#babbling about: DW
bonefall · 3 months
This AU is basically the Dungeon Meshi of Warrior Cats. This is a high compliment.
It's so funny, I get that a lot and I totally see it + appreciate it, but BB actually predates me being a fan of Dungeon Meshi! I've been getting that compliment since even before the anime dropped.
It makes perfect sense though. Dungeon Meshi uses food as a metaphor for communication across individuals, class, and most relevantly culture. It's something that brings people together, even when that's being addressed as a sinister thing when.......
Ah. No spoilers. You should go and read the manga to find out what I'm teasing ;)
I do something with a lot of overlap in BB. Food is an extension of the culture of the five Clans. I use it to characterize individuals too and as a metaphor for things at times (like Darkstripe's growth or cultural friction in Heartstar's Rise), but most of all, I try to emphasize the food as the product of the society that makes it. The biome, the diet, the behaviors of its chefs... so Dungeon Meshi and BB are naturally going to draw some interesting similarities.
Plus, Dungeon Meshi's a good ass series man, it's downright awe-inspiring. I hope I can make a narrative as satisfying as Ryoko Kui can, lmao. I love how much that girlie loves food
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kung-fu-cutbug · 3 months
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"I don't wanna get all sappy an' mushy on a guy I just met while I'm rottin' away in a cell, but... After all I've already told ya, I might as well get it off my chest, right? I MISS MY PARTNER! I miss 'er so bad, Mar, but after what I did to 'er I doubt she'd want anythin' to DO with me!"
the autism is consuming me
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
“Given the choice between saving the world and saving the children, the Doctor goes the wrong way.”
which is what i feel like the thesis statement of eleven should be considering the blatant parallels between him and the star whale in 5x02. whether or not it holds up throughout the rest of that season is. :/ but what they established there, with Eleven as someone who goes first to a crying child to help them and who is the star whale who came to help them because it heard children in pain and was hurt for so long that the doctor considered it the only merciful option to literally stop it from feeling, when it still wanted to help the children of the city that was hurting it. genuinely, that episode might have been my favorite of s5 because that was just such a fantastic and quick summation of what I thought this version of the doctor was going to be: someone born out of the pain of losing it all as opposed to ten being born in the light of new love, someone who would consider it a mercy if he could turn off feeling all of the pain and just carry on but who also resents the idea of that being taken away from him, the pain, the hard choices. and most of all: someone who keeps coming back because there are children crying, and someone has to save them. (with, of course, the irony of it being his companion — a child he promised to help and then abandoned for years with a malicious presence in her home, one who, when it takes her form, shows her as a child holding the hand of a false image of him.)
AND LIKE. again. again. im really not sure how much of that actually ends up being what eleven’s about by the end of s5. but goddamn. is that a strong opener to start on and the idea of it will haunt me forever even if it never gets followed through on.
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stick-by-me · 6 months
Finally got through my first 500 followers' new follower stickers!! They were a delight to do but I'm gonna have to slow down for the sake of my own sanity XD.
So! This is your obligatory reminder that if you haven't received a new follower sticker yet, but want one, make sure to let me know! Asks, DMs, replies/reblogs, or carrier pigeon are all valid means of contact. You can also leave a "🐇" on this or any other post and I'll be sure to give you one.
Otherwise, I'm just going to do new follower stickers that I feel have a very obvious and sticker applicable theme :P And then it's back to posting whatever silly stickers I see fit! I've got some rad vintage Power Ranger stickers I haven't had a chance to post yet...
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ice-coffeeeee · 1 month
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Volleyball shenanigans
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australet789 · 2 years
speaking of pets, we (yes we, my mom loves my mouse) bought Gus a hamster ball so he can do some exercise (he is getting fat again).
First day he got lost under my bed xD
Second day (today) i put him there while i cleaned his cage and my mom was checking on him. He has got a better handle of the ball and actually got close whenever i spoke to my mom (he has learned to recognize my voice yei!)
The funny part was when one of my dogs got closer (the young one, Canela.The old one, Nieve, saw it, realised it wasnt a ball for her a ditched him) and was like “whose this?” and suddenly my mouse, idk how, turned the ball and started chasing my dog xD Canela got scared because Gus was literally “oh YOU WANNA GO?” in his little ball and she just decided to hide under our table. Then Gus came back to where i was cleaning his cage and stayed there.
Btw, before someone says “you shouldnt put prey animals together with predators”. I know. That’s why mom was checking on my mouse. But we can just lock up our dogs for no reason or they get stressed. I was checking as well whenever i could so nothing happened and the ball is pretty strong and a good barrier so there wasnt going to be any interactions between them.
I will post photos later so you can see how good the ball is. But my mouse is currently sleeping and ok.
