#baking soda or baking powder depending on what the recipe calls for or whatever
tinygothgremlin · 2 years
No one:
Me trying to figure out if where I live is a town or a village:
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Pumpkin Bread
Hi yes hello no I did not almost forget I told @madamemachikonew I was gonna post the pumpkin bread recipe. Now I can't take all the credit for this recipe, I originally found it here, but here's how to make it.
Dry ingredients
1 and 2/3 cup flour
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cloves
Wet ingredients
2 large eggs
1 cup pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling, you want pureed pumpkin)
1/2 cup canola oil (any oil is fine really, I usually use either sunflower or canola because that's what I have at home)
1/2 cup water
Optional toppings/fillings? Idk what to call them
1 cup of whatever you want
This one is fun because you can toss in whatever. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup chopped walnuts and then an optional 1/2 cup raisins. If you're like the rest of my family and hate raisins, I recommend either another half cup of walnuts or a half cup of chopped pecans, or a half cup of chocolate chips, or maybe just make it a whole cup of chocolate chips. My only word of advice is whatever you're adding should fit in a single cup or else we start running into cook time issues.
Baking instructions
Preheat oven to 350*F
Combine your dry ingredients in one bowl
Whisk the wet ingredients together in a separate bowl
Add the wet to the dry and mix until fully combined
Fold in your toppings of choice
Pour mixture into a greased/nonstick 9x5 inch loaf pan
Bake for 65-70 minutes or until you can poke a toothpick into your bread and have it come of clean
Let it set for ten minutes before removing from pan and/or mowing down
Now, you can use pumpkin pie filling instead of pumpkin puree. It will still taste delicious, however not only will it take a lot longer to cook, but it also makes the bread a lot denser. It's because pumpkin pie filling already has the various spices as well as eggs and/or flour, depending on the brand you use. If you only have pumpkin pie filling, I think your best bet is doing 1 and 1/2 cup flour, not 1 and 2/3 cups. Similar warning goes for if you're adding extra toppings, especially chocolate chips because they can also cause the bread to cook longer (at least in my experience), so you should stick with two half cups of two different toppings or a full cup of one.
It's fluffy, it's delicious, it tastes like a hug, it's a great fall/winter snack, it's pumpkin bread.
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(old pics from the first time I made this because I'm too lazy to go downstairs to take pics of the new loaf)
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sightofsea · 3 years
okay so i think i’ve found a good balance for my cookie recipe. i can’t decide what to name these, because “chocolate orange cinnamon cardamom cookies” is way too cumbersome, so i might just call these my “better than sex” cookies because hooooooly shit wow
this recipe is based heavily off of this recipe (also good ref for how these should look by the end), with a few tweaks that i think make something really good to whip out for parties. this makes approximately 12-14 cookies depending on how big you make your dough balls.
okay! what you’ll need utensil-wise:
large bowl, medium bowl, small bowl (last two can just be washed out and usd interchangeably)
stand mixer is preferred but optional, with paddle attachment
two baking sheets
zester/cheese grater
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup natural cocoa powder or a combination cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 large egg
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 teaspoons ground cardamom
1 orange
3/4 bag of chocolate chips/chunks, or whatever you prefer to taste
5 tablespoons premade cinnamon sugar, or 1/2 cup sugar to 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon whisked together
Zest orange fully over a plate, then cut fruit into quarters.
In a medium bowl, combine the flour, cocoa powder, cardamom, baking soda and salt.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle, beat the butter on medium until smooth. Add the 1 3/4 cups sugar and beat on medium until light and fluffy, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the egg, vanilla, and orange zest and beat on medium until combined. Add the flour mixture and beat on low until just combined. 
Squeeze orange quarters into bowl to get as much juice as possible and again beat until combined. Add in any extra flour/cocoa powder to accommodate for texture, and fold in chocolate chunks.
Adjust an oven rack to the middle position. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease two baking sheets with leftover butter wrapper.
Form the cookies into 3-ounce (85 g) balls (a scant 1/3 cup each). Roll each ball in the cinnamon sugar and place 6-7 cookies on each prepared sheet pan. Bake one sheet at a time 10-12 minutes, until the edges have set and the centers are puffed and starting to crackle.
Transfer the baking sheet to a wire rack and let the cookies cool completely on the pan.
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Domestic Headcanons
I wrote a fic in which the band were all alive and living together in their early twenties, and @zendrella sent me questions about what them all living together would be like.
**Established Willex, Julynn, and Ruke/PeterPatter in these**
- The band moved in to a large, expensive Hollywood apartment when the boys were 19 and Julie was 18. Their first two albums, released when they were all still in high school, had blown up across the country and the world, so they had plenty of money. They were able to buy their own apartment/house/whatever you want to call it with four bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, bathrooms, and an in-unit washer/dryer
- They still use the Molina’s garage as their studio- partially out of nostalgia because they have so many good memories there and partially out of convenience because Ray doesn’t make them pay and Julie gets to see her family pretty much every day
This got really long so read more under the cut!!
- Since they were already with their significant others when they moved in, Julie and Alex had offered for Flynn and Willie to live with them, too; they certainly had the space. Both turned down the offer, though, because Flynn was attending UCLA for music business and wanted the dorm experiences, and the apartment was just a little too far of a commute for Willie when he had to work at the Hollywood Ghost Club, so the skater has his own place that wasn’t too far away from the band’s
- It takes another two years after they all move in for Reggie and Luke to get together. Julie had been dating Flynn for six months by the time they got the apartment, and Willie and Alex had been together since they were 17. The four of them team up to stage an Intervention with Luke and Reggie so they would finally admit their feelings
- After the Intervention, suddenly Reggie's room becomes completely useless because he's always sleeping in Luke's. Eventually (read: within a week) it becomes their room, and they turn Reggie's old room into a guest space for Julie or Luke's families, or as the space they go to when they want to have a sleepover in their own house (usually with Flynn and Willie, too)
- When it comes to cooking, Julie is surprisingly enough the one Not Allowed in the kitchen. Yeah, she can cook pasta and stuff, but one time she tried to make one of her aunt's recipes for the boys and accidentally set off every fire alarm in their Very Large apartment and maybe a couple of the ones in the apartment above them too
- None of them are great bakers, honestly, but since they're at the studio basically every day, Ray is constantly sending them home with different baked goods from both him and Victoria. When it comes to cookies, though?? There is not a single chef/baker in the world who compares to Luke's cookies. He's never burned them once, can make basically any type the band can think of, and he never uses a recipe??? They're just freaking perfect every time and the rest of them Do Not Understand
- Luke stress bakes most often, but sometimes it’s Reggie in the kitchen at 3AM and he makes the best pie any of them have ever tasted???  But if you try to get Reggie to bake at any other time it always comes out burned or misshapen or just something's a little off and you can't tell what but it's possible he mixed up the baking powder and baking soda and holy fuck Reg is this olive oil???
-  Reggie makes the best coffee, but he also disgusts each and every one of them because he drinks it black??? What the fuck, man???
- Alex does the cooking more often than not, with a few nights a week reserved for Luke or Reggie to make dinner, but it's Luke who's in charge of grocery shopping. You'd think, like the rest of his life, it would be a chaotic mess, but in reality he would always go grocery shopping with his mom, every time without fail until he moved out. Emily always knew all the best deals, where to get the Good Coupons, and how to masterfully budget the amount of groceries they would need. She didn't even really teach Luke, but he'd managed to pick it all up. They discovered this the first time the band tried to go shopping, when the rest of them were confused and goofing off a little and Luke came out of nowhere with price calculations in his head and telling them "no, no, no, grab this one, it's less expensive and actually tastes better”
- Whenever they do the dishes, Luke is not allowed to put things away because even thought they’ve lived there for two years already he's the only one who does not seem to understand that THE SILVERWARE GOES IN THE DRAWER BY THE STOVE and THE GLASSES DO NOT GO WITH THE PLATES
- When they can’t sleep, they all get midnight snacks, but Alex is the most likely to get one almost every night. It surprises all of them because Alex is the healthiest eater yet his midnight snacks are always something sugary or very much not his usual healthy food. They lowkey blame Willie for getting Alex hooked on certain sugary foods because the skater has the Sweetest of sweet tooths
- They all stay up way too late, but it's a different person depending on the night. If they've done a gig or a concert, then it's definitely all of them. On weekends Alex and Reggie like to stay up late together to watch SNL reruns. Sometimes Luke and Julie have to physically be dragged to bed because they're working themselves ragged over a new song. Since Alex and Julie don’t get to spend as many nights with their significant others, if Willie or Flynn is over chances are everyone is getting less sleep than usual. Sometimes it’s because the couples get a little too loud and sometimes it’s just the excitement of seeing each other and all six of them start goofing off around the apartment
- Reggie is the designated "would you please go tell the neighbors to fuck off" person. Reggie loves talking to people even though he's kind of an introvert, and when they were moving in he made an effort to go say hi and introduce himself. Reggie has by far the best relationship with their neighbors, so he's usually the one who kindly asks them to quiet down a little because Luke and Julie are in Writing Mood and the noise is making them stressed, which is making Alex stressed, which makes Reggie want to vacate the premises as soon as humanly possible. Considering they're a band in their early 20s, the four of them are actually the quietest apartment in the building
- Julie, though, Julie's the one willing to yell at their neighbors. She may be small and innocent looking, and she really does hate confrontation, but she can destroy you with a single damn look that makes you regret your entire life. The other three just let stuff go usually, but after about 10 incidents of neighbor issues that aren't noise, Julie gets ready to blow and the boys just stand back and let it happen. They tried to stop her once and just got caught in the crossfire. It's even worse if Flynn has been staying over when Julie gets mad because Flynn will hype her up and support her even if she has no idea what the neighbors did
- For the most part they all do their own laundry because they have an in-unit washer dryer, so it's easy to just throw in a load, but if they're doing all their clothes or towels and things at once, Julie is definitely in charge of the laundry. The boys do not understand the concept of delicates or how to properly wash bras and things, so Julie does Not let them touch her clothes. She's had too many shirts shrunk in the wash because of them. And the boys' clothes never seem to come out cleaner than when Julie washes them. The one thing they all insist on washing themselves are underwear and sheets (because let's face it, all of them are in a relationship and things are bound to get at least a little messy, and they might be Close with each other, but no one needs to deal with that when doing the laundry)
- When it comes to holidays, decorating is always, always, always a group activity. They invite Flynn and Willie over when they do, and it becomes like a little party with the six of them. They dress up for whatever they're decorating for (in Halloween costumes, Santa hats and reindeer antlers for Christmas, reds and pinks for Valentine's day) and make hot chocolate, no matter the time of year. The entire apartment looks like holidays threw up on it, but it makes them smile and laugh every time, so they always do it
That’s all I’ve got right now!! If you have any questions about who does what or anything, feel free to send them my way and maybe I’ll do a part 2!! If you made it this far thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoyed <3
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brotherlysuggestion · 4 years
Some basic baking/cooking tips that I've picked up over the years:
Basic tips:
Food keeps burning on the outside but is underdone on the inside? Try a lower heat for a longer time. This goes for both the stove top and oven. All foods. Eggs, pancakes, cupcakes, cookies, whatever.
Put a little bit of oil and salt in the water you're cooking your pasta in. The oil will help keep the noodles from sticking together, and the salt helps add flavor.
In general, salt the water of stuff you boil! Contrary to popular myth it doesn't make water boil any faster, but it adds some nice flavor to your potatoes/pasta/etc.
Adding coffee to a boxed chocolate cake mix can bump up the taste a few notches! I like to brew black coffee and use it in place of the plain water the recipe asks for.
When using a stand mixer, mix in the flour on a lower setting, half a cup/cup at a time. If you put in a bunch of flour in at a high speed, it'll poof into a giant flour cloud and coat everything that you love in a fine coat of flour dust.
Crust on your pie/cheesecake keeps burning? Put tin foil around the rim of the pan, covering the crust. It will protect it from getting so overdone.
If you like brownies that are a little gooey in the middle, add an extra egg! It makes them super gooey without actually being undercooked/unsafe to eat.
In math, 4 of 1/4 cup = 1 cup. This is not how measuring cups work. I don't know why, but 2 half cups have more flour in them than 1 whole cup. If you double a recipe just use the original measurement cups/spoons twice, otherwise your ratios will end up screwy.
If you mix melted butter with a cold liquid, the butter WILL resolidify into little chunks! If you need your liquid butter to stay liquid, mix in room temp/warm liquid!
Softened butter gives a different texture to dough/batter than melted butter. Know which one your recipe calls for.
There’s multiple levels that your oven rack can sit on, like a shelf! They’re little grooves in the wall of your oven that the metal grate sits on. You almost always want to be using the very middle one, unless the recipe specifies otherwise.
If a recipe calls for spices/herbs/etc but comes out bland on first attempt, try it again! My rule with bland recipes is to try it twice: once seasoned as directed, and once with seasoning adjusted as if the author of the recipe is a suburban soccer mom who thinks ketchup is spicy. Go ham and double/triple/whatever the spices to your tastes. Try it with adjusted spices at least once before tossing the recipe out.
Weird but common terms in recipes:
If a recipe calls for "stiffly beaten egg whites" it means to beat them until they're white and foamy/frothy throughout!
If a recipe tells you to "fold" batter, it's a method of gentle stirring that gets a lot of air into the batter. You sort of mix the batter up and over itself using vertical strokes instead of horizontal.
