Janeth Clara. || Fandoms actuales: Hirano To Kagiura, SpiderBear (sin miedo a la funa) y Good (bad) Omens || Bilingüe lamentable || mujer cisgenero, asexual, birromantica. || Finjo ser escritora, sígueme en Wattpad: LovePain12, Jane_CR.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Villain: We kidnapped your son!
Endeavor: Which one? I have three.
Villain: Uh, he said he enjoys being kidnapped more than spending time with you? -geez, what did you do?-
Endeavor: Which one? I have three.
Villain: ...uh, he's kinda emo and blunt?
Endeavor: Which one? I have three.
Villain: ...uh, he keeps talking about someone named 'Midoriya'?
Endeavor: Oh. That'll be Shoto then.
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I am in a crazed state of mind so I think this bears reiterating

Hirano was going to let him kiss him!!
He was going to let him kiss him!!!
He was going to let him kiss him!!!!
He was going to let him kiss him!!!!!!
He was going to let him kiss him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reading Hirano to Kagiura and I have never seen someone as deep in denial as Hirano.
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Hirano thinking Kagiura was going to touch him. Hirano being more than okay with that. Hirano wanting that. That’s the good stuff.
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good god hirano and kagiura. hirano has never once pushed kagi away. in any of these high tensity moments. what the fuck is up with that hirano taiga. you can surely put two and two together when kagi is hovering over you or leaning in close. surely that brain of yours works fast enough. i guess he wasnt gonna touch me then. 今触らねえんだな。what the hell is wrong with you.
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Hey, fue un día movido ayer, jaja, los leaks ya no están en mi perfil porque el capítulo sale pronto y no es respetuoso andar filtrando cosas por ahí.
Me disculpo por eso.
Pero hay un montón de contenido, fanfics y fanarts que están nadando aquí en la plataforma, análisis y demás. Yo misma tengo un fanfic que estoy planeando terminar pronto.
Estoy dejando una parte por aquí, para disculparme por quitar lo anterior (y por ponerlo, jaaj)
Desde su lado de la habitación, Kagi puede escuchar cómo Hirano respira más fuerte. Y no sabe si fue porque lo descubrió, o si de verdad se está quedando dormido. A Kagi le toma tiempo para formular el resto de cosas que quiere decir sin que suene acusatorio, para evitar que Hirano se ponga a la defensiva. Pero Hirano contesta primero. —No es verdad —reacciona, a la defensiva—, he estado como siempre. Ya vete a dormir. Mañana tienes práctica. Kagiura sabe que Hirano a veces puede ponerse difícil, pero no es nada que no haya visto antes, por lo que lo ignora y sigue con lo que se propuso. Demostrarle a Hirano que se preocupa por él. —Me miras mucho a veces —no quiere echárselo en cara, porque no tiene nada de malo y a Kagi le gusta mucho que lo haga, pero necesita llegar a un punto. Igual agrega:—, digo, no es que me moleste, puedes seguirlo haciendo si quieres —no, asi no, te estás desviando—, m-me refiero a que cuando lo haces parece que tú mente no está aquí, y yo-... Kagiura suspira y admite que es difícil decirle estas cosas a Hirano, lo pone nervioso no escuchar nada de parte del rubio, y tiene que agarrar valor para terminar. —Yo solo quiero decir que, no tienes que contarme nada si no quieres —respira Akira, tu puedes—, pero sabes que somos amigos y-... Estoy aquí, para lo que necesites.
En inglés también:
From his side of the room, Kagi can hear Hirano breathing harder. And he doesn't know if it was because he discovered it, or if he's really falling asleep. It takes time to formulate the rest of the things he wants to say without him sounding accusatory, to prevent Hirano from getting defensive. But Hirano answers first. "It's not true," he reacts, defensively, "I've been the same as always. Go to sleep now. Tomorrow you have practice." Kagiura knows that Hirano can be difficult sometimes, but it's nothing he hasn't seen before, so he ignores him and continues with what he set out to do. Show Hirano that he cares about him. "You look at me a lot sometimes" he doesn't want to blame it, because there's nothing wrong about it and Kagi really likes it when he does it, but he needs to get to a point. He adds: "I mean, it doesn't bother me, you can keep doing it if you want" no, not like that, you're getting sidetracked" I mean, when you do it it seems like your mind is not here, and I-. .. Kagiura sighs and admits that it is difficult to say these things to Hirano, it makes him nervous not to hear anything from the blonde, and he has to gather courage to finish. "I just want to say that, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to," Akira breathes, you can, "but you know we are friends and-... I'm here, for whatever you need."
