jungshookz · 1 year
y/n doesn't know how to be petty & jealousy is not a good look on jimin
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader // balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!! i think there’s a fairly good balance of honk honk humour and angst and fluff in here but i could be wrong!! seulgi (once again) is a pot-stirrer and you can either love her or hate her for it!! jungkook’s cute and is a really good dance partner!! 
➺ wordcount; 12.1k
➺ summary; surprisingly enough, both y/n and jimin are great at acting unaffected by their devastating breakup — it’s only when they’re reunited two weeks later in class that their nonchalant, callous composures begins to crack.
➺ what to expect; “i just think the respectable move is to wait until we’re done learning, mr. park. or would you like to continue wasting everyone’s time by singling out jungkook and i just because you’re clearly in a sour mood for no reason and seem to be enjoying using us as your emotional punching bags?” 
➺ currently playing on cee.fm; need you now — lady antebellum 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
the feeling of your phone buzzing rapidly against the mattress is the thing that rouses you from yet another restless night of sleep 
you kept waking up every few hours and every time you woke up you’d be awake for at least another hour before dozing back off 
you’re pretty sure you fell asleep close to six in the morning and according to the clock on your bed stand it’s already 1:30 but somehow you still feel so, so groggy despite getting seven and a bit hours of sleep 
you peel an eye open reluctantly, staring at the bright vibrating rectangle for a few seconds before you drag your arm up lazily to grab it because something crazy must be happening if the group chat is chirping away like this 
you’ve had your phone on do not disturb for the past week (except for the few times lisa clearly hit the ‘notify anyway’ button to get your attention) so you’ve kind of been out of the loop but being present and a functioning member of society isn’t exactly the first thing on your mind 
people are right when they say time just melds together when you’re going through a breakup because you honest to god do not even know what day of the week it is 
“okay, what’s going on…” you mutter to yourself, voice thick with sleep as you roll over onto your back and bring your phone up to your face to unlock it 
it takes you a couple of tries to get into your phone because of how bright the screen is and you curse before resorting to typing in your passcode with fumbling fingers instead 
you haven’t been on your phone too much because… well, you’ve just not really been in the mood to do anything but rot in bed all day with the curtains drawn — and not to mention, every time you’re on your phone you’re just waiting for a text or a call or literally anything from jimin but unsurprisingly it’s been complete silence on his end
you’ve mostly been ordering takeout and also you’re pretty sure you went the whole day without drinking water yesterday, so all in all, it doesn’t seem like you’re handling this very well 
what makes things worse is that you have class today and it’ll be approximately a week since you last saw jimin and the two of you officially ended things and seven days is simply not enough recovery time — you haven’t even accepted the fact that you can no longer call him your boyfriend and that you have to call him your ex-boyfriend now (and teacher, but it’s not like that’s anything new)
i think we should end things permanently, because i want to be in a real relationship instead of whatever the fuck this has been. 
jimin’s words ring loudly in your head and you feel your eyes starting to well with tears for the trillionth time in a row as you mindlessly scroll through all the notifications that have been marinating on your phone for the past seven days 
the only thing you’ve been able to focus on is replaying that last conversation with jimin in your head and it’s driving you up the wall
i never said i was ashamed to be with you, jimin. 
you never had to say it for me to see it. 
“god…” you mutter, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose in a poor attempt to stop the tears from flowing 
you haven’t been able to stop thinking about jimin and what makes it harder is the fact that you can’t talk about this with anyone without exposing yourself and jimin 
and as much as you love lisa, you know that if you told her she would of course be concerned about you but would also have a million questions for you and you’re just not in the mood for an interview at the moment 
another thing you’ve been thinking a lot about is what would’ve happened if you grabbed the phone and called lisa when jimin told you to call your friends and tell them the truth
would he have stayed? 
was that really the proof that he needed to show him that you wanted to be with him? 
would that have fixed everything?
you’d still have to hide your relationship — the only difference that telling your friends would make is that mr. park would be accused of playing favourites and knowing a few of the chatterboxes in class, word would spread very fast and it probably wouldn’t take long until you get an email from the dean asking you and jimin to come and speak to him 
and then either jimin would get fired or you’d be expelled and both those options sound like hell 
with that being said, wasn’t it an incredibly unfair move on jimin’s part to ask you to do that for him? 
what if you’d asked him to call the dean to tell him that you two were together? 
given the circumstances, wouldn’t jimin be hesitant to do it as well??? 
well, you suppose in your scenario it’s a little less high stakes because you’d just be telling a close friend, but still… you did the right thing, didn’t you? 
it was irresponsible of both you and jimin to enter into a romantic relationship when you guys are teacher and student, and you had to put an end to it before the truth eventually came out and tore the two of you apart
this was the right thing to do 
now jimin can continue teaching, and you can continue learning at this very prestigious dance academy that you worked very hard to get into 
plus mom and dad would probably kill you if you got expelled over something as scandalous as this
sometimes doing the right thing feels bad! and it’s okay that you feel very, very bad at the moment, because feeling bad is just a normal part of the human experience.  
you let out a huff of frustration, rolling onto your back as you look up at the ceiling 
…but how do you know if you did the right thing or not? 
you let out a slow exhale, shaking your head as you bring your phone back up to look through all your texts
you can’t help but wince a little looking through all your missed notifications throughout the week
most of your texts are from lisa and you know she’s going to want some kind of an explanation of your disappearance 
from: lisa [wednesday 9:08am] — are you okay? barely heard from you all week 
from: lisa [thursday 6:23 pm] —  ?? 
from: lisa [friday 10:32am] — y/n 
from: lisa [friday 11:02am] — helloooooo some kind of indication you are alive please 
from: lisa [friday 8:14pm] — okay well you’re still sending me tiktoks so ik you’re alive 
your thumb goes tired from scrolling through all of lisa’s texts and you finally reach the end to see that she texted you a few minutes ago 
from: lisa [1:22pm] — are you coming to class today? 
your fingers pause slightly as you think about how to respond and how to act casually about the fact that you’ve been a ghost for the last week 
to: lisa [1:34pm] — yes!! i’m coming 
to: lisa [1:34pm] — SORRY i haven’t been responding to your texts, social battery’s been weirdly low and feeling blegh bc period but i’ll see you today mwahaha 
unsurprisingly, lisa doesn’t take too long to respond because she’s always on her phone and it’s never on do not disturb- 
from: lisa [1:35pm] — hmmmm okayyy hope you’re feeling a little better at least? just glad ur alive! i’ll see u later ALSO read the group chat bc omg i’m dead 
from: lisa [1:35pm] — mr. park
your stomach dips a little in anxiety at the mention of mr. park because the point of looking through your texts was to distract yourself from any thoughts of jimin, but then again, why are you surprised? the girls are obsessed with him and he’s always a hot topic in the group chat 
one time he showed up to class wearing a pair of jeans that made his butt look really good and it was a topic in the group chat for like a week and a half straight 
you switch over to look through the group chat, scrolling up the literal hundreds of texts until you get to what’s clearly the meat of the conversation 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — You guys aren’t going to believe what I heard
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] —  Rmb how I said I’m pretty sure Miss Im and Mr Park are like meant to be 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — Apparently they were out on a date this weekend
lisa [best ballerinas 🤍] — wtffff NO WAYYY wait where’d u hear it from 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — One of the guys from Miss Im’s class 
seulgi [best ballerinas 🤍] — He slid into my DMs after their performance 💅🏼 as he should 💅🏼 and then we were texting for a bit and he just told me that he saw them walking around downtown together lmfaooooo I totally called it 
you don’t even bother reading the rest of the messages but through your frantic scrolling you manage to catch a message from seulgi teasing you directly about losing your precious mr. park and- “oh, just give me a break!” you groan obnoxiously, tossing your phone aside before flipping onto your stomach and letting out a muffled scream into your pillow 
good for them!
good for jimin, good for nayeon, good for the happy couple! you’ll have to make sure to ask jimin if you’re allowed to bring a plus-one to their wedding and what colour they want to paint the nursery for the child they’re going to have who’ll undoubtedly be the cutest baby on the goddamn planet- 
the thought of playing hooky and calling in sick so you don’t have to go to class crosses your mind briefly, but then you remember that in order to do that, you’d have to call mr. park to let him know (one time, lisa asked jisoo if she could let him know that she wouldn’t be in class because of a bad cold, and both lisa and jisoo ended up getting mildly scolded because why are you asking your classmate to talk to me for you, and why are you talking to me on behalf of your classmate?) and needless to say, the last thing you need is to talk to jimin and pretend like the only problem you have is that you’re not feeling well and you don’t think you can come to class today 
and not to mention, with this new piece of information of him and miss im going out on a date over the weekend, you don’t want him thinking that he won the breakup because you’re so heartbroken that the only thing you can do in stay in bed and cry (even though technically that’s what you’ve been doing all weekend, but whatever) — as heartbroken as you are, you’re just as stubborn so you will be going to class and you’re going to try your absolute best to keep it together… you have to.
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
jimin splutters after splashing icy, ball-shrivelling cold water onto his face, blindly fumbling for the towel in his duffle bag before using it to pat himself off 
he looks at himself in the mirror, leaning closer and reaching up with a finger to pull at the bags under his eyes
the last time he had bags this bad was when he would stay up all night rehearsing for his own exams 
there’s not enough concealer in the world to hide the bags he has now 
needless to say, this breakup has completely destroyed him and this is the first time he actually has no idea to conduct himself after ending things with someone 
he’s had flings and short relationships all throughout high school, undergrad, and even at the academy, and it usually only takes him a few weeks to fully flush his ex out of his system, but he can already tell that this breakup is nothing compared to those ones 
sure, he was sad after his breakup with nayeon and couldn’t even force himself to get over her for much longer than he’d anticipated, but that was then and this is now — and now, he can fully say that the breakup with you is one of the most devastating things to ever have happened to him 
he’s been so out of it all week that he even ordered pizza for himself on friday night instead of digging into his usual meal of [insert choice of lean protein here], roasted vegetables and brown rice… a family sized pizza 
a family sized pizza!!! a pizza for an entire family!! 
the only time he went out this week was saturday afternoon when nayeon texted him to ask him if he wanted to go out for coffee and also to discuss what they wanted to do for their conjoined class today 
and to be honest, jimin barely remembers what they talked about that day and he’s hoping that nayeon will carry them both through today’s class because mr. park is just not mentally here at the moment 
to be honest he’d kind of been dreading coming to class (can you blame him?) and he considered calling in sick and cancelling class today, but if he cancelled today, that’d mean he’d have to have an extra makeup class next week and- well, he can’t avoid seeing you forever 
it’s just that he doesn’t even know if he can look you in the eye after you basically showed him that you don’t want to be with him 
it’s embarrassing 
he’s heartbroken and humiliated and hurt and you’re basically the only thing that’s been on his mind this whole week 
admittedly it was a little selfish of him to demand you to call your friends to tell them that you were dating him
it was an unfair move on his part and he knows he acted out of emotion, but… well, he just wished that you fought harder to keep him, that’s all 
and it’s true that he always felt like you were slightly embarrassed to be with him — he was never afraid to hold your hand in public and act like a normal couple but it was always a little upsetting to turn and see you cowering down or hiding behind a pair of sunglasses or baseball hat or something to conceal your identity 
he knows that you only did it to protect the both of you from being exposed, but you didn’t have to hide yourself all the time 
you guys couldn’t even go to restaurants without you quietly requesting for a table at the very back to avoid being seen by anyone passing by 
maybe this breakup was for the best, now that he’s had a week to think about it…
sure, his relationship with you was one of the best he’s ever had and he’s pretty sure he’s head over heels in love with you and would 100% say it back if you said it to him, but hey! he’ll get over it one day 
you’re his student, he’s your teacher — it was inappropriate from the start and it was irresponsible of him to pursue anything with you, so this breakup was a good thing 
it never would’ve worked out in the end, and it’s better that it ended sooner or later
this was just a lesson from the universe that he had to learn, and yes, it was a very hard lesson, but he’s always been good at learning and he’s just going to take this as a sign to not get involved with another one of his students ever again!
it was silly of him to think that it would ever work out in the first place, anyway, so if anything, he should be able to move on and move on fast 
easy peasy 
“easy fuckin’ peasy.” jimin clears his throat quietly, running his damp fingers through his hair as he looks at his reflection in the mirror from side to side, “i’m park fuckin’ jimin. top of my class, aced all my exams, youngest and most sought after teacher at this academy,” he puffs his chest out slightly, nodding to himself as he feels his confidence coming back to him
he’s mr. park, he knows he’s hot shit! 
he doesn’t need you to feel complete
he doesn’t need you at all
he hears the voice in his head let out a laugh of disbelief followed by an all-knowing alright, keep lying to yourself if this is how you’re planning on coping with this breakup and immediately shuts it out before bending down to grab his duffle bag, swinging it over his shoulder before putting a pair of thick-rimmed, square framed glasses on 
he forget to order more of his contacts over the weekend so he’ll have to wear his stupid dorky ass glasses today (the memory of you telling him how much you love it when he wears his glasses flashes in his mind and he shuts it out as best as he can, but the thought of getting you flustered today in class with these glasses makes the corner of his mouth twitch in a cocky smirk.) 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“wow, look who’s alive!” you jolt in surprise when lisa slings an arm around you from behind, leaning her head against yours with a grin as the two of you continue walking towards the main doors, “period cramps are brutal this month, hey?” 
“yeah, it’s been- ha, not great, you know how it is-“ you press your lips together in a tight smile as you pop your airpods back into the case so you can give your friend your full attention, “sorry i… barely texted you all throughout the week, i’ve just- um-“ you clear your throat quietly, pausing for a second to think about what excuse to give lisa
you feel awful for lying to her about all of this because you know that lisa would never be upset or angry with you and is only here to help you because she’s your friend, but still… the wound is a little fresh at the moment so lying will have to do 
because if you rip this bandaid off right now and she gives you that sympathetic head tilt and shoulder droop and big sad eyes combo, you are 100% not going to be able to make it through this class without completely losing your mind and you are certainly not about to burst into tears in front of your classmates 
“you’ve just what?” lisa nudges your side to get your attention and you look over at her, your mouth still hanging open with no fake excuse sitting on the tip of your tongue 
you’ve never really been good at thinking of things on the spot
you’ve also never been good at lying so there’s that to consider as well 
“i just… i don’t know! weird mood. one of those weeks, you know?” you shrug weakly, lisa’s brow raising slightly before she purses her head and nods slowly 
“no, that’s okay! i was just worried about you, that’s all. but you… know you can talk to me about anything, right?” she holds the door open for you and you offer her a meek smile, swallowing the lump in your throat as the two of you head towards the changing rooms 
“yeah, i know.” you respond quietly, choosing not to say anything else after that even though you know you’re acting very suspicious and you have a feeling lisa knows you’re hiding something from her 
“you excited for class today?” she changes the subject swiftly and you immediately nod even though you have no idea what’s happening in class today, “i’ve been buzzing about it all week. miss im’s boys are so fine.” 
“they’re- oh, we have the, uh- they’re coming to our class today, right? we’re, like, pairing up with them or something like that, right?” you clear your throat, opening your locker door up before sitting down on the bench to take your sneakers off, “yeah, they’re all very nice to look at. that jungkook guy is nice, i follow him on instagram.” 
“oh, jungkook is- mmph-“ you can’t help but giggle when lisa bites her fist, “he’s more than very nice to look at. you should ask him out. he was making googly eyes at you at mr. park and miss. im’s performance.” 
the reminder of that night immediately kills the vibe and you feel your mood drop, but you focus on taking your socks off instead of thinking about i think we should end things permanently, because i want to be in a real relationship instead of-
the sound of lisa’s locker door slamming shut snaps you out of it and you turn to see that she’s already fully dressed and ready to go with her water bottle in one hand and her phone in the other, “you want me to wait for you?” 
“you can go in first! i’ll be a while, i-“ you look down at yourself and your sweatpants, letting out a breath because you’re already exhausted and changing into a leotard is no easy feat, “i still have to change and then i have to pee and stuff, but i’ll see you in there.” 
as soon as lisa leaves, you feel yourself slump as you lean over with your elbows on your knees, your mind immediately spacing out 
you are not mentally here right now and you don’t know how you’re about to go through a two hour class where the main thing you have to do is focus otherwise you get in trouble for it 
“it’s a guy.” 
you immediately perk up when you realise you aren’t alone and you turn to look over your shoulder, your brows knitting together in confusion as you blink up at seulgi before looking back down at your duffle bag quickly and pretending like you were in the middle of going through it, “what are you talking about? and how the hell did you get in here so quietly??” 
“it’s a guy. am i right?” seulgi sighs, ignoring your second question (though you are genuinely curious how she managed to come in without you noticing, or maybe you’re just really really checked out that you didn’t notice her at all) and plopping herself down on the bench next to you before crossing one leg over the other and crossing her arms over her chest, “that’s why you’ve been acting so off all week.” 