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hazmatazz · 1 year
i hate gun byers i hate gun byers i hate gun byers i hate gun byers i hate gun byers i hate
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vulturevanity · 9 months
ever get a headache so sudden and intense you almost throw up
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capitainecorbeau · 9 months
Me : *discovers that sex can be fun*
Me : *immediately enters a slut phase*
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cowardlychimera · 1 year
Hey, about you wanting anime recommendations; apologies if I'm being Captain Obvious right there and I skimmed over something in your post, but what kind of anime are you looking for? Is there some genres you're specifically looking for, or some genre you want to avoid?
pretty much anything I guess? I'm not too picky with genres!! especially since I don't really understand how genres work lol
only stuff I can think of that I'd prefer to avoid is anything sexual really (I don't mind a few jokes or something, but more than that I'm not really interested </3), and pedophilia/incest of course... I can handle stuff like gore/murder/etc though!
basically just gimme anything you like that you want others to see, you can even tell me about it a bit if you want :3
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ivashkovadrian · 1 year
You can’t tell me this is a satisfying ending to Ted Lasso. Ok some parts are but the main? They teased ted x Rebecca SO HARD with that opening and this is what we get? And he wants to get back to his ex-wife (they fell out because. Life and drifting apart?) ?? For no reason?? He left everything for this ?? Idk I have many thoughts
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wurmzirkus · 2 years
finished my rewatch of doctor who season 1 and now im walking around seeing shrimp colors
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wycross · 1 month
I went to the store, DESPITE my anxiety, and how am I rewarded??? They were out of chicken nuggets. My #1 safe food. AND they've stopped stocking the big cartons of the ice latte I drink in the mornings entirely. The tag was gone. My local grocery store has it out for me I am convinced
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Seeing how Eleven was with the kids in the Widow and the Wardrobe...while it would have Actually Killed Me to see Nine or Ten interact with children (especially alongside Rose), I wish we got to see that.
Someone write a low-stakes fic where a lost kid wanders into the Tardis in the 60's thinking it's an actual police box, looking for help, and Rose and the Doctor have to find the kid's parents in an era before cell phones or internet.
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Watch me succumb to seasonal depression and actually consider making vent posts again
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rafecameronssl4t · 5 days
Family man || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: first glimpse of Rafe and his first daughter Madeline!!!
Warnings: slight angst?
Word count: 1,358
A/n: will be writing more about readers birth soon dw!!
MASTERLIST (forced marriage au masterlist)
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divider by @h-aewo
The sound of approaching heels echoed down the hall, drawing closer until they stopped outside the door. Barry’s conversation with Rafe came to a standstill as the two men glanced at each other. Barry raised a curious eyebrow, while Rafe’s sharp gaze fixed on the door. His fingers tightened around the glass of scotch before he swiftly brought it to his lips, downing the amber liquid in one go.
As the glass returned to the table with a quiet clink, the door creaked open, revealing you holding Madeline in your arms. Leo, trailed just behind, his small hands tugging at your dress. “My, my, Mrs. Cameron. Looking good,” Barry remarked with a playful grin, his eyes lingering on you longer than Rafe appreciated.
A quiet tension filled the room, unnoticed by Barry but evident in the subtle narrowing of Rafe’s eyes. You offered a polite smile, always composed. “Thank you, Barry,” you replied evenly, stepping further into the room, feeling Rafe’s gaze on you, cold and sharp.
Rafe rolled his eyes, clearly unamused by Barry’s remark, his irritation simmering beneath the surface. “What are you doing here? I’m busy,” Rafe muttered, the frustration lacing his voice unmistakable as he lazily flicked the unlit cigarette in his hand. Your eyes instinctively followed the movement, a silent reminder of a habit you yourself had let go of since the children were born.
You took a breath, your tone firm yet careful, “Can you watch the kids for a couple of hours?” Rafe’s eyebrow arched in disbelief. His voice dripped with incredulity as he spoke, “Don’t we have nannies for this exact reason?” Before you could respond, Leo’s little fingers reached for the glass of scotch perched precariously at the edge of the table.
Without hesitation, you slid it out of his reach, ignoring the whine of protest that followed. Rafe’s lips twitched, amused by his son’s curiosity. He exchanged a brief, knowing glance with Barry before turning his attention back to you. “She’s sick,” you replied, your voice edged with impatience. “I have an appointment.” You reached for the cigarette between his fingers, plucking it from his hand and placing it in the ashtray.
Your fingers brushed briefly against his, but neither of you acknowledged the touch. Instead, you handed Madeline to him, watching as his rough exterior softened momentarily. He cradled your daughter, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she babbled contentedly in his arms. Rafe’s annoyance resurfaced, though it was quieter this time, buried beneath the calm façade he wore so well.
