#ban guns
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darthmatthewtwihard · 6 months ago
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This is so true.
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barcodeboy · 6 months ago
Three days after my 6th birthday, my school went into a lockdown. It went into lockdown because there was a shooter at the university less than two miles away from my school. A year and a half before, there had been a mass shooting at the same university, where 32 people were killed.
I don't remember any of these things happening. I was too young.
A couple of years ago, my mom told me the story about when I came home from school and told her about the lockdown drill we did. My mom and my sister, who was eight at the time, made eye contact. My mom and my sister both knew that it wasn't a drill. And even at eight, she knew not to tell me.
In the aftermath of the Georgia school shooting, I am left thinking about this. I am thinking about the fact that my mother always hugged me before school, every single day, because she was terrified she wouldn't see me come home. And now, I'm thinking about the families who didn't have their kids come home.
I have watched multiple different videos of students of that high school talking about what happened. I saw a girl talking about how the shooter pointed the gun at her and ran towards her. I saw a boy talking about one of the teachers who had been killed, about how the last thing they talked about was his tardies. And I saw a girl talking about how the killer had been sitting next to her in class before all of this happened.
These are all children. They should not have to deal with this.
nobody should
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year ago
Remember that the ability to protect ourselves from reactionary violence is based on our ability to arm ourselves. The left using firearms to protect ourselves from right wingers who want us dead isn't some theoretical fantasy, it's a real thing that happens and has saved lives.
All laws that limit the ownership of weapons limit them purely in favor of the privileged, sometimes that means only private citizens deemed trustworthy by the state get weapons, sometimes that means only those payed to defend the state and capital get weapons, but it always makes it easy for the left to be stopped with violent force. This is why weapons don't just have to be legal, they must be decriminalized.
You cannot remove weapons from politics just by outlawing them. You can only decide how much privilege someone needs to utilize them.
If you consider yourself a leftist, please stop supporting any laws that limit the ownership of weapons.
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defiantart · 1 year ago
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oddishingraphics · 2 years ago
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We will never stop fighting hatred.
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writers-against-gun-violence · 11 months ago
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Thousands form a human chain in Tennessee to mark school shooting anniversary.
On March 27, 2024, advocates for gun safety gathered to form a human chain in Tennessee to mark one year after an elementary school shooting that left six dead, including three children. Thousands linked arms on Wednesday from the Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt University to the Tennessee State Capitol, calling for gun law reform on the anniversary of the Covenant School shooting in Nashville. It’s time to end gun violence. Vote for representatives who will vote to support gun safety.
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sargeantbones · 2 years ago
As an European it's so surreal watching Americans walk around in public, in stores and around kids with fully loaded assault rifles so that they can "feel safe", when the guns are the reason why they are going out around town armed to the teeth in the first place.
And then when you suggest tightening gun regulations they'll tell you about how they won't be able to protect themselves even tho we are doing that just fine without guns.
To be quite frank it just sounds like these people want guns so that they can pick fights with whoever they want and suffer no consequences.
Like look at the Proud Boys. Absolute wankers who would get the shit beaten out of them if they tried doing anything here in Europe. But because they are in America they can just wave around their guns and keep saying all this dumbass bullshit with 0 consequence.
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defiantart · 2 years ago
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drmonkeysetroscans · 1 year ago
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New York man sentenced to 25 years to life for killing woman who drove into his driveway by mistake.
A man who fatally shot a 20-year-old woman after the SUV she was riding in mistakenly drove into his rural driveway in upstate New York was sentenced Friday, March 1, 2024,  to 25 years to life in prison.
Kevin Monahan, 66, was convicted of second-degree murder in the death last April of Kaylin Gillis. She was riding in a caravan of two cars and a motorcycle that was trying to leave after pulling into Monahan's long, winding driveway while looking for a party at another person's house in the town of Hebron.
