#bad bitch w a baddie friend!!
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spoopdeedoop · 10 months ago
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+ silly random doodles
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cinnamart · 1 month ago
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ain't nothin badder than a bad bitch w a baddie friend 💁🏻‍♀️💅🏻
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hearts4chriss · 8 months ago
The more and more I think about it, I realize.
1. Got my own car ( Tesla ) shoutout my parents
2. Offers from all ivy leagues ( Harvard 28💋 )
3. My siblings doing good in school ( younger sis & older brother )
4. I got a FINE ASS man who loves me🫶🏾good ass dick spwm
5. Found my genuine friends :)
6. Met a tone of baddies on here
7. Finished my senior year w a 4.3 GPA, honours every year & broke the school record of getting all 5s in AP exams ( 5 my junior year ( or 4 I forget ) and 5 my senior year )
SO ALL MY BADDIES, if someone tells u “you can’t do that” YES. THE. FUCK. YOU. CAN. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING W A GOOD MINDSET💋💋
@babyddolly @hoesformatt @worldlxvlys @love4chris @nickgetsmewetter @bratzforchris and all my bad bitch moots I love yall
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yakkety-yak-art · 11 months ago
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bad bitch w a baddie friend ‼️‼️ (they r besties who hate each other)
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gothsuguru · 1 month ago
okay what is phantom busters about and who are these baddies i keep seeing on my dash
OKAY SO. phantom busters is literally the best manga so far that i think i’ve read (w only 12 chapters translated into english mind you) and it’s a blend of hilarious high school shenanigans, friendship, badass action, mixed with a bit of occultist horror <3
AND ONTO THE BEST CHARACTERS RAHHHHH okay so the ones i’ve posted about are mogari (black hair) and kanzaki (white hair w scars around his eyes) + there are two other main characters who are korekishi (ginger w glasses) and tamon (green hair) ((plus there’s ren who gets mistaken for geto suguru which is so funny & president ichimiya who has black hair & a beauty mark))
OKAY SO BASICALLY the manga is about the core four finally meeting and creating an occult club where they can find ghosts and do exorcisms!
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mogari has a tattoo on his tongue and he eats ghosts! he’s the exorcist of the group and he’s very loud, friendly, & impulsive! HE’S ALSO A BAD BITCH WHO PROTECTS AND CARES FOR HIS FRIENDS ABOVE ALL ELSE!!!
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korekishi is the only one who can’t see them so he’s immune to it BUT he wants to help him bc he now has a friend group that he cares about :’) he’s the most intelligent of the group & he’s also class president! he’s also really kind but also Terrifies the group NXNXNXN but they respect him so much <333 canonically the most handsome to the group!
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kanzaki is someone who’s troubled by the burden of seeing ghosts all the time, so he doesn’t want to join but then he sees the lengths that eugene & mogari go to get to know him/have him join and he feels flattered! he’s an otaku/manga NERD to the extreme + looks like a delinquent and has an attitude but deep down he is soft hearted :’)
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tamon is so comfortable talking to ghosts but is unnerved talking to humans! he just wants ghosts to pass on easily so he makes sure that the group talk to ghosts before just consuming them! he’s very shy & nervous but when he gets into his own he’s loud & kind & caring! :’)
the group also is just so precious in that they enjoy just doing normal high school stuff bc it’s SO foreign to mogari bc he lived in the mountains!!! but overall they also know and recognize that they might be the only ones who can perform these exorcisms and help humans feel safe + allow ghosts/entities to pass on! the manga is SO beyond fantastic and i highly highly HIGHLY recommend it! you can read the first 12 chapters online in english <3
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((AND I THINK I MANIFESTED PHANTOM BUSTERS GETTING AN OFFICIAL ENGLISH LICENSE BC VIZ IS PICKING IT UP FOR TRANSLATIONS IN FALL 2025!)) PLEASE READ IT IT’S SO AMAZING I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS & THIS MANGA MORE THAN ANYTHING! and tysm for asking beloved :’) there’s SO much more to this story and these characters that i want to get into but the joy is truly in reading it and seeing their journey so i HIGHLY recommend reading it! :D ILY
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swifty-fox · 11 months ago
HI so for the mota hockey au:
any out of pocket viral moments of the boys? magazine photoshoots press tours etc what are they like? are clegan out and proud or are they more like go on keep guessing?
Bucky has a LOT of notable moments. He's just a teenage girl and puberty is so hard it makes him so hormonal.
He gets sent to the penalty box for BLATANT hooking one time which is a pretty iconic out of pocket moment you dont really get tendys serving penalties. usually another play subs in for their penalty but refs are prob like Fuck you Bucky you're such a menace you pay the price.