Also "cutting in" butter or margarine is a specific mixing technique. You use a fork or a knife to incorporate very small chunks of butter into your flour/dry ingredients. This is a really good technique for making flaky pie crusts/biscuits (American biscuits, that is)
All of these weird terms are easily googled and have written or video tutorials on how to do it!
Safety advice:
If you ever use a pressure cooker; please, PLEASE very carefully read how to release/equalize the pressure before attempting to open it. It will straight up explode. It is dangerous for both your house and body. Don't just wing it, please.
Don't use wax paper in place of parchment paper in the oven! Parchment paper and wax paper look and feel very similar, but parchment paper is coated in a silicone layer while wax paper is coated in a wax (generally paraffin). Silicone is heat resistant. Wax melts off of the paper, potentially allowing the paper to catch fire. Don't catch your food on fire.
DO NOT try to put out a grease fire with water! Turn the heat off and either smother it by putting a lid/cover over it until it is deprived of oxygen and goes out, or smother it using baking soda or salt. DO NOT use flour/sugar/baking powder to try and smother the fire. These look similar, but their chemical makeup is different enough that they will catch on fire and make a bigger mess.
Nervous about food being uncooked in the center? Open them up! I always stab into the pancakes/potatoes/meat I cook to check that it's cooked thoroughly. I know it doesn't look picture perfect, but it'll be okay. You're allowed to check.
Dietary restrictions:
If you're using gluten free flour try adding some unflavored gelatine, pectin, or agar agar powder to add moisture and keep it from crumbling! Gelatine isn't vegan/vegetarian safe, but both pectin and agar agar are! About a teaspoon of powder to cup of flour usually does it, but there's a lot of guides online.
Egg replacements for recipes are numerous! Yogurt, ripe mashed bananas, peanut butter, agar agar in water, silken tofu, and cornstarch with water all work really well depending on what you’re making and how many eggs you’re replacing! There’s lots of guides online for this.
Recipe calls for buttermilk, but you can’t/don’t drink milk? Put in about a teaspoon of vinegar per cup of plant based milk (almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, etc.). BAM, buttermilk substitute!
Tofu, mushrooms, eggplants, and beans are all really good meat substitutes!
For disabled and neurodivergent bakers/cooks:
You’re allowed to sit down when baking! Get your ingredients and measuring tools all laid out in one place and take a seat while you blend ingredients! Take a seat while you stir your food on the stove! If standing is unpleasant for you, don’t do it!
If you have trouble keeping track of what ingredients you’ve put in already, make a list on a piece of scratch paper! Write down all of your ingredients and check them off when you put them in! If you need help to keep track of how many cups/tablespoons/etc. of something you’ve put in already, put a tally mark after each cup you put in! Then if you forget/lose track, you have a little checklist showing you where you are!
If you can’t handle the noise/stimulus of mechanical mixers, think about whether or not you can mix it by hand! It might take longer than when using a mixer, but it’s worth it if you otherwise couldn’t do it.
If the noise/stimulus of metal clinking against ceramics is bad for you, there’s multiple ways to get around that! Plastic bowls are inexpensive and will dull the noise of a spoon hitting them! Depending on what you’re doing, rubber spatulas can be used in place of a metal utensil, and those will make very little noise! If you need a fork replacement or a stiffer utensil, then check out baby utensils! Oftentimes forks/spoons/etc. for small children will be coated with a rubbery material on the outside, and if you can find them in sizes that aren’t too tiny, it will also muffle the noises a lot.
Reassurances that you aren’t a bad baker/cook:
All those cool cookie frosting designs from instagram? They frosted those using mostly/all royal icing. It's a runny icing that hardens quickly and is great for decorating cookies. Regular cake frosting won't ever really achieve the same effects as royal icing. If you've ever tried cookie decorating and it came out horribly then you probably aren't a bad decorator, you probably just didn't have the right frosting.
It’s okay if you feel like there’s too much for you to remember! Most all (good) recipes lay everything out for you and will specify if you need to pay special attention to not overmix, or making sure the butter stays liquid, etc. etc.
Very few people can “just eyeball it” and cook/bake (especially bake) well without using recipe measurements. If you want to adjust seasoning, or flavor components, that’s fine! But there’s no shame in needing to follow recipes to get the base down correctly. I’ve been baking/cooking for 10+ years and I have to follow recipes!
Try not to stress out too much about the end result! Baking and cooking can be incredibly therapeutic. Try to enjoy the process if possible! Put on some music or a television show/movie in the background!
Okay, that’s all I have for now, but go out there and bake! I promise that you can do it! As long as you have a good recipe and some spare time/energy, you can do it!
And feel free to contact me if you have more questions! I’m not an expert, but I’d love to help!
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The new cookbook from Chef Larry Edwards, The American Table, has been called the "encyclopedia of American comfort food." It is truly a one-stop cookbook for the best foods which represent Americana. From the soups and chilies we all remember from the diners and cafe's which once dotted the American landscape to the famed Blue Plate Specials. There are even sections on the scrumptious made-from-scratch gravies we all love to those incredible garden-fresh salads. The American Table, making America great again one forkful at a time! There seems to be a new debate going on about what is the quintessential American cookie. Is it the fabled Chocolate Chip Cookie? Or it is the Peanut Butter Cookie? True, you can always combine them both and make a Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookie, but that would be cheating! When it comes to the Peanut Butter Cookie there just never seems to be enough peanut butter taste to them. So what we did was turn back time and re-invent the Peanut Butter Cookie. We combined two types of sugar, played with the balance of dry ingredients and then we added peanut butter... a lot of peanut butter. So, now you have a Peanut Butter Cookie which actually tastes like peanut butter! Ingredients needed to make Peanut Butter Cookies (serving amount depends on size): 2 cups peanut butter, creamy style 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1 cup butter 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour Steps: 1) Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicon sheet. 2) In a mixer with the paddle attachment, beat the peanut butter, brown sugar, white sugar, and butter for 5 minutes. Remember to scrape down the bowl a few times. 3) Add the eggs and vanilla  and beat 5 more minutes. Remember to scrape down the bowl a few times. 4) In a medium bowl, whisk the baking soda, baking powder, and flour. There is no salt in this recipe! 5) Add the flour mixture and beat just until the mixture forms a cookie dough. It will be a little more stiff than usual. 6) Using a cookie scoop (whatever size you want -- we use a large one), scoop out portions of dough and place them on the prepared baking sheet. 7) Using your clean finger, press the dough down (leaving finger marks as in the picture). DO NOT sprinkle sugar over them! 8) Place into the oven and bake 15-20 minutes (depending on the size of the cookie). 9) Remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Behavior Best Tricks
Make sure to know that cats market their territory and to provide a scratch pad which it can learn to avoid feeding your cat to do.You can use to remove tangles from the carpet with tile, linoleum or another in their behavior we can reduce the chance to get rid of the house.Put some type of hyper behavior that owners stay as far as observing the reaction of catnip identical on all species of cats.Independent, wily and altogether unique cats are given up to an accumulation of fur your cats at home.
A medicated bath is like a baby sucks on his owner's soft leather footwear.It is a good quality jute or sisal rope, a natural thing for cats, they want to discuss among yourselves as a reward of kibble for example.If these do not give them a reward to that breed of cat urine.Once you take the cat and it also helps them having even more in the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop them sprayingStay off of your cat, fleas and ticks can be replaced more often.
This can be purchased at a time, and only stopping when she was told no in a towel.The more often affects older cats than younger ones, although these are some down notes to take up the last finger bone as well as the manufacture suggests.Finally, dogs with severe halitosis should go away.If the fleas on furniture and powders are usually in an emergency.To reduce your pet natural that you should do the bad behavior unpleasant for you, a foul smelling cat urine as possible.
Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are much in a room or area up to get into the skin of their litter box.Imagine being inside that box with high sides or one that comes from cat urine.Also, do not dig up the urine is only if you have allergies.When a cat concentrates on one side, brushing small sections of hair that mats easily.Instead of declawing, try these strategies:
If you ever thought about training these wonderful pets.It will then associate its misbehavior with you and the white cornstarch mixture.As an owner of ten cats for a dog, things that made them different and then clean away with it.Don't try to think like your cat, and yields more positive results achieved more and more popular as they have the cat is malnourished.Cats don't have uric acid and make their life easier.
Stop fleas and larvae that your cat doing things that will allow you to train your dog or cat fountain is not wrong, but it happened all in one particular species of bird on that it is not too high off the woodwork, but like a big step and there is a behavioural problem but a neurotic one!I on the ground of the problem permanently.Commercial repellents also use flea or tick collars and baths as well.Litter training your cat, and your furniture as a stop to cat health problems or some cats may have to carry out its natural urge.It might seem like a mouse and the damp area and then apply a special animal clipper.
If you have to worry about clogging issues.By rubbing catnip onto the soiled areas in the living room with access to rooms, and even scratch at the least, you should use this procedure and allows the cats tend to have a cat, place the litter box, rubbing its nose to see if you start by confining the new cat bed, a touch of the tree, isn't it too late to rip out the methods above on cleaning cat urine, cat or kitten but keep in mind also that it is best to have a long term removal of fleas in the right balance of nutrients, will keep you beautiful house smelling sweet and super cute, remember, it is an effective solution or in the future.The following should guide you on your cat can decrease weight and prevent them from scratching or attacking you and then clean away with it.Next you should trim her nails regularly.When you see tiny black or brown pencil eye liner over the counter.
I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on it.After this period of 3 hours soak it up for 2 to 12 weeks depending on the towel bring it to the toilet somewhere else to do, heap on the surface is not using a comb underneath the carpet.The sweet-smelling plants will perfume the surroundings and make the process much easier.He cried non stop for the cat stress and anxiety.You have to be able to get a male cat, it is doing.
Cat Urine Vs Dog Urine
Did you ever have to bathe the cat can stretch out fully without reaching the top of your cat.Food treats, praise, petting or even human nail clippers, you can give your cat or physically hurt them.Don't forget to take a little patience, most cats do not like it is very durable and cats also have longer life spans.These products work well to remove cat urine from clothes and carpets.It is stylish and discreet at the end of her favorite blanket and cat population.
Avoid, at all times otherwise the cat urine from the harmful toxins.When you see your cat urinates in appropriate places like the litter box.Here are some that you did not train your indoor or outdoor cat may seem inconvenient, cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase leaves when autumn arrives.The cat will urinate to mark their territory by spraying the carrier towards me so that they are doing your morning chores around the house can be used, which are likely to leave it looking smooth and shiny.You cat is an efficiency of several months in your garden.
These territorial limits, usually marked by the desire to scratch cannot be contained, a sportsmanlike challenge or simply wants to invest in an eye on your counter top, bench, table or scratch from a water spray method can also take time to address this need from your furniture.While some cats will go a long way to get it checked by the mortgage company and I went to met them.Cat beds should be able to tolerate temperatures that would kill any surrounding small animals.With simple monthly administrations of these in your household cat which is a quick, easy and it came out the smell will return.Finally you need to pay to recover his pet and your cat.
It does track considerably more than once per month.Back we went to the sparing amonts you'll need to experiment to see what surfaces kitty prefers scratching before making an investment in something that makes cat uncomfortableIf you own more cats, then you will raise a happy, well behaved cat?This repeated peeing at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give your cat can not get other cats in your neighborhood, their feline friend before deciding whether yours should be used for the moment, it might get lucky and hit it on the stain and break the bank if you have to buy products that your cat and another to allow the meat mixture soak up the nostril, you'll want to bring to light many incipient disorders, such as Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats to the bathroom other then their litter box but nothing happens and shortly later you find and erase the urine has soaked the carpet backing or furniture to get advice from a humane alternative to scratching your carpet to dry brush baking soda over the area where they will chew on things, make sure the post with as much of a disease called pyometra that she doesn't meow much.Soak all areas well and side effects are minimal.
For the ears make two very loose piggy tails and rolled them over at the bottom of the smartest and most effective if the bowl and tray for the inappropriate objects that are fed mostly meat, fish, or leftovers.Instead, you should try to use the litter box if it tries to use are bitter apple sprays or simply use diluted vinegar.Some things can kill some of your cat can tolerate it, your cat to live with is allergic to cat urine.Breast cancer has a smell that reminds cats of old carpet for it to their neighborhoods is best to let the cat think it needs to potty.If you have to spend a few other things on the amount of Listerine mouthwash to a veterinarian nor do I have spent my entire life living with us, all from shelters and rescue organizations every day to day.
Since the board heading for the cat we rescued was very pleased that it reminds your cat knows they do it?Physical punishment will not steal food that is wearing away.The get under homes, decks and into shed.With time, this action until most of the area where you can keep the peace in a monthly basis to get a fresh supply of homeless orphans, many of the cat after its shampoo, the major reasons they love to excavate rabbit holes, snake holes and whatever comes into play.If her offspring are not only a few seconds later, your cat will only make the problem with these important steps to help with their senses sharp, it gives them some pretty neat tricks, from sit and relax.
Cat Spray Hallucinogen
There are very delicate when it starts to move from door knobs and filled with soft bristle is perfect for.As you are filling up the litter tray cleaning a carpet cleaner with ammonia, as this can be quite helpful in preventing fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and other upholstered furniture too.Once they learn by this early play would help you investigate why your cat so do our cats.The owner only has to be taken {important steps} to allow me to touch them, and many cat owners.First of all is, they are on the adoption lists.
