#back from the dead with a poll!
ohyoufool · 3 months
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ni-kol-koru · 9 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆♡ ˚ Satsuki Momoi ˚ ♡⋆。˚ ⋆
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alexglitches · 2 years
@autismswagsummit finals in a nutshell XD
plus the drawings
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kaytaygay · 2 months
@jackdaniel69nice ok I get it I’ll do something and come back from the dead. I have no reasons for not posting I haven’t been busy the best excuse I have is camping but that was last week and even then I had some internet so here I’m going to post about my oc’s which is something I never though I’d ever do or even tell people other than close family and friends about
Mha oc’s
Mei Himiko
Age: fifteen/the same age as class A
Height: 5’3 she’s short
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: demisexual/lesbian it takes a long time to feel sexually attracted to someone, and she likes women
Hair color and length: white, her hair length often changes but it’s usually long or really short
Eye color: she has heterochromia so her left eye is white and her right is cyan, also her eyes have a mild glow to them
Skin tone: pale very pale
Scars: too many to count but her most visual scars are, a line across her nose, a faint line around her neck, and scars all across her hands
Teleportation: this quirk gives its user the ability to teleport to any place the user has been to or seen before. The user also gains a photographic memory so they can remember all places they’ve been to making the quirk easier to use. The downsides of this quirk are, if the user teleports to a place where there is already something the whatever was there will automatically teleport to where the user was so the user could accidentally get stuck, when quirk is overused the user becomes temporarily amnesiac and forgets locations and other things making the quirk difficult to use, the user also gets a headache and is extremely tired.
Energy extracting: the user can take energy from one thing and give it to another. The person or animal or even plant that was given the energy will in turn heal faster, have more stamina and strength, and will be more energized. The user can take energy from anything in the surrounding area and give it to themself easy but it’s more difficult to heal other people using the quirk. If the user is dying the quirk will automatically activate taking energy from everything within ten feet of the user to heal them, the user cannot turn off the quirk when this is happening without outside help from quirk suppressants or other. The downsides of this quirk are, the user cannot take more energy from a thing than it already has, the quirk only speeds up the healing process and does not completely heal them.
Intelligent: this quirk causes its user to have high intelligence levels and be able to easily grasp anything they’re taught. The quirk is simply a mental quirk so it has no offensive or defensive capabilities but the user can easily make plans so the quirk makes up for the lack of physical capabilities. The downsides of this quirk are, the quirk has no offensive or defensive abilities, when the quirk is overused nothing happens because there is no way to actually overused it since it simply heightens your intelligence and allows you to learn new things extremely easily.
And that’s Himiko!
Geez this is gonna be a lot and I don’t even have that many oc’s!
Oh well, next one!
Ichiro Aikawa
Age: fifteen/ same age as class A
Height: 5’4
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: lesbian/ they like women
Hair color and length: gray with a mullet
Eye color: black
Skin tone: pale but not as pale as himiko
Scars: one cheek scar and others scattered across their arms, legs, chest, and back
Rat: this quirk gives its user the ability to become a rat at will along with giving them rat ears and heightened intelligence making them almost as smart as nezu. The user can be a rat for as long as they want and whatever clothes or items they were wearing will disappear until the user becomes human again. The user will always have ears when in human form because this quirk is a mix of a physical and mental mutant quirk. The downsides of this quirk are, the has no offensive or defensive abilities but the user can easily hide or come up with plans to counter their lack of offense and defense, when quirk is overused the user loses most of their sense of taste, smell, and hearing, along with being weaker and more tired.
That’s Aikawa!
Next one!