(dios, traducir un párrafo completo es tan difícil, perdón si algo no tiene sentido, yo hablo mayormente en español, ajajaj)
Toma esto como un intercambio, jaja, por lo de ayer, pronto lo estaré subiendo completo (en español, jaja)
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Dejo esto por aquí, ya me voy a dormir

No me quiero poner a teorizar, es muy tarde para traducir, peeeeero, aparece Ichonose en la segunda imagen y eso me hace pensar que tal vez, termine acompañandolos en su no-cita (idk, estoy desvelada), tal vez se pelean y luego se reconcilian, jaja, no lo sé, sigue siendo muy poco, necesito el cap completo.
Buenas noches
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Hirano's really out there thinking kagiura is such a lovable guy (his own words👀), that wanting to make him happy and go as far as he goes for him is just natural, that if you come to perceive kagiura you'll feel that way about him because that's the default ("anyone would"), and he's not that wrong but damn he really said i'm gonna love the fuck out of this guy and MAKE IT EVERYONE'S PROBLEM (and then not even realize it myself)
kagiura "i love him" akira and hirano "actually i don't love him bc he's just very easy to love so anyone would feel this way therefore this is nothing special also wtf is sexual attraction" taiga
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one of my twitter mutuals made one of the best hirano edits and i wanted to doodle it
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like. hirano rejected kagi very easily. stupidly easy. but he kept wearing those blue earrings, kept putting them in every morning. kept wearing them around. and he kept fighting to have kagi by his side.
and now, god knows how we ended up here, hirano’s wearing not only those blue earrings but a ring, too, on his ring finger and everything. walking around draped in lingering remnants of kagi’s love when kagi isn’t around to see to it personally.
(not that kagi wouldn’t love to be around hirano constantly to see to it personally.)
(he would love doing that so much, but unfortunately hirano-san wants him to attain a high school diploma.)
honestly though. trains and train stations and busy & less busy streets, his college campus and convenience stores and whatever clothing shop he frequents to get his certifiably homosexual clothing. everywhere he goes, blue earrings and a ring worn on his left hand’s ring finger.
kagi asks him, “no one’s confessed to you at college, have they?” and the answer is obviously no, kagi, because the average college student doesn’t want to be the homewrecker of an apparent MARRIAGE.
just… worn everywhere. so easily. this hirano who asks to meet kagi just to look at his face for a minute, who says stunningly romantic things just as easily as he did before romance was even on the table, and who simply walks around with earrings in his ears and a ring on his finger like they were always meant to be there.
(although maybe they kind of were.)
(word on the street says that the weight of the ring on his finger is much, much lighter than the weight of not having kagi in his life.)
(and, besides, that weight on his finger is hardly new when a red string was there tugging at him the entire time.)
it’s just a little silly, that hirano rejected kagi so easily from the outset. stupidly easily. but he kept caring for him, and listening to him, and eating the green peppers on his plate, and waking him up in the morning.
and now he wears a ring.
silly hirano.
(trade for @x-eins)
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I kinda love how kagihira has pretty much opposite reactions to non-spontaneous touching.
Hirano: Wary and hesitant from the suggestion all the way to the actual touching, but incredibly comfortable with it once they actually touch.
Kagiura: Has absolutely no problems with asking for it, but is a MESS once they actually touch.
Which makes sense – Hirano doesn’t really touch people other than Kagiura much, so when he can see the touch coming it feels like it’s outside of his comfort zone. That is, until they actually touch and he (subconsciously) realize that this is actually very much within his comfort zone. Meanwhile Kagiura feels so much for Hirano that when he gets the touch he craves, it’s on the edge of too much.
Poor Kagiura honestly. He can get the touch he wants, but not with the romantic intent he craves.
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Day 6 of HiraKagi week! An animation to music is the correct interpretation of the music prompt right? LOL
Song: Hey Girl - Boy Pablo
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This panel sequence breaks my heart
It’s like he’s never even considered that someone could love him this much
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : @chouNke
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