#baking receipes
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Mozzarella Stuffed Rosemary and Parmesan Soft Pretzels
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onekindredspirit · 5 days
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*How to Make Alice's Dessert*
"Who was Alice?" I asked my mother. She didn't know. "She was probably one of my mother's friends." she'd said, just to fill the space. Like so many childhood questions, answers only come when you are older. Pre-heat your oven to 180 Celsius or 350 Fahrenheit. Mix 2 tablespoons of butter with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add 1/2 cup of flour and 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder. Add 1 cup fine coconut and 3/8 cup of milk. Blend ingredients. "Mother" was how my mother mostly referred to her own. She had a way of saying it that emptied all meaning from the word. "Mother" did not contain one ounce of mother, not even a drop of mothering. Place the batter in a 20cm (8 inch) Pyrex bowl. Pour over the top 1 1/4 cups brown sugar dissolved in 1 cup boiling water while it is still hot. Place in oven. "Mother" or Effie gave wet kisses and awkward hugs, and was seemingly unable to breach the titanium of her own containment vessel. The one day that she did, she managed to dispatch her wedding rings down the waste disposal and was later found on the front lawn, drunk and decrying the infidelities of her husband, my grandfather. Lack of loving gets passed down through the generations, they say. I like to think Alice was actually Saint Alice. Leprous, blind and paralyzed, cooking up the miracle of Alice's Dessert for the Cistercian nuns of La Cambre Abbey, by feel and with love. I'd rather two servings of Alice's Dessert, prepared and plated by a leprous Cistercian lay sister, destined for sainthood, any day over a childhood without love. After 20 minutes place tinfoil loosely over the bowl to stop the batter becoming too dark and to slow the evaporation of the sauce. By 30 to 45 minutes your batter should be light, fluffy and coconutty, floating on a cauldron of sweetness. Take a knife and pierce it through its heart. If it comes out clean you're almost there. Now it's time for love. One Kindred Spirit
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I propose
~**Historical Bake Off**~
Every recipe has to be at least 100 years old
Bonus points if it is in Latin
Bonus Bonus points if it is pre-English alphabet
Key points in said recipe are Old English and what-the-heck-is-this ingredients
Recipes also have to have historical significance
Round One- everyone gets the same recipe and the same ingredients and they make it
Mwahahaha… this includes the judges because the recipe predates them so they also have to bake.
The lovely hosts Mel and Sue and Noel then take the viewers to the historically significant location and meet with a food historian to learn about the history of the dish. The food historian then makes the dish with Mel and Sue and Noel.
All of these dishes are blind judged by the food historian with little jibes thrown in by Mel and Sue and Noel about *insert famous historical figure from the same year* would think of the dish.
Bonus bonus bonus if said historical figure is raised from the dead and deems Paul and Prue’s version complete garbage.
The cloth is unveiled on what the food historian baked and everyone goes around nibbling.
The next challenge is to take that recipe and what they learned from the food historian’s comments to put their own twist on that exact same dish. Home flavors, different presentation what have you.
Everyone gets two benches and two ovens per person but Paul and Prue share both a bench and an oven.
The technical in the middle of everything will be making a side to their showstopper which will teach them important skills that they will take home to use.
Everything will be served as one giant baking feast. The judges are food historians and actual historians and the ghost of peasants from said time period.
Throughout the competition, everyone is helping one another and the ghosts of historical bakers are giving hints to the bakers. Paul and Prue are avoided like the plague.
Mary Berry then awards special consideration to the baker with the best heartwarming vibes and they get a special secret Mary Berry recipe they can use to knock the socks off of all their friends and families (even the snobby ones)
Their bakes are offered up as offerings to the ghosts who inhabit all of these historical locations (that the bakers take a trip to too) and the one who has offended the ghosts gets covered in mosquito bites (it is always Paul) then they bake with the local communities for a Soup Kitchen- but make it bakes and tea-.
For every time Paul and Prue are condescending and rude, they have to donate their personal funds to charity. There is an ongoing tab that they are not aware of and the grand finale is how much they have to pay back to local communities.
Go around and discover the UK in an interactive, tangible way.
Complete with warm cozy bake off vibes, stunning videography and a shot of a beautiful bird or animal cutting off Paul and Prue whenever they open their mouth.
I’d watch it
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blackberryjambaby · 1 year
my grandparents have been gone for two weeks & i've baked five batches of cookies just to have something to do. there are currently 45 uneaten biscuits in my pantry
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shruthijain · 1 year
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Looking for best online birthday cake classes ? I provide one stop solution for eggless baking class.
