#baldness genetic test
genehabit · 8 months
Exploring the Genetic Links Between Hair Loss and Overall Health
Hair loss is a common concern that extends beyond appearance; it can also provide valuable insights into your overall health. Emerging research has uncovered intriguing genetic links between hair loss and various health factors. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating world of these connections, shedding light on how genetic tests for hair loss, including hair loss DNA tests, baldness genetic tests, and genetic hair loss tests, can offer not only insights into your hair but also your overall well-being.
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The Interplay of Genetics and Health
Hair loss is not solely a cosmetic issue; it can be a manifestation of underlying health conditions. Researchers have identified genetic markers associated with both hair loss and certain health factors. Understanding these genetic links can lead to a more holistic approach to healthcare.
Genetic Tests for Hair Loss - Beyond Appearance
Genetic tests for hair loss have evolved to provide insights not only into your likelihood of losing hair but also into your overall health. Here's how these tests are expanding their scope:
Hair Loss DNA Tests
Hair loss DNA tests analyze specific genes associated with hair loss. While they offer insights into your genetic predisposition to baldness, they can also unveil genetic factors linked to broader health concerns.
Baldness Genetic Tests
Baldness genetic tests focus on genetic markers related to baldness. They can identify genes that may contribute to hair loss and, in some cases, uncover genetic links to health conditions that may affect hair health.
Genetic Hair Loss Tests
Genetic hair loss tests encompass a wide range of genetic markers associated with hair loss. Beyond predicting hair loss, they can reveal genetic clues about your overall health and well-being.
The Surprising Genetic Links
Recent studies have uncovered surprising genetic links between hair loss and various health factors:
Cardiovascular Health: Some genetic markers associated with hair loss have been correlated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. This connection highlights the importance of monitoring heart health in individuals with a family history of baldness.
Insulin Resistance: Genetic links between hair loss and insulin resistance have been observed. Individuals with certain genetic variations related to hair loss may have an increased risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Prostate Health: Male pattern baldness has been associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Genetic tests can provide early insights into this potential risk.
Inflammation: Genetic markers for hair loss have also been linked to chronic inflammation. This connection underscores the importance of addressing inflammation for both hair health and overall well-being.
The Holistic Approach
Understanding the genetic links between hair loss and overall health emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to well-being. While genetics play a role, lifestyle factors, diet, exercise, and regular medical check-ups are equally important. Genetic tests for hair loss offer a valuable tool for individuals and healthcare providers to assess not only hair health but also potential health risks.
Hair loss is more than a cosmetic concern; it can provide genetic insights into your overall health. Genetic tests for hair loss, including hair loss DNA tests, baldness genetic tests, and genetic hair loss tests, are expanding their horizons to encompass broader health factors. Embracing this interconnectedness between hair and health allows for a more comprehensive approach to well-being. Whether you're addressing hair loss concerns or proactively managing your health, understanding the genetic links is a step toward a healthier and more informed future.
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hsmagazine254 · 7 months
Cracking the Code: Is Hereditary Baldness Preventable?
Decoding Genetic Hair Loss: Understanding Hereditary Baldness Hereditary baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common condition that affects both men and women. But is there a way to prevent or slow down this genetic predisposition to hair loss? Let’s delve into the science behind hereditary baldness and explore potential prevention strategies. Understanding Androgenetic…
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: walrus
There are a lot of iconic arctic animals, such as the polar bear and narwhal, but my personal favorite is the walrus. Known for their large tusks, prominent whiskers, and habit for busting myths creepy eyes, walruses are unique amongst the pinnipeds. Most people know of the two main groups of pinnipeds: Phocidae, the earless or true seals and Otariidae, the fur seals and sea lions. Walruses however are in a class of their own, being the only surviving species of their own family: Odobenidae. A weird fact that I learned researching for this is that taxonoimists used to think Odobenids evolved from bears before later reclassifying them alongside the other pinnipeds. Old-timey taxonomy was wild and came up with some absolutely unhinged ideas. Like they used to think that microbats and megabats weren't related, instead classifying megabats as primates.
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(image; a walrus sitting on an ice flow. It is a large, brown mammals with short limbs that end in flippers. Its head has a wide, blunt snout and two long tusks emerging from the upper jaw)
There is one species of walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, divided into two subspecies based on location: the Atlantic walrus (O. r. rosmarus) and Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens). The two subspecies are still very similar and genetic testing indicates they diverged between 750,000 and 500,000 years ago. There used to be a third listed subspecies from the Laptev sea, O. r. laptevi, but they have since been reclassified as a population of the Pacific walrus. Walruses are very large, being the third largest pinnipeds after the two elephant seal species. The Pacific subspecies is larger than their Atlantic brethren with most males reaching an average weight between 800 and 1,700 kg (1,800 to 3,700 lbs). A few males have been known to grow considerably larger than average. Male Atlantic walruses average about 900 kg (2,200 lbs). In both subspecies, females are about 2/3 the size of males and have shorter tusks. a large portion of their weight comes from the thick layer of blubber under their skin that helps them stay warm. Both subspecies have an average length between 2.2 and 3.6 meters (7.4 to 11.8 ft). Walruses have hind flippers that can turn forward to act like feet, letting them crawl on all fours like sea lions. Like true seals, they have no external ears. The skin is very thick and mostly bald. They are born with brown skin that becomes lighter as they age. While swimming, the blood vessels in the skin construct to reduce blood flow and limit heat loss, which makes them considerably lighter, almost white. Males have skin nodules called bossed around the neck and shoulders. Their creepy eyes are the result of eye sockets with no roof and powerful extraocular muscles that let the eyes protrude out of the skull and look both forward and sideways. The famous mustaches are composed of 400-700 thick whiskers. The whiskers are attached to muscles and have both nerve ending and blood supply. They are incredibly sensitive sense organs and a walrus can identify objects as small as 2mm with its whiskers. Their lips are muscular and flexible and aid in creating a large variety of noises.
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(image: a close-up of a walrus's face, showing its prominent whiskers and small eyes. Its mouth is open, revealing its tongue)
How come the walrus can whistle but I can't? (video: a walrus in a zoo being instructed by its handler to make multiple vocalizations)
Of course the most famous features of walruses are their tusks. These two large canines can reach a meter in length and are larger in males than females. The tusks have a number of uses in both sexes, though males use them more. In both sexes, they are used to help dig breathing holes in sea ice, hang onto ice and help the walrus climb out of the water. Males also use their tusks in displays of dominance, especially during mating season. Larger tusks are a sign of dominance and typically the walrus with the largest tusks will win standoffs. If a standoff escalates from posturing to a fight, they will use their tusks as weapons. They tend to strike around the neck and shoulders and the skin nodules in those areas help protect males from each other's tusks. It was formerly believed that walruses would use their tusks to dig for prey on the sea floor, but this is no longer believed to be the case.
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(image: a walrus skull showing the tusks)
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(image: a walrus using its tusks to hang onto the ice and keep its nostrils above the water)
Walruses spend a lot of their time searching for the food they need to support a body that big. They prefer forging along the continental shelf and spend much more time in shallow water than other pinnipeds. While walruses have been tracked diving 500 meters deep, the majority of dives are much more shallow. The vast majority of a walrus's diet consists of seafloor-dwelling invertebrates including tubeworms, soft corals, tunicates, crabs and shrimp, sea cucumbers, and mollusks. While that's a wide palette, their absolute favorite food is clams. To hunt, walruses drag their noses and the forward surface of their tusks through the sediment and use their whiskers to search for food. This stirs up the sediment and releases nutrients back into the water column, a process balled bioturbation. Many foods can be swallowed whole or chewed, but they have a special feeding style for clams and other bivalves. Walruses will hold the bivalve in their mouths and use their flexible lips to form a water-tight seal around it. It then withdraws its tongue into its mouth to create enough suction to suck the bivalve meat right out of the shell. So important is this strategy to feeding that the shape of their mouths is specially adapted to it. Walruses are also known to feed on seals, though how much of that is due to hunting or scavenging is unknown. Additionally, they will scavenge whales, may hunt walrus trapped under sea ice, and have been seen catching and eating birds.