“what are you on about?” you snort, though you can’t help but think to yourself how true it is that women are very intuitive when it comes to pretty much anything but especially when it has something to do with men 
and seulgi is the best at figuring things out — especially when it comes to things that are literally none of her business like this! 
“you’ve been weirdly civil with me over text when you usually bite back with something.” she raises her chin slightly, her gaze never leaving your face, “you never just sit there and take it.” 
your eyes flicker slightly and you find yourself unable to look seulgi in the eye for more than two seconds before looking away, and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck prickle when she gives you that one look that screams i’m not going to stop pestering you until you tell me what drama you’re swept up in 
“what makes you think that me being civil has something to do with guy problems?” you blurt out, your cheeks starting to grow pink out of anxiety because now you know that seulgi’s onto you, “also, we rarely text and talk outside of class except for when we’re out with the other girls for brunch or something. why do you care about my texting style all of a sudden?” 
“well, you didn’t deny anything.” seulgi points out, and your hand immediately freezes in your bag upon the realisation that yeah, you didn’t deny anything and seulgi is definitely onto you and is also definitely right because you definitely are going through guy problems right now 
but how much can you trust seulgi? you haven’t even told lisa who is arguably your best friend in the class and also the entire world
“we aren’t friends, seulgi. you don’t have to pretend like you care.” you mutter, voice wavering slightly as your eyes begin to brim with tears because this is the first time someone’s asked you if you’re okay in person and clearly you’re an emotional wreck if seulgi is the one asking and it’s making your eyes tear up 
keep it together, keep it together, keep it together, you remind yourself, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you pull your leg warmers on and quickly reach up to wipe a rogue tear away before seulgi sees you crying 
“so it is a guy.” seulgi hums, nodding her head to herself before clicking her teeth, “knew it. is it someone we know? was it a hookup? long time situationship? did he ghost you? have you been secretly dating someone this whole time and you just got dumped by them?” 
all the blood drains from your face as you turn your head to look at seulgi with wide eyes (nearly snapping your neck in the progress), your lips parting before you quickly shut then and turn back to pull your slippers on 
seulgi’s eyes widen before she blinks rapidly 
no way 
this whole time you’ve been dating someone?! 
to be honest seulgi’s always thought you were a massive prude who would crumble at the sight of a couple holding hands in public so this is actually a pleasant surprise for her 
“no fucking way!” seulgi delivers a harsh slap to your shoulder and you press your lips together, your eyes fluttering shut because fuck, the jig is up and now you have to confess to your sins to someone who cannot be farther away than good and holy, “oh my god. y/n y/l/n, you sneaky, sneaky girl. who?!” 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“are those new leg warmers?” lisa looks over at you as you stretch beside her, and you look down at your brand new (grey, with little thunderclouds on them) leg warmers before nodding, “yet another pair for your already extensive collection…”
“well, what can i say?” you chuckle, reaching down to smooth them down a little before shrugging, “i wasn’t gonna get them, but retail therapy always makes you feel better when you’re feeling like shit.” you blurt out, looking up slightly when you realise that saying retail therapy implies that something happened in which you need to make yourself feel better 
“retail therapy? what on earth bugged you so much that you needed to buy something?” lisa snorts, pulling her hair up into a ponytail in the mirror 
“probably just dealing with the fact that she knows she’ll never be as good of a dancer as i am.” seulgi butts in, letting out a sigh before shaking her head, “it’s okay, y/n. not all of us were meant for the stage.”
“thank you for the reminder, seulgi. you keep me humble.” you joke, giving her a soft smile and acknowledging her attempt at a distraction with a little nod — you ended up telling seulgi absolutely everything in the changing rooms (but not before triple checking that nobody was around to listen, because that would’ve been a disaster for sure) because… well, it was killing you having to hold everything in! and seulgi, believe it or not, was willing to lend an ear and actually listen for a change instead of blabbing her mouth off like the know it all she is 
much to your surprise, seulgi told you that she wouldn’t tell anyone about this (to be perfectly honest, seulgi thinks it was kind of sick of you to break the rules and date your own teacher, because it’s very unlike y/n y/l/n to do something as taboo as that… she has a newfound sense of respect for you because she would probably also do the same thing if she was in your position because who in their right mind wouldn’t launch themselves full speed at the chance to date mr. park?? but she’ll never tell you that because she knows it would go to your head and you would try to become best friends with her and she’s pretty sure that your relationship works better when you’re frenemies who are constantly trying to one-up each other.) 
“they’re a little… gloomier than what you usually get…” lisa giggles, reaching over to jab a finger into one of the thunderclouds, “still cute, though! and it matches the weather.” you turn to glance out the window, frowning at the sight of the dark grey clouds hanging in the air as the the windows tremble from the weight of chubby raindrops smacking against it rhythmically 
the weather for the past week has been absolutely dreadful and definitely hasn’t made you feel any better, but you have to admit that it was kind of relaxing laying in bed all day listening to the sound of the rain 
“well, the weather is shit, but what makes me feel better is knowing that in a few minutes this room is going to flooded in an ocean of hot testosterone-“ lisa wraps her arms around herself before shimmying her shoulders with a squeal, “aren’t you guys excited?! i don’t know why you aren’t more excited that we basically get a free pass to flirt with boys for the next two hours-“ 
“i’ve got my eye on seokjin,”  ailee chimes in, “god, i would climb him like a goddamn tree.” 
“you know who’s actually built like a tree? kim namjoon. you seen those thighs of his?” 
“well, i’m gonna see if i can get paired with hoseok — i’ve seen him dance, he’s super good. he does hip-hop too, the man can do it all-“ 
“yoongi and i already spoke last time so i’m pretty sure we’re gonna hook up in class and also out of class-“ 
“you guys just stay away from taehyung, because i’ve been eyeing him for so long-“ 
“y/n, what about you?” you feel lisa nudge your back with her foot and you spin around on your bum to face the group, “well, i don’t think i need to ask you who you want to be paired up with.” 
“you seem to be convinced that jungkook was making googly-moogly eyes at me but i’m telling you that he was just being friendly-“
“oh, well- yes, jungkook was definitely making googly-moogly eyes at you and i’m pretty sure he’s going to try to get paired up with you so don’t even worry about that- i was talking about mr. park!”
“wh- what?” your eyes widen slightly and you let out a nervous laugh, “i- what- what makes you think that i- why would i get paired up with mr. park?? that’s not even- that’s not even allowed, i don’t think a student is allowed to be paired up with a teacher for an exercise like this-”
“why are you getting all flustered??” lisa laughs, reaching over to pinch your thigh, “oh my god, i was just teasing you because of the fat crush you have on mr. park, i’m not actually saying you’re going to get paired up with him, dummy-“ 
“even if y/n was paired up with mr. park, she’d probably clomp all over his feet.” seulgi snorts, “besides, she- oh, shit-“ she immediately gets up and you turn to see jimin walk into the room, muscle memory forcing you up from the ground so you can stand with your feet in third position with your hands behind your back next to seulgi 
you feel your heart racing in your chest as the familiar smell of his cologne wafts past you and you immediately look down when he walks past you
you just hope that no one can hear how hard your heart is pounding because you would’ve appreciated some kind of warning before jimin came into the room 
you’re just going to keep your head down and stay in the back of the class for this lesson, and then you’re going to slip out with the girls at the end of class as quickly as you can 
“good afternoon, ladies…” jimin greets lowly as he makes his way towards the front of the room, his voice slightly raspy from the complete lack of sleep he’s gotten 
he drops his duffle bag on the ground as he looks out at the godawful weather, frowning slightly because no one’s responded to him and he thought he taught you guys better than that! it seems like two weeks without class has turned you girls a little sloppy…
“i said, good afternoon, ladies…” jimin tries again, emphasising his tone before turning around swiftly with a tilt of his head, leaning back against the counter with toned arms crossed over his chest, “what’s the matter, you guys forget your manners?”
“good afternoon, mr. park!” everyone fumbles to respond to his greeting, and you find yourself barely mumbling out a barely coherent ‘afternoon’ before continuing to stand in your spot obediently 
“…alright, jesus, i don’t know what the hell that was-“ jimin scoffs, shaking his head with a mild expression of disgust on his face, “maybe it’s a good thing miss im and her students are coming over today so you can see how proper students are supposed to act!” he claps his hands together before reaching into his back pocket for his phone, “miss im will be leading the class today, i’m just gonna be hanging around the back as her co-teacher, but please do your best and try not to embarrass me in front of her students. she just texted me and let me know that she’ll be here on time, so just continue warming up until they get here…” 
“someone woke up on the bitchy side of bed this morning. what do you think his problem is?” lisa mutters to you as the class disperses back into doing warm-up exercises, and you shrug with one shoulder and plop back down on the ground 
“i bet i know.” seulgi snorts, and you shoot her a warning look before she smirks and sends a blowing kiss in your direction 
you turn your head slightly to look over your shoulder, surprised to see jimin looking right at you before his eyes flicker and he quickly turns and looks down at his phone instead 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“now, the purpose of today’s class is just to familiarise yourself with dancing with a partner — after all, it’ll be one of the things you have to do during your exams at the end of the semester!” nayeon chirps, standing tall with her clipboard held close to her chest, “mr. park and i were dance partners, as you know… it’s also important to develop a bond with the person you’re partnered with. if there’s no bond, there’s no trust, no warmth, no chemistry, and all of that will be visible on stage through your dancing, so i cannot emphasise how important it is to really strengthen the connection you have with one another.” 
“well, there’s more than one way to do that-“ taehyung mutters, the class breaking into a collection of snorts and giggles before going silent again when jimin gives them one of his signature unimpressed death glares 
he’s barely spoken a word since nayeon and her boys came into the class ten minutes ago because that’s how mentally checked out he is 
it’s actual torture having to be here with you standing across the room as if he doesn’t have a million questions lined up and ready to go 
were you just lying when you said you loved him? did you know he was awake? did you do it on purpose to get him to become more attached to you??? did you date him so that you would be chosen for the nutcracker at the end of the year?! 
he made brief eye contact with you earlier (he was staring at the back of your head and wasn’t expecting you to turn and look back at him) and he swore he was going to start tearing up when the two of you locked gazes which is why he had to look away so quickly 
“i’ve paired you up randomly, so i’m just going to read your names off my list. when you hear your name, pair up with your partner and stand to the left side of the room and wait quietly until everyone’s been paired up,” nayeon clears her throat, looking down at her list, “lisa and taehyung, jisoo and seokjin, seulgi and namjoon…” 
jimin resists the urge to blow his cheeks out and roll his eyes out of complete boredom as he stands next to nayeon with his arms behind his back, occasionally glancing down at her list to see how many people still have to be paired up
“-y/n and jungkook-“ 
he immediately perks up at the mention of your name, eyebrows furrowing when it’s followed by jungkook’s name because what the hell does nayeon mean by y/n and jungkook?? 
“oh, uh-“ jimin nudges nayeon’s arm, “you- you paired y/n up with jungkook? we, uh, did we… did we talk about that, or…?” 
“what do you mean? i asked you if you had any preferences for partners and you told me to sort them out, don’t you remember?” nayeon whispers, using the tip of her pen to trace a line down her page before tapping right next to your name and jungkook’s name, “plus y/n’s clearly your strongest student, and jungkook is mine, so i’d like to see how they work together. i think they’ll work out quite well, they already seem to be pretty friendly with each other…”
“y/n and jungkook.” 
you look up when you hear your name being called and you immediately look over at jungkook, offering him a shy smile when he beams and starts to make his way over to you 
what a pleasant surprise!
you actually really like jungkook — sometimes he sends you memes on instagram or he’ll swipe up and respond to your stories, so the two of you have interacted more than a handful of times and you think he’s a pretty solid guy 
and you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t handsome (and it kind of gives you an ego boost knowing that he might have a teensy weensy crush on you)
“pst- make him jealous.” you hold back a yelp when seulgi suddenly burrows her fingers into your side and you turn to glare at her 
“make. him. jealous.” she enunciates through gritted teeth, eyes flickering over to jimin before she looks over at a smiley jungkook, “nothing wrong with being a little petty.” 
“what- i’m not going to make him jealous, that’s not going to solve anything-“
“it won’t solve anything, but would it be so wrong to have a little fun to make yourself feel better?” 
“seulgi, i don’t like being petty and- hi!” you turn your head and greet jungkook with a bright smile, letting out a chuckle afterwards, “nice to see you again.”
“likewise! i’m glad we got paired up.” he nods, standing a little closer to you as the two of you return your attention to the front where miss. im is in the middle of giving her tips for the girls 
“try not to help your partner! you kinda just have to trust them — i know it’s very tempting because you know the combination and you know what step comes next, but the best thing to do is to just keep a strong core and focus on yourself! that way, your partner can- you know, kind of put you where you need to go. so, what we’re going to have you do for this exercise is, girls, you’ll make up a short combination, tell your partner what that is, and then immediately perform it on the spot.” miss. im turns to look at jimin, “so, mr. park, do you have any tips for the boys?”
“uh, i mean…” jimin purses his lips slightly, “use your palms, not your fingers. it wouldn’t feel good for your partner to have your fingers digging into their ribcages especially. also, you’ll be able to have more control when you’re using your palms instead of lifting with your fingers. just, uh… yeah, trust in your partner.” he nods, looking over at nayeon to signal that he has nothing more to add
god, he really is out of it today 
“any volunteers?” nayeon purses her lips as she looks around the class, not surprised to see that majority of you are avoiding eye contact with her (it is pretty intimidating dancing with all of your peers looking at you and judging every move, but it’s something that all of you will have to do eventually), “alright, then i’ll have to choose, since no one is taking the initiative.” she chirps, smacking her palm flat against her clipboard before turning to look right over at you and jungkook, “jungkook, y/n — would you like to come up here and demonstrate for the rest of the class?” 
you feel the hairs on your arm prickle in anxiety as you stand there for a second in silence, both you and jungkook exchanging glances before you turn back to look at miss im with a meek smile, “ah- yes, miss im.”
you were expecting everyone to break out and scatter around the room instead of immediately performing in front of the class, but you suppose everyone’s already warmed up and ready to go… 
“bepetty.” seulgi coughs quietly, and you turn to see jungkook holding his hand out for you to take
“shall we?” he grins, clearly very confident in your guys’ ability to impress the whole class with your little routine, “don’t worry miss im, y/n and i will try our best not to completely amaze you with our routine, but no promises…” jungkook’s comment gets a couple of laughs and you giggle lightly before taking his hand and letting him lead you to the front 
“that’s easy for you to say, i’m the one who has to come up with the routine-“ you add on, the corner of your mouth lifting in a knowing smirk when jungkook lets out a laugh and a nod 
his hand feels quite warm in yours and your eyes widen a little when you feel his thumb rub over your skin soothingly
“do your best!” miss im smiles, flicking the main lights off and turning the spotlight ones on as you guys get to the front, “y/n, what combination will you two be demonstrating for your peers?” 
ah, shit
“i….” you’ve never been good at thinking of things on the spot, and you can’t help but look over at jimin for a split second who seems to be shooting daggers right at jungkook as he stands leaning against the wall by the door, his arms crossed over his chest and his tongue poking against the inside of his cheek before he clears his throat quietly and rubs his lips together a couple of times 
his eyes are lidded slightly and to be honest, if looks could kill, jungkook would be bleeding out on the floor right about now and you can’t help but feel a little pleased at the obvious fact that jimin doesn’t like that you were paired up with jungkook and definitely doesn’t like the fact that miss im chose you and jungkook to demonstrate in front of the class 
“y/n?” jungkook elbows you slightly to get your attention and you clear your throat before standing up a little straighter, sorting through all the moves that you know and trying your best to come up with a quick routine on the spot
“oh! i, uh… okay, first, i’m gonna piqué attitude to the left, tombé… uh, double stepover, and then i’ll do… ah… i’ll do… échappé-echappe… passe-passe, i… suppose i’ll do a spin and then finish in arabesque?” you smile sheepishly, looking over at miss im and jimin for validation only to get a grunt from jimin and a pleased nod from miss im 
that seems like a doable combination, right?
god, you hope so 
lisa shoots you a thumbs up from the audience and you clear your throat quietly, taking a few steps back and waiting for your cue as miss im lowers the spotlights slightly 
the last thing you see before the lights dim is jimin’s furrowed brows and clenched jaw and you press your lips together in order to suppress a grin 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
“wonderful job, you two. impeccable!” nayeon claps her hands gently along with the rest of the class, a proud smile on her face as she nudges jimin with her elbow, “see, what’d i tell you? the two of them fit together like two puzzle pieces, don’t you think?” 
“yep.” jimin licks over his front teeth in irritation when he notices the way jungkook’s hand lingers on the small of your back (a little too low for his liking, and if he was grading jungkook for an exam he’d immediately dock off a point for hand placement alone) as the two of you bow/curtsey at the front to thank your classmates for the applause and he feels his blood beginning to boil when he sees the shy little smile on your face and the blush spreading across your cheeks when jungkook whispers something in your ear 
what the fuck is he saying to you that’s making your cheeks red?? 
