#bamf Bilbo baggins
bitkahuna · 1 day
“Zantulbasn is the word for hobbit, or, more accurately, small hill people. But, kekhfar means … it means supreme arse, or that someone has the finest arse you’ve ever seen.”
Bilbo’s jaw dropped. “All this time! You lot called me that for weeks!” He remembered overhearing many a conversation where he was casually referred to as that amongst the dwarves.
Thorin’s laugh echoed through the chamber once more, filling it as he spoke. “Oh, by Mahal! I do apologize for the misunderstanding but … well … you must admit it’s quite fitting.”
“Fitting!” He shouted, his face a dark red as he raised up from the king’s chest to sit on his hips, looking down at the man. “I- all this time and you dwarven scoundrels were only looking at my behind!” Bilbo squinted. “Is that why Nori and Bofur kept insisting I ride near the front?” He shook his head, letting out a huff, though a chuckle still left him and his lips were turned in a small smile. “We were never in danger of being attacked from behind, were we?” He recalled they always told him to stay near the front in case of a surprise attack. Bilbo had never questioned it. Now he realized he should have.
“No, my dear Bilbo. We were never in danger of being attacked from behind, only you.”
Posted chapter 37!!
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Guarding Alliances
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Status: In-progress (2/5)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Bilbo Remains In Erebor | Kingdom politics | Political Alliances | Established Relationship | BAMF Bilbo Baggins | Thranduil is a jerk | but he has his reasons | Bilbo & Thranduil Adventure | Bilbo still finding trouble
Summary: Bilbo Baggins, Ushmar Uzbâdu and newly engaged to the King of Erebor, must now face a challenge of a different kind: a manipulative Elf King. However, with his own brand of finding trouble and getting out of it again, Bilbo may just be able to get to the heart of the matter and improve relations between their kingdoms forever.
New Chapter: Chapter 3- Guarding Even When It's You
“I did what I had to in order to ensure my people’s survival.”
“By fixing symptoms to the problem, instead of the root of it?” Bilbo exclaimed, waving his hands for good measure.
“What would you know?” Thranduil snapped, his eyes flashing dangerously. “I had no allies left, thanks to Thror’s greed, other than the Lakemen who were worse off than ourselves. We set up parameters and kept that vileness away from our home for as long as we could.”
Thranduil straightened, taking a deep breath almost as if to regain his composure. “None of us knew the source, not even Aiwendil. However, now that has changed. We have allies again and the rot of Dol Guldur has been cleared out for the most part.”
“Can’t you feel it?” Bilbo asked desperately. “The trees still cry out. They are long from being healed fully.”
Thranduil’s eyes widened before his gaze fell to Bilbo. It was an almost desperate sort of awe that nearly had Bilbo gasping. He couldn’t. Thranduil couldn’t sense life in the same way Bilbo could. That’s why he didn’t know he was using the wrong water on his flowers. That’s why he thought these spiders were the last of his problems. Was that why he wanted Bilbo to complete this task? It wasn’t the invasion of privacy, he thought Bilbo had done something to make a noticeable difference in the flowers. Something more than knowing the right kind of water to bring them to fruition. 
“You were actually going to send me on a suicide mission to test out a theory.” Bilbo marveled. “And you have the gall to think the dwarves are pig-headed?”
For more of this chapter, please click the AO3 link above!
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theficdealer · 5 days
“How do I—! How do I know!” Bilbo echoed, bristling with exasperation. “I journeyed all the way across Middle Earth, through forests and over the hills, crossed the Misty Mountains and the Great Greenwood through to the ruins of the great City of Dale and further still to Erebor, fighting goblins and orcs and giant spiders and a whole blasted war, then did the whole thing again in reverse, and you have the gall to ask me how I know!”
There was a beat of total silence. “Well, it was a reasonable question,” said Fortinbras, stung.
Bilbo drew in a long breath through his nose and gave an almighty huff. “Mark my words. All of you,” he said, pointing a finger at all the gathered faces, his voice tight with the desperation to be taken seriously. The dwarves would have listened. They would’ve had his back. “You must evacuate Hobbiton. Take only what you need to survive, and run. Go east. Forget your handkerchiefs and hang the silver spoons. Anyone who stays here, will die.”
