mastersofpasio · 4 years
@dracaelum-faerie @drkvoids @talkaboutpathetic @fatal-fleur @magic-and-curiosity @psychic-master-will @ringsreachingout@horizonboundtrainer @orresnatcher@kidfrompallet @ballguysays @blueshadesofvictory @yell960 @diamangelique THE END IS HERE! don’t miss this drama folks, it’s piping hot and fresh! 
thank you all for participating--i was nervous about this event, but you all did such a good job and made this experience truly one of a kind. hope to see you at my next contest…keep your eyes peeled for a surprise in april >:3
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
THE FINAL BATTLE HAS BEEN POSTED! feat. hop / @no-more-royalty, aesen / @welcome-to-our-domain, annalise / @dracaelum-faerie and last but not least, lear / @isleprized!
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
pokémon: krookodile. type: ground. weakness: grass. moves: earthquake; power trip. support move: x attack all. trainer move: the throne is mine!--sharply raises attack and speed; sharply lowers defense. passive skills: moxie--raises attack when pokémon knocks out an opponent.
pokémon: coalossal. type: fire. weakness: fighting. moves: stone edge, fire punch. support move: tar shot. trainer move: analysis complete!--raises defense and special defense; makes the user resistant to the last move it was hit by. moves after gmax: stone edge --> gmax volcalith, fire punch --> max flare, tar shot --> max guard. passive skills: regenerator--heals 5% of its HP per turn. doubling down--supereffective hits are more likely to crit.
pokémon: froslass. type: ice. weakness: steel. moves: ice beam, will-o-wisp support move: x speed all. trainer move: i’m gonna crush you~--raises special attack and speed; ensures the next hit will be supereffective. passive skills: ghost cloak--this pokémon is harder to hit than others. endurance--if the pokémon enters battle with full HP, allows it to endure a hit with 1 HP.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: she has returned to lear’s side after lear told her that if he wins, he basically gets a free arceus. when he loses, she will leave him again.
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
Aesen / @welcome-to-our-domain, Hop / @no-more-royalty and Sophocles have advanced through the Violet bracket to the match with Lear!
The Royal Blue Bracket teams were disqualified due to Lear being a bitch.
@dracaelum-faerie @drkvoids @talkaboutpathetic @fatal-fleur @magic-and-curiosity @psychic-master-will @ringsreachingout@rebornmuses @horizonboundtrainer @orresnatcher@kidfrompallet @ballguysays @blueshadesofvictory @yell960 @diamontha thank you all for participating--keep your eyes peeled for the ending, it’s gonna be a doozy >:3
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
@horizonboundtrainer / may, @orresnatcher / wes and lyra (npc) VS. paul (npc’d from @talkaboutpathetic), ash (npc’d from @kidfrompallet) and kabu (npc)
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
The battle between Aesen’s team (including Hop over at @no-more-royalty) and Blue’s (@blueshadesofvictory) team for the Violet Bracket has ended–and what happens leaves almost everyone speechless!
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
in the VIOLET BRACKET, we have…
Hop / @no-more-royalty, Aesen / @welcome-to-our-domain and Sophocles (NPC) vs. Blue / @blueshadesofvictory, Marnie / @yell960 and Sera (NPC)!
and in the ROYAL BLUE BRACKET, we have…
May / @horizonboundtrainer, Wes / @orresnatcher and Lyra (NPC) vs. Paul / @talkaboutpathetic, Ash (NPC - withdrawn) and Kabu (NPC)!
as per usual, the team whose names are highlighted in bold is the team that will be on the receiving end of a sabotage. you have until the end of february 29 to complete your battle. please be advised that if you show little to no activity for any span of one or more weeks, your character can be NPCed. good luck to all--hope you’re hyped!
