alaminbd915809 · 2 years
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Just for Baby entertainment
See How to get it Now for order>>>
Watch video>>>https://tinyurl.com/6678y3fk
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young-mama-azriel · 3 months
Some ideas I looked at while pregnant :)
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lala1267 · 1 year
Beach girl
Summary: you were just a girl that loved the beach, you had met an older man that caught your eye. Years later you had a family with this man.
Warnings: big age gap (10 yrs😮), smoking, mentions of drugs and drinking.
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I was a casual 16 year old girl. I had a thing for beaches. They brought me joy that no one else could. The feeling of the aqua marine water on my tanned skin, running through my long blonde curls. The sunlight hitting my green eyes perfectly, the sand sticking to my glistening body, the fishes that glided through the water, the birds that floated through the air. It was pure bliss. I was known as the beach girl to everyone who knew me, no one called me by my real name wich was Bree Bella. I was at the beach every day, I was never anywhere else. As soon as the sun rose I was running down to the shore, I stayed there until the sun set. I was a happy lil girl, always giggling, smiling, dancing and singing. I was always chewing strawberry flavoured gum and blowing bubbles. I had a normal home life, my parents loved me, I had lots of freinds, but I preferred to be alone with the ocean. I would spend hours ranting and venting to the ocean as its waves waved at me, the sound of the water talked back to me. I surely looked like a weirdo, sitting there talking the the blue water, but I simply didn't care, I was wild and free. I ran barefoot, danced everywhere I went, did cartwheels everywhere, skipped around without a care in the world. I was either in a bikini by the beach or in a short dress dancing around somewhere. I was in heaven everyday.
One hot summer morning, I had woke up and slipped my bikini on almost immediately. I grabbed my towel before running down the wooden stairs from my room. I had made my way to the kitchen where my mother and father were sat, eating breakfast. I grabbed a warmed up waffle that my mother made for me every morning. I planted kisses on my parents cheeks before running out of the door into the morning light. I sprinted barefoot on the hot golden sand, waffle in my mouth and a towel in hand. Once I had reached the clear blue water I quickly gobbled my waffle as I tossed the pink towel onto the hot sand. I ran into the water, my tanned skin now all wet and glistening. I was neck deep, smile on my face whilst I sang to myself, my voice was high and cute. I swam around as I watched the fish dance around me. I was enjoying the feel of the liquid on my soft young skin when I saw an older man on the beach. He had slicked back hair, he was tall and handsome, he was gorgeous infact. He had stripped his shirt off to reveal his tanned chest, his swim shorts tight. He was about to step into the water when he had noticed me staring at him in awe. He flashed a smile at me before taking a few steps towards my figure wich was neck deep in clear blue water. I had quickly snapped out of my day dream when I heard his deep voice.
"May I help ya honey" my face went a bright shade of red as I tucked a curl behind my ear.
"Uhm n-no I'm fine" I said with my shaky voice. I was visibly nervous as I looked at this jaw dropping man. He giggled at me before speaking,
"Ya sure? you look a bit nervous" his voice was like music to my ears, I wish could've made a song just out of his voice and listened to it for hours. I didn't reply to the man. I just emerged out of the water, revealing my tanned slim figure before speaking,
"Uhm it's dinner time, I don't wanna be late now" I said as I bent over to pick my pink towel up. The man was quick to stand infront of my petite figure, I was forced to look into his icey blue eyes, I didn't mind one bit. The man opened his mouth to speak,
"Dinner? It's 9 in the morning honey, don't go cold on me now." The man said as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. My face lit up into a brighter shade of red at his comment. I shifted my eyes to the floor as I felt his large hands cup my round face. I turned my head to look up the man, waiting for him to speak.
"I don't want ya to be on your own out here, cmon talk to me" he said as he sat on the golden sand, he had patted the area next to him as a way of telling me to sit down. I sat on the hot sand, our shoulders were touching.
"Tell me about yourself darlin'" the man said as he looked down into my green eyes. I blew the blonde curls out of my face before answering him,
"Well my name is Bree and I love the beach." I stated quietly before looking into his dreamy eyes. He smiled at me before talking again,
"Well that's a pretty name for a pretty girl, my name's Elvis, Elvis presley." My cheeks flushed pink at his compliment before smiling at him.
"Well that's a handsome name for a handsome fella." I said whilst giggling. Elvis held my hand before using his flirtatious words.
