#babe can we maybe see about getting you a hobby or something?
the-cryptographer · 2 years
Otoh it is very sexy when the da2 characters do things that are not in my shitty noble OC’s best interests. Like, Isabela ditching after act ii. Isabela actually running off with the book and just never coming back. Anders dumping your ass for attacking Justice in the Fade. Anders bombing places and ruining your political career. Everyone stabbing you in the back in the Fade. All very sexy moves. We love to see it.
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creativewritersposts · 3 months
love language - Luke Hughes
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summary; Luke Hughes x reader
Some situations where Luke shows his love language.
warning(s); none, fluff, maybe grammar errors
author's note; FIRST ONE OF THE FIC NIGHT!!
I apologize to the one who requested this..it took way too long
"you don't need to eat the fish", Luke whispers in your ear, sitting next to you. You're invited to a classic Hughes family dinner and can't say you hate fish. You don't want to give his parents the vibes you're extravagantly. He secretly picks the fish from your plate. He knows you don't like it and can see the tears forming in your eyes when you took a first bite just to impress his parents. He knows better- they wouldn't care.
You're talking with the family until Luke quietly picks his vegetables on your plate. "Thanks babe", you touch his hand and eat the vegetables. Luke nods and chews.
Ellen does a side eye, a little smirk escapes her lips. Luke truly cares about you. She never mentioned it before.
Later in the evening you decided to join the boys to play billiards in their hobby room. "do you need help?", Luke pets your back and watches you completely stressed out how to move this billiard ball. "No", you nervously response whilst focusing on the ball. You're not just trying to impress his family - you want to show Luke you're truly interested in his life and be a part of it. You know he fell on his nose a few times with girls and you can be glad he opened his heart for you.
Quinn leans on his stick and turns around not to laugh, it's funny how tiny you are and you need to get on your toes just to reach the billiard table.
Luke follows the situation without talking, he knows how frustrated you are when you're bad at something. And you're very bad in this game.
"I hate it", you groan when you lost the third game in a row against the boys.
"I got your favorite chocolate, I know it let you feel better", Luke kisses your temple and feels so sorry. "I'm lactose intolerant", you remind him, not ready to spend your night on toilet. "i told mom to buy lactose free", he shortly peeks a kiss on your lips. "Thank you, Lukey", leaning against his chest, he wraps an arm around you.
Quinn and Jack share a quick eye contact with each other, it's the first time their chaotic brother reminding little details.
It's very late after hang out with all and you're very tired. You need to yawn, such an exhausting day. "i think we are going to bed", Luke can see the yawning, you're already laying in his lap, him running circles on your back because he knows you love it.
"Good night!", his parents smile friendly, Jack smirks, "please be quiet because I'm sleeping next to your room!". Luke sarcastically laughs, "haha you think you're so funny". You tiredly have to smile about it. Brother love.
You open Luke's bedroom and see a clean bed.
"Wow usually you're not that clean", you're fascinated about it. He's not a messy but he loves to forget his clothes in his bed.
"I cleaned it for you", he shows his smile and strips off his clothes until he stands in underwear in front of you. "damn you're hot", you scan his body and realize how much luck you have with him.
"You're very tired, I'm ok with that just to cuddle now instead of having action", he kisses you and pulls you closer. "okay", you're thankful for his thoughtfulness.
"You can lay down on the left side", he knows you hate on the windows side because you're freezing quickly.
"Thank you", you're throwing your own body in his bed, smelling his cologne. Before he can cuddle with you, you're already asleep. He hears your little snoring. He kissed your forehead, whispering "i love you" and falls asleep, too. His hand placed on your hips.
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onelittlespiral · 8 months
FML: Overbaked
I’m playing around with the format on these a little bit. This story has two endings, one of which is here and the other of which can be found here: FML: Underbaked
Consider this the more corruptive ending.
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I’ll say up front that this one is on me. My boyfriend and I had been going steady for a while now. He was cute and smart, but after a few years he just wasn’t the kind of guy I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. Things had just gotten… bland. We hardly ever went on dates, spent most weekends apart doing our own hobbies, and sex was a bit like going through the motions. I wanted a change. So, I ordered one. A new “white noise” machine. But it did a bit more than that. You just adjusted the settings and in a few nights it could grow, shrink, age, add hair, add muscle. I think I even saw a setting for a gender flip. It cost a pretty penny but I figured it would be worth it. I ran it for a while with no settings, just so he would get used to it. But, when I had a business trip that was going to take me out of town for the weekend, I figured it was a perfect time to see what it could do.
Before I left I opened the hidden panel and decided to start pretty simple. I would just program it to make him bigger. More buff, more masculine, maybe a bit more dominant. Could be a nice change to get taken care of when I got back. I dialed in the knobs, said my goodbyes, and flew off for the weekend. Meanwhile, back at home, my sweet boyfriend dozed and grew, none the wiser to his changes. And there were some changes. By the time I flew in Sunday night, a whole new man was there to greet me.
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“Hey babe, you miss me?” In just a few days he had ballooned in size. His biceps were thick, easily picking me up into an embrace. His pecs were strong and juicy as I held onto them while gazing in his eyes. His kiss was strong and assertive, as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like whiskey and smelled like fresh cut sandalwood. And his cock was girthy, as I felt it slowly swell and press up against me. I gave in as he pushed me down to the bed and unbuttoned his jeans. My pants were on the floor in a moment as I laid back in just my jockstrap, ready to receive him.
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He pulled me down to the end of the bed, and slowly massaged my puckering hole. I don’t know if the machine somehow taught him how to handle me but as he worked is fingers inside it was so easy to relax and let him stretch me out. He replaced his fingers. I felt his cock, firm and throbbing, as it slid into me. I squeezed as I adjusted to his new size. I felt so full, but it just kept sliding in. As he began to hit my prostate a surprising moan escaped my lips.
“That’s right babe, open up for me.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss. His beard was soft, his lips pillowy. I felt every motion of his body, every little adjustment sent a throbbing through my body. “You’re so cute like this. You ready for daddy’s cock?”
I could only let out an anticipatory whimper as he slowly began thrusting. With one hand he caressed my torso, the other he held my shoulders in place. I was anchored down as he picked up steam. Soon both hands were on my shoulders as he put his weight behind the thrusts. I tried to tell him to slow down, but something about how assertive and confident he was kept the words from my lips. And then it hardly mattered, as he found my prostate and my mind dissolved. He was destroying my ass as all I could do was try not to drool all over myself. All thought was consumed by pleasure as his balls slapped heavy against my ass.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy. Your ass is so tight. Fuck it feels amazing.”
I could feel it coming. I tried to ride the waves of ecstasy but he was not letting up. Suddenly he inhaled sharply.
“God, I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum.” he cried. He made no signs of slowing down.
“Cum…cum in-me.” I was about to burst.
He let out a deep growl as with a final thrust he plunged into me and the floodgates opened. At the same time I saw stream after stream hit his chest. We came at the same time. Panting he ran his finger down his chest and popped a thick glob in his mouth
“Yeah, you even taste delicious.”
This time I pulled him to me, kissing his beautiful face as he slowly pulled himself out of me with a wet pop.
And that should have been it. It should have stayed that way. It was supposed to be amazing. But, somehow, life always gets complicated.
It started with work. Maybe it was a side effect. With how he carried himself, he couldn’t help but turn heads when he entered a room. He would talk about how well respected he was, how all of a sudden people gave a shit when he said something. I guess it came with the territory. But that respect turned into a promotion, and that promotion had him working later and later hours. Plus, with his new body, he had to maintain it. He spent at least two hours at the gym, lifting and running and stretching. He would come home smelling musky, and I would basically be waiting in the bedroom to suck on his sweaty cock. Those nights were some of the best. But then he made friends, gym bros to hang out with, and he would get home well into the night, too tired to do much but watch TV before passing out. Then, my work project turned south at the end of the year. Our client was furious and I had to fly out almost every other weekend to some meeting to plead for time or try to get the project back on track. It felt like we just kept missing each other.
“I know it’s been hard to manage time but can we please have this weekend,” he begged one Thursday night, “I miss you. I miss us.”
I sighed, “I can’t. We just have to make it to the spring when we launch and it should be good. But until then I have to keep up with these clients.”
“I know, I know but can’t they send someone else?” He came in close and began to stroke my hair, “I need my good little boy here.”
I flushed and turned away, “You know I’ve been working for years to close this project out. I can’t just leave it when we are this close to the finish line.”
He looked hurt, “So instead you’re just leaving me behind?”
I snapped my head back to his, “You’re one to talk. I feel like I haven’t seen you in months. One promotion and suddenly you want to lecture me on my career? Plus all the time you spend with your gym buds. Enjoying the sauna together?” The moment I said it I knew I crossed the line
“…I’m going to bed.” He slammed the bedroom door behind him.
“BABE! No, that’s not what I meant. Please-” I jiggled the locked handle. No response. Dejected, I turned towards the couch, collecting what throw pillows and little blankets I could.
I tossed and turned all night, yet when I woke up he had already slipped out without a word. I wandered back to the bedroom and tried to find solace in the shower. Warm water ran down my back as mulled over the prior evening. When did things get so tough? It felt like just yesterday we were just some freshly graduated kids, now we hardly saw our friends or each other, just crunched all day at the office. Things back then were so… simple. That’s it! I shut off the water and quickly dried off. In the bedroom sat the machine. We had kept using it just for the white noise. Worked like a charm, who knew? It may have been what caused all this, but maybe it held a solution. There was the knob I was looking for: simple. I took it and cranked it up. I needed change and I really needed it quick. Two nights would perfect. If it was anything like last time, by the time I am back Sunday night this could all be solved. I threw a bag together for my trip and went off to the airport. Today I would give him space, and by tomorrow I had a hunch the problem would practically solve itself…
I woke up the next day, groggy from the flight and meetings yesterday. I was not looking forward to another full day today. Just then, my phone buzzed next to me. A text came through from my boyfriend:
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got a long day ahead babe. miss u 😘
He looked so… care free. There wasn’t a bag under his eyes. And he never just texted to say he missed me. He never seemed to have time. Seeing him with his arm frown back and that stupid little smirk got me going more than I expected it to. I texted back:
I miss you too. I hope you aren’t too bogged down with meetings today. Love ❤️
He responded: no meeting’s, boss had a safety talk last week. just work
Safety talk? Whatever, I’m sure he would be fine. Probably one of those cyber security talks from the 2000’s. Either way, I couldn’t dwell on it too long. Had to get ready for this team meeting.
The weekend was a blur. Meeting, crunch, eat repeat for two days straight. I hardly had time for myself, much less checking in on my boyfriend’s progress. But he seemed to be coming along nicely, and I could surmise a bit. His stressful job in engineering had been replaced with construction site manager, then just a regular blue-collar worker. His texts had become more casual, and when I talked with him for a few minutes Sunday morning he was kicking back with some friends having a beer. He even took a nap Sunday afternoon, speeding him along maybe a little further than I would have liked. He sent me this text when he woke up as I was on my way to the airport:
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Mmm, I miss u, gonna need ass when ur back
The next text was just a picture of his rigid cock. I chuckled a bit. I definitely had gone a bit too far but we could adjust that later.
I miss you too babe. You should probably get up. I’ll be home in a few hours and you can have me then 😉
Little did I know.
I hopped out of my cab and began working through airport security. I made it to my gate with plenty of time to spare. While I had made it to the gate, the plane, evidently had not. Winds and snow out of the northwest had delayed it. It was supposed to be an hour delay. But as one became two, the storm system had moved south.