“you have something you want to share with the class, jungkook?” jimin blurts out right before he can even process that he’s blurted something out, his hand instinctively reaching over to smack the main lights back on 
the light switching back on so suddenly makes a few of you flinch and you reach up instinctively to shield your eyes, a little puzzled by what the problem is 
jimin is completely unbothered as he looks at jungkook and tilts his head, “well? if you can whisper it to y/n, you can share it with everyone.”
you and jungkook exchange glances of confusion 
“oh, i-“ jungkook stands up a little taller and jimin can’t help but feel drunk on power because of how intimidated he looks right now, “i just said that she did a really good job, mr. park, that’s all. a-and that she looks very pretty when she’s focused.” 
“interesting. well, i don’t think that’s a very appropriate comment to make to your peer,” jimin responds immediately, shaking his head before looking over at nayeon, “miss im, you need to control your hormonal students-“
“woah, my boys aren’t the hormonal ones here-“ nayeon scoffs, and jimin’s eyes widen in offence at the dig at you guys even though he technically made the first jab (and also, nayeon’s probably right about that because he’s seen the way you guys look at him and has also heard many of things said about him), “and it’s perfectly fine to compliment a peer! maybe keep the second half of your comment for after class, but don’t listen to grumpy mr. park, you two — again, great job, you can go back to your spots.” 
awkward, scattered applause makes its way around the room as you and jungkook return to your spots, and lisa gives you a look that says “what was that??? we’re definitely talking about this later” to which you respond with a quick shrug as you pass by her 
“okay…” miss im clears her throat quietly, letting out an uncomfortable chuckle before flipping to the next page on her clipboard, jimin following close behind her as the two of them head back to the front of the room, “let me see… jisoo, seokjin, can you guys come up next?” 
“i’m sorry if i- if i made you uncomfortable with my comment, y/n, i really didn’t mean to-“ jungkook whispers, and you shake your head quickly as you look up at him with a frown 
“no, not at all! it was very sweet of you-“ you reassure him, reaching down to give his hand a squeeze, “really, it was very kind of you to say. and you did a great job as well- sorry i almost stepped on your foot when i-”
“oh, that’s- no, it was really all you, i basically just followed you and made sure to spin you and stuff-“ 
“jungkook!” jimin’s voice is crisp and it makes you stand straight up as you turn your head to look back at the front, “talking again while your peers are getting ready to perform up front?” 
jungkook’s face turns bright red and he shakes his head quickly, “i- no, sir, i’m- i wasn’t-“ 
“i talked to him first, so if you’re going to bark at someone, you should do it at me-“ you raise your hand to get jimin to look over at you before giving him a casual shrug, “my bad.” 
“‘your bad’?” jimin repeats with air quotations, narrowing his eyes at you and almost daring you to continue speaking to him in such a casual tone when you know he’s made it very clear how important it is to speak to him formally when it’s class time, “well, is there something that you’d like to share with the class since it was so important you had to speak to jungkook about it right now?” 
“just that he did a fantastic job and he looked incredibly handsome doing it,” you chirp, maintaining a smile on your face, “i also said that we did completely amaze everyone with our routine because i guess we just fit together so, so well and- well, the second half of my comment, i’ll say to him when the two of us are outside of class, as miss im suggested.” 
your comment doesn’t get any snickers, which isn’t a surprise considering the fact that everyone is probably terrified of how angry jimin looks — but honestly, you have no idea why he seems to be picking on you and jungkook but you have a feeling it has something to do with the breakup 
and when you think about that, you can’t help but get more infuriated because can’t he see that he benefits from you breaking up with him?! now he’s free to date whoever he wants to date
like he said, he can be in a real relationship instead of whatever the fuck the two of you were in 
not to mention, you haven’t brought your personal feelings into the situation the same way he has (this is a lie, you are definitely acting on your emotions right now but the denial is slathered on thick today) so what makes him think that he has the right to treat you and jungkook like shit just because he’s all pissy?!?! 
“i’d like to pull y/n out to talk to her for a moment.” jimin immediately turns to look at naeyon with his hands behind his back, nayeon frowning as she looks back and forth between him and you, “now please, miss im. we won’t be long.” 
“well, can you wait until we’re done?” you pipe up, and that gets you a little stomp on the toes from seulgi because now you’re just doing too much but the rage that’s building inside of you from having jimin clearly picking on both you and jungkook is becoming unbearable, “i just think the respectable move is to wait until we’re done learning, mr. park. or would you like to continue wasting everyone’s time by singling out jungkook and i just because you’re clearly in a sour mood for no reason and seem to be enjoying using us as your emotional punching bags?” 
the silence is almost palpable, both you and jimin glaring at each other from across the room as everyone stands silently, awkwardly, because what the absolute fuck is going on right now? 
jimin’s eyes have gone completely dark and if it weren’t for the fact that he used to be your boyfriend, you would probably be terrified for basically cussing out your teacher in front of the whole class — but the scale feels balanced now because the current conversation taking place doesn’t seem at all like a mr. park vs miss. y/l/n interaction… this is a jimin vs y/n interaction. 
“leave this classroom right now.” jimin says through gritted teeth, his voice eerily low and quiet as he continues staring at you without a single blink, “right fucking now, y/n.” 
“no problem.” you snap, swiftly moving your way through the crowd and heading straight for the door, your fists clenched at your sides 
you let the door slam shut behind you, angry tears beginning to brim at the edges of your eyes as you storm down the hallway towards the changing rooms so you can get your bags and go home
you shouldn’t have come to class today — you knew that seeing jimin would be too much for you and now look at where it’s gotten you! 
openly disrespecting jimin not just in front of the girls but also in front of miss im’s boys, which probably mortified jimin because he prides himself on how well-behaved you guys are whenever you’re paired up with students from another class… you have a feeling this isn’t going to end well at all. 
the thought of being grilled not just by jimin but also the dean of the school sends a lightning bolt of anxiety right into you and your brain immediately begins to conjure up an email of what you’re going to say in your apology letter because that’s the type of student you are, not whoever you were just a second ago 
you just couldn’t help yourself!! you’re running on an inconsistent sleep schedule and you haven’t been eating right and you’ve barely been drinking water and you’re sad about the breakup and mad at the circumstances and also feeling a little bit like maybe you acted too hastily in the first place and should’ve communicated with jimin about how you were feeling and what you were insecure about instead of diving head first into the whole crazy jealous girlfriend act and driving him away 
and now it seems to be your ego and your pride standing in the way of making you turn around and just talk to jimin because walking away and accepting that this is just the way things are is the much easier option 
“so stupid,” you sniffle, reaching up to wipe away a stray tear as your bottom lip starts to tremble 
you’ve ruined everything 
“hey, i didn’t say you could leave-“ you glance over your shoulder when you hear jimin’s voice as you continue making your way down the stairs, but you pick up your pace when you see him starting to follow you, “y/n, i swear to god-“ 
“i’m going home, i’m clearly not in the right state of mind to be here right now, mr. park-“
“oh, don’t give me that bullshit, y/n-“ jimin snaps, “i think you and i both know we’ve been avoiding each other but we need to talk because your behaviour today isn’t coming out of nowhere-“ 
“i’m sorry for talking back to you in class, but you were clearly picking on jungkook and i and i was so fucking over it-“ you swing the main door open, sneakers squeaking against the linoleum when you come to a sudden stop after seeing how heavy the rainfall is 
you contemplate staying and waiting until the rain calms down a little but the thought of having to stay and talk to jimin is just a little too much for you at the moment 
“it’s raining out and you don’t have an umbrella, you big baby-“ jimin changes the subject when thunder suddenly rumbles from outside, stopping at the top of the stairs to look at you, “what are you gonna do, walk in the rain?!” 
“if that’s what i wanted to do, then i have every right to do so!” 
you came here by bus and you know it doesn’t come for another twenty minutes, meaning that not only are you going to have to walk in the rain to the bus stop, you’ll also have to wait in the rain until it comes and that’s just a recipe for the nastiest cold in the entire world
and the thought of having to nurse a horrible cold and nurse your poor heart sounds like a nightmare 
“y/n, i know you’re upset but you’re being irrational-”
“so what if i wanna walk in the rain?!” the emotional side of your brain takes over as you glare up at jimin before storming towards the doors, “i’m an adult, i can make my own decisions-“ 
“i know you are, and i know you can, but, y/n, please-“ jimin grabs the back of your arm right as you get to the bottom of the stairs and you immediately fling his arm away, “just talk to me, please-“
“about what?!” you adjust the strap of your duffle bag over your shoulder, “we broke up, it’s for the better, you’re my teacher and i’m your student and we never should’ve started dating in the first place because it never would’ve worked out anyway and-“ before you know it, everything is coming out of you and you can’t find a way to stop or control the words coming out of your mouth, “and i think maybe i shouldn’t come to class for a few weeks because it’s going to be weird and i can’t- i can’t be in the same room as you, jimin, it’s killing me-“ 
“it’s killing me, too-“ jimin admits softly, brown eyes glistening slightly underneath the lights, “i just- i can’t stop thinking about you, and i- baby, i- i miss you so much, you have no idea-“ your eyes immediately well with tears and you shake your head quickly as you take a few steps back, pushing the door open and stumbling out while unable to tear your gaze away from jimin’s, “please, we can figure something out, i know we can. i know i want to be with you, y/n, i don’t want anyone else, i just want you-“ his voice tremors slightly and he reaches out for you, “and i didn’t mean it when i called our relationship nothing, i was just hurt and- and angry and- i don’t even know why we broke up-“ 
“you should be with nayeon, she’s better for you and-“ you lower your voice slightly, “i know you went out with her over the weekend, so-“
“went out with her??” jimin gawks, almost letting out a laugh of disbelief, “we met up for coffee to talk about the lesson plan for today- don’t think i didn’t hear what everyone was muttering about before class, you guys need to cut the gossiping and- oh my god, y/n, is that what this is about?? you think i want to be with nayeon? we broke up for a reason, you- this is so incredibly frustrating, y/n, why can’t you just believe me when i say that i want to be with you?!” 
everything that’s coming out of jimin’s mouth makes you feel ten times worse knowing that the two of you can’t be together 
“this is why we need to sit down and talk about things, be honest and give each other our side of the story, because clearly something’s been miscommunicated and-“
“it doesn’t matter, jimin, at the end of the day, even if we talk about what happened we still can’t be together-“
“we can, we just- we can figure something out-“ the overwhelming reminder that you’ll have to tell the dean and all your classmates and face judgement and be gossiped about on top of the already overwhelming emotion of seeing and talking to jimin is just too much for you to bear, and you find your heart skipping more than a few beats out of anxiety because the only thing on your mind right now is to run away and hide from all of this 
“i can’t be here, i have to go home, i can’t be here right now-“ you whimper, turning around to head into the rain, “you just- we can’t be together, jimin-“ 
“y/n-!” the last thing you hear before you sprint out into the dark, misty rain is the sound of jimin crying out for you and you can’t help but burst into tears, covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your sobs
run away run away run away run away 
water splashes up and around you at every step you take, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you keep running down the sidewalk with your duffle bag flopping behind you wildly 
this is too much
everything is just too much 
you just need to go home and then everything will be fine 
it doesn’t matter that jimin wants to work on things with you (it does, because you do, too), it doesn’t matter that he wants to find a way to make things work (it does, because you do, too), it doesn’t matter that he’s clearly stated that he wants to be with you and not nayeon (it does, because it reassures you and now you really know that jimin just wants you and you know that you just want him too) because all that matters is that everything is too much to handle and you feel like your head is about to explode 
“so what am i supposed to do then?!” the sound of jimin’s voice down the street immediately makes you stop and turn around, and you’re glad that it’s raining like this to mask the tears streaming down your face
you aren’t surprised that he’s caught up to you, and you stand still as you look at him standing across from you, all the way at the end of the block, “what the FUCK am i supposed to do, y/n, huh?!” he yells, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pounding against his chest a few times, “you want me to stand here and act like i don’t love you?! like we never happened?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!” 
“tell me that’s what you want and i’ll leave it alone, y/n. all you have to do is tell me that this is what you want.” your feet are stuck in place as jimin jogs right over to you and you resist the very strong urge to look away from him again but he just looks so sad and you hate yourself for doing this to him
“it was wrong of me to pressure you to tell your friends about us the way that i did, i know that.” jimin nods, slicking his hair back with a hand, “i fucked up, and i’m sorry for doing that. but i meant it when i said i wanted to be in a proper relationship, y/n, because i want to be able to hold your hand in public, i wanna take you out for dinners without constantly feeling like we’re going to get caught, i- i want to show you off! i wanna show you off because i… i love you, y/n…” 
jimin shakes his head in disappointment when your only response is to stand there, staring at him with wide, trembling eyes 
he waits one, two, three seconds for you to say something, to say literally anything and he hates that you still have nothing to say to him 
even if you said you didn’t want to be with him, that would be a better response than you just standing there staring at him 
forget it 
obviously you’ve made your answer clear, and now he knows that he was 100% more invested in you than you were in him 
if you want him to pretend like he doesn’t care about you and that you’re just another one of his students, he’s perfectly capable of doing that 
he was a little out of control today, but he’ll be able to manage it in future classes
the thought of transferring you to another teacher’s class briefly flits through his mind but he’s reminded by the fact that he’d have to talk to the dean about that and then the dean would have to ask why jimin wants to transfer you and that’d just be a whole thing 
plus, the semester’s nearly over so pretty soon jimin won’t have to be forced to be in the same room with the woman he loves but he can’t say he loves 
it’s going to fine
everything is going to be fine 
he’s been broken up with before, and he’s picked himself up and has moved on 
he can do this 
“fine, y/n.” he scoffs to himself, turning on his heel to head back towards the building, “if that’s what you want, i can’t change your mind. i’m sorry. i won’t push it any further.” 
“i was gonna talk to the dean!”
jimin stops in his tracks when you finally speak up, and he turns to look over his shoulder to see that you’ve taken one step forward but hesitating to come any closer to him like a scared baby deer 
he doesn’t move, afraid that if he moves too quickly he might scare you off and stop you from what you’re about to say 
“what?” he asks quietly, turning around to face you and relieved to see that you don’t seem like you’re about to take off again 
“i was- i was gonna talk to the dean.” you repeat quietly before averting your gaze, “i’d made an appointment and everything, i was gonna talk to the dean about us because i- i love you… too.” you blurt out, looking back up at him, “i love you too, but i’m… scared.” 
“scared of someone finding out?” 
“well, that’s a pretty big chunk of it because i could get expelled and you could get fired, but i’m also scared because… the last time i felt this way about someone, they left me for their ex six months after we said i love you to each other.” you swallow thickly, feeling slightly ashamed and embarrassed to admit that about yourself since it’s not something you like to bring up, “i… if there is even a 1% chance of you and nayeon getting back together, i don’t want any part of it. and i know that’s unfair of me to say because life happens and i get it but-” you whimper, feeling your heart splinter at the reminder of how broken up you were over your previous relationship, “as much as i love you and i want to work on things with you, i don’t wanna be hurt again-“ 
“you won’t be, y/n-“
“you don’t know that-“
“but i do!” jimin drops to his knees, looking up at you from the ground as he keeps his hands firm on the sides of your thighs, “baby, i do know that- i don’t know what crazy rumour you guys cooked up but i’m not secretly in love with nayeon- i wanna be with you, please, please just give us a chance to make it work-“
“i’m still your student, jimin…” you sniffle, reaching up to wipe at your red eyes, “all of this doesn’t change the fact that you are my teacher and i am your student, and the both of us never should’ve started doing this in the first place-“ 
“i’ll talk to the dean about getting you transferred to another class, or- or i can transfer to another class- i will make it work, y/n, we can make this work.” 
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously as you look down at jimin, jimin who you’re hopelessly in love with, jimin who you love waking up next to and falling asleep beside, jimin who wakes you up with kisses on the face and a mug of tea (you hate tea, you just drink it because it’s him), jimin who you know you want to be with because it’s been so long since you’ve felt so strongly and so surely about someone and… well, it’s jimin. 
“okay.” you nod slowly, reaching down to cup his cheek gently before swiping your thumb against his skin, “okay, we can make it work. i wanna make this work, but i think the first thing we have to do is talk to the dean because i don’t know how much longer i can hide it from everyone-!” you don’t get much of a chance to say anything else before jimin’s shooting up from the ground, pulling you in for a kiss as your duffle bag drops to the ground 
“oh my god, i missed you so much, you have no idea how much-“ jimin murmurs against your lips, his arm looping around your waist to pull you in closer, while your arms sling around his neck and your fingers curl into the hair at the back of his head 
“i missed you too-“ you laugh lightly, heart thrumming happily in your chest as you find yourself pressing closer into jimin’s familiar warmth, “we can make this work.” 
»»————- 🥀 ————-««
(“are we going to talk about how you were basically bullying me and jungkook?” “…no comment.”) 
🎙️ ask y/n where she gets her leg warmers (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (full fics!) 
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vinetae · 1 year
jimin thinks y/n can’t commit to him and that’s not the truth at all - !Part 2!
