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What if BadBusiness Secretary (2002) AU...
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Really not sure what’s going on this year. There has been a huge influx in the use of herbicides in my community. Not sure if it’s marketing or if there is a sale on these poisons but this is seriously not cool. People are spraying this stuff with no masks or gloves let alone care for others breathing it in. Unfortunately, my neighbors are only informed enough to be loyal customers and we can’t really blame them. What I’d like to know is if profit is more important than the destruction of our land and poisoning of our people? Is there such a thing as ethical business where customers, are at the least, informed about what they’re being sold? Times like this are definitely challenging. It hurts my heart to see my country in this state of deterioration 😢 ・・・ #growninhaiti #noGMOs #nopesticides #noherbicides #healthiswealth #nurtureyournature #toxic #growyourown #ethics #morals #badbusiness #itsyourhealthtoo #beResponsible #accountability #loveyourself #haiti #ayiti https://www.instagram.com/p/CEy5Ec5FNzv/?igshid=1rq7ttm49s9xo
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Profit Loss
Rosette pursed her lips as she looked down at what was in front of her, bloodied garments and Garlean colors crumpled on the hastily cleared dining table. “Everything was ransacked?” She crossed her arms, her gaze cutting up to Richart and Murdock as they stood before her. Both men were covered in sweat and dirt, disheveled like they had hauled ass to get here. Richart was slightly pale beneath the smears of blood and dirt on his face, teleportation magic having never sat well with him. The Ishguardian only utilized that particular strand of magic when needed.
He nodded to her, Murdock not daring to open his mouth lest his temper run away with him. “Aye, mistress. Garleans killed the entire caravan, save the chocobos. They took them, as well as all the cobalt and mythril shipments. The supplies, water, and weapons destined for Ala Mhigo were gone as well.”
“How many dead?”
“The six guards and four drivers, mistress.” Richart shook his head, “The caravan was small with only two carts total. One driver in the seat, one sleeping or resting until his turn as you ordered. Two guards per cart, one scouting ahead and one rearguard.”
Rose cursed and ran a hand through her hair, “Our damned luck.” She muttered, scowling darkly.
Murdock finally spoke up, “We might wanna hire additional guards next time. Mayhap we should be lookin’ at th’ Adventurin’ List ‘at Momodi keeps, eh?” The Hyur shifted from one foot to the next, crossing his arms over his chest.
She sighed a little and nodded, “See that it’s done then, Murdock. Get a new shipment prepared and out to our customer in Ala Mhigo as soon as possible.” She looks from the scarred redhead to Richart, “Send messages to them and inform them of the situation. Send our apologies and relay that the next order will have a discount due to the delay. I know some of their orders revolve around some time sensitive material.”
Both of her retainers nodded and turned, leaving Rosette’s formal living area and headed out into the desert sun. She shut the door behind them and turned, descending the stairs into the lower level of her home to flop into the chair behind her desk. Her hand lifted, pressing the spot between her eyes as the headache that had already been throbbing behind her eyes turned into a steady pound. Tension thrummed through her, knowing full well that Nanoni Noni would want a full report of why the shipment had failed.
She blew out a slow breath, her eyes opening and she looked to her stealth gear that was laid out over the back of the couch. Murdock and Richart’s appearance had not been the first interruption as she prepared for her mission tonight. No, message from Lady Noni had been delivered that spoke of Alistair beginning to make subtle moves to gain more power from additional backing of some of the Syndicate members. Luckily her patron was in a position to block it and quietly dismantle any growing support for the elder Valeria. There had been whispers of Rosette being unreliable and providing poor quality products.
Which, thankfully, Nanoni had quickly squashed. Though, the Garlean ambush proved to be a thorn in her side in that regard as well. It simply required moving some funds around, hiring additional guards and some adventurers who had little problem spilling Garlean blood. Seven Hells, she may ask some of the crew members to escort a caravan to the front line if they were so inclined and she would pay them well.
