#banana farming opportunities
farmerstrend · 1 month
How Women in Meru Are Leading the Shift from Miraa to Banana Farming
“Explore how Banana Farming in Meru is transforming the local economy, empowering women farmers, and creating new opportunities in Kenya’s agricultural sector.” “Discover the rise of Banana Farming in Meru, where women are leading a new agricultural revolution, boosting incomes and revitalizing rural communities.” “Learn about the challenges and opportunities in Banana Farming in Meru, as the…
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
The day before yesterday I got to try a ripe pawpaw for the first time.
Someone else was supposed to come in at the center, but I was in the mood to be alone, so I fucked off into the woods at the earliest available opportunity, looking to collect more hickory nuts.
I hiked about two miles down the trail, seeking to find a little-used path as far from the center as I could reasonably make it. I was five or ten minutes down a fork in the path heading down a valley when I unexpectedly smelled something familiar: the scent of ripe pawpaws. I only knew that scent from having come upon a rotten one several days back on the trail.
I had seen pawpaw trees on the way up, but I looked around and saw nothing. I indulged a beast-like impulse: I sniffed. I turned until I was facing the direction of the scent and moved towards it. And I saw, about 50 feet away down the hillside below...a pawpaw grove
Some interesting facts about pawpaws:
The pawpaw is the largest fruit native to North America, known for its "tropical" flavor. Despite being reputed to be delicious, it is not found in grocery stores due to the fruits being far too delicate to ship without spoiling. A few people farm them, but otherwise the only way to get one is to come upon one growing wild, which is rare, because the opossums love them.
Pawpaw trees are hard to grow and take 10-15 years to produce fruit, but you can see wild ones in mature and well managed woods of Kentucky. They are small, barely trees, only about 15-20 feet tall, with trunks only a bit bigger around than a circle you can make with your index finger and thumb. They almost always grow in clonal colonies, groups of many trees that are all clones of each other due to being propagated from the roots of existing trees. They are also strictly understory trees, growing in the shade of much larger trees.
Now, an interesting fact about Eastern Kentucky: At the fringe of Appalachia, and even into parts of the Outer Bluegrass, the terrain frequently turns into very steep rolling hills.
It's hard to notice if you are in more cultivated areas that have been leveled out more, but in wilder parts you can seldom just casually walk in a straight line through the woods. Unless you are following the contour of the hills, you are either sliding and gripping saplings to slow your descent or you are climbing on all fours.
Such was the hill below me, descending at roughly a fifty-degree angle into the pawpaw grove.
I was going to get me some fucking pawpaws.
I climb down the hill by a combination of scooting, sliding, and scrabbling. After a few minutes of struggle I am standing in the pawpaw grove, alone, scanning the branches with my eyes.
The ground is littered everywhere with pawpaws, some very rotten. I see only two or three fruits remaining in the trees, and I walk around giving each tree a good shake, thinking to myself about how this is certainly an experience shared by millions of years' worth of primate ancestors before me.
After nearly ten minutes of (literally) fruitless tree-shaking, I start to eye the fallen pawpaws on the ground around me.
Some of them are perfectly fine-looking. The skin hasn't even been broken into. I pick one up.
It is very soft, but not squishy like something rotten. It is about as long as my index finger (my hands are small) and oblong. Its smooth skin is pale green and spotted with brown like a very ripe banana. I tear the skin back and give the creamy orange insides a test lick.
It was transcendent.
Imagine the most perfect ripe mango, but with a flavor that is more banana-like, mellow and creamy and mild instead of tangy. The texture is perfectly smooth and soft unlike any other fruit. You can lick it and it will just melt in your mouth.
I am autistic and a very picky eater due to the difficult textures of many foods, and this fruit has the perfect texture. Mangos are already one of my favorite foods and this is somehow even better. I remember, deliriously, that farmers are seeking to improve pawpaws for possible commercial production, and it seems like the height of foolishness there in the pawpaw grove. There is no possible way wild pawpaws could be improved. All of creation is tainted by the Fall of Man, except for fucking pawpaws, because they are beyond the earthly tier of fruits.
I lick it like a dog going crazy on a Kong full of peanut butter until it falls apart in my hands and start scanning the ground for another.
They are all perfectly ripe and mostly untouched by bugs or creatures. I start just squishing them in my hands and licking the creamy insides. I am just planting my face in these fruits like some kind of animal. My face and hands are covered in pawpaw squish.
I go through like ten of them before returning to my senses. I've been thoughtlessly wiping my hands on my pants, and they are now more soiled than the clothes of the messiest toddler. I feel primal and connected to my ancestors. I have truly earned my Primate Card.
My mom said in the car that I smelled very strongly of something (pawpaws) so it's safe to say that literally every person I passed on the way back down the trail got a good whiff too, and likely connected it to the Pawpaw Squish that was basically all over me.
Regrets: None
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dandelionsresilience · 4 months
Good News - May 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. New study says conservation works, providing hope for biodiversity efforts
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“A new study published in Science reveals that conservation works, with conservation actions improving or slowing the decline of biodiversity in two-thirds of the cases analyzed.”
2. Monk Seal Pup Debuts in Waikīkī on Lei Day
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“Endangered Hawaiian monk seal RK96 (Kaiwi) gave birth to her sixth pup on popular Kaimana Beach in Waikīkī, Oʻahu! […] Hawaiian monk seals are one of the most endangered seal species in the world, so each pup represents hope for the species’ recovery.”
3. West Coast Indigenous-led marine conservation area gets global spotlight
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“A coastal First Nation is celebrating global recognition of its marine protected area after recently snagging a “blue park” designation that highlights exemplary ocean conservation efforts around the world. […] Kitasu Bay supports one of the last abundant herring spawns along the central coast, vital to the nation’s communal herring roe on kelp (ROK) fishery - which harvests the protein-rich eggs but leaves the fish alive to flourish and spawn again.”
4. The number of fish on US overfishing list reaches an all-time low. Mackerel and snapper recover
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“The report states that 94% of fish stocks are not subject to overfishing, which is slightly better than a year ago. The U.S. was able to remove several important fish stocks from the overfishing list, NOAA said in a statement. […] The removal of species from the overfishing list shows the U.S. is making progress, said Rick Spinrad, NOAA’s administrator.”
