#b/c it just gives a small bit of energy it’s more so for fun and vibes then addictive b/c it’s in such a small dose
measlyscrapofseafood · 3 months
hc that if smoking exists on the grid it has the same particle effect as flynn’s fireplace
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Hello! I am here from your post of the BG3 matchups / hcs!
I was reading fanfics when I should be sleeping for college and I came across this and figured this might quell my indecisiveness.
So I guess a bit about my Tav / Me:
My Tav/OC is named Maelyra, and her traits are that she is really outgoing, adventurous, kind, you know, the usual (Given that she is a Bard and a Half-Elf). She's very optimistic and friendly and welcoming to new people (a bit ADHD). She is also smol, not dwarf small, but she is 5'1. She also tends to give one too many second chances to people regardless of how much they hurt her. The only time she does not give second chances is if they hurt anyone she cares about because she is insanely loyal and would lay her life on the line for an in an instant for her friends.
She also tends to be a little bit of a hypocrite in some regards, as she spends a lot of time taking care of people and telling them that they are always worth it, no matter what and they should never feel ashamed of anything or that they have to hide parts of themselves. Yet she does not like to tell people about her past and usually masks her pain with happiness (not to say she isn't ever geuninley happy b/c 99% of the time she is actually happy), because she's afraid it would make them look at her differently (she is usually the sunshine of the group).
Her hobbies and skills are mainly on the artistic side. Dancing, singing, drawing, painting, playing music. Anything that is in that regard. Hence, the Bard stuff. She loves, loves, LOVES kids - thinks they are the most cute things to ever exist. And she also tends to daydream a lot. She tends to have a strong dislike for insanely physical activities if it isn't for fun and gets bored easily if the activity isn't something she is interested in.
(Sorry if that's long, I get carried away a lot)
I am fine with boys and girls (coming in a bi-queen!), but I would like them separate if that's alright :)
Thank you so much, and sorry if this is so long!
A/N: Reading fanfics when I should be sleeping is practically my life story lol. Because you (as a fellow bisexual queen!) specified you wanted separate male and female answers, I’ve got two companions for you down below.
For you @seanymphcalypso , I think your best matches in companions would be Astarion (Male) and Karlach (Female)!
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⭒ Astarion is a great match for Maelyra, even if it may not look so on paper. At first glance, the two have more differences than similarities, however, if you look closer, their differences are perfect counterbalances for one another.
Astarion may put on the charm, but a good amount of that is a facade- one he was forced to wear to lure victims to Cazador. He’s more introverted than he lets on. Although I do believe deep down, he truly is an extrovert, he’s less of a conspicuous one. He would do well with someone friendly and outgoing enough to initiate, within a relationship- and that’s where Maelyra comes in. She’s friendly, kind and very sociable. There’s no doubt in my mind her extroversion would enable her to slowly unpeel the many walls and guarded layers of Astarion’s heart. He is rather disarmed by someone who is genuinely cordial all the time- it’s sort of refreshing to think there are people out there who are sincerely kind and not just feigning kindness or interest to get something later on.
Astarion himself isn’t a big guy. He’s slender, and not incredibly tall so Maelyra’s shorter stature wouldn’t bother him in the slightest. He finds it rather adorable- that so much energy and personality could be stored in such a small person.
If anyone could use a boatload of second chances, it’s Astarion. He wasn't exactly the kindest person before his capture, and he still isn’t exactly the kindest person now. He’s endured 200 years of nonstop trauma and torture. So much of how he thinks, how he acts, and how he reacts is based on survival, not on personality. He lashes out, and he’s probably going to lash out often, even when he knows better. It’s not that he wants to hurt his new companions, and he especially doesn’t want to upset Maelyra, it’s just that he’s not used to having permission to experience all the newfound emotions. He’s inexperienced when it comes to processing them, compartmentalizing, and responding to them appropriately. He’s so grateful that she understands how hard he’s tried, how hard he’s trying to be better. He thinks she must be part celestial or aasimar to have the level of patience and forgiveness she does.
It’s also so meaningful to Asatrion that she refuses to let people cross the line with him and with her friends. No one has stuck their neck out for him like that before. (Huh, get it? Neck??) He used to believe he wasn’t worthy of such defenses. But thanks to Maelyra’s affection, he’s starting to think differently.
Astarion understands Maelyra’s hesitance to share who she truly is, so he won't push her to open up until she’s ready. He may bug her with some teasing questions here and there, but as long as she takes what he says to her on faith, he figures it’s the least he could do to return the favor. But whenever she is ready to share, he’s ready to listen. And he promises to do his best not to judge.
He loves that she’s interested in art. Back as a magistrate, Astarion found he quite enjoyed the fine arts- the theater, art shows, higher fashion- all that sorts. Especially the way Maelyra manages to capture his appearance on paper or canvas. After he was turned, he never thought he’d see his appearance ever again. But thanks to her talent, he can see himself through her eyes: with such precise brush strokes, and detail, he can tell he’s loved just by looking at her depictions of him.
Astarion may not be the fondest of children at the moment, mainly because they bring back horrible memories of what Cazador forced him to do. But he does like how happy Maelyra is when she’s around them. It fills his undead heart with glee every time he sees how her face lights up around a baby. Honestly, the idea of having or raising children never used to cross his mind. But now that he’s free, and now that he’s with her, the idea doesn’t seem so impossible. He doesn’t feel ready yet- and he probably won't be for quite some time. So in the meantime, he just grins and bears it as Maelyra makes him sit amongst the children for song/story time. And he tries his hardest to maintain a stoic, indifferent disposition, even as some of the little ones weave flowers into his hair.
Astarion doesn’t mind taking it easy, as a matter of fact, he prefers it. A lazy day spent lounging in each other’s company sounds much better than hiking through humid weather or getting trapped amongst an unruly village crowd. He’s very similar in that if he doesn’t want to do something, he’ll make sure to let everyone around him know. The two of them can be quite stubborn that way, much to some of the other companions’ chagrin.
At the end of the day, Astarion feels great love for Maelyra. And he knows she loves him in return. And thanks in part to her love, he’s beginning to think he might one day love himself.
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♨ Karlach is such a great match for Maelyra because they’re like two peas in a pod! Karlach is loud, outgoing, and extroverted as well, making her able to match Maelyra’s more sociable energy. They’re both optimists and choose to look on the bright side, despite the darkness in their past. That’s not to say being hopeful comes easy to either one of them, but with Maelyra and her infectious eagerness by her side, Karlach feels empowered to choose happiness all the more.
Karlach is big and tall. She’s a tall glass of water for sure. And she thinks it’s adorable that Maelyra’s shorter than her. She loves their height difference and how it makes Maelyra the perfect height for forehead kisses. Plus, it boosts Karlach’s ego when she can lift Maelyra and carry her around on her shoulders as if she weighs nothing. It’s also Karlach’s way of letting Maelyra know she can defend and protect her from harm. If any evil thing comes Maelyra’s way, she can just step behind her giant barbarian girlfriend.
Karlach is also fairly forgiving when it comes to second chances. Despite being a barbarian, she’s empathetic and thoughtful before going in for the attack. She chose to reason with Wyll rather than engage him in battle when he first hunted her down. She isn’t the bloodthirsty devil people think she is, and she wants people to know that. So she forgives. That being said, Karlach certainly doesn’t forget. If someone dares try to take or hurt her friends, she will go into a rage. God help anyone who dares try to hurt Maelyra.
Karlach is truly impressive in that while she does often take on the burden of her friends, she also manages to put her needs first. It’s great for Maelyra to be with someone who knows how to balance goodwill and self-care as it sets an example for her to follow. With Karlach reminding Maelyra to take time for herself, Maelyra is even more effective at caring for her friends. Sleep and proper care for yourself does wonders, and it makes you all the more ready to tackle the day. And Karlach loves that Maelyra knows how to have fun. Fun is super important, especially when you’re tasked with saving the world. It’s the only thing that keeps you from going completely crazy. So KArlach and Maelyra are often the ones to initiate game nights or visits to a local tavern. (They may also be the only two left standing after a couple rounds of shots lol.) However, just because Karlach is extroverted and happy-go-lucky more often than not, doesn’t mean she isn’t serious. She knows when to be positive, and she also knows when people just need to vent. She’s willing to listen if Maelyra is ever willing to talk. She wants Maelyra to feel safe with her- in both happy moments and in bad ones.
And ooh boy, kids! Karlach lights up around kids! Did you see how wistful she got when meeting Jaheria’s family? She’d love nothing more for her life to be about protecting and nurturing as opposed to destroying and claiming. She and Maelyrn would have hour-long conversations, dreaming about what their family might look like in the future. Sure, there’d be a ton of logistics to work out, but in the meantime, that doesn't mean they can’t dream.
Karlach needs physical activity. She needs tons of movement or else she’s gonna go crazy. So to work Maelyra into her workouts, Karlach will either use her as excess weight or as someone to count her reps. Maelyra could get comfortable on Karlach’s back, reading or writing, or even drawing as Karlach continues to do push ups. Sometimes Karlach will alter the count, just to see if Maelyra’s listening. “24… 200… 201” “Don’t you mean 26?” “Of course love, what did you think I said?”
They’re basically couple goals. Everyone else in camp is lowkey jealous af.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hueningkai sfw alphabet
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genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
song rec: astroboy by suggi
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
all in small doses
he loves gift-giving and will get you cute little gifts whenever he feels like it (which tends to be a lot of the time) he likes spending money anyway, so now he has good reason to spend it by spending it on you!
other than that he can be quite awkward at first. expressing himself verbally doesn't come naturally to him but he does like a good old cuddle
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
he has really random energy and that will totally rub off on you
once kai is comfortable with someone he can be loud af so be warned
it's just so fun being with him. he either wants to go and do something or he wants to just laze around and do nothing all day with you
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
bro is so cuddly and i can't stress that enough
at the start of the relationship, he was hella shy so he would very rarely initiate physical affection. but once he is close to you he just wants to cuddle you all the time
he's a fluffy boi
i mean his whole bed is filled with plushies so you just know he's a massive cuddler. just scoop him up in your arms and he's putty in your hands
loves to rest his head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair i'm so soft rn don't touch me
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
oh yeah he wants to settle down
he feels once he feels mature in himself he would love to settle down with his partner. he's big on loyalty and commitment, after all
he likes to bake but his cooking skills might need a bit more work. as for cleaning, he's usually relatively clean but might just leave random things scattered around the house and forget they are there lol
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
it's so hard to visualise hueningkai breaking up with someone honestly
from two reasons specifically:
1. he loves commitment and doesn't think he should break up with someone over silly things or small arguments like other couples do
2. he usually dates people he can see himself marrying. he's not playing around, yk?
what i'm trying to say is breaking up with someone is a serious decision he doesn't take lightly
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quickly would they want to get married?)
obviously he would loveee to get married
but he will probably consider marriage way later on in his life. after all, he is quite young still and he wants to have time to grow himself before he makes that kind of commitment
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
very gentle
sometimes he can be playful, sure. but even when he is playful, he is never aggressive. he keeps the play fighting to the minimum because sometimes he is unaware of his own strength and he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you 😭
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
highkey wants to hug you all the time
like please hug him istg 🥺
he's so soft and when he is feeling down sometimes all he wants to do is curl up in your arms and hug you forever
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
it's not something he plans, that's for sure
he says it in sort of the spur of the moment, and all without giving it a second thought
he barely realises he loves you until he says it. then the pin will drop and he will suddenly realise what he has said
would probably be more shocked than you are, lol
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i can see him getting jealous, but he doesn't strike me as the type to voice his jealousy
he will watch on helplessly from the sidelines rather than talk to you about it, which is bad because he's keeping all of his pent-up emotions inside instead of talking to you about how he feels
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
very quick pecks, especially on the cheek
honestly, in my humble opinion, he seems more like a hugger than a kisser
hugging comes more naturally to him and sometimes he can feel awkward when kissing you for the first time
but that's not to say he doesn't like it, obviously. he will usually want to kiss you when you guys are cuddling or something. but he gets super shy about it like
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he's kinda awkward around children
just doesn't have much experience with them and therefore he has no idea how to engage with them or what to do with them
and is also super worried that they are going to hurt themselves or each other like this guy's nerves are shredded
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he's a soft boi in the morning, as he is always
will go about his morning dragging himself lazily around the house, probably half asleep
he can barely think straight so if you ask him a normal question he's like "huh?"
it's hella adorable, as you can imagine
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
he literally wants to stay up all night watching something or playing video games
because of this, he claims he's a night owl
but in reality, as much as he wants to waste his night hours staring at a big, bright screen instead of sleeping, his brain doesn't allow him to do so
expect him to be passed out on the sofa by about 11 pm, tops!
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
kai is the type to overshare things awkwardly like on the first and second date
which, as embarrassing it is for him, is actually rather endearing
he's such a cutie-pie like-
but on perhaps more personal topics, he will be much less careless. he is not used to being vulnerable and showing his emotions, and it will take him a long time to feel like he actually can
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
hueningkai is basically never mad unless your name is MNET so there's no need to worry there
he is very considerate and mostly mild-tempered
the only scenario i can visualise him getting angry is if you absolutely annihilate him at a video game
man gets so frustrated with him hfbhdbjhfb
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
things fall out of his head a lot
but it's not surprising; he's got a lot on his mind. he does a physically and mentally demanding job and barely gets enough time to rest. so you can cut him some slack for sure
but he always remembers important occasions like anniversaries and birthdays, obviously
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
moments where he turns to you for help or comfort
kai is very unlikely to express his emotions very regularly, preferring to keep them to himself
only sometimes, he can't bare the burden of his emotions by himself
and so the first time he turns to you for help or advice or just to have someone to talk to you, he realised how important you were to him
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he's not really the protective type at first
and he doesn't expect you to be
he's just not outwardly protective like some of the others are. he will always make sure you're ok and overall he is basically more subtle
but after experiencing you protecting him in different aspects of his life, he realises that that's what he wants to make you feel like: warm and safe
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he loves getting little gifts and nick-nacks for you uwu
gift-giving is a very common occurrence when you're dating hueningkai. he doesn't know how to express himself verbally most of the time so he's just like '... here, take my love in the form of gifts' and showers you with so many presents for no reason
a very generous soul <3
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
hueningkai doesn't really have many stand-out bad habits
sometimes he finds it hard to discern whether s situation is serious or when it is a time to laugh and have fun, which can lead to many awkward situations. he's learned the hard way lol me too
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he likes looking good
and his confidence in his own looks fluctuates
like one day he will think he looks hot as hell and then the next day he will be crying and saying he's ugly
so give him a slap for me when he says that please and thank you 🥰
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
there are not a lot of people he has deep connections with
so you, being the person he has expressed his thoughts and feelings to the most and the main person he trusts, are always in the front of his mind
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he loves clothes shopping with you??
it's a new thing he found out about himself recently; he likes it when you pick out some clothes for him that you think he would suit, and then he will do the same for you <33
he thinks it's a cute little couple thing that you both do now. so you make a day of it together, which he always looks forward to!
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
he hates people who take advantage of others
it's easy to see other people's weaknesses. but exploiting and taking advantage of those weaknesses? that's a whole other story
kai also hates being betrayed in any way. it stifles his trust in others even more to the point where he doesn't know who to trust
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
like i said before, he will likely fall asleep on the couch after an attempt to stay up all night playing video games
but other than that, his main habit it that he likes cuddling up to something when he sleeps
hence the avalanche of plushies on his bed
only now, he has you to cuddle <3333333
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Hello how are you? I recently started following you and I love your profile💖I wanted to make a post request but I don't know if you will accept to do so. I would like to order an ABC NSFW from Hendrickson (because NOBODY has done it so far and I REALLY wanted to see someone do it). If you don't want to do an ABC NSFW, you can do an ABC SFW. That's all☺️🙏🏻
Hello @eustasskiller ! This might be unexpected for you since it took me so long to answer you, but I decided to accept your request! The very long wait can also answer the “how are you?” question. I am doing good overall (and I hope you are too!), but there are some hiccups. Life has been very busy for me lately, as I have been saying over and over again. And it’s true, but there’s also the fact that I’m not too sturdy at the moment, and I get knocked down often. A lot of focusing on the outside world but also the inside world, which doesn’t leave me a lot of time or energy for the digital world. I want to start posting stuff here again, but now is not the right time. But it will come, and I will be so grateful if you have patience. And @eustasskiller , also, thank you for the lovely words, they are very much appreciated, you are so kind to spread some love for some stranger on the internet. I don’t know if any of you were even wondering were I was, but if you were, this was a small update. I am well, just a little unsteady. Thank you all so much for sticking around despite the weird circumstances, you are all amazing.
… sorry about that, I got a bit sentimental there. Maybe not the best post to do that on… this blog is a strange place, what can you do. And yes, I did go with the Hendrickson ABC NSFW. Because why not. I am here to deliver. Pretty late delivery, but I hope you still like it regardless and it’s what you wanted to see!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After sex Hendrickson is very giddy and cuddly. He wants hugs and kisses from Dreyfus, and also some reassurance. On his part he will kiss Dreyfus and stroke his hair, while giving him compliments. Overall he likes to take a moment to check on his lover before cleaning up.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He never really cared much for his own appearance. His unusual features always made him stand out from his piers, which he didn’t like. But he does think he has nice legs. His favorite part of Dreyfus are his hands. He thinks they are very beautiful and he loves holding them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He does this super gross thing where he will be giving Dreyfus a blowjob, and when he’s finished, he’ll get up and kiss Dreyfus while his mouth is still full. It’s a heat of the moment thing, and he doesn’t do it often. Dreyfus has mixed feelings about this.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
During the ten years of Fraudrin’s influence, he sometimes fooled around with Helbram when Dreyfus/Fraudrin wouldn’t pay attention to him for long periods of time.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is pretty experienced and knows exactly what he’s doing. Dreyfus was not the first guy he ever slept with, so he has previous experience, and would guide Dreyfus a bit the first few times they had sex. Although they both also had additional experience from the Fraudrin years.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. Yes he’s very basic. He likes looking Dreyfus in the face and also not doing a lot, so it suits him. Although cowgirl (is that right for this situation?) is a close second.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is not serious at all in the moment, they are both really goofy during sex. Their top priority in these moments is to have fun. He also gets very cheeky.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is VERY well groomed. He shaves his chest, belly and armpits regularly. He doesn’t shave his arms or legs, but his body hair is so light colored and fine that you can hardly see it. And yes, the very tidy carpet does match the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is very intimate. He and Dreyfus communicate a lot during sex and check up on one another, remark if something is uncomfortable, and call each other the loveliest of nicknames, which they both love very much.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
At some point him and Dreyfus started exchanging love notes every now and again, which sometimes end up very explicit. Hendrickson would read them while masturbating.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a praise kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Beds, obviously, but also on tables or counters. Maybe in a secluded forest clearing if they’re feeling adventurous.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Due to his kink, nice words, sweet nothings and cute nicknames whispered in his ear paired with kisses all over his face and neck get him going. Also Dreyfus manhandling him and putting him right where he wants him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never do anything outside of his or Dreyfus’ house, or anything too risky that might end in one or both of them getting hurt. His biggest turn offs are hitting and hair-pulling. He wants to be handled with care.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Although he does like receiving it himself, he prefers giving, and he is pretty damn good at it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Kind of a mix of both. When he’s on top, he starts slow, and speeds up and gets rougher towards the end. He also likes it that way himself when he’s the bottom, which is a lot more common than him topping.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t really like quickies, will rarely do one, usually at Dreyfus’ request. He’s not a very spontaneous person with these things, he likes it at least a little preplanned, and with as much time as they want.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Although very content with the bare minimum, he does like to experiment with something new from time to time. But it’s always discussed beforehand with Dreyfus, to make sure they’re both good with the idea, and it’s never anything too crazy or risky.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Since he’s an older guy he can’t go on and on, and his maximum is three rounds. But since Dreyfus is even older and usually doing most of the work, they usually go for one or two rounds. He can last a reasonable amount of time, but Dreyfus knows how to speed up the process if he wants to.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Trying to stay relevant to the time period, he does not have any toys. He might occasionally fashion one from an adequately shaped vegetable. They’ve also experimented with equipment that one would usually use to ride a horse.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He isn’t really a very big tease, Dreyfus is just too irresistible for him to want to tease him for long. He does occasionally play on Dreyfus’ own kink, sexy outfits, and dresses himself up for the other.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s very loud and unapologetic about it. Most common sounds are groans and moans, very positive feedback and a lot of swearing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
There is a Boar Hat waitress outfit he nicked from the tavern in his wardrobe. He himself doesn’t really like wearing it, since he believes that he looks like a tool in a skirt, but Dreyfus goes mental when he sees him in it. So he wears for him sometimes, at home where no one else can see them.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He sure as hell has a penis. If I were to use one word to describe my vision for his member, it would be ‘elegant’. He’s average sized, about 13 centimeters. Uncircumcised, and because he’s quite pale his glans contrasts a lot with his skin. Not very girthy, not very veiny. Nice balls. I’ve never written such a detailed description of a penis, I hope you’re happy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I’d say pretty high, he’s definitely got more sex drive than Dreyfus. He’s calmed down a bit with age, but not a lot. He usually doesn’t act upon his impulses though, understanding that Dreyfus has a lower libido, and also much preferring it when Dreyfus is in the mood and gets things started. Although he will take matters into his own hands if nothing’s happened between them for a wile.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Usually, he’s pleasantly exhausted and more than happy to fall asleep as fast as possible in Dreyfus’ arms. Although sometimes sleep will not come immediately, and he lays awake for a while, thinking about many a thing, especially how glad and happy he is that he and Dreyfus are together, and his love has finally been reciprocated.