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(image: a walrus foraging for food underwater. It has its snout pressed into the sea floor and is kicking up a large amount of sediment. Still from a National Geographic video)
Walruses are social and migratory, traveling south for the winter and north for the summer in aggregations that can be tens of thousands strong. They will haul out onto land or sea ice in huge numbers, blanketing the landscape in blubber and tusks. While these aggregations are preferred, they are not considered a true social species as they do not aid each other when together. Walruses on land or ice are skittish and will spook easily. Being startled can lead to stampedes while the walruses flee back to sea. Sometimes, walruses will be trampled to death during these stampedes. During mating season, the normally cordial walruses become much less friendly to their neighbors. Breeding seasons lasts from January to March. During this time, males will gather in the water around females in heat and compete for the change to get to that nice walrussy (I will not apologize). This is usually done via bellowing and posturing with the tusks, but may escalate to fights. While males become sexually mature around age 7, they often do not become large and strong enough to secure mates until around age 15. Females become sexually mature between 4 and 6 years old. Curiously, females enter heat twice per year, but males are only fertile once per year. Gestation takes up to 16 months and calves are born able to swim and weighing up to 75 kg (165 lbs). Females with calves move away from the large aggregations, possibly to keep their calves from being crushed in stampedes and possibly to make it harder for predators to detect their scent. Nursing lasts for over a year, longer than in many pinnipeds. Walrus milk is fattier than that of land mammals, but less fatty than that of true seals, forcing walrus mother to nurse longer. Even after being weaned, walruses may spend up to 5 years with their mothers. Females only mate at most every two years, which gives the walrus the lowest reproduction rate of all pinnipeds. Walruses can live up to 30 years in the wild and 40 years in captivity. Male walruses have the largest penis bone of any non-cetacean both in absolute size and proportionately.
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(image an aerial shot of a walrus herd on land. There are many walruses and they are so tightly packed together that no ground is visible)
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"Don't talk to me or my son ever again" (image: a mother walrus with its calf. The calf is a smaller version of the mother with no tusks. The calf is sittting by its mother's side. Both are looking at the camers)
Walruses have been hunted by humans living in the arctic circle for millennia. Hunting peaked in 18th and 19th centuries when there was a high commercial demand for meat, blubber, skin, and ivory. This almost led to the extirpation of Atlantic walruses. Since then, hunting has been outlawed except by indigenous peoples, allowing the populations to recover. Now, the major threat to walruses is climate change leading to loss of sea ice needed for hauling out and breeding. The IUCN lists both subspecies as Vulnerable. They were an important source of food and other materials to the peoples of the arctic circle and appear frequently in the mythology of said peoples.
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(image: a walrus tusk carved with the images of multiple fish, seals, and polar bears)
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maulfucker · 5 months
ok so my idea for a bad batch redesign is. What if the bad batch was actually an experiment on transgenic clone modifications. like. really putting the "experimental" in experimental clone force.
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Hunter - Kaleesh genes make his senses sharper, and gives him infrared sensing (and by extension night vision) and stronger hunting instincts - His ears are pointy and taller than normal, but he hides that with his bandana - Has pit organs under his eyes (that's how he senses infrared and electric currents) - His eyes reflect light and have slit pupils - His pinkies work as secondary thumbs
Tech - Kind of a test to see how much of givins' natural affinity for mathematics is genetic and how much is socialized - He's better with maths and has quicker thinking than regular humans - Givin genes make him smaller, pale and bony, so he looks kinda sickly and starved but he's totally normal - The glasses help hide how deep his eyes are - The "balding" look from his original design is now because of his bone structure
Wrecker - Gamorrean genes give him enhanced strength - It also gives him a very strong sense of loyalty, and makes him tend to be stubborn - He's actually a little bit shorter than an average clone, but he's so wide that people think he's taller than he really is - His left canine broke in the same incident where he lost his left eye
Crosshair - Chiss genes give him infrared vision and better reflexes (and red scleras) - Umbaran genes give him ultraviolet vision - He really is just an experiment on expanding the human vision range - He sees infrared better than ultraviolet, and has better night vision than Hunter - His hair is a cool black instead of the usual warm black - He's a bit paler as well but that's because he doesn't like bright places
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stuckasmain · 5 months
List of weird shit Clarke included :
The space odyssey series certainly was a ride. There’s a lot of great elements to it and some… not so much. A good deal, especially in later books, becomes a bunch of real weird and specific stuff either he’s horny about and … if I have to be scarred so do you.
Some of this is just funny/specific and not “bad” weird, will specify.
Sex toys on the discovery
The nipple thing
Everyone is super into diving as a hobby in 2010 (just funny)
“The pleasures and pitfalls of zero G sex we’re greatly exaggerated” (something along the lines of this, just funny)
Dave having a messed up grief fueled situationship with his dead older brothers girlfriend (WHY)
Space divorce (funny)
Heywood seeing Starchild Dave as higher being because he didn’t form a dick (he could very loosely make a outline of a human form only detailing the eyes but Floyd wanted full nude apparently)
Ship rape
Jupiter explodes and becomes a second sun and everyone’s just cool with that.
Pangea is implied to have reformed killing thousands and everyone’s just sort of cool with that
“Bioluminescent orgasm”
Heywood gets the shits from drinking comet water
Random Gay couple with a parrot (just funny)
Having chips in your hand with all identifying information and NEEDING them to do anything along with NEEDING the brain cap and it not being a choice (cyberpunk dystopia who? Maybe I’m just jaded)
When going through the brain cap testing Frank “for a moment he even had a violent erection”
Religion is eradicated and “icky” but religion still technically exists
Implied sexual relationships with genetically enhanced gorillas
Dinosaurs and wings are a thing
The astronautics agency drugged their food with anti-horny drugs without their knowledge
Anti-circumcision plot point (like the bald thing in sounds like a personal issue the author should sort out.)
Criminals are basically mind controlled non people doing the undesirable jobs
Frank gets put in a suite dedicated to Dave. Pictures and everything (That’s so cruel lmao)
3 decade and 15 year time skip where a boyfriend blows up, Frank speed runs starting a family and getting divorced. It is a time skip that changes little as everything resets to status quo
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mangoshorthand · 2 years
Before A Fall [Five Hargreeves x F Reader]. Ch 4 (Hard Feelings Part 2)
SUMMARY: As your life begins to grow around Five's, his attitude becomes a little sinister. When does protection become suffocation and when does taking matters into your own hands become betrayal? (weekly updates) Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
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Five is buzzing at the hint of a mystery, but your feelings are becoming more complex.
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Smut below. Proceed at your own risk
Chapter 4: Socialist Sesame Street
The other adults have mixed responses to Five upon seeing him again, leaning against one of the many LEDs screens, eyes scouring the ingredients on the back of a can of JUICED. Some tsk in disapproval, most ignore him but the odd person tries to talk, worriedly. These he shuts down; politely but firmly. One man approaches him with aggressive swagger, presumably the same man who had objected to his interruption back in the auditorium. 
“Hey, son.”
He’d hoped the diminutive terms of address would be gone by now. Apparently not. He looks up at the man. He’s solidly built with a cap pulled down tightly on his bald head.
“You made a real ass of yourself in there.”
