#bad morphs
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doesthismorphhaveissues · 8 months ago
Hey reptile community, I need YOUR help!
Hello Reptiblr,
I am creating a searchable database of all reptile morphs that have some type of medical issue associated with them. Birth defects, an increased rate of a specific issue happening, neurological problems, skeletal deformities; you name it and I want to document it. The problem is; the reptile community is very decentralized and information is hard to find. This is especially true for newer/less well known morph projects and morphs that are not stateside.
Right now: I have already got the more common issues like the base spider ball python, enigma morph leopard gecko, lemon frost leopard gecko, and sunkissed corn snake. Cinnamon ball python and super black pastel have also been documented. i have also managed to track down some lesser known combos like the Lichen leopard gecko (contains the enigma morph) and Meteor (also contains enigma) but there is still a LOT more ground to cover.
i have been combing through forums and morphmarket but I still need your help.
if you have a picture of:
An abyss morph (not Abyssian) leopard gecko
A Smaug Morph leopard gecko
please reblog this post or shoot me an ask with the picture.
And if anyone knows:
problematic frog morphs (any species)
Problematic burmese, reticulated, or carpet python morphs
Problematic axolotl morphs involving grafting (or genetic issues)
Problematic corn snake morphs
problematic gecko morphs (any species)
lesser-known morph combos containing the enigma, lemon frost, or spider morph
Please reblog this post or shoot me an ask with the name of the morph, a description of the issues the morph has, and a link to a picture.
i am going to continue forum deep-diving but any help will be greatly appreciated.
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bread-blogs · 6 months ago
First we got Scott whispering to Logan, "Don't you dare break her heart. Be the best at what you do. Heal."
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Then we got, "She can't say it. But I can... I love you, Logan. Stay with me."
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Can y’all be NORMAL about this man?
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filthystarboy · 3 months ago
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Another calendar doodle and some Morph Discord shenanigans! I gotta remember to post and not hoard doodles
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naumaxia-art · 4 months ago
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I was really supposed to be doing work today...
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 2 months ago
Taylor, release the Eras Tour Surprise Songs Live album and Eras Tour Live Album. I know you want to.
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mintaikkcorpse · 8 months ago
The way Morph looks at Logan 😭
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gods-favorite-autistic · 5 months ago
If the bad kids played Minecraft
Gorgug: redstone builder my guy loves making rollercoasters and security systems and anything redstone for the others, loves the enchantment table and fights monsters purely for xp, has a little farm of rainbow sheep and flowers, his workshop looks like a flower (Fabian may or may not have made it he just came to the joint world and found it there one day)
Fabian: achievement maniac he must prove that he is the best at the game, loves all the fortresses and like the raids and all of that, fights any monster he sees and brings the spoils back to Adaine for her building, hoards all the gold and diamonds he finds and refuses to share, once killed a piglin on accident and had to give all of his gold to Fig, main person who finds and downloads mods for everyone (he has the nicest computer after all), has a list of which person got one mod after everyone started fighting about who requested a shaders mod that just makes everything look really pretty but also insanely slows everyone’s fps (it was Gorgug he liked how it looked)
Fig: trying to make and collect everything she physically can and if she can’t she will find a way, has about a million mods installed because why not (her personal world is like 4 fps), “rules the nether” (Adaine turned a fortress into a castle for her and she only trades with piglins), has at least one cd playing at any time and tries to start a campaign for one of her songs to become an official cd (it almost works)
Riz: automates everything and anything he can, just does insane experiments for funsies, has a gang of iron golems and a village that he rules with an iron fist (is very offended that fig refuses to trade with his villagers, has waged war on the nether multiple times but Fabian (his “knight”) and Gorgug (Figs “knight”) refuse to fight each other), Kristen is banned because she keeps trying to start a rebellion
Adaine: the builderrr girlie likes her games on peaceful and her structures luxurious, she made a castle for all of her friends in her joint world (even if Fig and Riz usually sleep in their kingdoms), does not know how to fight in the slightest so she just enlists Fabian and Gorgug (Riz makes her pay to enlist Fabian in tnt no Adaine he is not making another nuke what are you talking about), genuinely a good archer but freaks out anytime she sees a monster and becomes instantly useless so she mainly uses it for hunting purposes
Kristen: loves mining, also has a million pets like if she can find a way to make it a pet she will (she once tamed a polar bear nobody knows how), her room in Adaine’s castle is in the basement with little mining carts that Gorgug made her that go throughout basically their whole world, runs as fast as she can away from any Warden chamber (she cannot fight), has an army of snowmen in a cage, technically has a fee for being the blacksmith of the group but forgets every time, has a White House built somewhere in the world after the school election
Ayda: Crafts books so she can write in them, lives in Figs castle in another room than Fig (for the drama, according to Fig)(“the fans will love it!” “My love who are you talking about nobody is watching us” “excuse you my tumble audience is very much enjoying our live-blogged tragic love” “my paramour we are literal blocks”), rotates between living there and living in the tallest tower in Adaine’s castle, is fascinated by Gorgugs inventions
Ragh: Fighter, insists on only using his bare fists, drinks any potion he finds, is the only person willing to go on raids with Fabian and Gorgug, figured out a way to play bloodrush in game, loves elytra’s, lives in a dirt hut that is big enough for him to stand in next to a bed and nothing else, Adaine built him a room (that looks like a gym) in her castle but he prefers dirt hut
Aelwyn: Only on there for the cats, steals Kristen’s cats any chance she gets, surprisingly really good at fighting but refuses to fight unless absolutely necessary, has one mod on for herself and it’s the shapeshifting mod (no clue if that’s a mod or part of a game mode) so she can prank Adaine anytime she wants, loves making tnt even if she doesn’t use it (“the goblin uses it in funny ways” “Aelwyn he is exploding a village” “like I said funny”), fucking hates goats and polar bears for no reason
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cryptids-do-autism · 2 months ago
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Happy holidays to everyone! I say several days after the holidays are over.
