#azorius senat
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The invasion of Ravnica
I found it kinda sad, that we didn't get enough "The Multivers fights the Phyrexian" and so I've had the idea to write a little story about the Invasion of Ravnica and what the guilds might have learned after Bolas. Hope you like! (Yeah... there are some more gilds... but I kinda focused on my favorites. And yes: I do like the Azorius-Fun-Police-Senat)
As the dark-skinned elf roamed the streets of Ravnica to run his errands, he was accompanied by a persistent, uneasy feeling. It wasn't nausea from bad mussels or a night of drinking. It was the feeling that gave you the creeps. The feeling, or rather, the instinct that is anchored in us to immediately take flight without knowing exactly where to go and why. The tension and adrenaline that ensured that all muscles were ready for immediate action. Eule, the courier, could not explain where these almost omen-like thoughts came from. Admittedly, he had survived the invasion by the God-Pharaoh Nicol Bolas and, as a Dimir agent, was entitled to a healthy dose of paranoia. But this feeling was... different. He had spent the whole morning trying to work out the reason for it and logically get to grips with his feelings. But in vain. Perhaps there were so many little things that you didn't even pay attention to in everyday life, but which subconsciously kept you constantly occupied. The fact that more and more of these strange symbols had appeared in the city. A circle divided vertically by a long line. Strange cloud formations. The way the light fell on the tin road. It all didn't feel... right.
Arriving at the Guild's headquarters, he looked at the still large, circular hole gaping in the building. It was a silent memorial to all who had fallen in that battle and a lasting reminder that they were not alone. It wasn't just crazy dragon planeswalkers out there in the multiverse. A millennia-old war was brought to these streets and so many innocent people died. And not only that. The city was forever changed. The hole Eule stood in front of and in the distance you could still see the last remains of Vitu Ghazi. The tree that was forced into an elemental and went down fighting. Many of the inhabitants of Ravnica therefore met the familiar planeswalkers with fear. Ral Zarek, guild leader of the Izzet, didn't care - God knows he had more important problems - but there was a negative mood among the population. The ignorance of what a Planeswalker was mixed with the fear of what else was out there and the shattering realisation that there was an "out there" at all. Ravnica was a planet and a single city. It already made you feel small and sometimes insignificant. But now?
The elf's blue eyes stared at the sky, lost in thought, as if he would find answers there. In a way, this was also true when these strange symbols appeared in the sky. But only for a moment, until the circle simply opened up and a kind of portal appeared. Organic-looking roots clad in whitish-looking metal snaked through it and after a short time the ground broke open. Similar outgrowths erupted here too and while Eule's bag was still falling to the ground and he was running, he realised one thing: Ravnica was being invaded again.
Azorius Senate
It would never quite come out in the open - and frankly, it didn't matter - why the Azorius were able to react so quickly to the attack. Rumour had it that it was the precognition mages, who had fuzzy visions of the future but saw enough for Lavina, the interim guild leader, to prepare for anything. After the invasion of the Mad God, they wanted to be able to act more quickly in the event of future interplanetary conflicts. In a small circle of 30 selected members of the Azorius, various emergency procedures and sub-clauses were drawn up, which made a quick reaction on the part of the Senate possible and also legally legitimised it. It was hoped that these clauses would never have to be invoked, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
This foresight of the clairvoyant magicians made them feel uneasy that morning. Without being able to catch any concrete glimpses of the future, their statement put the entire senate on heightened alert. However, only the relevant members of the "Meeting Committee for the Prevention and Security of Ravnica and its Guilds", or M.C.F.T.P.A.S.O.R.A.I.G for short, were informed of this. Not only did this committee consist exclusively of members of the Azorius Senate, but it was also broadly diversified in order to ideally bundle the individual focuses and specialisations of the guilds and, if necessary - like today - to direct them in an effective action plan against an as yet unknown enemy. So couriers were sent out and - just to be on the safe side - Sonnenheim was put on standby. Maybe it was nothing. Perhaps it was a good exercise, because something like Nicol Bolas should never happen again.
