#back in my day games were only $30-40
purble-gaymer · 1 year
pokemon xy is ten years old now. what the hell
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wannaeatramyeon · 7 days
Meeting Student!Gun Park for the First Time: Part 1
Part 2! G/N. 3.2k. Remember when Gun wanted to get his GED? Well. Stranger to~ Masterlists
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"How old are you?"
Press X for doubt, you think, and that's the exact meme you send over on chat.
"20 like 20 or 20 like you're mid 30s and planning your mid life crisis 20?"
You know you're being rude and making a terrible first impression. It's the first day of a new school year, of a new school in fact, and for some reason the class is held on video call and you're all forced to pair off with a classmate for an icebreaker introduction.
It’s already cringe worthy and awkward enough, icebreakers must have been created as a form of torture. To add insult to injury, you're sure this guy is bullshitting you.
"I'm 20." He deadpans.
Momentarily, you’re stunned into silence. It stretches almost a tad too long before you manage to choke out, “My bad. Sorry."
Wow. You're torn between thinking that's a rough 20, this guy has easily got 40 years under his belt and oh no, when is your puberty and hormones gonna kick in like that.
And that's also the exact moment this 20 year old Gun Park takes a drag on a cigarette and you decide that it's definitely a rough 20.
"So what do you do for fun?" You probe, and you have the distinct feeling he might say something like alimony, planning his third marriage, investing in the stock market - whatever someone in their 50s might say but-
To your surprise and glee, his body language turns shifty. 
He likes to game he says, like it's a dirty little secret. Amongst other things. Mentions something about training and martial arts and you fight to keep a straight face as it turns out you were also right about investing in shares and the stock market.
Gaming, however, is what you latch on to.
"Cute. I bet I could kick your ass."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yes."
And this is how you ended up at 4am on a school night, playing Tekken with your new classmate and getting your ass kicked.
"One more!" You screech down the mic, after the KO sign appears on screen, mumbling something about cheating and how if you can time this combo just right-
There's a huff of laughter coming through your tinny headphones and an amused "Fine."
Dark circles under your eyes grow. It's been a week of straight losses.
You blame the sleep deprivation on Gun Park, though really you have your own stubbornness to blame.
He never tends to say much during the gaming sessions apart from the odd expletive and you rant enough after each of your defeats for the both of you.
Sometimes this will earn you a chuckle and he will snidely add that you asked for this, you were the one who was supposed to kick his ass. This would piss you off enough for another game or three in the hopes of defeating him and getting to gloat.
Which unfortunately has not happened yet.
With a sigh, you hope your camera quality this morning is bad enough and pixelated enough that your poor sleep habits don't show.
You scan over your classmates, the few that have their camera turned on and find him.
Gun looks completely fine. He looks completely fine in what must be 4k and ugh, you scrunch your nose up in annoyance.
You keep an eye on him through the class. Observe how he's usually paying rapt attention, scribbling and typing up notes every now and then.
It's impressive how studious he is.
In comparison, you're daydreaming. Thinking about lunch, other combos or characters to play to counter his own when you catch on to the back end of a sentence as your teacher mentions ‘this’ is something to pay attention to as it will be on the pop quiz.
Huh? You blink a couple times. What is ‘this’? Unfortunately she swiftly moves onto another topic.
You type out a direct message to the only person you know.
You: I missed that, what did she just say?
Gun: You should have been paying attention.
You: Fuck you man!
You see his eyes dip to the bottom of the camera screen, briefly moving as he presumably reads your message.
He smirks.
That night he kicks your ass again.
Then as consolation, reveals what will be on the pop quiz.
If Gun looked like that in 4k, nothing could prepare you for how he looked in real life.
You're setting up your laptop and notepad in the classroom, the first actual in-person session, when someone takes a seat next to you.
Initially you feel a surge of irritation that they could have sat anywhere else and chose to sit next to you, then you look at the offender and-
Hold on.
You double, triple-take-
Is that?
It must be.
It's fucking Gun Park.
You don't entirely regret your initial comments on his looks because this guy definitely does not look 20 but goddamn he looks-
He chooses that moment, when your jaw is on the floor, to turn to you and give you a nod of acknowledgement.
"H-hi." You manage, and even to your ears it sounds like a simpering fool.
He must have thought so too if the quirk of his lips is anything to go by.
The cherry on top is that you expected this guy to smell like stale smoke, instead all you get is fresh laundry and something faintly dark and heady like leather and cedarwood.
Control yourself, a disapproving voice in your head says. Even that sounds vaguely like Gun.
It does nothing to stop your wandering gaze, peering at him in your periphery when you think he's not looking.
After you have taken your chance to not so discreetly run your eyes up and down his form, the only thing that makes you feel better is his hair. Because yeah he might be hot, but holy shit that must be a gallon of hair gel in there.
The other thing, as it turns out, that makes you feel a lot better is that he doodles.
It’s utterly charming.
Someone like Gun Park doesn't look like he doodles, but in between lines of his chicken scratch (seriously, who can even read that), there's little stick figures.
Maybe all the time you thought he was being studious he was just drawing-
Wait. You squint at the picture.
Is this guy for real?
"Are they fucking?" You whisper, using your pen to point at the page.
He doesn't answer straight away. There's a moment of surprise as he reacts like this is another secret of his he has unwittingly let you in on before his nostril flares and his eyes narrow and you grin in response.
Your grin grows when he grits out an answer. "No. Fighting."
He doesn't call you a dumbass but you can hear it loud and clear tacked on at the end.
"Whatever, pervert." You counter. You guess if you squint even harder then you suppose they could be fighting. Although the way one is lying on top of another is very suggestive. You don't hesitate to point that out to him.
Gun closes his eyes and counts to ten.
Even without a seating plan, one forms.
Places taken by chance on the first day becomes a regular arrangement.
You exchange a few words with your classmates, familiarise yourself somewhat with their names and faces. Pieces of their backstory, why they're here studying for a GED but take your spot next to Gun regardless.
No one really talks to him, you've heard them saying he's menacing and intimidating. Yet when your first encounter of him was mistaking him as someone about to hit mid life crisis, how intimidating can he really be.
Besides, he still doodles his lewd figures that he insists are not in any way shape or form comprising sexual positions. So no, you don't find him intimidating at all.
Gun, as you have come to know, is a man of few words. He is also unsurprisingly not great at literature.
What you don't yet know is he likes to say what he means and mean what he says. His patience only extends to The Art of War, so all the flowery prose and poetry only serves to irritate him.
If Gun glared at you the way he's currently glaring at the textbook, you think you may either burst into tears or burst into flames.
Luckily you do neither of those things but you do take pity on him. Leaning over, you ask him quietly if he needs help.
He doesn't respond but the pen he's clutching in his right hand snaps in half.
Alright then.
Half an hour later, when the class empties out you ask Gun to follow you to the library.
He hesitates, and you add "if you've got time" to give him an out. In the end he doesn't take it and trudges obediently after you.
You very quickly learn that he really doesn't like literature. You're explaining and working him through the analysis and also mildly offended at the bored look on his face.
"This is a waste of time," he interjects and there's a sullen undercurrent to his words.
"Just memorise the analysis then." Exasperation tinges your tone, "That's all you need to do to pass."
He arches a brow at your words.
"They're testing your memory. So just remember what our teacher says."
There's an angry air of resignation as Gun nods, and you slide your notes over for him to copy.
Not long after, you have your first minor evaluation on the literature material.
You notice during the test that while the vein in Gun’s temple is prominent and he’s clutching his (new) pen tighter, there’s barely any pause as he fills in the answers.
A few days later, the graded papers are handed back. There's a sigh of relief from Gun.
He gives you a smile, small and genuine, eyes crinkling at the corner.
"You owe me one," you tell him jokingly though he takes it to heart and gives you a stern nod.
Gun repays his debt, with a coffee.
He places the paper cup on the desk in front of you. Logo of the coffee house to the side but still visible. It's new, expensive, and there’s regular lines around the block.
Of course it would be from there.
The issue is, who repays a debt with an espresso. He didn’t even ask for your drink of choice!
"Thanks for this thimble of coffee," you remark as Gun sniffs in distaste at your comment, placing his own matching cup in front of him and saying something about how it's the best untainted way to drink it.
Of course he would also be a coffee snob.
You tell him you usually like it with a bit more cream and a lot more sugar and he mutters that you sound like Goo.
You think that's an insult.
"Well, at least Goo has good taste," you snipe back with a grin.
Gun closes his eyes and counts to ten.
You: Are you doodling or actually writing notes?
You: Cos on camera you look very studious but I’ve seen your notepad
Gun: None of your business
You: Still drawing your disgusting pornographic stick men then
Gun: They are not-
Gun: Whatever
You: Ok, maybe that espresso wasn’t terrible
Gun: I know
You: Who’s Goo anyway?
Gun: …
Gun: No-one
You: Suuuure
You: Tekken tonight?
Gun: Aren’t you tired of getting your ass kicked?
You: >:(
You: Do you wanna go over the new lit material in the library this week?
Gun: Ok
Gun: Thanks for your help
You: :) 
Gun: You’re tired. You should game less.
You: Spoken like a coward!
Gun: Dumbass
You: Hey!!
Gun: I’ll bring you an espresso tomorrow. You need it.
You: Does it have to be an espresso?
Gun: Yes
You: …Thanks
To anyone else, the figure standing in the doorway is just smoking. To you, it suspiciously looks like they’re waiting.
It's not a crime. Gun Park can wait for whatever or whoever he wants.
What really throws you off is his smoking. You've seen him casually take one single drag before throwing the whole cigarette away. Even to you, it seems like a waste.
However, this time he smokes one all the way to the filter before stubbing it out. Then does the same to a second, and third.
Strange, very strange.
You approach him. Taking gentle steps, in case he might get spooked and bolt which is really a ridiculous notion for someone like him. Nevertheless, you keep your footsteps light, yourself clearly in view and you wander over to him.
"Hey," you say, with a somewhat forced smile. He doesn't acknowledge your greeting apart from a brief nod.
"... Everything ok?"
It's a perfectly normal question to ask but a vastly bizarre one for Gun. He doesn't look like the type of person where people casually enquire about his well being.
He must have thought so too if the look he gives you is anything to go by.
In response, he stubs out his cigarette (his fourth!) then asks, stilted and stiffly, if you want to come back to his for a game of Tekken.
At least that's what you interpret as he seems to be crazy cryptic.
"Are you interested in Tekken?"
"...Yes." You wonder what on earth this question is because did you hallucinate all those games you played together?
"Then meet me. After class." 
"Where? Here?"
"No. At mine."
"Where's that?"
He gives you another look, as if you're the one trying to coax a secret out of him despite him offering.
Gun dips forward, murmurs quietly into your ear his address and some vague directions like it's highly confidential information.
You nod along, thinking what is with this guy. 
So firstly, what the fuck.
Then secondly, what the fuck.
Don't think you hadn't noticed the designer brands Gun wears. If they're fakes, they're very convincing fakes. But you're almost certain they have got to be counterfeit when he brought you over to a junkyard claiming this is where he lives.
You've seen films like this. Granted, it's less in a junkyard and more in the middle of nowhere in America where college kids meet their gruesome ends in fantastical ways.
You never thought this would happen to you. You have sorely miscalculated. 
Is this Gun Park (if that even is his real name) going to butcher you and leave your body on top of a pile of scrap metal in the corner?
Instead of a night of gaming where you’re the one KO-ing him, he’s actually the one that’s going to chase you around wearing a mask and wielding a knife or axe?
"You’re here. Come in," Gun says, opening his front door just as your inner monologue begins to truly spiral out of control and you're considering doing a runner.
"Eh?" You grunt like an idiot, not noticing when the shack appeared nor when you stepped onto his porch, or the side eyes Gun had been giving you.
He gives you another look, likely regretting inviting you at all, and leaves the door ajar for you to either enter or turn back and go home.
"This is... nice," you lie, through the skin of your teeth.
Gun sees cleanly through your white lie and exhales a huff of amusement.
It's sparse. Peeks of luxury here and there - the extensive PC gaming rig, the entertainment system and consoles, to name a few.
Apart from that, it's barely a home.
"Take a seat." He offers, and it sounds more like an order. Obediently you sit on his sofa, feeling very much a guest.
"You're not in danger," he says, bemused at how awkward you are in his domain, how tense you hold yourself.
'That's exactly what a killer would say,' you think and when you hear a low chuckle, you realise that you said it aloud.
"Don't worry," Gun reassures and it doesn’t really help before he strides off to somewhere in his house and leaves you sitting alone.
He returns back minutes later as you’re in the middle of admiring his entertainment set up and going through his vinyl collection (because obviously someone like Gun has vinyls) with a coffee for you that looks much more milky and to your taste than the usual ones he offers. 
“Thanks.” you take your drink and return back to your seat.
Taking the first sip, you finally manage to relax. Sinking into a sofa that is much more comfortable than at first glance and you take in your surroundings a bit more.
Sort of. You actually take in Gun Park more. 
He’s casual, in a way you have never seen or even considered. Dressed in a t-shirt and grey sweatpants, hair floppy and the only styling is done with his hands running through his hair now and then to keep it back.
Even during the online classes, he is usually dressed up in an open collared shirt.
If you thought he was hot before, it’s nothing compared to now. There’s an air of domesticity, the drink he made for you cradled in your hands, and the distinct feeling that not many people have had the luxury to see Gun in his natural habitat, so intimate and vulnerable.
You wonder if this is how he looks all those nights you’ve been gaming together.
You catch his eyes, having been caught checking him out and he raises his eyebrows at your blatant staring. 
Blood rushes to your cheeks as he chuckles into his own espresso and takes a sip.
"Holy shit, I won!"
You're familiar with the KO screen. What you're not familiar with is being on the side of victory. You're usually a hair trigger away from rage quitting, from throwing a tantrum down the mic.
Finally. All your hard work has paid off. Time spent thinking of combos, attacks and defences (which would have been better spent studying) is coming to fruition.
You peer over to Gun, expect the controller he is clutching to maybe have been crushed into pieces with his freakish strength. Expected nothing except for a vein throbbing on his temple.
What you do find is-
Gun looking at you, fondness in his eyes. He's taking in your grin, letting your gloating slide.
Doesn't do more than roll his eyes when you perform a victory dance of sorts around him.
And when you get in his face to tell him that you're the winner, you're the best-
(More words are on the tip of your tongue but your gaze drops to his lip, drawn to the small smile he wears.
It sinks in.
The patience he has, the attention he gives, the way he has opened his home to you.
From the very first meeting, the even-handed way he has dealt with your insults, entertained you to the early hours of the morning on Tekken.)
Gun reaches out, tugs your hand and pulls you into his lap and agrees.
"Yes. The best."
You think it's a lie, an embellishment.
But the way he holds you - tender and precious, and the way he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours - soft, like you might break - can't be anything else but the whole truth.
(Update! Part 2 here!)
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loliwrites · 10 months
The One You Need | four
🎶 I spent most my life thinkin’ love was out of reach, so maybe just this once, you could be the one I need, if you let me be the one you need🎶
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pairing: neighbor!joel miller x f!reader  rating: explicit, 18+ minors dni  summary: when you move into town hellbent on keeping everyone at an arm’s length, your neighbor Joel finds his way into your life. warnings/tags: au, neighbor joel, age gap [reader is late 20s/early 30s, Joel is late 40s], hyper-independent reader, unannounced visitors, actual daddy issues, would-be suitor being forceful, perceived b&e, handgun [not used], SMUT, slight resistance kink, mild choking, fingering, oral [f receiving], slight degradation [one usage of whore] unprotected p in v sex, praise kink, aftercare, terms of endearment [sweetheart], THEY SHARE A BED, female reader, no physical description, protective!joel, soft!joel, dare i say ei!joel, no use of y/n. word count: 8.0k joel miller masterlist | part three a/n: we're doing the thing, y'all!
This was new for Joel. When you’d dodged him for nearly a month after he’d put your bed together, he just figured that was the action of a new neighbor from the west coast. He never figured you’d waltz your way back in with your faulty refrigerator. But this wasn’t that. This was post-sex when you all but fled his home. And for having told him one night stands weren’t your style, he thought you were doing a mighty fine job of making them your style. 
It had been three days since that night and he hadn’t heard a peep. Not a check in, drive by, or walk through. It was as if your presence in the neighborhood had been a figment of his imagination. The only reason he knew it was real was because he was missing one of his shirts – the one you’d left in. And for three days hadn’t even done as much as slingshot it back to him or send by way of carrier pigeon. The amount of times in the past three days he thought he’d walk over and ask for, or demand, an explanation surpassed the amount of digits on his hands. But every time he talked himself out of it, telling himself all you needed was time.
But time only brought you one thing. A boy. In some automatic, foreign car. He rolled up the night of that third day and stepped out in a well-pressed black suit. Joel wasn’t spying, no… he just happened to mosey out to the porch and saw it all happening. He even witnessed you leave your house in a long red dress. Saw you descend the porch with this new boy, how he opened up the passenger door for you, and how you ducked into it. As that foreign car drove away, Joel turned and punched the post by his porch steps. The post was left unaffected. Joel’s hand, however, throbbed for the next three hours.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Staying out of Joel’s space had been intentional but the date had not been. This guy; he was a friend of a friend of a third cousin and he popped up out of nowhere. You hadn’t even really wanted to go out at all, let alone on some random date. But when you were shown a picture of the guy, he was… cute. He looked like the type of guy you normally let ruin your life, so ultimately you agreed. You hoped and prayed that Joel didn’t see you leave with this guy. And you spent the rest of the evening hoping and praying Joel would forgive you if he had. This wasn’t how you wanted it to go. The plan wasn’t to bed your neighbor and then leave him on the curb like trash. The plan wasn’t even to sleep with him, but given that you had, the rules to the game had changed so quickly. 
And Chad… Brad… whatever the hell his name was, he was just… what you expected he’d be. He was attractive and he knew it, but he had nothing on Joel and he had no idea. He had blonde hair cut into a neat and tidy style but it had no story. Joel’s unkempt graying curls told you of his age and the unwillingness to burden his life with things as menial as primping himself. This guy had bright blue eyes, but they didn’t leave you searching their depths for the meaning of life like Joel’s had. Clean-shaven, baby-faced, uncalloused hands… There were any number of things that he was that Joel wasn’t, and staying present in the moment with him proved to be a challenge when you hadn’t even processed everything about Joel yet.
When the date finally ended, and you were escorted home, you peeked over at Joel’s house, wondering if you’d see him out on his porch, strumming his guitar. You hoped not. Please, on everything that is holy, don’t let him be out there. And when you couldn’t quite tell if he was or not, you decided to count your lucky stars and work with the assumption that benefited you most.
Chad… Brad… walked you up to your door and stood eerily close to you while your back was to him, unlocking it. Heat radiated off of him, and unlike the heat that came from Joel, you didn’t quite like how this one felt against you. Door unlocked but foregoing opening it just yet, you pivoted in a tight circle so as to not brush up against him as you faced him.
