#bad omen one shot
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Jane Doe - Noah Sebastian

Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
CW: Car accident, death, suicide, hospital, very triggering if any of this hits close to home. Like imagine im blaring a horn, telling you to prepare yourself
Word Count: 4.5k
Author’s Note: Blame the Angst War ™ ft my love for Shakespeare
I will repeat. Heavy trigger warning‼️ PLEASE Do not read unless you have a clear head‼️I didn’t go too graphic, but i will not live with myself if this hurts any of you by reading it. If you do choose to continue to read, I hope you enjoy to the best of your ability, even though this broke my heart just to write it.
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. You can also reach Crisis Text Line by texting MHA to 741741.
quick plug for my co conspirator @blade-dressed-in-red who helped me with so much of this, keeping me sane and shooting ideas back and forth with me to make this the best I could. I’m extremely grateful❤️
Tags: @theanarchymuse95 @dontwantthemoney @chey-h @badomensgoodomens @bloody-spades @xmads-omensx @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @thatchickwiththecamera @tosoundlessdarkistare @lacy1986 @follow-me-down-to-wonderland @heyyoplayer
I stared at the TV, my phone still open in my hand to the text exchange between Matt and me. He had just mentioned seeing a warning that the main road was backed up from a car accident and checked the news to see what was up, then telling me that it was the most insane wreck he’s ever seen. My morbid curiosity got the better of me.
Right now I was watching the live feed of the wreck. It was a black Sedan flipped on its side, the entire front and side of the car looking as if it imploded with how indented and destroyed they were. It was the car that I had ordered for her since I was too busy to pick her up. Doing what? Nothing fucking important enough to risk her life over. I could barely hear the words coming out of the anchor’s mouth, seeing the plastic covered body with blood coated hair splayed out behind it, off to the left of the screen.
“One dead, one left in critical condition,” were the only words my ears picked up. One dead. One was dead. And the dead body had her hair color. Or what you could see of it.
I tried to calm myself down, telling myself that maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe I’ll get a call once Y/N reaches the hospital, being her emergency contact. But there was no way for me to look for myself. I couldn’t rush around hospitals calling her name. The world would see. People would take pictures of me in my worst moments. I just had to wait.
I didn’t even notice I was shaking until I finally forced my eyes back down towards my phone, which had turned off again while I was staring at the TV. I open it, immediately clicking on Matt’s contact and hitting call.
”What’s up?” He answered. I inhaled an overly shaky breath.
”That was Y/N’s uber…” I whispered into the receiver.
“What was that? I think our connection’s bad.”
”That…that’s Y/N’s uber…” I choked out louder, a full sob leaving my throat, “She was on her way here and…and…Why didn’t I just go pick her up?”
There was a moment of silence, the only sound being my heavy breaths as I felt my chest tightening, before I heard shuffling around on the other end.
“I’m texting Davis, Bryan, and Jesse to see if they can get to you. Unlock the door and don’t overthink.” I don’t respond, only nod, even though I know he can’t see it.
I stay on the phone with him, my occasional terrified sobs and the sound of him typing on his phone filling the silence as I drag my feet to the front door and back. Once he notifies me that Davis is on his way, he just talks to me, trying his best to help me ease my thoughts, but it’s not helping.
Sitting curled in on myself, sunken into the corner of the couch, all I can do is let my thoughts race until Davis finally walks in. He calls out to Matt that he’s here through my phone, and Matt hangs up the phone after telling me that he’ll try to find out what he can.
I don’t make eye contact with Davis, just staring at the floor as I imagine what her last moments may have felt like. He crouches down in front of me to try and get my attention, but I can’t stop picturing the horror that I saw on the TV. He does what he can, grabbing me a bottle of water and a snack while talking to me, but I don’t respond. I don’t move. I don’t breathe. I don’t even know if I’m still crying. I can’t feel a thing. I just hope we can find her.
Matt calls Davis a few hours later, hoping he can soften the blow for me, to inform us that he’s called every hospital in the area for Y/N and every single one said that they don’t have a patient by that name. He even tried asking if anyone came in from a car accident today, but they told him that they couldn’t give them that kind of information. I immediately run to the bathroom when I’m told, expelling everything I’ve consumed today as pure fear and grief strike through my body. I’m gripping the bowl with shaky hands as Davis comes in after me and starts rubbing my back.
“We’ve talked to the boys and everyone’s going to fly out the second they can. Jesse can’t get a chance to come home until morning, but I’ll be here all night.”
I couldn’t respond with anything more than a sob. I appreciate them being here for me, even if we don’t know for sure if she’s gone, but all I want is her. I want her here, rubbing my back to soothe me. I don’t even want to have to be soothed at all. If I just fucking picked her up, we could be cuddling on the couch, watching Naruto together.
I fucking killed her. It’s all my fault. If I just made her more of a priority, she’d be here right now. She’d be safe and sound and none of this would’ve ever happened.
I don’t even realize that a panic attack started until I feel Davis’ arms wrap around me right, trying to calm my nervous system. All I could do was sob into his shoulder, shaking more than I ever have before. I feel cold. My chest felt tight. My mind is consumed by grief and guilt. Even if we haven’t lost her, she’s out there somewhere, alone and in pain. And it’s all my fault.
It’s been four days. I stayed up the first two, just waiting by my phone to get that call that she was okay. That someone was able to identify her and that she was fine. But I think I’ve lost hope.
Yesterday, I found her wallet here, instantly remembering her telling me that she couldn’t find it a few days before the accident, saying she may have dropped it outside of work or at my house. I told her I’d look. I didn’t look hard enough. I had her only piece of identification. All I could think about was her alone in a hospital room, losing her memory from the crash and unable to tell them her name. Or her cold body shoved into a morgue with a tag that just said “Jane Doe.”
Waking up another day without any new information about her was killing me. It was getting harder to tell myself she was okay. I know there were so many possibilities of what could’ve happened, but convincing myself that any of them were good was nearly impossible.
The boys had managed to fly in yesterday, and while I appreciated their support, it was getting overwhelming. Everyone was constantly watching me, trying to soothe me when my thoughts became too much, but I just needed to let my emotions out. I needed a minute to myself.
I slowly stood up from the couch, Matt, Jesse, and Folio’s eyes immediately following my every move. I don’t know what their deal was. I couldn’t even go to the bathroom without being watched like a hawk. They even started making meals for me and talking to me like I was some child. I was grieving, not on bedrest.
“I’m gonna go for a walk. Need fresh air,” I rasp out, my voice scratchy from speaking in mostly sobs the last four days. Matt instantly stands up to join me, which makes me hold my hand out, “Alone. Please. Just let me have some space.”
He stares at me for a long moment before nodding and sitting back down. I go and grab my shoes and unlock the door. As I open it, I hear Jesse call out.
”Make sure you have your phone on you!” I pat my pockets, realizing I left it in my room after telling myself I needed to stop staring at it, waiting for news, and just leave anyway. It’ll help me clear my head not having them constantly texting me.
The cold air seems to ease my nerves slightly, so I take deep breaths as I walk. I have no idea where I’m going, but I need to get out of that damn house. Not only are the five extra bodies in there, always hovering over me and watching everything I did, but I couldn’t even look at my bed, seeing her shadow lying in her spot. I couldn’t look in the kitchen, seeing her bright smile and hearing her giggle after I smeared whipped cream on her nose. The backyard where we swam together on hot summer days. Where she’d make everyone laugh when the group came over.
I feel tears falling down my cheeks again, not knowing how the hell I had more to cry out. She was gone. There was no way in four days, they couldn’t recognize her. She had to be that Jane Doe.
The quick sound of screeching tires in the distance pulls me out of my thoughts momentarily, only for it to send me even deeper. God, what were her last moments like? How scared was she? Was she in pain for long? Did she die on impact? Where was she now?
My thoughts continue to spiral as I continue to walk, now coming up on a place Y/N and I used to visit all the time when taking this path. It was a smallish creek in the middle of the forest. The water wasn’t too deep, but deep enough that we could stand on the bridge and watch all the tiny fish go by.
I walk to the railing and try to watch the water pass by in the dark night, hoping that at least the sound could calm my racing thoughts. The bridge was about 10, maybe 12 feet high, so there wasn’t much to see when it was so late at night. But I could see so much. I could see Y/N standing beside me, staring over the edge with me. Her pointing out the groups of tadpoles or if a fish larger than normal swam by. I could hear myself talking her out of climbing down to catch a frog, knowing the steep incline on both sides of the creek was impossible to come back up from.
I could see the picture I had on my phone that I took of her in this exact spot, the sunset glowing between the trees, giving her the aura of an angel right before my eyes…Angel. She was my fucking angel. She always has been and now she truly was.
I’m staring at the darkness around me as the pain shoots through me once again. I fucking killed her. I ruined so many fucking lives, just by ordering her that goddamn uber. Her parents have called, tears equal to mine, and we couldn’t give them any information. Because we had none. She was gone. And I couldn’t even fucking say goodbye.
There was only one way. Only one way to see her again. I stared into the rushing water. There was no way to see how deep it was tonight. No light to give a reflection back. The only thing my senses could pick up was the feeling of the wood railing, the sound of the water and her distant voice in my head. Specifically her laugh that I’ll never hear again.
I pushed myself off the railing, eyes still stuck on complete darkness. I grabbed it, swiftly slinging one leg over, then the other. I could already feel that pit in my stomach as my body sensed that there was no resistance between me and the water below. I brought a foot under me, and then the other, lifting myself up before I was now standing on the wood.
I almost wish I brought my phone with me, just to tell everyone one last goodbye. That I loved them more than anything. That I was sorry. But the person I was most sorry for is on the other side already. And she needed to hear it most.
I feel the wind zip past me as my body sways on the edge. As I let memories play in my head, I let the wind take me.
But something about this didn’t feel right. The moment my feet lost ground and I felt gravity start to pull me down, I knew this was a mistake. Something…someone was telling me this wasn’t the choice I should have made. I do my best to wrap my arms around my head, but before I could do much, everything went black.
My eyes feel like they’re glued shut and my throat is absolutely killing me. I clench my fists to try and stretch my tight muscles as I do my best to work my eyes open. Why is my room so cold? And smell so…chemically?
I hear footsteps walking into the room at the same time more of my senses come back. I hear an odd beeping in the background, and when I finally get my eyes to take in everything in front of me, I come face to face with a bright white room and a shocked doctor.
“You’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asks. I continue looking around the room, confused, before realizing his words. I spend a few seconds truly thinking how I felt, and that’s when all the pain rushes in.
”Like shit.” I croak out, my throat dryer than it ever has been before.
He comes over and starts asking me a bunch of questions, seeing what I remember and if my arms and legs are functioning well. That’s when I realize that my leg has a cast and I’m covered in bandages.
”Wha- What happened?” I cut him off.
”Well, you were in a pretty rough wreck about a week ago. Thankfully, you didn’t get too hurt, just a few broken bones, but you hit your head pretty hard and got a bad concussion, putting you in a coma.” I blink at him as I process everything.
“I…how…did..has anyone come to check up on me?” I ask, the fact that I was completely alone in the room being the most important to me right now.
“You didn’t have any form of identification on you, so we were unable to contact anyone, but now that you’ve told us your name, we can go ahead and reach out to the people on your file.”
”Can you please? I really need to see my boyfriend and make sure he knows I’m okay.” He nods and makes his way out of my room.
The boys and I were doing everything we could to make ourselves busy, not knowing how to handle everything. Nicholas and Folio were going through Noah’s things, picking out an outfit for his funeral, even though it’s most likely going to be a closed casket, and deciding on what we would send back to his family and what we wanted to keep for ourselves to remember him. We’ve all decided to leave his room how it was now for the time being, not wanting to mess with anything too much.
I heard a phone ringing on the kitchen island and made my way to see who it was, before realizing it was Noah’s phone. My stomach immediately dropped. Everyone knew what happened…No one would be calling his phone right now…unless…
I sprint to his phone, seeing that it was an unknown number and quickly answering.
“Hello?” I rush out.
”Hello. Is this Noah Davis?” A female voice on the other end asks.
“Uhh..He can’t come to the phone right now, but I can take a message?” I reply, trying to keep my voice stable.
“Um, okay. Well, this is Dr. Moore at St Francis Medical Center, I’m calling regarding Y/N Y/L/N.”
”She’s alive?” I almost yell into the phone.
“Yes, Sir. She just woke up from her coma and is asking for friends and family.”
I’m already rushing around the house, grabbing my shoes, keys, and wallet as I tell her that we will be on our way. The guys hear me sprinting around the house and come out to see what I was doing or if I’ve lost my mind again.
“SHE’S ALIVE! Y/N’S ALIVE!” I yell out as I speed towards the front door.
I hear them scrambling behind me, trying to get everything they need before they join me in the car. We’re all packed tight, but no one cares. I try my best to stay close to the speed limit, as getting pulled over is the last thing I could handle right now. We thankfully make it there in record time and all rush in through the doors and up to the desk.
“We’re here to see Y/N Y/L/N,” I tell the lady at the front desk, almost out of breath. She looks unfazed by all of us rushing in and starts typing on her keyboard, searching for her room.
“She is in room 213. Now, we only allow two family members at a time, but I’ll let you all go as long as you promise not to disturb anyone or cause her any discomfort.” We’re already nodding and rushing past her desk before she can even finish speaking.
Speed walking down the hallway, all of us are reading the room numbers, watching them rise until we finally see 213, with her doctor standing outside.
“I do need to inform you all that she’s gotten a pretty severe concussion, so please be cautious around her,” He tells us.
We all stand there and nod like we were being scolded before he finally waves his arm towards the door and we make our way in. Seeing her so hurt broke my heart, but at least she was alive. Folio was the first to rush to her side, already sobbing as he gave her a gentle hug. She softly laughs and hugs him back.
“I promise I’m okay, guys. I’m sorry for giving you all a scare. They said I should be going home in a few days as long as everything’s alright with my head,” she says with a soft yet raspy voice.
“We’ve just been so scared. It’s just…Fuck. This week has been hell,” I whisper as I walk towards her, patting the bed to make sure there was room to sit before taking her hand in mine, “We’re so glad you’re okay.”
She gives us all a sad smile, looking between all of us, before her face morphs into confusion. Fuck.
“Where’s Noah?” she asks.
I stare at her for a few moments before looking at the rest of the boys. All of them just stared back, silently telling me that this was my burden to take.
“What’s going on? Why won’t you answer? Where is he?” she continued. I sign and turn to her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
“Noah…He thought you passed, Honey. Your driver ended up looking a lot like you, and when we couldn’t find you, most of us assumed that it was you who died, not her.”
“Okay. But what does that have to do with him?” I take a deep breath, tears already pricking my eyes as I stared straight into hers.
“Noah… took his life two days ago.”
She stared at me dumbfounded, the words slowly processing in her mind one at a time, before her face shifted to horror.
“H-he what?” I bring her hand to my face, pressing the back of it to my forehead as a sob shakes my body.
“No. No. He can’t- He can’t be dead. He can’t.” She starts her own sobs, causing the other boys to come in closer, surrounding her bed as we all try to comfort her and each other.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Once the hospital allowed me to leave, I make the boys drop me off at my apartment to take a real shower. They say they’ll be back soon, bringing me real food. Folio almost begged to stay with me, already not trusting to leave anyone alone after everything, but I promised all of them that I was okay and that I’ll see them soon. And thankfully it worked, because I really needed a moment alone to process all of this.
I was numb. Between the pain medication and the grief, I couldn’t feel anything. His funeral was in a few days and I’ve barely been able to accept the fact that he’s gone. This all feels like a dream, the concussion not making any of it better. Before I let myself dive deep into the pits of grief and sorrow, I needed to find something to distract myself with.
The boys thankfully helped me get a new phone, as mine got crushed in the wreck, so I decided to work on setting that up. I take what remained of my old phone and remove the sim card, putting it in the new one. Once I finally get it set up, I’m absolutely bombarded with notifications. A few from my parents, a few texts and calls from the guys…and 30+ text messages from Noah.

My heart breaks even more. He thought I was dead. He thought he’d never see me again. He ended his life feeling only guilt and regret. Then I see that I have a few voicemails… I press play with a shaky finger, and his sorrowful voice fills the room.
”Y/N…please be okay..Fuck. It’s all my fault…I should’ve just picked you up. I have no idea where you are. The girl on the road…that fucking girl had your hair. You can’t be gone. I need you…” All I can hear is him sobbing for a minute before he continues, “You should be home with me. If we find you and you’re okay, I’m fucking moving you in. I don’t care. I can’t do this. I can’t take not knowing where you are. If you’re even still here.”
The voicemail cuts off, so I play the next one.
”The guys are trying to give me hope, but it’s been two days with no news of you. The news said the girl who died was unrecognizable. Baby…Baby, please answer and tell me that wasn’t you. Please be in some hospital somewhere, waiting for me. Please…Please come back to me.”
And then the next one, sent early in the morning five days ago…The day he died.
“Baby, I’m losing hope. I can’t do this without you. It’s officially been four days of complete silence. I know I should wait longer, but every second without hearing your voice is fucking hell. Something inside of me is telling me that you’re still here, but it’s not enough to convince me,” he starts crying again, then continues with a shaky voice, “ I don’t know what I’ll do if you’re gone. My life is nothing without you. Please, baby,” Another sob, “Please wait for me…”
I can barely see my phone screen when that one finally ends, tears streaming down my face. That’s the last words I’ll hear him say to me. Please wait for me. The last text telling me to come home. And oh how fucking much I wanted to come home.
I needed home. I needed its warm hugs. I need the laughs it’d give me. The bright smile that was all my doing. The feel of its skin against mine. Noah was my home. I need him.
Powerful sobs shake my body, even worse than the ones when I found out. No pain medication could fix the pain I feel in my chest at this moment. I’ll never see my home again.
I leave the voicemail app and open photos, scrolling through the folder I had of every picture and video of him and I. I watched the videos first, needing to hear his happy voice again. The one who would tell me he loved me in utter swoon. His laugh and smile as he looked at me past the camera. The videos Bryan took of us looking like the perfect couple, unable to be more than a few feet apart from each other, if not constantly touching.
He was gone. That’s all my brain was saying, on repeat. He was gone. Noah was gone. I’ll never see him again. I won’t even be able to see him at the funeral, now knowing how he chose to pass.
And then a new phrase began repeating in my head. His debilitatingly sad voice telling me to wait for him. I glance up from my phone to the kitchen counter, the one that held the small pharmacy bag.
You won’t have to wait long, my love.
Connecting my phone to my speaker, I start blasting our song as I walk towards the counter.
As we wake up in your room
Your face is the first thing I see
The first time I’ve seen love
And the last I’ll ever need
I rip open the paper bag, pulling out the small rattling container and just staring at it.
You remind her that your future
Will be nothing without her
Never lose her, I’m afraid
Better think of something good to say
I move to sit down in the middle of the living room floor, still staring at the bottle in my hands. “Please wait for me.” I hear him in my head once more.
I open the bottle and pour out the contents into my hand. “Please come home.” I see flash across my vision.
Without another thought, I throw them back, swallowing dry. I lean back, lying on the wooden floor as the music plays around me, vibrating underneath me.
She was always the one
I’ll repeat it again, the one
No such thing as too young
I feel them hit my stomach like a brick. Or maybe that's the grief and pain finally numbing down to the feeling of a pit deep inside me.
I let the memories of us pass by like my life before my eyes. I’ll be home to him soon. I’ll get to see him again.
My vision starts to blur. Suddenly, I see him. I turn my head to face the corner of the room, and I see his bright welcoming smile. I want to tell him that I’ll be there soon, but it’s hard to move my lips. But he’s there. He can see me ready to come home. Just give it a few more moments and you won’t have to wait any longer.
Cause there’s faith in love
If you kiss me goodnight
I’ll know everything is alright
Second chances won’t leave us alone
Won’t leave us alone
Cause there’s faith in love
As the song comes to an end, I flex my hand the best I could to reach out towards him. I can almost feel his hug already. The warmth I feel when he smiles down at me. Just a few more moments and I’ll be with him.
But when my eyes finally shut, a small smile now stuck on my face. I could no longer hear his voice in my head. All I can feel is cold. All I can see is black. All I can sense is darkness.
He wasn’t here.
#noah sebastian#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fic#noah sebastian reader insert#bad omens#bad omens fanfiction#bad omens x reader#Spotify#noah sebastian angst#noah sebastian one shot#bad omen angst#bad omen one shot
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The lighting in the S1 1941 flashback is so painfully dark I was rewatching it on a 150% brightness and perhaps I am five years late, but how come I've never noticed that this

is how Aziraphale gazes at Crowley before the "little demonic miracle of my own"???
This is him before the love realisation, just after Aziraphale miracled them both safe from the bomb exploding on the church with the Nazis. No heartwarming acts of service yet — best to his knowledge, Crowley was only there for moral support, because he "didn't want him to get embarassed". And his gaze is— I don't know what to say. Like it would kill him to look away. So fond, so immersed, "oh God, there you are", like hundreds of years have passed, not decades since they saw each other last. Books? What books? What air raid, what war?
Arguably the best part of the scene happens literal seconds after. If you pay close attention to the whole shot, you'll spot the brown satchel on the side. Which Aziraphale would notice earlier too, if he could focus on anything other than Crowley.
#good omens#good omens 1941#aziraphale#crowley#ineffable husbands#aziracrow#aziraphale x crowley#good omens analysis#good omens meta#ineffable spouses#good omens s1#gos1#anthony j crowley#i'm going to be sick#michael sheen what if this is my last straw? what then?#i blame the eternal darkness of these shots that i've only noticed this now#aziraphale was there!! smitten gone so SO BAD for him!!!!! and he was the one who did all the hard bits!!#end me please#marcela talks
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Kingdom Come

summary: you ask Noah, your Dom best friend, for a big favor.
pairing: sub!fem!reader x dom!noah
word count: 7.4k
warnings: 18+!! BDSM, restraints, slapping/impact play, light degradation, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, p in v, oral (f receiving), subspace
A/N: this was purely self indulgent. please reblog and comment if you enjoyed 🥰
Life was kicking your ass. Harder than normal and the weight of the world was getting harder the bear.
Your job sucked, your body ached all the time and the one guy who you thought was going to be it for you, ended up ghosting you. All of it was a slap in the face and it was even worse when your landlord calls you to let you know the water would be off for a couple weeks due to maintenance issues. You guess you could tolerate it since he’s reducing rent during the time that the water will be off.
So, once you find out this information, you’re calling your best friend to see if you can crash there for a while. He had no problem with it. He no longer had roommates and often found himself missing having someone around.
So when you arrived and got yourself situated after a steamy shower to wash the day off, you find yourself sitting beside Noah with a question burning a hole in your tongue.
“I know this idea is out there but,” you choke on the words and realize how ridiculous this sounds.
“What?,” he keeps clicking away at his controller as he played his game, not taking his eyes off the screen. When you don’t answer, he takes a peak over at you and can see you biting your lip so hard it looks like it’ll bleed.
“Stop doing that,” he paused his game and used his thumb to gently pull your lip down from between the grip of your teeth, “What’s going on. It’s just me, Y/N,”
You look to him, twiddling your thumbs and decide it’s all or nothing, if he says no you guys can just forget you ever said anything.
“I need to turn my brain off,” you blurt out.
“Okay?,” he shrugs as if there was nothing to it, “I can have Folio bring some weed by,”
“No, I-,” you throw your face in your hands, cheeks burning as you think about it, “You are in the…. the BDSM scene and I want you to help me turn my brain off,”
His mouth drops in an ‘o’ shape as it clicks what exactly you mean. His hesitation has you feeling so silly. You should have just showered, went home and rubbed one out.
“Sugar, I’m not exactly sure you know what you’re asking for,”
You were his little sugar cube. Too sweet to know exactly what his life entailed behind the scenes. You never really seemed interested in it before. But little did he know, you were just nervous to show it.
He could be mean at the request of his subs during sessions and you were requesting it now but you were his best friend and he didn’t want to cross that line unless you were 110% sure.
“N-no, no I do,”
He’s briefly talked about his sessions enough for it to cause a burning of desire in your gut. You’ve never been in the scene but with the way things are going lately, you just need to be taken care of, to be manhandled and you’d rather do that with someone you trust.
“Maybe this was a bad idea,” you mumble, humiliated now that you’d expect your hot, dom, best friend to do that for and to you, “I just made a fool of myself,”
The silence that he was giving after your initial ask was gnawing at your emotions, you just wanted to disappear right now.
“Sugar, it would be an honor but if we do this, there’s no going back because I’m going to want you forever,” his words spilled like the smoothest whiskey on the market. Sure, now this sounds like a typical cliche of friends to lovers but what’s wrong with that? Sometimes things like this are meant to become something more. Maybe that’s why long term relationship never worked for either of you… because you two were it for each other?
“Please,” your voice cracks with need. You had showered while he stayed on the couch playing a video game and yet your body is still tense.
“Follow me,” he stands tall before you, extending a hand in which you take easily. You could already feel some tension relieving from simply holding his hand.
He kept his pace slow, easy for you to keep up with as one of his steps equaled three of yours.
He had a spare bedroom that no one was allowed in, not even you and you guys had been friends for almost a decade now. So when he reached above the door to grab the key, you snatched your hand from his and took a giant step back.
“I can’t go in there,”
“Right, without my consent,” he peaked over his shoulder, “But you have that now and then some,”
You looked at him with wary eyes and he dropped his shoulders with a knowing sigh.
“You’re supposed to be relaxing,” his hands made their way onto your shoulders to deliver a comforting squeeze, “This is the way,”
One of his hands is gently cradling your cheek now and it’s so soothing that you can’t help but lean into it and he notices the way your eyes flutter.
He already knows you’re going to be so good for him tonight.
Noah leans his forehead down to yours and your lips are only a few centimeters a part.
“You trust me�� don’t you, Sugar?,”
Immediately weak in the knees, noticing he’s already entering into his persona. You nod feverishly against him.
“Like you wouldn’t believe,”
A gentle peck on your lips has you leaning in for more when he pulls away.
“Take your hands off the wheel and let me drive,” is all he says before turning his back to you to unlock the door.
Time seemed to slow down when he pushed it open, a part of you wanted to close your eyes, still feeling nervous about seeing a space he deemed so private that he kept it locked up. Your hand is in his once more with him pulling you through the threshold as he flicks the light on.
Red fluorescent lights filling your vision.
It smells so good in here and you wonder how, considering what possibly goes down based simply off of what’s in here.
The bed frame looks like one luxurious bird cage, bolted to the floor and a sheer canopy draping over it. There’s bars hanging from the ceiling with cuffs hanging from them.
Open cupboards of different items like floggers, paddles then another filled with masks and gags, one full of toys. There’s a full fridge in here with a clear door and you can see different replenishing beverages and snacks.
This is his sex dungeon
“Something like that,” he spoke aloud.
Realizing your thoughts weren’t kept in your head you avert your gaze to the ground.
“I don’t use it much other than personal uses, any time I have a scene with someone I meet them at theirs. I’ve just been keeping this a secret until I found the one worthy to be in here,”
Your eyes widen as you raise your head to meet his.
“M-me?!,” poking yourself in the chest, “I… you mean me?!,”
His shoulders tremble in soft laughter, shaking his head at your disbelief.
“This entire time, I’ve just been wanting to bring you here but you never expressed any interest in the scene,” he played with your fingers in his grasp, something he always found comfort in doing.
“I didn’t know if you’d take me seriously. I’m not exactly… what comes to mind when someone says they want a submissive,”
“You’re exactly what comes to mind,” he brings you to a plush crimson couch, covered in velvet material. When your ass meets the cushions, he’s reaching to a table beside you to light a candle, bringing it over with him as he lowers himself into his knees before you.
“I’m going to go over a few house rules while I get you relaxed okay?,”
You offer a simple nod and he smirks,
“Rule number one- I always need a verbal answer. I don’t want to leave anything to the imagination and possibly misread body language, got it?,”
Swallowing thickly you nod once more, “I understand,”
“Good girl,” his hands make their way onto your calves, kneading the tight muscles, causing an involuntary moan in which you try to subdue.
“Number two, don’t be shy,” he says plainly, “I know this is new but you know me and I’m here to keep you safe so don’t shy away from me. Be as vocal and as emotional as you need to be,”
“I understand,” you answer once more. Your eyes watch his hands, curious when he picks up the candle, the flame flickering in his eyes.
“Three. Trust that I will never hurt you outside of what you ask for,” he tips the candle and a quiet gasp leaves your lips, quickly turning into a moan when the wax drips onto your tired legs, Noah instantly setting the candle down and massaging it into your skin.
“Pheromone massage candles,” he answered your unasked question.
“Four. I usually go by King during these scenes but since this is new for you I don’t want you to feel detached from me so call me Noah until you feel comfortable, okay?,”
“Y-yes,” your eyes cross slightly while his thumbs work into the sore soles of your feet. This was helping so much and just from this simple interaction, your core is buzzing already.
“Five. If you need to stop or directions are not okay or unclear- speak up. I’m going to need you to pick a safeword for me,”
You squirm on the couch, becoming putty in his hands as they move from your feet to your calves and now your thighs.
“Kingdom,” you answer with ease, if he goes by King might as well make it coordinate right?
“Good one,” he plants a kiss by your knee, “Rule six, no negative self talk or thoughts. I may degrade you but I will always follow it up with praise. You are loved and cared about, you understand me?,”
“I understand,” you nod.
“Seven. Have fun and let go. We are here together so remember I will always catch you,”
With his last rule he spreads your thighs, squeezing them to get a reaction out of you.
“Do you have any rules for me?,” eyes dark yet caring in the red glow.
“Don’t hold back,” an embarrassing whimper escapes, “I know I’m a rookie but I can take it and I know you’ll take care of me just…,”
Your hands grab his, holding them tight so he knows how bad you need this.
“Just don’t hold back. I need it, I know I’m safe so I just need you to hurt me, I need you to help me turn my brain off and surrender myself to you,”
Your words from earlier echoed in Noah’s head and he thought they were a crock of shit.
I’m not exactly what comes to mind when someone says they want a submissive
Bullshit. You were perfect.
He wipes his hands on a towel that he kept on the table with the candle, setting it and the candle back in their original spot when he was finished.
His hands are now sheltering your face because he can see your mind is still running a million miles a minute.
“What do you need from me right now?,”
You were embarrassed to say it.
“What were rules 2 and 7, Sugar?,” his voice pulled you from your own thoughts.
“To not be shy and to let go,”
He nodded in understanding, “So why are you breaking my rules and overthinking?,”
God, he was so good at this. The twinge of disappointment in his tone had your heart aching, you wanted to be good.
“Can.. c-can you smack me?,” your voice was barely a whisper and you knew he wouldn’t let that slide.
“Speak up, baby. Closed mouths don’t get fed,” his thumbs were rubbing such comforting circles on your cheeks, you couldn’t help but oblige.
“I need you to smack me,” it wasn’t a plea, it was a declaration.
Noah just reads your face. Studying your expression to see if there’s any doubt, any hesitation. He stands you up and then he leans in to kiss you with a sort of need that you’ve never been kissed with before. You two are breathing heavily in between and you can barely keep up. Your hands tangled in his shirt, pulling him closer, just wanting him to consume you.
