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and i'm forced to deal with what i feel (forgive, morinel ft maglor)
morinel has. a lot of feelings about this actually (10 pages worth, actually). this whole situation is a goddamn mess help. also, your honor that is morinel's emotional support mithril thread spool and one day i will write a fic about how she Aquires it and Why it's her emotional support mithril thread spool.
Mithlond is somehow even emptier than Morinel remembers it being nearly a year ago, silent save for the song of the waves crashing against the shore.
She returns to the palace, standing in the deserted foyer, though she is too lost in thought to really realize who Elrond is talking to, tucked away in a corner.
She pays them no mind and goes to pass them so she can return to her room and start packing–
The hooded figure looks up – looks at her – and there is a moment of terrible realization that makes Morinel feel sick with conflicting feelings.
“Maglor.” There’s ice in her voice, and she clenches her hands at her side so tightly that her fingernails dig crescents into her palm.
Her uncle’s– Maglor’s eyes are foggy like sea-glass and there’s barely any Treelight left in them.
“Don’t call me that,” Morinel snaps, sharp like iron, sharp like the crackle of lightning in her runes, or the sharp burn of her fire, sharper than she means.
Elrond’s brows crinkle and she exhales, trying to calm herself – at least a little.
“I haven’t gone by that name since…” Since before the War of Wrath, since before the breaking of Beleriand, since before everything changed, since before–
“It doesn’t matter,” she says stiffly.
Morinel cannot help but glance to the stairway that leads to the hallway that leads to her room. For a few tantalizing seconds, she wonders if she could extricate herself from the conversation and make it up the stairs but–
“What ought I call you then?” There’s that faint bite of not-quite-sarcasm that she remembers all too well from Amon Ereb and Belegost and Taur-im-Duinath.
Maglor says nothing at first but his brow quirks upward for a half-second, which she knows all too well for surprise (she'd disliked that name when she was little, after all) before it smoothly crosses into approval.
“It suits you.”
“Thank you.”
(She nearly laughs at how bizarre this is – the two of them exchanging polite pleasantries as if they met by chance in the marketplace.)
The wind rustles outside, and raindrops splatter against the roof, and in the distance, lightning flashes. He pushes his hood away from his face and for a half-second, she sees his hand, burnt and blistered, and she wonders what could've made such a mark–
The Silmaril.
So it did burn him.
(She remembers that night, after the Host of the West had wrested the Silmarilli from Morgoth’s crown, when they stole through the camp and cut down the guards, eyes burning like wild animals, not Eldar, blood on their sword even to the last–)
“I had thought you drowned in the wreck of Beleriand.” It’s with concentrated effort that she keeps her voice level and disinterested. “Were you here this whole time?”
He nods and something twists within her like a coil that’s been wound far too tightly.
She closes her eyes and bites her tongue and tries, for Elrond’s sake, to ground herself and keep from lashing out. “Where?”
Morinel’s pendant feels heavier than the entire weight of Arda at the moment and her cloak – meant to keep out the chill – feels like it’s made of lead.
She hopes, desperately, that the answer isn't what she thinks it is.
He shrugs, palms upward, and the light catches on the angry-looking burn. “Here. East of Himring – mostly – as I always have been.”
As if to emphasize his words, lightning strikes the sky and she can see the lonely island out in the distance.
Arinya flickers and shines in the candlelight and suddenly all she can see is hands dipped in silver and crowns of holly and she can only taste the burning char of stone that sticks in her throat and –
“This whole time?”
His face twists with pain and his eyes are shadowed when he answers as lightning cracks in the distance. There is sorrow in his voice when he speaks.
“If this is about Ty–”
Thunder rumbles.
“Of course this is about Celebrimbor!”
Heat scalds her throat, as if she'd used one of her runes, and she takes a breath before she continues, focusing on the texture of the soft mithril thread between her fingers.
“Do you know what Sauron did to him?” Her voice is dangerously low, and she knows that this is unfair, but she can’t be bothered caring. “He cast his hands in liquid silver, and made him into a banner, beaten and bloody and barely recognizable.”
Maglor winces and Elrond’s face twists into disapproval.
She cannot stop now but, by all the Valar, she wants to, she does not want to have this outburst here, in front of Elrond, she does not want to have it at all, she does not want to be emotional when she is already stressed from travel, she does not want to be vulnerable.
But it would be easier to stop the sun from shining, or to stop the ebbing of the tides, because the words are already bubbling up into her throat, and pouring from her mouth the way the Gelion flowed into the Helevorn.
“Where were you? Hiding on the coast when you could have helped.” Lightning cracks again, bright and throws the room into sharp relief. The words feel like they burn her, and Morinel exhales, and the ill-made pendant rises with her breathing. “We needed you too, you know, but you ran, like you always do.”
She regrets the words the minute she says them.
Uneasy silence lies between them all, and she stops to listen – the rain has slowed, and the thunder stopped.
She takes advantage of the moment to flee, taking the stairs nearly two at a time, and shutting her door behind her.
Morinel tosses her sketchbook none too gently onto her well-worn chest of drawers, and locks the door behind her.
She takes a seat at her desk and pushes The Coming Into Eldamar away, and pulls out her letterbox again, carefully paging through each one – half-heartedly, she knows she doesn’t have the heart to throw any of them away.
When she’s done, she places it on her bed, and turns to her bookshelf.
Her thoughts spiral and twist as she works, mostly to the tune of that was uncalled for, even if you were angry or how are you going to fix that or dark hair isn’t the only thing you inherited from your father –
An hour goes by, and the anger has passed — or, more accurately: turned to a dull simmering — when someone knocks, softly, at her door when she is nearly through organizing her books.
Morinel freezes, then unfreezes to pick the last book off the shelf. More likely than not, it’s probably Elrond and she sighs.
She is not looking forward to her talking to, but it must be gotten over with sooner or later, mustn't it?
Morinel unlocks the door but waits until she’s back to the books before she calls over her shoulder: “It’s unlocked.”
The door creaks on its hinges.
“May I?”
Blood drains from her face.
Not Elrond.
“If you wish.” Morinel’s voice is icily polite.
(She hides the strain very well, if she must say so herself.)
Contrary to his request, Maglor stays on the threshold and she spreads the books out on her bed and begins to sort them into piles: keep, unsure, and give away.
Ainulindale: A Translation – illustrated by Lorindol of Gondolin – is placed into the Keep Forever pile, while A Treatise On Stone by Arelleth is placed in the Give Away pile – after all, why would she need a book to help with the planning of cities and great buildings when they must be a mirian a dozen in Aman?
Moments tick past.
Morinel cannot stand silence.
(She never has, and she never will be able to. Maglor knows this, and she knows Maglor knows this, and Maglor knows she knows he knows this.)
She exhales.
“Are you going to stand there or come in?” She still is not facing him as she sorts through her books, though in truth, she is barely even really looking at them. “This room gets cold, and I would like the door shut before I freeze, either way.”
There is the shuffle of fabric and the door creaks again. Then the floorboards creak too, as footsteps come closer – though they stop a few feet away from her.
Maglor is still not just yet in her peripheral.
“You were never so affected by the cold before,” Maglor’s voice holds a hint of something… she doesn’t quite know what it is. “That sounds like something that would affect those who crossed the Ice.”
Morinel feels she’s allowed to be a little petty about the whole thing.
“Yes,” she says succinctly, stacking the books with a little more force than necessary, “But being in a coma due to the dark arts of Sauron for three thousand and twenty-five years causes many changes in one’s hröa, most of which I am still coming to terms with.”
Her shoulder throbs as if agreeing with her as she watches her words land with a sort of sickening pleasure, and she hates herself for taking satisfaction in the way discomfort flickers across Maglor's face.
“I suppose so. I might've known."
Morinel laughs, but there is no humor in it, only bitterness. “How could you? You weren't here.”
She glances up then, to see how his lips purse into a thin line, like how it did in Belegost or Amon Ereb before telling her and the twins something he knew they wouldn’t like.
Her eyes narrow, and her hands still.
“That is–” Maglor pauses, taking a step toward her. When he seems convinced that she isn’t going to commit violence to preserve her personal space, he continues, “– not entirely true.”
Morinel goes very, very still.
“What do you mean?” Her voice is low, and her hands have stilled, clutching the spine of one of her older books.
