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digitaltourbus · 4 months ago
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Bad Plans tells you about what he does to prepare for taking the stage! Check out his preshow rituals at https://bit.ly/4eYIhTn
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tegernseerbadmanufaktur · 8 months ago
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godofnothing · 1 year ago
99cent ice cream at Round1, limited flavors. Ran out of cones, just cups. La Claudia and Esha are so disappointed. #BadPlanning #NoCones #wolfscott #llaclaudia #Esha #godofnothing #meadowsmall #lasvegas #kidsgames #arcadegames
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jpat82 · 7 years ago
Bad Plan
A/n: this fic that I’m adding into rotation is one I started well over a year ago. The original first chapter was over 5k words long so I’m going to have to break it up. It’s also Karl Urban, cause I mean, hello he’s gorgeous as well.
Summary: Renee had a fail proof plan to get rid of her nervousness for sending in her writing manuscripts. Audition for a movie, surely she'll get rejected.
The plan backfired and now she has to act, joining a crew of seasoned actors from Star Trek. Her quick friendship leads her down the rabbit hole with Karl Urban.
CHAPTER 1:part 1
Some of the dumbest things in my life I have done because of the phase 'meh, why not'. This however was more based on trying to get used to being rejected. You see, I'm a writer, I write fiction and screen plays. I have yet to send one to get publish or sent to be read by a director, mainly for the fear of being told 'hey, this sucks, so do your self a favor and stop wasting your time writing.' My bright idea was 'hey, let's audition for some movie roles, you'll surely be turned down multiple times and get used to it'.
So when I got a call back for a second audition my anxiety sored  through the roof and I felt like relocating to Mexico. This is not how this was supposed to go, I'm not an actor. I was supposed to be laughed at and told to bugger off.
When I received the call after the second audition and was told I got the female co lead in this movie I about choked and died. I have massive anxiety problems when in new place, new situations, and around people I don't know. This was not the plan, and just like life has always done in the past it decided to slap me face and pull the rug out beneath my feet.
“So, Renee," my sister, Rosalyn inquired with a hint of amusement in her voice as I was breathing into a paper bag, "whatchya going to do now? Can't exactly back out."
“Says who?" I sneered into the bag, sitting on the couch.
“The fact you went through both auditions," she giggled, " how's your bright idea now?"
“Bite me, rainbow bright." I leaned back into the couch, pulling the paper away from my face. I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to think clearly. There was a couple saving graces about this movie set. A.) it was local, it was being filmed in and around the Oregon city area and B.) I was a no-body. I could blend in a lot easier.
“What's the name of movie? Who's going to be in it?" She pounced on to the couch next to me, I turned my head ever so slightly and just stared her. This month her hair was pale blue with hot pink roots, her ghostly colored skin was pinkened from just get done working out.
“I don't know, to either of those questions."
“How do you not know? What's was the script you read?"
“I wasn't paying attention and I can't remember. I was trying to get through the ordeal."
“Your going to make a horrible actress if you can't remember any of that." She stated, pushing up off the couch. "What about your normal job? Since it takes a couple of months to film."
“I already talked to my manager, I'm taking a leave of absence. And thanks for the ego boost."
“Your welcome!"
The next few weeks after that were spent getting my rear end handed to me by a personal trainer. Who by the way, was adamant about a very strict eating schedule, which I was severely punished for daily by drinking Starbucks. I also had a trainer for learning how to fight, all of it choreographed of course but still. Most nights I came home very late and couldn't remember how I made it my bed. Just to wake up to my phone going off by Satan calling me two hours before I was supposed to work out.
My sister being the loving and caring individual she was would poke my sore muscles. Drink some wine and have her Starbucks all while telling me I couldn't have some. Yes, I knew it was revenge for the countless times I did things to pester her but still.