Passengers of flight AM267, we regret to inform you that your flight has been delayed. With the current storm system, we are not projecting to be able to leave till tomorrow at 8:47am. On behalf-
I tuned out as my mind began to race. Tomorrow? That would throw off my whole work week! And the product launch would have to be delayed even further if I’m not there…
I began crunching the numbers on how far back this would set us as I hopped on a shuttle to the nearest hotel. With the sudden influx, it took a few hours before I was checked into my economy room next to the elevator. I had made the necessary calls to my team letting them know about the situation and… oh shit. I didn’t even call my boyfriend! He’s probably still waiting up for me. Quickly I fired off a text letting him know what was up. The day had been exhausting, I wouldn’t be up for much tonight anyways. I didn’t even change out of my jeans as I passed out on my bed.
The next morning the storm had passed, so it was back to the airport to catch my flight. We were luckier than most, I figured it would take them at last 2 days to be fully back on schedule. Still, everything had been thrown out of sync with the delay. It was almost 2:30 by the time I was sliding my key into the front door. I walked upstairs to throw my luggage in the bedroom when I stopped outside the door. Inside, I could hear a faint crackle, like the fray of a radio. Just the sound gave me a headache, and I felt an itch in my teeth. And then it clicked, and my stomach dropped. I threw open the door and immediately turned off the machine that had been running all day. A faint breathing was behind me. I turned and my eyes went wide.
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There he was, still laid back on the bed, hat on his head, wide awake. The thousand yard stare said it all. He had been listening all night and all day.
I tried to shake him awake to no avail. He was lost in whatever fog had dulled his brain.
“Need… ass… need fuck…” he mumbled. Drool started to drip out his mouth.
I turned back the machine and pried off the back panel. I began urgently analyzing switches and knobs, trying to determine which would reverse the changes. Even just a way to turn the damn thing off. It just kept buzzing and buzzing and buzzing… I felt a tight grip around my waist.
“Come babe, you want cock?”
My boyfriend had come out of his stupor, but not much. His cross-eyed stare had set itself on my body. His paws were rested firmly on my hips as he drug me closer to him.
“Let me go, I need to figure this out”
“No,” he slurred, “I need you.” He leaned in for a sloppy kiss. He tasted salty and sour. His beard was far more unkept and rough. He smelled virile this close, musky and horny. “You like simple,” he said. No, not said. Commanded. All that daddy energy he brought before was somehow put behind those words, and for a moment I felt submissive to him. And he only needed that moment. “Come.” He lifted his arm and stared into my eyes. A wave of stench rolled down and hit my senses with a crash.
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His gaze, the smell, and the buzzing in my ears. It was all too much as I was drawn towards his pit. I resisted for a moment, giving a hesitant whiff under his gaze. He made no movement. He didn’t have to. I was soon buried in his pit as I huffed his stupefying scent. In the back of my mind I knew this wasn’t right, that I was supposed to be fighting back. But a different whisper entered my mind:
Didn’t I want this? Wasn’t this my choice? Who was it that wanted it to all be so simple?
He pulled me out for a moment to slip my shirt off before I dove back in. At this point I was practically drooling, and I began cleaning him with my tongue. He stroked my chest and back, squeezing my pecs. They felt soft beneath his firm grasp. He soon switched me to the other side and muttered to me:
“Good boy. So horny.”
I was. I was so horny. The more I licked the more my crotch throbbed. My cock was rigid at attention as he pulled me out of his pits.
He’s so hot. Need him. Need cock.
No, no my brain tried to scream, but it sounded distant. A thick fog was between me and my thoughts. Maybe it should stay that way…
My boyfriend stood up and I fell to the floor. Slowly, he began pulling off his jeans.
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I instinctively turned over to receive his cock. My ass was already slick, wet in expectation. Even having sex was so simple. As he pressed his cock against my hole it slid in like a key in a lock. It just felt right. And as he gripped my shoulders and began to fuck me, each thrust felt like a thought was popped in my head. He growled a deep, primal growl as the last thoughts I ever had washed away in the waves of pleasure radiating through my body. My brain felt like the static from the machine. The only thing I had left was instinct. And instinct was telling me to ride the man behind me.
“Fu-uck- m-me- up- da-ah-ddy”
He only grunted as he increased the pace. It felt like hours as the ebbs and flows of our libidos managed to keep us both on edge, so close but never finishing. Till finally, I couldn’t take it any more. I could only manage a moan as I came all over the bedsheets.
“Fuck that’s so hot.” he said, and with one final thrust filled my guts with his dumb cum. Hehe. Cum. As he slid out I couldn’t handle any more. I passed out face down ass up on the bed.
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The next morning I was horny again. And then by lunch. And then by bed time. Days blended together as we fucked, ate, worked out, and slept together. The machine next to our bed never got turned off. Wasn’t there something I was supposed to do with it? Eh, it was too complex. Best to leave it alone as I had my brain fucked out for the third time today. I don’t know how we got by. We never moved out of our house. We always got food with no problems. Anyone who came by would just do whatever we asked. The few times anyone came inside they quickly learned that it was a lot easier to simply give in. If they resisted, babe would simply take them back to the bedroom until they changed their minds. They would come out all smiles, agreeable to whatever we needed. It was as simple as that.
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naneun-no · 11 days
On “Insecure Jikookers”…
Alright. I might lose followers for this and that’s very okay; curate your timeline and protect your peace babes. But for YEARS, every time the phrase “insecure jikooker” has come up on my feed my eyelid has done a little twitchy twitch 🤨🤨
And I have always ignored it, because I’ve never wanted to be out here policing ppl’s language and we are literally supposed to be having fun and celebrating love, like for me that’s the whole point, but —
I’ve been seeing the phrase popping up again surrounding the release of AYS and I just gotta say it.
You guys the term seems so culty 😬🥲
Like I think I get the origin (maybe)? It probably started when some of the early jikook bloggers (if you are one I salute you, I am not worthy, trust me this is NOT a dig at anyone, jikook bloggers are by and large cool and kind af 🙇‍♀️) would get these sketchy asks that were antis or cultists in disguise just casting aspersions on jikook’s bond or being blatantly homophobic and/or in general being rude little anonymous internet gremlins. Or maybe it was people who did want to believe that jikook was real but kept nagging and begging for reassurance at every turn, which I can totally see becoming annoying as hell and prompting people to start using the term.
But it feels like it’s used now as like a catchall for anyone who expresses any doubt or asks any critical questions? Even like… reasonable ones? And I used to see a lot of “hey believe what you want to believe but this is what I believe” but now it seems like the sentiment around jikooker communities has by and large become “if you don’t believe you’re an idiotic dumb person who has never known love — you’re either a rival shipper in disguise or WORSE (dun dun dunnnnn) an Insecure Jikooker — and we don’t want people like you around.”
And idk it just feels weird for a community that has always seemed to kind of pride itself on being the “rational, fact-based” ship… like we LOVE to be smug about how jikook don’t need edits to be obvious, don’t need slo-mo zooms with red circles and arrows because their chemistry and fondness and affection is just plain to see in basic footage. We’re the levelheaded ones 😌.
But doesn’t that mean that we should always be encouraging critical thinking, and if someone comes to a different conclusion than us, so be it? Like it or not, none of us have foolproof confirmation that jikook are anything more than very close friends. That’s literally all we know. The rest is our best guess based on vibes, anecdotes, dot-connecting, subtext and body language observation, experience, perception (!!This is a big one because confirmation bias is real!!), and suspicion. That’s literally it.
Look maybe I’m just projecting 😅 but when you criticize people for expressing reasonable doubt over something that is literally not confirmed, it’s just a little too religious fundamentalist for me! (This is why I was a bad Christian, because I always raised my hand and asked questions the Sunday school teacher didn’t like.)
Feel free to ignore me. I never want to come across as pushy or trying to stir up anything, it’s just a phrase that grinds my gears and I’m sort of hoping I’m not alone in that… but if I am, so be it! 🤣 would love to hear people’s thoughts because maybe I’m missing something.
(P.S. If you’re a troll who spams jikook blog inboxes this is not me defending you. You’re still annoying and you need a better hobby. Have you tried yoga? Snowboarding? Fly fishing? Filming food vlogs and/or painting? You should try cooking. You should stop being an anonymous internet troll stomping on everyone’s proverbial sandcastles and instead write a poem. K bye ✌️ )
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hetalimagines · 7 months
General headcanons for Alfred as a boyfriend (SFW)
Here's my first actual post on this blog, hehe... I can't find the ask but someone requested some Alfred headcanons, so here are my rambles about what I think he's like as a boyfriend!
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He’s honestly not the most traditionally romantic person. Your relationship is more like friends who make out sometimes. But he does have his own little ways of showing you he loves you!
He’ll put together playlists of songs that remind him of you. They’re mostly loose connections, like maybe a song mentions your eye color, or the lyrics remind him of a date you went on together, or it just sounds romantic and makes him wanna kiss you. He likes to sit with you while you listen (to every single song), and he interrupts the songs a bit to explain why he chose them.
“This one had me thinking what if we were dancing in a ballroom together, and out of nowhere, bam! Zombies bust in. The door crashes to the ground! Our dance turns into one of those cool fighting scenes with the—oh, this part reminded me of the time I woke up early and you were about to fall off the bed. You had a cute bedhead.”
(You have no idea what the lyrics are at this point.)
Dates with him are pretty casual, more like “hanging out” than anything fancy. Maybe you stay at home and watch movies/play games, or you go out for dinner at a local diner, or you go do awful karaoke together, or you go and prank a friend together.
He’s happy as long as he’s with you. Bonus if there’s food and/or drink.
He occasionally takes you out to a more traditional restaurant and dresses for the occasion. They’re usually expensive, too. The food isn’t his preference (too complicated for his palate), but if it makes you happy, he’s all for dealing with it for just one night.
His primary love languages are acts of service and quality time. He’s always doing what he can to help you out (and feel proud of himself in the process). Whether he helps you run errands, runs a bath for you ahead of time, or fluffs your pillow before you get in bed, it’s all because he wants to make your life easier!
He gets a little jealous if you ever spend time with your shared friends without him, or if you spend more time with others than him.
He’s so excited if you take interest in any of his hobbies. Movies? He’ll ask if you want to co-write a script with him. (He’s very relaxed about what exactly ends up in the script.) Archaeology? He has so many random facts to dump on you, and he’ll be super impressed by any knowledge you have on it. Conspiracy theories? Time to watch a bunch of documentaries! He enjoys them despite their flaws, but lets you know exactly when something is false and what actually happened.
He tries to take interest in your hobbies, too, even if he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. It could be the most boring thing and he’d still listen and ask you questions about it. If it makes you happy, he wants to know all about it.
Pet names from him consist of things like babe, dude (💀), honey, occasionally sweetie, (jokingly… mostly) prince or princess. It’s all over the place. He’ll call you honey and dude back-to-back sometimes.
He loves debating if you’re comfortable with it! But be warned, he gets very heated about certain topics. His sense of justice is important to him. Otherwise, he’s usually not serious about these debates and doesn’t care who wins.
He tries to keep things light and doesn’t usually let people see his more serious side. He’ll open up to you more over time, however. It’s really him letting a wall down and allowing himself to get closer to you.
Every now and then, he has days where he’s a lot quieter and calmer than usual. He just wants to relax, stay on the couch with you and watch movies or simply chat. Maybe a movie chattering in the background as he tells you about his childhood. He doesn’t try so hard to keep up this energetic, heroic persona.
He’s right back to normal the next day like nothing happened.
