealous. Daryl proves to the Reader he only wants her. Ends in smutty loud love making.
It’s About Time
Summary: The reader is Rick’s younger sister and is saved by Shane after the outbreak. The reader and Shane shared a night together after the world ended. But, the reader isn’t in love with Shane. The reader and Daryl both have had a thang for each other since Daryl arrived to the group. Shane gets jealous of the reader paying attention to Daryl. Daryl protects her from Shane and the end up spending the night together. The next day the group travels to the CDC, where Rick talks to her about her choice in men. The reader sticks up for Daryl and they publicly make it known they are together. Shane just drunk and jealous at dinner and ends up trying to get back with the reader, only to be too harsh with her. Daryl walks in and punches him out, declaring she is his and he isn’t allowed to touch her. He brings her back to their room and lovey dovey end game smut happens.
It’s About Time Part 2 - 1 of 2
It’s About Time Part 2 - 2 of 2
Summary: Someone requested Part 2 of this. The prompt was what if Shane tried to convince Daryl he was cheating on her. It got a lot bigger than that. So, this after the CDC escape and right after finding Hershel’s farm. Daryl and the reader settle into life after being on the run for so long. They enjoy the new life they have found together. Shane apologizes to the reader and they try to be on better terms. I really wanted to redeem Shane a little bit after the last part. So, you see a softer side to him in this one.Shane tries to plant doubt into the reader’s mind about Daryl’s loyalties. Daryl shows her just who he belongs to.
[New!] I’ll Be Back for You
Summary: Daryl leave the reader to go on a run. The reader is sad and depressed about it. Daryl comes back from the run with a stray horse he found. The reader takes the horse in and loves her gift. Later that day Daryl and the reader reunite after days apart. Loving smut ensues.
I’ll Give You What You Want, Girl
Summary: Uh, pure Daryl smut and AU/Pre-Apocalypse… The reader has crushed on Mr. Dixon for a long time, but he is her teacher. One the last day of class the reader seduces him and he teaches her how a real man does it.
I’ll Take Care of Ya
Summary: I needed to write some Daryl and this is what came out after this prompt. Reader gets hurt and almost gets killed by a walker, going outside the walls of Alexandria on a run, against Daryl’s wishes. Daryl is furious with her and ends up fighting with her, only to expose the fact that he has a thing for the reader. Smut ensues.
I’m Not Jealous
Summary: Daryl sees the reader talking to another man and gets jealous. The reader goes to bring him lunch and a fight ensues. Jealous, make-up, smut ensues. Season 3. Right after they find the prison. Prison Era.
I Thought You Were Gone
Summary: Prison Era. The reader and Daryl get separated when the outbreak happens. One night while the reader is tucked away in a cave by the river, she hears a man being attacked by walkers. Seeing as he is without a weapon she assists him and kills the walkers attacking him, only to be met with Daryl - her long lost love. Daryl brings her back to the prison and sweet reunion smut happens.
Just Do It, Daryl
Summary: Season 3 Prison Era. Daryl and the reader don’t get along and haven’t since she joined the group. Daryl thinks she wants Rick and he has a crush on her. Little does he know she feels the same way about him, she just doesn’t want to let him push her around. After yet another epic throw down fight, Rick has had enough and sends you two out on a run alone to figure your shit out. On the run Daryl finally decides to show you how he feels and angry, lovey-dovey smut occurs.
Just For You
Summary: Daryl and Reader have been together for awhile. Reader goes on a run with Maggie and Rick and finds sexy lingerie. She takes it home to surprise Daryl. Pre-Negan. Season 5/6. Alexandria. Hope I got this one right! :) Smut Alert.
Just Friends - Part 1
Summary: Daryl and the reader share a few drinks one night and the reader let’s her intentions be known. They get it on and Daryl tells her that it can only be sex between them; to him, love is illogical in this end-of-days world. The reader and Daryl carry on for a few weeks and start to get closer and more intimate with one another. Daryl wrestles with falling for the reader as he begins to realize he has deeper feelings for her. Beginning of Season 4. The Prison.
Just Friends - Part 2
Summary: Second part to the request above. Reader becomes friends with the man Rick and Glenn saved, trying to help him get used to the group and his new surroundings. Daryl notices her spending more and more time with him and gets really jealous and angry. He claims her and finally admits he loves her. Beginning of Season 4. The Prison.
Just Shut Up
Summary: This one sort of wrote itself. Angry smut alert! Daryl and the reader are off on a run, after finding the farm. The reader is wreckless and Daryl lays down the law with her, once and for all. He shows her what she needs. Smut ensues. ;)
[New!] Let’s Play
Summary: Season 6 Era. Rick has just taken over Alexandria. The reader is bored during one of the many town meetings that is being hosted at her and Daryl’s house. The reader seduces him, despite their house being full of the towns people. Pure Smutty Smut.