Five returns his eyes to the ingredients list, one hand falling naturally into his pocket, “I wasn’t craving your opinion on my behavior but thanks for the feedback I guess.”
The man bristles, “You got a kid in second grade? Got a girl pregnant when you were a freshman or something?”
“I’m in loco-parentis."
Five sighs, "I'm Santiago Pitts-Hargreeves' uncle. I'm in charge while his parents are away. Now, can I help you?”
“I’m just telling you." he gestures to the can in Five's hand, "My Sean drinks it every day and he ain’t got cancer. You one of them conspiracy nuts?” 
“Depends on the conspiracy.”
This answer clearly doesn’t put this Dad's mind at rest.
“Listen, you’re crazy bastards, you’re scared of everything. First the soda gives kids cancer, then they faked the moon landing-"
Five speaks as if to finish his list, “-then there’s widespread pedophilia cover-ups in the catholic church. Not everything that sounds crazy is false.”
The guy reverts tactic:
“Like I say, JUICED is all my kid drinks. Nags and nags until he gets it. If it caused cancer, he’d for sure have it.”
“Well,” says Five, inclining his head and raising his eyebrows with a hint of sardonicism, “then I'd suggest you get him tested. Just in case.”
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You and Santi watched and enjoyed the latest Pixar offering and he laughed at you when you’d left the theater with tears in your eyes. You’d decided to spoil him tonight; this kid was having the toughest of tough times. After the email Five mentioned to you, at least half of you is convinced that you’ll arrive home tonight to learn that Alyssa has died.
Partly due to this preoccupation, you’d allowed Santi to spend an inordinate amount of money on movie-theater candy and he's still riding the sugar high. 
He sits, swinging his legs at your McDonald’s table and chatters happily about how fries taste a jillion times better if you dip them in ketchup and then barbeque sauce but not the other way around. You, of course, try it both ways and pretend to taste a difference in the result.
“Wow you got a real sense of flavor. You think you’re going to be a chef?”
“Nah. I got to use my power. I can save the bees and maybe one day pandas and tigers and everything.”
“Cool” you say. While you have your doubts about the long-term genetic stability of duplicated creatures, you run with it anyway, “I bet you will."
You pause a second, your mind flashing back to his conversation with Five. Is there an opportunity to be a different voice?  
“That’s a really kind thing to do for the animals. How else might you save them?”
He looks a little confused.
“I’m asking because when there aren’t enough animals it’s usually because of something people have done accidentally or on purpose. You can duplicate animals, but if people have built on their homes, then where will they live?”
“I get Uncle Luther to knock down all the buildings!”
“I don’t think Uncle Luther would do that,” you laugh, “he’s too nice. What about the poor people in the buildings? Where will they live? It’s not their fault.”
“But the animals?”
“I know Santi. I think we need to stop the builders building there in the first place…but maybe the builders only built there because people needed to live somewhere.”
“Maybe the people go someplace else?”
“Mm-hm. But what if they don’t have enough money to go live somewhere else?”
“We give them money…or we give them houses. We got lotsa rooms at home.” He chomps his hamburger.
“That’s a nice idea,” you look at him, thoughtfully, “but isn’t it crazy how animals not having enough places to live can be sorta linked to some people not having enough money?”
“Yeah,” he chews thoughtfully. He looks troubled by this, so you lighten up this cursory glimpse down socialist Sesame Street.
“Don’t worry about it now. There are lots of kind people who work together to make sure everyone has a home. People and animals. Maybe one day you could join in?”
He's smiling in that way that reminds you of Lila- chubby cheeks pouting outwards. 
“I think you’d fit right in. You’re kind too. And if a lot of people are kind together and care an awful lot, they can fix stuff.”
“Like the Lorax?”
“Yeah, kinda. Do you want an ice-cream?”
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In the semi darkness on the Academy steps, you sit down and gesture for him to sit next to you. He does and you take both of his small hands in yours.
“Santi- before we go in, how are you feeling?”
“Happy,” he smiles.
“Yeah? I’m glad to hear that. How are you doing with the mean people at school?”
“They mostly been off school so it’s better.”
Well…it works on a temporary basis, you suppose.
“Who have you played with at recess?”
“The bugs,” he grins, “I made four HUGE spiders today.”
You shudder, “Oh no- that sounds like my worst nightmare!”
He laughs, an infant-like squeak creeping into his voice. When all is said and done, he’s still just a baby.
"It's ok, I make them disappear too, you know." 
You smile, “Tomorrow, can you do something for me?”
“At recess, if you see someone who looks lonely, can you see if they want to play?”
He pulls a face but doesn’t really respond.
“That would be a kind thing to do,” you prompt.
He hesitates, “I’ll try.”
“Perfect!” you raise your arms in exaggerated joy.
“But what if they say go away?”
“Then you’ll have been kind anyway and I’ll be proud of you. Maybe they're feeling sad. And...some people are mean, but that's their problem; it's nothing to do with you really.”
You hold out your arms to him and give him a tight hug. You feel a sudden rush of affection. You've been in this little boy's life for a significant portion of it. It's a responsibility you don't take lightly. 
He yawns.
“Come on, sweetie,” you say, “it’s late. Let’s get you to bed.”
Almost as soon as you step into the entrance hall, Five blinks into existence in front of you with the familiar ffssht and flash of light. He drops to his haunches and grips both of Santi’s upper arms in his:
“Santi! DON’T drink the soda.”
“JUICED. Santi: never drink it again. You gotta promise me!”
“You’re scaring him.” 
You put your hand on Santi’s shoulder and steer him out of Five’s grip.
 “What’s happened?”
“I think it’s poison.”
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With Santi calmed and sound asleep, you’re sitting on the bed while Five stands, his arms folded and toe tapping. 
"You can’t tell Diego and Lila until you’re sure.”
 “Yes. I’d come to that conclusion.”
“But what made you think-?”
“Can you be quiet a moment? I have to think."
You stare, hurt.
He blinks across the room, pulls an ancient typewriter out of the bottom of your wardrobe and slams it on the table. He looks around madly, opening draws and ducking his head under the desk. You cross to the bookcase and extract a sheet of paper from the ream stored there.
He takes it wordlessly, threads it onto the roller and types smartly. You move as if to read it over his shoulder but he waves you away gruffly. You step back, perplexed.
He stands quickly, tears the paper from the machine and rolls it into a tight cylinder.
With that, he blinks away.
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In his Dad’s old office, he crosses to the fireplace, glancing disdainfully up at the painting on the wall, (What sort of pathological narcissist has an oil-painting of himself behind his own desk?). The green-tiled surround is flanked by two carved volute pillars, ostentatiously holding up the equally ostentatious mantelpiece. 
Beside the right-hand pillar on the swell of the chimney breast is a hidden compartment that opens only for his hand. Inside is a tube-shaped capsule and a pipeline disappearing upwards- it's a founder's privilege. He stuffs his note into the tube, the tube into the pneumatic pipeline and slams the lid shut.
He backs up, the back of his legs coming into contact with Reginald’s desk. He sits there silently, listening to a fly buzz somewhere in the room. His leg shakes restlessly for a moment until he can’t stand it anymore. He’s up and over at the glass-doored cabinet to his right. He pulls out the decanter, two glasses and pours a generous amount into each. Then, he takes up the slightly larger of the two and sips.
The fly stops buzzing. The air’s thicker. It’s a state Five remembers well. Time has been paused.
“Hello Number Five,” comes Herb’s friendly voice, “long time no speak.”
“I was kinda hoping to finally knock my time with the Commission on the head... yet here I am.”
Five turns and sits behind the desk. With a gesture, he offers Herb the seat on the other side.
Herb accepts, taking his seat and placing his briefcase under the table. Five passes the other glass over the desk.
“How’s Dot?”