Likes to annoy you for fun. Not in a mean-spirited way. He just thinks your responses are cute and has poor impulse control. Poking your cheeks or ruffling your hair or playing an obnoxious song loudly on the stereo while he dances. But he’ll back off if you’re genuinely upset with him. He means no harm.
He loves if you’re willing to play along with whatever he gets up to. Maybe he’s decided he’s going to try and vacuum the whole house while doing a handstand on the vacuum. You can hold onto his legs to help him stay balanced.
This man is very impulsive and has a tendency to get himself hurt. Random bruises all over his body or a cut along his forearm. He bounces back easily, and doesn’t want to fuss over it, but he lowkey likes if you baby him about it. He’ll always say how it’s not a big deal and he can take it, but his heart does this little flutter when you show concern, and even more if you force him to take better care of himself.
He burns himself in the kitchen and you force him to run it under cold water. He’s swooning inside.
He likes to gossip about others, especially over breakfast. He can’t help it; he’s just nosy, and he always has an idea of what’s going on and how he can help out. Huge bonus if you gossip with him!
He loves to feed you, but the majority of the food he brings for you is burgers or tubs of ice cream. He likes to experiment with the burgers’ toppings and seasonings, but they’re all burgers nonetheless.
Every now and then, he does plan some big romantic endeavor. It’s like a surprise. You never know when it’s coming… You wake up one morning and find out he’s booked a week long cruise, your bedroom is filled with balloons, and there’s enough breakfast food on the table to feed an army.
He does this thing sometimes (often) where he swoops in and has to save you. A puddle on the ground? No need to fear! He picks you up and swiftly carries you over it. The safest place for you is in his arms. He’ll even lay down and let you use him as a bridge if you want.
A suspicious penny on the sidewalk? LOOK OUT, IT MIGHT BE A BOMB! Let HIM step on it before you get blown up!
He steps on it. Nothing happens. Better safe than sorry!
If you’re the more independent type, that won’t stop him from trying. He just wants to keep you safe and have you appreciate his efforts. Being disinterested or resistant will just make him try harder.
Says cheesy stuff like “happy wife, happy life” unironically. He’s also the type to use terrible pickup lines to flirt with you. Totally unaware of how bad they are until you start laughing.
He also doesn’t care that they’re bad. He’s just having fun.
Loves to give you his clothes to wear. Seriously. You want one of his hoodies? Try six of them.
You complain when one stops smelling like him so he puts it on, works out, then gives it back to you like :D! Fixed the problem!
He takes so many pictures of you guys. Videos, too. His phone storage is eaten up by it. His favorite thing is to take selfies together. Usually with some silly filter. Or an even sillier caption.
“me and the babe out shopping” and it’s a picture of you, holding a piece of fruit with the dog ears filter
He’s not the most physically affectionate, but he always gives you morning kisses and especially kisses before leaving the house. He also loves carrying you around (mostly bridal style) in his arms for no reason other than he can. A hand on your back, another on your thighs, your head pressed against his chest. He loves it.
He loves knowing you find him physically attractive! He worries sometimes about being too overweight, so any reassurance that you like his body helps. If you think he’s hot, and you’re hot yourself, that must mean he definitely is.
Has a tendency to call you hot, but he’ll call you other things if it makes you uncomfortable.
Occasionally brags about you and how lucky he is. Not as often as you might think. Though he gets oddly competitive if anyone acts like their partner is better than you and starts spouting whatever he can so everyone knows you’re the absolute best. No competition.
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romancefranaticstay · 8 months
˜”°•.˜”°• The Other Side •°”˜.•°”˜
Catgory: a҉n҉g҉s҉t҉
【Warning】: ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ
A/N: Hyunjin is your bestfriend. He recently got a new girlfriend. She seemed very nice towards others, but she shows her other side to you. You didn't care about her, untill she tried to destroy your friendship with Hyunjin...
Part 2 --->
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It was a normal day...
you went to get some coffee. You sipped your coffee and sat on a seat by the counter. Hyunjin wanted to introduce you to his new girlfriend. You were pretty excited.
'Y/N!' you hear him from a distance shouting. You turn around and wave towards him. He is holding hands with his new girlfriend and he is leading her towards me.
'Whats up Hyunjin.' you gave him a high-five.
'This is Brittany. Brittany this is Y/N.'
'Hey.' she smiles shy.
'Hey.' you smile back.
'I am going to get some drinks, what do you want babe?'
'For me an espresso.' her voice sounds very cute.
He went off and she turned to me. Her face went from 'cute/kawaii' girl to a 'bitch-face'.
'So how long do you know mine man?'
'We are childhood friends, so pretty long i guess.' you laugh. She clearly didn't like that.
'Yeah okay, so you ever had feelings for him?'
You laugh: 'Me? No never.'
'What is so funny? What is there to laugh about?'
'Nothing, so... uhmm you have any hobby's?' you ask.
'Not interested in talking to you, sweetheart.' she says.
You are to stunned to speak for a moment. You want to comment on her sentence but then Hyunjin comes back.
'And? What are you two girls talking about?'
You want to say the truth but then she says 'Oh we are talking about mine two dogs. Right Y/N?'
Her smile is fake. It is like plastic. Just awfull, that Hyunjin can't see through her is beyond you.
'Yeah we were having a wonderfull conversation about her 'two lovely dogs'.
'Oops baby, its alreaddy 8 am. Can we please go, mine baby bear?' she says with the sweetest voice.
'Uhmm yeah sure, babe. Bye Y/N.'
'Yeah bye-bye.' she drags him out of the coffee-shop as fast as she could.
'MiNe BaBy BeAr.' you mock her voice.
Some hours later you text Hyunjin to hang out, like you always used to do.
*Hey Hyunjin, today is our game-night. You bring the snacks, i prepared the drinks. Do not come late, i swear Hyunjin. Not like last time.*
You wait for his reply. You wait and wait and wait. Still nothing. After a hour you still got nothing. Tommorow you had to go fill in some papers so you could not be late. You turned off your phone and went to bed.
"Why isn't he replying?" you though.
You read some pages of your book before you went to bed. You dimmed the lights and fell asleep.
It was morning. You slept well, maybe thats because you always would stay up late with Hyunjin.
You checked your phone and found this message.
*I am sorry Y/N. I can't come tonight. Brittany wants to watch a movie, i am sorry.*
You aren't mad at him for choosing his girlfriend over you. Its normal.
*It is okay Hyunjin. I slept like a someone who slept good ;)*
You click on send. Even tho you respect his choice to hang-out with his girlfriend. Deep inside you feel like garabage.
You went to work and focused on doing your job. Your boss wasn't a very nice guy, so you should problaby give everything you've got.
Today you 'accidently' threw coffee on him. 'Accidently'. You were actually pissed off by him. His name is Changbin.
*He needs to be happy he is cute. Because if not, i would have kicked his ass by now.*
you smirk.
'Is there SOMETHING funny Y/N?' your boss Changbin yells.
'No sir, mine apologies for this mess.' you were laughing in your head.
'You think this is funny, don't you?'
'Never sir, i would never find this funny.'
He looked at you with hawk-eyes and he left.
When your were driving home, you first wanted to ask Hyunjin to hang-out.
You tried texting him but apparantly he blocked you?!
You looked at the words 'cannot deliver'.
You don't believe he would block you just like that, so you decide to stop at his appartament.
You run up the stairs and knock on his door.
'Hyunjin, its me!'
Instead of him, Brittany opened the door.
'What do you want darling?'
'Uhmm, i am here for Hyunjin. I want to talk to him.'
'No you cannot.'
'Excuse me?'
Suddenly she starts screaming 'OMG Y/N THAT HURTS, HYUNJIN.'
'What the hell are you doing?!' you ask
She screams for Hyunjin. He come's running over.
'She hurted me.' she fake cried.
'Y/N why would you do that?!'
'I did absolutely nothing, you have to believe me.'
'Hyunjin.' she cried
'I did NOTHING. Stop the dam crying.'
'Hey you do not talk to mine girl like that. Get out!'
'What?' you ask.
'I said get out of mine face, now.' you were to stunned to speak. Hyunjin never yelled at you like that.
'I did nothing.'
'Yeah right i 'believe you'.' he says sarcastic.
'Wow, you really believe her, don't you.' you say sad. You cannot believe it, this moment.
'Go away Y/N.'
You looked at him, sadness growing in your eyes. You will not cry where he is standing. You turn around and leave. This could be your last -best friend- interaction.
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gummy-bearz · 6 months
Yay~ I'm glad you liked my previous request~ how about we Get more SFW and NSFW with kaede akamatsu, Celestia ludenburg along with Angie yonaga and Aoi asahina with a male S/O.
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Celestia Ludenberg / Aoi Asahina / Kaede Akamatsu / Angie Yonaga with a male S/O Headcanons
the hoeezzz gonna loveee this… (I hope)
also I won’t be writing smut of v3 characters; I’m sorry but therefore there will only be NSFW headcanons for Celeste and Hina in this, hope that’s okay!!
- mod hiyoko
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Celestia Ludenberg
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- She’s comfortable around you. And I mean REALLY comfortable. Celeste isn’t afraid to express her feelings around you because she knows you love her deeply no matter what. <3
- If you’re gothic lolita like her, that would be absolutely perfect. You two would decorate the whole entire house with Victorian-inspired decorations.
- If you’re not a gothic lolita, she would ask for permission before decorating the house (please say yes, that would make her so happy)
- Do NOT make this woman mad. You’ll regret it.
- Actually, she will regret it. If Celeste ever yells at you, it was probably an accident and she will apologize later.
- You watch in fear as she screams at Hifumi, however that’s your girl so you gotta cheer her on!!
- Celeste isn’t used to physical touch and it took her a while to get used to it. She was surprised when you hugged her for the first time.
- You two decided to adopt another cat so Grand Bois Chéri could have a friend! However, Celeste wanted to get a black cat. It HAD to be a black cat. It needs to fit her aesthetic.
- She finds it ridiculous when you wear her hair extensions. Ridiculous- but endearing. (You’re probably the only person allowed to touch her extensions.)
- Will she let you win at card games? Maybe.
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Aoi Asahina
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- She is such a sweetheart!!! She bombs you with lots of affection.
- She wakes you up early sometimes so you two can go on a jog. It’s a little irritating but it’s okay!
- If you don’t like going on jogs early in the morning, that’s totally fine with her! She respects your boundaries and won’t wake you up early again.
- She’s extremely happy that she has someone like you. Hina thought that because of her being athletic meant that she wouldn’t be in a relationship because of how “masculine” she seems. :(
- You like tricking her, she’s so gullible that she will believe absolutely ANYTHING you say. You find her reaction to being deceived hilarious.
- Aoi is really strong, she WILL carry you on her back.
- If you’re going through something, she will comfort you in the best way possible. She’ll motivate you, hug you… basically anything that will help you. Aoi just hates seeing you upset. <3
- Whenever you two get doughnuts, she likes to suggest you different types of doughnuts to try.
- This girl HATES staying up late. If shes up at like 2 a.m, she’ll get mad at herself and quickly go to sleep.
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Kaede Akamatsu
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- She’s a total babe, she so affectionate and loves cuddling with you. And by the way, she’s really warm too so bonus points. <3
- Kaede likes to write songs for you. It’s one of her ways of showing you affection since she just LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
- If this girl had one wish, it would be to teach you piano. She would literally be SO SO happy if you asked her to help. Seeing you collect hobbies just makes her smile. <3
- Speaking of smiles, she literally has the most cutest smile EVER (she’s just so cuteness in general!!!). Whenever you see her smile, you feel warm inside.
- If you’re ever insecure about something, she will drown you in compliments. Kaede loves EVERYTHING about you and will do anything just to make you feel better about yourself.
