#bah ba da
guttersnarls · 2 years
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bokuwaboku-datte · 9 months
i cannot stop watching this video. i first saw it like a week ago and ive come back to it every few hours since. the voices are so charming. i adore the little kicky dance they do when standing still. the song is so catchy. i don't even own mario wonder.
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bi-lil-guy · 11 months
Guys I'm Not Yellow Anymore.
I'm Still Me, But Now I'm
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juliathesuccubus · 1 year
It's a Men-tal Break-Dooooown!!
Trying to crochet a raglan sweater and for the life of me, I think I'm having a stroke reading the instructions.
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It's fiiiiine! It's FIIIIIIIIINE... Hahahaha! Hahahahah! Ha!
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hanitos · 4 months
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┄ ❦ Ba Da Ba Ba Bah , I'm Lovin it!ㅤㅤ ⌯ㅤ ⟡ @aericita
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You know there’s something so magical about the weight of dreams solo when Jake goes
bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah brreibrabrabra bum bum bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah brreibrabrabra brrbrrbrr bananan nanana nanana pa pa badda dum badum baderrreeieeieiaieeia da da da bananan nanana nanana pa pa badda dum badum baderrreeieeieiaieeia ber rum bum barahadabaduhba  barahadubadubahbarahaduhbuh barahabadubadubaduba dun dun doooooo dooooooooo doo doo dun dun doobadadah dundundunah dundundun dunahnunanunanunah bwaaah bwaaaa bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum  bwaaa bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum bum bum bwahhwahh wah wah wahh whahhh wah wah waah wahhh waaeeiii uh bwunabum bwunabum bwunabum dun dun bwahhwahh wah wah wahh whahhh wah wah waah wahhh waaeeiii uh waahwahwuhwahwiiiioohhh bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah brreibrabrabra bum bum bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah brreibrabrabra brrrt bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah badeemadumdoobeedahbah bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah badeemadumbum ananan nanana nanana pa pa badda dum badum baderrreeieeieiaieeia badana dunanana nanana nanana pa pa badda dum badum baderrreeieeieiaieeia badumbum badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada brrreeeee brrreeebrreebrrreebrreebrreebrreeebrreeebrr eeeiiiieee weeiiiieeee weeeiiiieeee weeeiiiieeee weeeiiiieeee weeeiiiieeee weeeiiiieeee weeeiiiieeee breeeiiideeebum ba deeebeeedeebum ba deebeedee deebeedeebum de deebeedeebum bah deebeedeebum badumbum bum ba deebadee bwabwabwabwabwabwabwabwa bwaah wah wah bwabwa bahbah bwahbwa bahbah badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada bweaugh buuuuum buuuuuum buuuum buuuuuuuum rrrrrruuurrrp duuuun duuuun duuuuuuun dununun bahhhhh bahhhhhh bahhhhh bahhhh rrrrrruuurrrp duuuun duuuun duuuuuuun dununun buuuuum buuuuuum buuuum buuuuuuuum rrrrrruuurrrp duuuun duuuun duuuuuuun dununun ahhhhh bahhhhhh bahhhhh bahhhh rrrrrruuurrrp duuuun duuuun duuuuuuun dununun dunanuneern nunanun eeeeern banananurn bamumdum dunanunen babumdummum brrrrnnnenn unanuneern nunanun eeeeern banananurn bahhhh rrrrrruuurrrp duuuun dwooouuun doooooooo doeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoe [acoustic] bumbabum bum badabum ba bumba bum ba dadadabum babum ba bum badabum babum ba bum dadadabum da bum bum bah bum bahdum babadaba bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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howlingday · 1 year
The Life of the Party
Ruby hated it here. Everybody was getting drunk, being loud, dancing, and talking to each other. She wanted to stay in her room, but Yang lured her out and locked her out of her room. Now, here she was, trapped in the middle of a party, surrounded by her mortal enemy: social interaction.
