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steelandcotton · 2 years ago
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Manchu Bannermen were expert archers, but few know that they also made widespread use of firearms. In fact, once they established their dynasty, Bannermen trained as frequently with Matchlocks as they did with their Bows. They did this both on foot and mounted.
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sadiquepatel · 2 years ago
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uma1ra · 1 year ago
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Question: Is it praiseworthy to ask to die in Madina and to be buried in Jannatul-Baqi? What is the significance of being buried in a place like Jannatul Baqi?
This is an excellent question, and one that has more to do with living than with dying, as we will see later in this answer inshaAllah.
The short answer is, yes, it is praiseworthy to ask Allah Ta’ala for a death in the city of His Final Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace), the illuminated Madinah. There is also a great significance in being buried in the al-Baqi’ graveyard.
Affectionately called “Jannatul-Baqi’” by some, Baqi’ al-Gharqad is the proper name of the graveyard of Madinah, which is the sole resting place for the city’s Muslim inhabitants since the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace). Imam Malik is reported to have held that 10,000 Companions are buried in al-Baqi’, including most of the wives of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace), his son Ibrahim, and many senior Companions such as ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, Ibn Masud and others, may Allah be pleased with them all.
Along with this best generation, descendants of the Ahl al-Bait, pious scholars and saints, and countless devoted pilgrims have been buried there over the centuries till this day. As the graves of each true believer are “gardens from the gardens of Paradise”, this blessed company alone, of course after the fact that one is a neighbor of the Best of Creation Allah bless him and grant him peace) who rests not far away, immediately tells us there is good reason to ask to be buried there. Still, we can explore further why Madinah has been singled out for this distinction.
The Status of Madinah
In order to understand the significance of dying and being buried in Madinah, one must understand the city’s status. Although the virtues of Madinah cannot be done justice to in such a short space, it would do us well to recount some of its distinctions to give us a sense of its importance.
Madinah is the city (formerly known as Yathrib) that is said to have been “conquered by the Qur’an”, as most of its inhabitants accepted the message of Islam through the beauty and truth of the Qur’an before the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) even set foot there. As a safe haven for the Muslims from persecution in Makkah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) and the Makkan believers were ordered to migrate to Madinah to preserve their religion. The migration (hijrah) to Madinah was so significant as a turning point in the survival of the nascent Muslim community, that the Islamic dating system begins in that year rather than the year in which revelation began or when Makkah was re-opened to the Muslims.
Madinah is where the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) built his own mosque, in which one prayer is worth one thousand times more than a prayer in other than it, except for the Noble Sanctuary in Makkah and the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Imam Ghazali said that this implies the multiplying of rewards for any good deed, not just prayer, in all of the Sanctuary that is Madinah, not just the mosque. [al-Ghazali, Ihyaa’] The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
“Indeed, I make inviolable and sacred [the land] which is between the two lava plains [on either end of] of Madinah…” and he said [regarding those people who leave the city to live elsewhere], “Madinah was better for them, if they only knew; no one leaves it [Madinah] desiring some other place except that Allah replaces in it someone better than them, and no one bears the hardships and strain [of living there], except that I would be a intercessor, or a witness, for them on the Day of Judgment.” [Muslim, Sahih]
The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) prayed for Madinah to be blessed in every way, as well as for his new home to be more beloved to him than Makkah, when he said “Oh Allah, make Madinah beloved to us, like our love for Makkah or even stronger, and make [Madinah] healthy, and bless us in its weights and measures [for trade and food], and transfer away its fever and send it into al-Juhfa.” [al-Bukhari, Muslim]
Also, the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “Oh Allah, put in Madinah double what you have put in Makkah in terms of blessings and increase.” [al-Bukhari, Muslim]
Of course, the biggest means of blessings for Madinah was not the prayers for its increase, or the inviolability of its earth, but rather the presence of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) himself. That state of overflowing blessings was “when he (Allah bless him and grant him peace) was on the surface of Madinah, so what about after he was laid to rest in its earth?…thus it is impossible to encompass the virtue of that, and measure its worth.” [Ibn al-Haaj, al-Madkhal]
There are many more things that can be mentioned to emphasize that Madinah is one of the two most blessed cities in the world, but we will proceed to examining why a death in Madinah specifically is more desirable than a death even in Makkah, regardless of the differences of opinion that the scholars (and even Companions) had over which of the two cities was the holier one overall.