Unable to find cake recipes we give easy bake at home cake recipes
Looking for best eggless recipes. I provide top eggless recipes in bangalore.
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coconoct · 9 months
rambling abt nocti (again)
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long post, just to let out my delulu thoughts
warnings: sands of wrath spoilers, cerberus event spoilers, nsfw near the 2nd half of the post, cerberus!skk x nocti (oc x canon), lots of hc, no proofread, i wrote this all on my phone i'm desperate to scream into the void about all this
it's pretty noticeable how nocti acts like he's more human compared to the other constructs he's worked with. he only brings up the fact that he is a construct if he wants to intimidate someone desperately negotiate with someone, but otherwise everyone treats him like he's just some guy and he totally rolls with it. it's been mentioned a few times how he heavily pants, which is something completely unnecessary for constructs to do, but it feels natural for him. huzi mentions how the way he passes knives is something that was only remembered in the golden age, in which nocti shrugs it off saying it's just a natural instinct (even tho that kind of basic information seems long gone at this point)
he cares about people a lot more than what he tells them. there's been both er5 and cerby event where someone gets roped into some mess he (+ sometimes cerberus) is in and wants to help them even tho there has been a few arguments between him and vera on whether or not the person should be left alone. the person also almost ends up dying and nocti franctically tries to find a way to delay or stop their inevitable death. i'm suspecting that the cerby event does take place some time after er5, since he did eventually learn how to provide a bit of first aid through finally observing vera on how she does it
he also cares a lot about his team despite all the slander thrown at him. he was willing to shift the blame onto himself during 21's incident or concerningly asks if vera's sick (even tho constructs can't get sick, again emphasizing how nocti reacts a bit more like how a human reacts)
when off-duty, to get away from 21 and vera, nocti would probably chill a lot in coco's room office. they don't mind the company since all nocti does 70% of the time is sleep, the other 30% is complain on how bored he is or he just straight up does his workout in their office
as much as he shits on bad movies, he loves them. coco doesn't mind if nocti starts playing some movie in the background while they're working, and might even join in on watching it with nocti after they're done with work
once it became established that coco has a sweet tooth, nocti wouldn't stop giving them new receipes he's found in wgaa archives. not that they're complaining, it's free food, and nocti is surprisingly good at baking despite being an idiot outside of things he's genuinely good at
taking note of the first point mentioned, if a makeout session happens between him and coco, he will ocassionally break it not just for them to take a breather, but he also takes a breather as well. even tho it's absolutely not necessary considering he's a construct, it just feels natural for him to do so
because all coco does is focus on work, nocti does crave some attention from his commandant. a lot of times they just ignore nocti's sad puppy eyes of wanting affection, and he ends up moping around till coco's done. if coco does eventually give in while they're working, nocti both mildly regrets it and heavily enjoys it as coco teases and edges the living daylights out of him. he got the attention he's been asking for, but at what cost?
nocti can either be extremely gentle during sex, or go extremely feral about it. he wants to be as careful as possible knowing how fragile humans are, but in the end he would always lose control of himself, constantly trying to chase after the high of how good it feels being inside his commandant
loves marking them, he often feels the need to mark them even tho it's not really necessary, they are cerberus's commandant after all. but nocti wants to make it clear that they're his and his alone. but often feels a little bad after noticing how deep of a mark he imprinted onto them, since bite marks would be so deep they end up bleeding a little
loves eating out, to the point where he's pussydrunk even. there's times where he would desperately ask if he could eat coco out while they're working, to which they normally reply with no, but there have been a few exceptions
he goes absolutely insane when he's praised. it's not everyday he gets to hear he's done a good job, but when he gets praises from his commandant, it's like he's on cloud nine. in normal circumstances he doesn't know how to react to praise, he's often confused since for most of his life he's always gotten the bad end of the stick. but when he's intimate with his commandant, getting praised is another high he'll constantly be going after. the soft expression coco gives while gently caressing him, whispering sweet nothings over and over again is something nocti will never have enough of
nocti goes all out for aftercare. he'll be adamant about cooking for them all day and would help tend to easing any pain they're feeling. he'll also take the time to cuddle with them all day and refuses to get up unless they tell him to
nocti will always be the one to initiate any romantic gestures first, and often would be thrown off guard if coco would decide to be the one to initiate first
he gets very overprotective, basically becoming a guard dog for his commandant
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 3 months
Sing Yourself to Sleep - Bucky x Y/N -Part 2 - Dancing in the Moonlight
Thanks so much for the love on the first part of this series. Here is Part Two; Vaguely inspired by 'Dancing in the Moonlight' by Toploader.
