#back to back harwin hate is wild
ride-thedragon · 5 months
"Those kids had so many dads"
No they didn't.
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Hope this helps💕
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pixiecactus · 3 months
i know it comes from arya barely having any self-esteem (a big fuck you to all the people who contributed to this, we actually see this little girl's thoughts about hating herself, seriously fuck you!!) but it breaks my heart to just think about how unsure arya was about robb and her mother paying her ransom.
“What if my brother doesn’t want to ransom me?” “Why would you think that?” asked Lord Beric. “Well,” Arya said, “my hair’s messy and my nails are dirty and my feet are all hard.” Robb wouldn’t care about that, probably, but her mother would. Lady Catelyn always wanted her to be like Sansa, to sing and dance and sew and mind her courtesies. Just thinking of it made Arya try to comb her hair with her fingers, but it was all tangles and mats, and all she did was tear some out. “I ruined that gown that Lady Smallwood gave me, and I don’t sew so good.” She chewed her lip. “I don’t sew very well, I mean. Septa Mordane used to say I had a blacksmith’s hands.”
she reasoned that her brother was a king now, and certainly kings have bigger things to worry about than his little sister, and then she goes self-deprecating about her appearance, when surviving in the wild as a lowborn child, with no name to keep her somehow safe and still lead a privileged life as an acceptable reason to have her own family reject her.
it saddens me, that arya will never know about how miserable robb was when her sister didn't mention any regards to arya's wellbeing in the letter she wrote, and even when her mother failed in showing and reassuring that her love for her children was inconditional to arya, catelyn still was so desperate to have her daughters back, both of them, and arya possibly will never know.
Something in Robb's tone troubled her. She smoothed out the paper and read. Concern gave way to disbelief, then to anger, and lastly to fear. "This is Cersei's letter, not your sister's," she said when she was done. "The real message is in what Sansa does not say. All this about how kindly and gently the Lannisters are treating her … I know the sound of a threat, even whispered. They have Sansa hostage, and they mean to keep her." "There's no mention of Arya," Robb pointed out, miserable. “No.” Catelyn did not want to think what that might mean, not now, not here.
even with the friends she made and lost along the way. i know that arya thinks that both boys abandoned her at the first chance they got.
There was no use trying to convince the Bull of anything. Still, he was the only true friend she had, now that Hot Pie had left them. “Sharna says she needs me to bake bread,” he’d told her, the day they rode. “Anyhow I’m tired of rain and saddlesores and being scared all the time. There’s ale here, and rabbit to eat, and the bread will be better when I make it. You’ll see, when you come back. You will come back, won’t you? When the war’s done?” He remembered who she was then, and added, “My lady,” reddening. Arya didn’t know if the war would ever be done, but she had nodded. “I’m sorry I beat you that time,” she said. Hot Pie was stupid and craven, but he’d been with her all the way from King’s Landing and she’d gotten used to him. “I broke your nose.” “You broke Lem’s too.” Hot Pie grinned. “That was good.” “Lem didn’t think so,” Arya said glumly. Then it was time to go. When Hot Pie asked if he might kiss milady’s hand, she punched his shoulder. “Don’t call me that. You’re Hot Pie, and I’m Arry.”
she saw how one of her friends made his choice and went away from her side and later, there went away the other.
“I could shoe him for you,” said Gendry, all of a sudden. “I was only a ‘prentice, but my master said my hand was made to hold a hammer. I can shoe horses, close up rents in mail, and beat the dents from plate. I bet I could make swords too.” “What are you saying, lad?” asked Harwin. “I’ll smith for you.” Gendry went to one knee before Lord Beric. “If you’ll have me, m’lord, I could be of use. I’ve made tools and knives and once I made a helmet that wasn’t so bad. One of the Mountain’s men stole it from me when we was taken.” Arya bit her lip. He means to leave me too. “You would do better serving Lord Tully at Riverrun,” said Lord Beric. “I cannot pay for your work.” “No one ever did. I want a forge, and food to eat, some place I can sleep. That’s enough, m’lord.”
from the way i see it, both boys are part of the smallfolk, both were ment to join the night's watch and both found a better chance at life. them, being lowborn will never held the same importance in westerosi society as her, even when arya is a girl/woman, currently living in a patriarchal society. both of them are able to see what arya doesn't, their friendship would never be permited to exist in normal circunstances.
and that leaves us with an arya, that has lost her father, knows very well that her sister dislikes her, has learned that her little brothers were killed by someone she knew once, greatly doubted that her mother would want her back, due to something out of her control like her appearance, saw both of her friends made the decision to leave her behind, gets kidnapped (once again, for the fourth time) by a man who killed one of her friends and mostly abuses her in the short time they travelled together and she ends up seeing men making a mockery of her oldest brother's corpse.
the only person that she has left, and knows would want her back even after everything she went through is jon, but she gets hit in the face by reality once again, she's just a small child, with no power and influence to command someone, anyone really, to get her back to jon.
“I know where we could go,” Arya said. She still had one brother left. Jon will want me, even if no one else does. He’ll call me “little sister” and muss my hair. It was a long way, though, and she didn’t think she could get there by herself. She hadn’t even been able to reach Riverrun. “We could go to the Wall.”
i'm desperate to read arya realizing she's loved and respected, bran and rickon are still alive, and i do believe bran is calling to her, jon died trying his hardest to go and save the person he tought to be her (and we know jon won't stay dead), even with her friends, gendry is certainly waiting for her to come back, while doing the things she once wanted him to do, and i believe even if the war is not done yet, hot pie would like to see her again. the brotherhood is serving the starks now and of course, there's nymeria travelling around the riverlands with her pack. and arya is nymeria as much as nymeria is arya.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 4 months
People who try to find reasons to hate Team Black’s kids are grasping at straws. What am I supposed to hate exactly?
Jace: darling prince, Nyra’s pride and joy. A boy so perfect even Team Green’s maesters were crying over his death. My man single handedly won his mother the North and Vale, your fave could never 🥰
Baela: Visenya 2.0 she’s out there riding her dragon and taking down her enemies. You think you’re a big king with your shiny dragon? Well watch a teenage girl absolutely wreck you 😎
Rhaena: our darling final girl, all the dragons are dead? Psyche! She comes out as the last dragon rider in all her Barbiecore glory 🩷💝💖
Luke: you want me to hate Nyra’s baby boy? The closest thing Westeros has to Princess Diana??? Get real!
Joffrey: imagine Harwin Strong but 10x smaller and 100x more angry, he wants to avenge his brother so badly he has to be held back by both grandparents. You want me to hate Nyra’s feral child who would kick your butt if Corlys and Rhaenys didn’t protect you by stopping him???
These kids are so wild how can you not love them? ❤️🖤❤️‍🔥
I love this. You are so right anon.
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sunderwight · 2 months
It's wild to think how much public opinion would have shifted if Rhaenyra's kids had been silver-haired and Alicent's hadn't.
Like people go, well, obviously any children Rhaenyra had with Harwin still wouldn't have been dark-skinned enough or shared any other notable features with Laenor looks-wise, but that's less damning. I know people have this perception that mixed race kids always look it, but that really isn't the case, and it'd be less of a prevalent idea in a society that doesn't understand dominant genetics as well. Laenor's mother is pale. Possibly other Velaryons outside of Corlys' line are as well. In the show you have to go back to Laenor's maternal grandmother, Jocelyn Baratheon, to find anyone in his or Rhaenyra's line that has dark hair, however. And even then that's the super dark Baratheon hair, not chestnut-y curls.
If Rhaenyra's kids all had her silver hair, the common folk would just look at them and see Targaryens. It would incline people more towards the notion that even if there's something to the rumors, clearly these boys are still of the line of kings. They look it.
Meanwhile, every single enemy of the Hightowers or opponent to Alicent's kids would be whispering that they weren't true Targaryens. Heck, the fandom does this anyway. Even with nothing else changed, just that they got Alicent's hair, people would be more inclined to believe that they could be bastards (despite even a whiff of infidelity on the queen's part). The fact that Aemond and Helaena didn't claim dragons until they were older would have added fuel to the fire, and a lot would have hinged on the existence of Sunfyre in the early years.
Actually part me of kind of thinks that could have worked better, story-wise? Rhaenyra's claim struggles against the obvious obstacles of male inheritance preference, and the fact that basically no lord in Westeros would have his daughter inherit over his sons unless he suspected those sons to be illegitimate. People would whisper, like, Viserys had so much trouble having a male heir before, yet somehow his new wife seems to have no trouble providing sons? But the king shows no interest in them, instead heaping favor onto his eldest daughter? I heard he suspects that they are not his. I heard that they might be his brother's, that Daemon's gotten revenge on the Hand and on the King by taking up in the queen's bed. Oh well I head the queen found a Targaryen bastard in the brothels who was more than happy to oblige her with stud services. To make certain she provided the king with heirs -- mongrel-blooded bastards, no less! Etc, etc.
Then it would make it so much more interesting when Alicent was furiously pointing out just how obvious it is that Rhaenyra's sons aren't Laenor's. She, who actually sleeps with Viserys (and hates it), has to put up with people whispering about the legitimacy of her children, doubting her morals and discrediting their inheritance, meanwhile Rhaenyra sleeps around however she likes and just brazenly claims that those lily-white babies are her husband's. And he lets her! The gall of it! And people don't care, because of hair color!
I mean that would fully justify Alicent trying to stab Rhaenyra even before the Aemond's eye thing happened, honestly.
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 months
HOTD S2 Finale-I Haz Thoughts
Thoughts on the finale. Just gonna bullet-point this bad boy. It's still long.
I loved every Daemon scene. Period. Love his friendship with goth girl Alys. (Soooo glad they didn't ruin it by throwing needless sexually-tinged stuffies in there, yay!)
Loved the vision so much. So cool. Beautifully directed, beautifully shot. Bloodraven! DANY!! THE Prince(ss) That Was Promised!! YAAASS! Rhaenyra on the throne! Woohoo!
Boo to Lord Alfred! I was rooting for you! We were ALL ROOTING FOR YOU! I thought he was the one lord who was true and faithful to Rhaenyra, but nooooooo! He betrayed Rhaenyra so easily. For shame. I loved the look Daemon gave him. It was easy enough to read his thoughts with it, but I understood why Ser Simon didn't understand. Good thing too though cuz reached out to Rhae-rhae and got her to Harrenhal.
Oh, Ser Simon Strong, I love you so. He continued to be the scene-stealer of the season. All the way to the end. Please tell me you all noticed him behind Rhaenyra when the army was shouting and cheering "For the Queen!" He was smiling and clapping like 'OK, this is good then, yay!'
Speaking of… loved the Daemon/Rhaenyra scene. Caraxes reacting to Syrax. Rhaenyra walking in, the soldiers parting as Daemon walked toward her. Their discussion in Valyrian, and then kneeling before her. The hand holding, the near-forehead bump. The little tease. All of it. Good stuff. Buuut, I'm not going to lie. It could have been better… or at least we could have had more. They haven't seen in each other in months. WE haven't seen them together all season, and their only full-fledged scene was their fight in episode three. That we didn't get another scene between the two was some pretty wild bullpucky.
Loved the (ONE) Baela/Jace scene. Woulda been nice to actually, finally get a kiss there. Psst, btw, Jace, you were pouting.
All the time spent on the triarchy, I just… why was this introduced now? In the finale? I mean, like why? Every time we went back to them, I was like… really? You're wasting time on this here? Now? In the finale?
The pacing was really bad, like REALLY bad. Let's go back to the triarchy scenes. You had Tyland and Captain lady fighting in the mud, goes on seemingly forever, and THEN about 15 seconds of Rhaena once again running across the Vale, and THEN we go back to Tyland and Captain lady now eating dinner. I mean, for real? What kind of scripting/pacing is that? So bad. There was no graceful connective tissue between so many of the scenes.
Speaking of more bad pacing… Rhaenyra is with Daemon at Harrenhal. And then the next scene she's back at Dragonstone talking to Mysaria, like… what? It's just bad. Sigh. I did, however, like the conversation between Rhaenyra and Mysaria. I like that Rhaenyra is still thinking of the people. She doesn't want to unnecessarily kill.
With that said, I understand why Emma thought it best that Rhaenyra and Mysaria just kiss instead of the baiting. It made sense in that scene. Rhaenyra was frustrated with Daemon. He'd left her for so long. The show did a TERRIBLE job in showing just how long it'd been -- but it had been months. She was angry and alone and when Daemon left her frustrated, angry and alone, when he abandoned her, she turned to the arms of another (Criston, Harwin). So, yes, she kissed Mysaria. It made sense. It was all about Daemon. HOWEVER, the problem with that is no other adjustments were made. The following episode 2.07, and this one which featured scenes between the two showed no sign at all that something had happened. If there had been a smirk at the beginning of their scene in 2.07, a look of 'well, that happened, moving on,' just something. But, alas, nothing.
I suppose one could then tie it to that, well, then the kiss was that after all… nothing.