The first evening on set was a cast and crew get together. I learned that I was joining in on an established movie sequence. So everyone knew each other, except for me. Wonderful. Just my luck, I showed up in my ratty jeans and a nice top. I was told it was a casual occasion, no need to dress up. My short cropped hair was sporting a recent sun burn, first time I have ever had one but then again I didn't start buzzing my head till a couple months ago.
I was wandering around trying to find where we were all supposed to meet up. I found no security guards to help me out, which I thought was odd. I turned down a corridor and bumped into a gentleman.
“Oh, I'm sorry." His accent was heavy, he seemed hesitant on whether to say sir of miss.
“No, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I'm really lost so i keep checking my phone and I'm rattling on, sorry."
“It's okay," he chuckled, my brain was trying to get my attention but I ignored it. "I'm lost myself. Where are you headed to?"
“Some hall, I'm supposed to meet up with a bunch of people I don't know. So it’s not like I can text anybody for help." I showed him the details on my phone.
“Looks like we are headed to same place, but I know everybody. And none of them are answering their phones anyway." He smiled, something about this guy. I recognized his smile, but not his voice. Which is odd for me, normally I recognized voiced first.
“Well, isn't that nice of them." I chuckled, he was a damn good looking man.
“I guess it would be better to be lost with someone then be lost alone." He stuck his elbow out inviting me to take it.
“Sounds like a wonderful plan, People look at ya weird when you talk to yourself." Open mouth insert foot. He let out a deep chuckle.
“That's for sure." We continued to wandered the abandoned building.
“Karl!" Someone yelled from behind us, he turned his head looking over shoulder. It was dark and couldn't make out the mans voice but I knew who it was right off the bat. He jogged over. "Where the hell have you been?"
“Lost." We followed Chris as he walked back the room where everyone was. It didn't take long to figure out who I was walking with or what movie this was now. "who's your new friend?"
“Actually I never got her name."
“My name is Renee Winter."
“Ah, your going to play the new ensing." Pine flashed his pearly whites. We walked into the large hall. Easily over a hundred people, slightly loud, and I felt like a panic attack was about to hit. I must of instinctively gripped Karl's arm a bit tighter. He looked over at me with a bit of concern on his face.
“Hey, your fine. Just breathe." He whispered into my ear. "Let's go get a drink and then I'll introduce to everyone."
He ordered two drinks, I was trying to gather myself back up. He handed me something, I took a sip, it was sweet and warm despite the ice.  He made eye contact with me, and smiled.
“So what's your anxiety from? The amount of people or because of who all is in the room?" He asked, I turned my head to survey the room. Karl gently brought his knuckle up and turned my head back to face him. "Breathe, and keep looking at me."
“There's a lot of people here, and it's the complete uncertainty of the situation." I breathed out, breaking eye contact and looked down at the ground.
“You'll be fine, we can go and let you meet people one on one. Take a break and step out into the hall, get a breather in." I just nodded, slowly looking back up at him. "I have a couple close friends and family members who have anxiety. So don't worry about judgement."
He slowly lead me around the room, I faked being fine. Joking around while getting to know the cast. It was an hour into the shindig before we stepped out in the hall. I sped to the opposite wall and started to gulp down air like fish.
“No wonder they picked you. If it weren't for the death grip, I wouldn't have suspected that you any anxiety." He jested.
“Sorry, bout that." Turning, pressing my back against the cool wall. I stared at ceiling, wondering how big of an ass I was making myself out to be.
“So, tell me about yourself, Renee." He asked leaning up against the wall with me.
“Like what?"
“What other acting gigs have you done?"
“None, literally the first time auditioned."
“Seriously? Lucky break, most get turned down hundreds of times."
“I know, I was banking on that."
“Huh?" I could see the perplexed look out of the corner of my eye.
“I'm not an actor, I'm a writer. I was doing this to get used to rejection before I sent my stuff to get published. But seeing how I'm cursed, I ended up getting the part." I chuckled to myself.
