secretxxpaladaiseu · 7 months
Jaeyoung showed up the cafe a few minutes later, dressed in just a t-shirt and some sweatpants. Spotting her friend, she immediately sat down across from her, leaning against the table. "Hello, hello~"
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shizunn · 9 months
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Feng Xin in ep.11
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Fic writers will really be like "I'm sorry, this is so cheesy lol" and i'm here like
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hualians · 4 months
help what are the best teams aaaa
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mike----wazowski · 6 months
3, 20, 22 <3
3- fave fic i've written
it's hard to pick when you have such a track record of bangers 🤭🤭 probably this fic, bc i managed to get it to 5555 words and that's satisfying 😌 on a real one i just think it's a solid character study and i really enjoyed writing a corruption arc and ending a fic on such a dark note. a commenter said i managed to make a total asshole of a character sympathetic and im happy about that lmao
20- fave fic title i've come up with
probably the same fic actually! all-knowing, all-despising is a fun one and basically describes the character to a t
22- do i know how a fic will end before writing it
not really tbh. the ending usually comes based off how the fic is going lol and what fits best with what ive come up with so far, im honestly pretty god awful at fic endings lmao
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shapes-nd-colors · 1 year
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Heehee hoohoo
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azuredrg · 3 months
ill be able to color in dunmeshi soon but anyway the way this isnt alot but ure still may baesty we should kiss
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nem0-nee · 1 year
I forgor to post this wHOOPS-
Leona stans... My beloved baestie @fromhelltoyou has a very important question...
The results of this discussion may greatly influence something they're working on... So please, do bless us with your wisdom 🙏 ✨
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candyisntmyname · 1 year
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dramaturgyeve · 1 year
zamn baestie lovin' your new layout
what do you think about him. (pictured below)
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HII THANK YOU!! i think he looks a bit gay. Loving the top
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throneofhavoc-blog · 2 years
your banner is incredible
thank you baestie. i apologize for being late, i appear once in a blue moon
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 5 months
Jae had been spending the evening with Ilseong, since he spent the day doing schedules. Food had just arrived and was laid out on the table when she heard her phone go off. As soon as she noticed the caller ID, she grinned over at Ilseong who was sitting beside her on the couch. "Follow my lead."
Grabbing her phone, she answered the call, sounding out of breath suddenly as she spoke. "Y-Yejinnie...What's up?" Her question was quickly followed up with what sounded like a moan being muffled by a pillow.
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shizunn · 1 year
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TGCF S2 » Gambler’s den snippet!
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saltiestcoconut · 2 years
Just a little scene I wrote when the baestie showed me this Fate video (please don’t assume I'm a Fate fan I know very little about it lol) and when I fell in love with it I knew I just had to write my own version using my blorbos uwu
Content Warning: Implied cannibalism, major character death, borderline graphic depiction of violence
Hope you enjoy~
Yusaku landed gently in a forest of pastel— grass the color of mint, dirt the color of creamy coffee, trees the color of cinnamon topped with leaves the color of matcha. 
Yusaku happily trudged along the forest— nearly skipping, but not quite— as colorful creatures from white spherical creatures with slim wing-like protrusions to black sheeps and white rams and even fluffy tan and white cat with large blue ears appeared.
They followed Yusaku as he trailed through the forest, more content than he had been for years, feeling as if he could float away from the Earth at any time. 
Blue kites that resembled jets with hands floated above the city streets. The city was largely empty, except for the creatures that followed Yusaku. 
A grand set of double doors appeared before Yuskau, the doors as fancy as they were thick. The doors opened for him automatically as soon as he approached them.
Four white walls surrounded him, all four decorated with various framed artworks. There was a floor and ceiling as well, each as bright white as the walls. 
Parts of the wall and artwork moved as dark blue orbs with large blue eyes in the center of a teal screen peaked out from behind the board.
The board moved, only to be replaced by another that blended perfectly with the wall behind it. 
All around Yusaku, these delightful spherical creatures peaked out from parts of the wall as they peeled off the boards they were hiding behind. They encircled Yusaku, tails tipped with a red arrow gently swaying. 
Yusaku gasped at the creatures, they looked fun and friendly, and were colorful compared to the white walls of the room around them. 
They hopped closer to him, even their movements were delightful as they heavily relied on their tail to keep balance, like kangaroos. They were like small kangaroos as they smiled at Yusaku brightly with just their eyes. 
This was the most content Yusaku had felt in years. 
Yusaku stretched out his arm, intended to pet the creature, when a burst of magic shot from him which overwhelmed the poor creature. 
Yusaku gasped and covered his mouth. He did not intend for his magic to run rampant. He did not mean to lose control of his magic, to lower his guard just enough for the magic to overtake him.
The creature burst in a small explosion of sparkles as small wrapped candies were tossed in the air and landed in the area where the creature once was. 