“Well, thank you,” Herb smiles, “and your lady?”
A slight shadow passes Five’s face, which Herb doesn’t miss.
“She's well.”
Wisely, Herb decides not to pursue this line of enquiry. Instead, he gets down to business.
“Now, how can I help you today?”
“It's small fry from your perspective but I got some suspicions, Herb." 
He leans back in his father's chair and crosses one leg over the other before continuing.
"Holbrook Elementary school in the city. Four kids in one class have developed cancer and it’s too unlikely to be a coincidence. There’s no atmospheric reason that I could place and yet they’ve got this corporate sponsorship with the soda company JUICED....and the stuff is all over the school.
Herb nods, smilingly, “You trying on the old superhero cape again?”
“It’s my nephew’s school Herb.”
“Ah.” Herb takes another sip of whiskey.
“Now, I’m hoping you’ll be able to run some numbers and help me out here. Give me something to go on.”
Herb looks pained, “Er- you know that I can’t-”
“Yes, I know you can’t just tell me the answer but can you at least indicate the path to finding the answer, or maybe tell me if I’m way off base.”
Herb considers.
“Give me,” he checks his watch, “until tomorrow on my end but I can make it five minutes for you.”
“Thank you.”
With a nod, Herb picks up the briefcase and vanishes.
The fly resumes its buzzing, the air clears. Five massages the pressure points at the bridge of his nose in an effort to clear the slight build up in his sinuses that always results from the pausing and unpausing of time. He finishes his drink and pours another, containing one restless leg’s desire to shake with difficulty. He checks his watch.
The fly appears before his face, he lifts a hand to waft it away just as it freezes in mid air. Herb, wearing a different shirt and tie, is again before the desk, holding a thick file.
“Thanks again Herb.”
 Five plucks the static fly from mid-air and positions it out of his eyeline before continuing.
“What have you got for me?”
“It’s as I thought. I can’t give you much because you’re integral to working it out.”
“Ah shit.” Five leans back into Reginald’s old desk chair, “you mean, the old fashioned way? Like, chemistry?”
“Afraid so.”
He sighs, “So I’m reading up on chromatography?”
Herb gives him a little shrug and jerk of the head as he takes a sip of his whiskey, his face seems to say: Maybe, but I can’t tell you.
“Is there anything, anything at all you can say?”
“I can put your mind at ease: Santiago does not have cancer.”
Five lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
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Five seems too wired to sleep. He has the bit between his teeth and can’t let go. He told you that Santi’s fine but nothing else. It’s like trying to sleep next to a coiled spring. You turn over to face him.
“You don’t seem tired.”
“I need a good night’s sleep. I just can’t switch off.”
“Want me to help?”
"It's not really your area." 
It’s not really a dismissal, just a statement.
"Maybe I didn't mean like that."
His eyes dart towards you. He thinks he knows what you’re getting at, but after skating on thin ice over the last week, he doesn’t want to assume.
“I’d be…grateful.”
 For your part, you’ve been noticing him this evening. His eyes look bright, hard, intense. All his mannerisms became more pronounced as his inhibitions were swept away in the greater current of his roiling mind. His hands were shoved so deeply in his pockets that you were sure they’d rip. His characteristic forward lean had been so pronounced it was almost a bow. 
He attracts you more than you’d wish considering his attitude right now, but now you’re willing to forget everything, even his caginess, just to be able to pleasure him. You don't want to think too hard about the implications of this.
Pushing down your conflicting feelings, you kiss his neck softly, burying your nose in his lower hairline and breathing in his smell. It makes your stomach flip; familiar, but intoxicating. You creep your mouth up to his ear and blow softly into the shell. When he still seems distracted, you glide the back of an idle hand down his naked chest and over his stomach as you run your tongue along his helix. This always makes him shiver and today is no different.
Having captured his full attention, you return your mouth to his neck and raise your hand to his nipples. He sighs, vocalizing a small moan as you stimulate the sensitive buds- rubbing first one and then the other to hardness. You switch your mouth’s focus, tongue coming instead to rhythmically flick each nipple with its tip while your hand caresses his neck. 
His breathing becomes more expressive as your hand comes down beneath the sheets and beneath the sweatpants he sometimes likes to sleep in. He lifts his hips and pulls them down for you as you give his rapidly hardening length a gentle stroke, redoubling your efforts on his chest to get him there faster.
When he’s fully hard, you pump him softly, occasionally stopping to just stroke the head between your thumb and other fingers in the way that he likes, spreading the leaked precome over his swollen glans. When his little sounds of enjoyment become needy, you speed up. With a little hiss, he thrusts upwards, the muscles in his lower body flexing invitingly into greater prominence.
Before you can get him there, you know you want to taste him. You burrow under the sheets and take the head into your mouth, teasing the rim of his glans with the warm-wet pressure of your lips. He lets out a moaning sigh. You don’t intend to draw this out, but you can’t resist inching your mouth slowly down his length, making sure he can feel every moment before you take him to completion. 
He throws the sheets back to look down at you with his whole dick in your mouth. You look up at him with the eyes that had first attracted him; their doe-like innocence in stark contrast with the situation
"Haaah…” he whispers, “make me come, you little cocksucker." 
His hands come to the sides of your head, fingers as usual tangling in your hair.
Now you bob your head, focusing the flat of your tongue on stimulating the head while he’s inside you. You look up at him again; his eyes are half-lidded and mouth agape. Your mouth is making sloppy, wet sucking noises as you go down on him, your saliva leaking down his shaft. You can tell the sound and sight is turning him on just as much as the feeling. 
"Fuuucck. You look so good down there. So good. You gonna swallow what I have for you?"
You want to swallow it. You don't care about anything else- not his disregard, not his dismissal, nothing. His moans become grunts and his hips rise off the bed. You add a hand into the mix, stroking the shaft in time with your mouth, now concentrated on the head. As your eyes meet his again, his hips jerk spasmodically and his grunts become a sustained roar. You keep it up as you feel him douse your waiting tongue with his milky-sweet seed. 
The taste of him makes your nipples harden. You slow down slightly, knowing that his most intense orgasms become too much if you attempt to go hard with direct stimulation. With his voice subsiding into gasps, you milk and swallow all the come you can from him, greedy for it. 
You remove your mouth and give him one final, long stroke, just to make sure you got it all. You lick the last little bead from his opening- not willing to waste the tiniest drop. He sighs contentedly.
Is there a hint of smugness in his look, or is it your imagination?
"Mm. Thank you, dear one." he mumbles, rolling onto his side and enfolding you in his arms. As he strokes and kisses you, you come down from the high and stare into space. He rubs your hip.
"Can I...do you?" 
"It's fine." you murmur. 
"If you're sure?"
He sounds surprised, but only slightly.
In response to your confirmatory nod, he kisses you with lithe-lipped tenderness, stroking your cheek with light, loving fingers. He breaks the kiss slowly, looking at you with adoring eyes. Then he holds you to him again and relaxes into his post-orgasm euphoria, eyes closing.
"I love you so much." he whispers, sleep beginning to overtake him.
"I love you too." 
He doesn't notice the slightly bewildered tone to your voice. What happened to your self-respect?
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed.) @dilfjohhny , @sunsunhe, @w4stedtr4sh,@nevbrooke-555
Masterpost Alternatively, join me on AO3.  Here is a link to the whole series
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rayadraws · 6 months
I had a dream that I wrote a tumblr post on labrador retriever colour genetics for some reason and now I'm like well since dog colour genetics IS an interest of mine, why not. I don't remember what I wrote about specifically in my dream but here's a few lab colour facts.