He drops the gloves with a rival teams goon that absolutely boards the fuck out of Gale a la Scheifele/Evans hit. Normally we love a good Goaltender fight but this hit was too scary. people still take notice bc they're like look at Bucky defending his BOY
John is a very Seguin type character. As I mentioned he has a similarly nude sports illustrated photoshoot. But also very messy party phase with Curt much like Segs and Marchy
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theyre messy bitches who know how to have fun okay.
He's got a LOT of really famous soundbites, just the most out of pocket shit professional yapper w the cameras fr. it's mostly him hitting on Curt and Gale. There's a mic'd up clip of him singing "Baddie Friend" by kevo jefe perfectly word for word.
Gale's really bad with the cameras he clams up a ton and just kinda defaults to hockey mumbo-jumbo. he does get one Hockey social media clip where he gets to talk about space and that gets him a little excited. The clip of his one skate goal does some pretty big numbers just because Holy Fuck Dude.
he gets gif'd a lot for chewing on his mouthguard like Tkachuk. nasty boy. the fangirls go a little feral over those ones.
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In terms of their relationships there is some plot stuff I'm cooking but John doesn't really care for the most part. he isn't ashamed but hes also like well im here to play hockey and im single nobody needs to be privy to my sexuality so he's kinda just closeted bc hes too lazy to do otherwise. you bet ur ass he wears pride tape every game and practice after Gary fucking shittman tried to institute the ban
(Shoutout to Travis "It had to be done" Dermott who called garys bluff like a PRO you my number 1 bbygirl i have a puck signed by him)
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Gale is definitly closeted and it's a plot point in the au his journey with it. hes not closeted to himself but there are factors making him NOT want to be open with things.
I do think once theyre established in their team, they both have the C and a couple cups under their belt; when gale is ready - yeah they sit down with management and draw up a coming out plan. The team is so supportive of them they love their Bucks squared.
It's internet breaking
Please bear in mind hockey is REALLY homoerotic like these straight men kiss and hug and call eachother handsome and pet names constantly so theres a LOT that Clegan can actually just get away with and have plausible deniability
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( a few seasons ago Marchand started licking other players and the NHL had to release a statement like 'its not against the rules but wtf bro stop')
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v-a-t-s · 1 year ago
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bad bitch w her baddie friend
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newagevictorianorphan · 1 year ago
bad bitch w/a baddie friend 😦
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dsmsix · 6 months ago
I need ur professional advice on rizzing up the baddies (and not fumbling said baddie)
Oh text me the details but my best advice is ALWAYS to go for it. ask her out for coffee in campus or something. if she’s from there.
you gotta do it scared, that’s the key. I approach women all the time, and it seems like I’m confident and shit but I’m always nervous. Thing is, I’ve realized that if she says no that changes everything. I also don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me. It might hurt, but I’ll deal w that on my own and move on soon enough. With them, the previous platonic relationship doesn’t have to be fucked after I shot my shot.
If the person is already my friend, I tell her that’s totally ok and I hope we can still be friends, that I care about her as a friend and I was just seeing if it could maybe lead to something else. It didn’t and that’s ok. That I still value our friendship, and I’m gonna bark up some other tree. That I hope things won’t be weird, that I understand if she needs space. And then I back off and it always turns out ok.
I’m saying this very generically but it’s based on actual happenings in my life, I’m not that much of an unattached whore lol.
thing is, we get so scared of rejection we don’t even try. that’s worse than rejection. trying and clearing things up with an honest talk is always the best. taking the leap, asking someone out is terrifying. rejection sucks. but not everyone will want to date us and that’s ok. loads of ppl will and we’ll find them along the way. so if she does say no, don’t let it make you feel any less awesome. cause you are fucking awesome.
That being said, she will probably say yes. take her out for lunch, coffee, dinner, a party. Have a good time. try not to be too intense unless things have been solidified (fumbled a bad bitch cause of that last year lol). be yourself, as cliche and stupid as it is.
I know you so I know you dont just wanna fuck her. My objective plan for you is approaching her irl or through text. ask her if she’d like to grab a coffee/lunch/drink with you. or if she’d like to check out [insert dinner place name here] with you. And see where things go from there.
you’re cool as fuck, smart, and very sweet. you’re a great guy and I’m happy to still be your friend. Plus I can always get you some random bitches if anything bad happens. it won’t, but if it does just know it wont be the end of the world.
fumbling her, for you, would be
• being too intense from the get go
• not being clear w your intentions and not putting your dick on the table, as we say here (as in, when you do approach her romantically, be clear about it)
• not being proactive enough after she says yes (not asking her out a second time, not communicating, etc)
• not making sure BOTH of you are having fun in dates and whatnot. if you focus only on her she will notice. do shit that will also bring the best out in you. dont ask her out to a rave, for example.
