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direktoriku · 5 months ago
Cowboy (Aman Doris) - Benjamin S.
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trancyzp · 2 years ago
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Olá gente, boa noite! Espero que estejam bem. Estou aqui com uma doação bem babadeira com a Aninha (ablha), eu com capas e ela com os plots. Por favor, se atentem as regras! Não roube as ideias dos plots da Ana, saberemos e eu vou atrás, viu!
1- Não iremos doar para qualquer pessoa, primeiramente eu e ela iremos checar o seu perfil e certificar de que você vá usar mesmo a capa e o plot.
2- A conta deve ter pelo menos 1 (um) ano de uso.
3- Adote apenas se terá compromisso com minhas capas e os plots da Ana!
4- Nada além do seu user será alterado, ou seja, apenas o user será alterado. Então, terá que criar algo a partir do título que eu coloquei.
5- Sua história deve ter no mínimo 1.000 palavras ou mais, vai depender da sua criatividade!
6- Você tem 2 meses (dois meses) para usar a capa. A contagem começa assim que eu entrego a capa alterada com o plot.
7- Entrega será feita pelo spirit, então certifique de que o seu user está correto quando for comentar a ficha.
8- Por favor, coloque os créditos nas notas inicias ou finais, com meu e o user da Ana (trancyz e ablha)
9- Se não conhece o grupo ou os personagens, não adote!
10- Avalie bem as capa e os plots, pois a capa será adotada juntamente com o plot, ou seja é os dois juntos ou nenhum. Capriche na história, viu?
CAPAS E PLOTS❕ leia atentamente
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cruel summer, heejin e hyujin # disponível [myoitar]
“Heejin é uma universitária frustrada, e decide fazer uma das melhores loucuras da sua vida. Nessa decisão, a estudante conhece Hyujin e juntas decidem fazer daquele verão cruel no melhor de suas vidas.”
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efeito do àcool, yoongi e taehyung # disponível [darksaori]
“Taehyung odiava seus amigos, e odiava ainda mais a si mesmo por ter mandado mensagem para o garoto que mexia com o seu coração, Min Yoongi, e tudo sob efeito do álcool. Pelo menos ele teria um encontro.”
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essa é pra você, yeri e seulgi # disponível [kanfleurs]
"Yeri amava sua companheira de trabalho, Seulgi, porém após uma traição de sua amiga colorida, Yeri decide se declarar com a música do Jão.”
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i'm just ken * jimin, jimin e jungkook # disponível [xxpujinxx]
“Jimin tenta de todas as maneiras arrastar seu namorado para o shopping apenas para ver o filme da sua boneca favorita, e para não perder a magia teria que ser a caráter.”
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ipanema, namjoon e jin # disponível [crystol]
“Namjoon é um doutor em letras e para comemorar essa maravilhosa conquista ele decide fazer uma viagem para o Brasil com seu marido Seokjin. Era apenas os dois e o português afiado de Namjoon, ao som de Seu Jorge o amor dos dois é declarado novamente.”
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like crazy, jimin e jungkook # disponível [ablha]
“Jimin precisava se descobrir, precisava saber que ele realmente era, mas por conta de sua família super protetora e tóxica o garoto nunca fez isso. Até que ele descobre seu verdadeiro eu com os lábios do barman.”
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lonely, joy e irene # disponível [cybersad]
"A música salvou Joy do vazio obscuro da solidão, e com o mundo colorido, a mulher descobriu a sintonia de cores que eram os lábios de Irene.”
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nosso encontro, namjoon e yoongi # disponível [taeluminado]
“Férias de verão, as melhores que Min Yoongi teve em sua vida, nelas ele sentiu os dedinhos escondidos na areia, a brisa beira mar, Kim Namjoon e o encontro que eles tiveram.”
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rival bands, jimin e jungkook # disponível [xxpujinxx]
“Eles são rivais declarados, mas por causa da paixão pela música, Jimin e Jungkook terão que viver mais tempo juntos e construir sentimentos avassaladores.”
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splish splash, hoseok e taehyung # disponível [chansao22]
"Taehyung era um bobo apaixonado que conseguia fingir muito bem, ele fingia que odiava Jung Hoseok, mas sua postura toda cai por terra quando o moreno lhe dá um beijo. Era apenas atuação, mas mexeu com o xerife.”
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vagalumes, jimin e jungkook # disponível [sololunar]
“Fugir dos compromissos por apenas um final de semana é maravilhoso, e é isso que o casal decide fazer. Jimin e Jungkook fogem da civilização, e aproveitam a natureza caçando vagalumes e em um pouquinho maluco.”
Ficha (comente exatamente assim) User no spirit: @.fulano (pelo amor de deus, use uma conta que não mude tanto o user) Nome da capa: título
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martinbythelakes · 25 days ago
olá amorrr<3 what are some of your fave albums by brazilian artists?
maia, meu bem, you literally have no idea of how happy you made me with this ask! honestly, i could talk about brazilian music for days and it wouldn't be enough. we have so many amazing artists that i think anyone who loves music needs to listen to.
i made this list thinking about what would be essential to know in general about brazilian music. with that in mind, i tried to cover as many genres as possible, including both newer and older artists, giving a little bit of description about each one of them.
clube da esquina by milton nascimento & lô borges (1972)
the first one i'd like to recommend is clube da esquina by milton nascimento & lô borges. clube da esquina is, in addition to beign an album, a movement of artists from the state of minas gerais who, through their art, faced the censorship of the military regime during one of the hardest periods of the dictatorship. it is also, and this is what i'm referring to here, the title of a collaborative project between two of brazil's greatest musicians: milton nascimento and lô borges.
it's a classic of brazilian music and one of the best things i've ever heard in my life. they blend rock music, folk and even some psychedelic elements in such a unique way. it's a really beautiful and great album. my favorites tracks are: trem de doido, trem azul, um girassol da cor do seu cabelo, clube da esquina number 2, nada será como antes, tudo o que você poderia ser.