Lavina wasted precious seconds at her office window as her mind tried to interpret what her eyes saw there. Huge, metallic tentacle-like outgrowths seemed to be coming out of holes directly in the ground and sky. These "tendrils" looked as if they were encased in a white metal, but the reflective glow didn't seem to match metal and it looked more like porcelain. Lavina's focus then centred on the portals and what the brown eyes saw behind them was a living nightmare. A nightmare of metal, precision and perfection.
With a quick movement, she opened the tightly closed, metallic tube on her belt and pulled out a piece of parchment. Immediately it unfurled its magic and all of Ravnica was warned.
The three gigantic, triangular pillars surrounding the fountain inside New Pravh immediately shone with a warm, bright light, while all the previous sky runes were extinguished at once. The previous law changes and announcements gave way to the urgent message that Ravnica was once again under siege and all defence protocols had been activated. Citizens were advised to seek shelter calmly and without panic or not to leave their homes. In view of the chaos that had already ensued, these words seemed like a farce.
Seconds later, various airlocks opened in the three towers of the Azorius Senate building and an uncountable number of Thopthers - a retained change from the previous guild leader - swarmed out like a gigantic swarm of bees. The task of the metallic fliers was to warn all the districts of Ravnica, but also to broadcast visually over the entire city - or at least the 10th district.
At the same time, countless Verdalken mages gathered on the ground at the large, central fountain in New Pravh. Various hand movements followed in practised synchrony and after the nullification mages rose into the air, a transparent dome formed around the Senate headquarters. No spell would now be able to penetrate the seat of the Laws. Runes of pure light flew around the mages, whose concentrated gaze became filled with fear after a moment. From their elevated position, they could see what they were up against. They had survived Bolas. But this was a completely different category of enemy.
The defence of the Senate building against the metallic, insectoid warriors was taken over by the members of the Lyev Column. The trained special unit for internal security immediately streamed out of the main buildings, clad in shining silver and blue capes. Armed with lances, swords and warhammers, the melee fighters positioned themselves around the Senate itself, while other units consisting of battle-hardened paladins and powerful clerics took care of the protection of the citizens. Various units, some even on horseback, were now also spread throughout the city and the first clashes between attackers and defenders could be heard loudly.
Boros legion
Aurelia, the red-haired angel and guild leader of the Boros, read the news of Lavinia with concern. As much as the angel lived for the battle, she hoped for the safety of her city and its inhabitants. And this could never be guaranteed in a war. As the Boros had to reckon with unexpected training sessions every day, the many members were at work with routine safety and, as befitted soldiers, they did not question orders from their superiors.
Aurelia was divided when the invasion began. On the one hand, there was now certainty and action could finally be taken. On the other hand, it was the inhabitants of Ravnica who suffered the most. The city itself. So should the leader be happy that the adjustment and uncertainty was falling away from her? She routinely shook off any feelings and the red-haired angel rose into the air with powerful beats of her wings. An aura of fire enveloped the guild leaders and she allowed the heavy gates of Sonneheim to open. The Boros garrison moved out to defend Ravnica.
The synchronised appearance of the soldiers running in step towards the giant roots shook the cobblestones and served as a warning to many citizens. Minotaurs, giants, humans and vashinos alike charged towards the enemy. Armed with lances, swords and an arsenal of devastating magic, the enemy's ground troops were immediately engaged in battle. But how did one fight something that did not understand fear itself and yet evoked fear in everyone else? Strange creatures that seemed to be more metal than flesh, with unreal eyes and disproportionate mouths, pounced on the legionnaires and soldiers with no regard for their own health. However, the battle-hardened Boros constantly regrouped and were quickly able to set up various defences so that the nearest residents could flee. But even some of them began to wonder whether they stood any chance at all against these creatures. After a while, fellow fighters who were thought to be dead got up again - but changed forever. Cables tore open their skin, metallic lenses literally burst from their eyes as their bodies tried to repel everything organic. Glistening black oil dripped from various pores and while some of the victims screamed in pain, a look of rapture could be seen on their disfigured faces.