Make Me Yours
Summary: Set in season 2, on Hershel’s farm. Rick’s group is just starting to settle into an easier life on the farm when Daryl and Glenn come across a woman in the woods (reader) and bring her to the farm. They hit it off. Smut ensues… of course. The rest of the request will be in there too! I hope you like it! (I did not get to the daddy issues, but I did give her major man issues… ;) )
[New!] My Dirty Secret
Summary: The reader is Rick’s younger sister and has a thing for Daryl. Daryl has a thing for her too. But, he doesn’t want to betray Rick’s friendship. One day, they get stuck in a house after spotting a herd and have to spend the night there. The reader catches Daryl pleasuring himself to the thought of her and realizes he does want her. She finds a teddy and a vibrator in the dresser and decides to show him just how much she wants him too. Major smut ensues.
Quickie on a Run
Summary: I had to do this because I have been thinking about it and needed some quick, dirty, smut. Totally a creation of this dirty mind haha. Enjoy! Daryl and Reader are on a run with Rick, Glenn, and Maggie, and Reader seduces Daryl into quick, rough sex. Season 6. Pre-Negan.
Summary: Set in S.3 at the prison. Reader gets all hot and bothered watching Daryl chop wood and slips away to their cell for a release. Daryl finds you and smut ensues.
Right Like That
Summary: I had to write this out. Early Season 2 era, at the farm, with Daryl’s old badass self. The reader constantly flirts with Daryl throughout the entire time they are together in the group, once they settle in to the farm, they are finally able to have a night they both have fantasized about, for so long. Smut AF. I needed a fic where Daryl takes a girl roughly in the barn. Enjoy! This turned out smuttier than expected.
Summary: Daryl rescues the reader from walkers and he ends up taking her in, in Alexandria. They become very close, but remain just friends. Until, one day Daryl makes his intentions known for her. The start dating, but she has never seen his scars. Because of this, it keeps him from being fully intimate with her. One day he decides to open up to her and show her. Daryl tells her how he got them and they both break down. Daryl comforts her and she comforts him. Ends in them finally making love at the end. Lovey-Dovey Smut and pretty damn fluffy for my stuff.  Alexandra. Season 6 Era.
She’s Mine
Summary: Season 1 Era. Before the pilot and before Merle is left on the roof. Daryl and his brother Merle keep to the outskirts of the camp, Reader is interested in Daryl and starts to try and act friendly toward him, only to end up dealing with Merle constantly hitting on her and trying to grab on her. Daryl finally has enough and tells Merle off. Smut ensues. Daryl claims her.
Summary: I just needed some pure Daryl smut. It is shorter than my usual pieces. 100% smut. Daryl and the Reader are scavenging a house with Rick and Michonne when Daryl pulls the reader away from some afternoon fun. ;)
[New!] So, You Want Me?
Summary: Daryl overhears the reader gushing to Maggie about her crush on Daryl. He overhears how much you want to know what fucking him would be like and what him going down on you would be like. The reader goes home to find Daryl waiting there for her, ready and willing to show her just what he’s made of. The reader is very submissive to Daryl and not very experienced. He takes care of her, in more ways than one. Dom!Daryl Smut. Season 6 Era.
Teach Me
Summary: The reader almost gets bit on a run and Daryl is furious with her. They get back to the prison and she asks him to teach her a thing or two about self-defense against walkers and people. Sweaty training ends in rough smut, Daryl style. ;)
Thank You
Summary: This was a request, hope I get it right! :) Daryl breaks free from the Sanctuary, only to run into Jesus on his way out. Jesus helps him escape and the two return to the hilltop where Daryl meets the reader. The reader helps nurse him back to health and eventually smut ensues. This one is really long, but I had to nurse Daryl back to health, figured it would be some time before he’d be up for any rough smut.
The Bowman
Summary: I don’t know this is just a random thought I needed to write out. Daryl is the bow instructor at the Hilltop and Reader has a crush on him. Daryl notices and puts the moves on her. Pure Daryl Smut. Enjoy. Post Season 7 Era.
The Night Before
Summary: Daryl and the reader sleep together the night before the group clears the prison, while everyone else is asleep. The reader worries for him when he goes off to help Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog clear. When he returns more smut and end game lovey dovey smut when Daryl asks the reader to stay with him
[New!] They Can Wait
Summary: The reader plans a smutty night for her and Daryl, only to be interrupted by yet more Alexandria business when Daryl brings Rick and Glenn home for a meeting. The reader and Daryl haven’t had anytime alone since reaching Alexandria and the reader is desperate to reconnect with him. Daryl walks into the house to find the reader scantily clad in his favorite teddy. He quickly covers you up and the meeting happens. The reader teases Daryl with company in the house and smut ensues when they leave. Daryl pleases her in more ways than one, making up for lost time.