“Wow, how's that going for ya?" He chuckled with me.
“You know, my sister asked me the same thing."
“Sounds like a smart lady, come on. Time to go back in there." I took a deep breath and walked back in.
“Sorry, I'm terribly late, I got lost in the building." I heard a very unmistakable British accent. Well, my sister is going to flip when I tell her this.
“No big deal, Tom. So did we." Karl replied, giving the man a hug.
“Glad to hear I wasn't the one." Tom chuckled back.
“Tom, this is Renee. She's also new to the Star Trek world." Tom took my hand a gently shook it.
“Pleasure to meet you." He smiled, yeah, my sister was going to murder me in my sleep.
“Nice to meet you too." The rest of the night was just greeting and making small chat. The end of the night Karl walked me back to my car. "Seriously though, thank you. I don't think I would of made it. I would of stood awkwardly in the corner the whole time, looking at my phone every two minutes."
“No big deal. So what hotel do they have you staying at?" We finally reached my car, I grin back at him.
“The beauty of this, I get to go home every night. I live local."
“Lucky duck." He laughed, "kinda jealous."
“Yeah, but I don't get room service. I mean I could try yelling at my sister to make me food but she's a chef and hates coming home to cook. So she would probably poison my food."
“Yeah, don't do that." I opened my car and sat in the seat. "See you tomorrow?"
“Yeah, I'm supposed to be at the make up trailer at 5am. So I'll probably be up earlier, knowing satan." He gave me a weird look. "The personal trainer they gave me."
“Ah." He laughed. I started my car and waved before I left.
“So, tell me." I had just barely cracked the door open.
“Not even going to let me walk in." She was waiting on the couch like black panther.
“Nope, what movie? Who's it in? And no spoilers."
“The new Star Trek, the usual suspects. And I can't tell you all the crew with out giving you any spoilers." I smirked.
“Hang on, what do you mean you can't tell me all the crew without giving me spoilers?!"
“Because someone is in it that normally isn't. And you said no spoilers." I smirk walking into my room.
“Renee Abigail Winter! I'm not done talking to you!" She yelled following me.
“Rosalyn Amy Winter, you told me not to tell you." I flopped onto my bed, repressing my urge to laugh.
“Come on, Renee. Tell me." She pleaded, I shook my head.
“Oh, look at the time, it's midnight and I have to be at work at 5am. I really do need to get some rest now." I feigned a yawn, I was tired but this was far more entertaining.
“Please?!" She was hopeless, if I didn't tell I would get no sleep. If I did tell, well, I probably get no sleep.
“How about how this, I'll text you tomorrow when I get a chance. Because I really do have to get some sleep."
“Fine." Her voice was full of rejection as she slid off the bed. "You better remember."
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avisproduitsblog · 4 years ago
Désolé, mais ya pas plus dégueu que ça🤢. Si vous tomber sur ce dessert la évitez de l'acheter, je déconseille 👎 #dessert #instafood #cuisine #cuisinefacile #cuisinedumonde #cuisineinternationale #sweet #rizaulait #nouriture #recettefacile #gourmandise #badplan #éviter #nottasty #instafood #instacuisine #momplans #homeneeds #kitchenneeds #cestpasbon #kheer (at à Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRrELXvImYa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deathsembrace662 · 5 years ago
Cause he, didn’t think this out; and he is about to have a bad day
if he's your man then why'd he get caught in that imperial ambush same as that thief over there
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lotrreactionmemes · 7 years ago
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atthequillsmercy · 5 years ago
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Sometimes, you just gotta let kids learn on their own... #catsofinstagram #catmom #goodluckwiththat #goodluckwiththatshit #badplan https://www.instagram.com/p/B8C8o8Fp7Z9/?igshid=16b5eletlb0ek
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mustard-thats-silly · 5 years ago
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Not sure about you but I’m starting to think this is good enough.... I mean... I get the gist of the picture.... and honestly... what am I going to get out of completing it.. other than a sense of accomplishment and pride in a job well done... who needs that in the real world??!! #wrongpuzzletogetbackintowith #badplan #wizardofoz #willbehereforever (at Largs Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2bB7ipDx9A/?igshid=1etfkxm36enxl