A lot of- Or maybe all of these people were older kids. People who were out to unwind from their stressful part-time jobs, meet up with old friends, hang with friends of friends, or just straight up make out with each other in the corner somewhere. Everything that made Ruby uncomfortable was here, save for full-on nudity. Although, that one guy with the monkey tail was really close.
She tried to talk with people. Really! She did! But the things she liked were worlds beyond what they understood. She was talking about how she was enjoying an online team raid in her favorite MOBA, and her response was a lackluster JRPG that had the worst dialogue ever. Eventually, she became so awkward that the other person had to excuse herself.
She just wasn't a people person.
Ruby made her way to an empty seat on couch, between a guy who was sweet-talking a girl on the chair next to him, and another guy scrolling on his phone. He must have been as bored as she was. She considered talking to him, but she decided instead to relax her own way.
See, Yang didn't plan for everything with Ruby. She may have locked her out of her room. She may have moved the rickety ladder outside so she couldn't climb back into her window. She may have even hid the keys in her bra. The last one wasn't usually a deterrent, but there were already too many people for her to try embarrassing herself. But there was one thing Yang didn't take.
Ruby reached into her hoodie and pulled out her Inferno Red GameBoy SP, and clicked the power switch. With a BLING! she smiled. Stars glittered across the screen as she pressed the A button. She'd been through the intro enough times already, and she wanted to escape so quickly. Still, the music played in her head as she let the spotlights center on her truest best friend.
'Ba-da-da-da-da-da-da!' She hummed in her head. The anthem to her whole childhood. 'Da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da! Boh-boh-boh-bah! Boh-bah-da-da-da...'
With another press, and she was back in her story of Pokémon FireRed. She was Ruby, Pokémon Trainer with her trusty CresRose Charizard and whole team of super-cool Pokémon! She was on the cusp of greatness, ready to take on the Indigo Plateau! Again for the third time... But still!
She skipped through the dialogue again and got back to where she was, right outside the Elite Four. She checked her Bag, which was filled with plenty of Full Restores, Full Heals, and Revives. Exiting, she moved to her team in Pokémon. Cressant was Lvl. 65 and at full health, ready with his assortment of moves, like Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Strength, and Mega Punch! Then moved to the rest of her team, checking their HP, moves, and levels. She moved them around to ready herself and her team for the Elite Four.
She had Ember, her Flareon, with Dig, Smog, Fire Spin, and Flamethrower, and Sparky, her Raichu with Thunder, Flash, Agility, and Rain Dance. Mimi, her Fearow, was ready with Drill Peck, Mirror Move, Pursuit, and Fly, and so was Queeny, her Nidoqueen with Crunch, Toxic, Surf, and Earthquake. And then there was Sleepy, her Snorlax, with Rest, Rollout, Hyper Beam, and Psychic. She was proud of herself for that last surprise.
Steeling herself, she saved the game, and entered the doors.
Fire up was Lorelei, which meant she used Ice-Types. In her first run, she used Charizard like an idiot. She was a naive girl then, but she was a hardened veteran now. Instead, she sent out Sleepy, crushing Dewgong with Rollout. However, Slowbro was sent next, putting Ruby in a difficult neutral stalemate, since Psychic wouldn't do much, and Rest and Hyper Beam would leave her open. She grit her teeth and dug in, hoping Rollout would pick up enough to knock Slowbro out. Each turn was agonizing, with both sides engaging in the war of attrition. Finally, her persistence won out, but still left her would a Snorlax in the red going against a Cloyster.
It was time to switch tactics, and Pokémon. She swapped Sleepy for Sparky. On the swap, Ruby wasted no time and went straight for a Thunder, getting a critical hit on the first shot! This led to the next issue, Jynx, which meant she was back in her neutral stalemate. Unfortunately, this didn't last long as Jynx Psychic was also a critical. Ruby shook a bit at this, then breathed.
Okay, Sparky was out. Good news, though, was Jynx wasn't a Water-Type. This meant she was easy pickings for Cressant with a Flamethrower! Now it was down to the main event; the best of each team duking it out. She needed a strong move from the get out. Mega Punch and Strength were both good options, but the Flamethrower would be weak against Lapras' Water-Type. She would have to hope for a critical against-
"I wouldn't do that."