While the ground troops suffered losses but were able to hold their positions, they tried to fight the root of the evil in the sky. Through the cloudy sky, another monster burst forth in the direction of the roots. The Parhelion II. The flagship and mobile centre of the Boros garrison. With incredible thrust from two nozzles on the underside of the gigantic building, the object headed slowly but inexorably towards the roots of the worldbreaker. At a suitable distance from the enemy, the many airlocks on the front opened and to the distant observer it looked as if white doves - a sign of peace - had been released. But none of the angels that swooped down on the enemy were meant to bring peace. Only salvation. With merciless precision, the countless heavenly squadrons swooped down on the enemy. The enemy needed several minutes - important minutes that greatly minimised the numbers of the attackers - to adjust to the new danger. When he tried to launch a coordinated counterattack, however, the angels scattered in all directions as if on command. The last thing the enemy saw was the grounded energy weapon of the Parhelion II. Light as pure, bright and hot as the sun itself burst upon the enemy's troops, melting metal and skin alike. All that was left behind were steaming lumps of metal and the almost undamaged "branch" of this strange tree. This naturally dampened the initial euphoria of the sky warriors and it sank almost to the bottomless pit as for every enemy defeated, it felt like two new ones came through the portal on the other side. But as long as even one Boros was standing, they would fight for Ravnica. And this is exactly what Aureila shouted at the top of her lungs as she crashed down on the enemy again: "FOR RAVNICA!“
Izzet league
Lavinia had long struggled with whether the Izzet League should be integrated into the early warning system for Ravnica. On the plus side, the Izzet had a perfect knowledge of the city and enough equipment to cause a lot of damage by exploding. On the downside, they had enough equipment to cause a lot of damage through explosions. And a chemo-voltaic radiation condenser, for example, made no difference between aggressor and inhabitant. But the new guild leader, Ral Zarek, assured the M.C.F.T.P.A.S.O.R.A.I.G that he would proceed with caution for the inhabitants of Ravnica in the event of a potential interplanetary or multiversal threat. Now the leader of the Azorius hoped that she would not regret her decision. The Storm Mage might inspire confidence - but the unpredictable goblins... She didn't want to finish the thought.
In Nivix, the headquarters of the Izzet League, there was no difference to a normal Tuesday afternoon. Explosions could be heard in the distance and, as various goblins rushed around to fulfil orders for their lab leaders, the smell of electricity (and, strangely, barbecued meat) was everywhere. On the rooftops of Nivix, the Storm Mage with the grey mottled hair watched the invasion of enemies not entirely unknown to him.
New Phyrexia.
Jace had reported it, and as much as he wanted to help and be a part of the rush to the Machine World, he was also Ravnican. This was his home. This was where Tomik lived. This was where he grew up. The multiverse was at stake and perhaps deep down Ral Zarek felt like a coward, a traitor or an egotist. But at that very moment, he had to live with his decision and all the consequences it entailed. As well as the certainty that the invasion meant the failure of the Gatewatch. He fervently hoped that he would not encounter any of his old acquaintances in a nightmarish caricature of themselves. Zarek repeatedly asked himself whether his presence would have made a difference. Whether his abilities would have led to victory. But looking at this enemy, he wasn't sure what would have helped at all. Jace spoke of a Sylex and Kaya was very convinced in the presence of Teferie. But apparently none of that had been enough. The only thing Ral could do now was to fight for his city. He took another deep breath and focussed his entire analytical mind on the here and now. He had to have a clear head. He hadn't been a friend of M.C.F.T.P.A.S.O.R.A.I.G from the start. Too long. Too bulky. Too Azorius. That's why there was the Izzet version CM-LPG. "Activates the counter-motion loss power grid," came Ral's words over the small radios that had been developed some time ago - for just such cases.
What happened next surprised Phyrexians and Ravnicans alike. In a four-shift, three-person rotation, there were houses at strategic points in Ravnica that had been bought by the Izzet League some time ago. Extensive conversion work was carried out there, so that with the obligatory press of a red button, the 13 diesel engines in the house came to life. Four hyper-torque drivers and gyro-stabilisers at the most motion-critical points and cooling by crystallised ice magic ensured that the houses pushed themselves upwards through two hydraulic legs. After a gap opened in the floor on the now exposed underside of the house, four more legs appeared and the three joints made the house look like a gigantic, clumsy spider.