2. de primeira by marina sena (2021)
i think you'll love this one! marina, also from the state of minas gerais, is an amazing pop artist. she has this baggage of great influences and, at the same time, she creates something uniquely hers in this album (her first one, hence the name). she's great at live shows and honestly one of the prettiest women i've ever seen. my favorite tracks are: santo, me toca, seu olhar, por supuesto (HIT! this played everywhere here).
3. rita lee (or mania de você) by rita lee (1979)
i cannot talk about brazilian music without mentioning rita lee. by the end of the 70's, she was this rock and roll, feminist icon, one of the first female artists who openly talked about female sexuality around here. in this one, she's on her pop music side, you can hear some disco influences here and there too. very popular album! my favorite tracks are: doce vampiro, mania de você, elvira pagã.
side note here: rita, together with arnaldo baptista and sérgio leme, formed, in the middle of the sixties, the band os mutantes. they were a very influential group part of the tropicália movement, which was basically this group of artists (like gilberto gil and caetano veloso) who decided to mix elements of the brazilian culture with genres created in other countries, like rock and folk, again, as a form of resistance against the military regime. my favorite os mutantes album is probably a divina comédia (ou ando meio desligado). the opening song is AMAZING.
4. a tábua de esmeralda/força bruta by jorge ben jor (1974/1970)
the GOATERY is strong with jorge ben. i love him so much, one of our greatests musicians. i guess he's pretty popular with foreigners too. anyway, jorge ben jor basically birthed the genre people call "samba-rock".
i cannot decide which album by jorge ben i'd like to recommend so here's two of them: a táuba de esmeralda – which starts his period of experimentations, named by him as "alquimia musical". there are literally books written about this album, analyzing every bit of it – and força bruta – another classic record, released before a tábua da esmeralda.
i recommend you to listen to: menina mulher da pele preta (AMAZING SONG), magnólia, oba lá vem ela, o telefone tocou novamente.
5. caju by liniker (2024)
one of my favorites from last year, caju is a really great album. like most of the artists i mentioned here, she blends a lot of elements in the composition of her sound; here, you can hear a lot of r&b, soul and jazz blended with samba, axé, brega. it's GREAT. favorite tracks: caju, tudo (this one is playing everywhere now), negona dos olhos terríveis.
6. legião urbana/dois by legião urbana (1985/1986)
ok, so- you know the type of guy who says "anyway, here's wonderwall" before showing the lamest acoustic guitar skills you've ever heard in your life? well, here in brazil he would problably say "here's tempo perdido by legião urbana".
remember the ditactorship i keep mentioning here? well, legião urbana debuts at the end of the military regime. this period in brazilian history is called redemocratização de 1985 – filled with a lot of uncertainties for the population and for brazil as a democratic estate. legião urbana managed to reflect this feeling of uncertainty in their songs, speaking with a lot of young people back then (including my parents!). you can hear a lot of the smiths, joy division and bob dylan influences here.
i couldn't decide which album to put here, their first one (self titled) or their second one (dois), so i guess i'm making a frankenstein monster. i think you should listen to tempo perdido (CLASSIC classic song), ainda é cedo (my favorite song by the band), perdidos no espaço, daniel na cova dos leões, índios and será.
legião is, by far, THE most famous rock band in brazil and, like many popular bands, saying that you like legião urbana is not as "cool" anymore. honestly, i get and agree with some criticisms the band has faced, but i can't discredit their influence.
7. violeta by terno rei (2019)
terno rei is a indie rock band from são paulo (the ancestral land of gabriel martinelli). around 2019, they were pretty popular among alternative crowds. they have other nice albums as well like essa noite bateu como um sonho but violeta is their greatest. if you like altern rock, dream pop and everything in between you'll like this one! it's a nice opening band for our alternative scene.
favorite tracks: roda gigante (!!), vento na cara, yoko, amor-perfeito.
8. da lama ao caos by chico science & nação zumbi (1994)
now we arrive in the northeast region of brazil, specifically in the state of pernambuco (that's where i was born and raised!). nação zumbi is one of the many artists that came from here, and they're very special because, with them, the manguebeat movement – an collective of artists who unified our regional rhythms (maracatu, forró, frevo) with rock, hip-hop and even heavy/nu metal as a way to discuss class struggle, politics and police violence – became popular in brazil.
this is such a crazy fucking album, seriously! unmatched 'til this day and age.
favorite tracks: rios pontes e overdrives (another classic), a praieira, risoflora.
9. te amo lá fora by duda beat (2021)
closing my list, duda beat is also an artist of the state of pernambuco. i keep mentioning here how brazilian artists can mix various genres with our regional sounds and te amo lá fora is a nice example of it; it's a pop album with forró, ciranda and maracatu elements. i loveee this one! my favorites tracks are meu pisêro, decisão de te amar, 50 meninas, tu e eu.
i tried not to talk too much and a failed horribly i'm sorry!! but it's almost impossible!!!! there are thousands of other albums i would love to recommend (and i can add more at another time), but i think these give a good overview of how vast our popular music is. i hope you like it! beijinhos, maia <3
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kasunakuma · 1 year ago
Os voy a explicar mi AU de Trolls Band Togheter (más de Floyd que otra cosa XD)
Te lo digo ya, me encantan los angst, y Floyd es uno de mis personajes favoritos así que...
Bien, todo transcurre igual que en la película, unos días después nuestros adorables Trolls descubren que Floyd está sufriendo efectos secundarios.
