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death-of-cats · 6 months ago
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The Wayward Bride, ADWD
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Theon I, ADWD
Theon Badbrother.
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Theon I, TWOW
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foolondahill17 · 2 years ago
Occasionally I like to have a bitter deangirl chuckle, but, crucially, my stance on the badfathers/badbrothers/legacy of family trauma show is that the entire fucking point of supernatural is not killing your family despite being manipulated by everything around you.
John doesn't kill Dean despite being possessed by Azazel.
Sam doesn't kill John despite being begged by his father to pull the trigger.
Dean doesn't kill Sam even when he's unknowingly possessed by Meg or about to go Croatoan.
Sam doesn't kill Dean despite being possessed by Lucifer.
Bobby doesn't kill either brother while possessed by a demon.
Dean doesn't kill Sam despite being manipulated by the brother-muder curse behind the Mark of Cain.
Dean and Cas don't kill each other while, respectively, influenced by the MoC and attack dog spell.
Dean doesn't kill Jack despite being the plaything of Chuck (literally God) time and time again.
And many, many other instances. That's the fucking point! That family is strong enough to break through the bounds of evil!!!
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lindyloosims · 5 years ago
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Jude upsetting Monica, what has he been saying???
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fiyasgideon · 3 years ago
THANK YOU your fic recs are giving me life
That's wonderful!! Since you seem to like those ones so well here's a few more that I like.
The 12 Days of Christmas by Bethecheeto
This one is a very nice Christmas story with Secret admirer Tobirama and Pining!Madara. I’m currently re-reading this one right now. Brief mention of past non-con (non madatobi related). This fic is completed. 
The Heart of a Hatake by A_Lysdove63
A Warring clans era story with a bit more wild!Tobi who loves his clan and maybe Madara as well. Or, at least his chakra. If you’ve read and enjoy any of KeanBlade’s stories you’ll like this one. Lot’s of Angst and some badbrother!hashi in this one. It’s currently only on chapter 2 and isn’t finished, but has updated recently. It’s a story I’m constantly checking up on for the next update. 
Where We Sow Wild Sage by Midnightfeast
I’m not much for a/b/o fics but this one isn’t too intense with it. It’s got Madara as Kagami’s over-protective adopted parent and good-with-kids Tobirama helping them out when they’re in need. No sex but it does mention some sexual themes. This one is complete. 
Chained Together by Makiaru
The Summary on this one is really spot on so I’ll just put that here.
“Tobirama Senju was rotting in prison after setting of five bombs. People had been glad to see him get his just desserts. Now, three years after his conviction, all Madara has to do is find Tobirama’s accomplice… or the actual culprit.“ As you can guess this is a modern AU that involves Detective!Madara with falsely accused convict!Tobirama. This bounces between both POV’s pretty well. It’s a nice mystery with lots of feels, both sad and happy. This one does have background friends-with-benefits tags but they are only mentioned in the past tense. This fic is complete. 
Time Heals All Wounds by Yunayamimouto
Okay, this one is actually a really long one (over 120k) that has both founding era and modern era in it. It’s sad, its funny, its got drama, angst, fluff, enemies-to-lovers. it’s got it all. I binged this story in one day, lost so much sleep, and had no regrets. madara’s level of drama, especially towards the end, is both funny and amazing to read. There is a tag for “implied mind rape” and I’m not sure if there’s a tag for it but if I remember correctly there’s an aftermath of torture scene and an attempted rape scene (though nothing happens with this one). Great battle scenes and lots of flirting. Might actually re-read this one again soon. This one is completed, and it even has a short sequel that is completed as well. 
Isn’t This Romantic by Marnie27
A fic with fakeamnesia!tobi and madara stuck in a prison cell together. It’s short and funny as hell. It’s got bad flirting and sharing a bed. what more could you want? This fic is complete. 