To Die in Madinah
A clear, authentic and decisive narration that establishes the virtue of wanting to die in Madinah states that the son of `Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
“Whosoever is able to die in Madinah, then let him die there, for indeed, I will intercede for the one who dies there.” (Ahmad, Musnad; Tirmidhi, Sunan)
Another narration which supports this, though not as strong in authentication, narrates that the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said,
“One who intentionally visits me [in his life] will be beside me on the Day of Judgment, and one who settles in Madinah and bears with its trials, I will be a witness, or intercede, for him on the Day of Judgment, and one who dies in one of the two Holy Sanctuaries (Makkah or Madina), Allah will resurrect him amongst those granted safety on the Day of Judgment.” [al-Bayhaqi, Shu’ab al-Iman]
Not only did the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) tell others to try to achieve their last moments of life in Madinah, but he had the same desire for himself.. Imam Malik, in his Muwatta, narrates on the authority of the successor (tabi`i) Yahya ibn Sa’eed that:
“The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) was sitting by a grave as it was being dug in Madinah [in al-Baqi’], when a man looked inside the grave and remarked, ‘What a wretched final resting place for a believer!’ So the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) replied, ‘What a wretched thing you’ve said [because a believer’s grave is a garden from the gardens of Paradise]!’ So the man said, ‘I didn’t mean that [about the grave itself]… I only meant a death in the way of God [far away from home, is better].’ So the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: ‘There is nothing like dying in the way of God, but there is not, on the face of this earth, a piece of land more beloved to me that my grave should be in, than this [Madinah].’ [He repeated that] three times.” [Malik, al-Muwatta]
Repeating the desire to be buried in Madinah three times, and to use the words “beloved to me”, is to convey its unimaginable significance to the listener, since, as Ibn al-Haaj says, “he (Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to prefer things commensurate to how much Allah Most High preferred them, and that itself is enough of an exhortation.” [Ibn al-Haaj, al-Madkhal]
It is also a clear refutation to the one who tries to downplay a Muslim’s desire to be buried in Madinah. In the early days of Islam when the critical battles like Badr, Uhud and al-Ahzab were occurring, many Companions considered it shameful or un-manly to die in the comfort of one’s home rather than outside in battle. This is why the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) acknowledged the reward of their sacrifice, but then through demonstrating his own love, showed his preference and corrected any misconception that people may have had.
This is also why the second Caliph of Islam, `Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), is reported by al-Bukhari to have made a supplication (du`a) that encompassed both of those virtues when he said: “Oh Allah, make me a martyr in your path, and grant me a death in the city of your Prophet.” [al-Bukhari, Sahih]
It is among his divinely-granted miracles (karamat) that both of these seemingly contradictory prayers were answered, as he was assassinated by a Magian slave in Madinah, giving him the status of one wrongfully killed, which is martyrdom, and then buried in Madinah beside the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) and Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him).
Ibn al-Haaj says, “…By his interment (Allah bless him and grant him peace) into the land, his blessings (baraka) diffused to all of those buried in it, and those who were not buried in it, and so his blessings (baraka) upon the living is well known, and likewise, upon the dead.” [al-Haaj, al-Madkhal]
Since anyone who dies in Madinah aside from those three is buried in al-Baqi’, except for ‘Isa (peace be upon him) when he returns to the world and dies, we will next examine some of the narrations concerning the significance of al-Baqi’.
