#b) it was busted up
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[Day 17] Hunter or the hunted- who knows?
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pdalicedraws · 8 months
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Pulling your shirt on while hurrying downstairs? Really, Bal, do you want another concussion?
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Hello, everyone!
Howdy, folks.
This is Barnaby, and this is my friend Barnaby!
Wearin' my name out already, are we Barnaby? That's alright: I dressed in layers.
Hoo-hoo! As elegant as your name, Barnaby! He'll be joining our party later!
Sure thing! Can't wait to lift everyone's spirit!
Oh-hoo-hoo-ha-ha *gasp*! You're killing me again, Barnaby~!
Thank ya, Barnaby: you're a terrific audience.
Surely you mean "terrifying", hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Hehehe! Yeah, that too!
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shadowtoons · 1 year
why must Barnaby be so adorable yet so dangerous
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I need help lol
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meowkusunoki · 4 months
ocgrammers reblog and tell me how your characters type
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wenmistry · 8 months
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My two Fargo Season 2 OCs who couldn't be any more different from each other :P
I have a lot of backstory drafted up for them as well as some of their involvement in the plot of S2 so if anyone's interested in that kinda thing hmu and I might post more abt them ^__^
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big-fat-l0ser · 3 months
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night-ordaystudios · 5 months
owldog, deathjoke, dyingcomedian... What should their ship name be?
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blitziegamez123 · 9 months
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Hmm? A Secret member?
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kayssweetdreams · 10 months
Owls, Neighbors and Caramel Apples
(A BBU X WH FanFic)
As it turns out, Having your own pocket dimension, and not having a party was a combination for being really bored. Barnaby sighed as he gazed at the forever spinning clocks in his manor. He knew that it would be a while before he could throw another party, but he didn't think it would be THAT long.
"Hoo. Who would have thought waiting could be so boring!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the mansion's many halls. He stretched his neck out as he looked around for something, ANYTHING to do. But alas, it was all for naught. There was absolutely NOTHING to do.
Suddenly, an idea popped into the swirling mass of chaos that was his head. If he was bored here...why wouldn't he go and visit somewhere ELSE for a change! See new sights, hear new sounds, 'invite' new guests! Oh it was going to be so FUN! Using his little gem, he opened up a small portal and quickly flew inside.
On the other side of his swirling mass, lied a small, and colorful neighborhood, surrounded by a multi-colored forest. Barnaby's eyes lit up, he never seen so much color before! The most he saw was the orange glow of his Barnaboos, or the bright green glow of acid, so this was quite a treat to him. That's when he heard something, it sounded to be two sets of feet walking to where he was.
Thinking quickly, he transformed himself into a small beetle (of course with his swirling orange and yellow eyes) and flew onto a nearby bush. Barnaby then saw WHAT was walking towards him. There were two...living puppets. One of them was as Grey as the tombstones outside his manor, but wore a colorful vest and bow tie, and was holding a butterfly net, the other one was bright and colorful, with long blonde hair, a pink dress and two small horns on her head.
Barnaby in his beetle like disguise smiled, New Party Guests! He needed to make sure to give them invitations...and a good way for them to die. "Oh Frank! Look at this one! I've never seen anything like it before!" He heard the pink one squeal. Looking up, Barnaby noticed the two puppets looking down at him. He scuttled backwards, he never was the one being looked down on before, especially since he usually was the one looking down on others.
"I must say Julie. I've never seen anything like this either." The Grey puppet said, getting down to the Pink Puppet's level. Barnaby looked between the two of them, before deciding to fly off somewhere else. Finding a good spot between a barn and another house that looked like a costume chest, he then sat down on a small box of props as another puppet, with a sun for a head walked out, along with another orange puppet and a large red bird puppet.
"Ok. Let's go over the scene again. The brave knight kneels before the queen, as the fair queen knights him for his acts of bravery." The sun puppet said. Barnaby internally smiled, this should be interesting. "U-Um...O-Ok...I suppose I could do that...B-But are you sure that I can't use a spoon?" The bird puppet asked "No. It must be the sword of light that the brave knight had brought back from slaying the giant. It'll be alright Poppy." The sun said. The bird puppet shakily held the sword, trembling so much that the sword ended up slipping between the bird's wings, making it squawk in fear.
