#bablyon 5
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chewbokachoi · 11 months ago
I got my boyfriend to watch the first episode of Babylon 5.
So far... -Londo's a used car salesman -Sinclair will do whatever is required so long as it doesn't go against his morals -He can't wait to see Londo strangle G'kaar 20yrs from "now"
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nagalias-mindscape · 2 years ago
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With every update, I wonder... Will I ever get to pilot a Z'ha'dum ship? We already sort of have a version of a Vorlon ship in the form of Living Starships.
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emiline-northeto · 2 years ago
One interesting thing about rewatching season 2 of Babylon 5 is that I'm noticing so much more about Sheridan and his arc now that I'm not smack dab in the middle of being really mad that he's there. Also, some of his backstory is just that much more painful now.
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edge-oftheworld · 8 months ago
5sos bridge bracket: part 23
refreshers under the cut
woke up in japan:
i woke up in japan
feeling low, feeling lonely
the best i ever had
it was more than half empty
we said we'd both love harder than we knew we could go
but still the hardest part is knowing when to let go
we wanted to go higher, higher, higher
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heroofshield · 1 year ago
#we’re very specific about our Centauri war criminals here in the b5 fandom (via @therighthandofvengeance)
this is true
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atopfourthwall · 2 months ago
Happy holidays, sir! I've been thinking about watching Bablyon 5 soon, and my knowledge of the series is all down to you and SF Debris. That being said, I'm curious: What makes Londo your favorite character in the series? I feel a lot of his appeal might be lost on me.
Upon reflection, I think I gravitate towards tragic characters. Danny Chase, Charlie Pollard, and indeed Londo Mollari - there's something very compelling about characters who do their best, DO succeed... but will more often than not meet an unfortunate fate. Although Londo is infinitely compelling not just because of tragedy, but because of the full gamut of feelings the audience has towards him as the show goes on. Comedic, somewhat dramatic, concerned, actively hating him, then rooting for him, and then feeling so, so sorry for him. And it's ALL deliberate - the hating him part is not a case of "UGH, I hate how this character is written, the show has gotten so bad when it comes to him," no - we are following him through the full length of his arc and we understand why he does what he does and eventually want to see something better for him despite the awful things he's done - maybe BECAUSE of the awful things he's done and the redemption he seeks for it.
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janeways-coffees · 1 month ago
Hahaha no babe i'm fine why? Just because i'm rewatching bablyon 5 season 3 episodes 8-12? Where the rise in facsim becomes too blatant to ignore and they have to face the growing issues in their own government? Where they are patriots who understand that the government must be denounced? Hahaha yeah no reason to be mindlessly rewatching this don't worry about it its for the cute shipping scenes yeah thats it
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collapsedsquid · 1 month ago
"Bablyon 5" sticks in my head as "90s Antifascist propaganda" but I feel that I am vaguely remembering a whole genre that I cannot nail down any other specific examples of.
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saintheartwing · 6 months ago
Don’t know if you’ve ever seen Babylon 5, but there is a lot of parallels between the Narn/Centauri conflict and the war between Palestine and Israel.
“It no longer matters who started it, all that matters is who is suffering.”
Well I've never SEEN Bablyon 5. But the thing is I don't agree with that mindset. It DOES matter who starts a war. Under this logic, you'd call, say, the USA the bad guys in WWII just cuz they killed more German soldiers than the Germans killed THEIR soldiers. It's not about total numbers of dead. It's not even about how many civilians dead. It's about how and why a war started and who started it, because if you don't address these, you can't finish a war in a just resolution.
And no, I don't care about "peace". TECHNICALLY there'd be peace if a country at war is just NUKED OFF THE MAP. But that's not JUSTICE. People don't really want PEACE, they want JUSTICE when it comes to how conflicts end. They want a somewhat SATISFYING way to end a conflict. If the Israeli govt literally killed every single Palestinian that'd bring "peace" to the conflict but it clearly would be fucking HORRIFYING AND GENOCIDAL AND WRONG. And sure, if Israel was a smoking crater that'd bring "peace" to the conflict to but would ALSO BE FUCKING GENOCIDAL.