She reached for a cigarette, intending to perch one between her lips to enjoy…only to find the silver tin empty. She made a noise of frustration and snatched the tin, hurling it and causing it to hit the wall across the room. She glared at it where it had fallen, her glare so intense that had she been magically inclined…it likely would have melted.
“Well, fuck.”
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This dirty great hole has been left in my 97 year old Grandmother’s patio by @gardenoffice team @zedbox_hq and now nobody is answering me calls or emails! Disgusting behaviour! #tradingstandards #badbehaviour #garden #badbusiness #zedbox #zedboxsuck #zedboxproject https://www.instagram.com/p/BvvxTkvn60P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l813sn5hm15s
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F$$$$ Instagram @lacannabisnews ・・・ "A Nevada magistrate judge is holding a cannabis company run by Instagram celebrity @danbilzerian in contempt for ignoring court orders to turn over documents in its contract dispute with a consulting firm, warning that more severe #sanctions are coming if the company continues to ignore court orders..." @law306k #danbilzerian #law360 #cannabisnews #nevada #consulting #business #Instagram #badbusiness #celebrity #brands #cannabis (at Times Square, New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9UQFQspVi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🖕🖕🖕 @gouhaul made a reservation w/our creditcard, go on the road... 6 hr. drive... 2 hrs l. in #uhaul calls 2 tell us they dont hav the equipment we reserved... not 4 over 75 miles from the pik up!!! now theyre not guna do shit?! #lawsuit #fraud #fraudulent #businesspractice #badbusiness #inefficacious #business #wtf #fuckuhaul #ripoffuhaul #uhaulripoff #destroyuhaul !!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPsa0MHmCW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ddm0m64i54b
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It's the lack of professionalism for me. #NagastFootwear #BadBusiness #CustomerService #CustomerReviews #CustomerExperience #NoProfessionalism #LackOfProfessionalism https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgad2ufANG0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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When they lay off Pulitzer winners, that means there's really no hope left for the rest of us. As if we didn't already know that. ☹️

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@demar_derozan always a Raptor. Loyalty is appreciated. Thank you. . . . #NBA #DeMarDeRozan #10 #baller #Dinosaurs #Raptor #ballin #Velociraptor #JurassicPark #FineArt #painting #art #loyalty #badbusiness #notextinct #EricElmasianBorja #Deinonychus #drawing #contemporaryart #TorontoRaptors #ThankYou #RawVisceral #RawV #garagesaleintelligence #abstractpainting #MICAmade #oilpaint #swelteringjungle #humid #Indoraptor https://www.instagram.com/p/BpHyca-hJ9N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vrbd5o9xvre7
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Stayed up all night making this
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It appears that @larivierasalonandspa would rather remove a bad review and pretend there’s not a problem rather than reach out to the customer to see what could be done to fix it. Even after the customer was done wrong and tried to reach out multiple times. Ok then. Since there’s nothing todays culture likes more than outing bad business practices and the people causing them, I’ll help with this comeuppance. #lariviera #allitwouldhavetakenisacall #badbusiness #cancelculture #hairsalons #metarie #metariehairstylist #mirrormirroronthewall (at La Riviera Salon and Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZW7BNZrpjp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#badbusiness #vivekbindra #ibcrkpathak *IBC का पैसा ज्यादा हैं आप बोलते हैं* ✅ *14000 में कौन सा Franchies मिलता हैं ।* ✅ *14000 में कौन सा कॉलेज MBA की पढ़ाई कराता हैं।* ✅ *14000 मे कौन से अरबपति आदमी से आप मिल सकते हैं* ✅ *14000 मे कौन सा बिज़नेस हैं जो आपको कम से कम 20000 भी कमाने की गारंटी देता हो।