"I have a picnic set up for myself but I don't mind sharing it with a lovely girl like yourself" I nodded and smiled whilst I sat up. His large hands around mine whilst we walked towards the trees. It was a shady part of the beach, a perfect spot for a picnic. I had sat down on the red checkered blanket opposite Elvis. A small wooden basket sat between us. I eagerly opened it without asking, Elvis just giggled at me. I pulled two peanut butter jelly sandwiches out along with strawberries, water and chocolate. I handed Elvis one sandwich whilst I munched on the one in my small hands. I took two bites before looking at Elvis who's eyes were already on me.
"Thankyou Elvis, its real yummy" I cheerfully said with a smile. Elvis took a bite of his sandwich before replying,
"Anything that makes a pretty girl happy" I laughed since that was probably the hundredth time he had called me pretty. He wasn't lying, I had tanned skin, a perfect body, perfect blonde curls, emerald green eyes and freckles all under my eyes and on my nose.
Once the both of us had finished our meal I was eager to go back to the water.
"Elvis, please can we go and swim now?" I asked as I batted my cartoon eyes at his blue ones.
"Of course sweety" His deep yet comforting voice sent chills down my spine. We both got up, I walked up to him and had wrapped my small arms around one of his. We walked down to the shore like a married couple.
Soon we were giggling and playing In the blue water, he picked me up and threw me in, I jumped into his arms before I instructed him to throw me into the water again. I felt at home but home wasn't a house, it was Elvis.
The evening soon came, me and Elvis lay on the beach snuggled up to eachover, I never knew I could fall in love with a man I had just met. As I rested my head onto his bare chest I ran my fingernails along his belly.
"Elvis, how old are you?" I asked out of curiosity.
"26 my dear"
"I'm 16, my momma wouldn't wanna see me snuggling up to a grown man" I said as I forced out a fake laugh. Elvis ran his long fingers through my curly hair before speaking,
"Age is just a number my love" his voice made my heart beat faster, I really loved a man that was ten years older than me, this was illegal.
"Elvis I gotta go, it's getting dark and I don't wanna get grounded by my mamma" I said as I let out a sad sigh. Elvis was quick to reply,
"That not if you stay at my house" I looked up at him with furrowed brows,
"Do ya really think my mother would let me sleep at a grown man's house when I'm just sixteen, don't be silly Elvis" I said with a sad expression.
"You don't have to tell ya mamma that part, just say your sleeping over a freinds house." Elvis said with a smile on his face. I wide grin also appeared on mine as I got up off him.
"I will be right back" I said before running of to my house. Elvis watched me run off with a smile plastered onto his pretty face.
I came running back to him five minutes later with a bag packed full of clothes and my essentials.
"Take me to your house." I said whilst I was out of breath from running. Elvis got up and escorted me off the beach onto the road were his pink cadillac was parked. It was the best car I'd seen in my life. Elvis opened the passenger door for me, I parked my self onto the leaver seat as he sat into his. We were still in our swimwear. I turned to Elvis who was inserting the car keys into the keyhole. I turned the radio on, it was playing my favourite song. I turned the volume up high, as I sang at the top of my lungs. I wasn't embarrassed at all. Elvis giggled before singing along with me. As the song came to and end he turned the music down low before saying,
"I made this song ya know" an cocky smile was glued to his face whilst my jaw dropped.
"Wait what, so your famous!" He simply nodded whilst I pulled my old camera out of my bag that I had packed. I held it up in the car as I tapped Elvis on his shoulder, urging him to smile. The camera clicked as a bright light came after. I put the camera on my thigh as I impatiently waited for the poleroid to print out.
"Just wait till my momma sees this, she's totally gonna freak out when I tell her your famous!"
