#background jancy
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Heart On Your Sleeve Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
written for steddiebigbang2024 and belatedly posting here!
“Freak's looking at you.”
There's a nudge to his shoulder that makes Steve jerk up, snapping out of the daze he'd been in.
“Huh?” he asks, looking at Aaron with his brow furrowed.
Aaron nods towards a spot halfway across the cafeteria, and Steve shifts his gaze over to see Munson standing on top of one of the tables, watching him expectantly.
“Can you repeat that, if you're expecting a response?” Steve asks. “I drifted off somewhere around comparing the swimming pool to a goldfish bowl.”
He's being honest - it's still harder to concentrate, and he saves it for classes and practice and tends to zone out when he doesn't need to pay attention - but it makes the people who were clearly listening in laugh.
Steve catches Munson's gaze and rolls his eyes, giving him an apologetic little shrug.
He's not really sure how Munson takes it, because he just bemoans the attention span of the average jock and clomps down from the table, but no one's looking at either of them anymore, so he guesses it doesn't matter.
Steve's almost disappointed. Might be kind of nice to see what Munson's like when no one's watching them, he thinks.
Things are okay, with him and Nancy and Jonathan.
His gaze doesn't automatically seek Nancy out in a crowd or anything - mostly because he'd always been at her side, before, so it's not like it's even something he's used to - but he still catches her gaze sometimes, still smiles and nods and doesn't say anything.
They share study hall together.
He and Nancy shared it before, of course, and logically he knows that Jonathan had it at the same time they did, but now - now they all have it together.
After the first few times of him or Nancy awkwardly veering sharply away from their previously shared table when they'd seen the other one was already there - one day they just didn't.
They don't say much, but the three of them sit together, exchanging class notes and books. Sometimes Steve sees the pinch in Jonathan's eyes and gives him a bottle of water and some ibuprofen, and sometimes Jonathan sees him squinting too hard at something and copies the passage over in bigger handwriting, and Nancy checks over both of their notes, and it's -
The jagged black cut in his heart scabs, fades, scars. He'll always love her, he thinks, but sometimes he thinks if they can get over the hurt -
Sometimes he sits with the two of them and it's the closest he's ever felt to being understood. Sometimes he thinks it's what he wanted with Tommy and Carol, all those years ago.
It's a start.
He runs into Munson after school, sometimes.
They don't say anything either, but after practice gets out and after Munson is done with his theater club or whatever it is, they'll see each other.
Sometimes, if Munson's selling, Steve will linger.
He doesn't really think Billy's stupid enough to point fingers at Munson, and most people are too afraid of him to do anything, but it still makes him feel a little better to keep an eye on him.
It kind of feels like no one watches out for Eddie Munson, not the way he watches out for his fellow freaks.
“What?” Munson demands one day, sidling up to Steve and slamming his goodie box down on the bench. “What're you looking for here?”
Steve frowns at him. “I told you.”
Munson's brows furrow. “You were serious about that shit? You think you're protecting me?”
“Why not?” Steve challenges.
Munson's eyes go flat. “And what's this protection going to cost me?”
Steve thinks about being offended, for a moment, before he wonders if other people have tried to make deals before, keep the other assholes of Hawkins High away from him in exchange for free weed or something.
He softens. “I haven't asked you for anything.”
Munson scowls. “Yet,” he counters. “Whatever you're thinking, if you're trying to get me to owe you, it's not happening. Fuck off, man, I don't need protecting.”
His heart clenches as he hears an echo of Max saying the same thing, and before he knows it he's reached into his chest and pulled out his heart.
The scowl melts into confusion for a brief moment before it's back in full force. “I'm still not showing you mine,” Munson retorts.
“I still haven't asked,” Steve counters. “I don't want anything, man, all right? Just looking out in case Billy tries something.”
Or anyone else, now that Steve thinks of it, but even with his heart pumping in a steady truth, he's not sure Munson'll believe that.
“Just like that,” Munson says flatly, after a moment of watching Steve's heart. “And what do your knights of the round table think of this?”
Steve's nose scrunches. “What?”
“Your knights.” Munson waves his hand dismissively, but - his tone isn't mean, isn't condescending. “It's a King Arthur reference.”
It's nice, that he isn't being shitty about Steve not understanding something.
“Right. So that makes me King Arthur, and you're - what was it again, the court jester?” Steve asks, giving him a little smile to show he's teasing.
“If we're doing King Arthur, I'm going with Merlin,” Eddie says.
“The old guy with the beard and pointy hat?” Steve asks.
Eddie puts his hands on his hips, fluttering his eyelashes. “You think I couldn't pull it off?”
Steve plays along, making a show of looking him up and down. “You know what, sure, you've got the right look for gray haired old man.”
“Asshole,” Eddie tells him, but he doesn't sound pissed anymore. “You know you're cutting into my profits, right? People see you lingering and they're less likely to come buy.”
Steve's brows furrow. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah, really. Only the desperate want to make illicit purchases under the watchful eye of Hawkins High's once and future king.”
Steve's quiet for a moment. “I'll stand farther away, make myself look busy.”
Eddie glowers. “Seriously? You're not giving this up?”
Honestly - Steve probably should. But he's stubborn, and Eddie throwing a fit about it kind of just makes him want to do it more.
“Who looks out for you?” he asks instead of answering.
Eddie looks thrown. “What?”
“That's why you do it, right? Why you started walking on tables and making yourself a target. It takes attention off of the guys younger than you.” Steve's trying to make a point, so he slides right over the fact that they both know everyone's younger than Eddie - this is his second senior year, after all. “So everyone watches you.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, a little bit of an edge back in his voice. “You watch me, Harrington?”
“No,” Steve replies, blunt and honest. “Not really. Not before.”
“Not before Billy Hargrove tried to blame me for bashing your head in with his fists?” Eddie asks.
“He smashed a plate over it, actually,” Steve shoots back. “But yeah, something like that.”
Steve's heart gives an erratic beat. It wasn't a lie, but apparently it wasn't enough of the truth, either. Eddie gives him a pointed look.
“There's these kids I babysit,” Steve says, slow and careful. “They're into the same things you are. They're gonna be in high school next year, and I won't be here. Neither will you, but it just made me think - I'd want someone like you looking out for them.”
Eddie watches his heart for a moment.
“What are their names?” he asks. “Yeah, I won't be here, but Jeff will be. I can tell him to look out for them.”
Relief swoops through Steve, and he doesn't even care when Eddie gives him a funny look after he includes Mike and Will along with Dustin, Lucas, and Max.
He won't admit it, but it helps.
The next day, Eddie sits next to him at lunch.
He makes a big deal of it, hamming it up as he hops over the bench and plops down, pulling out a sandwich and some chips and flattening out his lunch bag to make a plate for them.
Steve's sitting with the swim team today, and he watches some of the guys side eye Eddie like they're not sure what the joke is and who the punchline is supposed to be. He watches some of them look at him with disgust, too, and those he carefully files away to keep an eye on later.
“My liege!” Eddie announces cheerfully. “How fair you and your knights of the round table on this fine afternoon?”
“Your king is doing just fine, as long as you keep your boots on the ground and away from the top of the lunch table,” Steve retorts.
“Is this like when Carol used to call her and Tommy Duke and Duchess?” Jacob asks.
“Are we doing that, are we knights now?” Dorian asks, his eyes lighting up a little.
Dorian gets straight A's, Steve remembers that. English is his best class.
“Sure, why not?” Steve says, shrugging carelessly, even as he shoots a smile at Dorian. “You can be Sir Galahad.”
Michael groans. “Don't encourage him, this is stupid.”
Tanner snorts. “From the guy who calls his girlfriend princess.”
Michael flushes. “Shut up! It's just so Ashley will stop whining.”
“Uh-huh.” Jacob elbows him. “We've all heard you at Tina's parties pledging to be her knight in shining armor.”
They have, apparently, completely forgotten Eddie's existence as they fall back to ribbing on each other.
Steve turns to him, finding him watching the table with a narrow, calculating gaze.
“Eat your lunch,” Steve says. “My knights don't give a shit.”
These ones, anyway, and as long as Steve's there, but he's not going to say that.
They both know it.
Still, Eddie keeps it up. It's not every day, or every other day, or in any kind of recognizable pattern, but he'll plop himself down next to Steve's side like he belongs there whenever he feels like it.
Steve largely treats it like he doesn't give a shit, and most of the people he tends to sit with follow suit, if a couple of them can't seem to resist making snide little comments.