5. Researchers Collaborate with the Shipping Industry to Cut Costs, Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Shipping
“Through coordinated ship scheduling and an optimisation of ship operations and port services, the objective is to achieve a substantial increase in energy efficiency and a 10-20% reduction in fuel consumption, consequently resulting in lowered greenhouse gas emissions [and] leading to substantial economic benefits for shipping and environmental advantages for society[….]”
6. The city flower farm that is changing lives
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“Heart of BS13 Flowers in Hartcliffe is part of the wider Heart of BS13 charity which tackles food insecurity in south Bristol. Profits from the flower sales to run workshops, offer volunteer and trainee placements, and create education opportunities for people from Hartcliffe.”
7. Four falcon chicks hatch in Glasgow university tower
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“Members of the [Glasgow Peregrine] project hope to […] fit [the chicks] with electronic tags that will enable monitoring of their movements. Mr Simpson added: "With the identification tags we can see where they have gone, how high they fly and other information that would be really useful." In recent years the group have held peregrine watches at the university, allowing people to see the birds in their nest.”
8. 'Banana pingers' are saving whales and dolphins around the world
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“[T]he Kibel brothers, Pete (a fisheries biologist) and Ben (an engineer) […] have been utilising light to protect turtles, sound to protect porpoises and electro pulses to protect sharks. [… Trials] showed reduced average catch rates of blue shark by 91%, and catch rates of pelagic stingray by 71% […as well as] a fall in the number of sea turtles being trapped by 42%.”
9. New vaccine effective against coronaviruses that haven't even emerged yet
“Researchers have developed a new vaccine technology that has been shown in mice to provide protection against a broad range of coronaviruses with potential for future disease outbreaks -- including ones we don't even know about. […] The new vaccine works by training the body's immune system to recognise specific regions of eight different coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and several that are currently circulating in bats and have potential to jump to humans and cause a pandemic.”
10. Grassland birds, Forest birds and Other Migratory Birds to Benefit from More Than $22 Million in Funding Throughout the Americas
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“This year, more than $4.87 million in federal funds will be matched by more than $17 million in partner contributions going to 30 collaborative conservation projects in 19 countries across the Americas. “These investments will [… protect] millions of acres of diverse habitats needed by grassland birds, forest birds and shorebirds for wintering, breeding and migration,” said Service Director Martha Williams.”
April 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Meghan Pitches ARO on Shark Tank by u/wenfot
Meghan Pitches ARO on Shark Tank I can see it now:MM: As a woman of color, Damond, you would be a perfect investor. You are in the pet food space, so my designer dog biscuits would add prestige to my -- oops, your portfolio.DJ: You forget that you abandoned your dog before you left for the UK and your other dog had his two front legs broken. Animal abusers aren't good spokespeople. I'm out.MM: Lori, you are the queen of QVC. I'm a discount duchess! We will be a royal success! My superb acting skills would be a major hit on QFC!LG: A bad actress can bring an infomercial down. You are a bad actress. I made millions of of Scrub Baby. You are not going to clean me out of my cash. I'm out.MM: Daniel, you made your fortune with KIND bars. I'm so kind, you'll love me! I have food experience: I stole (oops borrowed) recipes from my chef ex-boyfriend! And I make avocado toast! And jam! On toast! I write messages on bananas! We are people of color who have SOOOOOOO much in common!DL: I'm Kind of sick of your bullshit. I'm out.MM: Mark, you own sports teams! With athletes! I can make them happy in more ways than one! You're a tech czar and I own bot farms! I'd be ideal for your portfolio.MC: You're about as good a partner for me as CrowdStrike is for Microsoft. And I don't need you to be a yacht girl for the Mavericks: we have the entire Kardashian family for that. I'm out.MM: Mr. Wonderful! You're Canadian! I slept my way through Toronto! You're a member of the the Chevalier du Testevan wine experts! My grapes are nice and sour! This is such an amazing opportunity!KOL: The amazing opportunity here is to leave here and never show this to anybody again. You're a pig! Pigs get slaughtered. Your ScamJam should be taken behind the barn and shot! Whatever happens today, your future is in bad theater. Opportunity knocked, no one was home I will crush you like the vampire cockroach you are. You're dead to me.****These are all actual Kevin O'Leary quotes. post link: https://ift.tt/nI0jbVu author: wenfot submitted: July 29, 2024 at 06:15PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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junniieesbby · 7 months
Angie! What are you doing? I don't know your time but it's night in mine, and I had dinner now (gotta go and walk to burp, too full) tell me whats your time and lemme know if you've eaten or not. you know I just wanted to talk but I don't know what to talk about. So I'm telling about my day today, I've exams so I've been bickering and studying with my siblings and also have been teaching them in between, I just went out to a temple and there was a 'Gou Shala' uhm, let me search it up in Google, Cow farm? Cattle? It's common for temples to have that in India. I've fed so many fruits and grass to calves you know?? And I saw some fine fruit trees as well Pomegranate, Bananas, Mangoes, Pupaya etc. That place was so calm and peaceful. I loved it. It was serene and simple, my perfect requirement. It would be so good to sit there and study, read or just lay down under the shadows of trees over there.. overall my favorite place to go everyday with my parents (Uh, my parents are overprotective and are not willing to lemme travel alone, they'll be buying me a scooter soon Yay) and what else? I don't know, but would you like tell me about your day?
Hey hey Noulli!!
It is currently 1:43 Am here!
You might be already asleep when you see this. I hope you had a good dinner!
I hope your exams go well for you and let me guess are your siblings younger than you? A cow farm that’s nice!! Awwww I’ve always wanted to feed animals food but I’ve never really had the opportunity. It must be so cute to do so! I want a pomegranate so bad omg that sounds delicious I need to go buy it for me! Your parents care for you and your well being and I’m glad to hear that they travel with you for your safety that’s very heart warming!