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader 
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse! Hurt/comfort, Hurt/no comfort, Shame, Guilt, Anger, (Jimin and Y/n infuriate me so much omg, just like fuck already guys), [f.] Masturbation, soft moments, cuddles, memories, sad reader, ANGST ANGST ANGST AND OH YEAH, ANGST, hinted sex, cunillingus, 
➺ wordcount; 10k
➺ summary; After your final words with Jimin, everything just comes tumbling down. Will fate pull you two back together? Or will the strings of life finally break what was always meant to sever..
A/n: Requested by @chimmy-licious
I DON’T OWN THIS FIC IDEA. This was originally a request to complete a series which had not been updated in three years. I don't claim the idea, nor the first part of this little work. Credit to the original author; @jungshookz
(However, this second part is mine so please do not copy, translate, modify, or repost this anywhere without MY permission to do so.)
With that said, enjoy!
Part 1 - (credit to @jungshookz)
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
You had ended up falling asleep on your sofa, body molded around a certain wine Jimin had been saving for your one year anniversary. Lips cracked, nose running, with about a thousand puffs tissues surrounding your worn-out figure. 
You’d been hoping this was some kind of bad dream. 
A reality your internalized anxiety had caused. 
That you’d wake up from this nightmare to see the man you love, passed out peacefully on your full sized bed. Watching as the sun’s morning rays beam down, cracking through the half-way blinds pulled down, illuminating bits and pieces of his baby-like features. His chest, rising and falling in patterns, that had become your lullaby. 
To him throwing an arm sleepily across your figure when you go to kiss his cheek goodbye for the morning, heading out to your early single run session. His mouth parting slightly, strings of protests and soft moans exile, convincing you to not go. 
To stay a little longer. 
“Mmmm, not yet.” He lets out a soft groan, pulling you by the waist back down, until you’re flushed against his body. The point of his chin resting atop your apex, as soft rises of his chest drag your body back down into a sleep. Your lips curve into a gentle smile, trying to wiggle your way out of his arms. Yet, all of the weekends he’d spent at the gym prior to your relationship had still been paying off. 
Now, his weekends only belong to you.
The tears had seemed like an endless river, rushing down to greet the next new paths of its journey. Cheeks puffed and red, as you stand to discard the late night’s binge evidence, and sob session helpers. Everywhere you turned, had been a bitter reminder of the previous night. The small heater that had busted last winter, where you had to curl up in the living room, surrounded by piles of blankets to keep warm, while watching a screened fireplace crackle on your flat screen TV. The digitized embers mocked your broken wallet, and snowed in selves. However, even with the bite of a blizzard’s pearly whites, and a broken heating system, it had become the best few days of Christmas break. 
Tucking himself back in between the comfort of your body and the blankets, his arms tug around your figure, pulling you closer to him to keep warm. The two mugs of hot-chocolate he’d carried along with him on the two feet walk from your kitchen to the living room, had almost killed him. 
However, it’s like his body was set on fire when your head turned, flashing him a warming smile at the sight of the delicious drinks. The white specs lay in your eyes, symbolizing hope. Hope in this winter day passing..
Hope in you lasting.
You suck in a deep breath, taking a look around the clutter of your apartment. Moving boxes stuffed into the corner, while a few furniture pieces had still not yet been unwrapped from their bubble packaged blankets. Your eyes trails across the empty room, memories of the two of you flooding your mind. The first cooking dinner date you had in the kitchen, your first board game night..
Your first..
His leg kicks the door shut. Arms wrapped around your delicate figure, as he unconsciously guides the two of you to the back of your couch’s arm. Knees buckle under the weight, allowing yourself to fall back into the comfort of your sofa. His body towers you, tips of his fingers trailing up the plains of your torso. A small grin tugs his corner lip. 
“May I?” 
With a soft nod, he’s quick to discard the piece of thin fabric. What had started off as a calming walk in the park, hands intertwined as you pointed out the various colors among the busy streets..
Had led to a late morning practice confession. 
You could still feel the lingering of his touch. The way he used to gently caress the top of your head. When you’re cooking, reading ..
.. Making love.
The broad of his shoulders doubles over your own, legs lifting to wrap around his torso. The gentle rock of his hips into yours, the intimate eye contact, had made the moment that much more special. You could feel the warmth of something sliding up to hold onto your hand. Weightful movements, with staggered breaths brought you that much closer to the ending of your beginning. 
“Fu-fuck..” He moans, plush lips parting as the sweat of his brow drips down the side of his face. Your hands reach out, carding your fingers through his damp locks, as your head leans up, capturing his lips in a soft exchange. 
“Y-Y/n..” Letting out sharp breaths, the roll of his hips against yours lulls you into an erotic, passionate spell. His movements had just as much grace and precision as his routines did. As if he’d been crafted from the gentle sway of a tree’s moves himself. You could feel the tensing of his biceps above you, as his face lowers down to press butterfly-like kisses along the paths of your chest. Lips lingering on the erect bud of your breast, his tongue grazing across the surface of your skin, eyes glancing up to lock onto yours. 
You’d never seen someone look at you the way he had..
Your feet unconsciously guide you down the small corridor of your apartment. Fingertips dragging along the chipped and worn out wall’s memories. The tears you’d thought you’d ridden yourself of, coming back to play a taunting and tortuous melody. As if they’d wanted you to be in this much pain.. Your hands reach the small picture frames along the small of your hallway’s little nightstand in the corner. Framed photographs and polaroid pictures sat along the surface’s flat, as you admired the little contents and reminiscences. 
Truly, if walls could talk..
“Really Y/n!” His voice echoes down the empty hall, as you take to lean against the wall’s turn corner. He’d been so set on this idea for so long. Your hands gently hold up a small mug of coffee you’d made in the morning. 
“I.. don’t really know what you mean.” Jimin lets out a huff of frustration, turning on his heel to face your figure. Lips turning down into a short pout. 
“I just.. We’ve been together for some time now, and all of the pictures we take when we go places..” You lips the small mug to your lips, taking a minor sip of the hot liquid’s content. Tonguing on the idea he’d been advocating so passionately for the last ten minutes. 
“Well, we just don’t really go anywhere.. Besides, Why would I display us here-” You motion to the empty nightstand top, “instead of there?” pointing to your bedroom’s entrance. Jimin’s lips don’t open to counter, but the pout still remains. After a few seconds of silence, you let out a sigh, setting the mug down on the counter. Arms coiling around his somber figure, pulling his body closer to your own. Your head buried deep into his chest, as you finally let out. 
“You’re right.. I just-” You pull away to glance up at him. “Wouldn’t it look weird to my friends if they saw me posing with our dance instructor?” He’s hesitant to pull away, leaving your embrace for the chilling emptiness of alone’s instead. Back turned, as he goes to pick up the set of keys he’d always lay on the little fruit bowl you’d bought from a consignment shop prior to moving in three years ago. 
Clicking on the door evicts the hopeful silence. 
You hadn’t seen him again for another three days after that. Miss Im had to cover for his classes at the studio, though she hadn’t explained why. It wasn’t until almost the fifth night that your phone had gone off during a marathon of reality TV that no one really watches anymore. Swiping up, your phone unlocks, displaying the new message. 
[New message ]
Unknown: Come outside.
You: Who is this?
Unknown: You’ll see.
Yeah.. that’s not murderous at all..
You: I’m not listening to a stranger.
Unknown: Party pooper, Y/n.. 😔
You: Who is this?
Unknown: Your boyfriend who’s about to bust down your door lug you over my shoulder and kidnap you if you don’t come down 😈
[Typing.. ] Jimin? Why are yo-
Wait.. this might be a trap..
[Typing..] How aggressive.. I still don’t know who this is.
[Send?] 🗹
 You: How aggressive.. I still don’t know who this is.
Read: 9:54PM
It wasn’t long until you heard a banging against your apartment door. 
Great. This is where you die. 
You always thought you could escape the killer psychopath movies, because you’re obviously smarter than those characters.
Soon, you hear the jiggling of the key in the lock, forcing your door open. 
“I told you I’d bust down this door if- why are you holding a lamp?” His head tilts to the side, chuckling softly at your defense position. You’d grabbed the closest thing to you..
Which ended up being the lamp your grandmother had gifted you a year ago. 
“I.. uh-” You quickly set the object down, clearing your throat. “Y-You were acting like a serial killer! Why did you text me from a random number anyways?!” 
Jimin lets out a chuckle, making a b-line towards your guarded figure, still slightly gripping the couch’s end for support. “Sorry.. I forgot to tell you. I dropped my phone in the toilet when I was brushing my teeth. Had to get a new one.” He pulls the small mobile from his jeans pocket, giving proof to his story. The small, sleeked blackened case had allured the cellphone with a mysterious aura. His eyes trail along the grip you had kept on the sofa, tugging a smile on his lips. 
“Damn.. what I wouldn’t give to be a couch..” He chuckles, grabbing your hand to lead you out the doorway before you could protest. 
“Jimin what are we-” 
“Shh..” He stops, facing his torso to catch your eyes. You look down, noticing a black, silk dangling in his grasp. 
“Do you trust me?” 
His hand slips into yours, as you’re being blindly led through a maze of foreign objects in which you had no idea what had been. Some felt like bushes and a few trees, others felt like different types of people. You could definitely hear the sounds of the city. Loud honks, blaring music, booming radios and more. Until suddenly, it just-
“Okay, we’re here..” He slowly removes the blindfold, as your eyes adjust to the newly dimmed lighting. Once there’d been no more pain from the sudden exposure, your heart drops at the sight. 
You were in the dance studio. 
The lights had been dimmed, with a soft, pink glow illuminating in the foreground. Jimin takes a few steps backwards, clicking a small button from the little remote in his hand. Suddenly, a twinkle of sparkling glows lit up the whole studio, making the mirror reflect ten times as much as the small practice room had been. It had looked like an endless fairytale, in which you never wanted to leave. 
Soon, you felt his hands slip into yours. His chocolatey irises bare down, taking your gaze as a sign for speech. 
“I know I might not be good at the whole ‘love’ thing..” 
“Mhm, maybe not.” You tease. His eyes roll, slightly squeezing your hands in his. 
“You’re not so good yourself, miss I’m-a-love-expert” You giggle, hitting his arm softly in response. “That was one time, let it go!” 
His lips part slightly, chuckling at your retort. “Okay okay.. Letting go. So back to what I was saying-” 
“You were saying how talented and awesome I am.” You grin slightly, hoping he’d take the bait. 
“Yes I was- wait what?” 
His eyebrow raises in question, but continues on. 
“Well it was along those lines but..” He takes a deep breath. “I know we might not be good at this whole love thing.. and we are both pretty stubborn..” 
“No I’m not.” 
“Yes you are.” 
“Am not.” 
“Are too!” 
“Am not.” 
“Y/n! This is being stubborn!” His voice raises above the little classical music you’d creating a routine for the past few weeks, for the upcoming performance. A smile brushes your lips, as you put your hands up in surrender.
“Alright alright.. I’m sorry. Please, continue.” 
“Okay. as I was saying -” He sends you a side eye. 
You giggle. 
“I know we’re both good at one thing.” His grasp pulls you to the center of the room, as he plugs in his new Iphone from the sidelines. A snazzy, emotional classic comes over the speakers, as he reaches out his hand for an offer. 
Your eyebrow raises. “Bickering?” 
His eyes roll, shaking his head. “You’re something, I swear..” 
You take his offered hand, chuckling at your accomplishment. “Not really.” Your bodies move along slowly to the music, before he’s spinning you around gently, until you’re facing him directly. 
“It’s funny, seeing my dance teacher all pouty.” 
His arms wrap around your body, tugging you to him until your back is flushed with his chest. Breath-filled whispers trail along the planes of your neck, as his lips brush the shell of your ear lightly. 
“Well, I’m not your dance instructor right now..”
He twirls you out, pulling you back in, with your arms catching steady around his neck. His hands pressed into your hips, as your lips barely brush one another’s. His heavy breaths mixed with yours creates a certain type of potion, that seems to have you both under a heavy spell. 
You could barely find your voice, as you could hear the classical, emotional melody switch to something much more intense. A deep base, kicking snares, and an R&B melodic voice to drown out the worries of this world, putting all of your focus on the moment. You could barely get out two little words from the intensity of it all. 
“Kiss me.” 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
Once your apartment had looked -somewhat- decent, you checked the new notifications on your phone.
July 2nd, 7:30AM (5 minutes ago)
Miss Y/N Y/L/N, 
This is your two-hour reminder email, along with a text message that will be sent to you for the consultation with the Dean set at 9:30AM (July 2nd),  today. Please remember to bring your Student ID with you. The closing window for any cancellations has now ended. 
Thank You.
HYBE DANCE ACADEMY, Office of Administrations
You close out the email, tossing your phone across the room to let it land on the bed. Deciding to take a quick shower before the meeting, you drop the rest of your clothes to the floor, reaching past the glass door of your shower, turning the faucet on. As the stream fills the room slowly, your head is dragged back to its bitter-sweet reminiscences. 
The sound of giggles and laughs could be heard through the echoing walls of your apartment. The bathroom mirror and glass door had become too fogged up due to the humidity. 
And.. maybe something else..
“Oh my god” Your head lulls back, thigh twitching is response as Jimin’s tongue flattened against your aching clit, his free hand reaching upwards to cup one of your breasts. Your hand tugs at his dampened locks, fingernails trailing along his scalp in the process. Plush lips wrapped around the soaking flesh between your legs, as the thigh that had been thrown over his shoulder tenses from his motions. After a few seconds, his eyes glance up to make sure everything’s okay. 
He secretly pats himself on the back for such a responsive look from you. Your hair messily flipped to the side, as a stream of water flows down the entirety of your body, lips jarring open as he watches the sharp rise and fall of your chest slow its rate. Eyes blown out beyond imagination, as you too had noticed his gaze. 
His body rises up to tower over yours once again, a smirk pressing his lips.
“Earth to Y/n~” He teases. 
Your eyes lull back, before reluctantly coming back to reality. His hands trail up your skin, leaning his head down to capture your lips in a heated exchange. Before you know it, you’re hoisted up against the fogged glass wall, the squishy tip of his cock pressing at your entrance, begging for permission. In a few movements, he’s easily slipping past your velvety walls, making your mouth cry out a fit of moans. 
“Fuck..” Your head falls backwards, hand embarrassingly stuffed between the space of your thighs as your finger rubs figure eights against your aching clit. Your free hand clasps to cover your mouth, muffling the shameful noises that exile with every movement of your chest. You could almost hear the desperation in his voice, the closer you’d become to your climax. His raspy morning voice.. The slight growl he’d developed when he too had been reaching his limit.. The whine he exasperated every time you’d clenched around his throbbing cock. 
Just to feel it one last time. To have his dancer-graced, heaven-sent hips slamming into your own.. In a passionate way of course. His hands sporadically trailing all over your body.. lips, as if drinking in all that you had offered, hadn’t been enough to satiate his thirst for you. 
Mind replaying every intimate scene you’d ever had with him. The late night, relationship booty-calls because one of you was too fucking horny to wait until the weekend when you’d see one another. Every position he’d ever put you in. All the times at the dinner table he’d just absolutely destroyed your pussy with just two fingers, while catching up with the Kardashians, until you’d become a whiny, fucked out bitch. 
“J-Jimin.. Oh f-fuck! Jimin!” Your screams had become nothing more than an unanswered prayer. All of the memories, being forcefully replayed in your mind like how a psychopath would torture their victims with playing the same move over and over until they too, go insane. 
And insane you were. 
Your legs had been on the verge of giving in. The joints in your fingers, which had been helping in letting out all of your frustrations, had begun faltering. Your chest staggered in breaths you didn’t even know you had. Practically mauling your lip for just some sort of relief. Begging for this to never end, but just wanting it to. 
Then, your mind really fucked with you. 
Images of the kiss Jimin and Nayeon had shared, flooded your mind. 
Soon, all of the sweet, intimate moments that had been yours.. Were stolen away with Nayeon’s face. Of her cuddling up with Jimin on the couch.. Of Jimin dancing with her in the dark late at night in the studio, as his apology. 
That stupid fucking kiss!
“FUCK!” You yell out, removing your hand in hatred. Quick to finish up your shower, you throw on the clothes you’d laid out along with the leotard and a scrunchie wrapped around your wrist for class later that day. 
If you even went to class..
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
Your leg tapped nervously against the corridor’s marbled flooring. The halls are so large in comparison to your tiny apartment. Your finger toyed with the little string dangled from the hem of your t-shirt, before a lady wearing a pantsuit had stepped into sight. 
“Miss Y/n?” 
If the halls had been decorated, the Dean’s office had been absolutely decked out. Framed photos of colleagues and the Dean in his younger days, sprawled all over the walls. Trophies of winning champions and teams of the Academy displayed in what seemed like a thousand glass cases. 
“Miss Y/n?” 
The Dean’s voice pulls you from your train of thoughts. “Ah, yes.” His hand motions towards the seat in front of him, as you hesitantly obey.A few clicks of his computer later, and he’s spinning slightly to the side to face you across his desk. “So, what seems to be the issue here?” 