It was a cause for celebration at Thorpe Abbotts. One of the pilots had just completed thier 25th misson, so a party in the officers club was in order. Y/N was excited to have something nice to focus on, she baked a cake for the occasion and serveral other treats in the hopes of lining the mens stomachs. By the time she had gotten ready; a light pink dress on which Albert had bought her some years ago, she realised she was running late and still hadnt brought the cake to the officers club.
Carrying the cake from the kitchen over to the club, she could already hear the jazz music from outside. It made her giddy, walking as fast as she could. She walked into the club and as met with a glorious sight. Everyone from officers to nurses to mechanics were in the club, drinking, dancing, being normal. It was almost as if there was no war. It was meerly someones birthday. Everyone was light and carefree.
She walked to the table where the food was sitting and places the cake in the centre, smiling at her handiwork. 'Hello cake fairy.' a deep, familiar voice came from behind her. She turned to see Bucky standing smiling at her. 'Cake fairy?' she said with a laugh. 'Yeah, you always just appear, with cake, like magic.' A small blush coated her cheeks, 'It's not magic Major, just a basic sponge cake receipe.' Bucky swiped his finger along the edge of the cake, collecting some frosting. Y/N gasped, ready to hit him for ruining her masterpiece. He stuck his finger in his mouth, closing his eyes, and suddenly her words became lost in her throat. 'Mm, tastes pretty magical to me.'
The night was splended, everyone dancing, laughing enjoying themselves. Albert didn't dance much, but she did convince him to have her for one trip around the dance floor. It only made her want to dance even more. But Albert refused, taking to his seat with his whiskey. 'Oh please Bertie, just one more dance! I love this song.' 'Oh Y/N, I already danced once, I've reached my quota.' Sighing in defeat, she sat back down next to her husband. 'I'll dance with you.' She spun round to see Bucky once again at her side. 'Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear, I'd be happy to dance with you, if that's alright with you Colonel.' Y/N looked between her husband and Bucky. Albert smiled, 'You'd be doing me a favour, Major Egan. Dance and dance until she's tired out.' he said making them both chuckle. She kissed him on the cheek, 'Thank you dear.' Bucky held out his hand to her, she took it and he led her to the dance floor.
One dance turned into two and three, and soon Y/N was breathless and in need of a drink. She made her way back to her table, but her husband was nowhere to be found. A young lieutenant approached her, 'Mrs. Clarke? The Colonel told me to tell you he had gone to bed and he would see you later.' 'Oh, thank you lieutenant.' Y/N was nly slightly dissapointed, she knew Bertie wasnt one for parties, he only came because she so desperatly wanted to attend. 'Not one for parties huh?' Bucky said to her why also handing her a drink. 'Oh, thank you, no he isn't. He says he's too old for it. I think he's just shy.'
'The Colonel? Shy? I can't see it.' 'Colonel Clarke might not be, but Bertie, he's a sweet soul.' She said smiling. Bucky could see the love she held for him in her eyes. 'He's a lucky man. And so am I, cause now I get to hold onto my dancing partner.' He said with a wide grin. She laughed, 'Isn't there a poor nurse somewhere you should be trying to seduce?' He feigned shock 'I am nothing but a respectable gentlemen, and seeing as the Colonel left you with me, it is my duty to make sure you dance until your feet hurt. So lets go.' He held out his hand, and she happily obliged.
The night drew to a close, and Y/N and Bucky were more than a bit tipsy. Bucky offered to walk her to her quarters, but it got to the stage where it was unsure who was walking who home. 'I had the most wonderful time, thank you Bucky. I'm sure you had better plans for your evening than babysitting me.' 'You kiddin' doll? Tonights the most *hiccup* fun I've had in ages. You're a hell of a dancer.' he slurred his words, but she just giggled, also finding speech a little difficult at this point. 'Oh thanks, you are a fantastic dancer too.' Bucky stopped walking to look at her 'You make great cakes. And you're pretty. As sweet and pretty as a cupcake.' Y/N blushed, she wasnt used to compliments other than her husbands usual 'You look nice.' She hoped in the dark he couldnt see the pink in her cheeks. 'Bucky you're really too kind, it's just-'
He cut her off with a kiss. He pressed his lips to hers so suddenly, she froze. Suddenly she felt fully sober. She broke the kiss and backed away. Bucky's face suddenly looked as panicked as hers. 'I'm sorry Y/N I -' 'Don't tell anyone about this. Goodnight Major.' she scurried off to her quarters, mind racing about what had just happened.