The sun puppet sighed "It's alright Poppy, the sword is made of foam, you couldn't hurt the mailman even if you wanted to." The sun puppet said. The bird puppet (now known as "Poppy") trembled "B-But what if something else happens Sally? I-I wouldn't want to hurt Eddie, he does so much for us and I don't want to hurt him!" She squawks. The orange puppet gently placed a hand on Poppy's shoulder. "Now Miss Partridge, It'll be OK. I've taken bigger tumbles than a foam sword, I'll be alright." He said, his voice having a southern accent.
Barnaby fought back a chuckle, he wondered what kind of death he should give this fellow, as he wondered what kind of tumbles he had taken. The sun puppet then sighed "OK. Let's take 5! I'll try and revamp the script so that you can use a spoon instead." She said, getting a sigh of relief from the bird puppet "Oh thank you Sally. I don't know what I would have done if I had hurt Eddie" Poppy said. Wondering what else this little neighborhood had in store, Barnaby decided to fly over to a small store that read "Howdy's Place!"
Landing on a nearby fruit stand, Barnaby looked inside, and saw one lone green puppet wiping down the counters, but upon closer inspection, he noticed that said puppet had 4 arms! That's when he heard a small bell chime, and a large blue dog puppet walked in "Howdy-Do! How ya doin Barn?" The green puppet asked "I'm doing good Howdy. Just got my brand new juggling balls delivered." The dog puppet said, as the green puppet'a lower arms began making what appeared to be a hot dog...covered in whipped cream...and condensed milk.
A little odded out from the peculiar order, Barnaby flew over to a large red house that sat in the middle of the small neighborhood. Outside of the house sat a small yellow puppet with a blue pompadour, a canvas in front of him. "What should I draw today Home?" He asked the house in a monotone voice. The red house that sat beside him creaked and squeaked as two big black eyes in the windows looked at him.
The yellow puppet tilted his head. "I don't know Home...what I want to draw." He said. Barnaby's eyes lit up, the little puppet was bored! Like him! Without a second thought he summoned up a small portal, making the puppet, his canvas and easel fall below him, with him following suit. Back in his ghostly manor, Barnaby returned to his normal owlish form, and stretched his neck down to his new "visitor"
"Ooh Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo! Hello there my felted fellow!" He greeted, his usual smile on his face. The yellow puppet looked up at him with a smile "Oh. Hello there...I'm Wally..." He said, lazily waving at him. "Why hello there Wally! I'm Barnaby! Owner of this dimension, and the best host of parties!" Barnaby said, his face spinning with glee. Wally's smile somehow got bigger "Oh...I have a friend named Barnaby too...he's a dog." He said.
"I saw your friends, and I would like to invite you, and all of your friends to my party!" Barnaby said, hooting excitedly. Wally tilted his head "A Party? That's the Most." He said, still smiling. Barnaby smiled as he sent out his "special" invites back to Wally's Home, for everyone back there "Your friends should he here soon, so in the meantime, would you care for a Caramel apple?"
@bbu-fan-blog @billiebustupofficial
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romeoeatzkorn · 1 year
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sexy lesbians draw their fan kid interacting with others artists fankids so cough ur Wallaby/barnly fankids via reposts or asks 💕💕💕(wip)
Maya created by @doggwwoggy23
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yayazoii · 9 months
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Silly doddles i forgot to post :3 ‼️
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ssstupid-sssnake · 11 months
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explode them?
(ssslight flasssh warning)
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toxooz · 2 years
Comic update will be posted tomorrow for sure bc I'm not wasting my entire birthday workin on this stupid fukkin thing lmfao
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purpleguysimp · 1 year
Barnaby's wings too big to wear the service coat :'•[
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tamagotchikgs · 6 months
i somehow managed 2 lose my mouse entirely i have searched my room n turned it upside i cannot find it the universe has banned me from gaming i am only ab the GAINS
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