1. Pesadillas.
2. Trauma.
3. Se cansa muy rápido y a veces le cuesta respirar y caminar (por eso siempre lleva a mano un
4. Su pelo ya no le es útil para ninguna autodefensa, en el caso del camuflaje el blanco en su pelo no cambia de color y, en el caso de estirar su pelo para poder desplazarse o luchar le es imposible hacerlo, ya que su pelo ya no está hacia arriba sino que lo lleva suelto boca abajo, no puede controlar su pelo a su antojo.
5. Su voz al cantar a veces falla y le salen gallos.
Y creo que no me dejo nada, ah, por cierto... Tiene un pasado oscuro que es la razón por la cuál no cumplió la promesa que le hizo a Branch...
Floyd ahora vive en Villa Troll al igual que todos sus hermanos (excepto Bruce).
Y ya está, si queréis saber algo más preguntad!
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Os lo he dibujado para que veáis como es.
Ejem... Te está regalando una rosa, acéptala ❤️
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romario-de-souza-faria · 7 months ago
Romário há 20 anos atrás concedeu entrevista exclusiva a Jorge Kajuru. O bate papo foi exibido domingo à noite (08-02-04) no especial “Chutando o Balde”, na Band.
Romário disse que é um dos três melhores jogadores do mundo, criticou a imprensa e deu sua versão sobre as Copas de 98 e 2002. Confira abaixo alguns trechos:
“A minha relação com a imprensa melhorou bastante nos últimos 4 anos. A imprensa aprendeu a me respeitar, eu sou diferente, e por isso as minhas declarações repercutem tanto”
“Eu gosto do Juca, mas ele andou falando muita besteira, que eu tenho que parar de jogar… quem tem que saber disso sou eu, não ele”
“Não gosto dele, mas respeito porque fala a verdade” CASAGRANDE:
"Quem é ele pra falar de mim ? Não sabe de nada! Fala um monte de besteira! É um bom comentarista, mas o problema é comigo, até de burro já me chamou!”
“Não tenho nada contra, bom filho, bom coração, eu respeito ele, um dos maiores dos últimos 10 anos” “Em que eu supero o Ronaldo? Tenho mais visão de gol do que ele” “Se é um absurdo chamar o Ronaldo de fenômeno? Não! Em marketing ele é fenômeno!”
“É um maluco legal, decente”
OS MELHORES JOGADORES DO MUNDO (PELÉ, MARADONA E ROMÁRIO) “Primeiro o Pelé, depois o Maradona, que é um personagem que eu gosto” “O terceiro do mundo sou eu, depois vem o Ronaldo Gaúcho”
“Eu queria ser político pra ajudar as crianças”
“Eu não votei no Lula, votei no Serra, mas o Lula é um cara do caralho”
“Disseram que eu estava com uma mulher no Uruguai ? Mentira! Quem falou isso pro Felipão inventou, quero acreditar que o motivo do corte foi técnico”
“Foi babaquice do Zagalo e do Zico” “Em 98 estava completamente abandonado, foi o momento mais triste da minha vida”
“Na morte do meu tio, da minha avó e no seqüestro do meu pai, estes foram momentos muito difíceis”
“Não tem nada melhor do que transar antes do jogo, no dia”
“Quando levantei a taça da Copa do Mundo em 94”
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youronlyauthor · 2 years ago
Hobie B./SpiderPunk x FemReader
15+ cuss warning
part 4 of/?
you don't know who spiderpunk is or that he even existed but you are spider women with powers that are the basic spider web shooting, the power to turn invisible, is also from a comic world like Hobie. (New mystery power?)
You play the bassist in your band.
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(Later when you and Hobie arrived to HQ)
Miguel was meeting Hobie, Y/n, Gwen, and Miles. Miguel seemed mad. “Why did you want to meet here Y/n?” You then spoke sturnly “I will move in to HQ and join you on one condition.” Miguel lit up “yes?” “Me and Hobie can date and I live with him.” Miguel looked shocked “what..” Hobie looked like he was ready to run. “Fucking.. Whatever No funny business Hobie or I will be on you” he swings away you light up with the biggest smile, Hobie is shocked he lost the bet. He pouts “FUCK YEAH, that was way too close you were gonna-“ Miguel appears suddenly “He was gonna what hm?” You just smile awkwardly he disappears. Hobie burst out laughing “shut up you’re lucky I didn’t finish my sentence” Miles and Gwen look confused asf as you turn to them they ask what happened that made Hobie pout. “Let’s just say we made a bet” Miles and Gwen start Smirking suspiciously “What kind of bet?” Miles sounding innocent. “Uhhhhh we gotta go move me in Cya!” You grab Hobie and swing away even though you barely have anything to move in. While swinging away Miles has his jaw dropped and Gwen is laughing her ass off.