“I was not as good at hiding as I thought,” he says, with a rueful shrug, and her fingernails dig crescents into her palm. “Elrond found me, not long after Tyelperinquar…”
His voice fades into a soft silence, and the sound of the waves shushing through the windows fills the room.
At this moment, Morinel doesn't know whether she is more angry at Elrond, for keeping Maglor’s existence a secret from her — of all people! — or at Maglor, for staying away so long.
But Maglor is not finished speaking.
“After that… I was in Imladris,” he says, softly, so softly she almost can’t hear him, but she can, if only just barely, and that’s almost worse. “Occasionally. And I was there when…” He pauses, no doubt trying to figure out how to phrase his next words diplomatically. “...you came back.”
Morinel blinks very slowly.
The knot of emotions in her chest gets tangled even more, like when she was first learning embroidery and left herself too much thread. Suddenly, she remembers first waking from the coma, the harp song in the background when she mumbled to Harthalín and—
“That was you, wasn’t it?” The words are accusing, even if the tone isn’t.
He blinks.
“When I woke up,” she says, frowning. “You were the one at the harp, weren’t you?”
He bows his head – whether from shame or acknowledgement, she cannot tell.
“So–” Heat scalds at her throat again. “So…” She hates this, she hates stammering, she hates not being able to articulate her point. “Why? Why did it take you two ages?”
“The Silmarils burned us,” Maglor says, as if that were the only explanation needed.
“Do you think that matters to me?” She snaps, finally able to look Maglor in the eyes, to see pain reflected there. “Maybe that line worked on… on the Morinel in your head– but–”
She takes a deep breath and rises from her bed to pluck half-heartedly at her loom – carefully avoiding Maglor's eyes as she fidgets with her shuttle.
“Oh, Morinel,” Maglor says, his voice soft and tired and despairing. “You didn’t want me around, not really. You say that now but you don’t understand.”
“Do not tell me how I felt then,” she says, more fiercely than she meant to. The spool of mithril thread grounds her as she reminds herself to breathe.
“I didn’t want people whispering about you,” Maglor says quietly, “Or Celebrimbor. I know they would have, if you had received visits from your kinslaying-uncle.”
She laughs despairingly, turning to face him again.
“They already did whisper about us! A Fëanorian who works with thread –” and she lifts the basket full of spools as if to demonstrate her point, “– in weaving and embroidery both…”
Morinel smiles bitterly then, tucking a braid out of her face.
“You can imagine, I’m sure, the rumors that started and Celebrimbor always had it worse – as a smith, as the eldest of the two of us, for his resemblance to his father and to Grandfather.”
She takes a breath.
“We looked. I looked.”
The words come out like she is carving them into marble, torturously slow but the tangle of knots in her chest unravels the tiniest bit. He makes a sound of surprise, and she smiles, though it comes out like a grimace.
“Those first decades after the war were hard,” she says. “I had questions, and I’m sure he did too.”
She feels very young again, a child amidst the days of the War of Wrath.
“I– We– thought you were dead.” Then, so quiet, she’s not sure if he even hears: “And we thought that if you were not dead that you must have been angry with us.”
Silence again.
Maglor isn’t looking at her this time, and she tightens her grip on the mithril spool in her hand for reassurance.
“I was—I was trying to protect you both.”
The words sound as difficult to say as Morinel’s own admission. “I know how difficult it was to love Feanorians in those days.”
“Not as difficult as it was to be one.”
(This time her response is easy, because it is true.)
They stand in an impasse, in silence.
Finally, she manages to say what she’d been wondering (and fearing) the response to. “Why… Why did you show yourself to Elrond, and not us, then?”
A pause, and she watches the tossing waves in the harbor.
“There was very little choice in the matter.”
Maglor’s lips quirk.
“It happened by chance. He saw the smoke of my campfire.” The words sting a little, and she knows that they should not. “And I think, part of it, is I was scared of your reactions.” He shrugs. “I was running.”
She winces as she takes a seat at her loom, and gestures for Maglor to sit at her desk.
“I am sorry,” she says, after a long, long moment of anxiously passing her shuttle from hand to hand. “About what I said.”
Maglor gives her a crooked half-smile.
“I deserved most of it, if it makes you feel better.”
She shakes her head and rises – almost as soon as she sits down, because she had never been one for sitting still – to start taking down the tapestry she’d finished on her last visit to Mithlond.
“It doesn’t,” she says, digging through her basket before finding her favorite tapestry needle.
With deft and skilled movement – she’s done this often enough it’s almost second nature – she weaves the loose threads at the top back into the weave.
“I hold myself to higher standards than that, and what I said was…” she pauses, frowning as she paused, looking for words. “Not kind. I am very sorry.”
She bends to do the same for the lower part of the frame before deciding to just sit cross-legged on the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees that Maglor looks like he is going to say something, but decides otherwise at the last moment.
She looks up to meet his eyes, halfway through the bottom half of the tapestry. “If you have something to say, I would prefer you say it, you know. I have been a little too honest, and it is only fair that you are offered the same.”
Another crooked smile.
“I was only going to say that thinking before you spoke has never been your strong suit, but I was not sure if that would be too familiar of a thing to say after… everything.”
To Morinel’s surprise, she actually laughs as she goes back to weaving her loose ends back into the tapestry.
“You aren’t wrong,” she says, shaking her head. “Though, I like to imagine that over the years as a councilor that I learned to be a little diplomatic. Clearly, I was too hopeful.”
She cuts through the looped warp threads holding the tapestry at the bottom and she stands to cut the loops at the top.
The tapestry comes loose once she pulls it free, and she’d forgotten how heavy they could get as she staggers backward before she regains her balance, and drops it onto her bed.
Morinel comes back to the loom and with the tapestry gone it looks forlornly empty – throughout the years she has always been working on something, though she could go months or years taking breaks from her current project.
The only time she can truly remember it being empty was in the first few weeks after she’d commissioned it – those weeks were her trying to bring herself to actually use without feeling like she was tempting fate.
This loom has been her companion throughout the ages and she knows its quirks and oddities better than any other she’d practiced on, and Cirdan had said, when she asked, that she could bring it with her if she wished.
She’d been uncertain before, but her mind is made up now.
“Would you like some help, or would you prefer to handle it yourself?”
The request is made casually, making Morinel free to accept or decline, and she appreciates the choice.
“I think help would be nice,” she says softly, and her uncle rises to come stand by the loom.
Things may not be entirely mended between them yet, but they were getting there.
#me bapping this fic with a stick: you! are! not! expanding! into a long fic worth of background context!!!!#i feel like maglor is. ooc to like. my particular hcs here but also like i've never Actually written a fic with him in it literally ever#my fic#oc-tober 2023#og post#the forgiving is happening in the background but#it's happening! just. v slowly
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BAP characters favorite holidays 🥺?
WOO !!!! hmm
sophia- fav holiday (to eye) is the anniversary of their start to leading the cult. its a holiday in the group and a celebration to their leadership + it makes her feel wanted/loved
rebecca- oooo hmmm it celebrated everything with her family so i think new years and/or the winter holiday season bc of the family joy she got to experience and give
sunni- i think sunni enjoyed christmas/that holiday season in general when he was younger bc he liked to be around family members and friends more. but at this point he doesn't really celebrate anything anymore
blair- halloween !! i sorta mentioned this in my last bap ask but they Really like halloween and always go all out on gorey stuff
david- probably birthdays (not just aers) bc ae really loves giving gifts to show love, and most of the time it would be homemade stuff that he would craft for friends
#camera asks#bap asks#bap#brickwoods#thank you for the ask !!!!#tw cult mention#just in case !!#um anyways hi i loved this ty so much moo <33#they all mean the world to me <3#also i didn't try to choose different holidays for all of them lol. just sorta ended up that way#also also !! i didn't include any cultural specific holidays and stuff bc#a) im american and haven't celebrated anything but the 'american' stuff personally-#and i dont want to misrepresent something w/o proper research and input from people who celebrate those holidays#and also im not totally sure of all of their backgrounds rn so nothing is 100% in terms of that (bc VAs can change etc)#anyways im rambling. just mentioning thats why its like. “classic”-ly known holidays
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hi. have you considered playing the first chapter of my visual novel, soul of sovereignty? have you considered this list of enticing reasons to play it?
a rich fantasy world inspired by rpgs without all that pesky "g" getting in the way
an inscrutable dilf-clown relationship with an estimated 65% chance of making you insane
beautiful art [you make brief eye contact with me and see the incredible pain i must endure to praise myself in this way. and you simply have to stan]
a magic system based on the language of flowers that has kept me up at night for years (i acknowledge that this says much more about me than the work itself)
music by my friend toby fox, and also me in the background hitting the tambourine like at karaoke
what if kefka had the big bap
hello. are you still there? then take my hand, and come with me...