“I had a good time tonight, thank you,” you murmured, staring at his face to get a read on if he was going to lean in for a kiss you were going to have to dodge.
“Y’know, I didn’t get to see your place when I first got here,” he said as if that were a totally normal thing for him to have done. “Maybe you can give me a tour,” he reached around you and went for the handle.
You pushed against his arm with your hip before he could get his thumb on the latch, “maybe another time.”
“You’re gonna cut the night short?” he smirked and closed the practically imperceptible gap that was between you anyway.
Trying to back up, but running out of room as your back hit the door, “yeah, I’ve got an early morning.”
“What I want won’t take very long,” he leaned his hips forward, pressing them up against yours where it was oh so very clear he was sporting a semi. “C’mon, I bought you a fancy dinner, the least you could do is put out,” he still reached around you and pressed on the latch, nudging open your front door.
“Hey bud,”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Panic. Or was it relief? And managed to escape from Brad’s (or was it Chad?) hips, tugging your door shut again as you side-stepped away. He turned around and found Joel, climbing the porch steps coolly.
“I think you should leave,” Joel said, resting his hands on his hips. He even smiled at his suggestion.
“Who are you?” Your date asked and looked back in your direction as if he’d be able to grab you again, but you’d already moved to the side.
Joel flicked his eyes at you as if inspecting to see if any hurt had been done, then looked back at the would-be suitor. “Doesn’t matter, I think it’s time you got outta here,”
“Dude, she was just inviting me in,”
“Dude, no she wasn’t. I don’t wanna have to call the cops, just get goin’,”
Your date chuckled incredulously. He turned to you with what looked like mild fury in his eyes, “your pussy’s not worth all this.”
You nodded in agreement, “it definitely is not.”
Joel waited until he was gone – watched him all the way to his car, and until it took off down the street, before he looked back at you. You’d already made it back to your front door and were backing into it, leaning against the frame.
He nodded once and turned. Then over his shoulder, “your pussy is worth it.”
You laughed and shook your head, “thanks!” 
Back, safe and sound in your house, you locked the front door right away and carried on through the rooms, first into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, then back toward your bedroom. There was a brief thought about how Joel must’ve been outside when you’d arrived back home, and now there were new lucky stars to thank. But that thought was pushed aside when you glanced into the den as you passed it and it made your heart stop. It was the only room left to be unpacked. You’d eventually use it as an office, but right now it was just a handful of cardboard boxes and pictures that hadn’t been hung yet. But the mess wasn’t what gave you pause. It was that it was the room with your back door, and that door was currently wide open.
You ran back through the house, set your glass of water on something, and bolted back through the front door. “Joel! Joel!”
He was gathering his things from the porch, getting ready to go inside when he’d heard your panicked calls and immediately ran off his porch and toward you, meeting in the middle of the street.
“There’s– my door– open–” you took a deep breath just to fill your lungs with substantial air. “I think someone broke in,”
In the same instant, Joel reached behind his back and pulled a handgun out of his waistband. He side-stepped you and went toward your house, knowing you’d be right behind him.
“You had that on you the whole time?!” He didn’t answer. Just kept laser focus on your house. “Were you gonna shoot him?”
Finally, he turned toward you, and even in the darkness you could tell the glare he shot you was something icy. “‘M’gonna need you to be real quiet when we go through your house, okay?” He waited for you to nod, obediently. “Stay right behind me. Hand in my pocket or finger in my belt loop, got it?”
You nodded again, and when he turned around you tucked your fingertips into the back pocket of his jeans. Even as he began to walk and approach your home, you stuck close, feet falling in rhythm with his to practically meld yourself to his body. He held the handgun poised in front of him in both hands, only lowering one to push your door open. With a clear line of vision inside, he paused and listened before carrying on inside. All of his movements, searching and clearing each room, were deliberate and methodical. He took his time. Reaching around your back to hold you close to him when he needed to turn or pivot, making sure you remained fully behind him at all times. 
Without searching every room, he made his way back to your bedroom. No one was standing there, or hiding under the bed, and with the closet being the only other place to hide in the room, it was one of the easier one’s to search. The closet, he soon came to learn, wasn’t a viable hiding place as it was still only partially unpacked, stacks of luggage and boxes obscuring the floor. He shut your bedroom door and lifted your hand out of his pocket.
“I’m gonna search the rest of the house. Stay here and lock the door,”
“Joel, what if–”
He held up his hand and shook his head, “don’t worry about it. Lock the door. Don’t open it until I get back.”
That was it before he went back out. You ran up and locked it behind him, then quickly backed away, to your bed, nervous as all hell, and fighting every urge your body had to break out in a sob. It seemed to take forever. His absence made the worry inside you grow. If only he’d just come back. You’d say or do whatever he wanted to make things better again. To not have him shooting daggers your way. To just live as harmoniously as you needed to, to not make the neighborhood unbearable. You’d become a hermit and never see another man in all your life if that’s what it took. Not that that didn’t seem like a great option at this point.
Three gentle knocks on your door, “it’s me. You can open up,”
You ran to it and turned the knob, the lock clicked back on itself, and you came face to face with Joel once again, finding him completely unharmed. He tucked the handgun back into his waistband, “we had some strong winds earlier. Might’ve blown the back door open. Did you have it locked?”
Thinking back, you couldn’t be sure. You’d been in and out of it so frequently, throwing things in the trash that the likelihood of it having been left unsecure was relatively high. Shrugging, you looked up at him with timid eyes, hoping to find a little bit of comfort there. But they were still cold, thwarting off any advance you might be making for warmth.
“Well, the latch is busted now so you’ll have to get someone in here to fix it,”
“You can’t fix it?”
He tilted his head to the side. After what you’d put him through in the last few days, he was surprised you even asked that at all. You were the one who apparently didn’t want him around. That is, until you needed him for something. “You ignore me for three days after we sleep together and are only talking to me because you need me to do you a favor,”
“I’m not some fuckin’ toy you get to play with whenever it’s convenient for you,”
“You scare me!��
The argument had gotten loud and you hadn’t wanted it to. That was too much like home. You just wanted peace and quiet. But even if your surroundings could be, your brain never was. And it hadn’t been for the last three days. It had been loud and persistent. “Because what if this keeps going?! Whatever this is, it keeps going. We keep fucking. And you keep fixing things. And suddenly we’re staying the night at each other’s places sporadically. And then I’m meeting your daughter. And your brother. And you’re learning about all my fucked up stuff. And we keep doing this thing for however long. And then we give it a label. And we’re a couple. And it just keeps going.”
Having grown baffled at the road your brain had traveled down, Joel furrowed his eyebrows and studied you. He folded his arms over his chest, and only when you’d stopped talking did he offer any response, “so?”
All that and a one word answer? You could’ve slapped him silly. “What if we never break up?”
He laughed and rolled his eyes, “sweetheart, I don’t think that’d be an issue. You seem difficult,”
You shoved your hands against his chest as he continued to laugh. “I mean it! And then I’m like… dependent,” you nearly gagged at the word, “on you like some sad, servant housewife that’s just waiting in her window for her husband to get home so she can fix his meals and wash his clothes.”
He let out a breath that almost sounded like another laugh, “you’re fuckin’ insane, you know that?” Swinging at his chest again, he caught your wrists this time and held them against him tightly. “First of all, a wife’s not a servant. Second, I wouldn’t want you to cook for me anyways. Campbell’s soup in a can for the past week! And lastly, if we never broke up – which I assure you we would because you’re nutty – then you’d be the person I get to come home to and fall into your arms, and relax with! And I’d take the trash out to the bins, and pick the flowers in the yard for you, and pull your fuckin’ hair out of the shower drain when it clogs. And yeah, you might do my laundry every now and again, but we’d do it because we’d love each other. Your shit would be my shit, and there’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for you.”
You stood, mouth agape, not blinking, staring up at Joel. He let go of your wrists and all but pushed them away, but you were back on him in a second. Hands replaced on his chest, this time with the utmost care, fingers curling into the fabric of his cotton t-shirt.
“I’m not trying to take your independence away. Not tryin’ to trap you. Hell, we don’t have to call this anything, just don’t ignore me.” He only stared, as if allowing himself to live in the feeling of your hands on him, pressing down on his chest but really into his soul. “If you want a man and not a boy, you got one, but it requires you to be a woman and not some scared, little girl.”
“I can be,” you assured, eyes dropping down to where your hands lay on his chest. Then once looking back into his eyes, your hands drifted further south, blazing a trail over the fabric of his shirt until you felt the rough denim of his jeans.
“Y’know,” he smirked almost devilishly, as if daring you to continue on, “you’re just a dog with a loud bark, but you got no bite.”
“Did you just call me a dog?” You grinned back, playfully squinting your eyes.
“No bite at all. You just fold and turn over on your back like a pup,”
“I got bite,”
Joel’s eyebrow quirked but his eyes didn’t waver from yours. Not even when you lowered a hand to his crotch and gave it a squeeze. He gave you no reaction, just tilted his head to the side as if he was waiting for you to amuse him.
And it got your mind spinning. What did bite look like? What did he think that meant? That you’d get on your knees and give him the sloppiest head this side of the Mississippi? Because to you, bite looked like everything you’d ever been to him. It looked like stubbornness or as he liked to call it brattiness. Last time, he’d fucked it out of you. A tried and true method. But if he wanted ‘bite’, he’d get it. Your way, on your terms.
So you swiftly undid his jeans, making quick work of the button and zipper as if they were only the slightest of inconveniences, and slipped your hand into his pants, giving him another generous and firm squeeze. By the looks of it, he was the one that nearly folded. But something else kept him preoccupied. It was then you remembered the handgun he’d tucked so haphazardly in his jeans. He reached around his back for it as you’d created a less secure space for it. And though it gave you pause as he pulled it out and glanced down at it to ensure the safety was on, it didn’t deter you completely from continuing. You removed your hand from his pants and pushed against his chest, sending you both in opposite directions. With the growing distance as you rounded to the side of your bed and a premature feeling that you’d somehow won, a smile passed over your lips. It was there and gone in a matter of milliseconds. No sooner than you’d felt it stretch across your face, Joel had closed the gap between you, lifted his free hand to your throat and with a firm hold on it, pushed you backwards. It wasn’t until you’d run out of real estate, pressed up against your closet door, that he stood over you with an almost playful glare like a cat who’d caught a mouse to toy with. He bent over and set the handgun down on the bedside table, then returned his complete focus to you. Fingers applied the softest of extra pressure to the sides of your neck and catching your gentle nod, he pressed them into a tighter squeeze.
Annoyance emanated from you – for you – that you liked it so much. That you enjoyed him having control over you, and effectively taking yours away. You hated that you wanted to give him control, when in every other aspect of life, you clung to it like a life raft in the ocean. Maybe thinking that that was all you had, there was no other fight or bite left, Joel’s fingers loosened from around your neck. And as though you hadn’t quite learned the lesson yet, thought you’d gained back some of the control, grunted and pushed on his chest again with all your might. It only sent him backward one step, and he retaliated with a searing grip on your wrist with one hand, and the return of his other hand to your neck for a cautious squeeze as his hips lowered to yours, effectively pinning you motionless.
“That was cute,”
You wriggled beneath him, trying to break free, but quickly found it pointless. His weight kept you where he wanted you and his hand on your neck was the decision-maker now. You let out a sigh of surrender, body fully collapsing and giving up beneath him.
Joel felt the fight leave your body and released your neck and wrist at the same time. With his hips still buried into yours, and now absently rubbing against you, he ducked his head to the side and planted a series of soft kisses to your neck where his fingers had just been.
“You just wanna be a good girl, don’tcha?” He could feel your pulse quicken against his lips on your neck. The only response he got came in the form of a needy whine and he set his hands on the closet door at either side of your head. “You don’t want to have to bite, huh?” He was almost goading you now, grinding his growing length against your waist. “Just looking for a bigger, badder dog to lead the way for you,”
You weren’t sure why, because except for in a sexual sense, it wasn’t necessarily true, but you nodded anyway. He could have control here. You liked not having it here if it meant you got to retain it in other aspects of life. At your acceptance, he laid a kiss on you. As good of a kiss as he’d ever given you; made sweeter by that fact that you’d made sure you’d gone without it for the last few days. Just as a headrush began, he pulled away, and it had you leaning forward as much as you could to try and get his lips back.
“I want you to get undressed and lay down on your back for me.” He thought you’d get going, but he was confronted with a pout instead. Smacking the side of your hip, “get going or I’ll put those lips to better use,”
“Is that a threat?” You smirked, reaching behind your back for the zipper on your dress.
“‘S’a promise,”
You couldn’t even really relish and appreciate his promise as at this point you remembered the trial in gymnastics it took to zip up your dress in the first place. It started far too low on your back and ended far too high to be accessible for a single human to do on their own, and at one point, you’d seriously considered just letting your date into your house without dinner just so you could stay naked and save the trouble. In hindsight – small blessings that you’d managed to get it zipped up.
“Help,” you murmured to Joel and spun around in the same moment, pressing your ass back against his crotch. Setting your hands on the closet door for more leverage to rut against him, you pressed harder, feeling the form of his growing length against your backside.
Joel didn’t waste too much time in helping you, opting to tug the zipper down in one quick fell swoop instead of taking his time with it. But as soon as your back was exposed to him, he snaked his arms around your torso and pressed one large, strong palm over your belly while the other found your clit. He cupped your sex and gently bit down on the back of your shoulder. Then as if he remembered what he’d previously been doing, he removed his hands from you and tapped your ass.
“G’on, lay down,”
You obeyed him and delicately let your dress fall from your shoulders and to the floor. He was pleased to see you already without a bra, and by the time you turned and laid back on your bed, Joel was at the latter part of pulling his t-shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor with your dress. He descended upon you as you’d moved up to rest your head on the pillows. But that wasn’t in his plans yet. He grabbed you by the ankle and pulled you down along the duvet until your legs hung over the end of the bed.
“Joel,” you gasped, finding yourself immediately repositioned. He hadn’t even bothered with a kiss to your lips or a check in, but opted for migrating straight to your breasts. 
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he kneaded your soft flesh in his hands and knelt to the floor at the end of your bed.
You heard his knees click on the way down, and truly wanted to say something about it this time – maybe that it was time for a couple knee replacements – but found yourself cut off again when he gripped onto the thin line of your g-string and began to pull it away from your center. “Joel, wait…”
And to his credit, being face to face with your wet slit and already sporting a hard on, his fingers stilled immediately. Quit their pursuit of ridding you from the underwear that was barely there anyway, and opted for bending in to kiss the inside of your thigh.
“I don’t think…” your voice trailed off as he sucked on your inner thigh, surely leaving a mark. Then steadfastly, kissed the skin again.
“I like you like this,” he murmured against your thigh before moving an inch higher and kissing that fresh skin. “Soft,”
A whimper died in your throat, only barely emitting soundwaves into the space between you. But your gaze remained locked on him for any sudden movements.
“I got you, you know that, right?” He kissed your opposite thigh when you nodded. “You can be soft, and small; I got you,” he smiled when you nodded again. “Can I take this off?” his fingers toyed with your g-string again, “can I taste you? And give you a couple brain-melting orgasms,”
“Where’s that horn,” you giggled and looked around the room as if searching for it, finding it bought you some time and distance from having to look directly in his soul-piercing eyes. But he grazed his teeth against your inner thigh again like a horse chomping at the bit, and that got you locked on him again. “You can try. A little bit,”
His hands got back to immediate work and carefully slid the miniscule fabric past the curve of your ass, down from your core, trying not to get lost in the way a bit of your arousal connected you to the fabric for a second longer until he pulled it further away, down your thighs, past your calves, and finally, off completely. He lifted your legs, set them atop his shoulders, positioning himself right in the center of where he yearned to be, and kissed your inner thigh again, this time higher than he’d previously been. His hands found their way to your hips, fingers digging into the flesh as he worked you into a more comfortable state before lips would meet your slit.
Nerves bubbling up to the surface, realizing you’d have a helluva time trying to dissociate from this, you reached down and clawed at the back of one of his hands. He flicked his eyes up to you in time to adjust, releasing your hip and allowing you to take his hand in yours. He moaned against your skin as he moved higher, now to where your leg and hip met, and laced his fingers with yours. You squeezed his hand and he took it as approval for the next step. Of laying a wet kiss on your clit. Thighs briefly squeezed closer to his head, releasing just in time as he licked a broad stripe from your entrance up to your clit. 
A high-pitched groan fell past your lips and he shook his head against you when his mouth made contact with your clit again. He hummed too, sounding beyond elated with his current position. A noise you hadn’t ever quite heard with such enthusiasm. As if everyone in the past had been doing it cursorily instead of out of sheer desire.
Joel flicked his tongue over your clit repeatedly, then lowered his mouth to your entrance and rimmed the tight opening. The feeling of you squirming beneath him was all he needed by way of encouragement. He guided your hand up to his head, not completely satisfied until you released his hand and grabbed hold of his hair. Only then did he move his hand up over your belly and pressing his palm flat against it to hold you still, while his other hand moved from your hip and hooked around your thigh.
“J-Joel… please,” you breathed out, lifting your head to look down at him. But his eyes were closed, getting lost in his ministrations that were unending. You let your head drop back to the bed, “oh my god, please.”
In the past, there had been a worry about the amount of time it took, or how long a boy would be willing to go to get you there. Now, you weren’t quite sure what time was. Or how much had passed. Maybe it had been only a few minutes, maybe it had been fifteen. But your eyes snapped open and made contact with your bedroom ceiling because Joel pressed his middle and ring fingers against your soaked entrance. “Joel,” you whimpered again.
For the first time since he’d begun, he pulled his mouth off you, though his eyes remained on his fingers for the time being, “I got you, girl. Bein’ such a good girl for me,” as he knew it would, your body reacted to his praise. Relaxed. And he slowly urged his fingers inside you, gaze now flicking upward to watch your expression. Jaw slack and eyes rolling back until they shut, he evenly pulled his fingers in and out of you. “Look at you, sweetheart. Like my fingers inside you?”
You nodded emphatically, choking out a sound with a throat that had run dry.
“This pussy’s so good,” he leaned back in and licked your entrance where it met his fingers and continued up to your clit, “tastes so fuckin’ good.”
Thighs closed around his head, muscles twitching and spasming on their own volition. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,”
He smiled against you, softly sucking your clit into his mouth and rolling his tongue flat against it. The mewls it drew from your lips sounded like the sweetest song he’d ever heard. You didn’t need to tell him not to stop. He’d keep doing whatever it was that got that sound to come out of you. 
Joel moaned against you and it sent a vibration up through you that was the last thing you really needed to get you to your first orgasm of the night. It had been on a nonstop incline since he’d started, and the release was just there at the edge. You were sure Joel could tell. His fingers moved more hastily, his mouth and tongue not ceasing for even a second. But then – your brain entered the picture. Took center stage. Reminded you that some man was in between your legs, his mouth performing pure magic… and though your orgasm still neared, your brain fought for distance. 