Huzzah! Criston Cole was not my most hated character in this episode! Congrats to him. I'd say self-awareness becomes him, but his desires leading him astray doesn't excuse the shit-way he talks about Rhaenyra and blames her for his own failings. He still sucks. Whatever, I still didn't loathe him the mostest. Nopers. That role went to Aemond. Gosh, I despise him. He's just so awful. Burning a whole Castle and its peeps because he was thwarted. Being verbally and physically abusive to the sweet Haelena (whom Rhaenyra continues to be so awesome about). Ugh, he's awful.
The wandering of Rhaena on the Vale snippets was just not well done. Especially the bit near the stream. So, she's clearly desperate for water. Yet, she only notices it when she's like two feet away from it, and she runs like to only a certain section of it that's farther away from her? It was very weird blocking. I expect better from Geeta Patel. She's directed some of my favorite episodes.
I guess the Rhaenyra and Alicent scene was good; I am just so tired of them shoving those two down my throats that I just can't. I think I'll enjoy it better when I binge both seasons. The final two shots paralleling Rhaenyra being locked up as behind the grate while Alicent was free was a good one except for one thing. Rhaenyra has always been JUST AS LOCKED UP as Alicent but only in different ways. It's only stupid Alicent (and stupid green fans) that have been unable to see that. Rhaenyra was not able to marry the man she truly wanted for years. Rhaenyra was punished and hated (and still is) for being female. Rhaenyra ONLY had her crown stolen because she was a woman. Baela told Jace true, there have been other crown princes who were bastards but no one said a word. Jace is only talked about because his parent is a female.
Ulf is funny, but ooh, he got on my last nerve. That is your queen, dumbfuck! What a rude oaf, he is. You're sitting at the table of the freaking queen!! Still, Jace could have handled him with more grace putting him in his place.
I felt for Alun, but my goodness, their story is soooo boring. The women + Addam are the only interesting part of this family.
There was just too, too much going on in this finale. Which makes sense. They had enough going on for at least, oh, I don't know, one or two more episodes. Rhaena (as always) got shortchanged. The triarchy story was just thrown in to this final episode and was a big ole WTF? Jace and Baela (as always) got shortchanged.
The ending with all the different peeps getting ready for war, ooh, blue dragon we don't know! (Yes, I know it's Dareon's) was all cool and everything, but yeah, it just didn't really get me hepped up. Honestly, minus the Daemon vision, Daemon/Rhaenyra scene, I just was like, a'right dawg. Last week's episode was so much better. The ending of last week's episode was fist bump YEAH! I mean, imagine if we'd had the Daemon vision scene, Daemon/Alfred, Rhaenyra receiving raven, and Daemon/Rhaenyra scenes included in that episode and THAT was the season finale. What an ending THAT would have been. Daemon and Rhaenyra reunited. Rhaenyra has her army. Ending the show on Rhaenyra and all those dragons. That would have been HELL YEAH!
This was just, eh, OK. I dunno. This just didn't feel like a finale, although they tried it with the final scene with all the peeps marching and swelling music/vocalizing, but it just didn't hit for me. Maybe a rewatch will make me think differently. I dunno.
I guess just for funzies, I should take a bow. I maintained through most of the season that the Daemon arc was about figuring out that he was meant to be by Rhaenyra's side. Figure out his place, and be her loyal subject. She was his queen, and have no more doubts, and here we are. Yay!
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Pillars of salt, Pillars of sand: Dark!Aemond x oc, Aegonxoc
Chapter 15: The shadow of a sun mdni18+
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🔷Summary: You are Rhaenyra and harwins daughter, Jace's twin sister. You dont expect when Floris, your best friend, writes you that she is sick, to find your uncle at Storm's end. He offers you a choice. Bend the knee to Aegon or see your brother be fed to his dragon. It is not a difficult choice to make. But as with difficult choices, the consequences are much harder to carry than the choice
🔷Author's note: DARK dead DOVE DO NOT EAT OK
Wordcount :3212 
Aemond’s pov.
I stand near the tavern, where Helaena and Maella are drinking. Judging by their giggles, hushed whispers, and delighted gasps, they are likely gossiping. I simply fold my hands on my back and watch as the soldiers that belong to the King surround the place, subtly as shadows sneaking around a lamp. ‘’Since when do they get along?’’ Aegon remarks, surprised by the young Queen and the Princess being friends. 
I suppose that the enemy of their enemy is my friend is true, after all. They might hate each other, or at least, were raised to hate one another. And now because they are both married to my useless brother, they have become something dangerous. I expected Maella to outshine Helaena at balls, receptions and gatherings. But I never expected them to ally with one another, to become friends. Never. 
It is dangerous. What if Helaena is turned over to their side? She never liked Aegon, I can’t even tell if she likes being Queen. She is as flicke as a flame and that can burn us. But if Helaena can be convinced, so can Maella. This might be good. We can show the Little strong lady that she has nothing to fear from us. As long as she complies and obeys, that is.
I still can’t believe it. They are as fire and ice. Helaena should know better, as the Queen. Maella is a good for nothing traitor and our prisoner. What does she hope to accomplish with drinking a few beers in a godforsaken tavern? ‘’I don’t know. I do think you should do something about this, Your Grace.’’ I say, after carefully choosing my words. 
Aegon’s shoulders slump with disappointment at my reminder and he looks to the stone tiles outside the tavern that cover the dirty ground. He took me to this tavern too, I remember. On my thirteenth name day. Before he would take me to the whores. Ser Arryk whispers to us that they have secured the property and I give a nod, confirming they can begin soon with securing the two ladies. ‘’You took a vow.’’ I remind my brother. ‘’If you are too weak to discipline your own wife-’’
I know I crossed a line when Aegon’s worryless glance becomes a hateful, deep festering glare forming a mirror. I see my own father looking back at me, in a way. Aegon smirks, mirroring my stance by also folding his hands on his back, advancing on me until I have no choice but to set a step back, submitting to him. ‘’You would like that, wouldn’t you, Aemond? Because if I can’t, you will do it.’’ He says, and yes it is the truth. There is an accusation there. One I’m not sure that I like.
I open my mouth, ready to defend myself and my honour as I hear a all to familiar scream, that sets my soul alight and hardens parts of my body much to my delight. Maella screams as she is carried to me and my brother, her eyes widened the moment she sees us standing near her. She takes a dramatic moment to scoff, and spits at our feet. Aegon shrugs as I jump out of the way, barely avoiding the spit hitting my boots. ‘’Discipline her.’’ I hiss, commanding my own king around.
She struggles as a wild tigress, attacking her pursuers as I simply watch her lash out, cuss, spit and yell, causing a scene well worthy of good punishment. ‘’You are disgusting animals! All of you! You fucking traitors! You would sell your own mother if it allowed you to suck Aegon’s little right toe!’’ Maella yells as she attacks a soldier, pulling his helmet off and grabbing him by the throat. I hide an amused chuckle. Aegon becomes increasingly frustrated as her scene continues, clearly tired, miserable and dreading what he must do now. 
Helaena watches, her eyes big and full of questions. ‘’Put her down! We did nothing wrong!’’ She tries to command the soldiers, but they are not her soldiers. They are Aegon’s. They won’t listen to her. ‘’Aegon, tell them to stop!’’ She is close to losing it. I remember it all too well from balls and gatherings we attended.
Maella laughs, still on the back of Arryk who tries to hold her as she kicks away at his back. I think Arryk has never been more thankful for his armour. ‘’He won’t. He’s a little craven boy, same as his brother. He is not cut out to be king. His mother knows it. His brother knows it too.’’ She briefly looks at me, and when she does I can’t help but lick my lips softly, imagining her taste. ‘’All except Aegon, for he knows nothing and never shall.’’ I need to hide my smirk for I agree with her all too much.
My brother sets one foot forward, and the brat finally stops fighting, accepting her fate. She knows what awaits her now. Helaena tries to interfere, so I capture her too, holding her gently but firmly by her waist so she shall not be harmed. ‘’Aemond! Let me go!’’ She begs. ‘’We can’t let Aegon hurt her.’’ Why not? She and her bastard brothers hurt me. Dozens of times over. If anything, Maella might learn obedience and respect for her betters with a good smack across her oh so pouty delicious face.
Helaena does not understand that so I explain it to her, as kindly as I can. ‘’He’s her king and her husband. She is the one who went too far.’’ Helaena stops fighting me and looks at me with a all too familiar emotion. Disgust. She easily escapes me, not looking back once. 
Aegon is close to hurting Maella, I can tell. But he needs a tiny push. And I know how to let Maella give him that. I search my pockets, and take out a familiar small box. I join Aegon, presenting the box to Maella as I open it. ‘’Did you know your brother pissed himself?’’ I smirk, recalling the moment I had Luc’s eyes cut out. ‘’I didn’t expect much better from a bastard, but it was disgusting how he relieved himself in front of the Baratheon family. He was begging me too, begging for me to stop, to have mercy, to be released.’’ I laugh, recalling the little scared face of little Luc as he sobbed at my feet, before I kicked him in his then empty bleeding eyeholes. Maella trembles with barely contained rage.
I bet she can show me so much of her innerfire, of her desire if only she allowed herself. I bet she can become the most beautiful obedient wife. If only Aegon didn’t marry her. I lean in closer. I smell her delicious scent and must fight all instincts to touch and smell her closer. Maella glares at both of us, but I know she must have one final push. A good one. So I open the box, show her Lucerys’s eyes and take them out, touching the small little balls as if it are mere diamonds. I chuckle, as she watches my every moment, her breath holds. I close the box with a snap, causing her to flinch. 
I take one step closer, and touch her face, gently caressing it as I stare into her eyes. ‘’It’s too bad your mother had a stillborn daughter. I would’ve loved to collect her eyes too.’’ Maella’s gaze shifts between me and Aegon. Her eyes express many emotions, despair, disbelief and finally…Guilt.
She knew, Rhaenyra was pregnant. And now she knows she is not anymore. Aegon shoots me a subtle glare, one of judgement and disgust as I watch Maella struggle with another challenge, another loss.
I smirk, whispering in her ear. ‘’Your mother’s pregnancy was fine, until she heard what had happened to you and Luc. I might have killed your brother, but you killed your sister. You caused that miscarriage and you are a Kinslayer.’’ I brush gently with my lips against her ear, kissing her forehead. ‘’You are the same as me-’’
Maella does not need long after that final push, that final confession and final straw. Aegon needs to push me out of the way of her claws, that are reaching to strangle something, anything. ‘’You bastard!’’ She yells, sobbing and in tears as she tries to strangle me, held back by guards as I walk back and forth, just within her grasp.
I shrug, causing more anger by the young princess. ‘’Only one of us is, little Lady Strong. I think you might need to rethink your loyalties. I doubt Rhaenyra will welcome you home now, that you killed her daughter, her true born Valyrian daughter with Daemon.’’ I rub some extra salt in the wounds, picking up insults and horrors wherever I go. Rhaenyra needed a heir, a pure born Valyrian child. And Maella will never be that. She will always be a Strong. She will never be good enough. And she knows this. And that is what will kill her. 
Maella kicks her guard, and rushes at me. She grabs me by my silver long hairs, dragging our faces closer as she tries to choke me. It is a foolish but admirable attempt. And one we just needed.
Aegon grabs her by the throat, strangles her briefly and smacks her across her face with his left hand, leaving a good, nice print on her face. Maella wails on the ground, glaring at us both. He approaches her again, and raises his feet too, preparing to give her a kick. ‘’My King?’’ Ser Arryk ruins this beautiful moment and I glare at him, annoyed he dared to speak in our presence at all.
Sadly, Aegon puts his feet back on the ground and ignores Maella as she cries helplessly. ‘’Put the Princess in the carriage. She can’t behave herself clearly. Bring her to my bedchamber after.’’ I feel my blood cool down after those words, and I can’t even smirk at Maella. 
Maella has stopped crying instantly at those words, her whole body shaking as Arryk grabs her and walks her to the carriage. ‘’Aegon! No! You can’t! I disgust you! You never liked me!’’ Her cries are muffled once she is put in the carriage. Aegon sighs, and for a moment the crown slips. He adjusts it right away. 
‘’So, brother.’’ I begin this terrible conversation. Because she should not be his. She is mine. I captured her, I can read her, I can trick her, deceive her, lie to her and kill her.
Aegon sighs, dramatically.  ‘’That should be enough to make her behave for one day. I don’t intend to actually lay with her.’’ I hear myself scoff. Of course not. Whyever would he do anything for his duties, for us? Ruining Maella, forcing her to have his child, it’s the best thing to do right now, the clever thing. And he won’t do it because Maella is not some blonde ugly whore.
I hate it. I hate him, I hate her, I hate the idea of them together, of them even breathing the same air. ‘’Whyever not? She is yours, brother. She is yours and for once in your life you are allowed to do what you enjoy doing.’’ I say, referring to the countless incidents.