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warning: nana’s unsolicited 18+ thoughts
if I said all the thoughts i have thought and am thinking about hyunjin’s new buzzcut they’d surely put me in jail, so all i will say is that i want to absolutely soak that blonde peach fuzz atop his head… i want to drown him above water if you get what i mean… i need him to be gasping for air like his life depends on it, and i need him to be dressed like every 90’s fuck boy with a silver chain and jnco jeans with checkered boxers peeking out and blonde box dye and a baggy white graphic tee with simple plan on it that goes down past his waist while he’s doing it… that beautiful skinny man just drowning in his clothes making me want to reach under his shirt and touch his stomach… i need him to be wearing some classic jordans and white hanes socks from the shittiest mall imaginable and i need the most absurdly vulgar early 00’s boom bap gangster rap to be playing in the background as the smell of stale coffee and cigarettes surrounds us… i need to kneel on a questionably clean shag carpet in someone’s mother’s basement as i suck the life out of him while he’s sitting in a dusty old recliner and he grips my hair and grunts in a mix of satisfaction, relief, and frustration… i want him to struggle to keep quiet as i sit on his lap and kiss behind his ear and run my fingers across his cute little kiwi lookin ass head…
so anyways he looks okay with it i guess… what do y’all think about his new haircut?
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Black Femininity: Princesses, Bombshells & Dolls {Part 1}
Black American Princess 👑
A Black American Princess or BAP was originally used to refer to a girl of African-American descent who grew up in a middle or upper class family. Growing up BAPs usually attended high society social organizations such as Jack and Jill clubs, debutante balls and sororities. Due to their privileged background they were used to having the best and never settling; this sometimes came with (or some might perceive as) a spoiled or materialistic demeanor. Eventually this term has expanded to include successful Black American women regardless of their background.
The 1997 cult classic, B*A*P*S stars Halle Berry and Natalie Desselle (aka Nisi and Mickey) as two Black women who come from the inner-city with a plan of opening a soul food restaurant/hair salon; the duo travels to California to compete in a dancing contest to win the money for their plan, but end up befriending a wealthy older man who upon his death leaves a portion of his wealth to them, thus becoming BAPs.
A BAP is a girl who takes care of herself and has a taste for the finer things in life like true royalty.
Black/Bronze Bombshells 💣
A Bombshell is a stunningly attractive woman that garners widespread attention and excitement. She is considered a sex symbol. The term was first used in 1931, to describe the first known "Blonde Bombshell", Jean Harlow and remained popular until the 1960s. Even though this term is mostly associated with blonde white women, the most famous of them being Marilyn Monroe; there are some black ones as well.
Joyce Bryant, The Original Bronze Bombshell (aka The Black Marilyn Monroe) was a vibrant actress and singer who gained popularity in the 1940s. She was known for her signature silver hairstyle, which she obtained from not wanting to be upstaged by icon Josephine Baker when they appeared on the same bill; and her hourglass figure she donned in tight mermaid dresses. Her style was bold and independent and sealed her as an icon in her own right.

Bombshells are in every period from Dorothy Dandridge to Pam Grier to Nia Long to Victoria Monet.
Darling Dolls ✨
A doll is an old fashioned term that describes a beautiful woman as a sweetheart.
Burlesque legend Miss Toni Elling, the Satin Doll, who got her stage name from her dear friend Duke Ellington when she inspired his song of the same title. She broke barriers for African-American women in the show business of burlesque entertainment. The Satin Doll was known for carrying herself in a classy and elegant manner and never showing too much; she worked through 1960-1974 and was inducted in the Burlesque Hall of Fame in 2016.

The iconic rapper Nicki Minaj popularized the Black Barbie term through her artistry and fanbase.
BRATZ dolls were the best when it came to having a passion for fashion and were a style guide for young girls.
Tyra Banks starred as a fashion doll that comes to life in the 2000 film, Life-Size.

List some of your favs below 💞✨
#black tumblr#theafroamericaine#black culture#black art#black fashion#black history#black hair#black women#black girls of tumblr#nostalgia#black girl thoughts#black girl aesthetic#black girl magic#black girl beauty#black girl moodboard#black beauty#black and beautiful#vintage black women#vintage#black girls rock#women with locs#black girls in luxury#black girls are pretty too#black girls are beautiful#black woman beauty#coquette#girlblogging#girlhood#black girl#luxury
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Part one of baps trying to replicate the lmk style to the best of her abilities and drawing her oc in the character introduction shot✨
This was so fun to do and a great way to study the lmk style as well, had a lot of fun with it, and since the intro has 4 versions as of now, i have more to post of this in the future :3
If you're wondering who that is then thats iris! :D I'll for sure talk about her more when i can✨🫶
Background used (Found this in the lmk wiki!) :

This drawing was inspired by lmk season 1-2's intro :
#artists on tumblr#digital art#lmk#lmk fandom#lmk oc#lmk oc art#lego monkey kid oc#lego monkie kid#lego monkie kid fandom#lmk oc; Iris
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oh god oh no there's a small angry man in a small angry car watch out!!!
authors note except all i say is im using a comically long lead to get wifi from my phone because my laptop absolutely HATES this internet, it's like a handbag chihuahua that's used to brita filter water like no. please. i need to use tumblr stop doing this to me. anyway!! cw// you guys get hit by a car but its fine, the other possible ending involved a penny farthing, so prompt from scealaiscoite's november prompt list! (hope that hyperlinked right)
November 1st - Traffic Lights, Sniper x reader, 1.2k words
Dimmed headlights whizzed by opposite you two on the long, two lane road. It wasn't late, not particularly, but with it being early winter, the nights had began to grow much darker and colder, much quicker.
It was only maybe… You look down at his wrist, hand laid listlessly onto the rim of the steering wheel, and manage to make out that it was only about five in the afternoon. “The shop’ll be shut in a bit less than an hour, how long until-”
A short cough interrupts you, and blue eyes, muddied by orange hued aviator's flick your way. “Not long, s’third time you've asked. In a rush to get the boys their dinner, ey?” The base had run out of the basics. Soldier, of course, preferred practicing the precise art of rocket jumping over doing the weekly shopping.
“Well, yeah, there's at least three of you who'll kill me if they don't get their milk in their tea or coffee, and I'm sure even you can appreciate a good tray of lasagna, of which we've run out.” No lasagna sheets, a travesty, of course you were eager for a shopping trip.
The camper's less worn passenger seat still creaks beneath you as you adjust, the sound barely audible over the engine's low hum, but you feel it against your backside. “Hey, who knows, maybe this was actually a ploy to hang out with you for twenty minutes.” He doesn't respond, and you think your attempt at a joke had fallen flat until a small, low chuckle rumbles out to your side.
“Yeah well… it's a good one, I s’pose. Wouldn't take much bribery mind, had to tell you not to bother with gas money a few too many times anyway.” He chortled softly, and cocked a leg to the side, knobbly knee bapping against yours over the low center console. In response, you roll your eyes and knock his leg back.
“Alright, alright, I'll make sure to beg you to take my ten bucks even harder next time.” And with that, a lull in conversation develops. There wasn't really much to talk about, anyway. The view wasn't exactly spectacular, the seats, and even the camper itself were a bit stiff, jostling as he'd adjust his foot on the accelerator.
The night sky and air filtered in through the barely rolled open window in a low whistle, tone fluctuating with the speed, radio crackling away in the background as you look out your window, barely making out the shadows and shapes of the rolling, sandy hills.
Five, maybe ten minutes pass of comfortable silence between both parties, until the camper whistles to a stop at a red light. You drum your fingers against your thigh, and huff a small sigh.
“I didn't say it quite right.” He's looking away as he speaks, words nothing much more than an airy utterance, rolling a bead of torn faux leather between the fingers of his gloved hand, he continues, “I really don't erh… Mind… You. Y’know?”
Whatever he's trying to say still isn't coming out right, and you’re staying quiet. He knows you're trying to let him get his words out, the look on your face says that much, but there's not enough air in here, so he rolls his window lower.