He pulls away but before you can protest, you feel the searing heat of his open palm meeting your cheek. A gasp of surprise comes from you and yet again you’re left with no time to react when he does it again.
“Fuck,” you mewl, “More,”
He answers your demand with a little more power behind this one, the pain feeling so good you almost fall to your knees but luckily, he held you upright.
“Turn it off,” he says through clenched teeth, smacking you once more. If you were naked you know for a fact you’d be dripping down your legs, “Turn it off, Sugar. I see you trying,”
Hand on your neck, he’s pushing you backward and each step is another slap until he pins you to the wall, you can feel your eyes burn as the tears of desire being to rise.
You need this so bad.
“I said. Turn,” a harder slap, “It. Off!!,” with one more smack, you’re practically howling at how exceptional it felt, eyes closed as you welcome the sting that lingered on your flesh, feeling the heat running down to your neck and up to your temples.
Your head feels like you’re in limbo and when you open your eyes, he can see the change in yours and you can see the change in his.
You’re both in your designated positions. He has his hands on the wheel now. Your brain was off and the part of you that needed to be taken care of has entered the chat, the stressed version was locked away in a dark cell of your mind and would stay there until it was time to let her out.
“There she goes,” his hand soothed your cheek and you were liquid in his hands
“Thank you,” doe eyes shining up at him, he feels so proud of himself.
“Oh baby, it’s my pleasure,” he cooed, “Can you be good and undress for me?,”
“Can you help?,” your body was feeling fuzzy, like you had a few shots and were floating now. You felt like if you tried to undress yourself you’d topple over.
“Of course,” he felt gratified to be asked.
One article of clothing at a time until you were bare in front of him, pinned against the crimson paint on the wall.
“How are we doing? You okay?,” a kiss planted to your neck, his large hands running up and down your body had you sighing in content.
“On cloud nine,” you answer dreamily. You were in a daze, this room felt like your own amusement park now.
A room you once weren’t allowed in because this is his sanctuary. How many others were close to being brought here? How many others did he put in a hypnotic state?
“Put her away,” his gruff voice echoed in your ears, “She doesn’t get to come back. Lock it away,”
He could tell through your body language that you were starting to overthink again.
“Do we need to stop?,”
“No,” rearing back to look him in his eyes so he can see how bad you truly need and want this, “No. It’s turned off,”
“That’s what I need to hear,”
He brings you back over to the couch you were on a few minutes ago but this time he’s sitting on the cushion and he’s positioning you over his lap.
“Think you can handle a few spanks?,”
“Uh huh!,” excitement coursing through your veins, body jolting when you feel his lips press against the supple flesh that he was soon about to tenderize.
But first, he had to feel you. He has to feel your wetness coat his fingers. So his fingers trace figures on the back of your thighs and you’re jutting your ass up to get him to touch you, he delivers a light smack as a warning.
“Patience,” is all he speaks. Slowly but surely, his middle finger swipes your clit and lightly presses into your entrance.
He pulls a long drawn out moan from you when he fully pushes his finger inside. A quiet growl emits from his chest and your toes are curling.
“Noah pleeeeaaase,” you grip his calves, eyes rolling at his slow movement of removing his finger and reinserting it.
“What do you need, Sugar?,” you could hear the smile in his tone. The way he was speaking to you and touching you just made the anxiety melt away.
“Wanna feel your fingers. Always wanted to feel your fingers,” you couldn’t help but be unapologetically honest. For years you’ve watched his hands and how he talks with them, how he uses them to hold multiple things at once, how he sucks on them when he gets ice cream or ranch on them.
But until now you’ve always buried your desires deep.
“Oh yeah?,” without a warning, he’s stretching you open and you’re bracing yourself against his thighs, spreading your legs as open as possible so you’re not falling off his lap.
“You feel so good, Sugar,” he affirms, “So wet for me, so fucking warm,”
His fingers were reaching so deep it was intoxicating, never having experienced anyone with fingers as long as his has you going cross eyed.
“Thank you, Noah!!!,” your walls pulsing around his middle and ring fingers while his free hand soothed your ass cheeks before taking a big strike against them, the sound of his palm meeting your flesh bouncing off the walls.
“You’re so welcome, baby,” he picks up the pace of his fingers and he can feel the way you’re trying to get friction on your clit.
“Nuh uh,” he spanks you once more, “Be good, take what I give you,”
“Please,” singing a beautiful tune, you just want to let go for him, you want to crumble in his lap, you want him to feel what he does to you.
“Please what?,” another strike on your ass and another curl of his fingers inside you.
“W-wanna cum for you,”
“Is that right?,” there’s that teasing tone again, it makes you feel small but it only tightens the coil in your core. He moves his fingers with expertise inside of you and you think you’re about to orgasm strictly off of penetration which is rare for you. You almost always need clitoral stimulation.
“Please. Please. Wanna be good for you, wanna let go for you,”
You two have only just begun and you’re already a mess. You can hear the squelching, you can hear your heart thumping in your ears, you’re trembling.
You’re a fucking mess in his grasp.
“I think we should make your first one easy enough to earn,” he observed, positioning his knee right under your pelvis, adding the perfect amount of pressure as his fingers stroked the deepest depths of you.
“C‘mon, Sugar. Give it to me. Let it out,”
Your nails are digging into his calf and you’re drooling, rocking back into him but he didn’t mind this time, he’s enjoys seeing how desperate you are to cum, not just for yourself but for him.
You want to offer all you can to him. All of your emotions, all of your whimpers and cries, your mind, body and spirit.
“I’m gonna… can I cum, Noah? Please”
He gives a hum of approval and he can feel it, he watched your body swell with a deep breath and watched it deflate as you let out the most beautiful, guttural moan he’s ever heard.
His fingers halt their movements inside of you and he makes sure to rub your back to bring you back down.
“You’re okay,” a soft murmur leaves his lips while he slowly removes his fingers from your soaked hole, sitting you up and repositioning you in his lap so you’re straddling him.
“Be good and open for me,”
You follow his directions and bask in the glory of his fingers pressing down on your tongue, making you taste yourself. You collect your flavor but before you can close your mouth and swallow it down, he’s pushing his tongue into your mouth to taste you.
Your eyes instantly roll in the back of your head, relishing the taste of his mouth sharing the taste of you.
“Need you,” you pull away, hands cupping his face as if he’s made of glass, “Always needed you,”
His gaze softens for a moment, letting you know that ‘regular’ Noah hears you, that it’s not just his persona hearing those words.
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere,” he purred, “You have me, Sugar. Just as I have you,”
With ease, he lifts you up and walks with you to the cupboards.
“Pick a toy, a gag and a restraint and come to the bed when you’ve made your decision,” a kiss is given to your temple and he walks away, leaving you to make your choices without any pressure. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and makes his way to the bed.
He has so many trinkets to choose from. He just stock piled all of this stuff until he found the one? He really is a stickler for this kind of thing.
After some careful self-deliberation, you grabbed your chosen items and made your way over to him. Noah sat patiently within the doorway of the cage-like bed.
“I chose these,” you offer them to him and he gave an intrigued ‘hmph’
A rose, a silicone bar gag and wrist-to-thigh cuffs.
“Good choices, baby” standing up and kissing your forehead, he moves out of the way so you can see the bed. Silk red sheets, chains hanging from the bars, and the sheer canopy keeping secrets in with just a glimpse of what was to come.
“Climb up,” he pats your ass and you do just that, at a leisure pace so he can get a good view of you from behind. When you sit flat, you see him entering and closing the door behind him.
This feels much more intimate than just any ole bedroom. The lighting, the enclosed space, all of it made you feel closer to Noah.
“Before we start, take a drink for me,”
“But I’m okay,”
“Did I ask that?,” he tilts his head, eyes squinting as if to tell you ‘watch it.’
“I’m sorry,”
He cracks open the bottle and holds it to your lips, giving you a knowing look as if to say ‘I told you so’ when you drink down half the bottle.
When you’re finish he sets it to the side and hovers over you until you’re laying back on your elbows, eyes not leaving his.
“How are we doing? You still okay?,”
“I’m perfect, Noah,” a tender smirk made its way into your face, “I know I’m safe,” you assure.
“Are you okay? I know this kind of thing takes time, just don’t want you to feel pressured,” you inquire.
“There you go overthinking,” he kisses your neck, “For you, it’s easy to turn on. You never took notice to how I always took control? No matter what we did?,”
He’s got a point. Any time you two went out grocery shopping because you were anxious and didn’t want to go alone, he hooked his arm with yours, took your list and did all the shopping. Any time you two went out to the movies, he’s picking your snacks and drinks and doing all the talking. A hand on the small of your back each time you two were out, always helping you zip up your dresses or fastening your necklaces.
It was subtle, but it was always there.
“I was made for you. I was made to take care of you,” he continues his trail of kisses, planting them wherever he pleases, “And you let me. Which means you were always mine,”
A relaxed sigh is released at his words. He’s right and you know it.
“So, knowing this. I’m more than okay and am filled with joy of knowing that I get to break you and put you back together again, over and over,”
Bucking your hips up wasn’t a good idea, considering he pinned them down and got your restraints ready.
“I need this. Noah, please I need you” a shameful cry bounces off the bars of the enclosure you found yourself in.
“I know,” he growled, fastening your hands into the cuffs and attaching the other bands to each thigh. With your hands tied to your thighs now, you wouldn’t be able to touch him.
“You need me to wreck you. To hurt you so that the stressors of your everyday light aren’t plaguing your brain for once,”
He squeezes your cheeks so your lips are parted and lifts your head up to move your hair out of the way so he can tighten the gag.
You looked so beautiful like this.
“I’m here to give you just that,” he grabs the rose, “I don’t care how many orgasms it takes. I’m going to reduce you to nothing and fill you back up with worth again. I will end you and resuscitate you over and over again until you’ve had enough. Is that understood?,”
“Yeth,” you slur around the gag.
“Good,” on his knees, between your legs, he turns the rose on and the low hum fills the space, he leans forward to spit on your nipples before placing the opening of the toy over your harden buds, your back swiftly arching off the bed with a moan around the silicone.
He’s at this for a while, just teasing your nipples, biting at your jawline, groaning in your ear until you’re leaking onto the silk sheets.
You’re begging around the gag but he just teasingly looks at you as if he can’t understand you. But he knows. He knows where you need him.
“It’s a lot, are you sure you can handle it on your clit?,” he smirks so devilishly it’s almost scary. But the twinge of fear makes you ache.
“Mmhmm mmhm!,” already drooling around the bar, you nod feverishly, just wanting to feel something, no, needing to feel something.
You get what you desire when he sits back up on his heels to spread your legs even wider to get a perfect view of your swollen clit, glistening as your arousal is painted all over your core.
When he finally attaches the toy to your clit, your toes are curling, your eyes are rolling and your back is arching.
Maybe you weren’t ready for this, maybe you should have gotten a wand or something.
“Relax,” he says simply, using his own legs to pin yours down.
“Breathe, Sugar. Just breathe. Look at me,” he sees the way your eyes are swimming with tears and it brings him satisfaction, especially when your chest is trembling from him keeping the buzzing toy on your sensitive bundle.
“It’s a lot, I know but I wouldn’t give you more than you could handle,”
He slowly inhaled with you, guiding you to calm you down but it was just too much, so much that you’re already cumming and groaning behind the gag which causes Noah to darkly chuckle.
But he keeps it there. He keeps the rose there and you’re convulsing under him when he sinks his fingers into your messy core.
“That was pathetic,” he looked into your eyes, “And you didn’t even ask,”
He got so much amusement out of your whimpers, how the hell were you supposed to ask with a gag in your mouth?! But maybe that’s the point? It’s a set up for him to milk you as a form of torture.
It was sadistic but, you were the masochist after all.
“You’re so creamy,” he said in a daze, absolutely obsessed with the way you’re painting his fingers, your walls pulsing around his appendages as if they’re trying to draw them in and keep them there.
“Noaaaaaaahh!!,” your cries muffled, your face so wet from the tears and the spit but Noah finds it beautiful, if he could, he’d paint how you looked right now and frame it, get it tattooed even.
“You can do it. You asked for this, remember?” His eyes rolled at the feeling of his fingers deep inside, drenched in your offering, his tattoos glistening, catching his eye in the ruby lighting. He just wanted to be bottomed out in you already.
You’re calling for him from around the gag, breasts shaking as you’re overcome with yet another blinding climax. Your nails dig into your thighs, just wanting to dig them into Noah’s instead and pull him toward you. You wanted him, you craved him.
“Sshhhh. You’re okay, Sugar. You’re doing so well for me,” he picked himself up off your legs and grabbed a rag to wipe the spit that dribbled down your chin, “I’m gonna turn you over, need you to give me one more before you have me. One more and we can take the cuffs and gag off okay?,”
Sitting you up, his hand supporting the back of your head as he checks over you, making sure you’re okay.
“Do you need anything? A break, water?,” he breaks character for a moment
With a verbal “Nuh uh” behind the bar, you let him position you like a Barbie, letting him move your legs, manually arching your back and propping a pillow under your head so you were comfy and could breathe.
You feel him leave open mouthed kisses on your ass, biting the pillowy skin just to hear you hum in delight.
“Can’t wait to give you what you want,” Noah positions himself under you so he can stare right up at your leaking heat, no matter the angle, it was a mesmerizing sight to see, “But first, I just need to taste you.”
He exasperated in desperation before using his hands to grab your ass, bringing you down and lifting his head to feast.
Your fists are clenching in your restraint and your moans are flowing from your chest like a river. His tongue worked your overstimulated clit, suckling and licking. He ate as if you were the finest delicacy, trying to savor but also consuming you with greed.
Your body just responded to him without a fight, you were his puppet and he pulled the strings but you happily danced for him, giving him what he wanted. Yet again you feel his fingers push into you, you’d never get enough of his fingers, he knew how to use them and he knew how to use you. You were a howling mess against the pillow when you feel your next orgasm approaching. How did he expect you to stay up like this? Your legs felt like jelly and you were falling a part.
“You can do it, baby. I feel it. You’re almost there,” he murmured against your pussy, “One more and you can have what you want but you gotta show me you want it,”
Oh God did you want it, and bad! Your head felt fuzzy, your body was playing tug of war, fighting between it being too much versus you wanting it.
You gave in. Pussy pulsing, chest burning from hyperventilating and muscles aching. Despite it all, you’re cumming for him again, giving into your deep craving to just be his doll.
“You’re such a good fucking girl,” he cheers, drinking you in. He pulls himself away to position you on your back, quickly working to remove your restraints and gag.
“Sit up for me, Sugar,”
Your head lulling to the side, both of you giggling about it. He has you drink some more water and cleans your face with the towel again.
“I’m ready,” it was a simple whisper, “Show me what I’ve been missing. Please, King,”
The title takes Noah by surprise. He thought it would take a few sessions to get you fully under his spell but, you truly were for him. You were ready to bow to him, to fulfill every quest he bestowed upon you.
It kind of pulled at his heart strings. Whenever he was out in the scene he only cared about showing the subs a good time, a time for him and them to release and never see each other again. But this, this was euphoria.
“Lie down for me,” he hums, taking off his lounge wear and boxers so he’s bare just like you are.
He was a beautiful man to begin with but to see him like this in all his glory? It had you feeling like royalty. Others got to see him, yes, but you… only you get to see him.
He makes sure you’re comfortable before he inches forward, the tip nudging your clit and he grabbed your hands when you flinched away at the contact, lacing his fingers between yours.
“Don’t run away from me,” his lips were so plump, glistening with his spit and you just know they still taste like you.
“Call it before I ruin you,” he gave you one more chance.
“Do it” it wasn’t a teasing phrase. You wanted it. You have yearned long enough and now your wish is his command. His pins your clasped hand to the bed and takes your free hand, guiding it to his cock.
“Take it,” he ordered.
He was a perfect mix of girth and length, a mouth water red tip that shines with precum, two prominent veins, yeah- he was going to destroy you.
You couldn’t help but stroke him, watching the way his mouth hung open and his eyes closed gently, this is the face of a King all right. Scooting closer to him, not wanting to leave any space, you slapped his tip against your own clit, the breath of both of you hitching in tandem. The noises that emitted from between the two of you, while you rubbing him against your entrance, were sinful.
“Show me what you’ve been wanting. Show me how bad you need me,” he growls, hiking both of your legs around his waist.
You guide him into you slowly, the eyes of both of you going wide, rejoicing in the way he fit in you like a missing puzzle piece, filling you up to make you whole.
“Fuck!,” choking on your own spit, the heels of your feet pulled him in so he could bottom out. You needed to catch your breath because you know once he gets started, you’ll lose it again. He drew in a shaky breath, bewitched by how good you feel.
“Give it to me,” you squeeze his hand, “Make me yours. I want to be yours. Ple- Oooooh fuck!!,”
His hips drew back and snapped into you, cutting you off as the pleasure drowns you. He kept the stacattoed pace, just taking in your expressions.
But then he saw the way you looked at him, it was a look of complete surrender, a look that says “I love you, I trust you”
It was a look to tell him to let go.
So, he used his free hand to take your thigh and press it back so your knee was almost touching your chest. This wasn’t Noah, the King was here and he was going to show you exactly why he was given that title.
You’re pinned beneath him from all angles and it’s overwhelming. His chain dangling in your face with each thrust, his voice smooth like suede as he talks you through it.
“Just like that, pretty girl. Take what I give you,”
Your moans slipped out like a hot knife to butter, he was fucking you through the mattress, bodies tangled and noises echoing through the room, he was making you melt.
“S-so fucking good!!,” the tears were spilling from your eyes and he just kissed them away without missing a beat.
“I know, Sugar,” he bows his head into your neck to leave a trail of bites, sinking his teeth into your dewy skin, your cries of surprise being music to his ears. You welcomed the pain of his biting, he had beautiful teeth and you always wondered what it would feel like for him to bite you. You don’t care if any marks are left. You’re his, he can leave marks for you to brandish all he wants.
“I’m so proud of you,” he grunted into your ear, “Coming to me all vulnerable, wanting me to take care of you and now you’re taking it like the good little slut you always wanted to be,”
“Please!,” your free hand tangles in his hair, your other makes crescent shaped dents in the back of his hand that held yours, “Please, fuck! Don’t stop!,”
Noah lifts his head to see the spaced out look in your eyes, half lidded and dick drunk. He never thought he’d see you like this.
“Please what? Use your words,” he pulls back from you to watch the look of despair on your face when he slows down.
Your words are caught in your throat, finding it hard to make a coherent sentence.
“Please, what, Sugar? Don’t make me ask again” He lets your leg go to grab the bar of the caged bed above your head, preparing to pick up his pace when you admit what you need.
“W-wanna cum around your cock,” it was a strong wail, one of pure carnal desire.
“You need it that bad?,” he teases.
“King, please. I need it so bad!!,”
The wind is knocked out of you as he sets his pace, rolling his hips, the tip of his cock rubbing against every sensitive spot within you, causing you both to be vocal. A harmony unmatched. His whimpers fueling you to make it to the finish line. He wasn’t ashamed of the noises he made, especially because he saw how they impacted you.
He let go of your hand and smacked you just like he did earlier, eyes rolling once again as the heat only adds to the pleasure.
“More, please, please, please!!,”
“Such a dirty fucking slut. Getting off to her King slapping her around like a rag doll,” he smacked you again, earning another loud cry from you, he could feel just how much you love it, he can feel it when you clench around him each time his hand meets your cheek.
“Yes, yes,” your eyes never left his, not shying away.
“You like it when it hurts?,” another slap delivered, “You like it when it hurts knowing I’ll make it all better?,”
“Fuck!,” the tears just keep spilling but he knows they’re tears of release, of pleasure, they’re tears for him. Another offering to the King.
“I’m gonna make it all better, Sugar. Just keep being good and taking it, okay?,”
He grabs your cheeks, squishing them together again so his tongue can slide in your mouth effortlessly. Teeth clashing, spit being swapped, the energy between you two was potent, a potion that you’d keep coming back for, drinking it down without being asked.
“I wanna cum for you,” biting his bottom lip, you pull back with a fucked out smirk on your face, “I wanna make a mess. I wanna show you that I’m worthy,”
“I already know that you are, baby,” his thumb tracing small circles onto your clit, his other releasing the bar and coming to wrap around your neck, “I know you’re my pretty little slut who will do anything to stay in my good graces,”
When his hand began to squeeze at your neck you were done for. Your moans came out in tremors, you were clutching onto him in anywhere you can. You groan at the loss of contact on your clit until his thumb is replaced with the same toy he wrecked you with earlier.
“You’re gonna take this toy from me. You’re going to be a good girl for your King and make yourself cum on my cock. You hear me?,” his voice was dangerously low now, letting you know there was no negotiation.
With a shaking hand you snake your hand between the two of you, grabbing the bulbous toy from him and holding it against yourself despite your body telling you to pull away.
“You’re doing great, baby,” he assures, a soft kiss placed on your lips, “Just focus on me. I’m right here,”
He was so close now. One hand on your throat and the other holding the back of your head, pressing your foreheads together.
“My King,” you gasp, chest heaving as you feel yourself ready to fall off the edge.
“I’m gonna catch you. I’m always going to catch you, baby,”
Your eyes stared deeply into his and you just sobbed, needing this more than anything and you just cried. Getting fucked within an inch of your life so good you’re crying was not something you expected to happen considering your past endeavors with men who only cared about getting their own rocks off.
“I know. I know,” he’s still driving his hips deep into you and you’re circling the toy lightly on your swollen, cum soaked bud, you were almost there.
“Give it to me, Sugar. Give me what you owe me,”
And that was all she wrote.
With one deep gasp to fill your lungs he delivers a strong thrust, your fingers trembling around the toy so hard you accidentally turned it up to the next level and you were done for.
You practically screamed as Noah siphoned your orgasm out of you. You were shuddering beneath him as he kept thrusting, still talking you through it.
“You’re okay. You did so good for me, I’m right here. Fuck!”
With one last searing kiss, Noah is stilling his movements, emptying himself inside of you, both of you practically giving each other mouth to mouth CPR as you try to catch your breath. His head has fallen in the crook of your neck and your eyes are fighting to stay open.
“You can come back down now. Come back to me,” he mutters.
You slowly regain all your senses back. Taking in your surroundings and what just happened. As everything hits you, your cries echo in the room.
“Hey,” Noah is quick to sit both of you up and set you in his lap, “What’s going on in that head of yours?,”
Swallowing your cries and wiping your eyes you search for him, eyes connecting, the same beautiful brown eyes you could point out in any crowd.
“Thank you,” is all you say, “I needed that. More than you know,”
He smiles in relief, worried that the scene had somehow upset you.
“We got to get you cleaned up. We’ve got some aftercare to do and some things to talk about,”
Once both of you were all bathed, Noah took the time to moisturize your skin, apply soothing lotion to your ass and even being gentle in doing your skincare routine for you.
Once he has you curled up in his bed, he went to go clean the other room and brought back some snacks and water with electrolyte packets.
He takes it upon himself to feed you all while affirming how good you were. That you’re loved and cared for, not wanting to leave any room for doubt to sneak in.
“You okay to talk?,” he questions.
You sit up against the headboard, worried about what this talk can pertain to.
“I see the cogs turning, relax,” he soothes, “If you want this like I want this we need to talk,”
“I want this,” you answer definitively. He can’t help but laugh at your excitement.
“I know it’s a little too late to say that I don’t want to rush into things but, I’d like to rewind a bit and start at square one,”
“And that is?,”
“A date,” he answers simply. Sure you’ve gone on friend dates all the time but this is different, this is serious, “I want to build it from the ground up. I know we’ve been friends for ages and have built trust but this is different and I want to build a stronger foundation because I want this to work,”
You take in his words, listening as he goes over his requests and needs for the relationship. You gave him your own list of demands and found yourselves giddy at the fact that yes, you two are a living cliche.
But who cares?
It was you and Noah against the world now.
Til Kingdom Come.
This idea was burning in my head for ages and I had to write it!!
Please be sure to reblog and comment if you enjoyed, thank you for your support!! 🥹
~Berry 🫐
tags: @lma1986 @thisbicc @theroyaldixon @whatitsdecending
#noah sebastian smut#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian fic#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian imagine#bad omens smut#bad omens one shot#bad omens fanfiction#bad omens fic#bad omens imagine
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halloween party (noah sebastian x reader)

18+, mdni, nsfw, Ghostface and Halloween-themed
It is October 31st, meaning it is both Halloween and my room mate Noah’s birthday. Every year we celebrate it at the same time, along with me, the rest of the band and some other friends and crew-members.
I start to get ready, and I had decided I wanted to be an attractive vampire this year for Halloween. I wear a fancy white blouse with a black leather corset on top, with rose detailed designs on it, making it look chic like and perfect for the costume. Underneath that I wear a short leather skirt, black thin tights and long, warm black socks for over my matching leather boots, detailed with spikes and chains. My black hair is styled a bit messy and my make up is dark with red, matching with the blood colored lipstick on my lips, that I smug a bit on the edges. When I look at the reflection of the mirror, I look satisfied and am ready for the party.
When I leave my room to head downstairs, I hear Noah's door open and close, making me smile in excitement.
“Hey birthday guy—“
I want to greet him, but as soon as I see what he is dressed up this year, which is Ghostface, I am stuck in my tracks. My lips part as I slightly swallow, my eyes taking in Noah, feeling my cheeks slowly flush. No way he is dressed up as Ghostface, my all time favorite horror character, someone I secretly swoon about sometimes, since I might… have a thing for masks.
Noah clearly notices me eyeing him up and down, as he then amusingly asks, “Like what you see, y/n?” His voice is a bit muffled by the mask.
“Eh, yeah, you—you look very cool as Ghostface,” I stumble, swallowing once again, quickly tucking strands of hair behind my ear as I then move past him, downstairs down to the kitchen, making me suddenly very aware how short my skirt is again as I move.
He follows me down to the kitchen, feeling his stare burning behind me, feeling like it's completely taking me in, making me heat up even more.
“When will the others arrive again?” I then ask once we are in the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water out of our fridge and taking some quick gulps. Our kitchen and living room is decorated and in the Halloween spirit, something I loved to do for Noah since I love both decorating and Halloween.
Noah stands next to me, and I notice a slight smile present on his face under the mask by the bright lights in the kitchen, looking around at my decorations as well. “You have outdid yourself this year once again,” he comments, before remembering my question. “They should be here in like 20 minutes.”
I smile up at him, appreciating his compliment. “Thank you, always try my best.”
I turn to put the bottle back into the fridge, and when I then turn back around to Noah again, his mask is off, revealing his messy hair that is slightly pulled back, and in combination with the gloves and robe he is wearing I almost choke in my own breath.
“Jesus Christ,” I then mumble underneath my breath as a I move myself to the couch before I can embarass myself even more.
Noah and I have been roommates for a year now, being kind enough to rent and share his space with me, and if I’m being honest I have found him attractive from the start. But since we became good friends and he is mostly away on the road with his band, I decided to let the possibility of something more blooming between us go.
Noah lets out a low chuckle as he notices me looking flustered as he sits down right beside me, clearly being very much aware of the effect he has on me. “You okay?” he asks, a slight smile on his face as he tilts his head at me.
“Yeah,” I mumble, as I then watch him for a moment, my eyes ranking down to his costume again. “I can imagine that being warm inside,” I then nod to his outfit, flushing once again, so I quickly flick my eyes down to my lap. Damn, I hate being so flustered so fucking easily—I shouldn’t and I know that it’s wrong, but he looks even ten times hotter with that damn costume on.
He raises an eyebrow at my comment. “You’re not wrong,” he shrugs, before he lets his eyes move down to my outfit as well.
“I can imagine yours is a bit heavy as well,” he then comments, his eyes raking over my corset.
“Oh, it's okay,” I shrug with a sheepish smile, looking down at my white blouse and corset on top. “There’s a chance that I’ll take the blouse from underneath the corset off later this evening though, since the house will be pretty crowded and stuff.”
Noah nods slowly at my statement, the image seeming to flash before his eyes for a moment. “Maybe I should take my robe off for the same reason,” he then jokingly comments, winking in my direction, before he gets up from the couch again, heading to the kitchen to get himself something to drink.
Oh, you definitely should, I mentally think to myself, feeling heated by his wink, and then quickly shake the thought away in embarrassment.
Twenty minutes later, Noah’s friends and band members arrive, all wishing him a happy birthday and some of my friends join us later. Even though Noah insisted that he did not want some special moment with a cake and candles he had to blow out, we of course did exactly that, and even though he rolled his eyes and pretended to be grumpy with his arms crossed in front of his chest, I could tell by the sparkle in his eyes that he secretly enjoyed it.
Later that evening, I’m sitting on the couch talking with some friends, laughing and drinking, and I feel Noah stealing some glances from me sometimes, making me blush and I stare back whenever I have the confidence. Now he just smugly smiles a bit, leaning against the counter with his Ghostmask off again, gloves wrapped around his beer, and my mind already goes to the most unholiest things so quickly—how the cold of the leather gloves would feel around my throat for example—
I clear my throat and quickly shake the thoughts away, trying to concentrate on the conversation with my friends again, mentally slapping myself against the head. I'm the worst.
But then, I feel someone sitting next to me, and almost jump when it's Noah, looking at me with an amused expression and some glint in his eyes that I can’t quite unravel yet.
“Noah,” I smile, “hi.”
He lifts his beer at me in a greeting gesture before smirking and turning his full attention to me. “How are you enjoying the party, Little Vampire?” he asks, coming up with a nickname right there on the spot, making me both blush in amusement and flattery.
He then leans back into the couch with a slight grin, before taking a sip from his drink. “Nice to see you didn’t cover your neck tonight.”
I can’t help but chuckle at his little joking comment. “Well, could say the same about the people around me, right? Need something to feed from after all,” I joke back.
He amusingly laughs at my remark, for sure noticing the redness once again spreading across my cheeks by the way his eyes seem to gleam even more.
Noah then leans in a little, making me let out an uncontrollable nervous breath, his eyes lingering on my lips for a moment before he looks into my eyes again, a mischievous glint now in his own dark ones.
“But have you found someone to feed of off yet? You’ve been eyeing me all night I’ve noticed.”
My eyes widen a little as he says that, my heart racing up a little, and I sheepishly smile at him.
“Have I? Oh—“
I blink as I don't know how to get the words out of my throat for a moment, and then proceed to quickly shake my head as my blush keeps spreading on my face, answering his question. “I have not found someone yet to feed, no—“
A smirk plays on Noah's lips as he notices my reaction, deciding to take it one step further. “Well you know… since it’s my birthday, I can give you a gift…” he then whispers into my ear.
Goosebumps appear on my skin as heat spreads now almost everywhere in my body at this point, and I slightly gasp at the feeling of one of his leather gloves then sliding up on my thigh.
“Aren’t people supposed to give you a gift when its their birthday?” I then answer back, looking at him through my lashes, the feeling of him squeezing the flesh of my thigh as well already unraveling so much inside of me already.
He lets out a playful hum, letting his hand travel further up now to my hip. He leans even more forward, his dark brown eyes trained on my lips again first before looking back into my eyes.
Then to my surprise he brushes his lips past my ear, his breath grazing my skin, making me hold my own. “Well… my birthday wish from you is to give me what you want most.”