(N.B. I am not getting into the debate of purebred vs mixed, I am not saying one is better than the other etc, just stating a few facts)
There is only one breed of labrador, the labrador retriever. Yellow/brown/black lab just refers to the coat colour. They share the same breed standard, are judged together and can be interbred, they are not different breeds.
All colours you can find in dogs are created through the interaction of two different kinds of colour pigment, they are eumelanin (black/chocolate brown/blue/lilac) and phaeomelanin (all shades of red from deep copper to off-white). White is absence of pigment all together.
For labradors specifically, black and brown are expressions of eumelanin, yellow labs express phaeomelanin. From a genetic viewpoint, all yellow labs from the super pale cream ones to the deep fox red ones are genetically "red", they just have additional genes that bleach/darken their red shade.
Most (maybe all) labrador retrievers are genetically tanpoint ("dobermann pattern") but almost all of them also have a gene called "dominant K" which overrides that pattern, leaving them solid black or brown. In very rare cases, purebred puppies can be born that show the pointed pattern.
Yellow labs also have a gene that prohibits the expression of eumelanin in the coat, instead they exhibit only phaeomelanin, which is otherwise "overridden" by the dominant K, black/brown -> red.
In very rare cases, dogs can have something called a "somatic mutation" where you can get a dog that expresses two or more coat patterns/colours at once. Try googling "somatic mutation labrador" and you'll see some cool labs that are mixed black and yellow, which is normally impossible. This kind of mutation happens randomly, it is not genetic and can not be bred for. It is not the same thing as merle.
Small white markings such as a chest spot or white toes is something that can randomly happen in puppies if the pigment did not have time to develop fully before birth. Often such markings go away as the dog ages and the pigment fills in. However, more extensive white markings (like white that forms a full or partial white collar, extends pasts the toes etc) is a sign that the dog has another breed or breeds mixed in, the genes to produce that amount of white spotting does not exist in purebred labradors.
"Silver" labradors are labs that have been crossbred with a breed that carries the dilution gene (usually a weimaraner), which turns black to blue and brown to lilac. Unscrupulous breeders try to pass these dogs off as rare and exotic purebred labs to fool unsuspecting buyers. Breed DNA tests are not reliable as they can not spot a mixed in breed after 3 generations. The breeding of silver labs is unethical as the dilution gene is tied to health issues, in particular CDA (colour dilution alopecia) which can lead to itchiness, flaky skin, hairless/balding and skin infections.
Artist bonus: - If you are drawing a black lab, it should have a black nose and brown eyes. - If you are drawing a brown lab, it should have a brown or flesh-coloured nose and amber or light brown eyes. It is genetically impossible for a brown lab (or any other dog breed that comes in dark brown/chocolate/liver colour) to have a black nose and dark brown eyes. They just can't produce that kind of pigment. SO many people including professionals get this wrong and it drives me up the wall, use references people lol - If you are drawing a yellow lab, it can have black OR brown pigment "behind the yellow", but black pigment is most common, so black nose/brown eyes. These dogs sometimes have a flesh-coloured spot on their nose, which is called a dudley nose.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
do i need a medical diagnosis to call myself intersex? my hormones are funky but idk if it's intersex especially since everyone on one side of my family is similar
you do not need one, as most people do not receive a concrete diagnosis other than "your hormones are fucked up. here's some birth control pills," or "you have low T. let's fix that"
my doctors never really diagnosed me with anything on my heath chart despite telling me i had a few issues. i never saw those health problems reflected anywhere else in any of my other doctor's health charts. they just kinda offhandedly mentioned pcos and hyperandrogenism, dont look forward to having kids because of infertility, something something i didn't understand, here's some birth control...
while i can't tell you if you're intersex or not, my best advice is to try to reach out to a doctor, obgyn, or endocrinologist who can help you take a look at your hormone levels, and see if there is something going on. if your hormones are consistently outside of the "normal range," then you could have an intersex condition. also i wouldn't dismiss it necessarily if everyone in your family is similar because these conditions can be and in fact are genetic for most people-
my cis sister started balding in her 20s because of super high T and low E. she deals with facial hair as well. my aunts, and grandmother also dealt with this, as well as very sharp and dense facial features, facial hair, (my grandma had a square jaw), strong dense upper body muscles, messed up menstrual cycles, etc. generally speaking High T bodies. i believe they all probably had something similar if not the same intersex condition, or at the very least, laid the groundwork for my intersex condition. genetics play a huge role so it's also a good idea to get genetic tests if your insurance will cover those. they can tell you a lot
your best bet is to attempt to see if you can speak to some professionals who can help you figure out what your hormone levels are like, if it's affecting any other part of your endocrine system, get some genetic testing done if possible and so forth. if you can't, i would say do as much research as you can into the intersex community and our experiences and make an informed decision after you've heard from pretty broad range of sources. take care, good luck, it takes a while but it's worth looking into, it can explain a lot
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 2 months
Not to be pedantic but the weird eugenicist fantasy wouldn't select for high estrogen males because they're talking about testing for the genetic component, and not the baldness itself. That being said if it became reality I'm sure it'd inevitably descend into that because I'm not sure if genetic testing for male pattern baldness exists and even if it does testing everyone for it would be an absurd effort. For baldness? Why is baldness what this guy thought of skfjsjfdjd. Also like they clearly don't understand how male pattern baldness works because females cary the gene too. Also like isn't it more common than not? Is this guy proposing that the majority of people are sterilised wtf.
well, yeah that's the thing, they wouldn't be able to test for it genetically, so the only thing they could do would be to medically diagnose the onset of male pattern baldness, and then sterilize whoever has it; hence they would most likely weed out men with high testosterone first if they actually adhered to this example plan
and yeah of course it's nonsense, all eugenics are, any attempt to put the ideology into practice as envisioned dies the second it touches medical reality, and as such can only descend into the actual political intent its proponents have: to punish, enslave and murder those they deem undesirable according to their fascist ideals
the baldness example doesn't exist because these people actually believe that's a viable plan, it's a trojan horse to get people who aren't educated enough to see its stupidity onboard with fascist talking points; if these people ever get the power to implement eugenics it won't be baldness they ''cure'', it will be ''low IQ'' based on racially biased testing so they can bring back chattel slavery and ''autogynephilia'' so they can murder trans women etc. etc.
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genehabit · 9 months
Unlock Your Hair's Genetic Secrets with GeneHabit's Hair DNA Test
Discover the key to healthier, fuller hair with GeneHabit's Hair DNA Test. Genehabit at-home genetic test for hair loss provides personalized insights into your unique genetic makeup, allowing you to understand the factors contributing to hair loss. Take control of your hair health with convenient lab test for hair loss, empowering you to make informed decisions for a thicker, more resilient mane. Uncover the science behind your strands and embark on a personalized journey towards stronger, more beautiful hair.
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hollow-keys · 4 months
Doing some maths to figure out the X-Men's ages in #1 and clear up some misconceptions, because people believe the Professor was old and the students were all 16 lol.
Let's start with the most difficult to pin down, Professor X. The data:
His mutant powers originated from his parents exposure to radiation affecting their offspring's genetics.
His father died in the Trinity nuclear test (1945) and we see him at the funeral
He says he went bald in his teens, which was after the funeral and Marko becoming his step father because we see him with hair in those scenes.
He was injured in a car accident when Cain was driving him to college, which was before he joined the Korean war (1950-53).
The X-Men celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Xavier starting lessons in X-Men #4, published in January, 1964. Sidenote: The team was formed before X-Men #1 (which was published in July 1963). A year did not pass in 4 issues.