- She doesn’t really care about PDA; she will show you affection in public (such as kissing, hand holding idfk) and will only stop if you ask her to. But when you two are alone she BOMBS you with affection!!
- Girl just wants to protect you no matter what- even if you can protect yourself. She just wants to keep you safe.
- She LOVES going on picnics, the environment there is perfect for her. Extra points if you make her a flower crown. <3
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Angie Yonaga
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- She asks if she can use you as a reference for her paintings- but this is actually just an excuse to spend time with you! (thanks to the random person who told me this in 2021, I never forgot about this amazing headcanon.)
- She will hold you in her arms and cuddle you while saying sweet and comforting things, her hugs are amazing too.
- Angie loves scented candles- she places them all around the room when painting. It brings a tranquil aura to the place though, so you don’t really mind.
- The scented candles are also there for cuddling time. She just loves them. A lot. ok anyway,,
- Her love language is physical touch, Angie loves the feeling of your skin. She doesn’t care if it’s soft, rough or anything because she will still be affectionate no matter what. <3
- Her compliments are always so endearing.
- Whenever you’re feeling down, she gives you lots of reasons to enjoy life just to make you feel better!! <3
- Angie has a very soothing voice, she likes to sing you melodic songs when you’re struggling to sleep.
- Like Kaede, she doesn’t really care about PDA. She will give you forehead and hand kisses (omg I love her sm) and will stop if you ask her too. But she BOMBS you with kisses in private.
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Celestia Ludenberg
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- She’s dominant. If you try to dominate her, you’re going to fail immediately.
- Face sitting? Hell yeah.
- BDSM is a yes to her, she loves tying you up and seeing you whimper and squirm.
- Footjobs for sure, the knee-high stockings stay ON though. (She makes you wash them later.)
- Celeste is a sadist for sure, so she likes to step on you. Or she just likes to use her feet a lot…
- She loves it when you use her mouth.
- She’s more of a receiver than a giver, she barely gives you blowjobs. You just eat her out most of the time.
- When Celeste is riding you, I’d say she’s kind of belligerent? Not that aggressive enough to break your cock.
- Another thing she does is that she puts her gunmetal plated ring against your face so you can whimper due to how cold it is.
- She degrades you by calling you stuff such as her “servant”.
- Her aftercare isn’t really the best, but she’s trying at least…? If you’re feeling sore, she’ll give you a massage.
- Surprisingly skilled at using her tongue, so she’s more of a giver than a receiver.
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Aoi Asahina
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- Shy, but giggly.
- Literally SO loud, she’s out here releasing screams and moans.
- Her hair is down when she’s in the mood, I mean she does look good with her hair down soooo…
- You two probably fucked in the locker rooms.
- Its pretty easy to make her cum- and she also produces a lot too.
- Hina can last for a very long time, she’s got the stamina.
- She likes any position where it involves standing up. But if you don’t like being on your legs, that’s fine with her!
- Shower sex too.
- She likes being fucked against the glass, the way how her breasts push firmly against it… omg.
- Afraid of messing something up, she will constantly ask if she’s doing alright to get your approval.
- I was laughing so fucking hard when I thought of this but she has probably and unfortunately shoved a pool noodle inside of her when thinking about you.
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mendeshoney · 1 year
can you do something like what barzal is like as a bf?
I'm not sure if you intend this as a like little blurb or imagine or whatever but all I've got at this point are bullet points/a list of things I think he'd be like as a boyfriend so here it goes (and by no means is this a reflection of what he's actually like, this is all based on my own assumptions from observations)
he'd definitely be the type to walk around shirtless constantly because now that he lives alone why wouldn't he? plus he likes when you look at him like that so of course he's going to do it all the time
bonus points because he walks around in those little white boxer briefs he very obviously wears (thank you maya for that lovely piece of evidence)
also as we know he's super into picking up hobbies at any time, so it never fails that he's got random things scattered around the house like his guitars, or his 'custom' pickle-ball paddles after he picked that up, cards, literally the most random things
is too shy sometimes to show you what his hobby is so you always wait till he's a little more comfortable with it to ask to see it or to ask him about it, but when the times comes he gets either a) really excited to show you or b) really flustered because he cares about your opinion a lot
he's a social butterfly with the people he's comfortable around and loves being out at places, like on vacation or just out with friends, so whenever he is out with you, he's always leaning into your side or got an arm around you because he seems like the type to unconsciously be attached at the hip, or want to be attached at the hip
the PERFECT social media boyfriend, as we know (again, thank you maya). loves taking photos of you and loves it when you take photos of him
I feel like I can picture that moment when your relationship is still new and maybe you do like a soft launch on instagram of you two on a coffee date and it's just his hands holding his coffee cup/coffee mug and he absolutely eats. that. shit. up.
does his own soft launch of you two at dinner and maybe he's just holding your hand from across the table and even though it takes him like a dozen times because "the lighting isn't right" he posts that shit right away
tries SO DAMN HARD to be a gentleman, like so damn hard, because I feel like he really is a gentle soul. he tries to remember to hold the door open for you, walks with you on the inside of the sidewalk, tries to remember to buy you flowers just because. doesn't really shower you with gifts 24/7 but likes to
loves vacation with you and all the vacation photos that come with it because you both look so damn good
(do you take some naughty photos together? of course you do. naughty videos? maybe, maybe not)
vacation mat is super laid back but at the same time wants to do like three million things in a day, and if you're somewhere warm, you can guarantee 90% of those things involve him being outside the entire time, so he's super sunburnt. you rub aloe all over him every single night before bed so he doesn't peel and have to practically lather him in sunscreen every morning
he gets in these moods sometimes where he likes to spoil you on vacation so it never fails that you end up buying an additional carry on suitcase just to be able to bring all of those things back, including the souvenirs he buys for his friends and family
when you get back from vacation he lasts literally one hour after combing through all the vacation photos and videos you took before he's on his laptop planning the next vacation
"what about greece next babe? or maybe we can do somewhere like bali. what do you think?"
an honestly very low key kind of boyfriend at the end of the day I feel
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Hey babes,
welcome to my blog!
I’ve been lurking on hypergamyblr and leveling up blogs since forever and the advice I got from there actually helped me to achieve some of my goals.
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a subreddit called “RedPillWomen”, and it was eye opening. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t necessarily support every theory on there but right now it just makes sense for me and my lifestyle.
But let me tell you something about myself, so you get an idea:
I am a white woman in my early twenties
I have a finished degree
I live in Europe
I am in a longterm relationship with my man (+3 years)
We live together in our own apartment
My man is very succesful and has his own company
I love to cook and to bake but I don’t really like cleaning
I am a homemaker and a spoiled girlfriend (can you be both?)
I am happy and content with my life but I want more. I promise you, that I’ll always tell the truth on my blog and the truth is, that the relationship with my man isn’t the best right now.
We’re not constantly fighting and there is no toxicity or jealousy in the relationship but it is lacking affection, gratitude, sexual attraction and date nights.
Sometimes it just feels as if I’m living with my platonic best friend which isn’t bad at all but I want to bring this sparkle back into our relationship.
I am a firm believer that every relationship needs work. It’s never like in the books or movies, where everything just comes together and somehow works out for decades. It’s hard work.
I also understand if someone would rather break up with their partner than try to fix the relationship, there is no shame in doing so. Especially if there is any sort of abuse, toxicity or lack of attraction to the partner involved.
However, that’s not how it is in my relationship. I still think my man is hot, he never was abusive or nonsupporting to me. Never.
Besides that – he is financially stable, he has goals he wants to achieve and he works hard to provide for us. It would be dumb as hell if I would break things off with him, just because I don’t feel “the” spark right now.
Yes, maybe I would have more fun with another man, who is not working as much and has more free-time – but I have to think about my future and my goals. I have to think about my life in 30+ years.
I know what I want from my life and I know that if I’m staying with my man this life could come true!
What I want from life:
I want a soft life without worrying about being able to pay the bills
I want to be a homemaker
I want children and I don’t want to worry about being able to afford them
I want my children to be able to experience everything they want. No, I don’t mean spoiling them rotten with materialistic things, more like being able to finance them an exchange year in another country or attending a boarding school – if they want to do so. I also want them to be able to pick their hobbies freely, without worrying about money.
I want a stable relationship without drama
I want to be able to buy the clothes that I want
I want to be able to do all the beauty treatments that I want (maybe shallow but it is what it is)
I want to have the house where everyone feels safe and welcome
I know that I have the right foundation to achieve all of those goals, I just have to work hard for them.
It’s going to be quite a journey but I’m very excited about it. I will start to apply Red Pill theories to my life immediately and see where this is going.
I hope to meet some mutuals through this blog – so please comment if you are one, so I can follow your blog!
See you soon!
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allabtthetrio · 1 year
Something I don't understand is 18+ blogs that write about literal MINORS and say DNI if you’re a minor like sure I know people have boundaries but like....the minors you’re talking about are like 14-17 years old literal TEENS and you’re not talking about anything they don’t already know about. Don’t treat them like literal elementary schoolers just because they're underage. Tumblr doesn't even allow kids onto this platform😂 so the Minor DNI is invalid since everyone on here knows about sex and kinks and whatnot please get serious and be so fucking for real😒 ya’ll are like 20-39 with a job kids and HUSBAND maybe thirsting over literal TEENS let’s be serious aged up or not they're still underage and sex is a normal thing teens and adults do so why mustn't teens that are the characters age not read NSFW about said character??? And the interacting part like sure liking a post is interacting but also not really, since there is no save button maybe they wanna go back and reread the story, and if it bothers you so much to where you have to block said person to “save yourself” which also makes no sense then maybe you need to do something else because it shouldn't have you SEARCHING and LERKING on their page just for their ages. That’s weird. Please get a hobby other than imagining fucking a teenager while being a fucking ADULT
Edit Jul 23: what i mean by
“why mustn't teens that are the characters age not read NSFW about said character???” is if you are at your grown ass age writing sex scenes about underage kids the least you can do is just let the TEENAGERS who you ASSUME are too innocent for literal WORDS for whatever fucking reason read it cuz like i stated before, we all know how ts works what are you shielding them from? They’re fictional characters for fucks sake (if they aren’t....jail time for you babes im calling the COPS🤭) its not harming anyone that a minor read a smut story about another minor written by an ADULT WITH A FUCKIN MORTGAGE TO PAY AND KIDS TO BATHE okay thats all i wanted to add😭 see ya
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fckinwild-kiwi · 10 months
Dec. 12th: Errand Day
Day 12: Grocery Shopping/Somone sets off the fire alarm
Day 12 of @comp-lady’s Domestic December writing challenge is upon us!
Warnings: Maybe Swearing (This is an 18+ blog, minors dni)  Word Counts: 1.1k+ Words Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader
Finally having a day off of work, I decided to spend the day running some unnecessary errands, Target, TJ Maxx, and Ulta. A day full of treating myself with a vanilla latte in hand. After I got out of bed, I took my time getting ready. I put on an outfit that made me confident but was also practical for an errand day. Once I was dressed and I finished my hair and makeup. I walked down the stairs hoping to find some coffee still in the pot from my parents so I could make an iced latte. Instead, I found Steve sitting at my kitchen table reading the newspaper that was undoubtedly left by my dad.
“Stevie,” I said, crossing the threshold into the kitchen and making my way towards him. “What are you doing here, I though you had to work today?”
“I was supposed to but Keith called to swap shifts with me for later in the week. Apparently they needed a manager to be there to sign for a delivery today,” He said, standing up to pull you in for a kiss. 