Baqi’ al-Gharqad: Resting Place of the Believers
Before Islam, the residents of Yathrib used to bury their dead in various places around Madinah. After the 5th year of Hijrah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) buried the first companions in al-Baqi’: Uthman ibn Ma’dhun (may Allah be pleased with him). The area, which was known for its many boxthorn trees, was cleared and thereafter the area became the graveyard of Madinah.
The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) would often rise in the last part of the night, and slip out in the darkness, leaving his wife and home, to go visit the people of al-Baqi’ and make supplication specifically for them.
‘Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that whenever it was her turn for Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace) to spend the night with her, he would go out towards the end of the night to al-Baqi’ and say: “Peace be upon you, abode of a people who are believers! What you were promised will come to pass tomorrow at a fixed time; and God willing we shall join you. Oh Allah, grant forgiveness to the inhabitants of Baqi’ al-Gharqad!” (Muslim, Saheeh)
In fact, we learn from another narration that the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) was actually ordered by Allah to go to visit them, and make supplication for them:
A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, “…I did not say anything to him until morning, and then I mentioned it to him and he explained, ‘I was sent out to the people of al-Baqi to pray for them.’” [Malik, al-Muwatta]
Aisha also narrated: “… So he [Gabriel] said in the middle of the night to the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace), ‘Indeed, your Lord orders you to go to the people of al-Baqi’ to seek forgiveness for them.’ She said, ‘I asked, ‘What should I say to them, Oh Messenger of Allah?’, so he said, ‘Say: Peace be upon the people of these abodes from amongst the Believers and Muslims, may Allah have mercy on the ones who have gone ahead of us, and those who will go after us, and we are, inshaAllah, following right behind you.’” [Muslim, Sahih]
This last narration establishes that the prayers for the deceased apply to all of the believers buried in the graveyard, whether before or after the lifetime of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace).
The significance of being buried in al-Baqi’ is not only that the deceased is included in the Prophet’s Allah bless him and grant him peace) special supplication. In a narration in Tirmidhi, the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
“I am the first for whom the Earth will burst open [on the Day of Judgment], then Abu Bakr, and then ‘Umar. I shall then come to those who are buried in al-Baqi’ and they will be gathered along with me. After that I shall wait for the people of Makkah so as to be gathered among the inhabitants of the two sacred cities.” [al-Tirmidh, Sunan]
What an enormous blessing, to be gathered with the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) and so many of the pious believers on that day. However, the significance does not end at that.
It is narrated from Umm Qays bint Mihsan, an early female companion (may Allah be well pleased with her), that she said: “If you had only seen me and the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) [as he led me] through some of the side-streets of Madinah and the dwellings therein, until we reached up to Baqi’ al-Gharqad. Then he said, ‘Oh Umm Qays!’ I answered, “At your service and good pleasure, Oh Messenger of Allah!’ ‘Do you see this graveyard?’ he asked. ‘Yes, Oh Messenger of Allah,’ I replied.
So the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Seventy thousand people will be resurrected from it, their faces [shining] like the full moon at night- they will enter Paradise without any reckoning.’ So a man [‘Ukasha, Umm Qays’s brother] got up and said, ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, and me too?’ He said, ‘And you.’ Then another man got up and said, ‘And me, Oh Messenger of Allah?’ He answered (Allah bless him and grant him peace), ”Ukasha beat you to it.’” [Tabarani, Mu’jam al Kabir; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak]
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani mentions this narration as evidence while commenting on similar but stronger narrations that mention the 70,000 without indicating where they will come from, and he states that, “the seventy thousand are from those who will be assembled from the graveyard of al-Baqi’ in Madinah, and that is another special distinction…. and it is a great privilege for the people of Madinah.” Also, Ibn Hajar mentions that the second man in the narration was a hypocrite and as such was denied this honor. [Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari]
It’s About Living, Not Dying
After all of these virtues and exhortations about dying in Madinah and being buried in al-Baqi’, one may be wondering how difficult it must be for those who live elsewhere to time their death to coincide with their presence in Madinah to achieve these merits.
