#babe’s thoughts
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months ago
This is how i feel about the rest of the semester, someone forward this to my therapist😐
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months ago
Yall I have a Bucky fic called “idontwannabeyouanymore”
It’s the saddest fic I’ve ever written in my life, should I post it😅👀
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markscherz · 5 months ago
Meet the seven new frog species we just named after iconic Star Trek captains!
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Artwork by A. Petzold, CC BY-ND 4.0
At the right time of year along rushing streams in the humid rainforests that stretch the length of Madagascar's eastern and northern mountain ridges, otherworldly trills of piercing whistles can be heard.
Are they birds? Insects? Communicator beeps? Tricorder noises?
No, they're little treefrogs!
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Boophis janewayae. Photo by M. Vences, CC BY-SA 4.0
Until recently, we thought all of the populations of these little brown frogs across the island were one widespread species, Boophis marojezensis, described in 1994. But genetics in the early 2000s and 2010s showed that there were several species here, not just one.
Now my colleagues and I have shown that they are in fact eight separate species, each with unique calls!
These whistling sounds reminded us so much of Star Trek sound effects that we decided to name the seven new species after Star Trek captains: Boophis kirki, B. picardi, B. janewayae, B. siskoi, B. pikei, B. archeri, and B. burnhamae.
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Photos of all new species described by Vences et al. 2024. CC BY-SA 4.0
I subtly and not-so-subtly built some Star Trek references into the paper, but probably the best one is this one:
'Finding these frogs sometimes requires considerable trekking; pursuing strange new calls, to seek out new frogs in new forests; boldly going where no herpetologist has gone before.'
— Vences et al. 2024
There’s a real sense of scientific discovery and exploration here, which we think is in the spirit of Star Trek.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that there are at least two Trekkies amongst the authors (including yours truly). As fans of Star Trek, we are also just pleased to dedicate these new species to the characters who have inspired and entertained us over the decades.
On a personal note, this marks a milestone for me, as it means I have now described over 100 frog species! I am very pleased that the 100th is Captain Janeway's Bright-eyed Frog, Boophis janewayae (if you count them in order of appearance in the paper)—she is probably my favourite captain, and I really love Star Trek: Voyager.
You can read more about the discovery of these new species on my website! You can also read the Open Access paper published in Vertebrate Zoology here.
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frownyalfred · 3 months ago
growing up as a Batkid means saying the words “Bruce made this look SO easy” to yourself at least once a week.
things Bruce made look easy, in no specific order:
Not sleeping for several days straight
Injury recovery after age 25
Sleeping w/people without getting attached
Maintaining constant, separate beef with several different people at the same time
Liaising with the JL on dumb fucking requests they should know better than to submit
Saying no to Alfred’s food for reasons other than just not wanting to eat at that moment (injury, illness, training, etc)
Not being able to save everyone
Being the only “adult” and the only human in a room full of metas and super heroes
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prettygirlpaige · 8 months ago
if i wasn’t born to be a slut then why does lying back and spreading my legs feel so natural and good??
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bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months ago
Funny enough I’m pretty sure this is the equivalent to girls putting their hands in their bras…
That also might just be me😂
I can’t deal with the way this man tucks his hands INSIDE his pants… YOU HAVE POCKETS—Joey pls 🤦🏽‍♀️
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faint-taste-of-almonds · 6 months ago
yes there's a lot of things to criticize about Star Wars but one thing i will always love it for is being so unabashedly tragic
i'm sure it's been said before, but one of the main things i think powers the SW fandom (fics in particular) is the (in)evitability of it all
time travel fix-its are one of the most popular sub-categories of fics that i've seen (for the prequels at least) but i see it much more rarely in other fandoms. i know each fandom has their own niches that they dig into but star wars fic writers took one look at this decades long story of people who were doomed from the start and said 'not in my house bitch'
and i'm never tired of it, because there's so many places where just one different action could have changed the story entirely, but didn't
was it over the moment Palpatine succeeded in feeding Anakin's fears and his distrust toward the Jedi? the moment the Sith gained control of the senate? what about when the war started, when the Jedi were made generals of men designed to be their executioners? what about when Dooku left the order? when Qui-Gon Jinn died, leaving barely-knighted Obi Wan Kenobi to raise a child he had no idea how to care for? when the Jedi massacred the Mandalorians at Galidraan, leaving Jango Fett primed (hah) for revenge? when Palpatine, and thus the Sith, first gained influence? when the Jedi were tied to the Republic, all the way back at the Ruusan Reformation?
