#background julie x flynn
jmrothwell · 1 year
"Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had." / Royal Purple
This day could not get any worse, and Julie really needed to stop thinking that particular sentiment. It was like every time she thought it the universe conspired to prove just how wrong she was. 
First she couldn’t get out of this stupid haunted forest night hike activity that someone thought was a good idea. Then she wasn’t allowed to go with Flynn, because the ever so brilliant activity lead also thought it’d be brilliant to completely randomize the groups. While she didn’t have Flynn’s misfortune of being stuck with Nick and Carrie during one of their ‘off’ periods Julie was still trapped with Kayla and Reggie. 
Kayla, who rarely ever spoke to her. Almost always close to Carrie, unsurprisingly since she was practically Carrie’s number one Dirty Candi girl.  And then Reggie, who Julie had even less interaction with. Only really knowing that he and the rest of his band were as close to getting dropped out of the music program as she was. Despite how new they were, though for entirely different reasons. 
The two of them seemed friendly enough. Though, it didn’t take long before she was feeling like an awkward third wheel with how quickly they got flirty. An analogy that got all sorts of confused and mixed up when Reggie turned his attention to Julie.
“So, Julie?” He spoke her name like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to say it, like even acknowledging her very presence would shatter her like the most fragile glass. She didn’t even have the time to feel insulted at the insinuation as he plowed on, practically shattering her apart anyway. “I think I’ve missed out on any of your performances, what do you play?”
 God maybe she was more fragile than glass. She avoided glancing towards Kayla, certain she’d be pulling some face or ready to make some snarky Carrie-like comment. Julie was not ready for this kind of attention and wished to get out of it. Only for the heavens above to open and release a sudden torrential rain pour on the three of them. 
Which is how Julie now found herself in a small dusty abandoned cabin in the woods that Kayla managed to spot. The one stroke gracious stroke of luck for the night. A fact Julie tried to remind herself as she tried her best to hold off the chills running through her veins.
“Don’t worry.” Kayla stuttered loudly enough for Reggie to hear as he explored the cabin to see if there were any blankets or firewood to help warm them. “I’m sure once they notice we’re gone they’ll send out some sort of search party.”
Sure, once they notice Kayla and Reggie were gone. The odds were slim of anyone but Flynn noticing Julie was gone. She kept her mouth shut as she tentatively sat on the creaky couch that vaguely smelled of mildew. 
“You make it sound like it’s going to rain like this all night.” Reggie laughed from the other room. 
“Who knows, maybe it could.” Kayla said, sitting on the couch beside Julie, her chilled damp arm brushing against Julie’s. “If nothing else it’d be safer to stay here. Unless either of you know how far we may have ventured from the trail, because I certainly don’t.”
Julie silently shook her head before realizing it may be too dark to be seen and quietly said her “no” out loud. 
“You got a point there.” Reggie said, his outline barely more than a silhouette as he returned to where Julie and Kayla were, sitting on Julie’s other side. She pulled her arms in tighter trying to shrink into herself when his wet flannel brushed against her. It was a bit of a surprise he was still bothering to wear it. 
“Anyway,” he continued on, leaning further into her space. “All I could find was this blanket, one the one bed this place seems to have. So unless either of you wanted to use the bed–”
Julie wrinkled her nose at that idea, given the state of the couch who knew what that mattress was like. 
“Ew. God no.” Kayla echoed, and Julie’s chest twisted uncomfortably despite how she knew Kayla was also only referencing the mattress.
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” Reggie laughed again, weaker and more stuttering than before.
“He should probably get out of those wet clothes” Someone said, and Julie froze as the other two fell silent and she realized that someone was her. 
Reggie bumped her with his shoulder. “Is that a come on?”
“N-no.” Julie stammered out, teeth chattering from a mixture of her growing mortification and the cold, her blush doing little to warm her up. “You’re drenched, and clearly freezing. I-I’m j-just saying, you’ll g-get sick if you do-on’t get warm and dry.”
“You’re not much b-better yourself.” Kayla replied, a distinct lack of venom or malice. 
“Sounds like we’re all in a bad shape.” Reggie stuttered out again before mournfully adding, “Too bad I didn’t find any firewood.”
“Well maybe we should just get out of these wet clothes then.” 
“What?” Julie and Reggie both snapped at Kayla’s suggestion. 
“Think about it. We’re all soaked and freezing. We have one, questionably decent, dry blanket. Plus the body heat would probably help too. Besides, if we stay in our underwear it’s basically like we’re just in swimwear.”
While Kayla’s argument added a layer of mortification Julie hadn’t felt regarding swimwear in a long while, she couldn’t deny the logic behind it all. Neither could Reggie. 
None of it alleviated the awkwardness of stripping in front of each other. The three of them turned their back to each other as they did. Silently sitting back on the couch in their earlier arrangement and Julie tried to not think too hard about the state of the couch or blanket. Nor about how smooth Kayla’s legs against hers were, or about how surprisingly toned Reggie felt against her other side. Her mind instead decided to wonder what the other two were thinking about her. Not that it mattered much, right?
Reggie quickly broke through the growing silence. “Feels like we should have had dinner, or played like strip poker first or something.”
“What?” Kayla laughed incredulously, Julie’s own confused chuckle mixing in. 
The three of them soon found themselves falling into teasing conversation similar to the one from their earlier hike. Only now Julie felt less like an awkward third wheel and more like she had a surer place between the two of them. Though it probably helped she literally was between the two of them. 
And much like before it wasn’t long before Julie found herself on the receiving end of questions she was unprepared for.
“So, Julie, you never did answer my question before.” Reggie said, though now Julie could tell it was genuine curiosity that drove his inquiry.
Julie took a deep steadying breath, bracing herself. Not so much to answer Reggie, by this point she was almost numb to the words she needed to say, a mechanical practiced speech. Rather she braced for whatever pitying response she might get in return, the unpredictability of which she could never truly prepare for. 
Before she could say anything though, Kayla’s long nails brushed Julie's hair aside as she leaned closer, warm breath ghosting across the shell of her ear. “Hey, you don’t have to answer if you aren’t ready. I’m sure he would understand, or I could distract him. If you want.”
Julie grabbed ahold of Kayla’s hand, giving it a small squeeze. Hoping it came across as the thanks it was intended to be.
“You actually haven’t missed any of my performances.” Julie quietly said.
“Oh.” Reggie’s hushed tone matched hers. “But I thought–”
“You’re not wrong.” Julie cut him off not wanting the reminder and Kayla squeezed Julie's hand again. Maybe, maybe Kayla was right about this too. At least Julie hoped she was, because Julie definitely wasn’t ready to tackle this. Not tonight anyway. 
“However.” She said, trying to infuse as much flirting teasing as he and Kayla had been using all night. Even if she could tell she was doing an extremely poor job of it, her voice cracking despite her efforts. “That’s a part of my back story you have yet to unlock.”
Reggie did her the service of laughing at her poor attempt at a joke and allowing the conversation to move to new topics. She did him the service of pretending his ‘oh so random excuse’ for a hug not even a minute later was just that, ‘a random hug.’ One that Kayla also happened to get involved in.
The next morning Julie was almost certain the whole evening had been a bizarre fever dream until she realized she’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly she blinked her eyes open to find herself leaning against Reggie’s pale freckled shoulder, a heavy weight leaning against her own head and against her other side. Julie shifted, trying to not wake the other two but not sure hoe to remove herself from between them. 
“Morning.” Kayla whispered, her voice slightly raspy, and making no move to get off of Julie. “We must have accidentally drifted off.” 
Julie nearly squeaked in surprise to hear her voice, and definitely did when Reggie chuckled and whispered back. “Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had."
“Same.” Kayla giggled, both of the laughing vibrating against Julie’s chest. And though she couldn’t quite bring herself to say it with her voice caught behind her smile, Julie felt the same way too. 
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bibbawrites · 3 years
im so glad your requests are open you dont have to but would you do a luke and reggie one shot? maybe reggie has been getting flustered around luke lately and when the chemistry moment happens reggie realizes its a crush and works up the nerve to tell him and luke is all flirty which just completely renders reggie useless lol and luke initiates a kiss that leads to a makeout session?
this turned out a bit shorter than expected so doing it as a blurb thing, i hope you enjoy!!
(set after julie can touch the boys, which also made them visible and touchable to everyone apparently, so flynn and julie's dad can see them now)
Reggie had been thinking. It all started when Luke had serenaded Reggie to prove he had chemistry with everyone, and now Reggie was completely and utterly in love with Luke Patterson.
He needed advice, and quickly.
"Hey Jules, can I ask you something?" Reggie poofed into Julie's bedroom, freezing when he noticed Flynn sat on the bed too, painting Julie's nails a bright purple. "Oh... I can come back later if you want."
"You're fine Reg, what's up?" Julie smiled, and Reggie relaxed slightly.
Flynn patted an empty spot on the bed next to her and Reggie flopped down, taking a deep breath.
"How did you know you were bisexual?" He asked softly. Julie and Flynn exchanged a look.
"I just kinda always knew that I liked girls as much as I liked boys, and when I looked it up and read about being bisexual everything just kinda made sense. Why?" Julie explained.
"I think I have a crush on someone, but he's a guy and I know I love girls, like really love girls, but I kinda maybe also like guys too?" Reggie admitted, and both girls grinned at him.
"We're so proud of you Reggie. That must have been so hard to admit to us." Flynn started, putting the lid back on the nail polish bottle so that she could take Reggie's hand.
"And you know we love you no matter who you like, right?" Julie finished.
"Yeah I know that." He smiled. "Thanks guys."
"So who is it?" Flynn questioned. Reggie blushed.
"I can't tell you." He mumbled, glancing at Julie. "You'll be mad."
"I promise you, no matter who it is I won't be mad at you." Julie assured him, taking his other hand in hers gently, trying not to smudge her freshly painted nails.
"Is it Julie's dad?" Flynn joked. Reggie shook his head quickly.
"So it's one of the boys then. Alex or Luke." Flynn tried.
"Or Willie?" Julie added.
"No it's not Alex or Willie." Reggie said, before realising he had basically admitted his crush to the two girls, who were looking at him with matching looks of realisation on their faces.
"Reg, why would you think I'd be mad at you for having a crush on Luke?" Julie questioned.
"Cause you like him?" Reggie said, as if it was obvious.
"Jules are you cheating on me?" Flynn gasped playfully. Reggie's eyes widened.
"You guys are dating?!" He exclaimed, glancing between the two of them.
"Oh Reggie." Julie laughed. "I told you this when it happened, do you not remember? When you and Luke helped me and my dad wash the car?"
Reggie blushed, remembering the day. Luke had taken his shirt off after Reggie had sprayed him with water, and after that the rest of the day was kinda a blur. All he could think about was Luke.
"I was a little distracted." He admitted. Julie shook her head, clearly understanding him.
"I should have known when you didn't say anything." She answered.
"So are you gonna tell him?" Flynn butted in. Reggie shook his head quickly.
"No way. After Luke and Alex broke up, Luke made a rule that no member of Sunset Curve was to ever date another member again."
"But you're not Sunset Curve anymore. You're Julie and the Phantoms. And Julie and the Phantoms doesn't have that rule." Flynn pointed out.
"You think I should tell him then?" Reggie asked, and both girls nodded. Reggie thought for a moment.
"Okay then." He decided. "I'll do it."
Julie and Flynn cheered for a moment, and when they stopped it was replaced by a look of realisation on Julie's face.
"Wait, Luke and Alex dated?"
Poofing into the garage to find Luke was the scariest thing that Reggie had ever done, and he'd done some pretty scary things in his life.
Luke was curled up in the loft, doodling on a scrap piece of paper, something he did whenever he was struggling to find the right lyrics.
"Hey." Reggie spoke, alerting Luke to his presence. The guitarist looked up, a grin appearing on his face when he saw Reggie.
"Hi." He replied, putting his pen down. "What you up to?"
"I need to tell you something?" Reggie said hesitantly, sitting down across from Luke
"You sure about that?" Luke joked. "You sound uncertain."
"No I'm sure." Reggie replied determinedly.
"Okay then, what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Luke asked, and Reggie's heart fluttered.
"P-pretty?" He stuttered. Luke grinned.
"The prettiest." He agreed. "I'd even say gorgeous."
"You think I'm..." Reggie trailed off, shaking his head. "No, stop distracting me. This is important. I need to say this."
"Go for it, gorgeous." Luke prompted.
"I..." Reggie trailed off, his gaze drifting down to Luke's lips. Luke smirked.
"Cat got your tongue?" He teased. "Or something else?"
He licked his lips, and Reggie could feel his face going bright red.
"Luke, I-" Luke cut him off by pulling him in and connecting their lips roughly. Reggie gasped, eyes fluttering shut as he let Luke take the lead, controlling the kiss.
Luke's hands were everywhere, in Reggie's hair, running down his back, under Reggie's shirt, wrapped around his neck. It was as if Luke had 8 arms.
Reggie relaxed into the kiss, gaining a bit of confidence as he pushed Luke backwards, moving to straddle the older boy, their lips never once separating.
"Is this what you were trying to tell me?" Luke mumbled between kissed. Reggie hummed in response, not wanting to miss out on a second of making out with Luke.
Clearly Julie and Flynn were wrong. He didn't have to tell Luke.
Because Luke already knew.
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shyjusticewarrior · 4 years
Flustering Each Other (a JatP fanfic)
A/N: Before we begin I'd like to shout out this post by @spacecatlady which first inspired my fic.
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Word count: 1660
Pairing: Luke x Reggie
As the band performs their gig, Reggie is lost in the music and the boy in front of him. He's in his own world, jamming with this mesmerizing- ow!
His mouth barrels into the mic and it hits a few of his teeth. He just keeps playing like nothing happened. Luke's voice quivers on the notes as he tries to suppress laughter.
When Alex's drum solo comes, Luke lowers his microphone and keeps his hand on top it. He then uses his other hand to cup Reggie's jaw. His thumb  uncovers the teeth and he inspects them.
"I'm fine," Reggie mumbles.
"Thought so," Luke says, "just needed to see if I need to update the description in our song."
This is met with an indignant scoff from Reggie. Though when Luke retracts his hand he wants to bring it back to him. Maybe his mouth does need to be checked. But Luke's hands go to his guitar. Reggie follows suit like he's supposed to. He may miss a few notes in his daze, but who will notice?
Luke. Partly because of how close he's standing, and his extensive musical knowledge. He's also the last person Reggie wants to catch it since he will never let him live this down. Ever.
The song ends and the three boys proof backstage. "Great show! We rocked it! Whoo!" Luke exclaims. Him and Alex high five. Reggie leans back and admires his excited puppy face.
"Reggie's face was sacrificed in the process," Alex quips, "but it's not like there was much to sacrifice anyway."
Reggie pouts at him. "That hurts more than my accident."
"So it hurts then?" Luke asks him, stepping closer.
His heart speeds and his brain slows. He can only stutter in response. "Nah, it...it's a-okay! I-"
"Here, I've got just the thing to help with that." Luke presses a gentle peck to Reggie face, right where he was hit. Luke winks at him and walks away.
As the boy thumbs through his song book, Reggie can't help but stare. He subtly touches where Luke kissed him. An idea hits him, and it won't be the last thing to.
"Alex," he whispers, "hit me." He points to the mic and his lips.
"Why would I do that?"
"For me saying something stupid."
"...You're right."
Alex whacks him on the mouth with his microphone.
Luke looks up, bemused. "Why'd you do that for?"
"He said something stupid." Alex explains.
"What'd he say?"
"He told me to hit him in the face with a microphone." Alex informs him.
Reggie glares at the traitor.
Suddenly, a hand turns his head and a pair of lips are on his. He melts into the kiss.
Luke pulls away, but his hand lingers on the nape of Reggie's neck. "Better?" he asks.
"Much..." Reggie breathes.
"Get a room!" Alex shouts, cupping his hands into a megaphone around his mouth.
