#babs dcshg
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supergir-ls · 8 months ago
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yk the thing where
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dc-girlblogging · 7 months ago
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aflamboyanceofflamingos · 10 months ago
I'm rewatching DCSHG because their charatization of Bruce is top tier and as I watched "Dinner for Five" I remembered how fucking funny the dynamic of a hero-and-villain-who-know-each-others-identity-and-the-hero-is-a-child-but-they-still-hate-each-other is and I need to see it more often
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zeebee-jeebies · 2 years ago
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anerdwholovesdogs · 2 years ago
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Just thinking about these two cuties
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coffeebooh · 2 years ago
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jewishcissiekj · 2 years ago
DC Comics JewShowdown round 1.5 - Questionable Jews matches part 1/2
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So I finally got my Wi-Fi back! But just before we move on to round 2, I was talking to my brother who got annoyed because his favorite Jewish DC character, Phantom Stranger, didn't make the cut for the tournament, and one of my online friends pointed out Bette Kane was also missing, and I decided to give them both justice. In these two special matches, 2 questionable Jewish characters who got past round 1 will go against those I forgot to add/my brother convinced me to add, who are also pretty questionable as Jews. What do questionable Jewish characters mean? Glad you asked! It means those whose presence in the second round doesn't exactly sit right with me and might rig the poll because of unjust reasons (I know this is weird, but it's my tournament so let me be).
So Babs from DCSHG (Only ever acknowledged as Jewish in a Hanukkah post from the official DCSHG account) is going to have to beat Bette Kane (Jewish by association with Kate and Jacob Kane) in order to participate in the second round of the tournament, and Zatanna from DC Bombshells (Jewish as much as Miri Marvel, but I felt she kind of robbed the first round victory from a character who's Jewishness is much more impactful to her story just because it's Zatanna) will go up against The Phantom Stranger (never explicitly stated as Jewish I think, but is basically the wandering Jew stereotype and has a Jewish name). If the added-on characters win, they'll take the previous characters' place in the tournament, and if not we'll move on as planned.
Personally, I think Bette deserves this round's win but make your choice.
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t4tails · 2 months ago
what do you think of barbara& eddie like in general? they have been sorta shipped before which feels weird to me since in my head eddie is the same gen as batman. i like to imagine a version in the arkhamverse where barbara and eddie interact in origins or so whether friendly (even eddie as a mentor for babs) or eddie picking up fights with a teen girl
romantically? there have been a couple times he's had a thing for her, like dcshg (theyre the same age in that) and prelude to the wedding (she's an adult) and like honestly every time ive seen it happen its just read to me as a weird heterosexual alternative to his thing for batman. like somebody thought "oho! but if he was doing all of this for a woman then it would be because he likes her!" which is just... boring? lame? annoying, mostly, because theyre allowed to make that explicit while his feelings for batman are only ever implied.
otherwise? i like the idea of giving them a more distinct relationship of some kind! he's probably the biggest techie in batman's main rogues gallery, she's probably the biggest techie in batman's allies, there's stuff to work with there. arkhamverse would be funny considering he was a cop as well so it stands to reason she'd know him as one of her dad's coworkers.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months ago
Batfamily Teen Titans Go
by 8Maria8 I love my new headcanon about Barbara from DC Super Hero Girls and Robin from Teen Titans Go being siblings. Just these chaotic brothers having fun in Jump City and obviously Birdflash because I love they Words: 1040, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Titans Go!, DC Super Hero Girls (Cartoon 2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Robin, Kid Flash, Batman, Barbara Gordon Relationships: Kid Flash/Robin, Barbara Gordon and Robin, Batman and Robin - Relationship Additional Tags: TTG Robin and DCSHG Babs are siblings, Barbara from DC Super Hero Girls and Robin from Teen Titans Go are siblings, barbara gordon and robin are siblings via https://ift.tt/F24BrYp
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dcsuperherogirls · 6 months ago
Yeah so I have a little timeline in my head:
I choose to believe Kara left krypton like she normally does in like 1979 and I choose to believe she was 13( because it does NOT make sense to me that she lands on earth and then goes to school just a few months after? Anyway I think she spends until she is 15 at the Kent’s and then goes to the school(like in the first movie we see her room and how occustomed she is to certain things) now as for the bats i ignoring there cannon think that Jason died just a year before Kara went to school and Tim is now in training and Damian isn’t know at all yet that’s how I would believe and then according to canon batgirl would become paralyzed and all that jazz!
