Solear, like Lunear
167 posts
Lune's place to talk | he/they | i may get raunchy so like minors dni with that i'm a whole grown ass adult go away 🤷‍♂️ | wttt posting and also personal yapping sometimes
Last active 60 minutes ago
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solearobservatory · 17 hours ago
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I'm going to be blunt and outright. Here's the tl;dr:
My partner is life-threatengly ill with increasingly worsening symptoms and no current sign of recovery. Funds are completely dry and they are facing eminent eviction with our two cats.
I've already turned to extremely desperate measures for income, such as sex work. I am opening emergency commissions in a true, critical, last ditch effort.
Please consider supporting us by ordering a commission. Tips are appreciated more than words can express, but are NEVER expected. All prices listed are calculated in USD.
If you're uninterested, I only beg that you share/reblog this, it would truly mean more than you know.
If you ARE interested, please contact me through DMs for further information, or fill out the commission form, found here, or by clicking on the title text.
I'm truly sorry to those who are following me for purely fandom content for putting this cry for help on your feeds. I hope making the sheet have some fanart is deep enough of an apology.
Further information under cut.
The past few months have been a wild nightmare.
In October 2024, my partner, Red, fell incredibly ill. It's severe and physically incapacitating, and it's only gotten worse over time. They've lost almost 10kilos of weight, faint when standing, and at this point are majorly unable to even swallow food, amongst a laundry list of other symptoms that make me terrified for them on the daily. It's an honest miracle they have not yet had a closer fatal encounter.
No doctor we've seen or spoken to has been able to diagnose any cause, and as of March 2025 there's absolutely NO sign of recovery. We have hope, but with worsening symptoms and still no diagnosis or treatment option available, it's wearing thin. Since becoming sick with an unknown and so far incurable illness, they've been completely unable to work and have taken many months of medical leave. This has meant that, obviously, their finances have taken a major hit.
They're currently facing eviction by next month, are being hassled for student loan payments, and on April 6th their internet will be completely shut off. They've been unable to regularly afford groceries, and have outright stopped taking critical daily medication solely due to cost.
We have two kitties who live with Red, 1 and 4 years old, and who are obviously another major concern with eviction. Abandoning or rehousing them is NOT on the table, we have no plans to do so, however, affording food and litter for them is becoming difficult. One of them, the 1 year old, has asthma which we are unable to seek vet care for, again due to cost. They are very, very well taken care of and loved, but they do add additional expenses. We will assure they're going to be safe and sound regardless of our own future situation, but the way we will manage to do that is currently uncertain. For now, know they are alright.
I love Red and our cats more than anything in the world. I would do anything for them. I personally have been job searching for months, with no luck. I'm still a student, I'm physically disabled by symptoms of long COVID, and have no prior work experience. I truly cannot express just how hard I have tried and failed to find other means of employment before resorting to what I touched on in the tl;dr, which I'll be saying next.
In utter desperation, I admit with great personal shame, that I've turned to sex work in an attempt to make my own ends meet, to support my partner and cats, and make sure they don't go homeless.
It's killing me wholly and completely. It's scary and it's dangerous. It really breaks me in such a deep, dark way, both mentally and physically. It's all I've been able to do regarding any sort of income, and even then it's minimal pay. It's miserable work that's put me in a horrible, depressive spiral for the past few months, but until our situation betters I'll be continuing it out of necessity.
These commissions are my final attempt. Art is my lifelong hobby, it's my personal escape, it's something I've held very dear to me since I was a child. I was so reluctant to turn it into a money making effort, I was even more reluctant to post this on my fandom blog of all things, but now I truly have no choice.
Any time I'm not doing sex work, I will be focusing on commissions with all of my time and effort.
The pricing is as low as reasonably possible. I hope that reflects unto you the dire situation Red and I find ourselves in and will make you consider assisting us, and for that of course receiving whatever it is you commission made with time, care, and immeasurable gratitude.
Thank you for taking the time to even read this. If monetary assistance is, understandably, not something you are interested in, then sharing/reblogging this post would be beyond enough and means the world.
If you DO decide to commission me, I cannot thank you enough. Tips are so, so greatly appreciated, but are NEVER expected. Again, all prices are listed in USD. Please contact me through DMs, or fill out the form, found here.
Thank you,
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solearobservatory · 21 hours ago
california burns every bridge he has… ohh yess i hear u….