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billionairesindies · 5 years ago
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🔥Comment 🔥Agree or Not? 💥Follow us billionairesindies for more great motivations!!💯 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💥TAG A FRIEND WHO NEEDS TO SEE THIS 🔥SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS💯🔥 🔥SAVE IF YOU FIND IT INSPIRING🌟🔥 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ TAG🔖SAVE📌DM FOR QUERIES ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ TURN ON POST NOTIFICATION ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ . • • • Follow @billionairesindies for more 🔥 Follow @billionairesindies for more 🔥 Follow @billionairesindies for more 🔥 • #bilionairesindies #billionairesindiestips #billionairesindiesquotes #mistakes #startups #startupmistakes #risk #notprepared #nostrategy #location #singlefounder #Littlemoney #badplanning #bademployee #wrongaudiencetargeting #motivational #successminded #successquotes #successstories #successfulmindset #shadowinvesting #successmotivation #successsecrets #successfoundation #businesslife #successtip #successclub https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEFPoSANtV/?igshid=i7cgb2sedbin
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fortheuninspiredwriter · 8 years ago
Writing Prompt #17
“That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.”
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tegernseerbadmanufaktur · 10 months ago
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deadliergent · 3 years ago
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This is Maine. This is Still Fucking Stupid. . . . #thisismaine #maine #stupid #dumb #road #closed #construction #badplanning #planning #streetstyle #road #shotoniphone #moodygrams # (at Portland, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chhu76pLDiV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jpat82 · 7 years ago
Bad Plan
"So you don't come Portland often?" Tom asked, stealing her attention away from me.
"Not usually, neither of us like one way streets. It's alright once in a blue moon." Her voice sounded nervous, she swirled the straw in her drink.
"Well, I'm glad you could make it out then." Tom smiled at her, I could see the blush creep up her cheeks. I slowly leaned into Karl, keeping my eye on my sister.
"I think I may be in the clear." I whispered, catching the scent of his cologne. Not only he was he hotter then the sun, voice smooth as whiskey but he smelled like a slice of heaven, with maybe a dash of sin laced in there. I looked up at his face, his eyes were warm as he smiled at me.
"Renee?" My sisters voice broke me from my trance, I snapped my head back her. "I'm using the restroom, come on."
"Damn girl code." I muttered, pushing my seat back. I leaned in close to Karl once more and whispered. "If I'm not back in ten minutes call in the national guard."
I left before he had a chance to respond, taking a deep breath as I followed her through the mass of people. Trying to think of a good excuse to give her for this set up. My mind whirled as we stepped into the ladies room. She pivoted facing me, her eyes wide as panic ran through her body at warp speed.
"Dude!!" She exclaimed, flapping her hands up and down trying to do what, I had no idea but she looked like a robin trying to swim.
"Dude!!" I mimicked her, trying to figure out when she was going to fillet me and serve me with fava beans and a nice chianti.
"Could you of warned me? I'm not even cute!" She almost squealed, I didn't think her eyes could get any bigger but alas she proved me wrong.
"Uh, I didn't know he was going to be here?" I lied slowly.
"He knew I was going to be here!" She snipped, calming herself enough to throw draggers in my general direction.
"Okay, Karl asked me if I wanted to get drinks. I told him that I was going to bring you cause you calm me down." I explained, okay, I lied. But she didn't need to know that. "But right now your stressing me out. Breathe."
"Oh don't give me the innocent trick. I know you better then you know me." Rosalyn shot another glare at me, beginning to ponder if I should be keep count.
"What does that even mean?" Sometimes being a twin has got to be the most confusing thing on the damn planet. "That makes no sense."