My day went a little like this lol! I woke up my mom told me I needed to go to the store and get somethings so I drove to the store bought what my mom needed I went mainly to get milk so she can make yogurt. After I got back I made me breakfast! Then I decided to bake so I made brownies and chocolate cake. And I’ve just been chilling at home I watched some tv with my siblings! And now I finally got my tags to work! So I posted my fics and I’m just in bed ready for sleep to kick in!
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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National Peanut Butter Lovers Day
For those who simply adore this delicious food, it’s tons of fun to enjoy and celebrate everything to do with peanut butter.
Peanut butter is a well-loved high performance food that is great for snacks, baking and cooking. It’s an extremely versatile food that offers a whole variety of ways to appreciate and enjoy it. Though it has a little bit of sugar, it also contains a lot of beneficial components that can be part of a healthy and tasty diet. 
And for those people who absolutely love peanut butter? Well, this day is just perfect because it’s time for National Peanut Butter Lovers Day!
History of National Peanut Butter Lovers Day
Peanuts have origins that go far back into human history. Some researchers believe that peanuts (which aren’t actually nuts at all but are really legumes) have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years! But it wasn’t turned into the modern food we call peanut butter until more recently.
After some rudimentary experimenting with peanut paste and a patent granted in 1884 to Canadian inventor, Marcellus Gilmore Edson, an unnamed doctor seems to have used peanut butter as a way to feed some of his patients a nutritious, easily edible food in the year 1890.
National Peanut Butter Lovers Day was first celebrated in 1990 to commemorate the first commercially available peanut butter in the United States. The day was founded by a collaboration between the National Peanut Board and the Adult Peanut Butter Lovers Fan Club in the US.
One great fact about National Peanut Butter Lovers Day is that it actually falls on the first day of March, several months after National Peanut Butter Lovers Month, which is in November. That way, peanut butter lovers have the opportunity to spread the celebration around throughout the year! 
As it turns out, there may just be a great geographical divide in the United States among peanut butter lovers! It seems that those people who live in the West Coast of the US tend to prefer crunchy peanut butter while those living toward the East Coast would typically prefer creamy peanut butter. But whether it’s creamy or crunchy, in the west, in the east – or anywhere else in the world – National Peanut Butter Lovers Day is the perfect time to celebrate!
National Peanut Butter Lovers Day Timeline
Marcellus Gilmore Edson patents peanut butter
Peanut “paste” is patented by a Canadian inventor, Marcelllus Gilmore Edson.
Peanut Butter is introduced at the World’s Fair
A St. Louis business man starts selling peanut butter as a snack food, and he introduces it at the St. Louis World’s Fair.
National Peanut Week gets started
Started by the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, National Peanut Week has its first celebration in early March.
First National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
In celebration of the anniversary of the commercial availability of peanut butter in the US, National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day is founded.
How to Celebrate National Peanut Butter Lovers Day
National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day is the perfect time to enjoy and show appreciation for peanut butter in all its glory. Get started with some of these ideas for celebrating the day: 
Learn Some Fun Facts about Peanut Butter
Raise awareness for National Peanut Butter Lovers Day by learning and sharing some delightful bits of trivia related to peanut butter. Try out some of these:
It takes approximately 540 peanuts to make a twelve ounce jar of peanut butter.
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches were favorite sandwiches of singer Elvis Presley as well as former US president, Bill Clinton.
The United States has four different cities named Peanut, in these states: California, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and West Virginia. Plus, Pennsylvania also has cities named Lower Peanut and Upper Peanut.
Enough peanuts grow on one acre of a peanut butter farm to make approximately 35,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!
Host a National Peanut Butter Lovers Day Party
National Peanut Butter Lovers Day is a great reason to have a little gathering with a few friends to celebrate the beauty of peanut butter. Invite some friends over (just be sure they aren’t friends that have a peanut allergy!) and have an entire party celebrating the merits of PB.
It might even be fun to ask friends to dress up in peanut or peanut butter lover costumes. For instance, they could come as Mr. Peanut, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or even Elvis Presley. Of course, the center of attention and guest of honor at this party would obviously be all of the peanut butter themed food that is served.
Get Creative with Peanut Butter
Enjoy the fun and versatility of this delicious food on National Peanut Butter Lovers Day! Sure, it makes a great peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a tasty cookie, but this might be a day to use peanut butter in some more interesting and creative ways. Try out some of these ideas for dishes to make with peanut butter in honor of the day:
Spicy Peanut Butter and Pulled Pork Sandwich (with jalapenos!)
Slow Cooker Thai Butternut Squash Peanut Butter Soup
Southern Peanut Butter Mayo Sandwich with Cheddar Cheese
Smoky Peanut Butter Chili with Beans
Create a National Peanut Butter Lovers Day Playlist
In celebration of National Peanut Butter Lovers Day, don’t forget to have a collection of tunes on hand to help enjoy the day! And, of course, this would be a great playlist to add some tunes to that party noted above.
Make a start on the playlist by enjoying some of these fun songs around the theme of peanuts and peanut butter:
Peanuts by Little Joe and the Thrillers (1957)
Peanut Butter by the Olympics (1991)
The Peanut Vendor by Dean Martin (1952)
Peanut Butter by the Marathons (1961)
Perform a Peanut Butter Taste Test
When it comes to loving peanut butter, many people are particular about the different brands of peanut butter they prefer to eat. So National Peanut Butter Lovers Day might be the ideal time to perform a little taste test, whether on your own, with family or with friends. Although it is easier to do a blind taste test when accompanied by someone else!
Arrange a blind taste test by putting peanut butter into bowls and marking them with numbers that coordinate with the different brands of peanut butter. Then choose to eat it by the spoonful, place it on a piece of bread, or dip a cracker into it. Try each type of peanut butter and see which brand is the favorite. It’s a delightful way to celebrate the day! 
National Peanut Butter Lovers Day FAQs
Is peanut butter good for you?
Peanut butter has many health benefits, including protein, Vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and more. But it is high in sugar so should be enjoyed in moderation.
Who invented peanut butter?
The original peanut paste or peanut butter was created by Marcellus Gilmore Edson, a Canadian chemist and pharmacist.
Can dogs eat peanut butter?
Sure, dogs can eat peanut butter in moderation.
Does peanut butter go bad?