Akatani Shinamoru
Age: 15/ same age at class A
Height: 5’5
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual/ likes all genders
Hair color and length: white and long
Eye color: brown
Skin tone: pale with a light tan
Scars: one cheek scar and some around the rest of her body
Angels feathers: this quirk gives its user the ability to take energy from the surrounding area/ people and use it to heal others or themself, the quirk is also a mutant type quirk and gives the user large white wings that glow when the quirk is used, much like Hawks’s quirk the user can detach these feathers and either control them or use them as swords. The user can also take their own energy and use it to heal others though they can only use it as a last resort since it takes away their own energy. The downsides of this quirk are, the user cannot heals themself or others if everything in the surrounding area is dead and they’ve already used their own energy to heal, if the all or most of the users feathers are destroyed it takes multiple days for them to fully grow back and the user cannot fly during that duration tho they can heal, when quirk is overused the users own wounds take longer to heal, the users wings become weaker, and the user becomes more tired and can be injured easier.
That’s Shinamoru!
Next one! And also my final mha oc!
Rena Itsika
Age: 19/ one year older than third year students
Height: 6’0
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian/ likes women
Hair color and length: pink and shoulder length
Eye color: pink
Skin tone: tan
Scars: lots of scars but the main ones are, a line across the nose, two matching scars across the palms and bottoms of her feet, faint line around her neck
Float: this quirk gives its user the ability to make themself and anything they touch while the quirk is on float. The user can float things up to double the weight they can carry along with themself at one time. When quirk is in use whatever is being affected by it glows a faint pink. The downsides of this quirk are, the user cannot lift more than double the amount they can carry anymore than that and they’d drop it, when quirk is overused the user becomes more tired and weaker causing them to only be able to carry half the weight they can normally lift.
That’s Itsika!
And that was also the last of my mha oc’s! The rest i only have one for each fandom
Hattie Jackson, from Percy Jackson or PJO
Age: 12/ same age as Percy
Height: 5’1
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual/ likes all genders
Hair color and length: dirty blonde and super short
Eye color: sea green like Percy’s
Skin tone: pale
Scars: one cheek scar and some others across her body
Godly parent: Poseidon
Magical abilities: She can control water, breathe under water, stop herself from getting wet, fall from any height into water and be fine, talk to horses, talk to sea creatures, talk to people whilst underwater. And whatever other powers Percy has
That’s Hattie!
Next one!
Keith kogane, from Voltron legendary defender or vld
Age: 18 or the same age as the original Keith
Height: 5’9
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual/ likes both men and women
Hair color and length: black with a mullet but her hair actually becomes purple later
Eye color: purple but her eyes become fully yellow later
Skin tone: pale but becomes purple later
Scars: too many to count but the main ones are, a line across her nose, a line around her neck, electrical marks/scars around her neck, two large cut marks across her palms that were once cauterized and then scarred over, and a cheek scar.
She has no magical abilities
that’s Keith!
And last but not least in the slightest in fact she’s the most powerful of them all it’s…
Ourobouros! Otherwise known as! O.B!! From a world I made myself
Age: five but usually makes herself look 21
Height: usually 5’8 but shecould change that if she wanted
Pronouns: anything goes! But usually she/her
Sexuality: ace/aro/ doesn’t feel romantic love and does not enjoy sexual activities
Hair color and length: usually blonde and long but who knows what she’ll pick tomorrow!
Eye color: usually blue but that could change!
Skin tone: usually pale but that could change!
Scars: none most of the time. They can just erase any scars they get but sometimes they let themself have scars
Magical abilities!
O.B has the ability to become and use the powers of any human, cat, or dog she has met before and thanks to that and her lovely cat friend pumpkin who can travel to different universes and dimensions she has so many different powers, she’s met thousands of spider people, all for one, all of UA and more mha characters, she’s also met Percy Jackson and his friends, and the literal Greek gods! She has so many terrifying abilities and is extremely overpowered but that she usually doesn’t change the course of time and space that often unless she’s bored.
And that’s O.B!