+ a bonus drawing of Hendrickson to go with the ABC, posing as an art model lets say…
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I’ve made a similar one for Dreyfus, so it was only fair I make one for him too.
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runicmagitek · 1 year
2022 Writerly Year Review
tagged by @frozen-fountain (many thanks!!) not gonna tag anyone, but if you're a writer and are reading this and feel like giving this a go? Consider yourself tagged! 💖
Total number of completed works. Posted to AO3? 62 🙃 I guess it's technically 61, as What Leads You Here is still in progress, being a longfic and all.
Total number of WIPs worked on this year. Oh lord, hold please as I count all the drafts and partially done stuff in Scrivener.... 7 total. 8 if you include What Leads You Here, which fully drafted, but in the editing phase.
WIPs neglected this year. I honestly don't know djsaklfdjslkfjkldas I continue to neglect my one Celes/Terra fic I abandoned when 13 Sentinels hijacked my brain, so there's that 🙃 I promise I'll return to it one day.
Fandoms I've written in. 13 Sentinels, Critical Role, Final Fantasy (VI, VII, IX, and X), Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, My Dress-Up Darling, and Pyre
Total word count. Uh, posted to AO3? 287,882. Written? A little over 500k
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected? MORE. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY MORE.
Did you take any writing risks this year? There were a handful of fics that I banged out in a single day, quickly edited them, and slapped them onto AO3. Are they amazing works of literature? Hell no. Were they super fun to write? Hell yeah. I need to just… relax with editing more and let myself do this more often. I swear some of my better-received fics are when I go "you know what? fuck it" and release it into the world.
Do you have any goals for the new year? Not write as much lolsob. Also finish What Leads You Here along with a handful of WIPs. Maybe even revisit that Celes/Terra WIP if I have time/energy!
Biggest disappointment? Not so much in my own writing, but just lack of engagement with some of my fics. Then again, that's par for the course when you write A) not-so-popular characters, B) gen fic, and C) stories involving death and angsty bits. Also seeing my fluffy G fics doing better than my smutty fics in the 13 Sentinels fandom just… continues to baffle me to this day. It's LITERALLY the only fandom I've ever been in where smut does worse numbers-wise and I don't get it.
Biggest surprise? I wrote something for Critical Role!! I've been a longtime watcher and enjoy the show, but I've done my best to staaaaay away from the fandom 😰 plus I tend to wait until I finish something before I ever consider writing a fic for it, just so I can have the whole picture, so to speak. But one particular episode just set me off and I had to write something to hold me over until the next episode 😭
Most popular story of the year? Most hits/bookmarks? For the Ones That Feel It the Most
Most kudos/subscriptions? Sweet Dreams (why are people subscribing to a oneshot lolsob)
Most comments? What Leads You Here
Ahhh the power of posting fics near the release of a popular thing. And also longfics lol.
What's your own favorite story of the year? I feel like this changes on a daily basis lol I love all of them for different reasons. Lucid has a close place to my heart bc I was Very Upset to find close to no m!Byleth/Gatekeeper fics in an incredibly popular/active fandom. Also really love how Like You, Only Sweeter turned out, which was an incredibly self-indulgent story for me (I just wanted them to smooch)
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion. Nearly all of my 13 Sentinels fics bc the fandom is small and niche lolsob. But also Marinate, which granted, I posted the last week of 2022, but still.
Most fun story to write. What the Water Gave Me, which very quickly snowballed out of control into its own thing. I had a blast writing this mermaid AU and thinking of lore for this world!
Most unintentionally telling story. I'm not sure if this means like… a story that utilized more telling as opposed to showing or just… telling about me as an individual. Either way, I'm genuinely not sure? A lot of aspects of myself are sprinkled across my stories, but isn't any work of art?
My favorite part of fandom this year. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PICK ONE?????? Meeting so many cool and incredibly talented people. Starting a Discord server with good friends. Applying (and getting accepted!) to a bunch of amazing zine projects. Participating in all the secret santa events and fic exchanges. Being late to a fandom and getting to experience things for the first time. Watching my friend react throughout their 13 Sentinels playthroughs. Collaborating with a lovely art friend to make our own damn zine. Getting to share my longfic with the small, yet vastly passionate community. And just… so so many more moments that made me smile and be forever grateful. If we've interacted at all, even for a brief moment, thank you for making 2022 a little brighter.
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digimonloving · 2 years
(MatadorAnon back for one, ONE more.) Some NSFT Abc's for Matadormon?
Matadormon NSFT Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Matadormon can get a bit... overly excited, and his long claws can easily rip skin. He's very gentle when it comes to aftercare, making sure no puncture was too deep, and he cleaned them up properly, cleaning them of blood and his cum. Brings them plenty of drinks and snacks that can replenish all the water they lost between sweat and energy from cumming so many times
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Matadormon just... there's something about his partner's eyes. They're lovely, and he enjoys looking into them
His claws. Such deadly things they are, and yet he can be elegant and graceful with them, and gentle when it comes to his partner
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Matadormon cums a good amount, there's just something about watching his cum stream and near cover his partner when he pulls out of them or thrusts into them just to watch it squeeze out from their hole and around his cock. It's such a nice sight... and he keeps them filled, just the scents mixing enough to drive him into more of it
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Matadormon enjoys rough sex, and at times... he might ry to play a bit when his partner is angry. The thought of them on top of him, either riding his dick or using him to get their frustrations out in other ways just sounds... nice to him. He still isn't sure how to go about such things, but it is a thought he can't help but think about
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He doesn't' have much in experience, but he most certainly tries to give enough pleasure to his partner as he does observe how they react when he thrusts into them. He builds off of reactions more than anything
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Matadormon has... a bit of a habit of changing the position every time he cums in his partner, but he can never find one that he fully enjoys... It's tough to figure out a favoured position
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
sometimes Matadormon can be a bit goody, he doesn't like to be fully serious in the moment, he likes to have a small laugh every now and then during if the moment is right
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Spiky just like his hair, same colour too, but well groomed enough. A small happy trail leading up some from the patch above his slit
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Matadormon does enjoy a bit of intimacy, with changing the positions constantly, there are a few times he pulls his partner close as he just barely bucks his hips as he grinds them down on him
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Matadormon can't quite use his own claws. Well, that's not quite true, he could very much use his claws to stroke himself, he just doesn't like the mess that he himself can cause when he's doing it alone. He tries to find something to fuck into, and if his partner was thoughtful... getting him something to fuck into would be good enough for him for when e needs the release but his partner isn't around.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Fearplay, marking/scenting, blood/claw/knife play, dirty talk, dom/sub
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Matadormon isn't an animal, as much as the scent of arousal and blood get to him. He much prefers the soft plush of a bed to have sex with his partner, but he wouldn't lie.... sometimes, a nice wall is just good enough as well to take his partner against, as much as he tries to get into a bed... sometimes, it can't be helped.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The scent of his partner's blood, or their own arousal. They hardly have to say anything if they want to have some fun with him, all they have to do is look at him in a specific way after touching themself a little and he's all over it
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Watersports/scat, spanking, latex
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Matadormon could care less for oral, mostly when it comes to receiving. He does enjoy a bit of taste when it comes to his partner, though, the scent and taste of their arousal so very nice to taste... he is a bit careful about it, as careful as he can be with how he is
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Matadormon has a bad habit of being rough and fast when starting the session, but after cumming for the first time in a session, he slowly moves to being slower and sensual, but still a tad rough if his partner wants him to be. Something about the scent just drives him crazy
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
A fast, rough quickie is always nice... especially if Matadormon can't help himself when the scent of his partner's own arousal hits or he can smell their blood in one way or another. He can't help himself at times, as much as he tries to be elegant and such, he has to pull them aside for a fast fuck. He only enjoys them from time to time..
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Matadormon doesn't mind being a bit experimental, so long as it's nothing too extreme
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Matadormon can go for some rounds, tough to truly see how many he can go as he can eep going and going... despite how much he would have already came. The scent of his partner and their blood just making him go crazy. He can only stop if they clearly seem a bit too out of it, or they beg him to stop
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Matadormon doesn't know how to feel about toys, at least some of them. He might have a bit of enjoyment with a dildo, be it for himself... or his partner. Especially helpful if he feels like teasing more than quickly getting down to it
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Matadormon enjoys his teasing. Be it a strip tease, or teasing them with his words or his claws. There's just something about watching their face scrunch a bit as his claws dance so carefully along their skin as he growls in their ear about how much he can't wait to fuck into them
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Very soft moans and panting, but he has to have already gone a few rounds before he gets to that point, only letting out grunts and soft words
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Matadormon is such an elegant dancer, and also has quite a way with his words. Because of such, he enjoys his innuendos when he whispers in his partner's ear about how he wants to have his way with them, but in such a way it sounds so beautiful... but it's clearly downright dirty
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Internal cock, hidden in a slit. Prehensile and long, slim at the tip but gets thicker as it goes, small ridges/ribbed look with a knot at the base.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive fluctuates depending on many conditions. He isn't always horny, but the scent of his partner, or their blood, can quickly change that. But most time, he's very calm and can control himself well enough.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Matadormon has quite a lot of energy, even after so many rounds, if he just gets a few drops of blood, he's back to how he was.
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bahamutgames · 2 years
D&D Notes
Played D&D for the first time today! The DM set up a small campaign for me to start with the goal of hopefully smushing me into their group’s main campaign eventually. It was a fun time, and I’m sure with additional players (it was just me and 3 2 NPCs) it’ll be even more fun.
Anyway long story short I was asked by the group to share my notes! So that’s what this is, they’re very basic but you can tell I sort of gave up on writing notes as it became apparent I was gonna lose lol. Also I wrote these in notepad and didn’t reformat it for this post. Enjoy!
bounty hunter from neverwinter doing odd jobs for money
got a weird bounty for 500 gold for whoever can bring in the black spider. But there's 
no info on who or what that is
teamed up with wilders to do an escort vova rabbit person, about my height. nice, but no pushover. She's a wizard much smaller, caraway, a fairy. 2 or 3 feet tall. very energy very excitable. he's a bard leader of the group, average size, a bit shorter than me. A tiefling. Purple skin, one horn. named echo. A rouge.
They're a group, we've decided to team up. We've met before but we're not exactly friends
dwarf named gumdrop is paying us 10 g each to escort his wagon to another town. he's not telling us what's up
wilders have been catching escaped criminals, settling disputes-vova (vanilla) caraway told me I was tall (charmy) echo told me business (espio) I'm vector :)
2 dead horses, both are the horses being ridden by the drarves. The horses have been dead for a day, death by arrows. Sacks have been looted and all that's inside is an empty leather map case
4 goblins, 2 rush forward 2 stay back echo attacks and misses goblin A rushes towards me to attack, but the attack just bounces off me goblin B attacks echo for max damage, knocking him out goblin c shoots a short bow at vova for max damage, vova is knocked out goblin D shoots at caraway, who survives
vova gets a save crush the goblin with my two handed warhammer, then try to bite but I miss
echo fails first save
caraway uses vicious mockery on goblin a, insulting him. goblin gets so insulted he dies
goblin B swings at me, and hits. but caraway casts silvery barbs as a reaction, forcing the goblin to roll again so the goblin gets distracted when caraway calls to them and misses. Slashing its sword into the ground and missing. I have advantage next turn
vova is no longer dying but is still unconcious
I turn around and overhead slam my hammer on their head while goblin b tries to get their sword out of the ground
I rush at goblin C and bite into it while it screams in pain, giving me 2 extra hit points. but jaws are out.
echo wins a save
caraway mocks goblin C while he's damamged from my bite. but the goblin keeps it together
goblin c drops its bow and tries to hit me with a weapon, I get 4 slashing damage. leaving me at 13/15 goblin d attacks me as well for 3 slashing damamge. 10/15
vova vibes
I swing at goblin c but it flails in pain and manages to dodge
echo fails another save
caraway attempts to use medicine to stabilize echo. it doesn't work
goblin c flails wildly and misses completely, goblin d swings and misses
I go into a rage after missing and having all the bullshit happen. I swing at goblin C with enough damage to 1-hit ko it again. Slamming its head off and it lands in front of goblin d
echo DIES
caraway starts crying and wailing, then charges goblin d. but doesn't even manage to hit in their blind rage.
goblin d is sitting by itself and pisses itself and tries to run away. I get an attack of opportunity.
I miss and thunk onto the floor, caraway also misses and goblin d tries to get away to the thicket north.
I run after it and swing at it but miss again
caraway casts a laughter spell on goblin d and it collapses uncontrollably laughing
goblin d is too busy laughing to do anything and fails
I run up to goblin D and slam him in half with my hammer while he laughs uncontrollably
WE WIN!! But at what costs?
It's silent. Caraway runs to echo, echo's body has turned all while. No horns or tail. It's a changeling! We take some time to regroup and the wildings explain he was a changeling named naj. Echo was one of their personas. I was SUPPOSED to find this out later!!!
We sit and wait for vova to come to. And I inspect where goblin d was trying to get to, and it's a small trail it looks like it leads northwest.
I can guess from the tracks that probably about a dozen goblins use this trail. There's signs of 2 human sized bodies being dragged away.
We set up camp, and vova comes to about an hour after the fight. She's devistated about echo. She sits there with caraway in her lap as they hug. I sit silently and toss whatever twigs and grass into the fire while being upset
With no shovel, we cremate echo. They want revenge, but they're in no shape to fight. Between silence and sobs we manage to fall asleep. A long rest.
I take Naj's rapier. I like to imagine caraway and vova gave it to me since they don't need it. Vova takes some of his other stuff.
we're all rested and restored now. Vova and Caraway want to get revenge and I am not about to stop them. I lead cause I'm bulky as fuck, and we head down the goblin trail
We get 10 minutes down the trail, and my foot gets caught in a snare and I'm pulled 10 ft in the air
Caraway uses their dagger to let me down, I fall on vova, who tried to catch me. I slam on top of her and take 1 damage (14/15) caraway teases me and vova pushes me off.
10 minutes down the trail and this time I stop myself before falling into a pit trap in the ground. We all avoid it.
5 miles down the trail, we come across a cave. We can hear water flowing in the cave. The team is shaken up, they dont have a leader anymore so they're looking to me for advice (aka the npcs do what I want now).
I go across the river and get spotted by 2 goblins. I went by myself and get attacked by goblin A. I get the shit kicked out of me (3/15)
Caraway rushes to me and cures my wounds because OH GOD someone needs to be a healer
Vova rushes up and casts ray of frost on goblin A, killing him. I rush up to goblin B and hit it for 6/7
Goblin B strikes back but misses
Caraway mocks goblin b and he dies
Vova casts mage armor on herself
We enter the cave, there's a small dank chamber. We hear snarls and rattling chains. And we smell animals
We walk past some chained wolves who cant reach us, we walk forward and get hit by a bunch of rushing water. Caraway flies onto the bridge, vova hangs onto the wall. And I get flushed out of the cave. I'm now at 3/15
I have to light another torch, and caraway heals me (12/15). We go a different path to a small craggy cave with rough terrain. I try to climb up, but fall because the ledge was too wobbly for my weight. I fall and take 2 damage.
We climb up FOR REAL THIS TIME, and I take a peak into a room next to me. It's divided into 2 levels. It's musky. there's a FUCK ton of goblins in there but they havent noticed me. So we promptly fuck off.
We cross the bridge and I try to peek in but I trip into the next room instead. There's 2 pools, one is empty there's also 4 goblins who seem to be expecting me.
I get shot at by goblin blue (6/10) caraway hits goblin orange, then uses his lute to inspire me.
I get angwy, and I charge goblin orange and slam him, killing him. Vova fires ray of frost, but it misses and splashes into the pool behind the goblin.
Red goblin swings at caraway but misses, green swings at me and misses, blue swings at me and ALSO misses
Caraway slashes at red, but misses. I slam at goblin green, killing him instantly with double his hp in one blow. He explodes into guts everywhere it's AWESOME AAAAAA!
Vova shoots another ray of frost, and kills goblin red!
Goblin blue, attacking me on a stack of other goblin corpses, and misses!
Caraway mocks blue, but it has no effect.
Kick the shit out of blue, but it misses even with inspiration.
Vova shoots another ray but it misses.
Blue hits me for (3/15)
Caraway mocks again for 3 damamge to blue! And the goblin has disadvantage.
I swing at blue, loony tunes-ing him through a stalagmite
I send caraway to check the next room cause I suck at it. The next room is a fire with a lot of treasure and a bugbear, wolf, and 2 goblins
We fuck off again, but managed to sneak off before the bugbear sees us.
I go back to the room with 5 goblins and the dude on the higher level, we sneak in except for vova. I use rage and swing at red goblin. I miss! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bite at red in retaliation and I bite him in half! Killing him! +2 tempt hitpoints (5/15)
Caraway attacks goblin blue, killing him instantly
I rush up to goblin purple and swing at him for 8 damage! Killing him (thanks to rage)
Vova catches up and blasts goblin green, it misses
Caraway mocks orange, dealing 4 damage and is disadvantaged! Caraway then gives me bardic inspiration.