A shaky breath escapes from my with red, blood colored painted lips, and I slightly turn my head to his face so our noses slightly brush against each other, faces dangerously close, making me able to feel his soft breathing through his nose brushing against my face.
I decide its now or never, wanting to take this chance, wanting him.
“How about you help a helpless vampire out and be my victim for tonight?” I whisper back, smiling slightly.
A slight grin forms on Noah's face as he hears my request. Leaning back a little he locks eyes with me for a moment before standing up, holding out his hand. “Follow me.”
With both nerves and excitement I take his hand, letting him pull me along towards the staircase that leads up to our apartments bedrooms, my heart pounding in my chest as we walk up side by side.
My mind is already spinning with nerves, desire and excitement. As soon as we reach his bedroom, he closes it behind us once we are in, and when he places his Ghostface mask back on his face again my eyes slightly widen, and the arousal between my legs begins to spread. Oh, he knows what he’s doing.
Then, Noah grabs me and pins me against his door, his hands resting behind me on each side of my body. He tilts my head at him, the mask making him look somewhat scary and yet mysterious—mysterious enough for me to become more flustered than ever. His eyes wander down to my lips, seeing the need to press them against mine but he clearly wants the game to continue first, just a little bit longer—by sliding his knee up between my legs, resting between my thighs.
I whimper as he does that, heart racing even more, and I need to hold onto his biceps for support because of the heat already being spread between my thighs, making me light headed with desire—and of course his biceps feel hard and trained, just like they normally already look like, and it makes me ache for him even more.
Noah smirks at the feeling of me holding onto him. “Already so needy and wanting for me,” he says into my ear, his hands sliding down my sides, feeling the lace of my corset underneath his fingers. He presses up against me with his knee to gain a little bit more friction against my core, making me let out another gasp.
“Noah,” I can’t help but gasp out his name, making me flush a little.
He leans his face against my neck, slowly taking off his mask again to let his lips hovering over my skin, his breath grazing the area gently, before pressing a small peck to the skin. “I can only imagine the sounds I can get out of you tonight.”
His teeth tug at my earlobe, before moving down towards my jawline, placing another kiss there. I groan, then wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him even more against me, making me able to feel his excitement growing, and it makes everything inside of me flush and heat up, and the desire for him grow. The thought that I’m the one that makes him feel this needy, makes me feel even more worked up.
Noah's hips push against mine, his head now buried in my neck, kissing the skin, even teasingly biting the skin at various places, not hard enough to cause any real harm, but enough to cause red marks that’ll stay for a while.
“Aren’t I the vampire here though?” I can’t help but teasingly grin at that.
Pulling his face out from my neck he looks into my eyes, the corners of his lips pulling up into a smirk as I say that. “I think you’re forgetting that tonight is my birthday, not yours, little vampire, and I get to do what I want… and right now, all I want is you.” He leans in towards my face, his lips just inches away from mine—so close, yet so far.
“And this is only the beginning of your gift to me.”
My doe eyes widen as I look up to him, eager and desperate, and I still stubbornly lean to his neck despite his words, placing a few kisses before marking some bits of his skin. I feel him shiver underneath my touch, a low groan escaping his lips, making my heart beat even faster.
When I pull back with a smug smile, I say, “Vampires still need to be fed, birthday or not.”
He takes a small step back from me, his dark eyes raking over my body slowly, a smirk creeping on his face. “Take off the corset.”
The fast beating of my heart goes up to the pulse of my neck as he asks me that, a confirmation of where I hoped this night between us would go, and I quickly nod as I then take off the corset, leaving me in just my thin white blouse, revealing the outline of my chest, and a fire builds up in the pit of my stomach by the way he watches my every move.
Noah then takes a slow step towards me, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me close towards him, hips rubbing against mine again. I start to breathe heavily, hands trembling as I feel nervous yet excited.
Lifting my chin, he presses kisses to my jawline again, nipping at the skin here and there as well and it makes me softly moan, the other hand slowly moving up to my chest, as it goes underneath the fabric of my blouse. I enjoy the feeling of his warm, large hand there, making a ragged breath escape from my lips.
His fingers graze across my collarbone, feeling my skin underneath, and the touch is so light, almost like a feather is touching me. His lips trace up from my neck to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe gently again. Then, he takes a step back, my eyes locked with his, before he speaks.
“Get on the bed, now.”
I eagerly nod at him, walking towards his bed, sitting down at it and already taking and kicking off my own boots without him having to ask me to, since I’m getting desperate and needy for him by the minute—I’ve fantasized about a moment like this for embarrassingly too long, and now that it’s finally happening I want it now.
Noah then watches me lay down on his bed, eyes raking over my frame, taking in what was going to be his gift for tonight. He walks over to me before straddling my hips, taking his gloves off with his teeth before letting them fall onto the ground. The sight of him doing that makes my eyes nearly pop out, it being one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.
Leaning down, Noah places teasing kisses on my cheek, then jaw, and slowly moving down to my neck again, his hands working on unbuttoning my blouse. His lips kiss every little part of exposed skin down from my neck, to my collarbones and then down to my chest, making me whimper and shift my hips against the mattress in anticipation—and I already feel like I'm getting taken to cloud nine.
He lets his tongue run across my skin, tasting me as he unbuttons the last few buttons of my blouse, making me gasp. He pushes the fabric off my arms and down onto the floor, then pulling back, looking down and taking in the sight of my skin and exposed chest. He licks his lips as his hands glide up to my sides, caressing the soft skin.
“So, so gorgeous,” he whispers in the dark, almost more towards himself it seems, his eyes drifting back up to meet mine after.
It feels like I’m exploding with fuel and desire inside, being lit up with every touch and look of him, making my heart hammer inside of my chest from nerves but especially excitement. My hips start to grind against his a bit, making me able to press a little against his bulge, and I have to bite back a amused smile by that, as I feel myself drooling between my legs by the feeling at the same time.
A low groan escapes Noah's lips as he looks back down between the both of us, getting stimulated by my movements. His lips then find my jaw again, teeth scraping the skin before pulling back to look into my eyes. He gives me a dark, smug look before he stands up from the bed, his hands slowly taking off his robe and the long sleeved shirt he wears underneath, letting it slide down his body as it falls to the ground by his feet. “Tell me how much you want me, sweetheart, so I can give you everything and more.”
And Jesus fucking Christ—he’s a sight, a goddamn hot, tattooed and worked out sight as I let my eyes roam over his exposed chest, flushing madly by it
“I want you,” I whisper as my eyes go back to his own darkened ones again, “for so long. Even more… like this.”
His lips curve into a smile as he slowly steps back towards me again, moving his hands down to his pants, slowly unbuckling the belt while looking into my eyes that slightly widen in anticipation. “How long have you waited for this?”
“Too long to admit,” I mumble, my eyes going down to his belt. “It's embarrassing.”
Noah slides his pants down his legs along with his underwear, letting them fall to the floor as well before slowly climbing on the bed, hovering over me once again, making my heart rate rise madly. His hands slide down my body, down to my skirt, his fingers hooking into them as I continue to look at him.
“It’s okay, I have too. And I know how needy you are right now, sweetheart.” He kisses my jawline, hands slowly pulling my skirt down my body, leaving me in only my panties.
“You–really?” I stumble as I hear his words, and all the fire in me burns up again, making me need him so badly, and wanting him, craving him, more than ever before.
One of his hands caresses my thigh, feeling the soft skin underneath his lean fingers, before slowly gliding up to my covered center. He watches his hand as it moves slowly over my panties, his fingers grazing my core, applying a teasing but light pressure, making me squirm.
“Of course,” he says in response, a devilish grin on his face, eyes looking down at where his hand is touching, and God, it's another hot sight. His other hand goes to remove the rings he wears on his fingers, the chunky silver ones I've grown to love so much, and I get more needy for him by the minute, making my body tremble with eagerness.
I look down at our naked bodies, making me heavily flush again but also dampen with even more in anticipation. Once his rings have made their way onto the nightstand he leans down towards my ear again. His lips ghost over the skin of my neck, trailing down as he speaks, “Are you sure you’re ready to be mine?... To let me take you in every way possible? To make you completely mine?”
He nips at the flesh before pulling back a little to look into my eyes. I whimper desperately at his words, chest rising up and down heavily, my arms already wrapping around his neck.
“Yes,” I breathe out in response, my eyes then looking at his lips.
Noah's right hand cups my cheek, gently caressing the skin with his thumb, and then finally pressing a soft kiss to my lips—it’s slow, passionate, and full of desire. Soon, his tongue grazes my lower lip, teasingly asking for entrance which I instantly give him, before moving his other hand to my waist and starting to slide my panties down my legs, all while never breaking the kiss.
I moan deeply in our kiss, my legs already slowly opening for him in pure eagerness as he then throws my panties away once they are fully down. His tongue slips into my mouth, swirling with mine as he groans against my mouth, the taste of him sweet and heavenly.
Noah's hands then slide across my thighs, his teeth grazing my bottom lip as he pulls it back for a second to look at me, before leaning down and kissing me once more, and God, it kills me and makes my anticipation and need for him grow even more and more. His right hand slides up my thigh, his fingers feeling the warmth of my center before rubbing against it gently.
My back arches slightly, eyes squeezing shut by the pleasure, and my jaw drops as sounds of pleasure begin to escape me. Noah can't seem to help but moan into my mouth in response, it makes him feel how badly I need him. He breaks the kiss and moves down to my jawline, then slowly down to my neck, leaving a few bruising bites behind, and I know they'll show tomorrow when I get up.
My panting and moaning get heavier and heavier with the more pleasure he gives me, his movements teasing at first, but then speeding up—leaving me a trembling mess. I can feel myself getting close, and Noah is being able to know by my desperate sounds and the way I move underneath him.
His lips pull away from my neck again, and he slowly slides down my body, placing kisses against my skin as he goes, his lips coming to rest at my chest. His left hand moves up my side towards my arm, pinning it down against the bed, before doing the same with the other arm. And now he has me underneath him, completely at his mercy, making my heart speeding up even more, with lips parted as I look at him with anticipation, as I'm about to get closer and closer to the edge.
Noah continues to work his fingers against my core, lips kissing all the way down my chest and then towards the inside of my thigh, leaving a faint trail of marks behind as he goes. His teeth graze the skin while his dark, lustful eyes never leave mine.
“Please,” I then breathe out as his mouth goes closer to my center, “I need you there—”
He listens to my pleas as a grin forms across his face. “Such a needy thing you are,” he chuckles softly against my sensitive skin. His eyes look back up to mine before looking at my aching core, making me shift even more in need.
“But, I will give you what you desire,” he then hums. His tongue flicks out, teasingly licking a slow, but broad trace, making me sharply inhale.
”Fuck,” I heavily pant out, making my back arch even more. I feel him smirk as my hips buck against his mouth as he hears the sounds of me falling apart beneath him. The hand that was holding my arm down moves up towards my head, gently lacing his fingers into my hair before pulling it, and he looks up again at me.
“Be good and take it,” he then commands with a low voice, it being enough to make me moan out loud again.
“I’ll take it,” I pant in response, “fuck, I’ll take it all—”
Noah hums against my core, slightly vibrating against me, driving me crazy. He then looks up at me through his lashes, watching my face contort and twitch in pleasure. His left hand then moves to the desk next to his bed again, taking one of the gloves off it and sliding it on again, making my eyes widen. Oh god—he has definitely noticed what those gloves did to me the whole evening.
I see him having to hold back a grin at my reaction, confirming that. “Look at you baby, already looking wrecked,” he teases, his eyes and lips leaving my enter to look up at me, his gloved hand now moving down to my core, slowly rubbing me, and I gasp and squeeze my eyes shut at the feeling of the leather against me.
“Oh God Noah,” I choke out, feeling myself getting even closer to the edge, and his lips curve into a mischievous grin.
“And now look at you, begging me already,” he taunts after a dark, amused chuckle follows. “I’ll give you what you want, darling, but only if you say my name. That’s the only way you’ll get what you need.”
“Noah,” I desperately choke out, my voice sounding needy, practically shaking as I say his name, and he chuckles softly at how vulnerable and exposed I am right now. “I’m so close, please—“
“That’s my pretty thing,” Noah hums, his lips going back to my aching center, continuing to devour me with his tongue, and I let out the most desperate sounds, and soon enough I grab and pull his hair, hitting my edge, hard and with trembling legs he needs to hold with both his hands.
The sounds I'm making are almost loud enough for the others, and the realization makes my climax feel even more pleasurable and hot to me. Noah pulls away from my center, looking at me, taking in my dazed expression.
“What a pretty thing you are, y/n,” he praises me as he crawls over and hovers over me again.
I blush yet roll my eyes at the same time, chuckling lightly. “Yeah yeah,” I playfully respond as I swat his chest, and he joins my laughter.
“Now roll over for me, and make me wish you an even better happy birthday.”
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years of sleep — n.s. one shot
"She has always chalked up his teasing and looks to his naturally charming nature. Noah has always been boyfriend material—but never her boyfriend."
Noah and Reader have been drawn to each other for years, but have never dared to act on it—until a wedding and a one-night stand, in which their buried feelings are brought to the surface, along with some misunderstandings.
one shot ✨ noah sebastian x fem. reader words: 11.6k (it's a mini fic, let's be honest) reading time: about an hour it's divided in 2 parts so you can "bookmark it" at part 2 if you don't have time to read the whole thing in one go.
tags & trigger warnings: pure self-indulgence. two attractive idiots in love that don't know how to break the ice—until they do. misunderstandings. Noah has almost shoulder-length hair in this one. manbun!noah. angsty fluff, dirty talk, sexual content (implied masturbation, oral sex with both receiving, p in v protected). mentions of reader having a scar but no further explanation (implied past abuse but no more references to it). fluff, beach setting, noah applying sunscreen on reader, reader having a kink for noah's hair. let me know if sth else needs to be added. - Work inspired by this post by @defuckingthrone-dot-com - Honorable mention to @somebodyels3 for letting me use her butterflyclip-thoughts on this one 🦋
years of sleep — part 1 ☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
It’s not the first time they’ve seen each other, but it’s the first time they’ve looked at one another from opposite ends of the room as if nothing else exists.
They have known each other for two, maybe three years. Her friends are Noah’s friends, and by extension, they have become part of the same circle. Yet, despite the shared acquaintances, despite the countless gatherings and parties and concerts, they have never really spoken—never dared to exchange more than a handful of pleasantries, a few polite questions, and the passing comment about how great the show’d been before drifting away.
But there’s obviously something there. Something that’s always been.
And tonight, they can’t escape what it’s meant to be.
The wedding takes place at a seaside resort, where lush gardens stretch toward the shore, with palm trees everywhere swaying in the breeze, and a stone path that leads to an extensive beach.
She first sees Noah in the hotel lobby. The space is crowded, buzzing with conversation and laughter. The moment their eyes meet, the world shrinks. A pull—subtle but magnetic—draws them in. And then, as if fate conspires to close the distance, Nicholas the groom, appears beside her and steers her toward Noah.
Their greeting is brief, restrained. A formal hug. Fleeting contact. Her hello stays in his mind. Her voice is soft and sweet. Confident, too. And that smile? That pretty smile has him struggling for words.
He wants to tell her she looks beautiful. He doubts he’ll have eyes for anyone else that night, not even for the two getting married.
She wears a slate-gray dress, short and form-fitting, adorned with delicate rhinestones that catch the light. The thin straps expose her shoulders, her collarbone. There’s a necklace around her neck that could easily pass for a choker. The thought makes something in Noah twitch. Her earrings match the glimmer of it beneath the cascading waves of her hair. Her perfume, her scent… It unsettles him in a way he doesn’t fully understand. But, if he’s being honest, he doesn’t want to.
He could say all of this to her, or he could keep it simple: You look beautiful. But he says nothing. Instead, he pretends to be interested in whatever Nicholas is saying to Matt, though he’s acutely aware of her gaze on him.
She’s just as aware of him—because, for all his efforts, he’s terrible at being subtle.
Noah looks devastatingly handsome today. A black double-breasted suit accentuates his lean frame, and for the first time, his brunette hair is pulled back into a low bun. It’s the first time she’s seen him with his hair up and there’s something about it that’s very attractive. So attractive that she has to turn around to avoid Noah seeing her nibble on her lower lip.
As she looks away, so does he, letting Matt claim his attention. Alana claims hers, arriving in a stunning purple gown, effervescent with excitement. Her joy is infectious, so much so that, for a moment, she can pretend she hasn’t just spent the last few seconds lost in thoughts of Noah.
The venue is bathed in soft, ivory hues. Rows of elegantly arranged chairs line the aisle, their white cushions pristine beneath the glow of the sun. Sheer white drapery frames the altar, where tall glass vases filled with delicate baby’s breath and white orchids stand on either side.
Noah stands on one side of the venue, positioned between Matt and Jolly. She is on the opposite side of the main path, nestled among the bride’s family and friends. She’s never thought much about marriage, but for the first time, the idea doesn’t seem so distant. She wouldn’t mind standing where the bride is now, as long as the man beside her is N—
She doesn’t have time to shake herself from the absurdity of that thought because, at that moment, the bride and groom seal their promises with a kiss. The room erupts in applause and cheers.
She dares to glance to her right. And as if drawn by an invisible thread, Noah looks her way, catching her eyes.
He’s clapping, like everyone else, but he stands out. He’s taller than most, impossible to miss. And then, he winks at her—a wink accompanied by a smile so effortlessly confident, so devastatingly attractive, that her knees nearly give way beneath her.
She’s in deep trouble.
God, she just hopes the makeup conceals the flush creeping up her cheeks.
The celebration continues. The air is filled with laughter and clinking glasses. Music swells through the venue. The food is exquisite, the drinks abundant, and the guests are entertained.
Despite the social nature of his job, Noah isn’t someone particularly outgoing and social. Rather, he prefers to keep to himself.
But tonight is different. Tonight, he’s at ease, caught in the warmth of celebration, happy for his best friend. The air hums with good vibes, and for once, he isn’t the center of attention. He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Not just because his friend is getting married, but because this day has given him something he’d never had before—an entire day and night in her presence.
The hours slip by, and frustration coils inside him. She’s right there, close enough to touch, yet he can’t seem to break the fucking ice. It’s maddening. He’s trapped in a dance of restraint. He knows it must be obvious, the way he looks at her, the way his body betrays every thought he tries to suppress. She’s the girl he’s barely spoken to, the one he’s only seen in fleeting occasions—yet he’s consumed by her. He’s been thinking of her for weeks, months. Even years, for fuck’s sake. She’s in his dreams.
He’s dying to know her, to be near her, to hear the cadence of her voice as she talks about the things she loves and the ones she hates. He wants to learn her—her flaws, her habits, the little things.
But more than anything, he wants to know the taste of her lips, the sounds she makes when she’s touched in the right places, the way she will moan when his hands and lips press on her skin and when his cock is buried deep inside her.
He has to do something about it, and even though it’s been almost the whole day already, he’s willing to do it tonight.
As the others drink and the minutes slip away, Noah watches her. Discreetly. Intently.
The way she moves, so gracefully and entirely unselfconscious. The way she leans into her friends when she speaks. The dimple that appears in her left cheek each time she laughs, the way her shoulders shake, the way her hair ripples with her movements. She keeps tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, but it refuses to be tamed.
And he watches the way she blushes every time she catches him looking.
When the clock strikes midnight, the dance floor overflows with guests, lost in the music. Neckties have been loosened, hairpins discarded. Jolly has long since abandoned his suit jacket. Matt sits at the table with a girl on his lap, whispering something in her ear that’s making her laugh so hard that even Noah is tempted to walk over and find out what the hell he’s saying. Nicholas and his bride have disappeared, and Noah smiles at the realization, exhaling a quiet laugh as he finishes the last sip of his champagne. Then, he’s back to looking for her.
And he finds her.
This time near the exit that leads to the garden, which is so dark and only dimmed by beautifully decorated lampposts with vine and white flowers wrapping around them.
She stands at the threshold of the stone path, the soft glow from the lanterns casting a golden halo around her. The distance between them is vast—he’s at the other end of the room. But it doesn’t matter. They don’t need words to communicate.
She blinks. A glance over her shoulder.
And then she’s gone.
Noah sets down his glass without a thought as he rises from his seat. His jacket is left behind—he likely won’t see it again, much like Jolly’s.
He weaves through the throng of dancing bodies, mutters apologies, sidesteps laughter and swaying limbs, people kissing. The pulse of the music fades as he steps outside, swallowed by the stillness of the night and the back noise of waves crashing.
She’s out of sight.
But he can smell her.
Burberry. Vanilla, rich and warm, laced with something darker, something almost sinful.
He follows the scent.
The stone path leads to a fork—one trail winds toward the beach, the other into the garden.
He hesitates, pulse thrumming. Instinct takes over. He veers into the garden.
Minutes later, he moves parallel to a stretch of resort rooms, their arched balconies overlooking the grounds. Streetlamps line the pathway. A sea breeze stirs the palm fronds, the leaves whispering secrets into the night.
And somewhere ahead, she waits.
It has been almost five minutes since she slipped out of the wedding hall. She leans against the wall of one of the buildings closest to the beach, the stoney surface pressing against her bare shoulders. Noah still hasn’t appeared.
Maybe she misread everything—his looks, his winks, the tenderness of his smiles. Maybe she wasn’t obvious enough. Maybe the pull between them was only in her head, a trick of longing and circumstance. Or maybe it’s just the wedding, the romance in the air making her see things that aren’t really there.
Exhaling, she pushes off the wall and steps into the garden, rounding the corner of the small building.
And collides with a solid chest.
The impact is sudden, stealing her breath. Instinctively, her hands fly to the masculine chest for balance, fingers splaying over the firm muscle beneath the black shirt. His hands find her waist, steadying her, holding her in place.
For a moment, neither of them moves.
She looks up, and Noah’s almond-shaped eyes pierce trough her, dark but soft. The scent of his cologne—woodsy, expensive—wraps around her, muddling her thoughts.
Under her palms, she feels the taut ridges of his abdomen.
Under his hands, he feels the softness of her curves, the warmth of her body through the thin fabric of her dress.
It takes everything in him not to let his hands drift lower—to her ass.
Then, as if the absurdity of the moment catches up with them, they grin—two idiots completely and utterly lost in each other.
A second later, Noah lifts a hand to her cheek, fingers featherlight as he tilts her face up to his.
And he kisses her.
His lips capture hers, slow at first, testing, savoring. She melts instantly, arms winding around his neck, her fingers slipping into his hair. Even in heels, she must rise onto her toes to reach him properly. And this mouth—warm and insistent— tastes of champagne, a sweetness that only makes her hungrier for more.
She barely notices when he presses her against the wall, steading himself with a palm on the wall next to her head.
By the time she comes to, she’s breathless, her lips are swollen, and Noah’s body is caging hers, his hands cradling her face now, his thumb stroking her skin. He watches her for a moment before his mouth trails from her jawline to the sensitive column of her neck, and when his lips graze that one spot—that spot—heat coils deep in her belly.
She would have collapsed if not for the hand he slides to her waist, anchoring her, keeping her exactly where he wants her.
“Let me take you to my room,” he murmurs against her skin. His voice is husky and his breath hot.
He pauses just long enough, searching her eyes, making sure she knows that this is entirely up to her. Whatever she wants. Whatever she desires.
It’s the quiet patience in his expression, the almost tender way he waits, that has her putty in his hands. She knows she’ll always be safe with him. It doesn’t matter that they haven’t spent more than five minutes alone together. She feels it in her bones, in the space between them, in the way he looks at her like she’s the only thing that matters.
Her answer is effortless.
“Lead the way,” she says with a smile.
Noah’s grin widens. He steals another kiss—because he can’t help himself—before lacing his long, tattooed fingers through hers.
Without another word, he leads her away. Away from the music, away from the voices, from prying eyes.
The walk to the room is hurried. Adrenaline and hunger run through their veins. Noah grips her hand, glancing over his shoulder every few moments, his smile impossibly wide, as if he already knows that there’s nothing that’ll change how the night will end.
He barely makes it to the door without stopping midway to press her against the nearest wall, to claim her lips again, to let his hands roam freely over the curves he has only imagined.
By the time they reach the secluded corridor where their rooms are, they are almost running.
A strap of her dress has fallen, slipping down the smooth expanse of her shoulder, and just as Noah swipes his keycard against the door reader, he notices.
Two fingers graze skin as he lifts the strap, restoring it to its place.
The mere brush of his fingers on her skin gives him such a sensation that goosebumps rise on his skin. Noah holds her gaze for a moment. As he gets ready to open the door, her hands curl into the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to her. Her mouth meets his in a kiss so deep, so hungry, that Noah nearly forgets himself, nearly forgets where they are, forgets that anyone could walk by and see him stripping her bare against the cool marble hallway floor and making love to her.
Somehow, through sheer willpower, he manages to open the door and push her inside, barely breaking contact with her lips.
Inside, he fumbles for the bedside lamp, bathing the room in a light cozy glow.
She’s already pulling the hairband from his hair, letting the strands fall loose around his face. She threads her fingers through them. She doesn’t know what shampoo he uses but his hair smells like paradise.
Everything is messy. Desperate. A little awkward.
And yet, within seconds, they are standing at the center of the room, facing the untouched bed.
She pauses, chest rising and falling, one hand at the nape of his neck, the other resting lightly on his chest.
She looks around. His belongings are neatly arranged, each item in its proper place. The small details confirm everything she already suspected about him—Noah is meticulous. Even in chaos, he is composed. He’s perfect, and the hand on his hip, delicate and supportive, adoring but never crossing the line, confirms it too.
He’s waiting for her to say something, so his heart almost skips a beat when she slides to her knees on the floor. Heels still on. Her hands on his belt.
Noah lets her unbuckle it. Fingers move with precision, making quick work of the button and zipper of his slacks. His shirt is next—he unbuttons it, but leaves it open, exposing tattooed skin, muscle, inked lines she clearly wasn’t prepared for.
She inhales sharply.
A near-moan escapes her lips at the sight of him, and Noah smirks.
He would have teased her for it—would have taken his time letting her explore—but then she tugs down his pants.
Her breath catches.
The outline straining against his black Calvin Klein boxers is… larger than she expected.
He watches the moment she processes it, sees the way her pupils dilate, the way her tongue peeks out to wet her lips.
She flicks her gaze up at him, seeking confirmation, blinking once—twice—before curling her fingers around the waistband of his boxers.
And when she pulls them down, Noah is the one exhaling sharply.
She doesn’t break eye contact.
And when she finally moves forward, Noah knows—he’s done for.
She licks him from the base to the tip. She takes her time, savoring him and entertaining herself just enough to make him shudder. She revels in his reaction before enveloping him in the warm, wet heat of her mouth and taking him on the ride of his life.
For the first few moments, Noah doesn’t know what to do with himself. He throws his head back and lets out a guttural sound as she takes him deeper, the suction sending jolts of pleasure straight to his core. His muscles tense, his hands flex at his sides, his breath starts coming in in ragged gasps.
His fingers twitch before finding their way into her hair, threading through the silky strands as he cradles her head and looks down at her. Such a good girl.
She looks so focused. He strokes her scalp gently, then guides her back and forth, his control unraveling with every flick of her tongue, every hollow of her cheeks. That’s it. Keep going. A vein bulges at his neck as he struggles to keep himself in check.
“That’s... Yes. God, sweetheart.”
The sight of her, those lips stretched around him, eyes flickering up to watch his reaction…
With a sharp breath, he forces himself to pull away, already mourning the loss of her warmth. He runs a thumb over her lower lip, and she catches it between her teeth, nibbling at it. The action makes him laugh—a deep, throaty sound.
He offers his hand, and she takes it, rising to her feet. Without hesitation, she slides the straps of her dress down her shoulders, letting the fabric slip past her curves and pool at her feet.
She’s not wearing a bra, and the thong she wears is nothing more than a whisper of lace, a mere suggestion of modesty.
Noah eats her up with his eyes.
Before he can reach for her, she turns, climbing onto the bed, moving like a kitten. She pauses on all fours to look at him over her shoulder with a coy smile that makes his stomach clench.
Noah swallows hard. He’s about to lose it.
When she shifts to sit back, reaching for her heels, he stops her with a touch.
“Let me.”
He pulls his underwear and pants back up before kneeling at the edge of the bed. His grip tender as he slides her shoes off, pressing a kiss to the skin of her ankle. The care in his touch makes her pulse race. It’s so gentlemanly. She’s never felt so cherished. So lucky.
Her underwear comes off next. The weight of Noah’s eyes on her feels heavy, but it makes her feel safe anyway. She wants him.
She reclines against the pillows, stretching out languidly. She parts her legs. Noah stands there for a breath, taking her in. Her confidence only deepens his hunger.
He sheds his clothing and shoes and joins her, covering her body with his without yet touching. His fingers trail up her cheeks, his eyes searching hers.
“Where do you want me?” he murmurs.
“Anywhere you wish to be.”
He laughs and she trembles under him, loving the sound.
That’s easy, he thinks. I’m already in bed, with you.
Still, he takes his time, kissing his way down her body, savoring every inch. Loving how the necklace wraps around her neck. He spends needed time on her breasts, playing with her nipples, his tongue circling, lapping. He looks up to see her lips parted and her eyes intently on him. She still not making any sound. Not yet.
When his hand slides down her ribcage, he notices an old, ugly scar, just beneath her left breast. He also notices the way she stills. He takes one look at her, then kisses the scar without saying anything else and moves on.
He worships her belly, dips his tongue into her navel, nibbles at her hip bones.
He leaves the bed only to sit back on his heels on the carpeted floor. He searches for his hairband discarded earlier. When he finds it, he ties his hair up again, the sight alone enough to make wetness pool between her legs.
Without warning, he pulls her toward him by the ankles.
A gasp escapes her as he buries himself between her thighs.
There it is.
His tongue parts her, teasing. He tastes her like a man starved, and it’s the truth—he’s been starving for her for years. His hands grip her hips, holding her in place as she starts to writhe beneath him.
She makes another sound. A soft, breathy moan. Then another. And another.
It’s the sweetest, most erotic music he’s ever heard, and it only makes him more relentless. He keeps on sucking. He doesn’t stop, not until she’s trembling under him, clutching the sheets, her thighs quivering around his head.
“Beautiful,” he says.
She’s still catching her breath when she peeks up at him from beneath heavy lids, her cheeks flushed and lips dry and slightly parted. The sight makes him chuckle, the sound so laced with affection that it envelops her as if the sound of it alone was a comforting blanket.
“Condom?” she asks when she regains some stability in her breathing.
Noah blinks, nodding as he starts looking around and rummaging through his things.
“I’ve got one… just give me a—” He curses under his breath, shoving aside his clothes. She watches him move around the room naked, cock hard. “Fuck. I know I have one… somewhere.”
She laughs, watching his frantic search with amusement. She has no idea that, at this very moment, Noah is contemplating death if he doesn’t find it. But then he spots it. He tears open the packet and rolls it onto him. He exhales sharply, running a hand through his still tied hair but pushing a lose strand back. “Sorted,” he mutters, positioning himself over her on the bed.
She slides a hand behind his neck, drawing him closer.
“Come here,” she demands softly.
And God help him, he does.
She unties his hair, again, freeing the brunette strands to cascade over his forehead. Her fingers slide through the locks, and at the same moment, he pushes into her, slow and deep.