“Now, Bilbo…”
He held up a hand to his cousin’s face. “No. No, don’t. You’ll see. Take my advice or don’t, you’ll see,” he said, casting a fearful glance at the smoke billowing from the ruins of the first raid. It was the pebble before the avalanche, and there were already more, thinner trails of smoke joining the larger one. A lump formed in his throat. They were already coming. He gave one last, loud proclamation to the crowd. “Flee on the east road. Tell anyone, everyone — we have no choice.”
—Excerpt from There Is One They Could Follow (One They Could Call Thain) by Oakensting (WorseOmens) on ao3
Basically, Bilbo pulls a Thorin Oakenshield and leads his people from the orc-ravaged Shire to safety. Meanwhile in Erebor, Thorin refuses to believe Bilbo is dead.
*staggers into the room Kramer-style covered in water, soot, glitter, and slivers of paper from the waste bin of a paper shredder like confetti* So, guess who just watched the lotr trilogy for the first time despite being a fan of the Hobbit for a literal decade! Also the last two (three?) months have sucked ass and I’m exhausted, so buckle up.
Anyway, this is one of my comfort fics, I love it so much. Everything from the Pining(TM) to the blatant parallels between the dwarves and hobbits.
Things I loved in particular:
Gandalf the White Ox
Kíli taking one look at Thorin and being like “oh I know exactly what’s going on here”
Hamfast and Drogo
Petty Thorin
Seriously, he’s so petty I love it
Bard just being like “yeah, that’s pretty much how I was when I lost my wife”
The r e u n i o n
“you’re like a hobbit king!” “my title is thain, actually” *incredulous staring*
splash fight<3
The acorn speech<3<3<3
The “New Polite”
Dwobbit debate
read it or the ulnas are mine <3
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What if when a hobbit’s life is threatened they go feral? Animal instinct takes over completely they feel no pain can't distinguish friend from foe and will bite and scratch and do anything to survive.
They become seemingly invincible, unaffected by any injury in this feral state. Many hobbits entered this feral state during the Fell Winter when wolves and starvation threatened them.
The company discovers this quirk when Bilbo goes feral during the Troll attack when he scratches and claws at anyone who comes close to him—throwing himself at the trolls again and again, seemingly unaffected when they slap him away like an annoying fly. Even when shoved in a sack ready to be eaten, he growled and hissed, biting at the ropes.
When morning comes, and the trolls turn to stone, he’s freed from his sack, and immediately, he attacks the nearest dwarf. Only when Gandalf speaks to him is he calm enough to come out of the feral state and immediately collapse.
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lucigoo · 1 month
Gollum's Song
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Newest Hobbit fic, Canon Divergent after BOFTA, so theres Bagginshield with no Thorin ... MCD
A03 link here
Summary: Bilbo's heart is broken as he tries to recover as much as possible at Beorn's after BOFTA. He needs all the strenght he can regain because he has a new Quest to go on.
One where he may save another lost to the darkness the Ring causes.
And as always an ecerpt:
It had taken nearly 3 weeks to walk, so he was close enough to the back entrance of the Misty’s. Bilbo saw the few trees that were clinging to the edge as he settled for the night. He fell asleep with the scent of fire in his nose. The sound of orc and warg cries in his ears and the sight of a strong, determined dwarf striding forward bravely in his mind’s eye. When he woke, he knew he had to go up there. Something called him too. He carefully climbed, being extra certain of his foot placements as he scaled the side, grateful that whilst the fall would kill him, the climb itself wasn’t actually as high as he had feared. He finally made it to the top and stood panting as he noticed the surrounding area. There were rotting bodies, some already nothing but grisly skeletons everywhere. Wargs and orcs alight. The sight of an uncleared battlefield made Bilbo feel sick. It was sheer force of will that kept his breakfast down. That and the fact that hobbit’s did not vomit, thank you very much. He looked up at the tree that he had been clinging to when he thought they were all going to die again. The sight of Thorin standing and charging down it majestically playing in his mind. Bilbo shook his head. He didn’t have time for his rememberings of his already bonkers mate. He had a mission to complete. No matter the outcome, he would see it through. Bilbo was about to walk away from the groove when something caught his eye, something that had him keening as he fell to his knees. How could they have forgotten it? How could they have not grabbed it in the rush to escape? He called himself a stupid, foolish hobbit over and over again as he crawled forward through the wet ground. Crawled forward and grabbed it, wrapping his body around the Oaken Shield as much as he possibly could. He allowed his tears to mix with the dew and drizzle that was already covering it. Maybe if Thorin had possession of his famed shield, he would have won.