Your hand had been nestled snugly in his hair, holding him against you, begging him to stay put. But now you were using it to push back on his head. Your release was there, centimeters away, and you desperately pressed against his head, trying to pry him off of you. “Joel, no, please. Stop,”
He pulled his mouth away, though his fingers remained pumping inside of you, and with a growl, he leaned forward and moved his free hand up to your neck, getting a soft grip on either side of it. “Come on, right here,” he curled his fingers inside you, “come all over my fingers.” 
But you only whined and writhed beneath him, now frustrated that you’d pushed away his mouth – the very thing that had been getting you to your climax.
“Got you moanin’ like a whore with my mouth… Push me away…” He shook his hand with his fingers deep inside you, rocking the entire lower half of your body, “c’mon, give it to me.”
The hold he had on your neck tightened and without his mouth, that had been your undoing. You came with a scream, back arching off the bed, chest spasming. Joel removed his fingers from you before you’d ridden out the entirety of your climax, and slapped his hand down on your clit at the tail end of it. You whined a little louder when that sent rippling shock waves through your body. Chest heaving, your sex, already red and swollen, Joel still got up from his knees and leaned over your body for a kiss. You could still taste a hint of yourself on his tongue and it made you want to ravage him more.
“Want you to fuck me,” you begged against his lips, pushing his underwear down past his waist. At some point while he was on his knees, he’d pushed his jeans down and had been able to step out of them when he stood back up. However it happened, you didn’t care, as long as it got him inside of you sooner.
Joel smiled against your lips and tapped your hip as he stood back up and rid himself of his underwear. “Turn over,” he ordered as he stroked himself, smearing the precum that leaked from his tip down along the length of his shaft.
Instantaneous obedience rushed over you and you clumsily turned over to your stomach and got up on your hands and knees. Joel’s hand returned to your skin soon thereafter. Fingers splayed over your ass cheek, digging into the supple flesh. It was the gentlest of the actions you’d feel over the next few minutes. Just enough time to relish in the expanse of his hand before he was using his other hand to guide his length to you, sliding his member over your wetness and then finally pushing himself inside of you.
The air evacuated your lungs with the feeling of him sinking into you. Relentlessly. Until he’d worked himself balls deep, nestled tight in your core. A throbbing overtook the lower half of your body and you allowed yourself to collapse, chest and head now resting on the bed while your backside remained up for Joel to use. And that he did. The thrusts you remembered from the first time together had felt deep, and were, no doubt. But they paled in comparison to the feeling of this, of his length actually splitting you in half, like an axe to a piece of wood. You released a long, lingering cry that changed into a breathy moan when his thrusts picked up, nothing but the sounds of your shared labored breaths and skin slapping together. 
“Shit,” Joel groaned, gripping onto your hips with a bone-crushing hold. His hips faltered for just a second. 
If you hadn’t been paying such rapt attention to the feeling of each inch inside you, you likely wouldn’t have noticed the stutter of his movement for the slightest of seconds. But it was impossible to ignore how he felt inside you. A fullness you sure was indescribable – at least indescribable by any sense that would do it justice. And a heaviness that was all-encompassing. It seemed to seep into every cell, weighing you down in the most delicious of ways. On shaky arms that seemed unlikely to be able to bear any weight, you pressed up from the bed to return to your hands and knees. 
But no sooner than you’d risen, a hand left your hip and migrated to the center of your upper back, pushing you back down until your chest was flush with the mattress again. “Stay like this,” his jaw dropped open when you squeezed around his shaft, and he very nearly doubled over. “Just like this,”
“Joel, I can’t–”
As though he was a mind reader, he slid his hand down your back and enveloped it around your hips; the pads of his fingers making contact with your clit again. Your body went soft for him again, malleable to whatever course of action was to come next.
“Yes. God yes,” you pleaded like God was in the room with you in the form of Joel.
“Feel fuckin’ incredible,” he moaned and offered a particularly hard thrust. One that had caught you off guard, and your knees slipped, sending your stomach down to the bed as well. 
He managed to follow you down, keeping himself sheathed deep inside you, and with hand still curled around you, kept you lifted enough for his fingers to continue massaging your clit in small, quick circles. Now with only your ass left above the rest of your body, he straddled your legs and scooted himself up closer. His thrusts now deep but short, you let out a shriek and curled your fists in your sheets.
“Takin’ this cock like a champ,” he bared his teeth into his bottom lip with a thrust that had his tip pressing against the opening to your cervix. You whimpered again, which only made him smile. “Yeah, you like that? Tell me about it,”
“Love it,” you panted. Legs pressed together, feeling fuller than ever with his hands on your clit, coil in your stomach was winding up. Tighter and tighter, and you knew it was only a matter of moments before you’d snap. “Fuckin’ love your cock, Joel,” 
Just expressing the sentiment made you throb, and you knew he felt it. Knew it when he replaced the circling of your clit with a couple quick taps to it which made your body jerk. He smiled again and reset his hands on your hips, using them for all the leverage he needed for what would end up being the last of what you’d be able to take. 
“Joel,” you cried and unwound a hand from the sheets to reach back for his hand on your hip. You curled it around two of his fingers, “I’m gonna…”
“Yeah, you are. Gonna be a good girl and come all over this cock?” He groaned after your body responded to his praise, “let me have it, sweetheart.”
You felt his hips falter again and thought if you could just hold out for a while longer, you’d both hit the peak together. So you stiffened your body, and tried to stave off the snapping of the spring inside you. Tried to blur out the pleasure for sheer focus. But all that did was send a shot of discomfort through you which settled in your chest and your body purged it with an animalistic growl.
Joel pressed his hands to the bed on either side of you and rested himself against your back, cautious to not lay all of his weight on you. He bit into your neck, “don’t wait for me. Go on, I’ll be right behind you,” his jaw slackened when your muscles clenched around him, sucking him in deeper and milking his length. 
“Promise?” you squeaked out, the beginning of your orgasm gearing up deep in your stomach. 
He smiled against your neck and nodded, “yeah, I promise. C’mon, sweetheart.”
It didn’t take too much more coaxing than that. One more thrust and you unraveled beneath him. Body trembling involuntarily with an endless string of moans filling the room. He grunted behind you and pulled out before you’d even finished. Stroked himself just a couple times before his own muscles flexed and released, releasing his come over your lower back and ass. You turned your head to the side when the feeling of his come hitting you finished, and smiled breathlessly at the sight of him giving his length a couple more tugs. He let go of his member and let it rest along your ass, taking deep breaths to steady himself.
Joel leaned down, his cock sliding to your lower back. He nestled his nose against your cheek and kissed your jaw, “you’re a good girl, huh?”
You grinned, cheeks growing hotter, and lifted your hands up behind you to tangle them in his hair.
“Yeah, you are,” he pecked your cheek once more then pushed himself off you. “I’ll be back, lemme clean you up.” He only waited for you to nod before he was off.
Left alone in your room, you leaned up on your elbows and looked around. It was pretty sparse and impersonal, like the rest of your house still. Nothing like Joel’s. In his house, everything screamed him. It was lived in, worn. The things that were out of place had been so for so long that their lack of a place became their place. He’d spent years making it a home while you were still just in a house. You wondered what it would take for your house to become that. Time? Maybe a dog? Or worst case scenario – a man?
Joel re-entered your room, towel in hand, and crawled back on the bed to you. He gently wiped away his spend until your skin was clean again. “Couldn’t find a washcloth,”
After he threw the towel to the floor by your bed, you rolled over onto your back, “don’t have ‘em. Got these,” you lifted her hands and waved them about.
He scrunched his nose and you swatted at his chest as he laid down beside you. With a hand holding yours against his chest, he maneuvered his other arm around you, behind your neck and shoulders, and pulled you into him. You rest your head down on his collarbone and focused on your fingers, running them along his tanned skin leaving invisible doodles in their wake. If you could just stay here like this, in the post-sex afterglow, you could almost convince yourself that the closeness wasn’t freaking you out. It was a lot so quickly. A far cry from your status quo.
“Can you stay tonight,” you asked in the same moment Joel kissed the top of your head. And because he didn’t answer right away, you felt the need to justify yourself. “If it wasn’t the wind and someone did bre–”
“I’ll stay,” he shook you reassuringly, “‘cause you’re nicer to cuddle up against than my old pillows,”
You wrapped your arm around him tighter, “this doesn’t mean anything.”
“Of course not.” For just a moment, he let his fingertips dance over the skin at your bare hip, smiling to himself at the goosebumps that erupted across it. Then he tapped your hip, “you should go to the bathroom,”
Ah, yes. Your delicate pH balance. Apparently it was on Joel’s mind more than it was on yours. You willed yourself out of bed and carried on into the bathroom, whereupon looking at yourself in the mirror, it was impossible to ignore the seemingly permanent smile on your face. You tried to get rid of it; tried to turn your lips into a straight line, but it wouldn’t leave. It was there. Etched deep and sure. And you knew it had very little to do with the fact that you were in your own home, a thousand miles away from family drama, and very much to do with the man waiting for you in bed.
If you from two months ago could see you now, you were sure there wouldn’t have been the slightest chance of recognition. While to most, and maybe even to Joel, a change had scarcely happened, you saw the leaps and bounds of apparent progress. Two months ago, you’d closed on the house and had swore off boys altogether. Like a form of housekeeping, you swept those ideas into a dustpan and deposited them in the garbage. Boys were superfluous. Intimate relationships were superfluous. A couple lousy boyfriends had taught you that, but they hadn’t been horribly awful people. They’d just been boys. Perhaps the worst of it was that your father had taught you that. Taught you that the man who was supposed to love you unconditionally, couldn’t, or just flat out didn’t. Taught you that romantic relationships looked like prison sentences. That a man would never be able to evolve and understand his own emotional range, let alone yours. And worst of all, that despite being obviously unhappy with everything, that he’d never leave, never let you leave; and instead hold you hostage in a relationship that everyone could see had failed, but he refused to admit for the sake of his own delicate ego. 
You grinned, thinking about how the only delicate thing about you was your pH balance.
“Y’alright?” Joel asked as you re-entered your bedroom. 
You figured you’d looked pretty spaced out upon returning. Not entirely sure how you’d made it back there from the bathroom. Still, you pressed a smile and crawled back into bed, immediately curling up into his side. Back in only his underwear, his skin against yours gave off tremendous heat and for the first time (perhaps in life), you really found yourself hoping that Joel was all the things he said he was, and that it wasn’t just performative.
“What’s this?” He held out a lone bolt in his fingers.
You tilted your head back from where it rested against his chest, “where’d you get that?”
“Side table,”
“You’re snooping in my stuff?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and jiggled the bolt in his hand again. “Where’d this come from?”
You shrugged and lowered your head, rubbing your cheek against his bare chest to get comfortable again. “Found it when I was Swifferin’ beneath my oven,”
The bolt stopped moving in Joel’s fingers and you peeked back up to find him stunned. “‘S’truly amazing your house hasn’t exploded yet,”
“What?” you whined, “it works and it’s not like I smell gas. It was probably an extra part,”
“Since when do ovens come with parts you don’t need?”
“Joel,” you whined again and wrapped your arm around his belly, holding him close.
He leaned over and set the bolt back down on the side table. He’d fix that tomorrow. Along with your back door. And maybe give everything else in your house a once over to make sure you wouldn’t combust.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Sun rays filtered in between the slits in your blinds and you cursed yourself (yet again) for not having invested in black out curtains. One of these days you would and maybe then you’d get a restful night of sleep. With a groan and an aching in your hips, you turned onto your back and looked to the side where Joel was still asleep, his back to you. Generally, sharing a bed with someone resulted in you having the worst night of sleep known to man. It was as if your brain could never really settle knowing someone was beside you. And while you had slept some last night, you couldn’t wait for Joel to not be in your bed the following night. 
After having slid out of bed, successful in not rousing him, you padded down the hallway to the kitchen and squinted out the front window where the neighborhood was slowly coming to life. A couple kids were riding their bikes in the street. Mr. Cole was hobbling down his driveway to pick up the newspaper. Your routine was coffee first and after a night like last, where your hips weren’t the only thing sore, but your thighs and core, too, coffee was supremely necessary.
The slowness of the act was almost meditative. You could turn off your brain. Grab the filter, scoop the coffee grounds, add the water, hit the button. At least on a normal day. What you didn’t know at that moment, but came to know halfway pouring the water, today was not to be a normal day. Not at all. Because a knock on your front door had you spilling some of the water down the side of the machine instead of within the well. 
You turned, confused, and then were riled into action when the knock happened again, this time more insistent. Perhaps one day you’d learn to look through the window first, or install a door with a peephole, but on this day, you simply tugged the front door open and felt your heart drop into your stomach.
“Mom? Dad?”
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lovekendri · 2 years
shameless | finnick odair
finnick odair x fem!reader
request: Hiii! i love your peeta fics, would you be able to do a Finnick story kinda the same as your one with peeta where it’s the reader’s first time? ♥️
thank you so much for your request @emiiixx! this was originally just going to be a fluffy fun spicy fic but i think this might have what you're looking for! ♡
summary: you attend a celebration party for your boyfriend's 10th anniversary as a hunger games victor, his charisma leads you to your first time.
cw: 18+ only! established relationship, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), bit of a pleasure dom!finnick, inexperienced!reader, mention of fingering, tiny bit of a choking kink, praise kink, marking kink if you squint, aftercare!
wc: 2.6k
type: ❀ | ✽
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Loud yet incoherent music pumped throughout the crowded central area of District 4, a celebration for none other than your boyfriend.
You were lost in crowds of people and circles of tables, yet flooded with questions and admiration of how incredibly lucky you were to have such a desirable man, how delightful he must be to have around your finger.
In reality, you were wrapped around his finger.
He was yours, you were his, it was a truly simple relationship to the unlucky outsiders. From afar, you'd watch him be spun around by eager teenage girls and obsessed older ladies, desperate middle aged mothers and intoxicated younger girls. You watched him receive kisses on the cheeks, girls jumping for just a single peck anywhere near his lips.
He was yours.
A cup in your hand and surrounded by teenage girls dying to know what a kisser he was at their young age, you felt superior to consider him yours.
"He's definitely a good kisser, right?" one girl would chirp, pleading to be heard over the boom of loud speakers.
"What about a tongue kisser? Does he like that?" another would pry.
"My boyfriend loves to do that stuff," the third would drawl, fanning herself in exclamation.
"Oh, honey, I don't think you know the next thing about tongue kissing yet," you'd say, giving a breathy laugh. "You'll get there."
You walked past multiple groups of people, some who wouldn't acknowledge you, but others who waved politely and said hello.
Your target was Finnick, and as you walked up to him, you set a light hand on his shoulder and trailed your fingers around his black collared shirt.
It was your favorite way to get his attention.
He turned to you almost immediately, a glint of light in his eyes appeared and a playful grin grew on his face as he trailed you walking around to his side, signature smile glowing.
He admired your matching sparkly black dress, taking in the sight before speaking.
"I missed your face, pretty girl," he said, just loud enough to hear over the blare of music, taking your jaw into his rough hand and grazing your lips with his thumb. His hand was swift to trail around your neck and down your back to pull you to his side.
Loud cheers from a group of people sounded from behind you at the gesture, as you two were the life of the party. He smiled at the acknowledgement, your giggle lighting up his face. He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead softly, fingers squeezing at your side.
Besides fighting off girls, he was talking to other mentors and victors of District 4, popular among the other Careers who had fought alike to the death. It was common to have them over at your house in Victor's Village to have small gatherings and dinners.
"I'll say day after day, lucky woman," a female victor said to you, winking at you and nodding her head toward Finnick.
"Oh, please. I'm sure you could get him any day, having won the Hunger Games and all," you joked back, ignoring the playful glare down from Finnick and the bite of his fingers digging into your side to pull you closer.
Her name was Rose, and she was a bit of an older lady, probably in her late 30's, early 40's. She supposedly won the Games when she was 16, pretty much the average age to win, but she was pretty, blonde, tall, and looked surprisingly young. Though, you suppose, the Capitol helps out with that a bit.
Rose and another male victor laughed with you as Finnick rolled his eyes and sputtered about how he wishes he could strangle you sometimes, and that you drive him insane most days.
"Man," Finnick lowered his voice to talk in the small circle of four other people as they leaned in to hear him, "I'd enjoy some sugar cubes and sparkling juice in the comfort of my own home right now."
The victors in the circle laughed nodding in agreement. You watched a male victor put his hands into his pockets, his posture slouching back in his dress shirt and pants. Another victor took a sip of his drink, while Rose looked toward Finnick.
"You should share some sugar cubes with your lovely girlfriend," she joked, "I'm sure she'd love them."
Finnick turned to you, nodding.
"I know it's my party, but I'm sneaking out of here," he laughed, "nobody will notice anyways with you guys around."
Finnick winked at Rose and another victor that was paying attention, sliding his hand into yours and pulling you away from the party, pushing through a small gate to lead you toward Victor's Village.
He was practically dragging you through roads.
"Slow down!" you laughed, "we don't have to fly out of the party!"
He stopped dead in his tracks, halfway down a lit street toward his house. Not expecting him to stop so abruptly, you slammed into him.
"Not that slow!" you said, playfully punching his arm as you giggled out the pain in your cheek that you felt.
"Oh, you're fine," he said, grabbing your jaw, and kissing you on the forehead once again.
You loved when he kissed you anywhere, but you loved forehead kisses and steamy make-out sessions. Finnick made you feel like the only girl in the world, the only one he lusted and loved for.
He pulled you the rest of the way to his house, pulling his keys out of his dress pants pocket to unlock the door.
He pushed open the door, flipping on the light switch and leading you directly to his cozy living room, the simple chandelier casting a warm beige glow over the room.
You fell face first into the denim colored velvet couch, rubbing your hands into the soft fabric and releasing a heavy exhale in relief. You felt the couch dip beside your legs, and the zipper on the back of your dress loosened, slowly being undone.
"Can I take your shoes off for you, love?" he asked, his hand now rested on your back at the bottom of your zipper.
You kicked your feet up onto his lap, and exhaled once again, getting comfy as he helped you undress. He had no problem undoing your heel buckles and pulling them off, dropping them onto the ground.
You heard Finnick take a long inhale, running the hand that rested on your back along your spine and onto the back of your neck. He leaned down, laying halfway on the side of the couch.
Gently tucking his face into your neck, he gave you a few pecks on the empty spaces his hand didn't cover.
"Finnick," you exhaled into the couch, lifting a hand to place on his thick bicep. He paused his kisses, listening to your quiet breathing get faster.
"Something wrong, my love?" he asked, murmuring into your neck. Licking a spot on your neck and biting it softly, he pushed a gasp out of your throat.
"Didn't think so."
You squeezed his arm once more, tingles and swirling heat building in your stomach as he kissed you more, leaving small bruises along your neck the more he bit.
"Can we try something new tonight?" he asked quietly, face still buried into your neck and hand wrapped around the back of your neck, controlling where your head moved if you even tried to move it.
He had as much as fingered you before, and you two often made out. You had never experienced full sex with him, but you were eager to if he offered.
