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kalpaka · 6 months ago
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Start Reducing Plastic Waste Today!
Join the global movement to protect our planet by embracing the power of reducing, reusing, and recycling! Small changes in our daily habits can make a big difference. From swapping out single-use plastics to reusing everyday items, there are countless ways to reduce plastic waste.
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creativesojung · 6 years ago
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Found Plastic on Bournemouth Beach 119: semi skimmed milk
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s2-design · 3 years ago
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We're on a family holiday and today spent one hour collecting an enormous quantity of predominantly plastics from outside only four of the many adjoining properties. Why? As tourists we believe it's important to demonstrate care for our hosts environment, not to be completely hedonistic, encourage others to give back to the places we visit and not only be resource consumers. □ @thepassagesamui #giveandtake #recycle #yinyang #bansingleuseplastic #s2design #reducereuserecycle #s2_design #thailand #kohsamui #plasticpollution #plasticfree #uselessplastic #environmentallyfriendly #savetheplanet #circulareconomy #whatgoesaroundcomesaround (at ThePassageSamui) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTc-eolmPE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wanderingalaskan · 7 years ago
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Plastic & red tide: two of the biggest killers of wildlife here. Did you know around 80% of all life in the Gulf of Mexico starts in estuaries? Yet another reason to keep our estuaries clean and productive! 🐟🦀🦈🐡🦐🐬🐠 . . #mylarballoonssuck #redtide #burrfish #beach #conservation #environment #bansingleuseplastic #skipthestraw (at Cape Romano - Ten Thousand Islands Aquatic Preserve)
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jannis-world-connection · 4 years ago
Reposted from @sharkangels Posted @withregram • Tiger sharks are known for eating almost anything, including other sharks, fish, seabirds, dolphins, sea turtles, rays and crustaceans. This makes them especially vulnerable to plastic pollution in our oceans. So what can we do to cut down on plastics? 🎥: @alexkyddphoto #sharkangels #fearintofascination #sharkconservation #singleusesucks #sharklover #plasticpollutes #bansingleuseplastic #ilovesharks #tigershark #oceanpollution #sharklovers #apexpredatornotmonster #divetoinspire #underwatervideo #uwvideo #pelagic #oceanplastic https://www.instagram.com/p/CTCUpggDhsB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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greenlifeforever · 4 years ago
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Just say NO! 🔪🐢💔 . . . . #singleuseplastic #saynotosingleuseplastic #bansingleuseplastic #sustainableliving #plasticfree #plasticpollution #planetorplastic #climateemergency #climatechangeisreal #banplastic #plasticpollution #climatechangenews #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #noplastic #breakfreefromplastic #saveouroceans #savetheplanet #green #recycle #wastefree #zerowastelife #eco #zerowasteliving #zerowasteweek #zerowastetips #plasticfreeocean #zerowastegoals #greenlife #turtle #animals https://www.instagram.com/p/CSbM8Y8MzDo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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novelsupplyco · 7 years ago
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TURTL3S | If not for yourself, do it for the #turtles! If everyone who used plastic recycled and we didn’t make any more of it, we might be ok. The reality is that most #singleuseplastic is thrown in away after one use and ends up in our landfills and our oceans to sit for hundreds of years only breaking into smaller and smaller pieces and then being ingested by majestic animals like 🐢‘s. Banning #plasticstraws is a start but we’ve got a long ways to go. Do the right thing and eliminate single use plastic from your life. That includes disposable nylon, polyester and other synthetic fast fashion because #microplastics are a real problem too. If you HAVE to use plastic for some reason, please for the love of turtles, recycle it! #fortheturtles #bansingleuseplastic #vancouver2020 #greenestcity2020 #circulareconomy #circularfashion #iliketurtles #recycle #zerowaste #fortheplanet #Sustainablebrands #fashionrevolution #reduce #reuse #reusablestraw https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl6BzCTl2EH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m72nrmhgr125