Aegon does not meet my eye and his voice is soft as the wind as we prepare our horses. ‘’I don’t enjoy it.’’ He confesses. ‘’I never did. I just …’’
I wait ready to hear whatever explanation his sickening behaviour has.
Aegon sighs, rubbing his face. ‘’Father never saw me as his heir. Mother never saw me as anything but a problem. I guess that’s exactly who I became. An unworthy problematic heir.’’ I need to stop myself from laughing. Is he truly trying to push this all on that mother and father didn’t love him enough? That’s why he rapes?
‘’And the women?’’ I remark. ‘’How did they hate you, how did they wrong you? How did a simple kitchen maid or a servant girl hurt you, the Prince who surely they all looked up to?’’ I hear myself say the words and as soon as I say them I know. 
It’s not the love that was the issue. It’s the expectations. The expectations that he sets for himself, that the world and father set for him that he never met. And the servants were just unfortunately there at the wrong time and at the wrong place. Because there is no such thing viler than forcing yourself upon servants, people who you love. 
He becomes annoyed with me and my questions. ‘’I am done talking about this. If you want to talk about sexual things, I can ask you about why you fantasise about my wife and how you wanted to do similar things to her.’’ He’s right. And I hate that he is.
But Maella is not an innocent kitchen maid or servant who can’t defend herself.  ‘’Your wife is no innocent woman.’’ I say, with a smile as we get on the horses. ‘’You know she is a traitor and she must be eliminated so she cannot marry great houses. It’s why her virtue must be taken away.’’
I hear my brother laugh. I look at him. He shakes his head. ‘’And I used to think you were so much better than me. You are not. You might be worse.’’ After that he leaves for the Red Keep and I remain here with the carriage and the two unwanted Queens. And a lot of questions, and thoughts.
Maella is crying still as I enter the carriage. She glares at me through her tears. I smirk, sitting next to her. She instantly decides to sit somewhere else, as far away from me as possible. I think back of her offer, where she begged me to save her and to take her to her sweet mother. She is truly a naive girl who has no idea how the world truly works. ‘’You know, you only did this to yourself.’’ I say. ‘’By choosing the traitor queen, you became a traitor.’’
Maella does not see reason.
‘’She is crowned.’’ So is Aegon. ‘’I suppose you will enjoy tonight?’’ She can barely talk without sobbing. She could not be further from the truth. 
I shake my head. ‘’No, I won’t. I still firmly believe you should be with me.’’ I inform her as she rolls her eyes. ‘’As I am the-’’
She interrupts me. ‘’The one who captured me, yes.’’ She finishes with an annoyed sigh. ‘’Honestly, Uncle, it has gotten boring to hear you boast about your own pathetic accomplishments. You killed a little innocent boy and captured an innocent woman. Is that truly something to be proud of?’’
In one moment she is pushed against the walls of the carriage, my hands wrapped around her throat as I choke lightly, just to scare her. Perhaps to feel control over her life, over her body. ‘’He. Was. not. Innocent.’’ I hiss, warning her of my temper. ‘’He took my eye, had your mother done her task and disciplined him, I would have had peace with it!’’ I shout at her face as she flinches with fear and worry. She looks like she wants to call for the guards. She looks like she might bite me. As if she can laugh or cry any given moment. I wait for her to defend that bastard pup to ramble on how he was just a child. I wait for any of it.
Maella only slowly touches my hair, feeling it glide through her fingers. Her eyes sparkle with tears as she softly chuckles. ‘’I sometimes wonder what would have happened, had Grandsire married us. Would we have hated each other as much as we do now?’’ I am taken back by her movements and keep watching her carefully as she continues to touch my hair. ‘’Would Luc be alive? Would there be peace?’’ She wonders out loud, her hands finally end by my face, and her fingers touch my scars as I flinch slightly. Yet I do not pull away. There would not be peace. There would be hatred just the same. I know it. But my weak heart allows itself to be caught up in her sickening twisted fantasies of something I shall never acquire: A happy life. ‘’You are my brother’s.’’ I say, firmly. ‘’You must learn to obey his wishes and his word or there might be more.’’ I caress where Aegon struck her, warning her. ‘’He is kind now, but once he tires of you-’’ My words are interrupted as Maella places her lips against my own, and softly gasps, kissing me. Her hands touch my knees and I feel them at the same time on the back of my head, removing my eyepatch as she climbs on my lap, her eyes shimmering with tears. ‘’Why?’’ I whisper. ‘’You hate me.’’ I don’t understand it. Yet Maella continues to kiss me and to touch me in ways I only dreamt of. I should be happy, welcoming this opportunity. But I am not, and I do not welcome it. I pretend to be aboard, kissing her back. 
Maella allows herself to touch me, running her fingers over my crotch as I slip with my greedy fingers under her dress, touching and feeling her breasts and nipples, discovering her body. She shifts on the bench of the carriage, allowing me to top her properly. I remain standing as is proper, but she sweeps my legs and forces me atop of her. She lowers her eyes, touching my face gently. ‘’I told you before: We can run away together. Mother will reward you. You will become a hero.’’ She whispers and kisses me. I don’t kiss her back. I feel validated. I feel attacked, wronged, disgusted. I slap her hands off my crotch, and yank her head up by her hair so we can meet eye to eye. I see hope in her eyes. And I see it die when I scowl at her. ‘’You will lay with Aegon and no one else. You will carry his seed and your womb will quicken and you will push his child out.’’ I hiss as I push her against the walls of the carriage. Maella whimpers hurt at my rejection. I don’t care.
I slam the carriage door behind me and I don’t pay her any mind anymore. She can weep, scream and whimper all she likes: I will not betray my family. I get on my horse and sigh deeply. I imagine Aegon will enjoy himself. He will enjoy having her. I would've enjoyed having her. But at what cost? I know what she wants. She wants to go home. She does not care if she has to fuck the man who killed her brother to do it.
And my brother does not care either. He will always be unworthy of the throne. He will always avoid duty, and sacrfice. He will always be the weakest of us two. And me? I will always be doomed to remain in his shadow, the shadow of a sun.
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Broken bonds
Paring: Ser Harwin Strong/reader
Warnings: Swearing
When Harwin reaches you, he bows his head so that his forehead is pressing against yours. He tangles one hand in your hair while the other rests against your jaw, his thumb gently stroking your cheek.
You stand bare in front of each other for the first time, and instead of pouncing on you like a wild animal, Harwin takes his time savoring this moment as if it were his last night on earth. “Vaella, if we do this,” he says, bringing your hand to his mouth and kissing the tips of your fingers. “There’s no going back. Once I have you, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let go.”
“Then don’t let me go.”
He dips his head down and kisses you slowly, pulling all the air from your lungs and your senses from your brain. It was wrong and wonderful at the same time. Reluctantly, you lean back until your back is resting against the cold wall to catch your breath. Your eyes trail down his body and linger on his bandaged-up side. Concerned, you say, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Following your gaze, Harwin lets out a soft chuckle. “My sweet princess, you could never hurt me.”
You wake from your peaceful slumber to the sound of your husband's harsh voice echoing from the walls of the hallway outside your bedchamber. “Say it again! Say it again, and I’ll have your head!”
The first thing you see when you swing the door open is your husband being held back by multiple knights. He was trying his hardest to attack Criston Cole, who was smirking despite being covered in blood from the few punches Harwin got in.
Hearing your voice Harwin’s violent outburst staggers Wearing nothing but a nightgown, you cross your arms over in an attempt to subtly cover your swollen chest. Cole chuckles when he notices how uncomfortable you are. ��My apologies princess. I hope this disagreement didn’t disturb you.”
You turn your back to Criston and retreat back into your bedchamber, giving a polite nod to the other knights as you do. Harwin follows closely behind. When the door is closed behind you, you cup your husband’s flushed face, forcing him to look at you and ask, “What did he do this time?”
Cold had been trying to antagonize your husband for some time. Harwin had been doing well to not let the knight get to him, but something had pushed Harwin too far, causing him to snap.
He kisses your forehead, “I don't wish to upset you by repeating what he said.”
“Please, I cannot help if I don’t know.”
Harwin lets out a deep sigh and sits on the edge of the bed; his eyes are red and heavy-looking. A sad smile floated across your lips. One of the many things you loved about Harwin was how proud and protective he was of his family, but on the flip side, you hated seeing him distressed.
“He referred to you as—” his large hand rubs against your growing bump, “the mother of bastards.”
When daylight breaks, you wake up before Harwin or your sons are and decide to take Varos out for a ride before the madness of the day starts. On your way to the dragon pit, you almost walk into the one man you desperately wanted to throttle. He was staring straight ahead, pretending not to see you. Shaking your head, you address him, and without making eye contact, you say, “Ser Criston.”
“Princess. I hope the remainder of your night was pleasant; mine was spent with the maester.”
“I will be frank; my husband’s outburst last night disappointed me.”
“That is understandable.” The smugness on his face was most likely to cause him to think he had caused an issue within your marriage.
“I’m disappointed he didn’t hit you harder.”
“I’m sure the queen will enjoy hearing that.”
You step closer to him. The hallways were mainly empty at this time of the morning, but your voice remained low. “And how do you think the king will react when I tell him you called my sons bastards?”
The knight stares you down. As you start to walk away, Criston smugly says, “Maybe I was talking about Rhaenyra.”
You turn fast and slap him hard across the face. “Being the queen’s pet grants you a small amount of protection, but do not forget yourself. You are not only insulting the king's daughters and grandsons but also the heirs to the throne. And as I recall, you are only in the position you are in now because of Princess Rhaenyra.”
The knight bites back on whatever poison is lingering on the tip of his tongue.
“My husband may have your head, but I will feed you to my dragon if you ever hear you call my sons or nephews bastards again. And from now on, you will speak to my husband with nothing but respect, or I might just have to repeat what you said to the king.”
“Muña?” Aerion says, tugging at the bottom of your dress.
“Sorry, sweetling, I was lost in thought.”
Aerion holds his arms up, indicating he wants to be up beside you. When you place him beside you on the bed, he immediately snuggles in beside you. You stroke his soft, dark hair, watching as Vaegon giggles while pretending to fight his father.
While enjoying the moment with your family, you think about Rhaenyra. On your way back from the dragonpit, you decide to take one of the secret passages to avoid running into the queen or Criston, but in doing so, you end up interrupting a private moment between your sister and one of the king's guards.
“Sister, Ser Richard.”
Immediately, they jump apart from one another, breaking the lip lock you discovered them in. Neither of them attempted to look at each other as you walked by, offering them both a genuine smile. You knew how lonely your sister was previously and were glad she had found someone who made her happy.
“Fuck, Vaella, wait!”
“Rhaenyra, keep your voice down,” you huff. “What’s wrong?”
She looks stunned by your question; her gaze moves back to the guard, who is nervously pacing. “Please… I don’t want you to judge me.”
“Sweet sister, I’d never judge you. I know what it is to be in love with someone you shouldn’t. Does he treat you well?”
“Very.” Her eyes glisten as she speaks. “He treats me and my sons well.”
You’re snapping out of your trail of thought when Harwin places his free hand on your forehead. “Are you feeling well?”
“I’m fine; I just started to fall asleep.”
When Harwin sits down next to you, he holds Vaegon’s hands so the boy can jump up and down on the bed without falling. “I’m not surprised; growing a dragon is hard work.”
The smile he gives you makes your heart melt.
“A raven arrived from Harrenal,” he says. “My stepmother has invited us to stay with them for as long as we like.”
With both Harwin and his father living in the house, your husband's stepmother and sisters overlooked Harrenal and its lands. You still felt guilty about moving back to the keep, taking Harwin away from his home lands. “Of course, my love. When do you want to go?”
“In the morning? Give us time to make arrangements for our travel.”
“The morrow is perfect.”
Muña - Mother
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midlandslady · 2 months
On Daemon Targaryen Flaws
I know I have a love for Daemon that will probably be rivaled only by Matt Smith XD But people see him as a monster and I think we are watching different shows. Come on guys, all of his emotions are written in his face because Matt is such a great actor.
I try not to justify all of his crimes. But if I want to, I actually think I can.
"Heir for a day". I do not believe he said it! He never confirmed it, not even in this episode. Yes, it was a mistake to cheer the fact that he was restored as heir to the people who would stab him in the back. But he was sad! Come on, he was in his own corner of the bar, quietly drinking and looking forlorn. The people instigated him and him being young and with a huge ego felt like he had to indulge them. That doesn't mean he was happy about what happened or that he wanted to celebrate the death of Aemma and the baby! People who think so do not understand Daemon at all.
Murdering Rhea. He does not feel guilty about it. He hated her. She was an obstacle for him. This is probably his biggest sin yet. But I don't think he went there to kill her. He had no weapons. I don't see the horse being spooked by him. And then she was paralyzed but she wouldn't die. She would still be his wife. And he was leaving. Until she said he "couldn't finish". This triggered violence in him. But it would also be cruel to let her live a life she didn't want to live, in pain and suffering. Was it mercy, or was it cold-blooded murder? Again, this scene is meant to leave it uncertain. But the law says innocent until proven guilty, does it not? It was not a good deed anyway.