The answer is that these narrations are not just telling us to die in Madinah, but to live there and experience its blessings- to frequently visit it, to spend time in it, and to move to it if one can.
In commenting on the aforementioned narration “whoever of you is able to die in Madinah”, al-Zabidi interprets the Prophetic encouragement “to die” in Madinah to actually mean “to take up residence there till death overtakes one”, and that the narration rhetorically mentions the resulting effect, namely eventual death there, while actually intending the means that one must take to reasonably ensure the desired result. His proof is that, “Allah Ta’ala says, ‘And do not die except that you are Muslims’”, meaning one should live their whole life as a Muslim, and it does not mean to simply accept Islam at the time of death, because no one knows when death will come. [al-Zabidi, Sharh Ihyaa ‘Ulum al-Din]
Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari, commenting on the same narration which mentions intercession for those who achieve a death in Madinah, says that, “the intercession here is for the wiping out of bad deeds for the sinful, and the raising of degrees for the obedient, and the meaning of ‘intercession’ here is specific to its people [separate from the general intercession for all Muslims], and is not meant for those who do not die in [Madinah]…
…and because of that, it is said that the best thing for the one who reaches old age, or one whose end becomes apparent through spiritual unveilings and the like regarding the nearing of his appointed time, that he settles in Madinah so that he can die in it. Evidence for this is the supplication of ‘Umar (Allah be pleased with him) [for a death in Madinah]… and that is because of the superiority of the land of al-Baqi’ over al-Hajun (the graveyard of Makkah), either for its being the grave of most of the noble Companions, or due to its nearness to one who is lying there (Allah bless him and grant him peace).” [‘Ali al-Qari, Mirqat ‘ala al-Miskhat]
Look at the Neighbor before the House
Although we have read about the many blessings and rewards for those who make Madinah their home in life and after death, the primary motivating factor that makes Madinah so special to be in is not the land itself, or even the blessings of increase or the benefits promised after death.
Rather, it is the fact that it is the home and resting place of our beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace), the best of creation, one glance of whom is worth more than one’s wealth and family and all the universe contains. Our love for him should make us want to be near him; indeed the scholars say that the actual earth that contains his blessed body is the holiest place in the heavens and the earth simply because of his presence.
However, even to get to the point where one desires and strives for a death in Madinah for this purpose, we must first develop our love for the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace), through things such as learning his life, following his sunnah, and sending blessings upon him. We ask Allah Most High to increase us in love for His Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace), and to grant us his company in this world and in the Hereafter.
Abdullah Anik Misra
Checked & Approved by Faraz Rabbani
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sufiblackmamba · 9 months ago
Thinking of buying a whole cow for the sacrifice...
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badedramay · 2 years ago
I read something on twitter about how an actor's social circle plays a big role in them being considered a star in Pakistan. Like they said that actors like ahad,fawad and mahira know how to carry themselves in the public eye and are considered classy lending to their star power and how most young actors aren't from the elite class and don't have any backing either. So I have two questions can you explain who is considered elite/burger? etc in Pakistan and what role does social standing play in future of actors.
oh most definitely! see social class plays a big part in how many opportunities an individual gets in their lives. people from the privileged upper class living in one of the already few developed cities of the country will have access to the kind of options right from their foundational years that people belonging to middle / lower class people living in the underdeveloped cities would get to be aware of after they graduate high school if they are lucky enough. this already changes the starting line for the people. and even WITHIN the more developed cities the social class difference affects how an individual is groomed. for example, Mahira when she started as a VJ was already well spoken and had good communication skills owing to the kind of education she recieved. compared to someone like Sajal Aly who started in the industry very young and without having a proper education. if you'd just compare their debut years you can see the zameen aasman ka faraq in how the two carried and presented themselves.
