#balance enquiry methods
krishmanvith · 1 year
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Ancient Greek Medicine
In Ancient Greek Medicine illness was initially regarded as a divine punishment and healing as, quite literally, a gift from the gods. However, by the 5th century BCE, there were attempts to identify the material causes for illnesses rather than spiritual ones and this led to a move away from superstition towards scientific enquiry, although, in reality, the two would never be wholly separated. Greek medical practitioners, then, began to take a greater interest in the body itself and to explore the connection between cause and effect, the relation of symptoms to the illness itself and the success or failure of various treatments.
Greek Views on Health
Greek medicine was not a uniform body of knowledge and practice but rather a diverse collection of methods and beliefs which depended on such general factors as geography and time period and more specific factors such as local traditions and a patient's gender and social class. Nevertheless, common threads running through Greek medical thought included a preoccupation with the positive and negative effects of diet and a belief that the patient could actually do something about their complaint, in contrast to a more fatalistic and spiritual mindset of earlier times.
However, the distinction between the spiritual and physical worlds are often blurred in Greek medicine, for example, the god Asclepius was considered a dispenser of healing but also a highly skilled practical doctor. The god was called upon by patients at his various sanctuaries (notably Epidaurus) to give the patient advice through dreams which the site practitioners could then act upon. Grateful patients at the site often left monuments which reveal some of the problems that needed to be treated, they include blindness, worms, lameness, snakebites and aphasia. As Epidaurus illustrates, there could, then, be both a divine and a physical cause or remedy for illnesses.
Lifestyle and such factors as heat, cold and trauma were discovered to be important factors in people's health and they could alleviate or worsen the symptoms of an illness or the illness itself. It was also recognised that a person's physical constitution could also affect the severity of, or susceptibility to, an illness. There was also a growing belief that a better understanding of the causes of an illness' symptoms could help in the fight against the illness itself. With a greater knowledge of the body there also came a belief that the balance of the various fluids (humours) within it could be a factor in causing illness. So too, the observation of symptoms and their variations became a preoccupation of the Greek doctor.
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walkwaterblogs · 24 days
Ethical Considerations In Executive Search
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Finding the most suitable candidates while upholding strong ethical standards is a difficult balance, especially at the top levels of leadership. Executive recruiting involves several potential ethical pitfalls, such as conflicts of interest and breaches of confidence, thus it is critical that all engaged act honourably and honestly. This blog examines the most important ethical issues surrounding executive searches, and provides advice on how to deal with them effectively.
Confidentiality breaches
One of the biggest ethical issues with executive search is the possibility of confidentiality violations. Executive applicants, who frequently hold prominent positions already, anticipate that their enquiries about new opportunities will be treated in confidence. A breach of this confidence might hurt the candidate's standing with their present employer, undermine the recruitment company's credibility, and more.
Solution: Executive search experts need to put strict confidentiality procedures in place to mitigate this risk. These include making sure that everyone engaged understands the importance of discretion, safeguarding all communication channels, and limiting the number of persons who have access to sensitive information. Furthermore, it is imperative to acquire explicit permission before disclosing any information to prospective employers, and to be open and honest with candidates about how their information will be used.
Dealing with sensitive information
Handling sensitive information about candidates and the hiring organization's strategy, future objectives, and internal dynamics is an everyday assignment in executive search. Improper handling of this data may result in moral transgressions and harm the standing of all stakeholders.
Solution: It is imperative for recruiters to exercise caution while handling confidential data, making sure it is safeguarded throughout the entire recruitment procedure. This involves disclosing information with applicants and clients with caution, restricting access to sensitive data, and utilizing secure communication methods. Additionally, recruiters need to be ready to respond quickly and openly to any breaches of sensitive information and have clear standards in place for handling it.
Conflicts of interest
When a recruiter has conflicting commitments that potentially compromise their impartiality, conflicts of interest may arise. For instance, a recruiter's suggestions may be influenced by an existing relationship they have with a hiring organization or an applicant. Conflicts of this nature have the potential to result in biassed decisions that under-represent the interests of the candidate or client.
Solution: Managing conflicts of interest requires transparency. Any such conflicts should be disclosed by recruiters to all parties concerned and actions should be taken to reduce their impact. This might entail removing themselves from some choices or enlisting the help of a third party to offer an objective viewpoint. Keeping a professional distance from all clients and applicants, and making sure that judgements are made on the basis of merit rather than personal relationships, is essential for maintaining trust and credibility.
Ethical sourcing of candidates
Making sure that prospective candidates are contacted in a way that respects their current employment and personal situations is an important part of ethical candidate sourcing. Aggressively pursuing applicants or disregarding their existing obligations can strain relationships and even have legal ramifications.
Solution: Recruiters should make sure that they handle possible applicants with professionalism and consideration. This entails being truthful about the options being offered, preserving applicants' privacy, and refraining from coercing them into making decisions. Additionally, ethical sourcing entails not misrepresenting a candidate's availability or interest and being open and honest with the employing organization regarding the makeup of the applicant pool.
Transparency and communication
Open communication is essential with hiring companies as well as applicants. When recruiters fail to manage expectations or suppress facts, ethical quandaries may occur. For instance, a recruiter may reduce the number of other candidates under consideration or neglect to notify a candidate of recruiting process delays.
Solution: Recruiters should make a commitment to honest and open communication throughout the search process in order avoid these problems. This entails updating candidates on their progress, giving feedback when required, and being transparent about the timeline and objectives of the hiring company. Hiring companies must do this by making the selection criteria, the decision-making schedule, and any potential obstacles in the search process crystal apparent.
Mitigating pressure and influence
Executive recruiters often face pressure to fill positions quickly, particularly for high-stakes roles. This pressure can lead to unethical shortcuts, such as speeding up the vetting process or giving preference to certain candidates over others based on outside influence.
Solution: Recruiters must resist these pressures by maintaining a thorough and transparent process, even in situations where time is of the essence. This means adhering to established protocols for candidate evaluation, making sure that all finalists are thoroughly vetted, and preventing outside influences from overly impacting the decision-making process. Ethical recruiters put long-term success ahead of short-term expediency, realizing that the costs of a poor hire can far outweigh the benefits of a quick placement.
Fair representation of opportunities
The equitable distribution of employment prospects in executive search presents another ethical conundrum. To draw in top personnel, there may be a desire to exaggerate a position's benefits or distort the company culture. But doing so may result in mismatches that eventually hurt the company as well as the candidate.
Solution: Recruiters must deliver a fair and impartial assessment of the possibilities they are offering. This entails being forthright about the difficulties and constraints of the position in addition to the chances for development and promotion. Giving prospective employees a realistic sneak peek at what to expect promotes trust and guarantees that they are making well-informed career selections.
Diversity and inclusion
Fostering diversity and inclusion is not only required by law but also by ethics. But when there is pressure to give some diversity measures more weight than others, it can lead to tokenism or the neglect of equally competent applicants who might not fit a specific demographic. This can create ethical problems.