Mistreating Mysaria and Laena. When?? Mysaria was a whore working in a brothel, like many others. She was Daemon's favorite so he took her away from that life to live with him in Dragonstone atop Caraxes. I don't see him doing it for people he is not incredibly fond of. She left him when she thought he was putting her at risk with his recklessness. And she didn't go back to being a whore because she now had enough money to start her own business. And she betrayed him, to his worst enemy, time and time again. We never know what she felt for Daemon but it looked like she was also fond of him because when he was drunk in the streets making a fool of himself after leaving Rhaenyra in the brothel, she took him to her place. So I understand she also cared about him to an extent. And when she was betrayed by Otto, where did she go? To Daemon. And Daemon would have killed someone else on the spot for much less than her betrayal. He didn't. Why? He is fond of her. He understands her life was not easy and she had to make due. He even offered her freedom in exchange for a small bit of information he could've acquired somewhere else. And Laena? Daemon loved Laena, he admired her and cared for her. She was not ït" for him, but he was happy with her, he was soft to her. If she hadn't died he would probably stay married to her forever. One might even say she was the only one able to tame his wildness. Something Rhaenyra is incapable of doing. Because he and Rhaenyra are both fire, they will never know peace or calm because that's not them. But Daemon is not to blame for not loving Laena as much as he does Rhaenyra. It's not something he can control. I think if he could, he would because loving Laena was easier and uncomplicated.
He is a bad father. I don't think anyone is winning Best Dad of the Year in Hotd, I'm sorry. Maybe Harwin? But yeah. I saw in an interview they placed Corlys as the best dad. Best dad?! Best husband maybe! But not the best dad, surely. He wanted to marry 12-year-old Laena to Viserys for his own ambitions for the crown (worse even than Otto because Laena was a child) and he was terribly ashamed of Laenor because of his homosexuality. Viserys was the best dad? To Rhaenyra maybe, not to the other kids that he ignored. But even then, if he wanted Rhaenyra to be queen he should not have had an army of male children that would fight against his daughter, should he? Daemon always loved Baela and he didn't feel as connected to Rhaena. It happens. He was still with Rhaena all the time while Baela went to live with Rhaenys. He may not be affectionate but he is there for them. Even for Jace, Luke and Joffrey. He fought for Luke's claim to Driftmark. And people keep saying he ignored Baela after he argued with Rhaenyra. Come on, I would too! The man was so broken he wasn't even seeing straight, I barely think he would acknowledge anyone at that moment.
He was violent to Rhaenyra, twice. I hate it, I do! But she was already pushing him away, trying to command him, show her authority over him, and that came after a lot of traumatic events. Daemon lashes out when he is cornered, challenged, or hurt. She brings out the very worst out of him and that's the insane part of their relationship. It's not healthy, it is primal, animalistic, and crazy! Alas, I don't support his behavior and I hope he will learn from it now.
He wants to usurp Rhaenyra's throne. He does not! He is hurt! He is letting his ego talk for him because he needs to feel that he is not "pathetic", he needs to feel respected and that he is worthy (while doing exactly what makes him not be haha). Because he wants to show it to Rhaenyra. Prove himself to her, as Alys pointed out. The throne means nothing to him, it's all about what the throne represents to the people he loves and from whom he craves validity. He wants to be loved so badly, yet he does not know how to show it and that is a tragedy in itself.
He killed a child. I will die defending Daemon on this point. Once again, the writers intend it to be open for interpretation. I don't think he even considered male children at all. He said so himself and he never tries to justify himself for what he is accused of. Usually, he is just hurt that people he cares for would think bad of him and he would not even make an effort to say otherwise. This time he did say "no and no and no, I didn't" because I think deep down the brutality of the act shocked him to the core too. And maybe he would try to ignore it and put it under the carpet as a mistake but the way Rhaenyra confronts him makes him hate himself.
Is there any other flaw of Daemon that should be explored?
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istumpysk · 1 year
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Ned Stark + Ashara Dayne = Jon Snow (N + A = J)
Debunked: These theories have been directly contradicted by the text, George R. R. Martin, or other authoritative sources.
[Tier list overview]
Ashara Dayne was a Dornish noblewoman, rumored to be Jon Snow's mother. Her life ended under mysterious and tragic circumstances.
We're first told of the rumor that Ashara Dayne is Jon Snow's supposed mother in one of the opening chapters of A Game of Thrones.
Ned would not speak of the mother, not so much as a word, but a castle has no secrets, and Catelyn heard her maids repeating tales they heard from the lips of her husband's soldiers. They whispered of Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, deadliest of the seven knights of Aerys's Kingsguard, and of how their young lord had slain him in single combat. And they told how afterward Ned had carried Ser Arthur's sword back to the beautiful young sister who awaited him in a castle called Starfall on the shores of the Summer Sea. The Lady Ashara Dayne, tall and fair, with haunting violet eyes. It had taken her a fortnight to marshal her courage, but finally, in bed one night, Catelyn had asked her husband the truth of it, asked him to his face. That was the only time in all their years that Ned had ever frightened her. "Never ask me about Jon," he said, cold as ice. "He is my blood, and that is all you need to know. And now I will learn where you heard that name, my lady." She had pledged to obey; she told him; and from that day on, the whispering had stopped, and Ashara Dayne's name was never heard in Winterfell again. - Catelyn II, AGOT
The name resurfaces when Cersei Lannister, who has evidently heard the same rumors, uses Ashara to challenge Ned's honor.
"Honor," she spat. "How dare you play the noble lord with me! What do you take me for? You've a bastard of your own, I've seen him. Who was the mother, I wonder? Some Dornish peasant you raped while her holdfast burned? A whore? Or was it the grieving sister, the Lady Ashara? She threw herself into the sea, I'm told. Why was that? For the brother you slew, or the child you stole? Tell me, my honorable Lord Eddard, how are you any different from Robert, or me, or Jaime?" - Eddard XII, AGOT
In the next book, Catelyn once again ponders the possibility that Ashara might be Jon's mother.
Arya was the only one to show much of Ned in her features. And Jon Snow, but he was never mine. She found herself thinking of Jon's mother, that shadowy secret love her husband would never speak of. Does she grieve for Ned as I do? Or did she hate him for leaving her bed for mine? Does she pray for her son as I have prayed for mine? They were uncomfortable thoughts, and futile. If Jon had been born of Ashara Dayne of Starfall, as some whispered, the lady was long dead; if not, Catelyn had no clue who or where his mother might be. And it made no matter. Ned was gone now, and his loves and his secrets had all died with him. - Catelyn VI, ACOK
When Bran hears the tale of the Knight of the Laughing Tree, we learn more about Ned and Ashara's initial meeting and their dance at Harrenhal.
The crannogman saw a maid with laughing purple eyes dance with a white sword, a red snake, and the lord of griffins, and lastly with the quiet wolf . . . but only after the wild wolf spoke to her on behalf of a brother too shy to leave his bench. - Bran II, ASOS
In an Arya chapter, Edric Dayne of House Dayne—presumably someone with insider knowledge—reveals more details about Ned and Ashara's alleged love affair. Harwin confirms that he has also heard such rumors.
"My father was Ser Arthur's elder brother. Lady Ashara was my aunt. I never knew her, though. She threw herself into the sea from atop the Palestone Sword before I was born." "Why would she do that?" said Arya, startled. Ned looked wary. Maybe he was afraid that she was going to throw something at him. "Your lord father never spoke of her?" he said. "The Lady Ashara Dayne, of Starfall?" "No. Did he know her?" "Before Robert was king. She met your father and his brothers at Harrenhal, during the year of the false spring." "Oh." Arya did not know what else to say. "Why did she jump in the sea, though?" "Her heart was broken." Sansa would have sighed and shed a tear for true love, but Arya just thought it was stupid. She couldn't say that to Ned, though, not about his own aunt. "Did someone break it?" He hesitated. "Perhaps it's not my place . . ." "Tell me." He looked at her uncomfortably. "My aunt Allyria says Lady Ashara and your father fell in love at Harrenhal—" "That's not so. He loved my lady mother." "I'm sure he did, my lady, but—" "She was the only one he loved." "He must have found that bastard under a cabbage leaf, then," Gendry said behind them. [...] It was Harwin who rode up beside her, in the end. "Where do you think you're going, milady? You shouldn't run off. There are wolves in these woods, and worse things." "I'm not afraid," she said. "That boy Ned said . . ." "Aye, he told me. Lady Ashara Dayne. It's an old tale, that one. I heard it once at Winterfell, when I was no older than you are now." He took hold of her bridle firmly and turned her horse around. "I doubt there's any truth to it. But if there is, what of it? When Ned met this Dornish lady, his brother Brandon was still alive, and it was him betrothed to Lady Catelyn, so there's no stain on your father's honor. There's nought like a tourney to make the blood run hot, so maybe some words were whispered in a tent of a night, who can say? Words or kisses, maybe more, but where's the harm in that? Spring had come, or so they thought, and neither one of them was pledged." - Arya VIII, ASOS
Barristan Selmy, who was present at Harrenhal and held great fondness for Ashara Dayne, recalls her suicide over a lost child and/or a man dishonoring her. He wonders whether he could have prevented her becoming enamored with "Stark."
But Ashara's daughter had been stillborn, and his fair lady had thrown herself from a tower soon after, mad with grief for the child she had lost, and perhaps for the man who had dishonored her at Harrenhal as well. She died never knowing that Ser Barristan had loved her. How could she? He was a knight of the Kingsguard, sworn to celibacy. No good could have come from telling her his feelings. No good came from silence either. If I had unhorsed Rhaegar and crowned Ashara queen of love and beauty, might she have looked to me instead of Stark? - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
Lastly, Catelyn mentions that Ned refers to Jon as his son, a claim corroborated in the book's opening chapter.
"Beyond a doubt," his lord father said. "Come, let us see what mischief my sons have rooted out now." He sent his horse into a trot. Jory and Bran and the rest came after. - Bran I, AGOT
The Starks were not like other men. Ned brought his bastard home with him, and called him "son" for all the north to see. - Catelyn II, AGOT
God, where do we begin?
The confirmation from George R. R. Martin to David Benioff and D.B. Weiss regarding Jon's true parentage.
It's well known that David Benioff and D.B. Weiss correctly guessed Jon's true parents, giving George R. R. Martin the confidence to let them adapt his book series.
Martin recounted, "I did ask them a few pointed question to determine whether they had actually read the books, and they gave me the right answers." When asked to specify what they were grilled on, Weiss elaborated: He asked us, "Who is Jon Snow's mother?" We had discussed it before, and we gave a shocking answer. At that point, George didn't actually say whether or not we were right or wrong, but his smile was his tell. We knew we had passed the Wonka test, at that point. — The 'Game of Thrones' writers had to answer this trick question about the book before they were allowed to make the series
Who were Jon's parents in the television series adapted and written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss?
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The leaked original outline.
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Arya will be more forgiving... until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night's Watch, sworn to celibacy. Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon's true parentage is finally revealed in the last book.
Until. Until.
Let me point out the obvious here: if Jon were Ned's child with Ashara Dayne, there would be no parentage reveal that could relieve the torment felt by Jon and Arya. They would still be half-siblings, and it would still be unacceptable for them to be in love. Not much of a reveal then, is it?
The original intended purpose of revealing Jon's parentage was not to place him on a throne or to fulfill a special prophecy; rather, it was to pave the way for a possible romance with a sister. This doesn't work if Ned Stark is his father.
The timeline simply doesn't add up.
The tourney at Harrenhal, where Ned danced with Ashara, took place in 281 AC. Ned traveled down from the Eyrie.
It was the year of false spring, and he was eighteen again, down from the Eyrie to the tourney at Harrenhal. - Eddard XV, AGOT
The year after that tournament, Rhaegar abducted Lyanna, leading to the eventual deaths of Brandon and Rickard Stark, and the start of Robert's Rebellion.
With the coming of the new year, the crown prince had taken to the road with half a dozen of his closest friends and confidants, on a journey that would ultimately lead him back to the riverlands. Not ten leagues from Harrenhal, Rhaegar fell upon Lyanna Stark of Winterfell, and carried her off, lighting a fire that would consume his house and kin and all those he loved—and half the realm besides. - The World of Ice and Fire - The Fall of the Dragons: The Year of the False Spring
Ned Stark had returned to the Eyrie following the tournament.
"At the dawn of Robert's Rebellion. The Mad King had sent to the Eyrie for Stark's head, but Jon Arryn sent him back defiance. Gulltown stayed loyal to the throne, though. To get home and call his banners, Stark had to cross the mountains to the Fingers and find a fisherman to carry him across the Bite. [...]" - Davos I, ADWD
Robert's Rebellion spanned 282-283 AC.
Are you wondering what Ned was up to during that time? I'll tell you.
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Ned Stark was in the Eyrie when King Aerys demanded his head.
Unable to use Gulltown, he crossed the Mountains of the Moon to get to the Fingers.