• being embarrassed if she says no. be chill. it’s fine. she’s still a cool person and you can still be friends. you have a world of women to pursue, and you wouldn’t want to be with someone who doesnt wanna be w you so you’ll get over it soon enough. ez.
• if says yes and all goes ok and you’re ever in the setting for it, and she looks at you as in waiting for something FUCKING KISS HER. do it scared.
hope I helped broski
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tojiscrack · 2 months ago
before i go to our regularly scheduled shitbag content, LETS TAKE A MOMENT FOR THE NEW CHAPTER OF LIAR LIAR???
I AM SO GLAD THAT GOJO CLOCKED SUKUNA'S TEA! i cannot wait to see the future dynamics that come from this
i was also so grateful to not have to read kamo speak in this chapter. brought me much joy. even tho Y/N'S BITCH ASS WAS SPENDING TOO MCUH TIME WITH HIM.
but i was very glad that megumi is starting to show more interest in her semi romantically.
now if you tear this away from me, i will hunt you down and shiv you when you least expect it.
for legal reasons, this is a joke.
now back to our regularly schedule programming.
'like you seem sceptical but it’s not BAD 😫'
uh huh... sure... tbf i dont like beans
'i’ve never tried a desi breakfast ☹️ but i don’t doubt that it tastes great! it looks really good too 👀'
it's so yummy
'but i just don’t think shin ramen is for me'
lemme put u onto a recipe
so, ur gonna just cook the noodles from the shin ramen with about a cup and a half of water. then, ur gonna take a bit of that water and add it to some peanut butter. hey hey hey stay with me now. trust my process. then, mix in the seasoning packet. and then add it to the noodles and let it simmer for a tiny bit of time. AND THEN BAM. banger noodles.
'ok but we also know that kay comes into my inbox every other day to chat shit about you 🌝'
this is the most british sentence ive seen in my life BUT YES U ARE RIGHT
'me personally, i think you should cut him off completely 😬 block button is free + he has a gf so i think just out of respect for that (even if he himself doesn’t respect that) you should do ur part by untangling urself from any of that 🫡'
see the issue here is, before we had our situationship, he was my guy best friend. and we have MANY mutual friends and are in tons of gc together. it just wouldn't work out to block him. thats the rlly annoying part.
'start ur life anew (without him) and let him wonder how his life would’ve been sm better with you in it if he had treated you right and been a better person 😋'
'i’d hate to see how you’d behave with a girl you DON’T like 💀'
lowk bro acts the same LMAOOO
also i realized this today but part of the reason why i think he didnt tell me ab him and his ex getting back tgth is he knew i HATED his ex LMAOOO
'however, you should never rely on a man for his money, being financially dependent is a necessity'
oh of course not queen. i am a cs baddie on the rise. we both go to a college prep school. relying on him for money was never an option 😋😋😋😋
'everyone’s too busy caring about themselves to do anything about it :)'
our grade is so tiny we have nothing better to do than talk ab other ppl i fear....
and when i say our grade is tiny, i mean it. like most public schools have graduating classes of like
ehh 500 or so.
our graduating class is going to be 70 people.
'not until you wipe ur mouth from that indirect kiss from that THING you call a man 😐'
'tojis bumcrack ‘cause i find that hilarious HAHAHA 😭😭'
'‘cause we’re exchanging cute nicknames but then he’s come back to ruin it :/'
i think shitbag for u in my asks is like kamo for me in ur story 😋😋😋
so the new shitbag lore is that
in a gc i have w him and some of my close friends, i was complaining about not having a bf and how i want one so bad.
and i get a call. i do not see who it is. i assume it's my mother bc it's late at night and i'm making too much noise. i answer the phone.
it's shit bag.
he turns the call into a ft and screenshares our school's directory, asking me what i think of every guy on the thing.
i think he's trying to set me up with one of them.
we narrow it down to the only two guys in my grade i'd consider being even slightly attracted to.
he decides to add a third guy to this list.
for this, there is more lore u must know.
back when me and shitbag were just bsfs, i rlly liked one of shitbag's friends. lets call him niceguy. niceguy, like his name, was rlly nice and rlly funny. and i've known him since 2nd grade bc we went to the same elementary and middle school.
and i started liking niceguy this summer bc i worked with him at a summercamp. it was lots of fun. and i ended up inviting him to my bday party and he came and we got a picture tgth which ended up being rlly cute.
i would talk to shitbag a lot ab niceguy, asking for advice and shit.
and then one day, i am looking through my phone. and at this point, we had our homecoming dance within 2 weeks of the present day. and i was rlly hoping niceguy would ask me bc we texted a lot and talked a lot in person. and a lot of ppl rlly thought he might like me back.