Bucky watched her walk away, also suddenly feeling more sober. He looked to the bright moon in the sky, the only witness to his indiscretion. 'Fuck.' he said, knowing her had made a major mistake. A mistake he wanted to make again.
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sunshinechay · 11 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
I was tagged by @syrena-del-mar. Thank you to the tag (I also stole a page out of your book and wrote a bit in brackets lol)
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (i haven’t worn my earrings in years though as my ears are sensitive and get easily infected)// I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily// I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup// I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look (some days yes, some days no)// I prefer Nike to Adidas// I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport (I used to swim and I still enjoy it casually) // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe (if I’m trying some new I will use a receipe but I can throw stuff together when necessary) // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing (when will my ability to finish my wips come back from the war?)// I can do origami// I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks// I can do a handstand (another one of those I used to be able too but I haven’t tried in years and I’m afraid too)
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years// my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean (fun fact we know more about space than we do about our oceans and that is both amazing and terrifying to me)// I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend (I don’t try to be but I usually end up falling into this category)// I live by a certain quote (2: “and this too shall pass” “treat others as you would have them treat you”) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love (like soulmates, true love must be made and worked at but it is one of the most worthwhile things in the world and I don’t just mean romantic love)// I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
I’m going to tag @talistheintrovert @saturnskyline @theflagscene @negrowhat @maibpenrai if they would like to do it :) as well as anyone else who would like to do it :)
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huhudiary · 6 months
७ December 30th 2023, 7:11am
๑ Today I woke up quite early and it's fucking cold, I had to turn off my ac and turn on my heater. Anyways my family and I are preparing for the New Year, 2024! I just know this year will be good! Anyways let's do a little recap of my 2023 (not in chronogical order);
✶ I started the year on January second with a shopping trip with my besties, Soomin and Soomi. I also did a shampoo for my dirty hair!
✶ I beat the shit out of Soomin's ex boyfriend because this bitch had the audacity to cheat on her.
✶ I dressed up as Harley Quin this year for halloween and got to school in my costume, and Izzy got jealous and gave me one of her hoodies to put on.
✶ Mama's planing to open a bakery, because he bakes so fucking good. I'm helping for the receipes!
✶ I almost died because I got on a cliff with unstable headges! I can still feel the pain of the fall in my knees.
✶ I got to bungee jumping in LA for the first time and it was so fucking cool! Also during this trip, I gifted Malia the car of her dreams!
✶ Theo's boyfriend got stabed, in our school library by a psyco bitch and Theo almost killed someon so Baba had to handcuff Theo to him.
✶ I tried to bribe my family for them to let me go to prom with my girlfriend, it was a succeful fail because as soon as they saw me making food for them and being very calm they knew I wanted to ask something, but they still let me go to prom.
✶ I kissed my girlfriend under the rain, my brothers were not happy at all.
๑ And voilà a little recap of my 2023! They are some missing things but those are history.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
alright more detective asks bc i can 👀 For Kendis: 10, 15 ;)) , 20, 23, 26
well you wont see me saying no to them
10. What about their hobbies?
What aren't Kendis hobbies? Kendis loves trying out new things -- I usually have their newest hobby as pottery,so I'll go with that here.
Their go-to is usually shopping, hiking, and partying (both attendin and throwing. Can event planning be a hobby?) She also loves learning new receipes -- cooking AND baking, but they lean toward the latter. Organizing is probably another one ...
15. Would they have reacted to Falk's flirting, if given the opportunity?
He he he ;-D
Ahhh, maybe. It really depends on the defintion of react. I think eventually, they might have flirted back. I think once they felt he was sincere (and clearly they started feeling as such since she and Falk left in good terms) about creeping into their apartment and hurting Nate (as Kendis is both big on boundaries and super protective).
I'm not sure where it would go. I feel probably just remain a charged Something. For various reasons.
20. Can they cook/bake? Do they enjoy it?
Not me getting ahead of myself. Yes and yes. And very much so.