Reinforced by metal on the inside and protected by the natural masonry, the 3 people were able to operate the running bulwarks and keep the enemy at bay. Sufficient armament - partly due to unstable and risky research projects - was part of the basic equipment of the counter-movement loss power grid. It was intended to keep the enemy at bay until either the inhabitants could flee to safe havens or the Boros, Selesnijans or Azorius could dig in.
#lexxlikes magic the gathering#magic the gathering#fanfiction#fan writing#izzet league#azorius senat#boros legion#boros#azorius#izzet#invasion of ravnica#ravnica#phyrexia#march of the machines#new phyrexia#writing#mtg#mtg community
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Made this poll on a Discord server but thought it'd be funny to post it here
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I'm seeing quite a few people suggest Azor is involved somehow seeing as how the Wojek Investigator is studying a blue feather in its main set card. If that were the case, though, wouldn't they have made the feather blue in the alternate art, as well?
Either way, if Azor is involved, I want Arjun involved, also. We need to start establishing all the Legendary Creatures that don't have known planes.
Now, if Azor is involved somehow, I'd say it'd be as posing as Ezrim, a character we've never heard of before.
#mtg#magic the gathering#murders at karlov manor#murder mystery#azorius senate#fantasy card game#wotc#wizards of the coast
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I used to be Azorius, 'til I realized how much good the guild was preventing through useless regulations and bureaucracy, and no respect for the things our world has lost to time.
So I gave "notice" of my resignation and struck out to join the Gruul, who have for far too long sat under the heel of the system and robbed of their rightful place in this world. I'm into environmental restoration now.
Guild members of Ravnica, why did you join your guild? Have you ever been a part of another guild?
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Magic: The Gathering Tumblr RP Blogs Directory
Thought I'd try to put together a list of all the active and new MtG rp blogs out here. Let me know if there is some that need to be added to the list, going to try to get as many as I can here (this is also an excuse for people to give me more blogs to connect to). Apologies if I missed you!
Remember to check the original post for edits!
Also, we have a Discord server!
Alara (#alara posting)
Arcavios (#arcavios posting, #strixhaven posting)
@augustlorehold (planeswalker)
Avishkar (#avishkar posting)
Bloomburrow (#bloomburrow posting)
Dominaria (#dominaria posting)
Duskmourn (#duskmourn posting)
Eldraine (#eldraine posting)
Ikoria (#ikoria posting)
Innistrad (#innistrad posting)
@shift-captain-seamus (planeswalker)
Ixalan (#ixalan posting)
Kaldheim (#kaldheim posting)
Kamigawa (#kamigawa posting)
@azzie-beastbinder (planeswalker)
Kylem (#kylem posting)
Lorwyn (#lorwyn posting)
@mirrormist-clique-adventures (planeswalker)
New Capenna (#new capenna posting)
@gesserith-the-broker (planeswalker)
@obscura-omenseeker (planeswalker)
New Phyrexia (#new phyrexia posting)
Phyrexia - Original (#phyrexian posting)
Ravnica (#ravnica posting)
Azorius Senate:
@first-interplanar-bank (planeswalker)
Boros Legion:
@shift-captain-seamus (planeswalker)
Cult of Rakdos:
Golgari Swarm:
Gruul Clans:
@relentless-gruul-siegeseer (this is me!)
House Dimir:
@average-ravnican (planeswalker)
Izzet League:
Orzhov Syndicate:
Selesnya Conclave:
Simic Combine:
@drsangoakaganephdmd (planeswalker)
@firemane-angel (planeswalker)
Theros (#theros posting)
Zhalfir (#zhalfir posting)
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As much as I do not wish to go to Ravnica, one of my coworkers has been inquiring about the possibility of visiting Ravnica for a time. I've had to explain to him that we don't know of any consistent and safe Omenpaths to Ravnica, and due to our...shaky existence in Kamigawa's legal system...we undoubtedly do not have the paperwork required to get into Ravnica just based on what I've heard of the plane's Azorius Senate. But he's still interested in visiting, so...