“Mm,” I acknowledged, leaning into the kiss before breaking away. “Does this mean you want to join me with running errands today?”
“Only if those errands include grocery shopping, I need to get some things for my house,” Steve responded.
“I think I can make that work,” I said before smiling up at the boy. After telling Steve the plans I had for the day, I poured us both an iced coffee and we got into Steve’s car to head to our first destination, TJ Maxx.
“So what do we need to get here?” Steve questioned as you walked through the automatic doors.
“Oh, we don’t need anything. We are just looking to see if we see anything that we can’t live without.”
“That sounds like we are wasting time,” Steve wondered out loud, looking at me with a weird look in his eyes.
“It’s not wasting time, Stevie, it’s like a hobby, unnecessary but it brings joy.”
“Hm, okay,” Steve responded, not really believing it. 
Together, we walked through the entirety of the store, I would pick up random items, asking Steve his opinion of them. Before long, his interest was piqued and he was invested in this ‘hobby.’
“Baby,” Steve said, garnering my attention before shoving a kitchen tool in my face. “Look at this, I feel like this is something we can’t live without.”
“Steve, I’m not sure we have a use for a loose-leaf tea holder,” I said, a smile overtaking my face at his giddy reaction. “Have you ever had a cup of tea?”
“No, but I feel like I could start.”
“And that is when we know it’s the to leave the store,” I said, grabbing the item from him and putting it back on the shelf. Placing my hand out for Steve to grab it, he signed before accepting as I dragged us out of the store. 
“Next up is Ulta,” I said as he put the car into drive. “I have a few things I do need to buy so this is less casual browse and more of a get in and out situation.”
“Thank god, I know even less about makeup,” Steve breathed out.
“Well today is the day I teach you!”
A few minutes later, we pulled up to the Ulta. Steve got out before opening my door and together we walked through the second set of automatic doors today. “So I need to get more blush, mascara, and setting spray, just follow me.”
On a mission to get through the store, I quickly grabbed a basket and handed it to Steve, reminding him to follow me. I walked over to the Morphe setting spray and tossed one can in the basket. Then, I found the Fenty cream blush and mascara and tossed both of them into the basket. “Okay, handsome, let’s go checkout.”
“Let me get it for you,” Steve said as we approached the checkout counter. 
“Babe, these are not cheap, I can get it.”
“No,” Steve argued. “They can’t be that bad. It’s probably what, $30?”
The lady at the counter let out a laugh. “It’s his first time,” I said, pointing at Steve. “It’s going to be more than $30, baby.”
“Your total is $82.37,” The lady at the counter said, looking over to Steve to see his bewildered expression. 
“Yeah, I think I’ll let you get this one,” Steve whispered as I laughed and swiped my card. 
“Let’s go get groceries,” I said as we walked out of the store and back into Steve’s BMW. The drive to the grocery store was quick and before long, I was pulling out a cart to follow along with Steve’s grocery shopping. “I’ll follow you, handsome!”
“Okay, let’s start with the produce,” Steve said, taking off towards the fruits and vegetables. He started grabbing his essentials such as spinach, avocados, bell peppers, carrots, apples, and bananas. Then he started walking towards the bakery.
“Why did you throw in everything bagels?” I questioned. “You hate them...”
“You love them,” He shrugged before throwing more items in the cart. You were thrown off. Of course he would be kind enough to get you your favorite bagel, especially with the increase in sleepovers. After hearing his reasons I mumbled out a quick thank you before pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
With a deep blush forming on his cheeks, Steve turned away before heading towards the dairy section. As I slowly followed him over, he already had a few items in his hands. When I approached, Steve put sweet cream creamer in the cart.
“Baby,” I said, grabbing the creamer back out of the cart. “You hate this creamer, why are you trying to buy it?”
“You love it,” He said, shrugging his shoulder AGAIN.
“Steven,” I said sternly. “You have to let me buy the things that I need to use when I’m at your place.”
“Absolutely not,” he responded before walking away. Steve continued walking down the aisles, throwing in his essential snacks and things to make dinner, especially with his parents away. Once we began walking down the chip aisle, Steve grabbed the blue Takis, throwing them in the cart too. 
“Steven, what are you doing, those are too hot for you!”
“You love them,” He reiterated. “I want you to be comfortable and have snacks and foods that you love whenever you’re with me. It’s my way of taking care of you.”
“Okay,” I whispered, abandoning the cart and throwing myself in Steve’s arms. As he secured his arms around me, I whispered, “Can we get some ice cream too?”
“Duh,” Steve said, smirking down at you. “It was already on the list, we just haven’t made it to the frozen section yet.” 
“You spoil me, Harrington,” I said, leaning up to kiss him in the middle of the grocery story chip aisle. 
“Mm,” Steve groaned, pulling himself away from me to respond. “I’d buy you ice cream and takes everyday if it brought that smile to your face.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you,” Steve echoed. “Let’s go finish up so we can go home and cuddle.”
“Errand day is the best day,” I said bumping my hips to Steve’s as we walked down the chip aisle together, Steve now pushing the cart.
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A Halloweeny date
Anyone you like ❤️
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Word count: 2159
When you and your boyfriend were getting to know each other, he asked you about your hobbies. Your answer was anything horror related.
He thought it was cute. Dating a tough girl who wanted to watch scary movies. But he couldn't expect the extent of your obsession. However, he was about to really find out.
A couple of weeks before Halloween, you showed up at his house with a huge smile on your face.
"Someone is happy to see me", he said.
"Oh my God! I have the perfect Halloween plan for us!!"
"Halloween? I've never celebrated it. Do you want to watch horror movies or something?"
Watch horror movies or something? Lame.
"What? No, we could do that every other day. We are going on a trip!", you said, beaming. And then proceeded to show him the leaflet of the little town you had found and that was the perfect spooky escapade for the two of you.
"A ghost town? Are you serious?", he asked, eyebrow raised.
"Yes. I've always wanted to do something like this. But all my friends and exes thought it was a stupid idea. You don't think it's stupid, right?", you said, puppy eyes ready to convince him.
"Tell me the whole plan".
He really couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes.
And so you did. You had it all planned to the last detail. 
First, you'll be going on a ghost town tour. Some of the locations looked stunning, and perfect to turn your IG feed into spooky perfection. Then, you'll go to the cabin you had rented in the middle of the woods. That was the perfect place for all the other activities planned. But you didn’t share many of those details with him yet, wanting to surprise him. 
"And maybe we can add a sexy spooky game to the list", you said to him.
"Yeah? What kind of game?", he asked you. Hearing the words sexy and game probably made him forget everything else you mentioned.
"I'll think about it", you said, kissing him. "So, do you want to come?"
He sighed. "Ok, let's do this".
"Yes yes yes!!!", you yelled, jumping in his arms. “You are the best!”
“Where is this town? We've been driving for so long”, complained your boyfriend while you drove to your destination.
“Stop complaining! We're almost there”.
“Is it a ghost town because everyone that sets foot here gets killed?”, he said, looking outside at the scenery. “This looks a bit too creepy for my liking”.
“Of course it does. They make it look creepy to fit the theme. You really are terrible at spooky stuff”, you laughed.
When you arrived, you parked near the entrance of the tour. It all looked so good!
“Where are we staying? Near this area?”
“That’s a surprise!”, you said, kissing your boyfriend. “You won’t believe how amazing the place I rented is”.
And then took his hand so he would follow you.
“Ah!”, he screamed for the 10th time when a spiderweb touched his arm.
“Babe, you are overdoing it a bit”, you laughed.
“This is creepy. And I don’t like the feel of spiderwebs. It’s too dark and I can’t see them”.
“You are the one who said this was lame when we went to the first house and now you’re terrified”, you said with a smirk, you loved seeing him being such a baby. He was always the tough footballer. Well, it was your turn to be the tough one today. 
“That sexy game you promised me better be good”, he said, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck.
“You won’t be disappointed. Now take a photo of me in front of this. It's going to look so cool".
An hour later, you finally made it out of the last house and reached the shop.
“Should we buy each other Halloween presents?”, you suggested.
“That’s not a thing, love. No one buys Halloween presents”.
“We could make it our thing. Who cares about rules?”
So you ended up buying him a t-shirt, even though you knew it was you who’ll end up wearing it while you stayed at his place, and he bought you a skeleton necklace that you started to wear the moment you got out of the shop.
“Okay then. Time to go to our home for the day”, you winked.
“Should I be scared?”
“Of me? Never”, you said with an evil laugh.
"A cabin? In the middle of the woods?", he said when he finally saw your destination.
"Yes. Here no one will hear you scream".
"Ha ha".
But when you got inside he was actually impressed. The cabin was gorgeous and had a huge fireplace you were ready to use to set the mood and to help with the October chill.
"Aww, they bought everything I asked for", you said, checking the bags that were in the kitchen. “I’ll leave the best review when we leave”.
"What is that?"
"Ingredients for our cooking and some drinks for a game, maybe?", you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Oh, you are getting me drunk before killing me. So nice of you", he said, making you laugh. "This place is amazing. Slightly terrifying because we’re in the middle of nowhere, but amazing. Like you".
His compliment made you so happy. You put your arms around his neck to bring him closer so you could kiss him and let him know how much his words meant to you. 
"This is only sweets?", he asked, checking the bags.
"In the bags, yeah. There is real food in the fridge. Don't worry. I just thought we could make some homemade Halloweeny sweets. There are so many recipes online".
"Sounds fun. And I'm too far away from civilization for my coach to know".
"I'll help you burn the calories later", you winked.
You picked up a few recipes, including the marshmallow ghosts and some simple cookies also in the shape of a ghost that you could have fun decorating with the frosting. Kid's stuff but it's not as if you knew how to do much better when it came to baking.
"We can eat this while watching a movie".
"I thought watching a movie was a lame plan for today", he said.
"Just watching a movie is lame. But of course we have to watch one. I already picked the perfect one", you said, getting the DVD out of your bag and showing him the cover.
"Cabin in the woods? Really? Let me guess. It's about people in a cabin in the middle of the woods who get killed".
"Kinda. But it's not that great. Bit of a guilty pleasure, you know? And it's not that scary either. Oh, and it has Chris Hemsworth in it!"
"Really? Are we partially watching it because of him?"
"Nah, he doesn't even take his shirt off. That's the scariest part of the movie", you said, faking a shiver and making your boyfriend laugh.
"I'll take my shirt off for you", he said giving you a kiss.
"Much much better than Hemsworth".
Once you had your pizza and your sweets ready to be consumed, you moved to the sofa to watch the movie.
“Zombies? Really?”, said your boyfriend looking at you with a big smile. He told you many times before that the only movies he wasn’t scared of were zombie movies, so you picked that one as a thank you to him for playing along with all the other activities you had planned.
“Ok”, you said as the movie ended. “How about you get the fireplace going while I get everything ready for our game?”
You could notice his eyes following you. He was intrigued about what you had planned and you were really hoping he wouldn’t find it disappointing.
“So”, you started, putting all the things on the table. “I thought about doing a little quiz. And if we get the question wrong, we have to do something out of a few options”.
“I’m listening”.
“Well, just stripping was going to make the game end too quickly. We aren’t wearing much”, you laughed. “So that’s one of the options, which is highly encouraged if it’s you answering wrong. But also we could take a shot”, you said, showing him the tequila bottle. “Or we can do a little bit of drawing”.
“Drawing?”, he asked you, confused.
“Yes. I got this glow-in-the-dark body paint and thought we could paint each other. And then when we go to the dark for other types of playing…well, we’ll get to see our creations”.
“Only you could come up with that idea”, he laughed. “But I love it”.
Your smile was so big it almost occupied your entire face.