Honorable mention is the We Bleed the Same series by Madmothmadame. Specifically the second story (which is in Tobirama’s pov, where the first story is in madara’s pov). I say honorable mention because this is a very popular story so you probably already read it, but it is my absolute favorite tear jerker story to read for this pairing. I’ve probably read the series a total of 3 times already, and the second story 5 times alone.
On this note, anthing by raendown, lossie (lots of angst), wisia (more angst), blackkat, and keanblade is a must read in my opinon. They’re all really good MadaTobi authors who deserve all of the love imo.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years ago
didnt mean to type it twice! tumblr ask format makes me want to scream. i too make hashirama be terrible to tobi sometimes. most times. but i also know that they would die for each other. and that i think hashirama might implode if tobirama died before him, which is evidently one of my favorite concepts to explore. we dont get to see enough of the long term side effects of grief for hashirama in canon and its annoying. make him suffer more, i want to look at him like a cockroach thru a lens
I figured ;-) but yeah I'm a fan of complicated hashirama doing his best rather than good/badbrother!hashirama. Killing tobi before him would be so mean but so much angst potential. I don't think it would actually change canon too much bc by the end hashirama's already become a warped version of what he wanted to be, willing to kill anyone who comes after the village, brothers included
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krisanderson97 · 3 years ago
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The Bad Brother #actionfigures #actionfigurephotography #figures #figurephotography #figurines #figurinephotography #toyphotography #photography #shfiguarts #shf #figuarts #tamashiinations #bandai #toeianimation #dragonballz #dbz #freeza #frieza #freezer #cooler #goku #songoku #supersaiyanfullpowergoku #supersaiyangoku #vegeta #supersaiyanvegeta #thebadbrother #badbrother #dragonballzabridged https://www.instagram.com/p/CdDP9Sdp7TD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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a-secret-bolton-vampire · 4 years ago
Brief Thought on Theon in TWOW
Theon has been a huge mystery for me and a lot of people, because his story could go just about anywhere. He's currently held prisoner by Stannis, who plans on executing him (after interrogating him, of course). Although he is to be executed by fire, Asha comes in to tell Stannis to instead execute Theon himself with Lightbringer at the weirwood islet, all the while the caged ravens scream "Theon" and "tree"... hello Bran, hello Bloodraven.
Now, the fact the ravens are screaming about the tree and Asha mentions executing Theon at the tree to me is a clear indication that it is going to be an important location. Now, I don't quite think Theon is gonna die here (see below), but rather Bran is going to find a way to keep him around. He already called to Theon when Theon went to beg absolution in the Winterfell godswood. Summon some ravens to interrupt the execution, maybe even appear in the tree like he did to Theon at Winterfell.
Such a display from the old gods might make the northmen think it is a sign that Theon has paid for his sins. Stannis might not really care, although... if you get a sign like that, I'm not entirely sure what Stannis would think. Regardless, I think Theon is going to survive, and Bran wants him to. Why? Well, I don't actually think Bran is manipulating Theon here. It's been months at this point since we've had a Bran POV, and who knows what he's been doing this whole time. However, if he has been focused on Winterfell, he probably has seen Theon being tormented by Ramsay.
Theon betrayed the Starks. He took Winterfell. He killed two boys and passed them off as Bran and Rickon. He is a traitor and a turncloak and a murderer. But seeing Theon in this light might change Bran's perspective on him. He's suffered so much. He may have deserved execution for his crimes, but the torture he endured from Ramsay was not justice.
At the end of ADWD/beginning of TWOW, Theon is pretty resigned to dying. He wants to die, and he feels immense guilt for what he did. Bran is tapping into the power of the old gods and communicates to a broken Theon at Winterfell. Even though Theon has prayed to the old gods (really praying to Bran) and gotten some sort of reply, he doesn't know what it means. If Bran stays Theon's execution, that's a huge change for Theon. He believes he deserves to die for what he did.