The latest he could have joined the Korean war was 1953, since that ended in July, and college starts in Autumn, he must have gone to college at latest in 1952, making him at least 18 by then. This would make him 11 in 1945, lining up with his appearance at his father's funeral and the statement about him losing hair in his teens, and he would therefore be born in 1934, making him 29 in 1963 when the X-Men were founded. He could also be a bit older since teen years only start at 13 and balding is a process which might not have been visible in his early teen years. All in all, I can't see him above 15 at a stretch in 1945, making him at maximum 33 when the X-Men were formed.
The students are easier. In X-Men #1, right before Jean joins the team, Iceman is explicitly called 16 and the other members are said to be a couple years older than him, making them 18 at least and no older than 19 given they're all referred to as teenagers. Additionally, Beast is stated to be the oldest. Jean's age is not stated in this issue, but since Iceman is still treated as the runt of the group, it's safe to assume she's older than him.
Then in #4, Angel says to Iceman, "I'll hang you up to dry while we adults continue with the tests." Since Jean is still waiting to be tested, it's implied she's an adult too.
In conclusion: By the first issue of X-Men, Professor X is at least 29 and at most 33, likely 30 in my opinion, all the students are teens with Iceman being 16 and the others being 18-19.
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Best Hair Fall Treatment for Men in 2023
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Men can lose their hair for multiple reasons. Androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary disorder that affects more than half of the male population over 50. However, stress or other autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata can cause men to lose their hair.
Although one cannot always stop hair loss, several therapies and hair loss treatments might be able to slow the process down.
Hair loss and baldness result when new hairs stop growing or fall out too quickly. It's typical to lose somewhere between 50 to 100 hairs daily. Because new hair grows to replace lost hair, this loss is typically not noticeable.
Depending on the hair loss, you can observe gradual hair thinning, receding hairline, or an abrupt bald patch. Hair loss can act on the entire body or just the hair on your scalp.
Causes of Hair Fall 
Men's hair loss may be brought on by:
Genetics and Family History
A genetic disorder known as androgenic alopecia causes men to lose their hair over time. It could manifest as thinning areas on the crown of the head or a hairline that is slowly retreating. You are more likely to experience hair loss if your family members do.
Drug-Related Conditions
Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or hormonal problems, might result in hair loss. For instance, bald spots or thinning hair may be brought on by thyroid problems, bacterial scalp infections, or the hair-pulling condition trichotillomania. Alopecia areata (bald patches) is a condition that develops when the immune system kills hair follicles.
Medication and Medical Procedures
Several drugs prescribed to treat ailments like cancer, depression, gout, heart disease, and arthritis can cause hair loss as a side effect.
Events or long-term stress may cause temporary hair thinning.
Diagnosis of Hair Fall in Men
Before making a diagnosis, your hair expert will probably perform a physical examination, ask about your health and family history, and quiz you about your diet and hair care routine. You could also get the following tests done:
A blood Test 
It could assist in identifying medical issues that can result in hair loss.
Pulling Test 
Your doctor carefully removes a few hundred hairs to count the ones that fall out. It makes it easier to determine the process' shedding stage.
The Scalp Biopsy
To study the hair roots under a microscope, your doctor scrapes samples from the skin, or a few hairs pulled from the scalp. It can assist in determining whether an infection causes hair loss.
Optical Microscopy
Your doctor examines hairs clipped at their bases using a specialized tool. Discovering potential hair shaft diseases with the aid of microscopy.
Treatment Options Available for Hair Fall
AHS Clinic offers multiple hair transplant and treatment options that cater to all needs and situations. Our hair expert will conduct an advanced hair check, and only after knowing the root cause for hair loss and the stage of hair loss will he suggest a hair restoration option.
The treatments offered by the AHS Hair Clinic include:
Advanced Laser Therapy
Strand by Strand Cosmetic
Strand by Strand Ultimate
AHS Complete
Home Program
Schedule a Consultation with an Expert Hair Doctor
If you face many hair fall issues, the first step is to reach the root cause. You can rely on the AHS Hair Experts, who will perform an advanced hair check and suggest the best hair fall treatment accordingly. Our path-breaking technology guarantees results that bring back your hair and your confidence.
Book an appointment with AHS Expert or visit the nearest clinic to solve your hair loss problem and promote hair regrowth.
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retorres · 1 year
∆HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
Did you know that thousands of people, like you and me, suffer from severe hair loss? There are also cases of thinning, dull hair, which became more evident after the age of 40, where the hair becomes thin, dull, lifeless. Sometimes we wear caps, hats and even wigs to disguise our baldness, because we feel ashamed of our hair and even experience humiliating situations in places that do not allow the use of caps and hats, especially in more sophisticated places. Due to such suffering experienced by millions of people, since exposing hair is inevitable, researchers sought the cause of hair problems.   So, after much research, the real cause of female hair loss is NOT the result of 'bad' genetics, aging, menopause... or even childbirth. The real reason you are losing your hair, may be due to a faulty signal inside the hair follicles. Hence the revolutionary 60-second "Rapunzel Ritual" that will help you regain the full, youthful hair you had in your 20s. To facilitate, in view of the purpose that guides this channel, to help the greatest number of people, I will leave in the description of this video and in the comments below, the official website for the purchase of the product HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO (RITUAL RAPUNZEL). You just need to join this opportunity, to start a new story of overcoming and achievements. YOU ARE CAPABLE, GOD BLESS!!! 
∆ What is HAIR THERAPY?   It is a new shampoo from Clinical Effects designed to stimulate the growth of new follicular stem cells in women over 40 by repairing ruptured hair follicles to minimize the hair loss process.
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY WORK? Yes, because the product contains in its formula natural ingredients and other revolutionary ingredients - stem cells which are the raw material that produces all other cells in our body - and are associated with youth and vitality.
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY REALLY WORK? yes, as signaling molecules are released, sending an urgent message to your stem cells to grow more hair, they begin to divide and multiply... and new hair is formed. 
∆ IS HAIR THERAPY GOOD? yes, because we know that we have two hair phases, stage 1 ¨Anagen¨, known as the growth phase, as it is when you are in your 20s and 30s... your hair will be long effortlessly, flowing and silky. However, as you age, an increasing amount of hair leaves the anagen phase and instead moves into stage 2, the ¨Telogenous¨ phase, where the hair stops growing and the root hardens. Therefore, by applying Hair Therapy Shampoo daily, you can enjoy thicker and more voluminous hair using a blend of natural ingredients based on the Rapunzel Ritual. 
∆ HAIR THERAPY INGREDIENTS? Hair Therapy SHAMPOO is made with plant-based ingredients and revolutionary ingredients, among them: AnaGain, a phenomenal ingredient that stimulates the production of FGF7 at the root of the hair, to start growing new healthy hair; Baicapil which is a very special substance extracted from a herb called Chinese skullcap that increases cellular activity at the ROOT level, hair follicles are rejuvenated and energized from the inside out, restoring healthy signaling and giving your hair a more youthful and voluminous appearance; and Biotin which is an essential vitamin to heal brittle and fragile hair. 
∆ Can HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO be used by vegans? Yes, as Clinical Effects NEVER test their products on animals, their manufacturing process is ethical and environmentally friendly. 
∆ How to use HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO? The manufacturer recommends using the same Rapunzel's Ritual every morning, 60 seconds in the shower or bath, massaging the roots, which will leave rich organic nutrients in your hair. 
∆ HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO PRODUCT REVIEWS? Many women claim to have noticed a significant difference in just two weeks after applying Hair Therapy shampoo. Their hair looks thicker and fuller. 
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY HAVE A GUARANTEE? yes, if you get the product from the official website that I left in the description, it comes with a 180-day money back guarantee, which gives you six months to try it and see if it works.