“But”, he said. “It can’t be a horror quiz because you’ll have a big advantage”.
“I thought about that too. I’ll ask you horror movie questions and you’ll ask me football questions”.
“You’re kidding”, he said, laughing so hard you frowned.
“I know. I know…I only know the name of your team and the stadium where you play. I’m the one at a disadvantage. That’s how much I love you. I could easily make it so I win and get to do whatever I want to you”.
“Oh, you’ll get to do whatever you want to me later”, he said, grabbing you by the waist and putting you in his lap before kissing you. “And I love you too. Should we start?”
You went back to your seat and put everything in front of you so it’d be easy to reach whenever you needed it.
“Ok, let’s start with an easy one”, he said, forcing you to make a face. “Kinda. Which team has won the most leagues in England?”
“Manchester City”, you said, remembering that was the team that won the last one. So they at least had one.
“No, Manchester United”.
“That’s what I said. Manchester”, you complained.
“City and United are not the same. It’s like…”, he thought of an example you could understand. “Like an original movie and a remake. Like the Nightmare on Elm Street one”.
That made you shudder. “And who’s the crappy horrible shouldn’t exist remake? City or United?”
“Depends who you ask”, he laughed.
“Ok, as a punishment for missing. Though I was very close, I must add. I’ll choose a shot!”
You licked the salt off your hand, took the shot and then saw your boyfriend with a lime wedge in his mouth. You laughed and crawled towards him to get the lime and then get a kiss too since you were already there.
“Your turn! Who’s the first character killed in the original Scream movie?”
“Oh, easy. Drew Barrymore’s”.
“What?”, he said, shocked. “It is her!”
“It’s her boyfriend Steve. Everyone forgets poor Steve. Your punishment?”
“I’ll take my shirt off”.
“Who won the last World Cup?”, was the next question for you.
“Eh…England? No, I would have noticed. Wait! Brazil!”
“Wrong, it was France”.
“Of course it was. Ok…how about you draw something on me?”
And so he moved you closer to him to try and draw a ghost on your thigh. The drawing itself wasn’t great, but he kept on tickling you with the brush and his fingers and made you laugh. He looked so cute all concentrated that you couldn’t help but give him little kisses. Even though he complained about you distracting him, you knew he didn’t mind at all. 
Forty minutes later, you were both sitting in just your underwear, slightly tipsy and with all types of drawings all over your body. After getting a Champions League question wrong, you asked for another glowy tattoo and so your boyfriend got to work. 
“Turn around”, he said.
“But I wanna see”.
“Turn around”.
And so you did. His cold hand moved from your neck all along your spine, making you shiver in the best way possible. When he got to your bum, he took advantage of you wearing a thong to draw on one of your bum cheeks. He gave it a little squeeze and a kiss when he was done.
When you turned back to face him, you stopped him from going back to his seat.
“You know. I’m tired of this game now, maybe we should move to the next one”.
“Should we go see how we glow in the dark?”, he laughed.
“Yeah…and to see how smudge-proof this paint really is”.
Hours later, you lay in each other’s arms and you couldn’t believe how happy you were at that moment. Today had really been the perfect day.
"Thank you for being such a good sport and putting up with all my weird tastes. No one has ever made me feel like I’m not a weirdo for liking what I like until I met you. It means so much to me", you said. 
"I have to love all of you, don’t I? Happy Halloween, my love".
“Happy Halloween”.
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innytoes · 1 year
3 Sentence prompts: Willexie + Thrift Shopping!
Just because they were kind of famous now, didn't mean Reggie wanted to give up on his favourite hobby. Listen, he'd gotten his most iconic outfit from the thrift store. Okay, it had been pretty much his only outfit for a while. But it had clearly worked, because Sunset Curve was topping the charts now and everyone thought he was really cool.
Another bonus to having one iconic outfit was he could just ditch the leather jacket and flannel for the day and be basically incognito. Not that a lot of old people at estate sales knew who he was, but he'd been recognised at a bunch of garage sales and it just felt wrong to try and haggle with someone who really just wanted his autograph.
"Tell me again why you dragged me out of bed at five in the morning to drive down to Pasadena to look at... old junk?" Alex whined, sipping on the giant coffee Reggie had gotten him along the way. He was dressed in one of Reggie's flannels, which honestly was kind of a little treat in and of itself. Reggie himself had stolen one of Bobby's shirts and Alex' denim jacket.
"Because it's fun?" Reggie asked. Alex did not look convinced. "Because we can get cool stuff for the house?" he tried again.
"We can get cool stuff for the house at literally every store we want now," Alex pointed out. Which was true, they had Money now. Of course their co-dependent asses still went and bought a house together like they always said they would. It was just... slightly closer to a mansion than the shitty apartments they'd been thinking of when they were seventeen and broke. "Luke and Bobby spent a couple of grand on a new sound system."
"It's not about the money," Reggie pouted. "It's about the thrill of the chase. It's about treasure hunting! It's about finding unique pieces nobody else has!"
Alex stared at him, unamused, obnoxiously slurping his coffee.
"Fine, you're here because you love me and because I need your big sexy muscles to help lift stuff into the truck if we find anything." He was hoping to find a cool coffee table, or a desk, and they could still use a nice dresser.
"Fine," Alex said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "But if I find something cute, you're doing the haggling for me."
The morning went pretty well. They found some cool lamps, and a couple of nice hardcover science fiction books Reggie thought would look very mature and adult on their shelf. Reggie managed to haggle down on a really mature looking desk that would look great in their 'We're Real Adults Now' house, and Alex did use his sexy muscles to help get it onto the truck.
After a quick early lunch in town, they went to the next estate sale. They agreed to split up, since it was later in the day and they needed to be fast before all the good stuff was snapped up.
Except when Reggie rounded the corner, he saw Alex wasn't looking for a nice dresser or pretty trinkets. Alex was talking to a very hot, very cool guy in a crop top.
Reggie narrowed his eyes, going over. Alex beamed. "Hey babe!"
"Why are you flirting with the enemy?" Reggie hissed.
Alex groaned. "Not this again."
"Hey, Reggie," Willie beamed. "Great job on nabbing that desk at the Gilmore estate, I had my eye on that too. But you got here a little late. Do you want to see the heirloom patchwork blanket I scored? And I found this really cool dresser I'm going to paint..."
Reggie squinted at their rival, annoyed. He wanted a cool dresser. And the patchwork blanket folded over his arm looked really nice.
"I'm sure it will look really cool," he said, trying to keep the sulk out of his voice. He gave Alex another glare.
Alex just stared at him. "Maybe I was distracting Willie so you could be the first to notice those vintage comic books in the corner," he said, and Reggie gasped, running off and rifling through the box before Willie could get there.
"Aw man, low blow, Hotdog!" Willie complained.
"Yeah, I'm evil like that," Alex deadpanned, rolling his eyes at the two of them.
In the end, Reggie came away with some Spiderman and Hawkeye comics that were still missing from his collection, and a cute little side table they could paint a pretty pink for Alex. As they were finishing up and loading everything in the truck at the end of the day, Willie moseyed back over.
"Howdy," he said, tipping a cowboy hat Reggie had completely missed. He felt a stab of jealousy, not just for missing it but also because Willie looked unfairly hot like that. Then, Willie plopped the hat on Reggie's head. "We still on for dinner?"
"The burger place?" Reggie asked, leaning over to press a kiss to Willie's cheek.
Alex popped out of the truck. "Oh so now it's okay to flirt?" he asked, grumpy.
"Of course it is, Alex, it's four thirty," Reggie said, propping the cowboy hat on Alex' head. He did not look as sexy as Willie had, but he did look kind of cute. They should go on a horseback riding date, all three of them, sometime soon. He'd bring it up over dinner.
"Yeah, Hotdog, we're only mortal thrifting enemies between six and four," Willie agreed.
"You two are so weird," Alex complained, but he still climbed down to sit in the bed of the truck to receive kisses from both his boyfriends. And over dinner, he smiled indulgently as his two thrift-nerdy boyfriends compared notes and showed off pictures of the treasures they'd found.
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onelittlespiral · 8 months
FML: Underbaked
I’m playing around with the format on these a little bit.This story has two endings, one of which is here and the other of which can be found here: FML: Overbaked
Consider this the more wholesome ending.
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I’ll say up front that this one is on me. My boyfriend and I had been going steady for a while now. He was cute and smart, but after a few years he just wasn’t the kind of guy I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. Things had just gotten… bland. We hardly ever went on dates, spent most weekends apart doing our own hobbies, and sex was a bit like going through the motions. I wanted a change. So, I ordered one. A new “white noise” machine. But it did a bit more than that. You just adjusted the settings and in a few nights it could grow, shrink, age, add hair, add muscle. I think I even saw a setting for a gender flip. It cost a pretty penny but I figured it would be worth it. I ran it for a while with no settings, just so he would get used to it. But, when I had a business trip that was going to take me out of town for the weekend, I figured it was a perfect time to see what it could do.
Before I left I opened the hidden panel and decided to start pretty simple. I would just program it to make him bigger. More buff, more masculine, maybe a bit more dominant. Could be a nice change to get taken care of when I got back. I dialed in the knobs, said my goodbyes, and flew off for the weekend. Meanwhile, back at home, my sweet boyfriend dozed and grew, none the wiser to his changes. And there were some changes. By the time I flew in Sunday night, a whole new man was there to greet me.
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“Hey babe, you miss me?” In just a few days he had ballooned in size. His biceps were thick, easily picking me up into an embrace. His pecs were strong and juicy as I held onto them while gazing in his eyes. His kiss was strong and assertive, as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like whiskey and smelled like fresh cut sandalwood. And his cock was girthy, as I felt it slowly swell and press up against me. I gave in as he pushed me down to the bed and unbuttoned his jeans. My pants were on the floor in a moment as I laid back in just my jockstrap, ready to receive him.
He pulled me down to the end of the bed, and slowly massaged my puckering hole. I don’t know if the machine somehow taught him how to handle me but as he worked is fingers inside it was so easy to relax and let him stretch me out. He replaced his fingers. I felt his cock, firm and throbbing, as it slid into me. I squeezed as I adjusted to his new size. I felt so full, but it just kept sliding in. As he began to hit my prostate a surprising moan escaped my lips.
“That’s right babe, open up for me.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss. His beard was soft, his lips pillowy. I felt every motion of his body, every little adjustment sent a throbbing through my body. “You’re so cute like this. You ready for daddy’s cock?”
I could only let out an anticipatory whimper as he slowly began thrusting. With one hand he caressed my torso, the other he held my shoulders in place. I was anchored down as he picked up steam. Soon both hands were on my shoulders as he put his weight behind the thrusts. I tried to tell him to slow down, but something about how assertive and confident he was kept the words from my lips. And then it hardly mattered, as he found my prostate and my mind dissolved. He was destroying my ass as all I could do was try not to drool all over myself. All thought was consumed by pleasure as his balls slapped heavy against my ass.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy. Your ass is so tight. Fuck it feels amazing.”
I could feel it coming. I tried to ride the waves of ecstasy but he was not letting up. Suddenly he inhaled sharply.
“God, I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum.” he cried. He made no signs of slowing down.
“Cum…cum in-me.” I was about to burst.
He let out a deep growl as with a final thrust he plunged into me and the floodgates opened. At the same time I saw stream after stream hit his chest. We came at the same time. Panting he ran his finger down his chest and popped a thick glob in his mouth
“Yeah, you even taste delicious.”
This time I pulled him to me, kissing his beautiful face as he slowly pulled himself out of me with a wet pop.