A jar of peanut butter that has been opened can stay in the pantry for up to three months, or longer in the fridge.
Does peanut butter have protein?
Yes, peanut butter is a good source of protein, with 8 grams per 2 tablespoon serving.
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A New Adventure🍃
EP 5 🎬
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After an exhilarating life in a city, visiting a province with beautiful scenery is the perfect way to balance your lifestyle. beautiful life in a province means enjoying all the simplicity and peacefulness that rural living can offer. province of Rizal includes the natural beauty of the surroundings like the lush fields, rolling hills, sparkling rivers, and breathtaking scenery. aside from these beautiful sceneries province of Rizal offers a wind farm, The wind farm will generate 54 megawatts of clean energy, enough for 66,000 households isn’t it amazing?. Despite the fact that the trip took a while—we were on the road for about 3 hours—it was worthwhile. Even if you are still on your way to Rizal, the beauty of the surroundings will not disappoint you. There are several municipalities you will pass by on the journey to Rizal that are rich in culture and history.
The wind farms in Rizal can generate up to 54 megawatts of clean energy, enough for 66,000 households. The wind farm attracts visitors around Laguna and not just Laguna but for those people who want the see wind mills that doesn’t have the time to go to Ilocos, providing an opportunity to witness the clean energy industry in action, and offers tours to educate the public on the benefits and practices involved in wind energy production. 
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if you’re looking for something to eat or drink, Santi’s Farmhouse offers cafe grey, cafe grey can offer coffee and non coffee drink, Cafe Grey's food menu is limited to pastries, namely bagels, croissants, muffins, sandwiches, pizza, garlic bread, and banana bread. The café has this patio vibe with background music of french jazz and Bossa Nova where people can take a seat on garden chairs and tables, under the shade of the trees, as they're sipping on the café's bestselling coffee. So it's also great to visit the province every now and then since it's an enjoyable and refreshing escape from the city. It offers a different pace of life, peaceful surroundings, and a chance to connect with nature more often.
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bocceclub · 1 year
Honestly I grew up in a rural upstate community where farming was the #1 occupation and seeing tropical fruits year round in the grocery store was a relatively novel thing for me growing up in the 2000s. I was 14 the first time I saw a real starfruit. Sure we had produce grown in California and Florida in winter, but it fucking sucked because it had been shipped across the country in the middle of January lmao.
In contrast, my mom was a little bit hippy dippy so we got most of our produce from farmers markets and co-ops and just like. people's gardens. Literally we'd have zucchini and cucumbers and tomatoes appear on our front porch in summer, usually with a note along the lines of "I have too many oh my god please take these and enjoy". We'd ask the farmer down the road if we could pick fresh peas out of the field across from the house. We had raspberry and thimbleberry in our half-wild backyard, and I'd regularly "steal" blackberries from the neighbors as well. If you wanted swiss chard or sugar beets or scapes for a recipe, you'd just ask around – someone always knew a friend of a friend who grew whatever you were looking for. Seasonal produce was just the way things worked.
If I'm being honest, I hate bananas. I'm sure if I ever have the opportunity to try a truly fresh banana I'd like it, but here they're usually bruised and half-bad by the time they hit the shelves. I don't want or need bananas year round in my local grocery store above the 42nd parallel.
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I had such a first-world-problem-filled day. 
I woke up at 6AM from a stress dream. I’ve lived such a privileged life that has afforded me so many opportunities to travel that my default stress dream is running around an airport like a chicken with its head cut off. 
I somewhat enjoyed my early morning scrolling through my phone, showering, and making breakfast. I had a great banana waffle. I also tried to fix an issue with my printer before I left (I didn’t, and got annoyed, but I had to leave for work). I took a late-ish train to try to avoid crowds. I stopped to get something at the Juice Press in the station before getting on the subway. While waiting for the subway, I thought there was no rush, so I waited for the next train to come rather than try to shove in with a bunch of other people. It occurred to me at 9:08, when I was on the subway downtown, that I was supposed to be in a continued hearing. I’d completely spaced on it. I checked my email to see if the hearing officer was demanding to know where I was. Instead, I found out that the hearing had started a bit late anyway, and I emailed to say I was so sorry and would be logging on shortly. I signed on as soon as I got into the office at 9:15, to find that the hearing officer and opposing counsel were having a leisurely conversation, which lasted several more minutes before I was asked to call my next witness. The hearing went forward without incident.
Later, I went uptown to take a tour of a school I work with and meet with the program director, and did work on the subway. When I got back, I submitted one brief due by 5PM. Then I stepped out to try to pick up my box of farm products (raw milk, eggs, etc.) that I pick up on Wednesdays. I missed the dropoff by a minute, called the dropoff team, and had them leave it at their next location. Not the end of the world, but it meant that I’d wasted a bit of time trying to pick it up, and I had to scramble to finish my next brief that was due that night, then leave the office to get the box and bring it home so that I didn’t leave the products outside for too long. After submitting the brief, I left the office, took the subway to the location in midtown, and found the box. It started drizzling. I had to then walk between stations when I got off the subway as I was on a different line than I normally take. Which was dumb, because it started raining harder as I was walking. And I had to walk through Times Square, which is a headache on a good day. By the time I got to Grand Central, the train I was scheduled to take should have been at the platform, but it wasn’t. So I waited along with everyone else on the hot, noisy platform, until we got an announcement that our track had changed. So I had to haul my box to a different platform, and squish in next to someone else with my box and backpack and everything. When I got off the train, it felt like March outside, not May. 
But! then I got to go home and bump noses with my cat and open up my box! So the day was not a total loss, I just felt like a fool for much of it.
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Homemade English muffins are "the star of the show" at Vinal Bakery
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Vinal Bakery is not your typical bakery. Located on 222 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA, Vinal Bakery has become a staple for community members and young professionals on the go. The small New England bakery specializes in six flavors of homemade English muffins. “We also have a sandwich menu and everything comes on an English muffin, so that is kind of the star of the show,” says owner and pastry chef Sarah Murphy. 