( time skip to mission)
As Miguel is explaining the mission you notice something weird.. maybe even off? Then at the door you hear a familiar voice as everyone else is paying attention to the plan. You stand up noticing the figure gone. Everyone noticing you confused and caught off guard. “Hija Presta atención al plan” (daughter, Pay attention to the plan) Miguel gets angrier as you don’t listen to him. “Y/n-“ you signal him to shut up. Everyone starts to listen to the silence. “Han pasado un tiempo, millas, ¿verdad?” (Been awhile hasn’t it miles) you turn towards the cloaked miles as he de cloaks “Sí, tal vez, pero no tanto” (Yeah maybe but not that long) everyone looks shocked especially Miles. Hobie just looks jealous, looking at him up and down. “¿Por qué estás aquí? Te dije que no es seguro”(Why are you here I told you it’s not safe) Miguel starts to speak “¿Quién es este?” (who is this?) “Alguien que considero un hermano” (someone I consider a brother) “Hija, ¿cuándo vas a dejar de pasar tanto tiempo con tantos hombres?” (daughter when are you going to stop hanging with so much men?” You put your hand on your temple as if you were your father. “La verdad es que no, pero estoy en el verso de araña que comenzó con spiderMEN” (I really don’t but I am in the spider verse which started with spiderMEN) “¿Qué quiere decir con tantos hombres?” (what does he mean by so much men?) “Jesús, estoy saliendo con Hobie. Está al final de la mesa con la guitarra y me gusta mucho, así que, por favor, no hagas nada estúpido.” (Jesus I’m dating Hobie He’s at the end of the table with the guitar and I really like him so please don’t do anything stupid) Hobie joins the conversation “Oye, y aquí me sentía un poco celoso, soy Hobie” (Oi And here I was feeling a little jealous Im Hobie) you look flustered “¿HABLO ESPAÑOL?” (YOU SPEAK SPANISH???) “De todos modos, creo que tu otro amigo está confundido, así que dejemos de usar español, ¿eh?” (Anyway I think your other friend are confused so let’s stop just using Spanish eh?) “okay Miles-“ “yes” (Both) “Jesus okay Prowler Miles meet spider Miles.” They both look surprised so does everyone else. “Your friends with a prowler???” You give Pavitr a death glare “that’s also Miles so shh” “Anyway why you here” “I found the anomaly you needed me to find” everyone looks surprised “okay everyone let’s go” Prowler opens a portal to earth 42 as everyone walks in they’re stunned at what is seen.
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The buildings are on fire some destroyed. The world was falling apart. “Shit” Prowler 42 then speaks “my world is falling apart because of that thing. I will get as many people out of here if you help me, I can’t do it alone” Miguel has a disapproving look “Miguel remember where you left me and think of these people, we will help” everyone spreads out as Miles from 1610 keeps his ground with the portal. As everyone else splits up Hobie went with you To find the spot again but only to find him leaving earth 42 “shit” Hobie looks at you worried “we gotta go” everyone is rushing out of the world Into the portal. When everyone is finally safe and the portal closes all of a sudden you start glitching. “Shit” you fall to your knees but then calm your self and the glitch absorbs into you. Everyone on the team looks shocked. “Why y’all lookin at me like that?” “You just absorbed the glitch!” You looked confused “is that not normal?” Miguel speaks “No it’s not” Hobie looks at you worried “do you feel okay?” He walks up to you observing what happened to you and notices your eyes glitching. “Oi love touch this” he throws a piece of balled up paper at you. You catch it and it starts to transfer the glitch to the paper. You drop the paper and start to stumble “what the fuck am I seeing” everyone looks at you when you look at them you as colors and purpose symbols that seem to represent them. Then you look around to see everything else and you see a straight void “dad this place was built off of a void right?” “Yeah?” “Well this isn’t a void theres a glitch world?” You touch Hobie and he sees it “She’s not lieing” your amazed “this changes everything” you stop touching Hobie and blink twice everything is normal again. The team is just looking at you now.
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issick · 2 years ago
El ship está bien muerto, así que i'm going to spit it out here. Estoy planeando escribir un fanfic de esto, así que paciencia por aquí, jaja
Está la teoría de que los amigos de Roier pueden ser lo siguiente:
O demasiado buenos, trayendo a su crush para darle la oportunidad de pasar tiempo con él, ya que Roier es un cobarde que no le ha hablado durante los dos semestres que llevan de universidad.
O muy malditos, trayendo a su crush para que haga el ridículo y reírse a sus expensas.
O son estúpidos y no consideraron que afectaría a la banda si Roier estaba o no enamorado del nuevo bajista.
Roier está más inclinado a dar lo último como verdadero, porque cuando Spreen llega, hablan con él como si nada, se presentan bien, y todo parece estar normal, Roier sopesa la idea no aceptar al chico en la banda por el bien de su salud mental, de repente creyendo que sin bajista la banda puede salir adelante.
Hasta que Missa le pide que toque un poco (probablemente sabiendo desde antes cómo sonaba el bajo de Spreen), y luego todo se va al carajo.
Spreen es de los pocos músicos que lo han dejado con la boca abierta, Roier hace un viaje astral del shock que le causa saber que ese wey toca así de bien, y bueno, hace añicos los planes de decirle a Spreen que no, porque una parte de Roier está diciendo "la pta madre, no puedo sacarlo ahora", y otra muy en el fondo de verdad quiere que se quede en la banda, y no solo como suplente.
Claro que después de que todos acepten a Spreen, Mariana le muestra su repertorio de canciones, para que comiencen a practicar, afinar notas, checar tiempos, y humillar a Roier.
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maddmuses · 2 years ago
mun is superior, pass it on.