“Well I-” 
He types on the computer, clicking his mouse while pulling up something. “Seems like you’ve been doing an excellent job here at the academy.” 
“Well yes, sir. I’ve been-”
“Practicing very hard, I see. So, are you ready for competition this year? They say it’s going to be just as difficult as nationals.” Your eyes widen. You hadn’t even thought of the possibility of getting into the top ranks. 
“I.. what?” 
His eyes squint, before tilting his computer to the side for you to check. “Seems like you’ve been placed at the top of the roster. By..” 
Please don’t say it, please don’t say it. 
“Mister.. Park?” 
You could feel the tears welling up in your ducts, having to push down any signs of the uncomfortable you felt while hearing his name, instead deciding to replace it with a light chuckle instead. 
“Ah, yes. He’s my mentor.” 
The Dean smiles, nodding. “One of our best. Well, besides Nayeon.” He leans forwards, flashing a smile. “Let me tell you, Y/n. It takes a lot of dedication and work to get where Naeyon is at. Why, I remember when she first joined the academy-” 
“Uhm, I actually wanted to discuss something..” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Ah, I seem to have lost my head. I’m sorry, Y/n. I know you’re not here to hear me gloat about our best female instructor.” You nod, pushing down the urge to frankly;
Punch the shit out of him, and Nayeon. 
He types on the computer, before turning the screen back to him. “So, what did you like to discuss?” 
“Well I’d like to-” 
Just then, the door cracks, a head peeking inside quietly. “Sorry to interrupt, Mister Broushe but I was wondering when the papers would be sig-”
“Ah.. Nayeon.”
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
“Oh.. I’m sorry. I can come back later-” 
“No no.” The Dean protests, motioning over his desk. “Come, sit. We were actually just talking about you.” Nayeon’s eyes set across yours, silently asking if it’s okay to sit next to you. 
“Really?” She questions, taking a seat hesitantly. 
The Dean nods, smiling. “Our star instructor, and student of 2016.”
Nayeon’s cheeks heat up slightly, turning her head in embarrassment. A shy smile tugs her perfectly matte lips. “Ah.. come on.. Jimin was-  is such a better dancer than me.” 
The Dean claps his hands, laughing. “Ah! Always so humble, Nayeon. That’s why you’re our star!” 
Your hands clenched in your lap, tugging at the material of your t-shirt once more. 
She got the boy. 
She got the life. 
She got everything.
So why doesn’t she look fucking thrilled.
You suddenly stand up, not being able to take this Nayeon praise day. Your hands go to your sides, abruptly walking away from the whole situation. Nayeon rises as well, trailing after you. 
“Y/n, wait!” She’s quick to catch up, as you grudgingly turn to face her with a fake smile plastered across your cheeks. 
She smiles, propping herself back up in an attempt to catch her breath. “I’m so sorry for interrupting your session.. I was just coming in to get a few papers for the stuff Jimin and I have to fill out.” 
“Oh? What are they?” 
Maybe a fucking restraining order. 
Her lips curve upwards into a smile. “They’re for competition.” She leans forwards, lowering her voice. “I don’t know if I’m supposed to be sharing this but.. You got placed at the top.” 
Your eyebrow raises. What’s the big deal with this whole roster thing anyways?
“What.. does that mean?” You faint curiosity. 
She giggles, rising up to straighten out her posture. “It means that you got the most spotlight for our performances!” 
Okay, now you’re confused.
“It’s not.. Making sense.” 
Her eyes roll playfully, shoving your side gently. “You’ll be doing most of the choreography to represent the Academy! I’ll be teaching you one or two of my own, but Jimin’s the lead instructor for the competition.” Her eyebrows lower, tilting her head to the side. “Are you.. Not happy?” 
Your head shakes. “Huh? Oh, no! I’m so so so excited!” Your lips curve, but your eyes don’t smile along. You fake a few leaps of joy, before thanking her as you two head out of the building, in front of campus. 
She turns, bidding you a goodbye, as you’re left in front of the administration office, alone once again. 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
“One more time, Seulgi! And one, and two.. One and two one-” 
The auditorium door slams shut on accident, making your slip in for the class not such a slip in. His eyes fall onto your figure, before turning his head back to Seulgi’s moves. 
“Late again, Y/n?” 
You gulp, silently settling your stuff down into the audience seats, sliding down into one of them to hide yourself. You’d never heard his tone turn so cold before. Even with regular students, he’d always had some kind of light-hearted wisps in his voice. 
Towards you, it almost sounded like he had no heart left.
“Pst!-” A familiar voice slides beside you, making your head turn. Jungkook had sported some light-weight looking gray sweats, along with a loose fitting white t-shirt for flexibility. The brown, puppy-like curly locks had fallen into his vision, making him look that much more adorable. 
“Hey.. Why weren’t you in class yesterday? Or.. at all last week?”  You face the front, not needing another call-out from Gregory House over there. 
“Sorry I uhm.. Came down with something.” You lean to the side, still facing the front to get a better hearing of Jungkook’s response. “What’d I miss?” 
His voice lowers, shifting in his seat from your proximity. “Miss Nayeon came in last week, and they kept practicing the uh.. Kissing scene.”
You sit up, twisting your torso. “I thought she said that they’d cut it out..?” 
He shrugs, backing away slightly from your sudden tone. “I uhm- don’t know. But Mister park came in last week, super pissed. He was chewing out everyone, on every little thing. He even made Lisa do fourty push ups for not having a high enough Grand Jete..” 
Your eyes widen, locking onto Jimin’s straightened figure. His arms crossing over his chest, as he watches intently as Seulgi finishes her routine. You lean back, letting out a sigh. 
Just as the  music had stopped, Jimin’s- Mister Park’s voice echoed through the auditorium. 
“That’s enough. Lisa, you’ve gone. Seulgi, Jungkook, Mina, Jae-young.. Who hasn’t done “la danse du cygne’?”
Just before you’re about to sink further into your seat, Seulgi stands up abruptly. “Y/n has been absent the whole week, Mister Park.” 
Uh oh..
You could see a smirk hiding behind Jimin’s stone-cold look. He claps once, calling out. “Y/N Y/L/N, come up here.” You hesitantly stand, making your way across the large room as you pass by Seulgi, giving her a death glare. You set your stuff on stage in the back, before the spotlight is shining in your sight. 
“Since you’re going to be doing most of our routines, and representing the Academy, you need to be practicing even more. ‘se mettre en position’.” 
You’re quick to hurry to center stage, fixing your position as the music begins to play. Before you’re allowed to start moving, Jimin throws up a hand. 
The music dies, and the room is silent. Everyone turns in question of why he’d stopped before you even began your routine. You could hear the light-steps of his footwork making their way to where you were. As angry as he probably was, he’d still been light as a feather. 
“What is this.” His finger points to your feet. 
Your.. feet?
“It’s.. my feet.” He scoffs at your response, crossing his arms in annoyance. 
“I understand what feet are, Miss Y/n. However, apparently you don’t.” 
Your eyes roll mentally, shifting positions to a more comfortable form. “Ji-” 
His eyebrow raises, eyes motioning to the crowd of students who’d also been intensely invested in the scene. 
“Just.. my feet, ..sir.” 
He scoffs, lowering himself to the ground to fix your foot’s position. 
“Have you really been ignoring all of my teaching? The routine starts with your foot facing three o’clock. Not one, not two fifty-nine.” You whine slightly, feeling his grip tighten on your ankle, before he releases it. “Three.” 
He stands, straightening his back. His eyes burned icey cold daggered into your own, as if he’d been releasing all of his frustration and anger towards you.. On you. 
“If you can’t understand the simple terms of what you’re working for, then I don’t see a reason for you to even be on the roster, at all.” 
A short, hushed crowd of gasps echoes the room. Your eyes glare up to meet his cold ones. Not a reaction in sight. No pain..
It was like he was numb. 
“B-But I-” 
He turns his torso to face the crowd, raising his voice. “You see this, students? This is what you get when you sit on your ass all day. Uneducated, slothful, and selfish.” His hand grabs your own, throwing it up in the air for all of your classmates to see. His eyes glance over, seeing the tears starting to threaten to slip from your control. 
He releases your hand, watching as it swings slowly at your side. 
“Come back when you’ve learned the difference.” 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
Your body wouldn’t move. You couldn’t see anything, except the bright spotlight in your eyes, and Jimin’s ice cold glare. You tried sucking in a breath, convincing your body to move just a bit to save a little face..
But nothing. 
Your turn to the side, seeing no trace of the man you’d onced said the three hardest words to. Instead, anger and repulsion filled his eyes. Anger towards you. 
This.. was all your fault.
An arm is quick to tug you off the stage, pulling you down from everybody’s sights. The hand leads you through the auditorium doors, and down the halls until you’re finally catching up with reality. You glance up, seeing the fluffy, puppy-like boy guiding you through a sea of people on campus. 
“J-Jungkook?” He turns back, stopping in place to make sure you’re okay. 
“It’s okay, Y/n.. He’s been hard on everyone recently. It’s not your fault.” His bright, bunny smile makes you feel ten times worse. 
You’re the reason Lisa had to do fourty push ups. You’re the reason he’s so bitter and cold now. 
It’s all because of you.
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
The knock on your front door does no good in motivating you to get up. Ever since Jimin’s outburst in class two days ago, you’d done nothing but lay on your couch and watch The Walking Dead for the fourth time. The comfort and fluffiness of your throw blankets had a tugging sensation weighing on your emotions, begging you to stay with them. 
And that you did. 
Up until the door started banging, and a voice could be heard over the dying sounds of characters on your screen. 
“Y/n? Open up! We’ve got some serious talking to do!” 
You slowly rise from the couch, dragging along the spilled empty ice cream container and spoon, sticking to the fuzz of your blanket, as you slowly crack open the door. 
Nayeon stood in the doorway, sporting a look that made her even more gorgeous than ever. Gold earrings minimizing the already small face she’d been blessed with. A black, lacy tea-length dress had adorned her perfectly built figure. A small clutch purse in her grasp, as she catches your eyes. 
“Can I come in?” 
She takes a few steps inside your apartment, not even having the energy to explain why it’s such a mess. She steps over the piles of dirty laundry you’d gone through in just a few days' length, along with the three tubs of napoleon ice cream to go alongside it all. 
“Uh.. wow. You’ve been uh.. Busy?” She takes a seat on the couch’s arm, crossing her legs in a feminine way. Your eyes mentally roll at the sight. She looked as if she’d been a mother fucking princess. 
Jimin had been her prince. 
And you? The ugly toad who never got kissed. 
“Yeah. Yeah, busy.. Sure.” You plop down onto the couch, grabbing the remote to pause your binge show. She turns to the side, scooting down to sit next to you. 
“Y/n.. I am so sorry for the way that Ji- Mister Park acted. He should have never done anything like that to you.. You’re.. You’re just a kid!” Her eyes pleaded and apologized, while yours sent her daggers. 
She chuckles lightly, backing herself up in words. “Ah.. let me rephrase that..” 
She takes your hands in hers, holding your eyes for a more realistic appease. “Y/n.. You’re so wonderfully talented and one of the best dancers I’ve ever seen! Well.. besides Jimin..” 
You nod, trying to push down the urge to choke the bitch out. You decide to let her speak. Feed your starving ego that Jimin had so kindly destroyed for you. 
She continues. “I just.. Well, he had a fall out with his girlfriend about a week ago.. So you must understand where he’s coming from..” 
Oh.. if you only knew. 
“Yeah.. I get it.” 
He sucks in a breath. “Still, he had no right in letting his personal affairs affect his abilities in mentoring. So.. I’ll be taking over his classes for the next two weeks, until he’s calmed himself down.” 
Oh, hell FUCKING NO.
“Ah, well I don’t really think that’s a good idea- I mean you already have your class and-” 
She stands up. “Nonsense! I’ll just combine the two classes, and we can all learn the routines. It’ll help if anyone forgets some steps. It’s perfect!” 
You stand up, finally letting it all go. “No, Miss Nayeon, It’s not! Combining all of the students would only cause stress among yourself! Not to mention how dance is Jimin’s only source of stress release! It’s his whole life! And for you to just come in and take it.. How.. HOW SELFISH YOU!” 
Your breath staggers. Heart racing the fastest it’s ever beat in these few days. Nayeon just stands there, shocked. His lips fall to try and find an answer, but she has no words to combat it. She reaches down to pull her clutch from the sofa, and steps away lightly. 
“It.. seems like I’ve come at a bad time. Uhm- I hope you feel better, Y/n..” She quickly makes her way out the door, before the halls echo back calmly. 
“Have a good night.” 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
However, your obvious outburst with your new instructor had done nothing but put a brick wall between the two of you. A sort of tension that would only happen if one felt absolutely terrified of the other. Nayeon only spoke to you to say hello or goodbye. All of the mistakes you’d made in your routines, she’d only waved it off and started the music again. 
Once she claps three times, class has been dismissed. As you're packing up the rest of your things to shove into your gym bag, you could overhear the voices of Seulgi and her little kiss-face minions gossiping in the corner. 
“So what do you think?” 
“I don’t know.. I mean maybe he got fired..” 
“Nayeon told us that he was just on vacation though..” 
“Ugh, wake up and smell the drama, Mina! He obviously got fired.” 
“No way.. But- Mister Park was the nicest teacher we’ve ever had!”
“Not to mention the hottest.” 
“Yeah, I just think he was having a rough week.” 
“Or maybe he fucked a student..” 
The plastic water bottle slipped from your hand, spilling all over the wooden sleek floors. You curse under your breath, quick to use the dry of your t-shirt as an absorbing pad, as you try and tune your ears back into the gossip section of class. 
“No way! No way! Mister Park isn’t a pedo!” 
“Well it’s either that or-” 
Suddenly the microphone echoes across the speakers, drowning out the rest of Seulgi’s sentence. 
“Alright class, thank you for coming today and, girls-” Nayeon turns her head to face the group of women huddled in the corner, acting as if they’d been sharing drugs instead of drama. 
“Let’s keep the gossip for the tabloids, okay? Great work everyone!”
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
Two days before the competition, everyone had been a mess. Nayeon was quick in helping you learn the rest of your last routine before D-Day. 
Although, your apartment didn't have the most spacious room for your practice. 
After about the fifth toe-stub of the night, you’d decided to sneak into the campus’s studio for some extra work to be done. 
Hand scaling the wall for a touch of a light switch which you knew was there, a sudden noise echoes through the large room. There stood a man entering from the front of the building, opposite to where you’d entered. A set of keys jiggle in his grip, as you bow slightly, quick to move out of the way. 
“I’m so sorry sir, I didn’t know that it was-” 
Here we go again. 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
The light’s empty beam gave no aid to the situation. Only, he hadn’t been able to see the hurt plain as day on your face, so you guess that’s a plus. 
He takes a step forwards, dropping his duffle bag next to the dance pads tucked away in the corner. Walking over to the stereo, he plugs in his phone, setting the small device down as a low melody starts to play. 
“I- I’m sorry I’ll just-” 
“Wait–” His voice stops your hurried feet, halting you at the exit. His familiar, light footsteps could be heard, even over the echoes and booms of the studio. It wasn’t until you could feel his presence about a foot away, when you felt the sting of tears threatening to present themselves so proudly. 
His voice is low and meek, not one you’d expect him to display after all that you two had been through. What you put him through. 
“I.. uh- I wanted to apologize. Even though we’re not.. Uhm.. together anymore, doesn’t mean that I should let my personal affairs affect the way of my teachings.” 
A somber chuckle exits your lips before you’re able to stop it. “You sound just like her..” 
His eyebrow raises, head tilting to the side. Feet inches a little closer. “Sounds like who?” 
You finally have the courage to spin around, now having your turn for a hot moment. “Nayeon. Your girlfriend.” 
His eyes widened, head shaking immediately. “W-What? N-No i’m not- Y/n I didn’t- Nayeon and I we’re just-” 
“You don’t have to explain your relationship status to me, Mister Park.”
That hurt. 
Turning back on your heel, you make your way towards the exit. Before you could leave, a hand harshly grips onto your wrist, pulling you backwards further into the studio. Not having one second to oppose, he’s holding you right in front of him, keeping you in place. 
“Y/n, I don’t know how many times I have to say this. The kiss Nayeon and I did for the performance was unscripted! I told her to cut it out of the play, but she didn’t listen! It was just a kiss, in which I didn’t return.” 
You could feel the tears streaming down your reddened cheeks. Fuck. You didn’t want to cry in front of your ex like this. You’re not some weak, stupid girl who doesn’t know how to control her emotions. 
“But you did! You did kiss her back! And it’s because you still LOVE HER!” 
His voice over powers yours one last time, having even the music halt itself in his presence. “I was ACTING. I DON’T LOVE, NAYEON, I LOVE YOU, Y/N!” 
You stop struggling in his arms, and let out one sentence that shatters his heart into a million pieces. 
“And how d-do I know.. That you weren't acting.. with me..?” 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
D-Day. Competition. The one. 