It’s clear that this tragedy is the result of America's gun culture and laws like stand your ground and the castle doctrine. If you give people like Mr. Monahan a sense that it's okay to kill a human being for trying to steal your TV, or even just for entering your property, or for acting in an intimidating manner in a public space. So many gun owners are itching at the thought of having an excuse to legally kill a person, preferably of a demographic they hate.
It’s time to take the guns away from these people and to avoid more tragedies like this one. As Judge Adam Michelini said when he sentenced Mr. Monahan, "I think it's important for people to know that it's not OK to shoot people and have them killed for turning down your driveway."
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sjbattleangel · 1 year ago
Aways has been.
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aghastlyshart · 2 years ago
whats the point of shooting guns when u cannot shoot ur homie while hes wearing a BULLET proof vest, like thats just dumb.
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cam-ulu29 · 2 years ago
Fun fact 89: in American politics, Liberal refers to the group of people that believes the government should be heavily involved in people’s daily lives. Conservative refers to the group of people that believes the government should not. For example, both gun-banning and book-banning are Liberal. Gay marriage is conservative.
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years ago
Before the Black Lies Matter lot kick off again ... say HER name, Kaylin Gillis.
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Shot dead whilst in a car because they drove up the wrong driveway.
Shot dead as they were driving away.
'But, but, but, she's a blonde white woman, everyone in college class knows this never happens!'
Yeah, well belated April Fool, idiots, because this shit happens all the time, every day, across the USA, and no one cares - unless some bumnuggets on social media cherry pick an incident for ulterior motives.
If that sounds snide, look at all the arseholes who reposted the above sanctimonious bullshit from talent vacuum Adrienne Maree Brown (another wannabe celeb - which is another of America's major psychological issues - the epidemic of arseturnips wanting to be 'famous' ...) and added 'Rest In Peace' or the even more asinine 'Rest In Power' ... when the kid's still alive!
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Ralph Yarl will live (hopefully) to tell the tale. We say 'hopefully' because this is the USA we're talking about and being shot isn't like being hit by lightning over there ...
If he's any sense, once he reaches the age of majority, he'll leave for Canada, the UK, Australia ... anywhere that's not full of overcaffinated hysterical nellies watching too much 'murder porn' and 'shock horror' reality TV and kindergarten politics (where everything is this week's fashionable persecuted group for the rich who are the REAL problem) and think the world outside their driveway is like an episode of 'The Last Of Us' with everyone and everything out to get them.
This is nothing to do with 'isms'. This is Americans reaping the fruits of their labours in a nation where the mantra of 'I'm Alright Jack' is portrayed as the virtue of 'rugged individualism' rather than shame. Where everyone knows their rights, never their responsibilities - and knowing there's always some lawyer who will get them off on a technicality.
A nation where Republican or Democrat in the White House, the Second Amendment and all the evil inherent with it is regarded as Holy Scripture.
More American householders have guns than they do in the Yeman - where there's a civil war. Or Ukraine, where there's a full blown war.
So is it a surprise that so far this year 11 523 Americans have managed this year to blow their own or someone else's head off?
It's time to quit the excuses, the 'whataboutery', the blame everything else except allowing every bumnugget with the bucks to buy This Week's Must Have in 'Penis Extention For Losers Monthly.'
It's the guns. It's always been the guns. It always will be the guns.
It's time for Americans to grow up and grow out of what most kids grow out of by high school. Guns aren't toys, they aren't a 'right'.
99.99999% of Americans have no reason or business for having guns and it is long overdue the time they were banned and far stricter licence procedures put in place for those wanting one for 'professional reasons' (eg. farmers).
Or put Chris Rock in the White House next time, he knows where it's at:
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Say his name, Ralph Yarl
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skykittywhatchamahcallit · 2 years ago
Being scared of guns is REASONABLE if you’re on the fence about gun laws my inbox is OPEN, always, to chat. Guns are TOOLS in your arsenal and mine- and it’s important to have basic access to them!
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