A gasp catches in her throat as she stretches around him, heat and wetness engulfing every inch of him.
He feels fuzzy. It’s unbearable, exquisite. His eyes are locked onto hers, and for a breathless second, they simply exist. A moan spills from his lips at the exact moment one escapes her, their voices melding in perfect synchrony.
It’s better than he ever imagined.
It’s better than she ever imagined.
He waits, letting her adjust. When she shifts, just the smallest tilt of her hips, it’s all the encouragement he needs. He moves, achingly slow, each stroke a deliberate act of worship, so careful it almost makes her go mad. A tight, desperate sensation builds in her chest, and for a moment, she thinks she might cry.
She has imagined herself under his body many times. Too many to admit. She has touched herself in the quiet of night, fingers slipping between her thighs, wondering what it would feel like to take him this way, to feel his hardness inside her, the delicious weight of him pressing her into the mattress. To experience the solid heat of his body, his pubic bone against hers, the muscles of his stomach flexing against her own, his breath coming in broken gasps against her lips as he steals kisses whenever he can.
Reality is nothing like she imagined.
It’s a thousand times better.
Noah is heavy and much bigger than she is, but instead of feeling smothered by his weight, she feels enveloped in a delicious embrace that promises to take her all the way to paradise, if she’s not already in it.
His pace is controlled. The way he moves over her, the way he looks at her, with a little wrinkle between his eyebrows that says he’s being a victim of this delicious torture too, the way his hands touch her body, cling to her...
His thrusts grow harder, faster. Her thighs cling to his hips. Her feet hoover just above the mattress. Her nails sink into the inked skin of his back as the pressure builds, and he hisses through his teeth. His reaction is instant. He catches her wrists, gathers them in one of his large hands, and pins them to the pillow above her head.
Her breath stutters.
Then, without warning, he thrusts deep.
Take me.
A strangled cry tears from her throat.
Noah’s rhythm shifts, urgency overtaking restraint. His movements become frantic, driven by something raw and insatiable, and she matches him, meeting every thrust, begging for more. A bead of sweat rolls down his temple. She can feel the heat of him everywhere—his sweaty skin against hers, his breath hot and labored against her lips, his body relentless in its pursuit of ecstasy.
If she thought he was handsome before, it’s clear she hadn’t seen him fucking her, covered in sweat and lost in the decadent dance his body is dancing with hers.
“I’m going to come,” he warns when he knows his release is imminent, voice rough and desperate.
She feels a rush of satisfaction so intense it nearly tips her over the edge. She wants to prolong this, stretch it into eternity, but she also wants to see him break. She wants to watch him fall apart. See his expression when it happens.
Noah is holding on by a thread. He thinks about how once he comes, he’s going to get her to follow him, and then he wants to hold her and have her fall asleep in his arms. In the morning, he wants to see her wake up, blink up at him through sleepy eyes, wants to see her make up-free, in the first light of dawn.
Fuck, he’s in so deep. And not just physically.
As he teeters at the edge, he refuses to go alone. He slides a hand between them, finding the swollen bundle of nerves that will send her spiraling with him. His fingers work, and within seconds, she is there, climbing, soaring, shattering. The orgasm is scorching. Noah practically roars against her shoulder, biting her without intending to, but she seems to like it, because the moment his teeth sink into her shoulder, she tenses around him. He is still spasming, releasing himself into the condom, when she trembles, arches, and suddenly moans loudly and prolonged.
She is coming and squeezing him, every last drop.
His arms hold her against him, crushing her to him as they both tremble through the aftershocks. She can feel the erratic thump of his heart against her chest. He can feel the sweat of her skin clinging to his.
They feel...at home.
Noah tilts his head to look at her, catching on the red marks he’s left on her skin. On her shoulder. Clavicle. Breasts. Suddenly, there’s uncertainty flickering behind his eyes.
He’s never done this—whatever this is. He knows it’s not just sex. It’s something more. Something that’s been brewing, growing beneath the surface for some time.
She opens her eyes, lips parted, still catching her breath. The sight of her like this, so flushed and disheveled, so swollen from his kisses, hair tangled in wild waves around her face… She could easily fall for a nymph, ethereal and untamed, as if she belongs to the wild.
“Are you okay?”
Noah is surprised, for it is not him asking the question, but her. He almost laughs.
“I’m fine,” he assures her.
Without thinking twice, he lifts a hand and brushes his fingers along the curve of her cheek, soft and reverent in his touch. This moment—the after—, this touch, it feels like a greater intimacy than anything they have just done.
Her lips touch the line of his jaw, nuzzling against the faint stubble that has already begun to shadow his skin. He shaved that morning, but the roughness is there, and she loves it.
His kisses are different now—ghostly, soft and quiet. They make her heart grow wings and flutter.
Noah pulls away with obvious reluctance, murmuring something about taking care of them. She watches as he slips from the bed, and the moment he is gone, she feels the loss of him like a physical ache. Still, she gathers herself enough to ask him to open the sliding doors to the ground-floor balcony. Noah obliges, and when he does, the distant murmur of laughter and music drifts from the garden, a reminder that the rest of the world still exists beyond this room.
When he returns, he is utterly, shamelessly naked. He moves with the confidence of someone at home, still just as devastating and delicious as he was that morning, when he was wrapped in a tux and his hair was pulled into a perfect man bun.
She wants to keep Noah for herself. Forever.
He holds a damp hand towel, hesitating only a moment as he approaches the mattress and murmurs, “May I?”
She nods.
The first touch of warm cloth against her oversensitive skin makes her shudder. He is careful, tender in a way nobody has ever been with her. She holds her breath. She’s never been cared for like this.
Minutes later, he stands beside the bed, still naked, hesitating.
She watches him, her knees drawn up, an arm draped loosely over her chest. A cool breeze filters through the open door, rustling the curtains. Salt and water.
“Stay,” Noah says, his voice almost tentative. “Please? I promise I don’t snore.”
She has to laugh. He’s so adorable. She nods.
Relief floods his face as he climbs in beside her, tugging the sheets over them. She curls against him instinctively, pressing her face into the warm space between his shoulder and neck.
Noah smells of sex and that masculine stench that is every man’s own. If only she knew that he is inhaling her too... And that, deep inside, he wants to wake up with his nose in her hair and her naked body clinging to him all the mornings he has left.
They talk for a while in hushed voices, the adrenaline still pulsing through them. He asks about her favorite food and her favorite flowers. She asks about his hobbies. About his job—what’s the best and worst of it. He mentions martial arts, and she hums, intrigued, and not-so-subtly lets her hands explore his biceps, his thighs, all tattooed, confirming what she already knew. He is strong, but beneath all that muscle, there is softness too.
She falls asleep half on top of him.
Noah falls asleep with a hand resting on the small of her back, fingers curled over the curve of her ass, the other cradling the back of her neck, keeping her close as if afraid to let go, and his nose buried in her hair, just like he’s dreamed so many times.
When she wakes up, her cheek is pressed against something firm yet solid and comfortable. It takes a few seconds for reality to settle around her, her mind still tangled in the haze of sleep. The first thing she registers is the faint soreness between her legs. For a moment, her heart leaps in her chest in surprise, but then she becomes aware of the calm that envelops her, of the warmth and security she feels. Of the arm around her, pressing her tenderly against the male body lying on the bed.
She lifts her head, and there he is. Noah fast asleep. His breathing slow and steady, lips slightly parted revealing just a hint of his teeth. A stray lock of hair has fallen over his cheek, and before she can think better of it, she reaches out and brushes it aside.
Noah is a handsome man, but like this, with his guard down, his face relaxed, his body molded against her—he’s breathtakingly beautiful.
Surrendering to temptation again, she’s about to kiss him and wake him up, steal the first drowsy moments of his morning, when a vibration hums from the nightstand on his side.
The screen of his phone lights up, and her eyes are instinctively drawn to it. Half draped over his chest, she reaches out just to check the time, but the moment she picks it up, a notification banner flashes across the screen.
LILIPUTH 👶🏼 "Hey! Mom wants to know if you can pick me up Friday instead of Saturday. She’s busy Saturday morning, so she’d rather drop me at the airport Friday. She says to hurry up because we’re already late, and flights are super expensive! Also, she kinda thinks you should pay for them... but don’t tell her I said that! See you soon!
She frowns. She processes the message. What it means, or what it could mean.
“Mom says”?
Liliputh and a baby emoticon?
“Pick me up”?
He should’ve paid for flight tickets?
Her stomach twists.
The phone nearly slips from her grasp as the words sink in.
Is Noah married?
Does he have...a child? Because that sure as hell sounds like a whole lot of parental responsibilities.
She’s holding her breath. Her mind scrambles to piece together a puzzle she wasn’t expecting, one she wasn’t even aware existed.
And it’s not that he’s done anything wrong. It’s not that he’s lied.
But she hadn’t thought about Noah having a life before her. A life this big.
Panic swells in her throat. She realizes she’s laying on top of him sideways, her breasts pressing against his tatted chest. She’s panicking. She no longer feels comfortable or safe in his arms. The sheets feel more like a trap rather than a cocoon of safety. She needs air. She needs space. She needs to get out.
It takes her less than two minutes to slip out from his arms, gather her clothes, and make it to the door in last night’s dress, barefoot, heels in hand. She doesn’t look back. Her bare feet move silently against the floor. Once she reaches the hallway, she presses her back against the door, heart slamming wildly against her ribs.
She doesn’t want to leave.
She wants to stay.
To crawl back into bed, to wake up tangled in his limbs, to feel the weight of his body over hers, his scent. She wants to hear his voice in the morning—sleep-rough and drowsy, whispering the same sinful things he murmured to her in the dead of night when she had been sleeping with her head on his bicep and he’d made love to her again, slow and deep, from behind her. He had first teased her with the tip, kissing her shoulders and neck. A minute later, they were slowly making love, his hand entwining her fingers over her breasts, his hot breath on the back of her neck.
“Can’t tell you how many times I’ve touched myself thinking of you—of this.”
He’d been so attentive and hot the entire night, guiding her as he told her to fuck him, to rock herself against him, to use him… so tuned in with her as he talked her through her orgasm, encouraging her to make a mess on his cock…
She feels... confused and disoriented. In her head, she’s spent years with this perfect idea of Noah, of who he is, of how wonderful it would be to be with him... and suddenly, a simple message destroys all of that.
It’s not a message.
It’s reality.
The rest was her fantasy. Her fault.
The things he had said to her during the night echo in her head. The perfect Noah and the perfect life she had created around him was nothing but an illusion, and now it had shattered, and with it her heart.
years of sleep — part 2 ☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Three hours later, late summer morning, the resort is buzzing with life. Most of the guests, primarily wedding attendees, have slept in, recovering from a celebration that lasted into the early hours. Others have been up since dawn, making the most of their vacation.
She sits at one of the poolside lounge tables, fingers idly tracing the rim of a half-empty glass of orange juice. Sunglasses shield her eyes, and though she’s showered and changed into a simple pastel blue sundress, she still feels the weight of the night lingering in her bones.
Nicholas and his new wife must already be enroute to their honeymoon destination. Meanwhile, she’s stranded at this oceanside resort, three hours from Los Angeles, until tomorrow.
And she has no idea how she’s going to spend the next twenty-four hours.
In her mind, last night should have led to something different—a different chain of events, a different morning, a different future. She had pictured waking up in Noah’s arms, spending the day tangled up in him, stealing kisses between lazy moments and sunlit swims, and ending the night with slow walks along the beach under the stars…
But now, it’s painfully clear that none of that is going to happen.
“And that long face on such a sunny morning?”
Davis’s voice cuts through her thoughts, drawing her attention to the walkway leading toward the parasol-covered tables.
She forces a smile, slouching slightly in her chair in an attempt to appear more relaxed. She doesn’t want to bring anyone else down. This is supposed to be a happy day. Everyone else is happy. She refuses to ruin that.
“Hungover?” Davis tilts his head, eyeing her.
The way he asks makes her laugh, though the sound feels hollow. He’s swapped last night’s suit for white Bermuda shorts and a floral short-sleeve button-up. He’s really embracing the beach resort vibes.
“Something like that,” she replies. Though the truth is that, despite sleeping late and being woken up at 4am for another round of sex, she slept soundly.
“That makes two of us,” another voice chimes in.
Folio drops into the chair beside her, a beer already in hand. She refrains from commenting on it. He’s dressed similarly to Davis, a backward cap covering his messy hair.
“Well, you don’t look like it,” Davis notes.
“That’s because I never hit the bed in the first place,” Folio grins.
“You didn’t sleep?” Davis guesses.
“Nope. Figured I’d just keep the party going. Took a swim at sunrise. Man, that’s an experience.”
The two launch into a conversation about his early-morning adventures and order some fruit and pancakes to be brought to the table. Eventually, they notice how quiet she is.
“What’s with you?” Davis asks through a mouthful of blueberries. “Haven’t slept either?”
Folio smirks. “Or did someone keep you up all night?” He wiggles his eyebrows, his gaze dropping pointedly to the red blotches on her skin. Noah’s lovebites.
She barely reacts. She simply lowers her sunglasses and shoots Folio a pointed look. His grin falters immediately.
“Oh, it’s definitely that. Who—?”
Before Folio can finish the question, Davis has already put the pieces together.
“You slept with Noah.”
Hearing someone say it aloud makes it even more real. Her mind floods with images—Noah’s touch, the sweet and filthy things he said to her, the way he held her, the way he felt. Honeyed and intense.
She wraps both hands around the glass, lips pressing together.
“Really?” Folio leans forward, elbows resting on the chair armrests. “And why do you look like that? Don’t tell me Noah isn’t well-equipped down there.”
She clicks her tongue, annoyed. “It’s not that.”
“So, he is. Is his performance not up to—”
“Nick,” Davis sighs.
“Okay, okay…” he puts his hands up. “Do we need to kick his ass?”
She hesitates, her fingers twitching, before finally voicing the question that has been gnawing at her insides since dawn.
“Noah has a daughter?”
Folio’s grin vanishes. His brows furrow in confusion, then lift in something close to horror.
She looks between them. “Is he married? Divorced?”
Davis just stares at her, as if trying to understand where this is coming from.
“You know Noah is single.”
“No. Actually, I don’t. I don’t know anything about Noah. Not really,” she snaps. “I only know what everyone else knows—what you guys tell me. He’s always the quiet one. I don’t know more than what I’ve put together from—from the way he behaves around me and with you guys. And none of you ever mentioned a wife. Or a daughter. Or—”
“Because he’s not married. And he doesn’t have a daughter,” Folios interrupts with a laugh. “At least not that I know of. Can you even imagine Noah married and with a baby?” He looks over at Davis, but Davis just shoots him a warning glance.
Davis turns back to her with a soft expression. “Come on. You know exactly who Noah is. I know everyone acts like he’s this mysterious, unreadable guy just because he’s private, but the truth is, he’s exactly what you see. He’s quiet, yeah, but he doesn’t need to say much to show you who he is. He writes, he makes music, he lets go on stage… He’s the deep, poetic guy who likes to meditate in the morning and never really raises his voice. He’s thoughtful, maybe too much, and he appreciates life in that annoyingly profound way.” Davis huffs a small laugh. “Even if you haven’t spent much time with him, you know he’s single. The real question is how you two went so long without saying a word to each other when it’s obvious you’ve been pining for one another for years.”
Her heart stutters. “Years? What are you talking about?”
Folio rolls his eyes.
“What are you talking about? Everyone knows you and Noah have been into each other for ages, but because you’re both equally clueless or shy or whatever, you waited until Ruffilo’s wedding to finally do something about it. And now you’re coming in here all ‘Noah is a dad?!’ What the hell did you drink last night? Or more like, what did Noah do to you in bed?”
She groans. Before they can derail the conversation any further, she drops her eyes and mutters, “I saw a message on his phone.”
“A message?”
“From someone named Lily. Liliputh,” she specifies.
Folio and Davis exchange a glance, and she immediately realizes that yes, there are things about Noah she doesn’t know, and they do.
Folio cuts into his pancakes, spears a piece with his fork, and pops it into his mouth.
“Lily is Noah’s niece,” Davis explains. “His sister’s daughter. She’s twelve.”
She blinks.
“Noah has a sister?”
Since when?
“Yeah. Older. She lives in New York. They only see each other a couple of times a year, that’s why he’s probably never mentioned her. He barely does to us, anyway. But they’re close, and I’m guessing Lily asked to come spend a few days in L.A. before school starts again, and Noah’s offered to take care of her.”
A wave of heat rushes to her cheeks. “Oh my God.”
Folio bursts out laughing, struggling to keep the food in his mouth. “You really thought Noah had a whole-ass daughter? And you thought he was divorced, too?”
She sinks in her seat. “It’s not funny.”
“No, but your reaction is. How many Hallmark movies have you watched?”
Davis, however, looks more thoughtful. “So… you freaked out.”
She sighs. “Yeah…”
“And Noah wasn’t awake when you saw the message, was he?”
“So, you got up and left. Without saying a word.”
Her silence and the guilt written all over her face are answer enough.
After a beat, Folio deadpans, “You banged Noah,” he states. “And then you disappeared.”
She shoots him another glare, tempted to kick his shin under the table. “I didn’t disappear. I’m still here, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but not in his bed,” Davis points out. “How would you feel if the roles were reversed? If you woke up after sleeping with him, and he was gone?
A knot tightens in her chest.
Terrible. Used. Heartbroken.
Guilt crashes over her, so heavy it makes her stomach churn. Good thing she hasn’t eaten anything… She bites her lip so hard she nearly draws blood. She needs to fix this.
“Will he… be mad?”
David considers the question at the same time he savors a piece of mango. “Knowing Noah and how much he’s into you… he’ll understand. You just need to talk to him. Tell him why you freaked out. He’ll have a good laugh and later he’ll probably get you back into his bed. Problem sorted.”
How much he’s into me? The way Davis talks about Noah’s feelings is unsettling, like he knows something she doesn’t. Has it always been there, in front of her, and she hasn’t been able to see it until last night?
For years, she has lived off stolen glances and fleeting moments—content with fantasies rather than the courage to actually approach Noah like a normal person would. She always chalked up his teasing and looks to his naturally charming nature. Noah has always been boyfriend material—but never her boyfriend.
Had she known earlier that Noah was pining for her, butterflies would have erupted in her stomach sooner. She might have finally gathered the nerve to walk up to him, to flirt back in a way that was more obvious to him about her feelings. But now, after abandoning him in that hotel room, she just feels awful. If she can’t fix this, she might as well walk straight into the ocean and let the waves take her.
“Hey,” Folio squeezed her shoulder, snapping her out of her spiraling thoughts. His voice is suddenly surprisingly gentle. “It’s okay. This is not some huge, unforgivable thing. Nothing a blowjob can’t fix. Knowing Noah…”
Davis makes a disgusted noise, pushing his plate away. “Jesus Christ, man. How well do you know Noah?”
Folio throws his hands up again. “It’s a figure of speech, for fuck’s sake. What I mean is, Noah’s not the type to hold a grudge. And if there’s someone who can sweeten him up, that’s you. Talk to him. And if talking doesn’t do the trick… well, give him the look, get down on your knees, and boom—problem solved.”
She debates whether to smack him, but the absurdity of it all makes her laugh instead. Did she really think Noah had a teenage daughter? That he was divorced? She laughs at herself and internally thanks Folio, who always has a way of dragging her out of her head, whether she wants him or not.
And much to her own frustration… she can’t stop thinking about what he said.
If talking doesn’t get Noah to forgive her, she’ll do it on her knees and blinking up at him with her big puppy eyes.
An hour later, after wandering alone by the sea for a while and going over the things she’ll say to Noah when she sees him again, she makes her way back to the hotel. Her sandals dangle from her fingers, her bare feet still damp from where the waves had lapped at her skin. She’s hungry, her body demanding a late breakfast or an early lunch.
But more than anything, it’s her heart which is demanding. Demanding Noah, to find him, talk to him and—
She sees him before he sees her.
He’s at the reception desk, leaning on the counter, dressed in black jeans—in this heat, seriously?— and a white t-shirt. His hair is pulled into the same bun as last night, and he’s wearing black sunglasses. He’s chatting with the receptionist, a woman who smiles at him as she listens intently to whatever he’s saying. Before jealousy can settle in, the receptionist nods and disappears into the back room.
That’s when Noah turns, reaching into his pocket for his phone, only to freeze the moment his eyes land on her.
She doesn’t know what to expect. A flicker of irritation? Confusion? Anger?
But not this.
Not the way his entire face lights up. Not the way his lips stretch into a slow, easy grin, like seeing her is the best thing that’s happened to him all day. All week.
“Hey,” he says.
Her stomach does that thing.
She approaches cautiously, hyper-aware of his almond-shaped eyes sweeping over her behind those black sunglasses.
“Hi,” she greets.
Silence stretches between them. For her, it’s suffocating. But Noah? He seems completely at ease, looking at her like she’s the goddamn sun.
“Noah,” her voice betrays her a little. She fidgets with her fingers, taking a small step closer. “About this morning, I—”
The receptionist returns, holding a black tuxedo jacket.
“Here it is, sir.”
Noah turns to her.
“Oh, thank God.” He exhales, taking the jacket and shaking it out. “Thought I’d lost it for good. Or that someone walked off with it.”
“Not at all,” the female behind the counter replies with a polite smile. “Anything else I can help with?”
Her eyes flick between Noah and her before Noah tells her “no, thank you” and she heads back to her desk. Noah drapes the expensive jacket over his arm.
“Guess I shouldn’t be so careless next time,” he muses.
She frowns slightly.
“Got a little… distracted last night,” he continues, gesturing vaguely with his hand. “Saw this girl, and, well… just had to follow her. I suppose I got carried away inevitably.” His eyes darken slightly, teasing. “Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Can’t get her out of my head.”
She’s blushing, of course.
And that’s exactly what he wanted—to make her blush.
“Prettiest,” he repeats. He takes his hand to his sunglasses and moves them up to his head. When his brown eyes fall on her, she feels that tingling sensation coursing through her again. “Sweetest. Couldn’t keep my hands off her,” he continues, knowing very well what he’s doing. “Guess everything else just… slipped my mind.”
Heat flares up her neck. Why isn’t he upset? Why isn’t he at least a little annoyed that she slipped out of his bed after hours of making love? Why does he have to be so charming to her when she deserves none of that?
“Do you… regret it?” she blurts.
His brows lift slightly. “Regret it?” he echoes. He glances down at the jacket draped over his arm. Then he smirks. “I’d lose ten of these if it meant spending another night like that with her.”
She bites her lip, grinning like an idiot. Like the idiot she is for assuming he was a divorced dad.Jesus Christ. She pinches the bridge of her nose, ducking her head to hide her flushed cheeks.
After a beat, he adds, “but preferably if she’s there in the morning.”
“What about you?” he asks. “Anything you regret?”
She draws in a slow breath.
“One thing, yeah,” she admits.
By the way his face changes, she can tell he’s suddenly feeling uncertain. Does he think she regrets being with him? That she regrets letting him touch her, letting him fuck her?
“I… want to make up for it,” she says. “So that I don’t carry this regret with me any longer.”
He watches her carefully. “Sounds like one you’ve carried for quite some time.”
She scoffs. If only he knew…
“Long enough to make a fool of myself,” she says. “But I’d like to fix it.”
His lips twitch, fighting back a smile. “You would?”
She nods, pulse quickening. She gives him the sweetest, most disarming smile. “I think I could. If you let that pretty girl spend another night in your hotel bed…”
Noah exhales. With his free hand, he reaches for her, his fingers curling into the fabric of her dress, pulling her toward him. Close enough that when he lowers his head, his nose brushes against hers.
“I don’t think that’s going to be enough, sweetheart,” he murmurs. She presses a hand against his chest—not to push him away, but to steady herself, to feel the solid of him beneath her palm. And, if she’s being honest, just to touch him again. “She needs to stay till morning. Otherwise, no deal.”
She decides she’s going to seal the deal with a kiss. But just as she tilts her head and parts her lips—
“Hey, Sebastian! Say hi to your daughter!” Folio’s voice rings through the lobby.
They both freeze.
Noah blinks.
She turns her head just in time to see Folio crossing the marble-floored lobby, a mojito in hand, looking far too pleased with himself before disappearing around the corner. Her face burns. Noah’s expression is one of utter confusion.
“Is he drunk?” he asks.
A small laugh escapes her as she drops her forehead against his chest. He still hasn’t let go of her dress. Her fingers grasp the fabric of his white t-shirt as her embarrassment melts into quiet amusement.
“I thought you were a divorced dad.”
Noah stills. Then he’s lifting her chin with the bend of his fingers. “A divorced—What are you talking about?”
“I accidentally saw a message on your phone this morning—Lily’s message,” she explains. “I was just checking the time, I swear. And when I saw the message, I immediately assumed... that you were divorced. And that you had a child.”
He stays still for another beat, just looking at her. Then, to her complete and utter relief, he throws his head back and laughs. The sound is so warm and rich that it dissolves the last of her tension.
“Thank God,” he says.
“Thank God?”
“That you left because of that and not because I snore.”
“You don’t snore,” she assures him.
He exhales through his grin, his thumb brushing her chin. “And you’re adorable.”
“Pretty sure I’m just stupid.”
“Stupidly adorable.”
“Thanks,” she rolls her eyes, only confirming what he just said.
Her stomach betrays her then, letting out a low rumble.
She groans. Seriously, can I catch a break?
Noah glances down at her middle with a grin, amusement dancing in his eyes.
“Perfect timing.”
“Now that I’ve got my jacket back, and I found the pretty girl I was looking for…” he pauses and tilts his head, “I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch with me?”
Like he even needs to ask.
“I’d love to.”
“It’s a date, then.”
He offers his hand. She takes it, just like last night.
They share a light lunch at the seaside restaurant of the hotel, which is located beneath a shade of swaying palm trees and cottage-like roof. The ocean stretches before them, glistening under the midday sun, waves rolling lazily onto the shore. The air is charged with salt and the aroma of grilled seafood, mingling with the faint sweetness of tropical flowers.
Their table is a feast of colors—salad with citrusy vinaigrette, golden spring rolls, focaccia glistening with olive oil, and a selection of small plates. Conversation is effortless between them as the breeze rustles through the palm fronds and plays with her hair.
They talk about everything. Food. Music. Work. He asks about her studies, and she asks about the book he’s reading. He makes her smile. She makes him laugh. She even offers him a bite of her plate and feeds him with a fork. They never mention the fact that last night she had his cock in her mouth or that he mapped out every inch of her with his tongue until she was shaking under him.
After the plates are emptied and cleared, they stay, reclining in their chairs as the slow afternoon unfolds. The occasional lull in conversation is easy. It’s a silence that doesn’t demand to be filled.
They sip iced tea later, enjoying each other’s company as the engulf in the refreshing drink.
She watches the horizon, the endless stretch of blue where the sea meets the sky, and the way the light dances on the water. Noah watches her. Her profile is beautiful, so soft. A picture of tranquility as she takes in the view, lost in the beauty of the landscape. There’s something about the way she looks right now that makes everything else fade into the background.
Noah is in love, and he knows it. He’s been for a long time. He’s not letting her leave his bed the next morning, or any other for that matter.
“Want to go for a swim?”
His question shakes her out of her momentary haze where she was imagining herself in the water, wrapped around Noah’s torso, being kissed under the sun.
“What, in jeans and Adidas?” She jokes, giving his outfit a pointed once-over.
Noah glances down at himself. “Yeah, good point… I’ll go get changed.”
She hums, pushing back her chair at the same time. “I’ll grab the sunscreen.”
They leave together, strolling through the resort’s sun-drenched pathways, holding hands. In the hallway outside their rooms, Noah keeps their arms extended and hands together before reluctantly releasing her.
He should have kissed her. The though gnaws at him as she disappears three rooms down.
It’s fine. He’ll kiss her when he has her in his arms again in a matter of minutes.
They meet ten minutes after in the lobby. Noah has swapped his jeans for black swim trunks, his sneakers for flip-flops. His white T-shirt remains. a towel is slung over his shoulder. His eyes rack down the white bikini peeking through the airy fabric of her sundress. She catches the way his jaw ticks, how his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows.
She shakes the sunscreen bottle in front of him. “Got it.”
Noah takes the tote bag from her with a quiet smile, ever the gentleman.
When they step onto the beach, they walk a little farther from the resort’s main area, the sand cool beneath their feet as they seek out a quiet spot all to themselves. The beach is tranquil, mostly deserted, with only a few scattered sunbathers, the low season keeping it peaceful. They lay out their towels side by side.
Of course, Noah suggests applying sunscreen on her. To her surprise, he’s again very gentlemanlike about it, asking for permission before he spreads the lotion across the curve of her ass. When she turns around and offers her chest to him, her nipples are visible through the fabric of her bikini top. He notices, obviously. But doesn’t say a word. When his fingers lightly access under the fabric and caress the curve of her breasts, she holds her breath. Then Noah pokes her nose, leaving a streak of cream on the tip and laughs, a boyish sound.
“Charming,” she says.
“I know,” he replies.
But even when he says that, it seems that his usual cocky grin is subdued. He seems more serious now, his gaze more intense and darker than it was the night before, like something in him has shifted. There’s a depth to his look, a quiet mindfulness that wasn’t exactly there before, the previous night when they were finally all brave and playful.
She tries to see what’s there, in his eyes, but before she can, he hands her the sunscreen bottle. “Your turn,” he says.
An hour under the sun and Noah’s freckles begin to appear more prominently across the bridge of his nose, like a constellation made of stars. He seems unaware of how they dot his face, of the beauty he carries with himself, as natural and unassuming as the rest of him.
Eventually, she pulls herself away from staring at him and buries her attention in a book, propped on her forearms, body stretched out on the towel. Noah takes a nap before shifting to lie on his side and starts kissing her shoulder. He inquiries about the book she’s reading. The Remains of the Day. Noah mentions he’s read something from Ishiguro before—Never Let Me Go, perhaps? He pretends to read the chapter she’s focused on, but his lips and fingers have other plans, distracting her with light touches, making her laugh and squirm when he starts tickling her.
The book eventually ends in Noah’s hands. He starts reading the novel, for real, and lets her explore the tattoos on his chest, stomach and arms, answering distractedly every question she has about them.
She rests for a while on the towel, gazing at the sky with her hands flat on her stomach. After a while, she gets up and walks toward the water.
The sun is beginning its slow descent, melting into the horizon, bleeding orange and pink across the sky. The beach is nearly empty except for the two of them and some tourists in the distance.
The waves lap gently at the shore as she steps into the cool, damp sand. The wind carries the scent of salt and something floral. The beauty of the moments feels surreal, and she wonders if she’s dreaming again.
Time slips away as she stands in the sand, waves crashing around her, her hair tousled by the wind. She’s unaware of the male gaze observing her from the towel. But an instant or two later, male arms are wrapped around her middle, and Noah’s cheek presses against hers.
She nuzzles into him, placing her hands over his and letting his movements guide her, swaying. She’s never felt so… at ease.
“It’s hard to believe in anything that’s not this moment, right now,” he murmurs into her hair.
She cradles his cheek and turns to face him. Their eyes meet, and there’s no pretense, no walls.
“Is this what I’ve been missing?” She asks, searching the depths of his brown eyes.