“As in, I don't mind you coming in here, like, to chat, or hang out or whatever–, I know you've seen me shoo Scout out a couple times,” He sounds more nervous than usual as he laughs, shifts, and leans forward to look up at the light, still glowing a deep red. “And that's cause he's a prick.” He clarified with a huff, and sits back.
“You're a bit less of a prick.”
You've sat back too, by this point, arms crossed over your chest, body turned towards him, attentive to his words. You didn't see him this… Concerned over his words often. For someone who's usually quite cool, calm and collected, especially with his marksmanship, he sure seemed a little muddled.
“You're lucky I don't take offense to that.” You laugh softly, reaching over and patting his arm. He seems to flinch at the touch, but relaxes quickly. “A bit less of a prick, yeah, fuck off dickhead.” You push him lightly and lean back, huffing with faux indignance.
“Thanks, though, I mean…” You knew no one really came up to hang out with him, but had always assumed he just didn't really like the company much. “Thought it'd be a bother if I came around. Plus, I'm not eating feckin’... Rabbit on a stick, or whatever you have for dinner, sorry mate.”
You laugh, he laughs, and clarifies. “Lizard, actually.” You shudder.
“Yeah, well, I'm not eating lizard either- You should come eat dinner in the base sometime.” You remember seeing him eat dinner with the rest maybe… twice? Usually when you all have to move to a new base, he'll come down, help set stuff up, have dinner, then go back to the camper.
“Engie makes the most fucking spectacular short ribs ever, genuinely, I bet you'd like ‘em. They're not emu ribs or nothin’, but they're real good.” Suddenly, a car which neither of you had realised had pulled up behind you, starts absolutely sounding away, blaring the horn and making wild gestures out the window.
“Bloody- Feckin' yobbo- Right!” He huffs annoyedly, shaking his head as you both realise the light had gone green, the camper snorts back to life, jittering as you two skid forward, your hands instinctively reaching down to grasp the sides of your seat.
It takes a minute until the camper settles back into a normal pace, and his shoulders can relax. “I'll try ‘em sometime. Who's cooking tonight?” Longest traffic light of your lives, you're sure.
“Me, or– Well, it was going to be Pyro, but, given how the morning's pancakes went,” Charred, maybe possibly entirely inedible, even if they'd tell you otherwise, “I thought it'd be best to take over… I'm sure I can convince Engie to make his ribs if you're wanting.” You hum, and settle back into the seat, glancing back over your shoulder to see the small, black car eagerly tailgating you two.
“What're you making?” He asks, voice as clipped and curt as usual, before he clears his throat.
“I’ll come down for tonight, seeing as you're all clearly missing me.” He chuckles, but it's halfhearted, you meet the laugh halfway, nerves stir in your stomach as the car continues to beep behind you. You're trying to psychically explode the driver's head.
“Well, f’course, you're part of the team, you've got your own room n’all.” You mutter, eyebrows furrow, and you reach forward to dial the radio louder, trying to drown out the incessant beeping.
“Fuckin' bed's probably gone mouldy mind–” Another red light, great. The camper jitters, slowing with the quiet squeal of brakes, when, suddenly— BANG– You both jolt forward, Sniper slaps one arm across your chest trying to hold you back, winding you somewhat in the process as he darts forward, a loud, droning growl of a groan rolling from him.
“Oh for fucks sake!” He cries out. You're clutching the seatbelt, glad you'd been clever enough to put it on when you'd gotten in, hissing in pain from the friction of it, and praying the other car had crumpled like a tissue. ~~~~~~~ the end !! this has literally taken me an hour to try and sort out on this laptop god help me i love and hate this thing,, anyway enjoy this mid little thing you can definitely tell i haven't written in ages LOL they definitely did not get to the shops in time, rip 2 lasagna night
#fanfiction#fanfic#tf2 fanfiction#tf2 sniper x reader#tf2 sniper#its an x reader but you probably wouldn't do any of that sorry LOL#sniper tf2#tf2 x reader#tf2 fanfic#tf2#team fortress 2#prompted writing#oh god it's at it again
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bap here's background pictures for my comic, yes you'll see it for one pannel but shhh
this is the final preview before i post the comic
#yolk the joke#yolk art#myart#art#digital art#fanart#my art#dandysworld#dandys world roblox#roblox dandys world#dandys world#dandy's world fanart#dandy's world astro#dandys world fanart#astro dandys world#astro novalite#shelly fossilian#dandy's world shelly#dandys world shelly#shelly dandys world#dw shelly#astro dw#dw astro#dw au#au#dandy's world au#the truth dandy's world au#comic preview#comic#yolk wips
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TITLE: Kookie Crumbles For You🍪🖤
“𝘚𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘭’𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴. 𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦; 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩.”
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 idol jk! jungkook x reader(f)reader
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 fluff, slow burn, butterflies, soft
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 3,037
𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆!!! This fic is just the beginning-part 1 of a story that will take you deeper into a whirlwind of emotions, unexpected twists, and heartwarming moments. Stay tuned for the next chapters, where things will only get more captivating, and the connection between you and Jungkook will grow even stronger.(smut, angst, fluff) Trust me; you won't want to miss what happens next!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The morning sun poured through the curtains of your tiny hotel room in Seoul, painting everything in a golden glow. “A sign,” you told yourself, that today is going to be perfect. Your heart was already racing as you sat up in bed, the excitement bubbling inside of you. It wasn’t just any day. It is the day you have been dreaming about for months. Your first-ever fan meet event. It’s not just for anyone at that. It’s for 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗸𝗼𝗼𝗸. The man whose voice had carried you through so many moments. You could hardly believe you were really here.
As you unlocked your phone, the time read 9:00am. The fan meet event takes place at 2:00pm. Your excitement didn’t allow you to linger in the comfort of your hotel bed any longer. You decided to roll out of bed to jumpstart this amazing day that lies ahead of you. First mission of the day? Breakfast. You scroll through the app “Shuttle”. A food delivery app in Korea that is bi-lingual. Perfect for foreigners at a time like this, when you didn’t want anything to be time consuming. You decided to order “Korean bean curd soup” and “Heukmi Bap”. Pairing those dishes with “Kimchi”. You didn’t want to eat anything too filling. As long as you were fueled for the day ahead of you; you were satisfied.
After a delicious breakfast and satisfied tastebuds, it was time to take a shower. The kind of shower that makes you feel like a refreshed brand-new person. Before turning the water on you decided to turn on some tunes. You knew 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 whose voice you wanted to hear at the moment. Soon enough the bathroom was filled with the sound of Jungkook’s magical voice. His voice keeping you company as you turned the shower water on, stepping foot into the shower. You took your time letting the warm water cascade over your skin. You shampooed and conditioned your hair, shaved, and exfoliated. Taking extra keen to detail because you wanted this day to be perfect. You wanted to look perfect. Presenting yourself in a way that expresses this event means everything to you.
Stepping out of the shower, the sound of Jungkook’s sweet voice filling the air makes a smile appear on your face. This feels so surreal for you. The event will be happening soon and you cannot wait. After doing your skin care, body care, and wrapping your body in your pajamas; you move onto your next step— makeup.
Every step felt like a part of a ritual. Getting you one step closer to meeting the one and only Jungkook.
With Jungkook’s album “Golden” on replay in the background, you carefully apply your makeup look for the event. Your makeup look was already thought out prior to your trip. You ensured every detail was just right. Finishing the final touches of the makeup look, your reflection stared back at you. You were fulfilled at this makeup look. Your features are doubled enhanced. You felt absolutely stunning. You moved onto styling your hair. Your chosen hair style complimenting your makeup and face shape as well. Each strand of hair flowing with divine purpose. Finally, you slipped into the outfit you meticulously planned weeks in advance— an assemble that felt both confident and true to yourself. Very stylish. Perhaps Jungkook will love this style too.
By the time you were fully ready, the time read “12:00pm”. Though the event wasn’t until 2:00pm, you decided to leave early. The thought of being caught in a crowd or running into unexpected delays made you anxious, and besides, you wanted time to soak in the atmosphere & energy of other fans. The full experience. Grabbing your essentials, taking another look into the mirror; you took a deep breath. Reminding yourself that this day is everything you’d been waiting for. You walk out of the hotel room. Taking the elevator down to the lavish lobby. You make your exit from the hotel. Stepping out to this beautiful city; Seoul, made your excitement come alive. “Jungkook here I come!” You thought to yourself smiling.