And that’s my post it’s really long and ends with me now needing to make another long one soon! It sort of makes up for me being gone for a month :)
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loumauve · 2 months
rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite.
tagged by: nobody, bc I'm a heathen who just steals poll setups and then ignores the rules. feel free to participate as well (tho I think a lot of my pals have already done this one, I have been living under a rock called dissociation from terrible circumstances)
I went with explicitly emotional support characters because otherwise the list would be even longer. I have too many faves. the more time you spend in fandom spaces the more the collection grows. I'm sure I'm forgetting some minor character faves from other books/shows/movies/games. rip I'll prob cry once I remember them and feel bad
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strawberry-cowmilk · 5 months
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idol-trickster · 2 years
"I'm definitely going to try my best!" 💖
《 previous ◊ beginning ||
Yeah, that's the spirit! You go ahead and step up to the metaphorical plate, looking at the targets. Maybe you could still go fishing for duckies…? -but a matching bear is too cute of an opportunity to miss! You'll try this…. you'll do this. You get placed five balls and the targets start moving. Focus.
You hear Jiwoon cheer in encouragement as your eyes track the targets.
Ping. Ping. Ping.
In a steady succession, your shots find their marks as three of the five balls hit their target. Huh; maybe this wasn't so hard after all! You look over to your date who's smiling at you a bit impressed.
"Nice job. One more and I'd be worried for my title."
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Title? As what? The Trickster? Ha! Can you imagine taking that from this guy? He'd probably get super upset.
Either way, you get to pick a prize. To give him a bear as promised, you let Jiwoon pick whichever color he likes. He looks over the selection but must have already had a color in mind as he points to one quick and without hesitation. You start to wonder if he was that confident you'd win. That's… kind of flattering? Good thing you didn't let him down!
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A pink bear! He hands you the yellow bear he won and now holds on to the pink.
"Hey, check it out, we match!"
"I'm glad we both have a gift from eachother. 대박~♪ "
He holds the bear under one arm and reaches out to give you a small pat on the shoulder.
"What should we do now?"
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tennessoui · 1 year
hello kit! im a bit confused abt the kofi thing- if i subscribe for this month, unsubscribe for the next and then subscribe again for the 3rd month, can i still reread the ficlets of the 1st month? i can't really afford to subscribe every month
hello hello! So the ko-fi thing:
every month (maybe even twice a month, I know I’m gonna post another in October for instance), I’ll upload a picture (a screenshot of a color swatch from Google) and put in the description the summary of the au that this is a ficlet for + a Google doc link to that ficlet
the title is also going to be the au title and everyone who goes to my gallery on kofi can see the title, but the image and the description are hidden from everyone but current monthly subscribers (quick plug: it’s $4!)
so my understanding is if you unsubscribe, you would lose access to those descriptions of the uploads and thus lose access to the Google doc links.
BUT I don’t see anything wrong with saving the Google doc link on your end while you have access, either in a bookmark or in some sort of word doc bank of links idk. The Google doc is set to “anyone with the link can view”, which is a whole separate thing from the ko-fi settings, so if you keep the link, you’d be able to view anytime during the second month that you wouldn’t have a subscription.
AND if you chose to subscribe during the third month after cancelling your subscription for the second month, you’d then get access to all the ficlet links, months 1-3.
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catstack17 · 1 year
you know i didn’t think i was that stubborn until fandoms would try to tell me that my ships weren’t endgame.
practically every childhood ship i will still defend that they’re endgame despite anything that tells me they are not (including canon in some shows)
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I've been having this thought mull around in my head because I'm asthmatic and all,
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turinn · 2 years
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hgrve · 1 year
hey if you like Harringrove, could you help vote and reblog this poll here ? it’s about which stranger things ship people like the best. Harringrove is currently in the lead, but not by much. so I’m trying to spread the poll to some blogs that appreciate Billy as much as I do.
if you could reblog it too that’d be so cool, so your followers can vote them too. thank you very much and have a nice day :)
of course! i voted, rooting for harringrove :)
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bitegore · 2 years
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i feel like i should bring up how i . uh . watched the guy who didnt like musicals and uh . yk if you check the recent posts on my main youll get the gist i think
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silas-is-sleepy · 2 years
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