Welcome Home
Summary: Daryl Dixon and the reader enjoy their new house, once settling into Alexandria. Daryl and the reader are gifted their own house when the group moves to Alexandria. After being out there for so long with little to no privacy, the two enjoy their new found privacy and have a marathon day of smut throughout the house. (This was fun to right, hope it is just as fun to read).
You Want Better?
Summary: Daryl taunts the reader about her feelings for married Rick. She finds out it is because Daryl has feelings for her. They confront each other and smut/romance ensues. Season 2 / Hershel’s Farm Era.
You Want Better? – Part 2
Summary: I made a second part to this because I wanted to. Sort of felt like resolving the Rick-ness of it all. Daryl and the reader begin to sneak around and see each other, they go on a run with the group and Rick confronts the reader about his feelings and the reader has to decide between Rick or Daryl. I really love jealous Daryl. Smutty Daryl x Reader Goodness.
You Gotta Be Shittin’ Me, Right?
Summary: Reader goes on watch duty with Daryl (Season 3, Prison) and learns Daryl is a virgin. Things progress from there… Smut.
[New!] You Let Him Touch You?
Summary: Daryl decides to leave the prison with his brother, Merle. Daryl and the reader have been dating awhile and the reader is heartbroken. Daryl tells her to move on. The reader meets Axel and the two end up having a friends with benefits type of relationship. Daryl comes back to the prison over a month later. Daryl sees what you have with Axel and becomes possessive. He claims you. Smut and endgame ending.
Your Safe Here
Summary: The Reader is saved in the woods by Daryl. He brings her to Alexandria and helps her heal. She is accepted into the town. But, really only feels safe with Daryl. She witnesses Daryl having a dream about her (ahem) and she decides to make her move.
[New!] You’re the Reason
Summary: The reader thinks Daryl is gay. Daryl in fact can’t keep his mind off of her, which is why he doesn’t ever look at anyone else. One day the reader asks for his help going through some storage in the prison. The reader says too bad he is, because the women would love a chance at him. He gets awkward and quiet, tells the reader he isn’t and then confesses she is all he thinks about when he relieves himself. Passionate, smutty goodness ensues when he shows her just how much he wants her. This one wrote itself…
You Should Be With Me - Part 1
Summary: Season 1 Era. After the outbreak. Daryl is with the group as is the reader. The reader has had a crush on him since the group joined together. One night the group is drinking late at a campfire and the reader and Daryl have a great night of smutty goodness. The morning after he tells her is was only a one-night thing, despite desperately wanting her. But, he thinks it is better for you both if you don’t get attached, ending up breaking the reader’s heart.
You Should Be With Me - Part 2
Summary: Season 1 Era. After the outbreak. Daryl is with the group as is the reader. The reader has had a crush on him since the group joined together. One night the group is drinking late at a campfire and the reader and Daryl have a great night of smutty goodness. The morning after he tells her is was only a one-night thing, despite really wanting her. The reader is heartbroken, but she agrees. She soon strikes up a friendship with another man, Not Daryl, but nice enough. One day, on a run alone, Daryl can’t take anymore, and he claims what he wants – her.
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Sorry. He’s Busy Right Now
Summary: Reader meets Norman at a con and things get heated. The reader comes face to face with someone who has been seen with, who the reader thinks is a horrible person, after their encounter. Norman calls her into the shower.
Sorry, He’s Busy Right Now - Part 2
Summary: After the reader and Norman sleep together, Norman leaves for filming and the reader is forced to go back to reality. Norman keeps trying to contact her, but the reader thinks he has gone back to Brianna so she stops contacting him. She is forced to work a con with him a few months later and Norman confronts her, telling her she is the only one he wants.
Sorry, He’s Busy Right Now - Part 3
Summary: The story I can’t stop writing rn. Norman and the reader settle into this new life together, despite Brianna’s presence. The reader reaches out to a friend who might be able to help them out. Norman tells the reader for the first time he loves her. This one get pretty lovey-dovey at the end. But plenty of smut as well.
[New!] Action
Summary: Norman has a crush on the reader and the reader digs him too. They work together on the show, the reader is Daryl’s love interest. When they are asked to film their first love scene things get heated. One night Norman invites her over and smut ensues.
[New!] Anger
Summary: Norman is jealous of the reader’s ex who is still in her life because he is best friends with her sister’s boyfriend. Her ex always talks to Norman about the two of you when you used to date and still has a thing for you. Norman gets angry as hell and the reader calms him down. The ex shows up and Norman laws down the law. Hungry, needy, smut ensues and Norman shows the reader just why she would never want another… And the reader shows him that he is the only one she ever wants…
Can I Come In?
Summary: Pure smut. The Reader meets her new neighbor, Norman. They both like each other and flirt as time goes by. Norman is pretty shy about putting the moves on her, even though he wants to. One night the reader overhears him pleasuring himself and calling out her name, through her bedroom wall. The reader decides to take charge and show Norman just what she wants from him.