Goblin orange swings at me and misses, green goblin attacks caraway and misses
oh right a bunch of shit happened we're being blackmailed with the life of the human dude in the dwarf's trade to go kill the fucking bugbear cause the goblin dude is #2 and wants to be #1 (who is the bugbear) so we agree to kill the bugbear for him. We sneak in and kill the wolf after it bites vova.
both goblins shoot caraway, one hits one misses. Caraway flies away and mocks bugbear, which does not work
Bugbear fires a javelin at caraway, which hits for 3 damage
I swing at blue, killing him
vova misses then runs back, red goblin swings at me for 2 damage, only taking from my temp hp
caraway mocks klarg for 4 damage! Caraway flies back
klarg hits me for 5 damage (-2/15) I fail a death save Vova uses medicine to save me! I'm still unconcious but I'm not dead
vova is at 1 hp
basically we lost but deus ex machina'd us into the other goblins revolting and saving us lol
We get the human and drag ourselves straight up out of the cave while he expositions to us
Sildar and I leave the cave and go rest. And then we go to fandalin and rest. we got so fucked up lol
Sildar tells us some stuff about history and then we learn stuff about the black spider and all 3 of us are like ZOMG!!! BLACK SPIDER so we agree to escort sildar to the next town for 50 g each. Hopefully we dont get fucked up again.
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yung-n8v-teacher · 10 months
stream of consciousness
on thursday, i was pulled out of my class to do test proctoring where i was sitting in a room with a student working on a math test for an hour and something minutes, playing solitaire on my computer
i was little annoyed b/c the time i had to do this proctoring overlapped with the 6th grade science block, a section that i teach review in and starting on monday, will start co-teaching in with my mentor [aside: exciting!!! actually getting to teach!!!!]. for charter network that claims to have a surplus budget every year, you think they could hire more student support staff (*cough cough* especially paraprofessionals to help the younger students that need full day support, but what do i know? i'm just an associate teacher).
i go through the rest of thursday, ready for a relaxing night where i don't have to prep for friday b/c my mentor and i agreed that i could observe in kindergarten all day (this was a ploy to just let me have fun with the little ones all day) when i get a text from an unknown number
who is it? it's one of the seventh grade math and science teachers letting me know that he came down with strep and wouldn't be in school the next day, and who was going to cover for him? ME (*insert elle woods gif here* (but im more stressed and panicking than elle who was excited and celebratory))
i spend two to three hours going over lesson plans, trying to understand the seventh grade schedule, trying to plan out how i'm going to lead discussions with the students for classes,,,i'm trying to figure out everything once i received the email with the lesson plans
i was feeling good after prepping and i was feeling good in the morning, even making sure i had enough time to cook and have some watch while eating time before i got washed up and dressed for the day. overall, a fantastic start to the day.
one of the other associates had done coverage in the seventh grade classroom i was going to be in, so before school started he gave me the low down on the students and what they were like. it was somewhat helpful.
the day starts and i knew that this year's seventh graders had lots of energy and lots of attitude based on my few interactions with them on the middle school field trip, my art coverage day, and other small interactions throughout the school day. while this was noticeable, i felt comfortable for some reason. maybe b/c i've worked with seventh grade before ?? idk
we move past home room and all i can feel is their eyes watching me, which was a crazy feeling to have all day. to have someone watch your every move is an experience i've never had before. idk how i kept myself neutral all day, because that was an uncomfortable feeling.
after home room, was the first class i had to lead : coding. bless up to the other seventh grade teachers that stepped in during their prep to actually give the lesson, cause i had no idea what program the seventh graders were using. (it looked a lot more complex than what the sixth graders have been doing.) during this section, i was support. circulating around the room, checking in with students, giving them separate instructions when they finished early. all in all, a chill class, which went against what teachers had been telling me about this group of seventh graders.
i had a bit of a break/prep time after coding, only to transition into teaching seventh grade math. i had to get them through their first day of learning how to write expressions for arithmetic sequences (*crying emojiiiii, severely*). through testing data analysis during all network pd, they told us that students across the network struggle with writing expressions. i knew it was going to be a challenging lesson. another component to add to the difficulty is that this charter network prides itself on its discussion-based classes. i have never led a math class or a science class, let alone a discussion-based one!!! the lesson plan had a general outline of what the discussion looked like, but i fumbled through a lot of it. and it was a hard balance to try and get students to approach what they should be learning. during the whole-class problem, they were all working on. one student already knew the process/steps/strategy to solve the problem. the way he did his work was literally what they were practicing for the rest of class time. i tried to get him to explain his thinking to the class, but all the students had a hard time focusing during math, and i think that's most likely b/c of the confusion that was going on in the lesson. honestly, i should have tried to lean on that student a bit more in the lesson, but it's hard also having to balance bringing other students into the discussion. thinking back now, i think i could have loosened my grasp on the outline of the lesson plan and taken some detours based on what students were giving me, both the ones that were ahead and the ones that were a little more confused. [aside: this is probs my biggest takeaway from leading this math lesson] after going through the whole-class problem we worked on together, we took some notes that students were supposed to use to help through the rest of the math packet and on their homework. i think i could have done better at having students reset themselves, and make sure they were following along and actually getting the notes down. [later during the conferencing block, some students i had to hand-hold through the exit ticket (which is supposed to be independent) b/c they didn't have the notes.] i also struggled with timing during math because a lot of class was spent in whole-class discussion, due to some students struggling to follow along in the steps we were taking to solve problems. i think i could have done something different where i could have let the whole class move on and then focus on some individual students. [lots of takeaway from this day, and we haven't even gotten to science, whoo,,,] also during the conferencing block, while i was going through the students' exit tickets, i noticed maybe half of them were struggling how to write expressions and were using the same one that we found in the whole-class problem we did together. like it was so interesting to see how the students would do the first and second step right, almost intuitively, then they disregarded that work and wrote down the wrong expression. lots to think about,,,
anyways, i had a long break until science. it was a lesson about light sources and the visible light spectrum (colors). for this lesson, once i read through it a couple times, i was like "i got this, i completely understand what is going on." THEN it came time for class and students were asking good questions, and i had to come up with a slight answer but it wasn't as fully explained as the students wanted it. i think this lesson, i also got a little too caught up in the lesson outline, when i knew i had a plan in place already and created my own outline that i think worked with my brain better. i also got observed by one of the assistant principals (*SOBBING*) and that was so nervewracking,,,i swear all the administrative staff at the school have perfected RBF way too well. like even they are saying something positive, it all feels so fake and performative,,,but that's all i will say. i do think science went a little better than math, but only a little.
i sort of consider this past friday a success. in talking with the co-teacher that seventh grade class, she was telling me that that group likes to push, and if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. which i could sort of see, but i also liked the feeling of having the students wanting to talk and participate, even when it got a little chaotic. it felt less robot-y and more human-y. like people, especially young people, are never meant to be silent for so long. communication happens in one way or another. we're trying to connect and learning is impossible without connections, both connections with people and between concepts, ideas, etc..
until the next brain dump,,,
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nctsworld · 4 years
the yuletide boyfriend
✩‌ yangyang ‌x‌ ‌reader‌ ‌|‌ fluff | angst | smut | friends to lovers | ‌college au | 9k
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ your one wish this year is to not be single during the holidays. yangyang, as your best friend, takes it upon himself to be your temporary boyfriend. soon enough, both parties begin to wish this new arrangement could last beyond the holidays. // part of the x-mas in ncity collection WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ implied ‌anxiety attack (during the first part of dec 24th – skip if need to), smut, mutual m*sturbation, couch s*x, angst, miscommunication, swearing RATING‌ ‌⇾‌ mature TAGLIST ⇾ @infnteen​ 
AUTHOR’S NOTE ⇾ this is my longest fic to date and also... might be my worst b/c i feel like the angst plot points don’t really make sense... but i hope y’all still enjoy!!! 
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⇾ gif created by me, please don’t share or repost without credit!
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“So, anything special on your wishlist this year?”
Your best friend, Yangyang, asks you as you two sit next to each other on one of the many plush lounge couches in the Psychology building. It’s the usual lunch spot where you meet with him during your break between lectures.
The Psych building held much sentimental value for both of you because you met in Psych 101 during first year. Fast-forward three years later, neither of you expected to be the close friends that you are today.  
Chewing your sandwich, you ponder on his question for a bit. Through the transparent glass walls leading to outside, you see the trickle of students heading towards the building since class is about to start for the noon round of lectures. A couple, you assume by the tight hand-holding and nose kissing, giggles as they enter the building, glued to one another by the hip.
“Not really.” You drop your head downward to your lunch container, smiling to yourself. “I’m honestly just happy to have Mark in my life, especially at this point in the year.”
Yangyang nods in accordance and smiles too, understanding the story behind your sentiment.
The boyfriends you’ve had since first year have always broken up with you before the holidays, right before the end of November. Since you only became close during second year, Yangyang’s been around for two out of three of your cursed holiday break-ups.
To have Mark, your latest boyfriend, be with you and it being already December tomorrow, it was truly a blessing for you and a silver lining that maybe this was the year to break the curse. Yangyang was grateful too, wanting you to have the utmost happiness.    
You take another bite of your sandwich and tilt your chin toward the ramen eater.
Yangyang slurps a few more noodles before he answers.
“I mean, the new Playstation would be nice,” he hums, mouth full.
Pointing the tip of your sandwich, you joke, “I’ll get it for you, but only if we share custody over it.”
“Mm-mm,” he shakes his head during a mid-slurp. “You know I can’t promise that.”
Both of you laugh in unison, living in the calm before the oncoming storm.
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The E-Sports club for the university is hosting a party tonight and because Yangyang’s on one of the professional teams, he asked a few weeks ago if you and Mark wanted to attend. Of course you accepted; Mark also had some friends in the club.
However, when you text Yangyang in the afternoon, stating a change of mind, he knows something’s off.
Half an hour before the party starts, Yangyang decides to visit you. Thankfully you both lived on campus, but even if you lived across town, he’d still bus out to see how you were doing. He does it all the time to visit his family, anyway.  
In the living room, the two sudden knocks at your door startle you. Peering through the peephole, you see the usual sight of your best friend, his lips curled upward and thumbs tucked in his pockets as he rocks on the balls of his feet.
It feels like an eternity for him when you unlock your door. The hinges squeal as you open it hesitatingly, your face barely appearing through the agape crack.
Immediately, his smile dissolves. Your face is drained and blood-shot eyes avoiding his own confront him.
Yangyang has only seen you cry twice in the three years he’s known you:
Once, when you were freaking the fuck out over potentially failing a course (but, on the upside, you ended up passing the final to save your grade).
The second time was at his house for a family dinner, when his mom accidentally added too much hot chili sauce to her homemade beef noodle soup (let’s just say you weren’t the only one crying that night).
Those were tears of dread and physical discomfort.
But this… this was crying he’s never seen from you before. His chest collapses inward, fearful of the reason behind your tears.  
His voice shakes as he asks, “What happened? Are you okay?”
Neither of you are major huggers and only exchange them on the rare occasion.
However, this situation screams the necessity of it, so Yangyang lunges towards you, the collision swinging the door out of the way. His arms embrace you like a large, warm blanket. Comforting and safe.  
Despite the affection, emptiness has taken over your body. Tonight, you’re a dead, empty shell of who you normally are.
You feel weak to the bone, but you muster up enough energy to scarcely raise your arms over his back to return the hug. Your eyes are dry from all the crying you’ve done all day, but apparently you have more tears left in you to spare.
Your eyelids snap shut and your jaw clenches.  
“Mark broke up with me.”
Your words are muffled into his shoulder, but Yangyang hears it crystal clear.  
You break down, sobbing out of control over the statement.
As aforementioned, Yangyang’s been around for your last two, now three, break-ups. Sure, he’s aware of how grumpy and distant you can get, but you never cried in front of him. You made an effort to never have him see you at your lowest point.
And yet, here you are, drowning him in your misery. Guilt washes over you for drenching his bomber jacket, but Yangyang couldn’t give two shits. His arms squeeze tighter while he rubs your back tenderly.
After several minutes pass and your waterworks abate, you peel away from him. You sniffle and rub your nose with the back of your hand.
“Sorry about cancelling last minute.”
“Hey, no need to apologize,” he whispers soothingly.
“I’m just… so fucking frustrated.”
With fatigued eyes, you drag yourself back inside your apartment. Yangyang discreetly closes the door behind him and hurriedly uses his feet to push off his shoes. As he does so, your mouth begins to run off while you slowly pace around aimlessly.  
“Fucking done with boyfriends, especially when they think it’s so fucking awesome to keep breaking up with me right before the holidays.”
He kicks off his last stubborn shoe and catches you raking your hands through your hair, pulling it back firmly. Your lips are trembling, along with your entire frame.  
“Like I get that I’m horrible and needy and emotional—”
His mouth opens, wanting to cut in to disagree with you with all his heart, but he clamps it back shut and swallows, allowing you to blow your steam off.
“—but can’t they wait until the fucking new year? I don’t know, or maybe just don’t date me in the first place! I don’t know, I don’t fucking know anymore. I’m just cursed, Yangyang...”
You flop down onto the couch and sink into the ocean of shiny pleather, shutting your eyes and trying to stop crying for the nth time. The deep sting behind your eyelids pain you, but it pains Yangyang more to watch the events unfolding ahead of him.  
Unsure of what to say, Yangyang walks around the room. His gaze falls on your laptop screen and he frowns at the mostly bare Word document that stares back at him:  
There are a few more lines below it with more profanities and keyboard smashing. He quickly darts away, a pang of guilt striking for invading your privacy.
Then, he turns to you on the couch again. You’re now covering your eyes with your forearm, pressing your lips together. His chest twists and his throat is arid as a desert.
You’re in shambles and he’s dying to pick up the shattered pieces of you, wants to glue you back together. On a regular basis, Yangyang’s a talking machine and can talk your ear off for hours, but right now, he doesn’t know what to say to you in your current state. He second-guesses himself, wonders if he’s even that great of a friend if he can’t comfort you in your worst times.
Blowing out a long sigh and removing your arm, you speak aloud, “You should get going to the party.”
Like awakening from a deep slumber, you rise up sluggishly and sit up on the couch, slouched over. The other figure in the room steps closer to you.  
“Sorry about your jacket, by the way,” you say. Your body is still, but your glazed eyes move to the dark spot on the middle of his shoulder. He glances at it and shrugs.  
“It’s better like this anyway,” he says with a gentle smile, and the tight knot in his heart softens at the flicker of your own smile, albeit a small one. Unfortunately, it fades in a few seconds. “I don’t want to leave you like this, though.”
You stare at the used, crumpled balls of tissues scattered on the living room table. Some also ended up on the floor. Break-ups are shit and 98% inevitable, but you know you’ll eventually get over it. You always do.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
He raises an eyebrow, as if asking, “Are you sure?” The lack of a worded reply causes you to notice the question written on his face.  
“Go,” you plead with a feeble laugh. “Have fun for me.”
Both of you head towards your front door again. Crossing your arms, you lean your head against the door frame and attempt a smile for your best friend.
“Thanks again for checking up on me.”
Yangyang nods with a half-smile, half-pout, “Of course.”
You give him a departing wave prior to sealing your door.
Usually, Yangyang would bus from your place to the student union building, where the party is being held. Instead, he zippers up his jacket and stuffs his fists into his pockets, opting to bear the early winter chill to walk his thoughts off. His blazing self-doubt burns at first, but he overcomes it by focusing on ideas to fix your accursed dating rut instead.  
Halfway through the walk, a light bulb moment occurs. A plan begins to brew on the surface of his mind and he thinks on it for the rest of the week.  
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It’s been almost a week since you last saw Yangyang.
Finals started already, so classes were done for the semester and thus, your lunch meet-ups halted too. On top of that, since you were simultaneously moping and studying, you hadn’t really texted him much, nor had he, besides the occasional check-up text on how studying was going and random memes. Yangyang knew you preferred time alone to heal and he respected that.  
He also thought six days was enough time to get yourself back on your feet.  
Yangyang’s at your front door once again, but this time with two bowls of his mom’s beef noodle soup in tow.  
“Long time, no see,” you greet. Your tone is chipper, but your eyes look heavy, which could be partially from studying, Yangyang thinks. His smile deepens, content that you seem a lot better than the last time he visited.
“Delivery for two,” he raises the bag in his hand.
“And if I told you I already ate dinner?” you playfully retort.
The boyish man shrugs defeatedly, “Then I’ll tell my mom you hate her cooking—”
“You didn’t say it was your mom’s, Yangyang. Oh, my God,” you gasp, half-mockingly. You rush to grab the bags out of his hand and stroll towards your tiny kitchen. “Start off with that next time.”
As you remove the containers from the bag and onto the granite countertop, Yangyang shuts the door and takes his shoes off.  
“So, I’m gonna be upfront and say that I may have come here with a proposal.”
“Changed your mind about the shared custody of the Playstation?”
“I’m still considering that one.” Finally in his socks, he slings his backpack off his shoulder and plops it onto the couch along with his jacket. He stands next to you by the counter. “But it’s on the same page as that. Remember that day we were talking about wishlists?”
“Mm-hmm,” you hum as you rip off the lid of one of the bowls. Blatant wisps fly upward and you inhale the savoury aroma, followed by a heavenly sigh.  
“Last time I was here… I might’ve seen what you wrote on your laptop.”
Your expression immediately changes into full-on cringe. You bring a palm over to your face.
“Oh, God. Let’s not talk about that. That was just weepy, lonely me talking.”
Yangyang pops off the lid for his bowl and steps into your kitchen, rummaging through your drawers for chopsticks. “So you’re telling me you don’t want a boyfriend for Christmas?”
Your hand flies off your face. Eyes widening, you spew, “Do you have a boyfriend in your pocket, ready for me to have?”
In your open hand, he places a pair of chopsticks into it. “Well, actually, I was thinking—”
Sternly, you point the chopsticks at him. “Don’t you dare set me up with your friends.”
He counters and points his at you, “Even better than that.”
With your interest piqued, you slide yourself onto the counter stool and mix the noodles around, anticipating to hear Yangyang’s fantastic plan. Your friend sits on the other stool, facing you. He pauses for a second, taking a deep breath.  
“Why don’t I be your boyfriend for the holidays?”
You freeze, and the noodles’ drips above your bowl are deafening to both individuals. Laughing awkwardly, you break your frozen state to drop your chopsticks and turn your head to look at him.
Sputtering, you say, “What?”
Unnerved, his mouth pinches to one side, thinking maybe he shouldn’t have even said anything in the first place. This was stupid, so stupid, but it’s out in the open and Yangyang already dug his grave—he may as well lay in it.  
“Well, for one, it’s something on your wishlist that I can easily get,” he pauses mid-sentence, glancing upward in thought. “Well, really, fill? Is that a better way to put it?”
He continues, eyes back on you, “And two, I’m not setting you up with a stranger or someone you wouldn’t be comfortable with. I assume you know me well enough that you’re comfortable around me?”
Yangyang lifts an upturned palm and raises an eyebrow, waiting for a response to his assumption. Petulantly, you shake your head playfully and stick out your tongue at him.  
Rubbing the back of his neck, his gaze drops down to the floor for his last point. His voice lowers.
“And, I don’t know, we’d just hang out like we usually do during that time, except we’d do more couple-y things.”
Realizing the implication of his words, he widens his eyes. “I mean, we'll do whatever you’re comfortable with, obviously. We don’t have to do any of the physical stuff—”
You burst into a giggle at his rambling and hold a hand out, cutting him off. “Okay, Yang. I get it.”  
Yangyang watches your next moves carefully. You’re peering off to one side and picking at the tips of your fingers. After a minute that feels like forever, you nod slowly.