Can any Ravnicans tell us how one can safely visit without running into the possibility of being arrested while looking around?
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So, the question of taxes on Ravnica came up for no good reason in my house. In your esteemed and learned opinion, does Jace pay his taxes on Ravnica? Also, would he have been subject to taxation during his tenure as Living Guildpact?
NOPE!! Jace is pretty much a canon tax evader. at the time of Agents of Artifice, he was hiding his wealth in 4 separate bank accounts under 4 fake names in 4 different districts. and then as the Living Guildpact, he would not have paid taxes because he was not paid a salary / stipend. the Azorius senate just compensated him for some (but not all) of his expenses.
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not a serious thing to add at all but im willing to bet money that they play blue/white
got misgendered at the mtg meetup lads
#sorry azorius players#but nothing screams cishet than “i roleplay as a senator and you gotta follow my rules now”
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fantasy sometimes doesn't afford itself the ability to fantasize about a better world with many of the same problems of real life. thankfully ive found fantasy thatfantasize about things like gender roles, orientations, social status, etc. being more accepting, and the world kinder more often than not. question is, as hard as it is to find solid urban fantasy, are there anyworks you know of that use itself to imagine a optimal city for us urban nerds? magic public works, free dragon transit?
So there is a real problem in the fantasy and sci-fi genres that they often have a failure of revolutionary imagination, as I’ve termed it. We’re so used to not just the world as it is but also the public historical imagination of how change happens, that even in art that’s supposed to be about radically reimagining our world or new worlds, we often revert back to the familiar. (I find this tic particularly annoying in alternate history, which is supposed to be about imagining how the world could have evolved differently, but often reverts back to a retelling of (often bad) history with the numbers filed off.)

(A sadly rare counter-example.)
You raise a fascinating question about the potential for urbanist fantasy. This is often quite rare in urban fantasy, because often out of a desire to maintain the verisimilitude of urban life, they default to a masquerade scenario which renders it impossible to explore the impact of magic on transit, housing, and other aspects of urbanism because the central conceit is that people with magic are trying to hide and thus have no impact on the mundane world.
However, it does crop up sometimes in Magitech settings, because their central conceit is all about how magic would function in place of science and lead to new ways of organizing societies, urban and otherwise. For a popular example, look at how Arcane examines the social impacts of Hextech and Shimmer. My personal favorite example of urbanist fantasy is the plane of Ravnica from Magic the Gathering.

Ravnica is a ecumenopolis, a city-state that covers the whole planet. The city is governed by a guild council, each of whom are responsible for an aspect of the city’s physical and social infrastructure:
The Azorius Senate is responsible for running the courts and the legal system, and sometimes they run the police as well (although they have a jurisdictional dispute with the Boros Legion on that front).
House Dimir are couriers, messengers, journalists, private investigators, spies, assassins, thieves, and librarians, as well as the city’s clandestine intelligence service - if it deals with information in any way, the Dimir have a hand in it…or do they?
The Cult of Rakdos run the city’s entertainment, food service, retail, and labor recruitment (lots of shanghaing and press ganging goes on in Ravnica) - and they’re also a crazed juggalo bdsm blood cult who are responsible for keeping an ancient arch-demon entertained so he doesn’t try to destroy the city, again.
The Gruul Clans are an anarchist collective responsible for the planet’s wilderness areas, which they try to maximize by violent raids that tear down developed areas any chance they get - which also makes them Ravnica’s main demolition industry. The Boros Legion spends a lot of time defending built-up areas from Gruul rampages.
The Selesnya Conclave are a hippie nature cult commune who manage the city’s parks and other green spaces, as well as providing basic welfare services (food, “shelter,” clothing, etc.) to the city’s poor. They also use magic to do weird hivemind brainwashing in the name of harmony and unity, and they can raise giant Ent-Kaiju to defend the city in times of need.