Yes, it is, but instead of answering her question, he says, “I should have said something earlier.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” she replies, a tender hand cupping his sun-kissed cheek face. “I should’ve understood earlier. The way you used to look at me… It was too dreamy to be real.”
He presses a kiss to the palm of her hand, his voice low. “I wish I could tell you…”
“Tell me what?”
“Everything. What this means to me. How I feel. How I’ve felt for years and how awful I feel for not having had the guts to—”
She places a finger on his lips.
“We’re here,” she presses her body against his for emphasis. “Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. What this means to you… it means the same to me, Noah. I dreamt of you. You were my every fantasy. For years.”
“Tell me your dreams,” he demands. “I’ll make them come true. Each and every single one.”
“You’re already doing that.”
Noah’s fingers brush against the damp skin of her back. The world around them hums with distant laughter and soft music, but here, in their little pocket of space, time feels suspended. His touch wanders. He shifts closer because he needs her.
Unintentionally, right before he’s about to kiss her, his fingers catch on one of the strings of her bikini top. A simple tug. The tension in the knot gives way too easily. He is barely aware of what he’s done before the fabric slackens.
A breath. A pause.
She stiffens, just slightly. Her shoulders tense, her body alert in the way someone instinctively braces for exposure. Noah realizes what he’s done in the same instant she glances around, eyes darting to the people farther up the shore. They’re too far to see, too lost in their own moments to notice. But still, she hesitates.
However, she doesn’t reach to fix it.
She doesn’t step away.
Instead, she turns her gaze back to him, eyes gleaming.
He understands.
His breath catches as he lifts his hands again, this time deliberate. His fingers find the second tie at the nape of her neck. The knot comes undone easily beneath his touch, the damp fabric slipping free. The bikini top flutters down, catching the breeze before landing softly at their feet in the sand.
Before she can move, Noah closes the space between them. His arms come around her, hands on her waist, pulling her against him, their bodies flush. His warmth envelops her, shielding her. Protecting her.
His thumb traces over the faint scar just beneath her breast. He lingers there, reverent, as if trying to read her past through it.
“That’s a story for another day,” she whispers.
His fingers flex against her skin. “I’ll take care of you.”
A soft exhale leaves her lips before she rises onto her toes, hands threading around his neck. Their mouths meet—slow at first, tasting the promise. Then deeper. Needier.
He doesn’t think before his arms tighten around her waist. He lifts her and he carries her forward, her legs around his hips, his feet greeted by water. Waves curl around them, rising to their waists as he holds her close.
She frees his hair from the bun.
“I’m not sure you love the bun or hate it,” Noah muses.
She grins against his wet lips. “I love how ridiculously hot it makes you look,” she admits, “but the urge to run my fingers through your hair is impossible to resist.”
He hums in satisfaction and kisses her with an open mouth, hungrier and greedier.
There’s only the press of their bodies, the rhythm of the tide, the quiet gasp of her breath against his mouth.
And the night, vast and endless, coming to swallow them whole.
Steam curls into the air as water cascades down their bodies. The salt is long gone from their skin, for they’ve been in the shower longer than they can track.
They move around each other in the small space, washing and rinsing, touching slowly, learning.
He washes her hair, fingers massaging her scalp, nails scratching lightly in a way that makes her eyes flutter shut. She does the same for him, but when she stands in front of him, on her tiptoes to reach, he nibbles at her wrist, making her giggle—so much that he has to catch her before she slips.
She’s happy, thinking about how her hair will smell like his now.
They stand under the stream of water for a while, hugging, saying nothing.
When she shivers, Noah shuts off the water and hands her a towel before grabbing one for himself.
Later, after they’ve brushed their hair and dried off, still wrapped in towels, she catches sight of him at the sink, securing a pink butterfly clip into his damp hair, pinning a few strands back from his forehead.
From where she’s perched on the bed, with a foot propped up to apply moisturizes, she bites her lip to keep from grinning.
“That’s adorable.”
Noah glances at her in the mirror, then snorts when he realizes what she’s talking about. “Lily gave it to me when she was eight. Said it made me look cooler.” His mouth quirks. “She lied, obviously.”
“No,” she says, setting her foot back down on the carpet and flipping her hair over one shoulder. “It’s very fashionable. You should wear it all the time.”
“Instead of the bun? I don’t believe you,” he teases back.
She sticks her tongue out and walks toward her suitcase, which she’d brought over from her room after they got back from the beach. He watches her, leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest. Water still beads along her collarbones.
She grabs her underwear, then pauses, letting it dangle from her fingers. When she turns back, the fact that Noah was watching her makes her heart jump.
The way he stands there, with only a towel slung around his waist and damp hair messy except for that ridiculous pink clip doesn’t help the heat curling low in her stomach.
She considers the fabric between her fingers, then tilts her head.
“Do you want to get dirty again?”
His eyes darken, a slow, lazy smirk playing at his lips. “Do I want to get dirty again?” he repeats. “I think you know the answer to that, love.”
Her smile could stop wars.
She drops the underwear back into the suitcase and walks up to him, fingers grasping the hem of his towel, brushing against the skin just below his navel.
“The clip stays on,” she says.
Noah exhales a quiet laugh, raising an eyebrow as he lets her guide him toward the bed.
“On one condition,” he says, catching her wrist just before she can tug the towel away and reveal his growing erection.
She lifts a brow.
“The clip stays on,” he murmurs, voice dipping lower, “as long as you do.”
They hold each other’s gaze. The space between them disappears, years of hesitation dissolving into certainty.
Her smile widens, so big it makes her cheeks ache.
He just sealed a deal that will have him wearing that hair clip forever.
He knows.
She tugs the towel from his waist and rises onto her toes, pressing her lips to his.
And then, there is no space left between them and no more years of sleep.
💕 Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, my loves:
@rumoured-whispers | @iconic-taurus | @bloody-spades | @bluestdai | @theanarchymuse95
@somebodyels3 | @blade-dressed-in-red | @todressabladeupinred | @turn-your-life-into-folklore | @thecoyotescry
@iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning | @tosoundlessdarkistare | @missduffsblog | @flowery-mess | @chey-h
@tf-is-aesthetic | @alwaysfightforwhoyouare | @fadingangelwisp | @respectfulrebel | @amelia-acero
@theasowle | @xxkatsatwatwafflexx | @lunabuna991 | @ferduttini | @lacy1986
@bad-idea2021 | @death-ofpeace-ofmind | @n0ahsebastian | @kjsebastian | @omens-seeker
I'm sorry if I forgot someone!
#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian#noah sebastian x reader#bad omens one shot#bad omens fanfiction#bad omens fanfic#noah sebastian fanfic#noah sebastian fanfiction
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Now playing: Meddle About

Noah x F! Reader smut 18+ MDNI
Tw- mentions of choking, teasing, grinding, man handling (please please please tell me if you feel I missed a tw, I never want to upset anyone, thank you!🫶🏼) not proof read
Summary- you and Noah have a little cat and mouse game, who is bound to break first? You or Noah?
AN will be at the end, enjoy 🫶🏼
word- around 3k
Divider by- @saradika-graphics 🫶🏼
Noah wasn’t one to believe in the ‘love at first sight’ he was more of a ‘I would hook up with her’
The boys always either attended parties or hosted them. Noah typically stayed alone in his room or would hang with the boys and if someone came along to hook up then he would do that.
Noah was more concerned with his needs and wants for and to the band. He didn’t want any distractions or anything tied down that would take his attention away from his ‘work’.
Ever since you both met, he hasn’t gotten you out of his head. You both haven’t known each other long and have only talked a couple of times but that didn’t stop him from craving you and your presence.
He wasn’t one to crave something or someone for that matter but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t know if he wanted you on your knees worshipping him or vice versa.
He did know though that he wanted you. He was thinking of different scenarios for you both to become closer and different fantasies about you doing different things.
Ever since you first met you both felt this little spark, neither of you acted it out at first though. When you first moved to LA you were very hesiastan about the scene, seeing as you weren’t from the area.
Your friends had assured you that the ‘party’ you were all going to was not a party, normally that meant it was a party but relief was hit when you saw it really wasn’t a party.
You remember the first time you saw him in the living room, you had walked over and taken a seat next to him. You weren’t gonna flirt with him you just thought he was cute and it was the only seat available, perfect.
You both had spent that day talking a bit and getting to know each other, but, as the night carried on and the drinks were passed around you were both in your own world. You had asked him about his music, he was asking why you moved down to LA. You were just getting to know each other.
But the more you talked through the night the more you couldn’t help the feeling of craving something coming around your body. You tried to shift your mind off of whatever it was that was pulling you towards those thoughts.
Noah took note of the way your thighs were rubbing together and the way you were shifting around in your seat, tilting his head “you okay?” he asked with a smirk coming to life on his lips.
You both knew what that question meant, “yea, just getting cozy” you say flashing an innocent smile, you couldn’t help but take a look at his tattoos and lick your lips, bringing your eyes back up to him and giving him another smile.
Noah knew the look in your eyes because he did the same thing when you walked in, short shorts, a black tank top, showing off your curves, hair up, exposing your neck that he definitely didn’t want to take a bite of.
“Okay, just making sure, don’t want my guest to be uncomfortable” he says nodding his head, he took note of the lack of attention on them, half the boys were in the kitchen, the girls you were with were outside playing a game with the boys.
“I’m having a lot of fun actually” you say, seduction dripping from your lips, you were picturing him taking control of you but you were one to not break.
Noah was sat on the right side of the couch, man spreading, arms on display due to him wearing a plain black tank top and some black sweatpants, he didn’t plan on coming down.
Noah typically stayed to himself with work but when the boys told him some new friends were coming by he figured he should take a break. With the band taking off he knew he deserved a break and some fun.
What he didn’t expect was to see a beautiful woman standing in the doorway with some friends. He didn’t care for your friends being there at the moment but as soon as he saw you he needed you. The boys followed behind him welcoming you and your friends inside.
Getting food and drinks out, talking and getting to know everyone better. You and your friends had moved away from your small town into the big Los Angelous scene. You were excited to finally break free from a place you were being held down at. You just didn’t expect to see an extremely handsome man though.
You both spent the night teasing eachother, you found you both had a lot in common. You wanted to stay longer but the girls were ready to go and you didn’t want to give Noah what he wanted.
As the girls said goodbye and gave hugs you made sure to give Noah and extra big hug, whispering in his ear “I hope to see you again, handsome” you wanted to get the last word before leaving.
Noah bit his tongue and smiled “it was nice meeting you, Y/N, hopefully next time we can pick up where we left off”. You knew that smile was not a regular smile, it was like a challenge. Would you be the one to make the next move or him? You didn’t exchange numbers, you wanted to make him wait it out.
Ever since the first meeting you both spent time playing cat and mouse, everytime Noah tried to get you alone you would slip away. Just barely missing his finger tips, you loved working him up.
Everytime you were near him he craved you, he wanted to take you every chance he could when it was just you too. You were very aware of how Noah felt, you felt the same way but you loved this cat and mouse game.
When it was just you together you would subtly tease him, rubbing your hands against his thigh, everytime you would stretch you would make sure to wear something to help reveal your skin.
Noah couldn’t take his eyes off you, he just wanted a taste, a bite of you, anything. Noah couldn’t get the thought of you lying under him, panting, whining, crying for him to go harder, faster, slower.
The boys this particular night were hosting a big party, their second album was doing great, their shows were kicking off, they had interview after interview, so it only made sense to celebrate the new accomplishments that were made.
Noah was making his way through the crowds of people in the house, he was keeping his eye out for you. Noah needed to see you tonight, he couldn’t hold off on another week of not touching you.
As Noah made his way into the kitchen that’s where he spotted you, leaning up against the fridge, drink in hand, talking to someone. Noah could see the boredom in your eyes from the conversation you were having with the guy. He made his way further into the kitchen, reaching into the cooler for a beer.
Noah tried to be nonchalant and not get pissed at the fact this guy was cornering you. He should be the one in that position, he should be the one teasing holding you, not someone night jackass.
As Noah stood back up, he he couldn’t help but over hear your conversation, peaking his interest. “Well, it has been a while since I was with someone” you said, a smirk now plastered on your face, teasing eyes meeting his, you give him an innocent smile.
You were aware of what you were doing, you wanted to see how long you could get away with teasing him before he cracked. The guy, whose name you didn’t care for, was now interested in what you had to say, but Noah was more enthralled with your words.
Deciding to stay where he stood, in your presence, he wanted to hear more of what you had to say. He took a seat at the island stationed in the center of the kitchen. Cutting any conversation started with him short.
“Well, babygirl, I can help you with that” the man replied, you didn’t care for him but you knew he needed to be there for your game. You bring your hand to his chest, tapping on it rhythmically “mmm, I don’t think so” you teased, humming to yourself.
Keeping an eye on Noah’s reactions, you saw him start to clench his jaw, and his fist tighten around the can of beer, hearing the metal crinkle under the pressure.
“Oh come on” the man said, his hand was now on your lower back, pulling you closer to him and away from the fridge, you forced out a giggle to keep Noah’s attention up and high, you didn’t want him to miss the show you were gonna put on.
Before you could reply, one of your favorite songs came on “Meddle About by Chase Atlantic”, what a perfect opportunity you thought to yourself. You stood up and grabbed the man’s arm leading him out the kitchen and to the living room.
“I wanna dance, this is my favorite song” you said, you didn’t want to grind on a stranger you didn’t know but you knew in the long run it would be worth it..
As the song started the man pulled you close against him his chest. You closed your eyes and let the music to take over your body, you couldn’t wait for Noah to snap, you had been working him for what felt like ages.
You started to grind up against the stranger, opening your eyes, looking across the room to meet Noah’s. Jaw clenched, eyes piercing with anger? Jealousy? You couldn’t help the little smirk come to life on your face, the plan was working.
Noah sat back in his seat, never taking his eyes off you, watching the way your hips danced around with that man and not him. The way you would giggle at the touches he gave you as the song progressed.
Noah wanted to pick you up in his arms, take you back to his house and fix the problem you started in his pants. Noah wasn’t one to fall for games though, he was aware of your plan and what you wanted, he wasn’t gonna give it to you though.
As the song finished up, you turned around to the guy, telling him you had to use the restroom real quick. You quickly made your way through the living room and up the stairs to the nearest bathroom. As you walked down the halls you felt someone grab you and muffled your mouth.
You kick and thrash in the persons arms, trying to break free, “shhhh, shhh, it’s me” you heard, recognizing Noah’s voice, you slowly turned around in his arms.
You stood inside, what appears to be someone’s bedroom, you were pressed against the door, Noah leaning over you, brown eyes never looking away from you.
You could feel your pussy soaking through your panties, as Noah started to run his fingers against your thighs, tracing your warm skin under his fingertips.
Leaning down against your ear, whispering darkly “I know your little game, Y/N” he said in a teasing voice, bringing his fingers up closer to your shorts.
“I see the way you look at me, I see the way you sway your hips when you walk away from me, the way you stretch making sure your ass perks up in the air” the more Noah spoke the more Noah’s fingers explored, sliding under the hems of your shorts, coming close to your pussy, then slowly taking them away.
“You thought I wouldn’t catch on but I knew the moment I saw you” he says, turning you around, your chest now against the door, pulling the hips towards his, bringing you closer to him.
You could feel Noah’s hands tighten around your hips, grinding your pussy down against his cock, giving you some relief. Forcing out a moan from pleasure, you had spent nights fucking yourself to the thought of him taking control of you.
“ remember at the pool party? When it was just us, hmm?” Noah asked, slipping his hands inside of your shorts, slowly bring his fingers down to your pussy, just barely missing your clit.
“N-Noah” you whined out, he was so close to touching you, giving you what you wanted, pushing your hips forward trying to get any friction and pleasure.
“No, answer my question” Noah says sternly, taking his hand away from your pussy, placing his hand back on your hips, grinding you against him. He could feel his cock pulsating in his jeans, he could just imagine your tight pussy wrapped around him.
“Yes, I-I remember!” You cried out, of course you remembered. The boys had left for a quick second to grab the food for the barbecue you and you did a strip tease for Noah, sliding down your shorts, swaying your hips in the process. Fixing the top of your bathing suit, and accidentally letting the top drop, flashing him for a quick second. You had ‘apologized’ but you both knew it wasn’t needed.
“You teased me, and then flashed me these beautiful tits, except you didn’t let me touch them, remember?” Noah asked, leaving kisses against your neck, sliding his hand up your chest, grasping your boobs and squeezing them, he was running his hands all over your body, and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“Please, Noah, touch me” you cried out, your pussy was throbbing with need, and the way he was running his hands up and down your body didn’t help. You could feel your body getting hotter and hotter. The way Noah was taking control of you made you feel like a hunter caught his prey.
Noah slipped his hands under your shirt, mumbling in your ear “is this okay, pretty girl?”, you nod your head, pleading for more. “Yes, more please” you cried out, you hated the way he had you under his eyes like a spell. You were suppose to be the hunter and he the prey.
Pushing your bra as best as he could to the side and out the way he started to fiddle with your boobs. Drawing out whimpers and cries, he was very skilled with his hands, you wanted that skill to go somewhere else though, you wanted him to hurry up and give you what you wanted.
You turned around, causing Noah to drop his hands from your boobs back to your hips, pushing you back up against that door, “come on, pretty girl, you know I have the upper hand” Noah teases, leaning down, eyes lowered, mouth barely pressed against yours.
“It’s my game” you whined out, you were so used to being the one in control, Noah was the only one who made your body feel hot and good. “No, baby girl, it’s my game, I give you what you want, when I want” he says firmly, pressing his lips against yours.
Forcing out a moaning, giving him open invitation to slide his tongue into your mouth, fighting for dominance, you didn’t want to give up, but the way his tongue felt against yours, teasing and strong. You couldn’t help but give up, allowing him full control.
Now that you gave your submission up to him, Noah took this opportunity to tease your mouth his tongue, tangling it with yours, pulling back giving you a quick kiss, he brings up his fingers replacing them for his tongue.
Wrapping your lips around them, sucking the digits he had placed inside. You couldn’t help but wonder what his cock would feel like in your mouth. This thought brought out a moan from you, the thought of him throat fucking you, taking you raw.
“What’s wrong, baby? You need something bigger?” Noah teased, the way you were so compliant under his hands now, you were so close being fully under his hands.
You nodded your head as best as you could, your hands grasping his wrist to keep his hand in place. Noah bringing up his other hand, gently wrapping his fingers around your throat, tightening just a bit.
“Too bad, you’ve been a bad girl, and now you’re gonna have to wait” Noah says firmly, taking his hands away from your body, taking your away from the door, “see you next time”.
Noah slipped out the door, leaving you standing alone panting, you didn’t think he would do all that so quickly, but you also knew it was your move next. You weren’t sure of how you would get him back you had an idea. Taking a look at your surrounding you realized you were in Noah’s room.
You thought of a quick idea, and quickly unbuttoned your pants, slipping off your panties, you quickly got dressed again, slipping them under his pillow for him to find later tonight.
AN- Mandy and I have spent the last few weeks about this and I’m finally getting it out now, I tagged everyone who I thought might like it, I’m not sure when the next part will be out but I plan for it to be soon. I want to get back more into writing it’s just life has been very hectic as of late, I will be posting a master list soon, and updating a few things on my blog.
Tags- @fadingintothegrey @fadingangelwisp @bluestdai @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @flowery-mess @thisbicc @english-fucker @silent-stories @veephoenix @hurricanesfollowyou @dollieomens @dontwantthemoney @thenmaybehellaintsobadafterall @amelia-acero
#noah sebastian#bad omens#bad omens cult#noah sebastian davis#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian fanfic#noah sebastian smut#bad omens noah#noahsebastian#noah sebastian fluff#noah sebastian bad omens#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fic#noah sebastian headcannons#bad omens one shot#bad omens x reader#bad omens fanfic#bad omens fic#bad omens band#bad omens fanfiction#bad omens cult fanfic
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Noah Sebastian X reader
CW: sex and a ridiculously cringy argument. (p-in-v, shower sex, rough dirty talk)
credits to @emluvsuxo who proofread this chapter and did not tell me how absolutely cringy and shitty it is (xoxo) i promise the other two chapters I've written following this one are better academically, and storyline wise.
tag list at bottom of post.

Noah currently had me sprawled out on his bed, his fingers pumping in and out. My head was thrown back with pleasure, but ultimately, I was in a different place. He pauses his movement, “you good?” he asks, gazing down at me. I nod, mumbling about how I had a rough day.
We hooked up often, a stress reliever for both me and him. He wasn’t like other boys i’d fucked, he was slow, meaningful and very set on both ends receiving pleasure. However, I always wake up alone. I wasn’t beginning to care about that factor until now.
When I woke up the next morning, half naked, I just laid there for a while. Why do I all of a sudden need this man for more than just sex. I mean he wasn’t ALL that.. With his uhm….. Fuck.
I crave that man from the inside out.
After a couple of hours of wallowing in delusion with my hands between my legs, I dragged myself out to the studio. I needed to work on a few pieces and get them shipped out. Art was a big passion of mine, it was a great stress reliever (alongside sex with the god himself; noah.) I was successfully channelling every emotion without taking it out on someone else, and turning it into art. Soft music played in the background as I spent hours focusing on every individual brush stroke, trying to perfect this specific piece.
I ignored everything for a while, texts from my sister, from my mom, even from noah. I was antsy, and a little dizzy. I was losing daylight, this piece wasn’t even remotely done. I’d have to return to it tomorrow.
I close and lock the door to my studio, heading down the steep flight of stairs to the carpark. I knew Noah went to the gym around here, and prayed silently I wouldn't come across him. I was still incredibly contradicted. Did I really want more from him?
The sun had set and I wasn't even half way home yet, clairo played softly over the radio. I was overwhelmed, not sure how to feel about noah. Fuck. Why is bags playing?
Maybe I am in love with him?
I chuck my phone down onto my bed, rubbing my hands over my face. She hasn’t responded yet. Maybe she's given up on me.
Fuck. I'm painfully hard and I need her soft skin against mine. I hadn’t told the boys about her, I didn't intend to ever date her, I don’t think. We were merely friends with benefits, I'm not ready for commitment.
It isn’t like I don’t trust her or anything, I'm just scared, and hurt. Natasha fucked me up real bad, hence why we were strictly friends with benefits. No cheating, no trust issues, just meaningless sex. Even though, now when I smell her perfume, it makes me dizzy.
My head was resting on my grey pillows as my hips stuttered, my right hand jerking up and down my cock. Soft groans spilled out of my mouth as my hips snapped up. I was seconds away from cumming when my phone rang, it was her, her contact photo illuminating my entire phone screen. And holy shit it made me cum.
I had taken a photo of her, half naked, standing by the big windows in her bedroom. I’d just fucked her brains out, but she was more intrigued by the moon. I scramble to answer the phone, pulling my pants back up.
“Hi?” her voice came through my phone speaker.
“Hi, are you busy right now?” I asked, readjusting my pants.
Her soft sigh fills my ears, and I almost moan.
“I’m on my way home from the studio, shower sex sounds good enough for you?”
I climb out of bed, mumbling a soft yes.
I pull up to her house at roughly 8pm, letting myself in. She's standing in the kitchen in a pair of paint covered track pants and a sports bra.
“You’re covered in paint” I grin, watching as she eats a microwavable meal. She looks over herself, an embarrassed smile gracing her pretty face. I swear my pants tighten.
“Right. Upstairs. Now.” I smirk, slipping off my shirt.
She turns the shower on and hurries to get her clothes off, discarding her silly little lace thong. My hand reaches the back of her neck, pulling her soft lips against mine. It's a clash of teeth, kisses and moans.
“Bend over” I growl, spitting on my fingers. She does as she's told, making a show of bending over in the spacious shower. My hand comes down harshly on her pretty ass. I gently trace my fingers over her clit, her breathing quickens.
I lean my head down near her ear, nibbling on it, taking notice of the way her thighs squeeze together at the dirty things I'm whispering in her ear.
My fingers slip inside her tight pussy, pumping in and out. Her soft moans fill the room, blessing my ears. “Gonna make you cum, huh?” I groan, watching her clench down on my fingers. “Gonna make you cum with just my fingers, you dirty girl.”
I walk out of the shower, stretching my back. I slip my clothes back on, gathering my stuff to leave. She walks me out, wearing just a tshirt. I clear my throat, turning to face her. She looked up at me, her face littered with a post-orgasmic glow, but her eyes said something different.
He pulls me in for a kiss, a magical one at that. I was enjoying it for a moment until I could taste a hint of hennessy. I pull away, feeling a mix of hurt. “So you just came here to fuck me because you were drunk?!” the words came out before i could even process them. Surprise washes over his face, “w-what?” he mutters, stepping back a little. I rub my hand over my face, why the fuck did i say that?
This was going to go south real quick.
“Am I no good?”
His face is quizzical, his eyebrows raising. “What? Baby-”
“No. don’t call me that. Tell me, am I no good?” the words fell off my lips in a hurry. I felt sick to my stomach, I was head over heels with this man and I needed to know.
“What the fuck are you talking about-”
I cut him off. “Do you actually want to fuck me? Or am I just the only one willing?” I ask, crossing my arms over. My heart hurt.
“I- we talked about this. We are strictly friends with benefits.” Noah responds, shuffling awkwardly back into the house, not wanting to give the neighbours a show. “You’re not even my fucking friend though! You won’t introduce me to your friends, you only come over for sex!" I yell, shutting the front door. Well yeah. That was the whole point of our relationship, but he could’ve at least been nice enough to.
I watch him rub his hand over my face. His leg was bouncing up and down.
“You caught feelings, didn’t you?”
My stomach dropped, I mean I hadn't exactly been secretive, but it was still terrifying.
“Why is that so wrong!!” I cried out, tugging at the roots of my hair. Was it because he was some rockstar? Was he just like… using me for my body? Ironic isn’t it?
He sighs, sitting down on my grey couch.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen-”
“Can I be yours?” the words spill out before i can stop myself, a desperate plea. The room is silent again. My hopes are not very high.
“Can I be yours? Just tell me I'm yours-" I fumble with my words, avoiding eye contact. It felt like I was being burned at the stake.
Panic sets over his face, I panic myself.
“We talked about this- i- i can’t do that.” he answers, standing up. Shuffling towards the door.
“You walk out those doors and you’ll never see me again-” the words were much harsher than intended, but I was at my wits end. Our relationship was boring, just sex and nothing else. That wasn’t what I wanted it to be. God, I felt like some trashy whore.
He faltered his movement slightly, but continued walking.
The last thing he said to me was, 'I’m sorry.' Those words hung in the air, heavy and final, just before I turned away and never saw him again. It wasn’t just the apology that hit me—it was the weight behind it, the finality in his voice, as if it were the last thing he could offer, and it still wasn’t enough. My chest tightened, and a cold wave of nausea rose in my throat. It was as though his words, meant to bring closure, had instead unravelled something inside me, leaving me hollow and raw. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think—just the echo of his voice and the bitter sting of what could never be fixed.
The door slammed shut, making the thin walls of the lifeless house shake. Bile rose in my throat, I ran up the creaky stairs, my voice a mixture of pained cries and gagging.
For days, I couldn’t stop hearing those words—his apology. It looped in my mind like a broken record, each repetition digging deeper. But as the days wore on, I started to realise something. Maybe the hardest part wasn't that he’d hurt me. It was that I was still holding on to the hurt, still letting it have power over me. I had to choose to let go.

authors note:
yes, I know I made this story out to be so much juicier and written so much better, just have some patience. I wrote this literally like 2 months ago and have increasingly gotten better.
Taglist: @lilcrazy011 @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard
let me know if you’d like to be added
credits: whoever made that divider ily. i swear it was @silent-stories do correct me if I'm wrong.
#bad omens#bad omens band#bad omens cult#noah sebastian#bad omens fanfiction#noah sebastian smut#bad omens imagine#noah sebastian davis#noah sebastian x reader#bad omens smut#badomens#noahsebastian#nicholas ruffilo#nick ruffilo#noah sebastian imagine#noah sebastian brain rot#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian headcanons#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian fluff#noahsebastiancult#noah sebastian fic#matt dierkes#joakim jolly karlsson#jolly#nick folio x reader#nick folio#nick folio smut#jolly karlsson#BAD DECISIONS ••
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Tag list: @philomenie @supersquirrel1996 @foliosgirl @angelmarie89 @fadingintothegrey @thisbicc @lacy1986 @dominuslunae @shayzillaaaa @mrsnoahsebastian @flowery-mess @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @stardustsirenmelody @romanreigns-supreme @anything-more-than-human @into-the-grey @rumoured-whispers @myownthoughts12 @sister-sebastian @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @somebodyllelse @xxkittenkissesxx @dizzylmwahh @Youlookforultraviolet @kenjipepsi1 @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @blackveilomens @chey-h
Sharing a room with Noah. Great. This won't be awkward. Not at all. It's not like you have a crush on him or anything.
You could wring Matt's neck for doing this to you. He knows how you feel about Noah and how you get all antzy and weird whenever you're around him. Why in the world would your brother make you share a hotel room with him? Because he's a jerk, that's why.
One bed? Seriously? Oh, for God's sake! You scream internally, vowing to give your brother an earful in the morning.
You catch Noah staring at you and your cheeks heat up, feeling so embarrassed that he's forced to share a bed with you. He's probably hating life right now, and you don't blame him one bit.
"I, uh, I can sleep on the couch if you want?"
"No, no! It's fine."
Your grimace, realizing you said that way too eagerly. You look at Noah and notice the tiny smirk on his face. He caught the eagerness, too. Great. Just great. Now you look desperate.
After showering, you come out of the bathroom to find Noah in the desk chair, casually slumped down with his long legs stretched out. He's wearing just some shorts and a white t-shirt, but god does he look delicious. With his hair a little longer now, the urge to run your fingers through the soft brown locks is overwhelming.
"You good?" He looks up from his phone at you and smiles. You die a little more inside.
"Yup. All good."
"You ready for bed? If not, that's okay. I can fall asleep with the lights on."
You shake your head. "No, I'm good. Really. I'm exhausted."
Noah nods soberly, and you feel like maybe you've offended him.
"But thank you... anyway," you say in addition to the first part of your statement. This time, he gives you a small smile, and it makes your heart flutter.
You crawl under the cool sheets already feeling sleepiness setting in. The bed dips beside you as Noah crawls in, removing his shirt and tossing it on the floor. Before laying back, he looks at you staring at his chest like some weird person who's never seen a guy's chest before, which you have. But this is different. This is Noah’s chest, and the ink that spreads over his skin is beautiful. Being this close to him, you can see more detail on every picture like never before, and it truly is a work of art.
"Something wrong?"
"Huh? Oh! No, sorry. Nothing's wrong."
You quickly look away, blushing again because you got caught staring. You shift to your side, back towards Noah, and he turns out the light, creating a black canvas for your eyes to see.
All is silent. All is calm. You're just about asleep when you feel a leg brush yours. It's subtle at first, and you think maybe it was just an accident, but then you feel it again, rubbing the backs of your legs softly and slowly. It's paralyzing yet so infectiously good that you can't help but let the satisfied feeling wash over you.
Noah moves closer to you, and now, you're wide awake. What is he doing? His body shifts, and before you realize it, his arm is snaking over your side and pulling you closer to him. He's spooning you, which to you, is one of the most romantic things a guy can do with a girl.