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silusvesuius · 1 year ago
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the girls (New)
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park-chimney · 2 months ago
spike and buffy having a heart to heart about their intimate night together and how spike has never been close to someone until then and buffy saying he gave her the strength to do the right thing and the emotion bleeding off of them in waves and they’re both terrified and unwilling to define why…
…being immediately derailed five minutes later by angel deus ex machina-ing into the episode to be a savior and share a passionate kiss with buffy?? what is the plan here get angel out of here he did not need to be there
and then spike watching from behind the cuck pillar i mean give my guy a break istg
dont even get me started on buffy just coming back to the house and everything being all chummy? she doesnt get a single moment to sort through the fact they kicked her out.
i am experiencing a frustration
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doesthismorphhaveissues · 8 months ago
In search of Lemon Frost combos
Did you know the Lemon frost morph has some named combos?
Hello, I am currently trying to make a database of every reptile morph that has health issues associated with it. We have made a lot of mileage documenting enigma combos (woohoo) however not only are there some gaps there I am looking to fill but now I have moved onto trying to track down all the named combos of the morph Lemon Frost (for those unaware this is the morph that causes cancer).
So far I have located the following:
Lemon Frost (base)
Lemon Blizzard
and Frosty Turk (which seems to be a Discontinued project now)
However, I know more combos are out there and those have names. Lemon Frosts (and to a degree Enigmas as well) seem to be bred primarily outside the United States (mostly in Asia in countries like Indonesia or India) so most of those morphs are either isolated to Facebook, or to local marketplaces. I am still searching but I cannot do this alone.
If anyone knows some named Lemon Frost combo morphs and can link/send me a picture of it either in my asks (which should now be functional) or some other way; that would be greatly appreciated
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ellieshyperfixations · 5 months ago
Silly little X-Men hcs!!
This is with X-men 97 in mind!
Logan snores LOUD, like a dad snore. He also sneezes like a dad.
Scott absolutely hates being late to things and will show up 15-30 minutes early regularly (The others have started telling him it’s 15 min later than it actually is bcuz of this)
Jean and Ororo have weekly “sleepovers” where they just kick out Scott to go be with the others so they can spend time together (They’re so sisters)
Jubilee is actually decent at cooking she’s just too lazy to make anything that takes more than an hour.
Kurt will hang upside down from things from his tail for unhealthy periods of time. All that blood stays in his head atp.
Rogue is the second best cook in the house (second to gambit ofc) She’s a southern lady!! Ofc she can cook good (This isn’t just bcuz I’m a southern person myself nooooo)
Gambit is the breakfast guy, he regularly makes breakfast for everyone most days. Ororo takes over on the other days so he isn’t having to do it constantly.
Morph absolutely does what Camilo did in Encanto and shapeshifts into other ppl to get seconds of food.
Beast hears so much of the drama and tea because no one thinks he’s listening or cares. Jubilee is aware of this and has begged him to tell her some specific info. (He always says no.)
Morph is weirdly good at math.
Morph, Rogue, Gambit, Scott and Logan are all bisexual, or at the very least like both men and women (So, could be pansexual, omnisexual, etc)
Rogue, Gambit and Ororo have no fear of storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. One once knocked out the power and they were just acting like nothing was even happening.
Logan listens to so much divorced dad rock and Beast hates it.
Jubilee would 100% be a Chappell Roan fan
Kurt would love Mitski so much, and it would be his top listened to artist absolutely.
Everyone loves Dolly Parton. She’s an icon.
Ororo has one of the dirtiest side eyes possible, she never uses it, but occasionally she’ll hear a guy be a dick to his gf or something and she’s just like 😠👀
Kurt has really good puppy dog eyes, no I will not elaborate.
Jubilee has burn scars on her hands from when she first got her mutation and didn’t know how to handle it.