It's always the ones who make snide comments to everyone, the kind of assholes that Steve can't wait to get away from, so he mostly ignores it.
The sixth or seventh time it happens, Steve drops his apple on Eddie's folded over lunch bag.
Eddie stares at him.
“What?” Steve asks. “You're going to get scurvy if you keep eating nothing but bologna and Doritos for lunch.”
Eddie snorts. “I look like an eighteenth century pirate captain?”
Steve makes a show of looking him up and down again. “You look like something,” he replies.
Completely unexpectedly, Eddie flushes a little, picking up the apple and taking a comically large bite out of it.
Steve grins.
Steve's at swimming practice after school when Nancy and Jonathan show up.
The second he sees them hovering near the back door, he hauls himself up out of the pool, barely pausing to grab a towel on the way.
“What's happened?” he asks immediately, low and quick.
Jonathan's expression is a mess of worry, like he's trying not to panic, as he says, “I can't find Will.”
“We're supposed to pick him and Mike up from the AV club,” Nancy cuts in. “But they're not there, and they're not at any of their usual places at school.”
“Or at home, or anyone else's place, or the arcade,” Jonathan adds.
Steve's chest tightens. It's stupid, kids go off to places they're not supposed to be all the time - especially these kids - but given their track record, that doesn't mean they're not in trouble. “Let me grab my stuff, I'll be right there.”
Practice is almost done, anyway.
He shrugs into his windbreaker and grabs his backpack, darting out the door to follow them. He's already digging around in the backpack to pull out the walkie talkie Dustin gave him by the time he gets to them.
“Little shit better answer,” Steve grumbles, thumbing it on. “Dustin, you there?”
There's a tense pause as they wait.
“Dustin?” Steve tries again.
Jonathan's face goes a little paler, and Nancy's jaw clenches.
“Hey asshole, you're the one who made me carry this around, the least you could do is respond,” Steve bitches.
This time, the walkie flares to life.
“You're supposed to say over when you're done talking, Steve!” Dustin bitches back. “Otherwise I won't know it's my turn! Over.”
“Are you serious right now? It wasn't obvious enough?” Steve asks - then, because he wouldn't put it past Dustin to be a little shit about it, and he knows Jonathan is beyond worried - “Is Will with you? Over.”
“Yeah, he's right here. Why?” Dustin asks. “Over.”
Jonathan sags with relief.
“Was he maybe supposed to meet his brother somewhere?” Steve prompts. “Over.”
Whatever Dustin had been going to say in response to that is drowned out by a chorus of “Oh shit!” and “You said you were keeping track of the time!” and “Don't tell Mom, we'll be right there!”
Nancy rolls her eyes, taking the walkie from him. “Five minutes,” she says into it. “Or we're leaving without you and you can bike home. Over and out.”
Steve's pretty sure he and Jonathan both know that she doesn't mean that, but the kids don't know it, so he's equally sure that'll light a fire under their asses.
“Hey, Dustin, do you and Lucas need a ride home?” he asks once he gets the walkie back.
“And Max?” Dustin asks. “Over.”
“And Max,” Steve agrees, assuming that's a yes. “I'll meet you out front of the high school. Over.”
He shoves the walkie back in his bag, looking up to exchange a relieved look with Nancy and Jonathan.
“See you tomorrow?” Nancy asks, though Steve gets the feeling it's more to fill the silence that's gone a little awkward, now that the potential danger's passed.
“Sure,” Steve says.
“Thanks,” Jonathan tells him, eyes fixed somewhere at his left cheekbone like he's not entirely sure where to look.
“Any time.” It comes out too flippant, though, and Steve makes a face at himself as Jonathan turns to leave.
“Hey.” Steve reaches out, fingers curled loosely around Jonathan's wrist. “I mean it, okay? Any time.”
This time, Jonathan's eyes lock on his. After a moment, Jonathan's cheeks go a little pink, and then he nods before he follows Nancy down the hall.
Steve watches them for a moment or two, then drops his backpack down on a bench a little harder than he probably should, digging around for his sweatpants.
“I don't get it.”
Steve looks up as he's halfway through putting his pants on to see Eddie sidling up next to him in the hall.
“Don't get what?” Steve asks.
Eddie nods towards where Nancy and Jonathan just were. “The three of you.”
Steve shrugs. “We're friends, not a lot to get.”
He goes back to fighting with his sweatpants, wishing he'd dried off a little more before pulling them on over his speedo. They keep sticking to his thighs.
Eddie's gone quiet, though, and when Steve glances back up, he sees Eddie staring at him.
Steve cocks one eyebrow. “What?”
Eddie flushes, looking away. “Didn't figure you'd be so comfortable with the girl who broke your heart and the guy who stole her away, is all. Or hey, maybe she's putting out for both of you, maybe Byers is-”
“Hey,” Steve cuts in, tone sharp and firm in a way he hasn't had to do since he stopped hanging out with Tommy and didn't have to hold him back when he'd gone too far anymore.
But Eddie isn't like Tommy. Maybe he doesn't know Eddie all that well, but Steve gets the feeling he only lashes out when he's feeling cornered.
“Don't be a dick, man,” Steve says, voice softening a little. “They haven't done anything to you.”
Eddie looks back at him, a little surprised, before his expression goes contrite. “You're right,” he admits, easy as anything. “Sorry. It's good that you’re friends with your ex.”
Steve's sort of friends with most of his exes, but that's not the same. None of them were ever Nancy. “I do better as part of a trio,” he says instead of anything else, because it's kind of true.
Then, because he doesn't actually want to field any questions about that -
“Besides,” Steve adds. “If you've heard the rumors, you'd know that's not the kind of threesome I'm into.”
Eddie snorts inelegantly, like he's trying to cover up a laugh. “You telling me I should be putting stock in all the rumors I hear about you, Stevie?”
“Of course not. But the ones about my skills in the bedroom?” he shoots back. “Every word is truth.”
It's not, really. Or, well - not the one about the threesomes. Steve doesn't think sitting between two girls on the couch at a house party and going back and forth between kissing them counts as a threesome.
But it'd never been a hardship to combat that particular rumor, not when it meant he could take his time reassuring the girl he was with that no, he didn't want anyone else there, when he could spend a while making sure she felt important, felt good.
He thinks he'd kind of like spending some time making Eddie feel important.
Steve has no idea what the hell he's supposed to do with thoughts like that.
But he does know the way Eddie's eyes have lingered over his thighs and the line of his stomach and chest peeking out from his open windbreaker, and he-
“You want to find out which rumors are true, you just let me know,” he hears himself say.
Eddie doesn't bite, rolling his eyes and shoving him before he heads off, but Steve isn't deterred.
He hadn't missed the way Eddie's hand had lingered, either.
Steve and Eddie have free period together.
Well. Steve has a free period, at least. He's honestly not sure Eddie isn't just ditching, but it doesn't really matter.
They hang out together anyway.
They don't really say much, just - exist in the same space. Sometimes in the smoking area, sometimes at the track, sometimes at the picnic table, sometimes somewhere else in the woods.
They sit too close together when they're in the woods, shoulders or knees always touching.
A few times, Steve takes out his heart, lets himself breathe.
Eddie always glares at it, mutters, “I'm still not showing you mine, Harrington.”
Steve shrugs, tells him he still hasn't asked, and that's it.
Steve'll miss it once he graduates.
He graduates, and doesn't go to college, doesn't see Nancy or Jonathan or Eddie much anymore, and it's - it's fine.
He still hangs out with the kids, starts putting in job applications, and it's fine.
He's fine.
This is already written, and my plan is to post one part a day until it's all up here!
Part 5
Taglist (always happy to add more to this if anyone wants): @fairytalesreality @lostonceandneverfound @wheneverfeasible @awkwardgravity1 @theintrovertedintrovert @thewickedkat @ravenfrog @scarlet-malfoy @missmagillicuddy @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @ollyxar @cringe-culture-is-dead-99 @thedragonsaunt
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#steddie fic#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers#background jancy
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Based on this. I know I'm supposed to be working on my WIP but this just wouldn't leave me alone.
They met in Heaven. Steve was barely even old enough to be there, wide-eyed and in awe, like every baby gay that walked into the most prominent gay bar in England.
Eddie remembered the feeling well, it had only been a few years since he'd stood there for the first time himself but from his spot on the dance floor he could see the vultures circling. And just like looking like a tourist in the middle of Trafalgar Square, it's easy to end up in a bad situation if you're on your own and don't have a good poker face.