After learning from the bakers in her family while growing up in New Hampshire, Murphy took a risk-free opportunity to pursue baking as her full-time career when the 2008 Recession hit. “I realized I wasn’t cut out for desk work,” Murphy explained. She skipped culinary school and went straight to the kitchen, working at places like Flour Bakery and Morning Glory Farm in Martha’s Vineyard. Owning her own bakery was always Murphy’s end goal. Vinal Bakery opened in April 2019 after an old pizza place was selling in Murphy’s own neighborhood. “I think there’s a little bit of an entrepreneurial gene in the family,” Murphy jokingly noted. She credits some inspiration for opening the bakery to her dad who was also a business owner. Murphy also took the lucky opportunity to open Vinal General Store in 2022, after the space next door opened up. Vinal General Store is an old-school New England general store serving sandwiches, beer and wine, and even soft-serve ice cream. 
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The small bakery invites customers inside with the scent of freshly baked English muffins and what Murphy describes as “rustic New England pastries.” The soft green walls and aroma of coffee greets you as you walk through the door. Staff members can be seen preparing fresh bakery items and sandwiches behind the glass. Simple but delicious pastries like banana bread or a chocolate espresso cake inspired by a recipe from Murphy’s grandmother can be paired perfectly with a breakfast sandwich or coffee. One of the most popular items on the menu is the “Miss Maple”. The sandwich features an over-medium egg with cheddar cheese and a sweet touch of maple butter, all on top of a fresh English muffin. The homemade English muffin is soft with a nice crust, and it easily beats any store-bought English muffin. The sweet and savory combination creates the perfect bite that can be enjoyed inside the bakery or on the way to work. In addition to a tasty variety of food, Vinal Bakery has a range of coffee, tea, and espresso drinks to enjoy. The mocha latte features smooth espresso with your choice of milk and dark Valrhona chocolate ganache. The drinks can be enjoyed hot or cold, and they are the perfect start to your day.
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“I like that our menu is all made from scratch and really thoughtful in terms of the ingredients we put in, but it’s a very accessible menu to people,” Murphy explained. “It’s not too elitist,” Murphy joked. The food and drinks are especially accessible along with the online ordering system and the small pickup window on the side of the bakery. The new head pastry chef works with Murphy to research and develop new pastries for the bakery. The Union Square community full of young professionals and families is the perfect location for Vinal Bakery. The bakery serves an array of families, construction workers, cops, and more. A warm breakfast sandwich and an iced latte are hard to pass up while working in the area. 
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From bookkeeping to spending time in the kitchen, Murphy loves every part of it. “I think the personalities that do best as professional bakers are the ones who really like both the act of making things with your hands and also the predictability of the routine of the day,” says Murphy. Like herself, Murphy looks for the same traits when hiring new bakers. Leaving her desk job and following her passion for baking worked out in the best possible way for Murphy. Vinal Bakery has maintained its success, even while navigating the pandemic during its first year of business. Owning an independent bakery comes with many challenges, but it has taught Murphy leadership skills and unusual but useful skills. “You weirdly get a lot of knowledge that you wouldn’t otherwise get,” Murphy noted. Owning a bakery has helped Murphy learn how to troubleshoot and fix any challenges that come with the job. But that is exactly what she loves to do.
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As Vinal Bakery is approaching its fourth birthday this April, Murphy and her staff continue to provide excellent service. “I think really fostering a community of caring, and respectful individuals, which I think shows in our service,” says Murphy on what makes Vinal Bakery different from the rest. Murphy focuses on maintaining a positive culture and community within the bakery. “I think just holding the team accountable to keep things very consistent so that when guests come they know they are gonna have the same type of experience they had the last time,” Murphy said. The outstanding reviews reflect the consistency of both the service and quality of Vinal Bakery. If you ever find yourself in Union Square of Somerville, MA, Vinal Bakery is certainly worth visiting.
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seoplassy · 22 hours
How India's Agricultural Exports Contribute to the Global Market
India, with its vast and diverse agricultural sector, has emerged as a global leader in exporting a wide range of agricultural commodities. As one of the largest producers of crops like rice, wheat, and spices, India plays a crucial role in feeding the world and contributing to global food security. The country’s agricultural exports not only boost its economy but also make it a key player in the international market.
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India as a Leading Agricultural Commodities Exporter
India has firmly established itself as a top agricultural commodities exporter from India, catering to the needs of various countries around the world. India’s global export portfolio includes essential products such as rice, spices, tea, coffee, fruits, vegetables, and even processed foods. The country ranks as the largest exporter of basmati and non-basmati rice, while its rich variety of spices like turmeric, cumin, and black pepper are in high demand across the globe.
Key Commodities Driving India's Agricultural Exports
Among the most significant agricultural commodities exported by India are:
Rice: India is the world’s largest exporter of rice, particularly basmati rice, which is prized in Middle Eastern and European markets.
Spices: India dominates the global spice trade, exporting a diverse array of spices, including chili, pepper, cardamom, and coriander.
Tea and Coffee: Indian tea, especially from regions like Assam and Darjeeling, as well as its robust coffee exports, enjoy a strong presence in global markets.
Fruits and Vegetables: India’s fresh produce, including mangoes, bananas, and onions, is widely exported to countries across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.
Contribution to Global Food Security
India’s role as a major agricultural commodities exporter from India extends beyond trade—it plays a critical part in ensuring global food security. Countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia rely heavily on Indian exports for staples like rice and wheat. India’s agricultural exports are essential in sustaining food supplies for millions of people worldwide, especially in regions where local production is insufficient to meet demand.
Government Initiatives to Boost Agricultural Exports
The Indian government has implemented various policies to enhance agricultural exports. Through bodies like the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), the country has increased the scale and quality of its exports. Additionally, schemes such as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana focus on improving food processing and export infrastructure, ensuring that India remains competitive in the global market.
Organic and Sustainable Exports
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in global trade, and India is making strides in organic farming. The demand for organic produce, such as tea, spices, and fruits, is growing, and India has started to position itself as a reliable source of sustainable agricultural products. The rise of organic exports has further boosted India's reputation as a responsible agricultural commodities exporter from India.