Whatever it’s called, it’s finally come. The day where everyone gets ready in their little tutus and tiaras, pretending to have emotions they don’t feel. Pretending to be someone they’re not. 
It’s all just pretend. 
“We’ve got Seulgi, Mina, Chris, Jungkook, Yum-ni, Y/n, and Lisa.” The stage instructor tells everyone where and when they’ll go on to perform after each team and individual performance. Your eyes linger on the black curtain concealing over five-thousand people behind it. All who are waiting patiently, who paid a good sum of money to see beautiful swans and princes dance. 
With all of the makeup, hairspray, and fancy garments on, you’d felt like a princess. 
In reality, you felt like a piece of shit. 
The night before, you’d left Jimin standing in the studio, with his own thoughts, Regrets, and maybe a few mumbled sorries your way. With anything you left him with, you’d been gone with the wind. By the time you’d gotten back home to your apartment, you crashed. The sofa is doing too well of a job pulling you into a much needed slumber.
The next day.. Well, today, you’d gotten up even earlier to start preparing. Practicing your footwork on the way to the academy, slowly and carefully going over each step in the five of your routines you’d been assigned. You glance down at your pointed toes, letting out a big breath of air at the memory of Jimin’s harsh words. 
Selfish.. Lazy.. stupid.
You shake away the hindrances, stepping out onto the sidewalk. Even with as many steps and dance moves you performed while on your way to morning practice, you still couldn’t shake off the feeling you had in your gut. His words toying with your emotions.. Not to mention your own intrusive thoughts aiding in the tug back of the own confidence you barely had.
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
“Alright, Seulgi, it's your time. Center stage, and you’ll be performing-” 
“Papillons, I know I know.” Her voice visibly annoyed the man. 
“No. They mixed up the schedule. You’ll be performing ‘Stars In The Eyes’.” Speaking of eyes, hers roll up and to the side, groaning in frustration. “Ugh, why’d they cut mine short??” 
“I’ll explain later. Go!”
The dancers backstage were allowed to admire the performer’s dances through the flat screen complimented in each dressing room. Your leg props up against the counter, bending over to slide on your white tights up. 
Glancing up towards the clocking ticking on the wall, with each passing second you could feel your nervous crawling up the back of your throat. Or… maybe that was just the absence of morning’s breakfast. 
Quickly walking over, you tap the instructor’s shoulder. He turns, fixing the headset crew members were required to wear. “Yeah, yeah what is it?” 
“Uhm.. How many minutes do I have?” 
He looks down, flipping a page over quickly before showing your name on the list. 
“You’ve got thirty minutes.” You nod. “Thanks.” You make haste in tugging your gym bag over your shoulder before making your way through the emergency exit doors. Since competition had been in your hometown, you had no reason in the academy booking any hotels or airbnbs for the dancers to stay in. On the plus as well, you had also known the auditorium like the back of your hand. Knowing all of the ins and out-
“Shit!” You catch yourself on the asphalt, your plastic water bottle spilling for the second time this week. Stringing mumbled curses under your breath, you pick up your things quickly, heading back on your path to the break you’d been wanting. 
Opening the door quietly to a pitch-black room, you set your stuff down in the corner, opening your music app to start rehearsing once again. One foot in front of the other, as you glide across the flat carpet of the meeting room, having no care in the world of where you were, or how silly you looked. 
It had just been you, your frustration, Jimin, and the music. 
Wait- Jimin?
Your eyes peek open, stopping the routine midway to see who’d been standing in the doorway. A shy smile curls his lips, as he sets down his matching gym bag next to yours. 
“Your foot..” He starts, pulling up a chair to settle down in front of you. “Three, remember?” 
You scoff, facing your torso a different way. Having no extra energy in dealing with his shit again. 
“Crystal.” You retort, crossing your arms over your chest, stopping your little practice session. His head tilts to the side, eyebrow quirking in question. “Why’d you stop?” 
“Oh, well I don’t really like the idea of my ex watching me dance. Privately.” You watch as a little sign of a smirk crosses his expression, as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. 
“I mean, if you want money I can-” 
He chuckles, slipping the leather case back into place. “I thought it was ‘Mister Park’ to you?” 
“It’s ‘get out of my face so I can practice’.”
He leans his head back from your tone, sucking in a breath. “Ouch..” 
“Ouch!? That wasn’t even CLOSE to what YOU said TO ME.” 
He rises from the chair, closing the space between the two of you. “I know, Y/n.. and I was out of line with that.. it ‘s just- you hurt me, because you were acting like you couldn’t trust me!” 
You scoff, turning away from his view. “Yeah? Go cry about it to your girlfriend.” 
His voice raises. “See!? That’s exactly what I’m talking about! You just won’t let it go, will you?!” 
Spinning back around, you had a new goal set. “Let go of the fact that my boyfriend was still in love with his ex!? Yeah, kind of a hard fact to just let go of, Jimin.” 
“For the last fucking time, Y/n! I’m in love with YOU!” 
“Y..You’re.. What?” The new voice echoes through the silenced, blackened room. The two of you turn towards the doorway, seeing the new unannounced guest in the midst of your argument. 
“N..Nayeon..” Your voice drowns. You could see the pain clearly written across her face, but she hides it with a fake, professional tone in her voice. 
“Uhm- Miss Y/n, it’s your time..” 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
This had to be one of the most awkward conversations you’ve ever had to have. Even worse than the one time your mom tried to explain how babies were made. 
Far.. far worse. 
Nayeon’s manicured nails tap lightly against the glass table, as she glances over between you and Jimin. Both sitting opposites of one another, a few feet away for good measure. It wasn’t until she had to break the silence, that you talk. 
“So, .. what’s the story here?” 
Your arms cross, twisting your body to face anywhere but him. He does the same. You end up facing the same direction. 
Curse him. 
“No story.” 
“Ah, well I don’t think that two people who just screamed that they loved one another, have no story, wouldn’t you agree?” 
Your eyes trail along Nayeon’s postured figure. Even down to her toes, she was all feminine and beautiful. She was the epitome of beauty. The curls in her naturally blackened locks frame her features perfectly. The rounds of her silver glasses sat effortlessly on the bridge of her nose, making her look that much more Goddess-like. 
As in the words of Olivia Rodrigo; Jealousy, Jealousy. 
She turns to face Jimin, flashing a quick, nurturing smile. The love she still blatantly had for him in her eyes, made your teeth grind with anger. Your fist clench together at the sight, watching as she places her palm onto the back of his hand. 
“Jimin-ah? Tell me what happened.” 
His eyes meet hers, as your own send daggers towards the both of them. Your heart ached silently at the sight. The gaze they both held, looked as if they’d been crafted for only each other. 
They looked like the perfect couple. 
You couldn’t stand it anymore. 
“Well, this has been a blast, Nayeon. But I’ve got to go home now.” Rising abruptly with your hand slamming onto the table, you catch both of their attention. For the last time. 
“Y/n, sweetie wait-” 
You turn around, being completely done with her ‘Miss Nicey pants’ act.
“No, you know what? I’m done listening to you, and you!” Your finger points towards Jimin. “Because you two obviously seem like the most perfect fucking couple to exist, and so just have at it! He’s all fucking, yours, Nayeon.” 
Now it’s Jimin’s turn to protest in anger. He’s quick to meet your stance, challenging you. “No, YOU know what, Y/n?? I’m so fucking sick of you thinking that you know what’s best for OTHER people! Acting like you have the final say in who I want to love! In the end, you know NOTHING. So stop acting all high and mighty, because pride, my dear, doesn’t suit you.” 
Nayeon’s eyes were blown as wide as a cartoon character. Her head whips back and forth between the two of you, until she doubles over in laughter. 
Her strange behavior catches both of yours and Jimin’s attention, glancing over to where she’d been dying uncontrollably. “What’s so funny?” 
“Y-You two! Ah- it-it’s like you’re! Ahaha- You’re a couple!” 
Jimin’s eyes widened. “We.. were..”
Nayeon straightens her posture, finishing a few little bubbles of laughter before composing herself. “Ah, you guys are something else!”
“Okay, what the actual hell is going on here.” You butt in, wondering why she wasn’t angry that you basically stole her man. 
“Y-Y/n, the only reason I wanted to ask Jimin back out on a date a while back, was to finally get the closure we needed. It wasn’t really even a date, really.” 
Your head turns to the side, glancing at Jimin, who’s had his arms crossed and a ‘told you so’ look on his face for the past few minutes. 
“But you said you wanted something to spark back up.. You wanted to try and get back together..” 
She chuckles, shaking her head. “At first.. I mean, who can resist him, honestly? He’s an amazing dancer, teacher, and an awesome friend. Who wouldn’t fall for him?” 
“Yeah, my point exactly.” You retort, not sure on where his unplanned ego boost is going. 
“But,” She continued. “I realized that.. I wasn’t ready to settle back down quite yet. I mean, I guess I’m just not that type of woman.. and- when I found out how awful Jimin had been treating you in class-” She sends him a death glare quickly. His eyes roll, landing back onto you. 
“I knew that something had been going on. And.. while the Academy might not condone it.. For reputation ideals.. I don’t really see a problem with you two being together. I mean, you’re both consenting adults and all that.” Jimin nods, concluding her speech. 
“Apparently someone else had to drill it in far enough to get past her ego.” Jimin chuckles, making you nudge his side, a little more than just a playful gesture. 
Nayeon chuckles, pointing towards the two of you. “See? I swear, now that I know the truth, you guys totally look like an old couple!” 
You pull away from Jimin, shaking your head. “Okay, if you’re saying you don’t want him, then what about the kiss?” 
“I told you. At first.. Yes, I did want him back. So I asked him out.” 
Jimin chimes in. “And I declined, Y/n.” 
“Very proudly, in fact. Well I mean..” Her eyes meet Jimin’s as he sends her a ‘don’t do it’ look. 
Yep, she does it. 
“He showed me pictures of you.” 
Your torso twists, eyes blowing wide at the information dump. “Are you crazy!? What if the Dean found out!? The other students!? How could you be so irresponsib-” 
“Y/n, Y/n! Calm down, please! I didn’t tell anyone, and I would never do that to you or Jimin! When I saw how happy you two looked in the picture.. It just- well it reminded me of how he used to look at me. And, it was never as much as that.. To him, he was probably just going to be a friend.”
“Always will.” Jimin notes, commenting to make that sentence 100% stone. 
“And nothing more, Y/n. I promise. So, I really do apologize for the kiss.. Even if we had dated previously, it was out of line for me. I’m sorry too, Jimin. I’m sorry for all of the trouble it has caused in your relationship.” Your lips part, letting out a gentle sigh. 
“But you two.. You looked so happy together. Even now, you looked like the perfect couple..” Your eyebrows knit together, a somber look brushing your features. Jimin’s eyes roll back, bringing you closer to his side. 
Nayeon lets out a chuckle, leaning against the street light post. “Are you kidding me? Do you know how many fights we had in just a three week period?” 
Jimin nods, laughing along. “Like a million.” 
Nayeon, strides closer, placing her perfectly manicured nails on your shoulder. “We were never meant to work out, Y/n. He never looked at me the way I saw him look at you..” Your head lifts, tilting up to catch Jimin’s soft gaze. 
She shakes her head. “Didn’t, won’t, and will never.” 
 »»————- ☁️  ————-««
After you had to bid Nayeon a farewell, you had ended up sitting on the curb, outside of the auditorium after everyone had already emptied the seats. No car had been in sight. No noise was to be heard, other than the slight hum of mother nature and your heartbeat. 
Jimin’s lips fall a short sigh, sliding closer to your side in hopes of catching your attention, instead of you being super-focused on a very interesting rock that had just been laying out in the grass patch. 
News alert; it wasn’t interesting at all. 
“You’re a real dummy, you know that?” His comment makes your head whip to the side, catching his eyes. “Yeah? Well, you need to make yourself more clear next time.” He chuckles, raising his voice in a playful manner. 
“I tried! You were just too upset to stay and listen.” 
You scoff. “Yeah, it’s really hard to stay and listen to the person who embarrassed the absolutely FUCK out of, infront of all the students!” 
He sicks down in his spot, shamefully hanging his head low from embarrassment. 
“I..was such a dick for that, Y/n..” 
“The biggest.. Bigger than my own, ..and that’s hard to come by.” His comment earns himself a slight chuckle from your soft lips. He loved that sound. 
“J-just because I laughed doesn’t mean you’re in the clear yet.” 
He rises up, acting as if he was a kid on Christmas. “Yet? That means I still have a chance?” 
You sigh, shrugging. “ Hmm.. depends on how well you make it up to me.” 
In the split of a second, he’s hoisting you over his shoulder, lightly giving a small slap to your ass in the process. 
“I’ve got a few ideas~” You let out a soft chuckle, gently hitting his ass every time he takes a step fainting protests and quiet screams, with no meaning behind them. 
“Oh nooo.. Save meee, somebody”
His eyes roll, before he’s setting you down into the comfort of his Porsche. 
Yes, he owns a Porsche. 
“I swear, Jimin. People are going to think you’re rich or something.” 
His lips come to press against your temple, smiling onto your forehead. “Rich in love, my dear.”
“How cheesy.”  »»————- ☁️  ————-««
Only took me a day to write and guys… 0__0 I wanna make one where they have babies and stuff but like I’m trying to restrain myself and it’s harddddd
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dancewithmarynyc · 7 months
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Happy Valentines Day❤️
Picture by Maryland Youth Ballet.
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blackrosestore90 · 1 year
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Ballet Girl Canvas Print
Shop Now
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danzadance · 2 years
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¡Participa en los los talleres #endcc en 2023! Informes [email protected] #balletclass #danza #ballet #balletstudent #balletteacher #amoelballet #bailarina #bailarin #balletkids #danzadanceorg https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrbnuCPrTX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bbsantc · 1 year
my favorite bts fics so far (maknae!line + ot7)
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hello lovely readers, i hope all of you are doing great. i really want to share the amazing work and talent that many authors have on this app. as a literature fan and hopeless romantic myself, i made sure to pick out all the fics that i think are beautiful and amazing :) this post includes the maknae line + ot7 fics. i also made a hyung line fic rec post if you want to check it out here heheh :p
some of these fics contain nsfw content (minors dni), or some heavy themes
this is a pretty long post lmao
all pictures are from pinterest!
once again this is the key for the fics :)
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fluff- ♾️
angst- Ω
smut- ☻
crack/humor- ☼
i would sell my liver to read this again for the first time- ¶
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Park Jimin
The Promised Iris- @akinnie75 ♾️Ω
''Pair: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slight Angst, Slow Burn, Fantasy, Soulmate AU
Word Count: 20k
Summary: During one rainy summer day at the park, a stranger name Jimin suddenly confesses that he’s in love with you. At first, you thought that Jimin was a stalker, but it turns out that there’s something he’s hiding from you.''
balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n - @jungshookz ♾️☼ (there are more drabbles for this oneshot lolz)
''pairing: park jimin x reader
genre: balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n au, fluff!!!! the fluffiest fluff!!! idk jimin just really cares about y/n okAY
wordcount: 2.5k''
him after all - @mercurygguk ♾️Ω☻
''➵ summary; a guy you’ve never met before scoops in and saves you from a very embarrassing situation and you can’t help but notice how cute he is.
pairing; jimin x f. reader final word count; 17,176 (sorry y’all) rating; 18+ content; strangers to lovers au, fluff/angst/smut, infidelity, multiple appearances from jjk, oc’s boyfriend being nasty and stupid af''
lover to lean on - @sketchguk ♾️Ω☻
''pairing: neighbor!jimin x florist!reader
➳ genre: neighbor AU, flower shop AU, smut, fluff, angst
➳ wc: 20k
➳ synopsis: for months, you can hear your no face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. you’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course you’re bitterly single. but one day, the apartment is radio silent. and one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. so on valentine’s day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other''
beneath the water - @jungshookz ♾️Ω ☻ ☼¶
''→ pairing: park jimin x reader
→ genre: mermaid!au/fantasy!au, an extra large order of fluff, comedy!!, jungkook being a brat as per usual, a touch of angst, and of course a sprinkling of nsfw
→ wordcount: 20.5k words holy moly''
into the wilderness - @gukyi ♾️Ω ☼
''summary: alright, so last summer’s camp was… disastrous. from the murky green showers to the wasps nests, it was all-around a bad time. but none of those things could be quite as catastrophic as the end-of-camp counselor campfire, when you told park jimin that you were in love with him. and if telling him was terrible, then seeing him again this summer, one year after your fruitless confession, just might be the death of you.
{camp counselor!au, unrequited love!au, friends to lovers!au}
pairing: park jimin x female reader genre: angst, fluff, comedy word count: 27k''
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Kim Taehyung
charade- @ughcore ♾️Ω☻
'' “Why would you help me? What are you gonna get out of this?”
Taehyung looks you up and down, the humour twinkling in his eyes like the fairy lights he helped you hang above the TV. He tucks his hands into his armpits, assessing you for a few more moments that leave your skin hot and itchy. 