"I'd have no problem with that," you said, your stomach now a whirling tornado of heat and butterflies the more he spoke. Your throat was constricting from both his hand and the anticipation, nervous to try something so new with him.
He erected himself once again, sitting up straight on the couch and dragging his hands around your hips. Squeezing your waist, he pulled at your hips to have you sit up for him.
You picked yourself up, adjusting yourself to face him.
Your cheeks were hot from laying face down, but also because of the way he admired you, his eyes darting around your body as he took in your image with a sharp inhale.
"Come here, pretty girl," he cooed, undoing the belt that held up his dress pants, watching your expression like a hawk as you stared in awe at his seemingly perfect and precise movements.
Your cheeks began to burn bright red as you watched him pull the belt from the belt loops and undo the button around his waist, your stomach swirling aggressively with heat and arousal as he watched you.
He left the button open, pushing the fabric to the side and revealing a set of black boxers and readjusting his hips to sit away from the couch cushion, manspreading, as he grabbed for your hips to pull you on top of him.
You scooted toward him, allowing him to grab you by the hips and pull you on top of his lap, immediately pressing his lips to yours.
This would be the only time you were taller than him, and the way his warm, plump lips guided and pushed against yours erupted a volcano of butterflies. Your thighs were bare against his legs, the soft fabric of his pants warm and inviting.
Your dress was loose against your back, the thin straps beginning to fall down your shoulders ever so slightly, the hem of the dress riding up your legs the more you kissed him, his hands tightly gripped onto your hips.
Finnick was focused on making you feel the best he could, trailing his lips down your jaw and throat, kissing dangerously low on your collarbone and chest.
When he pulled away, you met his eyes, looking down at him for the first time in your life. They were darkened with lust and desire, his mouth curling up on the sides as he watched the redness of your face deepen, your eyes darkening with the same lust, plagued with need.
He looked down, a small breathy laugh falling out of his lips. He moved his face toward your chest, his hands slowly moving up your hips to place his hands over your breasts.
He kissed around your breasts, sometimes licking a small spot before biting it until he dropped his hands onto your hips again.
Moving his face up your neck to rest his lips against your ear, he whispered.
"You ready, love?"
You exhaled quietly, nodding as he adjusted his pants once again, pulling down his boxers.
It sort of sprung up against his stomach, a perfect length with girth, a few prominent small veins running up to a glistening dark pink head.
Your face was the color of a ripe tomato, watching as he stroked himself once or twice, grabbing your hips and looking up to you once again.
You lifted yourself up, preparing for him to sit you himself.
As he adjusted to sit you on him, the entrance of his dick for the first time sent electrifying butterflies through your body, a light moan pushing past your lips as he sat you all the way down with ease, your thighs once again meeting his dress pants.
He grabbed for your ass, squeezing gently as he began to rock you back and forth, hitting the perfect spot to send butterflies and heat coursing through your body.
"Oh, fuck," he moaned, throwing his head back, gripping your ass tighter as he forced himself to move your hips at the same pace.
Small moans and whimpers released from your throat every time he rocked you, your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling his head into your chest as you gripped the back of his shirt.
He began to move you faster, his fingers digging into your ass to leave a definite mark on you the next morning.
"You feel so good," he praised, his moans breathy and deep, heat building quickly in your stomach as he moved your hips faster.
He shook your arms loose a bit to kiss your neck once again, biting harsher than before, licking the spots when you'd gasp. You'd push your head down to kiss him, moans and whimpers threatening to break the kiss when he'd thrust just right, the friction between your thighs and his pants growing hot. Your straps had fallen down your shoulders now, your breasts barely covered by a strip of fabric with Finnick's face buried by your neck.
The fact he was fully clothed while you were practically falling naked in front of him was oddly arousing, the idea of him watching you strip from his thrusts made your face hot. The darkened light of the living room and the occasional creak of the old couch left the room in a steamy sensation, the rest of the house black with empty light while nothing mattered to Finnick, just you feeling good.
This was the best thing he'd ever treated you to, his perfect dick sliding in and out of you with no effort, the kisses and nips he'd leave at your neck to mark you as his. The muffled sound of skin slapping as pants met bare thigh, the jingle of the metal buckle that laid to the side.
"Come on, I know you're close, baby."
You felt the rush of an upcoming orgasm as he plead for you, his hands grew impossibly tighter on you, practically slamming you onto his cock as your body erupted in butterflies.
"Cum for me, pretty girl."
White hot heat burst through your body, loud moans and cusses falling from your lips as he worked you through your orgasm, the butterflies and searing pleasure overtaking your body as you collapsed against his chest, your head falling to his shoulder.
Deep moans erupted from his mouth as he worked himself through his own orgasm moments later, slowing you to a halt, his hands leaving your ass to caress your body.
"You're such a good girl," he cooed once again, kissing your neck and pulling you up from his body to look at him.
His smile was soft and genuine, your body exhausted from the best thing you'd ever felt.
"Let's get you cleaned up, darling," he whispered, pulling you off of his lap to place you down against a pillow off to the side.
He stood up, buttoning his pants once again and leaving the room for a few minutes.
You'd heard various lights switch on and off, listening to the softness of his footsteps around the house.
Finnick came back with a pair of plaid pajama pants and an old tee of his, a wet towel, and a small box of cookies and water from the pantry.
Helping you up, he wiped you down with the towel, helping you take off your dress and replace it with the pajamas and tee. He sat you back down against the cushion, turning around to grab the cookies.
"The best for last," he smiled, leaning down to kiss you softly as he set the cookies and water on the table in front of you, turning on the tv to a show you'd never seen before, the volume barely up.
As you took a cookie, he laid down next to you and placed your head on his lap, relaxing as you combed your fingers through his hair, the sound of the tv and the quietness of his breath soon lulling you to sleep.
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lttl3babybug · 6 months
Gently squeezing your face, hello honey!! (If your not okay with nicknames let me know!!)
Could I ask forrrr hm, either caregiver Stolas or caregiver Asmodeus ( >w<) with a baby regressor? Preferably padded but no force!! I hope you have a lovely day my dearest ~
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HIII, I absolutely adore nicknames :3 but of course! I just posted some cg Stolas so I can give you Cg!Ozzie!! (Apologies if this is nonsensical I wrote it at 6am with an hour and 40 minutes of sleep maximum)
Cg!Asmodeus & Baby!Regressor!Reader headcanons!
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🩵Ozzie is just the sweetest, we’ve seem how gentle he is with fizz so we know he’s an absolutely amazing cg :(
🩵Ozzie is a big guy, like he’s huge. He’s gonna pick you up at every opportunity he can
🩵Due to his height he likes to remind you just how little you are
“Aw look at you…just a tiny baby aren’t you, hm? Nothing but an itty bitty baby. Look at how tiny you are compared to me!”
🩵Good Gods above he will spoil you to the ends of hell and back
🩵You have more paci’s than you can count, he just sees them and gets them for you because he loves surprising you
🩵Seeing how excited you get when when he says he has a surprise for you and his wide your eyes go.
🩵Now if you’re a nonverbal baby you needn’t Fret. Ozzie is a master at deciphering your babbles
🩵Making grabby hands at something you want or someone who’s attention you crave? He’s on it, giving you whatever you want (if it’s appropriate that is) and dragging over whatever one of his assistants has caught your fancy today
🩵Ozzie has a whole room dedicated to your safe space, it’s one of the only places he feels it’s okay to leave you unsupervised
🩵Being the sin of lust of course his place isn’t exactly…child appropriate. But this room is full of nothing but toys, stuffies, baby books, blankets, the whole shebang
🩵Course he loves playing with you too, big fan of playing the damsel in distress for you to rescue
🩵But he also loves reading to you and doing your baby puzzles with you!
🩵Watching your face light up with joy as you solve the jigsaw in front of you and signal for his attention by whiney or making general babble noises in his direction
🩵If you’re feeling bratty or generally stubborn he tends to talk through things before sending you to time out, making sure you’re calm and understand why you’re being put in that position.
🩵Now Ozzie with a padded regressor is a whole different thing
🩵This was something he discussed with you while big, he’d noticed you’d started slipping further than usual (course he wasn’t mad about that at all) and that lead to accidents and tears
🩵He made 1000% sure that you were comfortable with this happening, with him changing you, with him seeing you like that in such a vulnerable state
🩵And even after having you give him both verbal and written consent that it was okay he still asks you before he changes you. Just incase
“Are you okay with me taking this off you sweetheart? I don’t want you getting a rash down there baby…it’s okay if not. I’m sure you’re smart enough to change yourself”
🩵Placing you on the changing table and distracting you the whole time by holding a stuffie above you or asking you about your favourite book or game
🩵He makes sure you’re keeping clean down there at all times, checking you every 30 minutes- an hour
🩵You have the comfiest pull ups or dips you could ever imagine, so pretty too!
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201 notes · View notes
He’s just a bit older
𖤐Pairing: Soap x Younger F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, older Soap young Y/n, age gap, P in V, eating out, language, dads' best friend
AN: If you’re not comfortable with this age gap type of stuff this isn’t probably for you. By age gap I mean early 20 year old Y/n and early 40s Soap
Y/n is Price’s daughter and she’s had a bit of a crush on her dads best friend, John Soap MacTavish
But Price is caught up at work that he forgot him and Soap are meeting up to watch the soccer match (football for the Europeans)
Could Soap and Y/n get away with fucking each other without Price ever knowing
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“Y/N! I’m going to work!” Price yells at his daughter.
“OKAY!” She yells back. She had gotten out of the shower and was going to hang out with her boyfriend Hunter.
It was their 10-month anniversary, and she was very excited to hang out with him. Sure, they hang out almost every day, but she was just excited for today.
She brushed her teeth and blow dried her hair, she even spread her favorite lotion on her skin to smell good for Hunter. She even put on some light make up on as well.
Y/n grabbed a bright pink tank top and white tennis skirt. Hunter and Y/n were going to see the Barbie Movie together and she was very excited.
Y/n grabbed her purse and went downstairs and was going to wait for Hunter to come and get her for the movie. She played on her phone and looked at the time, sure she got ready a bit early at least she'll be ready.
As she took a couple of photos of her outfit and captioned them with 'Date Night with @/h.hunt14' she smiled seeing the likes and comments she was getting from her friends.
"PRICE!" She looked up from her phone and looked at the front door hearing a thick Scottish accent.
"Soap?" She asked as she got up and opened the door.
"Hey, Y/n. Where's your dad?" He asks with a case of beer in his hands.
"Umm work? Why are you here?" She leaned on the doorframe, crossing her arms and looking at her father's best friend.
"He invited me to watch the football game."
"Well again, he's not home," she mumbled.
"Yeah, I see that. So, could I still come in? Your dad already knows I'm supposed to be here."
"I guess," Y/n let him inside and he placed the case of beer of the kitchen counter.
"Where are you going?" He asks, cracking open a beer.
"To the movies. Hunter and I are going to see the Barbie Movie together for our 10-month anniversary." She smiles when she brings up Hunter and Soap smiled hearing that she found someone to be with.
"That's cool," he smiles before taking a sip of his drink.
"I'm going to text my dad and see if he knew you were supposed to come this early."
"Yeah," he agrees.
Y/n: *Dad, Soap is here. Is he supposed to be here this early?*
Price: *Ah shit, I told him to come early, I didn't expect him this early, tell him I'll be home around 2-3*
Y/n: *K*
"My dad said, he'll be home around two or three. Just make yourself comfortable," she says as she went back to the couch. "I'll be leaving around one for the movies." She yells him.
"Okay, yeah sure," Soap said as he watched Y/n head back to the couch. He looked at her skirt seeing it raise up went she plopped down on the black couch.
He saw her white panties and smirked just a little bit but soon wiped it away. He remembered this isn't right, this is his best friends only daughter.
Some time has passed, and Y/n was now waiting on her boyfriend to show up. She was texting him asking him where he was and all but no answer.
She ran her hand through her hair and let out a soft sign, Soap had turned on the TV to watch a pre-game before the actual game. He looked at Y/n seeing her being distressed.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"He's not answering the movie starts in a like 30 minutes..." she said.
"Did you try calling him?"
"I didn't want to bother you though."
"It's fine, go ahead," he says as Y/n went upstairs and called Hunter.
But it went straight to voicemail. "Hey, Hunter, are you coming to get me, or did you forget about me?" She kind of laughs at the 'forgetting' part. "Just text me or call me back and let know what's going on."
She walks back downstairs sitting next to Soap again. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back ignoring her phone now. Maybe he's on his way and can't answer her?
"Everything okay?" He asks.
"I don't know," she said as she looked at Soap. "If you think something is going on with your partner...would you keep texting them or would you ignore them?"
"What do you mean? Are you expecting him of something?" He asks, placing his beer on the table in front of them.
"No, but...he's just been...distant I guess."
"How so?"
"Like now, he's ignoring me, sometimes will just flat out not talk to me for a long period of time, I have to start conversations, I have to make plans and invite him to join-LIKE NOW I asked we should see the Barbie movie, he said 'cool that's fine' like he wasn't really interested." Her eyes looked red and glossy; she seemed like she was about to cry.
"Hey, hey, it's okay...the best thing to do is get rid of the problem...if it was me...I'd break up with them, but you love him, I know you do. I can see it in your eyes that you love him. But that's up to you," he said.
The tension between them was hot now because they understood each other. Was it sexual? No, it couldn't be. Price would kill both of them if he caught them.
Soap looked down at Y/n's lips seeing lip gloss on them, her lips were plump and looked so soft it he kissed them. He bit the corner of his bottom lip as Y/n played with her fingers. It was like she was thinking about something, and she was.
She looked down at his crotch seeing his bulge in his pants. She gulped and looked up at Soap.
Y/n didn't hesitate, she crawled on top of Soap's lap. Soap put his hands up he didn't know what to do with them. She just smiles and moves them to her waist.
She then placed her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair.
"Wow...your fingers...they...they are like magic, this is so calming," he chuckles.
Y/n giggles too. "I mean...I don't know? I do it to myself sometimes, it feels so good."
"Yeah," he coos, he looked up at her. His hands moved from her waist down to her butt, she moans slightly. He leans forward and kissed her neck, earning another moan from her.
He pushes up the bottom of her white skirt and grabbed at her soft bare ass cheeks. His lips felt so good on her collarbone and neck.
"F-Fuck-" she moans.
Soap then snapped back into reality. Soap looked up at Y/n staring into her eyes. "W-we shouldn't b-be doing this," he stutters a bit.
"My dad won't know...and neither will Hunter. This will between you and I, Soap."
"No, no, we can't," he moved his hands back to her waist trying to push her off his lap.
"Fine..." she got off his lap. She stood at the doorway before walking to her bedroom, but she turned back to Soap, she brought her leg up and flashed her panties to Soap.
"Don't-Don't do that, Y/n."
"Oh, come on, Soap. You know you want it," she says as she began to walk away, and Soap got up and followed her to her bedroom.
Y/n sat on the edge of her bed, she crossed her legs and looked at Soap with a smirk on her face. She uncrossed her legs, and she lifted up her skirt again exposing the front of the panties.
They were white, lace with a small pink rose in the middle.
"Come on, Soap, my dad won't know," she smiles at him.
"Fuck," he closed her bedroom door and Y/n smirked knowing he finally got his attention.
"Come on, Soap," she said.
He walked to her, and she started to remove her tank-top and Soap grabbed her skirt and pulled it down. His hands went to her panties and pulled them off as well. He rested his hands on her thighs and looked up at her with a smirk.
"Are you sure, he won't know?" Soap asked.
"Promise, he won't be back so soon, and he always values his work first."
"That's not true, he values you."
"Not really," Y/n closed her legs and covered her exposed area and looked down at him. "Why do you think him, and my mom got a divorce? Because he worked so much and valued his work over mom and me, that...they called it quits..."
"But...he talks about you a lot when we hang out."
"Doesn't matter...he sure as hell doesn't show it..." She looked down at him, his hands slid up her thighs and rested on her exposed hips. His hands soon went around to her butt and gently squeezed, earning a soft moan from her.
"He talked about you when you were high school and how you were so nervous in freshman year, you were scared if you and your friends would drift apart but you all stuck together through high school..." Soap lifted up the end of the skirt. "You were nervous about your Prom thinking Hunter wouldn't show but he did..."
Soap then moved forward closed to her area, she could feel his hot breath on her. "...Your Senior year...you were crazy nervous about a test that was 100% of your grade...you passed...and...he took you out for dinner..." he then licked between her folds earning a moan from her. She grabbed his hair and leaned on her elbows.
"Senior Prom...you left early because you were homesick...you wanted to spend the rest of you night with your dad because you...he may be lonely when you were out..."
Y/n's grip tightened on his hair that she got a groaned from him. She looked down at his eyes as he kept licking her and talking to her about what her father has said about her.
Y/n always thought that Price valued his work over her...Price is a good father, he's been to all her soccer games even when he had tuns of work, he'd put everything on hold just to go watch her play.
Even when she joined the dance team, he put everything on hold just to go and watch her.
She realized how more present he was in her life versus her own mother...hell...her own mother told her that she should go live with Price because she didn't want to deal with Y/n and all her actives during school that Price was there even when she didn't want her there.
Soap licked between her folds some more and started to insert two fingers inside of her. He started to move them in and out of her quickly, she moaned his name and let go of his hair and started to grip the sheets on her bed.
"H-Holy fuck," she moans.
"He was mad...when you and Hunter first broke up...he thought he would...have to kill him because he...broke his little girls' heart..." Soap mumbled. He looked up at her and hummed a little bit.
He stood up and pushed her on her back. His hands slid up her shirt, he felt her bra and unhooked it with one hand and got it off her chest. He pushed her tank top up exposing her breasts to him.
She ran her fingers up her stomach to the tank top to keep it out of his way. His hands went to her sides and looked down at her small body as his big, veiny hands just caressed her.
"You fit my hands so perfectly," he mumbles and kissed her neck and moved up to kiss her lips.
His hands roamed all over her, his hand then started to fiddle with his belt and started to remove his belt and pull his pants down, he removed his shirt and then pushed himself against her clit.
"H-Holy-" she moans.
He started to fish himself out of her boxers and pulled his boxers off his lower half.
"I-It's not f-fair that I'm fully clothed and y-you're not..." she moans.
"You're not technically fully clothed...you're just in a skirt and tank top, you don't have panties and a bra on..."
"Half naked but still."
"Fine," he quickly rips her skirt off her lower half and pulled her tank top over her head. "There...now we're even," he smirks.
"G-Good," she mumbles and Soap without warning pushed himself inside of her.
He thrusts were sloppy but soon started to pick the pace even more and she let out a satisfying moan that made his head spin. Hearing her moans make him feel like he's doing such a good job.
To tell the truth. Soap wasn't that experience. Price always teased him about how needs to get out more and have some more experience with a woman. He only had 2 girlfriends in his life and a wife and wasn't that experience.
His hand cupped her face and rubbed his thumb under her eye, he watched her face and smirked seeing her face become so red and watching her expressions change as well.