“I guess you have a point. We are sorta like a couple already.”
Your best friend sighs in relief, grinning that you’re not outright rejecting the idea.
“So,” you meet his eyes and bunch a shoulder up towards your ear. “We’ll just be a couple until what, New Year’s?”
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugs indifferently. “Whatever you want. It’s your Christmas wish.”
You chuckle and shake your head in disbelief that you two are actually making an agreement for Yangyang to be your temporary, holiday boyfriend.
Honestly, it’s a little crazy... but maybe it’s the perfect thing to get your mind off of Mark and the handful of holiday exes hanging above your head.
“Okay, since my last final is on the 21st, let’s start ‘dating’ then and we’ll play everything by ear, see how it goes.”
Yangyang bobs his head eagerly. “Sounds good, soon-to-be girlfriend.”
He sticks a hand out for you to shake. You take it firmly, sealing the deal and flashing him a grin.
“Soon-to-be boyfriend.”  
Although the night goes on like usual between the two of you, you couldn’t deny how ecstatic you are to finally have a boyfriend during the holidays, even if it was technically your best friend as a stand-in.
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Tonight’s your first date with Yangyang.
That sounds weird to say, you admit to yourself, but it’s the truth.
After you stroll out of your last final of the semester, Yangyang’s waiting for you inside near the main exit of the building with several layers on, including his hoodie over his head and a knitted scarf underneath. His attention leaves his phone and he stuffs it into pocket as he notices you heading over.  
“Hey, girlfriend,” he welcomes you, beaming.
You snicker at the unfamiliar label. You wonder if you’re going to get used to this, even if it’s only for two weeks.  
“Hey, boyfriend,” you grin harder as the word falls from your lips, trying your best not to outright burst into laughter. “Where we heading off to?”
Although you said both of you could play the dating by ear, Yangyang’s been keen on scheduling plans for the upcoming days. You told him he didn’t have to, however, he insisted by saying that he wouldn’t only be a horrible boyfriend, but a horrible friend if he couldn’t make the next weeks fun for you.
Yangyang was anything but a horrible friend, and the fact that he was willing to be your holiday boyfriend to make you happy proved it further. Nevertheless, you gladly let him take the reins.
“I was thinking the movies tonight? See the latest Marvel film?”
Concurring to the idea, you scurry towards the bus stop and are movie-theatre bound to the nearest one off-campus. Arriving at the theatre, Yangyang and you buy your tickets and a popcorn to share, then head into the respective auditorium where the movie is playing. Since the movie’s been running for a couple of weeks, the auditorium is fairly empty, giving you two the chance to snag perfect middle seats with nobody else is in the row.  
Up to this point, aside from the name-dropping of boyfriend and girlfriend, this feels less like a date and more like any other hang-out with him. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing awkward.
But that changes during a third of the movie.
You’re both so immersed by the screen that neither party notices the other’s hand when both of you reach for the popcorn in Yangyang’s lap at the same time.  
A jolt runs through as your hands brush together. The duo’s eyes tear away from the screen and flit to the action happening in real-time. The touch lingers for several moments.  
“Sorry,” you quickly mumble, drawing your hand back slightly, but still hovering over the popcorn.    
“Uhm,” Yangyang licks his lips and visibly gulps under the screen’s bright glare.
He whispers, his voice almost cracking, “As your boyfriend, can I hold your hand?”
Okay, this is just your best friend, acting as your temporary boyfriend, asking to hold your hand. No big deal, no big deal at all.
Yet, the thunderous knocking in your ears, louder than the explosions blasting through the theatre’s speakers, suggests otherwise.
You don’t even register it, but you’re already nodding in response. Your breathing slows to the rate of Yangyang’s hand inching over. At the anticipated contact, you gasp softly. His smooth fingers clasp over yours. Since the arm rest in the middle of you is positioned upward, there’s no obtrusion and you relax, letting your hands mingle in between the empty space.
Without looking at one another, both of you smile bashfully to yourselves as you try to continue to focus on the screen.
After a while, because you aren’t exactly holding hands, you spread your fingers, hastily doing so because you don’t want him to think you’re breaking the interaction, and twist your palm to properly interlock hands with him. You give Yangyang’s hand a warm, gentle squeeze. He does the same and even strokes his thumb against your skin.
Talk about playing everything by ear. Who knew you’d be hand in hand on the first date?
You attempt to not think much on it, but Yangyang’s hand in yours feels... so right, like your hand was made for this, for his to hold. Like you should’ve done this way sooner.
And if Yangyang’s thoughts could be heard, he’s thinking the same.
Despite the mutual fear of sweaty palms, neither of you desire to let go, so much that you not only hold hands during the rest of the movie, but throughout the bus ride back to campus and all the way until he escorts you to your front door.
With a certain charge in the atmosphere, you exchange sweet good-byes. That night, after the culmination of stress from finals and your worries of your holiday exes, you finally have a peaceful sleep, looking forward to your date with Yangyang tomorrow.
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“Babe, how do I look?”
“Very pretty, honey.” A bundled up Yangyang winks at you from behind his phone.
The second date is an evening at a Christmas light festival at a botanical garden on the outskirts of town. The lights illuminate so strongly; there was a glowing dome-like hue over the location that seemed to reach the dark sky as you got off the bus.
When stepping foot into the garden, all the encompassing lights mesmerize you. Lights on the various greenery, lights as decorative art pieces, lights lining the pathways. Different shades of colours and shapes engulf the massive area.
Yangyang’s currently in the middle of taking your photo near an arch tangled with dark blue, gold, and white bulbs. All night long, you’ve been mockingly using endearing terms, but, despite the frigid air, your cheeks heat up over something else he just said.
“You think I’m pretty?” you genuinely ask, breaking your pose.  
He lowers his phone a bit, his jaw dangling.
“Uh, I mean,” he giggles awkwardly, nodding softly. “Yeah.”
Yangyang never told you, but he initially sat near you in Psych 101 because he thought you were the most stunning girl in the class. And sure, he was a little disappointed at the time to find out you had a boyfriend, but that didn’t mean you two couldn’t still be friends. Other than the first few weeks he had a crush on you, he’s never thought of you as more than a friend.  
But those feelings are resurfacing, hitting him in the chest like a bag of bricks, due to moments like this one—you’re batting your eyelids, gaze straying elsewhere, and adorably chewing on your lower lip.  
“And you’re not just saying that as my holiday boyfriend?”
Pouting to one side, he shakes his head cutely. “Mm-mm.”
On the flipside, the beginning with Yangyang for you was strictly platonic. You were dating Haechan at the time you met him. When Haechan broke up with you later that fall, you kept a distance from dating for a while, heartbroken from the high school love gone sour. During that period, you never told him, but you did run through the possibility of dating Yangyang since you got along so well... until you met Jaemin earlier the next semester, who stole your heart. Ever since then, you’ve never seen Yangyang under that light again.
Despite that, you can’t deny how attractive he is, and now that you’re single and technically dating him, you embrace the fact with open arms.  
Beaming as bright as the lights, you tug him by the end of his puffer jacket’s sleeve to bring him closer to you.
“C’mon, handsome, let’s take some pictures together.” Prickles rise under Yangyang’s cheeks from the off-hand compliment.  
Holding your phone up in the air at about an arm’s length away, the side of your heads touch to prepare for a few selfies. When you finish capturing them, Yangyang’s hovering over your shoulder as you scroll through to glance through the photos.
“We look good together,” you comment. “Don’t you think?”
In sync, your heads turn to meet each other. Your eyes waver from the blatant clouds of your breaths and over to his lips. The clouds become rapid bursts as you begin to lean forward. So does Yangyang.
“Do you guys want a picture together?” someone suddenly asks. The abrupt voice drags you both apart instantly, crushing the moment into pieces.
“Sure,” you peep, fumbling to hand your phone over to the stranger.
Posing, Yangyang’s hand rests around the middle of your back, which is the norm when you take pictures with him, but he pulls you in snugly. You smile even wider, relishing in the new-level of intimacy and allow yourself to be truly content among his presence.
“You guys are such a cute couple,” the stranger gushes while they return your phone prior to walking away.
“I guess we are, huh, babe?” you jut your tongue out in jest at him. This time, you indulge in the endearing term without a sliver of mockery.  
Yangyang copies you, jutting his tongue out further than yours, and seizes your hand to continue the tour around the gleaming garden.
The almost-kiss isn’t mentioned for the rest of the night, nor is it acted upon, but both individuals dwell on the near occurrence before sleep that evening, staring longingly at their bedroom ceiling.
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For the third date, you find yourselves at the campus’ dedicated ice rink arena to partake in ice skating.
You’ve skated a few times in the past, but you’re by no means a pro. On the other hand, this is apparently Yangyang’s first time, and he’s already skating circles around you.
“Show off,” you grumble as he does another lap past you. Your gloved hands are splayed out in front of you, careful not to fall flat on your face.
Turning on his blades, he rebounds over to you.
“Sorry,” he pants. His raised cheeks glow an adorable shade of pink. “This is really fun when you get the hang of it.”
Yangyang intertwines his fingers with yours before you can say anything. “C’mon, take my hand.”  
At first, it was sweet to skate alongside your holiday boyfriend, notwithstanding the few times you almost trip. As the minutes pass, you think you’re getting the hang of it, but suddenly, Yangyang unleashes your hand and glides ahead of you, abandoning you to slide at a swift pace that is definitely out of your comfort zone.  
“Yangyang, what the fuck?!” you screech, completely disregarding the handful of surrounding parents with their kids, the former sending daggers your direction. Your ankles struggle to make a T-shape to stop, but the struggling only somehow makes you move faster.  
As he spins to face you, now skating backwards with ease, he says, “See, you got the hang of it-oomph—”
Air’s struck from his lungs when you crash into his body. Thankfully, Yangyang skids his blades harshly against the ice and is able to steady and support you within his arms.
“You little fucker,” you gripe, lightly punching him in the arm.
He chuckles blithely, “Sorry, but it was kinda funny, you gotta admit.”
You breathe a large huff, which makes you note how your hair is falling over your face after the catastrophe. You’re about to lift your hand to rearrange the strands, but Yangyang beats you to it and is in the midst of tucking them behind your ear.
The knocking in your ears reappears with a vengeance and the physical source of the knocking is thrashing violently against your chest.
Your scorching breaths fuse in the refrigerated rink as Yangyang eliminates the inches of space between, his plush mouth ultimately converging with yours.
You have to constantly remind yourself to breathe under Yangyang’s intensity, and remind yourself that you’re in a public space and shouldn’t be making out like this.
But everyone’s skating around the couple, daring to not disrupt the affectionate display.
God, you don’t know when was the last time you’ve been kissed like this. Have you ever even experienced a kiss that was a fraction of this? Yangyang daintily cups your cheeks like you’re glass, but his lips press ruggedly into yours, inflaming your entirety and melting any existence of your figurative fragility.  
You ignore the echo in the back of your mind that reminds you he’s your temporary boyfriend.
The Talk will inevitably occur, but your future self could deal with it. Presently, you’re too caught up, drowning in Yangyang’s embrace.
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On Christmas Eve, Yangyang decides to bring you to an outdoor Christmas market.
Understandably, since it’s the day before Christmas, the place is absolutely packed. For the first fifteen minutes or so, it’s joyous being immersed in the Christmas spirit with the assorted little shops and their respective products. You’re holding Yangyang’s hand tightly, pointing and half-shouting over the bustle about the items that catch your eye.
Unfortunately, someone accidentally bumps against your arms and your hand is gone from his.
Swivelling your head, searching through the crowd, it occurs to you that you officially lost Yangyang.
Your feet come to a halt as your hand attempts to dig into your jacket pocket to pluck your phone out, but the moving crowd forces you to constantly follow the stream.
You yell for him, but words can’t materialize. Your windpipe tightens. Your breath is becoming shallower and shallower. Blood pulses in your ears alarmingly, blocking out the clamour from around you. Your mind’s running everywhere without control.
Where is your boyfriend?
No, scratch that, he’s not your actual boyfriend—where is your best friend?
Did he leave you? He would never.
But what happens when all of this is over? Will you still have your best friend?
You’ve avoided The Talk long enough, but you didn’t expect to catch feelings for him. Not like this.  
Maybe you’re just destined to be alone.
Is this how it feels to actually lose him?
Tears fight your vision. You hear a faint call of your name, but you can’t urge yourself to turn around, sinking only further into the sea of anonymity. You’re just a face in a crowd, all alone, with no one who cares—
Yangyang grasps you by the arm and maneuvers you aside to a less busy area behind one of the vendor stands.
“Oh, God, thought I lost you there—”
You cut him off, hugging him with all your might and stuff your face in his chest cushioned by the downy layers of his winter jacket. Yangyang immediately drapes his arms securely around you, reading your uneasiness.  
“Hey, I got you. I got you,” he soothes, running a hand through your hair. “God, not my best idea. Sorry for bringing you here.”
You shake your head, wordlessly informing him that it’s okay. You’re just glad to be with him again.
“Wanna go home?”
You nod solemnly, and Yangyang zips you out of there in minutes with his arm tucked by your side,  ensuring he doesn’t lose you in the crowd again.
Fortunately, the jitters mostly disappear when you arrive at your place in the late afternoon. You’re in the middle of rummaging through your keys to unlock your door.
“Sorry I didn’t have anything else planned for today,” he mumbles, leaning with folded arms against the wall.
“Did you...” You insert the correct key and turn the lock, clicking the door open. Your gaze lifts to match his. “Did you wanna maybe have dinner with me tonight? I was thinking of ordering pizza in.”
The grin that reaches his eyes is a sufficient answer for you.
“Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” He hangs his arm around your shoulder and plants a kiss atop your head.
After chomping down pizza and playing a few rounds of Super Smash Bros. on Yangyang’s Switch, you peer over to him on your living room couch while he’s figuring out which character he should play next.  
The little mental voice in the back of your mind prods you, reminding that you should really, really have The Talk soon. The Talk that you swept under the rug at the start by saying you’d play everything by ear.
Four dates later, and the thought of this ending scares the living daylights out of you. This not only including the interim relationship, but the dire possibility of the friendship itself too. Is it possible to go back to how you were, flipping it off like a light switch?
But the internal voice is smothered as you’re drawn to his pouting lips in thought. His pouting, oh-so kissable lips. Following the ice skating kiss yesterday, you only shared a good-bye kiss when he dropped you off. Since then, you’ve been itching to have his lips on yours again.
Yangyang eventually detects your lack of focus and finds you gawking at his mouth. Your gaze dashes to his eyes, blinking innocently, but then his eyes flicker to your mouth.
The tension in the room snaps. You two carefully throw the Switch controllers off to one side and attach yourselves together. Unlike the crashing of your bodies at the ice rink, this one is purposeful. Deliberated, as his forehead presses into yours and his tender caress carries your cheek. Your body plummets backwards until Yangyang pins you completely into the couch.
Initially, the lip-locking is gentle and mild. Your fingers lay in the vicinity of his angular visage and sturdy upper frame, in contrast to his hand curling around your waist in a light squeeze.
Soon, hands traverse to other regions—his back, your thigh, his stomach, your ass. Each touch seeking, craving, whining. Tongues slinking and dancing with appetite. Your bodies buzz for more.
Open-mouthed kisses transition from the damp lips to each other’s necks. The touches dig deeper, thriving with hunger. Your back bows, body curving into his. Grinding ensues and his robust desire is blatant against your own pulsing passion.
“You don’t happen to have any condoms on you, do you?” you groan upwards to the ceiling.
He retracts from your neck to swing his head side to side, grumbling a “Sorry, we can stop...” yet you interrupt his apology by cupping his covered length. The guttural groan he exhales into your lips makes you shiver with pleasure.
“Doesn’t mean we still can’t have fun with our hands...” you say slyly.
“Fuck yeah,” he rasps, smirking, before diving in again to taste your mouth.
Clothes are stripped with the assistance of each other, leaving you with only your bra on while Yangyang opts to be completely bare. He tops your body in the same position once more.
On the couch arm rest, your head is perched with his hand clutching the space next to it for leverage. Both figures are too scatter-brained to delve into the exquisite nudity of one another, hands flying desperately to your respective arousals.
Your pretty fingers wrap around his possession almost exactly when he dips two digits into your warmth. In unison, two sharp, quiet gasps pierce the room.
“Shit, you’re so wet,” he hisses observantly. You’re so overwhelmed by the bliss that you can’t assemble any sort of response.
Your mouth’s parted to one side, chest soaring with each plunge. Through his clouded vision, he ambles over your curves and lines and yearns to see your breasts, but he respects your choice of keeping it on and opts to ambush the expanse with kisses. Your chest is launched further into his mouth and Yangyang assumes you’re enjoying this.
Fearing friction burn, you drop him from your grip momentarily, swiping a few licks over your palm. When your hand pumps him again, now drenched with saliva, grunts reverberate against your skin.  
“Yangyang?” you whimper, causing his face to pull away from the temple of your body.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I’m-I’m close.” And he can attest to it; the contractions around him are increasing, harshly squeezing his fingers.    
“Same,” he pants.
Your best friend flicks his wrist with ignition, securing your waves of elation. You attempt to do the same, but it’s difficult when he’s also sloppily thrusting himself into your fist, so you simply clench your grasp harder. His features pinch and choppy moans dribble as he yields to his climax, gushing himself over your stomach.  
Still sucking in lungfuls of air, Yangyang kisses you tenderly before removing himself to clean up the mess he made.
Following the clean-up, while putting on your clothes, Yangyang expresses how he should get going since it’s getting late.
“Did you wanna stay the night?” you pipe up.
His mind races, debating on whether to leave or not, anxious to blur the lines of your relationship even further.
Sure, he’s your temporary boyfriend, thus staying over at your place shouldn’t mean anything. But this agreement is ending next week, and he’s questioning if you two can stay just friends after this, knowing that he’s going to want more. Yangyang has had a taste of the what if, and it’s now irrevocable.
He wants you all for himself. Selfishly, but deeply.
For the sake of keeping this a great thing for you, he shoves his thoughts aside. This is all about you and for your benefit, anyhow.
“Uh, sure, I can take the couch like I always—”
“Yangyang, you just put your fingers inside of me,” you snicker, snagging him by the hand to your bedroom. “C’mon.”
The rest of the night is relatively chaste with some kisses and touches here and there. Eventually, you fall asleep facing each other with your fingers interlocked, excited for the big day tomorrow.
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Normally on Christmas, Yangyang and you spend it with your respective families, but coincidentally, both of your families, your parents being retired and all, ended up vacationing this year, leaving the two of you to spend it with each other.
After getting up around noon, Yangyang heads to his place to grab his gift. He takes longer than you expected because, as it turns out, he also went home to grab baking goods he bought beforehand since he wants to make butter cookies with you today.
The cookies end up fine, but the mess is another story. Besides the chaos on the counter, your faces and aprons are splotched with flour (you swear he started it, but he disagrees and stands his ground that you’re the perpetrator). With a damp cloth, Yangyang aids you to clean, but not forgetting to wipe your face and giving you pecks over your cheeks and nose.  
The baking and aftermath occupies most of the afternoon, so dinner comes in the form of fancy, romantic instant ramen for two. Afterwards, you two sit in your living room and start to exchange gifts.  
Yangyang hands his over to you first. From the size of the gift and the crumpled, oddly-shaped wrapping, you already can guess it’s a stuffed plushie of a cute animal to add to your never ending collection. You hug it tightly with a large smile.