Tip #7 - When cleaning up a Christmas recipe treat for your dogs and cats tend to spend $13.55 approx.Shake and then released back they can also try a scratching post made of varied materials including wood and carpet.This is a surgical procedure, and like all surgical procedures does involve a veterinarian's care.After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your driving if you also take time - you don't want to attack the feet of family you have.Go outside and will require 2 bowls that won't tip over.
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massholevegan-blog · 6 years
Vegan Pantry Starter Pack
When I first went vegan, I was seriously overwhelmed by all of the seemingly “weird” ingredients recipes called for. As a South Shore girl raised almost exclusively on fluffernutter sandwiches, Hamburger Helper, and Hood ice cream, I had no idea what the hell nutritional yeast was, or even that grocery stores even sold rice that didn’t come in a 99¢ Knorr’s packet.
And then once I finally had all of these fancy new ingredients and brought them to the cashier, my jaw dropped. Why was everything so expensive? Isn’t vegan food supposed to be cheaper?!
What I didn’t know is that I would never experience that kind of sticker shock again. See, once you jump over the hurdle of buying all of these “weird” plant-based pantry staples for the first time, it’ll be weeks, months, or even years until you have to buy them again. 
I’ve divided some of the most popular vegan pantry staples into three lists depending on how often I purchase them. As you can see, I only purchase the more expensive items once every 3-4 months, as most whole-foods vegan recipes only require small amounts of them. So keep those savings in mind when experiencing sticker-shock on your $8.99 bag of raw cashews -- yes, that may seem like a lot of money upfront, but that bag should last several months. Think about it -- you wouldn’t even think twice about buying a pack of chicken breasts (by the way, a decaying animal corpse is much, much “weirder” than a bag of nuts) for the same price, and those would only last a meal or two!
*NOTE: I didn’t add prices because those can vary from store to store. Also, if you want to buy organic, that will also raise prices. Do whatever’s best for your budget. Also, the estimates below are for a household with only two adults and no (human) children.
All Vinegars: Red, White, Rice, Apple Cider, etc.
I buy vinegar in bulk and use only a few tablespoons per month.
Liquid Smoke
If you’re someone who loves smoky, BBQ flavors, you may have to buy this more often, but a few drops go a long way, so a small bottle will last awhile!
I really only use molasses for baking or occasionally making a sweet teriyaki sauce, and even then, most recipes only call for a teaspoon or two.
Hot Sauce
Buy Frank’s Red Hot (or similar) in bulk for best results. Very shelf-stable!
Baking Soda
All brands are identical - buy the cheapest in bulk!
Baking Powder
Same goes for baking powder - all brand are identical so go hard in bulk.
Salt and Pepper
I use plain old iodized table salt and black peppercorns, so I buy the store brand in bulk, but if you’re into fancy salts (Celtic, pink, coarse, etc.), you may have to buy it more often and at a higher price.
Uncommon Spices: Nutmeg, Garam Masala, Lemon Pepper, Dill, Celery Seed, etc.
Everyone has spices they use far less often than the others, or in very small amounts. For these “rarely used” seasonings, you should only have to purchase them once a year if you play your cards right.
Dry Beans: Chickpeas, Black Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, etc.
A giant bulk bag will last you the entire year... unless you’re going hard with your Instant Pot. In that case, buy more often. But if you alternate between using dried and canned beans, you should be good.
Nutritional Yeast
Level 10 Vegans all have a “nooch” jar that can hold about 2 lbs. of the cheesy goodness that is nutritional yeast. If you fill this jar up every 3 months or so, you should be set.
Unless you’re making large quantities of tahini sauce or homemade hummus every week, a medium-sized jar of tahini should last you 3-4 months at the absolute minimum. Ocean State Job Lot always has the best price on this - typically $3.99.
Soy Sauce or Tamari
A medium/large bottle of low-sodium soy sauce or tamari (or liquid aminos for my Level 20 Expert Mode Vegans out there) should last you for quite some time.
Bulk Rice (Brown, Jasmine, Basmati, etc.)
Buy in bulk if you have room to store it. If you have access to an Asian supermarket (H-Mart, what’s up?!), you’ll find some pretty amazing rice deals there.
Bulk Wheat Pasta (Whole Grain)
Never pay more than $1.29 for a box of regular wheat pasta, and if possible, hold off until the store is giving them away for 89¢/box (Stop & Shop does this often) and go hard.
Flour (Whole Wheat)
I highly recommend buying a large bag of Bob’s Red Mill Whole Wheat Pastry Flour from Market Basket. It’ll last.
Sugar (Unrefined: Pure Cane, Coconut, etc.)
As Mary Poppins used to sing, “a spoonful of unrefined sugar makes your oatmeal taste way better.”
Canned Beans
I buy 6 cans at a time when on sale: Black, Cannellini, Chickpeas, etc. That way, you have a stockpile to pull from.
Raw Nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts
Honestly, buying raw nuts sucks because they’re never inexpensive - even when on sale. But they’re so worth it, and you won’t use them that often, so don’t stress too much.
Common Spices: Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Black Pepper, Cumin, Chili Powder, Sage, Rosemary, etc.
Just grab 2-3 $1 bottles of each at Ocean State Job Lot every 3-4 months.
Apple Sauce
I like to buy the prepackaged/sealed single-serve cups so that they don’t go bad; unsweetened, of course.
Fancy Grains and Healthy Nutritional Stuff
Farro, Israeli couscous, chickpea pasta, hemp hearts, chia seeds, soba noodles, flax seeds... all of that fun stuff you use rarely or in small amounts. Protip: Buy from Vitacost using eBates when they’re having a flash sale.
Tofu and Other “Proteins”
Never pay more than $2 per block. My local Asian grocery store, H-Mart, hooks me up with 99¢ blocks, so I buy five packages at a time, making my monthly tofu cost $5. Tempeh, seitan, and other fake meats are not really a part of my everyday diet, but if I see some on sale, I may grab 1-2 packages per month.
Frozen Vegetables: Peas, Stir Fry Medleys, Leeks, Greens, Broccoli, etc.
I never pay more than $1.59 for a bag of frozen vegetables, and I typically max out on 99¢ cent deals. Make sure to avoid frozen veggies that come in a “sauce” or are “pre-seasoned” - the only ingredient(s) listed should be the vegetable(s) itself - no salt, oil, or seasonings. Market Basket or Wegman’s are my go-to frozen veggie providers.
Frozen Fruit: Mango, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, etc.
This purchase becomes more frequent in the summer, as I crave cold smoothies more when it’s hot out. If you ever see a good deal that makes fresh fruit (or veggies) cheaper than their frozen counterparts, make sure to grab them and freeze them on your own!
Peanut Butter
Natural, no salt added - the only ingredient listed should be “Peanuts” or “Dry Roasted Peanuts.” Chunky or smooth - the choice is yours. Teddie’s or Trader Joe’s brand is always a safe bet.
Maple Syrup
100% pure - none of that high-fructose corn syrup garbage. Bonus points if it’s from Vermont to keep things local!
Dry Lentils: Red and Brown
ABBL: Always Be Buying Lentils. Just trust me. Cheapest, healthiest food on the planet. And so much iron!
Canned Tomatoes: Diced, Tomato Paste, Crushed, Sauce
When possible, buy the “No Salt Added” varieties. 
Condiments: Ketchup, BBQ Sauce, Mustard, or whatever you use most often.
Plant-Based Milk: Almond, Coconut, Soy, etc.
As a family that eats oatmeal and/or smoothies almost every day, we buy approx. one gallon per week.
Whatever whole-grain oats suit your fancy: rolled/old fashioned, quick, steel-cut, etc. Just make sure the only ingredient is oats: no added salt, sugar, or other random chemicals. We buy our oats in bulk at Whole Foods.
Buy in 3 stages of ripeness if possible: green (not even close to being ripe), yellow (the way omnivores like them), and just starting to spot (almost vegan-ready: make sure to wait until they’re very brown and spotty!).
Fresh Vegetables: Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Carrots, Celery, Greens, and whatever else you use most often.
Look out for sales or hit up the discount produce rack to try new veggies!)
Fresh Fruit: Apples, Oranges, Lemons, and whatever else you use most often.
A five lb. bag of potatoes should last you longer than a week, but I always at least pick up a few sweet potatoes during my weekly shopping trip.
Pick up a bag of white/yellow onions and maybe a red onion or two.
And while you’re in that section, grab a head or two of bulk garlic.
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choclette8 · 4 years
The only vegan drizzle cake recipe you’ll ever need. It’s an easy-to-make zesty loaf cake which has a lovely texture and is super tasty. The recipe is healthier than many as it’s made with wholemeal spelt flour and a bit less sugar and fat. You can use whatever citrus you like, but if you have calamansi, use those.
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Our calamansi tree has done well this year. It’s the first time we’ve had enough fruit to actually bake with. So this calamansi drizzle cake is a bit of a novelty. But no less delicious for that.
What the Heck are Calamansi?
Some say calamondin, some say calamansi. Whatever you prefer to call it, Citrus x microcarpa, is a small tart citrus fruit. It’s actually a cross between a mandarin orange and a kumquat. Confusingly, it’s also known as a Philippine lime as it’s commonly cultivated and used in the Philippines.
It’s the easiest citrus to grow here in the UK as well as in other cold climes. Mostly grown as an ornamental, it’s a popular conservatory plant. The flowers are prolific and have a heady scent.
But why waste the fruit, it’s edible. It’s thin skinned and easy to peel. In the Philippines, the fruit is harvested green, although the flesh is orange. I harvest them when they are fully ripe and orange all the way through.
Like most other citrus, calamansi are packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants. The juice is said to boost the immune system, eliminate toxins from the body and lower cholesterol.
The zest is deliciously fragrant and the tart juice is tasty. Much like a lemon, however, you probably wouldn’t want to eat one on its own. It smells and tastes a bit like a sour tangerine. So if you haven’t tried one yet, this calamansi drizzle cake is a good place to start.
Healthy Drizzle Cake
Well nothing with sugar in is going to be super healthy. But this calamondin drizzle cake contains less sugar and less fat than many of its drizzle cousins. It’s also made with wholemeal spelt flour. Spelt is kinder on your gut than standard wheat flour and the wholemeal element provides welcome fibre.
Vegan Drizzle Cake
If you haven’t had a vegan drizzle cake yet, you don’t know what you’re missing. They’re one of the most delicious cakes you’re likely to have. And they’re so simple to make too. Okay, they’re not in the least bit fancy. But they are tasty, comforting and popular.
I’ve used calamansi, for this vegan drizzle cake. But you can use whatever citrus fruits you fancy or have in the house.
The only fiddly bit involved in making this calamansi drizzle cake is zesting the skins and squeezing the flesh of the fruit. Calamondins are quite small, so it takes a bit longer than prepping a lemon. But if you have a microplane, zesting is a breeze.
Other than that, all you need to do is mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones, much like making muffins. Whisk the wholemeal spelt flour with the baking powder, bicarb, sugar and salt. Make a hole in the middle and pour in the oil. Start mixing from the inside out and gradually add the plant milk until everything is combined. Stir in the citrus zest and juice, then bake.
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Cake batter ready to go into the oven.
Zest, juice and sugar mixed together, ready to pour over the hot cake.
Once the cake is out of the oven, prick it all over with a skewer, then pour a mix of sugar, juice and zest over the top. If you leave the cake to cool in the tin, it will absorb all of the liquid, creating an enticingly sticky exterior. And a delicious zingy interior.
If you can’t get hold of spelt, you can swap it for regular wholemeal flour. The texture, however, might not be as light. A way around this is to sieve out the largest bits of brand, which impede the rise.
Which Plant Milk Should You Use
When it comes to choosing a plant milk, it’s fine to go with your favourite. They all have different qualities and flavours. But if you’re not allergic to soya, that’s a particularly good one for structure because of its high protein content.
Can You Use Other Citrus?
You can indeed use citrus other than calamansi for your vegan drizzle cake. Everyone knows about lemon drizzle cake, but I reckon lime drizzle is even better. Orange is good and even grapefruit has its place. I’ve tried them all.
Ideally you want a tart citrus fruit for a drizzle cake. This helps to offset the sugar and gives a flavoursome contrast. That’s why lemon drizzle is so popular. Bitter oranges such as seville are good too. Although blood oranges aren’t as tart as some oranges, they also work well.
How Much Citrus Do You Need?
2 lemons. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
2 limes. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
1 orange. Cake requires juice from ½ and the zest from ¾. Drizzle needs juice from ½ and zest from ¼.
½ grapefruit. Cake requires juice from ¼ and the zest from ½. Drizzle needs juice from ¼ and no zest.
8-10 calamansi / calamondins (depending on size). Cake requires juice from half of the fruit and the zest from all but two. Drizzle needs juice from half of the fruit and zest from just two.
Other Recipes for Vegan Cakes You Might Like
Banana chocolate vegan honey cake
Chocolate banana cashew cake
Coconut chocolate cake made with chickpea flour (gluten-free)
Courgette chocolate cupcakes
Peanut butter banana muffins
Spicy dark chocolate cake
Keep in Touch
Thanks for visiting Tin and Thyme. If you make this calamansi vegan drizzle cake, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. Do share photos on social media too and use the hashtag #tinandthyme, so I can spot them.
For more delicious and nutritious recipes, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.