but as i'm going through instagram, i see his story is him, one of my not so close friends, and a hoco proposal sign.
i am torn. i am distraught. i have a 4 hour ft call with shitbag to discuss it.
and niceguy and the friend i'm not so close with start dating from that day forward.
after a month or so, they break up.
and that is why, shitbag wants me to add niceguy back to the list.
where was i going with this? uhhhh... oh right. so shitbag ended up fting me for too damn long going through our directory.
and i havent texted him since!
now, on better news. i am currently replaying mystic messenger. i do not know if u know this game but i played it when iw as 13 and i am feeling very nostalgic as of late so i had to hop back on the game. i am having much fun and i think this is part of the reason why i havent been texting shitbag back.
god bless for fictional men!
anyways how is your life going wifey?
i think this may be the last of the shitbag updates so shorter asks coming soon!
bye pookie
‘I AM SO GLAD THAT GOJO CLOCKED SUKUNA'S TEA!’ — can you tell i’m a very biased gojo stan? 😋‼️ sukuna lovers are in enemy territory rn i’m jk, like yeah i hate that thing with a PASSION, but idc if you love no-neck-ed LMAOO
‘ALSO Y/N SITTING ON GOJO'S SHOULDERS IS SO ADORABLE I LOVED IT’ — i HAD to implement dadjo in the series bc as much as his relationship with the characters in canon was more like a fun older brother looking out for his students, he’s so father coded, specifically during the exchange event in s1 of jjk 😫 like his behaviour was sooo embarrassing-dad-supporting-his-kids (and the fit looked delicious like yum yum i’m eating well tonight 😁)
‘i was also so grateful to not have to read kamo speak in this chapter. brought me much joy’ — HELP HE’S JUST A GUY WITH A CRUSH 😭 the kamo hate is so funny yet i feel so bad for him 💀 but keep ‘em coming, it still lowkey brings me joy HAHAHA
‘even tho Y/N'S BITCH ASS WAS SPENDING TOO MCUH TIME WITH HIM’ — girl any more of the y/n criticism from you and i’m gonna start to think you hate our poor mc 🫵🏽😟🫷🏽
but just to be clear, it was just a tutoring session with kamo. they weren’t hanging-out-hanging-out, iygwim?
‘if you tear this away from me, i will hunt you down and shiv you when you least expect it’ — 🌝
i’ve been keeping my windows and doors locked SINCE the malakai hate train started a couple months ago, ‘cause i knew that if that poor emo kid was getting hate ‘cause of a random ANON who started shipping him and y/n (they’ve still yet to reveal themselves 🤨) then the kamo hate would rise astronomically from the very same ppl 😭
now with that threat, i humbly remind you of the ‘angst’ tag 🌝 no comment on anything after that
‘for legal reasons, this is a joke’ — i sURE HOPE SO??? 😭
‘I AM SO VERY EXCITED FOR FUTURE CHAPTERS!!!!’ — IAISNWISNWIEJ ME TOO, but unfortunately, at some point from here and up until june, there are gonna be super slow updates :( i’ll address that another time tho! <3
now for the rest of the askkk :)
there’s a problem with ur shin ramen recipe…
i am (unfortunately) a very picky eater. and i hate peanut butter ☹️ but you probably already guessed that with the ‘hey hey hey stay with me now’ 🥴 i’m sorry, peanut butter is vile
shin ramen is just not for me ig 🥲
now as for shitbag… ik you mention that you guys have mutual friends and are in several gc’s tgth, so maybe blocking him is just not possible here, but giving him clipped responses when he texted and declining face-times is very much possible, i believe 😁 get away from that sad excuse of a human being kay, PLS
like you can text him when he texts you first (the italics here are important) but make sure they’re very simple responses, nothing he can use as an opportunity to build on. and 4hr face-times are a nO NO.
absolutely no.
he has a gf, you are not his gf, and even if you DESPISE who he’s currently with, be the better person and leave it 😭
there! problem solved! 😋
‘also i realised this today but part of the reason why i think he didnt tell me ab him and his ex getting back tgth is he knew i HATED his ex’ — hmmm, this tells me a lot about him already 💀 i’m sorry kay, i do NOT like this imposter who-entered-earth-without-a-visa 😐
‘I STARTED CACKLING HELLO’ — HAHAHA 😭 i’m dead serious. i don’t like that guy. i even feel like ‘shitbag’ as a name for him is a compliment, if anything.