23. How are they with children?
(why do i feel like these questions are purposeful ;-P)
I want to say amazing, but that's my bias. But pretty dang good. Kendis loves kids. She has a huge soft spot for them. Probably the hugest of her soft spots. They strike a balance of seeing kids as small people who are learning the world and how to self-regulate vs being overprotective. She also still enjoys some "kids" stuff. Like kicking back and trying all the ice cream flavors or building pillow forts, etc. And that tends to endear her to most kids.
26. If given the choice, would they become a vampire?
A Detective Ask Game.
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kindagirl · 8 months
why do you never post recipes. I followed you for baking tips. what is wrong with you
every week jschlatt enters my bakery and tells me to put all my funds in the bag as he steals one of my favorite pie slices and every week I go sir, I don't have any more money, you took it all last week, my buisness is at a net negative and I'm barely getting by. and then he tells me to kill myself
anyway here is my receipe for chocolate chip cookies, just for you!
chocolate chip cookies are the best, because they are chocolate-y, chip-y, and soft with a crunchy edge. perfect treat for any occasion: celebrating good news, cheering up a friend, or just eating your feelings!!!!
when you bake them yourself, you also get the chance to smell their wonderful chocolatey goodness while they bake, which makes everything even better.
in a large bowl, cream the butter, sugar and egg to form a light and fluffy batter. this is the base of your cookie. add the vanilla for flavor and the flour, baking soda and salt to create a dough.
stir in the chocolate chips or chocolate chunks to the dough. it's not chocolate chip cookie dough without 'em! preheat your oven to 350°f and scoop your dough onto your baking sheets.
bake for 10-12 minutes and let cool before serving. and enjoy!
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stefankarlfanblog · 9 months
Stefán Karl on Heima er Bezt, a cooking show from 2002
Low quality photos from his guest appearence on the show as well as the receipes of what was cooked, was found on kokkarnir.is website.
The show was produced by Saga film and the episode aired on the 17th of April 2002, information was found from this channel listing of RÚV 2002: https://archive.ph/wTRHm
Translation of the linked page and the photos:
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Lobster bliss (appetizer)
Serves 6
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2 inches of ginger 3 limes 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar 4 tbsp. sugar 600g lobster (shellfish)
The ginger is cut into small pieces. The limes are squeezed and the juice is poured into a bowl together with the sugar and balsamic vinegar. The ginger is then put in.
This marinade is placed in a pot and cooked on a low heat for approx. 10 minutes. Cool the marinade completely before adding the lobster. Let it marinate in the mixture for approx. an hour before serving. **************************
Mango and cucumber salsa
(accompanied with the lobster)
Serves 6
1/2 cucumber 1 mango 1 small can (180g) of plain yogurt Freshly ground black pepper
Chop the cucumbers and mango into small pieces. Pour over the yogurt and season with freshly ground pepper to taste.
Serve with Lollo rosso salad, fresh cilantro and a drizzle of olive oil. **************************
Beef in beer marinade
Serves 6
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1.2 kg beef tenderloin 1/2 red chili 1/2 green chili 5 garlic cloves 1/2 bottle of beer 1/2 bottle of sweet soy sauce 1/3 bottle of Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil Salt and pepper to taste
Pour the olive oil into a large bowl. Chili and garlic are chopped and put in. Next, the sweet soy sauce is stirred in and then finally the beer. Stir well.
The beef is left in the marinade for an hour before it is browned in a pan to seal it. The meat is then placed in the oven for approx. 3 minutes at 180°C.
Rest the meat in a warm place for about 5 – 10 minutes when it comes out of the oven before serving. ************************** The good potato salad
Serves 6
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10 baked potatoes 1 jar (140g) of green olives 2 onions Filippo Berio olive oil for frying Basil, salt and black pepper to taste
Dice the potatoes and roughly chop the onion. Fry the potatoes in a pan with olive oil and then add the onions and olives.
Sprinkle with basil, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
After frying, place the potatoes in a baking dish and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C in the oven. ************************** Ratatouille
Serves 6
3 tomatoes 1 zucchini 1 eggplant 1 yellow bell pepper 1 red pepper 2 red onions 1 leek 3 medium carrots 1 can tomato paste Olive oil for frying Salt and pepper to taste
Cut all the vegetables into cubes and the carrots a little smaller. Fry in a pan and add salt and pepper to taste.
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After all this time and one of the biggest battles in the tent is still man vs. oven.
The four horseman of the bake apocalypse are and always will be: clock, recipe, ingredients and OVEN.