Eddie’s first time he'd been with Chrissy, his childhood best friend and given his mum insisted she move in with them after her dad had gone berserk when he'd caught her snogging Jessie, he supposed that also made her his sister. That's just how she was, his mum, just so full of love and kindness and generosity and for someone who'd been through all she had, it always amazed Eddie. His dad was AWOL, never even spoke to Uncle Wayne, they suspected he was in prison given the amount of time he'd been gone. Not that Eddie cared, his mum was his hero, hardworking, endlessly compassionate, staunch and all in all just out-of-this-world.
And between his mum and Wayne and Scott, Eddie and Chrissy had all the parents they were ever going to need. His uncles only lived two doors down, so the five of them ate dinner together most days, they were an amazing support for all of them, had been throughout Eddie's life. He knew how incredibly lucky he was to have them, hell he knew just how blessed he was just to have a family that accepted him. But the three of them loved so unconditionally, they made amazing role models, not just to him and Chrissy but to Scott's students too, the couple just wanted kids to grow up in a different world to the one they grew up in.
So Eddie couldn't in all good conscious just stand there and let this little baby bird get swallowed up. He didn't even wait for the song to end, completely forgetting his dance partner Jack or James or whatever, he just dashed over all overly friendly, "Hey! Where've you been? We thought you weren't coming!" He was shouting absurdly loud but it did the trick, prying eyes slinking back into the shadows.
Steve was initially confused but Eddie used the excuse of a friendly hug to tell him he was attracting all the wrong kinds of attention. In fact, Eddie's pretty sure he told him he was "far too pretty to stand in the middle of a gay bar gawping like a newbie" but it didn't matter, Steve had just been grateful to be rescued.
He'd only just arrived in London, he didn't even know anyone in the city but he just couldn't sleep until he'd at least tried being in the club, Eddie didn't need to be a mind reader to see Steve had found whatever he was looking for.
Eddie knew how important it was to have a community, especially for someone new to not only the city but to themselves (he'd always had Chrissy, she'd been by his side through all of it, just as he'd done for her, he wouldn't be him without her) so he'd taken Steve to meet Chrissy and Gareth and Jeff.
They'd all hit it off immediately, Steve was a sweet little angel with a razorsharp tongue, what wasn't to like! The five of them were fast friends who spent every spare minute hanging out together, quickly becoming a group of six when Steve rescued Robin after she'd walked into Heaven doing the very same thing Steve had. And those two were insane, it was like they'd been separated at birth, Eddie was surprised to find out they didn't share actual brain cells.
And god they were all just so close! They barely left each other's sight those first few years, they got jobs together, flats together, had dinner parties and sleepovers, went for coffee and on shopping sprees, Steve and Chrissy even went jogging together in the park when they weren’t too hungover from a night on the lash, they were settled in their domestic little London life. Looking back, the years spent in their tiny shitty flat was when Eddie was happiest, just the six of them, skint and hungover but full of life and completely content.
The girls were the first to fall in love, Eddie was unsurprised, he knew full well it'd been love at first sight for Chrissy, and from Steve's drunken ramblings (which was the only time he'd spill Robin's secrets) Eddie was pretty sure the same could be said for Robin. Jeff and Gare had been fuckbuddies for years but they finally got together after Jeff's particularly nasty breakup with Danny. Jesus H Christ! Gare had hated him! Basically from the moment he'd met the guy, it was speculation amongst the others as to whether it was a problem with Dan or a problem with someone else shagging Jeff. Things came to an explosive end when Dan cheated on Jeff, in the club bathroom of all places! Gare was about ready to take Dan outside, probably would've if Steve hadn't got involved until Jeff calmed him down enough to convince Gare to take him home instead.
Eddie had fallen so gradually for Steve he hadn't really even noticed it was happening until they were in Heaven one night and the light caught Steve just at the right angle as he was dancing and the realisation just plonked itself down in Eddie's head and heart, like oh! Oh fuck, I'm in love with him. Not that Eddie ever told him that, of course, Steve had come back to Eddie sweaty and panting and Eddie for the first time in his life, he'd been completely speechless. Then Steve had kissed him playfully on the cheek as an excuse to steal his wallet and all Eddie could do was laugh as he disappeared into the crowd to buy another round.
And it was all going amazing until, just as Eddie was bucking up the courage to tell Steve that he was kinda sorta maybe in love with him, everyone's career started to take off.
A random audition landed Steve a place in a boyband, where godforbid anyone is openly queer, the girls started a tour, and a summer anthem flung him, Jeff and Gare into the stratosphere overnight. And it was fine, love confessions could wait, they had time, Steve's contract was only for two years and who knew how long their popularity would last, they could be a one-hit wonder for all he knew. So those first few years, the six of them just focused on the music and making sure not to party too hard. They all really thought they’d done it, they’d made it big and they were happy, but it didn't take long for the cracks to start showing and then quick as a flash everything started to crumble.
Both he and Steve ended up solo acts, the boyband eventually running out of steam and his band ending when Jeff and Gareth imploded somewhere over the North Atlantic.
Not that it took long until they were back to being the best of mates though, with that much history you either part ways for life or you wiggle through the awkward stage and be the best friends you've always been. That's how Jeff described it anyway and given they both eventually met other people, and Gare's godfather to Jeff's little one (who's two going on eighty, Robin keeps calling them an old soul, he's never quite sure whether she means it literally or figuratively) Eddie's inclined to believe him.
Chrissy and Robin were the only two who actually managed to stay together, both musically and romantically; they're set to get married soon, he's happy for them, he is! And he's excited to walk Chris down the aisle, doesn't mean he also can't be a little jealous.
Because he and Steve, they're still acting like teenagers! Sneaking around, texting constantly, seeing each other whenever they can get five minutes on the same continent, and as much as Eddie still feels blissed out from their whole week together on an equatorial island in the middle of nowhere, being a teenager is only fun for so long.
Musically, it's going great! It is! He's producing bigger and better than ever, which'll happen when you're completely free of creative restrictions, and it's great, but sometimes there's such a thing as too much freedom and no-one's there to rein him in or talk some sense into him when he needs it.
Steve's also enjoying his solo career, he's bigger than ever, freer, his fans adore him, the general populous prefer his music now it's just him and none of them are surprised by how huge he's become, it's rare that someone so beautiful is also an absolute fucking gem as well as a creative genius.
So it's all going great! And Eddie looks forward to every second he gets to spend in Steve's arms, whether it's hours or days hauled up in a hotel room together (or on the luckier times, at home together). Because honestly there's no place he's happier than with his Sweetheart but he knows they can't have anything more, they can only ever have hidden moments and undeclared feelings, and it's kinda starting to feel like it's killing him because every time either of them leave, Eddie's leaving a little bit more of his heart with Steve.
And he isn't sure there's much left to give.
But the group are all still best mates, so he can't talk to any of them about it, can't talk to his manager because she's practically married to the guy who just also happens to be Steve's manager, can't talk to his therapist because they just come out with dumb comments like "why don't you just tell him how you feel?", can't even call home about it because they just want him to get down on one knee and propose and he can't tell anyone outside his immediate circle about how he's feeling because what if it gets out?
So he just does what he always has, he channels all these feelings into a cover of a song he hasn't been able to stop listening to since he first heard it because it's speaking to him and this is the only way to make it stop.
And when he steps off stage after its debut and he's met with nothing but a whole twenty-four hours of radio silence, it starts to make him nervous, then it makes him jittery and then it just makes him sad.
So he's alone in his hotel room, like he often is these days. The only thing he had planned for the evening was waiting for the videos to start pouring in from Steve's concert because his fans are wild in the very best way. And he can't blame them; he often feels the same way when he sees Steve perform and something about seeing the videos settles something in his feral goblin brain.
He's just laying in bed, channel flipping, eating Doritos and generally feeling sorry for himself when Nancy (his manager) calls, tells him to get dressed now! Chrissy has tickets for a thing, which should've been a massive tip off because one, why wouldn't Chris just call herself? And two, why is Nancy, Queen of planning every last detail down to the milliseconds, being so damn vague? But the silence has him all off kilter so he just does as he's told on autopilot.
He's dressed and in a limo and outside the stadium Steve has sold out before he even has time to register what's happening. And the whole group are there and they all have VIP tickets and yet they've barely said two words to him.
Eddie wants to ask what the fuck is going on but he daren't, he's a strong believer in not asking questions you don't want the answers to and he feels like he really won't want the answer whether it's a good or bad one so he just follows quietly while they chat about the terrible two's and trying to deal with stroppy wedding planners.