Name: Madd, Maddlynn Maddithan, Maddie, Maddster, The Maddest, Waffles, Maddwaffles, Maddest One Around Age: 27+2 we ain't countin' them COVID years Gender: pebsi (fluid)
Food(s): Barbacoa, Tacos, Tomato, Steak, Corn on The Cob, Salsa, Mint Ice Cream, Stroganoff, (still true af untouched except ig we can add caldo de res which I have been really about lately) Drink(s): Bepsi, Milk even tho it hurt me, Coors, Vanilla Bepis (even tho I can't fucking find it) Book(s): The Legends of Drizzt, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, Assorted D&D Manuals, Any decent Graphic Novel, Strong Manga series; Hajime no Ippo, Eyeshield 21, Boku no Hero Academia, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Hikaru no Go, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh/GX, Naruto, Slam Dunk, karate shoukoushi kohinata minoru, One Piece. We also addin' Chainsaw Man Favorite Author(s): R.A Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, Akira Toryiama, Tite Kubo, Masashi Kishimoto, Oda, Rowling (Pre-TERF) nah fuck that bitch not even pre-TERF she was wildly overrated, Tolkien Song(s): We don’t have time to be here all day, I’ll list some recent listens; Ocean Avenue - Yellow Card, No Flex Zone - Karmin and Watsky, I’m Something Else - SomethingelseYT, Dammit - Blink182, Punk Rock 101 - Blink182, Almost - Bowling For Soup, Stan - Eminem feat. Elton John, Absolutely - Nine Days, Simple Plan - Summer Paradise, So many Ninjasexparty songs, Rambe - Slow, Rambe - Don’t Greed, Zombie Love Song - YFM, Maroon 5 - Sugar, Reunion - Busted, Year 3000 - Busted Honestly those all slapped so imma add a few more recents: Montero, Good 4 u, My Nonfiction, Boyfriend Complex, anything by the nerdcore rappers
Movie(s): The New Guy, Spider-Man Homecoming (okay just that whole trilogy was best honestly), Spider-Verses too, Star Wars: A New Hope, Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy: Big Picture Show, Hairspray (Musical)
TV Show(s): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy, The anime adaptations of most of the manga I listed above, Ash Vs. The Evil Dead, King of The Hill, South Park (It fell off), Community, One-Punch Man, Gravity Falls, Scrubs, Venture Bros., Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, Daria, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, The Boondocks, Saturday night Live when it’s decent, King of The Hill, Futurama, The Conners, As Told By Ginger, The Bear
Band/group(s): Busted, Blink 182, Maroon 5, Sum 41, Bowling For Soup, Ninja Sex Party Solo Artist(s): Rambe, Owl City, Billy Joel Place(s): Oregon, San Diego School Subject(s): Drawing, English, History Sport(s): Boxing, Karate, Football Male Actor: ?????????? Female Actor:  ???????????? I CAN LIST CRUSHES I GUESS BUT YOU DIDN’T ASK I DON’T THINK ABOUT ACTORS THAT MUCH
Best Friend: Brandon (no longer roommate, he still isn’t on tumblr) Significant Other: Am the Single Pringle ;'( Siblings: TONS Dream Job:  Online Content Creator, Teacher, Professor Tattoos: Nada Piercings: Nope Languages: English, Spanglish, Spanish Lite
Reason Behind URL: Well Madd is a component to my standard web handle maddwaffles, for prefix being appropriated from an ex while we were dating (it was a cute thing because we matched) that just hasn’t really evaded me. When it was yallneedahero I would have a more clever answer for you. Reason Behind Icon: I love Isane Nami and you should too # of Posts: 20,535!!!! HOLY SHIT BEFORE IT WAS ONLY 5,235 I SCALE SO HARD Why You Joined: idk!?!!?!?!?!? # of Blogs: P much just this one now
tagging: @pick-your-poison-please @burdenedreverance @midnightactual @waspandr @thundertempo @linklewinklewoman @rangikuxmatsumoto @baiika @auburniivenus @badassbarmaid tagged by: stole from @orihimex and stealing again
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profesor-javaloyes · 1 year ago
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"The Beatles" con George Martin en el medio... oriente.-
El fallecimiento del gran productor musical George Henry Martin, ponderado alumno del viejo Profesor Javaloyes, hizo que rebuscara entre los recuerdos que conservo de nuestras muchas colaboraciones. Después de mucho revisar y revisar entre tanto material al fin lo encontré.
Se trata nada menos de la primera carátula pensada y diseñada por mí a petición de Martin para el magistral octavo album de "The Beatles", el «Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band», publicado el 1 junio de 1967 en el Reino Unido y un día más tarde en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica con el éxito e impacto de sobra conocidos y conviertiéndose en uno de los albumes más vendidos de la historia.
Fue en una de esas largas madrugadas, otra más de esas en las que uno cree que olvida, cuando un impulso, una premonición me motivó a hacer un diseño vanguardista, provocador que llamara la atención sobre lo que sucedía en oriente medio y lo que se avecinaba derivado de un conflcito que no ha hecho sino empeorar y que dura hasta hoy.
Tanto The Beatles como George Martin quedaron encantados con la idea, pero la discográfica dijo que era anárquico, que su fín no era típico. Conservaron entonces la idea pero encargaron su diseño a Peter Blake y Jann Haworth, que la cosntruyeron con un motivo generalista mezclando algunas figuras históricas con celebridades del vodevil, el deporte, el cine y la música.
Como dije anteirormente se publicó el 1 de junio de 1967, pués bien cuatro días más tarde (ante la gran posibilidad de su aniquilación de Israel por parte de Egipto, Jordania y Siria) estalló la conocida como "La Guerra de los Seis Días" entre Israel y una coalición de 4 países árabes: Egipto, Jordania, Siria e Irak. Estos seis días de 1967 concitaron la atención mundial y resultaron claves en la geopolítica de la región con unas consecuencias profundas y extensas que se hacen notar hasta nuestros días. El viejo Profesor Javaloyes ya lo sabía.
Tengo que contar el enigmático significado del "Album Blanco" de The Beatles y cómo y por qué se me ocurrió. Pero esa queridos es... otra historia.
"La historia es la suma total de todas aquellas cosas que hubieran podido evitarse( Konrad Adenauer)
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direktoriku · 5 months ago
Kembang Djatoh, Hudjan Gerimis, Mustafa (Atjep S./Benjamin S.) - Instrumentalia
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hauntedstarlighttiger · 1 year ago
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Mundos Alternos (Hiro y Oc Fem Reader)
-Estas loca-Comentó mi amiga con sorpresa.