"Next time you're with Willie..." Luke tells him.
"We will show you no mercy." Reggie finishes.
As if summoned, Willie strolls into backstage. "Hey, great show. I especially liked that drum solo." He smiles at Alex. "Best part of the set."
"Did ya hear that, Luke?"
"Why yes I did, Reg. The drums were his favorite."
"Why do you reckon that is?"
"Your childish taunts don't work on me." Alex says, but immediately takes Willie and disappears. Willie waves goodbye and Reggie waves back.
Luke drapes his arm around Reggie's shoulders and pulls him into his side. "Wanna go bug Julie?"
Reggie smiles at him. "Always."
After they've had their fun they poof back to the studio. "I'm gonna go change my shirt." Luke says. He pulls off his shirt and rifles through his clothes.
Reggie watches him. There's been some changes lately. Not that him gazing at shirtless Luke is one of them. Looking back, whenever he'd change his shirt in front of him Reggie would look at him. And if he got interrupted or distracted, he'd immediately return his eyes back to Luke. Maybe he should have realized some things sooner. Hey, you know what they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty!
Reggie fidgets with the pink, purple, and blue bracelet Julie and Flynn made him. He's happy how things have evolved.
Luke replaces his tank top with a sleeveless tee. Some things never change. "Reggie..." Luke waves his hand in front of his face. "Reggie!" he calls.
"Hm, yes, what?" he shakes his head.
Luke smirks at him. "When you keep getting distracted like this, it's no wonder you got hit in the face."
Reggie pouts. "I hate you."
"Sure you do."
"I hate you more than you hate wearing shirts with sleeves."
"Don't we all hate when I do that?" Luke flexes his arms.
"Uh, I...you-" Reggie gulps, "we should watch Star Wars!" he flops onto the couch and grabs Julie's laptop.
Luke decides to have mercy. "Yeah, let's do it." He sits right next to him. "The originals?"
"Actually, let's watch the ones that have came out since we died." Reggie tells him. "I think I'm ready." His fingers tap the keys.
Luke wraps his arm around him. "Okay, if you're sure." he says warily.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Reggie says with a determined nod. He finds the movies.
"That's cool," Luke says "how'd you learn to do this stuff?"
"I've picked up a few things from watching Ray." Reggie explains. He presses play and they snuggle in closer.
When they get to The Force Awakens, Luke takes Reggie's hand and gives a gentle squeeze. "It's this one, isn't it?" Reggie states. "Where he..." he trails off. Luke just plants a kiss on his knuckles.
When that scene starts, Luke's eyes drift to Reggie. His eyes are glued to the screen, even when tears build in them. As the tears spill, Luke squeezes his hand three times. His free hand strokes Reggie's arm soothingly. He stares at his face and fights his own tears at the sight. He loses that fight. He holds him tight, still stroking him comfortingly.
They spend the rest of the night watching the movies. When the last one finishes, sunlight is coming through the window. "That was fun. Thanks for watching them with me." Reggie says.
Luke smiles at him. "Of course."
"We should watch them with Alex at some point- hey, where is Alex?" Reggie questions.
"Maybe he's still with Willie?"
"Maybe. I'm gonna ask Julie if she's seen him, be right back." Reggie poofs out.
He appears outside her bedroom and knocks on the door. Boundaries and stuff. "Come in." Julie says. Reggie phases through the door. Sitting on the bed are Julie, Flynn, and the man himself: Alex.
"Is another one of the guys here?" Flynn asks.
"Yeah, it's Reggie." Julie tells her.
"Hi, Reggie!" Flynn says, waving in his general direction.
"Hi, Flynn!" he waves back.
"He says hi." Julie tells her. "What's up?" she asks him.
"I was gonna ask if you've seen Alex, but I got my answer."
"Yeah, when I came home I saw you and Luke and decided not to interrupt." Alex explains.
"Then we invited him to join our sleepover." Julie adds.
"Cool," he sits on the bed, "whatcha doing?"
"I was about to do Flynn's makeup. She just did mine." Julie tells him. She's wearing glittery eyeshadow and matching nail polish.
"Ooh, sparkly." Then Reggie notices Alex's nails, painted a light pink. Alex quickly tucks them into his pockets.
"Can I see?" Reggie asks softly, pointing towards his hands. Alex slowly brings them out. Reggie holds one up and looks at it.
"The girls, uh, practiced on me." he explains.
"Could've fooled me," Reggie says, "doesn't look like they needed practice." He looks up at Alex. "These look awesome." The corner of Alex's mouth subtly lifts up.
Julie is now doing Flynn's makeup and whispering something to her. Reggie looks through the makeup stuff piled in the middle of the bed. The eyeliner reminds him of all those cool guys that would wear it. They looked like such rock stars, though he's never worn it.
"Wanna try it?" Julie asks, picking up the black eyeliner. He realizes that he was staring at it, and she's talking to him.
"Ooh, you would look so good in eyeliner! Ya know, when people can see you." Flynn tells him.
"Uh, okay. Sure." Reggie agrees. Julie starts to put it on him. Flynn goes on about how good it'll go with his aesthetic and Alex gives him an encouraging smile.
Julie sets the makeup down and tousles Reggie's hair. "Done, you look great!"
"Thanks, Jul-"
There's a knock on the door. "Come in." Julie says.
"Hey, guys." Luke's voice greets. "Reggie seems to have gotten so distracted talking to you that he forgot he was supposed to be right back." he teases.
"It's Luke, isn't it? I wish I could see his reaction." Flynn says.
"Reaction to what?" Luke questions. Reggie gets up and turns to face him.
Luke's mouth is suddenly agape. Then he takes in a sharp breath. Reggie is getting worried-
"You look hot." Luke blurts. He clears his throat. "It- it looks good."
"Getting major deja vu vibes, but with Luke getting flustered this time." Alex says. "Though to be fair, I think he was last time too. He even did that gasp thing then."
"Wait, what other time?" Julie questions.
"What are you guys talking about?" Flynn grabs Julie and starts shaking her. "Fill me in!"
"Oh god, not again." Julie mutters. She holds Flynn still. "We will. But first, let's do a song so Reggie's new look is visible to you!" They all rush to the garage. Luke can't keep his eyes off Reggie the whole song. When they finish Flynn gives a standing ovation. She compliments Reggie and teases Luke. They all gather on the pull out and reminisce. Any flustered objections from Luke and Reggie to the validity of statements are ignored.
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sunsetmolinas · 4 years
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Double Trouble lives again ✨
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I finally posted chapter 4 of my Willex AU, if you want to check it out!
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adolin-is-best-boy · 2 years
Hello! I’m participating in @ficwritersforreproductiverights to help raise money for organizations that protect reproductive rights! Send me a screenshot of your donation (AFTER removing sensitive personal info) and tell me which idea you would like to see me write! Which ever option has the most votes after Aug 7th will be the one I will do.
The voting options consist of one Ace Attorney oneshot idea, one Julie and The Phantoms oneshot idea, and three multichap ideas for a crossover between the two fandoms! Here are all the options:
1. Edgeworth Goes to Walmart (GONE WRONG!)
Yeah, that’s it. Crack taken seriously, background Narumitsu. I don’t have much else to say.
2. Carlos and Reggie Fantasy AU
Carlos and Reggie being brothers in a fantasy setting! Very fluffy, includes some fun worldbuilding and magic if that’s your thing! Might end up using this setting for something later...
3. Flynn Taylor: Ace Attorney
Rookie defense lawyer, Flynn Taylor meets three ghosts from the old band Sunset Curve that only she can see. With their help on investigations and in the courtroom, can Flynn figure out the mystery of the boy’s death while defending her innocent clients from demon prosecutor and old friend, Julie Molina?
JATP in the AA setting! Flynn as the protag, the sunset curve boys as her co-counsel, and Julie as the rival prosecutor! Will include Julie x Flynn, and probably some other gay ships.
4. Trucy and The Phantoms
After the death of her mother, Trucy has been unable to play or sing. But after looking through some of her mother’s things, three ghosts appear, one looking shockingly similar to a famous musician that died over 20 years ago. Little do they know, these ghosts are not only the spark that will reignite Trucy’s love for music, but also the key to several long lost mysteries...
Ft. Klapollo, bg Narumitsu, and possibly Franmaya. Will include Clay Terran somehow. Other than Apollo, I’m not sure who the other main ghosts will be yet, or even if I should include more ghosts in the main group or not (I’d love to hear some ideas). Klavier will not be part of the ghost band, but he is relevant. 
5. Sunset Turnabout
Nick(JATP) is accused of murder! With the help of Wright Anything Agency, Julie’s ghost band, and her friends, proving his innocence should be easy, right? But there is far more to the case than meets the eye, including a link to the death of 3 Sunset Curve members, and much, much more...
A true Ace Attorney and Julie and The Phantoms crossover! A case fic including the entire JATP cast and as many AA characters as I can fit without it getting bloated. Takes place post JATP S1, and vaguely post AA6 after I match up the timelines. Got lots of cool ideas for this one.
Whether you’re planning on donating or not, feel free to ask me questions about any of these prompts (or any questions about how the voting works and such) ! 
(Votes are counted by quantity, not value.)
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brookecuzyes · 3 years
three years of you. — good 4 u.
Damiano David x GN!Musician!Reader
Main Masterlist — 3yrs Masterlist
Summary: it wasn’t alright, but it was great to be able to find the good in the situation.
Word Count: ≈1.4k
Warnings: angst
A/N: this is short as hell, but i promise that it’ll get better lmaoo
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Just keep going. You have no reason to feel bad.
The crowd was invested. They were into it. They wanted to know the whole story.
You made it a whole story, and it was beautiful.
Not to him, though. He felt… guilty.
“Well, you should, because you fucked this up!”
One Month Later…
“And it’s done!”
After a month of trying to get the music just right and recording the same song over and over again, the first song was finally finished. The band and you had just listened to the song entirely— without stopping it to fix something, and it was absolute perfection. As soon as the song was over, Luke started cheering. Julie laughed at his enthusiastic antics.
“That was a nice run, guys. I cannot wait to finish the next song,” Flynn said, summoning her inner manager.
The band decided to take a break for the rest of the day, as a celebration for finishing the next song. However, they wouldn’t actually be celebrating. They were going home to get sleep, since their sleep schedule was bound to change over the upcoming months. When you got home, the first thing you did was take a warm shower to relax. After that, you went straight to your room, not wanting to leave for the rest of the day.
You turned on a show, though it ended up serving as background noise. You got an idea for that tune you came up with. The main problem you had writing it was that you had absolutely no inspiration for the song.
As you were writing down the music, you got a notification on your phone. You put down your pencil and picked up your phone. Someone tagged you in a photo. Assuming it was probably one of the band members, you opened the notification. You saw the comments before you saw the photo. People (fans) were tagging you in the post left and right.
Why the hell…
You realized why once you saw the photo and its caption.
Måneskin’s Damiano David was seen with a new girl last night, which is raising questions over his and singer Y/N Y/L/N relationship status as of late.
You had to re-read the caption twice. He’s already with someone new? You looked at the picture, and it was Damiano out with another girl.
Wait, why do you look familiar? You went online and searched up anything that could be related to this girl and Måneskin. It took a minute, but you found out that this girl was the same one Damiano had been talking about, Giorgia. And you must’ve forgotten her name, because you recognized her immediately. You liked some of her work, but hated that your opinion was bound to change about her over a boy.
“I can’t believe it,” you whispered to yourself. “Couldn’t wait, could ya?”
You knew it would be stupid to read the article attached… but it was so tempting. What would be the harm in it?
So, you clicked on the link and read the article. Two weeks after you left Italy, Damiano was spotted with his new girl— and you remembered her name: Giorgia— walking the streets side-by-side, laughing and smiling. You looked at the date the photos were taken; almost exactly two weeks after you left, give or take.
To save yourself from going insane, you closed out the apps, and turned off your phone. You lay down on the bed, and just stare at the ceiling, unsure of what to do next. Not like there’s much I could do…
Or, maybe…
“That’s a wrap!”
The band cheered. Months of hard work, and they finally finished the album. Hugs went around, along with smiles and laughter.
“Hey, now you can actually go to sleep now,” Thomas joked to Damiano, patting his back.
“Yeah, yeah,” he replied.
“As much as I want to celebrate this, I think that we all need to get some rest first. We’ll plan something for the weekend?” Victoria suggested, grabbing her phone from the couch in the studio.
“I think that’s a great idea,” Ethan said.
“Ok, now, everyone, go home! Get some sleep. Especially you Dami,” Victoria said, practically pushing everyone out of the studio.
Once everyone got outside and people were heading to their vehicles, Damiano walked over to Victoria.
“Hey, Vic,” Damiano said, walking up to her.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” she said, closing the door of her car.
“Do you know why everyone kept telling me to get sleep?” He asked, crossing his arms.
“Well, you work very hard, especially on this project. Plus, with everything that’s going on right now, you deserve to take a break,” Victoria explained.
“So, this is about Y/N and I?”
“Never said it was.” Damiano stared at her for a second before talking again.
“There’s pictures.”
“Of…?” Victoria questioned, not following where he was going.
“Giorgia and I.”
“Ok. Are you worried that Y/N will see them?”
“If they haven’t seen them yet. Wouldn’t be surprised; with social media, and all.” Damiano looked at his feet.
“Don’t let it get to you. It’ll all work out okay.”
“I would’ve figured that you’d be on Y/N’s side?”
“Not necessarily. I don’t want to ‘choose sides’, but you’re both my friends. I want to help you both, but I don’t want to get in the middle of it.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going home now. I haven’t seen Chili all day, and she’s probably hungry. Goodbye, Dami. Have a great rest of your day.” Victoria got in her car and shut the door. Damiano started walking back towards his car.
Once he got in, he sat there for a minute, thinking over everything. He took out his phone and opened up Twitter, scrolling for a second before going back to what he wanted to do. He searched up your name. A lot popped up, but he came across some articles over you and him. He clicked on one, and started reading it. It was talking about a lot of things, but specifically your relationship status. Then, there was him and Giorgia, and the pictures.
“Shit. Y/N’s gonna know,” he whispered to himself. He went back to Twitter and saw a lot more; Damiano stopped liking Y/N’s photos. Y/N left Italy, and is back in LA. Y/N is with the band, Julie and The Phantoms. Are they recording a new album? Damiano was seen with model Giorgia Soleri, and hasn’t been seen with Y/N for weeks.
Honestly, the shit that people talked about had no relevance to their lives, it only invaded his and yours. It made him feel bad, because he knows how much you value your privacy. He couldn’t DM you since you blocked him, and wasn’t sure about texting you directly. He wanted to apologize but didn’t want to make you mad.
All of a sudden, his phone started ringing. It was Giorgia. Fuck, he whispered. He hesitated to answer. Should I, should I not? He took a deep breath, and sighed.
“Hey, babe.”
“Oh.” Alex’s reaction wasn’t exactly what you wanted it to be. “That- that… I’m sorry, that must really suck.” You nodded, but then took a step back from where he was sitting in disbelief.
“You already knew, didn’t you?” You asked softly.
“I-I did. I just didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to see you hurt,” he replied.
“Well, the jokes on you Mercer, this is actually great!”
Confused out of his mind, he asked, “How is any of that great?”
You walked over to his table and got your notebook out of the bag you brought. “Remember that tune I came up with a few months back?” You asked.
“Yeah, the one you couldn’t finish because nothing was coming to you?” You hummed in response. You walked closer to where Alex was, flipping pages to find your spot. Once you found it, you gave the notebook for Alex to look at it.
“I think I’ve got something,” you said, watching as he read the music.
“Wow, Y/N, this could be really good. You should record it,” Alex complimented, handing the notebook back to you when he finished.
“I will, I’m just gonna wait until we’re done with the album.”
“Why not now?”
“Because I’ll need your help. Alex, I can play the guitar, piano, and I can sing, but I need drums too. So… what do you say? I’ll get the others to jump on this, if they want.”