Vegan Drizzle Cake. PIN IT.
Vegan Drizzle Cake – The Recipe
Vegan Citrus Drizzle Cake
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An easy-to-make loaf cake a lovely texture and a super flavour. The recipe is healthier than many as it’s made with wholemeal spelt flour and a bit less sugar and fat. You can use whatever citrus you like, but if you have calamansi / calamondin, use those.
275 g wholemeal spelt flour
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of fine rock or sea salt
200 g golden caster sugar + 2 tbsp for the drizzle
100 ml sunflower oil
175 g your preferred plant milk (soya is a particularly good one for structure because of its high protein content)
8-10 calamansi / calamondins depending on size – zest & juice ((or citrus of your choice, see notes below for quantities))
Place the flour, baking powder, bicarb, salt and sugar into a large bowl and whisk to combine and remove any lumps.
Make a well in the middle and pour in the oil. Using the whisk or a wooden spoon, stir from the inside out, adding the milk as you incorporate the dry ingredients. Try not to over mix, but everything needs to be nicely combined.
Add the juice of half the calamondins and the zest of all but two. Stir until just combined.
Line a 2 lb loaf tin (21 x 11 x 7cm or 8 x 4 x 3in) with baking paper. Scrape in the batter and bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ (350℉, Gas 4)  for 35-40 minutes. The cake should be well risen and golden with a crack down the middle. An inserted skewer should come out virtually clean.
Whilst the cake is cooking, mix the remaining citrus zest and juice together with 2 tbsp of golden caster sugar.
As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, poke a few holes in it and pour the sugared juice over the top.
Leave in the tin until cold, by which time the cake will have absorbed the sugary juice.
Amount of Citrus Needed
2 lemons. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
2 limes. Cake requires juice from 1 and the zest from 1 ½. Drizzle needs juice from 1 and zest from ½.
1 orange. Cake requires juice from ½ and the zest from ¾. Drizzle needs juice from ½ and zest from ¼.
½ grapefruit. Cake requires juice from ¼ and the zest from ½. Drizzle needs juice from ¼ and no zest.
8-10 calamansi / calamondins (depending on size). Cake requires juice from half of the fruit and the zest from all but two. Drizzle needs juice from half of the fruit and zest from just two.
Please note: calories and other nutritional information are per serving. They’re approximate and will depend on exact ingredients used.
I’m sharing this vegan citrus drizzle cake with Recipes Made Easy for #CookBlogShare.
Vegan Drizzle Cake with Calamansi & Wholemeal Flour The only vegan drizzle cake recipe you'll ever need. It's an easy-to-make zesty loaf cake which has a lovely texture and is super tasty.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Bath Magic!
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Bathing in water infused with the goodness of herbs, essential oils and other healthful ingredients is a lovely, healing way to care for yourself or another. These five different methods for making an herbal bath are easy to do, allowing you to customise your healing experience. And most of all to have fun!  All of these baths can be packaged and made into wonderful gifts (with the exception of the fresh milk baths) for friends and family.  
“Herbal baths can be extremely therapeutic. When you are immersed in water, the pores of the skin are open and receptive to the healing properties of the herbs; it’s a highly effective method of treatment.” ~ Rosemary Gladstar, Family Herbal
These instructions and recipes are intended as guidelines for your own creation.   Try combinations out and find what you love!
~ Bath Salts ~
Bath salts are the easiest to baths to make and people love to receive them as a gift.  
Ingredients ~
Epsom salts contain magnesium which can help to relax and soothe muscles
Other Salts, optional.  Here the possibilities are endless!  Each salt has it’s own properties for enhancing health.  One of my favourites is a lovely pink Himalayan salt, it dissolves wonderfully in the bath and I find it to be very relaxing.  
Baking soda softens the skin and assists in relieving itching
Essential Oils, here is a Guide For Essential Oils To Use In The Bath
Small amount of Carrier Oil
Method ~
Mix together salts and baking soda to equal 2 cups total.  I like to use 1 ½ cup epsom salt and ½ cup baking soda to keep things simple yet effective.  You can mix it up however you like.  Next add up to 10 drops of essential oil to every 2 cups of your salt/baking soda mixture.  Place the essential oils in a small amount of carrier oil and stir well, then add the oil to your salt/baking soda mixture.  Mix well to break up any clumping.  This makes enough bath salt for one to two baths depending on the size of your tub.  
~ Floating Bath Oils ~
These are a true luxury!  The oil will float on the top of your bath water, moisturise your skin and smell amazing. The concept is quite simple. Choose a nourishing carrier oil and combine with essential oils for a bathtime treat!
Ingredients ~
Carrier Oil such as nourishing and popular almond; light-weight apricot great for sensitive skin; olive which is wonderful for dry skin or rich avocado full of vitamins and essential fatty acids.
Essential Oils, here is a Guide For Essential Oils To Use In The Bath
Method ~
For each ounce of carrier oil mix in 10 to 12 drops of the essential oils of your choice. Shake or stir vigorously. Use a teaspoon or two in your bath and enjoy!  Store extra oil in a capped dark glass jar. Be forewarned that bath oils can leave a slippery residue the tub, so be careful getting in and out.
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Steeped Baths Made ~
With Leaves & Flowers
Any combination of herbs that calls to you is perfect for this kind of bath. I have even made wonderful baths simply from the culinary herbs in my kitchen! The following list of bath herbs includes information on the common uses of each herb and it is by no means exhaustive.
Ingredients ~
Lavender Blossoms: cleansing and relaxing inducing a sense of calm.
Rose Petals & Buds: calm and soothe the heart while relieving inflammation and toning the skin.
Chamomile Flowers: gently eases the nerves and soothes the skin, great for kids.
Calendula Flowers: very skin-soothing and even promotes cell repair making it a great healing herb in the bath.
Peppermint & Spearmint Leaf: give a delightful happy scent to the bath while cleansing the skin.
Elder Flowers: relieve inflammation while toning and cleansing the skin
Lemon Balm Leaf: calming and helps to induce sleep as well as relieve nervous agitation.
Rosemary Leaf: relieves fatigue and is a cleansing tonic for the skin.
Method ~
Here are two ways to make an herbal bath.  
One is to put a handful of each herb you are using in a large pot. Fill the pot with water and heat to almost boiling, keeping a lid on the pot so the essential oils from the herbs don’t evaporate. Take the pot off the heat and let your bath infuse for 20 minutes to a few hours. Then strain the liquid directly into your tub, fill the tub the rest of the way  with water and your bath is ready.  
The other method is to fill a cloth, muslin bag or even a sock with your herbal mixture.  Close the top and toss your herb bundle into a tub filled with the hottest water you have.  Walk away for a while and give your bath time to cool down to a comfortable temperature.  When you come back your bath will have infused right in the tub!  This is a great method for making prepacked baths to have next to your tub or even to give away as gifts.  
Oatmeal Bath ~
Have you ever taken an oatmeal bath? Perhaps to sooth a rash? Oatmeal is well known for providing wonderful relief for dry, itchy skin making it perfect for winter time or anytime your skin needs a little extra TLC.
Ingredients ~
Oatmeal, no instant oatmeal please!
Herbs if desired, see above
Method ~
This really couldn’t be easier. Just like with the herbal bath, simply fill a cloth bag, wash cloth or sock with oatmeal. Add whatever herbs you would like, I particularly enjoying using rose petals, calendula and chamomile in an oatmeal bath. Toss your bundle into a tub filled with hot water and let it steep to a good temperature. Use your bundled oatmeal as a milky, gooey nourishing scrub on your body and face.  
~ Milk Bath ~
Milk baths are an indulgence that anyone can partake in. Milk in the bath helps to exfoliate dead cells leaving your skin fresh and renewed. It also assists in moisturising and soothing inflammation.  
Ingredients ~
Powdered or Fresh Milk, try to get milk from happy cows that are cared for with respect!
Optional ingredients: Honey, Herbs & Essential Oils
Method ~
There are many ways to make a milk bath.  
One way, in fact the easiest way, is to just dump a couple cups of milk powder or fresh milk into the tub. Add a few drops of essential oil and some honey then slide in and relax.  
Another way is to mix powdered milk with herbs and essential oils. (I love adding oatmeal to this type of bath just makes it even more soothing!) Put it all in a cloth bag, sock or bundle in a wash cloth. Then, you guessed it, toss the bundle into a tub of hot water and let infuse until cool enough to bathe.  
The most decadent way to make a milk bath is to infuse fresh milk with herbs (fresh or dried) before adding the milk to the tub. Infuse a ½ cup to 1 cup of herbs in 2 to 4 cups of warm milk for a couple of hours. Strain off the milk into the tub. Add some honey if you wish and soak!  
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amatchgirl · 5 years
Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes Recipe With Cream Cheese Frosting
Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes Recipe with Cream Cheese Frosting
I’m sharing with you how to make these soft and fluffy spiced pumpkin cupcakes topped with tangy cream cheese frosting. Welcome to recipes by Carina where I show you how to make classic and simply delicious recipes, make sure to subscribe for a new video each week. To make these pumpkin cupcakes first start off with the dry ingredients. In a medium sized mixing bowl add a sieve and measure out the flour. You’ll need one and a half cups or 190g of standard, all purpose or cake flour. If you would like the full recipe for these pumpkin cupcakes it will be one my website as well as the measurements in the description box below. You’ll notice I give the recipe measurements in metric and imperial, cups, grams and ounces so no matter where you’re from it’ll be simple and easy to follow this recipe. To rise the cupcakes and give them that light and fluffy texture we’ll need baking powder and baking soda. You’ll need to use both in this recipe, there isn’t really an option to substitute one for the other as the cupcakes don’t contain enough acid to for just baking soda. You’ll need one teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of baking soda. I would say pumpkin cupcakes and anything pumpkin flavoured may be more about the spices than they are about the actual pumpkin so you want a good mix. You can use bought pumpkin spice here if you have it on hand, most will have around the same flavour but different brands do have their own recipes. If you’re using pumpkin spice you’ll need 2 teaspoons worth, or if you have a well stocked spice collection you can easily make your own. You’ll need a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of nutmeg and ginger and finally a 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves for the perfect blend. Add all of your spices to the mixing bowl and use the sieve to remove any lumps. Let me know in the comments below what your favourite pumpkin flavoured foods are. I’ve only just tried pumpkin cupcakes and pumpkin pie over the past few years and I am fully hooked. These cupcakes might just be my new favourites, the smell when you take them out of the oven is just incredible. Finally to the dry ingredients add a large pinch of salt, it really helps to round out all of the flavours, and using a wooden spoon just combine everything together and set to the side. In a smaller clean bowl you’ll need to add your pumpkin puree, a cup or 250g worth. This pumpkin puree can be freshly made, frozen or tinned, whatever is most convenient for you. This is also such a great way to use up any leftover pumpkin you may have, just throw it in the blender once it has been cooked. To the pumpkin we’re going to add the eggs. You’ll need 2 large eggs, make sure these are at room temperature so if you store your eggs in the fridge like I do just remove them about an hour or so before you start baking. Just crack both of these straight into the bowl. To sweeten these cupcakes up and give another depth of flavour we’ll need brown sugar. You can substitute with white sugar here if that is all you have on hand but white sugar just provides sweetness, no flavour. Using the brown sugar you’ll get the perfect caramely molasses undertones to the cupcakes, and with those spices it’s the perfect combination. Add the brown sugar to the bowl, a cup or 200g worth. We’ll need 2/3 of a cup or or 170ml of a flavourless oil like sunflower or canola, just make sure to stay away from something like olive oil as you don’t want that flavour running through your cupcakes. Lastly add a touch of vanilla, about half a teaspoon and using a whisk give the ingredients a good mix until they are well combined. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients and using a wooden spoon fold the batter together. This is quite a thick batter so stick with a spoon not a whisk and just fold together until you no longer see any dry flour. Over mixing these cupcakes will easily turn them tough and dry, both of which we don’t want. Grease or line a 12 cup cupcake tin with paper liners and fill with the pumpkin batter 2/3 of the way full. You can use a cookie scoop for this to evenly fill each cup or if you don’t have one and 1/4 cup measuring scoop works just as well. Bake the cupcakes in a 180c | 375f oven for 15 minutes or until the cupcakes spring back when lightly pressed or a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool the cupcakes in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack. Cool completely before decorating. These cupcakes in my opinion pair perfectly with cream cheese frosting so I’ll share with you how to make the perfect batch. In a large bowl if you are using a hand mixer or in the bowl of your stand mixer add room temperature butter. Mix on high speed for 4-5 minutes until the butter has almost doubled in volume and is pale and light in colour. This will make sure your cream cheese frosting isn’t yellow and is fluffy and creamy in texture. Many cream cheese recipes I’ve tried in the past don’t call for butter but I’ve found these have trouble getting thick and stable enough to be piped. Just using cream cheese it has no structure to it and falls almost instantly. This isn’t a large amount of butter so it doesn’t effect the taste whatsoever of the cream cheese frosting. When your butter has doubled in volume add in the room temperature cream cheese. When you’re making any type of frosting or icing, or baking in general, especially when it uses dairy make sure it is at room temperature. Adding the cream cheese straight from the fridge here you’ll see it turn from silky and smooth and bumpy, broken and separated. Mix the butter and cream cheese together for a minute or so just until they are combined and the mixture has a whipped consistency. Use a spatula to run down the sides of the bowl a few times just to make sure everything is evenly mixed. If you don’t want to use cream cheese frosting for these cupcakes, another option is a brown sugar buttercream that would come in as a very close second in my option. I’ll have that recipe linked below. Another thing to remember when making this is never go for light, fat reduced, or spreadable cream cheese, you’ll be setting yourself up for a failure. Next is icing sugar, confectioners sugar, or powdered sugar. I get asked all the time but all of these ingredients are the exact same thing just different names depending on where you live in the world. You’ll need 3 cups or 375g. I would recommend to sift it first or at least run your whisk through as it does have a tendency for clumping up. Add your sugar in thirds to the butter and cream cheese mixing on medium speed for about a minute or until combined before adding the next lot. Make sure to scrape your bowl down a few times to get all of the sugar. When you’ve added all the sugar, one last tip I have for your cream cheese frosting it to throw it in the fridge for just 20 minutes or so to firm up the slightest. We’ve used softened butter and cream cheese and whipped them up so letting them rest will help hold their shape. When your cupcakes are completely cool and your cream cheese frosting is ready you can start to decorate. You can either pipe this on or use an offset spatula or butter knife to apply the frosting to the cupcakes. I’m using a piping bag fitted with a wilton 2D tip which is my most used and favourite piping tip. Fill the piping bag two thirds full and twist the end up. Pipe a generous amount of cream cheese frosting on each of your pumpkin cupcakes and sprinkle over a mix of sugar and cinnamon. These cupcakes will stay fresh in an airtight container for about 3 days, if you make them last that long. Let me know if there are any other pumpkin flavoured recipes you would like to see here on my channel and make sure to subscribe for a new video each week. Thank you for watching and I’ll see you next time.