He then hired a fisherman to take him to White Harbor, but a storm rerouted him to the Three Sisters.
Thankfully, Lord Borrell granted him safe passage to continue on to White Harbor.
Upon reaching Winterfell, Ned immediately called his banners.
He subsequently marched south to the Stoney Sept and helped secure a victory in the Battle of the Bells.
Following that battle, he travelled to Riverrun and married Catelyn Tully.
At this point, Robb Stark was conceived.
Around this same period, Jon Snow should also have been conceived.
After that, Ned participated in the Battle of the Trident, contributing to the defeat of House Targaryen's forces (laugh out loud).
He then marched to King's Landing, only to find that Tywin Lannister had already sacked the city.
Note: Ashara Dayne was not present.
He then moved on to Storm's End to lift the siege, thereby saving Stannis Baratheon (and pissing me off).
Following this, he travelled to the Tower of Joy in the Red Mountains of Dorne. There, he defeated Arthur Dayne among others, and discovered his dying sister, Lyanna Stark.
Before her death, Lyanna made Ned promise her something. (Prioritize self-care? Never stop learning? Forgive yourself for past mistakes? Save and invest? Be the best you can be? Gosh, who could say.)
After the events at the Tower of Joy, he travelled to Starfall, the home of Ashara Dayne, to return the ancestral sword of House Dayne.
Note: He did not stay for 40 weeks.
Finally, Ned returned to Winterfell, bringing with him a baby and a wet nurse.
Shortly after, Catelyn Stark arrived at Winterfell with Robb Stark, who was considered the older of the two babies by literally everyone.
The end.
So, I ask you, given that Jon wasn't conceived at the tournament at Harrenhal in 281 AC—
Jon was fourteen, an old hand at justice. - Bran I, AGOT
Robb is fourteen. Soon enough, he will be a man grown. - Catelyn II, AGOT
When the wars were over at last, and Catelyn rode to Winterfell, Jon and his wet nurse had already taken up residence. - Catelyn II, AGOT
All of which is a long winded way of saying, no, Jon was not born "more than 1 year" before Dany... probably closer to eight or nine months or thereabouts. - George R. R. Martin
—when exactly, during Robert's Rebellion, did Ned manage to teleport himself to Ashara Dayne to conceive this child?
Catelyn Stark is a smart woman, but sometimes emotional distress can cloud one's judgment.
The Brandon Stark Consideration.
In true George R. R. Martin fashion, there's hints that another Stark may be more relevant to Ashara Dayne.
Ned Dayne casually mentions that Ashara met not only Ned at Harrenhal, but also his brothers.
"Before Robert was king. She met your father and his brothers at Harrenhal, during the year of the false spring." - Arya VIII, ASOS
When Bran hears about Ned and Ashara's dance, an ellipsis of truth clarifies that this occurred only after a conversation between Brandon Stark and Ashara.
[What the hell is an ellipsis of truth? George R. R. Martin frequently uses an ellipsis as a technique to emphasize statements in the text that are highly relevant or truthful.]
The crannogman saw a maid with laughing purple eyes dance with a white sword, a red snake, and the lord of griffins, and lastly with the quiet wolf . . . but only after the wild wolf spoke to her on behalf of a brother too shy to leave his bench. - Bran II, ASOS
Barristan's reference to 'Stark' is amusingly vague and non-identifying.
If I had unhorsed Rhaegar and crowned Ashara queen of love and beauty, might she have looked to me instead of Stark? - The Kingbreaker, ADWD
In A Dance with Dragons, we learn that unlike Ned Stark, Brandon Stark was the type of guy to dishonor a highborn woman he had no intention of marrying.
Brandon was never shy about taking what he wanted. I am old now, a dried-up thing, too long a widow, but I still remember the look of my maiden's blood on his cock the night he claimed me. I think Brandon liked the sight as well. A bloody sword is a beautiful thing, yes. It hurt, but it was a sweet pain. - The Turncloak, ADWD
I have a feeling we'll hear more and more about Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne in the upcoming books.
The complete and total absence of Ashara Dayne in Ned Stark's thoughts.
Ned Stark is an introspective man, often dwelling on past events and his family. So why is it that in all his chapters, he never once thinks of Ashara Dayne, his great love and the alleged mother of one of his children, who tragically took her own life?
He doesn't reflect on her when thinking about Jon, while recalling Robert's Rebellion, when considering Arthur Dayne, or even during his recollections of the tournament at Harrenhal where they supposedly fell in love.
It sort of feels like the woman means absolutely nothing to him.
"Honor," she spat. "How dare you play the noble lord with me! What do you take me for? You've a bastard of your own, I've seen him. Who was the mother, I wonder? Some Dornish peasant you raped while her holdfast burned? A whore? Or was it the grieving sister, the Lady Ashara? She threw herself into the sea, I'm told. Why was that? For the brother you slew, or the child you stole? Tell me, my honorable Lord Eddard, how are you any different from Robert, or me, or Jaime?" "For a start," said Ned, "I do not kill children. You would do well to listen, my lady. I shall say this only once. When the king returns from his hunt, I intend to lay the truth before him. You must be gone by then. You and your children, all three, and not to Casterly Rock. If I were you, I should take ship for the Free Cities, or even farther, to the Summer Isles or the Port of Ibben. As far as the winds blow." - Eddard II, AGOT
Nothing! Unaffected. Unfazed. It rolled right off him.
Confused Edric Dayne.
Edric Dayne tells Arya that his aunt, Allyria, told him that Ned and Ashara fell in love at Harrenhal.
A few things to consider:
Edric Dayne was born in 287 AC, well after the events of Harrenhal and the Rebellion.
Arya got goosebumps when Lord Beric said her father's name, but this Ned was only a boy, a fair-haired squire no more than ten or twelve. - Arya VI, ASOS
Edric Dayne doesn't actually believe Ashara is Jon's mother. He thinks Jon's mother was his wet nurse, Wylla.
(I hope I don't have to point out again that Ned Stark didn't stay at Starfall for 40 weeks, and this story makes no sense.)
(I'm sure I also don't need to point out that the author prevents little Ned from claiming something factually untrue and swearing it on the honor of his house.)
"Brother?" Arya did not understand. "But you're from Dorne. How could you and Jon be blood?" "Milk brothers. Not blood. My lady mother had no milk when I was little, so Wylla had to nurse me." Arya was lost. "Who's Wylla?" "Jon Snow's mother. He never told you? She's served us for years and years. Since before I was born." "Jon never knew his mother. Not even her name." Arya gave Ned a wary look. "You know her? Truly?" Is he making mock of me? "If you lie I'll punch your face." "Wylla was my wetnurse," he repeated solemnly. "I swear it on the honor of my House." - Arya VIII, ASOS
But what about his aunt Allyria, who told him Ned and Ashara fell in love?
Well, we don't know a lot about Allyria, but we do know one thing: she was betrothed to Beric Dondarrion in 294 AC or 295 AC.
"How long have you been Lord Beric's squire?" she asked, to take his mind from his misery. "He took me for his page when he espoused my aunt." He coughed. "I was seven, but when I turned ten he raised me to squire. I won a prize once, riding at rings." - Arya VIII, ASOS
Beric Dondarrion was born in either 276 AC or 277 AC. He was 21 years old at the beginning of A Game of Thrones, which would make him a young boy during the tournament of Harrenhal and the Rebellion.
Beric Dondarrion was handsome enough, but he was awfully old, almost twenty-two - Sansa III, AGOT
Given cultural norms, Beric's age, and the year of their betrothal, what is the likelihood that Allyria is younger than Beric? I'd say very likely.
That would make her a little girl during the events of Harrenhal and the Rebellion, so it's doubtful she has firsthand knowledge of Ashara or Ned.
The "son" issue.
Yes, Ned refers to Jon as his son in Bran's opening chapter. Yes, Catelyn claims Ned calls Jon his son. However, I have to point out, we're often shown Ned referring to Jon as anything but his son.
"He is my blood, and that is all you need to know. [...]" - Catelyn II, AGOT
The look Ned gave her was anguished. "You know I cannot take him south. There will be no place for him at court. A boy with a bastard's name … you know what they will say of him. He will be shunned." - Catelyn II, AGOT
Riding through the rainy night, Ned saw Jon Snow's face in front of him, so like a younger version of his own. If the gods frowned so on bastards, he thought dully, why did they fill men with such lusts? - Eddard IX, AGOT
To her credit, Cersei did not look away. "He saw us. You love your children, do you not?" Robert had asked him the very same question, the morning of the melee. He gave her the same answer. "With all my heart." "No less do I love mine." Ned thought, If it came to that, the life of some child I did not know, against Robb and Sansa and Arya and Bran and Rickon, what would I do? Even more so, what would Catelyn do, if it were Jon's life, against the children of her body? He did not know. He prayed he never would. - Eddard XII, AGOT
The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him - Eddard XV, AGOT
Lord Eddard seemed much younger this time. His hair was brown, with no hint of grey in it, his head bowed. "… let them grow up close as brothers, with only love between them," he prayed, "and let my lady wife find it in her heart to forgive …" - Bran III, ADWD
Other things to consider:
Quick question, what impact would Jon's identity as a secret Dayne have on the overall narrative? None. Hello?
Anyone with two brain cells should be able to figure out that when the book quickly reveals Ashara Dayne as Jon's real mother, that's obviously not the case.
It's pretty easy to tell that Ned Stark is not the type of man to cheat on his wife or dishonor a maiden. He's the quiet wolf who's too shy to speak to girls.
While George has never explicitly confirmed the R+L=J theory himself, he has been known to slip once or twice when being pressed on the topic.
Since all of their mothers died, who gave Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister their names? Mothers can name a child before birth, or during, or after, even while they are dying. Dany was most like named by her mother, Tyrion by his father, Jon by Ned. - George R. R. Martin
Lastly, and most important,
Is there more? Probably. But I'm tired and I think I've made enough points.
I hate this theory like I hate flat earthers.
Just out there being stupid for no reason.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
The Hound is the gravedigger.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐃 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
・Wakes up as soon as you do
・She usually can’t get to sleep until after you do, so when you’re awake, her body can sense it 
・ Immediately asks you what’s wrong 
・She doesn’t tell you to get over it, she genuinely wants to hear what bothered you most about the nightmare 
・Telling her about your nightmare: the white men who seemed to be made of ice. Their blue eyes, the decaying people. A babe who was alive, but ... not in the human sense
・Instinctively, she moves her body toward you, reaching out to pull you close 
・Hates that she can’t get rid of your unease 
・Hums lightly to get you back to sleep
・Is usually awake most nights, her thoughts running wild
・She knows when you’re having a bad dream, and she always wakes you up from it
・Hushes you and pushes the hair from your face 
・ “Nightmare, only a nightmare” she reassures you
・ “It felt so real, they were so cold-” She interrupts you with a kiss to your forehead
・ “It’s okay, it’s only a dream”
・Holds you until you fall asleep 
・And then her mind starts racing again
・Always the big spoon 
・Likes to hold you so he can smell you 
・Shakes you awake when you’re having a bad dream
・And he wants to hear every detail about it, because he’s had similar dreams as well
・Asks if you want to go back to sleep, or do you want a ride on Caraxes? 
・Will hold you until you fall asleep, or get both of you ready to go riding
・He’s a light sleeper. He has to have the room pitch black for him to fall asleep
・So when you awoke with the images of white walkers in your head, not knowing who or what they are, you panicked 
・The room was so dark that you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face
・Your breathing began to quicken and you couldn’t control it 
・You flung yourself out of bed, your intention to find a source of light 
・You found the window and saw one of the dragons flying through the night sky. You calmed a bit
・And then you felt a hand on your shoulder
・ “It’s just me,” the deep voice said slowly 
・He hugged you from behind, doing his best to ground you once again
・He sleeps so close to you that he can almost hear your heartbeat quicken in your chest. 
・Aemond’s sapphire eye twinkled in the moonlight - you always liked to sleep with the window open
・He sat up and cupped your face lightly. He was never the type to sleep deeply. Maybe he inherited it from his grandfather
・ “Wake up,” he said firmly but gently. Your face contorted in horror as the vision unfolded in your head. 
・ “Wake up!” He demanded, now verging on panic. 
・Your eyes flung open right as the sword struck, warmth flooded your cold chest as you looked upon Aemond 
・ “I’m here, you’re safe,” he repeated the words a few times, and held you tight against his chest 
・ “Aemond-” 
・ “I’m here, and I’ll kill any of those nightmarish creatures” 
・His solid body took up most of the bed
・You gasped awake, not realising that you had been clutching onto Harwin in your sleep. He hadn’t noticed either, since he was still snoring 
・Tears welled in your eyes, as those things took hold of your every thought. 