The ride to the venue felt like an eternity, even though “Kakao” which is Korea’s version of uber, moved smoothly through the bustling streets of Seoul. As you approached, the energy was undeniable. Fans crowded the sidewalks. Their laughter and excited chatter blending with the occasional sound of a car horn nearby. The venue loomed ahead, adorned with banners and posters of Jungkook in striking poses. His “Golden” album artwork glowing under the afternoon sun. A long line of fans snaked around the block, many clutching handmade signs, light-sticks, and photo cards. The buzz of anticipation filled the air, punctuated by the occasional scream or cheer as someone spotted a friend— or maybe just got swept up in the excitement. Your heart raced as you stepped out of the car. This was it. The beginning of a moment you have been dreaming about.
The atmosphere outside the venue buzzes with excitement, a mix of chatter and nervous laughter filling the cool Seoul air. Fans dressed in an array of styles—from chic & trendy outfits to cozy casual looks. Even shirts with Jungkook’s name or image proudly displayed. Fans shuffle eagerly in line, clutching their merch or
light-sticks. After 45 minutes of anticipation, staff members emerge to check tickets; which added a new layer of excitement as the line begins to inch forward. Your heart races as you stepped closer to the entrance. A mix of nerves, joy, and disbelief washing over you. This is it—You’re moments away from seeing Jungkook in person. This realization feels surreal, as if time slows down and every sensation sharpens.
Inside the venue, the energy is palpable. Soft, golden lighting casts a warm glow across the space, reflecting the elegance and intimacy of the fan meeting. The stage is beautifully adorned with minimalistic yet striking decorations—a backdrop of Jungkook’s album cover and delicate lights that seem to twinkle in rhythm with the music. Jungkook’s soulful voice flows through the air as his “Golden” album plays. It creates an almost dreamlike ambience.
Finding your seat, you glance around as fans settle in. Their excitement buzzing just beneath the surface. Staff members move with precision at the front, ensuring every detail is perfect. The doors shut with finality that sends a wave of anticipation through the room. Security guards take their positions near the entrance, their presence signaling what everyone is waiting for. Your heart pounds in your chest, a mix of exhilaration and disbelief—this is really happening. Any second now, Jungkook will step out, and the thought sends a rush of emotion flooding through you.
The music in the background slowly faints away. Time seems to stand still for a heartbeat. In no time, Jungkook steps onto the stage. The room erupts into chaos. The screams are deafening! A tidal wave of emotion wash over the venue as fans express their excitement and adoration. Your breath catches in your throat the moment you see him. Jungkook looks even more stunning in person. His smile is radiant, lighting up the room as he waves to the crowd; his confidence magnetic.
Your eyes can’t help but trace every detail: the way his tattoos flow along his strong arms, adding a rebellious elegance; the glint of his lip piercing drawing attention to his perfect smile; the sleek, all-black outfit hugging his frame effortlessly; and his flawlessly styled hair that looks so soft enough to run fingers through. It’s overwhelming—an intoxicating mix of awe, admiration, and disbelief flood your chest. Your heart races and you can feel your cheeks heat up as you struggle to process the reality of this moment. This isn’t a dream…it’s Jungkook, standing just a few feet away. In the same premises as you.
Jungkook’s voice is warm and inviting as he greets the crowd, “Annyeonghaseyo, Bangtan’s Jungkook imnida!” His tone is playful, his energy vibrant and magnetic. The room erupts into cheers, and his smile grows even wider. He laughs softly when a fan screams something teasingly cute, covering his face for a moment before replying with a playful comment that makes everyone laugh even harder. His giggles are contagious, instantly melting any nervousness lingering in the air.
As the Q&A begins, Jungkook listens attentively, nodding or laughing at fans’ questions, his responses heartfelt and sincere. You feel a mix of awe and envy, watching him connect with each person, wishing you could ask something but knowing your Korean isn’t strong enough. Still, you’re content to just be here, soaking in the moment.
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼.
While scanning the crowd, his eyes find yours. Time seems to freeze as his gaze locks onto you, his expression shifting subtly—his smile falters for just a second, replaced by a look of surprise, as if he’s taken aback. His eyes widen slightly, almost as if he’s forgotten the room is filled with other fans. It’s an intense moment, his focus completely on you, and your heart skips a beat. Your cheeks flush, and you feel both exposed and electrified, as though his gaze has pinned you in place. He stumbles over his words for a brief moment, his face breaking into a soft, almost shy smile, before quickly regaining his composure. But in that fleeting moment, it feels as though the entire world has disappeared, leaving just the both of you in the room.
The atmosphere shifts as the Q&A wraps up, buzzing with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Fans chatter eagerly, clutching their items for Jungkook to sign, their faces alight with joy and disbelief. It’s a surreal energy, as if the room is charged with the realization that everyone is moments away from standing face-to-face with him.
For you, that nervous energy is magnified tenfold. Your heart feels like it’s about to leap out of your chest, and your hands are clammy as you clutch your phone. The thought of standing so close to Jungkook, especially after the moment you shared, sends a rush of emotions through you—excitement, disbelief, and an undeniable thrill. His lingering glances during the Q&A play over and over in your mind. “Did that really just happen?” “Did he really notice me?”
You think to yourself.
When your row is finally called, the nerves hit full force. You stand, trying to steady your breath as you make your way to the line. But just as you straighten up, you feel it again—the weight of eyes on you. Almost instinctively, you glance toward the stage. Your heart skips a beat as you see him….Jungkook, staring directly at you. His expression is unreadable yet intense, his gaze unwavering, as if you’ve drawn him in without trying. Your breath catches, and the world around you blurs for a moment. It’s just him and you again, like earlier, and you can barely process the reality of what’s happening.
As you stand in line, you can feel the intensity of Jungkook’s gaze landing on you after each fan interaction. It’s as if he’s counting down the seconds, waiting for you to get closer. Your heart races with every step forward, each moment building the anticipation higher. You can’t help but feel special—noticed in a way you never expected. It’s thrilling, exhilarating, and a little nerve-wracking all at once. The warmth of his attention feels like an unspoken connection, a silent acknowledgment that you both shared something unique already.
Finally, it’s your turn. You take a deep breath, willing yourself to stay composed despite the storm of emotions swirling inside of you. As you step forward, Jungkook’s entire body language shifts. He straightens up slightly, his eyes lighting up as they lock onto yours. There’s a softness in his smile, but his presence remains strong and commanding. He greets you in English, his voice warm and welcoming, and you manage to reply, “Hi, it’s so nice to see you in person”. Your smile genuine as you hold his gaze.
He pauses for a moment, his expression shifting into something almost tender, and then he says it: “𝓨𝓸𝓾’𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵. 𝓨𝓸𝓾’𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮… 𝓪𝓻𝓽.” His words are simple yet carry so much weight. He’s smiling, but there’s a shyness to it, a vulnerability that contrasts with his otherwise confident aura. Your heart skips a beat, and you can’t stop the blush that rises to your cheeks.
“Thank you so much.” You say sincerely, your voice steady despite how fast your heart is beating. “Your compliment means everything to me.” Then, as if something inside of you takes over; you look at him and add, “But look at you—you’re so stylish, so handsome, such a man.”
The words spill out effortlessly, and you don’t even think to stop yourself. He needs to hear this. His eyes widen slightly at your boldness, and for a moment, it seems like time freezes again. His smile grows softer, his gaze warmer, as if your words have reached him in a way he didn’t expect.
Jungkook’s confident smile grows even softer, tinged with a blush that makes him look boyishly endearing despite his commanding aura. His and your eyes lock again, the world fading away as if you both are caught in the same unspoken pull. The intensity of the moment is palpable, a silent question hanging between you both as you guys try to decide what should come next. Finally, breaking the tension, he stands from his seat and gestures for you both to take a photo together.
You both pose naturally, almost effortlessly, as if you guys done this a thousand times before. His arm lightly wraps around your shoulder, drawing you closer, while you rest your hand gently on his back. Jungkook’s smile and your smile are radiant, but there’s something more—a connection that feels tangible, like the camera is capturing not just an image, but the spark between you both.
When the photo is taken, Jungkook turns to face you fully, his expression unreadable but undeniably focused on you. Your heart pounds as you wait, unsure of what’s coming next but completely drawn into the moment. He leans in slightly, his voice low and deliberate as he asks, “May I have your contact information? Some way to reach you?”