∆ HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
∆ HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
 ∆ SUBSCRIVE TO THE CHANNEL:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-jJ... ∆ SHARE THIS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/pa4fbqXct-I 
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losshair1 · 7 days
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Regrowth: Why PRP Therapy is Transforming Lives in London
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Hair loss is an issue that affects millions of people around the world, and its impact goes far beyond aesthetics. Whether you’re experiencing thinning hair, a receding hairline, or patchy bald spots, hair loss can significantly affect your confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, medical advancements have brought forward revolutionary treatments that can restore not only your hair but also your sense of self. One of the most exciting developments in the world of hair restoration is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. This cutting-edge treatment has gained widespread attention in cities like London, where patients are seeing remarkable results. In this guide, we’ll explore how PRP therapy works, why it’s so effective, and how it’s transforming lives in the UK’s capital city.
Understanding Hair Loss: Why Does It Happen?
Before we dive into the specifics of PRP therapy, it’s essential to understand the common causes of hair loss. Hair loss, or alopecia, can be triggered by various factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, and lifestyle factors. Here are some of the primary causes:
Genetics (Androgenetic Alopecia): Commonly known as male or female pattern baldness, this is the most prevalent cause of hair loss. It affects millions of men and women worldwide and usually results in thinning hair and receding hairlines.
Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or thyroid problems can cause temporary or permanent hair loss.
Stress: High levels of stress can lead to conditions such as telogen effluvium, where hair prematurely enters the resting phase of the hair cycle, leading to excessive shedding.
Medical Conditions: Autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata, nutritional deficiencies, and scalp infections can also contribute to hair loss.
Lifestyle Factors: Poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can weaken hair follicles, contributing to hair thinning and loss.
With so many factors at play, it’s crucial to choose a hair restoration treatment that addresses these issues at the root—literally. That’s where PRP therapy comes in.
What is PRP Therapy?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a non-surgical procedure that uses the patient’s blood to stimulate hair regrowth. The concept may sound complex, but the science is straightforward and backed by years of research in regenerative medicine.
Here’s how it works:
Blood Draw: A small sample of the patient’s blood is drawn, similar to a routine blood test.
Centrifuge Process: The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge, a machine that spins it rapidly to separate its components. This process isolates the platelet-rich plasma, which is abundant in growth factors.
Injection: The PRP, now rich in concentrated growth factors, is injected directly into the scalp in areas where hair is thinning or receding. These growth factors help to stimulate the dormant hair follicles and promote the growth of new, healthy hair.
The Science Behind PRP: Why It Works
PRP therapy works because of its ability to harness the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Platelets, a type of blood cell, are primarily responsible for clotting, but they also contain proteins known as growth factors that accelerate tissue repair and regeneration. When injected into the scalp, these growth factors stimulate the stem cells in the hair follicles, which are vital for the growth and maintenance of hair.
PRP therapy addresses hair loss by:
Increasing Blood Supply to Hair Follicles: Blood flow is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. By enhancing blood circulation, PRP helps to “wake up” dormant follicles.
Prolonging the Anagen Phase: The hair growth cycle has three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting). PRP helps to keep hair in the anagen phase for a longer period, resulting in thicker, stronger hair.
Repairing Damaged Follicles: PRP contains proteins that promote healing and cell growth, making it especially effective in repairing damaged or weak hair follicles.
PRP Therapy in London: Why It’s Gaining Popularity
London has become a hub for advanced hair restoration treatments, and PRP therapy is quickly gaining popularity among both men and women. There are several reasons why this therapy is taking the city by storm:
1. Natural, Non-Surgical Solution
Many people are hesitant to undergo invasive procedures such as hair transplants. PRP therapy offers a natural, minimally invasive alternative that uses the patient’s own blood, making it a low-risk option with minimal downtime.
2. Clinically Proven Results
Numerous studies have shown that PRP therapy can significantly improve hair thickness, density, and overall growth. Many clinics in London are reporting excellent results, with some patients seeing visible improvements within just a few months of treatment.
3. Personalized Treatment
Every patient’s hair loss journey is unique, and PRP therapy can be tailored to suit individual needs. In London, reputable clinics offer customized treatment plans based on the severity of hair loss, age, and lifestyle factors, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
4. Holistic Approach to Hair Health
Many London-based clinics are combining PRP therapy with other treatments, such as microneedling, laser therapy, and topical medications, to enhance results. This holistic approach addresses both the internal and external factors that contribute to hair loss.
5. Accessibility and Convenience
With the rise of modern hair clinics throughout London, accessing PRP therapy has never been easier. Whether you’re in central London or surrounding areas, there are plenty of clinics offering state-of-the-art PRP treatments at competitive prices.
What to Expect During Your PRP Treatment in London
If you’re considering PRP therapy in London, you’re likely curious about what the treatment process involves. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:
Consultation: The first step is an in-depth consultation with a hair restoration specialist. They’ll assess your hair loss, review your medical history, and determine whether PRP therapy is right for you.
Procedure: The PRP treatment itself is relatively quick and painless. After drawing your blood, it takes about 10 minutes to separate the plasma. The injection process takes another 20-30 minutes, depending on the area being treated.
Aftercare: There’s no need for downtime after PRP therapy, and most patients can return to their daily activities immediately. However, you might experience mild swelling or tenderness in the treated area, which usually subsides within a day or two.
Results: Visible results vary, but many patients start seeing an improvement in hair density and thickness within three to six months. Consistent treatments over time will yield the best results.
PRP Therapy in London: Success Stories
London residents who have undergone PRP therapy often describe it as life-changing. Here are just a few stories from those whose lives have been transformed by this treatment:
Jane, 42: “After years of trying every shampoo and supplement available, I was losing hope. I decided to try PRP therapy at a clinic in Chelsea, and I’m amazed at the difference. My hair is thicker, healthier, and my confidence is back.”
Tom, 35: “I started losing my hair in my late twenties, and it affected my self-esteem. I wasn’t ready for a hair transplant, so I gave PRP a shot. Three sessions in, my hairline has filled in, and I can’t believe the change. I’m so grateful!”
Is PRP Therapy Right for You?
PRP therapy is an excellent option for people experiencing mild to moderate hair loss. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with severe alopecia or those who have undergone extensive scarring may not respond to PRP treatments.
If you’re in London and considering PRP therapy, schedule a consultation with a reputable hair clinic to assess your candidacy for the procedure. PRP therapy is most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle, so adopting a balanced diet, managing stress, and caring for your scalp are crucial components of long-term hair health.
Final Thoughts: The Future of Hair Restoration
PRP therapy is revolutionizing hair restoration not just in London but worldwide. Its ability to harness the body’s natural healing properties to stimulate hair regrowth offers a promising, non-invasive solution to hair loss. Whether you’re just beginning to notice thinning hair or have been struggling with baldness for years, PRP therapy could be the key to restoring your hair and confidence.
In a city like London, where innovation in medical treatments is at the forefront, PRP therapy continues to gain traction as a safe and effective option for hair regrowth. If hair loss has been affecting your life, PRP therapy might just be the solution you've been searching for—offering natural results and a chance to regain your confidence.
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drshardamundel · 7 days
Hair Treatment in Jaipur: A Guide to Restoring Your Crowning Glory
Jaipur, known for its rich cultural heritage and royal history, is also becoming a hub for advanced hair treatments. With increasing stress, pollution, and lifestyle changes, hair problems like thinning, balding, and hair fall have become common. Thankfully, the Pink City is home to numerous clinics and experts that provide world-class hair treatment solutions. Here’s a detailed look at the hair treatments available in Jaipur, their benefits, and why you should consider them. our service Hair Treatment in Jaipur
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Common Hair Issues
Before diving into treatments, it’s essential to understand the prevalent hair issues people face:
Hair Loss: This is one of the most common problems caused by factors such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, poor diet, stress, or medical conditions.