Solution: Recruiters should concentrate on developing a truly inclusive search process that takes a broad variety of applicants into consideration based only on merit in order to overcome this difficulty. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to actively seek out different talent pools, confront prejudices throughout the selection process, and make sure that diversity and inclusion are taken into account holistically as opposed to just as a box to be ticked. Ethical hiring managers will highlight the benefits of varied viewpoints and promote diversity as a strength.
The role of retained executive search firms
In order to successfully navigate these moral dilemmas, retained executive search companies can prove to be quite helpful. These companies provide an abundance of experience and a dedication to moral behaviour, which are critical components in executive hiring. Employing a retained search firm can help companies have a hiring process that is morally sound, transparent, and comprehensive. These companies are prepared to handle confidentially, steer clear of conflicts of interest, and guarantee that each applicant receives equal treatment and respect. In addition to guaranteeing that the search process is impartial and inclusive, retained executive search firms offer invaluable assistance in advancing diversity and inclusion. Additionally, their proficiency in handling confidential data and upholding open lines of communication fosters confidence with hiring companies and applicants alike.
WalkWater Talent Advisors stands out as one of the top retained executive search firms in India, known for their unwavering dedication to moral hiring procedures. Their proficiency in managing confidential data, upholding openness, and steering clear of conflicts of interest guarantees an equitable and courteous procedure for every applicant. Furthermore, WalkWater Talent Advisors is excellent at fostering diversity and inclusivity, which translates into an impartial and inclusive hiring process. Organizations may easily traverse the challenges of executive recruiting by collaborating with WalkWater Talent Advisors, as they will know that they are acquiring top-tier talent while upholding the greatest ethical standards. 
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commercialroplants · 2 months
Who Is The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Faridabad ?
Not everyone has the ability to understanding the safety principles & rules when installing or constructing a Strong sturdy plant. If you expect for an efficient wastewater treatment & acquire potable palatable water in Faridabad, an advanced modern world commercial RO can treat it efficiently.
We guarantee economical, high-quality production facilities. For a commercial RO plant that are customizable to the needs of the clients to be employed in & around Faridabad's contaminated regions due to which Netsol Water has always been considered as the most competent Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer in Faridabad because of their demands.
Advantages of Investing in Commercial RO Plant
Contaminated water discharge is greater in areas like Faridabad as compared with other places. On the other hand, a Commercial RO can provide the following advantages:
Save monetary values alongside helps in procuring freshwater from the processed water for various industrial & agricultural applications.
Commercial RO Plants can actually resolve the problem of water scarcity in big town such as Faridabad.
Why thought about Owning a Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer in Faridabad?
Commercial RO plants are competitively priced with the capacity to handle manufacturing wastewater. No matter how intricate or challenging the soil is, pick a treatment plant that can thrive in it. Judiciously considering the alternative to the Faridabad industrial market that only a trustworthy manufacturer & supplier can provide.
For help choosing the finest Commercial RO model supplied by Netsol Water for the effective treatment of your wastewater, get in touch with or connect with the customer care staff.
Sincerely submitting a quote request to a commercial RO plant manufacturer located in Faridabad.
One of the best companies to search for in Faridabad for Commercial RO Plants is Netsol Water. It may be helpful to consider how smoothly a plant's treatment system functions together with how well it eradicates industrial contaminants.
Make a reserved space on the quotation list with one of our top Commercial RO providers in Faridabad, who has years of expertise. Netsol Water possess a round the clock Commercial RO plant available to operate, handle & resolve any matters. Netsol Water regularly envying towards their work along with our clients to design & manufactures a water treatment plant, & the provision is accessible to all levels of income slab employees.
Choose Commercial RO in Faridabad at the Best Prices
Various Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer can provide treatment programs at the various price with sacrificing quality but Netsol Water in Faridabad offers the best of these Treatment Plants at the most affordable economical pricing. Most of the advanced as well as modern water treatment & purification models or version offered by Netsol Water in Faridabad has the most-finest characteristic features. The finest method or way to maintain a clean tank is by instaling & utilizing Netsol Water's Commercial RO plant.
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Netsol Water has demonstrated while in operation regarding their complete dependability as a designer as well as manufacturer of the best ranged great quality water treatment plants. Before spending money on a Commercial RO in Faridabad, don't forget to take wastewater usage into account. But installation as well as setting-up from a reputable reliable vendor, clients can prevent the following Commercial RO issues:
Poorly thought-out plant clarifier design
inadequate balancing tank size
inadequate possibilities for therapy
incorrect aeration tank at the facility
Arrange a quotation or enquiries with the allotted expertize for comprehending all consultancy in Faridabad division of Netsol Water straightaway if customers want to drive clear of any doubt & acquire strong plus durable treatment plant gear. We provide guarantees for the machinery's parts as well as product warranties. Commercial RO Plant systems that are small & simple to install are ideal for homes as well as businesses in Faridabad.
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oxford-school-pune · 2 months
CBSE School Near Kharadi, Pune: Oxford World School
Best School In Kharadi Pune
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In the vibrant and rapidly growing area of Kharadi, Pune, parents are presented with numerous options for their children’s education. Among these, Oxford World School stands out as the best CBSE school, offering a comprehensive and nurturing learning environment from Nursery to Class 10. Here’s why Oxford World School should be your top choice for your child’s educational journey.
Do Want to know more about Oxford World School? Visit https://oxfordworldschool.com/ to know about it and for Admission Enquiry
Holistic Education from Nursery to Class 10
Oxford World School:provides a seamless educational experience that starts from Nursery and goes up to Class 10. This continuity ensures that children grow in a familiar and supportive environment, which is crucial for their overall development.
Why Choose Oxford World School?
1. CBSE Curriculum:
Oxford World School follows the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) curriculum, which is renowned for its comprehensive and balanced approach. The CBSE curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and a love for learning, making it ideal for students’ all-round development.
2. Experienced Faculty:
The school boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are dedicated to nurturing each student’s potential. The faculty at Oxford World School employs innovative teaching methods to make learning engaging and effective.
3. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
Oxford World School is equipped with modern facilities that enhance the learning experience. From well-equipped science and computer labs to a well-stocked library and spacious classrooms, the infrastructure supports a variety of educational activities.
4. Focus on Holistic Development:
The school emphasises the holistic development of students. In addition to academics, Oxford World School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and dance. This approach ensures that students develop a well-rounded personality.
5. Individual Attention:
With a favourable student-teacher ratio, Oxford World School ensures that each student receives individual attention. This personalised approach helps in identifying and nurturing each child’s unique strengths and addressing their weaknesses effectively.
6. Safe and Supportive Environment:
The school provides a safe and supportive environment where students feel secure and valued. This positive atmosphere is essential for their emotional and social well-being, enabling them to thrive both academically and personally.
7. Focus on Technology:
In today’s digital age, Oxford World School integrates technology into the learning process. The use of smart classrooms and digital learning tools helps students stay updated with the latest educational trends and prepares them for future challenges.