-No se si funcionara quieres así que tranquila no me pasara nada-Digo animada viendo todo sobre como shiftiar en mi celular-Además solo lo are para probarlo
-Esta bien pero si te pasa algo te mató-Dijo con seriedad pero con diversión-
-Te prometo que no pasara nada Sara-Al llegar a mi casa me despido de mi amiga-Nos vemos mañana en la escuela.
-¿Hola? ¿hay alguien en casa?-Supongo que no van a llegar pensé mientras suspiraba y subí a mi habitación para dejar mi mochila-Bueno a arreglar todo antes de que caiga la noche.
Hice mis quehaceres del hogar, me bañe y subí a mi cuarto
-Ok ahora solo falta hacer mi tarea y hacer el guión pensé  para hacer mis tareas-Pero escuche mi teléfono sonar-
Llamada entrante
Hola Madre
Hola Alex mi niña vamos a llegar tarde si así que no nos esperes come te dejamos dinero
Oh entiendo entonces les dejo comida
Si gracias mi niña te dejo si adiós
-Adiós-Pero ya me había colgado suspiro trate de no prestar atención a eso así que solo termine para bajar a cocinar-
Al bajar pongo mi playlist para distraerme mientras cocino pero empezó a sonar Galway Girl 
-She played the fiddle in an Irish band-Cante una parte de la canción mientras cocinaba y pensé cantar esto con alguien sería muy lindo la verdad-
-Kissed her on the neck and then-Estaba haciendo los camarones mientras la pasta se cosía-But she fell in love with an English man-Me deje guiar por la canción mientras bailaba un poco.
-She played the fiddle in an Irish band-Le subí más a la canción mientras cantaba-But she fell in love with an English man-Saque los camarones y las puse en la pasta que ya estaba preparada.
-Luego de terminar la pasta fui a hacer un agua-Said, "baby, I just want to dance"-Saque los ingredientes para hacer el jugo de naranja.
-With my pretty little Galway girl-Exprimí las  naranjas poco a poco-My, my, my ... Galway girl-Tire la basura y la prepare.
-I took her by the hand-Les guarde su comida a mis padres y me sente para comer-My pretty little Galway girl...-Pero sonó mi celular 
Llamada entrante 
Hola Sara ¿qué pasa?
Nada solo quería saber si ya lo vas a hacer
Tranquila niña no va a pasar nada malo
Lo siento preocupación de mejor amiga jaja
Tranquila esta bien  además dicen que no funciona a la primera así que no se sabe
Entendido mañana me dices si pasa algo adios Alex 
Adiós Sara nos vemos mañana
-Ya era de noche así que prepare todo para Shiftiar y ver a donde ire-Bueno hay varias opciones pero solo quiero uno haber un anime o caricatura mm..
Al ya elegir empece a escribir el guión sobre la realidad deseada a la que quería ir y esa era Grandes Heroes al ya tener todo listo me acomode y repase mi guión 3 veces y probé en método 1 2 3  
A la mañana siguiente 
-Suspire al levantarme-No funciono bueno lo volvere a intentar después de que venga de la escuela.
-!Alex ya levantante¡-Respondí con un "Si" para prepararme para ir a la escuela-Apúrate a desayunar ya es tarde.
-Buenos días Madre-Agarre mi desayune-¡Y mi Padre?
-Se fue a las oficinas y yo igual ya me voy solo te dejó el dinero y adiós hija-Dijo rápidamente para luego salir de casa-
Al salir de casa veo a Sara y me voy con ella a la escuela 
-¿Y como te fue?-Le conté que no había funcionado-A ya y lo vas a volver a intentar.
-Si no me voy a rendir-Llegamos al salón y nos sentamos en nuestros lugares al ver que llegó la Maestra.
En el Recreo 
-Estas segura Alex tal vez tengas que probar otros-Comentó mientras comía-¿Quieres?
-Aun no se sabe si necesito otro voy a seguir probando este método haber si al menos tengo efectos-Luego mire los púlpitos de salchicha-Si quiero.
Luego de ese día seguí probando ese método pero también probé otros tipos de métodos si con algunos tuve unos efectos y otros no me funcionaron en ese lapso de tiempo ya habían pasado 4 meses 
Ahora solo estaba en mi cuarto haciendo una tarea hasta que recibí una llamada de Sara así empezamos a hablar un rato hasta que me comento de RD
Llamada Entrante
Aun no te vas a rendir ya pasaron 4 meses 
No me voy a rendir Sara además imagínate no sería emocionante o divertido
Si sería genial pero bueno al menos ya tienes efectos supongo que no hay que perder las esperanzas
 Eso bueno me voy tengo que acabar la tarea y luego dormir
Descansa Sara
Descansa Alex
Al colgar la llamada recibí un mensaje de Mi Padre 
Hija llegaremos tarde a casa cierra todo y duerme mañana nos vemos
Ok Padre
-Luego de eso suspire triste-Bueno al menos mañana es Sábado-Dije y me fue a acostar para ver mi celular y que método usar ahora-Ok no, no y no.
-Seguí buscando por un buen rato y recordé el de 1 2 3-¿Y si lo vuelvo a usar?-Pense a lo que lo probé 
Empece a escuchar voces y una luz blanca se ilumino en mi cara pero no abrí los ojos hasta que desperté
-Supongo que no funciono-Ya que seguía siendo de noche me levante y fui por agua pero cuando baje vi que no se parecía a mi casa así que solté un grito pero escuche a alguien bajar rapidamente del segundo piso.
-¿Qué pasa hija?-Dije una señora preocupada me sorprendí de que era igual a mi Madre-Alex ¿qué paso por que gritaste?-Luego bajó un señor parecido a mi Padre
-¿Estas bien cariño?-A lo que asentí confundida-Hay mira te lastimaste-Confundida me examine y recuerdo que tire el baso de vidrio por el grito que di.