there are so many little moments that turn into this huge web of cause and effect when you take a step back. and in canon, these characters are dooming themselves while we watch, but what reason do they have to do anything different? they don't know they're in a tragedy - its dramatic irony at its goddamn finest
but there's this thing about decisions: for it to be a choice, there has to be another option. and our heroes make their mistakes because that's what they do, while we aren't privy to that other option, leaving that little what-if. it's a favorite human pastime, to think about what might have been.
we start at episode 4, though, fourty or so years after what you could arguably call the start, and find ourselves watching the dominoes fall in place throughout 1, 2, and 3.
and we can hate the choices, hate the tragedy, hate what happened to our beloved characters, but we knew. we had the luxury of knowing.
it's a love story, it's political intrique, it's sci-fi at its finest, and they were dead from the start.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months ago
time to blow off some steam ig
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 9 months ago
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months ago
Brb writing a whole fic based on this clip
(Also Tee baby, the club? 😂)
(Imagine Joe pulling up to comic con in his Batmobile and full suit😂)
K I’m done
did you see what the bengals posted on ig??? i love seeing our man laugh and smile 🥹🥹🥹
just bachelor tingz?
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ayeeeebri · 6 months ago
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seeyouspacecowboyyy · 4 months ago
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I can’t help it
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For the sillies, I raise you Nicky Hemmick has a vine account. Stay with me
What he usually does is he just goes around and asks the monsters their opinion on pop culture stuff. And let's say for this post's sake that both vine and omegaverse was created earlier in the 2000s rather than the 2010s.
One day he posts a vine asking Kevin "are you an alpha, beta or omega?" And Kevin is like ???? "Like the greek alphabet? Probably a Kappa, since I'm Kevin" cut to a picture of Kevin from a photoshoot with the biggest celebrity smile on and the words 'KAPPA' and underneath in smaller letters 'he's Kevin'
Next victim is Aaron. Nicky asks, Aaron looks annoyedly at him and says "I'm ym", "What's ym?", "your mo-" video cuts to an edited picture of Aaron looking like he's pregnant next to a small Nicky (only Nicky hasn't used a baby picture, he's just shrank a picture of himself as an adult), caption reads "OMEGA"
Nicky gets brave so he goes and asks Andrew who is just minding his own business. Nicky asks the question and Andrew responds with "I'm carrying" and makes a move to take out a knife from his sleeve. Cut to a blurry photo of Nicky running for his life, Andrew in the distance with a sharp and shiny object in his hands, caption reads "We'll be right back with our regular programing"
Last vine from Nicky is Neil. He's fixing his racquet or sth, Nicky asks "Are you an alpha, Beta or omega?" "What?", Nicky repeats the question, Neil is obviously not paying attention so he says "the first one?" cut to an edited picture of Neil in a forest, the full moon behind him and 'ALPHA?' on screen.
Other teams start copying the trend, Cat post's a vine asking Jean the same question but it's Jean after practice, "is this one of your kink-" jump cut and we can hear Cat saying "Just answer the question". Jean looks deadeyed at her standing behind the camera "I am tired of your incomprehensible american lingo is what I am". Cut to a still of Jean, a cigarrete edited on his mouth and a beret on his head, and the word 'FRENCH' in cursive.
The vines go viral. No one is happier than Nicky and no one is more miserable than Kevin whose KAPPA , he's Kevin, reaches worldwide audiences.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months ago
Ummmm hypothetically…
If your mother sends you money for groceries and textbooks to card A, but then you buy clothes and accessories with card B 10 minutes laterrr….
It technically means you didn’t spend her money, right?
I mean, girl math😅
She does not have access to the account attached to card B btw ;)
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jibberjibbsart · 5 months ago
Good luck Dean 🫡
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panlight · 22 days ago
I wish Emmett had like, friends.
All the people who show up in Breaking Dawn are framed as Carlisle's friends, except Peter and Charlotte who are Jasper's.
I know in the scheme of vampire history that Emmett isn't that old, but he and Rosalie do canonically sometimes live apart from the rest of the family as a married couple, so there's SOME opportunity he could have met some other vampires separate from Carlisle's circle.
That one random vampire Randall could be Emmett's friend? The guide says he's from California, was 18 when he was turned in the 1960s and Carlisle was one of the first vampires he met but like, Emmett was with Carlisle in the 1960s.
PLEASE can Emmett have a California surfer dude vampire bro named Randy? I need this.
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