The consistency brings me joy.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
JinJer's newest half-baked venture is "Jinger's Kitchen" on their youtube channel and the first recipe is Tater Tot Casserole, which every Duggar follower has already seen the recipe for a gazillion times in the last 15 years. I've never seen two content creators be so bad at creating content that their audience actually wants 💀
Holy fuck that is so annoying actually lol. The tater tot casserole is obviously just too get views from their old audience who they've been alienating for years and, like you said, have been watching the Duggars make that stupid receipe soooooooo many times over the years.
A few years back I tried a few JinJer original recipes from either their blog or Instagram and they were legitimately good! And healthy, like I don't understand why you wouldn't go that route right off the bat bc it seems way more on brand (and maybe they will and the TTC was just an ironic opener).
Jinger Vuolo if you're reading this make me your brand manager, I'm desperate to leave my current job and will work for old Jordans.
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witchyvibezzz13 · 11 months
Happy Lughnasadh!! 🌞🌾
Here’s another recipe I wanted to share with you! (source: https://witchery.wordpress.com/2008/07/01/lughnasadh-receipes/)
Brigid’s Blackberry Pie 4 cups of fresh blackberries (thawed frozen berries are ok) 11/2 cups sugar 1/3 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon of salt 1 unbaked pie crust
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Line a deep pie dish with the pie crust or purchase a commercially-made one. Set aside. Mix all other ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. If it appears too “wet,” mix in a little more flour (about 2 tablespoons). Turn the fruit into the pie shell and dot with butter or margarine. You can bake the pie as is, or cover it with another pie crust. Then score the top several times with a sharp knife. Bake for 1 hour, or until the top crust is a golden brown. Taken from Edain McCoy’s book “The Sabbats- A New Approach to Living the Old Ways”
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Hope you enjoy!! ☺️
blessed be xx
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Easy to Make Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe - Chicken Fried Receipe
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Easy to Make Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
a timeless favorite!
Green tomatoes are unripe regular red tomatoes that haven’t yet matured on the vine. For the crispiest, driest fruit imaginable, the majority are purposefully picked before they are fully mature. Since they contain less water and have significantly harder flesh and tart, biting flavor, green tomatoes are excellent for sautéing and frying.
Fried green tomatoes have a crunchy exterior and a juicy, tangy core. They make an excellent appetizer on their own, as well as for salads, as a side dish, and as a topping for sandwiches and burgers.
We have a recipe for everyone! so give it a try and add a healthier twist to your monotonous life whether you’re a novice cook or a seasoned pro.
How to make fried green tomatoes?
PREP TIME : 15 mins
COOK TIME : 5 mins
TOTAL TIME : 20 mins
3-4 unripe green tomatoes sliced into ¼-inch thick discs
½ cup flour
½ cup buttermilk
1 egg beaten
½ cup cornmeal
½ cup panko breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon kosher salt plus additional for seasoning the tomatoes
½ teaspoon black pepper plus additional for seasoning the tomatoes
½ teaspoon onion powder
Pinch of smoked paprika
vegetable oil for frying
Wash the green tomatoes and cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Place flat on a baking sheet and sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper.
Put the flour in a pie plate or shallow dish. Combine the cornmeal, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, onion powder, and smoked paprika in another shallow dish or pie plate. In a larger bowl, whisk the egg and buttermilk together.
Shake off any excess flour before dredging the tomato slices in it. After that, submerge the tomatoes in the buttermilk concoction. Finally, coat the piece in the cornmeal/breadcrumb mixture and place it on a cutting board or baking sheet to cool. Continue by using all the tomato slices.
In a large frying pan, heat 2 cups of oil over medium-high heat until the oil reaches 375 degrees F or, when you dip a wooden spoon into the hot oil, the oil instantly bubbles around the handle. The pan’s oil level should be about 12 inch.
The tomatoes should be fried for 2 minutes on each side, or until crispy and golden, before being removed to a wire rack to drain. Batch your work to avoid overcrowding the pan.
Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.
Fried green tomatoes: How to Store Them?
Frozen fried green tomatoes can be kept for one to two days in the refrigerator, though they are best eaten while still hot and crisp. Reheat them in an oven, air fryer, or oiled skillet while keeping them in an airtight container.
Nutrition Facts
(per serving)
Calories : 510
Fat    : 27g
Carbs     : 56g
Protein  : 13g
We have a recipe for everyone! so give it a try and add a healthier twist to your monotonous life whether you’re a novice cook or a seasoned pro.
More Link: Frozen fried green tomatoes
green tomatoes
Fried green tomatoes
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