“I would absolutely love to!” He responded, excitedly.
“Great! Now, do you want to help me with the lyrics?”
Taglist — (i’m so sorry if i couldn’t tag you!)
@mywritingonlyfans @nientedaridere @pingpongchamps @fairysums @kkjk @blackbluerose666 @thatmeganthing @teenyweenynightghost @ccweasley @lilchickie @katyldamusic @fanfictioncafe @tiaamberxx @butkutee @aboredassho @story-scribbler
(Please make sure you have things posted to your account, and make sure that your account isn’t censored so I can tag you if you want!)
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
+Homework+ Luke x Fem!Reader
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(Not My Gif)
Description:When Y/N’s progress report comes out it seems as though their mom isn’t happy with the letters that follow each subject. So when they have to cancel on her friends band rehearsal to do their assignments it leads to an interesting encounter with the brunette guitarist of Julie and the Phantoms.
Warning: Stress, school, bad grades, mild angst, mostly fluff. 
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Luke is not someone to judge another for having bad grades, considering what his report cards looked like, and the fact he dropped out of high school at seventeen. But, Y/N has two more years left in school, despite her age, and frankly… She’s struggling. “What’s this?” her mother asks, showing her an email.
“Those are… My grades?” Y/N shrugs, avoiding the small letters that labeled her as dumb, and lazy.
“Y/N! You need to start getting serious about this. You’re going to flunk out!” Y/N internally winces at her mother shouting at her. “I’m very disappointed about this…”
“Well,” Y/N starts. “I’ll do it!” She bites her lip, sliding away from her desk. “Tomorrow,” she adds, looking at the time. “I promised Julie I’d watch band practice today.” Her mom gives her a blank stare.
“Y/N! We’ve been very laid back with you, you’ve never been grounded or anything, but right now I want you to stay at home, and get your missing work done.” 
Her mom closes the door on the way out, leaving Y/N feeling the stress of school. She grabs her phone, clicking Julie’s contact. “Hey! Are you almost here?” Julie asks.
“I can’t make it…” Y/N breathes out.
“What?!” Julie exclaims. “But, you promised to be here today, we’re performing tomorrow, you know?” The disappointment radiates through the phone.
“I know! And I will be there for that, because that’s really important, but I just can’t make it today.” Y/N is too embarrassed to say the reason why. Julie has amazing grades, and is insanely talented, and she might be a little jealous of that, mostly because she gets to spend extra time with Luke who Y/N has heart eyes for. But, his eyes are for someone else. Julie.
“No, she’s not coming,” she answers the muffled voice in the background. “I don’t know!” she groans. “The boys wanted me to ask you if you’re okay, which are you?” 
“Yes! I’m fine, just go rehearse, even though you guys don’t really need it, I know you’ll rock tomorrow--” Y/N gets cut off by her door swinging open.
“Y/N! Homework! Now!” her mom orders.
“I’m just telling Julie I can’t make it,” Y/N argues. “I gotta go.” 
“Oh, okay, well, we all miss you over here,” she affirms.
“Yeah, I miss you all too, but we did see each other today, so… I miss the boys.” 
Julie laughs. “I’ll tell them that, especially you know who.” Y/N can sense Julie’s smirk when she speaks. 
Y/N chokes on a bit of her saliva. “Julie! I-I have to go.” She hangs up. “Why me?” she asks whatever higher power could possibly be listening to the teenage girl. 
She plops down on her desk chair.
“What to start with?” Her eyes scan her To-Do List she’s already made, it’s not as much as she thought, but it’s definitely time consuming and very boring. Some of her teachers have already reached out to her, but she chooses to ignore their offers of help. She’s scared she’ll say something they’ll find stupid, or won’t understand. 
And so she has to skip her favorite part of the day, to do Algebra, and History and Biology, and…
“So, why couldn’t she come today?” Luke asks, tuning his guitar on the couch.
“Eh, I didn’t ask her,” Julie admits. 
“Why not?” Luke gives her a pointed look, his movements faltering.
“She would’ve told me if it was that important,” she claims. She looks off, before seeing him go back to his previous state. “Luke, you've been tuning that guitar for half an hour, I think it’s good.” 
He rolls his eyes. 
“So, Y/N really can’t come today?” Reggie asks, saddened over the news. “But, she never misses a rehearsal unless it’s family, or school related.” 
Luke finally stops, setting down his guitar. “Wait,” he starts. “Didn’t progress reports come out today?” 
Everyone looks at him weirdly. “How do you know that?” Alex questions, spinning his drumstick.
“Oh--uh.” He scratches the back of his head. “When I visited Julie at school the other day, I heard something about it.” 
Julie turns his head towards him. “Are you talking about when Y/N said something about it to Flynn? A couple feet away from us? Yeah I heard her too, because I was facing her.” She crosses her arms. “I think someone has a crush,” she teases, smiling widely.
“What?!” A subtle blush paints over his cheeks. “I don’t like Y/N like that, she’s--she’s just a good friend.”
“Oh come on!” Alex joins. “It’s so obvious, don’t think I don’t notice when you stare at her.” He sends a wink to Luke.
“Or when you talk about her,” Reggie adds. “Which is all the time.” 
“Just tell her,” Julie advises. 
“Tell her?” Luke repeats, giving her a look of disbelief. “I don’t think you’ve guys noticed, but I’m dead, and she’s very much alive.” 
“So?! Everyone knows you two are completely in love with each other, so give it a shot,” Julie urges, also knowing her friend's infatuation with the guitarist.
Luke chuckles. “She doesn’t like me, she rarely talks to me, to be honest I think she hates me.” 
“You rarely talk to her,” Julie points out. “And ‘to be honest’ I think she thinks you hate her.” Luke’s posture caves hearing Julie’s words. “Are we going to get started now?” 
Everyone nods. 
Throughout practice Luke found his mind wandering back to the previous conversations the band had. A warm feeling would build in his stomach for a movement when he would think about the fact that Y/N likes him, or at least his friends think so. “Luke!” Alex shouts, snapping Luke out of his thoughts. “Practice is over,” he informs.
"It is?!” His eyes widened when an idea popped into his mind. “Well, won’t you look at that, it is over, and I completely forgot I made plans, bye!” Luke poofs out, landing in a girly room, but has a certain vibe to it.
“Luke!” Y/N shrieks, putting a hand over her heart. “What are you doing here?” she whisper-yells.
“T-the--” he snaps his fingers. “The guys wanted someone to check in on you, and Alex is hanging out with Willie, and Reggie is Reggie so… I volunteered.” He sways back and forth against his ankles. “Sooo… How are you doing?” He strolls up to her smoothly, placing an arm on the back of her chair.
“Luke… You are a terrible liar,” she asserts. “But, if you really want to know. I’m not doing too well.”
He frowns. “Why?”
“School,” she sighs. “We got our progress reports, and I’m not doing too well.” She tries to hide the paper from Luke.
“Y/N, don’t be embarrassed, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” He plucks the paper from under her arm. His reassuring smile slowly faded. “There’s… Room for improvement?” He shrugs.
“Get out,” Y/N mutters. 
Luke’s heart plummeted. “What?” 
“I said get out,” she repeats, harshly. “I get it, I’m dumb, and I’m lazy, and I don’t do my work. I get it. So, just leave.” Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. “I’m serious Luke.” Her voice cracks a little.
Guilt washed over him when he saw the effect his words take on her. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. He reaches out to hug her, but he instead goes straight through her.
Y/N doesn’t notice his attempt of this action, instead boring her eyes at the paper in front of her. “Luke, I said just go.” She rubs her forehead.
He didn’t move though, he instead started looking over the paper she hadn't touched. “Twenty-three,” he answers.
“What?” she chokes out.
“The answer, it’s twenty-three.” He looks at her, a little self-conscious. “Look, just because I didn’t have the best grades, or didn’t do work, didn’t mean I was dumb, so stop telling yourself that. We’re not so different you know.” 
She scrunches her face. “How’d you get that?” she asks. “The answer to the question.”
His eyes light up when she accepts his explanation, not asking him to leave again. “So… I just did…” 
He talks through the problem, asking Y/N if she understands when her eyes widen. He noticed she does that when she’s getting confused, or is not fully processing the words. As they go through each subject, him helping her, or giving his opinion on things. She started to find herself smiling, and having fun? “Wow,” he whispers, reading a poem. “You just wrote this?” 
She nods. “Yeah, I know, it’s not that great.” 
“No! It’s really good for something you wrote in five minutes,” he compliments, rereading the poem in his head. “Who knew you were such a romantic?” he teases.
Y/N feels her cheeks warm up. “That’s actually the first time I’ve heard that.”
“So, who’d you write it about?” he asks. He partially dreaded asking the questions. He didn’t want to picture her ever describing someone that wasn’t him in such a beautiful context. “C’mon, you can tell me, what am I going to do? Tell my ghost friends.” 
Y/N giggles. “I--uh… Someone?” It comes out more as a question.
“Why you want to know so bad, huh?” she blurts, with a smirk. “Why? You jealous?” She knew he wasn’t, but the thought made her whole body catch on fire.
Luke, surprised by her sudden cockiness, sends her a smirk right back. “Well, what if I am?” 
She scoffs. “Yeah, right,” she murmurs.
He tilts his head. “What is that supposed to mean?”
She gives him a ‘really’ look. “Luke, c’mon…” She waits for him to say something like ‘you’re right, I’m joking’, or anything along those lines, but he just stares back with the same intensity she has.
“What do you want me to say?”
The question lingers in Y/N’s mind. I want you to say you like me. That’s what she wanted to tell him, that’s what she wanted to hear. “Nothing,” she mumbles. “Absolutely nothing.” 
He cracks a smile. “Just tell me!” After that he keeps repeating it over and over again.
“I want you to say you like me!” she shouts. 
His eyes widened, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable, he seemed in awe of the situation. “Why are you shouting?” Y/N’s mom asks, rushing in.
“Because I’ve gotten ten assignments turned in!” Y/N cheers trying to ignore Luke giving her a big smile, seriously, it’s scary how wide it is. 
“I like you too,” he whispers, her heart dropping. It’s like he couldn’t contain his little secret for any longer, but now it leaves Y/N impatient as her mom stares down at her on the bed. 
“That’s good! she assures. “Though it would’ve been better if you turned them in on time, but at least they’re in.” Y/N nods at her mom's backhanded compliment. “Anyways, dinners ready.” 
“Ah, yes.” Y/N shuts her laptop. “I forgot humans have to eat.” 
“Can I stay?” Luke asks.
“In my room,” she answers.
“You’re going to eat in your room?” her mom asks.
“Can you?” Luke perks up, hearing it. “Just say you want to finish your work, because you’re already in the groove, or something!” His eyes are pleading Y/N to stay with him, leaving her almost speechless.
“Y-yeah,” she stutters. “There’s a few more things I want to do before I call it a night, and I’m kind of in… ‘The Groove’,” she discreetly ridicules the boy next to her that’s invisible to her mom's eyes.
“Okay, just come down when you’re ready.” 
Y/N sighs of relief when she hears the door shut quietly. “So, you like me?” She was slightly breathless from the beautiful boy so close to her.
“Yeah,” he responds. His eyes didn’t meet hers though.
“You don’t seem sure,” she judges. 
His gaze locks with her. “I’m just nervous,” he reveals. “You make me really nervous. I thought you hated me just an hour ago, and now…”
She gapes at him. “I thought you hated me!” 
“That’s what Julie said,” he adds, pointing towards her.
Y/N jolts her body away from him. “You spoke about me with Julie?” As if she summoned her, Julie’s contact lights up her phone. “Hello,” she answers.
“Is Luke over there?” she asks. “Sorry! Hi, it’s just the boys were worried.” Y/N sneaks a glimpse towards Luke who can’t seem to take his eyes off of her, it’s like he’s trying to memorize every single part of her body. 
“He’s not, but I had a question for you.” Luke looks at Y/N confused as to why she lied. “Did you guys talk about anything earlier? He was acting weird, and you know with you being good friends with him, and us being the best of friends, I wanted to know.” 
“Oh my God!” she exclaims. “He was out of it the entire rehearsal after we told him you weren’t going to be there, and he was all worried, and concerned, it was adorable. Dude is so in love with you it’s insane. I mean even Reggie and Alex were talking about how he talks about you, and how he stares at you, and how he’s so invested in you. I’d say he’s obsessed.” 
Y/N lets out a victorious hum. “Good to know, well, I’ll let you know if I see him--oh wait, he’s right next to me, thanks for the info.” Y/N hangs up.
“She told you about rehearsal didn’t she?” He plays with the rings on his fingers, a nervous habit he picked up.
“Yep.” Y/N pops the ‘p’. “She said you’re obsessed with me.”
“Not true!” he argues. “Sort of…” He pouts. “Not in a creepy way though!” He tries to grab her hand, but it goes straight through. “This will be interesting.” 
“Yeah,” Y/N agrees. “But, we’ll get through it…” 
Luke then learned one thing about himself that night. He was touched-starved.
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quillsandtypos · 4 years
Who you callin boyband?
Summary: anon requested calling the sunset curve boys a boyband and Luke reacting. Based off of Carlos calling then a boyband in the show.
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: none
Pairing: luke patterson x reader
Sorry I'm late to the anon who requested this!
Their band had sounded amazing, as per usual. When Julie asked you if you could come watch to see if their song felt good enough for their next gig, you happily agreed. Though truthfully, you weren’t certain what she was worried about, they always sounded amazing and of course today was no exception.
“That was amazing you guys!” you chirped.
“Really?” Julie asked uncertainly.
“Definitely, I think that’s actually one of my favorites that you’ve made so far,” you assured her.
“See I told you guys she would like it,” Alex remarked from the back. You could tell from the phantom’s faces that there was a story behind his comment, but you didn’t bother asking.
“What do you guys say to some pizza to celebrate?” Julie suggested.
You agreed but you weren’t entirely certain Julie could even hear you over the boys chanting. Julie finally turned to you after they had quieted down.
“Yeah, I’ll take some,” you laughed.
“Great! I’ll let my Dad know,” she said, as she headed back up to her house. You watched her go, but your attention was soon diverted to the boys.
“You guys have to be the most pizza loving people I’ve ever met,” you teased.
“Then, you clearly have been hanging out with the wrong people,” Reggie commented.
You shrugged, “Maybe so, but you guys and pizza have more chemistry than Luke does on stage.” You took delight in the momentary look of shock on Luke’s face as you took a gulp from your water bottle. You almost thought you had him until the shock turned into a slick smile as his eyes flicked down towards yours.
“Does that mean you’re checking me out y/n?” Luke hinted. You could hear Reggie let out a oooooh in the background, but you choose to ignore it. Luke could recover quickly, you had to acknowledge that.
“Hate to break it to you Patterson, but I’m trying to manage the whole band. Not just you,” you slyly remarked.
His smile became more apparent. “But you didn’t answer the question.”
“He’s not wrong,” Alex pointed out. Reggie did finger guns towards him in agreement.
You crossed your arms and desperately hoped they didn’t realize how embarrassed you were. You leaned off the couch slightly and looked over to where Reggie and Alex were sitting. “For your information boyband, I was not checking Luke out,” you scoffed. You hoped they bought it, but that was evidently not the part that Luke was stuck on.
Luke tilted down so his arms rested at his knees, so he would be at your sitting level. “Wait, who are you callin boy band?”
“Uh, I don’t know, maybe the boy band in the room,” you said, as you gestured at them.
Luke crossed his arms too, sporting a pouty smile. “We are not a boy band.”
“You are boys. In a band. How are you not a boy band?” you argued.
“Y/n’s got a point there Luke,” Reggie agreed.
You pointed to him, “See, at least someone who’s logical is here.”
“Hey!” Alex started.
“Not you, that was directed at Luke,” you informed him.
“As you were,” Alex gestured at the two of you.
It wasn’t until you looked back at Luke that you realized your closeness to him. He couldn’t have been more than a foot away from where you sat. You cleared your throat, and you quickly tried to dismiss the thought from your mind.