I don't want "peace". This isn't about give peace a chance. Peace without any terms, conditions, or understanding of how the conflict began and how it can be stopped is not real peace. Give me JUSTICE.
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Hi, I'm unfamiliar with the Turas Realta manga. I'm confused because Arjuna wasn't in the Babylonia singularity anime. Why is he here? Also, didn't he die in the American singularity? Is he the same person Ritsuka met in America? Please help clarify (depending on your response, I might think about reading it, especially if there are many arjuna crumbs)
turas realta is an adaptation of the early singularities- specifically its adapting about half of them, and moralties stella is adapting the other half (both of which also adapted fuyuki and orleans). the ones it has are the odd singularities, so it did manga adaptations of singularity 3, 5, and now 7. as an adaptation it isnt required to stick to the story 100% and one of the ways it's been diverging is that after every singularity one servant that they met is resummoned in chaldea as an ally. in orleans it was kiyohime. in okeanos it was hector, and in e pluribus it was arjuna. you'll notice two of them were both antagonists (at least to a degree) and also died in the story in fate- this doesnt change in turas realta, but both presumably bc of their more naturally heroic nature and the author wanting to work with them they get picked to be reused. hector and kiyohime also both solo accompany ritsuka to the next singularity after their resummoning as a official chaldea ally and while arjuna didnt get that as they all came to babylon, it was still pretty cool that he showed up.
so BASICALLY- while no servants that ritsuka summoned were officially present in the fgo plotline of these stories and it was dependant only on who was already in the singularity, turas realta is writing it so that ritsuka has a handful of servants summoned accompany him to the singularitys (though in this case theyre only able to be summoned due to outside forces)
arjuna's not the main character by any means but in all honestly this manga has probably has the most references to his actual life and character that any fate work has had and i appreciate it on that merit alone.
(as for whether or not he remembers his previous summoning or not...probably? this moment from bablyon indicates he seems to have straight up kept all his memories from it)
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kleiner-ghost · 1 year ago
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thank you @spacejammie-eimmajecaps for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
27! But I do have a few original works that I post on a different website.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
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You can tell I mostly write one-shots haha
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Quite a few, but Deathloop and Fallout 4 are my top ones ^^
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
The stars in your eyes - Kleiner_Ghost - Fallout 4 [Archive of Our Own]
Follow the Black and Gold Rabbit - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Deus Ex (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
December in Dunwall - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Prey (Video Game 2017) [Archive of Our Own] - which I haven't touched in years, and honestly needs a rewrite ^^;
Mirror, Mirror, on the Ceiling - Kleiner_Ghost - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
Your Value to Me - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Fallout 4 [Archive of Our Own] - which was my main before kinktober and then Nano hit ^^
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep, as a rule of thumb. Sometimes I don't know what to say though ^^;
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, oh, the working title for this one before I posted it was 'Frank Angst'!
Consistently Hangover and Automatically Assuming the Worst - Kleiner_Ghost - Deathloop (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Urgh. Happy endings are for happy people. The best I can give you in bittersweet?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. But then again, I don't get much comments either because of how small my fandoms are.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Recently I have been messing around with it as well, for kinktober, and now I'm a bit ashamed to look my beta in the eyes.
I will admit, I usually post my kinky smut on an alt for that excat reason. Too many people I know irl know my main AO3 handle ^^;
But yeah, I love writing smut! But sometimes I want to play around with themes or settings too, and it doesn't always belong in those stories.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yep! My fave is this fic, which I consider to be one of my best works:
Two Pieces of Nine - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Deathloop (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
I am also working on a few side projects that are crossovers. Since they're both longfics, I'm waiting to have over half of them done before releasing them (I've learned my lesson about those XD).
One is a Bablyon 5 and Star Wars crossover, where droids invade the world of B5, and a clone battalion is sent through to stop them.