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fanficwriting1 · 5 months
A Tale of Smoke and Flame Chapter 4
Bilbo did not mind the rain, he found it quite enjoyable. But he found that his dwarven companions minded the rain very much from their grumblings and curses. 
He found himself walking next to the group, his stick leaving muddy indents in the road. Minty - the horse that had been prepared for him to ride - had taken one look at him and had outright objected to his riding her, riling up whenever he reached for his reins. 
It was not unusual for him, many creatures inherently feared him for what he truly was, despite any intentions he might have. Perhaps it was good that he was traveling with dwarrow - they often struggled to see past appearances, and found it difficult to feel that inherent feeling of danger that could easily come by being near him.
“Is it not tiring to only be on your feet, Mr. Boggins?” Kili had pulled his horse closer to Bilbo so he was walking next to him.
“Not at all. Hobbits take walking holidays often, Master Kili. We find it much preferable to riding. We have the feet for it as well, they’re able to withstand nearly anything.”
“Do many of your kind travel?” 
Thorin’s question caught Bilbo off guard, as well as the majority of the company. Thorin, who had apparently no interest in the topic, had suddenly taken an interest.
“Quite a few.” Bilbo replied. “It tends to be the hobbits on the Took side, but there are the occasional others.”
Thorin nodded.. 
“And what of your lifespans?” came another question from an unexpected party. Dwaln’s face was stoic as he asked.
“Typically around 100 years, although Gerontious Took is getting up there. I dare say he may beat everyone else in age.”
He received a grunt in response from Dwalin.
The rain seemed to come down harder after that, slamming into the company with all it had.
“Gandalf, can’t you do anything about this deluge?” Gloin asked. 
“It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to do so until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard.”
“What’s the point of having a wizard if he can’t do anything about this blasted weather?” Gloin grumbled.
Gandalf raised an eyebrow at Gloin, and Gloin turned quickly back to his business. 
They set up camp near a ruined farmhouse. The site was familiar to both Gandalf and Bilbo.
He could smell the beasts in the air. Old and musty, he waited as he heard crashing from the foliage to his right, Fili and Kili crashing through the trees. If they had any intention to disguise their coming, they had failed horribly.
“Trolls!” Kili shouted, bursting into camp. “Me and Fili found trolls!”
The camp immediately became full of the dwarrow drawing their weapons, questions about where the trolls were and how many, and if they knew they were there.
“They’re not alive.” Fili said. 
The group of dwarrow stopped, surprised. 
Thorin pushed to the front. “What do you mean?”
Fili gestured for the group to follow him, and led them all to a campsite that had long been abandoned, and was surrounded by three large trolls. The trees surrounding the trolls had been burned to a crisp, black and cracked. “Minty had wandered off from the group and Kili went to grab her.” Fili explained. “When he found her she was in this area.”
“It looks like there was a fire out of control.” Balin remarked, lightly touching the trees. “Strange that it only burned within a specific area. It must have been contained quickly.”
“How do you think they turned to stone?” Ori asked. 
“Stayed out too long,” Dori said, giving a meaningful glance toward Ori. “Bad things happen when you stay out too long.” 
A comment obviously made for another purpose, Bilbo watched as Nori jumped it. “It isn’t always a bad thing to stay out so late - I’m sure they had fun.”
“Fun doesn’t prevent the consequences.” Dori seethed, glaring at Nori. 
As Nori puffed to make another remark, Bilbo spoke up.
“The Bounders handled these trolls. They found them a few years ago when travelers on this road kept going missing.”
The dwarrows attention immediately moved to him as he spoke. 
“Bounders?” Fili asked. 
“They are the closest thing hobbits have to a military power. Their main duty is to protect the safety of the Shire. These trolls had gotten far too close for comfort and had already taken some hobbits. That led to the Bounders searching for the lost hobbits and stumbling across the trolls.”
The dwarrow looked at Bilbo with new eyes, while Bilbo looked at the statues of the trolls. While he couldn’t tell the dwarrow what truly had occurred with the trolls, he did not only speak lies. 
Gandalf placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Bilbo gave him a grateful nod. 