to become a 'star' one needs to know the right people in the right places. and those places are very exclusive and hard for outsiders to get into. cuz stars are made. there's more to them than just their acting. there's a whole brand value they have which is meticulously created and perfected by an entire team working behind the scenes, often way before they even enter the industry. younger actors who come in the industry not knowing the right doors to knock have to wait for YEARS to be noticed by these 'star makers'. and there are also unfortunate cases of them falling in the hands of the 'wrong' mentors who just don't know how to make a star out of an actor. case in point Yumna Zaidi. the girl has been a brilliant actor since her debut year. it's only NOW she's being praised for being a star because it's only NOW she got to work with a team that's putting her in the right places and marketing her as more than just an actor known for doing serious dramas. i don't remember Yumna being so largely fangirled over her beauty the way I am seeing now. also I guess this ask was prompted by the Hamza vs Sehar post-Fairytale discourse happening on twt where Hamza is getting all the headlines and Sehar is just an afterthought despite both of them being headliners of the show. it's quite simple isn't it? Hamza knows the people in the right places. Sehar doesn't have that access. Hamza is able to turn the spark into a flame cuz he knows the right people to fan the spark. Sehar's spark will be extinguished with time if she doesn't get hold of the right fan.
one has to understand that in Pakistan the acting, especially the Lollywood industry, is not considered one for the "respectable" families. so forget anyone aspiring to become a star grooming themselves from early on, their first struggle is just to get the support from their families to pursue this as a career. sure times have changed now with more outsiders being able to make this a respectable career choice but the age old notions about this industry are still deeply entrenched in the minds of majority. the 'elite' class have no such notions because their social status protects them from a LOT of shit. it's all just connected. a person who has acting as a career that runs their household just will not have the same priorities as someone who doesn't have to worry about the financial aspect of it all. to become a 'star' lots has to be invested in it and it's not something an individual can afford on their own without strong backing.
Nepotism in Pakistan is rampant no matter where you look. one's parents or uncles or aunts or cousins etc will help get in a good word for someone at the right time in the right place just to get them through the door. cuz we are a very "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" society. it's neither good nor bad, it's just how we live.
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majestativa · 2 years ago
When night came trailing shadows I gave her wine to drink dark and fragrant as musk powder. I gripped her as tightly as a warrior his sword. Her braids were the scabbards that hung from my shoulders. When the sweet weight of sleep overpowered her I loosened her embrace and moved her from my chest to save her from sleeping on a palpitating pillow!
Ibn Baqi, Poems of Arab Andalusia
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nuktaguidance · 1 month ago
حضرت عبد اللہ بن عباس
حضرت عبد اللہ بن عباس حضرت عبداللہ بن عباس رضی اللہ عنہما کے احوال و فضائل و مناقب (مصادر حدیث و آثار کی روشنی میں) کا تحقیقی مطالعہ تحقیقی مقالہ برائے ایم فل علوم اسلامیہ مقالہ نگار: عبد الباقی نگران مقالہ: ڈاکٹر حافظ غلام یوسف چیئرمین شعبہ شریعہ و قانون علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی، اسلام آباد صفحات: 320 کتاب کی خصوصیات: یہ تحقیقی مقالہ حضرت عبداللہ بن عباس رضی اللہ عنہما کے احوال، فضائل، اور…
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hajjtrips · 4 months ago
Discover the historical and spiritual significance of Jannat al-Baqi, the revered cemetery in Madinah, where many companions and family members of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are buried. Learn how visiting this sacred site can enhance your Umrah experience, offering an opportunity for reflection, prayer, and deeper connection to Islamic heritage.
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shiaislaminpictures · 2 years ago
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#OnThisDay : By the Order of the Cursed Ibn Saud(عَلَيْهِمْ ٱللَّعْنَةُ), the Garden of Al-Baqee' was Demolished and Levelled to the Ground. A British Traveller, Eldon Rutter Said of the Event: "All over the cemetery nothing was to be seen but little indefinite mounds of earth and stones..." May we all Live to see The Garden Rebuilt& Restored to its Former Glory.
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maihonhassan · 5 months ago
When they ask;
"what do you want from life??"