The other is about the bad batch waking up on Blackreef.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not stolen, but I have had elements of a story plagiarized. I never called the other author on it, because it was one of their first fics, and because of the fandom and tags we had in common I don't think it was malicious.
12. There was no question 12 so I'll make one up myself: How many WIPs do you have?
18, not counting all the unfished kinktober one-shots. Some of those are original stories that won't go on AO3 though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, but I would love to!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
How bad would it wound if i name something from a fandom I never wrote for? Winterfrost is my favourite ship. I would die for some Bucky x Loki.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
December in Dunwall - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Prey (Video Game 2017) [Archive of Our Own]
I just keep forgetting it exists tbh ^^; I've changed and grew a lot as a writer since I started it, and as I've said it would need a full rewrite. Maybe one day I will get to it (It is my second most popular fic as well), because the two fandoms it's from deserve that, but I have like 3 longfics to get through before that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characters. Funnily enough it's also one of my greatest weaknesses because if I can't write a character, I never will, but for those that I do write well, well, they're great.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dyslexia and writing on mobile. Sometimes my autocorrect does things, and I don't notice them, and then my beta goes "???" on stuff that any 4 year old would have caught XD
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I did it once, I'll do it again! But readers did drop it after those chapters (and that fic is no longer on AO3). I think it adds a lot of realism to a scene.
On that note, one of my favourite Outer Worlds fics had Welsh text in it. The author went to great lengths to make it readable to peeps who didn't speak it, with hyperlinks and stuff. But I was reading on mobile, so it never worked for me XD I had google translate open in the background, and was missing half the dialogue, but i was sooo into it that I didn't care.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Soul Eater. But that fic will never see the light of day. I'm even more embarrassed by it than I am from showing my experimental kinky smut to my irl friends. (Yes it involved a shinigami self-insert smooching Death the Kid). I was 14...
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Tough pick. I'd say overall this one :
Two Pieces of Nine - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Deathloop (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
But I love how weird this one got (it was inspired by irl sleep deprived shenanigans) :
The orange thing in the tree - Kleiner_Ghost - Control (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
And this one is the one I'm most emmotionally invested in :
Your Value to Me - Chapter 1 - Kleiner_Ghost - Fallout 4 [Archive of Our Own]
Thank you once again for the ask, I'm passing the questions down the line to @rowanisawriter, @the-lastcall-main, and Rieha (whose Tmblr I can't find ^^;), oh, and anyone who wants to join ^^
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apprenticefrombabylon · 3 days ago
Back when I still believed the Bible's view of Babylon, I thought your moniker was in bad taste. Now I respect how you're rehabbing the image of Babylon as sexually depraved and excessive. You own that negative image and hold it higher than the later Islamic image. I get it. I have a high school friend who identifies as Persian to protest Iran.
But I don't think there needs to be a conflict between being "Babylonian" and "Iraqi". Maybe you're familiar with the Enuma Elish, this ancient Babylonian text that has a lot of modern speculation around it. Right now there's a controversy over the claim that the Bible plagiarizes lines from the Enuma. And there's an older claim by alien believers that the text is about alien visitors (the Annunaki) creating humans or its an allegory about the solar system being changed by impact with another planet.
Thats all interesting but besides my point that the Sumerian pantheon of gods that Babylon used were actually the same as Egypt and Greece. They're all indigenous versions of the same root story.
The Epic of Gilgamesh has Babylonian origin and its thought to be an influence on the Bible's story of Noah. The Bible (which means "book" but isn't it weird it sounds like "Babel"?) is a bunch of ancient historical myths stitched together as an origin story for the Jews. The Bible claims they wrote it after their "Babylonian captivity" where they also adopted much of Bablyon's religion and culture. Thats used today by Christians to explain why Jews are so bloodthirsty and use black magick; using the Jews' own story of Babylon against them.