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sustainablyaimee · 7 years ago
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Protect Your Mother Ocean. Happy World Ocean Day! When I lived in Australia I was already making an effort to be #plasticfree. I stopped using plastic bags, takeaway coffee cups, and plastic straws. I knew coming to Bali it would be different because drinking water is all in plastic bottles. I was so excited to find that many places in Bali now do not offer plastic straws with their cups. They have switched to paper, bamboo, glass or stainless steel all over the beautiful island and it has made such an impact. "My highlights" have all the places I have been to around Bali that are a part of #noplasticstraws. So now I'm asking you to Respect Mother Earth make one small change, stop using plastic straws, please 😊🌍#worldoceanday #plasticfree • • • • • • #keepcups #nomorecoffeecups #beachbum #impact #nostraws #modelsofcompassion #balidaily #bestinbali #summeroutfit #nophotoshop #oceanlover #nomoreplastic #protectmotherearth #influencer #waronwaste #bansingleuseplastic (at Badung, Bali, Indonesia)
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beautysglace · 4 years ago
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Ich verwende bestimmt schon seit 2-3 Jahren die Foreo Gesichtsbürste statt der Wattepads. Aufladen muss man sie auch nur ca. einmal im Jahr und ich hab das Gefühl, dass das Gesicht sauberer wird als mir einfachen Pads. 🤘🏻 Dazu hab ich fürs Augenmakeup entfernen die selbstgemachten Pads aus einem alten Handtuch. Diese hebe ich in einem alten Schraubglas auf. Sieht also auch halbwegs ordentlich aus im Bad.👁👁 Die sind aus Baumwolle und geben beim Waschen auch kein Microplastik ab. 🥺 Die letzte Packung Öko-Wattepads hat jetzt jahrelang im Schrank ihr Dasein gefriestet und wird jetzt noch für den Dude aufgebraucht. 👍🏻 Gerade Baumwolle benötigt ja in der Herstellung sehr viel Aufwand und Wasser, da ist es eine ordentliche Verschwendung diesen wertvollen Rohstoff einfach nur einmal zu verwenden.🙈 Findet bei euch da auch schon ein Umdenken statt? 🍃 PR-Sample ohne Werbeauftrag,selbstgekauft und -gemacht . #bansingleuseplastic #saynotosingleuse #climateemergency #environment #plasticpollutes #sustainability #fornature #gogreen #climatechange #climatecrisis #ecofriendly #beatpollution #environmentalist #eco #ecoliving #sustainableliving #greenliving #climateaction #plasticfree #uselessplastic #zerowaste #breakfreefromplastic #zerodechet #saynotoplastic #noplastic #beatplasticpollution #planetorplastic #beforeandafter #beforeafter #ecodiy (hier: Schönbrunn, Wien) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_EZ5jF8n2/?igshid=1nas6ibu2b08r
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wanderingalaskan · 7 years ago
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It’s wonderful seeing a big corporation make positive changes. Did you know Marco Island is about 50% water? It doesn’t matter whether you’re beachfront or not, do what you can to stop using plastic’s “big 4” - plastic straws, disposable coffee cups, plastic water bottles, and plastic shopping bags. Way to go @starbucks for taking the first step! Who will be next to get on board? . . . #skipthestraw #saveaturtle strawfreeflorida #aklaststraw #baby #steps #bansingleuseplastic #conservation #ocean #wildlife #bekind #respect #yourhome #planetearth (at Marco Island, Florida)
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s2-design · 4 years ago
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Cafe racer handbasin plumbing in disabled toilet, first floor, Myer Geelong. Polished chrome and stainless steel plumbing still intact after ~40 years; no plastic here. ○ #sink #plumbingporn #plumbing #plumber #plumbinglife #basin #handbasin #geelong #myer #toilet #bathroom #dunny #tile #tiles #tiling #chrome #stainlesssteel #stainless #noplastic #bansingleuseplastic #australia #caferacer #polishedchrome #drain #ptrap @cityofgreatergeelong #myergeelong @myer (at Myer Geelong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJiitY1Fxb_/?igshid=1p6t5r0bda8td
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greenlifeforever · 4 years ago