I Just Can’t Help It
Summary: Norman and the reader have been friends for years and he asks her to go to Steven’s wedding with him. The reader agrees. When the reader spends most the night dancing with another guy, Norman gets jealous and decides he needs to have her all to himself. Rough smut ensues, followed by Norman confessing he wants her to himself.
Happy Birthday Norman
Summary: Norman and the reader enjoy some birthday smut.
I’m Home, Baby
Summary: So I’ve had this thing kicking around in my head for a while, needed to write it. Norman wakes the reader up in the middle of the night, for some loving smut, after being gone for weeks filming a movie. (My first Norman smut, let me know if you like it, constructive feedback welcome!) P.S. Pretty sure I could imagine Norman smut all day long every day… The man is pure love. This was super fun to write and I was nervous to write a Norman smut haha expect way more! ;) Enjoy!
I Need You, Now
Summary: I will say it again this man makes me trash. This is just a little fantasy I had that I needed to write out. Norman and his girlfriend (the reader) reunite at a con, after being apart for weeks. Norman has to have her now, so they race off to the basement to find a place where they can be alone. Smutty Smut ensues. Enjoy!
Summary: I had this brain child while writing my other Dom!Norman piece. This one just hammered itself out, no pun intended. lol! Norman is jealous of the reader and her co-worker. He lays down the law. Ends lovey-dovey.
Let Me Help
Summary: Pure Smut Alert. This one shot just sort of, happened. Reader sees Norman is upset and takes it into her hands to make sure he feels better. Marathon smut session does the trick. ;)
Nobody’s but Mine
Summary: Norman and the reader have been friends for over a year. Norman always hits on her but, she always turns him down because they have such a close friendship. One night she slips and they end up sleeping together. They become friends with benefits, until one night Norman gets jealous and tell the reader he only wants her. Setting is NYC.
Summary: So I had this idea where Norman and the reader have been dating for over a year now and the reader really loves Daryl’s character. She has asked Norman to roleplay Daryl in the bedroom before, but Norman always turns her down. It’s the reader’s birthday and Norman lures her onto the set of Alexandria one night and has a surprise for her. He roleplays Daryl and rough smut, that turns into some lovey dovey Norman smut happens. Sounded so fucking hot! So I had to write it!
Treat You Right
Summary: Norman has had a long, hard week of filming and his girlfriend (the reader) loves him down right, making him forget about all his troubles. Pure smut.
We’ve Got Time
Summary: Norman comes home to the Reader and their 5 year old daughter after a couple weeks of being gone filming. They spend a relaxing night together as a family and Norman and the Reader reunite for some lovey dovey smutty time.
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I Risked it All - Part 1
Summary: The reader is called on for her, “favor,” from Agent Smecker. It is to break Connor and Murphy Macmanus out of a high security prison. The reader breaks them out and leads them to a safe house. There is obvious tension and chemistry between the reader and Murphy. Smut ensues.
 I Risked it All - Part 2
Summary: Picks up where Part 1 left off. The reader bonds with the brothers during their two day stint in the safe house. Lots and lots of Murphy x Reader smut. Basically, a chapter on these two falling for each other, hardcore. Murphy asks the reader to come with them when they relocate. And more clues about the reader’s past surface.
All Mine Now
Summary: The reader catches Murphy’s eye at a bar and her friend Stacey picks up a liking to Connor. The two get friendly with the guys when someone at the bar makes a move on the reader. Murphy and Connor teach them a lesson and smutty smuttiness ensues. I didn’t get around to him asking her on a date at the end, but sort of implies they will be together. End game Murphy smut turned out a lot longer than intended,but I doubt I’ll hear complaints ;)
[New]  I’m Only Yours
Summary: Murphy and the reader are on their honeymoon in Ireland. Murphy is a virgin and the two haven’t done much sexual play at all, much less sex. The reader helps Murphy gain confidence on their first night together. He finally loses his virginity to his new wife. Smut. Happy Ending. 
[New!] Sinful
Summary: The reader is working late one night at a church in the city. The Macmanus Brothers show up late, wanting to pray. She locks them in and gives them a few minutes inside the church while she goes about cleaning up for the night. The boys meet the reader in the confessional and threesome smut ensues.
You and Your Stupid, Fucking Rope
Summary: Murphy is propositioned by a female bartender (the reader) at McGinty’s one night. Connor intervenes and kinky rope smut ensues. This is more of a Murphy x Reader smut, but Connor also gets to use his stupid rope. ;) My first BDS Smut piece, hope you all like it! This honestly may be the longest pure smut piece I have ever written, rivaled only by All of You Part 2.
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 26 - Betrayal
~Hey guys! Chapter 26 is out now :) Molly is in a dark place as she feels completely alone, little does she know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel...I hope everyone is having a good week and chapter 27 will be out on Sunday. Love y’all <3~
Molly is feeling isolated and out of place being back with her family. Will she be able to find peace within herself and the others?