・You wiggled yourself closer to Harwin, wrapping your legs around his, as if he could bring your thoughts back into this room
・ “Harwin?” You whispered, nudging him slightly 
・ “Hmm? Mmm I ‘noring again?” He mumbled, rolling over, practically on top of you now 
・ “No, bad dream” 
・He awoke more then, grabbed you and pulled you close 
・ “You know I’ll always keep you ‘afe” he grumbled, nuzzling his face into your neck
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (13)
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13. Driftmark
Summary: Your entire family unravels 
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: death, cursing, incest, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, violence, minors on minors violence, maiming, blood, use of a knife, underage drinking, you know the drill 
Wordcount: 3.8k
Notes: We are here! what happened in Driftmark with the Strong-Targaryens there too. I was so excited to post this, so I'm sorry for any mistakes... i tend to re read them and fix things after. SORRY
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You all gathered in the courtyard after the rituals of the funeral of Lady Laena, all your family was there but the tension was building. Alicent looked hatefully at Rhaenyra, who was speaking with her kids
Rhaena and Bhaela were two beautiful children, you sent your own to give them their condolences, and the kids were gathering around the twins. including Aemma. But Jacaerys walked towards Ser Harwin, his head low
“I’m sorry for your loss, Ser Harwin”, muttered Jacaerys, Harwin smiled and ruffled his wild hairs
“Thank you my prince”, he whispered with a beautiful smile, you just smiled and let them share a moment together. You couldn't hate the poor prince, he was your nephew, and your future King. So you just walked away towards the balcony to gaze at the waves. You didn’t notice of course Rhaenyra walking towards Harwin as well to pull the boy from him, but also to share a few words
You noticed your uncle talking sharply with your father, you knew the king wanted to offer him a place in court, and, as could be expected, your uncle refused basing his decision on his pride. and when your father walked away, you saw an opportunity
“I’m sorry for your loss dear uncle”, he smiled sarcastically taking a sip of his cup of wine
“Thank you dear niece”, he answered, “did my brother send you as he failed?” he asked then
“Nothing of the sort”, you said then, “are you happy? In Pentos?”
“As happy as one could be”, he continued, “it’s the home of my daughters”
“They are beautiful, as their mother, thank the gods”, you mocked playfully, and you made him draw a small smile. “We need you, uncle”, you said bluntly, “Rhaenyra and I, we need you by our side”, that truly seemed to interest him, “I know it comes at great personal cost, but… I believe that if you move back with us, to the Keep, you will be of great help”
“And why would you need me?”
“One time a really whistle blower of an uncle told me…” you started, “he was really annoying, a joy-killer really”, he looked at you squinting his eyes with a teasing smile, “he told me that a Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing”, you continued
“Is that right? he seemed so wise”, he mocked in turn 
“He was”, you continued, “you don’t need us, uncle, but we need you”, con continued, “and I must mimic my father’s words into saying that is a space in court for you, if you want it, I know you don’t need it”,  he smiled tenderly at you
“Otto sits at father’s small council again”, he noted
“That what we need help with”, you continued, “this is a silent war against Alicent for the control of the Kingdom, I know they want to install Aegon as King”, he nodded
“I will help you both”, he whispered, “this is a Targaryen rule”, he continued, “not to ever be challenged, specially by Hightower cunts”
Far to your knowledge, you would have never guessed that the unwavering gaze of your sister never left your form, angered at the sight of both of you both, uncle and nice, giggling and whispering. 
You looked back at Rhaenyra and you found her right by Harwin's side, and the son they shared standing right then in front of them. You couldn’t help but feel bitter, all over your mouth and throat at the sight. Daemon caught this and grabbed your upper arm and give it a squeeze
“You’ve done well this past months, staying by father’s side”, he remarked, and you smiled
“Thank you uncle, now if you excuse me, we’ll talk later”, he nodded and you left him alone.
Unbeknownst to you Larys was sharing strange looks with a traumatized Alicent. Who shook at the thought of what she had provoked. Larys had killed his own father for her. She looked at her own father, proudly wearing the Hand of the King pin on his chest. Was the life of Lyonel worth having his father back? 
She looked at the second in line to the throne talking to Daemon and decided it wasn't.
She looked at her weak and sick husband, tumbling towards her and calling her Aemma, and she decided it was.
Steffon and the commander were desmissed for the night and Criston Cole had the night's watch
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“She is an idiot!”
“She is your future Queen, and our sister”, responded Aemond to his brother, as both looked at Helaena 
“You married her then”, he snapped
“I would perform my duty, but mom betrothed me too”, he whispered
“Yeah, with that Strong girl”, he laughed
“She is our niece”, he said, “and she is as Targaryen as us”
“Well, good luck with that”, Aegon mocked, taking another cup of wine from a tray a servant girl offered, and then he winked at her. He didn’t seem to notice the disgusted face she made, as he went to pursue her, leaving Aemond gazing at his sister. But a distant roar made the boy take his attention away from Helaena and walked towards the balcony, he looked up at the clouds and saw something huge flying behind the clouds in a terrifying shadow
“Vhagar”, he whispered, marveled, but the boy got distracted again by the sight of his niece. As she walked aimlessly, “Aemma!”, he called, reaching out to her, the girl smiled at him. 
“It’s probably Vhaelar, my mom’s dragon”, she told him, “she is huge!”
“She can’t be bigger than Vhagar”, Aemond told her.
“Well I don’t know about that but she is pretty big!”, she giggled. Aemond thought she was a silly little girl, but having her by his side is like having a little thing that cheered him up whenever and however.
“Show her to me”, he demanded, and she nodded enthusiastically
And as the sun finally hid behind the horizon, they waited until they were sent away to their chambers to sleep so they could sneak out in the middle of the night. 
“This is Vhaelar”, she introduced, the white dragon was resting over the sand. Aemond thought the she-dragon reminded him of a fish with silvery scales. It was a robust creature with an incredible color but with fearsome details in her head, her huge teeth, her pointy horns… 
Aemma grabbed his hand and together they went down the sand dune that separated from the dragon. 
“Vhaelar!”, she called. The poor creature was sleeping, but when she heard the kid’s voice she lifted her head slowly and turned towards the princess. She didn’t like being disturbed so she growled at her, showing her her teeth. But at her eyes adjusted to the night and saw the little Aemma, and sniffed her to confirm her presence, she purred at her, making her giggle, but then the dragon just turned around and kept sleeping 
“I don’t think she will listen to your command”, he mocked
“She never does”, she said, saddened. Vhaelar was indeed huge, but she was not Aemond’s goal tonight, she was a claimed dragon, but, by his calculations, there was Vhagar, unclaimed, sleeping soundly as well, a couple of dunes over. 
So he grabbed Aemma’s hand and pulled her towards what he thought could be Vhagar
“What are we doing?”, she whispered, and Aemond pushed her down to the sand when he actually saw the huge beast also sleeping.
“That is Vhagar”, he indicated, and she at the sight of the dragon, opened her eyes and mouth widely, it was truly, the biggest dragon she had ever seen, “Stay here!” 
“No wait! Aemond!”, she called, but it was too late, as the boy ran towards The Queen of dragons, she wanted to stop him, but her fear could more and she laid there as she saw the young boy waken the beast
She witnessed as Aemond told Vhagar to obey him, and she obeyed, and she witnessed how he climbed on her back and took off, leaving her on the ground.
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You actually helped Qarl and Joffrey carry Laenor to his chambers, he was distraught, in tears for the loss of his sister, and you just happened to be there as he cried his lungs out in the hallway, drunk out of his mind. But as you made sure he was safely in his chambers you released yourself from that and exited HIghtide once again, finding yourself outside just where you were moments ago with your family, but right now it was empty.
Your children were asleep, or at least you hope so, but you didn’t have the faintest idea of here Harwin might be
But he found you, in the past 11 years he certainly had learned some things about you. You smiled as he pressed his chest to your back and kissed the side of your neck as you looked into the narrow sea
“Hello love”, he growled
“Hello my love”, you answered. His hand sneaked towards your belly, where it caressed the clothed skin. 
“Any news?”, he asked softly against your ear. You shook your head
“Not yet”, you whispered, a little saddened. It had been 7 years since you had Aemma, you never had not even a scare of pregnancy. “I’m sorry”, you whispered
“You have nothing to be sorry for”, he whispered, hugging you too tightly against him, “we are being greedy, actually”, you giggled, “Three Strong Targaryen children are enough… the gods said”
“More and it would be a world imbalance”, you giggled back. 
“There was actually going to be only two, but Rhaegar slipped through the crack”, he admitted. He chuckled and you giggled even more then he kissed you in the neck again, making you shiver
“Perhaps it is the castle we try to conceive in”, you tried. You turned still in his arms and he smiled down on you
“Right, we have already conceived in the Red Keep and in White-hall”
“Now in Hightide”, you suggested, “this is it!”, he gave you that knee-weakening smile you liked so much, and he leaned in to trap you lips with his 
“We should get back to our rooms and get to it”, you suggested against his lips. He growled, his hands wandering to the side of your breasts
“Perhaps the salty air will help us”. you moaned against his mouth again as he trapped you against the retaining stone wall. 
You got lost in his presence, being swallowed whole by him and his body caging you in. You hugged into his blue velvet vest so soft, just like he was, so soft for you, the Strongest knight of the seven kingdoms, your husband.
But as his greedy hand was tugging the skirts of your black dress, a loud roar interrupted you, it sounded just too close to be a dragon flying a drift, it was too close.
And suddenly, the gray sky darkened even more, huge wings covered everything you could see and a huge body crushed everything near where you were. Another loud roar so close you could feel the dragon’s breath. Harwin protected you with his body against the wall, cursing in your ear. Both of you were on high alert, scared out of your mind
“What the fuck?”, he cursed, when the best stopped moving, you looked over Harwin shoulders
It was Vhagar. 
The biggest dragon in the world, the Queen of dragons, the conqueror. 
You grabbed onto Harwin for dear life, he hugged you protectively sensing your distress, and you whined against his chest in panic
“Hey, are you alright?”, he whispered against the top of your head, you shook your head. “it’s fine, she won’t hurt us, it’s fine, she is leaving”, all those nightmares including that green beast came back to you, hunting you. All of those in which she flew menacingly above you, the ones she dove and swallowed you whole, all of them. You cried, cried against his chest, for once in your life, scared of a dragon.
Dragons were fire made flesh, and Targaryens were dragon made human .
You didn’t see who was riding her, but she flew away, as Harwin covered you in the mantle of shades and night against the wall
“She left, it’s ok”, he repeated, taking you off the wall and hugging you against him, caressing your head and your back
“I’m alright, I’m fine” you cried 
“Let's get you inside, and some tea”, he whispered against your hair, and you nodded. Without letting go of you. He nodded, grabbing your hand and taking you up the stone stairs. There you found Aegon, drunk out of his mind and sitting on the rest of the steps. You looked at Harwin and together you grabbed him,
“Aegon, wake up”, you said softly, gently tapping on his cheek
“Please don’t tell mother”, he cried, Harwin grabbing him and putting him on his feet. the boy’s weight totally over your husband, the poor boy couldn’t walk by himself 
“We’ll take you to your room”, you whispered. And you took him in with you. 
“Please don’t tell my mother”, he cried again
“Please promise me, little brother, you are not going to drink again”, you said then
“I like the tate”, he blurred out, “I like how it feels”, Harwin looked at you over Aegon’s head with a sad look
���You like how it feels?”, you asked
“The numbness”, he confessed 
“If you don’t drink like that again I won’t tell your mother”, you said then, grabbing his other arm
“Alright”, and you promise then to yourself to always keep an eye on Aegon for the next festivities to come. 
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Aemma, alone, ran back towards the castle, she remembered the steps in the dark they took so it wasn’t strange, but she was not less afraid because of it. But she was a dragon, she thought, she had to be brave. When she entered the cavernous entrance to the beach, she met her cousins and her two brother running towards her 
“Aemma!” screamed Rhaegar, “what are you doing?”, a blush decorated her cheeks
“I was walking with Aemond”, she whispered
“Was it him? He stole my dragon!” screamed Rhaena at her face. 
“I don’t know”, she whispered
“Vhagar was my mother’s dragon!”, she said then. Aemma didn’t know
“I’m sorry!”, she apologized and didn’t even know why
“It’s him!”, Baela screamed pointing at a triumphant Aemond who just walked in
“It’s me!”, he answered 
“You stole my mother’s dragon!”
“Your mother is dead, and Vhagar has a new dragon rider now”. Rhaena threw herself at the boy, screaming, and he easily pushed her away, “maybe your cousins could find you a pig to ride, it would suit you”, he mocked her on the ground 
“Aemond you are being mean” accused Aemma
“Now I can take you to Dragonstone, and you can get your own dragon”, he assured her, and that made her fleetingly happy, but Baela punched Aemond in the face 
Jacaerys and Lucerys where going to go at him, but the Strong twins grabbed them
“Are you cousins? Or are you brothers? Everybody knows!” Aemond mocked at the four of them
“What?” Rhaegar growled, looking at Maekar
“Jacaerys is as Strong as you both are”, he said then, “just look at him”, the brothers looked at Jacaerys, and they found their father’s eyes looking right back at them. 