8. Strong Parent-Teacher Collaboration:
Oxford World School believes in the importance of strong parent-teacher collaboration. Regular parent-teacher meetings and open communication channels ensure that parents are actively involved in their child’s education and development.
Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision, and Oxford World School in Kharadi, Pune, stands out as the best CBSE school that offers a nurturing and comprehensive educational experience from Nursery to Class 10. With its experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and focus on holistic development, Oxford World School ensures that your child receives the best education and grows into a confident and well-rounded individual. Invest in your child’s future by choosing Oxford World School — where learning meets excellence.
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netsolwatersblog · 3 months
Who Is The Top Commercial RO Plant Manufacturers IN Faridabad?
Not everyone has the ability to understanding the safety principles & rules when installing or constructing a Strong sturdy plant. If you expect for an efficient wastewater treatment & acquire potable palatable water in Faridabad, an advanced modern world commercial RO can treat it efficiently.
We guarantee economical, high-quality production facilities. For a commercial RO plant that are customizable to the needs of the clients to be employed in & around Faridabad's contaminated regions due to which Netsol Water has always been considered as the most competent commercial RO firms because of their demands. Netsol Water is the best commercial ro plant manufacturer in faridabad at best affordable price at affordable price and quality.
Advantages of Investing in Commercial RO Plant
Contaminated water discharge is greater in areas like Faridabad as compared with other places. On the other hand, a Commercial RO can provide the following advantages:
Save monetary values alongside helps in procuring freshwater from the processed water for various industrial & agricultural applications.
It can solve the issue of water shortage in large cities such as Faridabad.
Why thought about Owning a Commercial RO Plant?
Commercial RO plants are competitively priced with the capacity to handle manufacturing wastewater. No matter how intricate or challenging the soil is, pick a treatment plant that can thrive in it. Judiciously considering the alternative to the Faridabad industrial market that only a trustworthy manufacturer & supplier can provide.
For help choosing the finest Commercial RO model supplied by Netsol Water for the effective treatment of your wastewater, get in touch with or connect with the customer care staff.
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Sincerely submitting a quote request to a commercial RO plant manufacturer located in Faridabad.
One of the best companies to search for in Faridabad for Commercial RO Plants is Netsol Water. It may be helpful to consider how smoothly a plant's treatment system functions together with how well it eradicates industrial contaminants. The total number of treatment processes varies based on the size of the plant which assists in the treatment of various wastewater in Faridabad region.
Make a reservation with one of our top Commercial RO providers in Faridabad, who has years of expertise. Netsol Water possess a round the clock Commercial RO plant available to operate, handle & resolve any matters. Netsol Water regularly envying towards their work along with our clients to design & manufactures a water treatment plant, & the provision is accessible to all levels of income slab employees.
Choose Commercial RO in Faridabad at the Best Prices
Various Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer can provide treatment programs at the various price with sacrificing quality but Netsol Water in Faridabad offers the best of these Treatment Plants at the most affordable economical pricing. Most of the advanced as well as modern water treatment & purification models or version offered by Netsol Water in Faridabad has the most-finest characteristic features. The finest method or way to maintain a clean tank is by instaling & utilizing Netsol Water's Commercial RO plant.
Netsol Water has demonstrated while in operation regarding their complete dependability as a designer as well as manufacturer of the best ranged great quality water treatment plants. Before spending money on a Commercial RO in Faridabad, don't forget to take wastewater usage into account. But installation as well as setting-up from a reputable reliable vendor, clients can prevent the following Commercial RO issues:
Poorly thought-out plant clarifier design
inadequate balancing tank size
inadequate possibilities for therapy
incorrect aeration tank at the facility
Arrange a quotation or enquiries with the allotted expertize for comprehending all consultancy in Faridabad division of Netsol Water straightaway if customers want to drive clear of any doubt & acquire strong plus durable treatment plant gear. We provide guarantees for the machinery's parts as well as product warranties. Commercial RO Plant systems that are small & simple to install are ideal for homes as well as businesses in Faridabad.
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lalsingh228-blog · 5 months
Infrastructure as Code Market Share, Size and Forecast to 2030
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The Latest research coverage on Infrastructure as Code Market provides a detailed overview and accurate market size. The study is designed considering current and historical trends, market development and business strategies taken up by leaders and new industry players entering the market. Furthermore, study includes an in-depth analysis of global and regional markets along with country level market size breakdown to identify potential gaps and opportunities to better investigate market status, development activity, value and growth patterns. Access Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/infrastructure-as-code-market-1806/sample-report
Major & Emerging Players in Infrastructure as Code Market:- Microsoft Corporation (U.S.),HashiCorp, Inc. (U.S.),Snyk Limited (U.S.),Cisco Systems, Inc. (U.S.),Amazon Web Services, Inc. (U.S.),Zscaler, Inc. (U.S.),Progress Software Corporation (Chef) (U.S.),Red Hat, Inc. (U.S.),Pulumi Corporation (U.S.),Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP (U.S.). The Infrastructure as Code Market Study by Market Research Forecast gives an essential tool and source to Industry stakeholders to figure out the market and other fundamental technicalities, covering growth, opportunities, competitive scenarios, and key trends in the Infrastructure as Code Market. The Infrastructure as Code Market size was valued at USD 759.1 USD Million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 2767.95 USD Million by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 20.3 % during the forecast period. Using Infrastructure as Code (IaC), the IaC market makes facilities managed via machine-readable definition files eliminating the need for human factors. Hence it provides more scalable and consistent operations. It is crucial for modern cloud computing, DevOps, and code streaming, allowing fast and highly available release of applications and services without redundancy and delays. IAC offers virtual machines and the ability to create containerization, networks, and load balancers as well as databases and monitoring systems, both in Cloud and on-premises settings. Important changes are seen in the form of declarative methods (Terraform), integrating with CI/CD pipelines and now GitOps philosophy is deployed. The market is increasingly steadily expanding as organizations look to incorporate particularly agile yet automated infrastructure management systems in modern IT processing.
The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below: by Deployment (Cloud-based and On-premises), by Infrastructure Type (Mutable Infrastructure and Immutable Infrastructure), by Approach (Imperative and Declarative), by End-user (BFSI, Retail, Government, Manufacturing, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, and Others), by North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), by Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Benelux, Nordics, Rest of Europe), by Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, ASEAN, Oceania, Rest of Asia Pacific), by Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Israel, GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East & Africa), by South America Brazil Argentina Rest of South America (, ) Forecast 2024-2032 Market Trends: Rise of cloud computing and containerization
Automation and simplification of infrastructure management
Increased focus on security and compliance
Growing adoption of open-source IaC tools
Challenges: Security concerns
Lack of standardization
Integration with legacy systems
Limited skilled workforce Enquire for customization in Report @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/infrastructure-as-code-market-1806/enquiry-before-buy Some Point of Table of Content: Chapter One: Report Overview Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends Chapter Three: Value Chain of Infrastructure as Code Market Chapter Four: Players Profiles Chapter Five: Global Infrastructure as Code Market Analysis by Regions Chapter Six: North America Infrastructure as Code Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Seven: Europe Infrastructure as Code Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Infrastructure as Code Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Infrastructure as Code Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Ten: South America Infrastructure as Code Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eleven: Global Infrastructure as Code Market Segment by Types Chapter Twelve: Global Infrastructure as Code Market Segment by Applications What are the market factors that are explained in the Infrastructure as Code Market report?