Eventually, they get situated and then the concert starts and for the first few minutes, Eddie stays shell-shocked in his seat but Steve's voice wraps around him like silk, like it always does, and before he knows it they're all on their feet, dancing and singing along, having a whale of a time, it almost feels like everything's back to normal but then there's a costume change.
Steve comes out in his full Danny Zuko outfit that he'd worn that very first Halloween all those years ago, and of course he still looks as good now as he had then. Dare Eddie say he might even look a little better now that he's grown into all of his features, now he's a little more muscular and he's got the swagger of a man comfortable with himself and the way he looks.
Everyone's going mental, his fans, the group, Jeff recognises the outfit first and starts ragging on Eddie, with full mimicry and big eyes "but Jeff didn't you see him, he's just so sexy!" making Eddie sound like the chick from Aqua. They'd all been hammered that night, Eddie's surprised he even remembers, can't deny it though, Steve had looked sexy, still does. Eddie'd take Steve over John Travolta any day of the week, but honestly he's kinda glad for the teasing, that's just Jeff's way of showing love and a bit of normality feels nice.
Especially because as he watches Steve strutting around the stage, chatting with fans and waiting for the screaming to die down, Eddie finds he's actually trembling. Then Steve speaks, settling thousands of people by just putting the microphone against his lips, like he's got them all under a spell and god it's so alluring Eddie's starting to feel a little hot under the collar.
And then his words float across the stadium, "A special song, for the very special someone in my life. There seems to have been some miscommunication between us, so I'm hoping this'll make things clearer," he tells the crowd, turning his attention to the VIP seating, searching for him until their eyes meet, smiling the smile Steve only ever seems to have for him and Eddie just melts.
He recognises the song immediately, of course he does, he knows it inside and out, knows it in his very bones because they've watched this movie together a thousand times, in a thousand cities, howling along or turning the characters into muppets or impersonating other celebrities because what if so and so had played…? because when they're together they can just be themselves, they can laugh and be silly like they used to when they were younger but to Eddie it never matters how he's singing, Steve always sounds beautiful even when he's purposefully trying to sound terrible.
But right now he's just Steve singing a song to Eddie, for Eddie, completely from the heart, in front of thousands of people, in front of the whole world and Eddie can't breathe.
Because how stupid could he be? How could he have got it so wrong? His Steve, his beloved Stevie, his Sweetheart. The years they've spent together! And yeah, in the beginning, they'd both been with other people, but it never lasted because really for both of them, it's only ever been the other one, probably from that very first moment, so eventually they just stopped trying, stopped involving other people and were just them whenever they could find the time to be together.
And yeah they never actually discussed being together and that clearly wasn't the smartest thing to do because that seems to be what's tripped them up because in private they're a couple in every way that matters. He's Steve's, it's just a fact of life. He thought Steve knew that!
Their family know that! They don't even have separate families, for god's sake, they might all have different surnames but whoever calls it's always "And how's Steve?" or "How's our boy?" like he's an extension of Eddie, like they're EddieandSteve. Even some of their fans have cottoned on, creating their own little subgroup, with cutesy names and "evidence" of the length and depth of their relationship.
It's only by the grace of god and Nancy and Jon's (Steve's manager) careful planning and scheming that means they've made it this long without the press finding out, he and Steve rolling around in bed laughing, the night after they've walked down a red carpet together, even having the audacity to hold hands sometimes and just howling at how clueless the tabloids are, because they've only ever been seen as bachelors, bros supporting one another and as Robin has pointed out on many occasion, it's ridiculous that so few people have spotted the ridiculously besotted, gooey eyes Eddie always has for Steve.
So they know they're not single but somehow they've both got their wires crossed because he somehow thought he was someone to keep Steve's bed warm and Steve has given him his heart and assumes Eddie doesn't want him! And how after all this time have they managed to get it so wrong?
The song ends and Eddie just flops into his seat and sits in wonderment, not really hearing and only seeing the tunnel vision of Steve doing his thing, just trying desperately to understand how he missed the signs that Steve loves him and how the hell he's going to untangle the mess he's made.
But before he knows it the concert ends and he's no closer to an answer and he's so far up in his head Eddie doesn't remember much else, just flashes of moments. Chris' encouraging smile, Robin's curled lip, Gare's arm around him, being backstage, his phone vibrating in his pocket, knocking on the dressing room door.
Then it's all Steve, his tentative smile, the shine in his eyes, his hair still wet from the shower dripping onto his t-shirt making glistening trails down his neck. His damp collar, his arms around Eddie, the sandalwood of his products, peppermint toothpaste and that underlying something that's just Steve.
Quiet, hesitant greetings in the silence, Eddie just opening his mouth and letting it all out, everything he's been holding in for so long, apologies and admissions and declarations, finally ready for the chips to just fall where they may, and he knows he's rambling, can tell by the endeared look on Steve's face, by the way he runs his thumb over Eddie's bottom lip knowing full well it'll stop his blathering in its tracks.
Using the opportunity to lean in, bumping their noses together, knowing Eddie will close the gap, will chase his lips with his own, will be thoroughly distracted from his thoughts as his whole world becomes Steve, Steve, Steve.
Eventually they come up for air, Eddie sitting in Steve's lap, content to rest their foreheads together, just feeling each other close and breathing the same air. Eddie, unable to stop playing with the still damp hair at the nape of Steve's neck, can't quite manage to wipe the stupid, lovesick grin off his face.
It takes a moment to register what he's doing as Steve wiggles Eddie's continuously vibrating phone out of his pocket, it had been ringing for so long Eddie hadn't even really noticed it but no doubt it's driving Steve crazy. Steve hates phones, he makes them all put them in a bowl when they hang out together, only Jon is allowed anything to hide behind but that's because he and his DSLR are inseparable.
It's his mum calling, Steve answers and she actually squeals! She loves Steve so much, she has from the moment they met, she treats him like he's her son and honestly if he didn't know that that's just the way she was he'd probably be a bit jealous, especially when he's only ever home for such short periods of time and her and Wayne sit around the breakfast table gushing over Steve's latest whatever, it drives him a little crazy.
Steve had barely been gone an hour the first time Eddie took him home for the weekend before they both started practically begging Eddie to marry him, they've only become more insistant since Chris and Robin's announcement, luckily Uncle Scott always has his back, rescues him from their tinkering with a "leave the boy alone, he'll ask him when he's ready" which is only somewhat helpful.
"So it's true?" she wants to know, Steve kisses Eddie's cheek, hums an affirmative and she screams so much Steve drops the phone onto the couch with a laugh, it goes on and on, like she's won the bloody lottery, the noise coming through the phone only interrupted by Charlie barking, confirming Eddie's suspicion that she's at Wayne and Scott's. Because he loves his family but they're abysmal when it comes to technology and thank god for Uncle Scott because he's the only one who can handle anything more complex than a TV remote.
And it hits him like a freight train because that means this whole thing was planned, and of course it was, he doesn't know why he's only just realising that, but it means that Steve heard him, that he saw and he heard and that this was his response.
It explains why Robin was so pissed, explains why no-one had anything to say because the whole group probably wanted to bang their heads together because what the fuck after all this time, how were they still not understanding each other?
And Eddie can't quite believe his luck, because they've had this massive communication hiccup but Steve just declared his devotion to him anyway, not only in front of his thousands of screaming, adoring fans but in front of the people who matter the most, because yeah the public finding out had been a sticking point once upon a time but none of that had ever really mattered.
Steve declaring his love to him in front of their loved ones though, even after Eddie's massive fuck up, even after he managed to get so stuck in his own head, even after he let that song corrupt what he knew in his heart, he just couldn't quite believe it. Steve's just…
Jesus H Christ!
He's everything!
"Marry me," Eddie blurts and Steve looks surprised for all of two seconds before he's nodding a watery kiss against Eddie's lips.
His mum starts screaming again, "He said yes, right? Eds! Eddie! Answer me!" Then there's the sound of the phone being handed to someone else, it's Wayne, "Eddie! Boy, answer your mother before she deafens us all!"
Eddie breaks away from Steve just enough to grumble "He said yes!" into the phone before turning the damn thing off. They’ve had enough distractions, enough time apart. For now, he just wants five minutes with his fiancé in his arms, before she calls Chrissy and the maniacs come piling in.