The Orzhov Syndicate are a vampire banker mafia, and also one of the city’s biggest religions. They believe in debt on a spiritual level, and their religion fully embraces indulgences to their logical conclusion. The Orzhov preach that you can literally buy your way into heaven, and that debts to the (Catholic by way of Prosperity Gospel Evangelical) Church or its many front organizations and legitimate businesses will carry over into the next life; the Orzhov practice debt slavery on both living people and ghosts. And lest you think it’s all a cover for profit-making, they can summon dark angels to conduct rituals, lead services, and make war on their enemies. Something above is answering their prayers…
My personal favorite is the Izzet League, an institute of mad scientists and engineers and elementalist wizards who combine science and magic to research, build, and maintain the city’s infrastructure (as well as funding all tech R&D and theoretical and experimental research in physics, chemistry, and engineering) - the power grid, water and sewer systems, heating and gas lines, as well as the city’s mass transit and transportation/freight system, are all powered by their steam and fire and lightning and Magitech gadgets and robots and cyborgs made out of a magic metal named mizzium. Yes, a lot of their devices explode, and yes their golems and robots and elementals have a tendency to go rogue, but that’s the price of progress!
The Golgari Swarm are a subterranean necromantic cabal who run the city’s waste disposal, burial services, and do the bulk of the agricultural production for Ravnica’s hungry masses. All of Ravnica’s citizens are entitled to a food dole provided by the Golgari’s fungi farms as a form of basic income. Just don’t think too hard about what went into the compost heaps or what your rations might be made of…
The Boros Legion is Ravnica’s main police and military, led by a literal host of warrior angels. Imagine the combination of a police force entirely made up of noir detectives and loose cannon Dirty Harry-esque cops and an army with flying fortresses led by fiery angels who are all deeply dramatic lesbians. True believers one and all, the Boros are here to mete out justice and divine wroth upon evildoers wherever they hide. If they had their way, the Orzhov would all be in prison along with the Gruul and the Rakdos, but the damn bureaucrats in the Azorius Senate keep trying them up in knots with paperwork.
The Simic Combine are responsible for the city’s environmental quality, ensuring biodiversity and sustainability in a global metropolis; they are also the city’s universal health care providers. All Ravnicans have access to free health care, as long as they consent to the Combine’s biomantic research. See, the Simic are the other group of mad scientists/mages in the city, except they went into genetics, environmental science, and (marine) biology and they believe in individual and societal evolution through the use of augmentation, cloning, and splicing. After all, why stop at curing someone’s respiratory illness when you could also give them gills? Or giant crab claws? Or tentacles?
I love the world-building and the attention to urban systems and infrastructure in Ravnica. More than most, they’ve thought about what urban life needs to function and made it magical.
#fantasy genre#urban fantasy#revolutionary imagination#genre fiction#urbanism#alternate history#city-states#guilds#ravnica#mtg#arcane#magitech
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Just want to say hi and reintroduce my mtg OC to all the new MTG RPers on the scene. (Hope I tag this correctly)
This is the blog for Desz Qincyne, a member of the Azorius senate and, more importantly, a planeswalker who runs the First Interplanar Bank. The bank got its start providing service to Planeswalkers in need of currency on the plane they were visiting. These days, the clientele has expanded to anyone visiting an unfamiliar world in need of banking services. The bank is open for business to all in need of its services.
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One of the most important parts of prep work for our ravnica campaign was coming up with contacts! Here are two of Jacqueline’s, both goblins:
1. Doctor Hodges Podges, aka Uncle Hodges, Izzet researcher who lives with Jacques. In his wild youth, he ran with the scorchbringers, protecting Izzet property with his pyroconverger, but has mellowed out in his old age and mostly works with fire in the kitchen, now. Jacqueline grew taller than him by around age 9 or 10, but he’ll never forget when she was small enough for him to hold in his arms.
2. Button, Azorius scribe who works in the back rooms and archives of the senate, primarily in mold prevention and remediation for texts sourced from (or that have come in contact with) the Golgari. Button loves mushroom cultivation, sustainability, visible mending, and all kinds of stuff that the senate doesn’t really vibe with. How’d they end up here??