– Key Strategic Developments: Strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors.
– Key Market Features: Including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin.– Analytical Tools: The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market. Buy This Exclusive Research Here: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/infrastructure-as-code-market-1806/checkout?type=corporate Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) Market Research Forecast Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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evoldir · 5 months
Fwd: Postdoc: UStAndrews.ComputationalModelling
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UStAndrews.ComputationalModelling > Date: 13 April 2024 at 05:44:01 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear All, > > We have a research opportunity open at the University of St Andrews' > Centre for Biological Diversity Biodiversity (CBD), School of Biology > working in the research team of Carolin Kosiol. > > Applications are sought for a committed Post-doctoral Research Fellow > conducting research for a BBSRC International Partnership on AI funded > project entitled “Deep learning: Linkage effects and balancing > selection". > > Our research team focuses on the development of computational > methods to investigate adaptations occurring at both inter- and > intraspecies timescales, in particular we have developed an approach > called Polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models (PoMos). Presently, we > incorporate Deep Learning (DL) methodologies to examine the phenomenon > of balancing selection across diverse species. > > The detection of balancing selection is an exciting problem challenging > evolutionary geneticists for decades. It is often intertwined with > linkage disequilibrium (LD), which connects genetic sites. This project > focuses on using Ancestral Recombination Graphs (ARGs) to generate testing > and training data for DL with balancing selection while accounting for > LD.We will develop a DL method, which draws upon Voznica et al. (2022) > and will be trained on the data generated, to detect balancing selection > in the populations of great apes and fruit flies. > > This post will suit a candidate who can think flexibly and implement new > software. Ideally, the candidate should have solid grasp of programming > languages (eg. C, C++, Java, Python, R), but a desire to extend their > capabilities into new areas and methods is highly desirable and there > will be many opportunities to develop specific skills. An interest in > phylogenetics and population genomics is a plus. > > You will have the opportunity to publish first author papers, contribute > as a co-author, and present your work at international meetings. In > particular, visits to the collaboration partners Olivier Gascuel (Paris > Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, France) and Adam Siepel > (Cold Spring Habor Laboratories, US) are planned. You must be able to > independently manage your work, meet deadlines, and prepare internal > reports and draft publications. You will have good communication > skills. This is an outstanding opportunity to develop your research > skills, ask exciting scientific questions and drive forward novel research > at the cutting edge. > > Applications should include: > > (i) A cover letter expressing your interest in the position > (ii) a current CV > (iii) the names and contact details of two referees. > > See > > https://ift.tt/qVFt7N1 > > Deadline 26thApril 2024. The position is available for 15 months but > might be extended. > > Informal enquiries can be directed to Dr Carolin Kosiol, > [email protected] > > Dr Carolin Kosiol > Reader in Bioinformatics > Centre for Biological Diversity > School of Biology > University of St Andrews > St Andrews, Fife KY16 9TF, Scotland/UK > Email: > [email protected] > Web: https://ift.tt/SND8fML > > Carolin Kosiol
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seoplassy · 6 months
A Parent's Guide to Finding the Best Preschool in Gurgaon Sector 50
Preschool education sets the foundation for a child's future academic and social success. For parents residing in Preschool in gurgaon Sector 50, selecting the right preschool is a crucial decision. Here's a concise guide to help you navigate through the process and find the perfect fit for your child.
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Understanding the Needs of Your Child
Before diving into the search for a preschool in Gurgaon Sector 50, take the time to understand your child's individual needs, personality, and learning style. Consider factors such as their readiness for preschool and your goals for their early education experience.
Researching Preschool Options in Gurgaon Sector 50
Preschool in gurgaon Sector 50 boasts a variety of preschools catering to different educational philosophies and approaches. Start your search by exploring online resources, parent forums, and seeking recommendations from local families. Narrow down your options based on factors like location, curriculum, facilities, and reputation.
Visiting and Assessing Preschools Schedule visits to prospective preschools in Gurgaon Sector 50 to get a firsthand look at their environment and teaching methods. Observe classroom dynamics, teacher-student interactions, and safety measures in place. Don't hesitate to ask questions about the curriculum, daily routines, and extracurricular activities.
Evaluating Curriculum and Teaching Approaches Consider how well each preschool's curriculum aligns with your child's needs and your educational goals. Look for a balanced approach that emphasizes play-based learning and holistic development. Assess the effectiveness of teaching methods in fostering creativity, social skills, and academic readiness.
Considering Practical Factors Practical considerations such as tuition fees, enrollment process, and school hours are also essential. Evaluate transportation options and after-school care facilities to ensure convenience for your family. Review the school's policies regarding health, safety, and parent involvement.
Gathering Feedback and Reviews Seek feedback from current and former parents of the preschool to gain insights into their experiences. Read online reviews and testimonials to understand the preschool's reputation in the community. Consider both positive and negative feedback to make an informed decision.
Making the Final Decision Trust your instincts and prioritize your child's well-being and happiness when making the final decision. Take into account all the factors discussed above and choose the preschool in Gurgaon Sector 50 that best meets your family's needs and values.
Finding the best preschool in Gurgaon Sector 50 requires careful consideration and research. By following this guide and staying focused on your child's needs, you can ensure a positive start to their educational journey.
For Admission Enquiry: Address: NS 4, Deerwood E Space, Nirvana Country, Sector 50, Gurugram-122018 Mobile no: +91-8586000196 Mail ID: [email protected]
Bella Mente School Preschool Franchise Option: Address: NS 4, Deerwood E Space, Nirvana Country, Sector 50, Gurugram-122018 Mobile no: +91-8586000197 Mail ID: [email protected]
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telecomtalkhub · 6 months
6 Right Choices by eSIM Australia that Improve Customer Experience.
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eSIM is growing across boundaries. The rapid need from the customers also forces new eSIM providers to take advantage of the growing market. Around the globe, many newcomers are taking over the eSIM market with attractive plans and offers. However, it is noticed that some service providers are not keen on giving the experience an eSIM user deserves. But then there is eSIM Australia, which is taking its stand to improve customer experience through marketing and technical strategies. 
Here are the 6 best choices that eSIM Australia has made in bringing more customers to eSIM culture. 
1. Displaying eSIM Packages 
It is about enabling customers to effortlessly navigate a wide array of package offers, tailored to suit their requirements and the specific country where they plan to utilise the data. Pricing stands out as a paramount consideration in selecting eSIM Australia connectivity. They give exceptional focus on tailoring and display price tags for each package, making the choices easy for consumers. 
2. User Profile Setup 
The eSIM experience for a user begins with their Account Creation. So, it must have to be a simple process, which can be handled by the customers themselves. eSIM Australia makes the process easy for its users where they can create an account and activate the eSIM for network usage. 