#this just wouldn't let me go#these boys#i adore them so much#their communication skills suck so hard#steddie musician au#steddie modern au#steddie british au#steddie au#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#platonic stobin#platonic eddissy#background buckingham#background clarkson#background jancy#aj writes
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no cuz imagine robin is house sitting for steve while he's away, she invites chrissy and eddie and nancy and jonathan over to keep herself company. it's jancy's date night (taking the kids to the arcade) so they bail, leaving eddie alone with two pining idiot dykes.
they smoke weed by the pool before they settle on a horror movie (i'm thinking some good ole steven king, children of the corn or carrie or something) and drink beers and wine coolers on the couch. eddie is three drinks and two joints in when the movie ends, and he calls it an early night. the girls aren't tired yet, so they put in another movie and light another joint. by the time they've finished their wine coolers, they've drifted closer on the couch. they start whispering to each other while the movie plays, tucking their feet up and slowly turning their knees toward each other.
this all ends when a jump scare gets them both, and they end up clinging to each other's arms. they look right at each other, locking eyes but not letting go. queue fast lean into slow kiss that dissolves into shamelessly making out on the harrington's couch.
#buckingham#chrissy x robin#robin x chrissy#robin buckley#chrissy cunningham#wingman eddie munson#background jancy#bachelor steve harrington. he has to do some soul searching before hes ready for love#but for the record. him and eddie are every bit as much a couple of pining idiots as buckingham is#stranger things#buckingham drabble
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The Ballad of Starcourt
Hellcheer AU prompt: In space
“Are you taking passengers?”
Chrissy jerks her head up. She wasn’t expecting anyone to ask her anything, not when Robin is the one to the front of the ship, twirling her parasol, and chatting to anyone who might be wandering by looking for safe passage. They’ve been left behind to watch the ship and pull in anyone able to pay a fee to go as far as Auburn. They’d been hired on Persephone to transport some medical goods to one of the outer rim planets and everyone else went off on the buggy to make the delivery. An actual honest job that will get them paid without being shot at. A rarity for the crew of Starcourt.
“We are,” she says, taking in the long, lean gentleman in front of her, guitar case strapped to his back. His trousers are dusty at the hems, practically standard for the outskirts of Hess. It’s not the worst of the outer rim planets but it’s far from the civilized Alliance ruled planet of Obsidian where Chrissy was born. He’s not from one of the inner rim planets, she’d bet money on it. He has dirt underneath his fingernails, thick silver rings on every long finger. His boots are hefty and black, the solid kind that you can walk an entire planet in. They’re unattractive as hell but they last. His long, dark coat looks like a cheaper version of the one Steve favors. There’s patches sewn into it, careful stitching where there were once rips. All of this says someone without any consistent income who takes care of what they have.
“Do you charge much?” he asks anxiously, taking in the dark mass of Starcourt behind her. Chrissy wonders if he just sees a clunky and outdated transport ship, like everyone else.
She remembers standing in front of the ship, clutching her suitcase, and wondering if answering an ad on the cortex was perhaps the dumbest thing she’d ever done. Judging by the ship’s appearance, she was about to be kidnapped and fed to Reavers.
She’d been wrong, thankfully. In the five months since she joined their crew, the chaotic and noisy ship has become her home. She knows the hiss of the kettle in the morning, the best seat at the dining table, every inch of the shuttle that is now her’s. She appreciates that Steve offered it to her, instead of one of the crew bunks. It offers her a bit of space and quiet from everyone else when she needs it. She’s new to the ship and the rest of the crew have such a tight bond that occasionally she feels a little like she’s intruding. Nancy and Jonathan are a couple, and Steve and Robin have been best friends since forever. They even all come from the same planet and her limited time aboard just doesn't feel like they can compare.
“We’re reasonably priced,” she says, because she’s already seen the fraying of his clothes, the angles of his cheekbones. “And my captain might be amenable if you can offer other payment. We had someone fix our microwave for us once so he could get to Crow.”
“I’m good at wiring and stuff,” the man says, looking hopeful. “If that helps.”
Chrissy thinks wryly to the flickering lights in the galley, the hissing of the radio and that their video occasionally flickers green. Somehow she thinks that Steve won’t mind. Robin spends so long making sure that the engine keeps running that she doesn’t have time for the smaller issues.
“It helps,” she says, and watches the dimples appear in his cheeks.
Oh. That also helps.
“I’m Eddie,” he says, offering her a hand. “I need to get to Sierra and I’m kind of broke.”
“We’re so broke that we take payment in baked bread and menial labor,” Chrissy says frankly. Their life aboard Starcourt is far from plush. They eat cheap noodles more often than not, and take illegal jobs because they pay. Some times are better than others, and all the crew do get paid, but the past few months have been tough. Too many parts that needed fixing in one go and if they get grounded, they’re done for. So the parts had to be fixed and they all just made do. “I’m Chrissy. I’m the medic here.” To her interest, he doesn’t do that usual thing people do when they find out that she’s the medic – which is flick their eyes doubtfully up and down her tiny frame. But she was trained at the best school on Obsidian, under Dr Kelly herself and she’s more than capable.
She could have had a glittering career on Obsidian. Everyone said so.
Right up until they didn’t. When the possibility of passage off the planet - and a paying job - presented itself, she’d taken it. And Steve had merely offered her a shuttle to have as her own space, and a fairly well stocked med-bay, and asked no questions about her former life. She’s so grateful for that, and she’ll patch up the crew until the time that someone asks her to leave.
“Nice to meet you, Chrissy,” he says, and his fingers linger a little on hers. “How is a medic required on a transport ship?”
“You’d be surprised,” Robin interrupts, and Chrissy looks past Eddie’s shoulder to see the small group of people standing behind their engineer.
Robin never looks like an engineer, not with her freckled face and wavy brown hair. But Chrissy learned very quickly that Robin does three things very well - talk very fast, make the best stew out of not many ingredients, and fix any spaceship you could mention.
“We have more guests,” Robin says, catching the direction of Chrissy’s eyes. If she thinks that Chrissy found an odd outsider, then Robin’s group is full of the strangest individuals she’s ever seen. There’s two guys about Chrissy’s age: one with brown hair and a smirk that she doesn’t like. The other one with long dark hair is wearing a strange green jacket and a baseball cap. Next to him is an older gentleman, with glasses and a curious expression as he stares up at the very top of Starcourt. He has curls and a friendly face, a backpack dangling from one wrist.
Behind them is another man her own age with a black leather jacket and the most piercing blue eyes that Chrissy’s ever seen. There are two girls standing with him, one with red pigtails and a furious expression and a dark-haired girl with wide, dark eyes.
“Right,” Chrissy says, thrown. “That’s a lot. How did you manage that?”
“I can talk to people,” Robin says, which is true so long as they’re not cute girls. It certainly explains how they ended up with these random guys and two kids. “People can be persuaded if they’re looking for cheap passage.”
“Can they be persuaded to not murder us in our beds?” Chrissy asks, because she has doubts about that. The blonde definitely looks like he might rob you without any issues, and even the two girls look like they might be capable of stabbing someone, given the right circumstances.
There’s a distant familiar rumble and the bright yellow buggy they use for short journeys appears, weaving its way through the crowds of people. Jonathan sits at the front, Steve and Nancy perched behind.
“Thank God,” Robin sighs, raising an arm to wave at them. “I hate doing the welcome speech.”
When the buggy pulls to a halt, Chrissy can see Steve’s eyes flick over their strange assortment of potential customers. None of them look like much but Steve is usually flexible so long as they can pay. And they obey his strict rules. Starcourt is his ship and he doesn’t make exceptions.
“Morning,” Steve says easily, climbing down from the buggy. He looks impressive, in his waistcoat and dramatic coat, hair swept back from his face by the wind. Chrissy sees both of the teen girls look a little stunned, because Steve has that effect on people. No one carries off ‘daring ship captain’ like Steve Harrington.
She doesn’t know much about their illustrious leader, only what she’s been told or can infer. He comes from money - fact. A lot of money - also fact. He has a bad relationship with his parents - hinted at by the stiff way he mentions his home world and upbringing. He’s been a playboy and used to bed a lot of people - she’s been told this by just about everyone.
What she doesn’t know is what causes the only son and heir of one of the richest families in the whole ‘verse to buy a hunk of junk like Starcourt, hire a crew, and disappear into the stars.
Given her own secrets, she’s not about to ask.
“I’m the captain and I have a few rules if you wish to use my ship to get where you need to go,” Steve says frankly to the group. “You obey the crew if they tell you something, you do not wander around the ship, you stay in the communal areas unless told otherwise and I do not accept anything illegal, explosive, or generally hallucinogenic aboard. Understood?”