"Goddamn, I d-didn't think I w-was that good," Soap groans.
Price looked at his phone seeing the time, but he also knows that Soap's 'waiting' on him at the house. Price looked at his computer and saw he has 5 more emails and then he can be done.
He answered them and then texted Y/n.
Price: *Hey, I'm almost done soon, let Johnny know I'm coming soon, and we can watch the game*
Y/N: *.....*
Price just looked at the dots on the screen letting him know she was typing.
Y/n was on her stomach as Soap was hitting her from the back, she was a moaning mess as she couldn't even type properly. She only got a few words typed out but couldn't even hit the 'send' button.
"H-He's a-about done s-soon..." she moans as Soap gripped her hips and smacked her butt watching his handprint form on her left cheek.
"Then...w-we better h-hurry..." she could feel him smirking behind her.
She dropped her phone on her bed and gripped the bedsheets. She felt her stomach start turning, she was about to cum. He could feel her about to cum, he gripped her hips even tighter knowing he was going to cum as well.
"Holy fuck," Soap moans and so does Y/n. She felt herself leak onto his dick and he pulled out and she felt his cum leak on her lower back.
Y/n was panting trying to catch her breath as Soap rested his forehead between her shoulder blades and kissed her shoulder.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No...I'm okay...I need to c-clean up..." she sat up and moved off her bed, Soap fell on his back on her bed and looked up at the ceiling and heard the water start.
He looked at her bathroom seeing the door open, and he could see her figure in the shower, he rubbed his temple and grabbed his boxers and jeans putting them back on.
"Yeah," he grabbed his shirt and put it back on and walked downstairs to go answer the door. He looked through the glass and saw Hunter. He opened the door with some force making Hunter jump a little.
"The fuck you want?"
"Who are you?" Hunter asked, he looked around to make sure he has the right house. "Is this the Price's?"
"Yeah, it is," he crossed his arms over his chest.
Y/n had a towel wrapped around her waist and a towel in her hair. She walked downstairs and saw Hunter at the door and Soap intimating him.
"Who the hell is this guy?" Hunter asked pointing to Soap.
"He's...my dad's best friend..." she said.
"Why are you wet? Did you get out of the shower?"
"Wow, no shit Captain Obvious," Soap said.
"Soap..." Y/n warned. "What do you want Hunter?" She asked him.
"Just wanted to come by and say I'm here...come on...let's go to the movies but I see...you're not even ready...and...this guy is here," Hunter tried to intimidate Soap back but of course, Soap isn't scared of some random ass kid.
"Are you...KIDDING ME! WHY THE HELL WOULD I GO TO THE MOVIES WITH YOU NOW!! YOU IGNORED ME FOR THREE HOURS AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU SHOW UP!! I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!!" She slammed the door in Hunter's face and leaned against the door. "Holy fuck...is he fucking serious?" She asked, looking up at Soap.
"I see now what Price was talking about."
"What?" She asked.
"You can definitely handle yourself to where...you don't even need a guy..." Soap smiles.
"He said that?"
"Again, kid, he talks about you all the time...even when you think he doesn't think about you or talk about you, he does...and he's very grateful and thankful to have you in his life," he said, leaning down and kissing her lips.
"I know, he loves me and all...but like I said...he only loves his work...I have to go get dressed now..." she said, walking up the stairs.
Price got in the driveway and saw Y/n's car and Soap's car, he smiled at his daughter's car, a 1967 Chevy impala, it was Price's first car and he found back it in a garage at his old home where it lived for probably 20 or more years, he fixed it up just for her. She takes care of it like it's her child.
He grabs his keys before entering his home. He unlocks the door and opens it seeing Soap on the couch, a beer in hand and Y/n sitting on the love seat far from Soap reading her book, her legs to her chest as she looked up from her book seeing her dad walk in the door.
"Hi dad," she says with her usual sweet smile on her face.
"Hey, lovely..." he sets his stuff down at the door and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Has the game started, MacTavish?" Price asked as he plopped on the other side of the couch.
"Nah, not yet Price..." He smirks before taking a sip from his beer.
"Damn, if I knew you were coming this early, I should have been home earlier."
"Nah, it's good," Soap looked at Y/n who hid her red face behind her book.
Y/n left the living room and headed to her bedroom.
Price looked at Soap before taking a swing on his beer.
"I know you two had sex while I was gone," Soap spit it his drink out, he coughed and wiped his chin before staring at Price.
"What?" He choked out.
"Soap, I have cameras around the house for Y/n's protection while I'm gone...I saw them go off when you two were alone and I have one outside her bedroom door, you two went in and you shut the door, you came out an hour later fixing your shirt and opened the front door to Hunter asking for her, you both handled it pretty well, I should say...Just...don't let that ever happen again, you got it?"
"Yes, sir...and...sorry..."
"It's fine."
"Are you going to tell her, that you know?"
"No, I'll let her know that you two didn't do anything..."
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archeolatry · 4 months
So there was a point in my work life when Ron Mael was my mortal enemy archnemesis. True story.
I used to work at a famous arthouse theater in West LA from about 2002 until ‘08-’09, when I moved up at another theater in the chain. Even then I was often called in to pinch-hit when the famous place was expecting a film to be busy or if they needed someone between new hires. (I left the company at the end of 2015.)
One of the downsides to working there was that parking was pretty terrible. The theater itself was built in the 1920s, and the street to the east of it was almost all apartments. Most of those were built from the ‘40s up until the ‘60s, so they were largely street parking only. Not to mention the fact that the street on the west side of the theater was getting busier-- hipster boutiques and Pan-Asian eateries had started popping up a few blocks down the road from us. (IYKYK.)
So the employees of the theater, the video store, and the less-hip restaurants next to the main drag all had to compete with customers of said businesses —as well as those of the used bookstore— for the handful of double-stacked spaces in the back alley. The best space was the fairly generous single spot by the dumpster. You weren’t gonna get towed because you blocked someone in, or get blocked in yourself, or risk your car’s bumper by parking in the other, shorter single space by the freeway on-ramp; you could simply just park your car and forget about it until your shift was over- no need to play musical chairs. And if your shift ended after midnight and you had the day’s cash earnings stuffed in your jacket to deposit at the bank, the closeness of the spot was optimal.
That is all to say that the dumpster spot was hot property.
Cue the Black Volkswagen Thing.
(I marked The Thing even then because a member of the theater’s Rocky Horror cast also owned a Volkswagen Thing, though his was white. I thought it funny that two of the same rare car* should converge in this one place, often on the same day.)
The Thing did not belong to the theater staff. It did not belong to the video store staff. (I asked.) It did not belong to the staff of the used bookstore, who had three dedicated spots and never had enough customers to need more than two employees at a time**. (It might have belonged to one of the restaurants, but we hadn’t the Spanish nor Arabic skills to ask.) Nevertheless, The Thing was parked in the dumpster spot at some point during almost every weekend, and it would be there at the worst possible time.
It seemed that I could rarely beat The Thing to the coveted space no matter how early I got there. Maybe if I showed up before 4. But very often between 4:30 and 5:55, The Thing was there. Sometimes I stuck my head out the back door during a shift to see if the space was free. If it wasn’t, it was because a car had parked there after The Thing had left. And sometimes The Thing had the audacity to take up the other single spot to the same result. It seemed The Thing existed entirely to spot-block me.
Then one day, while I was attempting to park, I saw a man coming from the bookstore towards the lot. It was Boss Accountant***.
Boss Accountant was a lithe man with a stern face and plastered hair that was too black for his age; he usually dressed in a crisp white shirt and tie with proper trousers, and seemed like he was on his lunch break from an accounting firm despite it being the weekend. He looked like the boss battle in a video game where you had to fight your way through an office building; the final accountant you had to beat to level up. I had seen him at the bookstore more than once.
I put my car into park —hazard lights on— waiting to see which spot would be freed up.
Boss Accountant was approaching The Thing.
A customer! It was a customer that had been spot-blocking me! Not even one of my fellow workers there for a six-hour haul, but someone there for a capricious ninety minutes at best. And a customer of the stuffy bookstore to boot. Clearly not deserving of the coveted spot.
I glared at him beneath my sunglasses while he took his sweet time getting there. I tried not to begrudge the old man, BUT…!
My fingers drummed irritably against the steering wheel. This fucker. I inched slightly closer as he got in the car. The spot was MINE gatdammit and no one else was gonna come along and take it.
Finally, after an irritably long time (and probably him figuring out that I wasn’t a crazed fan trying to box him in but someone gunning for the coveted parking space) the backup lights came on. I reversed. He pulled out and drove away. I pulled in, triumphant. Spot-blocked no more! At least, not on that day. In my own mind, I had tangled with The Thing and won. (I was like 23 and undiagnosed, bruh- go easy on me here.)
Then one day the dumpster spot got painted off as disabled parking, and the dumpsters were moved to the other single spot, leaving us all to fend for ourselves in the double-stack and on the street.
I’m unsure what year this all took place, and I didn’t know (at the time) what had become of Boss Accountant and The Thing, since I saw less of them after that. Thinking back, it was probably promo and touring for Hello Young Lovers or 21x21/Exotic Creatures... that took him/it away. My moving to the other theater made the point moot anyway. (It’s definitely moot now as the bookstore was razed for a new-build apartment sometime in 2016. The new building does not have its own parking garage.)
However, enough time had passed that I didn’t recognize Boss Accountant when I sold him a ticket for The Umbrellas of Cherbourg during a slow weekend matinee in 2014. Pleasant demeanor. Polite smile. Crisp shirt, too-black plastered hair. Didn’t order concessions, didn’t dwell in the lobby but went right into the theater. The old man was surely out of earshot when my manager looked over at me. “Do you have any idea who that was?”
“That was Ron Mael from Sparks.”
Thank goodness I watched The Sparks Brothers at home on Netflix, cuz when I saw that car I about lost my gatdamn mind.
*J, the Rocky Horror guy, told me they were rare. Looking up info now, I see that less than 30k of them were made for the North American market, and they were only sold in the US from 1973-74. A 2017 report from an informal registry of Thing owners estimates around 5k of them still exist today in the entire US. Weird, right?
**The bookstore itself was highly curated and had the mid-century Spartan sparseness of a Bell Telephone Laboratories office. I didn’t care for it much; it was too hoity-toity and tended to eschew paperbacks even of Very Good Books for rare or collectible hardcovers. It wasn’t particularly welcoming, and didn’t even really have much of an Old Book Smell. But in the days before The Pocket Internet, employees were allowed to read while the film played, and sometimes you just needed a New And/Or Different Book. ***This addition is about 75 notes too late, but I felt the need to clarify. We had lots of 'recurring characters' that we ended up giving Sex and the City-style names to, as one often does in a service environment. We had a man we called Large Diet because, through physical or mental impairment, those were the only words he would/could croak out like some bizarro Pokémon (tho he later added "Thanks."). We had a man -whose real name I learned but forgot- that we called Lincoln because he had a chinstrap beard. (He was Lincolnesque in no other way. He was of average height, pudgy, and of a merry sort of disposition.) So, naturally, the man from bookstore got himself a moniker just for sticking out, despite the fact that we never spoke and only Acknowledged Each Other With A Nod In That Way White People Do For Some Reason. (You know what I mean.)
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am i the asshole for not lending my uncle my copy of zelda tears of the kingdom?
i (17f) have two uncles which are relevant to this story, both maternal. they're the oldest and youngest (not sure exactly how old, one is around 30 and the other is in his late 40s/early 50s.)
last year, the older uncle lent me his copy of zelda breath of the wild. this was after about a year and a half of him having it. during that time he made sure i was well aware how difficult and lengthy it was, which was why he couldn't give it to me to play yet. i don't profess to be a gamer or anything- i just enjoy playing videogames, and i didn't really know what the zelda series was at the time, so i kind of just shrugged it off. when he finally did give it to me, it was after i let his kids borrow my personal copy of animal crossing, and he kind of just stuck the cartridge into my hand while i was leaving and insisted i take it.
i was and still am a student, and just didn't have the time to start casually playing until a few months later in the spring, around may. i really enjoyed it and got 75% of the way through by the time summer vacation rolled around, which was when my cousin (his son) started dropping by to ask when i would be giving zelda back. i told him every day for three consecutive days that i would give it back when i was finished, but he was really anxious to start playing because my uncle only lets them have their nintendo switch in the summer. i offered my cousin his selection of any game we had (as we have done multiple times). he said he'd already played all of our games and that a couple of the newer ones my brother had gotten for his birthday were "trashy" and left.
the fourth time he came over he basically stood in the doorway and demanded the zelda game, said it was his dad's, and that he'd give it back when he finished it. my mom scolded him because of his attitude, saying that my uncle mostly just borrows whatever games they want to play from us for up to a year and a half at a time, and we never complain. she told me to go get the game and give it to him, and he started crying and left before i could. my uncle came over ten minutes later to smooth things over and left with botw. he never gave it back and i never got to finish it.
back in around november, my younger uncle, who is unmarried and has no kids, gifted me zelda botw and totk, specifically because he'd heard about what happened with my older uncle. when my older uncle found out at thanksgiving, he asked me to give totk to him. i told him i was busy with college apps and haven't opened it yet and he said it was fine, and that he would play it and give it back in a few days. i refused, saying that i wanted to open my own game when i wasn't busy, and my mom, who was also there, agreed with me and said that i deserved the experience of opening a present and enjoying it on my own time. he tried a few more times to convince me unsuccessfully and eventually relented.
two months ago i opened botw and am making very slow progress on it because i just don't have the time to finish it as quick as i'd like. totk is still in the plastic on my dresser. a few days ago my uncle messaged me asking for totk, and i ignored it. my mom told me just to tell him i already lent it to someone, but today he turned up on my porch while i was waiting to go to school and asked me for it, and in my exasperation i said, "i haven't even opened it yet." he again told me to let HIM open it and that "he'd give it back in three days after finishing it," and just to let him have it. i told him no. and then i told him no several more times. at one point he got annoyed and said, "fine, be like that," and walked away.
some additional context: my uncle is not broke. he makes six figures and has a very good engineering job. he bought a ps5 almost as soon as it came out. he makes the conscious choice not to purchase his own games, i guess because he feels no need to when he could just borrow them from us instead? my family doesn't make a lot of money but my mom saves up so we can have games, usually as birthday or holiday gifts. i have never borrowed a game from him except botw because he doesn't have any to lend. i also feel like if he really wanted zelda totk that bad he could just buy it himself, because he can definitely afford it. my mom, maternal aunt, and cousins (not his kids) are all on my side, and my aunt says that my younger uncle doesn't like my older uncle and would be pissed if i lent them to him. on the other hand i just feel bad for holding out and being difficult because i want to open it on my own time, and i even though i don't like him as a person i still feel guilty for being rude to and pissing him off because he's my mom's oldest sibling.
so, aita for not lending it to him?
What are these acronyms?
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
For my favorite Steve 🥰💙🖤 (Fools Rush In)
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
Questions are from this ask game and about this post-Endgame AU with Steve Rogers x lab tech!Reader.
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There's no TV in your shared apartment because there are so, so many monitors on the compound. Steve likes some peace and quiet, to listen to records or the radio, or simply to read. Nighttime offers less drawing inspiration than daylight outdoors, but occasionally he'll putter with some sketching. That's harder to do while sitting right beside you on the couch, or while you lay with your head in his lap (and vice versa). Even if Steve reads, he has one hand on you, resting. In fact, he particularly enjoys books on tape because you two can snuggle and just relax.
This is your time to chat about the day, too, but since not everyday is very exciting, being present is enough.
All that is done in the living room because Steve is a bit of a purist in what you do where. Eat at the table. Relax on the couch. Sleep in the bed. Do not eat in the bed; that's not what it's for. Weird old fart...
It's fine to get sleepy on the couch, but it's very rare to stay asleep there all night.
For the most part, bedtime routines in the bathroom are separate. There's a His & Her's sink in the master bath, so if that's all anyone needs, you brush teeth and wash face side-by-side.
Steve starts out laying on his back with you curled up against his chest and hip. He does progressive relaxation to force his muscles to release tension from the day. He's so bulky now that this is crucial. It helps elongate his spine so when he does turn over to spoon you, Steve is properly gelatinous to mold around the back of your body.
Sometimes, if Steve can tell you're not asleep yet, he'll start humming your song, and he enjoys that he can hear your smile when you chuckle and wiggle deeper into his hold.
He runs hot, so Steve prefers a fan on in the bedroom which serves as low, white noise. He doesn't mind if you need a thicker blanket, however, he just mostly likes the air circulation.
If it's not obvious from Steve's nighttime routine, his love language is quality time. He appreciates the quiet moments you spend with him more than most celebrations. Time is precious to Steve Rogers. He understands its value. You giving him your time means everything.
(Not trying to make assumptions about every reader's love language, but I'm gonna wing it for Keeps.)
You thrive on words of affirmation, and Steve becomes better and better at communicating. He starts out so guarded because of the life he leads: his job is acts of service, he doesn't experience physical touch like other, he's...sorta terrible at gift giving, and Steve is being watched and listened to constantly. He's leery of everyone and everything. F.R.I.D.A.Y's everywhere--worse than J.A.R.V.I.S was--which takes a lot of getting used to.
He gets better, though. Steve has had to get comfortable with a lot of new-to-him behaviors. Not that he wouldn't have been nice and communicative with a girlfriend in the '40s, but he never had a girlfriend before. He's had zero practice, and at first, he's very awkward. Eventually, the words come easily, albeit always softly in public. He hates the idea of anyone else being in your relationship. They're there anyway.
Fools's Steve says "I love you" to you often, but the words have about three thousand variations of intonation and subtext, from playful to pissy. If you aren't alone, it's usually whispered.
Other than that, Steve not only tells you how lovely you look--even when you don't feel beautiful--but annoyingly and obviously means it every single time. You can see it in his eyes and his body language. It took a while to accept that he truly loves you and finds you beautiful. Your mind fought against accepting that. You were convinced by his every hesitation that it meant he couldn't possibly love you, but that wasn't true. That's not what was going on.
Steve took a while to sift through his feelings and hangups, but the question was never whether he loved you or was attracted to you. He worried whether or not he could be the partner he wanted to be to the right person.
Technically...Steve???? This one's a little complicated.
You get truly angry only after something has been stewing for a long time. Consistent, tiny annoyances or frustrating behaviors eventually boil to the surface in infrequent rages.
Steve, on the other hand, is cool as a cucumber until the most random, damndest things just 🫰🏼set him off. He's a cheeky bastard when his feathers are rumpled the wrong way. It's odd and totally hilarious.
He spends so much time as Cap letting everything just roll off his back like a duck in water. He has to go with the flow. He can only control himself and what he does in the future. He gives orders, yes, but humans err; Steve understands that maybe nothing he plans will go correctly. He's prepared for that.
But...what Steve isn't prepared for is people putting a vinyl record in the wrong dust jacket with no indication as to where the correct one will be. What kind of imbecile-- He can't stand his to-go order being totally opposite what it's supposed to be because seriously he didn't even make any substitutions! And absolutely hysterically, he can't handle there not being a 'wet floor' sign when the very shiny floors happen to be very slippery.