Challenges and Opportunities
While India’s agricultural exports have made significant strides, there are challenges to overcome. Quality standards, logistics, and fluctuating global demand can impact export volumes. However, opportunities in emerging markets and the growing demand for organic products offer promising prospects for the future. Companies like Euro Sun Global have capitalized on these opportunities, helping Indian agricultural products reach new markets and contributing to the country’s export success.
India’s agricultural exports are a cornerstone of the global food market. As a leading agricultural commodities exporter from India, the country has positioned itself as an indispensable supplier to the world. With continued support from government policies and a focus on innovation and sustainability, India is set to further strengthen its role in the global agricultural landscape.
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kriptoradar · 16 days
Unleashing the Power of Telegram Airdrop Bots: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, Telegram has emerged as a crucial platform for engaging with airdrops and new projects. Telegram airdrop bots are becoming increasingly popular as a means to distribute tokens and engage users. This guide explores the top Telegram airdrop bots available today, offering insights into how you can leverage them for maximizing your crypto gains.
What Are Telegram Airdrop Bots?
Telegram airdrop bots are automated tools used by cryptocurrency projects to distribute free tokens or coins to users. By participating in airdrops through these bots, users can receive tokens in exchange for completing simple tasks, such as joining a Telegram group, following social media accounts, or sharing information about the project.
These bots streamline the airdrop process, making it easier for both the project and participants to manage and execute campaigns effectively.
Why Use Telegram Airdrop Bots?
Ease of Use: Telegram airdrop bots simplify the participation process. Users can interact with the bot directly on Telegram, follow the instructions, and complete tasks without navigating complex websites or forms.
Increased Opportunities: By using multiple airdrop bots, users can access a wide range of opportunities and increase their chances of receiving free tokens from various projects.
Automated Management: For project teams, bots offer automated management of airdrop campaigns, reducing the manual effort required and ensuring a smoother distribution process.
Top Telegram Airdrop Bots to Explore
Here are some of the most popular Telegram airdrop bots you should consider:
Wydon Official Bot
A reliable bot offering various airdrop campaigns. Follow the link and start participating by completing the required tasks.
Metaland Bot
Engage with this bot to access new and exciting airdrops in the cryptocurrency space.
Blum Crypto Bot
This bot provides access to a range of crypto airdrops. Follow the instructions and participate to earn free tokens.
Official Banana Bot
Join this bot for unique airdrop opportunities and exclusive token distributions.
Obix Bot
Discover various airdrop campaigns and participate through this user-friendly bot.
Hamster Kombat Bot
A fun and engaging bot offering airdrops in the gaming sector. Join and complete tasks to receive tokens.
TapSwap Mirror Bot
This bot provides access to airdrops related to TapSwap and other projects.
CEX.IO Tap Bot
Participate in airdrops through CEX.IO’s tap bot for opportunities in the crypto world.
Empire Bot
Engage with this bot for airdrops and gaming-related token distributions.
TimeFarm Crypto Bot
Explore airdrop opportunities through the TimeFarm Crypto Bot and receive tokens for your participation.
How to Maximize Your Airdrop Experience
Join Relevant Groups: Many airdrop bots require you to join Telegram groups related to the project. This is a way to stay updated with the latest news and announcements.
Complete All Tasks: Ensure you complete all the tasks required by the bot. This may include following social media accounts, sharing posts, or submitting your information.
Stay Updated: Follow the project’s official channels and stay informed about new airdrops and updates.
Be Cautious: While airdrops are generally safe, be cautious of bots and projects that ask for excessive personal information or seem suspicious.
Telegram airdrop bots offer a fantastic way to participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and earn free tokens. By exploring the bots listed above and following best practices, you can enhance your airdrop experience and stay ahead in the crypto world. For more details on airdrops and farming opportunities, check out the comprehensive guide here.
Feel free to share this guide with others interested in maximizing their crypto airdrop opportunities. Happy airdropping!
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sumatratours · 1 month
Complete Medan Tour Package 5D4N Including Bukit Lawang
In addition to the Lake Toba tour package, we also have a Complete Medan Tour Package 5D4N Including Bukit Lawang. This tour package offers a tour visit to the Bukit Lawang tourist attraction.
Bahorok District, Langkat Regency is known as the habitat of the Sumatran Orang Utan which is located in the Gunung Leuser National Park area of ​​North Sumatra.
Cheap Medan Tour Package Program Bukit Lawang 5D4N
Not only offering a tour visit to Bukit Lawang, this cheap Medan tour package also offers a tour visit to other best destinations in North Sumatra.
The leading tourist destinations to be visited consist of the Berastagi tourist attraction, Taman Simalem Resort, Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung, Lake Toba tourist attraction, Samosir and also Medan tourist attractions. What is the tour program like, we explain as follows:
First Day Tour: Bukit Lawang Bahorok
When you arrive at the arrival gate of Kulanamu Airport, you will be greeted by our representative "HORAS MEDAN". Then depart for Medan City.
Arriving in Medan, the city tour will visit the Maimun Palace, the Medan Grand Mosque, Sri Mariaman Temple and the Gunung Timur Temple. After finishing, then head to a local restaurant for lunch
After lunch, then depart for Bukit Lawang. The journey will take 3 hours by crossing rubber and palm oil plantations.
It is estimated that we will arrive at Bukit Lawang Bahorok in the evening. Upon arrival at Bukit Lawang, then head to the hotel for check-in and dinner. After dinner, rest and free program.
Second Day Tour: Bukit Lawang Jungle Trekk, Berastagi
After breakfast at the hotel, then jungle trekk through the Gunung Leuser forest. During the trekking activity, we will have the opportunity to see the habitat of Orang Utans who still live in the wild.
After finishing, then return to the hotel to shower and clean up. Then check out of the hotel and head to the restaurant to enjoy lunch.
After lunch, the journey continues to Berastagi. The journey to Berastagi will take 4 hours by crossing winding roads.
Upon arrival in Berastagi, we will stop for a moment to see the Swedaghon Pagoda of Lumbini Berastagi Park. Then depart for the hotel.
Upon arrival at the hotel, check in and rest for a while until dinner time. Your dinner will be served at a local restaurant or hotel restaurant. After dinner, rest and free program.