There’s a general mumbling but the guy with the long hair looks a little sheepish. He raises a hand and Steve sighs.
“Nancy will check anything you may have, just in case,” he says, waving a hand and Nancy hops off the back of the buggy. Jonathan shoots off, hitting the ramp and climbing back onto Starcourt. Chrissy doesn’t miss the fact that there are new boxes on the back. They must have gotten another job while they were out.
“What is it now?” Chrissy asks quietly, once Nancy has commanded the attention of the passengers, fully intent on peering into their bags. Steve follows the line of her eyes to the vanishing buggy as it disappears into the depths of Starcourt.
“Oh,” he says flatly, running a hand through his hair. He looks stressed more and more these days, trying to keep them all afloat. Times are hard and sometimes Chrissy worries how long they can keep flying. She’s not sure what she’ll do if they get stranded on some planet and have to go their separate ways.
“Potato vodka,” Steve explains. “From Murray. We don’t get paid much to deliver it but I figure it helps.”
“Are we in trouble again?” Chrissy asks, because she thought maybe they were through the worst. With Starcourt having had a flurry of emergency fixes, they’d all hoped that they’d finally be able to stop spending every spare coin they had on keeping them going.
“Robin said we need a new…I don’t know, some doodad or we’ll break down in the middle of space,” Steve continues, a worried line appearing in his brow. No one ever doubts Robin when it comes to the workings of Starcourt. “Which I don’t really want and the only way to afford it is to take on passengers.”
“Which you hate doing,” Nancy chimes in as she passes by, intent on following her boyfriend back to the ship. Steve’s first mate, and his oldest friend, doesn’t look like much but Chrissy has learned that appearances are deceptive. She can take down men twice her size, wield just about any gun and hides more knives on her person than you’d expect of someone who’s five foot six.
“Which I hate doing because it involves babysitting a bunch of strangers aboard my ship,” Steve says in frustration. “Is that everything?”
Chrissy spins around to find that the boxes and all of their new guests have disappeared. Robin is folding up the umbrella and deckchair she uses when they’re docked, and just Chrissy and Steve remain on the dusty floor of Hess market.
“That’s it,” she sighs and slides her arm through Steve’s so they can wander up the ramp together.
“That’s a strange bunch you managed to find,” Steve comments, as Robin bounds ahead of them. They step over the threshold to find a flurry of activity, Jonathan and Nancy loading up the storage unit, their guests piling their belongings in the designated lockers. Robin skips between all of them, nearly whacking the blonde guy on the head with her umbrella. He glares at her, having only just missed the collision with his head, and goes back to putting his stuff away. She wonders if the two girls with him are his sisters, even though she’s not sure of any resemblance between the three. Unlike the others, their little group keeps to themselves, nervously eyeing the people around them.
Chrissy spots Eddie across the room, piling just about everything into another locker except for his guitar. He starts to smile at her when he sees her but it freezes on his face when he sees how she’s linked with Steve.
“Something wrong?” Steve asks, as he hits the button that will close up the ship. Chrissy watches Eddie turn away, a flicker of disappointment in her gut. No matter. They have five days until they reach Eddie’s desired port and that’s plenty of time for him to know that it’s just a misunderstanding.
“Just that there’s a lot of interesting people this time around,” Chrissy says instead. Because this does worry her - she’s not sure that they’ve ever had such a strange collection of passengers. Anything could happen with the ship this full. After all, it’s hard to have secrets when you live so close together. And Chrissy would know.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, squeezing her hand. “Who knows how this could turn out?”
#hellcheer#edissy#hellcheer au week#hellcheer bingo#background jancy#harringrove if you squint#prompt: in space#firefly au#captain steve#medic chrissy#mechanic robin#pilot jonathan#mercenary nancy#eddie munson#chrissy cunningham#steve harrington#billly hargrove
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Background Jancy, my BELOVED 😭
#I love their background moments so much#just little instances of them being loving or supportive#the BEST#always a team#jancy#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler#jonathan x nancy
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When Byler or Jancy fics exist without mentioning the other half of the siblings. Like what do you mean you're not obsessed with all of them??

#not even in a full double Byler romantic way#in a where the fuck is a mention of their sibling way#like Byler fics without Nancy I get a little bit but no mention of Jonathan????#Jancy fics where Mike isn't in the background being a little shit????#why would you do that to me???#idgaf that the four of them BARELY interact in canon this is fanfic damn it#ALSO they don't all hate each other they're sharing an apartment in nyc in the 90s#c'mon#... mayhaps I should go back to the double Byler WIP#very fine I'll do it myself#anyways#byler#jancy#will byers#mike wheeler#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler#stranger things
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there are now 2500 words of brainstorming for a new stranger things hogwarts au in my google docs. there are NO complete byler hogwarts aus on ao3 and best believe that will change. i’ve spent two hours coming up with lore that would literally only be referenced in prequel if i wrote one (since my story will start in fifth year). i’m feeling so devious and powerful right now mwahaha
#stranger things#byler#harry potter#hogwarts au#archive of our own#ao3#fanfic writing#fanfiction#ships include:#lumax#jancy#harringrove#eddie x chrissy#robin x vickie#jopper#and some background relationships#plus aroace el my beloved <3#i’m so excited to write this#watch me literally start another project when i have 27615272 on the go
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my suuuuuuuuper quick and late entry for jancy weekend day 1! ( sun and moon~ ) ☀️🌙💖
#jancy#jancyweekend#stranger things 4#st4#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler#jonathan x nancy#artists on tumblr#artists on instagram#my art#my stuff#<333#in my head the context is like— they decided to join in on the other kid’s musical/play thing whatEva#and they decide they’re gonna play the background roles to get out of doing too much work and embarrassing themselves~#(not realizing they’ll later get swindled into a big number that involves their characters professing their love to each other and well!#that’s all she wrote c: )#sooooooo#it’s more like an au mixed with sun and moon? either way lmao)
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Mike hugging his mom at the end of sad episodes is something personal to me




#I don't understand why some people don't like Karen or say she's a bad mom#just watch the show#you can see she loves her kids more than anything#Btw jancy are so cute in the background#mike wheeler#karen wheeler#family Wheeler#Stranger things
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I’m just in a Jancy kind of mood :)
#yeah this is the comic I was talking about in my last post!!! I just think its neat!#and its fun to draw backgrounds from reference!! I have NO IDEA how Julia comes up with them#anyways I just have so many feelings about them :)#drawtectives#jancy true#the flowers don't have any meaning in flower language but I did correspond the colors to Rosé Grendan and York :)#I'm just really happy with how this turned out!! Unfortunately I have another drawing on the back of this page and didn't realize :P#I think that's all my thoughts so bye!! See y'all later!
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the challenge figuring out a canon-compliant and in-character explanation for The Cheating Thing between stancy and jancy because otherwise both Nancy and Jonathan are so out of character in the Murray scene its extremely jarring. a difficult task but i think I've got something
#i rewatched their little will they won't they with the bed shit and its. wack.#both jancy know about steve. both of them like steve. nancy spends a lot of time with steve#while we dont see a lot of stonathan we see them interact and chill in the background especially at the byers house so they're friendly#we're latching onto these facts: nancy remembers none of the bullshit conversation; steve was really upset after; and Jonathan took her hom#also tommy says its a breakup but alsohe has literally no way to know. steve hates him and wasn't in that bathroom with them#hes also definitely trying to get under steves skin so he's not exactly worried about facts just what will upset steve#so yeah we're coming up with stuff to fill the gaps to make that shit make sense without just. handwaving it bc jancy endgame or whatever#also no big tags because i don't want to have a fight about it this is for my friends and followers and because i can't annoy my sibling rn#devon's steve henderson au#steve henderson au rambles#devon thinks sometimes
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This is by far the weirdest crew that Chrissy has ever worked with.
The hitter and the grifter are distracted working through some unresolved sexual tension, their mastermind appears to have secrets of her own, and the forger is proving to be an unnecessary distraction.
Chrissy may be the best thief in the world but she’s not sure she’s ready for this heist.
Chapters 1-3 found here, currently ongoing.
#leverage au#hellcheer#harringrove#jancy#background argyle/eden#minor jopper#thief!chrissy#grifter!steve#hacker!robin#mastermind!nancy#forger!eddie#hitter!billy#driver!argyle#jonathan byers#heist fic#jim hopper#joyce byers
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nah bc I feel like we give Murray way too much credit and underestimate how much Steve hates being told what to do. if Murray tried to sniff out steddie the way he did jancy, Steve's mean girl would jump out immediately.