“It’s so cute, thank you!” you squeal, but you change your expression in an instant to a serious pout. “But you can’t steal this one like you did with my Ice Bear plushie.”
“Hey, I didn’t steal Ice Bear, I just forgot to give him back.” You roll your eyes sarcastically and he laughs. “I’ll bring him over tomorrow, if it makes you feel better.”  
Then, when it’s your turn, you head into your bedroom and come out with a large, white shopping bag. His eyebrows raise, unsure of what could warrant a gift this size.
“For being my holiday boyfriend,” you grin, placing the bag in front of his feet.  
Despite the hugest smile on your face, his heart sinks at the label for a second, but he blinks and wills himself to look inside the bag.
His eyes shoot open, so much that you’re scared you might have to stuff them back into his sockets.
Yangyang slips the box out of the bag with precision and stares at it speechlessly.
It’s the new Playstation.
He shifts his eyes toward you. You’re swaying on the couch, pleased by his reaction.  
“Your parents paid for most of it, so I can’t take all the credit.” Sticking a finger in the air, you add, “You just gotta promise to share custody with me though—”
A hand behind your head yanks you into a deep kiss. He’s not the only one left speechless on the couch. He places the top of his head against yours.
“You’re crazy, but I love—” He quickly catches himself from saying something he might regret. “—I love it so much, thank you. Now I feel bad for getting you only the stuffed animal...”
You shake your head softly, brushing your thumb against his cheekbone.
“Thank you for everything.” Your eyes twinkle. “I couldn’t have asked to spend the holidays with anyone else.”
Carefully, like a newborn baby, he safely situates the boxed Playstation to one side and nabs your lips with his again. The scene feels like repeat of last night as your bodies wrestle passionately on the couch.
“Not to be presumptuous,” he mutters between the kisses upon your neck. Your eyelids flutter at the sensation. “But I also grabbed condoms from my place when I stopped by.”
His words sends the two of you leaping towards your bedroom. Under the dim lighting, you fall into the bed as Yangyang pares your layers off, one by one. With each peel, his lips roam the revealing bare skin. You swear he has kissed you from your literal head to toe when you’re fully nude in front of him.
Your companion drags his shirt over his head, throws it off to your floor, and immediately targets in onto your nub with his mouth, finally satiating his craving from last night.
Fingers thread into his hair and over his flexed back. His tongue swirls and his teeth lightly tug on your perkiness, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. And he still isn’t even inside you yet.
After leaving love upon your other bosom, Yangyang fumbles with the condom, forgetting which way it should go on. Giggling, you perch yourself onto your elbows and assist him. Rolling it over his possession, you recline yourself back and spread your legs for him.
Pensively, he sticks his tongue out as he adjusts himself between your sex, easing himself into you, and upon the full impact, you meet his gaze head-on. His stare makes you feel vulnerable and exposed beyond the physical plane.  
But, unlike the others you have been with, you trust him with everything, like you always have, and be free with him. Losing your inhibitions and submitting to your whims, you entangle and become one with Yangyang.  
Behind his hazy vision, Yangyang’s simply thinking how beautiful you are, how he can’t imagine anyone else under his touch but you, how he is willing to give up anything to make you smile.
Well, in this case, he’s willing to give up anything to make you pleased.
However, it doesn’t seem like he needs to do much because you’re howling his name and clinging onto his skin and the sheets in a frenzy, like you’re about to die of exhaustion.
You perish a few times under him before he finally reaches his little death himself, convulsing into the sheath.
When air’s replenished into your bodies, you rest on his chest under your blanket. Glancing up at him, you move some of his tousled hair off his sleek forehead.
“Merry Christmas, Yangyang,” you whisper, snuggling him with a satisfied smile.
“Merry Christmas, babe,” he whispers back, giving you one last peck before you both drift into a deep slumber together.  
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Last night took so much out of the both of you, you don’t get out of bed until about the middle of the afternoon. Yangyang doesn’t have anything planned for today since it’s Boxing Day, since the crowds might be crazy wherever you go, so it’s officially a chill, rest day for you both.
When you step out of the shower in fresh clothes, from behind the couch, you watch Yangyang gaming on his Switch.
The little voice in your head looms, prompting that now is the time to have The Talk, and speaks up on your behalf.
“Do we have to end things next week?” you croak.
You see Yangyang’s shoulders stiffen, then he pauses the game and turns around to face you. His gaze follows you as you step closer to the couch, opting to stand.  
“Uhm.” His Adam’s apple bobs and he shrugs. “It’s up to you, it’s your—”
“Yangyang, that’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking what you think, how do you feel?”
His lips press together and he’s staring at the floor. You can tell the gears are moving, but you can’t read his expression clearly.
“I’m down for whatever you want to do,” he says slowly, eyes still averting yours.
That’s a I’m-your-best-friend answer, you deduce. Not a I-want-to-be-your-actual-boyfriend answer.  
He adds, stuttering, “I mean, I wouldn’t mind doing this a little longer if that’s what you want—”
Your face scrunches in annoyance. “Did you just sign up to be my short-term boyfriend so you can fill my empty heart?”
His eyebrows crease with confusion. “I mean, I never want to see you unhappy.”
“So it’s pity dating then?” you lash, raising your voice.
“No, I—” Yangyang bites down on his tongue, almost letting the one word slip out again. He blows out a lengthy sigh and runs a hand through his hair. “I care about you, so much. I’d do anything to make you happy.”
You’re defining his words as an affirmation of friendship and as an underlying rejection of your love.
You need to know for certain.
“Do you love me, Yangyang?” you blurt. “As more than a friend?”
This is it, Yangyang thinks. This is your chance to let her know how you feel.
But the distress written on your face makes him wonder if he should even go through with it, and it’s intensifying with every passing moment that he’s not speaking.  
If only he knew your distress was deepening because you took his hesitance as absolute rejection.  
Your heart is breaking because of him, and he technically wasn’t even yours to begin with.
You smack your lips together and gulp a few times, trying to make the huge knot in your throat disappear.
“You know what, maybe let’s just forget this arrangement and leave it all behind and forget about the sex and—”
“You wanna stop this?” he utters quietly.
The word “this” hangs heavy in the air. This, carrying the weight of not only being the temporary agreement, but also your friendship.
“Yeah,” you whisper, tears beginning to blur your eyes. “I think I do.”
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Two days have passed since you last saw Yangyang.
That day before he left, Yangyang, feeling guilty for how events unfolded, wanted to give back the Playstation, but you insisted for him to keep it. In spite of everything, it was a Christmas gift to him from you and his parents.
But both of you weren’t sure if the shared custody promise was going to be held up.  
In hopes that things would eventually get better and heal itself, Yangyang thought it’d be best to leave you alone for a while, like how he usually did.
And maybe he was right to do so, but this time is different.
Because he’s on the other end of the stick now; he’s the one who broke your heart.  
Under regular circumstances, whenever you needed space, he was always ready to be there by your side.
But Yangyang’s uncertain if you’re going to let him comfort you this time.  
And you’re uncertain if you even want him to.
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Today, Yangyang finally makes the move to get in touch with you, texting you to call him, but you don’t, so he leaves a voicemail later in the evening.
“There’s a New Year’s party I’m going to tomorrow,” he starts off, then spews the specific details.
There’s a pause and you hear shuffling in the background. You assume he’s pacing around.
“I know you ended our agreement, but I wouldn’t mind fulfilling my end since New Year’s is the last day tomorrow. I’d be really glad if you came to the party with me, whether it be as my friend or my girlfriend.”
Another pause.
On the other end, Yangyang rubs his palm over his face, considering whether or not he should say it. If you picked up the phone call, he was going to do it anyway, but this just felt improper. He wants to say it when he knows you’re listening in real-time, so he ends off the message with:
“I miss you. So much.”
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It’s 8:40PM. Before Yangyang buses out to the party, he’s back at your front door for one more shot. His fist taps at your door, cognizant that you wouldn’t be elsewhere since your other friends are out of town for the holidays. Despite that, you don’t come to the door. Nevertheless, he speaks to you through the wooden barrier.
“Hey, I know you want to be left alone, but I just wanted to see if you changed your mind about the party.”
Still no answer. He lets out a sigh and prays the following will incite a reaction from you.  
“About the question that you asked me that night...”
He closes his eyes and allows his mouth to carry him.
“I do. I do love you. As both my best friend and more. I’m sorry if I hurt you that night by not saying anything, but I love you so much and I think we should give us a shot.”
Still no answer. Yangyang continues.
“Look, I know it’s scary and crazy to date your best friend. I’m scared too, but you know what? I’m okay with being scared. I’ve watched you gone through those assholes over the last few years and maybe you’re scared I’ll end up like one of them, but unlike them, I don’t think you’re horrible or needy or emotional—you’re beautiful, intelligent, and strong for putting up with all those fuckers.”
He leans his forehead gently against the door.
“And even if we ever do break up, and this is a big if because I’ll always try my hardest with you to make it work, I’ll still be your friend. I promise. You won’t lose me ‘cause I need you in my life. I gotta keep my end up for the custody of the Playstation, right?”
A smile breaks over his face from his joke, but still. Radio silence.  
“Can you at least say something?” he begs.
After a few minutes, realizing he needs to probably give you more time to be left alone, he departs and heads to the party.
Originally, you actually were planning on attending the party to see Yangyang to make-up with him.
Unfortunately, out of all the days you had to take a late afternoon nap, it had to be today.
And you overslept. Big time. 
At 10:55PM, you scramble awake, realizing you’re absolutely late to the event. Since the party’s downtown, you know calling an Uber or Lyft there would be fast, but tonight’s the worst night for any share riding service and there aren’t any available drivers. Thus, you have to manage with busing there.
It’s 11:40PM when you finally reach downtown, but the bus can’t take you all the way to the core centre where the party is; hordes of people are out on the streets and traffic is dreadful. God, you’re going to be cutting it close to midnight, but you make a run for it.
You’re grateful the party is on the second floor of a small building because you slide in right through the entrance at 11:58PM. You rush to call Yangyang’s phone, hoping he’ll pick up as you try to find him in the scattered groups of people.
You begin to holler for him in hopes he can hear you, but the countdown is happening, drowning out your voice. Thirty seconds left until the clock strikes for the new year.
When his number finally goes to voicemail, you redial his number. Suddenly, a hand grasps you by the wrist.
Yangyang looks at you, dumbfounded.
“When did you get here?”  
The harmonious chanting around you floods your surroundings.
“Ten, nine, eight...”
Getting closer to him, you practically scream into Yangyang’s face, trusting he’ll hear what you’re about to say.
“I know Christmas is over, but I want to change my wish.”
“Seven, six, five...”
“I know you might not feel the same and I know things might not work out.”
“Four, three, two...”
”But I wish to date you past New Year’s until whenever, however long we last.”
“I love you, Yangyang—”
The one you love snatches you by the waist and your cheek, stealing your lips at the last millisecond before midnight.
“Happy New Year!”
A wave of noisemakers, clappers, and hollering erupt around the room. After it dies down a bit, Yangyang shocks you with a scolding.
“Why didn’t you say anything when I came over?!”
Confusion rushes over you. You realize he probably came by when you were sleeping. 
“You came over?!”
“Yeah, I confessed my love for you.”
“Wait,” you blink blankly, unsure if you heard him correctly. “Your love?”
“Yeah,” he nods, giving you his cheesy, adorable smile.  “I love you.”
“As more than a friend?” you clarify.
“Babe,” Yangyang’s thumb caresses your cheek. “I don’t think I could ever go back to wanting less with you.”
Your lips tremble with relief as your gaze melts in his.
“And, anyway, who else am I going to share the Playstation with?”
“Well, I mean, you do have Hendery, Xiaojun, Winwin...” you start to count his infinite list of friends on your fingers.  
“Yeah, but I need you so I can constantly beat your cute little butt at games.”
“You do not constantly beat my cute little butt at games, I’ll have you know that I beat you at—”  
Yangyang shuts you up with another kiss, the one of many for the rest of the night.
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It’s your second morning at Yangyang’s place. You’ve only done it a few times now, but you realize that waking up in his arms is one of the greatest feelings in the world, second only to his kisses.  
In his bed, spooning you from behind, he grumbles into the nape of your neck, “Morning, girlfriend.”  
Half-awake, you mumble back, “Morning, boyfriend,” and sink deeper into the curve of his body.
Content, you finally broke your string of cursed holiday break-ups for good.  
And all it took was to be with the one who was in front of you all this time.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
I always wonder how skz would react to an s/o with a LARGE SEX DRIVE SHSBDBS idk like guys r usually super horny but imagine if u were hornier than them HAHA
warnings: mostly dom!skz x gn!reader. impact play, nicknames, hickies, masturbation, exhibitionism, overstimulation, slight dacryphilia, sex toys, daddy kink, riding, degradation, dumbification. 
The thing is not that he wouldn’t like it,,, more like he would be tired?
Sure,,, he has good stamina but he would more prefer longer sex sessions that are more intimate and romantic rather than a bunch of quickies.
but thats like... 95% of the time, the remaining 5% is dicking you down so hard you won’t be able to walk because “you asked for it, you dumb fuck”
you would really have to get him worked up in order for that to work
and even then he would only go for maybe 2 rounds
“c-chan... one more time~” you said after cumming for the third time that night. “y/n, arent you sleepy?” he says, chuckling. you shake your head, “just one more time!” you say all giddy to which bangchan sighed. 
ok now hear me out, im not gonna mix astrology in here,,, but i am going to mix astrology in here lmao
this boy a scorpio
a scorpio
meaning his intimate parts rule over his body (JUST SAYING TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT)
so he loves this. A LOT
any opportunity to be inside of you he’ll take
he’s hella horny and would like a s/o that matches that aura so HEY! fits perfectly (thats what she said)
show any sign of a sexual act and he wont hesitate to slam you against a table
legit as small as licking a lollipop 
“stop that unless you want my dick in your throat” he says, not even looking up from his phone as the sounds of you sucking a lollipop fills the room. you don’t stop, no, you go even harder. he looks up from his phone. “is that a yes?”
ahh... binnie binnie is head over heals for this
he finds it extremely hot that you initiate the sex most of the time
it shows that you really want him 
and he likes attention and feeling appreciated so this works
also has kind of a firey attitude
meaning that he gets worked up real quick
just like minho it doesnt take much for him to notice your sexual signs
“binnie~ i need you” you whisper in his ear as he’s working on something on his computer. you drag your lips across his neck and nibble on his ear before he turns around and glares at you with dark eyes. “princess/prince wanna play that game huh?”
shy to initiate so this makes it easier for him 
his stamina is relativly high
but i feel like there would be kiiind of a gap between the two of you since he’d be completely exhausted after a couple of rounds but you beg for more.
leaving him with no other choice but to give it to you
since he loves you too much to say no ><
i feel like he’d make fun of you for it 
“hyunjin,, please!” you says in the nicest tone you could muster but only being mocked by hyunjin copying you in an annoying voice
“HyUnJiiinNn~” you burst into laughter, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. “thats what you sound like y/n!!”
but nah most of the time he will take it but always with some playfulness first. 
all the time
no matter where or when
some of yall are about to be real mad at me but it must be said HASHAHAH STOP CHER STOP
he just gives me this hormonal teenager vibe
and so there’s a lot of fucking in a lot of unconventional places
simply because his angel wants it
it even borders to him being even hornier than you but you find joy in that
you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve caught him watching porn or masturbating BECAUSE IT HAPPENED OFTEN
and everytime it would lead to heated sex that could last for hours
“h-help me y/n! dont just stand there s-staring” he says, blushing a bit as he openly strokes his dick infront of you. you shrug your shoulders, closing the bedroom door and inching closer to the warm boy.
tough one to read... hmmm.... 
honestly he wouldn’t mind
sure he’d be tired 
and therefore he’d rather prefer seeing you ride a dildo or something
because then you’re satisfied and he doesnt have to do much
just that he likes to cuddle and chill more than being inside of you all the time
he’s sensitive which has its pros and cons
pro: easy to get horny
con: easily overstimulated
WHICH SURE you’d find it fun to torture him by keeping him cumming over and over again
but poor boy would be crying in the end
which only added to your horniness OOP
“y/n,, s-stop please im begging you,, ahhgh..” he moans from underneath you, you putting him through his fourth orgasm which is causing him to shake and cry as you didn’t stop riding him. “mhm... but I wanna cum once more, not fair... you can cum so many times but I can’t! be a good boy and shut up, maybe i’ll let you go after this round”
giving me that same energy that chan has
but this time instead of 95:5 its more like 65:35
meaning 65% romantic puppy that wants to take his time with you, roaming his hands all over your body and really connecting with you
and the other 35% well... more like relentless pounding, all covered in love bites and hand prints (im drooling)
he becomes all hard dom when he’s stressed and soo...
you get him stressed which ok you feel bad about but... he gets to release all his stress (and cum) on you and you get what you want 
DING DING DING! win-win situation!!
so yeah he would like it most of the time especially when you’re stressed and especially when you’re a brat
turning him on by rubbing on his lap but running away the next second
he likes to make you obey rather than you already obeying. 
he was watching tv peacefully when you suddenly plopped down on his lap, starting to squirm about when watching a tv show. he held you down by the waist. “shh stop” he says once with a bitter tone but you didn’t listen, only continuing to move and feeling his member getting harder. “Is d-daddy getting hard?” you coo at him with a mischievous voice to which seungmin sighed, his hands snaking around your upper body and wrapping around your neck, pushing your back against his chest. “little fucker wanna play with daddy”
oml why did this become so aggressive i have a lot of pent up sexual frustration ASHASHS
he’d find it really hot in the beginning
but what he didn’t realise was how tiring sex is 
yk teenagers! learning as they go (i like how im talking about this as if im older than him LMAO)
catch his search history being: “is it normal to have sex everyday” 
he’d be sore :(( 
and when he told you that he probably needed to just cuddle he felt bad because he always wanted to please you
but the two of you would find your ways around it
vibrators EHHEHE
especially those remote control ones
he’d just go ham with those I KNOW IT
because just like felix, you’d be satisfied and he could chill for the time being 
beg pretty enough and he’ll give you the real thing
“b-but i need you now jeongin! stop with that fucking controller!!” you try to snatch it out of his hand but fail. “say please” he says, looking at you with sweet brown eyes. “pl-pleaseeee~!” he melts into a puddle of blushes as he speaks “alright but only because you’re a good one” 
HEY THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN WRITING!! send in sum more, i’ll make them into short reactions like these because my requests for the “official” reactions is closed (will probably open shortly) but YEEEAH 
thank u anon for your very very smart brain and for requesting HEH >< 
also this is not proof read so ignore any mistakes OOP
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ff-imagines · 3 years
uhm this is embarrassing thing to request but,,,,,,, how bout u know,,,,,, nsfw alphabet/scenario/hcs with blobster. 👁️👄👁️. I'm sorry.
Boston lobster: nsfw alphabet
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Minors dni xoxo
A - aftercare
Admittedly kinda sloppy, it doesn’t occur to him that he should probably check up on you till he’s like “oh shit humans need water” and he suddenly shoots up to grab some and come back to you lmao
If you explicitly ask you get no back talk from him, he just carries you where you need to be and makes sure you’re feeling alright.
Will be endlessly prideful if u say you can’t walk, express your soreness at your sanities risk bc he’ll bring it up for ages
B- body parts
Oh he’s got no shame to tell you he loves your ass and thighs. The type to walk by you and give you a tap on the ass while smirking to himself. Doesn't matter how much or how little you've got he’ll still ask at least once if he can fuck your thighs lmao
Does his height count? He loves how he towers over most humans and food souls alike, chances are he’s probably taller than you, and he really likes that. Sulks a bit if you’re actually taller than him lmao.