3. Payment Process 
The payment process is where every consumer assures their concern. The methods must be safe, smooth and secure so that the user can access easily from their perspectives. Some providers tend to limit the payment options by neglecting popular choices. Anyway, eSIM Australia makes the process transparent, safe as well as easy for the users, leading to a seamless eSIM payment process.  
4. Installation and Activation of eSIM 
eSIM installation and activation is a significant process. It has to be simple, understandable and quick; in short, it has to provide an efficient user-friendly experience for the customer. 
This can be done either by QR code-based activation or in-app activation methods. Although QR code may appear advanced, it might confuse users, particularly those not well-versed in eSIM technology. Typically, QR code activation necessitates the user to have two separate devices at hand; which is a bit time-consuming. 
Secondly, in-app activations offer a more direct and user-friendly approach. With just a single tap, eSIM installation and activation are initiated and completed in a few seconds without requiring the user to exit the app. 
5. eSIM Usage 
Customers deserve effortless access to their services and enquiries. The stage following activation demands readily accessible features for monitoring data usage, topping up data plans, and checking remaining balances. eSIM Australia is also at the forefront of making this easy for users, thus attracting more consumers to the technology. 
6. The Simple, The Better 
It doesn’t matter what the consumer has in hand, what they need is the right guidance in the simplest possible way. An effective onboarding procedure ought to be instinctive and uncomplicated, aiding users in fully embracing the capabilities of eSIM. The simplicity provided by eSIM Australia to its customers can even enhance sales through word-of-mouth publicity. 
If eSIM Australia continues to improve in the facilities it provides, it can definitely take the era of eSIM to the next steps, by unleashing the complete potential of this advanced technology and securing the loyalty of satisfied customers. 
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vivekkumar66335 · 6 months
bramacharya abstinence helps achieve better in all aspects of life
In Ancient Indian society, Brahmacharya was practiced by those who SEEK  higher levels of thoughts & wisdom.      The important aspect of Brahmacharya was to avoid random / scattered / basic-animal level thoughts   to more thoughts of of higher levels / higher evolution. Yoga is stilling the fluctuations of the mind  - http://holisticyou.de/?p=1043&lang=en .   Those who practised Brahmacharya were able to increase their power to think, memory, and other physical and mental abilities.   
Though anyone could practice Brahmacharya, people seeking wisdom usually had an exclusive system wherein the practice was imposed through Gurukul type discussion and obedience with Gurus, strict system by which Men and Women were told to control  their random thoughts and to achieve more focus / single-mindness .  Such training for single-mindness helps a person to use the human life to experience more out of life, rather than mere basic animal-like feelings, 
Ancient Indian society used to keep young boys and girls in Gurukul during their teenage, adolescence stage till they become more mature, single-minded & balanced in their thoughts.  Such clarity and sharpness of mind helps in making these Brahmacharis become better teachers,  rulers, Professionals in whatever field they choose in future.  Besides the children of those who had observed Brahmacharyam tend to be more focussed and  single-minded also. 
Ordinary persons who have wavered thoughts and basic-desires are sometimes desperate that they are not able to achieve single mindedness, such ordinary persons are often jealous of better capabilities of Brahmacharis.
 Dhanvantari had taught all the details about Ayurveda to his disciples, they enquired about the keynote of this medical science. The Master replied, “I tell you that Brahmacharya is truly a precious jewel. It is the one most effective medicine–nectar indeed–which destroys diseases, decay and death. For attaining peace, brightness, memory, knowledge, health and Self-realization, one should observe Brahmacharya, which is the highest Dharma. Brahmacharya is the highest knowledge; Brahmacharya is the greatest strength. Of the nature of Brahmacharya is verily this Atman and in Brahmacharya It resides. Saluting Brahmacharya first, the cases beyond cure, I cure. Aye, Brahmacharya can undo all the inauspicious signs.”
Practice of Brahmacharya gives good health, inner strength, peace of mind and long life. It invigorates the mind and the nerves. It helps to conserve physical and mental energy. It augments memory, will force and brain power. It bestows tremendous strength, vigour and vitality. Strength and fortitude are obtained.    The eye is the window of the mind. If the mind is pure and calm, the eye also is calm and steady. He who is established in Brahmacharya will have lustrous eyes, a sweet voice and a beautiful complexion. 
By the establishment of continence, vigour is obtained. The Yogi gets Siddhi or perfection by attaining perfect mental and physical Brahmacharya.   Brahmacharya helps him in gaining divine knowledge and other Siddhis. When there is purity, the rays of the mind are not dissipated. Focussing of the mind becomes easy. Concentration and purity go together. Although a sage talks a few words only, a deep impression is produced in the minds of the hearers. This is due to his Ojas Sakhti (supreme of the seven Dathus ), which is conserved by the preservation of semen and its transmutation https://www.planetayurveda.com/ojas/ 
A true Brahmachari in thought, word and deed has wonderful thought-power. He can move the world. If you develop strict celibacy, Vichara Sakti and Dharana Sakti will develop. Vichara Sakti is the power of enquiry. Dharana Sakti is the power of grasping and holding the Truth. If a man persistently refuses to yield to his lower nature and remains a strict celibate, the seminal energy is deflected upwards to the brain and is stored up as Ojas Sakti.  Thereby the power of the intellect is intensified to a remarkable degree. The intellect becomes sharp and clear by continence. Continence increases infinitely the power of retentive memory. The strict celibate has keen and acute memory even in old age.
A man who has the power of Brahmacharya can turn out immense mental, physical and intellectual work. He has a magnetic aura around his face. He can influence people by speaking just a few words or even by his very presence. He can control anger and move the whole world. Look at Mahatma Gandhi! He had acquired this power by constant and careful practice of Ahimsa, Satyam and Brahmacharya–non-violence, truth and celibacy. He influenced the world through this power alone. Through Brahmacharya and Brahmacharya alone can you get physical, mental and spiritual advancement in life.
It is worth repeating that a true Brahmachari possesses tremendous energy, a clear brain, gigantic will-power, bold understanding, retentive memory and good Vichara Sakti. Swami Dayananda stopped the carnage of a Maharaja. He broke the sword with his hands. This was due to his power of Brahmacharya. Jesus, Sankara, Jnana Deva and Samarth Ramdas were all Brahmacharins.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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"The Prison Enquiry Concluded; Only Guards' Cases Considered," Daily British Whig (Kingston, Ont.). October 20, 1920. Page 1. ---- O. M. Biggar, who took evidence in the rehearing of the cases of the guards dismissed from the Portsmouth penitentiary, concluded his duties on Tuesday afternoon, and left for Ottawa Wednesday morning
The work was finished much sooner than was at first expected, but Mr. Biggar was commissioned by the minister of justice to investigate nothing but the cases of the guards his duties were confined to these particular cases, and the broader question of the general policy of administration, the methods of enforcing discipline, employment, auditing of balance sheets showing the business system in vogue, and the hospital, about which so much has been heard, were things upon which he did not touch at all, and will form the grounds for date.