If the old gods show some sort of presence that stops Theon from being killed, that changes everything for him. If the gods don't want him to die, what is his purpose now? What reason is there for him to be around? Does he truly deserve to be killed? Can he redeem himself? Part of the reason why I don't believe Theon is going to be executed here is because I think there is much more rich narrative and thematic depth to explore than him simply resigning to his fate and getting it.
As for what he will do in TWOW, apart from the theories that he simply just dies, some people also believe he might stay Stannis's prisoner, or be used by Asha to undo the kingsmoot on the Iron Islands. The latter theory is based on the mention of Torgon the Latecomer, by Rodrik Harlaw and later Tristifer Botely.
"When you put your name before the captains you submitted yourself to their judgment. You cannot go against that judgment now. Only once has the choice of a kingsmoot been overthrown. Read Haereg."
Archmaester Haereg wrote History of the Ironborn. And what was this one time the kingsmoot was overthrown? Well, Tris explains it the very chapter Asha has this memory of Rodrik.
"Torgon Greyiron was the king's eldest son. But the king was old and Torgon restless, so it happened that when his father died he was raiding along the Mander from his stronghold on Greyshield. His brothers sent no word to him but instead quickly called a kingsmoot, thinking that one of them would be chosen to wear the driftwood crown. But the captains and the kings chose Urragon Goodbrother to rule instead. The first thing the new king did was command that all the sons of the old king be put to death, and so they were. After that men called him Badbrother, though in truth they'd been no kin of his. He ruled for almost two years." Asha remembered now. "Torgon came home …" "… and said the kingsmoot was unlawful since he had not been there to make his claim. Badbrother had proved to be as mean as he was cruel and had few friends left upon the isles. The priests denounced him, the lords rose against him, and his own captains hacked him into pieces. Torgon the Latecomer became the king and ruled for forty years."
This is often used as evidence that Asha will use Theon in a similar manner; since he was presumed dead but is actually still alive, he did not put his claim forth, and thus the kingsmoot is invalid, as is Euron's ascension to the Seastone Chair. Theon the Latecomer will be Euron's undoing. While Theon is in no fit enough state to even be considered king, perhaps his presence will be enough to assuage Euron's control on the Iron Isles.
I think that the fact this is mentioned is important, and something like this might happen. Personally, I think that when the battle of ice turned against Stannis's favour, Theon escaped with the help of Asha and her supporters, and they grouped together at Torrhen's Square, which is held currently by Dagmer Cleftjaw, master-at-arms at Pyke, whom Theon had a close relationship with. And the idea will be to use Theon as a tool to invalidate the kingsmoot and Euron's role. Also, it would be very neat to see Theon reunite with Dagmer after all he's been through, since Dagmer was an important figure in his childhood.
The problem is that I don't think Theon Latecomer is going to change anything. For one, although he doesn't need to be king, just be used as a way to invalidate the kingsmoot because he never pressed his claim, what is that going to change? Is Theon really going to press his claim? And if he did, he would be laughed out. He has no interest in kingship, and he is not in any state to rule as one. So he's definitely not going to be elected. Who does that leave?
Well, Victarion is away in Meereen. Asha might have supporters but her gender works against her. Perhaps old Erik Ironmaker might try his hand again, but I doubt that will work any better. Aeron is supposedly in hiding (although really he's being tortured by Euron). Gylbert Farwynd wanted to sail beyond the Sunset Sea and see what lands lie west of Westeros.
Meanwhile, Euron is bringing the Old Way back to the ironborn in a way Balon never accomplished. He took the Shields and gave lordships to the raiders there. He has been sending ships up and down the Mander, in the Whispering Sound, even sacking the Arbor. He is giving the ironborn a great deal of wealth. What's even more, it appears that some of the things he wouldn't have dared before are a lot safer to do now. For instance, at the kingsmoot, he put on his facade as doing everything for the Drowned God. Now look at how his captains talk about the Drowned God in The Forsaken:
"Your curses have no power here, priest,” said Left-Hand Lucas Codd. “The Crow’s Eye has fed your Drowned God well, and he has grown fast with sacrifice. Words are wind, but blood is power. We have given thousands to the sea, and he has given us victories!”