"Is this okay," he whispers in your ear? It sends shivers up your spine. You nod, but remember, it's dark, and he can't see you. He can only feel you. So you place a hand on his hand that's resting on your belly, and the other you slide up his arm, all the way up to his bare bicep, then rake your nails gently back down, repeating the process over again. Noah sighs deeply, the sound of contentment vibrating off his chest onto you back. He tugs you closer, burying his face in the back of your neck and breathing in deeply again. He moans when he releases his breath.
"Yeah, it's okay," you finally answer with a smile. Even though he can't see it, you know he can hear it because he tries to pull you even closer to him even though your back is fully pressed against his chest. But that's not what Noah wants.
You scooch the lower half of your body back until your bottom is firmly up against Noah's lower half, with his hard excitement pressing firmly on your bottom. You giggle quietly, unable to hide your own excitement of how you're able to turn Noah on so much that you're making him hard.
"I'm sorry," he softly apologizes.
"For what?"
"For... you know... this," he says, thrusting against your butt. This time, you giggle louder, and it seems to help Noah relax.
"Oh, I didn't really notice," you lie, laughing at your own joke.
"Whatever. You did, too!"
You grip Noah a little tighter, snuggling into him, grateful for his warmth and comfort.
"I just really like you. And you smell really nice. And you're comfy." He gives you another tight squeeze.
"Is that all?" you ask sarcastically.
"Would you go out with me once this tour's over and we're back home? Maybe give this thing between us a shot and see how it goes? And don't pretend that you don't like me. I know you do," he asserts.
"Yes, I would love that, Noah. And I don't want to pretend I don't like you because that would be a lie, and I don't lie to people I love."
"You love me?" he softly asks.
"I think I do, for a while now. I've just never been brave enough to tell you. Until now."
Noah slides his hand up to rest on your chest, searching for your racing heartbeat. You hear a subtle growl of approval when he finds it and decides to keep his hand there.
"Well, since we're being honest, you've had my heart for a while now, too."
Noah draps his leg over yours, tangling them together.
"Mine?" he whispers, kissing you cheek gently.
"Yours," you answer, with a smile, gathering his hand in yours and locking your fingers through his before contently drifting off to sleep.
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Nicky 💀
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Let Me Help You

Word Count: 1927
Pairing: Noah Sebastian X Reader
Content Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, comfort, crying, mentions of burnout
Summary: Y/N is always there to support Noah, but what happens when Y/N needs support?
The soft patter of rain filled the silence of the night as my sleep-filled eyes blinked open.
I turned my body over to the other side of the bed where I expected Noah to be sleeping, but instead, the bed was cold. He hadn’t come to bed yet. I rolled back to my side of the bed and reached out for my phone. My hand fumbled around for a bit before I grabbed it. Turning it on, the time read 3:43 am.
This was unlike Noah. Sure, he stayed up late getting work done, or watching an anime with the guys, but he always came to bed. It was like a magnet was pulling him back to the soft confines of our shared bed.
I pulled the soft covers back and swung my legs over the edge. I slid my feet into my slippers and padded out of our bedroom and into the hallway. I could see a light coming from downstairs, so I moved towards the wooden stairs and peered over the banister. The home studio light was on.
Noah’s back faced the doorway as he stared, unmoving, at the monitor’s screen in front of him. His black hoodie hung loosely on his tall, muscular frame. His hood covered his soft, brown hair and his headphones sat over the top of the hood.
The bright glow from the screen illuminated the dark room. Noah must have been sat there for a while if he hadn’t turned on the light. He mustn’t have realised how dark it had gotten.
I knocked on the door softly so I didn’t startle him, but he didn’t react at all. I padded over and placed my hands on his shoulders before sliding my hands down his chest to hug him from behind. He flinched as soon as I made contact.
“Hey baby, you okay?” I whispered softly.
“Yeah I’m good, just working.” He replied with a yawn as he ran his hands down his face.
“Still? It’s late.” I asked.
“I’m almost done honey, just go back to bed and I’ll be there in a little bit.” Noah said with a sleepy smile.
“Noah…” I trailed off with a sigh.
“I’m serious babe.” Noah sighed back. “You need to sleep.”
“So do you.” I replied with a slight edge to my voice.
“Please don’t do this now Y/N.” He sighed again.
“Don’t do what?” I huffed, letting my arms fall from his shoulders.
“Fight me right now.” Noah said.
“I’m not trying to babe, I just want you to come back to bed.” I moved to stand between Noah and the monitor screen.
“I need to get this done.” He looked everywhere but at me.
“When for?” I asked, already knowing that there was no deadline for this.
“I just need to do it.” He sighed.
“Baby look at me.” He didn’t look up. “Noah. Come on.”
Finally, with a sigh, he looked up. His eyes were surrounded by dark circles and his stubble had begun to grow back. He looked utterly exhausted. I sighed when his eyes finally met mine.
“You need to rest Noah. Come back to this tomorrow when you’ve cleared your head.” I suggested with the warmest smile that I could muster.
“Baby I can’t.” Noah said with a sigh, trying and failing to stifle a yawn. He rubbed his hands up and down my hips.
“Why not.” I asked quietly.
“I just can’t. I need to get this done.” He replied, voice barely above a whisper.
“You didn’t answer my question, Noah.” I simply stated.
He looked at me with a blank expression. We stared at eachother for what felt like eternity before his eyes started to get watery. Without thinking, I brought my hand up to the side of his face and wiped away a single tear that had begun to fall.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. But I do think you should get some rest. Come back to this in the morning my love.” I said softly. I didn’t want to push him when he was clearly upset and struggling.
“Okay.” He softly replied, his voice still quiet and barely audible.
Slowly, he began to stand up off of his char and took my hand. I began to lead him out of the studio when I stopped, turned around and saved what he had been working on before turning off the monitor and walking back towards Noah and took his hand again. He looked down and smiled at me softly before we made our way upstairs to our bedroom.
I sat back on my side of the bed and pulled up the covers whilst Noah got undressed for bed. When he was ready, he slowly pulled back the covers on his side and motioned for me to come and snuggle against him.
Sleep found him relatively quickly after his head touched the pillow. I threaded my fingers through his hair as his snores began to get louder as he drifted further off to sleep.
I fell asleep shortly after, comforted by his warmth and breath against the top of my head.
I stared blankly at my computer screen as I typed random words and sentences before deleting them.
Nothing was working. It was all wrong. My mind wasn’t working.
Looking at the time on the screen, I saw it read 2:53 am. Fuck. I let out a long sigh and rubbed my hands down my face. I had been working since 10:00 am this morning and had been doing well up until late afternoon, when my mind started to wander.
I needed to get this essay done by the end of the week, and it was already Thursday. Well, Friday now. The plan was to get it done by Thursday evening, so that I had time to refine it before the deadline. Unfortunately for me, I had written about a quarter of the word count before I ran out of ideas and my mind started to wander.
I had thought about anything and everything except the work that I knew damn well I had to finish. I had re-hashed drama and arguments from back in middle school. I had thought about re-watching The Walking Dead for a third time. I had researched and made a list of animes that I wanted to watch when Noah went back on tour. I had not, however, done anything about the word document that sat open in front of me.
A soft knock on my office door shook me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to look over my right shoulder to see Noah, my lovely boyfriend, stood in the doorway with a plate and a mug in his hands. I offered him a tired smile as he walked towards me.
He was clad in checkered pyjama bottoms, that he never actually wore in bed as he claimed he was too warm with them on, and a black hoodie that proudly displayed the new line of Bad Omens merch on the front.
“Brought you some toast and some coffee.” He said softly. “I figured you were still working so I thought some brain food might help.”
“Thanks.” I muttered, barely audible over the buzz of my monitor.
“How’s it going?” Noah asked with a nod towards my screen.
“Fine.” I simply said.
“You sure?” He pressed, tilting his head to the side.
“Yes. It’s fine.” I snapped.
“Hey, you okay?” Noah crouched down and placed his large, tattooed hand on my arm. Rubbing it with his thumb comfortingly.
Before I could do anything, tears began to spill down my face and by body shook with sobs.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay.” Noah reassured as he stood taller to pull me into his arms to hug me.
“I- I- I-“ I stuttered through sobs.
“Shhhhh… Don’t speak. Catch your breath first baby.” Noah rubbed my arm comfortingly as he kissed the top of my head.
He slightly puled back from the hug so that he could lift me into his arms. I hadn’t even registered that he had picked me up before he sat back down on the office chair, with me curled up on his lap.
After about ten minutes, my breathing began to even out as my sobs lessened.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Noah asked in a whisper.
I offered a half-assed shrug in response.
“You wanna know what I was worried about a month ago when you came to get me from the studio?” He said. It was less of a question, and more of a statement.
“I was worried that if I stopped working that night, I would lose all of the great shit we had come up with earlier in the day. That if I couldn’t get that the finished product of that one song to be as good as the very rough demo we had come up with earlier, then the song would never be good.” Noah began, “But do you know what happened after I took a break and went to bed? We finished the final version of Even, and it’s by far one of the best songs on the album, and I bet the fans will agree when the album comes out.”
I let out a breath and brought Noah’s hand closer to my lips, then placing a kiss on the back.
“You need to take a break baby. I learnt that the hard way. Let me help you.” Noah said in a whisper.
“But you can’t help. I needed to finish this literally yesterday.” I sighed in frustration.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s not due until the weekend, right? So let’s go to sleep and regroup in the morning… or later because it is morning already.” Noah laughed, trying to cheer me up.
“But I’ve not written enough to get it finished.” I gave an exasperated sigh.
“It’s okay honey, I will help you get this done, but you need to rest. And as you know, I am amazing at making sentences longer than they need to be.” I laughed at that. “There’s that smile.” Noah continued.
I buried my head into his chest to try and hide from him, but he wouldn’t let me. He gently cupped my jaw and pulled me into a sweet and gentle kiss.
“Let’s go to bed baby.” Noah patted my thigh.
I started to protest but he would not hear any of it. He lifted me off of his lap so that I was standing. “You have deprived me of cuddles all night and I hate it. You need to make up for the pain that you have caused my heart.” Noah said in a very serious tone, but the pout on his face gave his lack of seriousness away.
I laughed and gently shoved his chest. “Fine, you’ll get your cuddles dumbass.”
Noah laughed as well and wrapped his arm around my shoulder before he began leading me back upstairs.
Like that night a month ago, we both crawled into bed and Noah opened his arms for me to climb into. I complied and snuggled my face into his chest. He let out a content sigh and whispered a quiet “Finally, cuddles.” Into my hairline which made me let out a breathy laugh.
Much like that other night, it did not late long at all for Noah and myself to fall into a deep sleep, comforted by his warmth and his breath against the top of my head.
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Ghost | Noah Sebastian One Shot
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Y/N had always loved playing video games. She got settled into her gaming chair and readjusted the round glasses perched on her nose before tossed her hair up into a messy bun. She opened Steam on her computer and got the game she downloaded ready.
Her room was organized chaos. Her bed was unmade in the background in front of walls lined with framed vinyls of her favorite bands and a ‘Bad Omens’ flag covered her window as a makeshift curtain.
An empty Starbucks cup sat next to her Stanley water bottle on her desk from her writing session that morning.
She was an author by trade, with one of her more recent books sneaking its way onto the New York Times Best Sellers list. So streaming gave her an outlet to connect with fans of the book who were eagerly waiting to see what she published next. But she also enjoyed the thrill of gaming.
So every Wednesday and Friday night, she’d set up her Twitch stream, ready to chat with her followers while she worked on her newest story on her computer or let them watch as she tried to conquer a new game.
Tonight was Friday night, which meant Game Night! She adjusted her headset and looked into the camera with a grin.
"Hey, guys! Welcome back! Since we finished Hollow Souls in the last game night stream, we’re starting a new one requested in the Patreon called Nervous System. I downloaded it earlier today and I can’t wait to get started. So, grab your snacks and get comfy!”
As the game loaded, Y/N glanced at the chat window. The usual usernames flashed by, but one stood out: TwitchGhost.
“Hey, Ghost! Is this one of the games you’ve played or is this a new one?” She asked, her tone playful.
TwitchGhost: This one is new to me.
Ghost had popped up in one of her streams a few months ago when she was playing through the new Call of Duty storyline and had since become a regular viewer. She began to look forward to his comments almost as much as she looked forward to playing.
Week after week her chat box was filled with Ghost’s banter and witty interactions with her and her other followers. He even started to watch her regular streams where she would chat with fans and answer questions while working on the draft of her next book.
As the game loaded and the eerie music of Nervous System filled the room, Y/N noticed Ghost’s usual cheeky messages lighting up the chat.
TwitchGhost: I’m ready for some jumpscares!
Y/N chuckled and adjusted her headset. “Yeah, I heard this game is supposed to be pretty intense. I’m excited to see how we’ll do.”
She clicked to start a new game, and the screen transitioned to a dimly lit hallway with flickering lights. The graphics were stunningly detailed, adding an extra layer of immersion. Y/N began exploring, moving through the unsettling environment and commenting on the game’s eerie atmosphere.
The chat was buzzing with excitement as the game’s tension built. Her followers were actively engaging, offering their own tips and sharing their favorite horror games. Ghost’s messages stood out, though. His comments were always well-timed, blending humor with insightful observations about the game.
TwitchGhost: I love how the game is making the mundane so creepy. The lights and music are driving me insane.
Y/N grinned, glancing over at the chat. “I know, right? It’s amazing how a simple light can make everything feel so unsettling. You’re going to help me out if I get stuck, right?”
TwitchGhost: Absolutely! I’ve got your back. Just don’t let the creepy noises get to you.
The game took a sudden turn as a loud crash echoed through the virtual hallway, making Y/N jump slightly.
“Fucking Hell!” She yelled.
She laughed nervously and played along with the chat’s reactions.
“I’m definitely going to need that backup. This game is already getting under my skin.”
TwitchGhost: If you need someone to hold your hand during the scary parts, I’m only a message away.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her grin widening.
“Oh, is that so? I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
The chat exploded with playful and teasing comments from other viewers reacting to their playful flirting. Y/N continued navigating through the game, her focus occasionally shifting to Ghost’s messages.
As she progressed through the game, Y/N found herself getting more engrossed at one point in the gameplay, her tongue peaking out of the side of her mouth in concentration.
A short but loud alarm suddenly sounded causing her to jump and clutch at her chest.
A message stating TwitchGhost played KEM Alarm for 0 bits popped up on the screen.
It was one of the sound bits that she had added to the list when she was still playing COD and had never gotten around to removing it.
“Fuck you Ghost!” She yelled after pausing the game to calm her racing heartbeat.
TwitchGhost: 👀😏😈
“Behave.” She said, shaking her head with a smile.
TwitchGhost: JK. 😉
TwitchGhost: You are doing pretty well with the jumpscares though. They’re my least favorite part of these games.
Y/N’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. She replied with a playful tone, “Well, thank you! I’d say you’re pretty good at keeping the chat entertained too. Maybe we make a pretty good team?”
TwitchGhost: I like the sound of that. Maybe we should test that theory sometime—on or off stream.
With that the chat went wild with one user even commenting, “I ship it!”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion and her smile grew wider as she continued to play the game.
She took a deep breath and responded, “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you? I’ll have to consider it. For now, I need to survive this game.”
Just as they were about to uncover a major plot twist in the game, Ghost dropped a message that stood out from his usual playful banter.
TwitchGhost: Have you ever thought about adding a horror element to one of your books? You seem to handle the scares pretty well!
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly as she read the message. She paused the game and looked directly into the camera.
“You know, I haven’t really thought about that. But that’s a really good idea. Maybe mixing some horror elements into a future story could be really interesting. Thanks for the suggestion!”
The chat exploded with excitement, many viewers expressing their enthusiasm for the idea. Y/N smiled, feeling inspired by the unexpected suggestion. She turned her attention back to the game, ready to dive into the next part of the story with renewed energy.
TwitchGhost: Anytime. Looking forward to reading it.
Another notication popped up - TwitchGhost sent you a friend request
She paused for a moment before eventually hitting the accept button.
Suddenly a direct message box opened.
TwitchGhost: Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to help you brainstorm over a cup of coffee sometime?
Y/N’s heart raced at the thought. She gave a teasing smile to the camera before typing:
Y/NUserName: Maybe.
The rest of the stream flew by in a blur with Y/N accomplishing the first five objective missions before deciding to call it a night. The stream had left her both exhilarated and exhausted. She closed the game and thanked her viewers for joining her.
“Thanks so much for hanging out tonight! You guys made this game night unforgettable. And Ghost, your suggestion about incorporating horror into my writing might just spark my next big idea. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!”
She glanced at the chat one last time and saw Ghost’s final message.
TwitchGhost: Looking forward to it. Until next time.
With a contented sigh, Y/N closed her laptop and started to tidy up her desk.
A few weeks passed and Ghost had been noticeably absent from the chat.
Another Wednesday had rolled around and Y/N had finished up a full day of meetings with her management and publisher about the press tour for her next book, Michael. It was the first in her new Fallen Angels series and was due to be released at the end of the summer.
It was completely different from her first book, Ace of Spades. Michael, was titled after the Archangel Michael and was more fantasy based while Ace of Spades was a gritty underground crime romance novel.
She logged into twitch and the “Stream Starting Soon” graphic appears on the screen going live to her followers. She pulls up her manuscript for the new book she was starting, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. Depending on how busy the chat was tonight she had planned on working on it. When she was ready she switched to the live view.
“Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the stream. Tonight, we’re swapping out the gaming for some writing and a little Q and A session. I’m diving into outlining a new story and also wanted to let you know a little more about my next release and the series it will be a part of.” She stated.
The chat blew up with excitement and questions about the new series.
“Okay, the next book is titled Michael and it will be the first in a seven book series called The Fallen Angel series. It will be a fantasy series of sorts and each of the books will be named after one of the seven archangels.” She excitedly answered. “I just finalized plans for the release with my team today and I am happy to announce that it is due to come out at the end of August.”
She watched as a steady stream of happy and excited replies popped into the chat box on the edge of the screen at the news.
She let the users chat with each other about the announcement for a bit and started working on the outline of her next story Nightmares. Which popped into her head not long after the stream where Ghost suggested she incorporate horror into one of her books.
She glanced over to take a peek at the chat and noticed someone had used 500 channel points to highlight their message.
“Oh, that's a good question. Trickster24 asked what was my inspiration for Carter in Ace of Spades was.” She said, before adjusting her headset and looking directly into the camera.
“So, Carter was inspired by a mix of classic noir heroes and a bit of real-life charm. I took some cues from those figures you would see in old detective films. But there’s also a touch of some famous personas in there as well in an overall aesthetic sense. It really helped shape Carter into a more nuanced character.”
The chat continued to buzz with interest with viewers dropping comments about who they pictured as Carter when they read the book.
GoldenGoddess45: Who did you envision as Carter when you were writing the book?
“So…when writing Ace of Spades, I honestly envisioned Carter as someone who looks similar to the lead vocalist of one of my favorite rock bands called Bad Omens.” She began, “If you guys aren’t familiar with them you should definitely check them out.”
The chat fills with more questions, but her attention is drawn to a familiar username.
TwitchGhost: Carter sounds like someone I’d love to have a coffee with. How about you? Do you think Carter would enjoy a coffee date?
The comment makes her laugh.
“Welcome back Ghost! I’ve missed seeing your name in the chat,” She started, “I could definitely see Carter frequenting a little dimly lit cafe. And knowing him, he’d definitely be the type to keep the conversation interesting. What about you, Ghost? Are you as mysterious as Carter?”
TwitchGhost: I like to think I have a few secrets up my sleeve. 😉
She grins at the response and how the chat proceeded to blow up at the continuation of their flirty banter. She almost struggles to keep up with the steady stream of questions and responses flowing into the chat.
After a while one pops up about the outline for the new story that she mentioned.
“Oh yeah, I’ll give you guys a little hint about what I’m working on. I got some inspiration from one of Ghost’s comments actually during a previous stream. I’m not going to announce the title just yet, but I will say it will be more of a horror based dark romance story compared to my other works. I'm in the very early outlining stages though so I am looking forward to seeing where it goes.”
TwitchGhost: Glad you liked the idea! I’ll be first in line to read it. 😉
Y/N felt a flutter of excitement at Ghost’s message, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. She glanced at the clock. Her stream had been going for close to two hours, and she still had a lot of work to do on her outline.
“Alright, everyone, I think we’re going to start wrapping things up soon. But before we go, I want to thank you all for your awesome questions. I love how engaged and creative this community is. It really makes this whole process so much fun!”
The chat exploded with thank-yous and goodbyes as her viewers began to sign off. She glanced back at Ghost’s messages, his usual witty banter making her smile.
A new direct message pops up.
TwitchGhost: Sorry for missing so many streams. I hope you’ve been keeping things interesting without me. 😉
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the message. She typed back, trying to match his flirtatious tone.
Y/NUserName: Oh, you know I always keep things lively. But it’s been a bit dull without your witty comments. How have you been?
TwitchGhost: Busy, had to travel for work and time zones got in the way of tuning in. You’ve been on my mind more than I’d like to admit. 😏
She felt a rush of warmth at his words.
Y/NUserName: Well, aren’t you a charmer? I’ve missed our little banter. It definitely adds a spark to the stream.
TwitchGhost: Just doing my part to keep things exciting. Speaking of which, I’ve been dying to know—how’s the new book coming along?
Y/N’s smile widened, feeling a thrill at his compliment.
Y/NUserName: The new book is shaping up nicely, thanks for asking. I might even incorporate a bit of the intrigue you bring to our chats into it.
TwitchGhost: I’m flattered. Can’t wait to see how you bring a touch of me into your work. Maybe you’ll make a character who’s just as irresistible as you. 😉
Y/N’s cheeks flushed at his flirty remark.
Y/NUserName: Well, if I do, I’ll have to make sure they have your charm. I think that’s a winning formula.
TwitchGhost: I’m all for it. And who knows? Maybe your characters will end up stealing more than just my heart.
Y/N’s heart raced at his bold comment.
Y/NUserName: You’re quite the tease, Ghost. I’ll have to keep that in mind while I’m writing. For now, though, I’m glad you’re back. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
TwitchGhost: Glad to be back. I’ve missed our little moments. I’ll try not to stay away too long next time. 😉
Y/N responded with a flirtatious grin.
Y/NUserName: I’ll hold you to that.
She leaned back in her chair and stretched, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration. She turned off her computer and added a few ideas inspired by their playful exchange to her outline.
As she wrote, she couldn’t stop thinking about the chemistry she felt with Ghost. She had no clue who he was, but he had quickly become one of her favorite parts of streaming, and the thought of possibly meeting him one day was both thrilling and intriguing.
She quickly finished up her notes and decided to call it a night. As she settled into bed, her phone buzzed. She picked it up to find another message from Ghost.
TwitchGhost: Can’t wait to see where this story leads. Sweet dreams, Y/N. 😘
Y/N smiled and quickly typed back, her fingers dancing over the screen.
Y/NUserName: Goodnight, Ghost.
She set her phone down, turned off the bedside lamp, and snuggled under the covers. As she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts swirled with the possibilities that awaited both in her writing and her streaming.
A few weeks later, Y/N received an unexpected surprise. Bad Omens had announced their next tour and her manager, Andy, had secured a spot for them both on the guest list for the date in the city a couple hours from her hometown. She not only got to see her favorite band live, but she would get the chance to meet them after the show.
She excitedly announced the news to her followers on the next stream.
“Hey everyone!” Y/N’s excitement was palpable as she spoke into the camera. “I’ve got some super exciting news to share! I don’t know what my manager did, but I’m going to see Bad Omens next month! Not only that, but I’ll also get to meet them after the show. I’m over the freakin moon right now!”
The chat exploded with enthusiasm, her followers sharing in her excitement and asking if she would be able to get any exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Y/N promised to do her best to share the experience and make everyone feel like they were part of it.
As Y/N wrapped up her stream, she noticed a new direct message notification from Ghost. Her heart raced with anticipation as she opened it.
TwitchGhost: Bad Omens, huh? That’s incredible! I’m jealous. Have you ever met them before?
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, her excitement bubbling up again.
Y/NUserName: I’ve never met them before. This will be my first time! I’m so excited I can barely contain myself.
TwitchGhost: I bet you’re going to have an amazing time. I’m curious, though—what would you say to them if you had the chance?
Y/N’s fingers flew over the keyboard as she typed her reply, her thoughts racing with the possibility of meeting the band.
Y/NUserName: I’d probably gush about how much their music has meant to me. And if I were feeling brave, I might even mention that I have a crush on their lead singer. 😉
TwitchGhost: Haha, that’s a bold move! I’m sure they’d appreciate hearing how much their music means to you. That lead singer would be a lucky guy. 😉
Y/N felt a flush of warmth at Ghost’s words, her thoughts wandering to the idea of meeting the mysterious person behind the messages that had become such a cherished part of her life.
Y/NUserName: Well it probably wouldn’t work out anyway. I kinda already have someone else who’s been keeping me on my toes.
TwitchGhost: Oh? Celebrity crush has some competition then? Anyone I know? 😏
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at his playful inquiry.
Y/NUserName: Maybe…
Y/NUserName: I need to get back to writing now. But I’ll let you know how everything goes.
TwitchGhost: Can’t wait to hear all about it. Good luck with the writing, and remember, if you need any more inspiration, you know where to find me. 😉
Y/NUserName: Thanks, Ghost. I’ll keep that in mind. Talk to you soon!
TwitchGhost: Goodnight, Y/N!
Y/N closed her laptop and set her phone aside, her mind buzzing with excitement about the upcoming concert and the prospect of meeting her favorite band.
As the next few weeks passed, Y/N eagerly counted down the days until the show. She had tried to busy herself with writing Nightmares and unfortunately had to deal with finalizing all of the not so fun logistics of her upcoming book release, but the thought of seeing her favorite band live kept her spirits high.
The night of the concert finally arrived and the excitement was palpable as Y/N and Andy arrived at the venue. They received their passes from the ticket window and were guided inside by a staff member. As they grabbed a spot at the barricade, Y/N was recognized by a few of the fans who were already inside as part of their VIP pass access. She spent the next hour chatting with a few of them about the band and telling them what she could about her new books.
The lights dimmed and the crowd's anticipation grew palpable as the guitarist, Jolly, walked on stage and the opening notes of Artificial Suicide began to reverberate through the venue. Y/N’s excitement was almost tangible, her eyes glued to the stage as the band’s electrifying performance unfolded. Her and Andy both sang along to each and every verse at the top of their lungs. The music was everything she had hoped for and more.
As the last few notes of Dethrone echoed across the room an hour and a half later and the final bows were completed, they let the crowd disperse a little before they navigated their way to the side of the barricade. They showed their passes to Ash, the band’s head of security, before he allowed them backstage with a friendly smile.
The adrenaline from the concert was still coursing through Y/N’s veins as they eventually met with the band’s tour manager, Matt, who introduced himself.
“The guys are cooling off and getting changed really quick. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you ladies outside to where they’ll be hanging out while we tear down and finish up loadout.” He said leading them to a makeshift sitting area the band had put together outside their bus earlier in the day.
After a few minutes the band members slowly but surely made their way outside, each introducing themself as they found a seat and fell into easy conversation with the two of them.
The lead singer, Noah, was the last to emerge. He wore an oversized merch hoodie, a pair of joggers, and slides. Despite being comfortably dressed, his striking presence was undeniable.
“Hi, I’m Y/N?” She introduced herself, holding out her hand.
Noah’s smile broadened as he stepped closer and took her hand in his.
“Oh, he knows who you are…” Jolly teased from where he sat at one of the picnic tables.
She turned to look at him before looking back at Noah with a confused look.
The tall man chuckled in response, before rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.
“Eh, well, I had to make sure my favorite author enjoyed seeing her favorite band. And, I couldn’t miss the chance to meet the person behind the screen. I mean I am still holding out hope for that coffee date…”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she took in his presence, a mix of shock and delight washing over her.
“You’re Ghost?!”
“Guilty as charged,” Noah said with a wink. “I guess I managed to keep my two worlds separate for a while. But I couldn't resist. I wanted to see you. actually, I’ve been wanting to for a while.”
Y/N felt her cheeks flush as she took in his words. “Well, you definitely pulled off an incredible surprise. I never would have guessed.”
Noah’s gaze softened as he took a step closer. “I wanted to see if you’d react the way you just did. And I’m glad I did.”
They continued to chat, and Y/N found herself falling deeper into conversation with Noah. It felt surprisingly natural, almost like she had known him for a while. They talked about music, books, and even the quirky things that had happened during her streams.
As their conversation flowed effortlessly, Y/N noticed how Noah’s eyes seemed to sparkle with genuine interest. It was as if he was completely absorbed in the discussion, and she felt a magnetic connection.
Eventually, the band’s crew finished loading out and a few of them started to talk about wanting to go out before the bus call at 2am.
“Hey, do you have any plans after this?”
Y/N shook her head.
“Not really. Why?”
Noah’s smile widened.
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’d love to maybe take you out for that coffee. There’s a café nearby that’s open late.”
Y/N’s heart raced. She glanced around and Andy gave her a knowing look, mouthing “GO!”.
Her eyes met Noah’s, and she could see the sincerity in his expression.
“I’d like that,” she replied softly.
They walked together to the café, and as they settled into a corner table, the conversation continued seamlessly. They talked about everything from their childhood memories to their dreams and even their fears. The more they talked, the more Y/N felt an undeniable connection.
As the night wore on, Noah’s gaze lingered on Y/N with an intensity that made her heart flutter. Their laughter and shared stories created an intimate atmosphere.
On the walk back to the venue, Noah paused and reached out, taking Y/N’s hand gently into his.
“I have to admit, I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She looked into Noah’s eyes, her feelings mirrored in his gaze.
“I feel the same way.”
“I’d really like to keep getting to know you and see where all this goes, if that's okay with you?” He questioned, stepping closer.
“I’d like that.” She answered, glancing up at him.
He smiled down at her, his eyes briefly drifting toward her lips and back.
Slowly, Noah stepped even closer and he cupped Y/N’s face in his hand, his touch sending a warm shiver through her.
He leaned forward and their lips met in an electrifying kiss. It was gentle at first, but as the moment deepened, their kiss became more passionate. The connection they felt was palpable, and it seemed to solidify everything they had shared that night.
When they finally pulled away, their faces were flushed, and they both wore wide, contented smiles.
“I’m really glad you came tonight,” Noah said softly, his thumb brushing lightly over Y/N’s hand.
“Me too,” Y/N replied, her heart full. “This has been one of the best nights of my life.”
As they walked side by side, Y/N couldn’t help but think about how surreal and wonderful this evening had been. Not only had she met her favorite band, but she had also found her Ghost.
With an exchange of phone numbers and the promise of staying in touch they went their separate ways. But not before Noah leaned in for one last, lingering kiss, making Y/N’s heart skip a beat.
The night had turned into something extraordinary. An unexpected but perfect blend of their separate worlds colliding into something beautiful.