“How often do your Bounders go out to look for people?” Thorin asked. “Do they go far in their searches?”
“When searching for a hobbit, no expense is spared,” Bilbo said. He had a feeling he knew why Thorin and Dwalin seemed so interested in learning about hobbit traveling habits. Still, Bilbo had no intention of revealing the answers they wanted - it would only serve to make matters more complicated than was needed.
He shifted uncomfortably back at camp. Although the trolls had been taken care of years ago, Bilbo still had some foreboding sense about staying the night in such an area. Gandalf seemed to have the same feeling and had taken to warn Thorin. 
“I would not stay here if I were you, Thorin Oakenshield.”
“We go no further. The company is weary and this is a satisfactory place to rest.”
“I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley.”
Thorin’s face automatically soured. “I have told you already, I will not go near that place.”
“Why not? The elves could help us! We could get food, rest, advice.”
“I do not need their advice.” Thorin spat, turning away from Gandalf. 
Gandalf huffed before stepping away from Thorin and going towards Bilbo.
“I’m afraid I must step away to find my reason once more, dear Bilbo.” he shook his head. “I’m afraid you and I are the only ones in this company with any semblance of sense.” 
Bilbo laughed. “I fear you are right. For all the senses the dwarrow have, they seem to lack one for future danger.”
Gandalf nodded solemnly. “Watch them while I’m away. Though I leave shortly, I do worry that something shall occur.”
Bilbo nodded. “I feel the same. I shall watch over the group to the best of my ability - they do have the only way into the Lonely Mountain, after all.”
Nodding once more, Gandalf left, distracted. 
“What was that about?” Ori came to stand by Bilbo. “Where’s he off to?”
“To gather his wits, Master Ori. He shall be back soon enough.” 
Bofur and Bilbo had been placed on first watch that night. The air was cool and soft against the skin, while the air was full of the quiet sway of the trees and movement and chirps of creatures unseen.
Bilbo paused. A strange scent permeated the air, slightly bitter and pungent, accompanied by cold fog that slithered into the camp. 
He growled as the fires extinguished itself, the last curls of smoke wisping away. 
“How strange.” Bofur remarked, rising to stir the fire back to life. Bilbo stopped him, ears twitching.
He did not like this. If it was what he thought it was . . .
A cold presence entered his mind and Bilbo hissed. The wights should not have been able to travel here, constrained as they were. 
“Wake the dwarrow.”
“Wake the dwarrow! To your feet!” he shouted, grabbing his blades. “Move!”
The dwarrow scrambled for their weapons, eyes bleary and searching for their enemies. 
Stillness hung in the air and the dwarrow looked at one another, confused by the lack of enemies.
“What is the meaning of this, burglar?” Thorin growled, weapons loose in his hands. “You’ve awoken us for some fog?” anger was barely constrained in his voice, amplified by Bilbo’s look of distraction. 
“Back to your bedrolls!” Thorin snarled and stalked towards Bilbo.
“The wights will soon be upon us,” Bilbo said. 
“The wights? You woke the company for some hobbit lore?” Thorin scoffed. “Everyone! Back to your rolls!” he glared at Bilbo, walking over to him. “I do not know what amusement you derive from depriving my company of their rest, but if you do it once more, I shall have you take leave of this company and find your way back to your home.”
Bilbo frowned. “Master Oakenshield, if you wish for your entire company to perish tonight, let them sleep.”
“What is Mahal’s beard is that?” cried Bombur. 
The dwarrow turned towards the trees and watched as figures emerged. 
“Those, Master Bombur, are Barrow Wights.”  
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green-fifteen · 2 years
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Author: @soabas-world
Fandom: The Hobbit
Relationship: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Bilbo Baggins accidentally kills Smaug and has to figure out how to go tell the Dwarrow who are waiting for him to come back with that stupid stone.
Hobbit Culture & Customs, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Canon Died a Horrible but Necessary Death, Green Magic, Khuzdul, Families of Choice, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Overprotective Dwarves
Podfic length: 00:15:57
Streaming, MP3, and MB4 available.
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thycursed · 9 months
Okay, do any of the people on here have good bagginshield fics where Bilbo just straight up brags in the Shire?
Like 'oh queer Baggins my ass Lobelia, talk to the heavily bejewelled hand while I ride in on a silken interior carriage' or 'yes, thank you for noticing Lobelia, I could buy the Shire twice over if I so wished too'. Where's my 'Ah I see you've met my husband, KING OF EREBOR'
Give me a little salty bitch, I know he has it in him.