‘i think shitbag for u in my asks is like kamo for me in ur story😋😋😋’ — FREEZE 🤨🤚🏽
i don’t not support kamo hate, but i don’t support it either. and yet, this one sentence is the only kamo-hate-sentence that lowkey has me tweaking.
do not compare our respectful-nonchalant-dreadhead-kamo to that bin-juice-of-a-human-being-SHITBAG. EVER 🤢
‘so the new shitbag lore is that’ — STOP ✋🏽 HALT 🛑
did i forget to mention that i DETEST shitbag with my whole entire being?
ok good, you’re not longer texting that unique-breed-of-human-kind, got my first point out of the way real quick. don’t ever text him unless he texts you
secondly, niceguy’s available. probably the only thing i agree with shitbag with. you should get with niceguy :)
my personal opinion that i have rooted to the core is to stay single forever and ever, marry fictional men and die in love with them, ‘cause that’s been my plan for as long as i can remember and look at me: no situationships, no drama, no SHITBAGS 🤭
‘now, on better news’ — YESSS
‘i do not know if you know this game’ — i’m not aware of it. even when i looked it up, i was a little confused haha. i was a moviestarplanet, stardoll, baby hazel, moshi monsters, bin weevils, purble place, club penguin, sarah’s cooking class, papa’s freezeria, pizzaria, hotdogaria (etc), roblox girly through and through 🥴
but i am super glad you are starting to find enjoyable things to look back on that take you away from the negative doom-cloud that is shitbag! 😙 idek you irl but that genuinely makes me so happy for youuuu <3
‘god bless for fictional men!’ — ameen 🌝
‘anyways how is your life going wifey?’ — ugh, don’t even get me started 😀 i’m living vicariously through you, honestly 😭
‘i think this may be the last of the shitbag updates so shorter asks coming soon!’ — THEY CAN STILL BE LONG, I LOVE HEARING ABOUT UR DAY AND STUFF AND GETTING TO KNOW YOU, but i’m glad shitbag will no longer be the centre of our conversations (literally who does he think he is, starring as a mc in MY blog)
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years ago
i& was just thinking this &. ngl the corsicans have the potential to be the funniest fucking family. like in terms of memes. we got uranos corsica aka mr sandy claws the guy that nobody fucking likes & needs to go to bed. we got bernardo who's the resident rich boy twink thot w/ shades on. we got svetlana resident military bad bitch w/ afro indigenous magic ( ik her personally ). we got victor who literally looks like everyone's math teacher except he's russian & is 10000% done w/ everyone's shit. we got georgiana the mom friend who is Also 10000% done w/ everyone's shit & gets her kids out of trouble. we got worick the local himbo manwhore king aka the ken of the corsicas who's also the double agent & is out here pissing everybody off. we got the destroyers - striker aka the baddest dude in the family who's also like obsessed & unhinged & has BPD but everybody loves anyway except for worick bc everytime they see each other It's On Sight TM, beretta aka the baddest bitch in ergastulum & local resident NPD bisexual witchy goth sex worker mom, sig aka The HPD Party Girl TM who likes to do all the most unspeakable acts known to man, & colt aka the Local Autistic ASPD Goth Eboy TM who's just. literally vibing this entire time & just wants to pet cats in peace gdi. we got ( in an au ) minimi & maverick aka Local Vincian Gay Arsonist Dude Who Likes Money & Naps & Also Lighting Shit On Fire TM & maverick who's the Local Cryptid Beauty Queen Traumatized Schizophrenic Indigenous Lesbian Who Has A Sword & Endless Female Rage TM. we got ivan, erica & mikhail, aka another guy that nobody fucking likes, the Sad Unhinged Girl TM & the Horror Child TM. we got sidney & evelyn the local baddies & the other bad bitches. like. this is literally steaming w/ meme material. they're kinda iconic ngl.
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darkeralmond · 8 months ago
Besties at the ballgame!!
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rachaelswrites · 3 years ago
Last One Standing
Derek Morgan x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 1,001
Requested By: Anonymous
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a dad!Spencer or dad!Derek w/ a kid that got into a rlly bad school fight, she finally had enough of one of the meanest kids in school and the fight was so bad the ambulance was called. (Not for the kid Ofc she’s a lil baddie fr)
A/N: I chose to do this with Derek and Morgan!reader. Hope you like it! Reader is about 12
Warnings: Bullying, fighting (not descriptive), a few curse words. Let me know if I miss any!
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The same girl had been picking on you and your friends for weeks. It started off small with things like jokes here and there but it slowly escalated to where some of your friends would miss school because they didn’t want to risk running into her. You didn’t let it get to you like it did to your friends. Any chance you could you would stand up to her and most times she backed off. This was something your dad had taught you. 
Derek always told you to be tough and stand up for yourself but he also wanted you to tell him so he could help you solve it. This was a particular situation where you thought you could handle it yourself. Your dad couldn’t walk in and beat this kid up like he could an unsub.
The lunch bell finally rang and all the kids in your math class packed up and left the classroom. Since you were one of the first ones out, you walked down the hall to wait for your friend as she left her class. You waited by the door for a minute until you heard the voice you wish you didn’t have to hear.
