shadiirue · 5 years
@ballguysays | ah shit, cuddle time.
she seems fine for now. a lot less gloomy. but now she just seems like she wants attention. she always does, of course. it’s one of the few things she always craves. 
     ❝ thank you for the other day.         i feel fine now, yeah ... ❞
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lxngfxrgxtten · 4 years
{BallGuySays} Puts a Ball Guy sticker on her wall!
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pokecommunitycenter · 5 years
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@prisonrose​ / @ballguysays​ - An Anon Sent Some Love !
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I just want to share some love for Mittens who runs prisonrose and ballguysays. The moment I started learning about their characters I noticed how much detail and love they put into them and honestly? That makes my whole day. I love seeing them on dash from the silly interactions to the more serious ones, and even in just talking to them they always prove to be a pleasure to be around. I’m incredibly happy that they’re in this community and I hope they get all the love they deserve 💖 - Anonymous
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alchemistsgamble · 5 years
@ballguysays​ | Cont from here
Galen couldn’t help but grin a bit at the message. The whole trip had been kind of a last minute decision, mostly in part of his parents informing him only 2 days before that they were going to Hoenn for the holiday.
So since he couldn’t hang out with them for the holiday, clearly he knew what must be done. 
[Text]: Yeah, just got in this afternoon actually. Sorta last minute, but also a surprise I guess? But yeah! See ya in a sec!
With that said, he’d change out of his pajamas, tuck Strawberry into her travel bed and head out towards Avery’s place. It’d take a little longer than it normally would have, considering the amount of crowds out at this time, but he’d manage to push his way through.
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galarminister · 5 years
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“Oh?” A pause, to make a quick once over, then a smile. “Is it you? Because I couldn’t ask for a better gift than seeing the person I love on Mewmas morning.”
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dragonskxn · 4 years
{BGS, rising from the grave} "Annalise! Scales and feathers, I didn't know today was your birthday!" he exclaimed, slapping his hands to his cheeks in shock. "I don't have much to give you... Unless you'd maybe like to have skybox seating at the next Galarian match? I know people! Ahaha!~"
"Aw, that'd be sweet of you to do that for me, Ball Guy!" Annalise smiles, giving him a big hug. "Whatever you do, I don't mind. Just hearing birthday wishes from you makes me really happy, you know."
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pinkrival · 5 years
@ballguysays said: ⚠️!( texting starters )
to [ hop ] [ ??? ].
     [ bede ]:               Arceus, I hate dealing with people.      [ bede ]:               Hop, I know it’s terribly late, but I’m filled with Peony’s oatmeal raisin cookies and unbridled rage and I don’t think I can sleep until I get this off my chest. Ignore this or send me one of those pictures of Pikachu in funny hats. I don’t care.      [ bede ]:               This reporter came all the way to Ballonlea to speak with me today.      [ bede ]:               A bit strange, but I can appreciate having a certain dedication to one’s craft... is what I would like to say, only in hindsight, typing that just now felt physically painful, because she was without a doubt the most dreadful person I’ve had the misfortune of meeting in a very long time. Which is not something I would say lightly.      [ bede ]:               Ah yes, the reason she went through the trouble of coming to see me? Why, she was working on her passion project — nothing less than a documentary on Galar’s “disgraced, former Chairman!” Oh, spare me.      [ bede ]:               Suffice to say, I told her in no uncertain terms where she could put her documentary. Unfortunately, she wasn’t willing to take no for an answer. “Oh, just answer a few questions! Did you know anything of his plans beforehand? Do you feel personally responsible for his actions? I’ve read you have no family — was he ever like a Father figure to you? How do you feel about him now?”      [ bede ]:               After a certain point, Petunia took it upon herself to escort her out personally. I know I shouldn’t let inconsequential ideas from inconsequential people bother me so easily.      [ bede ]:               Still.      [ bede ]:               Is that what everyone thinks of me? I can’t help but wonder.      [ bede ]:               Perhaps it is because I’ve been suspecting as much for a while, and that damn reporter gave me reason to believe it’s true.      [ bede ]:               Again, you don’t have to reply. I’m sorry for the messages. I’ll sleep soon.      [ bede ]:               Just... well, goodnight.
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
here is the fight between @horizonboundtrainer, @orresnatcher and @ballguysays! hope you all enjoy~
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streetsteel · 5 years
Smash or Pass @ BallGuySays for the lulz
Smash or pass — Accepting — @ballguysays
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repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now | bod is nice but a paper bag won’t fit on your head
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them | is there a face under there
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them | are you human cause that’s like. an important thing
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me | that’s not what I meant when i said beads
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rockindark · 5 years
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@ballguysays​ said: {BallGuySays} “...”
Meme: Send “...” for Piers’ Pokemon to talk to you.
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“Boss is a good boss ya know? Boss does the best he can with wha’ he has and I love and admire ‘im ya know? I’ve been with him for so long. So many years. I’ve watched ‘im go through so much ya know? Boss’ really the bestest and most amazingest human I know. I wish me and the band coul’ ‘elp ‘im more ya know? ‘elp ‘im get ‘is self esteem up. If only hugs and licks could do tha’.”
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shadiirue · 5 years
@ballguysays​ | unprompted.
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     ❝ ... ❞
she definitely didn’t think they would tease her about it. she grumbles softly to herself, crossing her arms and looking off to the side, her cheeks red as ever.
     ❝ s ... so what if i do ... ❞
she loves it.
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lxngfxrgxtten · 5 years
my opinion on;
character in general: I never would’ve expected a Ball Guy blog on this website, ever. I didn’t know how badly I needed a character that absolutely feels correct and that I adore. This is absolutely Ball Guy and is the only true canon blog for them.how they play them: Fucking flawless.the mun: Mittens I’m sorry I’m a crazy bitch I promise I just love you lots okay.
do i;
follow them: 100%rp with them: We… started a thread? I think?want to rp with them: Yes! When they get more muse back I would love to.ship their character with mine: No.
what is my;
overall opinion: Another one of the best blogs in the RPC.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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circhesterfest · 5 years
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Due to being the only contestant, Ball Guy/ @ballguysays wins by default! But! Just because he was the only one to try, doesn’t mean he didn’t earn it! He put a lot of heart into his work! His whole team put a lot of work into the sculpture! Let’s hear it for Ball Guy! And his avant garde piece, the Heart of Galar!
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bananabraiined · 5 years
{Ballguysays} "How utterly splendiferous! Your costume must be very well tailored! Why, I'd almost believe you were a real, talking Rillaboom!"
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"A costume.....? No, you must be mistaken. I'm a real ape. What's a....Rillaboom?"
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galarminister · 5 years
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“.............” He shook his head. “I’m the one who is sorry...they’re most likely bothering you because of me.” 
Not to be conceited, but he had a thought that he might be one factor. Surely there were many others, but he was one. One does not get to know the Prime Minister without being scrutinized heavily. He should have known better, but he had found Avery so adorable and charming and brave.
Not sure where to touch, he simply went for a soft hug in the end. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
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pinkrival · 5 years
@ballguysays​ said: {BGS} You're so fuckin' valid. I spent like an hour on a family headcanon post earlier today that I may or may not ever fuckin' post.
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               running a roleplay blog is 50% procrastination, 30% writing things you won’t post, 15% reblogging memes and 5% actually replying to threads.
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