And that should have been it. It should have stayed that way. It was supposed to be amazing. But, somehow, life always gets complicated.
It started with work. Maybe it was a side effect. With how he carried himself, he couldn’t help but turn heads when he entered a room. He would talk about how well respected he was, how all of a sudden people gave a shit when he said something. I guess it came with the territory. But that respect turned into a promotion, and that promotion had him working later and later hours. Plus, with his new body, he had to maintain it. He spent at least two hours at the gym, lifting and running and stretching. He would come home smelling musky, and I would basically be waiting in the bedroom to suck on his sweaty cock. Those nights were some of the best. But then he made friends, gym bros to hang out with, and he would get home well into the night, too tired to do much but watch TV before passing out. Then, my work project turned south at the end of the year. Our client was furious and I had to fly out almost every other weekend to some meeting to plead for time or try to get the project back on track. It felt like we just kept missing each other.
“I know it’s been hard to manage time but can we please have this weekend,” he begged one Thursday night, “I miss you. I miss us.”
I sighed, “I can’t. We just have to make it to the spring when we launch and it should be good. But until then I have to keep up with these clients.”
“I know, I know but can’t they send someone else?” He came in close and began to stroke my hair, “I need my good little boy here.”
I flushed and turned away, “You know I’ve been working for years to close this project out. I can’t just leave it when we are this close to the finish line.”
He looked hurt, “So instead you’re just leaving me behind?”
I snapped my head back to his, “You’re one to talk. I feel like I haven’t seen you in months. One promotion and suddenly you want to lecture me on my career? Plus all the time you spend with your gym buds. Enjoying the sauna together?” The moment I said it I knew I crossed the line
“…I’m going to bed.” He slammed the bedroom door behind him.
“BABE! No, that’s not what I meant. Please-” I jiggled the locked handle. No response. Dejected, I turned towards the couch, collecting what throw pillows and little blankets I could.
I tossed and turned all night, yet when I woke up he had already slipped out without a word. I wandered back to the bedroom and tried to find solace in the shower. Warm water ran down my back as mulled over the prior evening. When did things get so tough? It felt like just yesterday we were just some freshly graduated kids, now we hardly saw our friends or each other, just crunched all day at the office. Things back then were so… simple. That’s it! I shut off the water and quickly dried off. In the bedroom sat the machine. We had kept using it just for the white noise. Worked like a charm, who knew? It may have been what caused all this, but maybe it held a solution. There was the knob I was looking for: simple. I took it and cranked it up. I needed change and I really needed it quick. Two nights would perfect. If it was anything like last time, by the time I am back Sunday night this could all be solved. I threw a bag together for my trip and went off to the airport. Today I would give him space, and by tomorrow I had a hunch the problem would practically solve itself…
I woke up the next day, groggy from the flight and meetings yesterday. I was not looking forward to another full day today. Just then, my phone buzzed next to me. A text came through from my boyfriend:
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got a long day ahead babe. miss u 😘
He looked so… care free. There wasn’t a bag under his eyes. And he never just texted to say he missed me. He never seemed to have time. Seeing him with his arm frown back and that stupid little smirk got me going more than I expected it to. I texted back:
I miss you too. I hope you aren’t too bogged down with meetings today. Love ❤️
He responded: no meeting’s, boss had a safety talk last week. just work
Safety talk? Whatever, I’m sure he would be fine. Probably one of those cyber security talks from the 2000’s. Either way, I couldn’t dwell on it too long. Had to get ready for this team meeting.
The weekend was a blur. Meeting, crunch, eat repeat for two days straight. I hardly had time for myself, much less checking in on my boyfriend’s progress. But he seemed to be coming along nicely, and I could surmise a bit. His stressful job in engineering had been replaced with construction site manager, then just a regular blue-collar worker. His texts had become more casual, and when I talked with him for a few minutes Sunday morning he was kicking back with some friends having a beer. He even took a nap Sunday afternoon, speeding him along maybe a little further than I would have liked. He sent me this text when he woke up as I was on my way to the airport:
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Mmm, I miss u, gonna need ass when ur back
The next text was just a picture of his rigid cock. I chuckled a bit. I definitely had gone a bit too far but we could adjust that later.
I miss you too babe. You should probably get up. I’ll be home in a few hours and you can have me then 😉
Little did I know.
I hopped out of my cab and began working through airport security. I made it to my gate with plenty of time to spare. While I had made it to the gate, the plane, evidently had not. Winds and snow out of the northwest had delayed it. It was supposed to be an hour delay. But as one became two, the storm system had moved south.
Passengers of flight AM267, we regret to inform you that your flight has been delayed. With the current storm system, we are not projecting to be able to leave till tomorrow at 8:47am. On behalf-
I tuned out as my mind began to race. Tomorrow? That would throw off my whole work week! And the product launch would have to be delayed even further if I’m not there…
I began crunching the numbers on how far back this would set us as I hopped on a shuttle to the nearest hotel. With the sudden influx, it took a few hours before I was checked into my economy room next to the elevator. I had made the necessary calls to my team letting them know about the situation and… oh shit. I didn’t even call my boyfriend! He’s probably still waiting up for me. Quickly I fired off a text letting him know what was up. The day had been exhausting, I wouldn’t be up for much tonight anyways. I didn’t even change out of my jeans as I passed out on my bed.
The next morning the storm had passed, so it was back to the airport to catch my flight. We were luckier than most, I figured it would take them at last 2 days to be fully back on schedule. Still, everything had been thrown out of sync with the delay. It was almost 2:30 by the time I was sliding my key into the front door. I walked upstairs to throw my luggage in the bedroom when I stopped outside the door. Inside, I could hear a faint crackle, like the fray of a radio. Just the sound gave me a headache, and I felt an itch in my teeth. And then it clicked, and my stomach dropped. I threw open the door and immediately turned off the machine that had been running all day. A faint breathing was behind me. I turned and my eyes went wide.
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There he was, still laid back on the bed, hat on his head, wide awake. The thousand yard stare said it all. He had been listening all night and all day.
I tried to shake him awake to no avail. He was lost in whatever fog had dulled his brain.
“Need… ass… need fuck…” he mumbled. Drool started to drip out his mouth.
I turned back the machine and pried off the back panel. I began urgently analyzing switches and knobs, trying to determine which would reverse the changes. Any of them. I didn’t want a dumb brute of a man. I wanted my boyfriend back. I slowly began to cry when all of a sudden:
“Hehehe… HAheHa- AHHAHHAHA”
I snapped back around to see my boyfriend laughing his ass off.
“Oh my god, you should have seen your face. You were terrified.”
I shouted through tears, “WHAT?!? Wha- what is happening? WHAT DID YOU DO?”
He was red in the face, “You thought I wouldn’t get suspicious? The tech is good but it isn’t that good. I could feel something was off the moment I walked in after you left.”
I was choking back tears, “You… were… you were pranking me?!?”
“You deserved it after that shit. Honestly, what were you thinking babe? Just gonna dumb me down and all our problems would go away?”
I was at such an emotional high I could only cry as I slumped into his strong arms. He had that same fresh smell, the smell of the man I loved, still with me. He moved to comfort me better.
“That’s it, it’s okay. You’re okay.”
I felt at ease in his embrace. He leaned down and began to kiss me.
His lips were delicate as they met mine, careful and probing. I his soft and masculine touch sent a shiver down my spine. As his tongue found its way into my mouth I could taste whiskey on his breath. I pulled back a bit:
“Celebrating without me? We could share a glass.”
He chuckled, “Just a glass to ease my nerves. I was a bit worried you would be furious with me.”
“Oh I still am,” I furrowed my brow in faux rage, “I thought I had lost you.”
He slid me off his lap and onto the bed. He leaned over my frame. “Well I’m right here,” he said, “What do you want to do with me now?”
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I reached up and squeezed his pecs. “As punishment for worrying me,” I said, “I want that cock I was promised yesterday.”
He chuckled, before turning rather serious. I was worried for a moment I had offended him. “Gladly,” he said, leaning down for a kiss. But pulling away he whispered, “But as punishment for you trying to change me, you’re gonna have to take it.”
I felt suddenly the weight of his member against my hole. When had he slipped my pants off without me noticing? I became acutely aware of just how girthy it felt. Maybe he had made some changes for himself while he was gone. He quickly threw my legs onto his shoulders and rubbed his slick head against my hole. As he breached me, I moaned, feeling my anus suddenly stretched wide. He gave me only a moment to adjust before he began pumping. Slowly, he picked up speed as my cock came alive. I began rubbing my crotch before he smacked my ass and swatted my hands away:
“You want that taken care of too, you just have to ask. I am here to satisfy.” He placed his thumb over my head and rubbed my pre around my head, sending me writhing. He then spat in his hand and grabbed my shaft and started pumping in time with his thrusts. The combination was unreal, and I began bouncing in sync with him.
“I love you,” he panted, “I love you so much.”
“I- love- you,” I muttered between breaths. He grinned and picked up the pace. I disolved into a moaning mess, my prostate being milked by his quick thrusts. His stamina was unreal, it was hard to keep up. And then, I felt a throb. I knew what was coming.
“Fuck,” he said, “I can’t hold it much longer. Your hole just feels so good.”
I felt my cock throb in response. I couldn’t hold it either. “Yeah babe, cum-” was all I got out before he released. He grunted, but didn’t let up as he continued to stroke my cock. He was determined to finish me off too. He didn’t have to wait long. A minute later my jizz shot across his beautiful chest, even getting a little in his beard. I felt him examine his work, taking pride in his boyfriend.
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“I missed you,” he said, and collapsed on top of me. He was warm and heavy in all the best ways.
“I missed you too,” and I wrapped my arms around him.
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
The Lost Boys (Marko & Dwayne)
Love Languages <3
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
Physical touch
Quality time
He wants you to know that he thinks about you when apart, but thinks it’s too cheesy to actually say
So gifts it is!
He’s like a cat: he just takes whatever items he got for you and leaves it on your bed he also hisses at ppl but that’s not the point
If it’s a poly relationship he leaves a little note, even though he’s the only one that doesn’t hand it to you
If he’s being honest, he just really likes stealing things & making you happy adds to the thrill
He makes a mental note if you say that certain patches in a store look cool bc he wants to make you a jacket
The thing he hated most about his human life was how everyone just saw him as a troublemaking hothead, and never wants any partner of his to feel the way he did
He’s very supportive of new hobbies and interest
“Yo, you made this babe? Am I/(are) we dating a genius or what Paul?”
He’s like Paul in that he calls you nicknames most of the time, but still calls you at least a version of your name at times
He’s very happy to do things for the ppl he loves bc it means they trust him enough to ask
He and David get along especially well bc of this
The only times he might say no is if it’s an errand to close to sunrise, if he’s focused on art, or if he’s pissed at you
But he will eventually do it if he can afterwards
“Don’t worry Angel, your amazing boyfriend will take care of it”
Like Paul, he doesn’t care about any reputation & wants ppl to know you’re together
But sometimes you gotta let the man be
He won’t go too far in public, but he will do enough to earn some eye rolls from older crowd members
If he sees them he makes a note to “deal with them later”
In the cave, as long as Laddies not there he doesn’t care who sees
He likes to sleep between your legs with his head on your stomach(if you’re on a bed)
If you’re sleeping while hanging he chooses a random person to snuggle up close
The day the frog brothers came was the only time he didn’t
“Aww geez can you guys go somewhere else? I’m trying to eat here” “fuck off Mikey, there’s more places to eat around here!”
Marko doesn’t like most peaceful activities
Sitting together doing separate things in silence? He can already feel himself falling asleep
The only exception is drawing, but he still wants to talk with you
“Wanna see David in a sombrero? How about Star as Wonder Woman?”