“Hey slowpoke, move it or lose it,” you watched the school bully push your friend out of the way. There was clearly enough room for her to walk out of the room without running into anyone.
“I wasn’t even in your way,” your friend mumbled under her breath as she finally reached you. 
The other girl whipped around and got in your friend's face, “What did you say to me? If you have shit to say, say it loud and proud.”
“Back off,” you snapped. You were getting fed up of this girl’s behavior and you just wanted it to stop.
“This is none of your business Morgan,” she snapped back, glaring at you.
“Just leave everyone alone. It’s not funny to pick on people and it doesn’t make you look cool,” you said. Your friend wanted you two to leave so she grabbed your arm but you shook her off.
“I’m not scared of you Y/n. I don’t care that your dad is an FBI agent. He can’t do anything to me. I’m not breaking any rules.”
“Yeah? Well you’re being a bitch and you need to knock it off. I’m sick of you being a jerk to everyone.”
The girl took a step closer to you and you could feel the tension in the hallway grow. Kids had stopped to look at what was happening. You were surprised no teachers had come and interrupted yet, “Listen here, go about your day and I’ll leave you alone for now. But if you don’t, I’ll make sure this week is the worst it’s ever been for you.”
You took a step closer to her, trying to intimidate her. She was a grade older and she was bigger than she. She most definitely had the upper hand, “Go for it.”
Before you could react, her hands were on you but luckily, Derek made sure you could hold your own in a fight so before she could pull you to the ground, you knocked her to the ground. Since she had a hold of you, you fell with her.
Within minutes, the two of you engaged in a fight that you had only seen in movies. Granted, you haven't seen too many fights in real life either. All you knew is that shortly after you both fell to the ground, two teachers pulled you off of each other. 
You were in the office anxiously bouncing your leg, waiting for your dad to come. They had to call him and the other girl’s parents since a teacher had to call an ambulance for her. It wasn’t super serious. Just a broken nose and a concussion. The principal already said you wouldn’t be in trouble since all witnesses said you were defending yourself. You were grateful for that since something like this would look bad on your record. Even though you weren’t in trouble, you were worried about how your dad would react.
Your self defense skills were supposed to be for emergencies or life of death situations. Not a case of a middle school bully. Derek didn’t like hearing his daughter got involved in a fight but after hearing the circumstances, he was proud.
You heard the door of the office open and your dad’s familiar footsteps. You ducked your head down so you wouldn’t have to look at him as you grabbed your backpack.
“You ready?” your dad asked you. He was a bit confused as to why you weren’t immediately running into his arms or why you were avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, standing up from your seat. 
Once you reached him, Derek slung his arm over your shoulders and gave you a side hug, “I’m proud of you,” he said.
“Why?” you asked, confusion in your voice, “You should be mad at me. I sent some girl to the hospital.”
“Because that girl was picking on you and your friends and you stood up for yourself. If you hadn’t, that would be you,” Derek explained, “Why would I be mad at you for protecting yourself?”
You shrugged, “You said that self defense was for unsubs and bad guys. She wasn’t either of those things.”
Derek looked over to you, “Someone was hurting my kid and her friends, I think that’s enough to warrant some self defense. Don’t you think?”
“I guess,” you said, “I just hope she leaves everyone alone now.
“Well I’m sure she will. Otherwise Y/n Morgan will open another can of whoop-ass. I don’t think anyone looks forward to that,” he teased, nudging your shoulder gently.
You two left the school and for the rest of the day, the two of you stayed at the BAU. Once the other girl returned to school a week later, she didn’t mess with you or anyone again.
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @prentisswrites @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavenderhoney @jjmybeloved @vxidsti1es @waxingmoonwrites @benbarnesbussy @hallecarey1 @freds-slut  @ssa-uglywhore27 @czlypso (for some reason I can’t tag you) @sweetpeterparker @spiritualchange @im-in-love-with-pizza-bites @llpovi @bunnyweasley23 @mrchiipchrome
Criminal Minds
@jswessie187 @wannabemobwife @doctorspenceryeet
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incorrectgreekgods · 4 years ago
My Friend’s Opinions On Various Greek Gods From Greek Mythology
Let me preface this by saying- I’m the one into mythology. My friends are going off of a two month unit three years ago and whatever mythology they’ve read/absorbed from modern media. None of this is taken to be offensive, and it is all based off of Ancient Greek Mythology and not hellenic polytheism. 