* ✅ *14000 में कौन सा ट्रेनिंग आपको मिल जाएगा* ✅ *14000 में कौन सा Trainer आप अपने लिए Hire कर लेंगे* ✅ *14000 में कौन सा कोच आप अपने लिए Hire कर लेंगे जीवन भर के लिए* अगर 14000 में इतना कुछ आप पा सकते है कही और तो बेशक आपके लिए IBC नही हैं❤️❤️❤️❤️ और अगर नही मिल रहा है तो दोस्त👇👇👇👇👇👇 आपके लिए *IBC के अलावा कोइ option नही हैं ।*😎😎😎😎😎 अगर 10 साल बाद अपनी फैमिली को Educated देखना चाहते है☺️☺️☺️☺️ तो *आज ही IBC बनिए📞9837625308* *क्योंकि IBC ही आपका Future बदलेगा😍😍😍* Rajkumar Pathak IBC Bada Business Consultant 9837625308 Click The Link https://www.badabusiness.com/dd/BIRK021018/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CWiZBitoXWo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Somebody help me with THIS!... I'm in Walmart checking out in Self Checkout with 5 people in front of me, the female directly in front of me is leaning on the cart, her gluteus maximus AND her underwear are clearly showing😱 THEN, with only 2 people in front of her now, she takes from her jacket pocket a crumpled Walmart bag, and opens it. I'm thinking "Awww, it's just $.07. But, maybe she doesn't have $.07 to take from her household. Shut up and mind your business!" And THEN, she moves up in line as the 2nd person in front of me and puts 3-4 items from her cart in the crumpled Walmart bag👀😳 NOW I'm thinking "....😳😳... REALLY??? You ARE going to scan those with the wand and pay for them, right???... I'm definitely going to watch and see... but, what happened to minding your business?... if she stalls those items out IS my business." I watched her inconspicuously, and sure enough.................................... she left those items in that crumpled Walmart bag while she scanned and bagged the remaining items😔 Could she have already purchased those items at the Customer Service desk? 🤔 HOPEFULLY Is this the norm now, people of color? What is SO wrong that things have come to tactics such as this? Do we not believe that God is concerned about even something this "small"? #DeirdrelCunninghamenterprises #livethriveandsoar #soserious #ijs #helpme #ThisOrThatThursday #thisisamerica #peopleofcolor #tactics #badbusiness #whoisatfault #dobetter #begood #DoWell #ChangeMustCome #livingtoliveagin https://www.instagram.com/p/CUc3fP5LzGm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The BRAND leading the BLAND! Soggy pasta. Bland. Hardly any sauce. Appalling service. Overpriced! Euurgh! No wonder they closed so many Jamie's Italians. The guy is a greedy, poor quality brand....and...."jerk rice"??
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Forever trying to hide from the #legitimate #consequences of their #adulthood actions. #boycott @uhaul has a #storagefacility at the old Kmart. Website (y'all know i got the #reciepts ) says open 5am - 10pm. #problem Homeboy in the blue just said the hours were 7a -7p & ....that the #website was #nationwide ....hmmmm really....not sure that he understands #comprehend 🤔 HOW THINGS BEEN WORKING. 5th issue out of them. I understand tho. & #unfortunate for them, I don't know what they know. I know what me/the #betterbusinessbureau / #truthinadvertising /lawyers know #badbusiness soooooo. Choose someone else for y'all #moving needs. @uhaul doesn't abide by its own information & then when you send it with #reciepts to them via #customerservice they wanna talk. I don't want to #talk . Ain't A SOUL gonna like 1. What I got to say. 2. How I say it. 3. Who else i say it to. The #fix ? Change the website to match reality or change reality to match the website. No one is into providing #intellectualproperty #gratis @uhaul I can have a #problemresolution course ready for y'all #franchise & #employment by #october . Price? 500k. #letmeknow 🤔 Thus far @uhaul.fails means y'all probably been fucking people over pretty consistently 🙄. Old world businesses do not have to make it to the #nextgeneration #brandloyalty is a bitxh. Dm me if interested in a #problemresolution course to improve how your business handles #customerservice #customerserviceproblems Don't let me find out y'all headquartered in #texas . Then y'all know its an issue. (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTTcWj4LsEf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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