Ruby froze. Immersion broken. She looked to her side and saw the phone guy looking at her screen. How long was he watching her?!
"Don't use physical attacks. Charizard is better with Specials."
"But Lapras is a Water-Type."
"And an Ice-Type." He said, pointing his fingers at each other. "They cancel each other out."
"Huh." Ruby blinked, looking to her screen.
"Plus, since Charizard is a Fire-Type, the attack will get bonus damage, too."
"Oh, right." She made her decision.
She imagined the battle was fierce, her mighty Cressant hovering over the terrible Lapras. A torrent of flames spewed into the Lapras, inflicting Burn. Lapras fired back with a Hydro Pump, and it hits! Cressant is down to the red, but it's not over! Flamethrower! Yes! Victory!
"Nice work." Phone guy smiled.
"Thanks," she replied, "uh... phone guy?"
"That's a new one." He chuckled. "I like it. The name's Jaune."
"Ruby." She smiled. Genuinely smiled. "Nice to meet you."
Yang was vibin' on the back porch, hanging out with her friends from school. It's been a while since she said something like that. Friends from school. College may have been different, but not too much in this aspect.
Still, she was a bit worried. Ruby'd become a lot more... recluse since summer started. A lot of her friends left her behind when they graduated. Maybe it was a bit cruel to force her to socialize, but the girl needed it. Next thing you know, she's coming back to her senior year as a pale-faced goblin creature.
"Huh?" Weiss stared at her, one brow raised. "Sorry, sorry. What were you sayin'?"
"I were sayin'," Weiss mocked, "you've been out of it since the party started. You're usually in everyone's business, meeting people, telling crappy jokes, and maybe even slipping some tongue. But all you've done for the past hour is sit there, drinking soda, and having that same sad look on your face."
"Yeah, sorry." She scratched her head. "Just a lot on my mind."
"What, because of Pyrrha?"
"Nah, she's got her own issues." Yang waved off, not at all concerned about her rival maybe, possibly having a crush on her. "What I'm worried about is Ruby."
"Ruby?" Weiss reeled a bit. "Your sister? Isn't she a senior now?"
"Yeah, she's growin' up real fast." Yang chuckled. "Too fast and not enough. For the past week, she's been holed up in her room, playing video games in the dark. It's not healthy."
"Agreed." Weiss nodded. "My older sister was telling me something similar. A lot of her new recruits have been spending more time in their barracks at their computers than out on the field doing PT."
"Well, Ruby ain't gonna join the military." Yang said, looking around for wood to knock. She did, then continued. "Still, I wish she had a way to get out there and make some new friends."
"Yo! Yang!" Pyrrha stepped out, face red from drinking. "There you are!"
"Oh, hey, P-Money!" Yang looked to her. "What's up?"
"You never told me you had a GameCube!"
"Uh, it's my sister's," Yang clarified, "why?"
"Because some kid is totally kicking ass at Pokémon on it!"
"Some kid?" Yang stood up. "What does she look like?"
"Xiao Long!" Yang watched as Pyrrha was squeezed around by Emerald. "Some kid is playing Pokémon, and I can't get my boyfriend to look at me for more than five seconds because of her!"
Ruby was loving this! She hated all the attention, the eyes either on the back of her head or on where her fingers flicked on the GameCube controller, but she was loving the cheers and excitement from her fans!
Her fans! She had fans! Drunken, older kids, but still fans!
But she had to stay focused. This was it. After almost an hour of playing, going toe-to-to with the best of the best in the Pokémon League. Her rival, Ass, stood across from her, ready to prove once and for all, who was the very best, like no one ever was!
Ass sent out Pidgeot, and Ruby sent out Mimi. Would Sparky be better? Sure, but Ruby had an audience, and an audience demanded a show. So she was going to give them one.