Jean is banned from cooking. Just. Period.
Logan has absolutely destroyed a couple appliances due to annoyance with them before.
Erik actually likes mystery novels a lot, and read a lot of them, the old man. (As if my dad isn’t literally older)
Logan is a really good artist, like sketching and painting; C’mon! He’s been around for 200+yrs, he’s learned a thing or two.
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whump-galaxy · 3 days ago
I gave myself my first injection of my new medicine. I usually have a pen injector for my other medicine, but this one I had to draw up. The injection itself was fine and didn’t hurt. However, I did have a blood pressure drop from watching me stab myself with a needle.
The funniest part is, even while I laid down feeling god awful, I thought, “yeah, this is just like [character].”
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xenith-eats-stars · 5 months ago
morph warmups bc they make me happy
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(if you enjoy my art, pls reblog it! it helps a lot more than just liking it does)
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zero-is-nebulous · 4 months ago
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I've been doing animation recently
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stormyrainyday · 3 months ago
apologies this is far from a coherent shower thought but i think it's time we like. decided to detach our identity a bit from the things we do. it's fine to just read. you don't have to be a reader. it's fine to just game. you don't have to be a gamer. you can be those things but i feel like in a quest to find ourselves and open our hearts, especially to others online (because i know, the first thing we do when on a new platform is say hi im [name] i like these things we should talk, i know, i do, my pinned post is literally that), i feel like we forget that we are more than the things we do and even the things we love. we, to borrow words from slay the princess, contain it in our multitudes.
it's a sentiment i've felt for a long time as someone who has been on the internet and in fandom spaces for a good decade now, and like. i find when we hold these things so close that they become us, we become too defensive over them. how many minor fandom disagreements spiral into threats, name calling, doxxing even? i find, especially younger users in fan spaces, tend to take even small differences of opinion and take them personally. saw someone blow up and call people awful names over believing only one person could top in a genshin ship. another left a server i was in because they disliked a popular character, and other (respectfully), decided to share why they did like her. i get that things like rejection sensitivity are a thing, but i think this failure to recognize the self as an entity apart from the things you do and the thoughts you have definitely contribute to this. phenomenon i suppose.
it's genuinely slay the princess that has given me the vocabulary to express and understand this thing i was already thinking. i think, though we are not gods, it's important to understand that we are not things so easily defined. we consist of our thoughts, our actions, our perceptions, our beliefs, and more. even the outside world's perception of us reflects some part of our nature. but not all of it. it's impossible to define oneself in one, two, three words or even an essay.
because like we don't exist in a vacuum. part of our existence is defined in our interactions with others. but not all. never all. there is no one who can truly know you, and we cannot truly know ourselves. our principles bend to the whims of circumstance no matter what we tell ourselves otherwise, so we can't decide what we are or what we would be in a situation for sure, ever. and that's not a bad thing, but if we can't ever truly know ourselves, then how can we assign such great importance to something as superficial as the things we enjoy sometimes?
we are both a constant and the capacity to change. and to take just a handful of things and call it your identity, even subconsciously, is a disservice to the self. in an effort to be seen we break ourselves down into easy (i hate to say it but) marketable pieces.
take being a reader for example. it has always felt like vague slang for booksmart, thoughtful, likely quiet and introverted as well, just as much as it means "i like to read books". theres an aesthetic to it involved, and a whole subculture. do you write in your books? do you keep them museum-fresh quality? do you read smut or classics or high fantasy or satire and what does it say about you? if you say audiobooks aren't real literature, are you signalling to others about quality and sophistication, or are you a pretentious asshole, and ableist to boot? these connotations assigned to such an otherwise benign thing about someone are i think are reflective of the construct of identity and perception. i could go on about it in a way that's more coherent but i, a student, have other things to do right now.
(does being a student make me intelligent? does it impress you to know i study medicine? what if i told you i average Cs in my classes? what if i told you i dislike patient care? what if i told you i'm not here for the money OR to make the world a better place, and that i'm here purely to serve my curiosities about the way the body functions and to absolve my obsessive need to understand just what are we? does this change what you think of me? does it matter? what if you knew the guilt i felt for seeing so much suffering, but still hating patient care enough to worry endlessly about being stuck in it as a career? am i better for it? but i have not acted on this guilt. it is a mere feeling that only i know. knew. is it different now that i've confessed it? does it matter? does any of it change who i am, fundamentally? or am i a thing detached from it all? or. as i like to believe. is it both? your shifting perceptions of me and the way i change shape and form (so much like our beloved princess in slay the princess) in your eyes, they make up me just as much as the soul or the self or whatever other philosophical name you assign to it. at the end of the day, isn't the most important thing that i am just me? both devoid of and constituted of the sum of my parts? what is found in the spaces between my cells? impulses and chemicals. is that me? is it all me? can i ever really know it? and why, why, why define it at all?)
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