#author: thatchickwiththecamera#noah sebastian#bad omens#bad omens cult#badomens#badomenscult#noah bad omens#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fan fiction#noah sebastian one shot
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Pretty Boy - Noah Sebastian

Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
CW: pretty boy!Noah, have you ever wanted to ruin a boy’s makeup? smutty smut, learning new kinks, p in v, face sitting
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: LISTEN I know I have other things to work on and I am trying but what the brain wants, the brain gets. And what she wants is smut teehee
Tags: @theanarchymuse95 @dontwantthemoney @chey-h @badomensgoodomens @bloody-spades @enemiestolovershoe @blade-dressed-in-red @xmads-omensx @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @thatchickwiththecamera @tosoundlessdarkistare @lacy1986
I giggle as I walk into the studio in the house, searching for Noah. Seeing him at the computer, he turns to me once he hears me enter.
“Why are you so giggly?” He asks, making me giggle more. His face shifts to a more uncomfortable grimace once he notices it’s my mischievous giggle, “What do you have planned?”
“Nothing bad, jeez,” I begin with a teasing smile, “I just found something and wanted to ask you a question.”
He spins his chair to face me more, still looking apprehensive. I turn my phone around, showing him the picture I found of his photoshoot done for Alternative Press a few years ago. He reaches out and takes my phone, getting a closer look, before looking back up at me.
“What about it?” I giggle again and hold my hands in front of me, giving him my biggest puppy dog eyes.
”Can I do your makeup? Please?” I ask, dragging out the please with a pout.
He continues to stare at me, almost looking unimpressed by my pout. But I can see the corner of his lips twitch. He can never resist the puppy dog eyes and pout. It’s like his own personal kryptonite that he pretends doesn’t affect him. With a sigh, he hands back my phone and nods, still pretending that he gave into this decision at his own free will.
“I guess so. Let me finish this up real quick and then I’ll meet you upstairs,” he says, gesturing to the screen.
I happily nod and take my phone before skipping out of the studio, heading straight towards our bedroom that holds my vanity with all my hair tools and make-up.
I start picking out everything I think I’ll need. Grabbing a light concealer, mascara, eyeliner, even my favorite eyeshadow pallet. I’m still giggling as I look over all my products, trying to think of a cute look to do on him. Who knows when I’ll get the chance to do this again, so I have to think of the perfect look. Nothing too crazy, but nothing boring. Maybe I’ll see if he wants to try to do mine after.
As I’m setting everything up, I finally hear footsteps walking up the stairs, bringing an excited smile to my face. I hear his huff before I see him enter the room, like he has to prepare for a night of torture. I playfully roll my eyes at him as I sit up from the chair in front of my vanity and gesture for him to sit in it. He pretends like it's a grueling task as he makes his way over and sits down, staring at me unimpressed once again.
I giggle as I slowly slide over another chair we have in the room so I can sit in front of him. Once I’m sat, I look up at him with a bright, excited smile, causing his almost pout to slowly form into a one as well, unable to resist my excited charge. I reach out and grab his hands, wrapping his around mine, causing him to look at me confused.
“My hands are cold and I’m going to be touching your face, so I don’t want it to be uncomfortable.” He chuckles and nods, squeezing my hands for a minute before I finally pull away.
“Alright, so I’m going to walk you through the process just in case you like it and want to do it yourself,” I begin, causing him to roll his eyes.I reach up and gently brush his hair out of his face before reaching over and grabbing some primer, squeezing some on my finger tips before rubbing them together.
“This is primer, it’s like a sticky base so your makeup doesn’t move around once it dries.” I begin rubbing it in on his cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin, making sure to get an even coverage. When I’m done, I gently fan his face to help it dry faster.
”I hate this already,” he mumbles, making me lightly smack his arm.
“Shut up, you love this and you know it.”
When I feel like the primer dried down enough, I reach over and grab my concealer. Noah has amazing complection, so I just want to smooth out his dark circles and some patches and tiny blemishes.
“This is concealer. Look up,” I say as I begin to put some under his eyes, “This just smooths out your skin tone and giving you a blank canvas for whatever you wanna do,” I gently blend under his eyes with a beauty blender before repeating the process on his chin, forehead, and a few marks on his cheeks.
I take a few moments to look at him, debating, but if this is probably the only time I’ll get to do this, I’m giving him a full beat. I grab a fluffy brush and my contour pallet before turning back to him.
“I’m not adding much of this, since you already have some strong features, but I want to define your cheekbones and nose just a little bit more,” I say as I gently brush on some cool toned contour, toning his features more.
We continue doing this through every step, and eventually he starts asking questions as I start doing his eyeshadow.
”What’s that shiny stuff you put on your cheeks when you do your makeup?”
”That’s highlighter, it just helps catch light and makes certain parts of your face more prominent.”
”Can you do that to me?” I giggle as I blend together the colors for a simple smokey eye.
“Of course, baby. I wanna turn you into the prettiest boy,” I answer, making him frown.
“Aren’t I always your pretty boy?” He asks, quoting the nickname I sometimes use for him.
I pause and pull away, making him look at me. He opens his eyes and I give him a sweet smile.
“You’re always my pretty boy, baby,” I say as I give him a small kiss before going back to doing his eyeshadow. He has a cute little smile on his face after hearing that, causing me to mirror it.
After finishing his eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, and highlighter, since he specifically requested it, I was finally finished. I didn’t use any setting spray or anything because I knew he was going to end up taking this off soon, anyway. He takes a look at himself in the mirror, really looking at all the details, before looking at me, pretending to be upset, but I can tell he actually likes it.
“Don’t lie, you think you look pretty.” He rolls his eyes and looks at himself again.
“I don’t look bad, that’s for sure,” he says as he leans closer and turns his face, catching the highlighter shining in the light, making him chuckle to himself.
I reach forward and gently grab his face, only on his jaw, not to ruin his makeup, before turning him towards me.
“You’re my pretty boy,” I say with a giggle as I bring him closer, pulling him into a kiss. He smiles into the kiss, always loving when I call him that.
“Am I really?” He jokingly asks, mumbling between our lips as he reaches forward and grabs my hips, pulling me closer to him.
“The prettiest,” I answer, giggling more as he tries to balance me on his lap while still sitting on my tiny vanity chair.
With a good hold on me, he then lifts us both up, causing me to squeal and wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to our bed and leaning down to lay me against it and hover over me. I pull away from our kiss and look up at him, still giggling.
But something about how fucking good he looked, so perfect and all mine, just turned my brain to mush. I let out a soft groan as I pulled him back into a kiss, slightly catching him off guard. I pulled him closer so he was now laying on top of me, before gently turning us over. He looked up at me, a little shocked, as I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at him with another mischievous smile.
“Having you like this, all dolled up and pretty in this makeup, just makes me want to ruin it,” I whisper as I trail my hand up, gently cupping his cheek.
He stares up at me, shocked, and I can almost hear a shuttered breath escape his lips as he stares at me with those pretty little eyes, slowly dilating with lust as I look at him like a goddamn feast. I could feel him getting hard underneath me.
“You want that, pretty boy? You want me to ruin all the makeup I just did?” I ask in a half sweet, half condescending tone. I can practically see his brain short circuiting behind his eyes as his breathing increases, him staring at me like I was a god ready to ruin him.
I chuckle as I lean down and kiss him again, which he eagerly accepts. His hands grip at my hips, pulling me to him as close as he can get, desperate for friction already. Before our kiss can deepen, I gently trail my lips away from his and towards his neck, being careful going over his cheek and jaw, not wanting to ruin my work just yet.
Once my lips touch his neck, it’s like electricity shoots through him. He’s already squirming under me, his breath coming out in needy, whiny little pants. I trail my hand down his muscular arms as I leave soft kisses against his neck, adoring that I had so much control over such a strong man. My hand continues to trail over him until it reaches the hem of his shirt, and without me even asking, he quickly removes his hands from my hips to begin pulling his shirt off.
As I sit up to help him, I lean back onto the hardness in his pants, causing both of us to gasp a little. I’ve never felt him so worked up and needy before, and I couldn’t help but smirk. I try to help him take off his shirt, but with how desperate he was, I barely had a chance. Next was mine, which I didn’t even need to work for as he quickly lifted it up and off me with ease. As he reached forward to try and feel my bare skin, I lace my fingers with his and push him back down onto the bed, splaying his arms out to the side, causing him to groan.
“You’re so needy,” I giggle as I lean forward again.
“Please,” he whimpers out before I could reattach my lips with his, catching me off guard. Unable to resist his begging, I let go of his hands as I meet his lips again.
He eagerly starts trailing his hands over my skin as he deepens our kiss, like he couldn’t get enough of me. He was grabbing at my sides, shoulders, and breasts while whimpering against my lips. Finally, his hands rest against my hips once again, this time desperately moving them against his, needing friction. I pull away and drop my face into his neck as he grinds me against him, his moans and whimpers heavily overpowering mine.
His fingers slip into the hem of my shorts as he continues moving me against him, and I reach down to help him. We work together pulling them and my panties down before he quickly does the same to his, groaning once his cock hit the cold air.
Our hips meet again and he continues rolling mine against his, wetting his cock with my slickness and whining underneath me. His head was tilted back with his mouth agape, letting his sounds fall freely from his lips. I sit up slightly so I’m hovering over him as I rock against him and just stare down at his beautiful face.
He was already an extremely attractive guy, but having him look so pretty and so blissed out was a sight to see. One I hope was burned into my mind for as long as I lived. I gently reach up and hold his face, making him look at me with eyes full of love and lust. I almost couldn’t handle it.
“Keep those eyes on me, pretty boy,” I say as I trail my other hand down his chest and in between our bodies.
His jaw snaps shut as he clenches it once I stop my movements and lift my hips, gripping his cock in my hand. He stares at me with desperation as I position it at my entrance. He clenches his teeth even harder as I slowly lower myself, a deep but whimpery moan escaping through his teeth.
His mouth falls open with a gasp once I start moving and I watch as he fights to keep his eyes from rolling back, staring straight into mine. He lets me take control of our movements, making the most beautiful noises as I ride him. This man couldn’t have been more perfect. He looked utterly breathtaking, was making sounds that were increasing the ache in my core, and felt so fucking good inside of me.
As pleasure clouded over my mind, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of him. Both of us creating a cacophony of sinful sounds. His hands gripped at my hips, pulling me down towards him, trying to match my movements with harder thrusts. With my mind still overwhelmed with pleasure, I lose my balance slightly and catch myself, holding onto him as he lifted and dropped me at a perfect rhythm.
“O-oh fuck,” he rasps out into a groan. My eyes open slightly, watching his face, taking in the utmost pleasure pictured all over it, before they drifted down and I noticed that my hand had accidently landed against his throat when I caught myself. I try to move it down to rest against his chest.
“Fuck..no. Please,” he gasps out as he reaches up and grabs my hand, bringing it back to his throat and wrapping my fingers around it tighter.
I give it a gentle squeeze as his hands move back to my hips and his head falls back with a deep groan. I chuckle softly, gently squeezing the sides as I ride him. I could already see the sweat slowly sliding the concealer down his face, but with his eyes all dolled up in mascara and eyeliner, it made me realize just how much his eyes water when he’s this deep in pleasure. Between him squeezing them shut and the tiny drops of tears collecting at the corners, it was already starting to smear under his eyes, and I loved it. I just wish I could ruin it as much as he ruins mine. If only I gave him some lipstick just to watch it smear over both of our faces.
His whimpers and whines gradually got more high pitched, and I knew he was getting close. I released his throat and leaned down, reaching my hand up to run through his hair as I moved my hips with his. He’s gotten upset with me doing this before, but I didn’t care. I brought my lips to the spot right underneath his ear. It drove him insane every time I’d mark him here, but it was terrible to cover since it was in the one stop of free skin on his neck.
The second my lips attached to that sweet spot, I felt his back arch, pressing his body into mine, and a mix of a gasp and whine escape his lips. I gently sucked on the spot, before nibbling and licking over the bites to ease the pain, a combo that would forever drive him insane. He was panting and I could feel his heart beating heavy against mine as his thrusts got sloppier.
“Come on, baby. I wanna see my pretty boy come,” I whisper in his ear before returning to his neck.
Within seconds, he lets out a loud moan, lifting me off of him and exploding across my ass and his thighs. He was still letting out soft whimpers and I could feel his muscles twitching until he finished spilling his load. He finally lays me down on top of him as he catches his breath, and I run my fingers through his hair as he comes down from his high. He just looked so good, I couldn’t get over it. I stared at him, brushing his hair out of his face and looking at all my work that I beautifully destroyed. After about a minute, he finally opened his eyes and I giggled as our eyes met.
”You’re doing my makeup more often if that’s how you react,” he rasps, his voice mumbled from his daze.
“What’s the point of making art if you can’t be the one to ruin it?” I tease as I move to slide off of him.
“Oh, you’re not going anywhere,” he says as he holds me from moving. He lifts me up from my waist so I was sitting up on his stomach and gently pulls me towards him, “Sit on my face.”
I blink and look at him a little shocked that he already wanted to continue, giving him a small, “What?”
”Come on, baby girl. You know I never stop until you get off. And I want you to ruin my makeup a little more,” He says with a smirk.
He gently tugs on my waist again and I slowly make my way up his body before hovering over his face. Our eyes met and his were more blown out than ever before. He trails his hands up my thighs before resting them on my hips and pulling me down, making me fully sit on him. He lets out a groan as I feel his tongue move between my folds, causing a small gasp to leave my lips. His grip on me gets even tighter, pulling me even closer as he starts to devour me like a starved man, sloppily lapping me up and drinking in my wetness.
His lips wrap around my clit and he gently sucks, pulling a whine out of me when I feel his tongue graze over the swollen bud. I try to stay upright, holding onto his hands as he eats me out, but the moment I feel his tongue enter me, I gasp and fall forward, having to catch myself with one hand on the head board and the other slipping into his hair. His moans mix with mine as he fucks me with his tongue.
I could already feel myself getting closer, still worked up from earlier, and I couldn’t stop the noises leaving my lips, especially when I could feel the vibrations from his own noises as he enjoys this just as much as I am. I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel the knot in my stomach start to form, my breath quickening as he continues working between giving my clit the perfect amount of attention and fucking me with his tongue.
I was probably making more noises than he was as I get closer to the edge, rocking my hips against his face. I stopped caring about him needing to breathe, pressing myself against his tongue every time I felt it touch my clit. My grip on his hair was getting tighter and I was getting louder and louder until finally the cord inside me snapped and I practically screamed as I drenched his face with my juices. He continued to lap me up, helping me ride out my orgasm. Eventually, I had to pull myself away from him, getting too sensitive.
I slid off of him and collapsed on the bed as I tried catching my breath. He always made me come hard, knowing exactly how to make me feel amazing, but after everything we just went through, and all the feelings I was feeling while watching his dolled up face as I rode him, the release was stronger than I ever felt before.
I finally open my eyes and turn to him, seeing a wide smile on his utterly ruined face. I couldn’t help but mirror his smile as I took in his messy hair, smeared mascara, and drenched cheeks and chin.
“God, you are so pretty,” I whisper as I lean forward, smiling against his lips.
#noah sebastian#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fic#noah sebastian reader insert#noah sebastian and reader#bad omens#bad omens fanfiction#Garbitch one shots#Spotify
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Pomegranates & Pleasure

summary: a hot, steamy, sensual night with Noah (requested)
pairing: fem!reader x noah sebastian
word count: 4.8k
warnings: 18+ !!! smut, shower sex, mentions of lube (bc sometimes we need a lil help), allusion to blood kink if you squint, p in v , oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, this could be a loose installment to the “Kingdom Come” universe
A/N: as always, be sure to comment and reblog if you enjoyed! it helps us writers out a lot!!🩵
Noah had only been home for a few days, just getting off from tour and he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, saying that he needed to make up for lost time but honestly you weren’t complaining. Especially when he walked in the front door with a shit-eating-grin on his face along with bags in his hands. With an arched brow, you tilted your head at his ornery demeanor.
“What are you up to?,” You were sitting on the couch in one of his t-shirts, a simple pair of black cotton panties underneath and a novel in your lap.
“You’ll see in just a few, I gotta set everything up,” he rushed over to kiss your lips and you could hear the mischievous tone in his voice as he rushed off to the kitchen and then up stairs to your shared room. Noah was always the type to plan surprises like this, each one being better than the last and it always started like this, the playful yet nervous look in his eyes and always telling you to be on standby.
So, you continue flipping the pages of your book, immersing yourself into the content. You didn’t really pay attention to how much time had passed, finding it better to fully distract yourself and almost forget that he’s getting his surprise ready so that you’re not a sitting duck with an anxious tummy.
“Baby,” he sang, such a happy tune that had you grinning from ear to ear and somehow, it grew even wider when he stood at the bottom step with his hand extended, waiting for you to get up and take it.
You rushed over to him, bouncing on the balls of your feet while looking up at him.
“What have you got planned?,”
“Nothing like we’ve done before, so I need you to keep an open mind,” raising his brows as if he’s waiting for any hesitation from you.
“I’m sure it’s going to be great, baby. You always make it great for us,” sultriness bleeding into your tone, your hand running up his stomach to his chest over his black tank top, twirling his chain with your pointer finger, “I’m getting excited so why don’t we head up there, yeah?,”
With a simple smirk, he threads his fingers with yours and leads you up the dark stairs and down the dark hallway to your room in which a deep maroon glow is emitting from below the door.
The aroma of fresh fruit and cream make their way into your vicinity, setting off your olfactory senses and triggering a physical response from you, stimulating your body before you’re even fully in the room.
When you cross the threshold, you see candles lit everywhere, a blanket spread out on the floor with a glass plate. On that plate is a cut open pomegranate, its juices pooling beneath the bloomed fruit. Alongside the pomegranate, are cherries, whipped cream and an expensive bottle of red wine with one of your fanciest glasses.
Your mind takes you to the possibilities of what’s to come and you can feel your body beginning to vibrate with excitement. This was about to be a night of luxurious highbrow adventures.
“Wanna sit with me?,” he gently pulls you over to the blanket and sits first, bringing you down to sit right in front of him.
“What inspired this surprise?,” popping a cherry in your mouth, admiring the fact that he took the time to take the pits out.
“Oh, y’know,” he shrugs, opening the wine and pouring you a glass, taking it upon himself to hold it by the stem and tilt it toward you, he wanted to feed you the wine. He’s in a trance over the way your lips wrap around the rim, eyes going dark as the crimson liquid adorned your lips.
“Just a sucker for making my girl cum under red lighting”
You almost asphyxiate on your wine, caught off guard by his nonchalance of what he just verbalized.
He just sends that signature smoldering look and scoots closer to you after setting the wine down and handing you the glass. His hands immediately find your thighs and begin massaging them as you sip away and eat your cherries.
“Plus,” he began, “You deserve it. You deserve to be doted on. Holding me down and supporting me while I’m on the road, it’s the least I could do,”
“You know it’s no problem, honey,” voice dropping an octave, scooting closer to where your arms are around his neck and your legs are around his waist while his legs are still stretched out around you.
It didn’t take long for you to finish your wine, setting the empty vessel to the side, and it definitely didn’t take long to feel the beverage coursing through your veins.
Your eyes flickered down to his lips and he didn’t even give you a chance to lean in before his hand is on the back of your neck and your lips enter a dance, moving to a tempo you two made, the moans and whimpers escaping being the ad libs to the song your bodies created. The both of you are grabbing at each other, just needing to feel the other beneath your fingertips.
Noah pulled away for air to stare at your wet, kiss swollen pout, humming in satisfaction. He reaches over to pluck a cherry off the plate, it’s soaked in pomegranate juice and it drips onto your chin when he brings it to your lips. He surprises you when his tongue licks it away before it falls onto the blanket without a trace. When he pulls away he whispers to you
“Open for me, Pretty,” the pet name making your heart skip a beat
You follow his command with ease and he presses the soft cherry onto your tongue with his thumb. In the midst of looking him in his eyes, your lips wrap around the digit and he audibly groans at the sensation. Withdrawing with pop, you slowly chew the cherry, swallowing the tart bulb.
“It’s about to get a little messy,” Noah admitted, his hands making their way under the top you claimed as yours, “Gonna undress you. Gonna treat you so good,”
The space was getting hot and you weren’t sure if it was due to all the candles or if it’s because you have an idea of what he had planned and it excited you with how erotic it is.
When you’re bare in front of him, he props you up on a few pillows. He reaches for something out of view and you don’t really care to follow his hands, he just looks so good like this, the line work of his tattoos popping under the ruby lighting, his hair framing his face and his muscles taut under his skin. You just wanted to pounce on him.
A small bowl comes into view, a deep hue like blood but with the fluidity of water.
Pomegranate juice.
“I told you,” he grabs one of your legs to rest on his shoulder, pouring a small of the juice on your ankle, mesmerized by the trail it makes down your leg, “This is going to be messy,”
He dips his head near your core, kissing on your inner thigh, then flattening his tongue to lick his way back up to your ankle, lapping up the trail of the juice.
The sight of watching him lick fresh fruit juice off your legs had your pussy throbbing, bucking your hips up just for a little something, but he repeated this motion a few more times just to get you worked up. Sucking and biting like you’re a cool, ripe mango on a hot summer day. Little sighs and whimpers falling from your lips, just wanting him all over you.
Then he crawls forward, softly kissing your lips when his fingers begin circulating your clit.
“Open that pretty mouth for me again,”
Following his directions, he fed you some pomegranate seeds, “Keep yourself grounded, we don’t want you choking,”
He didn’t give you time to reply before he’s pushing his lengthy fingers into you, immediately curling when you begin to chew. The flavor coating your taste buds, taking over your senses as he moves within you, causing your head to fall back when swallowing the sweetly sour seeds
“Baby, that feels so good,” muttering softly, your pussy drinking in his thrusting fingers. You don’t flinch when you feel juice being poured down your neck, dripping to your hardened nipple. Noah catches a glimpse of this and instantly wraps his warm, wet mouth around the bud, drinking in the flavor of the juice and the taste of your skin. His fingers sped up as his thirst was getting quenched, his tongue flattening once more to lick up to your chest until he’s latching onto the sensitive spot on your neck.
Your moans bounce off the walls, your hand tangles in his hair, pushing him further into your skin, pathetic noises fall from your lips while you beg unabashedly. He retreats to feed you more of the jewel-like seeds and drips more juice over your torso, sucking and biting on the flesh that awaited his arrival.
Noah made sex such a beautiful thing. It never got boring and right now, he’s making you feel like you’re the rarest fruit and he’s the only one deserving to taste it.
He is.
The red juice paints your body like he’s a vampire who is carelessly drinking from his apprentice, letting the life force drip past his teeth.
“Fuck, Noah. Baby, please” feeling his tongue and mouth all over you with his fingers deep inside had you reeling.
When he pulls away, you’re under the impression that he’ll pour more juice on your skin, except his fingers come into view and they have fluffy white cream all over them. You notice the tub of whipped cream beside him, wondering when he was finally going to use it.
He holds his fingers to your lip, playfully swiping some on your bottom lip and smirking. His fingers still move inside of you when he leans forward to lick the whipped cream off your lips and push his tongue into your mouth. The sweetness of the whipped cream along with Noah’s natural taste was a delicious combo and it gets even better when he pulls away to insert his fingers into your mouth, pressing them onto your tongue once more. The top notes of the sugary cream in addition to the middle notes of the cherry and pomegranate juice and the base notes of his flesh was intoxicating.
His eyes never left your lips, they were so pretty and plump as they wrapped around his long digits, so long that when you pushed forward to suck them clean they hit the back of your throat but you were unfazed.
Noah was captivated by the fact that he had two fingers in your mouth and two in your soaking pussy and both holes were beckoning him in like a siren’s song.
“Do I taste good, baby?,” his voice low and his eyes dark
“Mhm,” you hum, not wanting to take his fingers out of your mouth just yet, there’s just something about tasting him like this that had you weak in his grasp.
“You gonna cum for me?,” he bends his neck for his lips to brush against your cheek, both hands working you out and you’re almost there when he pulls his fingers away to bring more whipped cream to your mouth.
He’s hitting the back of your throat again and you spread your legs wider for him to get deeper. He’s hitting every sweet spot and at this point, you’re in such a daze that you don’t care that your saliva is dripping from around his fingers, dripping down to your bare chest. You’re moaning like a cat in heat, legs trembling, breathing heavily through your nose, you were right there, so close.
You were about to whine after he took his fingers away from your needy mouth once more. But much to your approval, he’s bringing them back, but only to spread more pomegranate juice over your pouting lips.
The fingers that were coaxing you to orgasm were going hard, drawing you closer and closer to the edge and you were finally pushed off when he’s kissing the juice off your lips.
“Mmmm!,” your body is twitching as you ride out your high, face scrunching as your orgasm washes over you. You become weak and pull away from him and fall back onto the pillows he had set beneath you.
He gives you a few beats to catch your breath, taking this time to lick his fingers clean, savoring the taste of you.
“We’re not done,” he sang, amusement dressing his tone. He grabs a grocery bag and begins digging in it to find something, “I know shower sex can be uncomfortable so I did some research and found some lube to help us out. I asked the lady at the shop and she recommended this,”
Noah was right. Shower sex wasn’t always the most comfortable, strictly because the water washes away your arousal, causing discomfort and friction that was unbearable. So you grab the bottle of lube from his hand and read over the label- interested in what the product has to offer.
“Okay,” you nod, smile growing, “Yeah let’s try it,”
He’s eager, eyes shining in exhilaration, pulling himself up off the ground and helping you up.
“There’s one more surprise,” he calls over his shoulder as he walks you two into the bathroom.
“You’re just full of those tonight, aren’t you?,” happy that you’d actually be getting in the shower, the remnants of the juice starting to get sticky.
He doesn’t reply, only opens the shower door, allowing your eyes to scan the space to see what he had set up. At first you frown because you don’t see anything out of the ordinary.
Then you see it.
A fresh, shiny detachable shower head that seems to sport many different settings.
“Oh dear,” your eyes widened. You know what you were in for. There was only one time that you orgasmed from water and it was when Noah held you with your back to his chest, pinning your legs so they stayed open all while the bath faucet beat down on your clit, making you cry out for him from the intensity. Now there’s a new variable in the equation and you just know he wasn’t gonna play nice.
He could only chuckle at you, shaking his head when starting the water and stripping himself so you both stood there bare.
“Hop in, baby,” he tapped your butt after helping you tie your hair up.
The first half of the shower consisted of Noah genuinely helping you clean up, scrubbing your back, massaging your neck, bending down on his knees to wash your calves and feet. The intimacy of the soft actions had you yearning for him once more, just wanting him to press you against the cool glass door and take you how he wants.
Then you feel his lips on your legs, making their way up until he’s at your neck, his hands on your hips, grinding against your pelvis and without him asking, you lower yourself onto your knees. His cock stands out from his body, his back to the shower head and when you look up, he looks like a sexy villain. Steam flowing past his features, his dark wet hair framing his face, water beading on his tattoos, he just looked too good to not slurp up.
Thus, with no hands, you guide him into your mouth and you hear his sigh, taking delight in the way your cheeks hollow as you suck him in.
“Fuck, Sugar. You’re so good to me,” he presses a hand against the cool tile to brace himself
“You take me so well. So proud of you, baby,” he bucks his hips forward just a bit, the sensation of his tip hitting the back of your throat was overloading his mind. He was always so sensitive and responsive to you. Knowing this fact always gives you butterflies.
You place your hands on his thighs, just so you could feel his skin while you please him. The muscles under his hot skin were tense so you took this time to massage them, a nonverbal way to tell him that he’s okay and that he needs to relax. That thought of relaxing was pointless though, considering you picked up your pace which had him groaning loudly into the hazy space.
“Just like that, baby. Just like that, fuck you’re such a good girl for me,” his other hand comes to the back of your head to bring you forth, letting Noah follow his indulgence in setting the pace he desires. You love how empowered he became when you were on your knees for him. You loved sucking his soul out, you adored observing the way his mouth hangs open, loved when his lashes flutter and you always find it cute when his cheeks burn strawberry red. You were doing that to him. You were blessed with this view.
Before he got too carried away, Noah pulled your head away, creating some distance between your mouth and his throbbing length to bend down and kiss you with an urgency that said ‘I’m ready to rearrange your guts’
He stands you up along with him and lifts you up to set you on the built in ledge of the shower.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he muttered, taking in your form, he just had to stand there and drink you in, “So lucky to call you mine,” he steps in between your legs just letting his hands roam until he goes for the lube.
You brush his hair back out of his face so you can see all of him, such a candid scene in the moment as he prepares to make your soul his once more and you’d give it to him over and over again for as long as you live.
The lube wasn’t cold as it spent time warming up in the shower with you but the slickness of it did take you by surprise, mixing with your own arousal to make this moment sustainable and pleasant.
“Just gimme one more on my fingers,” he begged, Noah adored feeling you cum on his cock but with his fingers it was distinct. Feeling your walls pulse around the tattooed appendages was different because with each thrust of his fingers he felt like he was the moon and you were the tide, like he was literally pulling each orgasm out of you, plus, seeing how brain dead you go for his fingers was always a sight for sore eyes.
“Uh huh,” you nodded, soft eyes, bottom lip caught between your teeth. With how he’s thrusting alongside the ease of the lube, you’d be cumming in no time. You brace your hands against the steamed shower door and the white tile wall all while you begin rolling your hips to meet his thrusts.
“Such a good girl for me,” his free hand coming to cup your cheek, “You like making me proud, don’t you?,”
“Y-yes, yes!,” you stare into his eyes, just wanting to give in a glimpse into the world that he put you in, everything he did to you felt overwhelming and he hasn’t even dicked you down yet.
He uses his thumb to circle your clit, adding a pressure so delicious that your ears begin ringing. He’s got that taunting smile on his face when he speeds his fingers up to the point your back is arching.
“Please!,” your wail bounces off the tile and you’re going hazy eyed. Fuck, does this man know how to make you melt.
“Please what, Sugar?,” he knows what you want, he also knows that words are so hard to put together when you’re like this, but he makes you say it every time, no matter how long it takes, he won’t give you what you want until you say it.
“C-cuu-,” you’re fighting for your breath as you try to form your plea
“C-c-cu-,” he chuckles, he finds joy in ridiculing you and your cheeks start to burn at the shame of knowing it’s what brings you closer and closer.
“Cum! P-please can I.. can I please cum!,” he always makes your first one easy, but after that he wants to hear you cry for it, he wants you a mess in his hands as you bear your soul to him on what you need.
“Give it to me,” his mouth wraps around one of your nipples, your hand quickly flying to the back of his head to hold him there, reveling in the sensations of his teeth nibbling on your sensitive bud, his fingers deep inside and his thumb circling your clit and you’re unraveling.
“Oooh, fuck,” gasping for air while the tremors take over your body, “Yes, yes, yesss!!,”
Your pussy tightens around his fingers as you cum for him once again. He keeps his head against your chest and you feel the vibrations of his laughter reverberating off your skin as the sound makes its way to your ears.
“Don’t laugh at me!,” slapping his shoulder as he pulls away and he can’t help but kiss your pouting lip.
“I just love how you let go and give your body to me,” he shrugs, kissing all over your face, rejoicing in the squeals you made trying to fight him off.
“You okay for one more?,” Noah steps away to reach behind him for the shower head, setting it beside you two as takes lube and begins stroking himself.