Mr. Biggar would make no statement for publication regarding the cases, but will submit the evidence and his report direct to the minister of justice for his consideration and action.
It is unlikely, however, that the condition of turmoil prevailing at the institution since Saturday, and which was still in progress Tuesday, will form the ground for a special report, as it was stated that it was very difficult to sit through the day and focus attention upon the matters to be considered, owing to the din.
Some of the prisoners were out of their cells and at work, but others were still confined and kept up their noise. Mr. Biggar is handicapped, however, without previous prison experience, and a special commission composed of institutional men, preferably of the medical profession, it is thought, should make a minute investigation as of the present condition and the circumstances leading up to it. This is the opinion of residents of Portsmouth, who complain of the nuisance the penitentiary has been, and the deplorable disturbance of the peace of the whole community.
The latest word from the penitentiary states than many of the prisoners who were kept locked up from Saturday to Tuesday have been allowed out to work. Many are still engaged in keeping up their defiance by shouting, yelling and pounding their thorough investigation at some later bars, but they are said to be mostly foreigners.
The guards who were present at the inquiry and represented by their counsel, T. J. Rigney, are satisfied that their side of the questions involved was brought out in a proper manner. This opportunity was not presented to them before, and Mr. Biggar got a view of the case that gives the position of the guards, in the way they wished. Just how the minister of justice will view the matter no one can tell, and his action is eagerly awaited as these officials have been out of employment for months.
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alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Rediscover Radiance: Exploring Dermal Fillers at Skin South West in Exeter
In the heart of Exeter, where history intertwines with modernity, lies a sanctuary dedicated to enhancing natural beauty and restoring youthful vitality – Skin South West. Within the walls of this esteemed aesthetic clinic, a team of skilled professionals is committed to helping clients achieve their aesthetic goals through advanced treatments and personalized care. If you're looking to rejuvenate your appearance and enhance your features with confidence and precision, your journey to radiant skin begins here with dermal fillers.
Understanding Dermal Fillers: A Gateway to Youthful Beauty
Dermal fillers have revolutionized the field of aesthetic medicine, offering a safe, effective, and minimally invasive solution for addressing common signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and lost volume. Composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, dermal fillers work by replenishing lost volume, smoothing wrinkles, and enhancing facial contours to create a youthful, refreshed appearance.
At Skin South West, the team of experts understands the transformative power of dermal fillers and is dedicated to delivering natural-looking results that enhance each client's unique beauty. Whether you're looking to plump up thin lips, soften deep lines and folds, or restore volume to sunken cheeks, dermal fillers offer a versatile solution tailored to your individual needs and desired outcome.
The Artistry of Dermal Filler Treatment
Dermal filler treatment is as much an art as it is a science, and at Skin South West, the clinicians approach each procedure with precision, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. During your consultation, the aesthetic practitioner will take the time to understand your aesthetic goals, assess your facial anatomy, and develop a customized treatment plan designed to achieve natural-looking results that complement your unique features.
Using the latest techniques and advanced injection methods, the practitioner will carefully administer the dermal filler into targeted areas of the face, gently sculpting and refining contours to achieve a harmonious balance and youthful radiance. Whether you're seeking subtle enhancement or more dramatic rejuvenation, you can trust that you're in skilled hands at Skin South West.
Benefits Beyond Beauty: Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Empowerment
Beyond the physical enhancements, the benefits of dermal filler treatment extend to the realm of confidence, self-esteem, and empowerment. A refreshed, rejuvenated appearance can have a profound impact on how you feel about yourself, boosting confidence and instilling a newfound sense of self-assurance that radiates from within.
At Skin South West, the team understands the emotional significance of aesthetic treatments and is committed to providing a supportive, welcoming environment where clients feel empowered to embrace their beauty and live life with confidence and vitality.
Experience the Difference at Skin South West
In Exeter, where the beauty of the countryside meets the vibrancy of city life, Skin South West stands as a beacon of excellence in aesthetic medicine. If you're ready to rediscover radiance and unlock your full potential, schedule a consultation at Skin South West today. Discover the transformative power of dermal fillers and embark on a journey to a more confident, youthful you.
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instantpay · 1 year
Exploring AePS: A Comprehensive Guide to the Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System
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Understanding AePS: An Introduction to Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System
Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System (AePS) is a revolutionary financial service in India, allowing people to carry out financial transactions using their Aadhaar number. AePS is developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to bring financial inclusivity to the country's rural populace, who often lack access to traditional banking services.This system is designed to use Aadhaar number as a central key for conducting various transactions such as balance enquiry, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, and Aadhaar to Aadhaar fund transfers. The simplicity and accessibility of AePS make it an innovative solution in the financial services sector, particularly for individuals who are on the outskirts of the traditional banking system.However, while AePS is a commendable initiative, like any other system, it also presents certain challenges, primarily related to data security. In this article, we will explore AePS in depth, discussing its working, benefits, concerns, and ways to secure your Aadhaar biometric information.
The Working Mechanism of AePS
The AePS works by connecting your Aadhaar number to your bank account. When you want to perform a transaction, the system uses your Aadhaar number to identify your bank account. You then authenticate the transaction using your biometric data - fingerprint (iris scan might be launched later), which serves as your digital signature. The entire process is quite simple and user-friendly, making AePS one of the most accessible banking solutions available.However, the use of biometric data for authentication raises concerns about data security. Biometric data is incredibly sensitive, and any breach can have severe consequences. It's crucial to understand that while the AePS system has robust security measures in place, users must also take steps to protect their information.To ensure secure transactions, AePS employs multi-factor authentication. This means that for a transaction to go through, multiple pieces of evidence are required. This includes something you know (Aadhaar number), something you have (biometric information), and something you are (unique individual).
Benefits of Using AePS
AePS, being a bank-led model, offers numerous benefits. It allows banking transactions to be conducted in real-time using biometric authentication, which is more secure and reliable than traditional methods. AePS also enables inclusivity by reaching out to the unbanked sections of the society and providing them with basic financial services.Moreover, AePS transactions can be performed through any bank, providing users with flexibility and convenience. With AePS, there's no need to remember multiple PINs or passwords, as your biometric information serves as your unique identification. Furthermore, AePS is available round the clock, allowing users to conduct transactions at any time. Through AEPS, all bank account holders will be able to access their bank accounts through Aadhaar authentication. With AEPS, the only information required to initiate a transaction is Aadhaar number and biometric information. AEPS also facilitates disbursements of Government schemes like NREGA, Social Security pension, Handicapped Old Age Pension etc. of any Central or State Government bodies using Aadhaar authentication.However, with these benefits also come certain risks, primarily related to data leaks under the Aadhar system. Objectives of AePSWith an aim to strengthen the financial backbone of the country, the following measures are set in motion:
Empowerment of Customers: Banking customers will have the ability to utilize their Aadhaar as a valid proof of identity for fundamental banking activities. This includes cash withdrawals, deposits, fund transfers, balance inquiries, and mini statement facilities, all accessible through a business correspondent.