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spoopyoopy · 1 year
He also asked for no pickles
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consultingpacha · 2 years
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Bagginshield - Breath of the Wild AU I sketched back when I was obsessed with Breath of the Wild (I still am lol)
First two are cinematic scenes, the last one is a test of how it would look a conversation in game, with relevant info maked in blue, and the autosave Rune on top (the outfit of King Thorin is inspired in the one King Roham in game because it was too 🔥 to ignore)
This is basically a “when your husband got a healing sleep of a hundred years and he can’t remember shit after you wake him up”.
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The gifts Bilbo gave out on his 111th birthday. I love his mastery of Passive Aggression❤️
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Round 2, Poll 6
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Poll at the bottom of the post.
Ghost of a Chance: (Haunted Wedding AU)
 It was entirely possible Bilbo was in shock. 
“Bilbo, please say something. Are you hurt?”
Bilbo did his best to focus in on those blue eyes. Those familiar, soul-sucking blue eyes. It started to become harder though when his own began to water.
“I want to go home.” He breathed, his chest tightening to a painful degree.
“Okay.” Thorin murmured, still touching, still staring. “Okay, we can get you back to your room.”
Bilbo suddenly surged to his feet, glaring down at the kneeling man. 
It was like the room had suddenly been sucked free of noise as Bilbo’s ears rang with his declaration. His eyes swept the room, taking notice of all the pitying and worried looks. Some familiar, some strangers. Bilbo buried his face in his hands, trying to disguise the overwhelmed feeling as exasperation. He felt more than saw Thorin stand up and place his hand on the back of Bilbo’s neck. He leaned in close, his breath tickling Bilbo’s ear.
“Do you want to go some place a little more private?”
Bilbo nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak again.
“Can you promise me you’re physically okay?”
Bilbo nodded again. Almost immediately after he did, that hand on his neck moved down to the middle of his back, propelling him forward.
“He’s fine. Just a little shaken up. No need for an ambulance. He just needs some rest.”
Guardian of Kings (sequel): (BAMF Bilbo)
“I assume you have a plan?” Thranduil pestered him for the umteenth time. 
“I’m working on it.” Bilbo grit out.
Thranduil pursed his lips but didn’t utter another word. Bilbo could see he was hurting. His leg injury was no joke, and the orcs weren’t about to take it easy on them. Sometimes speeding up to a jog until Thranduil would fall over. Then they would drag him back to his feet and begin their march again. 
The problem was, they were outnumbered, they had no weapons, and even worse, Bilbo had lost his clever little ring. In fact, he had gone nearly maniac when he realized that fact until an orc bashed him over the head with its fist. There was still an itching under his skin that demanded he go back, but he needed to bide his time. Figure out why exactly the orcs were keeping them alive. All too soon, he was about to find out.
Dol Guldur stood in the distance, a dark looming ruin, promising evil things. However, the orcs stopped a little ways outside the fortress. Where the webs were still thick in the trees. 
“Bring the little one forward!” The orc in the lead ordered.
Bilbo cursed and struggled, Thranduil almost looking worried for him, as he was brought to the front and thrown to the ground.
“Ugzaul!” The orc cried into the woods. “We have brought your Stinging Fly!”
Bilbo felt his blood freeze in his veins. He immediately tried to pull himself to his feet, only for an orc to plant its foot on his back to keep him there.
From the Pieces of Your Shattered Memories: (Amnesia Modern AU)
Could he have possibly chosen a more unattainable guy? He just wished for his poor heart’s sake that Oakenshield would quit putting such faith in him. It was clearly clouding Bilbo’s judgment. 
Bilbo ducked inside thinking not for the first time that Odo really ought to start locking the door as he made his way through the hallway of foreign antiquities to the curator’s office. He paused for just a moment at a new display advertising for Erebor. Bilbo had almost forgotten! The King of Erebor had come to Bree which was the next city over. That must be how Oakenshield got here. If this lead didn’t work out, he could always try Bree next and…wasn’t Bilbo supposed to be done after this? 
He had just gotten his thoughts back in order, leaving the dimly lit room only to almost run head first into his cousin. Bilbo jumped back, clutching his heart as he tried not to scream.