“It’ll be nice to see you out of those fuzzy slippers for once,”
The double entendre lacing his words is nothing new. The tingles in your stomach, however? Yeah, those are brand new.”
kth / fake dating + roommate au + fuckboy!taehyung
ongoing (35k) ''
maybe i do- @chateautae ♾️Ω☻
''➵ summary :  maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
↳  part of the high-class series!
➵ pairing : taehyung x reader
➵ genre :  arranged marriage!au, ceo!tae, s2l!au, eventual smut, fluff, angst
➵ rating : 18+
➵ warnings : swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, mentions of confrontative violence (with other characters, not each other), lots of feels concerning forced marriage, a bad ex (reader’s), mentions of bad sexual experiences with ex (consensual, just bad sex), explicit sexual content, oral (m. and f. receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex (chapters have their own warnings!)''
A Story that we paint - @thedefinitionofbts ♾️Ω
''PAIRINGS: Jeon Jungkook x Reader | Kim Taehyung x Reader 
GENRE: College Au, Future, Scifi, Slight Fluff and Angst
WORDS: 9K (ch.1)
DESCRIPTION: Butterfly Dream: In which the lines between virtual and reality are blurred.''
the universe of us. - @taesthetes ♾️Ω ¶
'' “I love you.” — “I know.”
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | kim taehyung x reader genre: slight comedy, angst, fluff type: dream / fantasy / slice of life au word count: 21,112 words warnings: none''
you’re so concerned about the ending that you don’t even know the plot- @joonsgalaxy ♾️☼
''° yoongi x reader x taehyung
° 1.9 k words ° fluff/humor
🌟 you bring your broken laptop to Tae—the IT specialist—who you have a crush on. you drag your bff Yoongi along with you, who—you’re certain—has a crush on Tae too. what a mess, right? well, the thing is, you never even considered the possibility of your assumptions being totally wrong.''
stuck with you || [roommate!taehyung] - @jungshookz ♾️☼☻
''❥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❥ genre: university!au, enemies-to-lovers, fratboy!tae??, comedy that’ll either make you chuckle out loud or roll your eyes and snoRT or maybe u won’t laugh that’s cool too, domestic fluff because i want to go grocery shopping with tae toO (but also fluff in general!!), smutty smut so make sure to read this with your phone’s brightness lowered all the dang way, hi @ librarian!namjoon!!! fratboy!jungkook is also in here
❥ wordcount: 37k if ur reading this on mobile get rekt
❥ summary: kim taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you.''
waterloo - @kinktae ♾️Ω☻¶
''Taehyung is a famous but pessimistic art prodigy who doesn’t believe in love. You are an art student studying in Paris, who sees the world through rose-colored lens and is a certified cheesy romance film enthusiast. And this is your love story.
Or, “Well, it is the city of love. Maybe you just need to fall in love.“
pairing: art prodigy!taehyung x art student!reader word count: 13k genre: FLUFF, angst, light tasteful smut''
falling in crayolove; (kindergartenteacher!taehyung) - @jungshookz ♾️
''✎ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
✎ genre: kindergartenteacher!au, workingman!au, F L U F F, tiny bit of angst at the start :-( but this is literally 98% fluff; y/n and taehyung are like two little kids with little crushes on each other
✎ trigger warning(s): implications of getting an abortion!!
✎ wordcount: 10.5k
✎ summary: y/n is a very single mom and taehyung is a very single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.''
freefall - @jtrbluv ♾️☼☻
''summary: hearing banging noises outside your front door at 11 at night could mean one out of two things. one, you are seconds away from getting chopped up by an axe murderer. two, someone is purposefully being an inconsiderate asshole.
or three, a fratboy from delta phi who goes by the name of kim taehyung faceplants in front of your door amidst a high-stakes game of… hide and seek?
pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, smut (pretty tame tbh! cuz it’s my first time eek), comedy, college!au, fratboy!au
word count: 10k
warnings: RATED 18+, grinding, dryhumping, palming, mentions of drugs and alcohol (yk regular frat shit), swearing, taehyung is a gentleman fr tho my gawd with a big co-''
farmer boy, i love you - @strawberrynamjoon ♾️☼☻
''– Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
– Genre: farming!au, lowkey e2l, smut, humor & tons of nagging
– Word count: 35k
– Summary: Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
– Warnings: includes smut, alcohol and mentions death of a father''
The Crown That Is Ours - @taeshobipop ♾️Ω☻
''pairing: Taehyung x Reader
genre: fluff, angst, smut, royalty!au, arranged marriage!au, crown prince!th, princess!reader, idiots to lovers
summary: You never wished for it, but it was inevitable — an arranged marriage to a royal stranger. The Crown Prince Kim Taehyung.
A year into your marriage and life still holds you firmly in its grip. How do you plan to steer through this mess when the public suddenly comes knocking at your door, pitchforks and torches in hand, threatening: “death to all who commit fraud!”
rating: 18+ sexual content.''
Rent-a-Boyfriend - @jimlingss ♾️
''Words: 12k
Genre: Extreme fluff for all you bitter people out there (me being included)
Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love?
If you said 'yes' to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you!
Don't be alone for this Valentine's Day!
Come Rent-a-Boyfriend!™
(terms and conditions may apply. we are not responsible for any emotional or sentimental damages. please take caution with rent-a-boyfriend). ''
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Jeon Jungkook
new girl - @jjkeverlast ♾️☼☻¶
''☞ summary after finding out your boyfriend of 6 years cheated on you, you find yourself moving in with three guys in a loft. what could possibly go wrong? – inspired by the FOX series New Girl.
☞ pairing jeon jungkook x female reader
☞ genre roommates!au, roommates to lovers, romantic comedy
☞ status completed!
☞ rated mature (+18)''
Her - @jungk0oksthighs ♾️Ω☻
''bestfriend!jungkook, tattooist!jungkook, F2L, fluff, smut, angst
“And even if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay – I’ll always be here for you.” ''
like stars in a constellation - @taegills ♾️Ω ¶
''↬ meeting in reverse au
pairing: jeon jungkook | reader
genre: slight sci-fi, fluff, angst
word count: 20.9k
summary: And at midnight, as you sit there and contemplate how the two of you were like stars in a constellation, you watch the sky with bated breath. Because somehow, for the first time since you got caught up in all of this a year ago, it almost seems like the stars are finally spiraling backwards and time feels a little more still than ever before. And when you hear your name, you turn around so fast that the world stops spinning''
the universe of us. - @taesthetes ♾️Ω ¶
'' “I love you.” — “I know.”
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | kim taehyung x reader genre: slight comedy, angst, fluff type: dream / fantasy / slice of life au word count: 21,112 words warnings: none''
tangled webs - @ughseoks ♾️Ω
''— pairing; spiderman!jungkook x reader
— genre/au; soulmate au / spiderman au / angst, fluff
— rating; pg15
— word count; 14.1k
— summary; Soulmates are tricky thing. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their destinies intertwined with their missing piece. Signs come in dreams for those fortunate souls; short bursts that are barely memorable when the sun rises. As for you? Flashes of red and blue are your only indicators to the identity of your other half.''
Hopping Mad for You - @readyplayerhobi ♾️☻
''; Rabbit Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, smut
; Word Count: 9.7k
; Warnings: Unprotected sex, handjob, blowjob, virgin sex, virgin!Jungkook, pretty sub!Jungkook
; Synopsis: For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual.''
Devoted to Trouble - @jeonsweetpea ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''Spider-Man!AU | Peter Parker!Jungkook x Reader
genre: fluff, smut, comedy, lil angst rating: explicit description: In which the whole world finds out Jungkook is Spider-Man, but he doesn’t care about anything but you. OR Can you survive seven days of Jungkook pining over you while his identity is exposed to the world? word count: 11.5k''
The Love Plaza - @mayolive-writes ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: Jungkook x AFAB Reader
Summary: Needing to take a break from the long trip to college, you and Jungkook are forced to stay at the only lodging available within 70 miles, a love motel. And much to Jungkook’s dismay, there’s only one bed.
Wordcount: 4102
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Smut, Best Friends to lovers, Oneshot(?)''
the underwear thief - @gukyi ♾️☻
''summary: jeon jungkook would like to make one thing very clear: it’s not his fault.
pairing: jungkook x female reader word count: 10k genre: fluff, smut''
1999 - @tattookoo ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''summary: the year was 1999. boybands were wearing all-white outfits, everybody wanted an ibook or a tamagotchi, tlc didn’t want no scrubs, fight club was playing in movie theaters and you became jeon jungkook’s fake girlfriend in order to fix his reputation. 
pairing: campus royalty!jungkook x f reader 
genre: one shot, 90s au, college au, hockey au, childhood neighbors to friends to idiots to lovers, fake dating, fluff, crack, angst, smut  rating: 18+ 
word count: 17.9k''
tuesdays - @axialitae ♾️Ω
''tldr. you believe your very reserved, reclusive roommate jungkook is a peculiar boy who’s far too concerned with how you spend your tuesdays.
💭 prompt. “i don’t owe you an explanation.”
🤍 pairing. jungkook x f.reader.
🐻‍❄️ genre. non-idol au. pure domestic fluff. tiny angst. roomies + kinda dumb-dumbs to luvrs.
☁️ word count. 12.1k''
Tamped - @chimoona ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''Pairing: Shop Owner!Reader x Barista!Jungkook/Switch!Jungkook/Baby Boy!Koo, Reader x Dom!Yoongi (for, like, a second) Genre: Smut, Fluff, Humor, Slow Burn, Mild Angst/Jealousy | Barista AU Word Count: 19.7K Rating: M (18+) Summary: You and your business partner/best friend Jin have struggled to find good help to run your coffee shop. Employee after employee, it just never worked out. However, Jungkook is determined to impress and deliver. He wants this more than ever, and it always feels good to want something. To need, well, that’s even better.''
(Right) Hook, Line, and Sinker - @blog-name-idk ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your horrible friends trick you into going to a haunted corn maze, where you inadvertently punch a zombie. Jungkook is, of course, in love.
Word Count: 12,353''
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The Return of an Empress - @you-are-my-joy ♾️Ω ☻ ☼¶
''Status: Completed
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Isekai, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Smut
Characters: Empress!Reader, Advisor!Jin, Advisor!Yoongi, General!Hoseok, Advisor!Namjoon, Assassin!Jimin, Knight!Taehyung, Knight!Jungkook
Summary: After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Warning: May contain depictions of violence and mentions of abuse throughout the story.
Total Word Count: 280,808''
mother knows best - @seokth ♾️☼ ¶
''pairing | ot7 x female reader (platonic), ot7 moms & female reader
summary | being the only woman in a friend group with seven men automatically makes you the love interest in seven mothers’ wistful romantic stories. though your relationship with the guys remains completely platonic, the marriage fantasy their moms frequently project onto you and their sons has them coming up with all sorts of shenanigans to make you their daughter-in-law. mother knows best, you suppose.
warnings | overbearing moms, attempts at humor, platonic, slice of life au''
The Flower Path - @stellalunatmblr ♾️Ω ¶
''Genre/Tags: isekai (kinda?), bangtan x fem!reader, not poly, oc!bestfriend, surprise romantic pairings; rom-com (romance as a subplot), slow burn (the slowest of burns holy moly i cannot stress this enough), fluff, angst (will update tags along the way)
Status: Ongoing [HOLD]
Summary: What would you feel if you find yourself transported to the world of a cheesy web novel? Ecstatic, of course (well, among other things), except you’re stuck being the main character’s best friend slash sidekick. Fair enough, you don’t think you’re main character material anyway. Determined to get through your life that has changed all of a sudden, you try to keep yourself in the shadows of your “best friend.” Let’s just try to get through the last year of high school in peace. You thought it was gonna be easy – like a walk in a flower path– but the thing about walking that road is that there are bound to be thorns along the way.
Inspired by the web novel and manhwa: Inso’s Law''
operation: love letters - @ve1vetyoongi ♾️Ω ¶
 ''Sign up for the Love Calculator today to find your perfect match?
➤ YES | NO
♡ …L O A D I N G…Y O U R…M A T C H E S… ♡
♡ ⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader.
♡ ⇢ wordcount: est 30k total.
♡ ⇢ genre: mystery, college!au, romance, fluff, eventual smut.
♡ ⇢ summary: When every student on campus is going crazy about a survey that claims to make true love bloom, your best friend manages to convince you to join in on the fun — except you’re disappointed to find out that your results just seem to be lost causes. That is until a love letter from a mysterious secret admirer turns up and you find yourself on a mission to find the person behind the pen — but you quickly realise it’s going to be a lot harder than you initially thought when you have 7 possible bachelors to investigate, right? Operation: Love Letters a-go!''
The Galaxy Above Us - @agustdakasuga ♾️Ω
''Genre: Gods!AU, Fantasy, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, God of Wisdom!Namjoon, God of Life!Seokjin, God of the Moon!Yoongi, God of Festivity!Hoseok, God of the Sun!Jimin, God of Nature!Taehyung, God of Arts!Jungkook
Summary: Just when you thought that you life was at its end, you were ready to disappear but a door appears in front of you. Above you was the milky way and awaiting you were the celestial beings that waited their whole lives for you. To show the galaxy that was made for you.''
Everything Falls (Into Place) - @blog-name-idk ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 90,211
Rating: 18+''
until the last star falls - @minniepetals ♾️Ω ¶
''— summary: it was a love you knew would never make it out alive without sacrificing a part of your happiness to receive a greater happiness. but for them, you’d go to any extreme to have them again, and for you, they will always remind you each day that you are theirs and that nothing can tear you apart, not even until the last star falls.
— pairing: underworld lords!bts × shield!reader
— genre: fluff, angst / reincarnation!au / poly!au / gods!au
— word count: 44.4k ”
Spooked - @alpacaparkaseok ♾️☼
''Pairing:best friend!BTS, maybe some secret crushes going on? 👀
Premise: You + all 7 members of BTS visiting a haunted house. What could go wrong?
So, so much.
Word Count: 4k''
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swga-ficrecs · 1 year
long fic recs
this is a list of fics that are, well, long regardless of the trope and plot. for voracious readers who aren't satisfied with short-length writing. all these fics are considered holy grails because i don't read long fics if they aren't well-written. all fics are finished unless noted otherwise.
✒️ unfinished
third wheeling by @untaemedqueen  i absolutely love everything about this. it's a lot of my favorite tropes in one giant fic. the characters are complex and fleshed out, the pacing is good, and i love the writing style. the smut is well-written and, though the catalyst for the plot, well-paced that it doesn't feel like a smut-centric fic.
suit & tie + drabbles by @jungshookz this is is a long fic but in bullet points, so i can only imagine how long this could've been if it was written in full sentences. another fic where yoongi does a 180°, but their dynamic is adorable from the beginning. not a lot of drama, a good fic to go back to if you want something lighthearted. you can probably tell by now that i love ceo fics.
desolate by @angelicyoongie this fic is long but has a very straightforward style of writing that's easy to follow and understand. it's one of the few hybrid fics i've read where they fight for a hybrid's right to freedom. i love how much yoongi opened up and changed throughout the fic. it's one of those fics where the idea of a hybrid isn't romanticized.
the deal by @untaemedqueen a great introduction to syndicate fics if you're looking for one. this is a chaptered fic that isn't too long and is easily digestible. it doesn't touch on mafia-esque activities so much. i have a thing for romance fics where the stone cold character evolves into a romantic, and this tickles that itch.
balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!reader by @jungshookz ✒️ this bullet point mini-series should be considered a full series already, considering the length of each drabble and how many of them exist. this is a forbidden romance between a teacher and a student with different personalities, so it's interesting and endearing how they developed their feelings over time.
i want to be with you by @oddinary4bts
a lengthy oneshot of strangers-turned-lovers and how love grows slowly between two people who are worlds apart. very well-written, i dreaded how quickly i finished reading it. i love how human jimin is in this fic. the oc is very relatable as well—very realistic and not overtly romanticized. i can easily identify myself in her if i were in her shoes.
maybe i do by @chateautae another fic that is a mix of my favorite tropes. this fic has fewer but longer chapters. another smut-filled fic that doesn't feel overworked and serves as a good break between dramatic scenes. i love how both characters developed throughout the story.
please love me by @ahundredtimesover i loved the complexity of the characters and how they navigated through their situation. they both had to do a lot of growing up in this fic, and it was done in a well-paced manner. the drabbles also give a lot of insight to this universe. i go back and read the drabbles a lot.
evolution of a lover's heart by @jeonstudios
a heartwrenching masterpiece. i waited a long time for this to be finished, and it did not disappoint at all. one of the most emotional and resonating fics i've read so far. my heart feels for both of them so much. the kind of love that people wish they would have.
the boy with galaxies in his eyes by @oddinary4bts
an emotionally captivating and heartwrenching oneshot that i never expected to read. both characters were well-written and well-fleshed out, it was easy to fall in love with them and understand their actions. the writing itself was really magical too—flowed so smoothly, it didn't feel as long as it actually was. an absolute hidden gem that everyone should read!