Shock and disbelief flood through you, followed quickly by an overwhelming rush of excitement. Your breath catches, and you can barely form words. “Yes, of course,” you manage, trying to keep your composure even as your heart threatens to explode. Jungkook pulls out his personal phone, opening the notes app and handing it to you. Your hands tremble slightly as you type in your Instagram, email, phone number, and Line ID, feeling the weight of the moment.
His reaction is a mixture of amusement and genuine intrigue, his eyes lighting up as he watches you input the details. “What’s your name?” he asks, his tone playful yet sincere, a teasing smile tugging at his lips.
You giggle, smiling back at him. “My name is y/n.” You say softly.
He nods, tilting his head in curiosity. “How do you spell it?” Then, with another smile, he hands you his phone again. “Here, you type it.”
As you type your name, your thoughts race. “He must feel some sort of deep connection to act this way. This isn’t normal—it’s special.” His expression mirrors yours—an almost incredulous disbelief mixed with a warmth that makes the world around you both feel far away.
Meanwhile, the fans in line start to shift uncomfortably, their murmurs hinting at impatience. But neither Jungkook nor you seem to be bothered. This moment is for you both and nothing—not the crowd, the staff, or even the passage of time—can take it away.
After typing in your name and handing Jungkook back his phone, you both share one final, lingering look—a silent acknowledgment that this moment was more than just chance. It feels like a mission accomplished, yet at the same time, there’s an unspoken longing, as if neither of you guys truly wanted to part ways. “It really was such a pleasure to meet you today,” you say, your voice soft but sincere.
Jungkook’s smile is warm, almost private, as he replies, his voice carrying a gentle weight that makes his words feel intimate. You wave your fingers in a playful, shy goodbye, and he mirrors the gesture, his eyes following you for just a second too long as you turn to leave.
As you walk away, a whirlwind of emotions floods through you—excitement, disbelief, joy, and a tingling sense of wonder. Your mind replays every detail: his words, his gaze, his unexpected request for your contact. Was it real? Did that truly happen? Your cheeks are warm, your heart racing, and you feel like you’re walking on air, unable to shake the sense that something extraordinary has just begun.
Later, you make your way to a nearby restaurant you planned to visit during your trip, trying to ground yourself in the normalcy of a good meal. But even as you eat, your mind is elsewhere, still wrapped up in the magic of the encounter. As you leave the restaurant, your phone buzzes in your hand. At first, you hesitate—there’s no way it could be 𝓱𝓲𝓶. But as you glance down at the screen, your breath catches.
The message is simple, yet it stops your world:
“𝐻𝑒𝓎 𝓎/𝓃. 𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝒥𝓊𝓃𝑔𝓀𝑜𝑜𝓀. 𝒜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝓊𝓈𝓎 𝓉𝑜𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉?”
Shock, excitement, and disbelief wash over you all at once. Your hands tremble as you stare at the screen, your heart pounding so loudly you’re sure the world can hear it. “Jungkook… messaging me?!” “Reaching out to me after everything that happened today?!” You thought to yourself. It feels surreal, like a dream you never want to wake up from.
And yet, deep down, you know this moment is real. His words carry weight, holding the promise of something meaningful. As you smile, still stunned, you can’t help but think: “𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎.”
© cyberlovewiitch 2025 / all rights reserved

#jeon jungook#jungkook#fanfic#fluff#bts#bts army#fluff reader#you reader#gender neutral reader#y/n#bts x reader#jungkook x reader#jungkook imagine#jungkook smut#bts fanfic#bts smut#jk fanfic#bts imagines#kpop smut#kpop x reader#kpop imagines#jungkook masterlist#bts masterlist#jungkook scenarios#jk x reader#jk#jungkook angst#jeon jungkook#jungkook au#bts jungkook
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Finally finished the DTIYS! @ask-the-cat-cafe
Definitely did not at all 100% procrastinate wayyy too long on this ... (/sarc)
Anyway sorry the background's awful. I got lazy tbh...

I think Outer was my favorite to draw- might make some more art of him eventually :D
I feel like Killer and Dream kitties would just randomly bap the Noot with their lil paws. Idk.
Also unintentional but the Noots are exchanging the most "I understand your pain" expressions ever and it's hilarious to me.
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major if u ship Tim and Oliver does this mean their beloved children Poundcake and Mori have met. this is so fucking important
i have fantastic news
[ID: A monochrome comic on a pink background of Poundcake the pit bull and Mori the black cat. In the first two panels, Poundcake is drawn with more detail, while Mori is more of a vageuly cat-shaped blob with a face, and the final panel shows them with similar levels of higher detail. Poundcake and Mori are near each other, Poundcake standing and leaning close with big shiny eyes, and Mori hunched down in nervousness. Tim and Oliver speak off-screen.
Tim: Be sweet, pup-cake~ Oliver: Aw, Mori, it's okay!
Then Mori proceeds to bap Poundcake on the face with his paw, wrinkling her forehead, to which she does not react.
Tim: Oop- Oliver: Oh dear
Later, Poundcake is laying her head down and smiling as Mori gently holds her still with one paw as he grooms her just under her ear, purring.
Tim and Oliver: AWWWW
end ID]
#fg's art#the magnus archives#tma#tim stoker#oliver banks#tim's dog poundcake#mori banks#comic#fg's answers#asks#cursing#it takes a moment for them to get used to each other but yes they meet and love each other so much#they're both a lil sillay so they're best buds#also i can't decide on what Build poundcake should be#should she be a little taller and slimmer?? or should she be built like a short brick shithouse#cuz this is kind of an inbetween but that's just what My dog looks like so alshdakjdh
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Hello!!! ^_^ i really enjoy your headcanons like... a lotSHSJSJNE. And i was wondering if you could write some hcs about CG!Syzoth with a babyspace regressor? :3 its totally fine if not!!!
Hi!!! I'm so glad you like them!!!! <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Syzoth w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🦎 Really good CG!!! Absolutely adores regressors!!!
🦎 He’s really good with almost any headspace too!!! Might get a bit confused with middle regressors, but he’s learning <3
🦎 If you thought you were clingy, you haven’t meet Syzoth 🙄
🦎 Syzoth loves cuddles!! Adores them even!!!
🦎 He constantly wants to hold you, or have you on his hip, or hold you hand while walking about
🦎 This is very good with clingy or dependant regressors
🦎 But if you like your personal space or being slightly independent? He’ll give you some space, but would atleast like some cuddle sessions every now and then
🦎 Was actually so scared to turn into his lizard form while you were small
🦎 He knew you could handle it when you were big, but even that took a lot of convincing
🦎 What if your were scared of him! What if you start crying, or his teeth scare you, or his claws terrified you? Or-
🦎 Bap him on the nose and call him silly for thinking all those bad thoughts
🦎 Lizard Syzoth is also super cuddly, but even more so!!! (Your so warm and squishy!! Not at all like his reptile form)
🦎 Although he’s also very careful around you, he has sharp claws and teeth, and is also pretty big, so if you wanna cuddle with the big lizard, he makes sure he’s extra careful <3
🦎 Doesn’t matter what CG nickname you use, but Dada is definitely one of his favorites
🦎 The first time you called him any sort CG nickname, he kinda . . . broke down
🦎 Not that you did anything wrong!!! He just got really sad, remembering his son calling him all kinds of nicknames
🦎 But he does encourage you to continue calling him whatever you want, and apologies for scaring you
🦎 ^ A nice cuddle session would help him feel better, but if you wanna color him a picture instead, he would be over the moon
🦎 Calls you many nicknames!! Hatchling, Little One, Tiny, Sweetheart, and more!!
🦎 Keeps any pictures you make!!! He thinks they’re all beautiful, and got a binder just for them!! :D
🦎 From scribbles to detail, or coloring pages, all your drawing get praised!! <3
🦎 And if you wanna hang up any on the wall or fridge, he’s all for it!!