-Perdón-Hable nerviosa mientras recogía los vidrios a lo que ellos se arrodillaron y me ayudaron-Lo siento mucho-Dije nerviosa de que me regañaran como en Casa.
-Esta bien ve a que te cure tu Madre-Sonrío mi Padre a mi para que no se preocupara por el baso roto-
-Si te lastimaste pero bueno al menos no es profundo-Me vendo el pie-Ya esta ahora me a dormir mañana tienes clases-Habló animada mi Madre-
Yo solo me fui a mi cuarto no sin antes abrazarlos y decirles buenas noches
-Lo logre-Me tire a mi cama emocionada para levantarme y ver mi habitación-Ok ahora a planear todo para que salga bien.
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Nombre:Sara Wilson
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cffabioblog · 2 years ago
Sábados Gigantes's Greats Moments
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With Sashi, Penn and Boone from the Series "Penn Zero Part-Time Hero talks to Don
Francisco at studio.
In a obther "Sábado Gigante" episode, the argentinean singer Sandro sings "Me Juego Entero Por Tu Amor", "Te Espero Bajo El Sol", "El Maniquí", "Volverán  Los Días" and "Dime Que Mas Quiero"
The Songs
Me Juego Entero Por Tu Amor
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xpesx…
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFkWCG…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
Te Espero Bajo El Sol
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkoQMn…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
El Maniquí
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyUPXK…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
Volverán Los Días
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=On_M8s…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
Dime Que Mas Quiero
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYYzWd…
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ2z5a…
© Sandro / Anderle / Sony Music / CBS. Alls Rights Reserved.
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In special to the patriots party of Chile, in "Chacal De La Trompeta".
With Hiccup (From HTTYD2)in the orchestra, the Chilean Singer Antonio Zabaleta sings some songs.
The Song Piensa
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=52PMt7…
©ARCI. www.youtube.com/watch?v=52PMt7…
With Laurie as House, exam to a pacient (Daniel Vilches). Jorge Porcel as Joy.
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Afther of the performance, the famous band "Kiss" talks to Mario.
In a special, La Cuatro and The Huaso Filomeno talks a humor sketch.
8.- The Famous Chilean Singer Antonio Prieto sings at the studio
The Song
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3gWeR…
© ARCI / Nanovicencio. Alls Rights Reserved.
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9.- In a archery contest, in reference to "San Valentine's Day"
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10.- With the protagonists of the Disney's Film "Big Hero 6" Visits and talks with Don Francisco at the Studio.
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11.- y 12.-
Con ocasión del aniversario n° 65 de la tira cómica "Condorito", se realiza
un sketch, donde se celebra un "almuerzo" por lo de la mano de Yayita.
Entre Los Invitados, esta Don Gabito (alusión al presidente Chileno, Don
Gabriel González Videla), El Profesor Topaze y El Creador de Condorito,
Don Rene Ríos Boetigger, Pepo.
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In a interview to the famous BoJack Horseman and Takeo Gouda at the studio.
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fhCXp…
(© Univision / Canal 13 / Mario K. Alls Rights Reserved.)
How all "Sabado gigante"'s Episodes, presents a contest with "The Car's Games" 
or in spanish "La Final Del Automovil". The car is a Renault's model.
At the studio, the famous American singer Gloria Gaynor sings "Nothing In This
World" and "Let's Make A Deal"
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbeUmp…
(© ℗ A Republic Records Release; ℗ 1976 UMG Recordings, Inc. / Universal Music Group)
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With occation about of the finale season of the Disney's Series "Star VS
The Forces Of Evil", Star and Marco disturb at the program.
In a classic segments, is a Interview, in this occation, from Germany, Don
Francisco talks with the Chancellor Angela Merkel.
With Sashi in the orchestra, with Polar affirm the music sheet, In the
sccenary of the studio, The Argentinean singer Leo Dan sings his
songs "Tu Llegaste Cuando Menos Te Esperaba", "El Amor Es Todo
Y Nada", "El Amor Y La Felicidad" and "Mi Pequeño Y Gran Amor"
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=n81M2k…
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo-uEr…
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8tCTC…
-  www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO5KrT…
(© Leo Dan / CBS / Sony Music)
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With the Director and creator of the Pixar's Film "Inside Out" Peter Docter talks with Mario about the film and the characters at the studio.
From Belgium, The Italian-Belge Composter and singer Salvatore Adamo sings "C'est Ma Vie".
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz8pMT…    (Original, in French)
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=osA8kr…        (Spanish)
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkwB_3… (Italian)
© Adamo / EMI Odeon Belgue / Universal Music.  Alls Rights Reserved.
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With occation of the 10'th anniversary of the premiere of the Cartoon Network's Series "Camp Lazlo", in the "Sábado Gaigante" set, makes a mini episode when Lumpus goes to gym to all scouts. Hoo Ha learns, but ends a disastrer
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With Lofty at "Demolition", some with Clarence. Don Francisco, ends the finale of season 2015 of the program.
Reccorded at The Studio 1 of "Television Centre"
Sábado Gigante
© Canal 13 / Mario K. Alls Rights Reserved.
Don Francisco
© Mario K. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Cartoon Network / Silver S. Alls Rights Reserved.
© HIT / BBC. Alls Rights Reserved.
Camp Lazlo Characters / The Series
© Cartoon Network / Joe Murray. Alls Rights Reserved.
Inside Out charcaters
© Pixar / Docter.  Alls Rights Reserved.
Star and Marco
© Disney / Daron Nefcy / Dave Wasson. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Sesame / PBS.  Alls Rights Reserved.