And Jaun Eliya replied;
“mere hisse mein tu reh bas, baqi duniya logon ko mubarak.”
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julaibib · 2 months ago
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- Bukhari 8/98, Muslim p.2079, 2080 and 2088 (Abdul baqi)
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maraasim · 7 months ago
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Baqi tamaam shehar se ulfat hai aapko...
Aakhir hamari zaat se adaawat janaab kyun?
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qalbofnight · 5 months ago
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Maa apni beti ko haya aur izzat e nafs deti hai jis se vo azadi se jii sakey,
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Baap apni beti ko zarf deta hai jis se vo azad jii sakey,
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Aur amooman baqi saarey mard aurat ki in dono khoobiyon ka fayeda uthatey hain, jis se vo khud ke be-ehsas ghamand se bnayi hui hudoodein zabardasti unpar ashna kar sakein.,
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hussain-stuff · 2 months ago
Jab tumhare paas kuch bhi baqi na rahe, tab bhi yaqeen rakhna ke tumhare paas ALLAH hai.
Even when you have nothing left, still believe that you have Allah with you.
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our-exmoose-experience · 2 months ago
This post mentions slavery, misogyny, psychical abuse, stalking and sexual abuse
Terfs and radfems get the fuck out
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Originally, hijab has been borrowed from Mesopotamia. It was meant to represent respectability and high status.
The Qur'ān commands women to veil so "they will be recognized":
(O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them) to cover their necks and bosoms ((when they go abroad). That will be better, that so they may be recognised) as free women (and not annoyed) and not be harmed by the fornicators. (Allah is ever Forgiving) He forgives what they have done in the past, (Merciful) He shows mercy on them regarding that which they will do in the future. (Ayah Al-Azhab 59)
Commentaries on this verse:
(In this verse, Allah ordered the free women) to draw their Jilbabs over their bodies, so that they will be distinct in their appearance from the women of the Jahiliyyah and from slave women ... said about the revelation of this verse 33:59 that the mischief-mongers among the people of Madīnah would come out on the streets at dusk and get after the women. The houses of the people of Madīnah [in those days] were very small in size and at nightfall the women would go out on these streets [making their way to the fields] to relieve themselves. These evil people would tease and molest these women. While if they saw a woman who would be wearing a Jilbab (cloak/outer garment), they would say she is a free woman [and not a slave] and would abstain [from molesting her] and if they saw a woman who would not be wearing a cloak, they would molest her by saying that she is a slave woman. And Mujahid said that those women would wear cloaks [in the way prescribed by the Qur'ān] so that it be known that they are free women and the mischief-mongers would not then harm or molest them. - Tafsir Ibn Kathir
"When the holy prophet came to Medina, he had no house in Medina. He and his wives and other women used to go outside at evening to relieve themselves. And men used to sit on the streets and used to recite poetry (to tease and molest the women). Upon that Allah revealed the verse of Hijab (33:59) so that free women could be differentiated from the slave women." - Abu Saleh
Al-Hassan al-Basri (died 110 Hijri year) said: Slave women in Medina used to be called with specific names (i.e. they were molested) when they went outside. One day, some ignorant people approach women and harm them, thinking they were slave women. This was because free women would also go out, and they would be mistaken for slave women, and people would approach them and cause harm. The Prophet (peace be upon him) then commanded the believing women to bring their outer garments closer to them (i.e. to take the Hijab). This was to ensure that they would be recognized as free women and not be harmed." - Tafsir Abd al-Razzaq al-Sanani
Ibn Abbas said about the verse 33:59, the free (Muslim) women used to dress same as the slave women. Upon that Allah ordered them that they let down upon them their over-garments (Arabic: Jilbab), and letting the outer-garment means to cover their faces and to tie it on their foreheads. - Tafsir Ibn Jarir
Regarding the phrase "to bring their outer garments closer to them" (Quran 33:59), it means that they should wear veils that clearly indicate they are free women, so that no immoral person would harm them or have any doubt about their status. - Mujahid
This Ayah was revealed when Umar (companion of Muhammad) harassed Sauda (one of the wives of the Prophet)
Narratied `Aisha: The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi` at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. `Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes). - Sahih al-Bukhari 146
This is how hijab started. But this does not stop here. Umar Ibn Khattab, the second Caliph, used to beat the slave women with a stick if they ever attempted to take Hijab (Jilbab) off.