Thinning Hair: Age, nutrient deficiency, or prolonged stress can cause hair to lose volume and appear thinner.
Dandruff and Scalp Issues: Scalp infections, seborrheic dermatitis, or poor scalp hygiene can lead to dandruff, itching, and redness.
Dry and Damaged Hair: Excessive use of chemicals, heat styling tools, or sun exposure can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dry, brittle hair.
Popular Hair Treatment Options in Jaipur
Hair Transplant: Hair transplants are one of the most effective treatments for baldness or thinning hair. Jaipur offers both Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) methods, where healthy hair follicles are transplanted to bald or thinning areas. The result is natural-looking hair growth. Clinics in Jaipur are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure minimal discomfort and a quick recovery.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP is a non-surgical treatment that uses your blood plasma, which is rich in growth factors, to stimulate hair growth. The treatment involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to extract the plasma, and injecting it into the scalp. Many clinics in Jaipur offer PRP as a standalone treatment or in combination with other therapies for enhanced results.
Mesotherapy: This treatment involves injecting a nutrient-rich liquid containing vitamins, minerals, and amino acids into the scalp to promote hair growth and improve hair density. Mesotherapy in Jaipur is particularly popular because it is relatively painless and has a quick recovery time.
Laser Hair Therapy: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates hair follicles and increases blood circulation to the scalp. Jaipur’s leading clinics offer advanced laser hair therapy for patients who want to avoid surgical options. This treatment is ideal for those in the early stages of hair loss or thinning.
Hair Restoration Products and Treatments: Several clinics and dermatologists in Jaipur recommend using clinically tested shampoos, serums, and supplements that promote hair growth. Many treatments combine topical products with in-clinic procedures to maximize results. Herbal treatments and Ayurvedic therapies are also prevalent, focusing on restoring hair health through natural methods.
Scalp Micropigmentation: For individuals who prefer a non-surgical solution for balding or thinning hair, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a great option. This technique uses detailed micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp, creating the appearance of fuller hair. Jaipur’s top clinics offer SMP, which provides a natural, realistic look without invasive procedures.
Why Choose Hair Treatments in Jaipur?
Expertise and Technology: Jaipur boasts highly trained professionals, including dermatologists, trichologists, and plastic surgeons, who specialize in hair treatments. The clinics are equipped with modern technology, making advanced treatments like hair transplants and PRP therapy accessible.
Affordability: Compared to metropolitan cities like Delhi or Mumbai, hair treatments in Jaipur are more affordable without compromising on quality. This makes Jaipur a preferred destination for both residents and people from neighboring states seeking cost-effective hair restoration options.
Cultural and Medical Tourism: Jaipur is not only a city of rich history but also an emerging hub for medical tourism. Many international patients visit Jaipur for hair treatments, combining their medical needs with a chance to explore the city’s palaces, forts, and vibrant culture.
Personalized Care: Jaipur’s clinics are known for offering personalized care. From the initial consultation to post-treatment follow-ups, patients receive attention tailored to their unique needs. This focus on individual care ensures better outcomes and a more satisfying experience.
Hair treatments in Jaipur are among the best in India, offering a wide array of solutions for hair loss, thinning, and other related issues. Whether you’re looking for a permanent solution like a hair transplant or non-invasive treatments like PRP, the city’s well-established clinics and trained professionals provide world-class care. Combine the expertise, affordability, and the beautiful surroundings of Jaipur, and it’s clear why the Pink City is becoming a top destination for hair restoration treatments.
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nationalskincentre · 10 days
5 Signs You Should Visit a Dermatologist in Secunderabad
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Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it plays a crucial role in protecting you from the outside environment. However, like any other part of your body, your skin can experience issues that require professional attention. While some skin problems can be managed with over-the-counter products, others need specialized care from a qualified dermatologist. If you live in or near Secunderabad, it’s important to know when it’s time to see a skin specialist. Here are five signs that you should visit a dermatologist in Secunderabad.
1. Persistent Acne That Won’t Go Away
Acne is one of the most common skin issues people face, particularly during adolescence. However, if your acne is persistent or severe, it’s time to seek professional help. A dermatologist in Secunderabad can provide tailored treatments such as topical or oral medications, chemical peels, or even laser therapy to help clear up your skin. Moreover, a skin specialist in Secunderabad can help you manage acne scars, ensuring your skin heals beautifully. Don’t wait for your acne to worsen — seek timely advice from the best dermatologist Secunderabad has to offer.
2. Unexplained Skin Rashes or Irritations
Have you developed a rash that doesn’t seem to go away? Skin rashes and irritations can stem from various causes, such as allergies, infections, or even autoimmune conditions like eczema or psoriasis. If over-the-counter treatments don’t alleviate your symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a skin specialist doctor in Secunderabad. They can diagnose the underlying cause of your skin condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment to relieve itching, redness, and discomfort.
Secunderabad’s top dermatologists have experience in dealing with various skin conditions, ensuring you get the right treatment for quicker relief and long-term management.
3. Sudden Changes in Moles or Skin Growths
Moles are generally harmless, but any changes in their size, color, or shape can be a red flag for more serious conditions, as skin cancer. If you notice new moles or changes in existing ones, it’s vital to visit a top dermatologist in Secunderabad. Early detection is crucial in managing skin cancer effectively, and a skilled dermatologist near Secunderabad can perform a biopsy or other diagnostic tests to ensure your health and safety.
Don’t ignore these warning signs. Getting checked by a best skin doctor in Secunderabad could potentially save your life. Regular skin exams, especially if you have a family history of skin cancer, are essential for early diagnosis and treatment.
4. Chronic Skin Conditions Like Eczema or Psoriasis
Living with chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea can be challenging. These conditions often flare up due to triggers like stress, diet, or environmental factors. While you might be using over-the-counter products, you may still experience discomfort, itchiness, or inflammation. A dermatologist near Secunderabad, Telangana, can help you identify triggers and develop a personalized treatment plan that includes prescription medications, moisturizers, or even lifestyle changes to help manage your condition.
Chronic skin conditions require ongoing management, and regular visits to a best dermatologist in Secunderabad can help you lead a more comfortable and confident life.
5. Hair Loss or Scalp Issues
Hair loss can be distressing and may result from various factors such as genetics, stress, or medical conditions. If you’re noticing thinning hair, bald patches, or excessive hair shedding, it’s time to consult a dermatologist in Secunderabad who specializes in hair loss. They can diagnose the cause of your hair loss — whether it’s alopecia, a scalp infection, or another issue — and offer treatments such as topical medications, PRP therapy, or even hair transplants.
A top skin specialist in Secunderabad can help restore not just your hair but also your confidence, providing you with the best possible treatment options.
Why Choose the Best Dermatologist in Secunderabad?
When it comes to your skin, hair, and nails, quality care is essential. The best skin specialist in Secunderabad can offer comprehensive services, from cosmetic treatments to managing chronic skin diseases. Whether you’re dealing with acne, rashes, or hair loss, timely diagnosis and treatment by a dermatologist near Secunderabad ensure you get the best care possible. With state-of-the-art facilities and experienced professionals, Secunderabad offers some of the best dermatological care in the region.
If you’re searching for a “skin specialist near me in Secunderabad,” don’t hesitate to book an appointment. The expertise of a top dermatologist in Secunderabad will help you address your concerns and improve your skin health, enhancing your overall well-being.
Final Thoughts
Your skin is a reflection of your health and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with persistent acne, unexplained rashes, or hair loss, seeing a dermatologist in Secunderabad can provide relief and long-term solutions. Don’t ignore these signs — consulting a skin specialist near Secunderabad will help you take proactive steps toward healthier skin, hair, and nails.
Make an appointment today and let the best dermatologist Secunderabad guide you toward better skin health.
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