They aren’t his favourite part of him but I gotta talk about the antennae. They’re weirdly sensitive, pulling him makes him squeak, which ends with him chasing you or with him chasing you, take your pick. When he catches you he makes it his goal to find a weirdly sensitive part of your body and to tease that spot endlessly. Tickle fight ensues but it’s more like you’re suffering while he’s maniacally laughing above you.
C - cum
It’s thick as fuck and very salty, rip lmao
He likes to cum inside or on your thighs, look they’re very squishy and nice ok he can’t help it </3
He’s also obsessed with not only making you cum, but just… your cum. Amab or afab readers, he will delight in making you watch him swallow. Would also bring his hand up to make you taste yourself, grinning the whole damn way.
D - dirty secret
He’s really affected by scents. If you have a signature perfume or cologne you wear all the time it can make him unbearably horny, since the smell lingers on his sheets and on his clothes long after you’re gone.
E - experience
A fair amount, out of curiosity. Not too many times as he’s spent a lot of years in total isolation. His curiosity is a more recent development, he finds he likes the feeling but something is just missing from his hookups. Then he meets you and is like “ohhhh a relationship is what it was, damn.” Once he realizes that, and even a little bit before when he first starts noticing his internal unease, the hookups stop so he can figure out how to swallow his pride and try and ask a human out lmao
F - favorite position
He loves doggy style because it’s just so so easy to control you that way. He loves to pull you back by your arms, spearing inside you at a punishing pace.
He also would love if you were flexible enough to push into a mating press, getting right next to your ear, whispering about how close he is.
G - goofy
Surprisingly, yea! He’s actually pretty good at making fun of himself, he just doesn’t do it often and doesn’t like it when someone he’s not close to does it. He gives little teases here and there, it eases tension quite a lot.
H- hair
He doesn’t shave for shit lmao. Intense happy trail, intense amount of body hair over all, he actually prefers it that way.
He keeps the same energy with your body hair and will come out and tell you he kinda likes it if you don’t shave. Ultimately he doesn’t think on it too hard, it doesn’t bother him in the end, whatever you want, he wants too!
I- intimacy
He’s not so good at being truly intimate, it’s just not something he’s used to being. If you ever, by some miracle, convince him to let you top him, he’s actually a lot softer and it’s easier to let his feelings speak for him. He also discovers he likes getting dommed a lot but he won’t tell you that lmao
J- jerk off
Not too often, he’s either super busy or he could just find you and solve the problem in an even more satisfying way.
If he ever can’t, expect him to grab one of your shirts to press to his nose as he fists his cock, the feeling of being surrounded by you is enough to help him finish when he desperately needs it.
K- Kinks
Well, the scent thing ofc.
He’s really into risky sex, a true exhibitionist. He’s hot, you’re hot, who wouldn’t want to see you both put on a show? If it gets it into their heads that no matter how bad they want you, you belong to him, your place is right here, getting split apart on his cock, he’ll make sure the message gets across.
Huge breeding kink. Hates the idea of kids but really likes the idea of claiming your insides. He’d love to push you into the mattress and release as deep as he can go.
He’s into humiliation as well, let him tease you while calling you his sweet little whore, he'll make it worth your while.
He’d love if you let him tie you up, he’d probably get into doing fancy designs that accentuates your body in the best way. A pretty rope to tie up and dick down a pretty s/o.
Also I can’t look at his skin where he’s got that suit on and not know he’s got a daddy kink, I just can’t. He doesn’t care for anything other than the title, it’s more about power than anything else. Call him daddy in public and watch how fast you get taken to a more private area. Or, maybe a less than private area, if you’d let him.
He’s got a thing for size difference as well, he loves to loom over you, even if he isn’t actually bigger than you.
L- location
Anywhere, anytime. He’s a prideful bastard, he’ll show off his ability to get you drunk off his cock any way he can. Not only isn’t there a spot in your house he hasn’t fucked you on, there probably isn’t a place on your street either.
M- motivation
What really gets him going is seeing you when you're at your most confident. If you come to him beaming about winning an award, wearing an outfit you feel great in, even if you just say something cocky, it just makes him so proud and eager to share that confidence with you. He doesn’t want to break you down, he wants to prop you up! Tell him about how good you feel, he’ll make you feel even better <3
N- no
As much as he likes to show you off, he doesn’t actually like the thought of a third party joining in. He might be swayed if it’s someone he really trusts. He also doesn't like receiving humiliation, he’s much too prideful lmao
O- oral
Please suck him off, he’ll be kinda rough with you but he’ll be nicer if you ask. He prefers to be mean though lmao. He likes ordering you around on what to do when you’ve got his dick in your mouth, his words get more incoherent the closer he is, though.
He’s just as eager to give you head too, he treats you like a whole 7 course meal. He loves biting around your thighs before ever touching where you're desperate for him to.
P- pace
Oh he’s punishingly hard. Loves to have a fast steady pace then stop as deep as he can and roll his hips a bit to make sure you feel just how deep his dick is inside you.
There are rare days when he’s feeling soft, those days he’s slow and methodical, gripping into your hips to make sure you can’t wiggle to increase your own pleasure, he wants you to savour the high he gives you.
Q- quickies
Well, why not! So what if you’re in an alleyway near a busy street, and anyone can walk by and see you getting pounded? You’re feeling heated aren’t you? Don't kid yourself, just turn around and let him take care of you.
R- risk
He lives for it. If you’d let him he’d bounce you on his cock in a plainly public place, like a subway car.
It’s a big fantasy of his for someone who absolutely pines for you to flirt just a little too hard, you coming to him and letting him fuck your right in front of them. It fuels his pride beyond belief to show you off.
S- stamina
His refractory time is fairly low. Even if he...can? doesn't really mean he wants to. He prefers either one drawn out, long round where you’ve both been edged to the point of desperation, or a few quick rounds throughout the day.
T- toys
At first they kinda hurt his pride but then he’s like “wait I can strap them on a vibrator and just sit back and watch” and then he’s totally on board lmao.
Forcing you to sit on a chair with a vibrator he had the remote to, keeping you on the edge and smirking while you beg and snivel, having no actual plans to give into your pleading.
U- unfair
Oh fuck yea, strap in babes.
He loves loves to edge the fuck out of you, he’d drag it out for hours if you’d let him. Even better if he can tie you down so you can’t squirm away from what he’s giving you.
Overstimulation is just as exciting to him, but he actually loves it more on himself. Sometimes he’ll overstimulate himself on purpose by still continuing to buck into you even after he’s already cum, determined to chase a second high no matter how painful it feels.
V- volume
Loud groans, and he won’t stop talking. Loves to ask you questions when you’re clearly way too blissed out to answer in any sort of coherent way.
He gets a lot louder near his release, he loves to bite into your shoulder to try and muffle himself. If he decides to be bold and let you hear him, he grabs your jaw and brings his face right next to your ear. What a show off.
W- wild card
He kidnaps small items that remind him of you, not just things that smell like you. That one earring you always wear, a glove, a necklace, picks flowers that remind him of you for whatever reason, he might even go out of his way to buy things that remind him of you, keep them to himself for a while, then give it to you when he’s sure it smells enough like him. He gives your stuff back… eventually.
X- X Ray
Oh please… he spits, sweats, and bleeds big dick energy. I refuse to believe his dick isn’t big enough to make you nervous. Would have you sit on his lap and track a finger up your stomach to measure how deep his cock can go.
Y- yearning
He’s pretty likely to mold to your sexual drive. However often you need him, he’s at your beck and call. He likes to keep it closer to 2-3 times a week if he can.
Z- zzz
He doesn’t sleep all that easily at all, but it gets a little easier when he’s got you in his arms. Prefers to be big spoon, and as much as he hates getting overheated, he just can’t will himself to let go of you. It’s ironically one of the most peaceful sleeps he’s ever had.
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lovemeleo · 3 years
you know when babies are jealous and don’t let their parents like kiss cause they’re clingy with one of them? just imagining Logan getting all pouty cause Asher won’t let him kiss Leo when he’s around or even cuddle him
This has been sitting in my ask box for soooo long! And I finally did it! I hope you enjoy, anon, because it was fun to write! These characters (except Asher) belong to the lovely @lumosinlove! 
Here’s the link to the rest of the Asher Pascal series, if you haven’t read those yet!
When you have a child, everyone warns you about the “Terrible Twos.” They warned about the rapid mood changes and the changes in their behaviors. But at no point in time did anybody tell them, “Hey, your son is probably going to get really possessive of everything and everyone around him.” 
That would’ve been nice to know.
They had started teaching him about sharing, and he was normally pretty good about it. Shared toys with Harry when he went to the Potter house, offering some of his snacks to his dads or any various family members that happened to be nearby. Then out of nowhere, there would be something that was his.
Today, it was his dad’s hoodie.
“Mine.” Asher insisted, his hands on his hips as he stared defiantly up at his dad.
Remus sighed, “Ash. Bub. I need my hoodie, otherwise, I’m gonna be cold at the park.” Asher had managed to steal the hoodie he had planned to wear off his bed, pulling it on over his park outfit. Even through his exasperation, he had to admit the sight of his son pouting up at him, Remus’ hoodie covering him like a dress.
“What about this one, mon chou?” Sirius said, raising an eyebrow as he held out a smaller jersey hoodie. He had one for each of the guys on the team, but this was his favorite. It had a big number one on it, and you guessed it, ‘KNUT’ printed on the back. 
Asher was quickly trying to pull the giant hoodie over his head, arms flailing as he got lost in it along the way. Remus was quick to save the day as he detangled his son, pressing a kiss to his forehead when his head finally appeared.
Giggling, Asher held his arms for his other dad as his own hoodie was slipped on, “My Le hoodie.” He sing-songed, wiggling happily as soon as it was on. They were meeting the Cubs at the park nearby their house today. Remus had texted Leo saying he needed to get Asher out of the house to tire him out, as he had been a ball of energy all week. Leo agreed, his boyfriends were the same way and as much as he loved them, he was close to bashing their heads together just to get some peace and quiet.
After grabbing Asher’s bag as well as the packed lunch they made for the six of them, they headed to the park, the little boy swinging happily from his dads’ hands as he stood between them. “You excited for the park, Ash?” Sirius asked
“Yep! ‘M gonna go swinging, and on the slide, and my Fish said that he would help me on the monkey bars!” Asher rambled through his plan, his dads nodding as they listened intently. Everyone always talked about how advanced his talking was, he started so early, but they just spoke to him normally, encouraging questions and any conversations Asher wanted to have. 
Sirius couldn’t help the fond look that passed over his face as he looked at his perfect little family. If anyone had told eighteen-year-old Sirius that he’d be married with a son, he probably would’ve laughed in their face. But here he was.
As they got to the park, Asher let out a happy squeal before sprinting off, his eyes landing on the tall blonde, “Le!” He jumped into Leo’s arms, and of course, was quickly caught and spun around as he giggled madly. They had the routine down to a science. 
“Ash!” Leo said with a grin, resting the giggling boy on his hip. “Nice hoodie you’ve got there.”
Logan ruffled the little boy’s hair, making him grin, “I might have to get one in my size.”
Asher was quickly nodding as he turned to face the other man, “Tremzy, we could be matching!” The older boy couldn’t help the fond smile that spread on his face as he watched Asher’s face light up. 
“I’d love to match with you.” Logan said, tickling Asher’s side causing him to burst into a fury of giggles, hiding his face in Leo’s neck.
Wrapping an arm around Logan’s waist, Finn rested his chin over the shorter man’s shoulder, “You ready to master those monkey bars, little dude?” 
Before he could even finish his sentence, Asher was wiggling out of Leo’s grip and grabbing Finn’s hand, quickly pulling him towards the monkey bars as fast as little feet would take him. The rest of them made their way to a picnic table nearby, setting down their things as they watched Finn hold Asher up so he could reach.
“He’s been talking about the monkey bars all week, and how his Fish was gonna teach him,” Sirius said, watching his son fondly as he swung carefully. Finn held him gently, ready to catch him if he let go.
Logan grinned, resting his head on Leo’s shoulder, “Finn too. Though we were all excited. With this week off of practice, I think we all got a bit of cabin fever, so it’s nice to get out of the house.”
“Well, Tremz, y’know you don’t have to stay in your house just cause we don’t have practice, right? You are very much allowed to go into the outside world.” Sirius teased, leaning his elbows onto the table.
Smirking, Logan leaned forward, “I’m well aware of that, Cap, but we had other plans in mind that didn’t require leaving the house.” 
Sirius groaned, pushing at the younger man’s face, “Non! Pas d'arrêt... That’s gross. You’re like my brother and that’s gross. I don’t want to hear about all your sexual encounters.” Logan let out a loud laugh as his boyfriend hid his face in his hands, though they couldn’t hide the bright red of his cheeks.
“Ahhh, Nutter Butter, are you blushing?” Logan smirked, poking at the sneaky dimple that peaked out from Leo’s hands.
Leo gave him a dirty look, “Fuck off.” He said, sticking his tongue out as he tried to hide the blush that covered his face. Logan couldn’t help the fond smile, leaning over to press a kiss to Leo’s cheek.
“You’re fucking cute.”
Before Leo could reply, a dramatic gasp came from the direction of the monkey bars. Turning around, they saw Asher gesturing for Finn to let him down before he was running towards the table. He was yelling something but they weren’t sure what until he got closer.
“He’s mine!” Asher chanted, quickly running up to the table and trying to push in between Logan and Leo. Finn tried to hide his laughter behind his hand as he followed after him at a much more leisurely pace. 
Asher quickly squished his way in between them, pointing a finger at Logan, “Tremzy, no! Mine!” He said before making his way into Leo’s lap. Sirius was trying (and failing) to hide his laughter as he leaned into Remus, his face hidden in his fiance’s shoulder.
Ever the mature one in his relationship, Remus bit back his own laughter to look at his son, “Ash, sweetheart. Remember what we talked about?”
Pouting as he looked up at his dad, Asher leaned into Leo’s chest, “You said I’m not s’posed to claim people ‘cause you can’t own them… But he’s my Le! A-And Tremzy was kissing him!” He said, sounding scandalized as he peeked over at Logan.
“You’re gonna have to share though, because he’s also Logan and Finn’s Le. And they’re being very nice and sharing him with you.” Remus explained, trying not to break and just give Leo to his son as he was met with the puppy dog eyes.
He didn’t know what he expected, their son was sort of unpredictable so Sirius couldn’t help but jump as Asher burst into tears, hiding his face in Leo’s chest, “B-but I love him!”
Leo’s eyes got wide as he gently rubbed over Asher’s back, “Whoa, hey mon chou, don’t cry. It’s alright! You’re allowed to love more than one person. And just because I love Logan and Finn, doesn’t mean I can’t love you too! I’ve got a lot of love to give, I’m a pretty big guy, y’know?”
Sniffling softly, Asher looked up at him, “Love me too? And Tremz and Fish?” 
“Of course. I love you all very very much.” Leo said quietly, using his sleeve to gently wipe the tears from Asher’s cheek. 
Logan bit his lip nervously as he watched the interaction. He hadn’t meant to make Asher cry and hated seeing the little boy upset. He loved the kid to death, and the thought of him hating Logan broke his heart a bit. Finn reached over to him, intertwining their fingers together as he gave him a gentle smile.
Fiddling with the bottom of Leo’s sweater, Asher let out a soft hiccup as he looked up at Logan, “‘m sorry I yelled at you, Tremzy. C-Can we all share Le?” He asked.
“Of course, bud. I’m always down to share with you.” Logan replied quickly, his fingers moving to brush Asher’s curls from his face. It felt like a weight was lifted off his chest as a small smile spread across the little boy’s face. 
“Do you wanna go to the swings?” Leo asked, his hand still rubbing calming circles into Asher’s back. 
Logan stood up, stretching his legs before reaching for Asher, “C’mon, we’ll see who can go higher.” Reaching up, Asher quickly nuzzled into Logan’s arms as he nodded. Leo followed after them, Asher’s happy chatter already picking back up.
“Well, that was absolutely terrifying,” Finn muttered, leaning onto the table as he watched his boyfriends go. 
Sirius chuckled, patting him on the shoulder, “They’re fine, Harzy. The crisis was averted fairly well, I’d say.” Remus couldn’t help but nod in agreement. 
“Honestly that could’ve gone way worse... You’ll be good dads one day.” He said with a soft smile.
Finn couldn’t help the fond smile that grew on his face as he watched Logan swinging next to Asher, Leo pushing the little boy as they laughed.
“One day.”
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SFW Alphabet | Felix Lee
{Stray Kids Masterlist}
Member: Felix Lee
Genre: fluff
Authors Note: I am trying to do this series with both AiB and Stray Kids, so here’s my first one! Enjoy!
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A - Affection 
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Considering how affectionate and cuddly he is with his members, with his S/O he’d be ten times more intense
His love language is physical touch, so he would always need to be touching his S/O is some way or another
Even a simple gesture like holding hands under the restaurant table is enough to make him feel reassured
He wouldn’t be able to sleep without wrapping all his limbs around his S/O, snuggling as close and possible and almost suffocating in their scent
While having a lazy day at home, Felix would not leave his S/O’s side
He would follow them to every room, like a little kitten
Felix would love getting his head pat. His S/O’s fingers running through his hair would be heaven for him
As Felix has mentioned to the other members, he heart would explode if his S/O came up behind him while he’s in the kitchen (while he’s washing dishes or something) and gave him a back cuddle
B - Best Friend 
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Felix would honestly make the most amazing best friend in the world.
He would be the type of best friend that would show up at their house at 2am just to play Minecraft in their room
He would have the most crackhead energy around them 24/7
Always sticking to their side through thick and thin
He would always know how to cheer his best friend up, quoting vines and doing tiktok dances just to hear them laugh
He would also be so loving, big hugs and snuggles for everyone, especially his best friend
C - Cuddles 
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
I mentioned cuddling a bit in A, but here’s some more
Felix would absolutely adore cuddles
One of his favourite ways to cuddle is playing video-games while his S/O sat on his lap with their face tucked into his neck. He would love feeling their breaths on his skin and them leaving small kisses there every few minutes
During cuddling, Felix would love to tuck his hands underneath his S/O’s shirt to feel their warm skin, and then giggle when they yell at him for having cold hands
Felix would rub his head on their belly as their lying down, kissing the soft skin there and blowing raspberries against it to make them laugh
He would wrap his arms around their shoulders from behind them as their doing work and kiss their cheeks
After a long day apart, Felix would drag his S/O to bed and cuddle them like a teddy bear, making up for the lost time when they weren’t together, not letting them go until he’s satisfied with their love (never)
Felix would be so suffocating and cuddly, his S/O would wonder if he has separation issues at least 3 times a day
D - Domestic 
(Do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?)
Obviously Felix has a passion for cooking, so he would be more than happy to practice his skill whenever he could in the kitchen
Every time he made a good dish, his S/O would always be the taste-tester and give him their opinion
He would love to cook for his partner, and he would get so excited when they like his food
Around the house in general, I feel like he would be rather loud.
With his energy and vibe, he would make everyday be a party
Whilst doing boring chores with his S/O, he would blast fun music and dance while doing the laundry or vacuuming
It would take hours for them to finish cleaning anything, because they would have too much fun while doing so
Their living space would be so comfy, pillows and giant stuffed animals everywhere
E - Ending 
(If they had to break up with their S/O, how would they do it?)