Pidgeot used Agility, while Mimi used Pursuit. Pidgeot used Quick Attack, hitting Mimi. This continued until Pidgeot fainted, marking the first trial completed in Ruby's long road to victory. The crowd roared!
"Hell yeah!"
"Let's go!"
"King of the Skies!"
"She's a girl."
"Oh... It still works."
Next was Alakazam. Mimi was quick on the pursuit, but was still weakened by the previous match. With one Psychic attack, Mimi was down, earning shouts of disapproval from her fans. She shook it off and continued on.
Sparky was the next to come out, dodging another Psychic before countering with Flash! Accuracy down! Dodge! Agility! The crowd were on the edge of their seats! Thunder! Hit! Psychic! Hit! Thunder! Alakazam goes down! The crowd cheers!
"That was risky." Jaune said. "You got lucky."
"Yeah, but," Ruby looked to everyone behind her, "they don't mind."
"Well, this show isn't over yet." Jaune smiled, then looked to the screen. "Especially with that."
Rhydon. There was no way Sparky was going to win this. But what Ruby could do was set up the match for a quick victory. Raichu let out a final Flash before being snuffed out by an Earthquake. Ruby challenged him with Queeny.
"Ruby..." Jaune warned.
"I got this."
Queeny made short work with Surf, earning quadruple damage to the Rhydon, which equaled to another fast victory. Ruby's heart pounded, curious to who would be next. Unfortunately, her opponent was an Exeggutor. Before she could pull a Toxic, another Psychic knocked Queeny out hard, earning a critical hit for the bad guys.
"Ooh! She cracked!"
"She's gettin' scrambled!"
"I... don't have an egg pun."
Ruby moved quickly to Cressant and clicked to select her.
"Ruby, wait!" She stopped, looking to Jaune. "Think about it. You played this before, so who's next?"
"Exeggutor, Blastoise..." Ruby knit her brow. "Right. I can't risk Charizard yet." Ruby backed out, choosing her other Fire-Type. "Let's go, Ember!"
"Bro, Flareon has no moves!"
Ruby flicked around and unleashed a Flamethrower on her opponent, quick and easy. This left her in a three-to-two match against Ass, who sent out Blastoise. Everyone gasped, but Ruby had a plan.
Blastoise used Hydro Pump, knocking out Flareon. Okay, it wasn't a good plan, but she had something. Sleepy was sent in response. Special Defense may have been high, but Ruby was going to Psychic as hard as she could as Hydro Pump was expended. The second war of attrition continued until a critical hit Skull Bash final put down Sleepy.
Two to one. Charizard vs Blastoise. Not good. Not good at all. Ruby needed a plan. She just had to think.
"What the hell was that?!"
"Agh, leave it to a dumb kid to screw it up!"
"Ah, crap! I gotta get back! I got work tomorrow."
Everyone was getting angry. They were feeling disappointed. She was letting them down. What would happen if she lost? What names were they gonna call her? She felt her throat close up. She... She was going to cry.
"Ruby, I have an idea." She felt a hand on her shoulder. "We cheat."
Ruby sniffed. "Wh-What?"
"You already played this so many times before, right?" He smiled. "So why don't you just use what you learned to get here?"
"Oh... Oh!" Ruby nodded, going to her bag. It might cost her Cressant, but it would be worth it. Ruby used a revive on Sleepy.
Blastoise used Hydro Pump. Cressant fainted. Ruby sent out Sleepy. Sleepy used Rest and recovered HP. Blastoise attacked. Ruby used Revive. Blastoise attacked. Ruby used Revive. This went on until Sleepy fainted. It was now two against five.
Sparky was sent out. Sparky used Thunder. It missed. Blastoise tucked it's head in. Sparky used Thunder. It missed. Blastoise used Skull Bash! Sparky fainted.
"What the hell?"
"That's cheap."
"Like you never did that before?"
Ruby sent out Mimi. Blastoise used Hydro Pump. It hit, but it didn't take Mimi out. Mimi used Mirror Move. It hit! Blastoise goes down!
Ass sends out his last, Arcanine, who used Fire Blast to make quick work of Mimi.