Button was stolen with permission from @surprisinglycurvaciousbatman and uncle Hodges is the brainchild of our DM, @dalishpariah 🤍💙❤️
#ravnica#Jacqueline lapointe#dr Hodges podges#button#art#dnd#dnd art#artists on tumblr#digital art#procreate#goblin#I would die for uncle Hodges
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Ezrim: Detective Kellan, I was notified by the Azorius that the first trial has been scheduled for one of the cases you were working on. The one about a murder in Gnat Alley?
Kellan: Oh, that's great! We should be all set on that one.
Ezrim: Good. We just need a list of witness to send to the Senate.
Kellan: Ah yes, I had it with my files, one sec... *checks bag* Here!
Ezrim, holding a folder with a giant list of people:
Ezrim: That's a very big folder. How did you get so many people to volunteer as witness?
Kellan, who found a witch for his first quest by just asking around random villages: Oh, I just asked if they could help! The people in Ravnica can be very friendly!
Ezrim:... Ravnicans? Friendly?
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the sphinx settles into the quiet wreckage of a former Orzhov gathering and leans onto the now abandoned altar
Gather round my friends, and let me tell you a story on this wonderful Rauck-Chauv.
This is the tale of how I became a siegeseer. As many of you know, I was once a member of the Azorius Senate—
loud booing erupts from the crowd of Gruul
—yes, yes, I know I know, I have been through the rite and that is past. But it is important here, because it meant I had some experience with precognitive magics.
bits of rubble and dust tumble down on her head from above as the wreckage settles
.......I knew that would happen.
some chuckles from the crowd can be heard
Anyways, such blue magic is not really my thing since I left and are often beyond my reach now.
One day after I had undergone the rite and joined the Gruul. I was with a small band raiding an Lyev arresters' office. We were far from the Belt, but those cobble roaches weren't prepared for a raid, so we easily overcame them. One tried to taunt us on how we'd never get the cell open without their cooperation. I used her very well made breastplate to wedge the bars apart. I did not remove her from the armor first.
an uproar of laughter erupts from the crowd
We were bringing down the walls, when suddenly I could feel the potential of this place. I realized that the ruins we were creating were the end of one story, and the beginning of others. I let myself be drawn into this sense, and found I could read it.
she pauses to pick a piece of bereft gilding from her hair with a claw
I could see that the Legion had caught wind of our raid, and that a large flight of angels was soon to be upon us. I warned my clanmates, and we made ourselves scarce, though not before leaving them explosive glyph to find.
she grins and pushes herself up from the ruined altar
Now, do you know what I see in the ruins we have made together here?
she pauses for dramatic effect as the gathered crowd murmurs amongst themselves
I see...that Rauck-Chauv is not over! Onward my friends!
#magic the gathering#ravnica#mtg#ravnica posting#vorthos#gruul#azorius#boros#orzhov#rauck chauv#rauck-chauv
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[Ravnica Battlemap]Azoruis Chancery
Believing that their legislation is the singular force that prevents Ravnica from descending into chaos, the Azorius Senate mediates and regulates the activities of all of the other guilds and the general populace despite their numerous decrees being ignored in areas that they have too little a foothold in.
Variations of this map:
#mtg art#ravnica#battlemap#dnd maps#murders at karlov manor#roll20#ttrpg#dnd#dnd art#dnd5e#d&d oc#d&d#d&d 5e#d&d art#dungeons and dragons#ttrpg maps#ttrpgsolidarity#ttrpg art#ttrpg community#dnd 5e
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Hi! I’m Atticus Colette! Did you know that you have rights? The Living Guildpact says you do*! And so do I. I believe that every human, goblin, elf and merfolk is innocent until proven guilty. Thats why The Azorius Senate fights for you Ravnica!
*terms and conditions on rights apply. not all citizens are made equal in the eyes of the guildpact. you are liable to not actually have rights if you are guildless, sickly, have previous imprisonment, or piss off the wrong people. please consult a local elocutor about if you actually have rights or not before proclaiming that you do.
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