Aligning with National Goals: These initiatives are in line with the goals set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Central Government of India to promote financial inclusion for everyone in the country.
Electronification of Retail Payments: A stride towards modernization, assisting the RBI in their ambition to shift retail payments to electronic platforms.
Centralized Aadhaar-Initiated Transactions: Banks will now have the ability to conduct Aadhaar-based interbank transactions through a centralized switching and clearing organization, streamlining the process.
Facilitation of Government Schemes: The government will utilize Aadhaar as a valid document to authenticate the disbursal of various schemes like NREGA, social security pensions, and more. This ensures a transparent and secure process for beneficiaries.
Safe and Secure Interoperability: By enabling interoperability across different banks, a secure network for seamless transactions is established.
Aadhaar-Enabled Banking Foundation: These measures will collectively establish a robust foundation for future services related to Aadhaar-enabled banking, setting a new standard in the industry.
Services offered by AePS
Cash Deposit: This service allows customers to deposit cash into their bank account using their Aadhaar number. The transaction is authenticated through biometric verification, ensuring a secure and swift process.
Balance Enquiry: Through AEPS, customers can quickly check the balance in their bank account linked to the Aadhaar number. It offers a hassle-free way to stay updated on account status.
Cash Withdrawal: AEPS enables customers to withdraw cash from their accounts by simply using their Aadhaar number and biometric data. It's a card-less and PIN-less method that adds convenience and safety.
Aadhaar to Aadhaar Funds Transfer: This facilitates seamless money transfer between Aadhaar-linked bank accounts. It enhances ease of transactions, especially in rural areas where traditional banking might be less accessible.
Mini Statement: Customers can obtain a mini statement of their account transactions through AEPS, providing a quick overview of recent financial activities.
Authentication: AEPS ensures secure authentication of transactions using Aadhaar-based biometric data. This robust authentication system enhances the security of financial transactions.
BHIM Aadhaar Pay: This service allows merchants to receive digital payments from customers using their Aadhaar number. It promotes cashless transactions and offers a convenient alternative to traditional payment methods.
e-KYC: Electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) service through AEPS enables instant identity verification using Aadhaar data. It streamlines the customer verification process for various financial and non-financial services.
Best Finger Detection: This unique feature helps in identifying the most suitable finger for biometric authentication. It ensures accuracy and ease of use in the system.
Tokenization: Tokenization in AEPS substitutes sensitive information with a non-sensitive equivalent, adding an extra layer of security to transactions.
Demo Auth: This refers to a demo or test authentication that can be used to validate the proper functioning of the AEPS system, ensuring that it's operating accurately and securely.
Aadhaar Seeding Status: This service enables customers to check the status of their Aadhaar linking with various accounts and services. It's a transparent way to verify that the Aadhaar details are correctly seeded.
How does AePS work?The Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) serves as a new-age financial tool, similar to a conventional Point of Sale (POS) machine. However, it introduces a distinct mode of authentication that sets it apart:Operation Mechanism: In an AePS transaction, the merchant does not require the customer's debit or credit card PIN. Instead, the process relies on the customer's Aadhaar number, coupled with their unique biometric data, such as fingerprints, to validate the transaction.Requirements for an AePS Transaction: To initiate and complete an AePS transaction, the following information is mandatory:
Bank's Issuer Identification Number (IIN) or the name of the bank associated with the customer's account.
Aadhaar Number: The unique 12-digit identification number linked to the customer's biometric and demographic data.
Fingerprint: The customer's biometric fingerprint, which serves as a secure and personal method of authentication.
This innovative system strengthens the security of transactions while enhancing the user experience, creating a personalized and secure method for conducting everyday financial activities. By leveraging India's expansive Aadhaar infrastructure, the AEPS machine presents a futuristic approach to digital finance.  How 2FA works for Aeps? Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for apps used by merchants and retailers can greatly enhance security and protect sensitive data. Here's how you can implement 2FA authentication for such apps:
User Registration: When users register for the app, ensure that their contact information (such as email or phone number) is collected.
Authentication Factors: 2FA typically involves two factors: something the user knows (password) and something the user has (a device or code).
Password Security: Prioritize strong password policies, including complexity requirements and periodic password changes. Encourage users to avoid using common passwords and provide guidance on creating strong passwords.
One-Time Passwords (OTP): Implement OTP as a second factor. Users receive a time-sensitive code via SMS, email, or a dedicated authentication app (like Google Authenticator or Authy).
Authentication Apps: Encourage users to use authentication apps for generating OTPs. These apps provide greater security compared to SMS or email delivery.
Push Notifications: Implement push notifications to users' devices for authentication. Users can approve or deny login attempts directly from the notification.
Biometric Authentication: For added security and convenience, allow users to authenticate using biometric features like fingerprint or facial recognition if their device supports it.
Backup Codes: Provide users with a set of backup codes they can use in case they don't have access to their primary 2FA method.
Multi-Channel Options: Allow users to choose their preferred 2FA method, whether it's OTP, push notifications, or authentication apps.
Recovery Process: Set up a secure account recovery process for users who lose access to their 2FA methods. This process should involve multiple steps to verify the user's identity.
Session Management: Implement session timeouts to automatically log users out after a period of inactivity. Provide the option for users to manually log out from all devices remotely.
Educational Resources: Educate users about the importance of 2FA and how to set it up. Provide clear instructions on how to enable, disable, or modify 2FA settings.
Monitoring and Alerts: Implement monitoring systems to detect unusual login patterns or suspicious activities and trigger alerts.
Regular Audits: Periodically review and audit the 2FA implementation to ensure its effectiveness and security.
Compliance and Regulations: Ensure that your 2FA implementation aligns with any industry-specific regulations or compliance requirements.
Testing: Thoroughly test the 2FA implementation before rolling it out to ensure it works smoothly across various devices and platforms.
Remember that while 2FA significantly enhances security, it's important to strike a balance between security and user convenience. Complicated 2FA processes might discourage users, so aim for a solution that provides strong security without causing too much friction in the user experience.
Learn more for 2FA on Instantpay:
Is AePS enabled by default? 
A common question among users is whether AePS is enabled by default. The answer to this is NO. AePS is not automatically enabled when you link your Aadhaar to your bank account. You need to give explicit consent to your bank to enable this service.Once AePS is enabled, you can conduct transactions using your Aadhaar number and biometric data. However, remember that this also means your biometric data is being used for authentication purposes. Therefore, it's essential to take steps to secure this data.
How is Biometric Information Leaked? Understanding the Risks
There are several ways in which biometric information can be leaked. One of the most common ways is through a data breach at the organization storing the data. This can happen due to hacking, insider threats, or even human error.Another common way is through phishing attacks, where individuals are tricked into providing their biometric information to malicious entities. Biometric information can also be stolen through physical means, such as using a hidden camera to capture fingerprint or iris scan data.