"Ha! Roasted!"
Ruby was about to send out Cressant, then paused. She flicked up and chose Ember.
"Bro, Flareon has no moves!"
"You mean like you have no jokes?" Ruby snarked back. The crowd jumped and laughed as the failed jokester got burned! Speaking of, the battle heated up in these final moments.
Flareon used Smog, poisoning Arcanine. Arcanine used Take Down, dealing massive damage to Flareon. But Flareon, much like Ruby, wasn't easy to put down. Flareon used dug underground. Arcanine used Take Down, but it missed!
Everyone watched with baited breath. They knew it was coming, but they didn't when. Finally, Flareon emerged, using Dig! It's super effective!
...But not enough for Arcanine, who used Take Down! Flareon fainted! Arcanine was hurt in recoil!
The crowd roars in it's excitement! Everyone jumps and cheers. They even began singing the Pokémon show theme!
Ruby leapt into Jaune, wrapping her arms around his neck and, because she was so excited, she kissed him! On the lips!
The excitement screeched to a halt as Ruby watched her sister approach. She slid away from Jaune, suddenly feeling very small. Her sister glanced between them before grabbing Jaune by his collar and taking a deep whiff. She hummed before letting go, but gave a grunt as she refocused on Ruby. She felt so embarrassed.
"Heh, that was pretty sneaky, little sister." Yang grinned. "Stealing a win and my party out from under me? Nice work~!"
"Oh, uh, thanks, Yang!"
Ruby felt good again. Really good! She hated parties like these, but she really came into her own and pulld off a thrilling performance that had left people wanting more! Nothing could bring her down!
"So, who's your boyfriend~?" Yang teased.
"Oh boy..." Ruby flushed.
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koyoba · 3 months
Baby Linguistic Inventory Post #1 - 2024-07-01
Today in "things that only I care about but I have nowhere else to post them"- My sister had a baby last June! As she and her husband currently live with us, I get to see the baby everyday, and as a former linguistics major, I have been endlessly fascinated with monitoring his linguistic development. Today, having heard him spontaneously repeat the word "smoothie" (pronounced "moo-ee") with clearly intentional meaning, I've decided to start keeping an inventory of the words that he picks up.
To my recollection, the "using words with meaning" started roughly around February or March of this year, with a larger leap in late April/early May, so he's moving along at a good clip! He's up to roughly 20 words as of this writing, by our measure.
The current word inventory, as of 7/1:
dada [dada, or the outdoors as a whole; his dad is outside most of the day]
berry - beh-wee [berries, or flowers, or anything resembling a berry] [+hand sign]
blue - bwoo [+hand sign]
honorable mention: blueberry - bwoo-wee [his favorite food; he will try to combine the signs]
banana - na-na
more - moh-ah [food]
food/eat - [hand sign only]
booby - boo-bee [milk/nursing] [+hand sign]
potty - [hand signal only]
yay - ehyee [+clapping]
kitty - dee-dee [may mean cat, or it might just be the way you greet a cat]
momo [all cats; one of the cats is named Momo so he has generalized this as the easiest form of address]
puppy [baba?]