For a big man, Steve falls hard.
He got some great height though... Spun nearly 200 degrees mid-air before flopping the landing and bouncing against the far wall. Spectacularly funny when you know he isn't hurt. It's not even a pride or ego ding for Steve; he's simply furious that someone not-him could have been the one to slip.
So yeah, technically Steve has the quicker temper, but his anger lasts less time than yours.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
Tags: @supraveng @1950schick @patzammit
@whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn
@late-to-the-party-81 @rogersbarber @im-a-slut-for-fluff @fangirl-swagg
@georgeweaslysgirl @austynparksandpizza  @claireelizabeth85 @jamneuromain
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leqonsluv3r · 4 months
ask/prompt game
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in my asks, request a number and i’ll write a prompt about it. give the specific leon kennedy you want (or if you don’t have a preference)!! totally up to you guys <33
completed ones listed here !!
i will cross out the prompts that have been requested/used below :)) i did a mix of smut, fluff, and some angst. just to give you guys some options. i will write a drabble or a oneshot (again, whichever you guys request) based on the prompt you choose.
prompt creds: (1-50) — @animupiglett
(51-85) — @alwayskaysanova
(85-100) — mine
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1. "i love it when you moan my name.”
2. "i want you now.”
3. "please don't stop.”
4. "open your mouth.”
5. "spend the night with me.”
6. "just a little harder.”
7. “i wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.”
8. “don't give me that look.”
9. "make me.”
10. "i promise I'll be good.”
11. "be a good girl and spread your legs.”
12. "you can get louder can't you?”
13. “do you like that?”
14. “just shut up and fuck me.”
15. “stay quiet.”
16. “you need a place to stay for the night?”
17. “don’t be gentle.”
18. “i just want to please you.”
19. “i told you to stay still.”
20. “i’ve never done this before.”
21. “i love the way you look with my fingers inside you.”
22. "there is no way anyone is that innocent.”
23. "don't worry i'll take of you.”
24. "these walls are pretty thick which means you and i can be as loud as we want.”
25. "bed. now.”
26. "we're in public you know?”
27. "if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god.”
28. "you're more than just a one night stand.”
29. “did you touch yourself while i was gone?”
30. "the only way you're getting off is on my thigh.”
31. "i haven't even touched you and you're already wet.”
32. “you taste like fucking candy.”
33. "you're so fucking hot when you're mad.”
34. "i don't know what to do" "then let me teach you.”
35. "are these handcuffs?”
36. "why so shy?"
37. "we've been at it like rabbits and you're still horny.”
38. “show me.”
39. “use your mouth.”
40. “what are you going to do about it?”
41. “bend over and spread your legs.”
42. “you feel amazing.”
43. “i want you to touch yourself.”
44. “i’ve been thinking about this all day.”
45. “friends don’t do this kind of shit.”
46. "I'm going to fuck your so hard you're going to forget that guys name.”
47. "no, i'm supposed to make you feel good.”
48. "y-you're not... w-wearing anything under that are you?”
49. “you wanna have sex with me?”
50. "i really want to kiss you right now.”
51. "What the hell are you wearing?"
52. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. That's the problem.”
53. "I can't stand the thought of losing you."
54. "Of all the people I could've gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you."
55. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
56. "I love you. I'm completely and utterly in love with you. Please don't get married."
57. "It's only one night, we'll just share the bed."
58. "Our first date is a picnic on a beach under the stars? Have you swallowed a romance novel? Do I need to call a doctor?"
59. "Stop running from this. I know I'm not the only one who feels it."
60. "Kiss me, quick!"
61. "Why the hell are you bleeding!?"
62. "I'd die for you. Of course, l'd haunt you in the afterlife but really, it's the thought that counts."
63. "You're so beautiful."
64. "Teach me to fight."
65. "We shouldn't be doing this."
66. "You were never just my friend."
67. "I can't do this anymore."
68. "I tried, but I just can't stay away from you anymore."
69. "I bet I can make you scream my name."
70. "That's the third time I've saved your life!"
71. "How can you think I'm anything but hopelessly in love with you?"
72. "I will never apologize for saving your life, even if it costs me my own."
73. "There's no going back if we do this."
74. "What do you want me to say?"
75. "I never thought you'd hurt me but I was wrong. You hurt me the most."
76. "I want you and I know you want me too."
77. "I can't watch you with someone else. It's tearing me apart."
78. “I’m dying.”
79. "Don't panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married..."
80. "I want you and I know you want me too."
81. “I can’t watch you with someone else. It’s tearing me apart.”
82. "I'm not leaving you!"
83. "Tell me to go and I will, but if you ask me to stay l'll never leave you again."
84. "Are you ticklish?"
85. "I will knock you on your ass if you even think about it."
86. “did you really have to be that honest?”
87. “of course it meant something!”
88. “i gave you everything i had.”
89. “can we do it again?”
90. “you just can’t help yourself, can you?”
91. “go ahead. touch it.”
92. “i’m not jealous of them!”
93. “the center of your attention is a very bad place to be.”
94. “i’ll admit, i’m very possessive.”
95. “you kissed me first.” “i definitely didn’t.”
96. “you mean more to me than anyone else, you know that.”
97. “i’d spoil you rotten if i had the chance.”
98. “come here, i’ll keep you warm.”
99. “pretend to date me? please?”
100. a quote of your choice <3
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
hello, would it be possible for you to do a Sanji with a virgin woman if you have the time? Thanks a lot !:D
A/N: I love doing virgin content! (Does that sound weird??? Lol but we need more of it!:)) tysm for requesting! Hope u enjoy!
Also I made this one super long as a thank for for 500 Followers in less than 2 weeks omg AMAZINGGG thank u all sm :)🤍🤍🤍
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“Prettiest Thing I’ve Ever Seen” Experienced!Sanji x Virgin! Fem Reader (FLUFF/NSFW)
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Black Fem Reader in Mind
Bad Summary: Feeling embarrassed about beinging the only one who’s haven’t even kissed a guy before. Sanji finds out and reassures you that it’s nothing wrong with waiting for the right one.
CW: A bit of a slow burn, Virgin! (She can also be implied as a bit Chubby ) Reader, Experienced!Sanji, A Bit of angst, Oral, Alotta of kissing and reassuring, Reader hesitates a lot, Vaginal sex, Blood, Love Confessing, Lotta fluff and a bit of Aftercare,
(Also, there is very vague shaming of being a virgin. Let me just say that there is nothing wrong with being an adultlt virgin. That whole “late bloomer” stuff is bull and you shouldn’t feel pressured to lose it to anybody, once you get a certain age, or especially if you’re not ready. It doesn’t make you any less of a woman or man if you’re in your 20s, 30s or 40s and still haven’t had sex it’s okay. My mum always said be the one everybody wants and can’t have, than the one everybody has already have.)
“The asshole didn’t even let me finish! Ugh. “ Vivi groaned taking another sip of her drink.
“You should have charged him for your time at least.” Nami suggested making you all chuckle at her typical response.
You all were finishing up a 3 days celebration with Vivi and to end the party you all decided have a moment to unwind and get to know each other more. Chopper went to bed early so Vivi insisted you all play a little drinking game to REALLY expose some facts about yourselves.
Everybody went around talking about their worst hook up during the 2 year hiatus and it actually shocked you how much experience your crew mates had gotten as they grew older.
“Even YOU Luffy?!” Vivi laughed as you all were dumbfounded that your 19 year old clumsy captain managed to lose his virginity.
“Well yeah I don’t really remember much of it though. She didn’t feel that great.” Luffy shrugged leaning his body on you fiddling with his fingers recalling the forgettable night. “It kinda just happened just before I left training with Rayleigh…”
You chuckled taking another sip looking away at the sea as the Sunny was still docked and ready for tomorrow’s departure. You didn’t get to meet anybody while training. If you were being really honest though, you couldn’t.
You probably had one of the best transformations out of the entire crew managing to lose over 40 pounds. You still had some fluff on you considering you were naturally a relatively big girl, but you still looked amazing & Everybody even seen you in a new light. Your hidden curves popped, your breast didn’t grow much but they were beautiful and supple, the only thing was you still didn’t lose much of your face fat so your chubby cheeks still remained.
It was a process trying to gain the confidence after losing weight. You’ve heard every insult in the book from men so trying to get into a relationship felt impossible.
“What about you y/n? Got any wild nights with any guys? You probably have with that smoking new body of yours.” Nami teased making you all giggle except yourself. You were a little self conscious to reveal that you couldn’t get anybody to come back to spend a night of passion or even just a quick fuck so you awkwardly scratched your head.
All eyes were on you ready to spill, especially a certain blonde taking a puff out of his cigarettes across from you gazing at you calmly waiting for your response
“N-no…none of my stories are interesting…I didn’t really have time t—-“
“What do you mean you didn’t have time! You look amazing! I know so many guys were all up on you—“
“Or was it girls, Y/N-San?” Robin crossed her legs across from you. Everybody except Sanji who was having a nose bleed at the thought “oooh”d and “aaah”d wanting to hear the spicy details of that night
“Oh No, haha I’m straight, but…I mean..one girl was interested but—NO! I didn’t sleep with any girls! Change the subject! Zoro—!?”
“What about me?” He turned his head back at you mid sip. “It was only a couple girls I met, but it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Those poor women…” Sanji sighed with disgust on his face before taking another hit to his cigarette.
You giggled at Sanji’s response while playing in Luffy’s hair after he fell asleep on your lap. When you heard that Sanji has slept with a few women (granted 2 of them were from brothels) you were a bit shocked. I mean you all are pirates and pirates do—-that kinda stuff. It had you wonder as well if he was a good lover? Did he bleed on them? Was he good with his tongue perhaps?
You know what no that’s nasty to see your crew mate in that way.
The rest of the conversation went on, but you decided to turn it in and head to your room for the remainder of the night since you wanted to wake up early to shop before leaving tomorrow.
You started journaling the past 2 years, at first it was to keep track of your weight, but now it has become something you enjoyed when you wanted to express yourself.
So, You were showered and ready for bed, but you wanted to include a bit more in your notes before heading to sleep;
“….and I felt so embarrassed not telling my friends that I couldn’t even get a guy to like me. Hell I never even kissed a guy before. I guess me losing this weight didn’t help much….I mean it’s whatever but man EVERYBODY got a little sum sum except me? I mean what’s wrong with me? I guess I’ll just stay a virgin…how pathetic…”
You heard a knock at your door, “Come in.” Your desk was right next to the door so you didn’t have to call out. It was Sanji peaking his head in with a cup. “Oh, hey Sanji.”
“Hello, my love you look stunning as usual!” He chirped walking in closing the door behind him to lean on. “I just wanted to know if I can add some stuff to the grocery list you had if that’s okay. I can give you some berries too.”
“Oh sure you can. Let me get it for you.” You took off your glasses (ignore this if your don’t wear em)to get up from your seat without thinking and walked over to your nightstand. “Just give me a second…”
He hummed admiring your body for a moment, how snug your sleep shorts were cupping your butt, and how you still don’t wear anything except that, some socks, and a bra before bed. It was so cute to him how your small rolls poked out from the side. He took a sip of his tea and noticed your journal from his peripheral.
“Hm?” Sanji tilted his head to read your last journey entry and his eyes widened. YOU really never kissed a guy?! No way! Is that why you were so awkward tonight? He thought maybe it was an old paragraph but seeing the date at the top confirmed you had just wrote it. He mindlessly kept reading further down reading your journal, but had to stop himself after realizing he was completely invading your privacy.
“Here you go!” Your eyes quickly shifted to your opened book of secrets and for a moment you nearly panicked but you seen Sanji just smiling leaning on the door. “This is the um…the list…you can give it to me in the morning.”
Sanji had a tiny of pink on his face as you approached him trying to play off him snooping through your business. You looked down to close it and place the journal inside your desk drawer.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He said calmly patting your head before heading out. “Sweet dreams.”
“Yeah…” you hoped Sanji didn’t read anything. The book was right beside him. You sighed heavily going to lay on your bed.
How were you supposed to sleep now if he knew your embarrassing secret?
The next day as you went shopping with the others Sanji couldn’t get you out of his mind. You really felt that way? You still don’t feel beautiful? Why was it so bad that you were still a virgin? You’re in your 20s there’s nothing wrong with that. But he understood your feeling. He sometimes regrets losing his virginity to some random woman. The night wasn’t passionate, there was no love into it, and it was really just the heat of the moment because he wanted to rid of himself of being a virgin.
He sometimes wish he would have lost it to someone like you.
Someone beautiful, caring, sweet, charming, so so soft, and just his type.
You and Sanji were of course friends, but you never actually had one on one time with him. It was were few moments it was only the both of you traveling in a pair but you both usually ended up fighting some enemies you encountered so there wasn’t much casual talk. He thought about maybe using this new go round to get to know you more. Maybe show you that none of those other assholes that denied you of love were worth it.
“NAMMIIIII ROBINNNNNN! HERE ARE YOUR DRINKS!” Sanji swirled to the women lounging on the deck as the ship set sail.
You finally came back out of your room wearing a pretty white short dress. You usually never wore them but you felt a bit warm and wanted to relax a bit.
“Y/N you look stunning in that dress.” Robin complimented taking the drink away from Sanji who in turn gave you big heart eyes. You sparkled in perspective, your legs looks so beautiful, your curves were more than enough, you looked like a Queen.
“Oh. Thank you.” You giggles holding the bottom of the dress. “I got this for my 23rd birthday but never got a chance to wear it.”
“Oooooh did a guy get you that?” Nami said smiling sipping her beverage. You did an awkward laugh of course not wanting to say the entire truth that you got it for yourself for a date but got stood up.
“N-no I did.”
“Y/NNNNN!” Sanji spun to you down on one knee holding the empty tray in one hand. “Please do me the honor of coming to the kitchen with me my love!”
You nodded shyly and took his arm to the kitchen, he pulled out the chair for you, “Thank you.”
He smiled before walking to the fridge and handing you a generous slice of cake.
“Oh! This cake is so pretty! What’s the occasion?” You looked up at him as he scooped out some off the cold spoon.
“Well…Your Birthday was a week before we all reunited and so I wanted to still celebrate it with you. Open.”
It was your favorite flavor! Did he really remember when you told him that 2 YEARS ago? It was just a brief little fact you told him without thought. You opened your mouth for him to feed you and the cake practically melted on your tongue, he executed it so perfectly.
“This was so good, Sanji.” You giggled licking your finger before reaching out to hug him. “Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
Sanji hummed and blushed smelling how sweet you were your fluffy arms around his neck felt so comfortable almost like a pillow.
He wondered if your whole body felt like that
“Oh anything for you, my love! I’ll do anything to make you smile!” His typical love eyes popped out smiling at you.
“I guess I had a good reason to wear this dress”.
“And you looking stunning in it, y/n! It fits you perfectly! If we weren’t in the sea I would have taken you out on the town to show off how gorgeous you look!”
You breathed out your nose looking down at the half eaten cake closely chewing. Sanji meant no harm by what he said of course but it just reminded you that on your birthday a guy you did really like was supposed to take you out with that dress but stood you up.
Sanji noticed your face change immediately and calmed down from his proclaims to sit beside you, “You okay? What’s wrong?”
You held your lips shaking your head, your stomach suddenly felt weighed, as delicious as the cake was you couldn’t finish it. You really felt kinda pathetic thinking back to all the times you were made a fool by men you liked.
“Hey…” Sanji quickly grazed his thumb on your cheek. You didn’t even noticed a tear escaped and it made you upset. Why the hell were you crying? “I-I’m sorry if I said anything wrong I—“
“No I—-I’m sorry. I’ll finish the rest of the cake later I just…have to go really quick, Sanji.”
Your voice choked out at the last few words making you grunt in annoyance. Sanji didn’t even have time to finish what he had to say before you stormed out the kitchen holding your face.
You were in your room crying softly so nobody could hear from the other side. It sucked feeling so insecure even after weight loss. Even after getting stronger. It just didn’t seem enough.
“Y/N…you in there, love?”
“I um…” you hand stopped it self from opening the door. Should you let him in? What if Sanji laughs about your issues. They were silly. Even though that would be completely unlike him. Sanji cared about all his friends feelings and yours was never an exception. you guess he wasn’t too bad considering he didn’t even wait 5 minutes before coming after you.
You sighed and prayed that if you let him in he doesn’t make you feel more worse than you already are because you were tired of holding these feelings. You slowly opened the door sniffling giving him a fake grin, “Sorry I le—“
Sanji wasted no time coming in to hug you. When you stormed out he recalled your actions when Nami talked about your dress, when you were asked questions last night, and from what he read in your journal it clicked. Something must have had happened on your birthday.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” He kissed your ear to then get a clear look at your tear stained face. “You can talk to me.”
Your chubby cheeks were being slightly smushed by Sanji’s cold soft hands and looking into his eyes. He looked more genuine than you’ve seen in a while which is probably why you started crying more in his hands.
“Come here let’s talk.” He shut and locked your door and guided you to your bed. You just wanted another hug for right now and once you sat on the edge with him you couldn’t help but to rest your face in his neck, staining his collar. “It’s okay, Love.”
It was a comfortable silence until you sighed, “During training I met some guys…but they all didn’t like me. So for a while I just focused on getting better fighting and then after the weight loss…I met a guy…and he was really sweet so I thought maybe he was someone I could be with. But me being an idiot I believed what he said when he told me he wanted to take me out. He wanted to do it for my birthday so I…bought this dress, and waited for him for 2 hours, but I found out I was just a bet to see how easy I was to falls for his lies.” You pulled back from Sanji’s embrace to wiped your eyes, “He said he’d rather sleep on a train track than he caught seen with me.” You lightly chuckled trying to ignore the pain raising up inside you. You laughed alone though. Sanji was furious at such an asshole talking to you that way and taking advantage of your kindness . It was absurd?! Why do that to a woman? Or anybody for that matter?!
“I’m still a virgin…” You confessed before looking at his furrowed face. “I never kissed a guy. Never went on a date with one. I don’t even think I held hands with one, haha…sad, right?….I know romance shouldn’t be our focus right now but…I don’t know….I at least want to be desired… I see how men look at Nami and Robin and it sucks because they turn to me and think ‘Why the hell would they have that kinda girl on their c—-“
“Stop it.”
His voice was stern which made you look back at him as your fake smiled faded. He almost looked like he was about to cry too, but he shook his head in disappointment instead.
“Stop repeating those things about yourself like those assholes were right. They were not, true. None of it was or is. You’re not..you’re not —-“
Sanji wish he could find the correct words, but somehow they failed to come out, so he grabbed your hands. His thumbs rubbed against your skin, you looked back up and next thing your know Sanji’s nose was touching yours.
You don’t tend to feel hot in the cheeks but your face felt hot all over.