Polar Bear
© Cartoon Network / Daniel C.  Alls Rights Reserved.
BoJack Horseman
©Raphael Bob-Waskberg. Alls Rights Reserved.
Takeo, from Ore Monogatari
© Kazume Kawahara / Aruko.  Alls Rights Reserved.
© World Editords / Pepo. Alls Rights Reserved.
Don Gabito
© Pepo. Alls Rights Reserved.
Topaze (revista política)
© Jorge Delano, Coke. Alls Rights Reserved.
Big Hero 6 (Fred, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Gogo Tomago, Baymax and Hiro Hamada)
© Disney / Marvel / Man Of Action / Jim Kim. Alls Rights Reserved.
Fū Hōōji
© CLAMP. Alls Rights Reserved.
Robin Hood (from Robin Hood Mischief In Sherwood)
© Method Animation. Alls Rights Reserved.
Robin Hood (film 1973)
© Disney. Alls Rights Reserved.
Ren Hoek
© Nickelodeon / John K. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Pixar / Chapman. Alls Rights Reserved.
Hiccup (How To Train Your Dragon 2)
© DreamWorks / Cressida Cowell. Alls Rights Reserved
Gregory House, from Dr. House
© FOX / Disney. Alls Rights Reserved
Penn, Sashi and Boone (Penn Zero Part Time Hero)
© Disney / Sam J. Levine / Jared Bush. Alls Rights Reserved.
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sillylovesongs17 · 2 years ago
Hi Heartstopper fans, i made a playlist with a mix of Mcfly songs and a brazillian band called Fresno. This is the explanation of my choices.
Atenção fãs de Heartstopper falantes de Língua Portuguesa. A playlist abaixo é uma fusão Mcfresno, com músicas das bandas Mcfly e Fresno que fiz inspirada pelo feat das duas bandas, a música Broken By You. Segue abaixo o esquema da playlist, eu juro que faz sentido.
Volume 1: Diga, parte 1/Everybody Knows/Broken by you/Obviously/Polo.
Temporada 1: POV/Diga, parte 2
Volume 2: No worries/Desde quando você se foi/The guy who turned her down/O ar
Temporada 1: All about you/Eva
Volume 3: We are the young/Quebre as correntes/Lucky Ones/Natureza Caos
Temporada 2: Home is where the heart is/Casa Assombrada
Volume 4: Tonight is the night/Eu sou maré viva/Only the Strong survive/Maior que as muralhas
Volume 5: I'll be your man/Astenia
Músicas extras por casais/personagens:
Tao e Elle: Uma música/Those were the days
Tara e Darcy: 6h34 (nem liga guria)/I've got you
Tori e Michael: O farol/I wanna hold you
Nick e Charlie: Sobreviver e acreditar/Wild and young
Isaac: O peso do mundo/Not alone
Aled: O resto é nada mais/Walk in The sun
Extras outras histórias:
Nick and Charlie: Eu sei/Honey I'm home
Solitaire: Caminho não tem fim/You're not special
This Winter: Cada Acidente/Love is easy
Extra Nick Nelson style: Love is on the radio
Playlist link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lOkmHdyQAYjNBYesQpPrf?si=FIo3E6k5RvaNjHYlSY662Q
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julio-viernes · 2 years ago
Otras dos composiciones de Robbie Robertson, del cuarto álbum de The Band, "Cahoots" (1971), la intensa, fantástica, "4% Pantomime" con Van Morrison ("The Belfast Cowboy") como invitado especial compartiendo micrófono con Richard Manuel y la canción de cierre del disco "The River Hymn" con Levon Helm al frente. Que buenos eran estos tíos, que bien componían, cantaban y tocaban.
"Moondog Matinee" (1973) fue un LP de versiones y "Northern Lights, Southern Cross" (1975) su último disco de material propio, bastante bueno, pero para el que extrañamente Robbie no compuso nada.
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vi69to · 2 years ago
Tonton "4.NOSFERATU-pengusung setan by AAN HELL DARKNESS" di YouTube
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ao3feed-ateez · 20 days ago
Sweet Perfection
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NBIcSE9 by Hala_Raach Park Seonghwa ha pasado años luchando por encontrar el valor de ser él mismo. A lo largo de su vida, se ha destruido, se ha levantado y ha crecido con la esperanza de convertirse en el hombre que siempre soñó ser, el tipo de padre que su hija merece tener. Pero los sentimientos que ha reprimido durante tanto tiempo por Kim Hongjoong comienzan a cobrarle factura, convirtiéndose en un obstáculo que le impide alcanzar la vida plena que realmente desea. Consciente de que debe liberarse de esos sentimientos, Seonghwa toma una decisión radical: renunciar a su trabajo. Kim Hongjoong es un hombre excéntrico, alguien que ha vivido lo suficiente como para no aferrarse fácilmente a nada ni a nadie. Su vida ha estado marcada por la acción y la mente fría, evitando los lazos emocionales. Sin embargo, cuando su asistente decide irse, Hongjoong se ve forzado a enfrentar una realidad incómoda: las cosas no siempre son tan simples cuando el corazón empieza a involucrarse. La salida de Seonghwa es el punto de inflexión que lo obliga a cuestionarse si realmente ha mantenido el control sobre su vida o si, finalmente, está perdiendo algo que no sabía que necesitaba. Words: 19803, Chapters: 5/?, Language: Español Series: Part 4 of Sweet Office Romance Saga Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi San (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ) Relationships: Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho/Kang Yeosang, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, Boss/Employee Relationship, Awkward Romance, Awkward Flirting, Past Abuse, Drama & Romance, Eventual Smut, Top Kim Hongjoong, Bottom Park Seonghwa read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NBIcSE9
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