“And I have a meeting,” he sighed, bouncing Madeline gently on his knee. “Cancel your appointment. I doubt it’s that important.” “I can’t,” you shrugged, the weight of his dismissiveness settling heavily on your shoulders. You leaned down to lift Leo onto a chair, keeping your movements deliberate, even as you felt his blue eyes boring into you. This wasn’t the first time he’d brushed off something important to you, and it likely wouldn’t be the last.
As you straightened up, Rafe’s gaze lingered, his irritation now mingled with something more complicated. His protectiveness over the children was undeniable, even as his reluctance to engage with the responsibilities of fatherhood crept into moments like this. You saw it in the way he held Madeline, in the way he looked at Leo, and you knew beneath his cold exterior was a man who loved his family in his own flawed way.
Rafe glanced at Leo, who was now sitting contentedly on the chair, playing with a toy you’d handed him, oblivious to the tension brewing in the room. The smile Rafe had worn moments ago slipped away, replaced with a hard look as he shifted his focus back to you. “And what’s this appointment that’s so important you can’t reschedule it?”
Rafe’s voice was cool, and though his tone lacked the bite you’d grown used to, it still carried the weight of condescension. You straightened, refusing to be diminished under his gaze. “It’s a doctor’s appointment. For me.” You paused, allowing the words to sink in. “I didn’t think I needed to run it by you.”
Rafe’s expression flickered—something shifted in his eyes, but only for a second before the mask slid back into place. He exhaled, frustrated but knowing he couldn’t argue with you on this, at least not outright. He wasn’t a fool; he understood the importance of your health, especially since having Madeline.
But Rafe wasn’t one to back down easily, especially when his pride was on the line. “I’ll make sure the nanny is back tomorrow,” he muttered, bouncing Madeline a little more vigorously now as she giggled at him. “But don’t make a habit of leaving them with me when I have work. You know what kind of pressure I’m under.”
You blinked, stunned by the blatant disregard. Even now, holding your daughter, the reality of his responsibilities as a father seemed secondary to him. Still, you swallowed your frustration. Raising a fight wouldn’t change anything; it never did. “Don’t worry,” you replied quietly, bending down to kiss Leo on the head. “It’s just for today.”
Rafe’s eyes remained on you, scrutinising, calculating as if searching for something in your face—whether it was submission or defiance, you weren’t sure. You had long learned how to mask your emotions, presenting a calm, poised exterior, even when you felt anything but. Barry, who had remained silent for a while, shifted in his seat, clearly sensing the thick tension between you both.
“Hey, it’s just a couple of hours, man. You’ll survive,” he joked, attempting to lighten the mood, but his words caused Rafe to glare at him. Rafe redirected his attention back to you who was at the bar cart, pouring two glasses of water for the kids. Rafe gave Madeline a small smile as she babbled happily in his arms, bouncing her lightly on his knee.
“You’re lucky I love these two,” he mumbled, though his tone carried more warmth now. The sight of his daughter always seemed to soften him, and for a brief moment, it almost felt like things were normal between the two of you. Almost. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Leo standing beside the chair now, looking up at Rafe with wide eyes. He tugged at his father’s sleeve, and Rafe glanced down, his cool exterior melting ever so slightly.
“Come here, buddy,” he said, hoisting Leo onto his lap beside Madeline. The two children giggled, and for a second, the tension in the room dissipated, replaced by the soft, innocent sounds of their laughter. Barry, who had been watching the exchange with an awkward silence, finally spoke up, trying to lighten the mood. “Look at you, Rafe. Mr. Family Man,” he teased, though even he seemed cautious, sensing the fragility of the moment.
Rafe rolled his eyes, though a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered. You watched the scene unfold in front of you—Rafe, sitting there with both kids on his lap, the hard edge in his voice softening as he spoke to them. It was moments like this, fleeting as they were, that reminded you there was still something beneath the cold exterior. Something worth holding onto, even if it was buried deep.
“I’ll be back in a few hours,” you finally said, tickling Madeline's tummy and kissing Leo's forehead before you move towards the door. Rafe didn’t look up, his focus now entirely on the kids, but you could feel his silent acknowledgment. It wasn’t exactly an affectionate goodbye, but it was enough. As you reached for the doorknob, you heard Rafe speak again, his voice quieter this time.
“Don’t be late,” he said, though there was less command in his tone now—more a request than a demand. You nodded, glancing back at the three of them. Leo was giggling as Rafe whispered something in his ear, and Madeline was now nestled comfortably against her father’s chest. For a moment, you allowed yourself to feel a flicker of warmth, a brief glimpse of what could have been if things were different between you and Rafe.
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