dog - da-da
night night - neh-neh [+wave]
bye bye - buh-bah [+wave/also means hello maybe]
baby - buh-bee [unclear if himself or just a sound]
ab'n/bab'n/gab'm [who knows, he just says it a lot and it seems to mean something to him 😂]
please - ba [+hand sign]
light?/fan? - beh [indeterminate ceiling fixture; usually while pointing at it]
smoothie - moo-ee [new 7/1]
Anyway, nothing pithy to say about all that! I just think it's neat 🎉
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gctchell · 5 months
SECRET! Doobydoobydabbadoobydabadooda bedigabibblebede, It's a secret! Rah papachibuhbabababachibuh Rah-papachibuh-BLRRRR, BLRRRR! Doobibabajibudabarijbuhrbj darupabiscjjjPAH-PAHhbebebrrpde ehbehjejgbbsgebejebeberp-rp-ptchh! It's a secret! DoobadoobadabaPA!dajabba, rmmbujischa-DOODELIDOO! aRAH-PAH-PAAHbaDAbadaJI-BA, barrabapbapduudilyFRYHA! Derabapadiddlybumdapapa, behdedejebellehbuddlepah, A D-bd-bPFFTderibbitjPFTBadi-di-ding-dang-dong! RRRAPADOOPPPADEE! RRAPADOOPAPAAH! ZAPADOOBLEJZINGJGXUBREPPEDEPEEUH! XINGBANGDJUBJEIGEDEPAMPAM, DJABAPEUDELEBREEHHH- (Rapadapadapa) -Bbrrum DJIGIT bbradumbadum TCHHT Bbrrum DJING badungbadunggadunggadung buckabuckadika diudndiDIkaDIDI PRRRP! - It's a secret! Brum A-a ha HA HA HA! A-a a a aaah! Brum, eh... pfft, pff pffrpt- eh eh unk eh OHR! Bunchikachrkabadungdadungachickachicka bungchikarghbunchikakaKAARchickabungctskk...ooh-ah!...O!...o-o-O, O! o o o o-o-O! O-o o o O! UOOO O O O O UOO! -UR BOHBADOHBABURGH! Bubaruhbohboh ruhbaduhRUH! JDRARARARARARUHRUHRUHRUUUHHRururururuhRUH, RUH RUH RUH RUHRUUHH Buhruhruhruhbehahahaaah!houh! Pop, pop pop, pop pop pop pop pop ,pop pop ,pop pop pop pop !pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop , pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop ! Skabadoobadoh? - SKOOBIDOOBIDADOO! Babaladapdob? - Skabalabalaba! . Babadiba? - Babadoobie! Yabadabadada. - SKABADANGDANGDIDEE~!! Skoobidoobedih? - Skoobedoobeda! Abadabadiba? Skabadoobie-Arr(begrudging sigh)... BUCKAW BUCKA-BUCKA! - Now you're talking! :D BUCK BUCK BUCKaw? BUCKA-BAAW!!! BU-BUCKA-BAW BUCKA-BAW BUCKA-BAW BUCKA-BERK BUCKA-BAR BUCKA-BAW BUCKA-BERK BURKAH-BERK BERKA-BUCKEH BUCKA-BEKEH BUCKA-BURKEH BUCK-BUCKA BIKIBIKI, BUCK-BUCKA BIKIBIKI, BUCK-BUCKA BIKIBIKI, BUCK-BUCKA BIKIBIKI, BUCK-BUCKA BIKIBIKI, BUCK-BUCKA BIKIBIKI, Buck HEY! buck HEY! buckabickibickeh! Dungdagadigadigadung-deh! BadadungbadadungbadaDUNGDRANGBRANGBRANG Dangdagadangdagadangdang, da BRLRLRLR BRRBRLRRLLR BBBRLRLRLRLR BRLRLRLLR-(BUUUH!) Dungagadagadagadung-deh! DaDUNG(BUUUH!)dadadungdada-BRRLRLRL RBBRLRL(BUUUH!) Dungagadagadagadung-deh! DaDUNG(BRUAAAH!)dadadungIT'S A SECRET!!! BRRRRUUHR! (Boh-bah-boh-ba-jab-jajah..)
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krakendra · 2 years
look for someone who never paid attention in class, he still retained a LOT
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as things I've heard at band camp
Race: *singing* oooooooohh I'm blinded by the liiigght! No I can't sleep until I see herrrr tits
Albert: *punches him*
Finch: *after being taught what slay means* Okay what else should I know? Yas queen? Is yeet still a thing? No? Good because I never understood what it meant
Davey: my back is killing me tmt
Race: lol your boyfriend railed you too hard huh?