I was home, straight back to cold, damp darkness.
It was silent for the most part, sometimes I heard footsteps on the grass outside.
But, the sun didn't shine on me now for a reason.
They all hated me.
Tara looked at me like she never had before, no anger, no sadness just shock, like I was a complete stranger.
I can't describe that feeling, it wasn't simple loneliness or guilt, I felt as though I had no place in world where my two feet on the ground were solid.
I had once thought that the Sanctuary was my home and by extension Negan but now thinking about that place, it just felt estranged to me.
Now, the exact same feeling was felt for this place.
I shivered when the cool breeze zipped through the bars, though I had always preferred the cold to the raging heat of  Virginia.
It was bad for me to be alone, as in darkness I tended to dwell on my deepest thoughts.
I couldn't cry anymore, a part of me thought that there were just no tears left.
I was numb.
I was numb to physical emotion, but that didn't mean that my emotions didn't still overwhelm me.
Memories of Negan flashed through my mind when I rubbed my neck, now sore from the hard floor.
His lips, his kisses, his warm hands, everything.
I clenched my fists and sighed in frustration.
How could I let myself become so naive, so stupid?!
When I touched my chest, where my locket had once sat, I thought of Tara and how losing the locket had actually predicted how I would lose her.
She had every right to hate me though, as did Maggie, as did Rosita, I had failed them all.
My own weak emotions had overwhelmed me, maybe that's what caused Simon to... I couldn't finish that thought.
I couldn't make myself go back there, to that space.
Suddenly, the main door squeaked open and I jumped up to my feet, squinting my eyes to see who it was.
He walked over to me and without a word he unlocked and opened the cell door.
I stood in front of him as he just looked me over as if I was unrecognisable.
He looked down as he said quietly, 'Rick wants you at Alexandria, it's probably best for you know...'.
I just nodded.
He held my arm gently as he guided me up the stairs and out into the sunlight.
It beamed down on my face, but this time that fresh grass smell had subsided and there was no Tara to embrace me.
Instead as we walked towards the gates, there she stood, next to Maggie and Rosita.
She had a hopeful look in her eye which was almost a smile as she tried to walk towards me.
She must have thought that I was being released, but the realisation hit when Rick and Michonne came to lead me to their car.
Everyone else just stared at me in awe and almost fear.
'Look at her!' they must have said.
'That's the girl that slept with Negan!' they must have whispered to each other.
Maggie looked at me once before walking back inside, she couldn't even stand the sight of me.
I looked around at everyone and only bowed my head down once Tara backed away.
Once I was in the car, it was silence again.
None of us knowing what to say to each other, although I could always tell when Rick wanted to say something.
He kept glancing at me through the mirror as he drove with a slight scowl as if he was both proud yet hurt by my actions.
I knew exactly what he wanted to ask, but none of them could ever understand because none of them knew him like I did.
That's how they hated him, they only saw the man who killed members of our family and not the man who cares for his people and does everything to keep them safe.
I looked away from his glance as I watched the endless forest zip past my window with the occasional walker stumbling through.
I hadn't been to Alexandria for a long time yet seeing those gates again and the beautiful sign that read:
                             Welcome to the Alexandria Safe Zone
                                           Mercy for the lost
                                   Vengeance for the plunderers
We pulled up as Aaron drew back the gates. 
It wasn't the place I remembered anymore. Hardly anyone had guns and there were very little supplies, all down to Negan I gathered.
Aaron didn't say a word to me but just scowled, Rick must have told them.
Michonne told Rick she was going to check on Carl and Judith while he put me in my new cell.
When we walked to the house with a basement cell, I looked over to my old house, right next to Tara and Denise's.
It looked untouched, perfect almost, I wondered if Negan and his Saviours had taken anything from it.
Rick told me to sit in the chair while he went to check on the others, little did I know that I would soon have company.
I waited for a while and when I got bored of sitting I stood up and paced around the small room.
There was a little window with bars across it which gave more light than at Hilltop.
I was thankful for it.
Hearing people walk past, children playing, it made me recall what I loved about this place.
A few weeks later...
I rested my arms against the window entranced by the outside when a figure bounded down the stairs and said 'How could you?'.
I turned around to see Aaron, a scowl across his face and his hands on his hips.
I sighed, saying 'Aaron, I don't know what Rick has told you, but either way please know that I'm sorry'.
He scoffed, 'did Rick tell you what your boyfriend did to mine, he got Eric killed' he said, his face reddening now with rage.
I looked down in shock.
'You didn't know? But you knew about Spencer and Olivia, yet you still fell for the bastard?!' he said sternly.
I looked at him and nodded.
'Yeah and that guilt will live with me for the rest of my life. I am sorry about Eric, if I had stayed at the Sanctuary longer, maybe I could've helped...' I said sadly.
He saw the guilt and self-hatred in my eyes and his scowl now turned to a frown of pity.