How to Secure Your Aadhaar Biometric Information: A Step-by-Step Guide
Now that we understand the risks, let's look at how you can secure your Aadhaar biometric information:
Lock your biometrics: This is the first and most important step. Locking your biometrics will prevent unauthorized access.
Monitor your authentication history: Regularly check your Aadhaar authentication history to spot any suspicious activities.
Be careful when sharing your Aadhaar number: Only share your Aadhaar number with trusted entities and when absolutely necessary.
Use secure networks: When accessing Aadhaar services online, always use a secure network. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks.
What Can Be Done in Case of a Financial Scam Using Aadhaar?
If you have been a victim of a financial scam using Aadhaar, you should immediately report it to your bank and the police. You should also inform the UIDAI and request them to lock your biometrics. If possible, provide them with any evidence you have of the scam, such as emails, text messages, or call records.
Conclusion: The Future of AePS and Biometric Security
AePS has undoubtedly revolutionized the financial sector in India, bringing banking services to the rural and unbanked population. However, with the benefits also come risks, primarily related to data security. As the use of biometric data for authentication becomes more widespread, it's crucial to take steps to secure this data.The future of AePS and biometric security looks promising, with continuous advancements in technology and security measures. However, users must also play their part in ensuring their data security by following best practices and staying informed about potential threats and solutions.The journey of AePS is still ongoing, and as we move forward, it's important to keep exploring, learning, and adapting to make the most of this revolutionary system while also ensuring the safety of our data. 
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alliedcreation · 1 year
High Speed Oven Market Industry New Pathways for Research and Innovation are Being Opened by Trends
. The global high speed oven market size was valued at $2.3 billion in 2020, and is projected reach $3.6 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 4.8% from 2021 to 2030.
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High speed ovens are special ovens that are designed to cook food faster than regular ovens. These ovens use two or more than two heat transfer methods such as microwaves, contact heating, convection, air impingement, and steam cooking to reduce the cooking time of food by 20-50%. Commercial establishments like cafes, hotels, and restaurants require appliances like high speed ovens to efficiently perform their daily operations. Proliferation of food service establishments is leading to an increase in the purchase of high speed ovens. Many entrepreneurs are setting up new cafes and restaurants as a way to convert their passion or hobbies in to livelihoods.
Similarly, many hotels are also being set up, or large chains of hotels are expanding their businesses into new locations. As such establishments require constant cooking operations that need to be quick, adoption of high speed ovens is high in order to increase operational efficiency. These appliances also help smaller food outlets and cafes in maintaining the balance between orders and delivery time. With expansion of such establishments, the demand for high speed oven is likely to increase in coming years.
The high speed oven industry is majorly dependent on the hospitality sector for its revenue generation. The declaration regarding the shutdown of notable proportion of the hospitality industry, including full service restaurants, pubs & bars, and quick service restaurants has dramatically hampered the sale of ovens. Moreover, the supply chains today are far more complex as compared to what they were a decade ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only hampered the production facilities but has also disrupted the supply chains such as material suppliers and distributors of the kitchen equipment market globally resulting in the loss of the business in terms of value sales.
In addition, many players were facing financial pressure, as their payment of debts is on hold due to the pandemic, hampering the smooth operation of their businesses. The increasing residential adoption of high speed ovens due to reduction in the time consumers stay home as well as due to easy availability through online channels in also going to highly positively impact the high speed oven market in the post covid scenario.
The global high speed oven market is segmented on the basis of type, end user, sales channel, and region. Based on type, the global market is bifurcated into built in and countertop ovens. By end user the market is segmented into residential and commercial. Based on sales channel the global market is studied across hypermarkets/supermarkets, specialty stores, and online channels.
The global high speed oven market is studied across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Europe leads in terms of market share for 2020, while Asia-Pacific is forecasted to grow with significant growth during the forecast period.
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Some of the major players profiled for in the high speed oven market analysis include Bosch, Breville Group Limited, Cookkart, Electrolux AB, Kanteen India Equipments Co., Miele & Cie KG, Panasonic, SMEG S.p.A., The High Speed Oven Company, and Whirlpool Corporation. Other prominent players analyzed in the report are GE, Sharp, Siemens, Welbilt, TurboChef Technologies, Viking Range, Alto-Shaam, Ali Group (ACP Solutions), and MIT.
Key Benefits For Stakeholders:
○ The report provides an extensive analysis of the current and emerging high speed oven market trends and opportunities. ○ The report provides detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the current trends and future estimations that help evaluate the prevailing high speed oven market opportunities in the market. ○ The report provides extensive qualitative insights on the potential and niche segments or regions exhibiting favorable growth. ○ The high speed oven market forecast is offered along with information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities. ○ The market analysis is conducted by following key product positioning and monitoring the top competitors within the market framework.
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harshitasoni · 1 year
UAE Online Loan Aggregation Industry Holds Potential 7x Revenue Growth By 2024. Will UAE Online Loan Aggregation Industry Stand On This Projected Figure? Ken Research
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1. With rich, diverse & unparalleled infrastructure, the UAE Loan Industry driven by high corporate loan demand.
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Trends and Developments in UAE Online Loan Aggregator Industry
Lending majorly dominated by national banks with wide distribution network, occupying >90% of all banks credit disbursal.
With major investment in hydrocarbon projects & other infrastructure projects, credit demand by government has been rising & expected to further rise in future as well.
Traditional methods of lending (Friends/family) are still preferred choice for availing loans by people with below avg credit history.
Banks are undertaking consolidation activities thereby reducing number of branches, cash offices & promoting digital banking services.
 2. Technological Evolution in UAE Banking Services.
To Know More about this report, download a Free Sample Report
Adoption of Blockchain technology in enhancing “Know- Your-Customer” processes, useful in client onboarding, cross border transfers, payments & compliance reporting.
Tasharuk Platform: Launched by UBF to fight against cyber-attacks on banks. Platform enables cyber threat information sharing, identify threats & enhance defense systems.
Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in data analytics, combatting fraudulent activities & compliance improvement, further increasing focus on customer dealing & decision-making processes.
Increased penetration of virtual banking channels including Mobile (>85%), Online Banking (>90%), Branch/Call center (>90%) and ATMs (~100%).
Noticeable shift among customers to online medium for undertaking non-cash transactions of balance enquiries, fund transfers etc.
3. Housing Loan, one of the fastest growing retail loan segments.
Visit This link:- Request for Custom Report
In 2019, average house price in Dubai decreased by ~12% reaching to ~AED 2.58 Mn, thereby, shifting from investor led market to owner-occupied market.
While borrower’s previously preferred fixed interest rates but with Fed Reserve Predictions (2019), noticeable trend was observed for variable rate schemes.
Customers rising preferences for loan providers/aggregators offering other benefits like property management services & post-handover assistance services.
Dubai is dominated by expat population (11 times of Emirati population), who are observed to be preferring indirect channels due to high documentation & eligibility requirements.
Current lending process in The UAE is partially offline; however; with advancements & relaxations in regulations could help in making the process online.
For more insights on the market intelligence, refer to the link below:-
UAE Online Loan Aggregator Market
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