It's not "the Drowned God" but "your Drowned God". They don't care anymore. They don't care if it's different or against their traditions. Euron has been giving them victories and riches and glory, and that's all that matters. This is something that is easy to see in the real world too (just look at what Donald Trump did in office and how the GOP reacted to his actions). Euron has taken the bulk of the Iron Islands military strength with him, and is living up to what he's promised so far. Why would they want to go back?
However, the most important part, for me anyways, is that ultimately, Euron doesn't care. He doesn't care about the Iron Isles. His goal is Westeros and the Iron Throne. The islands mean nothing to him. He loses some people there, so what? What's there for him to use? He's gonna try to become a god-king anyways so the Iron Islands aren't important.
In the end, even if Asha wanted to use Theon for these purposes, it won't do anything. The ironborn are in southern Westeros having the time of their lives, why would they return here? Now, if this is doomed to do anything against Euron, then why mention Torgon? Why have Theon go through that? I think it's all part of his internal journey of identity and allegiance.
He's always been stuck between Greyjoy and Stark. He didn't feel like he belonged with the Starks, but he wanted to. When Balon rebelled against Robb and insulted him, Theon wanted to prove himself to his father, so he betrayed the Starks. He was outsmarted and captured by Ramsay, however, and now regrets doing what he did. But he still hasn't chosen, Greyjoy or Stark. He wants to simply die.
I think that this journey for him is him recovering from Ramsay and finally finding his true self again. Theon has been a puppet of Ramsay's, and is poised to become a puppet for Asha and her followers. It's time he start to make his own decisions. I think this journey as Theon Latecomer (whether he literally returns to the isles or not) is him dealing with his own internal struggle, before finally resolving it. My theory is that he will decide to choose the Starks, because they are his true family, and there is nothing for him that he wants or can do with the Greyjoys.
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supermaricela2 · 5 years ago
This is sad to have all brothers and they do this to you dang Not cool pobrecita. #badbrothers #poorsister 😒🙄😬😔🥳🥺😳🤯 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXDqajBJAg/?igshid=1xx5vbzm9zxyp
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maroma-media · 5 years ago
Bad bro #badbrother #dogsofnyc #funnyvideos #funnyshit #funnymoments #badbrothers #prilaga #badbro #funny #funnydog #funnytime https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rIDSXBF6A/?igshid=1md3dvpbqxq3b
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912jamesstreet · 6 years ago
#livemusic ...cigaros...we are here..we live baby... #badbrothers (at Cigaros of Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br_-i1An0uQwcEhlMMl2Vcf20qto2u7AZAz26o0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ie2tqg87mt9r
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estebandiazmathe · 6 years ago
¿Que nombre le pondrias a esta Obra? Todo un desafio🧐❤🇦🇷! Esta es una Obra machasa se puede apreciar en el Badbrothers Wine Bar en el corazon de Cafayate , junto a otras obras mas de mi autoria que generosamente me han ofrecido exhibir. Obra que con orgullo y placer paso a ser La Etiqueta de SUNAL WINES del talentoso enologo @agustinlanuswines . https://www.instagram.com/p/BysTvHCFCxI/?igshid=17n8g0oikhmn0
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fiyasgideon · 3 years ago
ummm do you have any madatobi and tobimina fic recs pretty please :3 any that you have recently read and liked?
I don't think I've read many TobiMina stories unfortunately, but I have read through just about every finished MadaTobi fic and started working my way through the unfinished works. So in no particular order here are some of my recently favorite or read MadaTobi stories.