“So boy band, why did you guys think I wasn’t going to like your new song?” you asked. They all exchanged seemingly panicked looks.
“Well it’s not that we thought you weren’t going to like it,” Alex trailed off.
“But like more of a general standpoint,” Reggie continued.
“Because it’s new,” Luke finished.
You suspiciously looked between the three. “Alright, what are you guys hiding?”
“Hiding? Us? Psssh,” Reggie scoffed. “I mean, it’s not like Luke-” He was cut off by Alex pressing a hand to his mouth.
“It’s not like Luke would’ve known whether you would like the song or not, is what Reggie was saying,” Alex offered as an explanation. The stink eye that the two were giving Reggie would’ve killed him on the spot if he weren’t already dead.
You were about to ask what was so important of a secret that
Reggie needed to be tackled, but Julie walked in.
“Did I just walk in on the middle of something?” she asked.
“Nope, just the boyband and their secrets,” you assured her with a slight smirk.
“Boyband, that’s new, I kinda like it,” Julie added.
Luke turned to head to the side with his mouth slightly agape as you bit down a laugh. “Thank you, that’s what I said.”
Julie was picking up on Luke’s annoyance and decided to play along. “Maybe I can get Flynn to change our name to Julie and the boyband,” she suggested.
“Oh my gosh, wouldn’t that be just perfect!” you exclaimed, being sickly sweet.
“You two are evil,” Luke said, as he threateningly pointed at the two of you.
You delightfully smirked. “What can I say Lukas, it’s my speciality,” you taunted. Reggie’s eyes went wide at the mention of his full name and Julie and Alex exchanged an amused look.
“What was that?” His grin was becoming more predatory by the second. He stood up to look down at you, and you took that as your cue to hop off the couch to face him.
“Did you miss what I said, Lukas?” You made sure to put extra emphasis on his name.
“No, I didn’t sweetheart,” he taunted back. You saw Julie raise her eyebrows from behind Luke’s shoulder. On one hand you hated that nickname but on the other hand you couldn’t tell if the growing heat on your face was from embarrassment of the name or the fact that Luke Patterson was calling you that. But you knew that you couldn’t let him know that.
“Mhmm, no we are not doing that,” you asserted.
He moved his face close enough to talk, you weren’t certain the others could hear him. “Well then don’t call me Lucas,” he bargained.
The words slipped from your mouth before your brain had a chance to realize what you were doing. “Make me,” you insisted.
You wished you could have disappeared in that moment, but alas you were stuck watching this as much as your three other friends were. When you finally opened your eyes to see what horrors you had in store for yourself, you first made eye contact with Julie; she looked rather surprised but almost a tint of impressed. You heard someone behind you clear their throat, and you turned around.
“I think we should go check if the pizza guy is here, right Julie?” Alex suggested.
Julie’s eyes went wide in realization of what was happening. “Right! Yep! You two stay here and hold the fort down!” She told you and Luke before practically sprinting out of the studio. You turned back around to see Reggie still standing there.
Alex quickly poofed back in and grabbed him as he incomprehensibly mumbled something.
Luke turned his attention back to you. “Make me, really y/n? That’s like the best you could come up with,” Luke crossed his arms.
“What would you prefer me to say?” you questioned. Something in Luke’s demeanor broke for a moment. His infamous smirk faltered, revealing something far more vulnerable behind it. “Luke, what are you guys hiding?” The puzzle pieces started to click into place about the day’s practice.
“Do you really want to know?” he timidly asked. You hadn’t seen him as nervous as he was at that moment.
You intently nodded your head.
“The guys were trying to keep it a secret, but I wrote that song myself about someone,” he shyly explained.
“Luke! That’s really cool, I knew there had to be a reason why I liked it so much.” You playfully bumped his hand.
Your response puzzled him. “You don’t want to know who it’s about?”
“Luke, your friends are not very good at keeping secrets,” you laughed.
“Are you serious?” he dumbfoundedly asked.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. “Reggie accidentally told me last week,” you admitted.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Luke muttered, but you could see his lips twitching upwards.
“But he kept my secret, because he didn’t tell you that I like you back.” The last bit of your sentence was slightly mumbled as you tilted your head to the floor in embarrassment.
He softly grabbed your jaw and pulled you back up to his level.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch the last part.” And just like that, his smirk had returned.
You forced yourself to look up into his sparkling hazel eyes. “I like you, a lot, Luke.”
As he heard your words you swore you saw the fire in his eyes grow brighter. “I like you a lot too y/n.” His face was mere milimeters away from yours.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly.
Your eyes flicked from his lips back to his eyes. “Of course Patterson.” The gap closed between the two of you and it was like two worlds collided. His lips were slightly colder than yours as they softly melted into yours. You felt his one hand clutch your cheek softly, as the other held to the back of your neck. Your hands instinctively went to his hair as your kiss developed into something deeper, until the both of you had to swim to the surface for air.
As you caught your breath you realized that there were three very shocked occupants at the studio door.
You saw Reggie and Alex silently hand Julie ten bucks. “So do we have to watch you guys have eye sex still or are we good now?” Julie teased.
“Jules!” you groaned.
“She’s not wrong,” Reggie said as he walked past you.
Luke chuckled at your flustered state, “Yeah, I think we’re good now,” he responded, sending a wink in your direction that you rolled your eyes at.
“Great cause we have pizza!” Alex announced.
“Oh yay!” You were grateful for the attention being taken off of you.
“So does this mean that you were checking me out during rehearsal?” Luke asked, as you took a bite.
You rolled your eyes, but you decided to indulge him. “Yes, Patterson, I was checking you out.”
Alex grimaced. “Ohhh big mistake, he’s gonna hold that overhead for at least a month,” he warned.
You turned to Luke who clicked his tongue and finger gunned towards you in agreement. You resisted the urge to groan at your newest annoyance.
“But you’re stuck with me now,” Luke said with a mouthful.
“Luke, really?” Julie commented.
“Sorry,” he said, with his mouth still full.
You grinned at him, and despite his previous threat, you couldn’t be happier that you were finally stuck with him.
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You & I
Requested by anon: “Could I get a Luke Patterson x reader where the reader is able to see Luke, Reggie, nd Alex. The only difference from julie is that she can make contact w/them.”
A/N: I rewrote this a bunch of times actually because it never really worked out but here is this xD just some Luke fluff
Pairing: Luke Patterson x female!reader
WC: 1.6k
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“Luke!” You spun around with your hand on your chest begging your racing heart to calm down. Luke had scared you by just appearing behind you. “What the fuck?! You can’t scare me like that, it’s bad for my health!” you complained, turning back to your locker. There were already people looking at you because of your outcry and you didn’t want to raise more attention.
“I just came to see you. Is it really that bad that I missed my amazing, beautiful girlfriend who I haven’t seen in way too long?” He leaned against the locker next to yours dramatically, his gaze never leaving you. He gently reached out to your wrist playing with the guitar charm on your bracelet. It had been a gift from him. Well, he asked Julie for help since he couldn’t purchase anything given the fact that he was a ghost, but he was the one who chose what to get you and Julie bought it for him. Now, you never took it off.
You chuckled at his theatrics. “We just saw each other yesterday,” you reminded him. You had been over at Julie’s to help her with some homework which resulted in the two of you spending time in the garage with the boys and not getting a lot of stuff done. Instead, you had talked, played some music and joked around. A good alternative to studying in your eyes.
“That doesn’t count!” He pouted. “You were there for Julie, not for me. When was the last time we spend time together, just the two of us?” The question caught you off-guard. It had indeed been a little while ago. Way too long, you thought. Somehow someone was always around, whether it be Alex and Reggie, Julie, Flynn or even your parents. Although your parents were oblivious to Luke’s presence, it was like they knew when he was in your room, so they would barge in to interrupt. Or they would call when you were out, needing you to come home immediately or do something for them right away. Whenever you tried to do something together, someone always seemed to intervene.
“You’re right.” You sighed, looking over at him, but you turned right back towards your locker when you realized there was another person at their locker right behind to Luke. You wouldn’t want them to think you were talking to them. Luckily, they didn’t pay you much attention. You tried to look busy by reorganizing your books. When you spoke again it was in a quiet voice. “I hate that we weren’t able to be together without anyone else around. It feels like the universe is trying to keep us apart or something.” You laughed, playing your statement off as a joke, but it was a thought that had occurred to you many times before. Being in a relationship with a ghost was… It was great, actually. You loved Luke and he loved you and there wasn’t a human alive on Earth that you had a similar connection with than you had with Luke, but there was always Flynn’s nagging voice in your head reminding you that he was a literal ghost. He was not alive. And how could this ever be something real, if you were alive and he was not?
But it didn’t feel like that to you. You were able to see Luke, to touch him. He was just like any other boy to you in those regards. Sometimes when you were alone with him you even forgot that he was a ghost. You’d be harshly reminded of it again when someone would walk through him or he would walk through something or when he would teleport out of wherever you’d be. Your logical brain, backed up by Flynn, would tell you that it wasn’t natural, it wasn’t right to be in a relationship with a ghost, but your heart? Your heart told you that you loved Luke. It didn’t care about what the future would hold. It cared about the here and now, the moments you shared.
Luke could read the troubling thoughts that were on your mind from your face, your furrowed brows and pursed lips a dead giveaway. He leaned towards you. Determination written across his face. “Let’s get out of here!” He grabbed your hand and pulled you away, closing your locker in the process. You tried to keep up with him, so it wouldn’t look like you were being pulled by thin air. The idea of skipping class and spending time with Luke instead actually sounded great. You’d rather do almost anything with him right now than stay in that building and fight your way through three more classes. And the chance was slim that you’d get interrupted since Julie and Flynn were still at school, your parents at work and what Reggie and Alex were up to you didn’t know.
“Studio or my house?” you asked to check where you’d be going.
“Reggie might be hanging out at the studio, so let’s go to your house,” he answered. His hand still firmly held onto yours. “What’s on your mind?” he followed up when he noticed your focus on your intertwined hands.
“I’m just grateful, I guess, that I get to see you and touch you.” You gently squeezed his hand. You did that a lot, especially with your friends around. It was a subtle way to show your affection or to reassure each other of your presence. “I don’t know how it came to be that it is this way, but I’m really glad.” You smiled at him.
When you arrived at your house Luke immediately went to your living room couch and made himself comfortable while you put your bag away in your room. “Do you want to watch a movie?” You asked when you joined him. Without waiting for a reply, you grabbed the remote to pull up a movie on Netflix as you sat down next to him, but that wasn’t good enough for Luke. He always held back around the others because he knew it might make them uncomfortable, but he loved holding you, touching you, having you close, so he pulled you in to lie against his side, an arm securely wrapped around your waist. You rested your head on his shoulder still looking for something to watch. “What kind of movie are you in the mood for?”
“Just put on something you like. I probably won’t know it anyway.” That wasn’t a big help, but after a bit more contemplation decided on one. It was a movie you already knew by heart and thought Luke might like as well. But what movie was playing wasn’t of much importance anyways. The way Luke was holding you close, pressing kisses onto the top of your head from time to time, that was what mattered. His thumb kept caressing your side. With the noises from the movie playing in the background your eyelids grew heavy and it wasn’t long until you fell asleep.
Luke noticed it immediately when you fell asleep. You were leaning further into him and your hand had fallen from where it was lying on top of his. He carefully moved to lie down on the couch so as to not wake you up. When he was done your eyes were still closed and your breaths even, still, you seemed to cuddle into him even more in your sleep. Luke couldn’t help but fall even more in love with you at the sight. He was aware that you thought it was creepy when he watched you sleep but he liked doing it. There was nothing to disturb him from taking in all your features, to memorize every little thing about you.
He let you sleep for an hour before he decided it was time to wake you by pressing kisses all over your face. You scrunched up your face at the sensation, your sleep-induced mind barely registering what was happening. When you finally opened your eyes, Luke was smiling at you. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he whispered before he bent down again to connect your lips.
“What time is it?”, you asked him, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you slowly sat up.
“Almost 2pm,” he answered after checking your phone.
“Already?!” you exclaimed, now awake. “Why did you let me sleep? You gotta go to practice soon! I thought we wanted to do stuff together today.”
“I do. And I let you sleep because it looked like you needed it. Anyways, technically we did spend time together.”
You eyed him suspiciously. “Did you watch me sleep again?”
He already moved away from you, bringing some distance between the two of you in case you would resort to chugging a pillow at him at his answer. A cheeky smile appeared on his face as he pulled his shoulders up. “Maybe.”
You sighed frustratedly. “Please, don’t do that. It feels so weird to know you watch me sleep. Like, what if I drool?”
“You do,” he laughed, moving closer again. He leaned over the back of the couch to gently grab your chin and wipe over it with his thumb. “But it’s cute.” The grin never left his face while you swatted his hand away, pouting.
You groan. “You’re the worst.”
“But you love me,” he continued with a cocky grin which had you roll your eyes.
“I do. Even though I do wonder why sometimes.” You pulled him back towards you to kiss him again, smiling into the kiss. “And now come cuddle with me until you have to go to band practice.” You opened your arms. Luke happily accepted the invitation, jumped over the back of the couch and lay down beside you. With his head resting on your chest and your fingers carding through his hair he let out a sigh and relaxed into your embrace.
“I love you, too,” he mumbled lazily.
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loveelle · 4 years
Leap of Faith~ Part 3
Luke Patterson x Reggie’s sister!Reader
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A/N: Sorry its a little late! Let me know what you think please and if you want to be added to the tags!
WC: 5K
The room fell silent as the performance came to a finish, the boys disappearing from the stage and leaving Julie up there alone to handle the aftermath. The boys appeared right behind you as you jumped, giving them all looks of disbelief. “I can’t believe you guys just did that! That was not only amazing but completely irresponsible!”
Smiles spread on their faces as you went back and forth between being angry and proud.
“Where’d the rest of the band go?” you heard over your shoulder as you turned to look, seeing Julie look wide-eyed at the AV kid who lit her performance.
“Wait, were those holograms?”
“Yes!” Julie almost yelled the answer that graciously fell into her lap, looking at one of the background dancers for the performer you watched earlier. “They were holograms! I plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show.” She gestured to the ceiling projector above the crowd’s head. “I’d explain it but it involves algorithms and science stuff.” The crowd started to applaud for her and you felt Luke and Reggie lean their elbows on your shoulders from beside you as you stared open-mouthed at Julie.
“This is wild.” Luke said full of adrenalin. “They can see us when we’re performing, but not when the music ended.”
Reggie’s elbow fell off your shoulder. “We should double-check.” He said before starting up the stairs next to you and stopping at the top. You furrowed your brows as you watched your brother, only seconds before he started shaking and flaunting his butt in front of the crowd. You crossed your arms as he retreated next to you again, looking slightly embarrassed. “Yeah, I don’t- I don’t think they can see us.”
“I wish I couldn’t see you.” Alex muttered as Luke and you looked at Reggie like he was crazy, because honestly, he was. What if the crowd could see him, not that that’s possible but hey! You didn’t think becoming ghosts was possible either and here you were.
The principal started ushering the kids out of the gym as you and the band shared looks, mindlessly following them out. “I still can’t believe you did that.” You mumbled under your breath with a huff but your brother heard.
“Oh, come on. Yes. you can.”
You looked up, meeting his eyes before rolling yours. “Alright fine, I knew you guys didn’t have it in you to not perform on stage. Especially a song that this one wrote for Sunset Curve.” You gave Luke a nudge with your shoulder, chuckling lightly when he lost a step and went right through a student next to him.
The herd of students started to thin out as you wound up in the empty cafeteria. Reggie and Alex started talking about what it felt like to really perform again as Luke’s arm went around your shoulder and slowly drug you away from them. You quirked your brow. “Don’t think I’m going to blow off finishing our talk from this morning.”