4-7-8 by @jiminrings
not the longest of fics, but a great read nonetheless. i read this a while back, and it was only after i reread it that i was able to truly appreciate the characters and their development. it has a very realistic plot that tugs at my heartstrings. everyone deserves this kind of partner and love.
our first and last by @thedefinitionofbts ✨️
if you love the concept of alternate universes and soulmates, this is a must read. the author utilized scientific concepts that i had a hard time grasping and, at the same time, supported the plot really well. i'm so glad i came across this fic.
sanguis duology + (ongoing) oneshots by @borathae absolute monster of a fic, probably one of the longest ones i've read. even though i was annoyed at mc's stubborness, i think it was a driving force throughout the fic. i also never imagined the pairings in this, but i enjoyed the ride. there were some parts where i felt the author could've woven details better to make the story smoother, but it's charming in the sense that i need to think and connect the dots from previous chapters.
a place called home by @agustdakasuga i keep re-reading this fic every few years. i loved how each hybrid came into her life and how they eventually stayed. i also appreciate how each hybrid's personality isn't necessarily stereotypical. great pacing in each chapter, good to read if you like chaptered fics that aren't very long.
the road to you by @bonvoyagenoona
a slow burn masterpiece. this fic is a rollercoaster of experiences that is complemented by terrific writing and pacing. it's very instrospective, which is something i personally like. it has a little bit of everything and a good amount of smut, but it all works wonderfully together, the words flew by quickly.
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balletmusicch · 3 years
From: @preston.li.dance We are in love with this video 😍✨ Thank you so much for sharing this with us and using this music from our album "Christmas Ballet Class". Your positive energy is something unique and out of this world. 🎹💙🎶✨ Song: Medium Jump "Go Tell It On The Montain" ⬇️✨✨🎄☃️🎄✨✨⬇️ Allégro combination! 💕🩰💕 Join my online zoom or in person classes by clicking the link in my bio to register. All classes are hybrid format. ⁠ ⁠ Classes for age 12 up, all levels, Aboslutly beginner ballet, beginner ballet, beginner/intermediate ballet, intermediate ballet. Classes are all in the Los angeles time zone. ⁠ ⁠ Private zoom classes are available for your convenience times and your own focuses. DM me for more informations.⁠ ⁠ Don’t forget to click my YouTube channel link to subscribe, so you can have more my ballet combos and ballet tips in one place. ⁠ ⁠ In my yelp review you can see what my students comment on my classes.⁠ ⁠ #balletartist #balletclass #zoomclass #balletforlife #balletschools #balletteachers #prestonlisacademyofdance #balletforeverybody #balletpose #balletforever #balletforeveryone #balletworldwide #balletforbeginners #adultballetcommunity #worldwideballet #balletphoto #balletpicture #ballettech #adultballetclass #balletforadults #balletphotos #balletforadults #danceposes #adultballet #beginnerballet #dancepose #ballettechnique #balletover40 @ballet_music.ch (at Pasadena, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXMrE4jozKW/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
pallas-on-air · 5 years
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Beautiful words of wisdom from my wonderful friend, @williamwaldinger411 . To be honest, I could have written this myself. Respect 🙏🏼 #williamwaldinger #pallasdance #balletteachers #preprofessionalballet #choreographer #loveandlight https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kjWncApCg/?igshid=t3k2lhgumv94
0 notes
jungshookz · 1 year
apparently y/n's really good with toddlers and jimin thinks it's adorable
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➺ pairing; balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n
➺ genre; alright balletteacher!jimin stans since the last update was.,,. uh,., anyway here’s some pre-breakupfluff!! actually idk if this is going to make u guys more sad knowing how that last drabble ended but this one is super cute so at least you have that <3 i’m FINALLY appeasing u with balletteacher!jimin content 
➺ wordcount; 2.3k
➺ summary; all the teeny ballerinas seem to gravitate towards y/n for some reason and it’s taking everything within jimin to not spend the entire class just watching her fondly. 
➺ what to expect;  “oops, i dropt my swipper again.”
»»————- 🧸 ————-««
when jimin first got the email from saying that he had to take over the toddler’s ballet class for a day because the teacher for that class called in sick at the very last minute and he was the only one whose schedule lined up perfectly with the toddler’s class, needless to say, he wasn’t very happy 
it’s not that he hates children or anything horrible like that (he really doesn’t understand people who say that they hate children) — don’t get him wrong, he loves when random babies wave at him on the street and he’ll even go as far as to make a face at them if their parents aren’t watching — it’s just that he’s literally never taught a toddler ballet class before so he doesn’t even know where to start… and he also doesn’t know how far he can push them before he’s being accused of being a horrible, mean teacher 
though it would be fairly impressive on his end if they were able to do grand jetés by the end of class 
“i’m so happy we get to play with toddlers all day!” lisa squeals, plopping herself down next to you as you continue your morning stretches in front of the mirror, “aren’t you excited??” 
“i think it’ll be fun!” you smile, nodding in agreement before shrugging, “i’m a little nervous because i literally have never interacted with a child other than my little cousins, and they’re like eight to nine years old now, so i’m out of practice…” 
“it’s okay, y/n,” you feel a harsh pat on your shoulder and you look up to see seulgi smiling sweetly at you, “not all of us can be good at everything. you keep the class humble.”  
“very funny, seulgi.” you grumble, rolling your eyes before turning to look back at lisa, “i’m just glad we kinda get a day off because we have to help mr. park teach the toddlers. i don’t know about you but i am not in the mood to do any pirouettes this morning.” you huff, adjusting your leg warmers before checking out your reflection in the mirror to make sure you look okay
you also feel a little groggy because you didn’t get much sleep last night 
you spent the night at jimin’s and then he drove you back to your place early (because lisa texted and said she’d come over in the morning to have breakfast with you before the two of you zipped over to the studio so you had to go home otherwise she’d be wondering where the hell else you’d be) 
“do you think i should’ve worn the sheep-patterned leg warmers instead? i feel like toddlers would be more receptive to sheeps-“ for some reason you feel like you’re trying to impress the toddlers even though they probably don’t even know what leg warmers are and even if they did they couldn’t care less about them
you were going to wear your sweatpants but you got a new pair of leg warmers and you wanted to show them off (they’re baby pink with little black bows on the back of them), so you decided to pair them with your black leotard, a matching black wrap cardigan, and your stockings of course
“ah, i just love kids,” lisa sighs, getting up from the ground as you get up as well before looping her arm with yours, “and i don’t know about you, but seeing mr. park interact with kids is also something that i’m very much looking forward to.” 
you feel a wide grin growing on your face at the reminder that yes, you’re finally going to see jimin interacting with cute little kids and you remind yourself to keep it cool
you and jimin only started dating a few weeks ago and you don’t want to scare him off by getting all baby crazy
you don’t even know if jimin wants kids 
does he want kids?
and if he does, would he want to have them with you? because you certainly wouldn’t mind carrying his beautiful children and-
“oh my god, they’re so cute!” 
the room erupts into high pitched coos and squeals when the toddlers, well, toddle into the room, all of them dressed in matching baby pink cardigans and leotards and chiffon skirts with stockings on their little legs and neat little slicked back buns on their little heads and it doesn’t take long for you to fall in love with all of them because oh my god they’re so cute and you just want to eat their chubby little cheekies and gobble them up and rRRaAWOOF- 
“ladies, here are our little guests for the day,” jimin laughs lightly, shutting the door behind him quietly as he gently nudges the little ones towards the group like a herd of little baby sheep, “there are twenty-four of them and twelve of you, so if you could each take two for the day, that would be wonderful- oh!” jimin pauses when he accidentally bumps into one of the girls and he reaches down to pat her head, “sorry honey, mr. park is a little clumsy today and you’re just so small-“ 
“oh god, i can’t take it-“ lisa groans quietly, holding a hand over her mouth as she muffles a squeal and starts to bounce on the balls of her feet excitedly, “i can’t take it i can’t take it i can’t take it that is so stinking cute-“ 
“what are we supposed to do, do we just grab two random ones and go?” seulgi asks with a frown and you can’t help but snort because that is such a seulgi thing to ask 
“don’t grab two of them and go, this isn’t a drive through-“ you chuckle, watching as the other girls disperse into the crowd of teeny ballereenies to collect their two for the day, “you just have to go and see which ones vibe with you, i think. which might be hard for you.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“well, all children know that they need to stay away from the wicked witch of the west- OW-“ you yelp when seulgi delivers a hard punch to your arm before taking off 
it’s only in that moment you notice one of the little girls in the back, wide-eyed and holding onto both her slippers, looking as lost as ever 
she stumbles forward as the other girls start shuffling forwards slightly, all the toddlers clearly a little intimidated by all of you 
you make your way over to her and she immediately looks up at you, her lips parting slightly 
“hi! do you need some help with your slippers?” you crouch down so that you’re eye-level with her and she nods shyly before averting her gaze, “okay, i can help you. i’m y/n. what’s your name?” you stand back up before holding your hand out for her and she wraps her hand around two of your fingers, trailing behind you as you lead her to a free corner in the room 
“mia’s a very pretty name,” you smile, looking down at her (from your angle, you can see her little cheeks protruding out slightly and it’s just so cute) 
“i dropt my swipper.” mia suddenly stops in her tracks and you stop as well, letting her bend down to pick up her slipper only for the other one to fall onto the ground, “oops, i dropt my swipper again.” 
you and lisa make eye contact from across the room and she pushes her bottom lip out in a pout before scrunching her face and putting a hand over her chest and you make the same expression in return to tell her that oh my god, i know, right?!
“alright, miss mia, do you wanna sit down for me?” you hum, sitting down cross-legged before patting your lap, “it’ll be easier for me to put your slippers on if you’re sitting.” 
mia nods before plopping herself down on your lap and you nearly let out a coo when you notice how teeny weeny her slippers are
they’re just so cute! and they’re basically the size of your hand!!!!!! 
“how old are you, mia?” you ask, taking her slippers from her before lifting one of her chubby little legs up so you can put a slipper on 
“thwee.” she holds four fingers up and you giggle, reaching over to put one of them down for her, “i’m thwee.” she kicks her legs slightly, sticking the one with the slipper up into the air before wiggling her toes 
»»————- 🧸 ————-««
jimin smiles to himself as he looks around the room, feeling weirdly proud at how well all of you are looking after the little ones even though his teaching has nothing to do with how good you guys are with kids 
he started the class off with a few warm-up exercises and was very impressed at how well the little girls followed his lead (to be honest he’s already picked out the ones that would survive in his class when they’re older, and it’s definitely not the one that started twirling around in ditzy, uncoordinated circles when he asked everyone to get into third position), and it’s only been about twenty minutes but according to the schedule given to him, they take ten minute breaks every twenty minutes which seems a little too lax for his liking, but then again — he’s not a teacher for toddlers, so who is he to say what’s right and what’s wrong? 
and he has to admit that it was hard to not watch you the entire time you were guiding your girls and showing them how to do everything properly (“demi-plie, mia! keep your back straight just like me…”) 
at first he was going to tell you off because you were kneeled on the ground while he was teaching up front but then he realized you were only doing it so you could help the little ones with positioning their feet, and not to mention, you weren’t just helping your own two ballereenies, you were helping whichever ones were around you which was just… so nice to see 
and perhaps the others will suspect him of favouritism because he’s pretty sure lisa caught him staring fondly at you at one point but it’s not like anyone would ever confront him about it so he’s really not too worried 
“and at home, i- i do- um, i do, um, dance evewywhere and my favouwite- favouwite song is wet it go from fwozen because anna and elsa-“
“speaking of let it go- emma, you better let go of my bun before you yank my hair off my head!”
jimin’s ears perk up in interest when he hears your voice among the many voices and squeals and giggles in the room and he turns around, eyes scanning the room until he finally lands on you to see you surrounded by six of the baby ballerinas
you’ve got one of them sitting on your lap with her hand buried in a pack of animal crackers (none of them brought snacks with them so he’s assuming those came from you), one of them with their arms slung over you from behind and her cheek pressed to your shoulder, three of them sitting cross-legged around you, and the last one prancing around you chatting away excitedly 
you wrap your arm securely around the one sitting on your lap, reaching down to smooth some of her hair back before leaning over a little to look at her and ask if she’s alright, and she nods in response before holding a cracker up for you to take 
jimin feels his heart skip a beat at the adorable sight because he was certainly not aware of how good you are with children
he can’t help but chuckle when he notices you showing off your leg warmers off 
so cute
so, so cute
his eyes widen when you look up and immediately lock gazes with him only for you to wave at him shyly before returning your attention to the girls after jimin returns a smile and a wave of his own 
you and y/n would make a really cute baby, the intrusive voice in his head tells him as his arm drops back to his side, and jimin finds his cheeks flushing slightly at the thought of a teeny little y/n trailing behind him like a little duckling 
he could dress her up in her ballet clothes and put bows in her hair and train her to become the best ballerina the world has ever seen and she’d have your hair and eyes and his nose and mouth and she’d be so sweet and kind like you but strong and tenacious like him 
and not to sound like a hormonal boy or anything but the process of baby-making seems like it’d be very fun 
“mr. park, y/n’s stealing all the kids!” jimin looks over when he hears seulgi whining and he resists the urge to snort at how huffy she’s being, “i took two of them like you told us to but all of them are like, gravitating towards y/n for some reason-“
“well, i guess there’s just something about y/n that they like, seulgi.” jimin responds with a shrug, keeping his eyes glued on you with a fond smile twitching at the corner of his mouth 
🎙️ ask y/n where she gets her leg warmers (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (full fics!) 
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!) 
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jednorthyogaoutfit · 3 years
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😍I absolutely love this picture ✨😍🩰 👉Follow @jednorthyogaoutfit 💟Dancer: @lily_janneck 📷 @pointefolio #ballet #ballerina #balletdancer #balletphotography #balletfeet #ballet_soul #balletclass #ballets #balletlovers #balletteacher #balletcostume #balletphotographer #balletspirit #balletinspirarion #balletworld #balletpost #balletislife #balletfitness#flexibility #dancerlifestyle #dancerforlife #dancerfeet #talent #loveballet #balletworldconnected #worldballet (at USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTuQc0MK0W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dancewithmarynyc · 10 months
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My latest #article for @danceinforma is live.
Achieving en pointe perfection: Dance tips for adults
With interviews by @kathrynsullivankas
and @allieradice
You can find her classes @stepsonbroadway
#ballet #Dance #pointe #adultsenpointe #adultballetstudent #adultsdance #adultballerina #adultballetcommunity #pointework
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leroygblr · 5 years
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“Kaleidoscope” a dance portrait of #ballerina @linakimwheatstone #soloist with #queenslandballet. To me this image represents the many beautiful colours and facets of Lina that she gave me during our shoot. A rare privilege 🙏🏿📸_________________________________ Dancer @linakimwheatstone Assisting in final dance adjustments and corrections. @balletmentoring _________________________________#balletphotography #ballerinaproject_ #ballerinafeet #balletislife #balletphotographer #dancephotographer #dancephotograph ##balletmentor #balletschool #balletteachers #vivid #saturation #mirrorpic #tutuskirt #linadancewear #onpointe #worldwideballet #worldballetproject #balletworld #instaballet #balletgram #pointemagazine #balletmagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDDGJBAoqw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=53qxqoyxkbtp
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ballettismylife · 5 years
Anybody else who is so freaking excited when being alone with their dance teacher? My teacher drove me home today and I loved every single second of it 'cause idk but she's like a queen or goddess or sth and I'm looking up to her so much.
Please tell me I'm not the only one 'cause I'm feeling like a freak. Thank you.
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danzadance · 2 years
Suki Shorer explica el Rolling, para bajar de la punta… metodología Balanchine. Ejercicios de ejemplo.
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pallas-on-air · 5 years
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Happy Belated National Dance Day!Beautiful memory from 1 year ago . . . Happy National Dance Day to YOU, with love from Pallas-Dance! What better way for me to celebrate than by realizing my long-standing dream of attending legendary New York City Ballet ballerina, Jillana’s ballet teachers’ summer intensive, “Technique in Taos”?! Yes, tomorrow I will be traveling to New Mexico for a week of study with Jillana and esteemed colleagues. This is a particularly deeply meaningful coming full circle for me, as Jillana awarded me my very first ballet scholarship from The New York City Ballet/ Ford Foundation, when I was just 11 years old, which covered my studies at the Westside School of Ballet in Santa Monica, California, with Yvonne Mounsey, principal dancer with the New York City Ballet, and Rosemary Valaire, soloist with the Royal Ballet. I feel so thrilled and honored to be meeting Jillana once again! The opportunity to study, once again, with a first generation Balanchine Ballerina is incomparable! Happy National Dance Day! #nationaldanceday #nationaldanceday2018 #jillana #thejillanaschool #techniqueintaos #nycb #newyorkcityballet #westsideballet #yvonnemounsey #pallasdance #pallasonair #pallassridevi #yogapallas #yogajournal #ballet #ballerinas #balletteachers #choreographer #grateful #spirituality #bethechange #art #PreProfessionalDanceTraining https://www.instagram.com/p/B0doR9Rgc-X/?igshid=gyl1xtigj4m
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