Now! Here are five of my friend’s impressions:
Zeus - whore Poseidon - water Hades - meanie Persephone - gets caught by meanie Demeter - no fuckign idea Hera - i think she's a mommy? Hestia - also no fucking idea Athena - big brains Hermes - hehe that's my bestie Apollo - golden hourrrr Artemis - baddie asf Hephaestus - big muscle blacksmith Aphrodite - pretty Ares - meanier meanie Dionysus - naked drunkard
Zeus - needs to keep it in his pants Poseidon - water guy Hades - vibes=immaculate minus him being like a killer Persephone - she’s chill funny Demeter - idk this man Hera - a little jelly of her mans but she’s chill Hestia - idk this girl Athena - thriving Hermes - speedy man with funny shoes Apollo - bow and arrow guy i think Artemis - baddie Hephaestus - who is this man Aphrodite - pretty one i think Ares - needs anger management Dionysus - drunk uncle
Sasha (who popped off???)
Zeus ⁃god sky, lightning, etc. ⁃sleeps with literally anything that breathes ⁃Terrible husband to Hera but they somehow make it work ⁃Last son to be barfed up by Kronos ⁃Leader of the gods (but like super bad at his job because the gods are always fighting?)
Poseidon ⁃Water ⁃Likes his angry, drunk cyclops children ⁃Sleeps with a lot of things too but is overshadowed by Zeus
Hades ⁃Death ⁃Hella depressed ⁃Honestly a pretty chill dude until her abducts women ⁃Husband to persephone ⁃The third wheel of him, Zeus, and Poseidon
Persephone ⁃Purple, flowers ⁃Demeter’s daughter ⁃Hot as fuck ⁃Pretty chill after being kidnapped ⁃Married Hades - lil bit of a shady situation but whatever they seem happy
Demeter ⁃Agriculture, growing ⁃Carries a scythe around and honestly that’s so badass ⁃“What sort of women doesn’t have an axe?” vibes ⁃idk what else I mean got super mad when her daughter was abducted but Id be concerned if she wasn’t
Hera ⁃Marriage, family ⁃Kinda ironic seeing as her husband is cheating on her 24/7 ⁃But also their marriage has stayed together so maybe she does have the secret to making a successful partnership ⁃Anyways she is jealous of zeus ⁃OH also she turns the lovers of his she catches into animals which sucks for the lovers but DAMN I love her
Hestia ⁃hearth, home ⁃SO sweet ⁃Nobody on Olympus deserves her ⁃Poseidon tried to marry her which in my opinion was a terrible idea
Athena ⁃Wisdom, strategy, cunning, war ⁃Thriving hard ⁃Big brain moment ⁃Um owl? ⁃Makes fun of other gods while they make fun of her but she always wins
Hermes ⁃Traveling, messages (LMAO originally I wrote massages and now I can totally see it) ⁃Sneaky little shit ⁃Has little shoes with wings and two snakes ⁃Makes stupid mistakes but manages to get out of punishment ⁃Gay ⁃Gay for Apollo  
Apollo ⁃Sun, music, arts ⁃Muses (I think he’s slept with all of them right?) ⁃Would 100% be the most followed person on Insta just for his golden hour shots ⁃Pan ⁃Gay for Hermes
Artemis ⁃Hunting, forrest, femininity ⁃Fucking awesome ⁃Sleeps with all her huntresses but it just hits different than Zeus ⁃Bow and arrow and other cool stuff to kill people  
Hephaestus ⁃Forge, metal work, armory, blacksmith ⁃Chucked from mount Olympus when he was a baby ⁃Serious daddy and mommy issues ⁃Loves Aphrodite but she is just not on the same level
Aphrodite ⁃Love, beauty ⁃Doesn’t seem to give two shits about anyone but she’s honestly thriving ⁃She and ares are in a thing but she’s definitely owning that relationship
Ares ⁃War ⁃Stupid? idk he seems to loose every war he starts ⁃Loves of Aphrodite but he knows he’s about to lose her
Dionysus ⁃Drunk all the time ⁃Um I literally have no idea what he does other than party and get drunk ⁃Respect for his lack of goals in life
Zeus - wanna lightning bolt your small dick off Poseidon - cool water guy who made Odysseus’ life bad lol TEAM POSEIDON Hades - underworld dude with a weird ass dog. kidnapped then married Persephone. Reminds me of creepy old men on the internet your parents warn you about.   Persephone - fucking hot and should be more appreciative that hades wants her that badly (jealousy) Demeter - seriously please hack my face off w your scythe my agricultural top Hera - milf. that’s all. AND WAY TOO GOOD FOR SMALL DICK MAN Hestia - hearth? Huh? Athena - baddest bitch around. intelligent, owl, blood kink, probably. Hermes - mailman with shoe game. GAY Apollo - music, the sun, def part of the lgbtq+ community. Artemis - BADDEST BITCH AROUND. Huntress, cool weapons, and i would pay so much money to have her rail me dominatrix style ( bring the bow please) Hephaestus - blacksmith right? simps for Aphrodite (as he should). mommy AND daddy issues. Aphrodite - beauty, love, hot asf Ares - war, and has serious anger issues. I’ll give you my therapists card babe Dionysus - drunk all the time, reminds me of moms who have the wine glasses that say “it’s moms turn to wine”.