YEAH 💔 as if i dont alr have a long forever unfinished series... they are friends of mine... i'll finish you Some Day... one of like eight fics down and posted, another in the works....
california burns every bridge he has is in the same universe but is like. set in the past mostly the 70s through to 2000s where he just in an almost comedic fashion picks a new person every ten years who he believes can fix him/he can fix them/it's THEM against the WHOLE WORLD! and turns out it's just a train wreck.
stands on his throne throwing bricks at people bc it's never EVER ever something HE DID or even had a part in all these bad awful things just keep HAPPENING TO HIM!! ppl r so fucking mean 2 him.....wah wah wah poor california he leaves relationships and friendships with huge dramatics and makes sure ppl know it's Because Of Them he's feeling WOUNDED and HURT wahwah :'( waaahhhwahwahwah.... stay away from him.....the other person is usually like, what the Fuck. Hey man what the Fuck did you do that for. Hey man What the Fuck yeah i'm gonna stay away from you for the next decade. holy shit. and california's like noooo come back i said that for sympathy u were supposed to say it's okay california i forgive u it's right here written in the script.....:( now i'm lonely wahwahwahwah. on to the next poor soul!
he's not a bad person he is just a mess and it's all about him him him him him him. if it isn't about him then it isnt FOR him, and that includes YOU. main character syndrome. he writes the perfect script to life.... ah.... 🧘‍♂️ if u fuck up ur role he will explode u with his huge giant nerd mind. he is his own least favorite person but his own favorite character if that makes any sense 🫶 holding him so tightly. so tight his dumb eyes pop out and he makes a gay squeaky toy noise. sorry u did not ask for this bozo bonkers response but it's what ur getting, soup's on !
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solearobservatory · 2 days ago
Emerg comms sheet actually done now lol gonna post tmrw actually for real this time. Gonna get way too fucking personal on main cuz things have kinda gone 2 total shit for me n red so like. Beware that. Pricing is abysmal but what can u do honestly idc at this point it hurts but the alternative is my current hell
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solearobservatory · 3 days ago
2 things on loop in my head. every horsegiirL song and 10 drunk cigarettes. anyway i wanna animate california to popipo that's be so funny
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solearobservatory · 3 days ago
california is such a specimen and so fucking dramatic, you can really just [mashing barbies together] put him with anyone and its like yeah. i see it. why not. he’s such a messy bitch and i love him so much
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solearobservatory · 4 days ago
i want to participate in fawking fandom week so SOON HOLY SHITDICKS but im sick and ILL and emergency commissions are sooooo fffawking needed and CRIPPLING return of depression. i'm going to smoke so many fucking menthols and get thru this. where is my WEED ORDER........,,. psychiatrist save me cigarettes save me. dont smoke kids but like I'M going to
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solearobservatory · 5 days ago
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solearobservatory · 6 days ago
soon sstill. So sick its hard to breathe
fffuuuuckkk mmeeeee man holy shit. I was gonna open my requests back up but they may have to be emergency commissions starting asap instead ! hhhhhaaaaaaaa ! Sorry. Jesus fucking christ. Be on the lookout i guess
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solearobservatory · 8 days ago
i'm going to explode. emergency comms coming later today possibly. Hopefully
fffuuuuckkk mmeeeee man holy shit. I was gonna open my requests back up but they may have to be emergency commissions starting asap instead ! hhhhhaaaaaaaa ! Sorry. Jesus fucking christ. Be on the lookout i guess
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solearobservatory · 8 days ago
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solearobservatory · 10 days ago
idk how fucking honest to be when i post this shit. It's like gotten really bad i just dont wanna GUILT TRIP PEOPLE. FUCK!!! DO I PUT IT IN THE MAIN TAG!!!! ID FEEL SO BAD!!!!!! FFFUCK
fffuuuuckkk mmeeeee man holy shit. I was gonna open my requests back up but they may have to be emergency commissions starting asap instead ! hhhhhaaaaaaaa ! Sorry. Jesus fucking christ. Be on the lookout i guess
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solearobservatory · 11 days ago
fffuuuuckkk mmeeeee man holy shit. I was gonna open my requests back up but they may have to be emergency commissions starting asap instead ! hhhhhaaaaaaaa ! Sorry. Jesus fucking christ. Be on the lookout i guess
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solearobservatory · 14 days ago
im caving to the urge. this was my final straw lmfao
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solearobservatory · 14 days ago
he wont leave my head....
thinking about the gay bounty hunter from montana again...he rly is montana to me
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solearobservatory · 15 days ago
yeah cool yeah cool yeah cool.
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solearobservatory · 16 days ago
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florida and gov btw
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solearobservatory · 17 days ago
need more of florida just doing insane shit for no reason. in order to get extra ribs at the cookout, he pretends to be texas's blood child despite being so much older. this consists of him yelling 'my dad has abandoned me!!!!' loud enough to give TX war flashbacks to the rodeo. only stopped bc he convinces utah to be his dad instead. utah now recieves an average of 10 phone calls a week to pick his son up from the station.
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