Companion Anas reported: "Umar saw one of our slave girls covering herself with Muqna (which is an outer garment like Jilbab and was used to cover the breasts and body), so he struck her and said, 'Do not resemble the free women. - Sheikh Albani
Umar once saw a young girl leaving the house of Hafsa (his daughter), adorned with a cloak (i.e. Jilbab) — or, from one of the houses of the Prophet’s wives. Umar entered the house and said, “Who is this girl?” They said, “A slave of ours” — or, a slave of someone’s family. He became enraged at them and said, “Your slave girls left with their adornment, and created discord (by taking Jilbab) amongst the people (while they were unable to distinguish her from the free Muslim women).” - Abdur Razzak
Remember how I said hijab has been borrowed from Mesopotamia? Surprisingly, there's a law that promotes Umar's actions in Mesopotamia.
17) "If the wives of a man, or the daughters of a man go out into the street, their heads are to be veiled. The prostitute is not to be veiled. Maidservants are not to veil themselves. Veiled harlots and maidservants shall have their garments seized and 50 blows inflicted on them and bitumen poured on their heads." - The Code of the Assura
The 1400 years of history of Islam also consists of this shameful act against humanity, where Muslim men forced those women/girls to become half naked by exposing their breasts, and then forced them to stand in front of thousands of men in the Islamic Bazaars of slavery, who not only looked at them with lust but they were also allowed to touch their private parts (as if they were sheep and goats).
Nafe’e narrated that whenever Ibn Umar wanted to buy a slave girl, he would uncover her leg and place his hand between her breasts and on her buttocks. - Imam Bayhiqi
Anas bin Malik said: ‘The female slaves of Umar were serving us with uncovered hair and their breasts shaking” - Imam Bayhiqi
Slave women were standing in the mosques with naked breasts during prayers.
“He (Abu Hanifa) was not shy to say that a slave woman can pray naked and the people can observe her breasts and waist. A free woman can purposely show the parts of her vagina during prayers and can be observed by whosoever enters and leaves the mosque.” - Imam Ibn Hazm
OP claimed that *checks notes* Islam isn't a misogynistic religion. Let's see...
Women can't divorce freely. The right of Li’an (a way of divorcing) isn't given to women. And women who seek Khul (another way of divorcing) are seen as hypocrites.
Women are seen as deficient.
Women are seen as misfortune.
Women are seen as impure.
Women can't refuse sex if their husbands command them to.
Men can beat up or rape his wife if she doesn't disobey.
Infertile women are seen as unworthy.
A free man won't be punished for killing a woman.
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khizuo · 1 year ago
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🔴 Singa emergency room
Today, a military intelligence force in Singa arrested a number of emergency room volunteers while they were providing meals to displaced people passing through the market, which led to the cessation of providing services and aid to the displaced people, without giving any reasons for the arrest. They were taken to the command of the 17th Infantry Division in Singa.
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They were beaten severly, abused, punished, and deprived from food Meanwhile, the same force also arrested a number of volunteers working in the Lammat Khair Initiative tent without any justification. The volunteers were later released: Nazim Muhammad Khalifa, Hassan Ramadan, and Al-Baqir Azhari
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The following emergency room volunteers are still in detention: Haider (kalabs) Muhammad Al-Hadi Bushra Seif Abdel Baqi Gdeed Abu Bakr
And many volunteers from the Lammat Khair initiative
We hold the army responsible for their safety and demand their immediate release, so that they can return to continue their great humanitarian work in serving their families fleeing the ravages of war.
(Dec. 23, 2023)
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