"you are giving me relationship advice? I'll tell you what, next time I wanna know how to be a bald, alcoholic fuck who can't keep his noses out of children's love lives, I call you. Until then, maybe you should work on the crippling trust issues that stop you from having your own relationships instead of living vicariously through everyone else's."
and Eddie is in the background cheering him on the whole time
#steddie#shut up az#I do not think steve would be impressed or intimidated by a drunk conspiracy theories#I think ppl forget that s2 Jon and Nance were SO young and they NEEDED Murray to approve of them#like as a character I love Murray but if I knew him in real life I would have killed him
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How many times do y'all think she yelled at the cameras in the span of the 3-4 hours they were there that he's just sitting there chillin?
#very “Nancy sweetheart loml come back to the table”#Nancy: Lemme bring my guard dog not boyfriend just in case#The guard dog not boyfriend in the background: anxiously tippy tapping his foot and wondering how many more times she's gonna do this#they really said POLAR OPPOSITE levels of patience#alternatively JB is simply disassociating#and NW is BOTHERED by his tippy tapping bc he doesn't realize he's doing it#they're soooooo#jancy#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler
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You make me feel alive (steve harrington x fem!reader)

Based on the song Rio by Duran Duran
can be read as a part of this series or on its own
Idiots in love, mutual pining, light angst, background Jancy, reader is described to wear a bikini.
ps. a game & watch is like the 80s version of a nintendo DS
3.4k words <3
Steve didn't know when his all consuming infatuation with you began. Maybe it had alway been there, the throat tightening, cheek blushing , knee wobbling, soul crushing feeling that only your presence seemed to elicit. But it was getting rather annoying.
Don't get him wrong we wouldn't trade his friendship with you for the world but constantly having to hold himself back from confessing his undying love for you or some other irreversible truth that would surely ruin your friendship was exhausting.
The sun had been beating down on Hawkins unrelentingly for weeks, pushing the small town and its residents to the brink of melting and so to avoid such a fate, plans had been made amongst your group to drive up to lake Michigan.
Steve of course was unwillingly nominated to drive as well as Nancy so the group was split between his BWM and Nancy's moms borrowed station wagon. A fight had ensued that morning when the group was choosing who to ride with, each option having its pros and cons. Steve's car had the better air-con which was a necessary luxury in the Indiana summer but Nancy lets other people pick the music unlike Steve who cites that he's driving so he gets to choose the radio station. Eventually (and after much debate) you, Robin, Eddie and Dustin rode with Steve and everyone else crammed into Nancy's car.
The drive was only a few hours and the group had set off early to beat the traffic, or had attempted to, but apparently some people (Eddie) needed their beauty sleep. Despite the air-con remaining on full blast, the heat couldn't be ousted causing the road up ahead to become a mirage. However the heat wasn't on the forefront of Steve's mind, instead his focus was pulled toward the hushed conversation taking place between you and Eddie in the backseat. He couldn't make out what either of you were saying but he could hear your quiet giggles and see that due to the lack of space, thanks to Dustin calling shotgun, Eddie and you were sitting very close together. Eddie, ever the gentleman, had taken the middle seat with you and Robin on either side. Robin had zonked out within the first 20 minutes and had monopolised all of her and most of Eddie's seats meaning Eddie was currently crowding your space, not that you seemed to mind, which infuriated steve to no end, not that he could say anything about it because steve wasn't your boyfriend so had no right to comment on the situation however this realisation only infuriated him further.
Thankfully Dustin hadn't noticed Steve's indignation despite him practically having steam shooting from his ears, although Steve could’ve grown a second head and Dustin wouldn't have noticed as he was too busy playing mario bros on his game & watch, which he was surprisingly bad at.
“Son of a bitch”
Steve turned to see Dustin shoving his game & watch back into his backpack after losing yet again.
“It's probably rigged anyway plus my jump buttons jammed so it’s not even my fault” Dustin sighed in defeat as he slumped back into the seat with his arms crossed.
“Maybe you're just shit” Eddie teased whilst shoving another handful of Doritos into his mouth.
Dustin turned his head to glare at Eddie as you slapped him on the arm.“And since when were you so good a mario munson?” you asked whilst poking him in the chest.
Eddie grabbed your finger as he retorted “since birth, obviously”.
Dustin rolled his eyes “Mario wasn't around in the prehistoric age dickhead”.
Yet another argument ensued.
The snarky comments and constant touching between you and Eddie bothered Steve then it occurred to him, was Eddie flirting with you? The question bounced around in Steve's head until a much worse realisation overtook it. Were you flirting with Eddie ??? His knuckles turned white with how hard he gripped the steering wheel as jealousy washed over him, he knew he shouldn't have been jealous, you and Eddie were both single and neither of you knew that Steve was hopelessly in love with you … or something less intense to that effect.
“-and if you think that i'm going to let you even touch my game & watch with your nasty ass Dorito fingers, you're insane”
“Ugh say it don't spray it” Eddie mumbled as he wiped his cheek with his sleeve.
Steve was still trying to figure out a way to murder Eddie and make it look like an accident when you leaned forward to ask how much longer the trip was. Your gentle smile as you made eye contact with him through the mirror made him forget you even asked him a question until you said “stevie ?”.
He felt his face heat up at the use of the nickname that he claimed he hated. Because he did hate it, when it was used by anyone other than you.
“Uhh probably like another half hour”
You nodded absentmindedly as you settled back into your seat and pulled a book from your bag.
The half hour passed fairly quickly with the only hiccup being when Eddie and Dustin started arguing yet again because Dustin wouldn't share his nerds which resulted in Eddie trying to snatch the whole pack and spilled them everywhere.
As they approached Porter beach the busier it became, Steve started to wonder if they would ever find somewhere to park. Eventually they found a spot next to a parking meter which wasn't too far from the beach, Steve got out to pay only to realise he had no change. “Oh shit” Steve mumbled while patting his shorts pockets.
“What?” you tilted your head at him as you asked. You were still sitting in the car with the door open rubbing suncream on your legs. Steve had to consciously hold himself back from asking if you wanted him to do it for you, partly because he liked helping you and partly for more selfish reasons. Instead he shook his head as if to physically expel the thought from his mind.
“Do you have any change?” he asked sheepishly.
“Uhh, oh you know I think I do” you wiped any excess suncream on your top and grabbed your bag to start searching through it.
“How much do you need?” you looked up at him with a smile when you said it. It was subconscious, the way you always smile at Steve when you talk to him, he brings it out in you.
Steve looks down to check the price on the meter “A buck twenty-five”
“Aha, here you go” you pull the dollar bill and coins out of your purse and hand it to steve.
Your fingers brushing up against his made you both dizzy. Instead of either of you acknowledging the feeling Steve turned away to put the money in the meter and you finish putting on your suncream and decide it would definitely be safer to ask Robin to do your back because having Steve rub his hands all over your back could be something you never recover from.
As Steve looked around it became apparent that every family in Indiana had had the same idea to visit the lake, hell it looked like every family in the goddamn midwest was currently lying out on their beach towels taking advantage of the sunshine.
“Looks like we have some competition” Eddie said as he sauntered up beside Steve and slung his arm around his shoulders.
Steve looked at Eddie alarmed, not having realised the boy was talking about space on the beach for them to sit and not competition for your attention. Steve wasn't sure why his mind had jumped straight to you, but it was becoming a common occurrence.
He saw Nancy and the rest of the group walking toward them as him and Eddie finished pulling all the bags out the trunk. Steve set yours, Robins and his stuff aside from him to carry and called the other two over to get their stuff.
“Jesus we have a lot of shit” Eddie murmured to nobody in particular.
You and Robin were crouched down trying to get all the nerds out of Steve's car as Robin lectured Dustin about having food fights in an enclosed space. You noticed that Steve had slung your bag over his shoulder and so you walked up beside him to knock against his arm as a thank you, the two of you were good at that, communicating without words. Steve always knew what you were thinking, well most of the time he did, you hoped against hope that he had not clued in on your very obvious, very embarrassing crush on him.
“Okay, are we all ready ?” Nancy asked as she effortlessly took on the leader role which she claimed to hate doing but refused to relinquish as no one else met her standards. Steve would argue he could do it as he led a group of preteens through the demodog tunnels with no fatalities but she'd probably argue that letting them go into the tunnels in the first place was incredibly idiotic.