omg I love your timeline sm! she definitely needed some time after landing on earth, there's no way you go through something like her and then go to school just a few months after. and she definitely wasn't on earth for a long time since we could clearly see her struggling with her powers.
and for the batfam - i definitely agree that it would make sense for Jason to be dead and Tim being in training rn. I loved to see Damian in one of the episodes but it definitely didn't make sense since well... all of them are still teenagers and Babs is still Batgirl. And if they continued dcshg I'd love to see Steph and Cass as well ofc
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hibiscera · 1 year ago
hi mir!! Letting u know that im watching through DC Super Hero Girls thanks to you! I'm having such a blast I really adore their version of Slade :'D he's so funny I love his relationship with his daughter there.
I know you've talked about your version of Killer Moth for DCSHG, but I'm curious if you had Crowmoth in mind for that world too? Do they go to the same school? What's their relationship like?
Cheers <3
I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE ENJOYING IT AAAA!!! It’s SO good and so cute, the takes on the characters are the best. 😭 Slade and Rose are genuinely SO funny, I love that episode.
I HAVE thought of crowmoth for DCSHG yes!!! >:3c
The basic idea is Jonathan also transfers to Metropolis High! Which is like. Really funny. Babs, Harley, Selina, Pammy, Oswald… literally everyone is transferring from Gotham to Metropolis. And can we blame them?
Jon’s of course a weird, standoffish loner, gets pushed around and bullied. He likes to pull pranks that freak people out like putting bugs or lizards or spiders around the school where they shouldn’t be. A big Scarecrow plot to spread fear through the school, typical Scarecrow!
He probably tries to prank Cammy with a bug but she’s like 🥺 oh poor baby you should be outside!!!
I think at first he thinks she’s just a goodie two shoes, but once he catches her stealing something from the school, he learns she’s… kind of an absolute weirdo who also has a thing about fear, they start to bond and become friends. (:
They hang out in a shed in her yard where she raises her caterpillars and they come up with pranks together.
Then Scarecrow meeting him as Killer Moth is a similar deal… they try to rob the same chemicals from the same plant, and end up fighting over them. I think they keep bumping into each other this way and end up developing a weird friendship of sorts, not realizing…
Jonathan is also the second person who Cammy confides in about her gender feelings… (first being Pammy) He’s one of the first people she tries the name Drury with!!
I need to think of them more again tbh because I love them being troublemaking little teenagers hehe
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supergir-ls · 2 years ago
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she silly
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kiki-lulu · 16 days ago
I started this as a joke, a reference to DCSHG 2019, a joke between Zee and Babs, but now I want it to look good, I hate myself a little, it was a joke sketch between friends, I escalate to the fact that I want it to look better
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I imagine Zatara II wanting to show a spell to his father and it going wrong
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ao3feed-birdflash · 11 months ago
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inflictedwithbrainrot · 2 years ago
the fact that. the fact that harleen hates batman and babs hates the joker but theyll get excited on behalf of each other when seeing things related to them. i just.
harleen is master criminal harley quinn and does NOT like batman. but still she went to the gothamcon qna panel when she was under the impression batman was going to be there (AND GOT EXCITED FOR BABS) because it would make babs really really happy. i just,,,,, i love them. a lot
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zeebee-jeebies · 2 years ago
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since i was on the topic of RVs in the replies of one of my old RV AU posts, have some designs i neglected to post here when i had the chance lel
a few peeps are missing since this kinda became a collaboration in a sense but i’ve been cooking these up since early last year if some of y’all are interested
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