But it doesn't end there. Jews in Babylon post-Christianity wrote the Babylonian Talmud there which seems even more influenced by Babylon with the introduction of characters like Lilith who is obviously taken from some Babylonian goddess or demon.
Judaism, from my own research and also growing scholarly opinion, was developed more recently than Jews believe. It doesn't seem to have any real history in ancient Egypt and is more Babylonian, Persian and Greek in origin, who both ruled Judea. The Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible that all Jewish sects follow) was probably created in Greek-ruled Egypt from the texts available from the Library of Alexandria.
Who the Jews are is long and convoluted. They aren't Middle Eastern. They're more like Turkish/Greek and use the Bible to claim the land of Israel. Even in the Bible, they claim to come from some mysterious garden and migrated to the Middle East.
Yahweh, the god of the Jews, was a lower deity from Canaan/"Israel"/Palestine. Yahweh seems like another form of the Sumerian sons of the god Anu, who the Bible calls Eloh or Al-lah because there was no "E" sound.
The Babylonians were using the same god as Muslims. I think its a big assumption to say they were Muslims because they followed lower deities but always traced them back to Anu. Islam is the source religion of the different pagan religions in the Middle East and North Africa. You could probably throw in Greece, India and the Americas. How is a long story for later.
Til then, reflect on the Bible claiming Nimrod the king of Babylon was from Africa. And Babel's reputation as a nation that split into all the worlds nations and tongues.
You're obviously far from black but not fully Caucasian. Thats probably confusing. But if you identify as Babylonian, you have to accept the Babylonians would've been much darker than you are.
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guywithbeer · 1 year ago
"BABLYON 5: THE ROAD HOME" might be confusing for newcomers but OG fans will surely enjoy it.
#babylon5theroadhome #review #animation #babylon5 #movies #film #theroadhome #scifi #sciencefiction #BruceBoxleitner #ClaudiaChristian #JMichaelStraczynski
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babylon6comic · 2 years ago
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commanderbragh · 4 years ago
RIP Mira Furlan
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toliveanddieinstarlight · 5 years ago
Season 2, Episodes 5 and 6
The Long Dark:
Honestly, no big thoughts for this one. Franklin gets way too involved again, and the gang finds out something dark and destructive was heading for Z’ha’dum. 
Spider in the Web:
Taro Isogi gives Talia a compliment, and her reaction is uhhhhh Pretty Good.
This episode has a hell of a guest cast. Adrienne Barbeau, Jeff Conaway and OH MY GOD IT'S JESSICA WALTER! These moments are some of my favorites, where we see actors who have grown really prominent recently in little roles like this. Brian Cranston also ends up showing up for a bit in Season 3 or 4, I’m pretty sure.
Aaaaah Sheridan's getting his arm twisted into engaging some government surveillance on civilians. His description of his experience making First Contact with the Ti-kar is, I think, a nice way of showing the audience that he's not the man that EarthGov wants him to be, without actually making it a direct counterpoint to what he's being asked to do in this episode. It shows him as being caring, thoughtful, and the kind of person who can look at a new race of aliens and find wonder instead of fear.
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Talia is deeply emotional here. I probably found it really off-putting, but holy shit, I am astonished at her poise and strength here even while she's traumatized as hell and getting way too much heat from Sheridan than really warrants it. And then Garibaldi's stalking ass saunters in. SHE'S NOT GOING TO GRIEF-BANG YOU GARIBALDI READ THE GODDAMN ROOM.
(In other news, I probably should have split this bit into 2 gifs, but I’m an idiot).
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Sheridan asking Ivanova what she thinks of Talia. Ohhhh fuck how could I have missed this? My stupid stupid baby brain. Even Sheridan knows that's bullshit. 
Jesus, Garibaldi just lets Talia walk into an unsecured room and doesn't even go in with her. Everyone on that team was holding the fuckin idiot ball. 
Bureau 13 is set up here like this big thing, but I have no recollection of it ever coming up again. I mean, Sheridan's right about there being a conspiracy, but I legit can't think of a single time Bureau 13 came up again.
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