"Oh I think she will already know who I am honey" Elvis said whilst laughing. After a short car ride wich felt like forever, we had finally arrived. My jaw was practically on the floor as I saw his house, it wasn't even a house it was a mansion. Elvis stepped out of the car before opening the door for me. He held his hand out for me to grab as he brought me inside. It was beautifull. A diamond chandelier hung at the entrance, I looked around I saw the lavish living room, the posh kitchen and the luxurious decor. I couldn't buy anything in this house even with my life savings. He led me upstairs, we got to the top of the red carpet stairs when he asked me,
"You wanna sleep with me or in the guest room" I didn't hesitate to reply,
"With you." He nodded as he led me into his room, it was amazing, there was a rather large TV for the time, a king sized bed and even a walk in wardrobe. A bathroom was also connected to the room. I placed my heavy bag down onto the bed, I rummaged through it to find my pidgamas, i placed them onto the silk covers of the bed. Elvis was in on the other side of the room, I felt comfortable with him, so I stripped my bikini of infront of his eyes, I slipped a pair of pink panties on and an old crop top that didn't do a very good job of stopping my nipples from poking through. When I was finished I looked at Elvis who clearly checking me out, I didn't mind, I loved getting attention from Elvis. I jumped into the large bed, Elvis followed not long after, we were now cuddling eachover, the feeling of his big arms wrapped around my body felt like I was In heaven. I lifted my head to look up to his eyes, I couldn't stop myself, something took over me, I cupped his cheeks with my hands and desperately pushed my red lips onto his pink ones. His lips felt soft almost like a pillow, my tongue wrapped around his. I pulled away shortly after with the biggest smile on my face, the taste of his saliva still lingered around my mouth.
" I didn't know a lil girl like you knew how to kiss"
"I have my ways." I said flirtatiously before snuggling up to him even more, I was basically glued to him at this point. I drifted off into a deep sleep.
The next morning i had woken up in the grand bed, I turned to wrap my arms around Elvis but I ended up hugging the bed. I opened my eyes to see that Elvis wasn't there. I got up to look for him. I walked downstairs into the kitchen, there he was making breakfast for me. Cigar in his mouth, messy hair, bare chest, it was like I was looking at a Greek God. He turned to look at me, my hair was messy, my cheeks were puffy I looked pretty and wild. A smile appeared on his face before he walked over to me. He pulled the cigar out of his mouth as he breathed clouds of smoke out, it was so sexy. He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me a few times before saying,
"Sit down honey, I made ya breakfast" I did just that. He placed a bowl of cereal infront of me. I blew a kiss to him as he sat down next to me at the dining table. He placed a kiss on my cheek before we both began to eat. I was in love with a superstar.
That was five years ago, now I was 21 and he was he was 31. We were married and very much in love. I had done everything with Elvis, I had tried alcohol for the first time with him, smoked weed with him, ran from the cops with him, I even got drunk with the man. We were courageous and crazy, we weren't afraid of anything. He was my protector, he looked after me. I went to every one of his shows. I went to every one of his meetings and interviews. We were inseparable. We ran on fields, swam In lakes, climbed mountains and we were always at the beach. After his shows were finished I would run up and jump into his arms, I would die for the man, I would kill for the man, I would do anything for the man.
Soon I had found out that I was pregnant, Elvis looked after me through my whole pregnancy. When our child was born she was a beautiful baby girl, I remember Elvis's exact words the day she was born,
"She so pretty, takes after her mother"
We had named her Maria Presley, she had my blonde curls and Elvis's blue eyes. She was drop dead gorgeous. But it wasn't easy looking after a baby, even with Elvis helping. I would have to wake up in the middle of the night to her crying, feed her everytime she looked like she was about to cry, she would even cry for no reason. The dream had gone but the baby was real. I didn't regret having her one bit though. We were a healthy family of three, everyday of my life was like heaven, I was living the life I had always dreamed of.
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she-karev · 3 months
First Week as Parents (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 19 Episode 5
AN: I will forever be angry at Shonda Rhimes for killing a character who has so much potential. Also for not showing an established but unseen character who could have been integrated into her show and made it better and more original. But I can correct that mistake even if it’s head canon here on Tumblr. I want to show our appreciation for the dads out there that put our wellbeing above their own and guide us through the roughest times.
Summary: Andrew and Amber deal with Lucy crying the week they bring her home.
Words: 1643
October 27th, 2022
Andrew washes the last of the baby bottles in the sink in relief as the sweet sounds of silence fill the house. He can see through the pass-through window into the living room where his wife Amber DeLuca is rocking their sleeping baby, Lucy, against her chest.
Andrew says a silent thank you to the Lord after another grueling morning of Lucy’s cries. It’s been a week since they brought Lucy home and to say new fatherhood is hard would be a compliment. So far, their newborn daughter wakes up all hours of the day begging for food or a diaper change and he and Amber switch off so at least one of them can gets rest for the next day.
He tries to integrate a crying baby into his mental health routine by sleeping when he can throughout the day since his paternity leave ends in two weeks. He keeps taking his meds and exercising to keep his mind steady and it works. Now when he’s tired, he doesn’t feel mania coming in, he feels exhaustion from new parenthood.