'I don't blame you nor do I hate you. You're family and Eric loved you like a sister. Rick's only told us your part in the matter, not what you went through' he said softly.
I gulped at knowing what I might tell him.
'Not all of it was dark, the lighter moments were with Negan. But, in that place, there were far worse people than him' I said quietly.
Aaron stepped forward and opened the cell door to sit with me.
'Molly, I-I don't know what you went through there, but you've gotta know that Negan is an evil person. Rick said you told him he 'saved' you. How?' he asked sternly.
I looked away from him, I had to tell someone, I couldn't let it control me anymore.
I had wanted Tara to be the first, but she wasn't here for me.
I inhaled as my focus shifted to his gaze.
'A man tried to rape me when I got to the Sanctuary and Negan killed him before he could. But the next time...he just wasn't fast enough' I said slowly.
Aaron was taken aback as he just stared at me, open mouthed and frowned.
'Molly, I-I am so sorry that happened to you' he said trying to reach forward.
I lept up and moved towards the window.
'Yeah well, no one else knows so just keep it to yourself. Please' I said warningly.
'But if you told Rick then-' he said pleadingly.
I spun around in anger.
'Then what Aaron? They would feel sorry for me? I'm not a fucking victim, I don't need to be coddled. I deserve to be in here because I am guilty, I'm guilty of making a bad decision. But you know what? By that fact, everyone else should be in here with me, especially Rick, because he's made some terrible fucking decisions over the years' I said sternly.
I scoffed at him as he just stood there, wide eyed and surprised.
'You all say that I'm in here because I slept with the enemy, but I know the truth...it's because I'm now a threat. I'm an 'unknown' and you all don't know what to do with me because I've been on both sides. Oh, and apparently even though I didn't commit Negan's crimes, I'm still guilty of them by association and you all were so quick to judge me even though you're supposed to be my family. So thank you by the way! Now fuck off Aaron' I shouted before I turned back around to look out of the window.
He was stunned into silence at my speech and just walked out and back up the stairs.
I sighed in relief as that was the first time I had expressed my true feelings without guilt.
It wasn't until sunset when Rick came back to visit me.
He brought some dinner with him, a plate made up of bread, tomatoes and mushed vegetables.
I was starving so I grabbed the food off him and ate it in two seconds flat.
He raised his eyebrows and almost smirked as he sat down in front of me.
'Aaron told me he visited you' he said quietly.
I just rolled my eyes in response as I wiped my mouth and sat down.
'Can we not do this, because you don't give a shit about what I have say nowadays' I said sternly.
He sighed and looked down as he removed his hatchet and guns from his holster and set them onto the floor so he was more comfortable.
'I'm sorry Molly. Aaron didn't tell me what happened to you but I know it was bad. I love you, you know that. You're my family, my sister' he started to say.
'I didn't think about what it must have been like for you, being there. Thank you for what you did for us, if it weren't for you then some of us wouldn't be here. But, Molly, you have to know that Negan has to die' he said softly.
I inhaled, saying 'yeah I know'.
'You're okay with that? Because I need you firmly on my side, our side' he said pleadingly.
'I have to be okay. But just know, that I would do anything for this family. It's true, I fell for Negan but family comes first, always' I said as I grabbed his hand and took it in mine.
He smiled and nodded.
'Alright, welcome back' he said as he stood and handed me my gun and knives.
I smirked in surprise as I took them and put them in my holster.
He walked up the stairs as I just stood there in awe. 'Well, you comin' or what?' he said smirking.
I chuckled and followed him up the stairs. It felt good to be back...
Carl's POV//
After seeing Michonne and handing her Judith, I told her I was going to help with the crops but really I was sneaking out.
I climbed the steel wall and hopped over, flinging my rucksack over as I went.
I just needed to be outside, kill something, anything.
I felt trapped and hopeless with Negan ruling our life.
No one noticed when I left, so I knew that I could just stay in the woods for a couple hours then go back.
Enid and I loved these woods, it reminded me of when she kissed me before she went away to live at Hilltop.
Maggie needed her to help her with the baby and being at Alexandria reminded her of Glenn.
I heard walkers snarling behind me so I readied my blade and managed to kill them, one by one.
It was easy enough so I got comfortable.
I wandered aimlessly, seeing some of the stakes my dad had put down to trap walkers.
A walker was staked through the middle as it growled and grunted when a man came up behind it and killed it.
He looked like he was alone.
'Hey' I said.
'My dad put those down' I continued as I slowly walked towards the man.
He looked startled and nervous.
'I'm Carl' I said as he pointed to himself and said 'Siddiq'.
I held out a bag containing a sandwich and a bottle of water and said 'food and water'.
He tilted his head and asked 'why?'.
'My mom told me that you always gotta do whats right, I wanna help you' I said smiling at him.
I chucked the bag over to him which he lunged for as he ripped it open and chugged the water down.
'Thanks' he managed as he sat on the ground.