🦎 Likes dance parties
🦎 I dunno why, but I could see him really enjoy spinning you around or just doing tiny hops with some pretty music in the background
🦎 Really good with any kind of protection (padding), and very soft and encouraging about it
🦎 Your go-to babysitters are kinda . . . everyone, from the Earthrealm friends, to the Royal House
🦎 ^ But Tomas, Ashrah, and Kitana are probably your biggest ones
🦎 He does get really upset when he has to leave you with them, especially when your already regressed, it just makes you both upset
🦎 He wants to watch after you!! Your his baby!! Does he really need to travel to deliver this letter? :(
🦎 Learnt how to control a phone just to communicate with you when he’s not there <3
🦎 I dunno about you, but I get super squeamish around bugs (had my siblings fight D’Vorah for me in MK11)
🦎 And if you also don’t like bugs, he’ll try not to eat them in front of you, atleast when your small
🦎 . . . Also one time he ate a butterfly and you sobbed so hard, he felt terrible
🦎 But if you do like bugs, that’s great!! :D
🦎 He’ll take you outside, help you finds them, and be very excited when you show them to him (no, he won’t eat them when you show them to him . . . He’ll eat them later, when your bigger)
🦎 He’ll take you outside even if you don’t like bugs, sitting on a blankie and sunbathing, or reading you a book
🦎 Your naptime is his naptime . . . because he gets to snuggle you <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually love Syzoth, he's super cool!! :D
#age regression#agere#sfw age regression#mortal kombat agere#sfw agere#age regression headcanons#mk agere#mk1#mk1 headcanons#mortal kombat 1 headcanons#syzoth#caregiver syzoth#cg syzoth#mk1 syzoth#mk syzoth#syzoth x reader
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˚₊‧🍄[ Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice ]🍃˚₊‧
◉ Sinopsis; [platonic] Alastor and Lucifer set aside their differences for one season out of the year…
◉ A/n- requested by @bookishcatcafe - I hope I was able to capture your vision. Thank you for the ideas, my friend. 💛
It had started when Charlie suggested a "bonding activity" when she saw Lucifer and Alastor at each other's throats... Again. Nothing crazy- just a walk to decompress and maybe talk about something other than ripping each other's faces off
Of course, the first part of their little journey was filled with a cold-war type of silence. That was until Alastor began humming. Of course Lucifer is rolling his eyes at first, elbowing Alastor in the side and telling him to quiet down.
Alastor.. doesn't. In fact, he hums louder and accidentally baps Lucifer in the face with his cane.
Normally, Lucifer would blast someone for such indescretion, but all the bickering has been pretty draining, so he figures he'll let it go this once.
All that walking is bound to get a couple demons thirsty, right? Well, they're in luck, considering that Charlie has drinks prepared for everyone when they arrive back at the hotel. Apple Cider for Alastor, and a Mint Tea with honey for Lucifer.
As they relax (as best one can in Hell), Alastor of course, has to put on some background music. Fall themed old-timey songs begin to play as Alastor softly sings along. Now, Lucifer has heard Alastor sing before, but not like this (granted, I'm pretty sure the only other time Lucifer has heard Alastor sing is when they were arguing over Charlie and the hotel)
As it gets colder, Charlie of course is prepared with cute sweaters for everyone- all knitted with a custom design of the hotel staff on the front and back.
Charlie had expected some protests, but it seems her bonding activities are doing the trick- with Lucifer enthusiastically throwing the sweater on and complimenting his daughter's handiwork and Alastor giving her one of his rare genuine smiles.
As time goes on, the two are- surprisingly- able to hold some cordial conversations! The drinks, the music, the relaxing atmosphere and their shared affection for Charlie is (thankfully) enough to get Alastor and Lucifer to chill the fuck out
For the rest of the Fall season, the two are able to tolerate each other- partially thanks to Charlie's insistence
Though, their newlyfound appreciation of the other comes with some unintended consequences- including very loud karaoke nights
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel headcanon#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lucifer#alastor hazbin hotel#alastor#fall aesthetic#fall vibes#request#Headcanons#platonic headcanons
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Grailfinders #343: Charlemagne
today on Grailfinders we’ve got a king so nice we made him twice, it’s Charlemagne, back at it again! this time he’s in D&D, so he’s a Devotion Paladin to be upstanding and noble but in a distinctly different way than the knights of the round, as well as a Hexblade Warlock to gain more power the cooler you are. we also dabble in Fighter just a bit so you can fight just as well one-handed as you can two, and also for a more joyeusse ordre, but we’ll get into that later.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
Charlie is obviously a Human, but he also has a riding skill so let’s give him a Mark of Passage, why not. that gives him +2 Charisma, +1 Strength, Courier’s Speed for an extra five feet of movement, and Intuitive Motion for a bonus d4 on all dexterity and land vehicle checks. on the magical side of things, you can cast misty step once a day for free for some Magical Passage, and you gain Spells of the Mark, adding a few extra spells to your paladin spell list- check those out in the character sheet for more info.
you are, of course, a Noble, giving you proficiency in History and Animal Handling bc we’re taking persuasion from your class. boom, riding skill complete and we’re not even one level in.
Ability Scores
first up, make your Charisma as high as you can- they go on and on about Chuck’s charisma in his bio, and it’ll take care of just about everything in this build eventually. after that is your Dexterity. if you’re going to do cool stuff, you need to not fall flat on your face afterwards. third is Strength, partly for multiclassing, partly so you can be a good knight even without your paladins backing you up. that means your Constitution is a bit lower than I’d like, but that’s why you have a targetable invuln. your Intelligence is neutral- I didn’t really have a lot to go on there, but your Wisdom is definitely in the negatives. you based your power on something as open-ended as “doing cool stuff”, and hanging out with astolfo and roland long enough would warp anyone’s common sense.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: you don’t have to be a paladin to be the king of them, but it certainly helps, especially since it gives you proficiency in Persuasion and Religion, as well as Wisdom and Charisma saves! demons love using those, so make sure to stock up!
you also get a divine sense, so you’ll see any demons coming, as long as you spend a resource every two turns to check. its not good, but you’re not using those resources for anything else, so why not? throw out a ping erry once in a while.
you can also lay on hands to help a pal(adin) out, providing a bit of healing when you slap someone! remember: if they’re about to take a dirt nap, give ‘em a bap. that’s the furioso way!
2. paladin 2: at second level you get great weapon fighting, letting you re-roll 1s and 2s on damage dice from two-handed weapons. you’re gonna see a lotta them real soon whenever you use your divine smite to add a bunch of radiant damage to your sword. of course those don’t come free! you gotta use your spell slots, and those only recharge on long rests! you also prepare spells each day, so you don’t have to worry about picking the exact right ones- we recommend gishy spells like expeditious retreat and jump from your mark spells, or smite-y spells like searing smite or divine favor! outside of his “do cool stuff to charge up” thing, chuckie’s a pr basic dnd paladin.
3. paladin 3: at third level your devotion to devotion makes you a devotion paladin! you add protection from evil & good and sanctuary to your spell list- neither of them are quite invulnerabilities, but they’re nice shields you can plop onto your allies or yourself if u want. you can also channel divinity, doing one cool thing a short rest, either making a sacred weapon or turning the unholy. the first turns your sword into a cool glowy sword for a minute, adding your charisma to its damage, shining light, and making it magical. the latter forces fiends and undead to run away for a minute if they fail a wisdom save! paladins are already pretty good at dealing with devils and zombies, but sometimes you get stuck in a crowd, yknow?
4. paladin 4: we wont need strength forever, but we do need it now, so bump up that with your first ability score improvement! now you hit things harder! yep… yeah that’s the whole level. you can keep reading on now.
5. Paladin 5: at fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each action, as well as second level spells! your freebies are Lesser Restoration and Zone of Truth, though I also like your mark spell Misty Step. move so fast it’s like you’re teleporting! just be sure you let them know it’s nothin’ personnel, kid.
6. Paladin 6: sixth level paladins get an Aura of Protection, so everyone within 10’ of you gets to add your charisma bonus to every save they make! you’re so cool you make jumping out of the way of a fireball look easy!
7. Paladin 7: seventh level devotion paladins have an Aura of Devotion, so now nobody near you can get charmed either. so whatever’s going on with Astolfo and roland isn’t magic, I guess.
8. Warlock 1: speaking of those two, we need to make a deal with them to power up your sword, making you a Hexblade Warlock. when you strike this bargain, you can put a Hexblade’s Curse on someone nearby that lasts a minute, giving you bonus action on all damage rolls, all attacks crit on 19s and 20s, and when they die you regain HP. all for the cost of one bonus action once per short rest! if you know somebody’s tough you just have to put more effort into being cool, and suddenly you’re a lot stronger. you’re also a Hex Warrior now, so you can turn a one-handed or versatile weapon into your chosen weapon, letting you attack using your charisma instead of your strength.
finally, you get another round of Spells, with weird warlock slots to boot. you can cast paladin spells with these or vice-versa, but they don’t mix in terms of figuring out what levels you can cast at. Eldritch Blast is our noble phantasm, but we also get Sword Burst to do a cool trick like spinning, Expeditious Retreat to free up some paladin prep slots, and Comprehend Languages because I couldn’t really think of any other first level spells we need, and that’s a jesus-y sort of thing to have available.