Amber sighs and whispers to her baby, “Lucia Jennifer DeLuca, you are a gift, especially when you’re asleep.” She carefully puts Lucy in the white bassinet where she looks like a cute burrito wrapped in a pink blanket with her squishy and pink face relaxed with sleep. Her soft brown hair is covered by a gray hat.
Amber stands up and looks at Andrew in the kitchen who is also happy to have a quiet moment, “Now for some rest.” Amber plops on the couch ready to close her eyes when an old phone ringtone goes off. Amber and Andrew move to find the phone with Andrew making it worse by hitting his foot on the doorway in a rush causing him to yell out in pain and Amber to shush him, but Lucy is already awake and crying.
While Andrew gets Lucy out of the bassinet Amber finally finds the phone behind a pillow on the couch and quickly answers the facetime. April Kepner’s face appears on the other side with a smile oblivious to the carnage she unknowingly incurred.
“April.” Amber says blankly hiding her fury unlike Andrew who silently curses at April who is in Boston with her family relaxing while he is trying to undo her damage that is crying in his arms. He takes a seat in the armchair and rocks the baby up and down.
“Hey!” April greets with a smile to an exhausted Amber who frowns at her, “How’s the little one so far?” Andrew groans at April as he gently rocks the crying baby, “Ah the pictures you sent Jackson are so precious. Oh, does she have a happy sound? A coo? A gurgle?”
As if to answer Lucy screams from Andrew’s spot as he gently rocks her up and down causing them to wince at the high-pitched sound, “Air raid siren.” Andrew answers for Amber who turns the phone to face the duo with the new father frowning at April’s bad timing. April frowns too now understanding.
“Oh yeah, I can hear her all the way from Boston. Sorry guys I’ll just let you call me from now on…assuming you don’t die from exhaustion. Okay bye good luck, sorry again.” April hangs up and the couple are left once again with a crying infant in Andrew’s arms.
Amber groans but quickly gets up, gets a pacifier from the towel by the sink and tries to get Lucy to take it but she resists with a higher screech. Amber sighs in despair and stands up in her black robe with Andrew still in the armchair in his gray shirt and gray sweatpants. He continues to rock Lucy in his arms.
“I fed her and changed her, could it be rickets or GERD?”
“Nope she just cries a lot like most normal babies.” Lucy keeps crying in Andrew’s arms, “Come on bambina I’m trying here please give me a break.”
Amber pinches the bridge of her nose frustrated, “Do you think she can predict we’re gonna screw her up and this is her getting all the future angst out?”
Andrew snorts, “If that were true our parents would have thrown us both over the ravine as babies. I think she can tell we’re high strung as parents and she copies what we feel. I mean that’s how most type-A kids are made. From the fiery pits of new parenthood.”
Amber furrows her eyebrows as she takes the baby from him attempting to calm her down, “If that’s true shouldn’t I be more loose than my brothers? Because between the three of us I was the military general keeping her idiot soldiers in line.” Amber tries to put the pacifier in Lucy’s mouth again, but she shrieks again to Amber’s horror who pulls away, “Okay maybe she just doesn’t like us. What do you say we drop her off at the nearest porch at a mansion and spend the next month in Prague?”
Andrew is still on the couch trying to recharge, “I’m convincing myself that’s the exhaustion talking.”
Amber sighs at the crying baby who is immune to pacifiers and shushing, “Can you think of anything your sister did to calm you down when you were a kid because I blacked out my early years for sanity reasons.”
Andrew rubs his tired face when an idea comes to his head, “I think I got something wait here.” Andrew stands up and walks down the hall with Amber looking curiously with Lucy still screaming in her arms.
“If you make a break for it Andrew DeLuca, I’m gonna tell the cops to taser you on sight! In the baby maker!”
Andrew comes back with his acoustic guitar in hand and sits on the couch tuning it, “Give me a few minutes I’m a bit rusty.”
Amber is impatient with the crying baby in her arms, “You have a few seconds.”
Andrew sets himself up quickly and strums the guitar at a soothing and slow pace over the baby’s cries. He hums a little to set the vocal range and starts, “Avrai sorrisi sul tuo viso come ad agosto grilli e stelle. Storie fotografate dentro un album rilegato in pelle.” Lucy begins to calm down to Amber’s shock who looks at Andrew singing in Italian.