Third Day Tour: Taman Simalem Resort, Parapat Lake Toba
After breakfast at the hotel and the check out process, then tour to Farm Gundailing to see a premium milk-producing cattle farm
After finishing, then head to the Fruit Market to see various flowers, vegetables and fresh fruits. After finishing, then depart for Taman Simalam Resort via Kabanjahe.
Upon arrival at Taman Simalem Resort, we will invite you to tour the organic plantation, the Sidikalang premium coffee blending process and see the view of Lake Toba from the north side. Then head to the resort restaurant for lunch
After lunch, the journey continues to Parapat Lake Toba via Simarjarunjung. This trip will take four hours by crossing winding and hilly roads.
During the trip we will stop at some of the best tourist attractions such as the Sipiso-piso Waterfall tourist attraction, and Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung to enjoy ginger tea and fried bananas typical of Simalungun. It is estimated that in the afternoon we will arrive at Parapat Lake Toba.
Upon arrival in Parapat, then go directly to the hotel for the baggage check-in process and rest for a while until dinner time. Your dinner will be served at the hotel restaurant while enjoying traditional Batak music. After dinner, then rest and free program.
Day Four Tour: Samosir, Medan City
After breakfast and check out of the hotel, then head to Parapat port to cross to Samosir Island.
The crossing process will take one hour using a motorboat. Upon arrival in Samosir, then head to Tomok Village to uncover the mystery of King Sidabutar's Tomb and the legend of the beautiful Princess Anting Melala.
See Also: Medan Lake Toba Tour Package from Singapore 5 Days 4 Nights + Tour to Taman Simalem Resort
After finishing, then watch the Sigale-gale Dance performance (personal expense). This dance is one of the traditional dances of the Batak people in Samosir.
Sigale-gale is a wooden doll that can dance to the accompaniment of traditional Batak music. Next, hunt for cheap souvenirs at the Tomok Traditional Market.
After hunting for cheap souvenirs, then return to the ship for the crossing to Parapat. Upon arrival in Parapat, head straight to a local restaurant to enjoy lunch.
After lunch, the journey continues to Medan City via Siantar which will take 4 hours by crossing rubber plantations and also kerets.
Upon arrival in Siantar we will stop for a moment at Toko Paten to buy various souvenirs typical of Siantar City such as tengteng, tangtangm tingting, pangpang and so on.
After finishing the trip, continue back to Medan. Upon arrival in Medan City we will take you to a local restaurant to enjoy dinner
After dinner, then go to Kedai Ucok or Kedai Bolang to enjoy the delicious Medan durian (personal expense).
Next we will take you around for a while to enjoy the night atmosphere in Medan City such as crossing the Merdeka Walk, Kesawan and Post Office areas.
After finishing, then head to the hotel. Upon arrival at the hotel, rest and free program.
Fifth Day Tour: Shopping for Souvenirs, Airport Transfer
After breakfast and the hotel check out process, the next educational tour is to Rumah Noerlen. There you will see the process of making original marqisa syrup using traditional equipment.
After finishing, then hunt for typical Medan souvenirs such as Bika Ambon, Bolu Meranti and Durian Pancake. After hunting for souvenirs, we will take you to Kualanamu International Airport.
Once you arrive at the airport, the tour is over, see you again with our other Medan tour packages.
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mountkilimanjarotour · 2 months
Materuni Day Trip: Dive into Nature and Coffee Culture
The Materuni Day Trip beckons both thrill-seekers and cultural enthusiasts to embrace the true spirit of Tanzania. Experience a blend of natural beauty, cultural exposure, and local flavors that will etch into your memory.
Materuni Waterfall: A Natural Marvel
At the Materuni day trip lies the towering Materuni Waterfall, known locally as Nambe Waterfall. Rising as one of the tallest in the vicinity, it drops from around 80 meters. Nestled within lush greenery, it offers a perfect spot for serenity.
The Trek to Materuni Waterfall
Venture out to the Materuni Waterfall for an experience that's an adventure itself. Covering about 2.5 kilometers, your walk will take nearly 45 minutes to an hour, depending on your walking speed. The route, with its fair share of challenges, winds past coffee and banana farms, across small streams, and along slender paths. As you go, guides share intriguing information about the local plants, wildlife, and traditional uses of plants.
Arriving at the waterfall unveils a gratifying experience. Witnessing the vigorous cascade and feeling the cool mist pervading the air offer a revitalizing reprieve post-trek. Many enthusiasts seize the chance to plunge into the natural pool nestled at the waterfall's base, an undeniably invigorating venture.
The Materuni Coffee Expedition
The Materuni waterfall and coffee tour proffers a distinctive fusion of nature's splendor and Tanzania's illustrious coffee legacy. Following the spectacle of Materuni Waterfall, the tour delves into the heart of Materuni Village, where coffee transcends mere commodity status to embody a way of life.
The excursion transcends passive observation, offering an immersive experience that permits visitors to engage in age-old coffee processing techniques. The pinnacle of the journey, for many, lies in the opportunity to roast and brew their very own cup of coffee.
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thebusinessmagnate · 1 month
The Critical Role that Ecuador’s Agricultural Industry Plays in Driving Its Country’s Economy
The Business Magnate. Ecuador is a Latin American country located in the Northwestern part of South America. Sat right at the equator on the west coast, Ecuador is the country that has the famous Amazon Jungle, the Andean Highlands, and the thriving wildlife at the Galápagos Islands. With many religious sites like the Compañía de Jesús Church, the country where the spoken language is Spanish, has several 16th and 17th-century palaces as well. Also known as República del Ecuador, meaning “Republic of the Equator” in Spanish, Ecuador is known widely for its leading and booming industrial sectors, like Hospitality and Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry, Renewable Energy and Mining, Technology and Startups, Real Estate and Construction, Logistics and Transport, Aquaculture, and Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals. These industries contribute to the country’s economy and the well-being of its people. 
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With its Agribusinesses playing a critical role in driving the country’s economy, this article will shed light on Ecuador’s Agriculture, Industry, and Sector, as well as everything related to its Agricultural Products, Main Crops, Agri Practices, Innovations, Market, Economic Contributions, Exports, Rural Developments, Challenges, Opportunities, and Supports from the Government. 