“I dunno, you tell me,” you wrap your legs around his waist, using your heels to pull him in and you sigh happily when you feel his tip brush against your entrance, “I’m always ready to give you more,”
Neither of you say a word when you weave your hand between the two of you, taking Noah’s slick cock in your hands, rubbing the tip against your clit and down to your hole, both of you exhale in tandem.
You guide him inside of you and he gives a low laugh at the way your eyes roll at the feeling of him filling you up.
Noah kept a hand on your hip and the other by your head, pressed flat onto the wall as he began rolling his hips. His jaw drops when your walls wrap and pulse around him at every angle. He’d never get tired of how good you feel because each time he found something new to love. Like this time, he notices that somehow, the pulsing inside of you had matched his heart beat and it had his stomach fluttering.
“Noah,” you beg, “Faster, harder, please,” You didn’t want it slow and sensual anymore, you wanted it hard and steamy, the kind that had you clawing at the walls and your voice cracking.
Noah climbs on the ledge with you, on his knees while your legs are spread open around him. The water on your skin splashes lightly while his hips smack against your ass. You were thankful you two had decided to add this ledge when upgrading your bathroom because with the pace he’s going at, you two would have fallen already. But he’s grounding you in place and vice versa.
“Can’t wait to fill you up,” he whimpers, “Can’t wait to watch you fall apart on my cock,”
He was such a masterpiece, like he was something pulled out of someone’s imagination come to life.
“Baby,” you huff, already feeling yourself ready to cum again. He knew what you were asking for, so he took the shower head and changed the setting to the steady jet and goosebumps arose on your skin.
“Just be a good girl and take it,” he leans back to watch you when he places the strong stream on your clit and you’re swiftly trying to pull away from him but he’s not having it
“What do we do when it’s too much?,”
“We… w-we breathe,” you grunt, hands slapping on the wet tile beneath you.
“So breathe, Sugar,” he instructs, continuing his torture on your clit and setting his pace back to what it was, “You know you can be as loud as you want, I don’t care, just don’t run from me,”
He was right, he always drank in your sounds like they were the fountain of youth, he just wanted to give you the pleasure you deserve.
“Noaaaaaaah!!,” a deep exhale escapes your chest, the water pressure was perfect, so good, inebriating even, but the way it was beating down on your sensitive bundle had you ready to shatter like beautiful stained glass.
“I know,” Noah shuddered, the angle he had the jet stream at was beating down on his length just below his tip each time he withdrew from you, “Fuck, baby, I fucking know,”
You were both vocal messes, he used the fingers of his free hand to dig into your thigh and you used your nails to dig into his.
“You’re gonna make me cum,” you cry out, you were drowning in pleasure and soon it would overtake you like a strong wave.
“Please,” he groans, “God dammit, yes, cum for me,” Noah leans forward to press his forehead against yours, his signature move to let you know he was close, he loves being as close to you as possible when you both let go.
“Keep those pretty eyes open, keep looking at me, Sugar. You can do that for me c-can’t you?,”
“I dunnooooo,” your breath hitches along with your body and you know that’s not the answer he wants when his hand comes to grip the back of your head, pulling you in to kiss you so hard you think your lips will bruise, but it’s okay, it feels good. He’s nipping at your lips, teeth are clashing with need and tongues dancing. You felt like you were in your own personal porno but with real passion, real feelings, real pleasure. The steam from the shower was getting thicker, the temperature of the water felt so good and it wasn’t washing away the lube so the friction was immaculate.
“That’s not good enough,” He growls, “You know that’s not an answer your King wants to hear,”
His pace was earth shattering, it was chipping away at your composure and you were about to fall apart.
“So let’s try again-,”
“Yes!!!,” you yell, “Yes! Yes! Fuck… I… I can do it, please!,” your hands are framing his face, holding him close to you as you can feel the heat building up, “Noah, please say yes, I need to cum please, please can I cum, I’m always so g-good for you please!,”
Hearing you grovel had his hips faltering and he was about to crumble right along with you.
“Please,” you squeak, tears in your eyes, toes curling so hard you know they’ll be cramping later.
“Show me what a good girl you are,” he demands, holding the shower head at an angle that sets all of your nerves into overdrive.
“Noah, fuuuuuck!!,” eyes wide, fighting against the urge to close them, his name and profanities flowing out of your mouth as you cum around his cock, just like he likes. He kept the jet on your clit until he was done and it had you crying out in overstimulation.
“That’s my girl,” his mouth hung open against yours as he shattered to pieces, “So… f-fucking good,”
You felt him throbbing inside along with you as he spilled all that he had to offer. Both of you muttering I love you and words of assurance to calm the other back down. When you both seemed to catch your breath, you shared an intimate kiss, slow and lazy but the passion was there, no words were needed.
Washing up once more and getting yourselves out of the shower. You help Noah clean up the mess in the room and you scold him for letting the candles burn out of eye sight.
“We were caught in the moment,” is all he says, pulling you into bed with him, spooning you while he runs his hands over your body to help ease any tension in your muscles.
“You take such good care of me,” you mumble, yawning as the exhaustion is finally setting in.
“You do the same for me,” he assures, planting a kiss on your bare shoulder, pulling you in even tighter so he could feel every inch of you possible.
“Now rest up, I’ve got another surprise for you tomorrow,”
HI!! as always please make sure to comment and reblog as it helps us writers out big time!!
i thank you all for your love and support and can’t wait to hear what you all think !!
tags: @lma1986 @widowsofchaos @whatitsdecending
#noah sebastian smut#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian fic#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian imagine#bad omens fanfiction#bad omens imagine#bad omens one shot#bad omens fic#bad omens smut
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warm and alive (noah sebastian x reader one shot)
18+, mdni, sexual talk, smut, f oral receiving, p and v unprotected (wrap it before u tap it ;))
it was late in the evening, and the dark had already taken over the sky. the puffs of air escaping from my lips raised up in the air, disappearing like smoke around me. it was cold outside, making me bury my hands deeper in the pockets of my black coat, that was despite the furry layer on the inside failing to keep me warm tonight.
music was blasting through my ears, distracting me and keeping me company on my walk home. despite my mind always wandering off because of the melodies and lyrics creating images inside my mind because i loved to daydream, i was focused enough to also be in enough touch of my surroundings and get into my street safely.
as i looked around me, the apartment building across from my own had several lights on in different windows. most were just the classic warm yellow one, and some had different colors, like red, pink or blue. my eyes dart around, and pause at a certain window. a tall figure, belonging to a young man, leans on his open window with both his elbows, as long drags of his cigarette escapes from his mouth. he was fully covered in all kinds of colored, mostly faded tattoos. i had never seen him before, he must have just moved in here, since the apartment was empty for a week or two.
his dark eyes landed back down on me, making contact, looking intrigued and interested as they were slightly narrowed, taking in my physique quickly. his dark chocolate, mid long hair was slightly pushed back, just a strand hanging in front of his eyes, and a tight black tee shows how well trained his arms and chest were. it made my heart jump for a moment, and my throat turned slightly tighter because of some nerves kicking in, a small flutter going through my stomach.
there was absolutely no denying that this man was extremely attractive, and by the way his lips that were going back around his cigarette turned into a slight smirk he clearly noticed my slightly more nervous behavior, and i quickly looked down again, eyes stuck on the concrete tiles underneath my feet, even though they rather stayed on the man instead, completely captivated by him already.
and we both didn't seem to be able to forget that short moment of observation. the following week, every time i'd come home back from work he'd be there again, hanging out the window, sometimes sitting on his windowsill with one leg hanging out whilst smoking, the other one stretched out in front of him. every single time, we would make eye contact. every day it would be longer, by looking at him earlier as i crossed my street. the more we did it, the less shy i became, not letting my eyes dart away that easily like i did before. he pulled me in like some magnet, with a strong electric force, and it did more and more with me each time.
blushing, a rapid heartbeat---and breathing even at some point, as i became more and more hypnotized by his longing stare---trembling legs, stomach in knots and heat in my chest, but most of all, a very frustrating feeling between my goddamn thighs as well. and the longer we would stare, the quicker and stronger it was there.
and he absolutely knew, because he would lick his lips, he would take a longer drag of his cigarette, rolling it around between his long wise and middle finger, and his eyes became darker and more intense. they would take in every step, every inhale, every movement of my curves, every outfit i'd wear, the way my hair was styled that day, the way i was batting my lashes at him.
we longed for each other, but still wouldn't say a word.
one evening, as i once again grew tired of the hooks of my bra pressing uncomfortably against my back, i decided to take it off, something i always do after a long day of work. as i walked towards the window of my bedroom to close the curtains, my heart made a big jump---he was there. right in my view, right across my own window, facing me as well.
a lump appeared in my throat, and he stared right back. his window was closed now, and he was not hanging out of it as usual with a cigarette in hand---instead it seemed like he was just about to close his own curtains as well. we were literally mirroring the same pose, having our curtain in hand, but pausing as soon as our eyes met. my heart was hammering, and he was just staring, as if he was waiting, waiting for my next move---almost daring me to make a move.
and then, as heat was spreading not only to my cheeks but also my whole entire body, i took off my shirt, letting it drop to the ground, revealing my bra i was about to take off next. the corners of his mouth slowly and slightly curled up, eyes narrowing as usual, taking in the sight of my chest in the black lace. one corner of my lips couldn't help but twitched up as well---sultry like, mischievous wise.
then, i slowly slid the straps off my shoulders, and it almost looked like that made his breath hitch in his throat for a moment. one of my hands slowly got behind my back, the daring glimmer of my own eyes never leaving his, unclasping it. the lace fell to the ground, revealing my chest to him, and that made one of his brows rise in amusement, his pupils seeming to get darker somehow, blending in with the color of his irises.
my smile slightly widened as i took in his little needy expression, his eyes ranking down as if he wished he could take the rest off me as well, and i then closed the curtains---letting a big shaky breath escape from my lips that i pulled between my teeth next.
fuck, that excited me a lot, and i saw his lustful eyes in front of me still, as i closed my own. my lips then slightly parted as more heavy breathing escaped, feeling worked up, feeling desperate. desperate for my mysterious and attractive neighbor to do something about it, instead of my trembling fingers that went down slowly.
but after a few minutes, i then heard some loud knocking on my door downstairs, making me open my eyes and jumping me awake out of my steamy trance. a frustrated sound escaped my mouth as my heart hammered in my chest, quickly putting on a robe as i made my way down stairs, wondering who needs me at this time after work.
when i opened the door, i needed to tightly hold the door handle for support of not stumbling backwards, as i met the two dark brown eyes of the neighbor from across the street now standing in front of me. and god, he was even taller like this, making me need to tilt my head up to him, my eyes taking him in quickly before doing so. he was wearing a loose tank top with sweats underneath despite the weather, and his muscular, tattooed arms were being exposed even more, and a part of his just as tattooed chest as well.
'good evening,' his deep, slightly hoarse voice greeted me from the cold, chilly air outside, both making me slightly shiver. his eyes slowly ranked to my robe, being slightly loose because of the quick knot i had to make to hold the thin, light blue fabric together. the corner of his mouth slightly tugged up because of that, his stare like fire burning right through me, before meeting my gaze again.
'i had to stop by after that little show you did for me,' he then continued, his hands in the pocket of his sweats as he slightly tilted his head to the side, which made it hard for me to function properly, to get out my first words to him as smoothly as he seemed to be able to talk to me.
i cleared my throat and took in a quiet, shaky breath before answering with a slow smug expression appearing on my flustered face, 'for you? that's interesting. i think you were just lucky to be there at that moment. always take my bra off after a long day of work.'
he hummed at that with an amused twinkle and smile on his face. 'is that so? well, guess you can call me really lucky then,' he smirked, not seeming to believe my words, and my own grin turned wider as i leaned my head against the door, still holding it.
'so you're saying that i came here for disappointment? can't expect you to continue it, hm?' he then added, and i softly chuckled. the chemistry between us was thick, strong and heated already, leaving me aching for more, aching how much more needy i could get him for me, how much more he could worship my body by just his lustful stare.
'oh, i didn't say that,' i then responded, stepping slightly more aside, a gesture that he could come in. as he was about to enter with a smug and amused glimmer in his eyes still, i then quickly stepped in front of him, gently placing my small hand on his chest, which caused him to raise both his eyebrows in question.
'at least tell me your name, neighbor.' my hand slowly removed itself from his chest by going up and down first, his eyes flickering down at it, before then meeting my own again with a intrigued smirk.
'noah,' he answered, and i clicked my tongue.
'y/n,' i introduced myself back, and that made his smirk only broaden, the twinkle in his eyes growing even more, as if he knew he would enjoy using my name for whatever dirty fantasies he was holding captured inside his mind.
'well, y/n, your little relief for your back after your long day of work wasn't the only time i've noticed you, but you know that, noah then spoke, his husky voice closer to me now that he slowly stepped inside, closing the door behind him. the more steps he took, the more i became pressed against the wall.
'your little adorable walk every time you came home from work, all lost in your music, coming out of those black matching headphones of yours, matching your outfits', he continued, his body being towered over my smaller frame, and i gulped in both nerves and excitement, already clenching now and then by the way he looked down on me and spoke every word so sultry and deeply alone. 'so concentrated whilst pulling those gorgeous lips of yours between your teeth now and then.'
noah slowly moved his large hand to my chin, tilting my face even more up to him as he brushed my lips with his thumbs, seemed to be mesmerized by it, craving it. my legs have already begun to tremble in need of him, just by that small touch alone, and he seemed to be very amused by the way i reacted to it, as his devious smile grew bigger.
'and those skirts? don't you think they are a little short, darling? i mean, i am not complaining, but they drove me crazy all week. made me think of how great the view would be in front of me, just like those pretty tight jeans you're wearing right now.'
he slowly turned me around, causing me to let out a shaky breath of both excitement and anticipation, pushing me against the wall. he let out a deep, satisfied hum, practically feeling his stare burn through the fucking fabric. but as soon as his hands found my behind, squeezing it eagerly, he made me close to snapping completely more and more.
'fuck. feels even more firm than i imagined.' noah's voice sounded even more huskier than before, and shit, it made me even more aroused than i already was.
his hands slowly moved upwards, over the smooth fabric of my bathrobe, squeezing my chest even tighter than my ass, making me yelp out of surprise and pleasure. his lips already found my ear quickly after that, his hot breath fanning over it and my neck, his breathing fast and ragged.
'not gonna lie, i enjoyed our little eye fucking this week, but damn, the little sounds you make are even better darling,' he breathed, making me slightly whimper, his hands still holding my breasts firmly, his thumbs lightly rubbing over it. his hips were grinding against my behind, making me able to feel his own excitement grow.
'wonder what else i can bring out of you, and how, my pretty girl. you in? you want that?'
'yes,' i eagerly breathed out, and that made him turn me around in a quick movement, his own body being pushed flush against mine, before he then grabbed me by my legs, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around him, and held me steady in his strong arms as a mischievous, dark smile grew on his attractive face.
'yeah?' he cooed, his smug fucking smile only growing by that, and it made me want to crash my own lips against him, to make him breathless and even more eager for me. 'glad to hear that, my pretty neighbor. cause since the first time we made eye contact, i wasn't able to stop fantasizing about you.'
my cheeks flushed by hearing that, my heart rate sped up, my hands shaking by anticipation. 'really hm?' i couldn't help but slightly smirk in filthy amusement, and he mirrored it right away as he nodded.
'mhm. how could my cock not get hard by seeing you all small and needy for me down there on the street? surely had to do something about it each time,' he shrugged, and it knocked the breath out of me for a moment, the filthy words rolling off his tongue just like that. 'but this, oh darling this, is the best way to do something about those cravings for you.'
noah pressed his hard bulge even harder against my damp core, slightly rubbing, making the both of us groan and whimper.
'fuck baby, i don't know how you do it, but i already feel you eagerness through your jeans. so wet already hmm? so ready to be taken by me?'
i heavily nodded at that, pulling my teeth between my lips, and his dark eyes flickered down to it, before then hungrily capturing his own with mine. my own tongue immediately pushed through it, dancing with his, tasting the deliciousness of his need for me.
noah groaned as i pulled his hair as my hands found it, flushing his body even more against mine, before then breaking the kiss to look at me with heavy breathing, every being of him filled with lust and desire for me. 'where do you want to continue this, love?'
'use those trained muscles of yours and carry me upstairs,' i teased him with a sly smile, causing him to deeply chuckle with amusement before then doing what was said, and his quick pace took me to my queen-sized bed in no time.
he placed me down on it in a sitting position, kneeling down between my legs already quickly that he then pushed apart, a wicked smile on his face, painted by the light of the small lamp on the nightstand besides us, and the left overs of the dark of the room around us contoured the rest of his pretty features.
'let me taste you, y/n,' noah whispered hoarsely as his gaze got down to my pants, then back to me again, and i nodded, causing him to instantly begin to unbutton my jeans, pulling it off my legs, his eyes slightly widening at the sight of my thin, see through panties that covered my aching core.
'jesus,' he breathed after a gulp, 'you always wear this underneath?'
'not always,' i smirked, his eyes going back up to mine. 'you are just in luck. again.'
'fuck, yes i am,' he rasped out, his lean fingers slowly and teasingly rubbing up and down the thin lace fabric, which made me shift eagerly against the mattress underneath me with a slight groan. he smiled amusingly at that, looking at me for a moment with a mischievous glint before then tucking my panties down.
'gonna taste you real good y/n, every single inch, every single drop coming out of you, yeah?' noah mumbled, spreading my legs even more, a determined and hungry look on his face. 'have thought about this so much. fuck, can't imagine how good you'd feel wrapped around me, tight and warm.'
his words, combined by the way he looks at my eagerness and rubs and teases it slowly, his warm hands going up and down my thighs as well, makes me moan impatiently, making his lips twitch again, before then finally moving his head down---making fucking eye contact as he flicks his tongue slowly and lightly against me, and my head already quickly dropped back into my shoulders as a low groan escaped my throat.
the feeling of his tongue was amazing, better than i had imagined myself too, and worked slowly against my bud once more before then going deeper inside my slit, sucking and tasting me more intensely, and i was not shy to let him know how much i enjoyed it, the sounds of pure bliss surrounding us both. it made him moan against my clit, vibrating with even more pleasure, humming in appreciation of tasting me, in enjoyment of exploring every inch of me like he promised me he would.
'god,' he then groaned as he pulled back, his lips glinting with my arousal in the dim light, and it made my breathing sped up even more. 'i would love to make you cum like this, but i need to---have to feel you around my cock baby, need to bury me inside of you real deep.'
'please do, please take me,' i eagerly stammered out in between ragged breaths, and he got up and then pulled his tank top over his head in a fast and smooth movement, dropping his sweatpants next, his white underwear showing his need for me very clearly, and it made me even more needy for him.
'that's right baby, you got me so fucking hard for you,' he groaned as he noticed my eyes wandering down, dropping his underwear next, making them widen slightly, and i blinked to hide it quickly.
noah hovered over me as i moved my body up my bed to let my head rest against my comfortable pillow, and he positioned himself between my legs, feeling his length already teasing my entrance, and it caused me to buck my hips up in high anticipation, and it let his wicked grin return.
'such a eager little thing you are. ready to be taken by me, darling?'
i nodded as i breathed out a greedy yes, and his pretty brown eyes darkened even more, hypnotizing me as it made my head spin with need as well. he then pushed himself in, and i let out a harsh gasp as his eyes rolled back.
'jesus y/n. so fucking ready for me---' he started to move, his hands placed around both sides of my head, his hands digging into the fabric of my pillow, 'and feeling like a fucking delight. taking me so well.'
'noah,' i moaned out as my eyes shut, jaw dropped by the overwhelming sensations. it made him slip his tongue in as he pulled me into a passionate kiss, our moans and groans muffed by our lips.
'you cry my name so beautifully y/n, need to hear that more than just once. need to hear it as much as possible,' noah panted, trusting faster and deeper, creating a heavenly rhythm between our sweaty bodies, the sounds of our skin adding more heat for us like fuel lighting the flame.
and i cried his name out loud over and over again, like a prayer, like the one thing i only needed that moment, and it was true, he gave me everything i craved. he brushed my messy hair out of my face now and then, making our eye contact intense and strong, adding even more connection between us.
from that moment on, i knew that noah would become more than just my neighbor that captured my body and soul---he would become everything i needed and more, the only fire that would bring me warm and alive in these cold winter days.
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to hold you, to heal you | n.s.
Summary: Noah is exhausted. It feels as if he's failing at everything, including at being the boyfriend his girl deserves. She's there to reassure him that that couldn't be further from the truth.
Tags & trigger warnings: angst, implied poor mental health (self-doubt, anxiety, depression), mentions of sex, fluff, comfort, just pretend live 2024.
words: 1.9k | my works
to hold you, to heal you — noah sebastian x fem. reader
The house was shrouded in quietness, the calming fragance of incense lit half an hour ago still lingering in the air.
Noah had gone to bed an hour earlier; he was exhausted.
Silently, she made her way to the bedroom, careful not to disturb him.
He lay on his side of the bed as she entered, back turned to her, the covers barely draped over his bare torso.
The temperatures had risen in the past two weeks, making the house uncomfortably warm. They should've swapped the covers for summer sheets, but neither could muster the energy to change them just yet.
She tiptoed to her side of the bed and slipped under the covers, nestling herself right behind Noah, wrapping an arm around his stomach and pressing her chest to his back, her cheek resting against his shoulder.
It was often that they found each other like this: her spooning him. They loved to intertwine their legs beneath the sheets, and he loved to drag her hand to his chest, right where his heart beat. He wanted her to feel it, to feel how his heart’s rhythm transformed from a relentless dance to a gentle pulse at her touch.
She nuzzled the tip of her nose against the nape of his neck, delighting in the feel of his soft locks, growing longer by the day. His hand found hers and guided it to the spot where his heart resided. She focused on his heartbeat for a while, on his breathing. She let the warmth of his body transfer to hers, despite the heat already filling the room.
Cooconing him like that felt like a promise that would eventually break. When he was in her arms, she felt as though she could shield him from anything, everything. She could just keep him caged, safe and sound tucked against her body, much smaller than his yet capable of safeguarding him. She so desperately wanted to keep that promise…
Yet, she was aware that those we love eventually slip, one way or another, no matter how much we try to ease their fall.
Nobody is extempt from hurting.
And now Noah was hurting. Her promise hadn’t lasted.
She tightened her grip unconsciously when a wave of anger and sadness washed over her, her muscles pressing against Noah’s, her heart wanting —needing— to break through the skin and find Noah’s, merge with his, beat as one.
Love is always a constant battle of trying, trying, failing, trying, trying again, and sometimes, making it right.
Tonight, she would make it right. She would heal him one way or another; take some of his pain and store it in her own chest, in her veins, in her bones.
Blinking away the tears, she pulled back slightly, just enough to see his back. It was dark, but the moonlight filtering through the curtains revealed the faint lines of his tattoos. Unable to stop herself, she traced the designs with a gentle finger, following every curve and sharp edge.
Noah shivered beneath her touch, his muscles tensing.
In less than a minute, he turned onto his back, his hands seeking her. He grasped her and positioned her astride his lap, his hands resting on her hips while hers landed on his chest. He wore nothing but black boxers, and she was clad in his t-shirt and cotton panties.
Under the moonlight, she found his October eyes.
“Hi,” she said softly.
“Hi,” Noah replied.
“Did I wake you?”
“No,” he answered, their voices mere whispers in the night. “Couldn’t sleep,” he explained, a hint of resignation in his voice.
It was soft now, not the rough, visceral one he used on stage for some of Bad Omens’s songs. This was the voice she loved the most, the deep raw timbre that was yet so delicate, both tender and masculine, holding harmony within a quiet power. Every time she heard her name uttered with that voice, that tone so soft yet demanding, she melted in his hands.
“The voices?” she guessed.
Noah nodded, letting out a heavy sight that he’d tried to contain, his gaze falling. She hated seeing him so conflicted, but there was only so much she could do. She didn’t know what else to do beside be by his side, engulfed in the dark of the after hours and surrounded by white noise.
With nothing more than a hmm, she brushed some hairs away from his face, and spent the next few minutes tracing her thumb along his forehead and then down his left eyebrow, trying to push some of his worries away. His eyes closed momentarily, and his own fingers began to move in a soothing rhythm where they touched the skin of her thighs. The weight of her on top of him always felt delightful, a comforting pressure.
But the sensation lasted only a few seconds. He grasped her wrist, holding her hand away from him.
“You deserve someone better than me.”
His words caught her off ward, making her frown and shift back a little, trying to discern his expression in the dark.
But he looked resolute, no ounce of doubt on his face as the words seemed to fill the space they were in, threatening to suffocate them.
“You should be with someone that doesn’t spend most of the time away,” he began, “someone who isn’t locked in the studio whenever he’s home. Someone who doesn’t take time off to get his mind straight instead of choosing time off to be with his girl.”
She was tempted to snort. He was being silly. Yet, she knew it wasn’t the time to take his confessions lightly. He was suffering, and her job was to ease that pain, even if it meant going through the same conversation they’d had many times before.
“Is that what the voices told you?” she inquired softly.
She was met with silence, the room charging up with his unspoken words.
“Noah,” she said, her tone determined as she tried to capture his full attention. She freed herself from his grasp and leaned forward, resting her forearms on his chest and reaching the sides of his face with her hands. He hadn’t shaved in the last three days and a little stubble was growing. “I love watching you work,” she said. “It’s what makes you happy, and I’d never do anything to keep your happiness away. Same goes for your health. You need this. There’s no arguing about it.”
He didn’t seem convinced by her words, his hands falling to the sides of her body, resting apathetically on the mattress. He felt defeated.
“Noah, baby,” she insisted, calling his name softly and touching his chin with two fingers. Look at me. Listen to me. “You’re driven by passion, and that same passion is the one that led you to me, so please, don’t say that I don’t deserve you. I deserve no one but you.”
She waited for her words to sink in. There was a little crease between his eyebrows now. He was still doubtful, torturing himself needlessly.
“I want you happy and healthy, and taking time off isn’t something you should feel guilty for. I’m proud of you for it. And I’ll be happy if you decide to stay locked up in the house for a month. I’ll stay here with you because a healthy Noah is my favorite Noah.”
Under other circumstance, he would have made a joke about that, probably a dirty one about her favorite Noah. But that night, the truth was that he didn’t feel like laughing. As much as he loved her smile and her little laughs, there was a demon on his shoulder reminding him of all his failures and all his weaknessses.
She was so sweet to him, though. Always making an effort to knock off that demon and step on the devilish creature, turn it to dust with her fierceless light.
His hand instinctively rose to her cheek, his thumb moving in a slow, almost reverent motion that stirred her heart. She leaned into his touch, her own hands cradling his face and keeping him safe, enveloped in her embrace.
She missed him. She had missed him terribly over the last few months. The entire year, in fact. But she was stronger than her own demons. She watched from afar as her boy made his way up, as his band grew, as their artistry gained recognition beyond the walls of their homemade studio with each passing day. She watched Noah’s tireless dedication to reaching out to the world with his music, his stories, the worlds capable of creating on his own. She watched as he poured his heart and soul into it, and how time began to consume him, both day and night.
Until he could bear it no longer.
She touched her lips to his. She kissed him for a brief moment. Soft and slow, emphasizing her presence, her connection to his very soul. And he responded delightfully, breaking the contact just for a few seconds, keeping the kiss a ghost, his lips hovering over hers beyond touch.
Inhaling his fresh breath, she wanted him to kiss her again. She wanted to let herself drown in the kiss.
When he did kiss her, it was the most achingly slow kiss he had ever given her. It was a kiss that said, “I’m tired. I need slow. I need time to stop. Please, hold me.”
And she would hold him. Any time. Always.
As her body relaxed on top of his, he cupped her entire face in his hands, keeping their mouths locked together. She tasted divine, and he cursed every second he had to pause to take a breath before diving back in with a little sigh.
When she shifted on top of him and he felt her core hovering right where he should’ve had an erection, he felt instead another failing.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, withdrawing from her, his hands slipping away, turning his head so that his cheek pressed to the pillow. He exhaled with defeat.
“Sorry for what?” she asked, disconcerted.
“I’m not… I’m not in the mood for sex right now. I’m sorry.”
“Why do you have to be sorry for that?” she questioned, her confusion deepening. “I’m not here to demand that from you,” she added. Far from it. It pained her that he thought she needed that every time he kissed her. It pained her to see him punishing himself again for simply not feeling up to it, as if there was something wrong with it. “In fact, I just hoped I could just hold you all night.”
Noah looked back at her, somewhat taken aback. Not the reply he had expected.
He was definitely not his usual self.
“Would you let me?” she pleaded, blinking.
It took him a moment, but finally he relented, placing a hand behind her head to pull her down so that she rested against his chest. With each steady rise and fall, she smiled through watery eyes, hoping that tonight she could keep her promise: to hold him, to heal him, if only until the sun rose again.
She had just closed her eyes when his voice filled her ears again, soft, delicate, vulnerable.
“I’m so afraid, that the walls that I have made have locked me in. I’m not okay. But I can try my best to just pretend…”
He was singing to her.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health & well-being, you are not alone and there is always someone willing to listen and help. Reach out and keep fighting. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel.
#noah sebastian#bad omens#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian x you#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fluff#bad omens cult#noah sebastian fanfic#noah sebastian fanfiction
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Noah x Reader head cannons
Moving in together
Tw-none, pure fluff
An- I will at some point be posting a master list of all my writings and where you can find them and writings that I also recommend from other authors here on tumblr!🫶🏼
• Ever since Noah had asked you to move in with him you were ecstatic, you had always dreamed of having your own place together and seeing it come true was even better
• The first few weeks of unpacking were definitely hectic seeing as Noah liked to play little jokes on you, like throwing a shirt on your head or suggesting hanging the posters in the kitchen.
• Noah definitely spends weeks talking you into getting a pet, he’s “worried that you’ll be alone while I’m gone, babe. A pet will keep you company”.
• Noah loved spending his days off with you shopping for different furniture and dish sets, and the way your eyes would light when you found what you needed/ wanted.
• Noah also loves to ‘forget’ that he’s 6’3 and keeps putting the dishes and cups at the top of the cabinets out of your reach. (Definitely not a reason to hold you close to him when he grabs them for you)
• You and Noah spend his days off picking paint and the rooms in which color would be on the walls. This leads to you and Noah covering each other in paint from a paint war. (You definitely didn’t start it by trying to put paint on his nose).
• Your first night when everything has been set up and finished you spend on the couch watching the first movie you had watched together. Cuddled up together under a blanket and going over the years you’ve been together.
• The boys come over and check out the place, looking at all the different rooms and how nice and spacious it is. Joking “Y/N which rooms mine?” “None! None of em!” Noah would shout up the stairs towards Matt.
• You both have spent weeks and months looking for a nice place to live together, where it is peaceful and not too loud.
•Noah loves coming home to seeing you in the kitchen or living room working on something or just relaxing in your safe space. That’s what your place was together, a safe space for you both.
#noah sebastian#bad omens#bad omens cult#noah sebastian davis#bad omens band#noah sebastian one shot#noah sebastian fic#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian fanfic#noah sebastian smut#noah sebastian fluff#noahsebastian#noah sebastian x reader#bad omens noah#bad omens fic#bad omens cult fanfic#bad omens one shot#bad omens x reader#bad omens fanfiction#bad omens fanfic
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