“I tuoni di aerei supersonici che fanno alzar la testa. E il buio all'alba che si fa d'argento alla finestra. Avrai un telefono vicino che vuol dire già aspettare.” Lucy’s screams quiet to fussing and Amber takes it as a sign to try the pacifier again this time with Lucy taking it easily.
Amber exhales in relief rocking the baby gently while her husband continues to sing already back in his element, “Schiuma di cavalloni pazzi che s'inseguono nel mare.”
Amber puts Lucy in the bassinet again where she lays peacefully sucking on the pacifier while her dad continues, “E pantaloni bianchi da tirare fuori che è già estate. Un treno per l'America senza fermate.” Andrew looks at Lucy who looks up at him with her big blue eyes in wonder and awe causing him to smile, “Avrai due lacrime più dolci da seccare. Un sole che si uccide e pescatori di telline. E neve di montagne e pioggia di colline. Avrai un legnetto di cremino da succhiare. Avrai una donna acerba e un giovane dolore.” Amber sits in the couch next to him listening to the song along with their daughter who begins to close her eyes, “Viali di foglie in fiamme ad incendiarti il cuore. Avrai una sedia per posarti e ore vuote come uova di cioccolato. Ed un amico che ti avrà deluso, tradito, ingannato. Avrai, avrai, avrai Il tuo tempo per andar lontano. Camminerai dimenticando. Ti fermerai sognando Avrai, avrai, avrai. La stessa mia triste speranza. E sentirai di non avere amato mai abbastanza. Se amore, amore avrai.”
Andrew finishes when he sees Lucy already asleep in the basket sucking on the pacifier in peace to his joy. He lays back on the couch exhausted, ready to rest.
“My sister used to sing me that song before my mom and I left for the states.” Andrew explains to Amber next to him, “It makes sense it would work on my child even if she’s not a scared 7-year-old afraid of what America will be like.” Andrew grins nostalgically, “I guess we both got lucky with siblings who loved us and wanted us to be happy and calmed us down when life got hard. Now we can use some of that knowledge on our little one, I mean all things considered we got pretty lucky to have at least one person who raised us, and now our baby has two.” Andrew sighs, “We’ll be okay babe, we’re new parents and these are the ups and downs of parenthood. We just have to survive and enjoy moments like these, we can do that right?”
Andrew turns to face Amber who is lying on the couch on her side fully asleep to Andrew’s amusement who realizes he was talking to his sleeping wife all along. He looks at Lucy who is also sleeping peacefully and makes it a point not to disturb them, knowing how they both get angered easily.
He quietly stands up, grabs a blanket from the laundry room and covers Amber in it causing her to mewl happy to be swaddled. Andrew grins to himself before leaning down and giving her a good night kiss on the head.
“Buonanotte.” Andrew whispers to Amber who merely cuddles further into her blanket. He stands back up and kisses Lucy gently in her basket before putting both of their phones on silent and retreating to the bedroom with the baby monitor ready to welcome the sweet bliss of sleep.
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giantimpex · 20 days
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Which dry sheet is good for baby? How do I protect my baby's urine from bed? How do you use dry sheets on a newborn?
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Home care services in Hyderabad +91-9133253325
Citri Care offers elder care, nursing, mother & baby care, and physiotherapy. Home Care Services In Hyderabad 9133253325. Trust our team for compassionate care.
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months
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instacrew · 2 years
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ittorule34 · 2 years
I beg to differ, Itto would slay in a corset. (Of course it would have to be custom made for his massive form but he would definitely SLAY!!🙇‍♀️)
Nobody said he can’t slay while he suffocates
I personally think itto would slay so hard while suffocating he’s got that type of personality and build to look good while suffocating
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cuddablesbabywipes · 5 months
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Introducing Cuddables Baby Wipes Gentle, hypoallergenic, and made with natural ingredients to keep your baby's delicate skin soft and healthy. Perfect for on-the-go use. Try them now!
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babynama · 6 months
How to swaddle a baby ??
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young-mama-azriel · 3 months
Hey, Azriel here, me and my partner have recently found out that I’m pregnant again! This is very exciting, the baby is due at the end of January of 2025, I’m well off here and very excited for the newest addition of our family!
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lala1267 · 1 year
Bow down bitches (part3)
Summary: You were on tour with Elvis, but Jerry was getting too comfortable.
