#balkan countries
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thebellekeys · 16 days ago
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Serbian Language
Ljudi preziru sve one koji ne uspiju, a mrze one koji se uspnu iznad njih; Navikni se na prezir ako želis mir, ili na mržnju ako pristaneš na borbu... People despise all those who fail, and hate those who rise above them; Get used to the feeling of contempt if you want peace, or that of hatred if you decide to fight...
– Meša Selimović (1910-1982)
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mucseszter22-blog · 6 months ago
So cool 😎❤️
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balkanradfem · 1 year ago
How did the Yugoslav Wars affect your childhood? What do you think about other Balkan countries now? Would you like to see Yugoslavia back?
That is a loaded question! I was 5 while it was going on, so I don't exactly remember much, what did affect me was that male soldiers, including my father, had their rage and violence excused with 'he was in the war', which makes me so mad. For all I know they went there to rape women and shoot people, I have zero sympathy for that.
I don't think Yugoslavia will be back unless we the women abandon the boarders, and form our own female-only Yugoslavia, which I would be into. Wars and borders are male construction, we don't benefit from it at all, and there's no reason for us to stand by them.
I love all of the women from all balkan countries. I think all other balkan countries are great, only croatia sucks! I do believe that croatia is specifically a bad country, because we're hushing up the genocide of serbs still, and it's always making me mad. It's still openly nazi, fascist, racist, nationalist and extremely patriarchal country, and it drains me every day to live here.
I find all other balkan nations are at least a bit more chill and tolerant, maybe because they're not constantly hushing up a past genocide. I've noticed croats are very focused on putting blame and bad word on their neighbour countries, which I also believe is a part of the huge victim complex croatia has.
I don't remember anything of Yugoslavia, and my family never told me much (except my mom still being weirdly into the dictator), but I found books in the library detailing how life looked back then, and how close the people were in the past and the community they've formed, and it sounds... like nothing I've ever experienced. I would have loved to see it. All older people talk about the past with the fond, nostalgic tone, describing the local dances, villages working together to harvest crops, having big friend groups and stable work, having much more fun and relaxing times in life than I've ever seen anyone have right now. That made me feel like Yugoslavia had to be much better than what we have right now. But it is all stories, I've never experienced it myself past the age of 5, so I can't speak from real experience.
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 7 months ago
My dad barely has friends now. His best friend is his brother who is in Greece.
No one in our Greek family apart from my dad immigrated too.
I hear about people I know talking about seeing their family for the weekend and I don’t get that more than once or twice a year.
This screenshot means a lot
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I think about this a lot
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otonkolos · 15 days ago
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National animal of Kosovo 🇽🇰
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ytelovski · 3 months ago
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gracheeez · 5 months ago
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Did this doodles a while ago, literally last week, they are Poland (glasses and headband), Croatia (The one with the tie), Ukraine (the one posing) and Belarus (The one with the scarf)
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garrulus · 2 months ago
croatia is boycotting three big store chains this week and three products; coca cola, bottled water and detergents. and commertials and discounts went crazy for last few days. and today i went to a plant store to buy some perlite and there was fucking detergent being sold there half a price on the register. we are living in a distopia.
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trossards · 2 years ago
albania finally bringing us some good fucking balkan music
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sotiriabellou · 2 months ago
prev post is very true+i feel like the fact that greece was never "communist" or part of the eastern bloc also kind of culturally separates that from the rest of the balkans, though not by a lot
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kas-e · 8 months ago
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Autumn in Bulgaria, '22.
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otakulucia-chan · 6 months ago
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Croatian Miku 🇭🇷
Following the Brazilian Miku trend, I have decided to create the Croatian Miku despite not being Croatian, but I am doing it anyway, since I would like to get to know the country and I have been researching the different folkloric costumes of the country.
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panchulien · 2 months ago
your post about gün really makes me want to write an accurate cod characters in the middle-east thing i cant lie. I see it so often in fics and people get certain parts of the region so wrong but i always hold myself back thinking no one would care but your post has me thinking maybe i should say fuck it and write it anyway.
turkish culture and arabic cultures have a lot in common of course so your post sparked that idea again :O
also having been to a few, we had a turkish neighbour growing up before we moved, i just know it'd be niks perfect afternoon. That warm feeling of all the food and company, the excitement around you, the mundane stories and complaining about the dumbest things as if its the most important thing happening. Also the food is truly amazing and nik would be so excited to introduce them to his own dishes, he'd have a great time for sure
thanks for sharing its such a sweet thought and i love when people share their culture!!
Aww Q this is such a sweet ask thank you so much. 🥺😭💖 I'm glad my post sparked that interest in you, and definitely don't hold yourself back if you want to explore more with your fics! I'm sure there are many people willing to help if you ever wanted to consult someone about the accuracies. (me included <3) Just the fact that you're concerned about it shows that you care, some writers just ball it when it comes to other cultures haha
You understood the picture I was trying to paint perfectly!! I just know cultural exchanges with Nik would be such a delight. He's seen a lot, always open to learn more about the world as he travels. He'd be such good company and I love him for that. Perfect contrast to the life he leads, these little exchanges with the locals, being accepted by them and allowing himself the calmness of it for a brief moment.
What I wouldn't give to just sit down and have a conversation with this man over some tea haha
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ergohetalia · 9 months ago
Hetalia X Haikyuu Crossover
Feat: Extra art dump
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defrostedvertebrae · 2 months ago
r/DID is usually flooded by people in the west, particularly USAmericans (slightly less than half by reddit statistics). Still, being on there, i managed to converse with an individual from neighbouring bulgaria and comiserate on a lot of countrywide issues specific to this area.
Especially from the practical point of view, since therapists here are not allowed to diagnose, nor clinical psychologists. It's psychiatrists who do all the work with reports from the clinical psychiatrist, making the whole process of getting recognised so much more difficult. I genuinely liked being in the niche unfortunate position to also help someone in my corner of the globe.
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ytelovski · 11 months ago
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drift with the wind
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