It's Turtle Tuesdays 🐢♥️🐢 . . . Turtle cleaning at Ogasawara centre . . . This turtle will be released back to the ocean when it grows a little bigger so that it is stronger 💪 . . #singleuseplastic #saynotosingleuseplastic #bansingleuseplastic #sustainableliving #plasticfree #plasticpollution #planetorplastic #climateemergency #climatechangeisreal #banplastic #plasticpollution #climatechangenews #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #noplastic #breakfreefromplastic #saveouroceans #savetheplanet #green #recycle #wastefree #zerowastelife #eco #zerowasteliving #zerowasteweek #zerowastetips #plasticfreeocean #zerowastegoals #greenlife #turtle #animals https://www.instagram.com/p/CSYiRgODT8-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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helpzerowaste · 4 years ago
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Did you know every year over 1 million sea birds are killed by plastic pollution? 🐦 Spread this message and help save a life! ✅Follow @helpzerowaste to get more daily Sustainable, ECO & Zero Waste tips ——————————————————- @helpzerowaste @helpzerowaste @helpzerowaste ✅Like, Comment and Tag your friends to spread the message . #dontstopbelieving #climatechange #plasticpollution #cleanplanet #savetheenvironment #environmentalist #savetheplanet #protecttheplanet #saveourplanet🌍 #beachcleanup #savetheoceans #protecttheocean #oceanconservation #saynotoplastic #climatecrisis #plasticfreeforthesea #thereisnoplanetb #climateaction #bansingleuseplastic #stoppollution #cleanuptheworld #plasticpollutes #pollutionfree #protecttheoceans #plasticfreelife #plasticzero #minimalwaste #sustainabilitymatters #saveouroceans #saveearthofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CGpf8ytg05c/?igshid=1fx9ahzzk1a4b
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publichealthenthusiast · 4 years ago
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Policy Design Elements presented through Plastic Bag Bans
A whopping 8 million metric tons of plastic are discarded into the ocean annually, and more than 90% of plastic is NEVER recycled. At this rate, there will be more plastic in our oceans by 2050 than there will be fish. Therefore, cities have started to take action; The Global Plastic Action Partnership is an organization that works with businesses, international donors, multiple levels of government, and groups in the community to combat plastic pollution. Their emphasis is on shifting our economy from a linear depiction to a circular one in which products are reused, redesigned, and recovered to reduce environmental impacts
New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Oregon, Vermont, Hawaii, California, and New Mexico have all implemented policies regarding plastic bag bans.
What are the goals of these policies?- to outlaw plastic bags in order to decrease the impact of plastics on human health, wildlife well-being, and decrease the overall production and waste presented by plastic bags.
What are the tools of this policy?- these policies are implemented at a state level with few exception; in order to push individuals away from single use plastics, there will be charges from 10 cents and up. 
What/ Who are the targets of these policies?- businesses, the public, and corporations are the targets for this policy. In order to improve the plastic challenges we face, the behavior of the community must shift to viewing plastic bags as unnecessary, a health hazard, and overall bad thing.
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almarchone · 5 years ago
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Essentials 🖤🎶 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (My dad's old hat, my friends headphones he doesn't use, a refillable bottle .. the oldest and ugliest sleeping bag, but who cares, right?) #lowwaste #minimal #zerowaste #minimalist #minimalism #refuse #refill #reuse #repurpose #rethink #repair #recycle #rot #bansingleuseplastic #blackisthenewblack #blacklikemysoul #bulgaria #essentials #summer (at Bulgaria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoctMGDBlx/?igshid=n47qie0suij1
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deborahlindquist · 5 years ago
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My first go at making a dress out of plastic bags. Love this photo with @underwaterlinnea A repost: A dream in plastic is more of a nightmare. Appalled at all the floating garbage in remote locations of Thailand. We can do better. #saynotosingleuseplastic . . . Photographer: @oceangirl_nola Assist: @peteatkinsonphotography Designer: @greenqueenclothing @deborahlindquist Location: Lake in Thailand . . . #saynotoplastic #bansingleuseplastic #plasticdress #garbagedress #garbagebagdress #lakeshot #thailand #submergedtree #oceanconservation #makeastand #calltoaction #underwaterlinnea #underwatermodel #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #underwaterlighting #underwatertree https://www.instagram.com/p/CETM1yvjOE1/?igshid=1ig0zklft1c9d
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