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I sat on the couch with Elvis and my daughter. Elvis was holding Jasmine, playing with her and admiring her. Her giggles made a light gleam in my heart. Looking at Elvis, playing with my child was the best sight to see. He would be such a good dad. I was 20 years old, and I already had a baby. I knew this journey was going to be hard, but I would do anything for my beautiful daughter. Elvis looked at me with Jasmine in his hands.
"You have a beautiful daughter. Takes after her mother." He said as he played with her curls. I smiled before replying.
"Well, I think we know that." I said sarcastically. We both laughed. I was getting a strong feeling of deja vu. I felt his warm soul radiate of him like when we first met. I remembered when we first kissed, it felt like heaven. He continued to play and giggle with my daughter. My heart was warm just watching it.
"You know I will always be here if ya need me. I can take good care of ya." He said as he turned to look at me with his piercing blue eyes yet again. I moved closer to him so that I we were touching shoulders.
"I know you will. You're a good man, Elvis." I said before placing a kiss on his cheek without thinking twice. He just giggled before placing a peck on my daughters cheek.
"I wanna take ya on tour with me, I think you will like it." He said as he batted his long eyelashes. I didn't hesitate to say,
"Yes, I would love to." I said eagerly.
Before I knew it I was packing a bag of clothes and essentials for tour. All of the clothes that I packed were ones that Elvis had brought me. Ever since i began to stay at his house, he would spoil me like a child. I didn't complain, though. Once I was done, I passed the bag to one of Elvis's assistants. I picked up Jasmine and placed a kiss on her button nose.
"Honey, we have to leave now." Elvis shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled as I headed down to him. I reached the bottom of the stairs, and I was met with Elvis. He had a big smile on his face.
"I love seeing ya with your daughter, it makes me smile." He said sweetly. I stepped towards him and planted my lips onto his. I didn't know why I did it, I just did. We weren't even toughether, but there was definitely a spark between us. I pulled away, and we headed to the car. He opened the door for me, I got in, and he followed behind me, grabbing my hips slightly. I sat Jasmine on my lap and tied her curly hair up. She was only one year old, and her hair was shoulder length. She had light brown, luscious curls. Elvis watched me do her hair with a grin on his handsome face.
"I love her hair, it's nice to see a mixed race child." I just smiled at his comment as I continued to do her hair.
We soon arrived and I could already see the paparazzi. My heart pounded faster, and I gripped my daughter tightly. I looked at Elvis with a worried expression on my face.
"Elvis, I can't go out there. All of the shouting and flashing will be too much for Jasmine." Elvis looked at me and then at Jasmine, who was curiously trying to look out of the tinted window.
"Hmm, take this and put it over her head. She won't be able to see all of the flashes." He said as he handed me a black handkerchief from his pocket. I put it over my daughters head and exited the vehicle with Elvis by my side. He grabbed onto Jasmine and me tightly and rushed us inside. Cameras were flashing, and fans were shouting. Once we were inside, I let out a sigh of relief. I took the handkerchief off my daughters head. She had a cute smile on her face, I was glad that she wasn't fazed by the fans and paparazzi. Elvis walked up behind me and slightly squeezed Jasmine's cheek.
"See, happy as ever." He said with a little giggle. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he inched closer to kiss my cheek. Just his touch made me so happy.
A group of men, known as the Memphis Mafia, walked over to us. Their eyes widened, and eyebrows furrowed as they looked at me, with a baby in my arms. Elvis was quick to speak.
"Don't worry, boys, i ain't a father yet." He said with a slight giggle. The boys laughed before talking amongst themselves. Once all the attention was away from me, Elvis leaned down towards my ear and whispered.
"But I wish I was." I turned my head to look up at his smug face before planting my pink lips on his once more.
A group of professional looking men walked over to me, Elvis, and the Memphis Mafia.
"Elvis, the show starts in thirty minutes. Your dressing room is backstage, and your outfit is already in there." One of them said confidently. Elvis nodded before grabbing my free hand and escorting me and Jasmine backstage. We walked into through the tall door that had Elvis's name on. It was quite small and had just one bench to sit on. I placed myself on the wooden bench as Elvis walked over to his costume. He picked it up and showed it off to me. It was pure white and was studded with red, blue, and yellow diamonds. It also came with a rather large belt that was also covered in diamonds. He stepped behind the curtains. He walked back out with the jaw-dropping outfit, fitted to his body perfectly. It exentuated his small waist and flared at the bottom of his long legs. His broad shoulders looked strong and big. Everything about this man made me want to scream. Jasmine was sat in my lap, giggling and smiling as usual. Elvis stepped closer to me.