Ecuador’s Agricultural Industry That Drives Its Economy:
Rich in culture, history, heritage, and habitat, Ecuador’s people and economy are highly reliant on trade and exports of Oil and Agriculture. With several industrial sectors flourishing and contributing significantly toward the country’s economy, community, and rural developments, and creating various job opportunities for its people, Ecuador is a still developing middle-income country, making ends meet with a poverty-stricken population that suffers moderate to severe food insecurities, and keeping its fluctuating economy afloat. 
The country’s agricultural industry and sector, businesses, and markets are critical to Ecuador’s agricultural GDP contributions, employment opportunities, trade and exports, food products, innovation and advancements in tech, and sustainability practices in agriculture. 
Regarding the country’s GDP contributions, Ecuador’s Gross Domestic Product hit a low growth rate of 2.4% in 2023 from the previous year’s growth rate of 6.2%. As a still developing country, its economic roots are deep in the Oil and Agriculture trade and exports, where Ecuador’s GDP also accounts for its aid in other food processing and manufacturing industries.  
The focus on agribusinesses creates several job opportunities for the people, where we see more than 60% of rural women working in respective sectors. Known for being one of the largest employment sectors in the agriculture industry, the rural and community developments are improved and extreme poverty is made moderate, but not eliminated as the country still faces several challenges and roadblocks in developmental areas. 
Trade and exports in the country contribute significantly to Ecuador’s banana exports, Cocoa, Flowers, Coffee, and Shrimp. Other foreign countries that get these exported goods like the U.S.A. from Ecuador, find the food products to be of a premium quality and hence demand is always high. From Ecuador’s diverse and sustainably apt climatic conditions, the supply and export of more than one food product balances or decreases the rising business risk of focusing on just one product’s supply and export. Other special in-demand crops that expand Ecuador’s export portfolio are Tropical Fruits like Mangoes and Pineapples, and Quinoa and Avocados, which are widely grown as recent emerging crops. 
The innovations and tech advancements in Ecuador’s agriculture industry see the inclusion of technology uses in agriculture practices. By investing in irrigation systems, precision farming tools, and infrastructure, the country sees an improvement in soil health, pesticide use, quality yield, productivity, reduced greenhouse gases emitted, efficiency, and reduced detrimental environmental impacts. In sustainability practices and initiatives in the industry, investing in organic farming helps the country increase its yield quality in food products grown and exported so that the demand for Ecuadorian produce of agricultural organic products is increased and priced competitively in international markets. 
Therefore, Ecuador has seen a major improvement in recent years with the U.S.A, European Union, China, Peru, Chile, and Panama, as these places are major Ecuadorian export markets for agricultural products. Latin America and the Caribbean sees 52% of Ecuador’s exports, North America sees 40%, Asia sees 7%, and Europe sees 1%. With the help of strong trade agreements and certifications such as the GlobalGAP, the country sees smooth trade and exports in its markets, thereby contributing significantly to Ecuador’s economy.
Challenges, Opportunities, and Governmental Backing: 
With adverse climatic conditions disrupting the world’s agricultural industry and sector, Ecuador faces several risks and challenges like any other country. With such environmental disruptions, the country adopts and carries out in-depth research and development studies and applies sustainability practices that are eco-friendly and reduce the impacts of adverse climatic changes. 
With the country’s adoption of sustainability practices and initiatives as discussed in the article, combining technological advancements and modern innovations, the country’s infrastructure is improved. The agricultural industry is also deeply encouraged to grow value-added food products for an increased economic value. 
The Ecuadorian Government provides the country and its people with the required and necessary financial help, research studies and programs, facilities, technology, modern innovation, and foreign trade and export agreements. To have agribusinesses, industry, and markets contribute significantly to Ecuador’s economy, the government provides such services and aids in facilitating the growth of its agricultural industry.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/the-critical-role-that-ecuadors-agricultural-industry-plays-in-driving-its-countrys-economy/
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Day for Biological Diversity 
Biodiversity, or having lots of different kinds of life, is a sign of a healthy ecosystem. Visit a local farmer’s market and see what your area has to offer.
Biodiversity, a simple word with some very broad reaching implications. Biodiversity, when split into it’s component parts, “Diversity” defined as “a range of different things.” and bio meaning “life”, quite simply means “A Diversity of Life”. It has been shown that ecological niches with good biodiversity flourish and are healthy.
History of the International Day for Biological Diversity
The International Day for Biological Diversity was first established in 1993, when the 29th of December was selected to serve as the day to educate the world of the importance of Biodiversity. This was later changed to the 22 of May in 2000. Too many winter holidays were interfering with countries holding meaningful celebrations.
The prevalence of monoculture farming in the world has led to some rather dramatic and drastic consequences. Unknown to most consumers, most of the world only consumes one type of banana, and that isn’t the same kind that was being eaten only a few decades ago. Due to monoculture farming, an entire species of banana was wiped out by disease, leading to the cultivation of our present strain. Without biodiversity, we’re currently set up for the same thing to happen all over again.
Each year a theme is selected to educate the world on the broad variety of topics that fall under the veil of biodiversity, from Water and Marine biodiversity, to Forest and Sustainable development concerns.
Celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity
Celebrating Biodiversity can be fun and delicious, especially if you take this opportunity to visit farmers markets and co-ops in your local area to try new types of produce. Whether you incorporate heirloom tomatoes into your gardening or cooking, or try one of the rainbow of colors of carrots out there that aren’t orange, biodiversity can bring a great new experience to your table.
Another way of celebrating biodiversity is to join a local park clean-up team and help to remove invasive plants from your local environment. These teams of volunteers will gather to remove plants that are impacting the local fauna’s biodiversity by taking over natural grow areas.
Another way to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity is to simply get out into the world and enjoy all the different types of life your local area offers. Even a local park can have an amazing variety of life you’ve never noticed, from the insects crawling through the grass and dirt, to the flowers we so clumsily lump together as ‘wildflowers’.
Whatever the case, get out there and celebrate the diversity of our natural world, not just on the International Day for Biological Diversity, but every day!
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