I feel like Felix would do absolutely everything in his power to prevent a breakup
But if he was forced to make the decision, he would be torn
Felix seems like someone that would be very emotionally connected to his S/O, so a breakup would crush him
He would probably tell his partner straight up that he wanted to break up
He would sit them down and talk through it logically, trying to say things in the nicest way possible
If he’s the one that broke it off, he would probably try his best to stay positive and on his feet
But if his S/O broke it off, he wouldn’t even try to hide his hurt
He would cry when they tell him, asking what he did wrong and why they don’t love him anymore
It would take quite a while for him to get over them, because he seems like such an emotional person
F - Fiancé(e)
(How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I don’t think Felix would be in a rush to marry his S/O
He’d see it as such a small thing in their relationship, not really caring whether they were married or not
He wouldn’t care about labelling their relationship too much. He’d probably just be happy in any dynamic
Of course, he would be committed to their relationship so strongly and would defiantly hope to marry them, but he wouldn’t think that it was necessary to rush things
To Felix, he wouldn’t rely on marriage to strengthen his relationship, as he probably believes he can be perfectly happy and committed without being married
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, I feel like Felix would be incredibly gentle with his S/O
He would always treat them like they’re so fragile, even after they reassure him over and over that they won’t break
Even just placing his hand on their back would be gentle, and he would hold their hands lightly because he’s worried about hurting them
Emotionally, Felix would be so in touch with how his S/O is feeling
Because he values trust and emotional connection in a relationship, he would be delicate with his partners emotions and always put how they are feeling first
He would constantly check on how his S/O is feeling, and probably loves having conversations about deep emotions, being so glad that his partner feels comfortable to open up to him
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but Felix ADORES hugs
He can never get enough of them, wanting to constantly be snuggled up in someone's arms like a little koala
It wouldn’t be any different with his S/O
Being with Felix would means hugs galore, and his partner doesn’t get a choice in it
All throughout the day, Felix would surprise his S/O with sudden cuddles and back hugs
Felix though loves hugs where he can run up to them and spin them in his arms
Or hugs where they wrap their legs around his waist, making him stumble and giggle
Every hug, Felix would nuzzle his face into his S/O’s neck and rub his face against their cheeks
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
It honestly wouldn’t take him long, maybe only a few weeks into dating
It would probably slip out during a phone call as he’s hanging up, not realizing what he said until he gets a text from his partner immediately saying “Love you too <3″
Or he would say it after a date when he’s dropping them off, giving them a big kiss then running off cheekily before they would respond
If his S/O said it to him first, he wouldn’t know how to react
He would become all blushy and shy, probably try to hide his red face behind his hands
He would say it back of course, but not before he has a moment to control his nervous laughing
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Definitely a jealous boyfriend, no doubt about it
He wouldn’t be really jealous to the point of annoyance, but he surely wouldn’t appreciate it if someone was flirting or touching his S/O in any way
If they spent the day whole day with someone while he was sitting at home on a day off, he would probably become a bit jealous
He would send them texts throughout the day, asking what they were doing and stuff like that
If his S/O talked to someone for ages while Felix was right next to them, he would become impatient after a while and want their attention back on him
In this situation he would probably squeeze their thigh gently or thread his fingers with theirs to reassure himself
He would become jealous out of insecurity, because sometimes he would probably feel down about himself and wonder why someone as perfect as his S/O was with him
But after a reassuring cuddling session and sweet words from his S/O, he would be completely back to his normal, energy-filled self
K - Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Felix lives for kisses, no matter what kind
His absolute favourite kisses would be gentle ones, filled with love and intimacy
He would kiss his S/O at every chance he gets
Even when their just walking past them in the house, he would lean over and press his lips to their cheek, taking them by surprise
Or when they’re working on their computer at their desk, he would come up behind them and tilt their head back so he can give them a big smooch
His favourite place to kiss his S/O I feel like would be their belly
He could lay his head on their stomach and kiss the soft skin there for hours if it was just to hear them laugh about how it tickles
On him, he would love to be kissed on his forehead
Who doesn’t love a cute forehead kiss
He would love them because it’s such a tender and loving action
It would make him feel cared for and fussed over, which is his absolute favourite
If they kissed all his freckles individually and he would marry his S/O right there
L - Little Ones
(How are they round children?)
I get the feeling Felix actually loves kids
He gives me ‘big cousin that plays hide and seek with little cousins’ vibes
He could honestly play with kids for hours, never failing to make them laugh
He would probably love to babysit with his S/O, because secretly he imagines that they are looking after their own child together
If his S/O has nieces, nephews or baby cousins, he would buy the kids gifts on Christmas and their birthdays just so they like him more
If a kid ever uses puppy-dog eyes on him, he wouldn’t be able to refuse them anything
This means his future kids will be spoiled by their dad massively
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Felix would probably wake up quite early, getting out of bed to cook breakfast for himself and his S/O
If they aren’t awake by the time breakfast is on the table, he would sprint into their shared room and catapult onto the bed to wake them up
If his S/O isn’t a morning person, they’re in for a wild ride
He would rip the duvet off them and kiss them all over their face until they opened their eyes
If the sweet approach doesn’t work, then he would probably begin a pillow fight war
In the end, it always ends with both of them fallen off the bed laughing their heads off with pillows and duvets scattered everywhere
At breakfast, Felix and his S/O would talk about their plans for the day and clean up the kitchen together
N - Nights
(How are nights spent with them?)
Felix and his S/O would have the same bed-time routine
They would brush their teeth in the bathroom, always making each other laugh by making faces in the mirror and cracking terrible dad jokes
They’d probably go to sleep at a late hour, staying up and watching Netflix shows on one of their laptops
Felix would love to get his hair played with as they watched Netflix, becoming sleepier from the soothing feeling of his S/O’s fingers scratching his head
Felix would fall asleep first most of the time I think, and his S/O would either tuck his head into their chest or press themselves against his chest before drifting off to sleep while listening to Felix’s cute breaths
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
As I mentioned before, I think Felix values honesty and emotional connection in a relationship
This means that he would be very open from the beginning with his S/O
He wouldn’t want to hide any part of himself away from them, wanting them to know and understand him as well as they can
He would love having late nights conversations with his partner, talking about his dreams and passions for future years
He would want to be as open and honest in a relationship and he probably would want his partner to feel the same way
Hiding some aspect of himself would feel like he was lying to his S/O
He wants them to love him for who he truly is, so he’s not afraid to spill secrets and personal things about himself to his S/O
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Felix seems like the most laid back person ever
He would hardly ever become mad
But when he does, he would become MAD mad
He would go completely silent, giving glares and snarky remarks to whoever angered him
The only things that his S/O would do that would truly set him off is ignoring his calls and texts when he doesn’t know where they are and when his S/O is talking themselves down in front of him
He seems like an anxious personality at some points, so if you don’t answer his texts or calls, he would immediately assume the worse
He also would hate his S/O calling themselves awful things while he’s right there, because in a way it’s insulting to him
If Felix became mad at his S/O, it honestly wouldn’t last too long
He wouldn’t hold grudges, but just sort of let his steam cool off and then be fine
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about their partner?)
Every. Little. Detail
His S/O would not be able to escape him
He would remember something they said weeks ago about a shirt they saw at the mall
“I bought you this shirt because you said you liked the colour.” “What? I looked at it for like 3 seconds...”
Sometimes he would remember things about his partner that they wouldn’t even be able to remember themselves
Even such minor things like how they tie their shoelaces
It honestly would be so cute, and he would always bring things up weeks later after his S/O mentioned it
“Why did you get us tickets to the zoo?” “...because you said you find meerkats cute a few weeks ago.”
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Every moment with his S/O would mean the world to Felix
But his favourite moments would be the simple ones
Like when their having movie date at home, snuggling on the couch with a rom com playing on the TV
He would value those moments because he loves the domestic and calming atmosphere, just enjoying being in his S/O presence
Let’s be honest, him and his S/O would probably not be focused on the movie at all
He would also value memories of going on adventures together
Like going to aquarium and seeing his partner become all excited and point at all the colourful fish
He could honestly watch them react to the sea creatures for hours, he would be so soft for his S/O smile and excitement
S - Security
(How protective are they? Would they like to be protected?)
Honestly probably quite protective
He would be so cautious for them all the time
Even just walking down the street he wouldn’t let go of their hand
It also goes back to him texting them throughout the day if they go out
He feels so much better when he’s reassured that they’re safe
He like to feel like their protector, it probably makes him feel stronger and boosts his confidence
When it comes to him being protected, he would love it
If his S/O is bigger than him, he would always push himself into their chest when he’s feeling vulnerable
Just being in his S/O arms would be enough for him, because their scent would automatically comfort him
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would treat his S/O like royalty, always making sure he puts in his best effort towards anniversaries and dates
I already mentioned it, but he would love cooking for his S/O
It would probably be his other love language; cooking for his partner
When it’s their anniversary, he would always make sure that he has a romantic restaurant dinner reserved for them
He would pamper them all day, not leaving their side and doing the smallest tasks for them
For gifts, he would prefer making his S/O gifts rather than buying them
He would make cute photo collages of them both to give to them
Or he would make necklaces and bracelets for them from scratch
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He would sometimes accidentally laugh in serious situations when his S/O needs him to be understanding
It wouldn’t be really bad, but it may start an argument if his S/O doesn’t tell him to be serious
He also would sometimes get a bit too clingy, mainly due to insecurity
If his S/O wants some time alone, Felix might take it personally, thinking that they’re sick of him
And lastly, would probably play video-games until really late on some nights
Most of the time his partner wouldn’t care and would probably join him on most occasions
But sometimes when they just want to go to bed and cuddle their boyfriend, they might find it a bit annoying
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Always wants to look his best for his S/O
No matter how much they reassure him about how they don’t care what he looks like, he would still worry about it
Would be kind of embarrassed if he thought he wasn’t looking attractive
Would hide his face in his S/O’s chest if he wasn’t feeling the most confident
During heated moments he would tuck his head into their neck, probably self-conscious about his facial expressions
His S/O would have to reassure him a lot, but Felix wouldn’t complain, because he lives off praise and compliments
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, home is where ever his S/O is
Because he is someone who becomes very emotionally connected quickly, his S/O would be such a huge part of his life that he wouldn’t be able to live without
Even just one night of not having them in his arms feels foreign and strange to him
He would love his S/O with his whole heart, not holding back any aspect of his affection for them
His S/O would be so important to him, and he would want them to feel the exact same way back
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
He would absolutely love torturing his partner with harmless pranks
Like hiding behind doors to scare them and putting sticky notes all over their shared room (even though he’s also pranking himself??)
He’s such a trickster and any moment being with him is chaotic
After he’s learnt a new tiktok dance, he would run excitedly to his partner and show them, which always ends in tears of laughter
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Would hate to have a partner who is incredibly quiet around both him and other people
He would want someone who matches his energy and has the same humour as him
He also wouldn’t like it if his S/O was very distant, or if they didn’t value spending quality time with him
He would feel neglected or unloved if he dated someone like that
On a lighter note, he would absolutely HATE bugs I feel
His S/O would always have to be the one to take bugs outside if they found one in the house
If both of them have a fear of bugs, then it would take hours to get the smallest of beetles out of their room
Every time it began to fly, they would both scream and shove each other to get away from it
Would honestly be hilarious to watch though
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Either spreads out like a starfish and hogs the bed, or snuggles into the tightest ball possible
There’s no in-between
He wouldn’t snore at all I feel, and would be a light sleeper
Even the smallest of sounds outside makes him wake up all alert
Rarely has nightmares, but when he does he wakes up and tucks himself closer to his S/O while kissing their face to reassure him it was just a dream
He would love to have so many pillows and stuffies on the bed, wanting to be as comfortable as possible
Probably goes to sleep wrapped up like a burrito, but then wakes up with all the covers off him
SFW Alphabet template from @the-coldest-goodbye​
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
having a sweet but hot-tempted s/o - k. akabane, n. shiota, c. ryuunosuke, i. yuuma
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a/n: im rewatching the series and god i love them ✨✨ i need to make content of them NOW-
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karma akabane
Now you were usually a very sweet and nice person but when Karma found out about your hot tempered side, he liked to bring that side of you out a lot. The class was usually worried that you would really snap at him one day but you never did. Sure, you got mad at him but you never got too into your anger.
But he won't deny, he liked your sweet side. I mean who wouldn't? You were really nice to everyone but you stood up for yourself when you needed to and you had a fire in your eyes. He liked that.
He loved you a lot, he would admit that gladly. He liked seeing you mad everytime he teased you. It was pretty cute to him.
"Oh, y/n!" He sung teasingly as he sat on the couch lazily. "Come out, we made a deal!" You can practically see devil horns grow on his head.
"I hate you for this, Karma!" You huffed as you walked out of your room. "Why do you even have this?!" It was a maid uniform.
"Why not? Got it just for you, babe!" He stuck his tongue out, winking at you. "You look pretty cute! I wonder what the class would think about this." You can see him pull out his phone to take a picture of you.
You quickly climb onto him to grab his phone but it's just out of your reach. "Karma! Don't you dare!" You kept trying to grab the phone but no success. You hadn't realized but you were right where he wanted you. His free arm wraps around your waist pulling you close to him. "Karma! What are you doing?!"
"Having fun in teasing you, of course." He chuckled. "I'm kidding. Just wanted a cuddle." He said with a false innocence to it.
“Yeah right! You’re just enjoying every second of this bet!” You yelled at him, hitting him though it didn’t do anything. He laughed while he held you tight. “Let go of me, you idiot!”
“Aww but I wanted to hold you a bit longer!” He smirked as you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I hate you..”
“I love you too!”
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nagisa shiota
Nagisa had always been close to you, even before you started to date, he often saw and seized your hot tempered side. He often got called the “y/n Tamer” since he kept you in check and kept you calm. Though you sometimes got called violent, Nagisa knew there was more to that than your hot temper. 
He liked both sides of you. He kind of wished that he was as assertive as you could be. You were usually the one protecting him than him protecting you. It took a small stab at his pride but you always reassured him that you liked him the way that he was. 
He never liked seeing you mad but he did like when your cheeks went red as you get flustered by Karma teasing you.
“y/n, what are you doing?” You can see Nagisa watch you worried as you’re glaring at a bully from B Class that had just made fun of you and Nagisa.
“Can I please beat him up?” You asked him, pulling at the sleeves of your uniform roughly.
“Please don’t do that.” He dropped a sweat at your question, holding your hand to hopefully calm you down.
“Nagisa!” You dragged out his name, nearly whining. You heard another insult from the bully, quickly glaring at the bully. “What do you have to say now, coward?! Fight me!” You challenged as Nagisa is already trying to tug you back towards the E Class classroom. “Let me fight them!” You huffed as he continued to tug you away.
"y/n, I love you but please don't fight anyone.." He said as you both arrive at E Class. "As much as I appreciate you standing up for me, I would like to just ignore them. We have each other and that's okay!" He smiled.
"Nagisa, you're so cute!" You smiled brightly at him, hugging him tightly.
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chiba ryuunosuke
Chiba never understood you at first with your sweet yet fiery personality. It nearly scared him during PE classes since you got fired up easily. But curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. He ended up falling for you. It took a lot to confess to you but he did. When you were around the male, you were so...quiet and sweet. 
The class would’ve thought you were just shy but not until PE classes started. It was no mercy for everyone including Chiba. But in a way, that made him feel respected. You acknowledged his skills and he acknowledged yours. Neither of you went easy on each other just because you were both dating. 
He never saw you off-the-rails mad but it was somewhat entertaining to watch you get a little mad at some trivial thing. 
“Fight me, Chiba!” Now your classmates would’ve been worried if it wasn’t for the fact that this was a daily thing. “I’ll get you this time!” You swore as he silently chuckled at your antics. “Don’t laugh at me!” You huffed.
“Okay, okay. I’ll fight you.” He says softly.
“When you say it like that, I don’t wanna fight you! I want some energy from you, Chiba!” You tell him as you prepare yourself to fight. Before you could even say anything else, he got you down on the ground quick with an anti-Koro knife under your neck. “Hey! I wasn’t ready!”
“An assassin is always on guard.” He mutters to you.
“I want a rematch!”
“Let’s not get carried away, y/n.” A few rematches later and you still lost all of them.
“Chiba! You’re too good! Come on!” You huffed. “I totally was gonna win one today!” You sat on the grass as class was coming to an end. He laughed a bit before wrapping his arms around your waist and easily picking you up. “Hey! Give me a warning next time, Chiba!”
“Class is ending, y/n. We have to get back to our next class with Koro-sensei.” He gets you right back into E Class as you mutter complaints. “I love you, you big baby.”
“I’m not a big baby!”
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isogai yuuma
Isogai never seemed bothered by how you got angry often. Professor Bitch was kind of like that in a way. He was used to it. He knew you for a while too, how people made rumors about how violent you were which was a complete lie. For someone who got angry often, you couldn’t even hurt a fly sometimes. He found some entertainment in that. Isogai was definitely the y/n Tamer like Nagisa.
When he first found out about your hot tempered side, it was when you heard people making fun of E Class. Karma was supposedly at the scene as well while he watched you tell off the arrogant students. He decided to make friends with you since you joined E Class not long after Isogai himself had joined.
He never wanted to see you very burning mad and sometimes he didn't wanna deal with your hot tempered self a lot. But let's be real, he still loves you nonetheless.
"Yuu-kun!" You call out to him, using your nickname for him. You had decided to visit him at work, quickly ordering what you normally do.
Unfortunately for him, Asano and a few of his lackeys were here as well. They kept Isogai's job a secret so at least E Class and A Class weren't on full rival terms, but it didn't mean both classes were friends.
The lackeys had started to poke fun at Isogai while he was busy. You were a booth behind the A Class students, biting your tongue back from yelling at the dumb lackeys. But they just kept talking bad about Isogai and E Class. You had enough.
"Can you just shut up!? We still work just as hard as you guys do. You don't know what goes on in our lives! Don't judge a book by its cover!" You tell them.
"y/n, please calm down.." Isogai sighed whilst he placed your order on your table. "It's not worth wasting your time to say things they won't listen to."
"They're just so frustrating!" You mutter as you adjust yourself to sit properly. You started to eat a little bit while your boyfriend left to get out of his work uniform. He came back sitting across from you. "I thought you had work until 6."
"I wanted to spend some time with you. And also I need to keep you in check."
"I can handle myself!" You puff your cheeks out, causing Isogai to chuckle at your antics. "Thank you for the food.." You mutter to him softly.
"I love you too, y/n."
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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S i e b e n  S i n n e (Seven Senses) III
⋆ pairing: catking!san x reader (x human!woo young)
⋆ genre: yandere au, fantasy au, suggestive
⋆ trigger warnings ⚠️ strong language, yanderish behaviour, possessiveness, violence
⋆ words: 3,500
a/n: last part of this journey, don’t forget San is more like a soft yandere... I know some of you won’t be happy with the ending but it was too much fun haha
part I  part II  part III
⋆ „But I won’t ever be able to turn into a human again.“ 
You definitely felt more energy while being in the body of a real cat but also the castle seemed to be much more distant now. You didn’t even know how to turn back into the other form so you just ran until the walls came into your view that shielded the gardens of the castle from outside.
It was very easy to just jump up and use your claws to get steady on the surface. Being a cat was indeed fun but you wouldn’t want to get used to it.