"Do ya like it?" He asked in curiosity. I smiled.
"Like it? I love it!" I said. He bent down to place a kiss on my cheek. Jasmine reached her small, chubby hand out to play with the diamonds on Elvis's expensive suit. As he stood back up, he looked down at Jasmine whilst giggling.
"I think Jasmine likes your outfit too." I said cheerfully before placing a kiss on Jasmine's rosy cheek. He just laughed like a child before stating,
"Well, the show is about to start. I've got you a private seating area, it's away from all the noise so that Jasmine won't cry. Is that ok with you?" He asked as he raised his brows.
"Yes, that's fine, but will I still be able to see you perform?"
"Of course ya will, honey."
Just then, a man walked into the room and laid his eyes on me.
"Natalya, I'm here to escort you to your seat." He said with a smile. I simply nodded and followed him as I blew a kiss to Elvis on my way out. He led me to the area, and Elvis was right. It was settled and quiet. I sat down, and the Memphis Mafia sat next to me. I placed Jasmine on my lap and grabbed the baby milk bottle that was sat on the marble table in front of me, just for Jasmine. I placed it in Jasmine's mouth, and she began to drink. And the show had also begun. Elvis was singing and dancing like a mad man, but it was so sexy. I was still feeding Jasmine when I felt one of the members of the Memphis Mafia, Jerry, move closer to me. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed slow, tender circles onto it. I tried to ignore it, but soon he was playing with my long black hair and caressing my pink cheek. He whispered seductively into my ear.
"I can put another baby in ya, I bet you would like that." His breath smelt of liquor, and his hand was moving down towards my breasts. This man was crazy, he was all over me whilst I had a baby in my hands. I looked at him with a disgusted look as I turned away from him. I held Jasmine tight.
"Don't go all cold on me baby, I know you want me." His cold voice said to me. His voice made me physically ill. His hands traced down my hips and waist. This was getting out of hand. I turned to face him.
"Get your dirty fucking hands off me." I said whilst raising my voice slightly. He just giggled.
"I like my women when they are angry." He said with a smug look on his rodent face. I quickly picked Jasmine up so that she was secure in my hands. I got up and looked at Jerry with furious eyes.
"Just wait till Elvis hears about this!". I said before angrily storming off into the backstage corridor. Little did i know, Elvis was watching this all play out, and he was going to stop this. Jerry followed behind me. I stopped In the hallway as I felt Jerry's hand in my shoulder.
"Come on baby, don't be like this."
"Don't call me that." I said coldly as I turned to face him, with my baby still in my arms.
"Elvis doesn't have to know. Either way, you're going to do what I say." He said as his face dropped. His cold gaze sent chills down my spine.
"She won't be fucking doing anything you say." a deep voice called from the hallway. It was Elvis. He ran to Jerry, and before I knew it, Jerry was on the floor getting strong blows to the face. Elvis nuckles were red, and so was Jerry's now bloody nose. I just stood there, watching in shock. Once he was done, he got up and stepped closer to me.
"I'm so sorry baby, he won't be seen near me or you ever again." Elvis said in his deep breathless voice. He looked at Jasmine, in my arms with soft eyes. He kissed her cheek, then mine. I just smiled as I looked into his blue eyes. Jerry was on the floor, bloody nose and unconscious. Elvis and I were loving eachover, this felt like a movie. I felt safe and protected around Elvis. I knew that he would go to extreme lengths just to keep me safe. He would cause disaster just for me. I was the queen of disaster.
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absurdlyinaccurate · 2 years
Bruh, toddlers scare the shit out of me
I'm a teenager, I babysit
I'm sitting outside watching two toddlers pretend to chase each other with chainsaws. One of them just 'died' and threw dead leaves in the air to imitate blood splatter
They're 4
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giantimpex · 2 months
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lifeandstylexyz · 1 year
10 Steps To Ensure Successful Breastfeeding Experience For New Mothers
Breastfeeding experience for new mothers. Breastfeeding is a vital aspect of a newborn’s life, offering numerous health benefits and nurturing the precious bond between a mother and her baby. However, this beautiful experience can present challenges to new mothers. In an interview with Zee News, GEMS Hospital and Endoscopy Centre, Pune talks about the steps to ensure successful breastfeeding…
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