Your face fell as you glanced down to your feet, not at all in a mood for discussing what happened last night. “How about we move past it and just pretend like we’ve resolved it?” you put on a fake smile and grabbed Luke’s hand to remove his arm, seeing the disappointed look on his look. “I’m going to go find Julie.” You said before you rounded the corner, leaving Luke staring at nothing.
You didn’t know your way around the school, but you remembered vaguely enough from when you just left the gym to get you back there.
“Flynn!” Julie was yelling as you caught sight of her running out of the gym, chasing after the girl who showed up at the house yesterday morning. Flynn didn’t stop for her and Julie tried taking off after her again but was interrupted by people trying to talk to her.
You watched her carefully, seeing her smile light up as a blond-haired boy approached her. “That was incredible!” he told her and you smiled to yourself at Julie’s happiness.
But your smile promptly fell at the presence of the pink-wig-wearing artist. “It was way better than when you cried and ran out.” Julie started shifting out of anger and so did you. If you weren’t a ghost, you’d give the girl a piece of your mind.
“Maybe we should get to science.” The boy tried to get her to leave and you mentally thanked him, knowing that vocally he still wouldn’t have heard you.
“Yeah, maybe then you could study the chemical properties of manners or something.” Julie snapped at her and you were impressed as you stifled a laugh, moving to lean against the lockers and unknowingly getting Julie’s attention very briefly before she was focused again.
“Was that supposed to be a comeback?” The girl chuckled and you rolled your eyes, letting out a moan of annoyance. “Wow.”
“Wow yourself.”
“Another winner.” She mocked Julie and you tightened your jaw. You didn’t like this girl and how she treated Julie. You and Julie might not have been close yet, but she was your friend. The girl turned and strutted away as Julie looked at you and sighed while shaking her head.
You pushed yourself off the wall. “And who might that Diva be?” you said, watching the two kids stop not far down the hall. Julie opened her mouth to speak before looking around, seeing the influx of students in the hallway. You looked at her when she was silent to see her pulling out her phone. “Um, phone call?” you asked and took a step back, wanting to give her privacy a little.
She shook her head and held it to her ear. “Just so people don’t think I’m talking to myself.” She mumbled and you nodded while making an ‘o’ shape with your mouth. “That was Carrie. We used to be friends, but a few years ago…” Julie’s sentence died down and you offered her a frown that she shrugged off. “Now she hates me.”
“Sounds fun.” You joked to try and lighten the mood and for the most part, it worked. Then you slowly smirked at her. “And the boy?”
Julie looked at your knowing smile. “Nick.”
“Nick.” You repeated, clicking his name on your tongue. “Do we like Nick?”
Julie nodded slowly and you couldn’t help but laugh at her as she led her around the corner, unknowingly right to where the band was standing.
“Julie!” They shouted as you and Julie jumped back, Julie’s hand with her phone coming down.
“Stop doing that!” She scolded them and shoved her phone back into her pocket as she looked between them, her happy attitude regarding Nick dropping. “I’m serious.”
“Woah, this one’s on you!” Reggie mumbled and put his hands in the air. “We were already here.”
Julie looked to you, whose eyes were so fixated on the floor because you knew it was probably more on you for leading her here. You peaked up, giving her a nervous smile and you swore you saw her battle back a smile.
“Are we not going to talk about what just happened?” Luke interrupted as you took a deep breath, looking at his excited face staring at Julie.
“Yeah, my whole school just saw you perform. I’m kind of freaking out about it.”
“Okay good, because it’s kind of freaking me out too.” Alex let out a great sigh, realizing that this wasn’t making anyone else nervous. “You can see us and then other people can see us when we play music. And my clothes are made of air, yet for some reason, I’m still getting a wedgie!” Luke was rubbing Alex’s back as he starting freaking out more. He looked up, seeing the different faces of his friends. “So many questions.”
“But the important thing is that we rocked that place!” Luke butted in as you reached over, gently hitting Alex’s arm with a smile as he tried to smile back at you despite the anxiety that was surely taking over him. “They were loving you.”
“Are you kidding?” Julie asked rhetorically with a grin. “They loved us! That was a great song Luke, thanks.” Luke’s smile was wide to her and you had to keep yourself from showing how much it hurt to see. This was a happy moment. The boys could play music again.
“Did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me?” Your brother blurted out and made you chuckle involuntarily. “I think they were looking at me.” Reggie turned to you fast, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking right into your eyes. “Please tell me they were looking at me.”
“Bro, they were!” Luke interrupted, slapping him in the stomach and you nodded and grabbed his face.
“He’s right Reg. They were so looking at you.”
“I knew it!” He cheered and pulled you into a hug, making you chuckle and hug him back.
“I’m so confused! The afterlife should come with instructions or a quick-start guide or something!”
Your eyes lit up at Alex’s words. “That’s what I thought!” He pointed at you, always knowing you were on the same brainwave.
“Well, the good news is everyone thought you guys were holograms, and I got back into the program.” Julie’s face however the exact opposite of how she should’ve felt at this moment.
“Why do you look so bummed?” You asked.
“Yeah, you’re making this face.” Luke put his arms around Reggie and Alex and pulled him into his sides. The three of them mimicked Julie’s face and you had to admit, they weren’t that far off.
Julie’s lips fell to a straight line. “That is not my face.” She said and pause momentarily to gesture to them.
“It’s kind of your face.” You admitted the same time as the boys did, the four of you agree.
“Things just got weird between me and Flynn.” Your joking demeanor dropped when you remembered Julie running out of the gym after her best friend. “She asked about you guys and I couldn’t say.”
“Sweet. Girls are already talking about us.” Reggie whispered to the guys but you heard and slapped his arm, hoping he’d let up. “Ow.” He mumbled and rubbed the spot you hit him.
“It’s serious, guys.” You told the three of them, shooting looks as Julie nodded.
“I can’t tell Flynn just like I can’t tell my dad. She’ll think I’ve gone off the deep end!” At Julie’s words, the sound of the custodian that neither of you had seen before pushed his cart towards you guys, making the boys part.
“Well, he definitely thinks you’ve gone off the deep end.” Reggie quipped as the five of you watched the custodian stop and give Julie a worried look before he left.
“I’ve got to get back to class.” Julie said before walking away.
“Later Julie! Oh! Tell those cheerleaders I’m single!” Reggie called out and you snorted a laugh, hiding your face in your hands.
“Oh, and that he’s dead.” Alex added and you couldn’t help but laugh more, clinging onto whatever was closest to you, which happened to be Luke. He watched you amusedly as Reggie called back for Julie to leave that part out.
“You okay?” Luke asked you as you started to get your breath back and you nodded with a soft smile before laughing again and the four of you teleported out of the school and right onto the couch in the studio.
Alex was on his feet the moment you all landed, starting his pace in front of the table. You looked to Luke and Reggie before focusing on Alex. “Alex buddy, are you okay?” You asked him despite knowing exactly what was happening.
“I think he’s practicing his model strut.”
“He’s so nervous, he’s almost making me nervous.” Luke mumbled before leaning his weight on you just briefly before Alex stopped and addressed you all.
“Okay, you guys know I don’t handle change well. All right? Death?” He took a deep breath. “That was a change. Ok? Then we became ghosts, another change. And now? People can see us play when we play with Julie. Big freaking change!”
“Yeah, but, bro, it was a good change. With Julie, we can play on stage and be the band we never got to be. You gotta be down for that.” Luke tried to calm him down and just by looking you can tell it partly did, but Alex’s anxiety was still there.
“I mean, who wouldn’t be? I just- I want to figure out why.”
You sucked in a breath and slowly sunk back into the couch as Luke stood up to try and convince Alex and Reggie to join a band with Julie. You had other things on your mind, more involving your presence in the afterlife.
Alex heading to the door caught your attention again as you picked your head up, poofing out just after he did.
“Alex!” you called after him when you were outside the studio, seeing him about to go through Julie’s gates.
He sighed when you called him, throwing his head over his should. “I just gotta clear my head.” He repeated himself from inside as you scurried to his side, not letting him leave.
“You’re not alone in wanting to know more.” You rushed out and based on the look on Alex’s face, you spoke too quickly. “You’re not alone in wanting to know more.” You spoke slower and took a quick breath. “I don’t play music; I don’t play with the band, and yet I’m here. I ate a bad hotdog just like you did and I died. The difference between you and me is you have music and you can share that music with people I can’t. I don’t know why I’m here. I have nothing. I want to figure out why too.”
Alex and you stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before he pulled you in for a hug. “You have us.” He mumbled to you and you laughed sadly.
“I know I do. I have you, and my brother, and Luke. That’s enough for me.” You pulled away, nodding to the gate to tell Alex to go and he shared a last smile before walking through it, moments before your smile fell. “That’s enough for me.” You whispered to yourself, wanting so much to believe your words.
But you couldn’t.
You climbed up to the loft the moment you came back inside from your talk with Alex, but you didn’t do anything besides stare at the ceiling and think. Was it wrong you felt jealous? People could see the boys, watch and hear them play. You were invisible. Again. Just like you’ve been all your life.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Your head snapped to the side at Reggie’s voice and you forced a smile as he moved to lay on the ground next to you, using a bag you found as a pillow.
“Just thinking.” You told him, unsure what he wanted to know. He looked at you, staring at the side of your face for too long if he was going to stay quiet. “Keep looking at me and you go over the railing.” You pointed to the railing bars at the edge of the loft as Reggie laughed, pushing you slightly before you joined him.
“You don’t have the strength for that.”
You quirked a brow at him. “Oh yeah? Care to find out?”
“No. I don’t wanna be wrong.” he was quick to respond and you let out another loud laugh. “Seriously though, you’ve got to talk to me about what’s wrong with you.”
“Why?” you whined, covering your head with your arm as Reggie rolled your eyes.
“Because I’m your brother and if you’re not going to talk to me about it, then who are you going to talk to?”
Despite the arm hiding your face, Reggie could see you frown suddenly and he grew curious, knowing you were hiding something from him. He didn’t say anything, if you weren’t going to tell him then maybe you had a reason.
“I just wanna be alone right now.” You told him quietly and Reggie hesitated before nodding. He pushed himself up and left you be. You let your eyes close as you listened to Reggie talk to who you could only assume was Luke, telling him you just wanted to be alone. You heard silence on Luke’s side of the conversation and you bit your lip, taking a deep breath and poofing out of the studio once again.
You were met with the silence of the beach as you landed on the sand, feeling it shift beneath your shoes. You yanked them off, putting your feet down in the hot sand before falling on it. There were so many people around but you didn’t care. The beach was your spot to get away. Besides, they couldn’t see you. You stripped yourself of your jacket too, throwing it away from you and running your hands through your hair a few times. Some sand that had stuck to your hand was now stuck in your hair, but you made no move to remove it.
“Dang it.” You mumbled, feeling the stress from this whole situation get to you.
“I thought you wanted to be alone in the studio, not the beach.” You didn’t need to turn around to know who found you.
“Luke now’s really not the time.” You called back to him in hopes your voice didn’t crack. He didn’t listen obviously, not like he ever does, and took the spot next to you.
Luke looked over, seeing the way your eyes glossed more than normal and he knew you were trying not to cry. “What’s wrong?” He reached for your hand but you pulled it back.
“What’s wrong is you and Reggie won’t let me have my alone time!” you stared straight ahead at the ocean, not caring how mean you were being to Luke because, at this moment, he was doing the one thing you asked him not to.
“Y/N, you spent all day here yesterday.” He tried reasoning and you shook your head.
“What do you want me to say Luke?” you turned to face him, looking him dead in the eyes and not caring there was a tear that was threatening to fall. Your head hurt, the pain building up behind your eyes as you tried your best to keep it together. “Seriously, tell me what you want me to say.”
“I want you to tell me what’s wrong with you!”
“I died, Luke! I died and I had nothing! I did nothing!” The tear fell as your voice cracked but you didn’t stop. “You and the guys had your band and music and you were going to play the Orpheum and fine, you didn’t, but you were going to! You know what I did? I rode Reggie’s coattails. I kept telling myself that once high school was over and we were in the real world, I do something but everyone was right. I was nothing more than a loser.”
“You’re not a loser, Y/N.” Luke’s voice was soft as he reached over to grab your hand, relieved that this time you let him. Knowing he had no clue what to say next, you squeezed his hand and brought your own to wipe the tears from your face.
“Thanks, Luke.” You whispered, forcing a smile on your face more for his sake but you could tell he saw right through you. “I guess we should get back.”
“If you want.” He shrugged, still greatly concerned with whether you were fine. “We could stay here for longer.”
You hesitated but nodded with a real, though rather small, smile this time. “I’d like that.” Luke and you moved to face the water together. But Luke kept glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. You were about to tell him you were fine before he slowly shifted over, making your- dead- heart race. His arm found a spot over your shoulders and he pulled you into his side. He was stiff as he did so, unsure of his actions until you melted into his side, wrapping your arms around his waist and Luke’s lips tugged into a smile.
Luke brought you back to the studio a few hours later after you were feeling a little less lost. Since then, Luke and Reggie had been taking a poem they found in Julie’s dream box and turning it into a song. You were adamant that this wasn’t a good idea at all, but Luke and Reggie wouldn’t listen to you.
Which is why you were seated at the piano, not playing, as the boys work. Luke had his guitar pick in his mouth and you couldn’t help but look at it as he sang.
“I know all your secrets, you know all my deep dish, guess that means that some things they never-“
His song was cut off by Reggie and you forced yourself to look away from Luke to pay attention. “Wait, so when she says ‘deep dish’ is she talking about pizza, or…” His voice went high but before he could finish Alex appeared on top of the piano. You weren’t prepared for his sudden appearance and accidentally hit the piano, playing several discordant notes as the boys looked at you.
“Sorry.” You laughed awkwardly and Luke chuckled at you.
“Where you been?” Reggie asked Alex and you moved away from the piano to stand in front, seeing the giddy smile on Alex’s face and you narrowed your eyes with a smile.
“Kind of everywhere. I met a new ghost friend.”
“For real?”
“Yeah, he answered a ton of questions.”
“Yeah? Like whether Julie was gonna join the band or not?” Luke asked as he ripped his notebook out from under Alex.
You rolled your eyes at Luke before stepping closer to Alex. “You mean, there are other ghosts out there? Besides us?”
Alex nodded at you, seeing the way you gasped in relief. You weren’t alone. “And I think I know why we’re here.” Your face lit up again as you moved to sit in the chair closest to you. “All ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over.”
“Why would we do that?” Luke couldn’t believe it. “I’m just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do is get Julie to play with us.”
“Yeah. Not only can that girl sing, she can write too. Luke I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics.” Reggie pointed to Luke and Luke showed Alex the poem.
Alex’s face fell. “Oh, without your drummer. Cool.” You felt for Alex, knowing how he must be feeling.
“Drumming is so 90s. Ok?” Luke told him. “We’re just gonna stomp our feet now.” To emphasize his point, Luke started stomping his feet on the ground.
“Okay. Well, you know what else is so 90s? Being rude. All right? Get woke. These are sensitive times.” Alex took Luke’s book and shoved it back into his chest, surprising Luke. “I learned that from my ghost friend.” Alex whispered to Reggie and you.
“Woke. That’s-That’s a cool word.” Reggie shared a looked with you of pure confusion.
“What does it mean?”
“No clue.” Alex answered you and you couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“Hey Alex?” you whispered later that day as you pulled him aside, checking around to make sure Luke and Reggie weren’t near, but since you could still hear them across the room working on the song, you figured the coast was clear.
“What’s up?”
He could see you were nervous, watching you play with your hands and avoid his eye contact. “Um, I was kind of, I was w-wondering,” you stopped yourself, taking a deep breath to stop your stuttering, “I wanted to know more about the unfinished business.” You rambled out and Alex just stared at you. “Do I need to repeat-“
“No, I heard.” Alex interrupted you, tugging on his fanny pack. “I just- You want to know your unfinished business?”