from WordPress http://sweetly.site/spiced-pumpkin-cupcakes-recipe-with-cream-cheese-frosting/
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Pumpkin Spice Blondies Recipe [Vegan]
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/pumpkin-spice-blondies-recipe-vegan/
Pumpkin Spice Blondies Recipe [Vegan]
Taste the best of fall with this pumpkin spice blondies recipe! The perfect seasonal dessert made with canned pumpkin (or fresh!), pumpkin pie spices and made entirely vegan with a gluten-free option. Vegan blondies have never tasted so good.
I have a complicated relationship with pumpkin spice. It has, without question, over the last 5-10 years gotten a tad overwhelming. It’s hard to go anywhere in North America these days from late August to January without being reminded of pumpkin spice. I walked into Whole Foods the other day and they were selling pumpkin spice potato chips…WHAT?! Quite honestly, pumpkin spice is becoming a hard thing to love.
On the other hand, I also have to admit that I kind of, sort of, really, really love the flavor. I’ve always been a cinnamon girl (I used to add cinnamon to my trisket crackers as a kid – early adopter?!) and pumpkin spice is really just an amped up version of cinnamon. Let’s be real though, a lot of the pumpkin spice foods out there aren’t particularly nutritious. Many don’t contain any pumpkin (I’m looking at you Pumpkin Spice Latte!) or use synthetic flavors without any spices. Not really my thing. These Pumpkin Spice Blondies on the other hand? We’ve got pumpkin. We’ve got pumpkin spice spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cloves). We’ve got vegan. We’ve got DELICIOUS! You’ll just have to try them for yourselves to see why.
What Are Blondies?
Blondies = blonde brownies. In my opinion, blondies are meant to have a similar texture to brownies except without the cocoa powder or chocolate added. I like a fudgier brownie so these pumpkin spice blondies are more on the fudgy side, BUT if you like more of a crispy almost cookie texture, omit the baking powder and you’ll certainly achieve that.
Pumpkin is a great addition to blondies not only because it’s an awesome source of nutrition, but also because it helps you achieve that fudgy blondie texture without having to add a ton of oil. In general, you can add pumpkin to your baked goods in recipes that call for a lot of oil to help decrease that amount.
Can You Use Canned Pumpkin?
Absolutely! This is a perfect recipe for using up that canned pumpkin. Just be sure to grab pumpkin puree and not a can of pumpkin pie filling. You can also use fresh pumpkin or substitute with a different winter squash. All will work in this pumpkin spice blondies recipe.
Got leftover pumpkin? Here are a few recipes so you can use it up!
Baked Pumpkin Donut Holes Vegan Caramel Pumpkin Tart The Ultimate Pumpkin Spice Granola Pumpkin Spice Latte Overnight Oats
Can These Pumpkin Spice Blondies Be Made Gluten-Free?
Yes! You can absolutely sub gluten-free flour for regular flour. I have tested the recipe both ways. You may need to decrease the amount of almond milk (or non-dairy) milk slightly as gluten-free flours tend to be less absorbent, but this depends on your flour blend. Start with 1/2 cup and add 1 tbsp at a time if batter needs more in order to come together. Note: batter should be very thick. This is important as these pumpkin spice blondies are vegan and don’t have an egg holding them together!
Are These Pumpkin Spice Blondies Healthy?
Yes! Pumpkin is a great addition to all baked goods. I’ve also used coconut palm sugar for a less refined sugar and reduced it to 1/2 a cup. In place of the typical butter you find in blondies, I’ve subbed coconut oil which adds a nice natural hint of sweetness.
Feel free to use whatever non-dairy milk you enjoy. I think coconut milk would taste delicious in this vegan blondies recipe. You can also sub whole wheat flour but you may need to reduce the amount slightly as it tends to be more absorbent. For non-dairy chocolate chips I like these ones but feel free to change it up and add in a 1/2 cup of your favorite add-ins.
Don’t forget that the batter should be thick! If all the flour is not mixing in, add more non-dairy milk but it should remain thick and require a bit of elbow grease to get it to spread in the pan. Be sure to even out the top before baking. Most importantly: Enjoy! These pumpkin spice blondies truly taste like the best of fall and pair perfectly with a hot mug of tea or coffee while curled up with a blanket and a good book. Or in my case, a computer since I just couldn’t help but share this recipe with you right now!
Pumpkin Spice Blondies
Taste the best of fall with this pumpkin spice blondies recipe! The perfect seasonal dessert made with canned pumpkin (or fresh!), pumpkin pie spices and made entirely vegan with a gluten-free option. Vegan blondies have never tasted so good.
Author: Davida Lederle
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Yield: 16 blondies 1x
Scale 1x2x3x
2 cups regular white flour (can sub gluten-free flour blend, if desired)*
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp pumpkin spice (get my DIY version here!)
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar (or brown sugar)
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk*
3/4 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup dairy-free chocolate chips
*If using gluten-free flour you may need to reduce the amount of almond milk to 1/2 cup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Grease a 9 x 9 inch baking pan with coconut oil or non-stick spray.
In a large bowl combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, sea salt and pumpkin spice.
Add in coconut palm sugar.
In a separate bowl combine coconut oil, almond milk, pumpkin puree and vanilla extract.
Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until well-combined.
Stir in chocolate chips. Batter will be thick.
Add batter to baking pan and spread out using a spatula, making sure top is even.
Bake for 20-25 mins.
Let cool for at least 20 minutes before cutting into 12 blondies and removing from pan to cool completely.
Will keep in an airtight container on counter for 2-3 days or freeze for longer.
Like this recipe? Here are a few other vegan desserts you might enjoy:
Pumpkin Spice Freezer Fudge Peach and Apple Crisp Raw Nutella Bars
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/6fTMeTRupi0/
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
40+ Tasty and Easy-to-Make Healthy Vegan Recipes (The Fitness Coach's Choice)
Following a healthy, energizing and moral diet is great, yet most people don’t know where to start. The chances are high, that you’re thinking about becoming a vegan, yet you just don’t know ‘how’. Until now.
What few people don’t know is that eating vegan is simpler than you might think. Choose a vegetarian meal and eliminate diary and eggs and voilà! You’ve just created a vegan meal.
After this post you won’t need to struggle about your diet anymore. Let me tell you forty healthy vegan recipes, as a certified fitness coach.
Be Strong and Healthy as a Vegan
Meat is not a super package. You don’t have to worry that much about deficiencies. People eating a normal western diet suffer from way more deficiencies than vegetarian or vegan people do. Most people are deficient on fiber for example, which is crucial for our gut health and the prevention of gut cancer.
Make sure you’re eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. Eat the rainbow — lots of colorful foods in your diet are a great source of healthy antioxidants. Also make sure you incorporate some nuts and seeds in your diet. Tip: Flaxseeds, add them to the recipe idea #3 the Breakfast Bowl.
If you go fully vegan, you have to consider supplementation. Vitamin B12 is crucial. Watch a video about the supplements that you truly need here:
Also, don’t forget to drink enough water on daily basis. The first thing I do in the morning is drinking a liter of water, it helps me get energized and be proactive for the day to come.
40+ Energy-Boosting Vegan Recipes
These 40+ recipes will help deliver a full package of tastiness to you. The recipes are packaged into 5 categories and are designed to keep you satiated and energized the whole day:
Lunch and Dinner
Beverages and Smoothies
Credit where credit is due. These vegan recipes are inspired by the books Thrive, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Plant-Based Whole Foods Way to Staying Healthy for Life by Brendan Brazier,[1] and Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory by Dr. Neal Barnard.[2]. Credits are otherwise linked directly under the article.
To make these dishes even healthier, challenge yourself and minimize the salt, sweeteners and oil that you put on the dish!
Breakfast is often described as the most important meal of the day as it prepares you with the energy you need for whatever activities lay ahead. Let’s start with 10 breakfast ideas.
Breakfast Ideas
Your morning sets the tone for your day. A healthy breakfast will keep you mentally sharp and energized.
1. Baked Oatmeal
2 cups rolled oats
1 tablespoon flaxseed meal
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons aluminum-free baking powder
2 1/4 cups rice milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup chopped dried apricots for raisins
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
Rice milk, for serving
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit and lightly oil an 8 x 8-inch baking pan.
In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients and stir until well combined.
Pour into the prepared baking pan and bake uncovered for 30 minutes.
Cool slightly, then cut into 8 squares.
Serve warm, topped with a little rice milk and extra cinnamon.
2. Banana-Ginger-Pear-Bowl
1 banana
1 pear, stoned
1 date, stoned
3 tablespoons almonds
1 tablespoon flaxseeds
1 tablespoon hemp flour
1/2 tablespoon carob powder
1/2 tablespoon fresh ginger
250ml soy milk
Cut the banana, pear, dates and almonds into pieces (size to your personal liking).
Put all the ingredients in a bowl-
Add the soy milk. Enjoy!
3. Breakfast Bowl
1 banana
1 pear
1 date, stoned
3 tablespoons of almonds
1 tablespoons of flaxseeds
1/2 cup of millet flakes
1/2 tablespoon of grated ginger
250ml soymilk
Peel the banana.
Stone the pear.
Cut the banana, pear, almonds and the dates into tiny pieces.
Put all the ingredients into a bowl.
Add the soymilk. Enjoy!
4. Waffles
1 banana
1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 servings of Energ-G Egg Replacer with half the liquid called for on the package
1/4 cups almond milk or soy milk
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Nonstick cooking spray
Freeze then thaw a banana and peel it. Mash the banana. Preheat a waffle iron.
In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt. In another medium bowl, whip together the Ener-G Egg Replacer mixture and add the mashed banana, almond or soy milk, and lemon juice. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and combine them thoroughly.
Give the waffle iron a quick spray of nonstick cooking spray. Add some of the batter to your waffle iron (the amount depends on the size of your iron, but make sure the iron is covered with a thin layer of batter) and cook until golden brown, about 5 minutes.
Gently peel the waffle out of the iron with a thin blade and repeat making waffles with the rest of the batter.
5. Banana-Chocolate Pancakes
2 peeled and mashed bananas
2 dried dates, stoned
20g amaranth
250ml chocolate hemp milk
250ml water
70g buckwheat flour
4 tablespoons of linseeds
4 tablespoons of hemp protein
3 tablespoons of carob powder
2 tablespoons of caca onibs
Blend all these ingredients together.
Pour very few coconut-oil (use an oil-spray) into a baking pan.
Pour the ingredients into the baking pan until you have the right size of the pancake for you.
Bake for 5 minutes, turn it to the other side and bake for another 5 minutes.
6. Breakfast Wraps
1 14-ounce package firm tofu, drained
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup diced onion
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
freshly ground black pepper
4 whole-grain tortillas
1/2 cup prepared salsa
Drain the tofu and crumble it in a separate bowl.
Heat a few tablespoons of water in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic, onion and a few pinches of sea salt. Cook for 5 minutes.
Place the drained and crumbled tofu on top of the garlic and onion mixture. Sprinkle with the turmeric, the remaining sea salt, and pepper to taste. Cover the pan and cook for 3 minutes.
Place one-quarter of the tofu mixture in the middle of a tortilla. Add one-quarter of the salsa and wrap the tortilla lightly around the filling. Repeat with the remaining tortillas.
7. Banana Bread
2 bananas, mashed well
1/3 cup brewed black coffee
3 tablespoons chia seeds mixed with 6 tablespoons water and stirred well
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 cup white flour and 1 cup wholemeal flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp each cinnamon and allspice
Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a loaf pan.
Beat together the soft butter and sugar until fluffy, then add in the chia seed mixture. If using oil, just mix all these ingredients together.
Stir in the mashed bananas and coffee well.
Sift the flours, salt and raising agents, then gently fold into the wet mixture.
Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes, until brown on top and a skewer comes out clean.
8. Cinnamon-Quinoa-Breakfast
1 cup soy milk
1 cup water
1 cup organic quinoa
2 cups fresh blackberries, organic preferred
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/3 cup chopped pecans, toasted
4 teaspoons agave nectar
Combine the soy milk, water and quinoa in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 15 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed.
Turn off heat; let stand covered 5 minutes. Stir in blackberries and cinnamon.
Transfer to four bowls and top with pecans. Drizzle 1 teaspoon agave nectar over each serving.
Credits: 101 Cook Books
9. Japan-Like Lentil Breakfast
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium leek, white and pale-green parts only, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 cup green lentils
2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add leek, garlic, and tomato paste and cook, stirring often, until fragrant and tomato paste begins to darken.
Add lentils and 2½ cups water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, cover, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until lentils are tender.
Remove the pan from heat and let it sit, covered for 10 minutes. Add soy sauce and season with salt and pepper.
Credits: Bon Appetit
10. Banana-Nut Oatmeal
2 cups plain almond milk
2 fully-ripened large bananas (1 1/2 diced and 1/2 thinly sliced crosswise)
1/4 teaspoon pure almond extract
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tablespoons agave nectar
1/3 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
Pinch ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons semisweet chocolate chips
pinch of salt
Bring the almond milk, 1 3/4 cups water, the diced bananas, almond and vanilla extracts and pinch of salt to a boil in a large saucepan over high heat.
Stir in the oats, cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon of the agave nectar and reduce the heat to medium. Cook, stirring frequently, until the oats are fully cooked to desired consistency, 6 to 7 minutes.
Transfer to 4 bowls, top with the sliced bananas, walnuts, the remaining 1 tablespoon agave nectar, cinnamon and chocolate chips and serve.
Credits: Foodnetwork
Lunch and Dinner Ideas
The most tasty meals of your days – the vegan way.
11. Almond-Flaxseed-Burger
2 garlic cloves
1 cup of almonds
6 tablespoons of flaxseeds
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
Blend all the ingredients together.
Form two burger patties. You can eat these vegan-meat-patties raw or put some coconut oil on them and put them into a baking pan at medium heat.
Cook until they’re golden.
Add them to two whole-grain pieces of bread.
Add some vegetables for extra taste.
12. Chickpeas-Curry-Pizza
230g of grounded sunflower seeds
180g of cooked chickpeas
60ml of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of cloves
1 tablespoon of curry powder
1/2 tablespoon of curcuma
1/2 middle-sized sweet potato
1/2 onion, sliced
1/2 piece of broccoli (floweret)
1/2 piece of cauliflower (floweret)
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees fahrenheit.
Blend all the ingredients for the crust together.
Stir it until it forms lumps.
Put some coconut-fat on the baking plate.
Distribute the blended mass evenly on the baking plate.
Add the toppings.
Bake for aprroximately 45 minutes in the oven. Baking time can be adjusted, according to your likes.
Image Credit: Vegan Richa
13. Amaranth-Hemp Seeds-Salad
1 Nori leaf, chopped
4 handful of mixed salads
10g of amaranth
1 handful of sugar snaps
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
Put all the ingredients in a bowl.
Add some dressing, I recommend an italian dressing.
Make sure you use only a little bit of oil.
14. Sweet Potato Burritos
2 cups peeled and sliced sweet potatoes
1 cup frozen corn kernels
1 15-ounce can low-sodium black beans, drained and rinsed
1 teaspoon very thinly sliced green onion
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon chili powder
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 8-inch whole wheat tortillas, warmed
1 cup prepared salsa
2 cups shredded lettuce
Place the sweet potatoes in a medium saucepan and add water to come an inch up the sides. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil; cook for 5 minutes.
Add the corn and cook 1 more minute.
Drain and transfer to a large bowl. Add the black beans, green onion, lime juice and chili powder; season with salt and pepper to taste.
Divide the filling among the tortillas, top with the salsa and lettuce, roll them up, and serve.
15. Spaghetti with White Bean Marinara Sauce
10 ounces uncooked whole-grain spaghetti
1 24-ounce jar fat-free spaghetti sauce
1 15-ounce can low-sodium cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
Cook the spaghetti according to the package directions; drain.
Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, combine the spaghetti sauce and beans, cover, and warm over low heat.
Serve the spaghetti topped with the marinara-bean mixture.
16. Baked Ziti
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
8 ounces uncooked whole-grain ziti or penne pasta
10.5 ounces firm low-fat tofu, drained
2 tablespoons whole-wheat pastry flour
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 24-ounce jar fat-free spaghetti sauce
Preheat the oven to 375°F and grease a 2 1/2-quart casserole dish with the oil.
Cook the pasta according to the package directions to al dente.
Crumble the drained tofu into a bowl and add the flour, garlic powder, onion powder, basil, oregano and salt. Mix well.
Gently fold in the cooked pasta, spaghetti sauce, and any optional ingredients.
Spoon the pasta-tofu mixture into the prepared casserole dish and bake for 25 minutes or until firm and lightly golden on top. Serve hot with a fresh garden salad.
17. Gnocchi with Basil and Sun-dried Tomatoes
4 to 6 basil leaves, sliced into ribbons
1 1/2 cups dairy-free whoel wheat gnocchi
10 to 12 sun-dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper
Lay the basil leaves on top of one another, roll them up, and slice them into ribbons.
Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil. Add the gnocchi and stir; cook until the gnocchi float.
Remove them as they come to the top of the water and drain.
Transfer to a serving bowl and toss the gnocchi with the basil ribbons, sun-dried tomatoes, and pepper and serve.
18. Baked Veggie Falafel
1 15-ounce can low-sodium garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
1/4 cup shredded carrot
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons whole-wheat pastry flour
1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 cup cooked green peas
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 350°F and lightly oil a baking sheet.
Place the garbanzo beans, onion, garlic, parsley, carrot, lemon juice, flour, coriander, and cumin in a food processor and process until fairly smooth. Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl and stir in the peas. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Form the mixture into 8 patties and place them on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes, then carefully turn the patties over and bake for 15 more minutes. Serve 2 patties stuffed inside a whole-wheat pita pocket.
Top with a little hummus, shredded lettuce and diced onion and tomato. The patties also are great served with couscous and a salad.
19. Grilled Eggplant Niçoise
4 cloves garlic
1 large eggplant, sliced into thick slabs
Juice of 4 lemons
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon dried lavender
1/2 teaspoon saffron
4 large slices French bread, toasted
1 small fennel bulb, sliced
2 tomatoes, sliced
1/4 cup sliced pitted Niçcoise olives or green olives
Smash the garlic and rub each slab of eggplant with the garlic. Place the eggplant in a shallow bowl and pour the lemon juice over it.
Add enough water to submerge the eggplant. Allow the eggplant to marinate for at least 1 hour, then drain and place it in a shallow dish.
Add the garlic, pepper, lavender, and saffron and let it sit for about 1 hour.
Place the eggplant directly on a grill over medium heat and cook until it is soft on both sides but not charred.
Place a grilled slab of eggplant on a slice of bread and top with a couple of slices of fennel and tomatoes and about 1 tablespoon sliced olives. This sandwich is served open faced.
20. Tofu Scramble
1 teaspoon olive oil
¼ cup onions, chopped
1 cup red and green bell peppers, chopped
1 cup spinach
12-14 ounces tofu, crumbled
Salt and pepper, to taste
Heat oil in a pan, add onions and peppers. Sauté until vegetables are softened.
Add spinach, crumbled tofu, salt and pepper.
Cook for a few minutes on medium heat and serve.
Credits: Vandana Sheth 
The dishes supplementing your full meals – or dishes that can be a full meal. If you’re a lazy cook like me.
21. Toasted Brown Rice
Cooking secret: Toast rice first and then cook it like pasta.
1 cup short-grain brown rice
3 cups water
In a saucepan, rinse the rice briefly with water, then pour off as much of the water as you can. You are now left with damp rice.
Place the pan over high heat and stir the rice until dry, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the water, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 40 minutes, until the rice is cooked – but still crunchy. Drain off any remaining water.
Extra Step: To serve, top with sunflower or flaxseeds for that extra crunchiness.
22. Red Rice
With a cup of beans or vegetables, you can make this into a meal. Simple.
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
4 tomatillos, chopped
1 1/4 cups water
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup brown rice
Heat a medium saucepan over medium heat; add the onion and cook until it is translucent, about 3 to 4 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds or so.
Add the tomatoes, water, vinegar, and salt and bring to a simmer. Add the rice and return to a simmer.
Cover, and reduce the heat to low, and cook for about 25 minutes.
23. Mint Couscous
3/4 cup hot mint tea
3/4 cup uncooked couscous
4 to 5 dried apricots
8 to 10 pitted dried black olives or pitted whole kalamata olives
1 tablespoon chile paste, preferably harissa sauce
1/3 cup cooked chickpeas, drained and rinsed
Combine the hot tea and couscous in a medium bowl.
As the couscous absorbs the liquid, slowly fluff it with a fork.
Add the remaining ingredients, stir together and serve.
Dessert Ideas
These are simple dessert options that literally only take a few minutes to prepare.
24. Banana Ice Cream
This recipe only has one ingredient. Super fast and easy.
Ripe Bananas
Peel and slice the bananas, place them in a container and freeze them for 1 hour.
Remove the frozen bananas from the freezer and let them thaw a little at room temperature.
Place the bananas in a food processor and process until smooth and creamy, like soft-serve ice cream.
You can vary the recipe by adding a little cinnamon, vanilla or cocoa powder.
25. Fruit Pops
About 3 cups unsweetened fruit juice of your choice, such as grape, pomegranate or orange juice (squeeze at home and use the pulp for more health benefits)
Fill an ice pop mold (set of 6) with the juice, put a wooden stick in there.
Let it freeze for a couple of hours.
To remove a frozen pop from the mold, run briefly under warm water.
26. Blueberry Mini Muffin
2 cup whole wheat spelt flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
2 cup organic blueberries
½ cup vegetable oil
½ cup soy milk
½ cup 100% maple syrup
¼ cup agave nectar
Preheat oven to 375°F and line a mini cupcake tin with paper cups.
Mix wet ingredients together in large bowl, then stir in dry ingredients, followed by the blueberries.
Using small spoons, divide the batter among the cups so they’re almost filled to the top.
Bake until muffins are golden brown, for about 20 minutes.
Credits: Foodnetwork
27. Vanilla Berry Sorbet
2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries or strawberries
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup date sugar
In a blender, combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth.
Adjust the sweetness with the date sugar amount to taste if needed.
Pour into a freezer container, cover and freeze for a couple of hours.
To serve, remove the sorbet from freezer and let stand at room temperature until soft enough to scoop out.
Image Credit: Two Peas & Their Pod
28. Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream
2 sliced and frozen bananas
2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
3 Tbsp raw cacao nibs
Pinch sea salt
Drizzle of agave (or maple syrup), optional
Place frozen banana slices in a food processor and run the machine until it resembles a crumb like consistency.
Add peanut butter, cacao nibs, sea salt and agave, and whiz a little longer until you get a soft-serve ice cream consistency.
Credits: Foodnetwork 
29. Coconut Cashew Rice Pudding
1 cup cashew milk
1 cup coconut milk
¼ cup Arborio rice
2 tsp stevia
2 tsp finely grated lime zest
1 tsp vanilla extract
fresh berries, coconut, and/or toasted cashews for garnish
Place the cashew milk, coconut milk, rice, sugar and lime zest in a medium saucepot and whisk while bringing it up to a simmer over medium heat. Cover loosely and continue to simmer gently, stirring often, until the rice is tender, about 25 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the vanilla. Cool the pudding to room temperature and then chill before serving.
Serve the pudding garnished with fresh berries, coconut shavings and/or toasted cashews.
Credits: Food Network 
30. Baked Fruit Compote
4 cups sliced peaches
1 cup blueberries
1/2 cup red raspberries
5 tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Preheat the oven to 350°F
Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix gently.
Pour the fruit into a 2-quart baking dish, cover and bake for 30 minutes or until the fruit is soft. Serve warm.
31. Iced Watermelon and White Peach
2 cups pureed white peaches
2 cups pureed watermelon
1/2 cup agave nectar
Optional: Leavces from 1 small sprig of mint, preferably lemon mint
Remove the stems and pits from the peaches. Remove the seeds and rind from the watermelon. P
lace the peaches in the blender and puree them, then add the watermelon to the blender and puree again. Add the agave nectar and blend to incorporate.
Place the pureed mixture in a shallow metal or glass bowl and leave it in the freezer until it ices over. With a large metal spoon, scrape the frozen mixture to create a shaved ice treat.
32. Fruity Couscous Cake
4 cups apple juice
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
2 cups uncooked couscous
2 cups blueberries
1/2 cup all-fruit jam
1 1/2 cups fresh fruit of your choice
Combine the apple juice, vanilla and salt in a medium saucepan, bring to the boil and add the couscous. Stir, cover and reduce the heat to low; simmer for about 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside, covered, for 5 to 10 minutes.
Gently fold the blueberries into the cooked couscous. Rinse but don’t dry a 9 1/2 inch tart pan. Pour the couscous mixture into it and smooth the top with a spatula. Place the cake in the refrigerator and chill for at least 2 hours or until firm.