Davey: it's because I have to carry 40 pounds worth of drum and the rest of the band on my shoulders, asshole
Spot: hey can you hit that? (About something that needs to be hammered into place on the bottom of his drum)
Albert: *confused, moves his drumsticks to one hand and punches it*
Spot: with your stick, idiot
Denton: please get tall black socks to wear with your uniform. It looks stupid if you have black pants and black shoes but every time you take a step you can see the sliver of your white ankle
Jack: *just loud enough so the entire room can hear* white??
Spot: I'm going crazy
Race: crazy? I was crazy once-
Spot: shut the fuck up
Myron: ... They put me in a room. A rubber room
Race: a rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy. Crazy? I was-
Spot: oh my fucking god
Davey: oh my god I forgot sunscreen I'm gonna get cancer (*is actually extremely high risk for skin cancer* I'm not projecting you are)
Spot: ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bigga digga dat
Davey, joining in: bap buh dumb dumb bap duh dumb da dumb da dumb
Spot: biggadadiggadadiggadatdiggasatdatduhdadat
Davey: bum ba dumb bom bum ba dum. Bon da dum da dum da dum dig gah dig gah dig bom bab dum bom bom bah dum, bap-
Buttons: what kind of cult-
Crutchie: I know you're a freshman but word of advice, just ignore the drumline
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whoisplaceholder · 1 year
oh wow. is freddie mercury in my asks again
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libriaco · 1 year
Polvere sei
«Bah! – fece Des Hermies – la polvere fa bene. Oltre ad avere il sapore di un biscotto antichissimo e l’odore appassito di un vecchio libro, è il velluto fluido delle cose, la pioggia sottile e asciutta che anemizza i colori troppo forti e smorza i toni violenti. È anche la buccia dell’abbandono, il velo dell’oblio. Nessuno la detesta, salvo quelli colpiti da un tragico destino e ai quali talvolta dovresti pensare.»
J. K. Huysmans, [Là-Bas, 1891] L'abisso, Milano, SugarCo, 1990 [Trad. A. Galli Zugaro]
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jest-a-genetta · 11 months
Me, brain fast but foggy, like sprinting through molasses: *jumping tasks and walking in circles trying to remember what I was doing while saying "Dog of Wisdom" sounds* Ba-DA-ba. Wuh-BAH buh ba--... Hey wait I got plenty of sleep last night, why am I being like this?
My coworker: Do you have ADHD, autism, anything like that?
Me: No? Not far as I'm aware?
Co: Maybe you should try being aware
Bruh wHAT-?
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blonde-tori-spring555 · 6 months
just so yall can get a feeling on what goes on in my adhd brain
imagine this...full arse concert, flashing lights and its loud
but in ur head
Mm-bah-dah Dum-dum-bah-beh Doo-ba-dum-ba-beh-beh
Pressure Pushing down on me Pushing down on you, no man ask for Under pressure That burns a building down Splits a family in two Puts people on streets
Um-ba-ba-beh Um-ba-ba-beh Dee-day-da E-day-da, that's okay
It's the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming "Let me out" Tomorrow, gets me higher Pressure on people People on streets
Dey-dey-dey-mm-hm Da-da-da-ba-ba Okay
Chipping around, kick my brains 'round the floor These are the days, it never rains, but it pours
Ee-do-ba-be Ee-da-ba-ba-ba Um-bo-bo Be-lap People on streets Ee-da-de-da-de People on streets Ee-da-de-da-de-da-de-da
It's the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming "Let me out" Tomorrow, gets me higher, higher Pressure on people People on streets
Turned away from it all like a blind man Sat on a fence, but it don't work Keep coming up with love, but it's so slashed and torn Why? Why? Why? Love (love, love, love, love)
Insanity laughs, under pressure we're breaking Can't we give ourselves one more chance? Why can't we give love that one more chance? Why can't we give love, give love, give love? Give love, give love, give love, give love?
'Cause love's such an old fashioned word And love dares you to Care for the people on the Edge of the night (people on streets) And love dares you To change our way of Caring about ourselves This is our last dance This is our last dance This is ourselves
Under pressure Under pressure Pressure
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gayspock · 1 year
ba da bah ba, ba da dooby dooh dah. and sugar we're going down stinking 🧀
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