You glanced to your brother and Luke. “I just want to know why I’m still here.”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’ll ask Willie about it. I’ll see what I can do.”
A smirk slowly spread to your face. “Willie, you say?”
“Don’t you dare.” Alex warned you, yet you saw the blush creeping up his neck and his cheeks.
“I won’t say a thing.”
“Good.” Alex smiled at you and you both started heading towards the others before Alex leaned close to you. “Maybe sometime you can talk to someone about your crush on Luke to someone who isn’t your brother.” You stopped walking, looking up at him with wide eyes. You only told Reggie about your possible feelings for Luke. Alex just chuckled at you. “Yeah, you’re not as sly as you think you are.”
Julie was nervous since she invited Flynn to listen to the song the band had been working on all day. Her friendship was in the balance of getting Flynn to see the boys and her perform. “It’s going to be okay.” You called over to her from across the room, see her body snap around to face you.
“I know. She’s my best friend, but-“
“But it doesn’t make it any less scary?” you filled in and Julie nodded, moving to the couch next to you. “It’s okay to be nervous Julie, but I don’t even know Flynn and I already know she’s going to forgive you.”
Julie didn’t know what to say. She wanted to reach over and give you a hug, but she knew she would just go right through you, so she held back. “Thank you, Y/N.”
You shared a smile with her moments before Flynn knocked on the studio door. As Julie went to let her in, you sat back and watched the guys get ready. “Thanks for coming.” Julie spoke to Flynn. “We just wanted to rehearse the song so it’s perfect, but it’s not, so whatever.”
“No, if I’m going to hear a song from your imaginary ghost band, I want it to be perfect. So get back in there.” She looked past Julie, unfortunately not where anyone was, and pointed. “All of you. You too.” Her finger this time, however, landed on you and you sucked in a breath, turning away from the girls.
“They’re not out here.” Julie chuckled as she moved to let Flynn inside.
“Oh, I know.” Flynn patted her shoulder when she walked by.
“All right guys, you ready?” She asked but Reggie spoke.
“Actually could she stand somewhere else? I need room to rock out and I don’t wanna walk through her.” You chuckled at your brother as Julie told Flynn, getting her to move.
Flynn nodded and played along, moving directly to where you were. “Woah, Woah, Woah!” Julie called out as Flynn stopped.
“What? Someone else needs room to rock out too?” She chuckled and Julie gave a small laugh.
“No, but you were about to sit on Y/N.”
Flynn blinked a few times before turning to you, despite not being able to see you. “Who’s Y/N?”
“Um, Reggie’s sister.”
Flynn had burst out laughing. “Boy, when you create a world, you really live in it.” She laughed and you did too, thankful you didn’t have to move.
“Just sit.” Julie rolled her eyes and pulled out a chair for her. “If you’ll notice, there’s no equipment that will produce a hologram. Feel free to look around.” Julie moved to the keyboard, next to Luke. “The guys took a poem I wrote about you and put it to music.”
“Awe. I wish I didn’t have to talk to your dad after this.” Flynn said, still not believing her.
You all chuckled at her. “It’s called Flying Solo. Hope you like it.” Julie started playing, immediately impressing you with her talent in just a few notes.
“If I leave you on a bad note, leave you on a sad note, guess that means I’m lunch that day” She began and you shifted, wanting to see Flynn’s reaction. The boys suddenly appeared as they started performing and Flynn let out a scream of shock and disbelief. “My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo,”
You clapped and cheered, receiving and a glance from your brother and a wink and smile from Luke. That caught the attention of Flynn who turned to the couch, thinking she could see you, but was met with nothing. Your face fell slightly, but you didn’t let it show as you focused on the song. Julie came over to Flynn and kneeled in front of her as Luke moved to the microphone closest to you as he sang and you couldn’t help but watch him.
The song finished, but the boys kept playing quietly to talk to Flynn. Flynn went up to your brother and stuck her hand through him. “Weird, right?”
“They’re ghosts!” She cried out.
“Oh, we prefer, uh, musician spirits.” Alex told her and you snorted.
“No you don’t, you liar.” You laughed at Alex and he laughed back, making Flynn look to where you were.
“Why can’t I see her?” She asked her best friend who saw the sad look on her face.
“She’s not playing anything.” Flynn didn’t press Julie, and by association, you, before Luke spoke.
“Julie, so does this mean you’re joining our band?”
Flynn put her finger up, stopping Julie before she could answer. “Actually, I think you’re joining her band.”
You all grinned at her answer, fully expecting that from Flynn. Julie leaned her elbow on Flynn’s shoulder. “I’m gonna go with what she said.”
Alex started playing the drums louder as they all started playing again with Julie and Flynn singing together. Luke sat down next to you, still playing his guitar. His eyes locked on yours for longer than a moment as the song finished, yet you couldn’t look away from him. And neither could he.
@hoechx​ // @katrin-okay​ // @ifilwtmfc​ // @winchestergirl907​ // @rachelle3musicals​​ // @im-sorey​ // @magicalxdaydream​ // @sovereignparker​ // @yagorlemmalyn​ // @wanniiieeee​ // @xplrreylo​ // @starjane312​ // @kexritz // @tuttigunner​ // @sunsetcurvej​ //
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Pairing: Reggie x Bobby’s Sister Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Request: Hey, I was wondering if you would write a reader x Reggie imagine, where reader is Bobby’s sister and secretly having a relationship with Reggie without the rest of the band knowing about it. 
Warnings: very light swearing
A/N: this fic also doubles as my (very late) submission to @jatp-btr week! I decided to set it in 2020 with Julie and the Phantoms going on tour but the guys are alive and Bobby is still a tennager! Also, shoutout to @txrii, who’s playlist of songs that Sunset Curve would cover got me through the final stretch of writing this! Anon, I hope you like this!! As always, let me know what you think and drop a comment/ask/message to be added to my taglist! 
“Hey Reg,” you said softly, smiling shyly as his face appeared on your phone screen.
You didn’t have any reason to be shy, you and Reggie had been dating for over a year and had known each other for much longer, but you still hadn’t gotten used to your only face-to-face conversation being over FaceTime. Plus, you’d learned to be wary when the two of you called, you didn’t want to say something mushy and have one of the guys behind him, or worse, your brother.
When you and Reggie had started dating you’d decided to keep it secret from your twin brother, and by default Luke and Alex too. Reggie had reasoned that Bobby would be pissed at him for starting up a romantic relationship with you, which was fair given how protective your slightly older brother had always been of you. However, you were certain he’d be more upset with you for dating one of his best friends and bandmates. So, you didn’t tell him. And then months went by and all of a sudden you were passing one year and Sunset Curve was going on tour and they still hadn’t told him.
“Hey, Y/N,” Reggie responded with a grin, clearly psyched to be able to talk to you.
“Are the guys around?” You started to ask when you were interrupted.
“Reggie, did you say Y/N?” A voice called from the background and all of a sudden your boyfriend was being pushed out of the frame and Luke’s face was front and center.
You giggled exasperatedly at the boy but smiled.
“Hi Luke,” you greeted and he grinned at you.
He had just opened his mouth to respond when he was shoved out of frame as well, Alex now taking his place.
“Hi Y/N!” He yelled and you winced slightly, leaning away from your phone at the increase in volume.
“Hi Alex,” you said quieter, though trying to match his enthusiasm in your tone. “Where’s Bobby? And Julie and Flynn?” You asked, trying to rush through any more potential disruptions.
“Bobby’s in the bathroom and Julie and Flynn are on their bus,” Alex explained while struggling to keep Luke from pushing him out of frame.
With Sunset Curve being such a large group (five performers and their manager), and all of them being so young, their parents decided it was for the best that the girls get one tour bus and the guys get another. Plus, you were pretty sure Ray was not very keen on Julie and Luke sleeping in the same space now that they had started dating, even though they were both adults and you knew  Luke was asexual. Still, parents will be parents you supposed.
Besides, it meant there were fewer opportunities for interruptions when you called Reggie while they were on the road.
“Y/N how come you always call Reggie and never me?” Luke pouted, finally having shoved his way back into the frame.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I called you yesterday,” you protested, rolling your eyes at the boy’s dramatics.
That had been another issue you’d had to work out when their tour had first kicked off. Calling Reggie every day was starting to seem suspicious, even though you claimed it was to talk to all of them. Alex had quickly pointed out that it was weird that you didn’t just call your brother, which you had tried to excuse as not wanting him to hog the phone time but then Luke had gotten jealous that you only called Reggie. It seemed reasonable enough when you thought about it from their perspective. You’d been friends with them all for years and they didn’t know about your relationship, so it probably did look like you were playing favorites with Reggie. So, you started making regular calls to Luke and Alex, making sure to give them enough one-on-one time on the phone with you to throw suspicion off your calls with Reggie. It had mostly worked, but Luke was still a butthead.
“Yeah but you called Reggie today,” he whined and you shook your head.
“Because it’s my turn,” Reggie responded for her, pushing both boys away so he could fill the screen once again. You hoped nobody noticed the way your smile brightened when you saw your boyfriend.
“Don’t you guys have other things to do?” He whined and you could practically hear Luke and Alex pouting off-camera so you tried to put on your best understanding-but-disappointed look.
“Sorry guys, it’s Reggie’s time,” you said, though not really sorry about it.
“I feel like it’s always Reggie’s time,” you heard Luke grumble and rolled your eyes.
“Maybe I like him better than you,” you shot back, with a raised brow.
You heard him gasp from off-camera and then you heard the stomping of feet and Reggie grinned broadly at you.  
“It’s not nice to lie, Y/N!” Luke yelled as he stomped away, and you heard Alex yelp as he was dragged away with him. “We all know I’m your favorite! I’m everybody’s favorite.”
“Nicely done,” he commended you and you laughed.
“I don’t even know what I did,” you admitted, assuming it would be a much larger fight to get Luke and Alex away.
“Well, whatever it was worked,” he chuckled before his face fell. “I wish you were here.”
Your smile turned melancholy at that. It was certainly nice to be able to see him every day when you got a chance to call, but it was nothing compared to actually being together.
“We’ll be together again before you know it,” you tried to comfort.
“We still have two months of touring!” He whined and you nodded.
Sunset Curve did still have two more months of touring, but what Reggie didn’t know was that as soon as they stepped foot on US soil to finish off the last leg of their tour, you’d be joining them. You’d been in cahoots with your brother, Flynn, and Julie to plan everything in secret. Of course, you were really only planning to surprise Reggie, but to throw off suspicions you had to claim to want to surprise all the guys. You’d be traveling on the girls’ bus but everybody knew you’d be spending the most time with the guys. You did grow up with them, after all, whereas you’d only known Julie and Flynn for a couple of years.
Still, it was difficult to talk to Reggie every day, watch him pout as he whined about missing you and how long you had before you’d see each other again, without throwing in the towel and telling him everything. The look on his face will be worth it, you had to remind yourself each time.
So, you nodded along, strategically choosing your words to avoid lying to your boyfriend.
“I only have a couple more minutes, babe,” you said after about a half-hour had gone by with the two of you sharing about your days.
“Oh, right, your class,” Reggie groaned, not wanting to hang up.
“Believe me, I don’t like this any more than you do,” you sighed, giving him a tight-lipped smile. “But, I’ll text you when it’s over and maybe we can call later?”
Reggie nodded.
“Don’t find any cute girls to replace me while I’m gone,” you joked and he shook his head.  
“How can I? I’ll be thinking about you the whole time,” he replied and you smiled shyly.
“I love you, Reg,” you said softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
You were practically running across the airport. No, not practically, you were running through the airport.
You and Bobby had strategically planned your flight out to the east coast to meet them so that you would land a little before them and be at the airport waiting for them when they arrived. Neither of you had considered delays in your plan and so you were running from your gate across the airport to try to get to the boys’ gate before they disembarked the plane.
You could feel your phone vibrating in your back pocket and cursed quietly to yourself, knowing it was Bobby texting you that they were getting off the plane. You groaned, though in your out-of-breath state it came out as more of a stuttered whine.
You were pretty sure you were nearly there when you heard it.
“Y/N?” A voice called out, sounding confused.
You cursed mentally, having hoped to have some time to compose yourself before seeing them, but obviously, you were too late.
“Reggie, what are you talking about?” You heard Luke ask the boy and you could practically hear your twin’s knowing smirk before you saw it.
When you finally spotted the group of teenagers grouped just outside the gate your eyes slid right past your brother and all your friends, finally locking onto blue-green eyes. Before you even realized what you were doing you were running again, launching yourself at your dark-haired boyfriend. Reggie caught you in his arms, spinning you around slightly before placing your feet on the ground. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, relishing in the feeling of being in each other’s arms again before remembering the company you were in. Reluctantly you stepped out of his arms before embracing Luke and Alex, still thrilled to see two of your closest friends just in a different way than Reggie.
“What, no hug for me?” Bobby asked with a frown once you’d hugged Julie and Flynn as well.
You scoffed, wrinkling your face as if the prospect of hugging your brother was revolting.
“If I must,” you sighed before wrapping your arms around your twin. “I missed you.” You added more sincerely. You had never been the kind of twins that were attached at the hip, but this tour had certainly been the longest and farthest you’d been from each other.
You pulled away, moving back to stand by Reggie who was staring at you with a mix of awe and adoration that you hoped the rest of the group missed.
“Wh-when? How? I- I can’t believe you’re here,” he stuttered out, pulling you into his side and you grinned.
“Bobby, Jules, and Flynn helped me plan it all out,” you explained, smiling up at the boy. “I wanted to surprise you.” You turned to smile at Luke and Alex, knowing they were included in the surprise even though it was really only intended for Reggie.
“So wait, I don’t get it, what are you doing all the way on the east coast?” Alex asked, puzzled and you laughed while Luke smacked his chest. “Surely you didn’t fly all the way out here just to see us?”
“No, you idiot! She’s joining us on tour!” Luke exclaimed before faltering, eyes flicking between you, Bobby, Julie, and Flynn for confirmation. “…Right?”
You nodded, laughing again.
“Yes, I got sick of missing you guys while you were traveling the world,” you grinned and Reggie squeezed your shoulder, a reminder that his arm was still around you. Luckily all the guys were pretty touchy so it seemed friendly enough. “So I’ll be with you for the rest of the tour!”
The guys all cheered at your announcement and you grinned, so thankful to be back with them.
You’d made it surprisingly long into the North American leg of their tour before any mishaps occurred. You couldn’t quite believe you’d made it that long given that all you and Reggie wanted to do in your free time was stay wrapped up in each other but there wasn’t exactly the privacy for that.
Still, you couldn’t help but be frustrated when the slip-up finally happened.
You’d been backstage before one of their concerts, the guys had left you and Reggie alone in their dressing room so you took advantage of your momentary privacy and leaned in to give your boyfriend a good-luck kiss on the cheek. Of course, it was just your luck that the guys would bust back in looking for their bandmate just as your lips made contact with his cheek and before you knew it you were giving the other three boys good luck kisses and mentally cursing yourself while Reggie held back a laugh.
Needless to say, you were more careful next time but you were still stuck giving good luck kisses for the next few performances because the guys insisted that they actually performed better.
Of course, that whole ordeal was completely forgotten on the night of their last performance. You were all back in LA and after this performance, you’d be returning to your own homes and beds to sleep for the first time in weeks for you and months for the rest of the group. You knew they were all excited to be back home even though they loved touring.
You were excited to be home too, and maybe that was why you completely forgot the lesson you’d learned earlier on the tour and pulled Reggie in for a kiss when the guys stepped out of the dressing room for the final show.
It had meant to be a quick kiss so that the two of you could follow right behind them without arousing suspicions. However, you didn’t stop him when he pulled you in closer, prolonging your kiss. You were so focused on each other that neither of you heard the door open as Luke came back in to grab his forgotten guitar pick.
“Holy shit!” He yelled back down the hallway, scaring you and Reggie.
The two of you jumped apart hastily, but the damage had already been done. You could hear two pairs of footsteps as Bobby and Alex came running back down the hallway.