Yusaku smiled, delighted at the sweet treats the creatures held within and lifted his hand to the sky, releasing a burst of purple magic that diffused throughout the room. 
The soft glow of Yusaku's magic combined with the sparkles of the exploded creatures created a dazzling scene as dozens of hard candies were flung through the air. 
Yusaku's small smile grew as candies fell all around him, the unexpected treats delighted him as perhaps his magic was good for something. 
Yusaku picked up a candy and unwrapped it, already anticipating the delightful sweet, as he brought the treat to his mouth. 
"I see you've been busy. I told you to kill it while you had the chance."
The alleyway was dark. Blood stained the floor before Yusaku. A red chunk slipped from Yusaku's hand. 
Even his clothes were splattered with blood. 
Blue eyes so icy, they nearly reflected the minimum light that shone on the alley.
White hair streaked with lilac. 
A shimmering yellow portal made of magic.
"So bright…" Yusaku reached towards the light, as if captivated.
Bullets, faster than the eye could see, each hitting with such precision it was able to sever flesh. 
Blood splattered against the wall behind Yusaku.
An arm slammed against the wall and fell with a thud. 
Blood poured from Yusaku's left arm. 
Yusaku moved his arm to glance at its seververed end, then moved it back to his side as he looked back at his assailant.
Each heartbeat spilled more blood on the floor below.
"I told you I was going to hunt that thing down if you didn't kill it. My last act of mercy to you would be to kill it, along with you, who have already been consumed by its power. I wish I didn't have to kill you along with it."
A dragon's head emerged from the swirl of magic, its mechanical mane spinning as it fired more bullets. 
The bullets rained on Yusaku, more disorganized than when the dragon first fired. 
Yusaku's body swayed as the impact of each bullet piercing his body caused him to move in the same direction as its acceleration. 
Yusaku stumbled back from the accumulated force. 
Blood sprayed the floor in a wide area, enough to form puddles. 
Yusaku collapsed. 
Blood pooled around him, clothes heavy with the blood it absorbed. He made a soft gasp as he struggled to breath.
Both the dragon and the portal disappeared.
A lilac eyebrow rose. The assailant walked closer to Yusaku. "You're still breathing? I didn’t anticipate you tapping into its power so quickly." 
A crunch. He stopped walking. 
Lifted his arm. 
Blood spilled to the floor. 
He was missing his left arm— the same arm his dragon severed from Yusaku. 
More crunches. 
He looked at the floor. His arm disappeared as it was consumed by a small pool of dark shadows, crackling with purple energy.
"Is this your idea of getting even? Do you actually care about him?" 
Yusaku’s severed arm disappeared in a pool of liquid shadow charged with purple sparks. Shadows enveloped Yusaku's body, covering it completely.
Yusaku's arm shot out from the shadows and pressed against the floor. The rest of his body followed as he knelt on the floor, body shaking as it cracked with energy. Shadows enveloped the lower part of his body as he stood, movements erratic— alternating between slow delays and rapid jerks.
Yusaku swayed, eyelids heavy. His entire body crackled with energy. 
The assailant tsked, then gritted his teeth. "Damn it!" 
A stretch of his arm, and the yellow portal reappeared, the dragon sticking its head out and roaring as it fired a volley of bullets at Yusaku.
Shadows covered Yusaku in response. The bullets sped through the air, but were unable to penetrate the shadows as the bullets rusted within the shadows' depths.
They passed around Yusaku, as they were redirected to hit everywhere but Yusaku.
Bullets embedded themselves in the thick concrete walls of the building behind Yusaku. With the power to pierce anything, those bullets weren't easily stopped. 
More bullets were fired. All the bullets were deflected away from Yusaku and hit the buildings that surrounded them instead. 
A nearby streetlamp crashed by Yusaku's feet. The lightbulb shone a powerful light on Yusaku which concealed his eyes in shadows and casted a large shadow of his silhouette onto the building behind him. 
The assailant softly gasped. "You… and it… so quickly too…"
Yusaku opened his mouth and took a bite out of the air. 
A leg fell to the ground.
Yusaku's shadow grew as it became nearly as tall as the building itself. Six tentacles peeled itself away from Yusaku's silhouette, stretching as far as it could reach. A single yellow eye opened, the eye nearly as wide as the shadow of Yusaku's head. The eye traveled downwards as the silhouette became more rounded and more compact. A large head tipped with an upturned point peeled away from the wall, connected to the rest of the shadow by a slender neck. The six tentacles peeled themselves away from the surrounding buildings and lashed out to cover the surrounding area in darkness.
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love-toxin · 2 years
Happy New Years baestie!! 💕
HAPPY NY!!! im finally free from my holiday work schedule thank christ.......hope everyone has a lovely 2023!!!
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nirhvahnah · 1 year
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friends that randomly send funds at 4am 🥹🫶🏾 i love my baesties
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