If it is quality time, he wants to do activities WITH you or add one of the other love Languages to the mix
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
Physical touch
Quality time
Like I said before, Marko had a bad time in his human life, so when you give him compliments he is over the moon
Especially if it’s not just physical compliments, though they’re also appreciated
If you like his art he might cry with joy
Then bribe you not to tell anyone he did
If he’s upset at himself, all he wants is someone to notice he’s trying his best
I hc that he is trans, so masculine nicknames do the trick
“Hey handsome, how’s it going?” “I love you Angel” he proceeds to stick his tongue down your throat
He really appreciates ppl doing things for him bc he used to be on his own for the most part
It still amazes him anytime anyone does something for him w/o expecting something in return
“So you just, decided to get the food for everyone so I wouldn’t have to stop drawing?”
When Star pieced his ear for him is when he first wanted David to turn her
He loves when you hug him for no reason
Hell he loves when anybody from the cave wants to hug him
Even Michael
It sends chills down his spine if you kiss below his ear
Every. Single. Time.
If you show him physical attention in public like an arm around him or a kiss, he can’t help but smile
He does need physical space at times and as long as you respect it when he tells you he won’t be annoyed
He likes patches and art supplies you give him
Maybe some jewelry
But overall just feels bad when you get him big/expensive things even though he does it all the time
“I know I stole you 10 things yesterday but this is a really nice shirt!”
He feels a little better if it’s stolen, but is still guilty that you risk getting in trouble for him
It makes him giddy at the same time
As long as it’s a small thing you know he likes, he gets excited and will immediately start thinking of how to incorporate it into his life
“Do you think Star would give be a second piercing so I could wear this at the same time?”
Again he needs activities you can do together and talk about
He really appreciates when you set up activities for him & you to do with some or all the other vampire ppl to do
Quality time
Acts of service
Physical touch
Words of affirmation
He’s a lot quieter than the other boys and I think that plays into how he shows love
Sitting together reading, listening to music, or just doing your own things is enough for him
He’d take his partners on bike rides separately, if it’s one of the boys he asks if they’d ride on the back of his bike
He wants you to know that you make him comfortable enough to let his guard down
If you don’t know how, he wants to teach you to drive a motorcycle
He’s like Marko: he sees you asking for things as trust
He likes doing things that you struggle with rather than little things
Have a hard time doing menial task? He made your bed and folded/ put away your laundry while you were out
Wants to make sure you’re alright and ur needs are met
Ok tbh, I struggled with the gift placement
I know it’s not low on the list, but it’s not high
He doesn’t so much get you things, but he will make you trinkets or help Marko customize clothes for you
He’s fine with PDA, he just doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
He does it more and more once you get to know each other
He likes to cuddle as long as you aren’t on top of him
He will lay on you though
Mostly just holds & kisses your hand if Laddie is nearby
Like I said, he’s a quiet guy
He does compliment and say your attractive, it’s just not that often
When someone he cares for is upset or stressed, he lets them know he’s proud of them
“It’s ok Marko, that guy was a jackass but I’m proud of you for not fighting him here, I’ll help you catch him for dinner”
Quality time
Physical touch
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
He likes when you just plop down next to him on the couch and do your own thing
You chose him to be near and he loves that
If you surprise him with a date night just the two of you he’s thrilled
Even more happy when you do activities with him and Laddie (taking them to get comics, drawing, teaching laddie to skateboard)
It makes Dwayne feel special when you get him things, even if it’s stupid
“Look at this little stuffed animal I got for you. I know it’s not your thing, but come on it’s a bat on a skateboard!” Literally looks at your with heart eyes
Takes VERY good care of the things ppl give him
Paul ripped a page of a book David gave him once and the others had to hold him back for a while
He may be nervous about touching you, but LOVES when you touch him
Literally anything: jokingly punching his shoulder still makes him smile
Plz massage this boys head, he doesn’t even realize that he lets out a moan or a whimper sometimes
Likes when ppl hold his cheek and do the thumb swiping thing
He likes to arm wrestle ppl too, idk why
He likes being told he’s doing good bc he gets really in his head about messing up
He was painting something for Star and messed up the colors, she said it was still wonderful and can’t believe how much talent he had
She was lifted into a hug so fast and NOBODY expected it
Comments on his appearance such as calling him handsome makes him flustered
Normally just smiles, shakes his head a little, and says thanks
Overall prefers he just does things for you
You don’t need to do things for him, but he likes it
The first thing that made him see Star as a potential sister was her giving him his piercing bc he always wanted one but didn’t trust the boys or himself to do it
If he’s nervous about messing up and you help that’s when he’ll probably compliment you
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dynmghts · 5 months
no mother forgets the day they finally meet that precious screaming bundle of joy. mitsuki had never truly believed the whole "they grow up so fast" saying until becoming a mother herself. it feels as if time really has flown by and she truly cannot fathom how it has done so. what happened to that toddler who stubbornly refused to climb down from the tree? the same one that scurried away squealing seeing his mother climb after him with ease. a fond memory, a test for the pair of them. two stubborn peas in a pod.
now seeing him older, maybe wiser, poor mitsuki cannot help but smile with tears in her eyes. her little boy, all grown up. not so little now, really. he is already at her height ! practically a man now. no longer the little boy running about playing hero, he is practically already one.
❝ i know, i know, crying isn't your thing. ❞ already expecting that little observation of his. laughing softly as those same crimson eyes stare back at her [ he really is a mini - me. ] still full of fiery passion and determination. always has been like that, her little katsuki. ❝ just remembering when you were born, even then you were putting up a fight. so ready to take the world by storm from the moment you were born. i couldn't have imagined what an amazing man that little babe in my arms would've become. and look at you ! ❞ hands softly gesturing at him, still smiling. still beaming. ❝ my little hero all grown up and ready to show the world what you can do. look out world, katsuki bakugo is coming for ya ! ❞
hands come to rest on his shoulders. when did he get so tall ? he used to look up at her and now it's the opposite. her beautiful boy, all grown up. those tears are still stinging, sorry katsuki. your mother is emotional over you.
❝ but before you go taking the world by storm, we've organized a little birthday thing for you. remember those hikes we used to do when you were small ? we're gonna go up there with a homemade lunch, your favourite too. sound good ? just some time for us, like the old days. ❞ a little pause. ❝ we got you presents too ! ❞
here did she turn, only momentarily before turning back and holding up a brand new hiking bag. more suited now he's older, state of the line. with a set of sunglasses tucked neatly into a pocket with a little bow on top and a beanie in the opposite pocket. ya know, some essentials for hiking.
❝ happy birthday, katsuki. ❞
when katsuki was a child, his birthdays were something to look forward to. they didn't have to be elaborate. the young boy was perfectly okay with an all might themed cake, a party of close friends and family, gifts of his interests combined into a modest pile ; plenty that were all might related, of course, since no-one else would do ... [ why would he want any other hero ? ] ... but sharks were included. history too. bakugou katsuki would want for nothing more.
often, there would be an adventure into the mountains around his birthday as well ; an introduction to his favourite pastime, and a hobby he could spend with either or both parents. while he suspects it was to burn off his energy, it was the one thing that hadn't changed. he developed a love for marching through uneven terrain, undeterred, looking for the breath-taking view atop the mountains.
katsuki stopped wanting to do anything more than dinner for his birthday after ten. by twelve, it was more like going through the motions, less and less interested in actually celebrating. their yearly tradition of family hiking slowly faded to him going out solo.
his seventeenth was caught up in the middle of two wars ; while he and the rest of class a were searching for izuku, there was only a brief window in which his parents were able to wish him a happy birthday. it felt redundant, but enough. it was the first time katsuki made a promise to go hiking with them when it was all over, because of course he believed nothing bad could come of what follows. he's bakugou katsuki, great explosion murder god dynamight - he'd almost faced death once already and like hell he was going to let it stop him this time.
and then, the final war. the aftermath. the trials and tribulations.
despite the gruelling year between his birthdays, today is his eighteenth, joined by his final year of study at ua - he was already taller than his mother by sixteen, just a couple of centimetres above. now, he was even taller than that. a staggering extra six centimetres ! [ when he isn't slouching, giving the illusion he hadn't grown at all, he is just overlooking his father ; with that, bakugou katsuki was officially the tallest in their household. ] he stands in front of his mother now. his hands are in pockets with eyes rolling at the glassy look in hers - almost like he was sixteen again, discontent with the sudden emotional exchange.
but he isn't sixteen now. he's eighteen, and tall, and brave, and strong and undaunted by his past experiences ; a boy, now a hero.
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❛ could you be less embarrassing ? ❜
katsuki tries to hide the way his face flushes from his mother's remembrance of his younger self - he doesn't doubt it, though, that he was loud from his first breath. [ he would make his presence known coming into the world, staying in the world, even in the distant future. ] he remembers enough of his rambunctious childhood to know that she's also remembering a determined boy. the same boy who would climb trees to get away from her. the same who would thrash about to avoid a bath, despite dirtied knees and face and hair.
the one who would find new and exciting ways to sneak up on her and try to spook her through the halls, in cupboards, behind the couch when she believed herself to be safe. or, the one who would make mitsuki play hero with him - where he'd charge in and practically barrel into his poor mother, all grins and laughter until she playfully concedes defeat, praising her little hero son for his victory.
before he gets any further in how embarrassing his mother was being, his brows furrow while looking at her, head tilting. a hike ? lunch ? presents ?
his confusion doesn't last long. crimson eyes follow her matching ones to look at the three gifts she's arranged, more than likely with his father in tow, prepared specifically for him - calloused hands seize the bag from hers. he turns it around with a keen eye, inspecting it, feeling the fabric. [ he expected high quality, of course. his parents don't settle for anything less, just the same as he does. ] he lifts the sunglasses out of its pocket to look through the lens, and settling it back in as he notices the beanie.
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damn his father and his strong-ass emotions passing down to him, and damn his mother for getting stupid emotional on him too - the young blond huffs, gaze turning downward as he tries to settle the bag in his arms, awkward. he bites his inner cheek. he stares at the gifts before he concedes ; ❛ thanks, hag. ❜ [ she must be as thankful as everyone else he was still here to live out his eighteenth birthday. to keep being the hero she knows he is. ] ❛ gimme fifteen and i'll be ready for that hike. you better be able to keep up, or i'm leaving you behind to suffer the hard shit on your own. ❜
he jests, and he knows that mitsuki knows that. he also knows that bakugou mitsuki knew too well that her foul-mouthed, impolite son is actually a kind soul under all that bravado - as if he would leave his own mother behind.
to think that once, mitsuki was the one leading the way on trails with a very young katsuki following her, bewildered by his new surroundings and constantly watching his tiny steps to not trip over rocks that may be pebbles to the older bakugou. to think that he'd end up tripping over a branch anyway, and she would calmly clean his knees and put all might themed band-aids on the wounds. to think that she was once able to carry her son on her back with ease, especially when he would rub at one eye, exhausted, and quietly look at his mother with a plead for help.
on this upcoming hike, her eighteen-year-old boy will rush over logs and boulders with the occasional glance back. crimson will keep making contact with a matching pair, hand outstretched when he notices her struggling to climb up. he'll jest that she's getting slow but then offer to carry her stuff. and whenever they make it to the top with the view they're after, he'll be all grins and relaxed shoulders, idly chatting to her about anything and everything that comes to mind.
and in the end, that young, rambunctious, heroic son of hers - despite the hard two years he's had to face - hasn't changed a bit.
@antiquelic / katsuki's birthday wishes! <3
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