9. Warlock 2: second level warlocks can use Eldritch Invocations to customize their class, so now you can Distort Value to make your armor shiny and gold, but you can also turn your eldritch blasts into Agonizing Blasts, adding your charisma bonus to each hit. (technically you get two invocations but we’re swapping one next level so don’t get too attached.)
as for why we made a cantrip our NP, it’s simple- thanks to agonizing blast, your hexblade’s curse, and a third thing we’re getting later, your NP will wildly change in damage potential depending on how hard you’re trying to fight something. right now you get a total of two lasers each turn, with each blast’s damage either dealing 1d10+3 or 1d10+7 damage, which is a pretty big swing.
10. Warlock 3: third level warlocks can pick their pact boon, and the Pact of the Blade is perfect for an up-and-coming paladin, letting you summon an extraplanar weapon as an action and make it any kind you like. thanks to the invocation Improved Pact Weapon, it’ll do extra damage each hit, and you can cast your spells through it! most DMs don’t really care about stuff like that, but if they do, it’s a godsend.
if you want even more swords to blast people with, you can summon a Cloud of Daggers now! …it’s bad! but it is thematic.
11. Paladin 8: eighth level paladins get another ASI, and it’s time we got holy. as a Scion of the Outer Planes (specifically the good ones) you get resistance to radiant damage and the ability to cast Sacred Flame using your charisma. we had good offense against the unholy, but now you have defense against the holy! why would being faithful give you that? there’s a couple theological implications there I’m not 100% comfortable dealing with, so let’s move on.
12. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins get third level spells so you’re now a Beacon of Hope, giving everyone you want within 30’ of you advantage on wisdom and death saves, plus maximized healing. you can also Dispel Magic for free, or remove curses! those aren’t in character, but you get one for free and the other’s practically a synonym. Crusader’s Mantle can turn the whole party in to paladins if you want tho
13. Paladin 10: tenth level paladins have an Aura of Courage, so now nobody near you gets scared. how can they be if you’re doing a sick kickflip ten feet away?
14. Paladin 11: eleventh level paladins get an Improved Divine Smite, so now it’s like every attack you make is at least a little bit smitey.
15. Paladin 12: our last level of paladin gets you the Righteous Heritor feat, rounding up your Charisma and the ability to protect your allies. when somebody nearby takes damage, you can react to reduce that damage proficiency times a day. there technically isn’t a debuff if you use it to protect yourself, but that’s not the knightly thing to do, y’know?
16. Fighter 1: it’s time for that secret third thing! well, almost. right now you get the Dueling fighting style so your sword is equally powerful one- or two-handed, and a Second Wind so you can heal yourself as a bonus action. again you could use your lay on hands, but that can be used for someone else too. you have to be greedy with this one.
17. Fighter 2: ok now you’ve got that secret third thing, and that’s Action Surge! now you can action on the same turn you’ve already actioned once a short rest! now you can shoot out 4-8 beams that deal 1d10+4 to 1d10+10 damage each! ultra swingy now
18. Warlock 4: fourth level warlocks get their own ASI, so max out that Charisma for the strongest… everything. just about everything we have uses charisma, and now yours is as high as it can go without literal divine intervention. good job!
also you can cast True Strike now if you feel like wasting a turn, or Suggestion to use your position of power for good. or evil. your own purposes, in any case.
19. Warlock 5: fifth level warlocks get third level spells, like Spirit Shroud, letting you add even more damage to every attack you make on someone within 10’ of you. is using a ranged attack on someone within 10’ smart? god no! but it gives you a chance for dramatic banter, which is cool!
also you can use your Sign of Ill Omen to bestow a curse on someone once a day using a warlock spell slot. curses are really versatile, but the reason we’re picking this up is to give someone disadvantage to hit you or an ally, which is one of the pre-given options for the spell.
20. Warlock 6: the sixth level of hexblade isn’t something we get to often, but since we’re already summoning swords we might as well summon the hands wielding them too. with your Accursed Specter, you can summon the spirit of a hero of the past (bc you just killed them) and they’re forced to help you out for the rest of the day. they get an extra 6 temporary HP, as well as a +5 bonus on all their attack rolls! so if you kill a level 20 fighter and combine this with your eldritch blasts, you can summon all 12 paladins in a single round! kinda!
also you can cast Tongues now, so you can talk to anyone you want! it's what god would want. if he hadn't knocked over that tower.
Pros & Cons
having literally everything based off your Charisma is great, it let us pick up a bunch of cool feats without sacrificing any kind of power, and unlike most paladins you don’t have to choose between your magic being strong or your swordplay.
speaking of, thanks to that mono-stat stuff you’re super versatile in a fight, being able to dish out damage in melee or at range, or provide support and protection to other party members. being able to do a little bit of everything is never a bad thing.
speaking of support, just being around you is a huge bonus for squishier party members, and thanks to your mobility options you’re never that far away.
and it’s a good thing you can move around easily, because your auras are tiny. when you combine that with you moving around the place all the time, odds are most of your party won’t be getting any aura buffs for most of the fight.
having warlock slots might give you more chances to smite, but it completely blocks you from upcasting spells, leaving you stuck with third level spells slots for the entire build. a lot of your damage comes from other sources, but a good smite crit is super cathartic, you know?
your ultimate attack has some major damage variance, and it’s only at its best once per short rest. you can call your shots, but you’re only going to get one chance per fight at best, so make it count. otherwise you can go from 8d10+8d8+88 damage to 4d10+20, which is a major missed opportunity.
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I could talk about the wing situation all gotdamn day. Because I find it so interesting, how cubito Jaiden had her wings the whole time. An why would she specifically pick Philza to show (most likely innocently showing off to the only people online, brain rot version she did it on purpose.)
If it wasn't clear before qJaiden is the Feds favorite baby. (I really wanna see how they treat Bagi because she is also from the island.)
Baghera and Philza are being beaten up by the narrative. I'll start with Philza, I saw someone say "Well Philza also gets special treatment!" no he doesn't, what you thinking of is admin special treatment. Philza gets special treatment from admins because he has gotten to know them. If you're trying to count the fact he lives on the wall. I guess but otherwise no. Philza who shtick is that if you mind your business people have no reason to fuck with you.
What Philza has gotten is special interest. When he lava cast the fed building. They smacked Philza down so hard the man is still having hallucinations about it. When it came to the code attacks he use to taunt and attack the code. The feds and the Code have a strong interest in Philza. Actually the code have it more so (flippa teleporting Philza to them all day)
We don't know who had the eggs but it's weird that yeah his kids actually show in the photo. Now it could be the way they took the photos to get ya know the landscape. But it's still weird, they could have easily taken a photo of Talluah hat and then the background. Chayanne duckie float could have been taken from the side so you got a side view of only the ducks. Also, it looks like Chayanne is a little dirty and still cracked.
With Baghera it's the same thing. But this time Baghera hadn't done anything besides being a child of experimentation. She was treated the worst. She expressed how they would pluck her feathers in her diary. She never got special admin treatment but she stayed in her lane for the most part. An they bapped her upside the head for no reason!
I wish to know how Baghera felt/will feel about seeing Jaiden wings. (I idk if she's seen them or not) Because she shares wing trauma with Philza. But she also views Jaiden as a good friend. Baghera told Jaiden about how she was born on the island.
I mean it is clear why all the other avin people got wing trauma. It so they can't fly away from the island.
Jaiden isn't going to fly away.
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Part two of baps trying to replicate the lmk style to the best of her abilities and drawing her oc in the character introduction shot✨
You guys have seen this one in my banner, this one too was pretty fun but i had a little bit of issues with the pose 😭 all worked out though!🫶💕
If no one notices the style for this one changed slightly, wanted to also replicate the way lmk season 3's style had changed for the intro :D ✨
Background used! (Again got it from the lmk wiki) :

Inspired by lmk season 3's intro this time! :
#digital art#artists on tumblr#lego monkey kid oc#lego monkie kid#lmk#lmk oc#lmk oc art#drawing#lmk fandom#lmk oc; Iris
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