“You’re not that. Even before you loss the weight you were so….breath taking.” It was almost like something clicked in Sanji. Remembering his time with you, how funny you were, how careless you were willing to put your life on the line for all of them, how selfless you were as well, and he even remembered the nights he would hear you cry behind your bedroom door. He didn’t know why but he always suspected maybe it was from the men he had to beat up because they made fun of your weight.
Sanji always found you beautiful. He just wished he would have told you then. His eyes were almost reflective of the sun setting through your window, he cigarette long gone and on the floor looking into your pretty doe eyes.
He leaned in slowly nearly attaching his lips to yours until you whispered, “You don’t have to feel sympathy for me…”
He stopped, lips just barely over yours and he sat back slightly embarrassed clearing his throat.
“N-no! It’s not sympathy I really….I really feel this way…Y/N I…I should have told you before but..I love you.”
You blinked, his voice wasn’t flirtatious, his eyes weren’t filled with his typical hearts, he genuinely meant what he said. It nearly scared you see how serious Sanji was.
“I love you and…I want to..I wanta….I want to show you it….”
He intertwined his hands with yours, and you let out an airy giggle, “You’re my first hand hold with a guy.”
He matched the same laugh, “Im glad…can I…be your first kiss too?”
Your heart started to nearly beat through your chest for the first time in a long time you felt butterflies AND AROUND SANJI TOO. You always was flattered by him. He was so sweet and charming but you never felt flustered. It was a new kinda feeling and you liked it a lot.
He scooted closer and you closed your eyes. Your lips were parted for a short while feeling Sanji’s warm breath feel closer, you were shaking in anticipation until you felt a weight on your mouth. It was a still kiss.
Sanji didnt Move. He knew you never done this so he wanted you to get the rhythm right. The kiss made you grab ahold of his hand tighter until he opened his eyes.
“Like it?” His voice was hopeful, comforting really, your kids slowly opened to his Pinked out cheeks. It was so cute. Seeing him like this.
“Mmhm.” You nodded sucking your bottom lip to still try and taste him on you, “yeah I really liked it….can you teach me more?”
“Y-yeah! We can absolutely!” Sanji was relieved seeing you be so vulnerable with him. He leaned forward into you holding your chin now and moved his lips. You struggled to follow his motions for a second but he slowed down and allowed you to get a steady pace with him.
It didn’t take much time until you laid back not detaching from him. He got a little more firm with his lips, placing his hand just shy on your wide thigh. His fingers rubbed your fluffy skin so gentle and with care you barely noticed his hand up your dress which overwhelmed you for a moment so you pushed him back softly.
“I um…”
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” The panic and concern in his voice thinking he made you uncomfortable was ironically comforting.
“N-no I just…—“
“I’m sorry, love we don’t have to further this…I dont—“
“No…I want it….I want you to…be my…—-“
“I want you to take my virginity, Sanji.”
You mentally cringed at your words but what the hell do you say? You could see his adams Apple bob from the harsh gulp. He never taken a woman’s virginity and it’s YOURS so he wanted it to be perfect.
“Okay..” He breathed with that special smile, it was a rare one he barely did but it was so cute because it showed the faint dimples he had. “But listen to me…Y/N…if at any point your want me to stop just tell me okay? I want us to be safe..okay?”
“Okay, Sanji…can you um…well can you kiss me a little more ?”
You were so fucking cute to him right now.
He laid you back down to continue and this new go your kisses weren’t as shy. Sanji was able to move his lips how he wanted, “You’re a faster learner, sweetheart.”
You blushed, he kept kissing you and squeezed your thigh to get a reaction out of you and you felt embarrassed doing so arching your back, but Sanji didn’t care he just glided his tongue in your mouth to hear you moan more.
“Mm..” you hummed in his mouth. His touches became more confident moving up your dress again and rubbing his thumb on what feels like a thong and in turn made Sanji’s cock twitch at the thought.
“You’re so sensitive.” He whispered.
“Is that bad?”
“No! No! That’s perfect…just means you’ll feel even more.”
You wanted to question what he meant but he kissed your neck making you breathe out sharply.
“‘M ganna take these Off okay?” He tugged at your panties.
“I…wait…can you tak—“
“You want me to take mine off first?” He was already unbuttoning his shirt off the bed asking so you just said yes.
He stripped down and you mindlessly began to rub your thighs together waiting in anticipation. You never seen a guy naked before (except Luffy that one time) but this was different.
“Okay..” He pulled down his boxers to show his semi-hard cock. It looked huge, granted though you never had anything to reference it from , you chewed your lip nervously looking up and down his lean yet chiseled body, he had a very nice built for a slim looking guy, “You okay?”
“Mmhm…. You’re very …pretty.”
Sanji chuckled at your shyness, it’s a different view on you, but he moved closer to kiss you again and cupped your cheeks.
“You wanna go now?” He asked on your lips. You nodded again and stood up, he helped you out of your dress and your underwear, but you rushed to cover your body, you had many scars from past battles including some stretch marks. You were prepared to see Sanji look disgusted but when you looked up from having your bra thrown to the grown his eyes were enamored it was almost as if he found the All Blue.
“You’re gorgeous.” Was all he whispered at you before he laid you down. He continued to kiss you again, a little bit more sloppily than the first few times, internally he became impatient but he knew he wanted to savor this moment with you.
“Sanji…” you moaned feeling him nip and kiss at your neck, one of his hands were slowly pulling your arms off your breast to fondle them. “Sanji!”
“You are really sensitive…it’s cute.” He kissed your ear. “Tell me when to stop okay? You can do that for me right, my love?”
Something about his soft gaze and reassertion to your pleasure made you clench, it was attractive.
“Good Girl.” He winked at you lowering his head down to your breast. “All of you is so beautiful…”
He sucked and licked his tongue all around your erect nipples. You hissed at the new wet contact on your body and suddenly felt his hand intertwine with yours.
He lowered his head down your tummy and seen a big scar you always had since Thriller Bark. It made you stop wearing crop tops and he noticed this, his let’s go of your hand to brush against the large mark and kissed all over it. The sentiment made a tiny tear fall the corner of your eye, but you brushed it off.
“Your whole body is beautiful…it always has been.”
He didn’t leave a part of your body kissed and appericiated. He kissed down your legs mentally smirking at them clenched together.
“Can you open your legs for me please?”
He pulled apart your legs and your hummed at the cool air hitting your glistening folds, you didn’t realize how wet you got just from kissing,
“What are you sorry for, my love?….you look perfect.”
Sanji sat on his knees and admired your pretty pussy just for a moment, “can I..taste you..?”
“Yes please….” You nearly sounded like you were whining at this point. You didn’t care your body was shaking waiting for him to just—
“Oh!” You moaned out. His tongue worked wonders inside you, you were still so sensitive to a man’s touch you didn’t realize you were begging for more with his body.
“H-hey…” He smacked his lips off your clit, you stopped and covered your face feeling that you were bucking your hips without thought. “It’s okay…don’t be embarrassed I want you to feel good..”
He reached over and grabbed your pillow, he lightly tapped your side to raise them and lay on it.
“See. Better.” He kissed you inner thigh and went back down.
“…Sanji ah—!” He kept humming and groaning inside you with both of his hands on your thighs.
His tongue felt amazing, so amazing in fact you felt the bottom of your tummy twist.
“I’m—! W-wait I feel like…I feel like I have to pee.”
“That’s okay just let go..”
You jerked your face at his words, he wants you to pee on him? You thought.
However you didn’t have to pee and he knew that so he sucked and licked on your clit with more pressure until….
(Actually fun fact when women squirt it is indeed piss mixed with other bodily fluid but let’s pretend it’s not💀)
“S-Sanji yes!” You screamed out your throat, Sanji noticed your hands reaching out and immediately grabbed onto them both looking you in the eyes as you released on him. “Sa—ah!”
He gave little peppered kisses on your pussy and crawled back on top of you, his cock was glistened with pre cum and it was so pink. You actually were afraid it may not fit.
“You okay?” He brushed some of your curls back admiring your panting fucked out face, “You tasted so good, baby.”
“C-can we do that more…like another day?”
Sanji looked at you shocked and red from ear to ear, “Y-you…you’d like to do this again?”
“Well yeah I..I really like you Sanji and I….I thought that because we were doing this you felt the same and wanted to be with me…”
“Baby..” He grabbed your chin carefully and kissed you making you moan into his mouth and tasting yourself in his tongue, “We can do this as much as you want….I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too.” You smiled.
“‘M ganna Stretch you out with my fingers okay?..wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“Okay Sanji i Trust you.”
You kept making this man so damn flustered he nearly forgot what he was about to do, but he shook his head and looked down seeing the mess you made.
“There you go…” You hissed a little at just his index finger, “You are super tight—fuck.”
“Is that bad?…I never um…touched myself before.”
He snapped his eyes at you. REALLY?
“It’s okay!” He kissed your cheek, “Don’t be ashamed of that…”
Half of his body was on your side as he held himself up with his elbow while his other hand was pumping in and out of you. It felt kinda weird at first but Sanji managed to squeeze a second finger.
“Feel good?” He looks back up at you. You barely at a moment to respond seeing at your eyes were shut and furrowed slowly nodding. He bit his lip and used his thumb to rub your clit “There you go…”
You got used to the stretch of his fingers, moaning near his ear as he sucked and kissed your neck and came once again. It wasn’t as powerful as his tongue but it still made you a panting disaster.
Sanji lifted himself up and rubbed your inner thighs, “Oh—should I um—“
He seen you reach out for his cock but he grabbed your wrist, “don’t worry about me, sweetheart. It’s all about you. Lay back okay?”
He gently pushed you back on your back and he grabbed his shaft and swirled his tip inside you.
“You like that?” He looks up at you holding your knee.
“Okay baby imma go slow—-grab my hand.”
You let out a shaky breath and Sanji noticed, so he lowered himself closer and looked you in the eyes.
“It’s ganna be okay. Im Right here. You squeeze, scratch, or even bite my hand if it’s too much okay? Anything you need I’m here.”
“Okay.” His words were something to put you at ease, mostly because you knew he meant it. Sanji had a goal and that was to make this time special for you. And he plans to do just that so he slowly put his tip inside making your whine.
“Come here, I gotchu ..” He pushed his lips onto yours to help you get your mind of the sting and pressure, “It’s ganna hurt a little okay?”
“It’s okay…I Like it.”
He finally slid himself in very slowly, you gasped when you felt a little bit of liquid trickle down between you both. Sanji noticed it and looked down to see you bleeding.
“Okay..I’m inside you..do you…feel—ah.” Sanji moaned feeling the tightness wrapped around him and squeezed your hand. “Let me know when I can move okay?”
“Y-you can move.”
Sanji went unbareably slow, he seen the contort in your face and steadied his pace a little bit more faster but shallower.
The room began to fill with slapping of the skin and you both moaning into each other mouths. He felt amazing and you felt incredible.
“Sa—san…Ji! You feel…so good! Ah!”
Sanji started to feel his head get fuzzy, he began moving faster to the point the headboard was knocking on the wall in rhythm
It was painful just for a second until you felt his cock brush and find your g-spot.
“Y-yes! Sanji there! Yes!”
“Yeah? Ah-you feel amazing sweetie comhere—“ his last words were muffled from your lips he couldn’t stop at this point. He didn’t want to. His hand reached down to your clit rubbing messy circles to get you close.
You muffled that you were cuming, you felt tears running it felt so good, the same twist you felt before was coming back but this time it was more intense.
“San—Ji! Please…c-cum…cum inside me!”
He rolled his eyes back hearing your naughty request. He usually wore condoms but he wanted you to feel all of him.
“O-okay! Whatever you want baby whate—ah! Fuck cum with me please!”
You held onto his entire body tightly moaning and biting his shoulder. This was the best orgasm Sanji has ever had with you. You were so soft against his muscled body the whole time he didn’t want to left go. He moved his arms under your butt and squeezed you tightly against him making your lower half be lifted off the bed. Your fingers dug into his back repeating his name like a song. And it was to a Sanji. Your moans were beautiful and your scent was so addictive. You were definitely the woman he can do this every night with.
You both finally calmed down and he gave you one last sweet kiss before pulling out and seeing the damage. His cum was leaking out of you with a tinge of red liquid pooling through as well.
“Sanji..” Your Voice brought him out of his trance, “hold me?”
“Of course Baby of course!” He laid beside you and pulled you in close and you rested your head in his chest. “Good?”
“…did it…did it feel okay?”
“Yeah…felt amazing.” You played with his chest giving it small kisses of appreciation. “Thank you, Sanji.”
You looked back up at him and pecked his nose making him giggle lightly. “Thank you, for being my first.”
“Anything for you, my love.” Kissing you back once more, “And I hope to be your only.”
And that he was.
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liaarxse · 1 year
could u headcannons of what the tr characters would do if y/n did this trend with ken, nahoya, chifuyy, baji, kazutora?
(basically y/n walks away from them whenever they get close)
Nah, cuz it's 2am, and I'm cackling like a madman omfg this is amazing
<3 Here you go, anon:
How would TR characters react to you moving away from them
Characters: Ryuguji Ken, Nahoya Kawata, Matsuno Chifuyu, Keisuke Baji, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: none
A/n: I literally have 40 history lessons to revise in 2 days, and I've gotten nowhere
Tumblr media
Ryuguji Ken
Not this shit again
Draken is tired of your games
He had to deal with Toman, some punks, MIKEY and now you?
Kill him
Oops already happened
But he did this to himself
A few days ago he "accidentally" ruined one of your favourite dresses with motor oil and only said sorry
So sorry not sorry Dora
"Hey, Y/n? Want a glass of water?"
Perfect timing
He walked towards you to give you the water
You walked away
He took 3 steps forward
You took 3 steps backwards
3 steps forward
3 steps backwards
You made 5 full circles around the couch at this point
"Not this shit again"
He went to sit down because man's tired of this
You felt bad and went to him
He turned to you before he sat down
"Sorry, c'mere"
He went to hug you
You took a step back
Give him a hug pls
You did ofc
Until you could
I'm not sorry
Y'all spent the night just cuddling and talking about how annoying(ly hot) Mikey is
The next morning you did the prank again
He went back to sleep (and never woke up)
Nahoya Kawata
Who made you do this?
You lost your marbles?
LAST PERSON to do this prank on
But you still did
Y'all were just chilling at a park
The sun was setting, giving the landscape a pretty peachy-golden tint
It reminded you of your boyfriend who was chasing squirrels behind you
Yeah, you pretended not to know him
He got tired and went to sit next to you
"What'cha starring at, babe?"
"The sun?"
He left to chase a squirrel that he claimed to look like you
Back to not knowing that person
It was getting pretty late, so you gathered y'alls stuff and got up to leave
He was carrying a dead squirrel in his hands
"Babe, look! I caught your doppelganger!"
"Oh, that's nice baby– MOTHER OF GOD–"
You didn't have a choice that fucker started chasing you with it
He lied that he threw it away
He didn't
Half way towards your house he fished it out of his pocket and shoved it in your face
You screamed and took like a fucking backflip backwards
He slowly walked towards you with his iconic grin obv
"Nahoya, no."
"Nahoya, yes."
"I'm gonna break up with you."
"I'll shove this up your ass while you sleep."
Y'all didn't break up ofc
That continued up until like 3 blocks to your house before he threw it inside a house through an opened window
The night at least ended peacefully
You had a nightmare where he did shove it in your ass
Matsuno Chifuyu
Like why?
Just why?
This happened while you were at a Toman fight
You got a call from Hina that your boyfriend got hurt
So you skiddadled to the place very quickly since you lived like 7 minutes away
It took you 30
When you got there, the fight had already ended
Your boyfriend noticed you and ran with an opened arm since his other was a tad bit injured
You took a step back
"Hey babe."
"Why did you do that?"
"Did what?"
He took another step towards you
You took a step backwards
He frowned
"Is it because my uniform is blooded? Wait, gimme a sec"
He took his top off
bite bite
Lmao, who were you kidding
Get em tits
And you did baby gorl
Don't do this to him again though
Keisuke Baji
He just got back
And guess what
Another stray kitty was brought home
You lost count of how many Baji Jr. and Y/n Jr. cats you had
You smiled anyway since it's a kitty after all
"Yo bae, can you please fetch me some kitty clothes to dress up Y/n Jr.?
Ah this time it was you turn
You did of course
And when he walked over to you to grab the clothes
You saw something jump
Then again
And it hit you
You threw the clothes in his face and ran back
"What the hell?"
"Stay back."
He started walking towards you
You screamed
He was confused af still walking towards you
And you were walking back
This continued for like 7 minutes before you entered the kitchen
You grabbed bug spray
And sprayed him with it
He died
He was mad though
Ah, it's fine. You took care of it and cuddled with all 61 cats
Then you saw it again
You jumped out of the window
He jumped after you
Lmao you got flees too
Kazutora Hanemiya
This time, there was no specific reason
You were just watching tiktok with him, laying on your chest, trying to sleep
But he couldn't
This was Mikeys fault
"My wheenie needs to take a whee-whee."
"The mental hospital is 10 minutes away."
He got up and went to the bathroom
Then you landed upon the tiktok
Now this, this is perfection
He came back after like, 2 minutes
He crawled back in bed
You got up
He sat on the edge where you stood
You walked away
He walked towards you
"What are you doing?'
"What are YOU doing?"
You barely kept your laugh in when you noticed his face
"This is Mikeys fault isn't it."
"Tora no–"
You did like 6 circles around the room
You got bored with just staying in it and went to the door
He got in front of you and locked it
You stumbled back into the bed
Oh-oh guess who's weenie has to take a wee-wee now
Lmao this surely will 'rearrange your guts'
If you know what I mean
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hangeswif3 · 11 months
Out of line
Warning: a little nsfw, maybe a bit yandere if u squint. Hange being possessive. Angstttt, no happy ending. They/them pronouns for Hange.
Summary: You and Hange break up, they don’t take it very well.
Note: This is just the second thing I write so please be nice, also English is not my first language so it might be kinda grammatically weird. Written in completely free form so I hope you understand. Thanks for reading <3
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Hoping that Hange manages your breakup in a healthy way was a terrible mistake.
“What?” Hange answered turning to look at you, you can see how the confusion in her eyes turns to anger.
“I said we should breakup” you said with more anger than you intended “I’m so tired of you trying to push me back, you know im worth more than staying to do office work”.
You had gotten transferred to Hange’s squad not very long ago (against all odds, since you were on Levi’s squad before and you thought he didn’t transferred soldiers easily). And the truth is, you were a little worried about having a secret relationship with your section commander, but you never anticipated the real issue. Hange wanted to keep you inside the walls. You wanted to fight, you loved the rush to being out there, and you knew you were good. Hange knew that too. But they always found a way of leaving you behind, helping with the “logistics”.
So, you thought it was time for them to realize how stupid that decision was, and the only way to do it was by breaking up your personal relationship. Easy, right? Or so you thought.
“Oh, so that’s what this is about now, you wanna risk your life stupidly and you think I’ll let you if we’re not together” they stated, you can see how they are trying to control themselves.
After what seemed like forever, they smiled and said “Okay, we break up, but don’t think this ends here”. And they left.