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
team 1: paul / @talkaboutpathetic​, ash / @kidfrompallet​ (withdrawn), and kabu (NPC)
team 2: steven / @ringsreachingout​, diantha / @diamontha​, and leon (NPC)
the battle happens on the last day of the semifinals. it proceeds smoothly at first, with steven, diantha and leon having the upper hand, paul, ash and kabu, though with some seriously impressive accomplishments, have a very hard time against a team consisting of three champions. 
steven, diantha and leon look like they are going to win, until at the very last minute–something goes wrong with charizard! lear sends lila’s chandelure into charizard’s body to generate ghostly attacks from inside charizard itself, creating the illusion that it has used shadow claw. though shadow claw is a move that charizard can in fact learn, it wasn’t one of leon’s registered moves for charizard during this tournament, so now his entire team is in trouble. 
lear, salivating at the opportunity to exercise some power and control, personally calls the match to a halt. he chastises leon for “cheating,” and has the champions’ team promptly disqualified. paul and ash feel that the victory is hollow and that something is going on. but whether this is discovered remains to be seen…
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
here is the fight between @horizonboundtrainer, @orresnatcher and @ballguysays! hope you all enjoy~
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
the battle between @blueshadesofvictory, @yell960, @psychic-master-will and @sylveonnesmuses has been completed! read it here~
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
plot is up to date to today! new text is written in blue.
all of the names mentioned here have their urls listed on the URLs page except for lotor / @eldunea and liora who is an NPC currently being played by @drkvoids. enjoy >:3333333
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
Here you go - for your reading pleasure, a (partial) documenting of events that have happened in the battle between the team of Aesen/Hop/Sophocles and the team of Annalise/Tobias/Liora in the Masters of Pasio tournament. Details of what happened during the time skip and after the match are below the cut for length.
Keep reading
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
Dont worry fellas I'm alive. I am just busy being
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
let’s get the bad out of the way first: i confessed to my stepdad that i was leaving while under the influence of sleep. fortunately, this led to my grandparents promising that they would never bring up living with my mom again. there’s a part of me that wondered whether they’d try to bring her in unannounced, and so i wanted to leave anyway. but i had this HORRIBLE gut feeling about leaving. like, really bad. this was nothing like the first time i left…the first time i had this strong conviction throughout my panic that i was doing the right thing, but this time i had none of that–it was just pure panic, with everything screaming at me that this was a terrible idea that i would regret for weeks to come.
i’m still considering leaving at some point, which is still stressing me out a significant amount–so the hiatus and low activity notices are still in effect. but now that leaving the house is a matter of desirability rather than emergency, i won’t be leaving on sunday and i have a bit more room to breathe.
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
as some of you may remember, back in september i left my abusive mom. i returned home after she agreed to move out since the rest of the family was so panicked by my leaving, but now she is coming back and so i have to run away yet again. ALL OF THIS WAS ARRANGED TODAY. I HAVE ONLY THREE DAYS TO PREPARE MY LEAVE and the majority of two of those days will be spent hanging out with one of my internet friends who has planned her visit to me for at least a month………truly, my mom couldn’t have come back at a worse time. something else major recently happened that i won’t be talking about (although i’m sure many of you know what it is already), but it tanked my energy and mental health for the first twelve days or so of january. between that and fucking this, i don’t have very much left in me to maintain activity on this blog or any of the other blogs i’m reblogging this to.
thank you for reading and understanding,
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
two announcements.
@dracaelum-faerie @drkvoids @talkaboutpathetic @fatal-fleur @magic-and-curiosity @psychic-master-will @ringsreachingout@rebornmuses @horizonboundtrainer @orresnatcher@kidfrompallet @ballguysays @blueshadesofvictory @yell960 @diamontha 
the first one is that i would like to extend the first round of the contest to jan 25, 2020 for everyone. i’ve noticed a lot of people struggling, so i would like to help out. keep in mind though, in the interest of keeping the contest moving, this will be the last extension. if you are not done by that point, please post what you already have and then write what you planned for the ending (or you could also timeskip to the ending).
the second is that i regret to announce whitley/imbicilite is no longer part of this contest and his character will be converted to an NPC; the NPC is not his character fabien and not associated with any of fabien’s actions. all plots with him will remain intact, however, as retconning him would probably take out about half the event’s plot so far. they will be retained with the assumption that fabien was not able to continue.
thank you for your attention and i hope you’re having a good day <3
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mastersofpasio · 5 years
change in partnership.
due to extenuating circumstances, the royal blue bracket has a change in partners, with the teams in bold font being the ones sabotaged.
@horizonboundtrainer and @orresnatcher​ are now battling @imbicilite and @ballguysays.
@diamontha and @ringsreachingout​ are now battling @writtenbykaichu and @kidfrompallet.
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