“Aemma”, called Maekar, letting of Jacaerys, he and Lucerys pounced on Aemond. As Maekar grabbed his sister, pulling her away from Aemond
“Leave him alone!” cried the little one. But Aemond didn’t need any help as he punched the four of them out of his way. 
He leaned down to grab a rock from the ground, but when he drew back his arm to throw it at Lucerys, he hit Aemma on the mouth with it, in an unfortunate accident. It happened so quick that everything from there turned to chaos 
She cried, falling back with a broken lip that was going to need stitches. Her two brothers ran down to help her, as she screamed her little lungs out at the sharp and numbing pain on her mouth. 
Both of her brothers comforted her. Meanwhile Aemond threatened Lucerys and Jacaerys with with the huge rock, so close to crushing the boy's head, when a dagger came out, and Jacaerys took his eye.
“What is the meaning of this?”, Ser Harrold ran towards Aemond, as Steffon ran towards Aemma, her upper lip was split open and copious amounts of blood was pouring out between her trembling little fingers
“Fetch the maesters!” the commander demanded.
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“What is going on?”, you demanded loudly, reaching the hall where they all were, awakened and worried. You ran towards Aemma, who was sitting right next to a one-eyed Aemond, her hand was covering her mouth
“Let me see”, bitter tears still ran down her cheeks, but nobody was paying attention to her and her bloody bsuted lip, it looked awful, but not the worse injury of the night. You gasped when you saw Aemond’s face, all stitched, his eye lost. Your sister entered the hall then, running to her own injured child, Lucerys had his nose bleeding too. by his side your two sons stood, both unharmed. You looked back at Aemond and feared the worst
“What is the meaning of this?” Lord Corlys demanded, walking in alongside Rhaenys, and the children all started to scream at each other, insulting and accusing. Aemma cried silently, grabbing her lip, and the maester just finished stitching Aemond’s eye and turned to tend to her. She screeched like the day she was born. 
Harwin and you had to grab her and hold her tightly to let the Maester stitch up her lip, she twisted and turned in her father’s embrace, and her cries broke your heart. The desperation of knowing and seeing your child was in pain, and you could do nothing to help her. When she was done she curled into his father’s embrace and cried silently.
“She will scar, your grace”, the Maester sentenced. You just nodded. 
“What happened?”, you repeated, this time your angry voice made the entire room silent, your eyes burned with rage as you looked at all the children, who were intimidated under your gaze. You then looked at Maekar, your son always told the truth. “Maekar”, you called
“It’s my son’s right to tell the tale”, Alicent chimed in, but you only had eyes for your oldest 
“Baela and Rhaena were angry that Aemond claimed Vhagar, they accused him of stealing and wanted to beat him up”, he told you, Rhaegar looked at him in panic, “he fighted them off, so Lucerys and Jacaerys punch him as well”
“It's a lie!”
“It was an unfair fight so he picked a rock, he hit Aemma with it, but it was an accident”, he continued, “but he was going to hit Jace and Luke with it, it was a big rock, the size of their heads…”
“Prince Jacaerys had a blade he wanted to kill my son!”, screamed Alicent
“That’s when the blade came in”, Maekar finished. It was a gruesome tale, children against children. The dark culmination of years of tensions between your family, and the next generation was paying for it. 
The children started screaming at each other again. and this time, your father, who had remained in the corner having a strong discussion with his guards, called for silence. 
Harwin walked with Aemma in his arms to place himself near his sons, and you reached for them, your family. 
“He told us that Jacaerys and Lucerys were bastards”, Maekar murmured to you, “And that we were brothers”, Harwin didn’t seem to listen, but your face turned pale. 
Her sons accused Aemond to Rhaenyra in a similar fashion, as she turned pale as well.
“Awful insults were said to my sons and they were forced to defend themselves”, Rhaenyra then said. “awful insults were said to them, insults that are treacherous, his legitimacy was placed in doubt”. You know Rhaenya had to defend her own children, but Aemond had lost an eye. “Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned, to know where he heard such things”. Sharply questioned?
“Over insults?”, Alicent asked, “MY SON JUST LOST AN EYE, AND AEMMA GOT SCARRED FOR LIFE!” 
“ENOUGH!”, demanded your father, “Aemond, where did you hear such things?”
“Aegon”, he accused, he was in his chambers, sleeping, so he couldn’t defend himself, but the boy’s eye was on his mother the entire time. 
“This fighting must cease!”, he demanded, “we are family!”, he walked towards you, and check Aemma’s face, who was sniffing against his father’s chest, but more calm now. Your father caressed her silver hair and turned to the room. “Show your good will to one another! Your father, your gransdire, YOUR KINGS DEMANDS IT!”, Aemond walked towards you, and your daughter
“I’m sorry Aemma”, he murmured, she just nodded, still grabbing onto Harwin’s vest. You smiled at the boy, who had just lost his eye. Your father placed his hand on Aemond’s shoulder.
You looked at Rhaenyra and she met your eyes, you then looked at Jace, who took a step forwards.
“I’m sorry Aemond”
“Your apologies can’t make him whole!”, accused Alicent, “it insufficient” 
“What would you have us do?”, asked your father, “we can’t restore his eye
“His eye was taken”, she said then, “I’ll have on of her son’s eye in return”, everything, everyone, tensed like a bow ready to lunch the arrow, “Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Jacaerys Velaryon” gasps and screams could be heard in the room, and as Criston moved an inch, you called for your own knight
“You will do no such thing!” your sister muttered 
“Ser Steffon” you called with urgency, and the blonde knight took two long steps, standing in front of Crispin
“Take one more step Ser Crispin and I’ll gut you like a fish” he warned, his hand on his sword
“You are threatening the sworn sword of the Queen herself?” he mocked his own hand on his sword, “your sworn brother?”
“Is not a threat, is a warning” he answered
“He is sworn to obey me!”, demanded Alicent again, unaware of Steffon
“As your protector”, refused Criston, as he kept his eyes on Steffon
Your father walked towards Alicent to talk to her, but it didn’t meant anything, as when your father turned, she grabbed the dagger from his belt and ran towards Rhaenyra
“Stay with the King!”, shouted Ser Harrold, and what could be heard was Lucerys' piercing scream as Alicent attacked Rhaenyra with the dagger. Rhaenyra grabbed her
“Ser Criston!”, the dark-haired knight moved towards the pair, but Steffon grabbed him, slapping him across the face
“What the fuck did I said?”, he faced him, sharing menacing looks and dark promises of revenge between the two 
“Alicent drop the blade!” 
“OUR CHILDREN ARE HURT!”, you screamed, and everything once again seemed to stop. Alicent let go of your sister and looked at you, her big eyes opened in disbelief, “Your son harmed my daughter, they harmed yours, blood for blood”, you said, “it’s enough for today”.  
you daughter released herself from her father’s embrace, and walked slowly towards Aemond
“I’m sorry Aemond”, she whispered, leaning in and kissing the poor boy’s cheek. He then nodded, and walked towards his mother.
“Don’t mourn me, mother”, he said gently, “I might have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon”.
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Notes: For those who read the book Fire and blood or have read about the dance you must know how it goes for children trying to tame their parent’s dragons… or already claimed dragons…well… Vhaelar wouldn’t hurt Aemma or the other Strong children. She knows them, and as we saw in GOT, dragons wouldn’t harm people they know their rider to be close to… but… she can press that snooze button regarding their commands 😂
Taglist! ❤️ @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006
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This is legitimately one of the most insane things I've read on this site.
Sansa knew all about the sorts of people Arya liked to talk to: squires and grooms and serving girls, old men and naked children, rough-spoken freeriders of uncertain birth. Arya would make friends with anybody. This Mycah was the worst; a butcher's boy, thirteen and wild, he slept in the meat wagon and smelled of the slaughtering block. Just the sight of him was enough to make Sansa feel sick, but Arya seemed to prefer his company to hers. (Sansa I, AGoT)
She recognises that there are class differences and loves and respects people regardless. Are we actually supposed to see this as...a crime of some sort? She recognises the class lines, starting with the way even Jon was treated, and befriends people no matter what walk of life they're from. That's why she made friends with Gendry, Hot Pie, Lommy and took care of (as best as she could) Weasel/the crying girl. That's why she enjoys people like these:
Only Braavosi were permitted use of the Purple Harbor, from the Drowned Town and the Sealord's Palace; ships from her sister cities and the rest of the wide world had to use the Ragman's Harbor, a poorer, rougher, dirtier port than the Purple. It was noisier as well, as sailors and traders from half a hundred lands crowded its wharves and alleys, mingling with those who served and preyed on them. Cat liked it best of any place in Braavos. She liked the noise and the strange smells, and seeing what ships had come in on the evening tide and what ships had departed. She liked the sailors too; the boisterous Tyroshi with their booming voices and dyed whiskers; the fair-haired Lyseni, always trying to niggle down her prices; the squat, hairy sailors from the Port of Ibben, growling curses in low, raspy voices. Her favorites were the Summer Islanders, with their skins as smooth and dark as teak. They wore feathered cloaks of red and green and yellow, and the tall masts and white sails of their swan ships were magnificent. (Cat of the Canals, AFfC)
Because of the way Mycah was treated—which is not her getting off with a warning, her punishment was HER FRIEND DYING BY THE HOUND'S SWORD, you know, for standing up to the Crown prince.
The hurt and pain she feels is directed to the people she used to love speaking to in Winterfell:
Arya hated it. She hated the sounds of their voices now, the way they laughed, the stories they told. They'd been her friends, she'd felt safe around them, but now she knew that was a lie. They'd let the queen kill Lady, that was horrible enough, but then the Hound found Mycah. Jeyne Poole had told Arya that he'd cut him up in so many pieces that they'd given him back to the butcher in a bag, and at first the poor man had thought it was a pig they'd slaughtered. And no one had raised a voice or drawn a blade or anything, not Harwin who always talked so bold, or Alyn who was going to be a knight, or Jory who was captain of the guard. Not even her father.
"He was my friend," Arya whispered into her plate, so low that no one could hear. Her ribs sat there untouched, grown cold now, a thin film of grease congealing beneath them on the plate. Arya looked at them and felt ill. She pushed away from the table. (Arya II, AGoT)
She still thinks of Mycah a while after the fact.
But why exactly is Arya's care for people constantly being weaponised against her? How even is this immaturity? Is this person forgetting that Arya was starving on the road with smallfolk of all kinds? That she was forced to eat bugs and worms or drank water to keep her stomach from hurting? Is this really immaturity?
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star-girl69 · 2 years
We Do Not Wilt - Chapter Seven - We Do Not Regret
Daemon Targaryen x Hightower!FemOC
a/n: i’m not sure when the next chapter will be out, seeing as tomorrow i have a million tests at school and am gonna be exhausted, and saturday i have some stuff to do so the next chapter will probably be out sunday. sorry to make you all wait so long :( i hope you all enjoy this chapter!!
warnings: swearing, eluding to sex, kissing, mentions of violence, mentions of death, tell me if i misses anything!
Daemon places his hands on May’s face. “Are you alright, my love?” May leans into his hands. “I would have come sooner, but fucking Harwin Strong held me back.”
The hall is quiet. Maids shuffle in to clean Rhaenyra’s blood from the floor. Alicent and the children have already left, Aemond to spend a night in the maester’s tower.
“I know. That you would have come sooner.” May let’s out a sigh. Her chest stings from where Rhaenyra had dug her nails in. She longs for the breeze on her face. “I’m going outside.”
Daemon blocks her. “My love, it is much too late and much too cold outside.”
“I don’t care,” She whispers, and walks past him. Her husband has no choice but to follow.
“You know, when Laena’s body was dropped into the sea… I- I was jealous.” Her husband stiffens beside her at the confession. “I would not… never…”
Unsung words float in the air, like leafs on a breeze. I would not leave you.
May can tell the concept of her dying is something he is unable to grasp. He pauses, unsure of what to say. Half of May expects him to just slit her throat and get over with the marriage. Bury her in the sand. But he does not.
Instead, he places a hand on her stomach. “One day, we will move from here. Pentos, Braavos, gods, I would go beyond the wall with you. One day we will leave. Away from court, from all this bickering- we will leave. Your belly will swell with my child, a son, who will mount the world like it’s his dragon.” May feels something wet fall down her face.
They’re out on the beach, simply standing. Watching the waves. The wind whips like something fierce, and sand gets caught up in eddies. The waves slam against the sand, white.
“You would still want me?” Her voice breaks, and she hates that it does. He does not move, does not reply. “I have given you nothing but a headache. I give you no children. Only shame. Did you not see tonight? The- the rage I acted with. I preach duty and honor but where was mine? Where was mine?” She turns away from him. Some part of May wants to run, past the beach, swim across the sea, perhaps go to Old Valyria. Where there is no court, no plots on the lives of her nieces and nephews, and no maimed children.
Only her and the wild.
But she does not run. She stays by her husband’s side. And some part of her realizes it is not a duty. She wants to stay by him. Some part of her knows that he will make it better, even if he does not love her anymore.