'Glad I found you' I said smiling.
'Me and my dad, we're in a community' I said softly, he looked up once I mentioned it.
'I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I need you to answer honestly okay?' I said as I walked towards him further.
He stood up and nodded.
'How many walkers have you killed? I know it's hard to keep track bu-' I started to ask before he interrupted.
'237' he said hastily.
'How many people have you killed?' I asked sceptically.
'One' he answered sadly.
'Why?' I followed up with.
'The dead tried to kill him but...they didn't' he said sadly.
I just nodded.
'Come with me' I said as I walked in front.
He followed me as we walked back to Alexandria.
There were a group of walkers feasting on a deer carcass when we approached them.
'Okay, follow me' I said as we moved slowly around the trees towards them.
The walkers sensed us, got up and walked towards us.
I killed one, as did Siddiq but more came, more than we expected.
Siddiq struggled and said 'just go! you don't have to help me'.
I mumbled 'no' as a walker tackled me to the ground.
It's teeth gnashed against my face as Siddiq managed to kill his walker alongside one more.
The walker growled and gnashed inches from my flesh before sinking its teeth briefly into my stomach.
He got rid of one which was heading my way just as I managed to grab my gun from my pocket and kill it.
I was bit.
I climbed up to my feet, hiding my bite with my shirt and came over to Siddiq.
'Okay?' he asked.
'Yeah' I said breathlessly.
'You could've left...' he said quietly.
'I'm responsible for you now. That's how it works' I said now looking at him.
'I don't wanna make any trouble. Your dad won't want anything to do with me' he said nervously.
'Sometimes kids have to find their own way to show their parents the way' I said as I winced at the pain and kept walking.
Siddiq following me closely behind.
When we got back, my dad was out with a couple others but Michonne was still there with Judith.
I couldn't tell her or my dad, not yet.
I now had a timer on my life and I had to make memories for Judith so she would remember me.
I smiled ordinarily at Michonne when I walked in and played with Judith in her room.
We made shapes of our hands with paint and she drew pictures of us together.
Tears formed in my eyes as I realised I would never see her grow old.
While she played and laughed with her toys, I got out some paper and a pen from her toy box and wrote some letters.
I wrote one to my dad, Michonne, Judith, Enid and Negan.
With Negan's I asked him to stop the fight and with everyone else's I thanked them for being there for me.
Siddiq was taken in and being a doctor, my dad accepted him when I got back.
He lectured and scolded me but was proud of me when he learned what I did.
I didn't know how long I would have, but sitting with my family out on the porch while the sun now set was perfect...
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mbtizone · 7 years
Negan (The Walking Dead): ENTJ
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Dominant Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Negan is an authoritarian leader with a need for power. He spends much of his time exerting his dominance over others and keeping people in check. He creates the laws and expects people to abide by them. Negan takes his rules very seriously, and if someone puts a toe out of line, there will be consequences. He’s a talented strategist, which makes him a formidable adversary. Negan knows how to keep his people in line. He’s blunt, direct, good at delegating, and a skilled planner. If Negan’s initial plans go awry, he has a back-up. He’s a controlling tyrant and needs everything done on his terms. Negan understands the necessity for resources and is ruthless in his mission to obtain them. Since he displays sociopathic behavior, emotions are never an issue for Negan. All of his decisions are completely based on how he can advance his goals (recruiting other groups to get supplies for the Saviors, ruling his people, and keeping his enemies in line).
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: When Negan needs to come up with a plan, his auxiliary function is there to assist his dominant one. He’s good at thinking in the long-term and can see how things will play out. Negan is an exceptionally good manipulator and knows exactly how to get under somebody’s skin. He spends a great deal of time reading people, understanding who they are, and using that knowledge to his advantage (Te/Ni/Fi). Negan enjoys using colorful metaphors in his conversations and speeches. He tends to be several steps ahead of other people, and knows exactly how to thwart plans he doesn’t want to see come to fruition. Negan has a grasp on the big picture and every move he makes is to benefit the Sanctuary and all those who reside there (and maintain his position as leader). His Fi and Ni can also team up to come up with unique ways or torture, such as planning to have Rick cut off his own son’s arm. He can discern a person’s weaknesses quickly and accurately and use that against them in his various mind games and psychological warfare. He was immediately able to deduce that Carl was Rick’s son, that Rosita had a relationship with Abraham, and that Rick had just “lost somebody important” to him. He is often able to tell when people are being dishonest with him and follows his hunches about people’s true motives and intentions.
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: While Negan is definitely a tactician, he is usually able to improvise in the moment with ease. He is good at picking up on what’s happening in his environment. The data he takes in from this function allows him to support his Ni and Te. He notices what’s going on around him and exploits it in order to manipulate people. He is violent and knows how to use his physical force to intimidate, threaten, hurt, and kill. Even though he prefers to send his minions out to do his bidding, Negan has no trouble getting his hands dirty and enjoys throwing his weight around to get a rise out of people. Negan likes to make a big show of his punishments and enjoys having an audience. As psychopathic as he is, he is also quite charismatic and humorous. He can easily make jokes using the information he picks up in his environment (Se) and what he gathers from his sharp instincts (Ni).