Emerging the building you were confused on how to enter it because all the doors seemed to be locked. After a little while of not knowing what to do you decide to descend some balconies and stop in front of a large room where a big desk was set.
Was this San‘s workspace?
A meow escapes you without knowing when you see a chair turning and San looks outside only to see you leaning against one of the big windows with your paws.
He frowns and stands up to open the window to sniff the air. „(y/n)?“ You try to shy away from him but he’s quicker to take you into his arms and press you against his chest while closing the window again. He sits down on his chair and places you on his lap to look at you with heartily eyes.
„I should be angry that Hong Joong came back here without you but I see you seem to have a little problem there...“ You purr at the feeling of him caressing your (y/h/c) colored fur with pleasurable motions.
„You can still talk you know?“
You lick your paws out of instinct and shriek a little bit when you feel something itching in San‘s lap. Jumping on to his desk you sit down in front of him muttering. „It happened when I wanted to go into the shop and now... I don’t know how to turn back.“
This makes the cat king laugh out loud and he bops your little cat nose. „It’s ok. I was afraid something happened to you...“ His eyes are full with worry but it vanishes as quickly when he stands up to take you into his arms again. He kneels down and with a small push he rolls you over and you feel yourself changing back.
You lay on the ground your tail swinging quickly while you examine your body. „Oh, thanks!“ You smile at him and he hums at you.
„I hope you had a nice day anyway. After this the next time you get out of this castle I will be the one on your side.“ Worry takes over your features and you are afraid he would do something to Hong Joong for not being careful enough.
„Don’t worry. Hong Joong is one of my dearest friends. If something happened however...“
There was nothing you could do now then wait. And you did until the day you woke up and knew soon you would be free again. Hopefully everything would go smoothly today.
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Woo Young didn’t know how long he layed in the grass of the wide meadow he woke up but he was sure there wasn’t much time left when he saw the hectic pace of the towns people and the carriages that passed him.
Disoriented he literally lived the past days like a stray tomcat looking for you in all places. It was only when he emerged an older woman with gray cat ears that he decided to ask what the ruckus was about.
„Oh boy where do you even live? Today’s the wedding of our king choi and his beloved (y/n)!“ She smiles and gives him a flower after leaving the boy standing there dumbfounded.
„Oh my god...“ You were in the palace.
He demonized the mask seller for not telling him this important information and started to follow the way of the carriages like a maniac.
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Standing in front of the big gate guards were quick to push him back when he tried to casually walk inside the royal grounds.
„No trespassing for uninvited!“
He waited a second after another cat bowed down in front of the guards to tell them he was late for the kitchen help. It was pretty obvious when he imitated this action to them earning him a questioning look by the guard.
„I am here for the kitchen help!“
„Sir Min Gi! The chef is asking where all the servants are!“ Min Gi debates with himself for a second when he utters something and points for Woo Young to enter.
„Today everything has to be perfect. Men, get back to work and you, tell the chef there’s help coming.“
Everywhere he can hear cheering and laughter while the castle is in full festival mood. He wanders around trying to find a tip for your location and comes to a halt when two equally rich clothed people pass him in a hallway. He quickly looks to the ground bowing but not misses the gaze of the man with the black ears and tail.
Woo Young mirrors the glare with a bad feeling not knowing who this person was or why he could swear he smirked after he saw the boy.
He continues his way through the corridors and just when he swears he saw a white fabric a servant stops him. „You! We have to get ready and why do still not wear your clothes?“
„I ehm ...“ He stutters and the man rolls with his eyes annoyed. He turns Woo Young around and pushes him into another direction ranting about how everything is messed up now and that they should better hurry up.
With all the guards and servants around having an eye on everything he gives up to look for you. He has to get you when the ceremony starts.
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You find yourself in front of a mirror all dolled up the necklace on your neck feeling like it’s suffocating you. A sigh escapes your shaking lips when Ye Ri comes in to announce that it’s time for you. Joy is busy picking on your gown and hair to make sure everything looks perfect while you are praying every second your plan works.
Soon you would be back to your own world. Living with your mom and going back to school. Seeing Jang Mi ranting about you and having Woo Young to annoy you every chance he gets. You stick to the memories like they could vanish out of your head any moment.
And then the door opens and you’re getting outside into the big gardens where the ceremony is being held. Music starts to play and you can see all the guests turning their heads to your direction where you try to not faint.
Everything is decorated like you would want it to at your imagination of a perfect wedding. The guests look mostly rich and their ears twitch in excitement at the arrival of the bride. Turning your attention back to the end of the path where he is standing.
San looks devilishly handsome. He gasps when he sees you and you also forget to move for a moment. So much beauty wasted on a man like him.
Cat. He’s a cat. Don’t forget that.
Making your way to the podest where he’s standing you hear the little remarks some of the guest make and start to feel insecure.
„She’s so beautiful! Look at her ears and tail I bet she has the prettiest fur...“
„And to be this lucky! King Choi looks breathtaking like always!“
San takes your hand in his when you shyly look up to him. His tail is swinging agitated from side to side tingling with yours occasionally.
From the outside you two probably had to look like the perfect match but you knew how cruel the king could be. The pastor finally starts his speech while San doesn’t take his eyes off you any second.
You on the other hand focus your gaze on his tie mind really blank the whole time. Only when you’re asked to answer you look up to him seeing his shining orbs and suddenly the man announces you to cats in marriage with the guest awaitening the magic kiss.
San carefully takes your hands in his and looks at you promising. Then he leans down and his lips collide with yours in a sensual way leaving you no option to kiss him back. He feels soft and his tongue provokes to claim your mouth with a longing force. He embraces your waist and kisses you for god knows how long leaving you with a bubbly feeling in the stomach that doesn’t feel as bad as you would’ve guessed. Everyone‘s clapping and San smiles and waves at the guests feeling the happiest he ever did.
The party is in full swing when suddenly the big doors to the hall open and servants bring in the wedding cake with spray fountains on the top. You gasp at the size but freeze in your spot next to the king when you see a face you nearly forgot.
You’re trembling and about to stand up when you feel San‘s eyes locked on your form. „Are you ok, my queen?“
Slowly you turn to him and put on a fake smile to not gain any more attention. He smirks and leans down to whisper in your ear. „I am as much nervous because of the wedding night as you are. I have a surprise for you by the way...“
You frown at him and quickly lock your eyes back on your friend. Woo Young‘s ears twitch still not used to the loud noises and he nearly doubles over when seeing you next to the king.
Anger is building up inside of him but you mouth him to wait. You don’t know why and how he managed to get to you but the love you had for him just sparked again and left you with a warm feeling.
He came here. To rescue you!
Woo Young is quickly out of your eyes knowing you have to get to the kitchen to meet him while San leads you to the cake and of course his hand is over yours when he feeds you a piece of it.
Guest after guest scurries to you and the king to make conversation and congratulate you. The people were nice and you didn’t have a problem to talk feely with them much to San‘s goodwill.
Music starts to play and you and San dance to the first song. It would probably feel very romantic if your thoughts wouldn’t be with Woo Young every second and you fear that San recognizes your change in behavior.
After that the party really starts and cats are storming the dance floor.
You realize the time has come to get out of here. You dismiss yourself with a lie to use the restroom and go straight to the cabin in the bathroom where you hid other clothes.
You put on the uniform of the servants and look from left to right before you leave into the hallway. Walking to the kitchen with quick steps you’re trying to look busy while finding Woo Young. Tears are flowing down your cheeks when you see the boy looking out of the window his tail in between his fingers playing with it.
You stand next to him poking him on the side to gain his attention and quickly usher him to stop when he whisper-yells your name and tries to hug you.
„Listen, I have a plan to get out of here but we have to go now.“
„Alright.“ He takes your hand in his and holds it so desperately fearing he would lose you again if he let go. „I just missed you so much. I was so afraid, (y/n).“
„I missed you, too. I cannot put into words how thankful I am that you came here to save me.“ You both smile at eachother and you hurry to make him follow you out of the castle.
You both run like wolves chased you and so often turned around to see if someone followed you. Much to your disbelief no one seemed to recognize your absense meaning you really could have a chance.
The place where you met the mask seller moves closer any second and your heartbeat doesn’t seem to slow down. Sweat is forming on yours and Woo Young‘s forehead when you stop in your tracks to look around desperately.
„Are you awaitening someone?“ He talks between taking deep breaths.
„Yes. Someone who helped me and someone who will get us out of here.“
After a minute you suddenly hear foot steps in the distance and because it already got pretty dark outside you only recognize him when he’s embracing you.
„Yeo Sang!“
„We have to hurry up! I’ve seen San and some guards searching up the castle for you (y/n)! And who’s this?“
„This is my friend, Woo Young.“ You smile shyly and Yeo Sang nods understanding your relationship when the boy takes your hand in his.
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The three of your run as fast as you can again into the direction of the portal passing the town, villages and forests until you can hear a slight buzzing.
„Here!“ Your gaze drifts not only to Woo Young but Yeo Sang, too, seeing the relief in their eyes being so close to be free and out of this world.
For Woo Young it is only important to have you on his side again so he takes your hand and motions for Yeo Sang to get the fuck out of here.
„Yeo Sang, you first!“ Yeo Sang nods at you and a tear rolls down his cheek.
„Thank you for everything, (y/n).“ He gets through the portal and your heart skips a beat.
He’s finally free...
You watch Woo Young in awe and with desperation in both your eyes you make confident steps to the portal. Just when you walk into the light something seems to pull you back and you realize it’s Woo Young who doesn’t seem to be able to walk through the portal.
You tumble back and frown becoming nervous. „What is going on? Why aren’t we able to go?“ You ask in desperation watching the boy shake his head while the moon illuminates the scene in a mysterious light.
„I didn’t know what it meant... but I guess that’s the price.“
„What the hell are you talking about?“
„This guy. He told me I had to pay later for it.“
„Woo Young. How were you able to come here?“
The glare he gives you tells you more than he could explain now. You had a problem. A big problem.
„We have to find this motherfucker and - “
„Ouch, your choice of words is hurting me.“ Suddenly Seong Hwa steps out of the dark of the trees and sends the two of you an intriguing smirk.
„You knew he was here! You knew it all along! Why didn’t you tell me?“
You’re angered and Woo Young tries to hold you back ashamed he got tricked so easily.
„You didn’t ask, little cat.“ A few seconds pass by with you letting out a hiss ready to attack if needed.
„Okay, you promised me you would help us. Now do whatever so he can leave this place.“
Seong Hwa chuckles lowly and raises his eyebrows at your words. „I can do that. But there’s a price for it.“
„Wh- what?! Are you nuts?“
„Listen, I am a merchant. I serve the one who pays the most... so tell me can you give me something that is more precious than what the other bidder gives me?“
„What other bidder?“ You grit your teeth at his words and don’t notice your hands turn into little fists.
„Your journey finally ends here, my wife.“
A dozen guards step out of the shadow all lead by the one you were running from - King Choi San himself.
You take a step back letting go of Woo Young‘s hand out of pure shock. „How? That’s not possible!“
San sends you the angriest look he had and grimaces at your reaction. „This is my kingdom after all. Nothing happens without my consent.“
He just states impassively and motions for his guards to get you.
„Stop! Seong Hwa, whatever he gives you I will double it! I will give you everything!“
He shakes his head and sighs. „I am afraid you won’t be able to give me more because... I already got everything I wanted thanks to the king and you, too.“
You’re feeling dizzy because of the situation and start to cry when Woo Young turns to you looking as lost as yourself.
„You loose. Your plan was actually a good one but you didn’t have a chance in the beginning, (y/n).“
„(y/n), he won’t have you. Go through the portal and leave me here.“
The guards and San get into position at Woo Young‘s words being prepared to stop you any second from leaving this world and becoming a human again.
„If you go I will torture and kill him in the cruelest way.“ San‘s orbs turn darker than you ever saw it and his words shake your bones. He doesn’t play around you know that. And in this moment you know exactly what to do.
Not what you want to do but... what is the right decision.
„I won’t go. I want to talk to the mask seller for a second.“
San and Seong Hwa share a quick look and the cat king smiles at you nodding afterwards.
Woo Young takes a few steps to the portal searching your face for answer his question what you’re planning. You dismiss him with an assuring smile and wait until Seong Hwa is in front of you.
„Did you already take his soul?“
„Not yet. I still have his human mask with me.“
You debate for a moment not knowing if he would agree with it. „If he stays here San is going to kill him. If I stay here I will still be the queen and his wife.“
„That’s right.“
„But I won’t ever be able to turn into a human again.“
„Yep.“ He grins at you from ear to ear already knowing what you’re up to.
„Mask seller, please give him back his human mask. I will stay here and you... you can have my human soul.“ He raises one eyebrow searching your face.
„You know you will never see him again right? He might never give you up...“
You’re crying again at the thoughts and bite your lips. „I want him to be happy. Can you make him forget about his feelings for me and everything that happened here?“
„I can do that.“ With a swift move of his index you can feel the mask appearing in your hand.
You nod at him and turn around to get to Woo Young Seong Hwa quickly in your tracks to make sure you don’t do anything funny.
„What’s going on, (y/n)?“ You surprise him with a desperate kiss. San only huffs in the background not forgetting about the wedding night he still has with you and where he would let out all the anger he has in himself right now.
He reluctantly pulls away still in the bliss of the kiss when you mouth to him ,I love you‘. He frowns and yells out when you crash the mask on his face and push him into the portal.
The last thing Woo Young sees is your smile and then his world turns dark.
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San‘s eyes were focused on you the whole time. It felt like if he looked away for only a mere second you would vanish. He could never allow that. No one could take you from him. You were his.
„S-san, please, I need you to touch me.“
A breathles chuckle leaves the king at your neediness. The bliss of the still lingering marks on your skin ignite a fire in him he didn’t know before. A feeling of passion and desire; but also something darker… possession.
He had you on his mercy. His fingers slowly leaving trails down your spine until they landed on the curve of your waist. Your eyes were closed so you felt the tingle of the king‘s finger tips only more.
„Sleep my little kitten. You’ll always be safe with me…“
If you weren’t so lulled in his words and touches you would’ve known that his innocent smile hides something you should more than fear.
But you gave yourself to him and there was no turning back.
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Rival Date (1/2)
Summary: Disaster Bi Harry encounters a peculiar Slytherin seeker and doesn’t know if he a has a crush on him or a super admiration for him.
Pairing: Harry Potter x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name, (L/N)- last name, (H/C)- hair colour,  (E/C)- eye colour
Word count:1072
The players ran through the air, zooming past each other. The Captains cheering on the practicing teams as a friendly match was being played. Out of the corner of Harry’s eyes he noticed a familiar pair of (E/C) eyes that made him immediately sigh. Of course he knew that (Y/N) would be here, he just hoped he wouldn’t have to make a foul of himself every time they played together.
“Hey Potter, good form!” The (H/C) boy screamed at him from atop his broom while zooming past, a little faster than him. 
Harry felt a little frustrated by the Slytherin’s quidditch skills. He had been in the team for a whole 2 years longer than him, but his skills were quickly improving since he joined. 
“Thanks, you too!” He shouted back, not wanting to be rude-still trying to spot the small snitch somewhere on the court. 
The small crowd was cheering as the two seekers were head to head, ducking and swiftly avoiding the heavy balls being thrown their way. The adrenaline running through Harry’s veins as he avoided getting hit straight in the face with the bludger almost knocking him off the broom. 
“Careful there, almost hit you!” He heard the familiar voice from behind him, the concern in his voice almost knocking him off his broom. He had never heard a Slytherin player who was more concerned for the safety of every player since the seeker joined. 
In his distracted state of self turmoil he heard the audience start screaming, in his peripheral seeing the green coded quidditch uniform brush past him- a small golden speck leading him along the field. 
“Dammit.” He muttered under his breath as he missed the head start for the game. 
Almost getting hit a couple of times by Fred and George, he managed to catch up with (L/N). They were head to head for real now, though unlike the times he played with Malfoy. This seeker didn’t try to push him off his broom, not even a little. 
“Almost there.” He whispered to himself with exacerbated breath, he reached out trying to grab the snitch holding onto his broom with one hand. 
His breath hinged as he watched how close the boy was to catching it, but the victory Slytherin was gonna taste was cut short by a bludger crashing into (Y/N) broom. 
“Oh no.” He said quickly before he plummeted to the ground, thankfully being caught by one of the captains supervising the friendly game. This left an open spot for Harry to take, he felt a little bad taking the win from the handsome looking seeker.
“Go, Potter! Get that win!” He heard a small shout from the ground, the voice belonging to the (H/C) boy. The blush forming on his face and the sudden rush of energy bursting through him pushed him to snatch the golden snitch right out of the air. 
The crowd went wild, the board showing the new points as Harry threw his fists in the air coming in for a landing. 
His teammates gave him some back pats on the back for a job well done and Harry then B-lined for the Slytherin seeker. 
“Good job.” Was all he could say as he turned around, silently cursing himself for not being able to say more. As his back was facing the seeker, he felt a strong and firm pat vibrate in his chest. 
“Good match, Potter! Almost had you this time, watch out” He laughed, causing Harry’s heart to almost beat out of his chest. He didn’t know what to say, so he muttered a small thank you before running off to his friends by the exit of the bleachers. 
Ron stopped mid awful joke saving Hermione, but definitely not Harry. 
“Looks like you were flirting with our enemy, Harry. Can’t believe you’d stoop as low as that” He teased, leaving Harry a little red in the face as Hermione slapped his arm. 
“Obviously he’s just being a good sport, Ron. Give the man a break, you’ll almost scare him into not confessing his undying love for the enemy” She said seriously, poking fun at his flustered face while they walked off together. 
Harry looked back to see Draco giving (Y/N) an earful for even speaking to him, which caught the both boys’ eyes. One of them giving him a soft smile and the other a deadly glare. He gave a shy smile before continuing to be teased by his friends. 
Heading to the first class of the day, Harry tried to concentrate on his notes while trying to not fall asleep to the sound of Snape’s voice. The weight of his head feeling heavy enough to crash though the desk in front of him before-
“Hey! Potter!” He heard someone whisper shout from behind, he almost swung his head 180° with the small spook. He felt (Y/N) grab his hand, putting something in. 
He opened it up, reading what the parchment said. 
Good game today! I admire your moves so much, I would love to practice with you sometime if you want. We can talk after class, maybe over lunch? 
The parchment left his heart beating again, he didn’t understand why he felt so weird around the other boy. He was a Slytherin after all, he could be trying to steal information or maybe murder him. There was a few little boxes on the parchment that had some options. 
☐Absolutely  ☐Maybe another time  ☐No. 
He stared at the page for a while before hesitantly checking one of the boxes with his quill, writing a little message next to it. 
☒Absolutely  ☐Maybe another time  ☐No. 
-If you don’t mind Ron and Hermione being there, you’re welcome to join us for lunch and I’d be happy to get some practice in. 
He handed the note back behind him, hearing a little “Yes.” from (L/N). He heard some more scribbling before he felt a small tap on his hand, taking the new small bit of parchment. 
Cool, I’ll see you at lunch then! 
Harry put the little piece of paper into his robe before giving a little thumbs up to his classmate behind him. He turned to see Ron making just faces at him making Harry shove his arm a little. 
“Shut up” He whispered, his mind filled with all the things he could show off to (Y/N)…
(A/N): Hoping to get part two done by this evening or tomorrow, I’m quite excited I love bi chaos. (part 2 is up)
Have a good morning
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