“You both owe me ten bucks!” Luke yelled triumphantly as the two boys appeared in the doorway.
“Aw, man are you serious?” Alex whined. “You guys couldn’t have waited until after the concert?”
Your jaw dropped open as the blond drummer and your brother began rummaging through their coats that had been left strewn across the dressing room couch for their wallets, each pulling out a ten-dollar bill and handing them to the guitarist.
“Y-you… you knew? And you were betting on us?” You sputtered, looking between the three guys in pure disbelief before whirling on your brother. “I can’t believe you!”
“Sorry, y/n, you’re not slick at all,” he shrugged, smiling smugly. “All the phone calls to Reggie specifically and then the good luck kisses?” He shook his head mockingly. 
“But, it was fun to watch you both squirm,” Luke added and you glared at him.
“I can’t believe you guys,” you pouted, glaring at the three of them.
“Well, at least we don’t have to sneak around anymore,” Reggie pointed out, slipping his hand into your own and you turned to smile up at him.
You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips and heard the guys groan.
“Okay but I still don’t want to see that!” Bobby whined and you smiled into the kiss, flipping your twin off with your free hand.
“What the hell are you guys still doing back here, we have a show to do!” You heard Julie call, her voice getting closer as she approached. “Oh, I see. It’s great that you guys are public now but we still have to get onstage.”
You laughed as you pulled away from the kiss.
“Knock ‘em dead, rockstar,” you said softly before letting go of his hand so he could follow his bandmates out into the hallway.
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
55+32 for juke x
Pregnancy Fic & Established Relationship (im gonna give you the plot for the ff!luke fic i am not adding to my list)
It's an accident. Maybe from a night when Luke has gotten home from a shift that was a little too scary for comfort and all they both want is to be as close as they possible can be, so they're a little less careful then normal.
Julie takes a test a month or so later, not really expecting the two little lines to show up because she was on the pill and it was one night without a condom but she sits on the side of the bathtub and watches the lines show up and just sorta. stares at them for a really long time. Because the two of them had talked about the future and maybe having kids one day but they'd been sort of pushing it until 'later'. Turns out 'later' didn't want to wait any longer and now they're apparently going to be parents.
She waits until Luke gets home, cleaning their flat more then she ever has before, spends a few hours making homemade bread because she needs to distract herself, order take out and sets the table and waits for Hotdog place herself at the door because he'll be home any second. Julie has never been very good at keeping secrets, and even if she had been, Luke is always really good at telling when there's something wrong with her. So there's no hiding it, no beating around the bush. She just hands him the test (and the 2 others she'd done as well) and watches his face go from confused to blank to awed to pure love.
They spend that first night the same way they spent the first night Julie moved into her flat, on blankets and pillows in the living room with a vinyl playing softly in the background as they talk about what they're going to do. Luke spend a long time talking to her belly with Julie laughing and telling him they dont even have 'ears yet babe'. They hold out on telling their family and friends until after her first doctors appointment, just to be careful and make sure, and there is A Lot of joy and celebrations and hugs. (there's probably a little moment between Ray and Julie where she says "I wish mom were here." and he hugs her, kisses the top of her head and says "Me too.")
It's a fairly standard pregnancy, little to no complications. Other then the fact Luke has suddenly gone into over protective mode and Julie has to literally cancel an amazon order for bubble wrap before he covers their whole flat in the stuff. Reggie somehow keeps finding all the fire/firefighter related baby stuff possible and no one can work out how. Alex and Willie take it upon themselves, with the help of Tia Victoria, to make sure neither Julie or Luke have to cook for at least a year. Flynn and Julie go on a lot of shopping trips which nearly all of them end with Julie crying over a small pair of shoes or a stuffed rabbit.
She goes into labour like a week early, so Luke is still at work and Julie is home alone and when she calls him, a little bit panicked, he's out on a call. Harrison tells Luke to go, they send the little emt van people to their place to pick Julie up so she doesn't have to drive and they all meet at the hospital about the same time. Couple of hours later they're in a hospital room, all tired and a little loopy on pain meds but so freaking happy as they hold a little baby together.
hope you like it and thanks for sending one!! 💜
send me two and i'll come up with a fic!
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biqherosix · 4 years
ghost protocol - part two
angst, fluff, spy au
(julie and the phantoms — romantic! luke patterson x fem! reader)
the first day of school for the petal pushers isn't exactly ideal when their hitman runs into new people and a familiar face, leaving secrets to be kept
cw / none
a/n — off topic but luke patterson, this is a humble invitation for joint custody of our rings. we are definitely not the same ring size, but please accept so we can be funky statement ring bisexuals together !! but ah other than that enjoy !! don’t be afraid to interact and tell me what you think, ask questions, simp, whatever !! your thoughts matter to me and i utterly adore each and every one of you but yes please interact bc i am flopping and am in need of a gp breakdown with y'all !!!
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that morning, all throughout los feliz high school was an ongoing conversation of the four new students simultaneously walking in. the whispers and remarks only seemed to grow louder the more you walked around. but you paid no mind, skimming through the campus map with hopes of finding your lockers before the bell. as your friends halting in their tracks went unnoticed by you, you walked on.
catching a “new girl number three at three o’clock.” from an eerily familiar voice, shivers ran up your spine. shaking away the thought, your perception was at an all time low. colliding into someone else, you took a small, sharp blow to the stomach. with a groan, whatever they had been holding now fell to the floor with several clicks.
“oh my gosh. are you okay? um, i’m really sorry-” they rambled. waving his apology away, you stuffed your map into your back pocket.
“don’t worry, that was on me. i got it.” you smiled, kneeling down to pick up what he stabbed you with. noticing they were drumsticks, you picked one up. mirroring your stance, he grabbed the other one with a shy smile. while doing so, you took notice of the unique combination of shoes he wore; colors and textures clashing with textured socks in a way only he could make work. you could've sworn you'd seen those pair of shoes before, but you assumed they were in the window of a store you had walked by once.
“nice shoes by the way.” you nodded towards them, standing back up to complete his pair. his cheeks shone with a faded pink, twirling the drumsticks once again.
“oh uh, thank you.” you fiddled with your fingers, about to speak up when carrie’s voice boomed from across the hall.
“y/n! i found our lockers, come on!” gesturing for you to come over, you nodded quickly.
“and that’s my cue. uh, it was nice meeting you…” you trailed off.
“alex. mercer. my friends are uh over there so, yeah. we’re seniors, but we got transferred here a few months ago.” he explained, pointing over your shoulder before holding his hand out for you. from behind you, two boys had been watching your interaction with alex with a smile. from afar, it was apparent there was one more friend by the way the one had attempted to grab his attention. alas, you couldn’t make him out when his body had been covered by the door of the locker.
“cool, i’m y/n l/n. the one yelling my name; that’s carrie wilson, we’re both seniors. so, it looks like i’ll be seeing you and your little quartet quite often. i'm on my way carrie! bye alex, nice meeting you.” shaking it firmly, you gave him a final smile. gently pushing past him, you made your way towards the light brunette.
“girl, you’re living that wattpad life, and you just walked in! how is someone flirting with you already? just make sure carrie does a background check before you go on a date with him; you know, the usual and all. but i give it two weeks before he asks.” julie gaped.
“guys, he wasn’t flirting! if anything, it was a rather warm welcome.” you protested with a laugh, playfully shoving the younger girl’s shoulder.
“well, if he wasn’t flirting then, this guy might be flirting now. eye candy and his friends at twelve o’clock are heading our way. and quickly!” flynn’s eyes widened, looking straight ahead.
“stop staring!” julie hissed, swatting her shoulder.
“i’m sorry, i can’t help it!” you shook your head. covering the girl’s eyes prompted a laugh out of julie, but you were pulled out of your playful banter when that familiar voice creeped up on you again.
“hey. carrie, right?” his soft tone rippled through your ears. inhaling sharply, you let your hand fall from flynn’s face. slowly looking for the source of the voice, your heart beat erratically. and suddenly it felt as though everything stopped.
a swirl of grey and green eyes that were once glinting with concern, now shone as bright as ever. a silent song of anger filled your body at the thought of him so close to your loved ones.
“it all depends. who’s asking?” carrie asked.
“i’m luke patterson. and well, these are my friends.” he pointed out, leaning onto the wall of lockers.
“i'm bobby, ‘sup?” he winked, adjusting the backpack on his shoulder with a smile.
“reggie peters, nice to meet ya.” he saluted, popping the collar of his leather jacket.
“alex, we already met.” he shoved his hands in his pockets, drumsticks now tucked into his backpack. they all seemed harmless, but their affiliation with him only heightened your senses.
“anyway, since we were kinda the new kids a few months ago…would you be interested in exploring the area? and maybe getting a late lunch afterwards?” luke asked carrie with a soft smile, rubbing the back of his neck. carrie flushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. as she stammered, you wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“actually, we’ve got plans. right, babe?” you pouted, momentarily glancing at carrie. wrapping an arm around her shoulders, you diverted your gaze with a small smile. instead, you focused on the boy in front of you with a message in your eyes you hoped he’d catch on to. flitting his gaze at your tone, he caught your eyes. with his own eyes dimming, luke’s once wide smile slightly faltered. running a hand through his hair, he prayed no one noticed the change in his personal atmosphere.
“mhm, that’s right! i’m sorry. but if you’re looking for a date, i’m not interested.” she declined, pursing her lips. looking at you. it was now luke's turn to flush, sputtering incoherently.
“oh- well it…well it wasn’t like that.”
“sure it wasn’t.” you retorted.
“no, really! i swear! i’m sorry it’s just-”
“what luke means to say is that we understand the feeling of being new and not having anyone but each other when we all transferred. the offer to hang with us during lunch is always open, we usually sit it out in ms. harrison’s music room.” alex cut him off, glancing at his boys.
“we’ll think about it, thanks alex. and luke?” you nodded.
“what's up?” he looked over at you again.
“move over, you’re leaning on my locker.” you deadpanned.
“right. sorry.” he coughed, taking a step back and waving to your locker. the rest of the girls analyzed your exchange, noticing the way luke couldn't stop fidgeting. flynn was about to point out your numerous glances towards the boy when she was interrupted by the blaring of the bell and its following morning rush.
“saved by the bell! if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be going now.” you exclaimed, shoving your physiology textbook into your locker. slamming the door shut elicited a yelp from alex and reggie, to which you furrowed your eyebrows in apologies. grabbing carrie's hand, you sent one sickly sweet, lethal smile luke's way before entering the halls.
“wait, y/n! your first period is this way!” julie yelled, pointing to the hall opposite of you. wincing, you walked back to see the boys frozen to their spots.
“right. love you, bye!” you whispered, giving their shoulders a squeeze. as you and carrie walked away, the two girls watched you grow smaller with distance. when you were out of sight, they whipped their heads around with apologetic sighs.
“we are so sorry about y/n! this transfer has just been really hard on her, and i guess you flirting with her girlfriend didn’t exactly…ease the situation.” julie explained, awkwardly chuckling. gripping tightly onto her backpack straps, her silence and wide eyes caused flynn to step in.
“yeah! we swear, she’s not usually like that. lesson one, just don’t flirt with carrie. but uh, we better get to class. don’t wanna be late, you know?” flynn finished, using her actor skills with ease. the boys nodded in understanding.
“yeah, of course. you guys need any help getting around?” reggie asked with a soft smile.
“nah, we got it. thanks though!” julie smiled.
“i’m flynn, if anyone asks by the way. and this is julie, we're juniors-”
“let’s go! we’re gonna be late for english!” julie sang, pulling an infatuated flynn away from the four seniors. chuckling, as soon as the coast was clear, they began making their way towards their own classes.
“dude, that was awful! what happened to the stud we all know? because that was so not like you.” bobby exclaimed, punching luke’s shoulder.
“yeah! you were all stuttery and red! and y/n ripped you to shreds! man, i wish i caught that on tape- sorry dude.” reggie apologized as the actor sent a glare his way.
“i mean, you guys have to understand that luke flirted with carrie in front of her girlfriend. we knew that this mission proved to be harder than we thought. but our only way in just got shut down. it’s officially at a whole other level.” alex explained, taking note of his friend’s unusual silence.
“but girls are just like that; it’s a possibility they’re not actually dating. you know how it is in the world, girls just gotta look out for each other. we should find out though, to be sure.” bobby shrugged.
“julie and flynn seem to be warming up to us though! i think we’d make really good friends. no offense, but julie seems like the type of person to encourage my hobby of writing country music.” reggie pointed out, glaring back at luke.
“i never discouraged you, i just wanted you to write them somewhere other than my journal! you knew it was classified!” he spoke up for the first time since his rejection to defend himself.
“luke, it’s a songbook!”
“that doesn’t make it any less classified.” the strategist rolled his eyes, clapping his hands to gain their attention once more. both boys huffed, turning to face bobby.
“guys, focus! but reggie’s right about flynn and julie. and as much as i hate to say it, maybe we can use that to our advantage. for now, we’ve got a lot to compromise.” he said.
“bobby, don’t you think that’s a bit much, even for us? this is between phantom and wilson- trevor, and maybe carrie- not you though. god, why is wilson such a common last name?! not the point i’m trying to get across, sorry. what i'm saying is julie and flynn are innocent. y/n? she’s a little questionable. but they’re just teenagers affiliated with a money launderer.” alex protested, quieting himself at the mention of money laundering. everyone went silent, understanding where he was getting at. but they also understood situations like the one they were facing now were simply part of their everyday lives.
“i know, i know. but this is all we have. months of dead ends and an infiltrated deal have led us here. we can’t let our lead go away so easily. i’m sorry guys, but you know what caleb would say.” bobby sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“use any means at your disposal.” the four muttered in unison.
“what’s the plan then?” reggie queried.
“alex, check out their schedules; send them to us and whoever’s closest to their class before lunch can check in on them. if they don’t give you an offer to join them, ask them to lunch again with the possibility y/n won’t be around. she’s currently our biggest threat standing between us and trevor. everyone got that down?” with no objections, bobby nodded in satisfaction.
“great, we’ll see you later then. keep an eye out.” clapping their backs in goodbye, the strategist turned a corner towards the stairs. with a quick salute, reggie followed suit. the two remaining boys kept on their trail, a silence consuming them as luke played with his rings.
“dude, are you sure you’re okay? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” alex piped up, furrowing his eyebrows.
“yeah, i’m all good. it’s probably just the pre-plan jitters.” luke nodded curtly.
“you can talk to me you know. contrary to popular belief, while i can’t hold a physical conversation, i can listen very well.” the blond reassured.
“i know. nothing’s going on. really, it’s just the usual.” he shrugged. except how do i tell you that “the usual” is just me hiding a damaging secret, knowing the consequences of keeping it a secret could change the whole course of our mission as we know it?
“ah, well that’s nothing a little psychology can’t fix! i heard learning how to get into people’s heads will make you a better actor…because seriously, that performance was awful!” luke chuckled weakly. letting alex walk into class first, he composed himself before taking a seat. when the late bell rang signalling the start of today’s lesson, interesting concepts the actor normally absorbed like a sponge were thrown out the window when ultimately, his mind was consumed by thoughts of you — the fierce, determined girl from that night willing to lay down her life without a second thought.
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unholyobsessions · 4 years
Sunset Coffee
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Pairing: Julie x Luke
Description: Julie develops a crush on the cute barista, little does she know he feels the same way
Warnings: none i think
Word Count: 3.5k
Prompt for jatp week Day 2: Write an AU. Modern AU / Coffee Shop AU @jatp-week​
The bell above the door dings as Julie pushes it open. The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills her nostrils and she scrunches her face. She dislikes coffee, always has, too bitter for her taste, but she loves hot chocolate. Her mom used to make it for her at least twice a week and for a year after her mom’s passing, she made it her goal to find a coffee shop that made it as good as her mom did.