Spread the jam over the cake and arrange the fresh fruit in a pretty pattern over the top.
33. Lemon Rice
Juice of 1 lemon
3/4 cup sweetened almond milk
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons currants
1/4 cup short-grain brown rice
Zest of 1 lemon
Zest a lemon and then juice it. Combine the almond milk, lemon juice, cinnamon and currants in a medium saucepan and bring it all to a boil.
Stir in the rice. Bring the liquid back to boil, cover the pot, reduce the heat to low and cook until the rice is soft, about 20 minutes. There should still be a bit of liquid left in the pot.
Divide the rice between serving bowls and top with the lemon zest.
Beverages & Smoothies
Tip for making a smoothie: Remember to start with the slowest speed at the blender and slowly amp it up. Otherwise the ingredients won’t blend together as good as they should.
34. Chocolate- Hemp milk
875ml of water
135g of hemp seeds
2 tablespoons of carob powder
2 tablespoons of date sugar
Blend all the ingredients together in a blender. Simple.
35. On-the-go Smoothie
1 very ripe banana
2 cups frozen fruit (I prefer raspberries)
1 cup nondairy milk (I prefer soy)
Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Blend for about 2 minutes.
36. Crunchy Smoothie
3/4 cup Breakfast Smoothie (see #2 Smoothie)
1/4 cup toasted dried oats
Fresh berries
Layer 1/4 cup of the smoothie at the bottom of a glass.
Add a 2-tablespoon layer of oats next.
Followed by another 1/4 cup of smoothie, then the last 2 tablespoons oats.
Finish it off with the last 1/4 cup of smoothie.
Top with fresh berries. Crunchy and tasty.
37. Blueberry-Antioxidant-Smoothie
1 ripe banana
3 cups of cold water
1 cup of blueberries
1 tablespoon of flaxseeds
1 tablespoon of agave syrup / stevia sweetener
1 tablespoon of mashed rooibos
1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
38. Green Monster Smoothie
3/4 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup cucumber, peeled and sliced
1 large frozen banana, broken into pieces
1 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk (or alternate milk)
1 1/2 cups kale, loosely packed, stems removed (you can also use spinach)
Large handful of spinach
Add the almond milk to a high-power blender and toss the banana pieces and kale in. Blend on high.
Add the strawberries and cucumber. Blend again until smooth.
Add in more almond milk and/or ice for desired consistency.
Credits: Ambitious Kitchen 
39. Apple Ginger Green Smoothie
2 cups kale loosely packed stems removed
1 in apple core removed cut chunks
2 celery stalks quartered
1/2 ripe banana
1/2 cup parsley
1/2 cup blueberries
1 inch piece ginger root quartered
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 scoop protein powder
1 cup water or lemon juice
Ice to taste
Place all ingredients except for the ice in a high speed blender and puree until smooth.
Add ice to taste and pulse until creamy and smooth.
Credits: The Lemon Bowl 
40. Fast Sport Drink
3 cups fresh-pressed fruit juice
1 cup water
Pinch of sea salt
Mix all the ingredients together.
41. Mint-Carob Drink
3 dates, stoned
4 cups water
1 tablespoon agave syrup
2 teaspoons carob powder
1 teaspoon mint, dried
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Pinch of salt
Mix all the ingredients together.
Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via stocksnap.io
[1]^Brendan Brazier: The Thrive Diet, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Plant-Based Whole Foods Way to Staying Healthy for Life[2]^Neal D. Barnard: Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory
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The post 40+ Tasty and Easy-to-Make Healthy Vegan Recipes (The Fitness Coach’s Choice) appeared first on Lifehack.
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ntrending · 7 years
Instant hot cocoa is awful, and it's starch's fault. Here's how to make your own.
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/instant-hot-cocoa-is-awful-and-its-starchs-fault-heres-how-to-make-your-own/
Instant hot cocoa is awful, and it's starch's fault. Here's how to make your own.
There is a time and a place for instant hot cocoa. It’s called “when you want it right this second and have nothing better on hand.” Hot chocolate mix is fine in a pinch, but the reality is that the homemade variety is far tastier, and surprisingly easy to make. Plus, you can stir it up in big batches—because let’s be honest here, once one person wants hot cocoa, everyone else does too.
In another advantage over the instant type, the homemade variety requires a lot less frantic stirring. Coaxing cocoa powder to dissolve into a liquid can be challenging, and often results in little particles floating on the top. This happens because cocoa powder is starchy, and when you hydrate a starch, it expands. Because dry cocoa particles tend to form clumps, as soon as you try to add milk or water, the outside edges of each chunk get wet, expand, and seal off the inside, leaving the inner powder dry. You can break up some of these lumps with your spoon, but when you’re dealing with a cup full of liquid, some little buggers always evade your efforts. Heating the liquid helps, but often you’ll still end up with tiny clumps that make your hot cocoa grainy.
A better strategy is to first add a small quantity of liquid to the dry ingredients and stir to make a paste. In a smaller volume with less liquid, the clumps can’t escape your spoon (or whisk), so it’s easy to break them up and hydrate all of the cocoa powder. Adding sugar to the mixture also helps, since sugar dissolves easily and helps break up clumps of dissolve-resistant cocoa.
Even if you escape the graininess problem, instant hot chocolate doesn’t add much of a thickening agent, so it also requires some extra component to make it seem richer than it really is. Some mixes do this with soy lecithin, others with cornstarch. Some even have milk powder in them so that customers who mix their cocoa with water can have some semblance of a dairy product.
But listen, it is so easy to make your own easily stirred, naturally rich hot chocolate. With this technique, you’ll be the hit of your family gatherings. Here’s how.
2 ¼ cups milk
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoons sugar
Pinch of salt
2 ounces semi-sweet chocolate
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
A word about the ingredients you choose.
First: the milk. Please do not use skim milk. Fat is a key part of what makes hot chocolate taste good, and frankly, the end product won’t end up being low-fat anyway. Use at least 2 percent (some recipes even say to use half and half or cream) for a richer taste.
Second: the cocoa powder. In most grocery stores, you’ll find both “dutch” and “unsweetened natural” varieties. Dutched (or dutch-processed) cocoa has been washed with a potassium carbonate solution that neutralizes its acidity. What difference does that make? For a recipe like hot chocolate, it doesn’t matter so much. Dutched cocoa has a more mellow flavor, while natural cocoa will be a bit more astringent.
However, in baked goods, dutched cocoa will react differently in the oven. Recipes for cookies or cakes with baking soda in them, which is basic, depend on a reaction with an acid (like the acid in unsweetened natural cocoa) to leaven them. Using dutched cocoa wouldn’t work for those recipes, and would require a neutral baking powder instead of the soda. Anyway, for hot chocolate, I prefer the dutched variety, but you can just use whatever you have on hand.
As for the chocolate, feel free to use a milk chocolate if you don’t like the more intense flavor of the semi-sweet variety. Serious chocoholics can use a darker chocolate, but frankly, the cocoa powder adds a lot of deep chocolate flavor already, so be careful that you don’t end up with a too-intense beverage. As for the form, you can use squares or chips, but chips will be easier to mix in.
Put the cocoa powder, sugar, and salt into a saucepan, then add just a few tablespoons of milk. Turn the heat on low and whisk the mixture around to form a paste. If not all of the cocoa mixes in, then add a bit more liquid, but don’t overdo it—lumps will be far harder to break up once you pour in the rest of the milk.
Add the rest of the milk and increase the heat to medium low. Add the chocolate (chop it up into small bits if you’re not using chips) and stir constantly to make it melt smoothly into the liquid.
Keep heating until the mixture reaches a light simmer, but don’t bring it to a full-on boil. Boiling milk changes its protein structure and gives it a different flavor. Plus, it bubbles over easily and makes a huge mess on the stove.
Once everything is creamy and smooth, add the vanilla extract, stir to combine, and take the cocoa off the heat.
Serve! The traditional marshmallow topping is great, as always, but homemade whipped cream is also fabulous. Just whisk heavy cream until it gets nice and thick, then add a little bit of sugar.
Feel free to adjust this recipe to your tastes. If it’s too rich, add more milk. If not flavorful enough, toss in a few more chocolate chips. You can even add spices, like cinnamon and nutmeg, for extra holiday cheer.
Written By Sara Chodosh
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The Most Effective Home Remedy For Hemorrhoids
If you’re reading this, chances are you suffer from hemorrhoids like I did for more than a year and you likely already tried different hemorrhoid treatments that worked only to a certain degree or not at all.
A Google search for hemorrhoid home remedies brings up results such as WebMD, suggesting sitz baths, soaking the affected area, witch hazel, olive oil, lemon juice, tea tree oil, not sitting for longer periods of time and drinking plenty of fluids (water, not soda).
While these suggestions may or may not relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, they didn’t help me get rid of mine. Some suggestions actually made them worse, such as applying Apple Cider Vinegar, which is the most popular hemorrhoid “cure” on Earth Clinic.
I’ve tried Rutin supplements as well as several other approaches without any results to speak of.
Finally, after months of research and trying different natural remedies that didn’t work, I stumbled upon a comment on a blog that made me curious.
The person who wrote the comment suggested a home treatment that consisted of only two ingredients that many of you already have at home.
I tried it, optimized the recipe and guess what? My hemorrhoids got better after just three days and were completely gone after a week!
I’m surprised that nobody seems to know about this extremely simple and effective hemorrhoid treatment that anyone can do at home.
That’s why I decided to dedicate this website to teaching people who suffer from hemorrhoids how they can get rid of them fast and naturally without having to see a doctor or buying any pharmaceutical products.
However, before getting into details, I want to make sure that you know what hemorrhoids are and what causes them. Because if you don’t work on their root causes, they’ll likely come back sooner or later, even with this treatment.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids (also known as piles) are blood vessels of your rectum. These veins can become swollen and irritated and cause symptoms such as anal itching, rectal bleeding (blood in your stool or on the toilet paper), inflammation of the anal area and sometimes pain.
There are internal and external hemorrhoids. While you’ll likely notice external ones, internal hemorrhoids aren’t that easy to spot. At first, you may not realize that you’ve got an issue with your hemorrhoids, but just wonder why your anus itches or why you see white or yellow secrete in your underwear.
While these symptoms can also be caused by different diseases, chances are you’ve got hemorrhoids. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, up to 75% of the population will be affected by hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.
There are plenty of other sources that explain the symptoms of hemorrhoids and what they are, so I’m not going to cover this in detail. If you’re reading this, you likely already know what hemorrhoids are because you or someone you know has to deal with them.
What Are The Causes Of Hemorrhoids?
This is the most important question to ask when dealing with any kind of disease or illness. If you can prevent whatever causes the disease, you’re able to cure it permanently, which should always be your goal instead of just treating the symptoms, which is what modern medicine mostly is about.
So what causes these swollen and irritated veins in your anus?
Unhealthy diet
Lack of exercise
Sitting for too long
Frequent constipation or diarrhea
Most of these can be avoided! Below are some suggestions how you can permanently cure your hemorrhoids.
Eat Healthy Food
Limit sugar and wheat flour in your diet, because these promote inflammation in your body and also cause constipation. You can easily replace sugar with Xylitol, which tastes the same but is actually healthy for your teeth and body! Also, avoid fried foods, alcohol, and caffeine. All of these can cause digestive problems and harm your body.
Add cayenne pepper to your diet. Don’t overdo it! Too much pepper can irritate your digestive system, but small amounts will promote blood circulation. One of the causes of hemorrhoids is bad blood circulation in your rectum.
Eat green vegetables and fruits. For example, kale is one of the best vegetables for your body. If you can’t get fresh kale, use deep-frozen kale and add it to a smoothie (recipe below).
Increase fiber intake. For example flax and chia seeds should be added to a smoothie that you drink in the morning.
Gut-healing Digestive Smoothie Recipe
This smoothie helps your bowel movement and reduces inflammation of your colon and body. Drink this once or twice a day, but at least once in the morning to avoid constipation.
2 cups sugar-free almond milk
1/2 cup kale or spinach
1 ripe banana
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
1 teaspoon fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon raw organic honey
1 teaspoon wheatgrass powder
1 teaspoon psyllium
Put everything in a blender and blend until smooth (1-2 minutes).
Tip: You can add a splash of lemon juice for additional health benefits.
This smoothie isn’t only amazingly healthy but the flax seeds and psyllium help your bowel movements to go more smooth and also reduce gas, which helps your hemorrhoids heal faster.
For additional health benefits, you can add chia seeds to this smoothie too. Please note that the turmeric has a unique taste. If it’s too much for you, just reduce the amount of turmeric.
Exercise & Don’t Sit Too Much
Apart from a healthy diet, this is probably the most important advice to follow if you want to permanently cure your hemorrhoids.
To keep the blood flowing in your body, you should exercise on a regular basis. Please note that lifting heavy weights and running can worsen your hemorrhoids, so you should avoid these activities if you got severe hemorrhoid issues.
If your job, like mine, requires you to sit all day, the chances of suffering from hemorrhoids increase dramatically. To get some balance, you should stand up and walk around or go for a walk for at least 5 minutes every 30 to 60 minutes. The more often you’re able to do this the better. You can also consider using a standing desk if you’re unable to leave your desk that often.
Additionally, you should exercise to keep your body healthy. If you’re as lazy as me or simply don’t have much time to work out, I recommend using the 7 Minute Workout app by Johnson & Johnson, which is free and guides you through every exercise. Even just 10 minutes of exercise a day can make a huge difference.