He grabs her chin. His touch is rough, unforgiving. She turns toward him, sees the anger in his eyes. “The mere notion that I would never want you sickens me, May.” She sees something like tears in his eyes, but knows that it cannot be.
“Do you know what the worst day of my life was? When you fell sick, and I carried your limp body to our bed.” His face inches closer, and he trails his nose along her jawline. He takes a breath in. He imagines if he breathes in hard enough, she can simply climb into his lungs and live there forever. She already lives in his heart, so what would be his lungs?
Since they were married, since he met her, all Daemon has wanted was to love and protect her. For her to be his and him to be hers. He takes his head back, stares into his wife’s beautiful eyes. Even in the dark, they are like beacons. Like the sun has been captured in them.
“You are a Hightower. I know this. But fire burns inside your tower.”
“Daemon,” She tries again. “I am flattered-“
“Do you not get it? You and I were always meant to burn together.”
May does not answer. Does not have to, because he brings her in for the most searing kiss they have ever shared. She feels it in her soul. Her hands move under his shoulders, run along his back. Hands trail up and down her waist, her hips, even dipping to her thighs.
Her and Alicent had always wondered how it would feel to kiss someone.
They imagined fireworks, butterflies.
Nothing May could have imagined would prepare her for fire.
Burning bright and hot, it is Daemon’s, it is her’s, it is something raw and real and beautiful. She does not shy away, she lets it consume her.
She lets Daemon guide her to the ground, let’s him hike her skirts up. Sand intwines in her hair and she could care less because it is simply her and Daemon. She lets Daemon break the kiss, only to stare at her for a second.
“You are mine, and I am yours.” His nose trails along her jawline again, and May has to bite her lip to keep a moan from escaping. “The day you are taken from me is the day the sun falls from the sky.”
She tilts her head back, sees the sunrise approach from the horizon.
“You are mine, and I am yours.” She repeats. A promise. A threat.
Fire burns her world.
The road to the dock is paved with stones, making the horse’s hooves clatter and the carriage shake. May helps Alicent fix some furs around Viserys, while Daemon stares off into the corner.
They can all see the writing on the wall.
“I’ve asked them to have some wine ready for you on the ship. To help you sleep.” The only response Alicent gets is a slight nod. He is weary, and the years rest on him. “I’m so sorry,” She whispers. “Viserys…”
He raises a hand to dismiss her “We’ll speak no more of it.”
Alicent hugs her own coat to her, suddenly finding the window very interesting.
May stands with Alicent on the deck of the ship. Her sister grips the railing, looking up at the dragons flying in front of the ship. She looks up as Vhagar fly’s over them, causing the sun to be blocked.
Idly, May thinks of Daemon’s promise. The day you are taken from me is the day the sun falls.
The waves rock against the ship.
“A perversion of justice.” May looks over to Lord Larys, but his eyes are fixed on Alicent. “The young prince… defiled. An outrage.”
If his words affect the Queen, she does not let it show.
“Indeed.” They share a look. May suddenly feels as if she is intruding on something. But Alicent would never.
“If it’s an eye you want to balance the scales, I am your servant.” He says it almost comfortingly, and May flinches. Alicent stiffens and looks toward him. She has learned her lesson.
“That will not be necessary.” She stares back out at the sea. “But your devotion has not gone unnoticed. Me, and the Lady May-“ Alicent grabs her hand, and Lord Larys finally notices her presence. “-appreciate it very much.”
He dips his head. “These are dangerous times.”
Alicent nods slightly. Then, as if she cannot bear to face him, she turns. “The day will doubtless come when we require such a friend. With not only skill, but discretion as well.”
He smiles like a dog finally getting it’s treat.
He bows. “I shall await your call, my Queen. My Lady.” Alicent’s eyes are red and slightly puffy. He turns to look out on the sea with her. May squeezes her sisters hand and takes her leave.
It is with the deepest regret of Houses Targaryen and Velaryon to inform the realm that Ser Laenor Velaryon, Husband of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Heir to Driftmark, and future King Consort was taken from this world. The realm mourns this great loss.
His feet hit the sand harshly, and he runs like he never has before. He runs into the fog, sees his lover sitting in a small boat.
His head feels different, his white hair having been shaved off. He grabs the oars, quickly, and heaves with great effort. The boat sets out. He sets out.
He thinks of his children, who are not his by blood but he loves as if they were. His wife, who he was not capable of loving but found friendship in. He thinks of his sister, but she has already sunk beneath the waves. He thinks of his parents, as they have lost their two children in the span of a week. His heart aches.
He looks at his lover. Then over his shoulder at the boat they are approaching. He remembers the words he once told his wife.
A wise sailor flees as the storm gathers.
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arcielee · 1 year
House of the Dragon tag game!
This was created by the lovely @jotterjots 💜 Thank you for the tag!
Rules: Answer the following questions, then tag any and all people you think might enjoy participating. 
Tags: If you see this on your Tumblr dashboard, consider yourselves tagged. 
see original post here if you want to play :)
Who's your favorite character? What draws you to them?
My initial response is Aemond Targaryen (surprise, surprise). The book and show portrayal have some similarities, but I really loved how Leo Ashton and Ewan Mitchell’s characterization. There was something relating to how Leo carried himself, Aemond just weary but ready to defend Aegon, how he was ridiculed. You have this sense of relief when he finally claims Vhagar that you forget the implications until that group of cunt ass kids rallied against him. Then you see that want for revenge, how it shapes and molds him into this man that is just...
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Sigh. 💜
Anyway, after him it would Ser Criston Cole, as this man is so damn petty with his hatred it halted his aging and I’m here for it.  
What's your favorite episode of the season?
I loved the despair of episode 8, where we finally got to see the key players for what was to come. The build up, the tension that lead to this brief moment of serenity and then... the dinner scene, where it just went downhill so fucking fast. 
What is your favorite line from the season?
I have two. The first belongs to Daemon: “You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it.”
And second is to Jerrel Bracken, and it makes me giggle: “The princess has a dragon, you dumb cunt.” 
Which actor's portrayal is your favorite?
Of course the obvious answer is Ewan Mitchell. I binged everything he has been in and really enjoy that even though he had similar mannerisms used in each roll, he seems to adjust to fit whatever character he is playing and I think it’s fucking brilliant.
Matt Smith plays a cunt like no other. As much as Daemon makes my skin crawl, I do enjoy watching him. 
Olivia Cooke. 💜 Watching Alicent’s transition from the tepid daddy’s girl to girlboss was amazing. She believed in her convictions and squared off to Otto, to her husband, and we saw glimpses of how she played the Game of Thrones, and I really loved it. 
Which character would you most want to be stuck on a deserted island with?
I mean...
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But for real, probably Ser Criston as he seems low key a more practical option, as I could trust him to be able to scrounge for food, kill whatever wild hog might attack, things like that. 
Name a minor character you want to know more about!
I would love more insight on Arryk and Erryk OR, since they kept him alive, if Ser Harrold Westerling came back in a blaze of glory, that’d be nifty. 
Who's character arc are you most interested to see continued, for better or worse?
May the gods pity me, but Aemond. I am curious their interpretation of his story and am super excited to see it unfold. 
Who's your most anticipated new character of Season 2?
Cregan Stark, but this is mostly because of my Mushroom theory of him, but I already know HBO is a bunch of cowards and would never. And Nettles 💜 I really hope they show how she gets her dragon.
Which is your favorite dragons of the ones we saw?
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I hate that we missed out on some Fire & Blood bonding between Aemond and this she-dragon, but I really loved how they showed the sentient side when she was bonded to Laena. It was beautiful and heartbreaking 💜
What's your favorite relationship from this season? (romantic, platonic, antagonistic- whichever!)
I loved Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong. I really loved the snippets of him knitted throughout, his admiration for Rhaenyra just as she was. There was also so much in the scene after she gave birth, how he was quick to help in any he could, just to be able to touch her, to be there for her. And when he held Joffrey?
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Like, goddamn, I love this man so much 😭
Bonus- Fandom appreciation:
Link one or more of your favorite pieces of fanart! (Have you reblogged it already? Consider reblogging it again! Do NOT repost)
Please go and look/follow @lonnson @4yvle1 @azperja @cyeco13​ Just amazing, talented, wonderful pieces they have shared.💜
Link one or more of your favorite fics! (Same deal as above!)
I have a fic recs link on my blog.💜 I also have a series called Interview With a Writer where I get to talk to the talented brains that created some of the best pieces I have found (so far) on Tumblr. 
Link one or more of your favorite gifsets! (^^Same)
The talented Miranda (@aegonx​) who did this and this and this gifset that I love (just to name a few, but she is so creative and talented; her gifsets for this fandom are some of my favorites. She did a GoT request for Rhaegar and Lyanna, and I just love it so much!💜
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aspoonfuloffiction · 2 years
I'm conflicted because I do think the book gives a lot of leeway for the writers to interpret characters and relationships how they want. I just wished they done a better job going at it. I get they really leaning on daemon and rhaenrya as being meant to be, and I'm not too mad about it because it's an interesting dynamic and love story. I'm just mad laena and laenor got thrown under the bus for it. Like this show has magical dragons but that you can love more than one person at the same time is apparently too wild of a concept for the writers room SMH.
Exactly!!! And this is my biggest frustration with the Velaryons. They weren’t used as characters in their own right-just stepping stones to Daemon/Rhaenyra all because the show couldn’t imagine someone falling in love twice?
Even Harwin/Rhaenyra which I thought they did a little better, they wouldn’t even let kiss on screen or be explicitly affectionate in any way. Audiences have to infer the details and depth of this relationship from subtext and Emma and Ryan’s acting choices. All because the show is so worried that people can’t back multiple love interests for these characters!?
The sex scene with Sir Incel Cole is fine because in 2 episodes we’re all going to hate him so they know we won’t be invested in him and Rhaenyra.
I have nothing for or against Daemon/Rhaenyra as a ship—I don’t really consume ASOIAF and its related properties for ships besides a select few (I will be unabashedly unbearable when cregan/aly come up in season whenever) but I am of the opinion that if you don’t think your ship can work without sacrificing the story of other characters then there is something wrong in the way you wrote that ship.
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“Hmm…I wonder what would you do without me?” Nymeria had a teasing smiling on her face as she was mounted on starfyre.
“We don’t speak about this to anyone” harwin was smiling under his stern gaze pulling himself out of the mud he tripped into.
“We’ll how else will we explain you muddy?” She said slow and slight tease to her words. She dismounted off of her stallion standing close to Harwin.
“Certainly not the way you’re thinking.” He smile his eyes shining bright, dazzling in happiness
Was all she said as she pushed him, she knew harwin went down on his own accord because her strength would never take him down and she was happy he played along. She smirked again now with her through running wild jumped into the mud with him and he laughed loudly pulling her petite body into his.
“What ever will the ladies and court say?” He teased her as he pulled her in close, feeling her chest on his and her fingers twirled into his curls.
“I’m sure they will say we had a rump, and I am indeed a wild one.” She rolled her eyes over as he smiled down at her.
“We’ll you are wild but not for what they mean.” He smiled cupping her cup both not caring about the mud all over them. “You sparked a fire in this court, and I couldn’t be happier to see you set it ablaze.”
“I thought that was the delight of the realm.” She watched him as he looked down to her lips.
“For them maybe but for me it’s always you. You set a fever in my heart, I crave to touch you to taste you. I dream of you and pray that I see you again in the morning, that you could give me chance to be your husband.” He said so freely causing Nymeria eyes to widen.
“You wish to me my husband? Not your play thing?”
“You would never be my play thing, I want you as my wife. I need you with me, and I fear I said too much. I fear you don’t-“
“Oh harwin, but I do.”
Nymeria didn’t give him a chance to react as she rushed to kiss him. His eyebrows raised but he pulled her in closer in a second of her lips to him and her hands movi mg deeply into his scalp holding him closer. She needed him wanted more, and he felt the same, she could feel him. He opened his mouth enough to let his tongue brush against her lips and she allowed him in. It was like liquid fire into her blood, she wanted more, as she now wrapped her legs around him, with to no fight he rolled on his back granting her access to straddle him.
She knew if anyone saw them she would be deemed improper. He would have to wed another but she couldn’t stop it, she wanted him, she wanted to claim him, wanted him to be hers. She needed it, and she could feel him desperate as his hands slowly worked their way from her hips to her breast. It was wonderful and too much.
He gasped pulling away and holding her back. “We can’t, we have to be proper”
“Fuck being proper” she said trying to move in to kiss him and he chuckled.
“I love it when you speak dirty.” He teased “my love we can’t” he said looking over at her and her eyes full of want, glossy and needy. Her lips pillowy and so delicious he can go for another.
But he can’t.
“We can’t, we have to do it the proper way. So they can’t say anything about you, I will protect you with everything I have, and this is one way of protection.”
She pouted over at him as he laughed. She knew he was right.
And she hated when he was right
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