Sunset Coffee is a small shop in the corner of a small suburban neighborhood. It’s hidden behind the façade of a one story home, the only evidence of its existence being the small sign by the front lawn and on the door and the amazing yelp reviews left by their devoted customers.
Julie discovered it by accident. She was riding her bike around aimlessly through the city when she had the sudden urge to use the bathroom. Deciding to knock on the friendliest looking house, she was surprised to see the sign by the door. She went in carefully, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere created by the music playing softly in the background, and a number of college-looking students on their laptops or with textbooks opened around them. She went up to the island at the corner of the room, being used as a makeshift counter, and asked the barista on the other side if she could use their bathroom. The girl, looking no older than nineteen, smiled and pointed her in the correct direction.
Julie smiled back and rushed to the empty hallway, opening the door and walking in to do her business. She decides to stick around, going back to the counter and asking the question she has asked at dozens of other coffee shops.
“Do you sell hot chocolate?” The smile she receives in return answers her question. She stands by the counter as she waits for her drink, allowing her eyes to drift over the room. The walls are covered with different types of hand writing. Quotes from books, movies, or tv shows. Jokes, phone numbers, emails, and instagram handles. Theres a basket by the door, she notes, filled to the brim with different color markers, encouraging people to express themselves.
She receives her drink and she takes it, handing her the exact amount of change. She decides to explore the rest of the rooms, intrigued with the nice shop. The next room has couches instead of chairs and the walls are painted with chalk paint. There’s drawings, to-do lists, and so much more written on the walls. She smiles and takes the first sip of her drink. As soon as the liquid hit her tongue, she knows that she will never get a hot chocolate from anywhere else. It’s not quite the same as her mom’s but the difference is what makes it so good.
There’s a hint of cinnamon hidden behind the rich taste of chocolate and Julie finds herself closing her eyes, savoring the moment. She continues exploring, keeping a grasp of the mug. There is a total of four rooms. The entry one, the chalk one, one with bright red booths, mimicking an 80s looking diner, complete with a jukebox in the corner, and the last one that has normal black tables with gold accented walls. There are autographed picture frames of famous people who Julie assumes have visited the coffee shop hanging on the walls.
After finishing the drink, Julie places the mug in the sink by the corner meant for all used mugs and glasses. She bids goodbye to the barista and leaves, making note of the address and promising herself to be back soon. She went back two days later and has been there almost everyday. She goes after school, to do either her homework or work on some songs.
She looks up from her phone, ready to greet Flynn, who she became fast friends with and no longer has to even ask what she’s having, already having the drink prepped since seeing her pull up. She is however met by a male voice, welcoming her into the shop. Julie’s head snaps up to meet his eyes and she freezes. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen anyone as attractive as the man standing before her. She clears her throat and continues walking forward, already pulling out her wallet from her backpack. She hands him the exact amount needed as she always does and he merely raises an eyebrow.
“Umm what are you having?”
Julie gapes at him, feeling stupid for her actions. “Oh! Right. A hot chocolate please. Sorry, Flynn already knows what I order so it’s a force of habit.” The man chuckles and presses a few buttons on the cash register, taking the money from her and handing her the receipt a few seconds later.
“No worries, I normally work mornings but Flynn called in sick so I offered to come in today.” He walks back to make her drink and Julie stands awkwardly by, gripping the straps of her backpack. He turns back and hands her the cup with a smile. “So with Flynn knowing your drink I’m guessing you’re a regular?” He asks, hoping to start a conversation with the pretty girl.
“Yeah,” Julie looks down for a second. “I’m Julie.” She would have offered her hand for a handshake but considering her grip on the mug, she decides it’s a bad idea.
“I’m Luke.” He slightly bites his lip and Julie has to try her best not to swoon over him. She nods her head and takes a step back going to sit in one of the empty tables. She normally opts for the couches in the chalk room but for some reason (certainly not the attractive barista) she decides to stay in the front room today.
Luke Patterson’s parents have owned Sunset Coffee since he can remember. The quaint little house on a suburban street owned by his grandparents was left to his family after their passing. The decision to remodel came after his dad lost his job, and the extra house in his name left room for ideas. He remembers sitting with his parents at the kitchen table as they decided what to do with it and his small, seven-year-old voice, speaking his opinion.
“We can sell coffee!”
Of course Luke didn’t drink coffee, but he hears the compliments given to his father’s coffee every time they have company over. To him it’s just a bitter drink he had once but from what he’s seen and heard, it’s seen as a necessity by adults.
His parents were a bit skeptical at first but the idea grew on them and they got to work. His mother designed the rooms, taking inspiration from the internet and his father took care of the menu, trying different concoctions that would often be served with dinner, decaf for young Luke of course.
Once it opened, it took a while for people to notice the hidden gem but once they did, everyone loved it. Although not known by many, those who come once normally decide to keep coming, loving the atmosphere it holds.
He started working there when he turned sixteen. At first he took the afternoon shift since he was still in high school, but after graduating he much preferred working mornings, since that left all of his afternoon free to practice with his band.
He’s known his bandmates all of his life. Living next door to Bobby made them friends by default and when they started first grade, they were introduced to both Alex and Reggie and the four have been inseparable ever since. They formed Sunset Curve freshmen year, naming themselves after their designated hangout spot.
They’re always hanging around when Luke has a shift, which is why it is not surprising when they burst through the door of the coffee shop as he is distracted, staring at Julie. The yell of his name breaks his trance and he rolls his eyes at the sight that greets him.
Reggie is draped over Bobby’s back, eyes drooping shut, probably from staying up all night writing his beloved country songs. Alex is smiling lovingly down at his phone and Luke makes a mental note of to tease him about that later.
They make their way to Luke and he tells them to go wait for his shift to be over in the diner room and then they could discuss their next gig. He tries his best to usher them away quickly, knowing that he will find it easier to work up the nerve to talk to Julie without them in the same room. They eye him suspiciously but ultimately ignore his strange attitude, walking away and down the hallway.
As this happens, Julie is opening her laptop and slipping on her earphones, her Spotify is opened to her ‘You Can Do It’ playlist and she hopes that this will encourage her to actually write her Common App essay. She is consistently drinking from the mug, finishing her hot chocolate sooner than expected.
After his friends finally decide to leave him alone he looks back to the pretty girl, lost in the her own little word. He is shocked to find the empty mug already placed on the table, and he is sure he has never seen anyone drink a hot chocolate that fast. He makes the quick decision to make her another one because by the way she has settled into her seat, it looks like she is going to be here for a while.
A few minutes later, Julie is startled when Luke picks up the empty cup and places new warm beverage, complete with whipped cream on the top, in front of her. She slips off one earbud and turns to him.
“Oh I didn’t order another one,” which as she thinks back, is a pretty stupid thing to say because of course he knows that she didn’t order another one, considering the fact that she has not moved from her spot.
“I know, it’s on the house,” he smiles at her and Julie swears it’s like looking at the rising sun. So bright, but beautifully enchanting that it makes it impossible to look away.
“Thank you,” she says, slightly embarrassed because she doesn’t know if he’s flirting or if he is just being considerate.
Of course Luke is flirting with her, and he hopes to God it’s working. He wants to ask for her number, but as he spots her laptop and sees the screen he suddenly deflates. There is a list of prestigious colleges open next to her google doc filled with essay prompts. He however, barely graduated and is not even in community college as he waits for his band to make it big. He has never been insecure about his decisions, and is actually extremely proud of what the band has accomplished, but as he stands before this beautiful and obviously intelligent girl, he suddenly feels as if his accomplishments are not good enough.
So instead of asking her out as he originally planned to, he walks away. He continues to stare at her though, and if he starts asking Flynn to switch shifts with him more often then it’s merely a coincidence.
. . .
It takes a month of endless pining for his friends to finally attempt to knock some sense into him.
It’s the eighteenth time that Luke has asked Flynn to change shifts with him in order to see Julie and speak to her for a few minutes. Flynn definitely knows what’s going on, and knows full well that Luke’s crush is reciprocated because of her many late night phone calls with Julie. She, of course, doesn’t say anything, simply agreeing to take the morning shift, and sending a quick text to Julie telling her that her knight in shining armor will be working that day. This text normally leads to Julie clearing her schedule and going to the coffee shop if she wasn’t planning to already.
Their interactions normally go as follows:
Julie smiles. Luke smiles back. Luke makes the drink, and gives her a compliment. “I like your jacket.” Julie will blush and avert her eyes, speaking a soft “Thank you” before taking the drink and paying. If she’s feeling confident (normally caused by a good score on a test that day) she’ll compliment him back. “I like your t-shirt” which normally translates to ‘I listen to that band as well.’ Luke will grin and then Julie will walk away.
It drives them both crazy because this is how they actually want their interactions to go:
Julie smiles. Luke smiles back. Luke makes the drink and gives her a compliment. “You look beautiful today.” Julie thanks him and compliments him back with a teasing smile. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” She takes the drink and pays but before she can walk away Luke stops her. “Do you maybe want to go out sometime?” Julie internally screams but keeps her cool on the outside, not wanting to seem desperate. “Yes, definitely.” They look away bashfully and Julie takes the seat closest to the counter, keeping conversation with Luke for the rest of his shift.
It never happens and it annoys all the regulars who have picked up on their feelings for each other.
Today, Julie finds herself receiving a text from Flynn which is why she is now pedaling in the direction of Sunset Coffee. There is a nice, light wind that rustles her hair as she bikes across the city. She stops in front of her favorite place, kicking down the stand and placing the bike behind the fence. She smiles at Luke, who, as per usual, sends her a grin and a wave from behind the counter.
Alex, Reggie, and Bobby, sit on the table closest to Luke, sending him teasing smiles that cause him to blush. He turns to make Julie’s regular hot chocolate as she takes out the exact change from her wallet. They all eye the exchange, wondering if today will finally be the day one of them makes a move. They are disappointed to see the two exchange nothing more than shy smiles and thank you before Julie walks away and into another room.
Luke turns back to his friends, ready to continue their conversation about the gig on Saturday to find them all glaring at him. He quickly raises his hands up in defense, rushing out a “What?”
“You’re an idiot,” Alex says. Which is followed by “Agreed” and “I second that” by both Reggie and Bobby respectively.
“You’ve been in love with her since the second you laid eyes on her. Even Reggie noticed and he is as oblivious as it gets,” Alex continues. Reggie points his finger in agreement, seemingly ignoring the dig at him.
Luke looks down at his feet, already embarrassed out how glaringly obvious he is. “It’s just,” he pauses and his friends wait patiently for him to gather his thoughts. “She’s too good for me. I mean she’s applying to universities right now and not just any random colleges, she’s going for the good ones, Ivys, UCs, that’s more than I ever did. I almost failed out of high school. I’m a knock-off Luke Hemmings doing nothing with his life.”
Insecure is not a trait anyone would normally use to describe Luke. Cocky, passionate, attractive? Sure, but never insecure. They’re all even more surprised at his reasons for not asking a girl out. He normally uses the band as a way to attract people to him, he’s never hidden it in shame.
“Luke you are literally one of the most talented people I have ever met,” Bobby starts. “Just because you crave success in something other than academics it doesn’t make you a failure. If she doesn’t realize how insanely amazing you are then she’s not the one and that’s that.” Luke looks up at him and he’s extremely glad that today is a slow day and the shop is basically empty because he’s almost sure he’s about to cry.
“Go ask her out man,” Reggie says.
“And if she says no then you can just go back to working mornings,” Alex offers. Luke throws a dirty dishrag at him and they all laugh. Luke then takes a deep breath and starts making another hot chocolate to take to Julie, almost sure that she is probably already done with hers.
He holds the drink carefully in his hands and makes his way down the hallway, finding her in the chalk wall room. She’s holding a pencil tight in her head and her eyes are closed. She’s tapping her foot at an even beat before suddenly stopping and writing something down. Her open laptop with a half done essay sits abandoned next to her.
Luke taps her shoulder, startling her out of her daze. She smiles up at him and it only widens once she sees the mug he’s carrying.
“I figured you might want another one,” he shrugs his shoulders as she takes it gratefully.
“You know, you don’t have to keep giving me free drinks,” she says before taking a long sip of the warm beverage.
Luke scratches the back of his neck gives himself a mental pep talk, taking a deep breath before speaking. “Well, if I’m being honest, I keep doing it trying to work up the courage to ask you out.” He fiddles with the apron tied around his waist and looks at her, trying to decipher what she’s thinking.
Julie doesn’t know what she’s thinking. The guy she has been simping over for a month just said he wants to ask her out, she focuses her energy on swallowing the sip she already had in her mouth without choking before looking up at him. She gets a sudden wave of confidence (she aced her calculus test) and she opens her mouth to speak. “And have you? Built up the courage I mean.”
She sends him a dazzling smile and Luke is sure that he is about to faint but he manages to keep his composure. “I sure hope so,” he mumbles under his breath before saying, “Julie will you like to go on a date with me?”
“I would love to.” They smile at each other before they both look away, suddenly bashful. “How about Saturday?” Julie suggests.
“Actually my band and I have a gig on Saturday,” Luke says slightly embarrassed but then he remembers what Bobby said and stands up straighter. “Actually, will you like to go? To the gig. It’s nothing big really, it’s in this club but it’s supposed to be really packed on Saturdays so we’re hoping it will be good exposure.”
Julie’s eyes widen in surprise, cursing Flynn for not telling her that Luke is in a band because it suddenly made him a hundred times more attractive. “Yes! Oh my gosh I would love to go. I love music, I’m actually applying to be a music major.” Now it’s Luke’s turn to be surprised.
“You play?” He sits down in front of her, his job suddenly forgotten, but he’s confident that one of the guys will take over if a customer comes in. They’ve seen him make orders enough times to know how to do it.
Julie nods. “The piano, my mom taught me when I was young and I fell in love with it. I don’t know what I want to do with it though so I’m hoping to double major in music and something else.”
Luke quickly realizes that his insecurities were completely misplaced. “That’s really cool. I play guitar and I’m the lead singer. Not that I’m bragging!” He is quick to defend himself, not wanting to seem overly confident and Julie giggles.
“When did you start playing?”
“My parents bought me an acoustic guitar when I was six, hoping that it would make me stop running around the house so much. They never expected their son to refuse to go to college to pursue his rock band though.” Luke shrugs at the end, his parents are supportive of him, they weren’t for a while but they came around and go to a lot of his gigs.
“I think it’s really admirable,” Julie says. Luke raises his eyebrows, a silent request for her to elaborate. “To be so passionate about something, to know what you want to do with that passion, and pursuing it no matter what.”
Luke knows he is blushing and is about to say something when Alex, Reggie, and Bobby, pop their heads into the room.
“Did you do it?”  “Did she say yes?” “Did you choke?” Are all questions his best friends ask. Luke sighs and shakes his head and Julie does her best to bite back a laugh.
“I did do it. She’s coming to the show on Saturday.” His friends cheer and Julie is unable to contain her laughter.
The guys all rush into the room and introduce themselves to Julie keeping her company as Luke goes back to work.
. . .
Julie goes to their show on Saturday, and every single one of their shows after that. And her decision to accept UCLA’s offer in April was definitely not influenced by her relationship with the cute barista.
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deaddovecoterie · 4 years
Anything particular you’d like to happen in s2 of jatp? Personally, more solos for Alex and Reggie, maybe a Willex song ?? 👀
more of trevor pls omg
carrie x julie x flynn friendship is an absolute must
carrie finding out about the boys
julie writing down the perfect harmony lyrics and luke finding them but thinking she wrote it about nick
just lots of juke angst to be honest
like istg if they give us a juke kiss i’m gonna pass away, I DONT WANT IT, PLS GIVE ME A
reggie molina and carlos molina, professional mischief makers
them bonding over pranking tia
i want more alex background
and on that note
maybe a hint of alex x luke background BUT i don’t want them to be together because ✨willex ✨
lesbian!flynn (maybe bi because she did show interest in the boys but still)
and bi!luke or maybe pan!luke
anyway yeah that’s all i can think of right now 👁👄👁
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