“Odo! For Yavanna’s sake, warn a guy if you will!”
“You are many things, Bilbo Baggins, but sneaky isn’t one of them. What are you doing here?”
Bilbo could only grimace, thinking of Oakenshield's teasing comments earlier about Bilbo’s sneakiness as well. 
“I need a favor.” Bilbo cut to the chase.
“You have some nerve, Cousin! I called you two days ago after having practically broken my ankle, and now you need a favor.”
Bilbo tried his hardest not to roll his eyes even if they did flicker down to the wrapped ankle that Odo seemed to be standing on perfectly fine now.
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Martin Freeman being a BAMF Well, not really Martin himself but his characters. 🤓
Andy Rose (Cargo)
Thomas (The Operative)
Oliver Chamberlain (The World’s End)
Lester Nygaard (Fargo)
John Watson (Sherlock)
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
Phil Rask (StartUp)
Chris Carson (The Responder)
John Wat... oh again? Well, who cares...
Everett Ross (Black Panther)
Again thanks to my favorite Watsons @colourfulwatson & @xeniawatson for feeding me ideas and pointing me to the perfect scenes. 🥰
Fun fact: the Black Panther scene is the only scene where Martin shoots a gun and does NOT close his eyes. 😅
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What if Bilbo Baggins had wanted and trained to become a bounder as a tween(?)? Its well established that Bilbo had been adventurous as a child and after his parents’ death he became far more subdued and respectable. In becoming or training to become a bounder, he’d have satisfied the Took side of himself while also preparing for any potential adventures he may have.
What if, during the Fell Winter, a certain white orc on a white warg showed up with a large group of orcs and began raiding the smials? Now, young, reckless bounder Bilbo would most likely rally his other young bounder friends and go out to face the orcs, successfully driving them out of the Shire. Unfortunately, because of their injuries, the cold, starvation or some other event, Bilbo’s friends die during the winter.
Bilbo blamed himself for their deaths, for he was the one who rallied them against the orcs, led them out of the safety of the smials, and caused their demise. As a result, he laid down his weapons and swore never to do something so incredibly silly again.
Skip forward to when the party of dwarrow arrives on his doorstep. Already confused, overwhelmed, and a little angry, when Bilbo hears that Thorin is leading this group of thirteen to a dragon lair and likely their death, he remembers his past foolishness and punches Thorin hard in a moment of pure rage.
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solbringer · 9 days
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"Riding a horse is not just getting back in the saddle. Part of the process is learning to trust yourself again, knowing that your muscles know what they’re supposed to do, how they’re supposed to grip and hold tight, and how they’re supposed to move to get an animal to move faster. Being a cowboy who knows how to ride is incredibly important. At one point, Thorin could ride better than most and here he was having to relearn even the most basic skills that he’s been doing since he was 10 years old.
“You’re scaring her.” Bilbo intoned impassionately from atop his horse."
 ੈ✩‧₊˚ Fic and Art posts  ੈ✩‧₊˚
A Little shady Grove is rated M for Mature themes and language.
Bilbo Baggins\Thorin Oakenshield, m\m, gen.
4 chapters, 5710 words.
Tags: Rodeo Competitions, Cowboys & Cowgirls, Bull Rider Thorin Oakenshield, Slide #50, Chronic Pain, Thorin Is Not Amused, Emotionally Constipated Thorin, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Cowboy Hats
working on this collab with @thequeenhasnolife was an absolute joy, they immediately picked up on the thoughts and feelings i had been craving for my fic, and i loved every second of reading their works in progress and the published piece. This was my first ever @tolkienrsb and i couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome of our collab! please show the original works some love, leave a comment for our lovely author, and check out the full collection of trsb works! everyone has made such wonderful things!
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fanficwriting1 · 2 months
A Bounder’s Memory - Notice
Hey guys!
This is a heads up that ’A Bounder’s Memory’ is turning into a WIP! I’ve gotten enough requests that I figure it’s best to make it into a full story.
With that said, the oneshot will be broken into 5 - 6 chapters. It’ll have more details, and overall just be a more in depth dive into Bilbo’s past as a Bounder. New situations and characters will be introduced, things that differ from the oneshot.
The estimated length for the full fic is around 50 - 60 chapters, but it may be longer.
Anyway, I’m really excited to write it and hope you all will enjoy it!
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