Zeus - shitty husband, couldn’t keep it in his pants Poseidon - water guy, hate this mf cause of Medusa, def least fav god Hades - underworld ruler, people who like him think their quirky (Ik cause it used to be me) Persephone - so hot, pls rail me, sry she got stockholm syndrome but like I would be flattered if anyone cared enough to kidnap me Demeter - top, grain mf, could fuck me with her scythe Hera - could top me, needed a good divorce lawyer Hestia - goddess of hearth? Don’t rly know much abt her but like I think she’s the oldest of her siblings Athena - smart one, owl bitch, also a whore for war Hermes - idk remember much, mischief, wings? Apollo - bisexual disaster, music bitch Artemis - hunter, could shoot me with her bow and I would say thank you Hephaestus - no thoughts at all, wait is this the guy who was with Pandora? Idk but like I think he was a blacksmith Aphrodite - hot Ares - war, a little over the top Dionysus - drunk, alcohol addiction rivals isadora’s
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trustingofwinds · 3 years ago
opal how do i say this,,,, i followed u bc ur hot 🥺 LOL actually u were showing up on my recommended a lot and one of ur posts that was highlighted was your bias tag i believe (the one w jin) and i saw that and i was like woah … this is literally the baddest bitch and the baddest couple 🤯 i was getting ready to fight jin LMAO but ur also one of the coolest people i’ve ever come across on social media & i love it everytime u come on my dash, just quality content & tags 😌
fiiiiii my love my baby my angel hiiii 💞
ugh wow, the hottie herself calling me hot!! thank you 😚 you are SO fucking beautiful and such a joy to be friends with. I love that we vibe so much together. also, your creations are always pure perfection and a reflection of just how bad of a bitch you are! I just really really love that you make content for us hot, non-white baddies especially. you are SUCH an inspiration and I hope you know how loved you are! (and also that I'd kick seokjin♡ out of bed for you 😌) MWAH
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years ago
So like what if there was an imagine or HCs of Shikamaru with idk a feisty reader who's always down to throw hands. Like she's hella smart but also you hurt someone she loves and she's gonna rearrange your face. (Just a thought maybe someone cheated on her friend or sibling and shes out for blood and Shikas there trying to stop the impending homicide) idk im not picky though
Shikamaru With A S/O That Has BBE
I got way into this😂 (listen to Girls In The Hood by Megan Thee Stallion🤩✨
Tbh he was drawn to your Bad Bitch Energy™️
He probably saw you when you put someone in their place, whether it was someone harassing you or someone just being a jerk in general.
Not only were you sassy and didn’t take their shit, you were clearly smart too.
Oh he’s smitten.
Definitely finds a way to be put on a mission with you because he wants to learn more about you.
It’s over from there like you both instantly hit it off. You probably click over leading the mission and friendly banter. He’s refreshed because most people can’t keep up with him like this.
The P O W E R that y’all hold together- unbelievable. Everyone had best watch themselves because imagine both of you guys going after someone- whew
You’re probably not a throw hands first kind of girl but if someone can’t catch the hint that you’re not here to play... well
You were probably on your way to Shikamaru’s house, minding your business when it happened.
Someone was saying the wrong thing a about the wrong person (what they said is up to you) and talking a little too loud.
You definitely turned around like ‘Excuse me? You wanna run that back real quick?’
They scoff and ignore you and go back to their gossip session and then it’s over.
No need for weapons or jutsus, they need a fist appointment they won’t be forgetting anytime soon🤩
Shikamaru hears the screaming loud and clear and he won’t admit it to anyone but he was scared something was happening to you.
For a lazy guy he sure arrived fast👀
He gets there just in time to see you get up from the unmoving girl who was laying down and wipe the blood off your lip like a total baddie.
I was just a girl in the hood I was doing alright... now you’re on the ground crying now, looking like a damn clown you got beat tf upppp
N t wayz
He’s hardcore swooning for a hot second before it clicks for him.
Oh shit you just beat a girl up-
Luckily she was fellow ninja (a sorry excuse for one really) so you wouldn’t get in too much trouble
He runs over to you to get you out of there and he hears you talking mad shit like salt in the wound, someone call 911 there’s been a murder-
He’s not laughing now, in fact he’s dragging you away, but he’s definitely going to be laughing later
Tells you how absolutely hot that was though when he’s patching up your minimal cuts and bruises
The clown won’t even look at either of you from now on
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