A Moment of Clarity by Chellygurlx
"AU where when you meet the eyes of your soulmate, something in your life becomes more clear
Oh and Tobirama is blind, but he wasn't born like that~"
I'm personally a sucker for Soulmates AUs, Blind!Tobi, angst, and enemies to lovers so if you like any of that this is the perfect story for you. This is also an Izuna Lives Au with a dash of secret identity for Tobi. This fic is unfinished, but updated literally today.
Worn to the Bones by Lossie
"Because now, he thought, the idea of Tobirama loving him didn’t seem like the end of the world anymore."
Another angst fic that hits so good. This is another Izuna Lives Au with some Unrequited Love, until it isnt. It's not long but its definitely a nice read for a good cry. Tobi's dialog in this hits me in the feels everytime. This is a completed one-shot.
Not as We by Raedown
This is probably my favorite "Tobirama gets captured by the Uchiha and they slowly realize that hes not the Demon they think he is" type of story. Plenty of angsty feels, a bit of badbrother!hashi with a heaping bowl of found family thrown in. I've probably read this story 3 times now and I would definitely read it again. This one is completed.
101 Ways to Find a Soulmate by Trulywicked
"A collection of Soulmate stories."
Honestly, all of these stories are good, but the first one is the one that's my absolute favorite. I've thought about this story every day since reading it. It's another soulmate au with just the perfect amount of angst. Literally makes me cry everytime I read it. 100/10 would recommend. The "fic" is incomplete but each chapter is it's own story and those are complete.
When I Step on the Ice (With You) by Sylencia
Okay, we're stepping away from the angst now. This one is an adorable meet-cute at an ice rink between skating disaster Madara and famous figure-skater Tobirama. Really sweet. Obviously a modern Au. This fic is completed.
Hidden in the Leaves by Nillegible
This one is another modern Au meet-cut story with a Tobirama who works at Hashirama's plant nursery store and meets customer Madara with his essentially adopted sons Kagami and Obito. Very sweet. This one is also completed.
Play Pretend by Lossie
Both Madara and Tobirama are dealing with unwanted advances from people they dont like so they decide to fake date to get them off of their backs. This does have some sexual harrassment warnings in it so be aware of that if that is something you hate. This fic is currently unfinished but has updated recently.
So there we go. I tried to list some stories that arent as well known and wouldn't be found in the first few pages on AO3 if you just sorted all MadaTobi fics by Kudos or Hits. Hopefully some of these are new to you and you like them.
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drabbletale · 6 years ago
This is my own October challenge... Just 31 Pairings (or AUs of pairings) that I’m gonna try to write... I’m going to use a 3 tarot card reading to come up with a prompt for them! .... We’ll see how this goes lol. Some may be nsfw and will be tagged as thus, but this is kinda gonna be self indulgent ha.
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sansagiggled · 7 years ago
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or Robbsa (don’t know what this is) AU
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weeweefrenchie · 6 years ago
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Cooper! We had this talk before. You can’t eat the entire pie! You have to share with me! 🤨
⬅️⬅️⬅️Don’t get all offended, Coop! 😂🥧
#happypiday #piday #letseatpie #march14 #wheresthepie #applepie🍎 #yummyyummy #cantwaittoshare #weebabyphoenix #weeweefrenchie 🥧
Follow our Adventures:
Cooper & Phoenix
#followmyblog #dogblogger #seattleblogger #dogblogging #seattledogs #seattlefrenchie #frenchbulldogstyle #frenchbulldoglife #marchpets2 #queenleprechaun17 #badbrother #caringissharing #cuteaf #hungrydog #pccmarkets #lilfatty #brothers😎 #pieday
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soothedcerberus · 8 years ago
Hi so i was on the great papyrus blog and found you liked the proglogue to the badbrother au so just out of curosity wanna make a papyrus from that au?(dont mind the bad spelling)
Omg I had to look that up again because I didn’t remember what it was.
I only liked it because my heart hurt for Papyrus in the comic-I could never make Sans be a bad brother to Papyrus :(
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