Now, 2 months later it’s been a power game since. You can’t count the amount of times they have texted you drunk.
2:30 am Hange: wher are you? I’m outsde your room
2:31 am Hange: whoo are u with rm? It better not be that soldier I saw u with the othr day
3 missed calls from Hange
2:35 am Hange: amswer ur fcking phone
2:35 am Hange: I swear to god im gonna break down this door
2:40 am Hange: okay im srry just open the door pls
Only for you to get a “sorry about that” text the next morning.
Hange was extremely jealous when it came to you talking to any other person.
Even came to doubt about the friendly relationship you and Levi had.
Every time they saw you with Levi, or practicing fighting with a new soldier, they had to restrain themselves from going there and rip you apart from anyone who was touching you.
Cause they couldn’t do that anymore. You weren’t theirs.
But let’s face it, you didn’t wanna break up with them either, so when you saw them with some other soldier from Levi’s squad at a party, you couldn’t help but to drag them away.
“You’re out of line soldier” they said with a small smirk.
“Shut up” you said, taking a sip of your drink.
“You’re a brat” Hange responded.
“And you’re sleeping now with Levi’s soldiers? Classy” you said with a humorless laugh.
The commander leaned a little to whisper in your ear “I have to keep myself entertained, otherwise I’d come back and fuck you senseless for even suggesting that we do this”
After all that, they ended up eating you out in the nearest restroom.
That was the beginning of your routine.
It was a common reoccurrence now, you made each other jealous, you fought, then fuck, then came back to the “break up”.
All to come back the the same reason of the breakup, they didn’t wanna risk your life.
Hange had lost a lot of people on the way, but they couldn’t bare to lose you. Everything but you. So they kept you inside the walls, and they’d keep doing so.
That was your routine until they couldn’t take it anymore. Until their jealousy got the best of them.
It was a normal day for you, you were just practicing fighting with Levi, he kept helping you practice and getting better. You missed fighting titans, you missed the last two expeditions due to Hange’s need of leaving you out of it.
“Pay attention brat” Levi said kicking your legs and knocking you down.
“Ugh” you responded standing up, feeling a little dizzy.
“Wow there” Levi quickly grabbed you by the waist when you stumbled, getting you close to him, in an awkward position. “You good?” He asked.
You still felt a little dizzy but just nodded, looking at him, noticing how you were extremely close together.
Hange was looking from afar, this was a normal reoccurrence, they used to look at you from afar sometimes, that was their way of keeping you in check. Making sure no one did anything they weren’t supposed to.
They were already annoyed by you and Levi getting so friendly, but they had perfect control over them. But when they saw Levi’s hands on your waist, and the way you were looking at him, Hange saw red. They couldn’t help but to walk slowly towards you two.
You weren’t the first to notice. You just saw how Levi was smirking until you turned your head and saw Hange. At first you thought it was gonna be a normal fight-fuck think between you two, but the face they had, you knew it was dangerous, and for a moment you were afraid of what was going to happen.
“Fucking finally” Levi said “she needs to go to the infirm…”
He was interrupted by Hange punching him on the jaw, Hange was wearing rings per usual, so quickly Levi started to bleed. This made him a little confused so he stumbled back. When you saw Levi looking back at Hange you didn’t know what could happen, so you stood between them, trying to push Hange away.
“You’re a dead man” Hange said in a deep voice, a voice you had never heard before.
“Stop Hange, let’s go” you said, trying to pull them away with you. But they stayed there, looking at Levi.
It seemed like an eternity, Levi and Hange where looking at each other, you saw Levi deciding what to do in his mind. A crowd was forming around them, the punch certainly attracted many people’s attention.
“Please” you said, just wanting to go.
Hange finally looked at you, you couldn’t believe what was happening, until they looked at Levi and said “don’t ever lay a finger on her again”. Before letting you drag them away from there.
Levi just smirked, knowing what this was about.
You dragged them to their office and closed the door behind you, before turning back to them.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You said, your heartbeat still going at a thousand.
“Why was he touching you?” Was the only thing they said.
“What the fuck? Levi? Really?” Was all you could say.
They walked up to you, lifted you up by the waist and sat you on their desk, putting both their hands on their desk at each side of you and leaning closer.
“Why. Did. He. Touch. You?” They repeated, clearly annoyed and more angered.
You just wanted this to be over, you could see how angry they were. “We were just practicing and I got dizzy so he helped me not to fall”
“Bullshit” they said slowly, hitting the desk and backing up, passing their hand through their hair. “Why do you keep doing this to me?” They said, almost painfully.
“To you?” You laughed ironically “I am the one that’s gonna be the new scandal around here thanks to your little act”
That just seemed to annoyed them more.
“Can’t you see this, I was just trying to protect you” they said, now referring to the breakup.
Finally you looked at them. They looked exhausted, like they hadn’t slept for days.
“I can protect myself” there was no backing up now.
“But I can’t. I can’t focus on protecting my squad when all I can think about is you being safe. I can’t” they said painfully.
“So what do you want me to do?” You finally said, tired of all this.
“Quit the corps” they said.
“Quit the corps, come live with me. We can be free together, we can have a nice house and you’ll be mine”
You sighed, you couldn’t believe they were asking you this, they knew how important this was for you. But you love them too.
“Would you quit with me?”
“What?” They asked, clearly confused.
“If I am going to quit my dream for you, it’s only fair for you to quit the corps to be with me, if you love me”
Hange stayed silent, it was too much. You knew how much they loved titans, and science, it was their nature, and it was why you loved them.
After a long silence, you knew the answer. You didn’t notice you were crying until you could taste a salty tear. You cleaned your face with your hand before speaking.
“I’ll request a change in squad in the morning” was all you said with the strongest voice you could muster.
Im sorryyyy, should I make a part two of this? Thanks for reading. Love u.
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thats-alittle-gay · 3 months
"Taylor Swift only writes about her Ex's!!"
Here is a long list of songs not about an ex or current boyfriend. If I missed any of you would like to add to the list, please let me know. I did this off the top of my head so there's a good chance I missed some.
1. Lucky You (unreleased track) First song she ever wrote. It's about a girl named Lucky
2. Who I've Always Been (unreleased track) About calling out someone who buys their way into fame vs putting in the work for it
3. Permanent Marker (unreleased track) Rumoured to be about her brother's ex
4. A Place In This World is about her finding where she belongs in the world
5. The Outside is about being lonely
6. Tied Together With a Smile was written for a friend with an eating disorder
7. Stay Beautiful was about a boy she never dated so it counts for this list.
8. Mary's Song was written for her neighbor
9. I'm Only Me When I'm With You, despite the "small town boy and girl" line, was actually written for Abigail.
10. Christmas Must Be Something More is about Jesus
11. Fearless is about her, at the time, ideal first date. Not about a real date she's been on.
12. Fifteen is about high school and kinda the typical teenage girl experience. Also for Abigail.
13. Hey Stephen is about a guy she never dated.
14. Breathe is about losing a friend
15. The Way I Loved You has been debated but is rumored to be a fictional story about someone dating a guy who is perfect but missing the old relationship.
16. The Best Day is about her mom
17. Change is about how things will change and get better.
18. Untouchable isn't her song she just reworked some parts to make it her style. Luna Halo gave her a writing credit.
19. We Were Happy is also rumoured to be fictional and about being the one to ruin the relationship because she fell out of love.
20. Speak Now was written about a friend who found out their ex was getting married.
21. Mean was about a critic who said she couldn't sing and didn't write her songs
22. Never Grow Up about not wanting to grow up and for a friend's baby
23. Enchanted is about Adam from Owl City who she never dated.
24. Innocent is about Kayne and the 2009 VMA incident
25. Long Live was written for the fans and her band
26. When Emma Falls in Love is about a friend
27. Castles Crumbling is about how the media turned on her and her depression/anxiety feelings
28. Best Days of Your Life was written with Kellie Picker
29. You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home is sung by Miley Cyrus but written by Taylor for the Hannah Montana movie.
30. Two is Better Than One was a collab with Boys Like Girls
31. Both of Us was a collab with B.O.B
32. Eyes Open was for the Hunger Games soundtrack
33. Safe & Sound was also for the Hunger Games
34. 22 is about turning 22
35. Stay Stay Stay was supposedly fictional and about her wanting someone who will stay even when she gets mad and frustrated.
36. The Lucky One is about a celebrity who got overwhelmed with fame and disappeared and how Taylor sometimes thinks about doing the same.
37. Starlight is about Ethel and Bobby Kennedy.
38. Girl at Home is about a guy who was hitting on her while being in a relationship with someone else
39. Ronan is about a 3 year old boy who died of cancer
40. Nothing New is about the fear of being replaced with a new singer and getting pushed out of the industry
42. Forever Winter is about a friend who unaligned themself
43. Highway Don't Care is a collab with Tim McGraw and Keith Urban.
44. Sweeter Than Fiction was written for the movie One Chance.
45. Welcome to New York is about moving to New York
46. Blank Space is about how the media portrays her as a crazy serial dater.
47. Shake It Off is about ignoring the criticism.
48. Bad Blood is about her feud with Katy Perry
49. This is What Came For was a collab with Calvin Harris
50. I Did Something Bad is again, about who the media calls her names for her dating life, society trying to cancel her, and calling her a snake. Also aimed towards Kim and Kayne
51. Look What You Made Me Do is about Kim and Kayne and how they turned most of the world against her with an edited phone call
52. This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things is about Kim and how she attacked her.
53. I Don't Wanna Live Forever was for 50 Shades of Grey
54. I Forgot That You Existed is about learning to not spend all your time thinking about a toxic person
55. The Man is about the double standards in society and how things would probably be easier if she was man.
56. The Archer is about anxiety and fear of being alone. It's been debated about whether it's about Joe or not. Depends on your interpretation, I guess.
57. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince is about a failing government system.
57. Death By a Thousand Cuts is based on the movie Something Great
58. Soon You'll Get Better is about her mom recovering from cancer
59. You Need to Calm Down was written to show support for the LGBTQ community.
60. Only the Young is about politics
61. Beautiful Ghosts was written for CATS
52. cardigan is about a fictional girl named Betty. The song is part of a three song story.
53. the last great american dynasty is about Rebekah Harness and Holiday House in Rhode Island
54. my tears ricochet is about losing her masters
55. mirrorball is about changing herself to fit in with society.
56. seven is from the pov of a little girl who has a friend with an abusive father.
57. August is part of the three way love story. This is from Augustine's pov who was the other girl in the story
58. this is me trying is about her trying her best.
59. illicit affairs is a fictional story about an affair
60. mad woman is about her anger with Scooter Braun
61. epiphany was written for her grandfather. It's about grief and PTSD
62. betty is the third part of the three way love story. This is the pov of a 17 year old boy named James.
63. the lakes is about isolating yourself from society
64. tolerate it was inspired by a novel called Rebecca
65. no body no crime is about a cheating husband that unalived his wife when she found out
66. dorothea is about an old friend
67. ivy is about an affair
68. Marjorie is about her grandmother
69. closure is about someone reaching out to help her get closure
70. it's time to go is about different situations where sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away
71. Renegade was a collab with Big Red Machine
72. The Joker and the Queen Remix is a collab with Ed Sheeran.
73. Carolina was written for the movie Where the Crawdad's Sing
74. Anti-Hero is about her insecurities
75. You're On Your Own Kid is about being on your own and pushing forward despite being afriad
76. Vigilante Shit is about revenge on an enemy
77. Bejeweled is another debated song but most see it as her being confident with herself and not letting anyone tear her down
78. Karma is about Kayne
79. Bigger Than the Whole Sky is about losing something that never happened
80. Dear Reader is Taylor giving advice about things she's learned.
81. Florida!!! Is about having regrets and wanting to start a new life.
82. But Daddy I Love Him is a grey area to some but the way I've seen it interpreted the most was her telling the world that it's not up to them to judge her relationships and she'll date who she wants.
83. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? Is about all the negativity she gets and how haters want to claim she's being petty and intentionally blocking other artists.
84. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart is a little about losing a love but it mostly directed towards the audience who is always pushing for her to release new stuff all the time and how she has to just fake a smile because she has a job to do.
85. Clara Bow is about the never ending cycle of society comparing women to each other and telling them how they're like the current "It" girl, but better in these ways.
86. The Albatross is a hard one but the way I thought of it was that an Albatross is sometimes used as a symbol for feeling of being a burden. My interpretation was that she knows what it feels like to be criticized and hated on and wants the other person to know that if they go through it too then she's there for them. Could also be similar to peace where she's telling her lover that you may get dragged for being with her. But music can be looked at in different ways. This was just my view of it
87. I Hate It Here is about having a mental safe space to help yourself cope when you're in a situation you hate.
88. thanK you aIMee is about Kim Kardashian
89. The Prophecy I've also seen looked at in different ways. The common theme is whatever it's a lover or just someone in general, she's begging to not be alone and to have someone stay with her
90. Cassandra is based on the Greek mythology of Cassandra the Seer who was cursed so no one would believe her prophecies. The parallel is her saying she never gave Kayne permission to use her name in the song Famous and no one believing her because Kim edited the phone call. Also about how when it's time to hate someone everyone has something to say but when the truth comes out no one speaks. Similar to how the fake video drew a lot of attention but when the real one leaked it didn't make the headlines and didn't blow up like the fake one did. There are still people four years later who don't know the real video was leaked.
91. Robin is about childhood. May be her's or someone else's. Robin is the name of her collaborator Aaron's child.
92. Us was a collaboration with Gracie Abrams.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
For the 100 followers event:
May I humbly request honeysuckle, red rose, and pink rose for Idia Shroud? Fluff please. Man I really hope I did this right *sob*
Not sure if the message part was for the character or you so both lol. For Idia: I love you sm fr 💙
And for you: CONGRATSSSSS! You deserve it 👏
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‎‧₊🦋˚✧A Bouquet for you My dear✧˚🦋₊‧| Pt. 4 | I love you till the moon and back
Characters: Idia Shroud
Summary: Sending Idia Shroud Honeysuckle, Red Roses, and Pink roses
Warnings: Just pure fluff
Taglist: @nightshade-clown, @lucid-stories
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Sending the chosen flowers to Idia Shroud... Loading now...
[■■■□□□□□□□] 30% [■■■■□□□□□□] 40% [■■■■■□□□□□] 50% [■■■■■■□□□□] 60% [■■■■■■■■□□] 80% [■■■■■■■■■□] 90%
Now sent! Would you like to wait for a response?
[> Yes] >No
Idia was walking back to his dorm, coming back from his club. He was socially drained and so ready to log into his games and do his dailies. That was until his gaze caught a delicate vase full of beautiful colored flowers. He stared at them, unsure as to why they were outside his dorm room. After contemplating what he should do, he just decided to gently pick it up and bring it into his room.
After placing it on his desk, he just stared blankly at the flowers. He studied the vase, wondering if someone pranked it. He memorized each and every petal, leaf, and stem on each of the flowers. The set-up looked gorgeous, he admitted to himself, but nothing in his mind was making sense. He fixed his posture as he brought his head into his hands, so hold it.
Idia was curious as to why anyone would send him flowers like this. His mind couldn’t wrap around all the possibilities. He thought it was a prank, someone secretly recording him just be completely rejected. Suddenly, his eye’s caught a small tag attached to the vase. He turned it gently and softly read it to himself.
“To…Idia…From Y/n? Huh? Why would Y/n send me these? Couldn’t they have just texted me?”
He sighed and gave up the internal fight on whether he should read the note Y/n had sent him. His hands shook as it gently brushed against the soft petals of the flower. They were so soothing, helping him to read the note Y/n had written. His eyes widen the deeper he read, not knowing how to feel about it. All he felt was his face become warm and his heart beat faster. 
I love you so much, Idia! You’re so amazing and captivating. You have this hidden beauty within you that just has me in a choke hold. I have never felt this intense admiration and love for someone before. You’re so beautiful, and I can’t have asked for anyone better. Nothing in my mind could ever drive me away from you. My love for you rivals the love of the sun and moon! I love you to the moon and back.
Honeysuckle: True Happiness
I could only ever wish for your true happiness and for happiness within our relationship. I can only ever think of your gorgeous smile and your cute giggle. I value you and your happiness so much, and I want to make you happy. I would do anything for you to give me your smile every day of every second. Your happiness makes my heart flutter, and I just find it so cute when you get so excited. You plague my mind all day and night, nothing lives more rent-free in my head than you. You just make me so happy, and I hope I make you feel the same.
Red Roses: True Love
When I’m with you, my heart is all a flutter and my mind is stuck in daydreams. I want to live till my dying breath with you. You are my only love that I ever wish to have. You make me dizzy when you’re around, and I love feeling as if I’m floating when you smile at me. Hearing your voice soothes me so much, I can never be sad around you. When I’m with you, everything is bright and full of sunshine. I never feel sad when I’m around you, I feel whole. You complete me, you are my moon.
Pink Roses: Comfort
Tears seem to cease when I feel you in my arms. Your embrace grounds me so when I feel myself spiraling. Nothing makes me feel so much better than cuddling with you. All anxiety just dissipates when I feel your calming aura surround me. You don’t realize how much you make me feel better and how much warmth you give me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to bring such a calm to the storms I feel. You bring so much ease and stability to my life, and I hope to bring you the same feeling. I hope to be your rock, because you are mine. 
— Your dearest love, Y/n
You sending him this bouquet sent Idia into a full on pink color, from hair to the tip of his toes. He couldn’t process the fact that someone out there loved him this much. He couldn’t process that someone could feel this much about him, in general. Idia managed to walk to Ramshackle without passing out and knocked on the door. You pulled him into the dorm and softly cuddled him on the couch. 
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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hacksawboy · 1 month
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day 4 i think of daily tired doodles and tired posting (aka my post tf2 logs)
finally tried out that uncle dane server where 40 uncle danes with different names just build sentries at you. we found a way to cheese it but the guy who knew the cheese went to bed which made finishing the round really hard, cuz at that point it was only me and another dude who knew the cheese and so many people had joined in that time that we just gave up. the rest of the team wasnt very responsive and i was the only person pushing the cart, i was spy as part of the cheese but i realized you could still kinda cheese with spy even without the fulll setup by essentially suicide bombing by going invis, uninvising near the cart, and than running straight back when the sentries kill you. takes a while but we were able to finish in around an hour and 30 minutes i believe with that strat, i think it wouldve been quicker if the team was a bit more responsive though. felt great when i finally pushed the cart in and we won. id reccomend playing it, but id say that if you do than forget what you know about tf2 for a bit and go into it more like a puzzle game, thats what i did and it made it feel more fun and rewarding. to me it really was just a puzzle game that just happened to be in tf2
anyways yapping aside, this happened at the very end of the round. right before i made the final push a dane built a sentry RIGHT on the final point. didnt even know you could do that
this doodle is exceptionally lazy, i almost just gave up and went to sleep because i honestly felt like too tired to finish it? but i got it done and i hope you guys like it despite its quality. im going to sleep now im exhausted lol
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