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Inferior Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Although it’s flawed and extremely unhealthy, Negan lives by a personal code of ethics that he enforces through his Te. At times, he established personal connections with people, (Carl and Sasha), and genuinely doesn’t want to hurt them. He tends to show a slightly softer side to the people he has respect for (Daryl, Carl, and Sasha). However, if he feels he’s been backed into a corner, he’ll do what he thinks he needs to do. He pushes his values onto the people around him (the Saviors, as well as the groups he colonizes) and expects them to follow along with his code. Though Negan can be brutal, savage, and sadistic, he doesn’t stand for sexual assault and if he catches his men preying on women, he will react viciously. However, he blackmails or extorts his “wives” into being with him (usually by threatening people close to them), but feels that this is acceptable, because, in his mind, they were given a choice. If one of his people dies (by someone’s hand other than his own), he takes the time to acknowledge the loss and pay respects. He doesn’t enjoy killing women, but he will if he “has to.”
Note: This typing applies to the TV character.
Enneagram: 8w7 3w4 7w8 So/Sp
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Negan: There are rules for a reason. Nothing matters if your dead.
Negan: You know, I’m thinking, Spencer. I’m thinking how Rick threatened to kill me, how he clearly hates my guts. But he is out there right now, gathering shit for me to make sure I don’t hurt any of the fine people that live here. He is swallowing his hate and getting shit done. That takes guts. And then there’s you The guy who waited for Rick to be gone so he could sneak over and talk to me to get me to do his dirty work, so he could take Rick’s place. So I got to ask – if you wanna take over, why not just kill Rick yourself and just take over? Spencer: What? No, no. I didn’t – I don’t… Negan: You know what I’m thinking? ‘Cause I have a guess. [Whispering] It’s because you got no guts. [Negan disembowels Spencer] Ohh. How embarrassing. There they are. They were inside you the whole time. You did have guts. I’ve never been so wrong in my whole life!
Negan: [Over Radio] For anyone out there who loved the obese bastard as much as I did, I just want to say a few words. Fat Joey was not the most badass sonuvabitch, but he was loyal. He had a great sense of humor. In fact, we were just joking about oral sex with Lucille the other day! Things will not be the same now that he’s dead. Without Fat Joey, Skinny Joey is just [sighs] Joey. So it’s a goddamn tragedy. So, let’s have a moment of silence.
[just as David is about to rape Sasha in her cell, Negan interrupts] Negan: HEY! What the hell are you doin’ in here? David: Negan, sir… Negan: [interrupting him] D’you REALLY think I need you to answer that? I can see that you’re tryin’ to rape this woman. You… were tryin’ to rape this woman, weren’t you? Ah… this is some unacceptable behavior. Rape is against the rules here. I wouldn’t wanna be somewhere where it wasn’t. Someone in charge… who lets somethin’ like that fly… [he exhales and pulls out a knife and whispering] David… you really crossed the line here. David: [whimpering] I’m sorry, sir. [Negan looks at David for a moment, then stabs him through the neck] Negan: You know what? I do not accept your apology.
Negan: You don’t scare easy. I love that!
Negan: All right, listen. Don’t any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down, no exceptions. First one’s free. It’s an emotional moment, I get it.
Negan: You see, Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don’t mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and it’s really very simple, so, even if you’re stupid, which you may very well be, you can understand it. You ready? Here goes. Pay attention. [holds his bat up to Rick’s head] Give me your shit… or I will kill you. Today was career day. We invested in a lot, so you would know who I am and what I can do. You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. That’s your job. Now, I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact, you are pegged, more pegged if you don’t do what I want. And what I want is half your shit. And if that’s too much, you can make, find, or steal more, and it’ll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it will be. So, if someone… knocks on your door… you let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down. You understand?
Negan: You don’t really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished, now, did you? I don’t want to kill you people. Just want to make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me. You can’t do that if you’re dead, now, can you? I’m not growing a garden. But you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them. More than I’m comfortable with. And for that, for that you’re gonna pay. So, now… I’m gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you.
Negan: Now, Dwight gave you some options. I don’t think you get it yet. So I’m gonna break it down for you. You get three choices. One. You wind up on the spike, and you work for me as a dead man. Two. You get out of your cell, you work for points, but you’re gonna wish you were dead. Or three. You work for me. You get yourself a brand new pair of shoes, and you live like a king! The choices seems pretty obvious. You should know, there is no door number four. This is it. This is the only way.
Negan: Are you cool, though, Dwight? I mean, I just said it was happy hour at the pussy bar, and Dwight eats for free… and you said no.
Negan (The Walking Dead): ENTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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