"It means." I shook my head cutting her off.
"We're done here, you and I are going back out to that table and continue chatting those two handsome men up. Cause dammit sis, I need a wingman!" Can we just pretend that I didn't mean for that to come out. I mean, yes he's gorgeous and all but also way out of my league.
"The only reason you would need a wingman is so you don't make a fool out of yourself." She sighed, running her hand through her hair. "Alright, let's do this."
"And I don't make a fool out of myself. I make a distraction so no one see's my anxiety level peaking." I calmly replied, holding the door open for her. We walked back through the crowded bar, snaking our way back to the tiny table in the corner.
"Ladies." Karl greeted us as we sat back down, he leaned forward his lips brushed my ear. "You had thirty more seconds till I called the guard."
I giggled nervously, trying to cover how incredibly nervous him being that close made me. I looked over and Roslyn was back into conversation with Tom. I breathed a sigh of relief, looking over at Karl.
"This wasn't that bad of a plan." He stated, crossing his arms in front his chest, looking at our co-star and my sister.
"Better then shoving them in a room." I quipped back, smirking.
"That plan had potential. And technically they still are in a room, so I get some credit when the wedding toast starts." He chuckled.
"Yeah, lets not skip them getting to know one another, or dating or any of that stuff. Straight to weddings." I shook my head before looking over at him.
"Just calling it like I see it." He replied, standing up.
"And what do you see?" I asked, looking up at him.
"A pretty lady talking to a man who is interested in her." He replied looking down at me, his voice had taken a serious tone as his eyes pinned me in place with their intensity. A part of me wasn't sure if he was talking about them or referring to something else. "Care to join me at the bar for a drink?"
"Sure." I tried not to squeak, standing from my seat. I glanced back over at my sister, Tom must of said something funny cause she was laughing pretty hard. I turned and followed him back through the throng of people.
   Butterflies started dancing, my heart attempted its escape through my throat, my hands trembled like the state of California during an earthquake. I was now officially in over my head, I was walking away from my safety blanket and into the lions den. Okay maybe not a full lions den, more like a single lion. An old single lion but still a lion nonetheless.
   "So what do you think of acting?" He asked, sitting down on the stool, waving his hand at the other for me to join him.
   "Acting?" I question back to him. Have you seen me this evening? It's a miracle I've made as far as I have on set.
   "Yeah, that thing we do?" He grinned chuckling at me.
   "It's a lot more difficult then I gave anyone credit for. Especially first thing in the morning, when I haven't had any caffeine." I calmed myself back down.
   "Kid, you and your coffee." He shook his head at me.
   "Hey, old man, I see you drink twice as much as I do." I jested back at him, he let out a hearty laugh, placing his hand over mine.
   "So what if this old man asked out on date for tomorrow night?" He asked as his laughter died down.
@kitkatkl @octobermermaid @ajosieface @10robins @instantnoodlese
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malcolmrei · 3 years ago
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While in the #Bronx yesterday, It was my full intention to take my dear friend @ev_evelyn3 🇩🇴 to lunch at the incredible @barriobx 🇵🇷 #BX but it was CLOSED until 4pm… #Ugh #MyBad #BadPlanning 😓 I’ll have to make another trip very soon… Much Luv #BigBrother @tmartinez87 @dbnupes @syracuseu : : : Malcolm from #Breuckelen @compass 😉🏠🤎 License Associate #RealEstate #Broker🗽#Buying #Selling #Leasing #Investing #USMCVet #PrattGrad #KappaMan Τελειωοις (at Barrio Bx) https://www.instagram.com/p/CULUEsGP4_K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atthequillsmercy · 5 years ago
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Sometimes, you just gotta let kids learn on their own... #catsofinstagram #catmom #goodluckwiththat #goodluckwiththatshit #badplan https://www.instagram.com/p/B8C8bZLJwv3/?igshid=128zawthtazu1
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