It took them a good twenty minutes to find a patch of sand that wasn't covered by sun burnt middle aged women or children digging holes.
You and robin walked arm in arm mostly to stop robin falling due to her perpetual clumsiness. Steve, Eddie and Jonathan were given the heavy stuff, normally you would argue how it was inherently sexist to give the men the heavy things but it was hot out and carrying like a bajillion bags would only make it worse so you decide to cut your losses. The teens all walk in a group behind you, all complaining about the long walk and the sand and how they want to go swimming now and how their bags are heavy. Nancy looks fed up with them already and you can't blame her.
Finally you spot somewhere to set up.
“How about over there?” you asked as you pointed at a relatively shady but most importantly empty space on the beach.
“Oh thank god. I think my arms are about to drop off” Eddie said as he made his way over carrying the cooler with him.
You paid no attention to Eddie's dramatics as you were admiring a now shirtless Steve. The scattering of moles on his back paired with how his muscles were flexed due to him carrying about 5 peoples bags was mouthwatering. You would have stood there ogling all day had Jonathan not nudged you whilst giving you a knowing smirk. You gave him a shy smile and vowed to blame the heat if anyone asked why your face had gone red whilst running to catch up with the group.
Once all the blankets were laid and Robin had coerced you into rubbing a thick layer of suncream on her back due to her aptitude for burning you could finally take your shirt off to cool down revealing your bikini underneath. Had you been paying attention you would've seen Steve watching you intently with a slight blush across his face which he, like you, would swear was sunburn. You then would have seen Eddie catch Steves staring and wiggle his eyebrows at him wittingly which caused Steve to have no choice but to throw a handful of sand at him.
“my HAIR. What the fuck Steve” Eddie gasped as he tried to shake the sand out.
Max and El screamed as Eddie's head shaking covered them with sand.
“Stop, Eddie stop that's not doing anything” you giggled as you reached your hands into his hair to brush out any remaining sand.
“See Steven this is true friendship, right here” he said as he gestured to you.
Steve's jealousy had reached an all time high. He thought seeking his revenge against Eddie would make him feel better however it had backfired ridiculously and though he knew it wasn't Eddie's fault and he had no way of knowing Steve liked you that didn’t mean Steve wanted to strangle him any less. Okay maybe that's a bit dramatic, Eddie was still his friend and all he just wished you were running your fingers through his hair not Eddies.
“Okay I think that's all of it” you say whilst smiling at Eddie.
“Thanks, I owe ya” he says with a wink.
“If you two are done flirting, can we go swim now ?” Mike mocks.
You blush even harder and Eddie squawks, “I feel sorry for El if you think that was flirting”.
Mike rolls his eyes as Max joins in with taunting him.
“Okay okay, I want all of you to be wearing suncream, to stay near where we are and not to go too deep. Got it?” Nancy gives them all a good long stare as they murmur their agreements.
Nancy nods her head and they take it as a sign to go. All of them tripping over one another, desperate to swim. Nearly all of them made it to the water without face planting in the sand.
Once all the teens had gone into the water, without missing a beat, robin pulled the cooler in closer.
“Okay, who wants what? '' she asks while digging around inside “there's beer, cherry ice cream, soda if you’re boring and more beer” she says with a hinting glint in her eye.
“Oh so this is what teachers mean when they talk about peer pressure” you taunt with a grin.
“No no, no pressure at alllll” she says with little to no sincerity.
“Well some of us have to drive you all back” Nancy adds whilst gesturing to herself and Steve.
“Go on Nance you have one. I can drive on the way back” Jonathan offers.
“No, i-” She considers it for a moment before huffing out a breath. “no it's fine. Someone needs to watch those lot” she says as she nods toward the water where Lucas, Will , Mike and Dustin were trying (and failing) to make a human ladder whilst Max and El played mermaids.
“Nance believe it or not, most of us are somewhat competent” Steve says whilst side eyeing Eddie.
Eddie looks thoroughly offended before smirking and replying “that's a terrible thing to say Steve I thought she was your best friend” whilst wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pretending to comfort you.
Steve gives Eddie a sarcastic smile before replying “I meant you dickhead”
Eddie gasps loudly knowing full well Steve had meant him.
Steve pushes Eddie away from you and drags you into his side whilst wrapping his arm around your back
“She's the most competent out of all of us”
Now it was Nancy's turn to be offended. But before any eye poking and hair pulling started Jonathan placed a can in Nancy's hand and kissed her cheek.
“Alright let's get this partay started !” Robin declared before downing half a can of beer then coughing when she inevitably choked. She looked back up at all your bemused faces and said “what? we’re on vacation, live a little you guys”
“Yeah, yeah come on guys” Eddie agrees as he reaches for his can of beer, downs the whole can and scrunches the metal in his hand then throws the can back into the cooler and finishes with a loud whoop. You and Steve share an amused look and Nancy looks a little frightened.
“I think i'll just stick to sipping” she retorts
Robin and Eddie start booing until Jonathan throws Eddie's crumpled up can at them.
You're still glued to Steve's side and would be quite content to stay there for the rest of the afternoon, if not eternity. He reaches into the cooler and grabs a can of beer and a can of soda before opening the beer and handing it to you. You thank him with, in his opinion, a glowing smile which he would like to believe is reserved especially for him.
The conversation moves on and with the more you drink the more your mind seems to wonder. The afternoon passes by as you're deep in thought, passively adding to the conversation when you feel like it. The teens appear and then disappear sporadically as the hours pass, even Eddie and Jonathan were persuaded to get into the water. As the sun begins to set your mind settles on how warm Steve feels next to you, how nice his hand feels on your waist and how despite the sweltering heat you have no desire to move away from him. He looks over to check on you, smiling as he meets your eye.
“You good?” he asks quietly, his face mere inches from yours.
Before you can reply you feel a hand wrap around your wrist and your body is ripped from steves as you're hauled to your feet by a now very tipsy Robin.
You mourn the comfort and warmth you just lost and look at Steve apologetically. Robin pays no mind and drags you into the open space next to where you’re all sat.
“Dance with meee” her words are slurred and you can't help but think about the killer headache to poor girl will wake up with tomorrow.
“Robs we have no music” you giggle as you place your hands on her arms, half to ‘dance’ with her and half to keep her upright.
“That never stopped anyone”
You don't quite agree with her statement but go along with it anyway grabbing her hands and jumping in circles with her in the sand. You make sure not to push it as her being sick is the last thing anyone wants. You twist and turn, stumbling in the sand and catching robin numerous times due to her incoordination being heightened by the alcohol. She spins you in a circle and you feel the effects on the beer you've been sipping, you feel a haze of contentment wash over you as you continue to sway in the setting sun with a look of bliss on your face and Robin goes to find her next victim.
Steve watches the entire ordeal and thinks that you've never looked more beautiful. Even with a small glob of suncream on your shoulder that you missed when rubbing it in and a sheen of sweat covering your skin, you shine. If he could look at you like this forever he'd be more than content. He damns himself for not bringing a camera but he supposes it wouldn't be able to capture the dazzle in your eye or the sway of your hips. You break from your dancing for a second to turn to Steve and give him the widest most shining smile he'd ever seen, he waved back at you and you stuck your tongue out at him and turned back to dancing as Steve chuckled softly to himself.
“We’re just friends y’know” Eddie's voice pulled Steve from his thoughts as he turned to look at the boy next to him. “I just- look I know you like her and all and I don't want any” Eddie pauses to think of the right thing to say “...hostility between us. She's great, really great but were just friends”
“What Eddie, I don't-” he laughs awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Eddie meets Steve's eyes with a sad look on his face.
“The way you look at her, the way you were just looking at her. You'd be blind not to notice it”
“Notice what ?” Steve asks in a small voice, already knowing the answer.
Steve looks back to where Nancy, you and Robin were all dancing and laughing in the sunset and thinks that maybe the throat tightening, cheek blushing, knee wobbling, soul crushing feeling that only your presence seemed to elicit, was something he couldn't bear to live without. It's like you had reached into his chest and carved your name onto his heart to command it to beat only for you, and the pain it had caused him was glorious. He decided then and there that keeping you by his side was his number one priority, no matter if that meant keeping his feelings to himself as long as you were around he would be okay.
#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington#steve harrington x fem!reader#steve harrington x you#stranger things#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington x y/n#light angst#mutual pining#idiots in love#steve harrington imagines#steve x reader
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