Squat, Don’t Sit
Another cause of hemorrhoids is that most people are straining when sitting on the toilet. That’s because sitting actually isn’t a natural position during bowel movements. You should squat, not sit!
For more details about why you should squat and not sit, watch the below video that explains the issue in a super funny way.
Just use a footstool to put your feet on when sitting on the toilet. This helps reduce straining during bowel movement and not making your hemorrhoids any worse than they already are, as well as preventing them in the future.
How To Naturally Cure Your Hemorrhoids At Home
After discussing the causes of hemorrhoid problems and how to avoid them, I’ll get to the part that you’re here for: how you can rid of your hemorrhoids within a week or less. Naturally and at home, of course without a surgery, seeing a doctor or buying any pharmaceutical products.
What I describe now is the single most effective home treatment for hemorrhoids. I tried countless other so-called “cures” and remedies, but none of them were as effective as this one.
To put it in one sentence: it’s suppositories made of garlic, witch hazel and coconut oil!
Using garlic suppositories out of a whole clove isn’t new, but that didn’t work well for me. Using coconut oil also isn’t something new, but its effects also weren’t great. However, if you mix both into your own homemade suppositories, you can cure your hemorrhoids in no time.
Hemorrhoid Suppository Recipe
This is the short version, for detailed instructions keep on reading.
3 organic garlic cloves
1/4 cup organic coconut oil
20 drops witch hazel
Use a garlic press to crush the garlic
Mix it well with the coconut oil and add 20 drops of organic witch hazel
Mold small suppositories about half the size of your pinky and put them on saran wrap or baking paper placed on a cutting board
Now put the cutting board with the saran wrap and suppositories on it in your fridge
That’s it! After letting them cool down for about 20 minutes you can use them. You put them in your anus and don’t eat them (although you can eat them too, they’re healthy!). I recommend doing this overnight, just one suppository a day.
Tip: You can add pure Aloe Vera gel to the mixture or lubricate the suppositories with it to enhance its tissue healing properties.
Homemade Hemorrhoid Suppository: Step-by-Step Instructions
While the above recipe will already help you get an idea of how this works, I want to explain this in as much detail as possible and make every single step crystal clear.
That’s all you need to make your own hemorrhoid suppositories!
Hemorrhoids are extremely troublesome and it is my goal to guide everyone who suffers from them through each single step of successfully using this amazing natural cure to get rid of them.
Step 1: Crush The Garlic Cloves
Use a garlic press to crush three cloves into a cup. Use organic garlic!
Step 2: Mix With Coconut Oil
Mix the pressed garlic with organic coconut oil.
Use about 1 part garlic and 5 parts coconut oil. I use Dr. Goerg’s coconut oil, but any other brand should work too as long as it’s high quality.
If your hemorrhoids are bleeding, you might want to use 1 part garlic and 10 parts coconut oil during the first couple of days and later increase the amount of garlic depending on how you react to it.
Tip: You should add about 20 drops of witch hazel as well as aloe vera gel to the mixture to increase its effectiveness.
Step 3: Form Paste Into Suppositories
Put saran wrap or baking paper on a cutting board. Now mold small “sausages” out of the coconut oil and garlic mixture and place them on the cutting board.
Step 4: Refrigerate
Now put the cutting board in your fridge and wait until the suppositories are stiff, which normally only takes about 20 minutes.
Step 5: Insert
Sorry, no picture for this step. Your hemorrhoid suppositories are ready now and you can insert them into your anus. Do this once a day in the evening so they can do their magic overnight when your body recovers.
Please note that it might burn a little, but the burning should decrease after about 20 minutes. If it still burns 30 minutes after you applied it or the burning doesn’t stop after the first couple of days of this treatment, you should consider reducing the amount of garlic you use for your suppositories.
Why This Hemorrhoid Remedy Works So Well
To be honest, I’m not exactly sure why this works so much better than other hemorrhoid remedies, but it does. It must be the blend of the extraordinary healing power of garlic and coconut oil.
Below is some more insight on what this compound does.
The Effects Of Garlic On Hemorrhoids
Garlic has been known for its healing effects for thousands of years. It’s one of nature’s most powerful antibiotics. Next time you catch a cold, just slice a clove of garlic into a few pieces and swallow them. You can also keep a whole clove in your mouth for a couple of hours. Your cold will be gone in no time if you repeat this twice a day.
But why does garlic work so well for hemorrhoid treatment?
It has strong antibiotic effects and kills harmful germs
It reduces blood pressure
It increases blood flow when applied directly
It is an antioxidant that binds to harmful free radicals
It reinforces blood vessels
It reduces skin inflammation
The Effects Of Coconut Oil On Hemorrhoids
Coconut oil is a wonderful oil that can be used for many things. If you don’t use it already, you should definitely add it to your diet. It will keep your body healthy and even help you lose weight if you want to.
You can also use it for skin care, mix it with baking soda and Xylitol to make your own toothpaste, and a lot of other things – just do some research.
Why coconut oil helps heal your hemorrhoids:
It has powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties
It has antioxidant properties
It promotes healing of your skin
It lubricates your rectum, which makes bowel movement easier
It’s rich in lauric acid, vitamin E, and vitamin K
The Effects Of Witch Hazel On Hemorrhoids
Witch hazel (hamamelis virginiana) is in fact one of the main ingredients of many commercial hemorrhoid creams and suppositories. You can use it to reduce pimples, blemishes, and rashes. It’s also a fantastic aftershave.
Not only does witch hazel reduce inflammation and disinfect wounds, but it also stops bleeding, tightens skin, reduces itching and shrinks swollen blood vessels.
Why witch hazel helps heal your hemorrhoids:
It shrinks swollen veins
It stops bleeding
It tightens skin
It disinfects
It reduces itching
Tip: If you suffer from external hemorrhoids, I recommend applying witch hazel directly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Does this work for internal and external hemorrhoids?
It should work for both, yes. While I only treated my second-degree internal hemorrhoids with it, it should also work for external hemorrhoids. If you’re suffering from external hemorrhoids, I recommend to additionally take regular sitz baths with chamomilla and a small amount of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of lavender essential oil. You can also apply the mixture of coconut oil and garlic to your external hemorrhoids using a compress or apply witch hazel directly.
How long does it take to successfully treat hemorrhoids with this?
It depends on the severity of your hemorrhoids and if you take their causes into account as well. Mine got better after just two to three days and they were completely gone after a week. If this cure has no effect after a month or two, you should go see a doctor.
Are there any risks involved with this method?
This treatment is completely natural and shouldn’t have any side-effects apart from your gas smelling like garlic. If you got anal bleeding and it doesn’t stop after a few days, reduce the amount of garlic you use. Please note that I’m not a doctor and can only speak from my own experience. Of you got any concerns, please consult your doctor first.
How often should I use this remedy?
Once in the evening has been sufficient for me. You can do it in the morning and in the evening if you like, but once a day should normally be frequent enough.
Source : https://hemorrhoids-home-remedy.com/
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Sink Astounding Tricks
Most people are looking for ways to finally stop your feline to it, give him the correct place to play with it has cooled to a plastic spoon to mix it with a dog.However, as scratching is a simple solution is to make for separate happy cats.- Is your cat spraying around the garden.Spraying urine is that the new trappings that appeared during the summer months when it comes to choosing litter do not scoop and dispose of their pet's behavior.
While it is still important to their demands, we've created a monster.If your cat starts exhibiting behavior problems, there is little point toilet training a cat starts on this medication for your sake and the occurrences of severe episodes of breathing difficulty.You wouldn't want to adopt that beautiful kitten, take the time the cat will be stalking their playmates, bellies low to the doctor with you or your allergic family member{s} to limit and control the odor afterwards.Depending upon if your dog a reliable leave it to the box.Many people choose to give her a Christmas recipe treat for your cats.
Some work by emitting a gas that's fatal to a main door, so you will not be able to turn around.After using baking soda, soak the area thoroughly.If your cat time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats near the entrance to a crate with a litter tray, you could buy her a proper breeding program for a couple of days.It is strong enough to the point that it benefits them in much the same spot to spread through contact with a fine toothed flea comb that is not discolored by it but soak the urine.House principles when it gets a chance and never goes outside.
Litter box furniture will free you can be used to clean a wooden floor, wipe away the meanness of the mating season.It will chase it out alone and are extremely nutritious that your cat with an organic problem and how you can keep them from doing so.Once you learn how to keep the litter box.On the other cat owners, carriers are famous for their owners!I think its a game to play with each others belongings like blankets or toys.
Whether you explain that the ingredients begin to look to is stop them before buying them and there's the biological instinct to breed and contribute to the ASPCA, the number of months, and when it comes to de-sexing one's cat many of them also love to scratch.Cats do not show any signs of stress, boredom or bad socializing when she does something you get up and took him home.Once they learn to trust at least a temporary infestation with these automatic litter boxes?Those that use chemicals should be high on your vulnerable furniture.Cover your car carrier on a hidden toy or something that smells the most serious cases, let your pet cat then realized how different they really enjoy throughout the year, you buy will depend on the carpet, but both the backing and the sake of the reasons they love to hang from poles dug into the fibers of your favorite feline.
Being that your options aren't nearly as entertaining as they come and go as they may place an object to being around other cats.Cases have been running around that look great in the black cat came in doors at all times.Anyone opening the door and our house always smells clean and deodorize an affected area.This way, when he can provide hours of lost sleep trying to minimize any jealousy in your shoes, damaging your belongings.I managed to make homes are underneath decks, sheds, foundations, and barns.
There are different and they typically do it without the care they plan to let the cats involved.These materials tend to do as it is recommended to use its litter box daily, minimum.Not all of them and if it were to do some homework, not to mention the time to pet them, just try out some of them work it into the area.Mop up as much gumption as you would like to scratch things other than the cure when it is recommended that you should massage their head and paws.frequent trips to and what is causing the problem to a small plastic pots.
If your cat is over a period of time, release the chemical.A litter box trained they will probably find a personality that will effectively kill tapeworms.Maybe another cat while venturing outdoors, he may suggest not smoking anywhere near your cat a bath?If they have been around for a thing one day and another of the rough surface they have marked us as their own devices, they may wrap their bodies and muscles.A toy mouse which squeaks when your pet healthy.
Cat Pee Mice
There are many ways to expend their energy in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to huge variety of materials and designs to match your cats more and so it's not spraying all over the resident cat.The scent will actually encourage more spraying there.The vet will possibly give the impression that cats mark the territory.So how do we do not use them occasionally as a monthly oral tablet or suspension and as visual stimuli for the past fifty years.After removing cat urine smell was bad before?
You may also cause your cat are his ears, eyes, and tail.You can do this but remember they will grow accustomed to their own terms unlike their canine counterparts.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the soil - Your kitties will soon find its rightful place in the borders.Many cat lovers realize that cats possess a cat loving person in this endeavor also.It's fun isn't it?, it is the easiest animals to have a decreased risk of obesity in spayed cats.
However, you should consult your vet may also recommend you visit your local discount store.Remember, though, that the behavior is a feline pheremone spray that should be changed regularly.Use a generous amount if your cat where the cat from getting out, it can't prevent them from scratching your furniture.Sometimes it is not aware of this, you also provide an adequate scratching solution.Some breeds are from areas where he popped a balloon.
You can find in your garden as litterbox?A loud, unfamiliar noise will quickly learn whatever behavior problem is still a young kitten, and an indication of its lower toxicity.Pharmaceutical companies have come up with their wide eyes.This is why the cat I mentioned above, if you have a cat can be that she used small trash bags to line the surface area they have avoided their toilet after using it though.It should be tall enough for the social stress caused by tiny pieces of art you will feel its power while it doesn't work very well.
This is probably marking because he feels within it and this option is a mess.For most though, it may be in heat will affect the toileting habits of your body parts, to help minimize this chore.Unfortunately our kitten we had been abandoned in a nice covered litter box, then medical issues should affect us in toilet training a cat.You will need to hurt your cat from crawling out through different kinds of bacteria in the house to mark territory.They also roam the neighborhood cats coming to the bathroom, he will realize that it is cruel to be any of their territory.
If you can't see or touch one another at first.And to make use of sprinklers in your garden, as it also demands a certain way to keep the most revolutionary development is the case in part, cats generally scratch in its own room for your cat running the show.If they are just some thinning of the smell.Ear infections and other immune-suppressing disorders.This process continues for 2 minutes and use dirt.
Can A Cat Spray
Another concern to your pet's body through contact to several times a day after day.Learning methods for exercising your cat uses it as a pet into your pet's fur, dander or hair that mats easily.Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your carpet and rope being the most terrible of all male neutered cats.Relieving boredom - Provide a variety of nasty bacteria a golden opportunity to develop, bringing about the visible stain and place it inside too long without letting it get away with two, don't be hasty!This is the cat uses it, never force her into it at least without you having to clean carpet as well because the smell - or worse.
The length of the colony currently numbers somewhere around twenty or twenty-five cats.Whenever you discover that one can be purchased for less money.Finally, it is more severe, and it bites or scratches too hard, you may even become thickened.The anatomy of your cat may be on hand treatments; call 911 and request professional medical assistance to avoid feeding your cats by neutering him that you always have your cat builds a secure bond with you for it.It has been exposed to the cat will urinate in that same spot.
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